with('user') ->get(); } public function find() { $accountid = \Auth::user()->account_id; $query = DB::table('clients') ->join('accounts', 'accounts.id', '=', 'clients.account_id') ->leftjoin('clients', 'clients.id', '=', 'clients.client_id') ->where('documents.account_id', '=', $accountid) ->select( 'documents.account_id', 'documents.path', 'documents.deleted_at', 'documents.size', 'documents.width', 'documents.height', 'documents.id', 'documents.is_deleted', 'documents.public_id', 'documents.invoice_id', 'documents.expense_id', 'documents.user_id', 'invoices.public_id as invoice_public_id', 'invoices.user_id as invoice_user_id', 'expenses.public_id as expense_public_id', 'expenses.user_id as expense_user_id' ); return $query; } public function upload($data, &$doc_array = null) { $uploaded = $data['file']; $extension = strtolower($uploaded->getClientOriginalExtension()); if (empty(Document::$types[$extension]) && ! empty(Document::$extraExtensions[$extension])) { $documentType = Document::$extraExtensions[$extension]; } else { $documentType = $extension; } if (empty(Document::$types[$documentType])) { return 'Unsupported file type'; } $documentTypeData = Document::$types[$documentType]; $filePath = $uploaded->path(); $name = $uploaded->getClientOriginalName(); $size = filesize($filePath); if ($size / 1000 > MAX_DOCUMENT_SIZE) { return 'File too large'; } // don't allow a document to be linked to both an invoice and an expense if (array_get($data, 'invoice_id') && array_get($data, 'expense_id')) { unset($data['expense_id']); } $hash = sha1_file($filePath); $filename = \Auth::user()->account->account_key.'/'.$hash.'.'.$documentType; $document = Document::createNew(); $document->fill($data); $disk = $document->getDisk(); if (! $disk->exists($filename)) {// Have we already stored the same file $stream = fopen($filePath, 'r'); $disk->getDriver()->putStream($filename, $stream, ['mimetype' => $documentTypeData['mime']]); //fclose($stream); } // This is an image; check if we need to create a preview if (in_array($documentType, ['jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'psd'])) { $makePreview = false; $imageSize = getimagesize($filePath); $width = $imageSize[0]; $height = $imageSize[1]; $imgManagerConfig = []; if (in_array($documentType, ['gif', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'psd'])) { // Needs to be converted $makePreview = true; } elseif ($width > DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_SIZE || $height > DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_SIZE) { $makePreview = true; } if (in_array($documentType, ['bmp', 'tiff', 'psd'])) { if (! class_exists('Imagick')) { // Cant't read this $makePreview = false; } else { $imgManagerConfig['driver'] = 'imagick'; } } if ($makePreview) { $previewType = 'jpeg'; if (in_array($documentType, ['png', 'gif', 'tiff', 'psd'])) { // Has transparency $previewType = 'png'; } $document->preview = \Auth::user()->account->account_key.'/'.$hash.'.'.$documentType.'.x'.DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_SIZE.'.'.$previewType; if (! $disk->exists($document->preview)) { // We haven't created a preview yet $imgManager = new ImageManager($imgManagerConfig); $img = $imgManager->make($filePath); if ($width <= DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_SIZE && $height <= DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_SIZE) { $previewWidth = $width; $previewHeight = $height; } elseif ($width > $height) { $previewWidth = DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_SIZE; $previewHeight = $height * DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_SIZE / $width; } else { $previewHeight = DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_SIZE; $previewWidth = $width * DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_SIZE / $height; } $img->resize($previewWidth, $previewHeight); $previewContent = (string) $img->encode($previewType); $disk->put($document->preview, $previewContent); $base64 = base64_encode($previewContent); } else { $base64 = base64_encode($disk->get($document->preview)); } } else { $base64 = base64_encode(file_get_contents($filePath)); } } $document->path = $filename; $document->type = $documentType; $document->size = $size; $document->hash = $hash; $document->name = substr($name, -255); if (! empty($imageSize)) { $document->width = $imageSize[0]; $document->height = $imageSize[1]; } $document->save(); $doc_array = $document->toArray(); if (! empty($base64)) { $mime = Document::$types[! empty($previewType) ? $previewType : $documentType]['mime']; $doc_array['base64'] = 'data:'.$mime.';base64,'.$base64; } return $document; } public function getClientDatatable($contactId, $entityType, $search) { $query = DB::table('invitations') ->join('accounts', 'accounts.id', '=', 'invitations.account_id') ->join('invoices', 'invoices.id', '=', 'invitations.invoice_id') ->join('documents', 'documents.invoice_id', '=', 'invitations.invoice_id') ->join('clients', 'clients.id', '=', 'invoices.client_id') ->where('invitations.contact_id', '=', $contactId) ->where('invitations.deleted_at', '=', null) ->where('invoices.is_deleted', '=', false) ->where('clients.deleted_at', '=', null) ->where('invoices.is_recurring', '=', false) ->where('invoices.is_public', '=', true) // TODO: This needs to be a setting to also hide the activity on the dashboard page //->where('invoices.invoice_status_id', '>=', INVOICE_STATUS_SENT) ->select( 'invitations.invitation_key', 'invoices.invoice_number', 'documents.name', 'documents.public_id', 'documents.created_at', 'documents.size' ); $table = \Datatable::query($query) ->addColumn('invoice_number', function ($model) { return link_to( '/view/'.$model->invitation_key, $model->invoice_number )->toHtml(); }) ->addColumn('name', function ($model) { return link_to( '/client/documents/'.$model->invitation_key.'/'.$model->public_id.'/'.$model->name, $model->name, ['target' => '_blank'] )->toHtml(); }) ->addColumn('document_date', function ($model) { return Utils::dateToString($model->created_at); }) ->addColumn('document_size', function ($model) { return Form::human_filesize($model->size); }); return $table->make(); } }