projectRepo = $projectRepo; $this->projectService = $projectService; } /** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { return View::make('list_wrapper', [ 'entityType' => ENTITY_PROJECT, 'datatable' => new ProjectDatatable(), 'title' => trans('texts.projects'), ]); } public function getDatatable($expensePublicId = null) { $search = Input::get('sSearch'); $userId = Auth::user()->filterId(); return $this->projectService->getDatatable($search, $userId); } public function show(ProjectRequest $request) { $account = auth()->user()->account; $project = $request->entity(); $chartData = dispatch(new GenerateProjectChartData($project)); $data = [ 'account' => auth()->user()->account, 'project' => $project, 'title' => trans('texts.view_project'), 'showBreadcrumbs' => false, 'chartData' => $chartData, ]; return View::make('', $data); } public function create(ProjectRequest $request) { $data = [ 'account' => auth()->user()->account, 'project' => null, 'method' => 'POST', 'url' => 'projects', 'title' => trans('texts.new_project'), 'clients' => Client::scope()->with('contacts')->orderBy('name')->get(), 'clientPublicId' => $request->client_id, ]; return View::make('projects.edit', $data); } public function edit(ProjectRequest $request) { $project = $request->entity(); $data = [ 'account' => auth()->user()->account, 'project' => $project, 'method' => 'PUT', 'url' => 'projects/' . $project->public_id, 'title' => trans('texts.edit_project'), 'clients' => Client::scope()->with('contacts')->orderBy('name')->get(), 'clientPublicId' => $project->client ? $project->client->public_id : null, ]; return View::make('projects.edit', $data); } public function store(CreateProjectRequest $request) { $project = $this->projectService->save($request->input()); Session::flash('message', trans('texts.created_project')); return redirect()->to($project->getRoute()); } public function update(UpdateProjectRequest $request) { $project = $this->projectService->save($request->input(), $request->entity()); Session::flash('message', trans('texts.updated_project')); $action = Input::get('action'); if (in_array($action, ['archive', 'delete', 'restore', 'invoice'])) { return self::bulk(); } return redirect()->to($project->getRoute()); } public function bulk() { $action = Input::get('action'); $ids = Input::get('public_id') ? Input::get('public_id') : Input::get('ids'); if ($action == 'invoice') { $data = []; $clientPublicId = false; $lastClientId = false; $lastProjectId = false; $projects = Project::scope($ids) ->with(['client', 'tasks' => function ($query) { $query->whereNull('invoice_id'); }]) ->get(); foreach ($projects as $project) { if (! $clientPublicId) { $clientPublicId = $project->client->public_id; } if ($lastClientId && $lastClientId != $project->client_id) { return redirect('projects')->withError(trans('texts.project_error_multiple_clients')); } $lastClientId = $project->client_id; foreach ($project->tasks as $task) { if ($task->is_running) { return redirect('projects')->withError(trans('texts.task_error_running')); } $showProject = $lastProjectId != $task->project_id; $data[] = [ 'publicId' => $task->public_id, 'description' => $task->present()->invoiceDescription(auth()->user()->account, $showProject), 'duration' => $task->getHours(), 'cost' => $task->getRate(), ]; $lastProjectId = $task->project_id; } } return redirect("invoices/create/{$clientPublicId}")->with('tasks', $data); } else { $count = $this->projectService->bulk($ids, $action); if ($count > 0) { $field = $count == 1 ? "{$action}d_project" : "{$action}d_projects"; $message = trans("texts.$field", ['count' => $count]); Session::flash('message', $message); } return redirect()->to('/projects'); } } }