powerboard ->client ->gateway_tokens() ->whereNotNull('gateway_customer_reference') ->where('company_gateway_id', $this->powerboard->company_gateway->id) ->first(); if($token && $customer = $this->getCustomer($token->gateway_customer_reference)){ return $customer->resource->data; } if($customer = $this->findCustomer()) return $customer; return $this->createCustomer($customer_data); } public function getCustomer(string $id): mixed { $uri = "/v1/customers/{$id}"; $r = $this->powerboard->gatewayRequest($uri, (\App\Enum\HttpVerb::GET)->value, [], []); if($r->successful()) return $r->object(); return false; } public function findCustomer(): mixed { $uri = '/v1/customers'; $query = [ 'reference' => $this->powerboard->client->client_hash, ]; $r = $this->powerboard->gatewayRequest($uri, (\App\Enum\HttpVerb::GET)->value, $query, []); $search_results = $r->object(); nlog("find customer"); nlog($search_results); $customers = $search_results->resource->data; nlog($customers); return reset($customers); // returns first element or false } /* token +2 string(UIID) One-time token with all the payment source information reference - string Manually defined reference for customer in payment systems description - string Customer description. This is customer internal description company_name - string Customer company name first_name - string Customer first name last_name - string Customer last name email - string Customer email phone - string(E.164) Customer phone in E.164 international notation (Example: +12345678901) default_source + string (24 hex characters) Payment source used by default payment_source + object Object with payment information payment_source.gateway_id -4 string (24 hex characters) Gateway id payment_source.vault_token +3 string (UIID) Vault token payment_source.type + string Type of payment. card for payment with credit card payment_source.card_name +1 string Cardholder name (as on card) payment_source.card_number +1 string(numeric) Card number payment_source.expire_month +1 string(mm) Card expiration month mm payment_source.expire_year +1 string(yyyy) Card expiration year payment_source.card_ccv -1 string(numeric) Card CCV number payment_source.address_line1 - string Customer Address, line 1 payment_source.address_line2 - string Customer Address, line 2 payment_source.address_state - string Customer Address, State payment_source.address_country - string Customer Address, Country Code payment_source.address_city - string Customer Address, City payment_source.address_postcode */ public function createCustomer(array $data = []): object { nlog("creating customer flow"); // 'address_line1' => $this->powerboard->client->address1 ?? '', // 'address_line2' => $this->powerboard->client->address2 ?? '', // 'address_state' => $this->powerboard->client->state ?? '', // 'address_country' => $this->powerboard->client->country->iso_3166_3 ?? '', // 'address_city' => $this->powerboard->client->city ?? '', // 'address_postcode' => $this->powerboard->client->postal_code ?? '', $payload = [ 'first_name' => $this->powerboard->client->present()->first_name(), 'last_name' => $this->powerboard->client->present()->first_name(), 'email' => $this->powerboard->client->present()->email(), 'reference' => $this->powerboard->client->client_hash, 'phone' => $this->powerboard->client->present()->phone(), ]; foreach($payload as $key => $value){ if(strlen($value ?? '') == 0) unset($payload[$key]); } $payload = array_merge($payload, $data); nlog($payload); $uri = "/v1/customers"; $r = $this->powerboard->gatewayRequest($uri, (\App\Enum\HttpVerb::POST)->value, $payload, []); if($r->successful()) $this->storePaymentMethod($r->object()); return $r->object()->resource->data ?? $r->throw(); } /* { "status": 201, "error": null, "resource": { "type": "customer", "data": { "statistics": { "successful_transactions": 0, "total_collected_amount": 0 }, "_check_expire_date": false, "archived": false, "_source_ip_address": "", "_id": "64b09a3d1e04e51be27f16c5", "company_id": "63cf32a154a870183bf2398a", "email": "john@test.com", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Customer", "phone": "+61111111111", "reference": "Customer 1", "default_source": "64b09a341e04e51be27f16c2", "_service": { "default_gateway_id": "63cf37b142194166721498e9" }, "payment_sources": [ { "type": "card", "_id": "64b09a341e04e51be27f16c2", "expire_month": 1, "expire_year": 2039, "card_name": "John Customer", "card_scheme": "mastercard", "card_number_last4": "1118", "card_number_bin": "51111111", "ref_token": "9191664642213170", "status": "active", "created_at": "2023-07-14T00:43:32.375Z", "gateway_id": "63cf37b142194166721498e9", "gateway_type": "MasterCard", "gateway_name": "CommWeb", "vault_token": "b944dfb0-35f4-47d6-a306-2b79cebf34f3", "updated_at": "2023-07-14T00:43:41.169Z" } ], "payment_destinations": [], "updated_at": "2023-07-14T00:43:41.170Z", "created_at": "2023-07-14T00:43:41.170Z", "__v": 0 } } } */ private function storePaymentMethod(mixed $customer): ClientGatewayToken { $response_payload = $customer->resource->data; $source = end($customer->resource->data->payment_sources); $payment_meta = new \stdClass(); $payment_meta->exp_month = (string) $source->expire_month; $payment_meta->exp_year = (string) $source->expire_year; $payment_meta->brand = (string) $source->card_scheme; $payment_meta->last4 = (string) $source->card_number_last4; $payment_meta->gateway_id = (string) $source->gateway_id; $payment_meta->type = \App\Models\GatewayType::CREDIT_CARD; $data = [ 'payment_meta' => $payment_meta, 'token' => $source->vault_token, 'payment_method_id' => \App\Models\GatewayType::CREDIT_CARD, ]; $cgt = $this->powerboard->storeGatewayToken($data, ['gateway_customer_reference' => $response_payload->_id]); return $cgt; } public function addTokenToCustomer(string $token, mixed $customer): mixed { $uri = "/v1/customers/{$customer->_id}"; $payload = [ 'payment_source' => [ 'vault_token' => $token, ] ]; $r = $this->powerboard->gatewayRequest($uri, (\App\Enum\HttpVerb::POST)->value, $payload, []); return $r->successful() ? $r->object() : $r->throw(); } // public function updateCustomer(string $id, $data): object // { // } }