accountGateway && $this->accountGateway->getAchEnabled()) { $types[] = GATEWAY_TYPE_BANK_TRANSFER; } return $types; } public function tokenize() { return $this->accountGateway->getPublishableStripeKey(); } public function rules() { $rules = parent::rules(); if ($this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_BANK_TRANSFER)) { $rules['authorize_ach'] = 'required'; } return $rules; } protected function checkCustomerExists($customer) { $response = $this->gateway() ->fetchCustomer(['customerReference' => $customer->token]) ->send(); if ( ! $response->isSuccessful()) { return false; } $this->tokenResponse = $response->getData(); // import Stripe tokens created before payment methods table was added if ( ! count($customer->payment_methods)) { if ($paymentMethod = $this->createPaymentMethod($customer)) { $customer->default_payment_method_id = $paymentMethod->id; $customer->save(); $customer->load('payment_methods'); } } return true; } public function isTwoStep() { return $this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_BANK_TRANSFER) && empty($this->input['plaidPublicToken']); } protected function paymentDetails($paymentMethod = false) { $data = parent::paymentDetails($paymentMethod); if ( ! empty($this->input['sourceToken'])) { $data['token'] = $this->input['sourceToken']; unset($data['card']); } if ( ! empty($this->input['plaidPublicToken'])) { $data['plaidPublicToken'] = $this->input['plaidPublicToken']; $data['plaidAccountId'] = $this->input['plaidAccountId']; unset($data['card']); } return $data; } public function createToken() { $invoice = $this->invitation->invoice; $client = $invoice->client; $data = $this->paymentDetails(); $data['description'] = $client->getDisplayName(); if ( ! empty($data['plaidPublicToken'])) { $plaidResult = $this->getPlaidToken($data['plaidPublicToken'], $data['plaidAccountId']); unset($data['plaidPublicToken']); unset($data['plaidAccountId']); $data['token'] = $plaidResult['stripe_bank_account_token']; } // if a customer already exists link the token to it if ($customer = $this->customer()) { $data['customerReference'] = $customer->token; } $tokenResponse = $this->gateway() ->createCard($data) ->send(); if ($tokenResponse->isSuccessful()) { $this->tokenResponse = $tokenResponse->getData(); return parent::createToken(); } else { throw new Exception($tokenResponse->getMessage()); } } public function creatingCustomer($customer) { $customer->token = $this->tokenResponse['id']; return $customer; } protected function creatingPaymentMethod($paymentMethod) { $data = $this->tokenResponse; if (!empty($data['object']) && ($data['object'] == 'card' || $data['object'] == 'bank_account')) { $source = $data; } elseif (!empty($data['object']) && $data['object'] == 'customer') { $sources = !empty($data['sources']) ? $data['sources'] : $data['cards']; $source = reset($sources['data']); } else { $source = !empty($data['source']) ? $data['source'] : $data['card']; } if ( ! $source) { return false; } $paymentMethod->source_reference = $source['id']; $paymentMethod->last4 = $source['last4']; if ($this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD)) { $paymentMethod->expiration = $source['exp_year'] . '-' . $source['exp_month'] . '-01'; $paymentMethod->payment_type_id = $this->parseCardType($source['brand']); } elseif ($this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_BANK_TRANSFER)) { $paymentMethod->routing_number = $source['routing_number']; $paymentMethod->payment_type_id = PAYMENT_TYPE_ACH; $paymentMethod->status = $source['status']; $currency = Cache::get('currencies')->where('code', strtoupper($source['currency']))->first(); if ($currency) { $paymentMethod->currency_id = $currency->id; $paymentMethod->setRelation('currency', $currency); } } return $paymentMethod; } protected function creatingPayment($payment) { if ($this->isGatewayType(GATEWAY_TYPE_BANK_TRANSFER)) { $payment->payment_status_id = $this->purchaseResponse['status'] == 'succeeded' ? PAYMENT_STATUS_COMPLETED : PAYMENT_STATUS_PENDING; } return $payment; } public function removePaymentMethod($paymentMethod) { if ( ! $paymentMethod->relationLoaded('account_gateway_token')) { $paymentMethod->load('account_gateway_token'); } $response = $this->gateway()->deleteCard([ 'customerReference' => $paymentMethod->account_gateway_token->token, 'cardReference' => $paymentMethod->source_reference ])->send(); if ($response->isSuccessful()) { return parent::removePaymentMethod($paymentMethod); } else { throw new Exception($response->getMessage()); } } private function getPlaidToken($publicToken, $accountId) { $clientId = $this->accountGateway->getPlaidClientId(); $secret = $this->accountGateway->getPlaidSecret(); if (!$clientId) { throw new Exception('plaid client id not set'); // TODO use text strings } if (!$secret) { throw new Exception('plaid secret not set'); } try { $subdomain = $this->accountGateway->getPlaidEnvironment() == 'production' ? 'api' : 'tartan'; $response = (new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri'=>"https://{$subdomain}"]))->request( 'POST', 'exchange_token', [ 'allow_redirects' => false, 'headers' => ['content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'], 'body' => http_build_query(array( 'client_id' => $clientId, 'secret' => $secret, 'public_token' => $publicToken, 'account_id' => $accountId, )) ] ); return json_decode($response->getBody(), true); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException $e) { $response = $e->getResponse(); $body = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); if ($body && !empty($body['message'])) { throw new Exception($body['message']); } else { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } } } public function verifyBankAccount($client, $publicId, $amount1, $amount2) { $customer = $this->customer($client->id); $paymentMethod = PaymentMethod::clientId($client->id) ->wherePublicId($publicId) ->firstOrFail(); // Omnipay doesn't support verifying payment methods // Also, it doesn't want to urlencode without putting numbers inside the brackets $result = $this->makeStripeCall( 'POST', 'customers/' . $customer->token . '/sources/' . $paymentMethod->source_reference . '/verify', 'amounts[]=' . intval($amount1) . '&amounts[]=' . intval($amount2) ); if (is_string($result)) { return $result; } $paymentMethod->status = PAYMENT_METHOD_STATUS_VERIFIED; $paymentMethod->save(); if ( ! $customer->default_payment_method_id) { $customer->default_payment_method_id = $paymentMethod->id; $customer->save(); } return true; } public function makeStripeCall($method, $url, $body = null) { $apiKey = $this->accountGateway->getConfig()->apiKey; if (!$apiKey) { return 'No API key set'; } try{ $options = [ 'headers' => ['content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'], 'auth' => [$apiKey, ''], ]; if ($body) { $options['body'] = $body; } $response = (new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri'=>'']))->request( $method, $url, $options ); return json_decode($response->getBody(), true); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException $e) { $response = $e->getResponse(); $body = json_decode($response->getBody(), true); if ($body && $body['error'] && $body['error']['type'] == 'invalid_request_error') { return $body['error']['message']; } return $e->getMessage(); } } public function handleWebHook($input) { $eventId = array_get($input, 'id'); $eventType= array_get($input, 'type'); $accountGateway = $this->accountGateway; $accountId = $accountGateway->account_id; if (!$eventId) { throw new Exception('Missing event id'); } if (!$eventType) { throw new Exception('Missing event type'); } $supportedEvents = array( 'charge.failed', 'charge.succeeded', 'customer.source.updated', 'customer.source.deleted', ); if (!in_array($eventType, $supportedEvents)) { return array('message' => 'Ignoring event'); } // Fetch the event directly from Stripe for security $eventDetails = $this->makeStripeCall('GET', 'events/'.$eventId); if (is_string($eventDetails) || !$eventDetails) { throw new Exception('Could not get event details'); } if ($eventType != $eventDetails['type']) { throw new Exception('Event type mismatch'); } if (!$eventDetails['pending_webhooks']) { throw new Exception('This is not a pending event'); } if ($eventType == 'charge.failed' || $eventType == 'charge.succeeded') { $charge = $eventDetails['data']['object']; $transactionRef = $charge['id']; $payment = Payment::scope(false, $accountId)->where('transaction_reference', '=', $transactionRef)->first(); if (!$payment) { throw new Exception('Unknown payment'); } if ($eventType == 'charge.failed') { if (!$payment->isFailed()) { $payment->markFailed($charge['failure_message']); $userMailer = app('App\Ninja\Mailers\UserMailer'); $userMailer->sendNotification($payment->user, $payment->invoice, 'payment_failed', $payment); } } elseif ($eventType == 'charge.succeeded') { $payment->markComplete(); } elseif ($eventType == 'charge.refunded') { $payment->recordRefund($charge['amount_refunded'] / 100 - $payment->refunded); } } elseif($eventType == 'customer.source.updated' || $eventType == 'customer.source.deleted') { $source = $eventDetails['data']['object']; $sourceRef = $source['id']; $paymentMethod = PaymentMethod::scope(false, $accountId)->where('source_reference', '=', $sourceRef)->first(); if (!$paymentMethod) { throw new Exception('Unknown payment method'); } if ($eventType == 'customer.source.deleted') { $paymentMethod->delete(); } /* } elseif ($eventType == 'customer.source.updated') { $this->paymentService->convertPaymentMethodFromStripe($source, null, $paymentMethod)->save(); } */ } return 'Processed successfully'; } }