User: properties: id: description: 'The hashed id of the user' type: string example: Opnel5aKBz readOnly: true first_name: description: 'The first name of the user' type: string example: Brad last_name: description: 'The last name of the user' type: string example: Pitt email: description: 'The users email address' type: string example: phone: description: 'The users phone number' type: string example: 555-1233-23232 signature: description: 'The users sign off signature' type: string example: 'Have a nice day!' avatar: description: 'The users avatar' type: string example: '' accepted_terms_version: description: 'The version of the invoice ninja terms that has been accepted by the user' type: string example: 1.0.1 readOnly: true oauth_user_id: description: 'The provider id of the oauth entity' type: string example: jkhasdf789as6f675sdf768sdfs readOnly: true oauth_provider_id: description: 'The oauth entity id' type: string example: google readOnly: true language_id: description: 'The language id of the user' type: string example: 1 verified_phone_number: description: 'Boolean flag if the user has their phone verified. Required to settings up 2FA' type: boolean example: true readOnly: true sms_verification_code: description: 'The sms verification code for the user. Required to settings up 2FA' type: string example: '123456' readOnly: true oauth_user_token_expiry: description: 'The expiry date of the oauth token' type: string example: '2022-10-10' readOnly: true has_password: description: 'Boolean flag determining if the user has a password' type: boolean example: true readOnly: true last_confirmed_email_address: description: 'The last confirmed email address of the user' type: string example: '' readOnly: true custom_value1: description: 'A custom value' type: string example: 'Custom value 1' custom_value2: description: 'A custom value' type: string example: '$1000' custom_value3: description: 'A custom value' type: string example: 'Custom value 3' custom_value4: description: 'A custom value' type: string example: 'Custom value 4' is_deleted: description: 'Boolean flag determining if the user has been deleted' type: boolean example: true readOnly: true google_2fa_secret: description: 'The google 2fa secret for the user' type: string example: '123456' readOnly: true company_user: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanyUser' type: object