validateToken($token)) { SkypeResponse::message(trans('texts.not_authorized')); } $to = '29:1C-OsU7OWBEDOYJhQUsDkYHmycOwOq9QOg5FVTwRX9ts'; //$message = 'new invoice for john for 2 items due tomorrow'; $message = 'invoice acme client for 3 months support, set due date to next thursday and the discount to 10 percent'; //$message = 'create a new invoice for john smith with a due date of September 7th'; //$message = 'create a new invoice for john'; //$message = 'add 2 tickets and set the due date to yesterday'; //$message = 'set the po number to 0004'; //$message = 'set the quantity to 20'; //$message = 'send the invoice'; //$message = 'show me my products'; echo "Message: $message
"; $token = $this->authenticate(); //try { $state = $this->loadState($token); $data = $this->parseMessage($message); $intent = BaseIntent::createIntent($state, $data); $message = $intent->process(); $state = $intent->getState(); $this->saveState($token, $state); /* } catch (Exception $exception) { SkypeResponse::message($exception->getMessage()); } */ $this->sendResponse($token, $to, $message); } private function authenticate() { $clientId = env('MSBOT_CLIENT_ID'); $clientSecret = env('MSBOT_CLIENT_SECRET'); $scope = ''; $data = sprintf('grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=%s&client_secret=%s&scope=%s', $clientId, $clientSecret, $scope); $response = CurlUtils::post(MSBOT_LOGIN_URL, $data); $response = json_decode($response); return $response->access_token; } private function loadState($token) { $url = sprintf('%s/botstate/skype/conversations/%s', MSBOT_STATE_URL, '29:1C-OsU7OWBEDOYJhQUsDkYHmycOwOq9QOg5FVTwRX9ts'); $headers = [ 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token ]; $response = CurlUtils::get($url, $headers); $data = json_decode($response); return json_decode($data->data); } private function parseMessage($message) { $appId = env('MSBOT_LUIS_APP_ID'); $subKey = env('MSBOT_LUIS_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY'); $message = rawurlencode($message); $url = sprintf('%s?id=%s&subscription-key=%s&q=%s', MSBOT_LUIS_URL, $appId, $subKey, $message); $data = file_get_contents($url); $data = json_decode($data); return $data; } private function saveState($token, $data) { $url = sprintf('%s/botstate/skype/conversations/%s', MSBOT_STATE_URL, '29:1C-OsU7OWBEDOYJhQUsDkYHmycOwOq9QOg5FVTwRX9ts'); $headers = [ 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token, 'Content-Type: application/json', ]; $data = '{ eTag: "*", data: "' . addslashes(json_encode($data)) . '" }'; CurlUtils::post($url, $data, $headers); } private function sendResponse($token, $to, $message) { $url = sprintf('%s/conversations/%s/activities/', SKYPE_API_URL, $to); $headers = [ 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token, ]; $response = CurlUtils::post($url, $message, $headers); echo "
" . htmlentities(json_encode(json_decode($message), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)) . ""; var_dump($response); } private function validateToken($token) { if ( ! $token) { return false; } // // 0:Invalid, 1:Valid $token_valid = 0; // 1 separate token by dot (.) $token_arr = explode('.', $token); $headers_enc = $token_arr[0]; $claims_enc = $token_arr[1]; $sig_enc = $token_arr[2]; // 2 base 64 url decoding $headers_arr = json_decode($this->base64_url_decode($headers_enc), TRUE); $claims_arr = json_decode($this->base64_url_decode($claims_enc), TRUE); $sig = $this->base64_url_decode($sig_enc); // 3 get key list $keylist = file_get_contents(''); $keylist_arr = json_decode($keylist, TRUE); foreach($keylist_arr['keys'] as $key => $value) { // 4 select one key (which matches) if($value['kid'] == $headers_arr['kid']) { // 5 get public key from key info $cert_txt = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' . "\n" . chunk_split($value['x5c'][0], 64) . '-----END CERTIFICATE-----'; $cert_obj = openssl_x509_read($cert_txt); $pkey_obj = openssl_pkey_get_public($cert_obj); $pkey_arr = openssl_pkey_get_details($pkey_obj); $pkey_txt = $pkey_arr['key']; // 6 verify signature $token_valid = openssl_verify($headers_enc . '.' . $claims_enc, $sig, $pkey_txt, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256); } } // 7 show result return ($token_valid == 1); } private function base64_url_decode($arg) { $res = $arg; $res = str_replace('-', '+', $res); $res = str_replace('_', '/', $res); switch (strlen($res) % 4) { case 0: break; case 2: $res .= "=="; break; case 3: $res .= "="; break; default: break; } $res = base64_decode($res); return $res; } }