markTestSkipped('Skip test not needed in this environment'); } public function testLoad() { $account = Account::factory()->create(); $company = Company::factory()->create([ 'account_id' => $account->id, 'slack_webhook_url' => config('ninja.notification.slack'), ]); $account->default_company_id = $company->id; $account->save(); $user = User::whereEmail('')->first(); if (! $user) { $user = User::factory()->create([ 'account_id' => $account->id, 'email' => '', 'confirmation_code' => $this->createDbHash(config('database.default')), ]); } $company_token = new CompanyToken; $company_token->user_id = $user->id; $company_token->company_id = $company->id; $company_token->account_id = $account->id; $company_token->name = 'test token'; $company_token->token = Str::random(64); $company_token->is_system = true; $company_token->save(); $user->companies()->attach($company->id, [ 'account_id' => $account->id, 'is_owner' => 1, 'is_admin' => 1, 'is_locked' => 0, 'notifications' => CompanySettings::notificationDefaults(), // 'permissions' => '', 'settings' => null, ]); dispatch(function () use ($user, $company) { Product::factory()->count(500)->create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'company_id' => $company->id, ]); }); for ($x = 0; $x < $this->count * 100; $x++) { $z = $x + 1; $this->createClient($company, $user); } do { sleep(3); } while ($company->clients()->count() != 500); for ($x = 0; $x < $this->count * 100; $x++) { $client = $company->clients->random(); $this->createInvoice($client); $client = $company->clients->random(); $this->createCredit($client); $client = $company->clients->random(); $this->createQuote($client); $client = $company->clients->random(); $this->createExpense($client); $client = $company->clients->random(); $this->createVendor($client); $client = $company->clients->random(); $this->createTask($client); $client = $company->clients->random(); $this->createProject($client); } } private function createClient($company, $user) { dispatch(function () use ($company, $user) { $client = Client::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'company_id' => $company->id, 'country_id' => 840, ]); Document::factory()->count(2)->create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'company_id' => $company->id, 'documentable_type' => Client::class, 'documentable_id' => $client->id, ]); ClientContact::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'client_id' => $client->id, 'company_id' => $company->id, 'is_primary' => 1, ]); ClientContact::factory()->count(2)->create([ 'user_id' => $user->id, 'client_id' => $client->id, 'company_id' => $company->id, ]); $client->number = Str::random(28); $settings = $client->settings; $settings->currency_id = (string) rand(1, 79); $client->settings = $settings; $client->save(); }); } private function createExpense($client) { dispatch(function () use ($client) { Expense::factory()->count(rand(1, 5))->create([ 'user_id' => $client->user->id, 'client_id' => $client->id, 'company_id' => $client->company->id, ]); }); } private function createVendor($client) { dispatch(function () use ($client) { $vendor = Vendor::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $client->user->id, 'company_id' => $client->company->id, ]); Document::factory()->count(2)->create([ 'user_id' => $client->user->id, 'company_id' => $client->company_id, 'documentable_type' => Vendor::class, 'documentable_id' => $vendor->id, ]); VendorContact::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $client->user->id, 'vendor_id' => $vendor->id, 'company_id' => $client->company->id, 'is_primary' => 1, ]); VendorContact::factory()->count(rand(1, 500))->create([ 'user_id' => $client->user->id, 'vendor_id' => $vendor->id, 'company_id' => $client->company->id, 'is_primary' => 0, ]); }); } private function createTask($client) { dispatch(function () use ($client) { $vendor = Task::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $client->user->id, 'company_id' => $client->company->id, ]); Document::factory()->count(5)->create([ 'user_id' => $client->user->id, 'company_id' => $client->company_id, 'documentable_type' => Task::class, 'documentable_id' => $vendor->id, ]); }); } private function createProject($client) { dispatch(function () use ($client) { $vendor = Project::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $client->user->id, 'company_id' => $client->company->id, ]); Document::factory()->count(5)->create([ 'user_id' => $client->user->id, 'company_id' => $client->company_id, 'documentable_type' => Project::class, 'documentable_id' => $vendor->id, ]); }); } private function createInvoice($client) { $faker = \Faker\Factory::create(); $invoice = InvoiceFactory::create($client->company->id, $client->user->id); //stub the company and user_id $invoice->client_id = $client->id; $dateable = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(rand(0, 90)); $invoice->date = $dateable; $invoice->line_items = $this->buildLineItems(rand(1, 10)); $invoice->uses_inclusive_taxes = false; if (rand(0, 1)) { $invoice->tax_name1 = 'GST'; $invoice->tax_rate1 = 10.00; } if (rand(0, 1)) { $invoice->tax_name2 = 'VAT'; $invoice->tax_rate2 = 17.50; } if (rand(0, 1)) { $invoice->tax_name3 = 'CA Sales Tax'; $invoice->tax_rate3 = 5; } $invoice->custom_value1 = $faker->date(); $invoice->custom_value2 = rand(0, 1) ? 'yes' : 'no'; $invoice->save(); $invoice_calc = new InvoiceSum($invoice); $invoice_calc->build(); $invoice = $invoice_calc->getInvoice(); $invoice->save(); $invoice->service()->createInvitations()->markSent(); if (rand(0, 1)) { $invoice_repo = new InvoiceRepository(); $invoice_repo->markSent($invoice); } if (rand(0, 1)) { $invoice = $invoice->service()->markPaid()->save(); } Document::factory()->count(5)->create([ 'user_id' => $invoice->user->id, 'company_id' => $invoice->company_id, 'documentable_type' => Invoice::class, 'documentable_id' => $invoice->id, ]); } private function createCredit($client) { $faker = \Faker\Factory::create(); $credit = Credit::factory()->create(['user_id' => $client->user->id, 'company_id' => $client->company->id, 'client_id' => $client->id]); $dateable = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(rand(0, 90)); $credit->date = $dateable; $credit->line_items = $this->buildLineItems(rand(1, 10)); $credit->uses_inclusive_taxes = false; if (rand(0, 1)) { $credit->tax_name1 = 'GST'; $credit->tax_rate1 = 10.00; } if (rand(0, 1)) { $credit->tax_name2 = 'VAT'; $credit->tax_rate2 = 17.50; } if (rand(0, 1)) { $credit->tax_name3 = 'CA Sales Tax'; $credit->tax_rate3 = 5; } $credit->save(); $invoice_calc = new InvoiceSum($credit); $invoice_calc->build(); $credit = $invoice_calc->getCredit(); $credit->save(); $credit->service()->markSent()->save(); $credit->service()->createInvitations(); } private function createQuote($client) { $faker = \Faker\Factory::create(); //$quote = QuoteFactory::create($client->company->id, $client->user->id);//stub the company and user_id $quote = Quote::factory()->create(['user_id' => $client->user->id, 'company_id' => $client->company->id, 'client_id' => $client->id]); $quote->date = $faker->date(); $quote->client_id = $client->id; $quote->setRelation('client', $client); $quote->line_items = $this->buildLineItems(rand(1, 10)); $quote->uses_inclusive_taxes = false; if (rand(0, 1)) { $quote->tax_name1 = 'GST'; $quote->tax_rate1 = 10.00; } if (rand(0, 1)) { $quote->tax_name2 = 'VAT'; $quote->tax_rate2 = 17.50; } if (rand(0, 1)) { $quote->tax_name3 = 'CA Sales Tax'; $quote->tax_rate3 = 5; } $quote->save(); $quote_calc = new InvoiceSum($quote); $quote_calc->build(); $quote = $quote_calc->getQuote(); $quote->save(); $quote->service()->markSent()->save(); $quote->service()->createInvitations(); } private function buildLineItems($count = 1) { $line_items = []; for ($x = 0; $x < $count; $x++) { $item = InvoiceItemFactory::create(); $item->quantity = 1; //$item->cost = 10; if (rand(0, 1)) { $item->tax_name1 = 'GST'; $item->tax_rate1 = 10.00; } if (rand(0, 1)) { $item->tax_name1 = 'VAT'; $item->tax_rate1 = 17.50; } if (rand(0, 1)) { $item->tax_name1 = 'Sales Tax'; $item->tax_rate1 = 5; } $product = Product::all()->random(); $item->cost = (float) $product->cost; $item->product_key = $product->product_key; $item->notes = $product->notes; $item->custom_value1 = $product->custom_value1; $item->custom_value2 = $product->custom_value2; $item->custom_value3 = $product->custom_value3; $item->custom_value4 = $product->custom_value4; $line_items[] = $item; } return $line_items; } }