user()->account; $expense = null; // try to parse via Zugferd lib $zugferd_exception = null; try { switch (true) { case $this->file->getExtension() == 'pdf': case $this->file->getExtension() == 'xml' && stristr($this->file->get(), ""): case $this->file->getExtension() == 'xml' && stristr($this->file->get(), ""): case $this->file->getExtension() == 'xml' && stristr($this->file->get(), ""): case $this->file->getExtension() == 'xml' && stristr($this->file->get(), ""): $expense = (new ZugferdEDocument($this->file))->run(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $zugferd_exception = $e; } // try to parse via mindee lib $mindee_exception = null; if (config('services.mindee.api_key') && (Ninja::isSelfHost() || (Ninja::isHosted() && $account->isPaid() && $account->plan == 'enterprise'))) try { $expense = (new MindeeEDocument($this->file))->run(); } catch (Exception $e) { // ignore not available exceptions $mindee_exception = $e; } // return expense, when available and supress any errors occured before if ($expense) return $expense; // log exceptions and throw error if ($zugferd_exception) nlog("Zugferd Exception: " . $zugferd_exception->getMessage()); if ($mindee_exception) nlog("Mindee Exception: " . $mindee_exception->getMessage()); throw new Exception("File type not supported or issue while parsing"); } }