setCurrentCompanyId($user->companies()->first()->account->default_company_id); } /** * Login via API * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The request * * @return Response|User Process user login. */ /** * @OA\Post( * path="/api/v1/login", * operationId="postLogin", * tags={"login"}, * summary="Attempts authentication", * description="Returns a CompanyUser object on success", * @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Api-Secret"), * @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Api-Token"), * @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/X-Requested-With"), * @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include"), * @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/include_static"), * @OA\Parameter(ref="#/components/parameters/clear_cache"), * @OA\RequestBody( * description="User credentials", * required=true, * @OA\MediaType( * mediaType="application/json", * @OA\Schema( * type="object", * @OA\Property( * property="email", * description="The user email address", * type="string", * ), * @OA\Property( * property="password", * example="1234567", * description="The user password must meet minimum criteria ~ >6 characters", * type="string" * ) * ) * ) * ), * @OA\Response( * response=200, * description="The Company User response", * @OA\Header(header="X-API-TOKEN", ref="#/components/headers/X-API-TOKEN"), * @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Remaining", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining"), * @OA\Header(header="X-RateLimit-Limit", ref="#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit"), * @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CompanyUser"), * ), * @OA\Response( * response=422, * description="Validation error", * @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ValidationError"), * ), * @OA\Response( * response="default", * description="Unexpected Error", * @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/Error"), * ), * ) * */ public function apiLogin(Request $request) { $this->forced_includes = ['company_users']; $this->validateLogin($request); if ($this->hasTooManyLoginAttempts($request)) { $this->fireLockoutEvent($request); return response() ->json(['message' => 'Too many login attempts, you are being throttled'], 401) ->header('X-App-Version', config('ninja.app_version')) ->header('X-Api-Version', config('ninja.api_version')); } if ($this->attemptLogin($request)) { $user = $this->guard()->user(); $user->setCompany($user->user_companies->first()->account->default_company); $ct = CompanyUser::whereUserId($user->id); return $this->listResponse($ct); } else { $this->incrementLoginAttempts($request); return response() ->json(['message' => ctrans('texts.invalid_credentials')], 401) ->header('X-App-Version', config('ninja.app_version')) ->header('X-Api-Version', config('ninja.api_version')); } } public function refresh(Request $request) { $ct = CompanyUser::whereUserId(auth()->user()->id); return $this->listResponse($ct); } /** * Redirect the user to the provider authentication page * * @return void */ public function redirectToProvider(string $provider) { //'','email','profile','openid' // if(request()->has('code')) return $this->handleProviderCallback($provider); else return Socialite::driver($provider)->scopes()->redirect(); } public function redirectToProviderAndCreate(string $provider) { $redirect_url = config('services.' . $provider . '.redirect') . '/create'; if(request()->has('code')) return $this->handleProviderCallbackAndCreate($provider); else return Socialite::driver($provider)->redirectUrl($redirect_url)->redirect(); } public function handleProviderCallbackAndCreate(string $provider) { $socialite_user = Socialite::driver($provider) ->stateless() ->user(); /* Handle existing users who attempt to create another account with existing OAuth credentials */ if($user = OAuth::handleAuth($socialite_user, $provider)) { Auth::login($user, true); return redirect($this->redirectTo); } else if(MultiDB::checkUserEmailExists($socialite_user->getEmail())) { Session::flash('error', 'User exists in system, but not with this authentication method'); //todo add translations return view('auth.login'); } /** 3. Automagically creating a new account here. */ else { //todo $name = OAuth::splitName($socialite_user->getName()); $new_account = [ 'first_name' => $name[0], 'last_name' => $name[1], 'password' => '', 'email' => $socialite_user->getEmail(), 'oauth_user_id' => $socialite_user->getId(), 'oauth_provider_id' => $provider ]; $account = CreateAccount::dispatchNow($new_account); Auth::login($account->default_company->owner(), true); $cookie = cookie('db', $account->default_company->db); return redirect($this->redirectTo)->withCookie($cookie); } } /** * We use this function when OAUTHING via the web interface * * @return redirect */ public function handleProviderCallback(string $provider) { $socialite_user = Socialite::driver($provider) ->stateless() ->user(); if($user = OAuth::handleAuth($socialite_user, $provider)) { Auth::login($user, true); return redirect($this->redirectTo); } else if(MultiDB::checkUserEmailExists($socialite_user->getEmail())) { Session::flash('error', 'User exists in system, but not with this authentication method'); //todo add translations return view('auth.login'); } /** 3. Automagically creating a new account here. */ else { //todo $name = OAuth::splitName($socialite_user->getName()); $new_account = [ 'first_name' => $name[0], 'last_name' => $name[1], 'password' => '', 'email' => $socialite_user->getEmail(), 'oauth_user_id' => $socialite_user->getId(), 'oauth_provider_id' => $provider ]; $account = CreateAccount::dispatchNow($new_account); Auth::login($account->default_company->owner(), true); $cookie = cookie('db', $account->default_company->db); return redirect($this->redirectTo)->withCookie($cookie); } } /** * A client side authentication has taken place. * We now digest the token and confirm authentication with * the authentication server, the correct user object * is returned to us here and we send back the correct * user object payload - or error. * * This can be extended to a create route also - need to pass a ?create query parameter and * then process the signup * * return User $user */ public function oauthApiLogin() { $user = false; $oauth = new OAuth(); $user = $oauth->getProvider(request()->input('provider'))->getTokenResponse(request()->input('token')); if ($user) { $ct = CompanyUser::whereUserId($user); return $this->listResponse($ct); // return $this->itemResponse($user); } else return $this->errorResponse(['message' => 'Invalid credentials'], 401); } /** * Received the returning object from the provider * which we will use to resolve the user, we return the response in JSON format * * @return json public function handleProviderCallbackApiUser(string $provider) { $socialite_user = Socialite::driver($provider)->stateless()->user(); if($user = OAuth::handleAuth($socialite_user, $provider)) { return $this->itemResponse($user); } else if(MultiDB::checkUserEmailExists($socialite_user->getEmail())) { return $this->errorResponse(['message'=>'User exists in system, but not with this authentication method'], 400); } else { //todo $name = OAuth::splitName($socialite_user->getName()); $new_account = [ 'first_name' => $name[0], 'last_name' => $name[1], 'password' => '', 'email' => $socialite_user->getEmail(), ]; $account = CreateAccount::dispatchNow($new_account); return $this->itemResponse($account->default_company->owner()); } } */ }