registered; } public static function isConfirmed() { return Auth::check() && Auth::user()->confirmed; } public static function isDatabaseSetup() { try { if (Schema::hasTable('accounts')) { return true; } } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } } public static function isDownForMaintenance() { return file_exists(storage_path() . '/framework/down'); } public static function isProd() { return App::environment() == ENV_PRODUCTION; } public static function isNinja() { return self::isNinjaProd() || self::isNinjaDev(); } public static function isNinjaProd() { return isset($_ENV['NINJA_PROD']) && $_ENV['NINJA_PROD'] == 'true'; } public static function isNinjaDev() { return isset($_ENV['NINJA_DEV']) && $_ENV['NINJA_DEV'] == 'true'; } public static function allowNewAccounts() { return Utils::isNinja() || Auth::check(); } public static function isPro() { return Auth::check() && Auth::user()->isPro(); } public static function isEnglish() { return App::getLocale() == 'en'; } public static function getUserType() { if (Utils::isNinja()) { return USER_TYPE_CLOUD_HOST; } else { return USER_TYPE_SELF_HOST; } } public static function getDemoAccountId() { return isset($_ENV[DEMO_ACCOUNT_ID]) ? $_ENV[DEMO_ACCOUNT_ID] : false; } public static function isDemo() { return Auth::check() && Auth::user()->isDemo(); } public static function getNewsFeedResponse($userType = false) { if (!$userType) { $userType = Utils::getUserType(); } $response = new stdClass(); $response->message = isset($_ENV["{$userType}_MESSAGE"]) ? $_ENV["{$userType}_MESSAGE"] : ''; $response->id = isset($_ENV["{$userType}_ID"]) ? $_ENV["{$userType}_ID"] : ''; $response->version = NINJA_VERSION; return $response; } public static function getProLabel($feature) { if (Auth::check() && !Auth::user()->isPro() && $feature == ACCOUNT_ADVANCED_SETTINGS) { return ' PRO'; } else { return ''; } } public static function basePath() { return substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/') + 1); } public static function trans($input) { $data = []; foreach ($input as $field) { if ($field == "checkbox") { $data[] = $field; } else { $data[] = trans("texts.$field"); } } return $data; } public static function fatalError($message = false, $exception = false) { if (!$message) { $message = "An error occurred, please try again later."; } static::logError($message.' '.$exception); $data = [ 'showBreadcrumbs' => false, 'hideHeader' => true, ]; return View::make('error', $data)->with('error', $message); } public static function getErrorString($exception) { $class = get_class($exception); $code = method_exists($exception, 'getStatusCode') ? $exception->getStatusCode() : $exception->getCode(); return "***{$class}*** [{$code}] : {$exception->getFile()} [Line {$exception->getLine()}] => {$exception->getMessage()}"; } public static function logError($error, $context = 'PHP') { $count = Session::get('error_count', 0); Session::put('error_count', ++$count); if ($count > 100) { return 'logged'; } $data = [ 'context' => $context, 'user_id' => Auth::check() ? Auth::user()->id : 0, 'user_name' => Auth::check() ? Auth::user()->getDisplayName() : '', 'url' => Input::get('url', Request::url()), 'user_agent' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '', 'ip' => Request::getClientIp(), 'count' => Session::get('error_count', 0), //'input' => Input::all() ]; Log::error($error."\n", $data); /* Mail::queue('emails.error', ['message'=>$error.' '.json_encode($data)], function($message) { $message->to($email)->subject($subject); }); */ } public static function parseFloat($value) { $value = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.\-]/', '', $value); return floatval($value); } public static function formatPhoneNumber($phoneNumber) { $phoneNumber = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z]/', '', $phoneNumber); if (!$phoneNumber) { return ''; } if (strlen($phoneNumber) > 10) { $countryCode = substr($phoneNumber, 0, strlen($phoneNumber)-10); $areaCode = substr($phoneNumber, -10, 3); $nextThree = substr($phoneNumber, -7, 3); $lastFour = substr($phoneNumber, -4, 4); $phoneNumber = '+'.$countryCode.' ('.$areaCode.') '.$nextThree.'-'.$lastFour; } elseif (strlen($phoneNumber) == 10 && in_array(substr($phoneNumber, 0, 3), array(653, 656, 658, 659))) { /** * SG country code are 653, 656, 658, 659 * US area code consist of 650, 651 and 657 * @see * @see */ $countryCode = substr($phoneNumber, 0, 2); $nextFour = substr($phoneNumber, 2, 4); $lastFour = substr($phoneNumber, 6, 4); $phoneNumber = '+'.$countryCode.' '.$nextFour.' '.$lastFour; } elseif (strlen($phoneNumber) == 10) { $areaCode = substr($phoneNumber, 0, 3); $nextThree = substr($phoneNumber, 3, 3); $lastFour = substr($phoneNumber, 6, 4); $phoneNumber = '('.$areaCode.') '.$nextThree.'-'.$lastFour; } elseif (strlen($phoneNumber) == 7) { $nextThree = substr($phoneNumber, 0, 3); $lastFour = substr($phoneNumber, 3, 4); $phoneNumber = $nextThree.'-'.$lastFour; } return $phoneNumber; } public static function formatMoney($value, $currencyId = false) { if (!$currencyId) { $currencyId = Session::get(SESSION_CURRENCY, DEFAULT_CURRENCY); } foreach (Cache::get('currencies') as $currency) { if ($currency->id == $currencyId) { break; } } if (!$currency) { $currency = Currency::find(1); } if (!$value) { $value = 0; } Cache::add('currency', $currency, DEFAULT_QUERY_CACHE); return $currency->symbol.number_format($value, $currency->precision, $currency->decimal_separator, $currency->thousand_separator); } public static function pluralize($string, $count) { $field = $count == 1 ? $string : $string.'s'; $string = trans("texts.$field", ['count' => $count]); return $string; } public static function toArray($data) { return json_decode(json_encode((array) $data), true); } public static function toSpaceCase($camelStr) { return preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/s', '$1 $2', $camelStr); } public static function timestampToDateTimeString($timestamp) { $timezone = Session::get(SESSION_TIMEZONE, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE); $format = Session::get(SESSION_DATETIME_FORMAT, DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT); return Utils::timestampToString($timestamp, $timezone, $format); } public static function timestampToDateString($timestamp) { $timezone = Session::get(SESSION_TIMEZONE, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE); $format = Session::get(SESSION_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); return Utils::timestampToString($timestamp, $timezone, $format); } public static function dateToString($date) { $dateTime = new DateTime($date); $timestamp = $dateTime->getTimestamp(); $format = Session::get(SESSION_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); return Utils::timestampToString($timestamp, false, $format); } public static function timestampToString($timestamp, $timezone = false, $format) { if (!$timestamp) { return ''; } $date = Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($timestamp); if ($timezone) { $date->tz = $timezone; } if ($date->year < 1900) { return ''; } return $date->format($format); } public static function getTiemstampOffset() { $timezone = new DateTimeZone(Session::get(SESSION_TIMEZONE, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE)); $datetime = new DateTime('now', $timezone); $offset = $timezone->getOffset($datetime); $minutes = $offset / 60; return $minutes; } public static function toSqlDate($date, $formatResult = true) { if (!$date) { return; } $format = Session::get(SESSION_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); $dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date); return $formatResult ? $dateTime->format('Y-m-d') : $dateTime; } public static function fromSqlDate($date, $formatResult = true) { if (!$date || $date == '0000-00-00') { return ''; } $format = Session::get(SESSION_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); $dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $date); return $formatResult ? $dateTime->format($format) : $dateTime; } public static function fromSqlDateTime($date, $formatResult = true) { if (!$date || $date == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { return ''; } $timezone = Session::get(SESSION_TIMEZONE, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE); $format = Session::get(SESSION_DATETIME_FORMAT, DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT); $dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date); $dateTime->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone($timezone)); return $formatResult ? $dateTime->format($format) : $dateTime; } public static function today($formatResult = true) { $timezone = Session::get(SESSION_TIMEZONE, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE); $format = Session::get(SESSION_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); $date = date_create(null, new DateTimeZone($timezone)); if ($formatResult) { return $date->format($format); } else { return $date; } } public static function trackViewed($name, $type, $url = false) { if (!$url) { $url = Request::url(); } $viewed = Session::get(RECENTLY_VIEWED); if (!$viewed) { $viewed = []; } $object = new stdClass(); $object->accountId = Auth::user()->account_id; $object->url = $url; $object->name = ucwords($type).': '.$name; $data = []; $counts = []; for ($i = 0; $iurl == $item->url || $object->name == $item->name) { continue; } // temporary fix to check for new property in session if (!property_exists($item, 'accountId')) { continue; } array_unshift($data, $item); if (isset($counts[$item->accountId])) { $counts[$item->accountId]++; } else { $counts[$item->accountId] = 1; } } array_unshift($data, $object); if (isset($counts[Auth::user()->account_id]) && $counts[Auth::user()->account_id] > RECENTLY_VIEWED_LIMIT) { array_pop($data); } Session::put(RECENTLY_VIEWED, $data); } public static function processVariables($str) { if (!$str) { return ''; } $variables = ['MONTH', 'QUARTER', 'YEAR']; for ($i = 0; $i 1) { $offset = intval($addArray[1]); } elseif (count($minArray) > 1) { $offset = intval($minArray[1]) * -1; } $val = Utils::getDatePart($variable, $offset); $str = str_replace($match, $val, $str); } } return $str; } private static function getDatePart($part, $offset) { $offset = intval($offset); if ($part == 'MONTH') { return Utils::getMonth($offset); } elseif ($part == 'QUARTER') { return Utils::getQuarter($offset); } elseif ($part == 'YEAR') { return Utils::getYear($offset); } } private static function getMonth($offset) { $months = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ]; $month = intval(date('n')) - 1; $month += $offset; $month = $month % 12; if ($month < 0) { $month += 12; } return $months[$month]; } private static function getQuarter($offset) { $month = intval(date('n')) - 1; $quarter = floor(($month + 3) / 3); $quarter += $offset; $quarter = $quarter % 4; if ($quarter == 0) { $quarter = 4; } return 'Q'.$quarter; } private static function getYear($offset) { $year = intval(date('Y')); return $year + $offset; } public static function getEntityName($entityType) { return ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $entityType)); } public static function getClientDisplayName($model) { if ($model->client_name) { return $model->client_name; } elseif ($model->first_name || $model->last_name) { return $model->first_name.' '.$model->last_name; } else { return $model->email; } } public static function encodeActivity($person = null, $action, $entity = null, $otherPerson = null) { $person = $person ? $person->getDisplayName() : 'System'; $entity = $entity ? $entity->getActivityKey() : ''; $otherPerson = $otherPerson ? 'to '.$otherPerson->getDisplayName() : ''; $token = Session::get('token_id') ? ' ('.trans('texts.token').')' : ''; return trim("$person $token $action $entity $otherPerson"); } public static function decodeActivity($message) { $pattern = '/\[([\w]*):([\d]*):(.*)\]/i'; preg_match($pattern, $message, $matches); if (count($matches) > 0) { $match = $matches[0]; $type = $matches[1]; $publicId = $matches[2]; $name = $matches[3]; $link = link_to($type.'s/'.$publicId, $name); $message = str_replace($match, "$type $link", $message); } return $message; } public static function generateLicense() { $parts = []; for ($i = 0; $i<5; $i++) { $parts[] = strtoupper(str_random(4)); } return implode('-', $parts); } public static function lookupEventId($eventName) { if ($eventName == 'create_client') { return EVENT_CREATE_CLIENT; } elseif ($eventName == 'create_invoice') { return EVENT_CREATE_INVOICE; } elseif ($eventName == 'create_quote') { return EVENT_CREATE_QUOTE; } elseif ($eventName == 'create_payment') { return EVENT_CREATE_PAYMENT; } else { return false; } } public static function notifyZapier($subscription, $data) { $curl = curl_init(); $jsonEncodedData = json_encode($data->toPublicArray()); $opts = [ CURLOPT_URL => $subscription->target_url, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $jsonEncodedData, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => ['Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: '.strlen($jsonEncodedData)], ]; curl_setopt_array($curl, $opts); $result = curl_exec($curl); $status = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($curl); if ($status == 410) { $subscription->delete(); } } public static function remapPublicIds($items) { $return = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $return[] = $item->toPublicArray(); } return $return; } public static function hideIds($data, $mapped = false) { $publicId = null; if (!$mapped) { $mapped = []; } foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { if ($key == 'account' || isset($mapped[$key])) { unset($data[$key]); } else { $mapped[$key] = true; $data[$key] = Utils::hideIds($val, $mapped); } } elseif ($key == 'id' || strpos($key, '_id')) { if ($key == 'public_id') { $publicId = $val; } unset($data[$key]); } } if ($publicId) { $data['id'] = $publicId; } return $data; } public static function getApiHeaders($count = 0) { return [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', //'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*', //'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' => 'GET', //'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' => 'Origin, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization, X-Requested-With', //'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => 'true', 'X-Total-Count' => $count, //'X-Rate-Limit-Limit' - The number of allowed requests in the current period //'X-Rate-Limit-Remaining' - The number of remaining requests in the current period //'X-Rate-Limit-Reset' - The number of seconds left in the current period, ]; } public static function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { return $needle === "" || strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0; } public static function endsWith($haystack, $needle) { return $needle === "" || substr($haystack, -strlen($needle)) === $needle; } public static function getEntityRowClass($model) { $str = $model->is_deleted || ($model->deleted_at && $model->deleted_at != '0000-00-00') ? 'DISABLED ' : ''; if ($model->is_deleted) { $str .= 'ENTITY_DELETED '; } if ($model->deleted_at && $model->deleted_at != '0000-00-00') { $str .= 'ENTITY_ARCHIVED '; } return $str; } public static function exportData($output, $data) { if (count($data) > 0) { fputcsv($output, array_keys($data[0])); } foreach ($data as $record) { fputcsv($output, $record); } fwrite($output, "\n"); } public static function stringToObjectResolution($baseObject, $rawPath) { $val = ''; if (!is_object($baseObject)) { return $val; } $path = preg_split('/->/', $rawPath); $node = $baseObject; while (($prop = array_shift($path)) !== null) { if (property_exists($node, $prop)) { $val = $node->$prop; $node = $node->$prop; } else if (is_object($node) && isset($node->$prop)) { $node = $node->{$prop}; } else if ( method_exists($node, $prop)) { $val = call_user_func(array($node, $prop)); } } return $val; } public static function getFirst($values) { if (is_array($values)) { return count($values) ? $values[0] : false; } else { return $values; } } // nouns in German and French should be uppercase public static function transFlowText($key) { $str = trans("texts.$key"); if (!in_array(App::getLocale(), ['de', 'fr'])) { $str = strtolower($str); } return $str; } public static function getSubdomainPlaceholder() { $parts = parse_url(SITE_URL); $subdomain = ''; if (isset($parts['host'])) { $host = explode('.', $parts['host']); if (count($host) > 2) { $subdomain = $host[0]; } } return $subdomain; } public static function getDomainPlaceholder() { $parts = parse_url(SITE_URL); $domain = ''; if (isset($parts['host'])) { $host = explode('.', $parts['host']); if (count($host) > 2) { array_shift($host); $domain .= implode('.', $host); } else { $domain .= $parts['host']; } } if (isset($parts['path'])) { $domain .= $parts['path']; } return $domain; } public static function replaceSubdomain($domain, $subdomain) { $parsedUrl = parse_url($domain); $host = explode('.', $parsedUrl['host']); if (count($host) > 0) { $oldSubdomain = $host[0]; $domain = str_replace("://{$oldSubdomain}.", "://{$subdomain}.", $domain); } return $domain; } }