@extends('public.header') @section('content')


Open Source Platform

Set the code free! Here at Invoice Ninja, we’re all about being non-evil, and providing full code transparency is a central manifestation of this value.

Our users started seeing the benefits of open source within days of our launch, when we rolled out v1.0.2, which included some key code improvements that our friends on GitHub sent our way.

We firmly believe that being an open source product helps everyone involved. We’re looking forward to seeing what the developers out there can do to take Invoice Ninja into new realms of usefulness.

FREE. Forever.

Set the code free! Here at Invoice Ninja, we’re all about being non-evil, and providing full code transparency is a central manifestation of this value.

Our users started seeing the benefits of open source within days of our launch, when we rolled out v1.0.2, which included some key code improvements that our friends on GitHub sent our way.

We firmly believe that being an open source product helps everyone involved. We’re looking forward to seeing what the developers out there can do to take Invoice Ninja into new realms of usefulness.
