company = $company; $this->request = $request; $this->hash = $request['hash']; $this->import_type = $request['import_type']; $this->skip_header = $request['skip_header'] ?? null; $this->column_map = !empty($request['column_map']) ? array_combine( array_keys($request['column_map']), array_column($request['column_map'], 'mapping') ) : null; auth()->login($this->company->owner(), true); auth() ->user() ->setCompany($this->company); } public function getCsvData($entity_type) { $base64_encoded_csv = Cache::pull($this->hash . '-' . $entity_type); if (empty($base64_encoded_csv)) { return null; } $csv = base64_decode($base64_encoded_csv); $csv = Reader::createFromString($csv); $stmt = new Statement(); $data = iterator_to_array($stmt->process($csv)); if (count($data) > 0) { $headers = $data[0]; // Remove Invoice Ninja headers if ( count($headers) && count($data) > 4 && $this->import_type === 'csv' ) { $first_cell = $headers[0]; if (strstr($first_cell, config('ninja.app_name'))) { array_shift($data); // Invoice Ninja... array_shift($data); // array_shift($data); // Enitty Type Header } } } return $data; } public function mapCSVHeaderToKeys($csvData) { $keys = array_shift($csvData); return array_map(function ($values) use ($keys) { return array_combine($keys, $values); }, $csvData); } private function groupInvoices($csvData, $key) { // Group by invoice. $grouped = []; foreach ($csvData as $line_item) { if (empty($line_item[$key])) { $this->error_array['invoice'][] = [ 'invoice' => $line_item, 'error' => 'No invoice number', ]; } else { $grouped[$line_item[$key]][] = $line_item; } } return $grouped; } public function getErrors() { return $this->error_array; } public function ingest($data, $entity_type) { $count = 0; foreach ($data as $key => $record) { try { $entity = $this->transformer->transform($record); $validator = $this->request_name::runFormRequest($entity); if ($validator->fails()) { $this->error_array[$entity_type][] = [ $entity_type => $record, 'error' => $validator->errors()->all(), ]; } else { $entity = $this->repository->save( array_diff_key($entity, ['user_id' => false]), $this->factory_name::create( $this->company->id, $this->getUserIDForRecord($entity) ) ); $entity->saveQuietly(); $count++; } } catch (\Exception $ex) { if ($ex instanceof ImportException) { $message = $ex->getMessage(); } else { report($ex); $message = 'Unknown error'; } $this->error_array[$entity_type][] = [ $entity_type => $record, 'error' => $message, ]; } } return $count; } public function ingestInvoices($invoices, $invoice_number_key) { $invoice_transformer = $this->transformer; /** @var PaymentRepository $payment_repository */ $payment_repository = app()->make(PaymentRepository::class); $payment_repository->import_mode = true; /** @var ClientRepository $client_repository */ $client_repository = app()->make(ClientRepository::class); $client_repository->import_mode = true; $invoice_repository = new InvoiceRepository(); $invoice_repository->import_mode = true; $invoices = $this->groupInvoices($invoices, $invoice_number_key); foreach ($invoices as $raw_invoice) { try { $invoice_data = $invoice_transformer->transform($raw_invoice); nlog($invoice_data); $invoice_data['line_items'] = $this->cleanItems( $invoice_data['line_items'] ?? [] ); // If we don't have a client ID, but we do have client data, go ahead and create the client. if ( empty($invoice_data['client_id']) && !empty($invoice_data['client']) ) { $client_data = $invoice_data['client']; $client_data['user_id'] = $this->getUserIDForRecord( $invoice_data ); $client_repository->save( $client_data, $client = ClientFactory::create( $this->company->id, $client_data['user_id'] ) ); $invoice_data['client_id'] = $client->id; unset($invoice_data['client']); } // $validator = Validator::make( // $invoice_data, // (new StoreInvoiceRequest())->rules() // ); $validator = $this->request_name::runFormRequest($invoice_data); if ($validator->fails()) { $this->error_array['invoice'][] = [ 'invoice' => $invoice_data, 'error' => $validator->errors()->all(), ]; } else { $invoice = InvoiceFactory::create( $this->company->id, $this->getUserIDForRecord($invoice_data) ); if (!empty($invoice_data['status_id'])) { $invoice->status_id = $invoice_data['status_id']; } $invoice_repository->save($invoice_data, $invoice); // If we're doing a generic CSV import, only import payment data if we're not importing a payment CSV. // If we're doing a platform-specific import, trust the platform to only return payment info if there's not a separate payment CSV. if ( $this->import_type !== 'csv' || empty($this->column_map['payment']) ) { // Check for payment columns if (!empty($invoice_data['payments'])) { foreach ( $invoice_data['payments'] as $payment_data ) { $payment_data['user_id'] = $invoice->user_id; $payment_data['client_id'] = $invoice->client_id; $payment_data['invoices'] = [ [ 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'amount' => $payment_data['amount'] ?? null, ], ]; /* Make sure we don't apply any payments to invoices with a Zero Amount*/ if ($invoice->amount > 0) { $payment_repository->save( $payment_data, PaymentFactory::create( $this->company->id, $invoice->user_id, $invoice->client_id ) ); } } } } $this->actionInvoiceStatus( $invoice, $invoice_data, $invoice_repository ); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { if ($ex instanceof ImportException) { $message = $ex->getMessage(); } else { report($ex); $message = 'Unknown error'; } $this->error_array['invoice'][] = [ 'invoice' => $raw_invoice, 'error' => $message, ]; } } } private function actionInvoiceStatus( $invoice, $invoice_data, $invoice_repository ) { if (!empty($invoice_data['archived'])) { $invoice_repository->archive($invoice); $invoice->fresh(); } if (!empty($invoice_data['viewed'])) { $invoice = $invoice ->service() ->markViewed() ->save(); } if ($invoice->status_id === Invoice::STATUS_DRAFT) { } elseif ($invoice->status_id === Invoice::STATUS_SENT) { $invoice = $invoice ->service() ->markSent() ->save(); } elseif ( $invoice->status_id <= Invoice::STATUS_SENT && $invoice->amount > 0 ) { if ($invoice->balance <= 0) { $invoice->status_id = Invoice::STATUS_PAID; $invoice->save(); } elseif ($invoice->balance != $invoice->amount) { $invoice->status_id = Invoice::STATUS_PARTIAL; $invoice->save(); } } return $invoice; } private function actionQuoteStatus( $quote, $quote_data, $quote_repository ) { if (!empty($invoice_data['archived'])) { $quote_repository->archive($quote); $quote->fresh(); } if (!empty($invoice_data['viewed'])) { $quote = $quote ->service() ->markViewed() ->save(); } if ($quote->status_id === Quote::STATUS_DRAFT) { } elseif ($quote->status_id === Quote::STATUS_SENT) { $quote = $quote ->service() ->markSent() ->save(); } return $quote; } public function ingestQuotes($quotes, $quote_number_key) { $quote_transformer = $this->transformer; /** @var ClientRepository $client_repository */ $client_repository = app()->make(ClientRepository::class); $client_repository->import_mode = true; $quote_repository = new QuoteRepository(); $quote_repository->import_mode = true; $quotes = $this->groupInvoices($quotes, $quote_number_key); foreach ($quotes as $raw_quote) { try { $quote_data = $quote_transformer->transform($raw_quote); $quote_data['line_items'] = $this->cleanItems( $quote_data['line_items'] ?? [] ); // If we don't have a client ID, but we do have client data, go ahead and create the client. if ( empty($quote_data['client_id']) && !empty($quote_data['client']) ) { $client_data = $quote_data['client']; $client_data['user_id'] = $this->getUserIDForRecord( $quote_data ); $client_repository->save( $client_data, $client = ClientFactory::create( $this->company->id, $client_data['user_id'] ) ); $quote_data['client_id'] = $client->id; unset($quote_data['client']); } $validator = Validator::make( $quote_data, (new StoreQuoteRequest())->rules() ); if ($validator->fails()) { $this->error_array['invoice'][] = [ 'quote' => $quote_data, 'error' => $validator->errors()->all(), ]; } else { $quote = QuoteFactory::create( $this->company->id, $this->getUserIDForRecord($quote_data) ); if (!empty($quote_data['status_id'])) { $quote->status_id = $quote_data['status_id']; } $quote_repository->save($quote_data, $quote); $this->actionQuoteStatus( $quote, $quote_data, $quote_repository ); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { if ($ex instanceof ImportException) { $message = $ex->getMessage(); } else { report($ex); $message = 'Unknown error'; } $this->error_array['quote'][] = [ 'invoice' => $raw_quote, 'error' => $message, ]; } } } protected function getUserIDForRecord($record) { if (!empty($record['user_id'])) { return $this->findUser($record['user_id']); } else { return $this->company->owner()->id; } } protected function findUser($user_hash) { $user = User::where('account_id', $this->company->account->id) ->where( \DB::raw('CONCAT_WS(" ", first_name, last_name)'), 'like', '%' . $user_hash . '%' ) ->first(); if ($user) { return $user->id; } else { return $this->company->owner()->id; } } protected function finalizeImport() { $data = [ 'errors' => $this->error_array, 'company' => $this->company, ]; $nmo = new NinjaMailerObject; $nmo->mailable = new ImportCompleted($this->company, $data); $nmo->company = $this->company; $nmo->settings = $this->company->settings; $nmo->to_user = $this->company->owner(); NinjaMailerJob::dispatch($nmo); } public function preTransform(array $data, $entity_type) { if (empty($this->column_map[$entity_type])) { return false; } if ($this->skip_header) { array_shift($data); } //sort the array by key $keys = $this->column_map[$entity_type]; ksort($keys); $data = array_map(function ($row) use ($keys) { return array_combine($keys, array_intersect_key($row, $keys)); }, $data); return $data; } }