service = $service; $this->commonmark = new CommonMarkConverter([ 'allow_unsafe_links' => false, ]); } /** * Builds the template sections * * @return self * */ public function build(): self { $this->getTemplate() ->buildSections() ->getEmptyElements() ->updateElementProperties() ->updateVariables(); return $this; } /** * Final method to get compiled HTML. * * @param bool $final @deprecated // is it? i still see it being called elsewhere * @return string */ public function getCompiledHTML($final = false) { $html = $this->document->saveHTML(); return str_replace('%24', '$', $html); } /** * Generate the template * * @return self * */ private function getTemplate() :self { $document = new DOMDocument(); $document->validateOnParse = true; @$document->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($this->service->designer->template, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')); $this->document = $document; // $this->xpath = new DOMXPath($document); return $this; } /** * Generates product entity sections * * @return self * */ private function getProductSections(): self { $this->genericSectionBuilder() ->getClientDetails() ->getProductAndTaskTables() ->getProductEntityDetails() ->getProductTotals(); return $this; } private function mergeSections(array $section) :self { $this->sections = array_merge($this->sections, $section); return $this; } /** * Generates delivery note sections * * @return self * */ private function getDeliveryNoteSections(): self { $this->genericSectionBuilder() ->getProductTotals(); $this->mergeSections([ 'client-details' => [ 'id' => 'client-details', 'elements' => $this->clientDeliveryDetails(), ], 'delivery-note-table' => [ 'id' => 'delivery-note-table', 'elements' => $this->deliveryNoteTable(), ], 'entity-details' => [ 'id' => 'entity-details', 'elements' => $this->deliveryNoteDetails(), ], ]); return $this; } /** * Generates statement sections * * @return self * */ private function getStatementSections(): self { $this->genericSectionBuilder(); $this->mergeSections([ 'statement-invoice-table' => [ 'id' => 'statement-invoice-table', 'elements' => $this->statementInvoiceTable(), ], 'statement-invoice-table-totals' => [ 'id' => 'statement-invoice-table-totals', 'elements' => $this->statementInvoiceTableTotals(), ], 'statement-payment-table' => [ 'id' => 'statement-payment-table', 'elements' => $this->statementPaymentTable(), ], 'statement-payment-table-totals' => [ 'id' => 'statement-payment-table-totals', 'elements' => $this->statementPaymentTableTotals(), ], 'statement-aging-table' => [ 'id' => 'statement-aging-table', 'elements' => $this->statementAgingTable(), ], 'table-totals' => [ 'id' => 'table-totals', 'elements' => $this->statementTableTotals(), ], ]); return $this; } /** * Parent method for building invoice table totals * for statements. * * @return array */ public function statementInvoiceTableTotals(): array { $outstanding = $this->service->options['invoices']->sum('balance'); return [ ['element' => 'p', 'content' => '$outstanding_label: ' . $this->service->config->formatMoney($outstanding)], ]; } /** * Parent method for building payments table within statement. * * @return array */ public function statementPaymentTable(): array { if (is_null($this->service->options['payments'])) { return []; } if (\array_key_exists('show_payments_table', $this->service->options) && $this->service->options['show_payments_table'] === false) { return []; } $tbody = []; //24-03-2022 show payments per invoice foreach ($this->service->options['invoices'] as $invoice) { foreach ($invoice->payments as $payment) { if ($payment->is_deleted) { continue; } $element = ['element' => 'tr', 'elements' => []]; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $invoice->number]; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $this->translateDate($payment->date, $this->service->config->date_format, $this->service->config->locale) ?: ' ']; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $payment->translatedType()]; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $this->service->config->formatMoney($payment->pivot->amount) ?: ' ']; $tbody[] = $element; $this->payment_amount_total += $payment->pivot->amount; } } return [ ['element' => 'thead', 'elements' => $this->buildTableHeader('statement_payment')], ['element' => 'tbody', 'elements' => $tbody], ]; } /** * Generates the statement payments table * * @return array * */ public function statementPaymentTableTotals(): array { if (is_null($this->service->options['payments']) || !$this->service->options['payments']->first()) { return []; } if (\array_key_exists('show_payments_table', $this->service->options) && $this->service->options['show_payments_table'] === false) { return []; } $payment = $this->service->options['payments']->first(); return [ ['element' => 'p', 'content' => \sprintf('%s: %s', ctrans('texts.amount_paid'), $this->service->config->formatMoney($this->payment_amount_total))], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => \sprintf('%s: %s', ctrans('texts.payment_method'), $payment->translatedType())], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => \sprintf('%s: %s', ctrans('texts.payment_date'), $this->translateDate($payment->date, $this->service->config->date_format, $this->service->config->locale) ?: ' ')], ]; } /** * Generates the statement aging table * * @return array * */ public function statementAgingTable(): array { if (\array_key_exists('show_aging_table', $this->service->options) && $this->service->options['show_aging_table'] === false) { return []; } $elements = [ ['element' => 'thead', 'elements' => []], ['element' => 'tbody', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'tr', 'elements' => []], ]], ]; foreach ($this->service->options['aging'] as $column => $value) { $elements[0]['elements'][] = ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $column]; $elements[1]['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $value]; } return $elements; } /** * Generates the purchase order sections * * @return self * */ private function getPurchaseOrderSections(): self { $this->genericSectionBuilder() ->getProductAndTaskTables() ->getProductTotals(); $this->mergeSections([ 'vendor-details' => [ 'id' => 'vendor-details', 'elements' => $this->vendorDetails(), ], 'entity-details' => [ 'id' => 'entity-details', 'elements' => $this->purchaseOrderDetails(), ], ]); return $this; } /** * Generates the generic section which apply * across all design templates * * @return self * */ private function genericSectionBuilder(): self { $this->mergeSections([ 'company-details' => [ 'id' => 'company-details', 'elements' => $this->companyDetails(), ], 'company-address' => [ 'id' => 'company-address', 'elements' => $this->companyAddress(), ], 'footer-elements' => [ 'id' => 'footer', 'elements' => [ $this->sharedFooterElements(), ], ], ]); return $this; } /** * Generates the invoices table for statements * * @return array * */ public function statementInvoiceTable(): array { $tbody = []; foreach ($this->service->options['invoices'] as $invoice) { $element = ['element' => 'tr', 'elements' => []]; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $invoice->number]; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $this->translateDate($invoice->date, $this->service->config->client->date_format(), $this->service->config->locale) ?: ' ']; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $this->translateDate($invoice->due_date, $this->service->config->client->date_format(), $this->service->config->locale) ?: ' ']; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $this->service->config->formatMoney($invoice->amount) ?: ' ']; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $this->service->config->formatMoney($invoice->balance) ?: ' ']; $tbody[] = $element; } return [ ['element' => 'thead', 'elements' => $this->buildTableHeader('statement_invoice')], ['element' => 'tbody', 'elements' => $tbody], ]; } /** * Generate the structure of table body. () * * @param string $type "$product" or "$task" * @return array * */ public function buildTableBody(string $type): array { $elements = []; $items = $this->transformLineItems($this->service->config->entity->line_items, $type); $this->processNewLines($items); if (count($items) == 0) { return []; } if ($type == PdfService::DELIVERY_NOTE) { $product_customs = [false, false, false, false]; foreach ($items as $row) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($product_customs); $i++) { if (!empty($row['delivery_note.delivery_note' . ($i + 1)])) { $product_customs[$i] = true; } } } foreach ($items as $row) { $element = ['element' => 'tr', 'elements' => []]; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row['delivery_note.product_key'], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note_table.product_key-td']]; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row['delivery_note.notes'], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note_table.notes-td']]; $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row['delivery_note.quantity'], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note_table.quantity-td']]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($product_customs); $i++) { if ($product_customs[$i]) { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row['delivery_note.delivery_note' . ($i + 1)], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note_table.product' . ($i + 1) . '-td']]; } } $elements[] = $element; } return $elements; } $_type = Str::startsWith($type, '$') ? ltrim($type, '$') : $type; $table_type = "{$_type}_columns"; if ($_type == 'product' && $this->service->config->entity instanceof Quote && !$this->service->config->settings?->sync_invoice_quote_columns) { $table_type = "product_quote_columns"; } foreach ($items as $row) { $element = ['element' => 'tr', 'elements' => []]; if ( array_key_exists($type, $this->service->options) && !empty($this->service->options[$type]) && !is_null($this->service->options[$type]) ) { $document = new DOMDocument(); $document->loadHTML($this->service->options[$type], LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD); $td = $document->getElementsByTagName('tr')->item(0); if ($td) { foreach ($td->childNodes as $child) { if ($child->nodeType !== 1) { continue; } if ($child->tagName !== 'td') { continue; } $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => strtr($child->nodeValue, $row)]; } } } else { $_type = Str::startsWith($type, '$') ? ltrim($type, '$') : $type; foreach ($this->service->config->pdf_variables["{$_type}_columns"] as $key => $cell) { // We want to keep aliases like these: // $task.cost => $task.rate // $task.quantity => $task.hours if ($cell == '$task.rate') { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row['$task.cost'], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'task_table-task.cost-td']]; } elseif ($cell == '$' && !$this->service->company->enable_product_discount) { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row['$'], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => '', 'style' => 'display: none;']]; } elseif ($cell == '$product.quantity' && !$this->service->company->enable_product_quantity) { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row['$product.quantity'], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'product_table-product.quantity-td', 'style' => 'display: none;']]; } elseif ($cell == '$task.hours') { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row['$task.quantity'], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'task_table-task.hours-td']]; } elseif ($cell == '$product.tax_rate1') { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row[$cell], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'product_table-product.tax1-td']]; } elseif ($cell == '$product.tax_rate2') { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row[$cell], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'product_table-product.tax2-td']]; } elseif ($cell == '$product.tax_rate3') { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row[$cell], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'product_table-product.tax3-td']]; } elseif ($cell == '$product.unit_cost' || $cell == '$task.rate') { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row[$cell], 'properties' => ['style' => 'white-space: nowrap;', 'data-ref' => "{$_type}_table-" . substr($cell, 1) . '-td']]; } else { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row[$cell], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => "{$_type}_table-" . substr($cell, 1) . '-td']]; } } } $elements[] = $element; } $document = null; return $elements; } /** * Formats the line items for display. * * @param mixed $items * @param string $table_type * @param mixed|null $custom_fields * * @return array */ public function transformLineItems($items, $table_type = '$product') :array { $data = []; $locale_info = localeconv(); // $this->service->config->entity_currency = $this->service->config->currency; foreach ($items as $key => $item) { if ($table_type == '$product' && $item->type_id != 1) { if ($item->type_id != 4 && $item->type_id != 6 && $item->type_id != 5) { continue; } } if ($table_type == '$task' && $item->type_id != 2) { // if ($item->type_id != 4 && $item->type_id != 5) { continue; // } } $helpers = new Helpers(); $_table_type = ltrim($table_type, '$'); // From $product -> product. $data[$key][$table_type.'.product_key'] = is_null(optional($item)->product_key) ? $item->item : $item->product_key; $data[$key][$table_type.'.item'] = is_null(optional($item)->item) ? $item->product_key : $item->item; $data[$key][$table_type.'.service'] = is_null(optional($item)->service) ? $item->product_key : $item->service; $currentDateTime = null; if (isset($this->service->config->entity->next_send_date)) { $currentDateTime = Carbon::parse($this->service->config->entity->next_send_date); } $data[$key][$table_type.'.notes'] = Helpers::processReservedKeywords($item->notes, $this->service->config->currency_entity, $currentDateTime); $data[$key][$table_type.'.description'] = Helpers::processReservedKeywords($item->notes, $this->service->config->currency_entity, $currentDateTime); $data[$key][$table_type.".{$_table_type}1"] = strlen($item->custom_value1) >= 1 ? $helpers->formatCustomFieldValue($this->service->company->custom_fields, "{$_table_type}1", $item->custom_value1, $this->service->config->currency_entity) : ''; $data[$key][$table_type.".{$_table_type}2"] = strlen($item->custom_value2) >= 1 ? $helpers->formatCustomFieldValue($this->service->company->custom_fields, "{$_table_type}2", $item->custom_value2, $this->service->config->currency_entity) : ''; $data[$key][$table_type.".{$_table_type}3"] = strlen($item->custom_value3) >= 1 ? $helpers->formatCustomFieldValue($this->service->company->custom_fields, "{$_table_type}3", $item->custom_value3, $this->service->config->currency_entity) : ''; $data[$key][$table_type.".{$_table_type}4"] = strlen($item->custom_value4) >= 1 ? $helpers->formatCustomFieldValue($this->service->company->custom_fields, "{$_table_type}4", $item->custom_value4, $this->service->config->currency_entity) : ''; if ($item->quantity > 0 || $item->cost > 0) { $data[$key][$table_type.'.quantity'] = $this->service->config->formatMoney($item->quantity); $data[$key][$table_type.'.unit_cost'] = $this->service->config->formatMoney($item->cost); $data[$key][$table_type.'.cost'] = $this->service->config->formatMoney($item->cost); $data[$key][$table_type.'.line_total'] = $this->service->config->formatMoney($item->line_total); } else { $data[$key][$table_type.'.quantity'] = ''; $data[$key][$table_type.'.unit_cost'] = ''; $data[$key][$table_type.'.cost'] = ''; $data[$key][$table_type.'.line_total'] = ''; } if (property_exists($item, 'gross_line_total')) { $data[$key][$table_type.'.gross_line_total'] = ($item->gross_line_total == 0) ? '' : $this->service->config->formatMoney($item->gross_line_total); } else { $data[$key][$table_type.'.gross_line_total'] = ''; } if (property_exists($item, 'tax_amount')) { $data[$key][$table_type.'.tax_amount'] = ($item->tax_amount == 0) ? '' : $this->service->config->formatMoney($item->tax_amount); } else { $data[$key][$table_type.'.tax_amount'] = ''; } if (isset($item->discount) && $item->discount > 0) { if ($item->is_amount_discount) { $data[$key][$table_type.'.discount'] = $this->service->config->formatMoney($item->discount); } else { $data[$key][$table_type.'.discount'] = floatval($item->discount).'%'; } } else { $data[$key][$table_type.'.discount'] = ''; } // Previously we used to check for tax_rate value, // but that's no longer necessary. if (isset($item->tax_rate1)) { $data[$key][$table_type.'.tax_rate1'] = floatval($item->tax_rate1).'%'; $data[$key][$table_type.'.tax1'] = &$data[$key][$table_type.'.tax_rate1']; } if (isset($item->tax_rate2)) { $data[$key][$table_type.'.tax_rate2'] = floatval($item->tax_rate2).'%'; $data[$key][$table_type.'.tax2'] = &$data[$key][$table_type.'.tax_rate2']; } if (isset($item->tax_rate3)) { $data[$key][$table_type.'.tax_rate3'] = floatval($item->tax_rate3).'%'; $data[$key][$table_type.'.tax3'] = &$data[$key][$table_type.'.tax_rate3']; } $data[$key]['task_id'] = property_exists($item, 'task_id') ? $item->task_id : ''; } //nlog(microtime(true) - $start); return $data; } /** * Generate the structure of table headers. () * * @param string $type "product" or "task" * @return array * */ public function buildTableHeader(string $type): array { $this->processTaxColumns($type); $elements = []; // Some of column can be aliased. This is simple workaround for these. $aliases = [ '$product.product_key' => '$product.item', '$task.product_key' => '$task.service', '$task.rate' => '$task.cost', ]; $table_type = "{$type}_columns"; if ($type == 'product' && $this->service->config->entity instanceof Quote && !$this->service->config->settings_object?->sync_invoice_quote_columns) { $table_type = "product_quote_columns"; } foreach ($this->service->config->pdf_variables[$table_type] as $column) { if (array_key_exists($column, $aliases)) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $aliases[$column] . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => "{$type}_table-" . substr($aliases[$column], 1) . '-th', 'hidden' => $this->service->config->settings->hide_empty_columns_on_pdf]]; } elseif ($column == '$' && !$this->service->company->enable_product_discount) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $column . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => "{$type}_table-" . substr($column, 1) . '-th', 'style' => 'display: none;']]; } elseif ($column == '$product.quantity' && !$this->service->company->enable_product_quantity) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $column . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => "{$type}_table-" . substr($column, 1) . '-th', 'style' => 'display: none;']]; } elseif ($column == '$product.tax_rate1') { $elements[] = ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $column . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => "{$type}_table-product.tax1-th", 'hidden' => $this->service->config->settings->hide_empty_columns_on_pdf]]; } elseif ($column == '$product.tax_rate2') { $elements[] = ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $column . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => "{$type}_table-product.tax2-th", 'hidden' => $this->service->config->settings->hide_empty_columns_on_pdf]]; } elseif ($column == '$product.tax_rate3') { $elements[] = ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $column . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => "{$type}_table-product.tax3-th", 'hidden' => $this->service->config->settings->hide_empty_columns_on_pdf]]; } else { $elements[] = ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $column . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => "{$type}_table-" . substr($column, 1) . '-th', 'hidden' => $this->service->config->settings->hide_empty_columns_on_pdf]]; } } return $elements; } /** * This method will help us decide either we show * one "tax rate" column in the table or 3 custom tax rates. * * Logic below will help us calculate that & inject the result in the * global state of the $context (design state). * * @param string $type "product" or "task" * @return void */ public function processTaxColumns(string $type): void { if ($type == 'product') { $type_id = 1; } if ($type == 'task') { $type_id = 2; } // At the moment we pass "task" or "product" as type. // However, "pdf_variables" contains "$" or "$" <-- Notice the dollar sign. // This sprintf() will help us convert "task" or "product" into "$task" or "$product" without // evaluating the variable. if (in_array(sprintf('', '$', $type), (array) $this->service->config->pdf_variables["{$type}_columns"])) { $line_items = collect($this->service->config->entity->line_items)->filter(function ($item) use ($type_id) { return $item->type_id = $type_id; }); $tax1 = $line_items->where('tax_name1', '<>', '')->where('type_id', $type_id)->count(); $tax2 = $line_items->where('tax_name2', '<>', '')->where('type_id', $type_id)->count(); $tax3 = $line_items->where('tax_name3', '<>', '')->where('type_id', $type_id)->count(); $taxes = []; if ($tax1 > 0) { array_push($taxes, sprintf('%s%s.tax_rate1', '$', $type)); } if ($tax2 > 0) { array_push($taxes, sprintf('%s%s.tax_rate2', '$', $type)); } if ($tax3 > 0) { array_push($taxes, sprintf('%s%s.tax_rate3', '$', $type)); } $key = array_search(sprintf('', '$', $type), $this->service->config->pdf_variables["{$type}_columns"], true); if ($key !== false) { array_splice($this->service->config->pdf_variables["{$type}_columns"], $key, 1, $taxes); } } } /** * Generates the javascript block for * hiding elements which need to be hidden * * @return array * */ public function sharedFooterElements(): array { // We want to show headers for statements, no exceptions. $statements = " document.querySelectorAll('#statement-invoice-table > thead > tr > th, #statement-payment-table > thead > tr > th, #statement-aging-table > thead > tr > th').forEach(t => { t.hidden = false; }); "; $javascript = 'document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){document.querySelectorAll("#product-table > tbody > tr > td, #task-table > tbody > tr > td, #delivery-note-table > tbody > tr > td").forEach(t=>{if(""!==t.innerText){let e=t.getAttribute("data-ref").slice(0,-3);document.querySelector(`th[data-ref="${e}-th"]`).removeAttribute("hidden")}}),document.querySelectorAll("#product-table > tbody > tr > td, #task-table > tbody > tr > td, #delivery-note-table > tbody > tr > td").forEach(t=>{let e=t.getAttribute("data-ref").slice(0,-3);(e=document.querySelector(`th[data-ref="${e}-th"]`)).hasAttribute("hidden")&&""==t.innerText&&t.setAttribute("hidden","true")})},!1);'; // Previously we've been decoding the HTML on the backend and XML parsing isn't good options because it requires, // strict & valid HTML to even output/decode. Decoding is now done on the frontend with this piece of Javascript. $html_decode = 'document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){document.querySelectorAll(`[data-state="encoded-html"]`).forEach(e=>e.innerHTML=e.innerText)},!1);'; return ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'script', 'content' => $statements], ['element' => 'script', 'content' => $javascript], ['element' => 'script', 'content' => $html_decode], ]]; } /** * Generates the totals table for * the product type entities * * @return self * */ private function getProductTotals(): self { $this->mergeSections([ 'table-totals' => [ 'id' => 'table-totals', 'elements' => $this->getTableTotals(), ], ]); return $this; } /** * Generates the entity details for * Credits * Quotes * Invoices * * @return self * */ private function getProductEntityDetails(): self { if ($this->service->config->entity_string == 'invoice') { $this->mergeSections([ 'entity-details' => [ 'id' => 'entity-details', 'elements' => $this->invoiceDetails(), ], ]); } elseif ($this->service->config->entity_string == 'quote') { $this->mergeSections([ 'entity-details' => [ 'id' => 'entity-details', 'elements' => $this->quoteDetails(), ], ]); } elseif ($this->service->config->entity_string == 'credit') { $this->mergeSections([ 'entity-details' => [ 'id' => 'entity-details', 'elements' => $this->creditDetails(), ], ]); } return $this; } /** * Parent entry point when building sections of the design content * * @return self * */ private function buildSections() :self { return match ($this->service->document_type) { PdfService::PRODUCT => $this->getProductSections(), PdfService::DELIVERY_NOTE => $this->getDeliveryNoteSections(), PdfService::STATEMENT => $this->getStatementSections(), PdfService::PURCHASE_ORDER => $this->getPurchaseOrderSections(), }; } /** * Generates the table totals for statements * * @return array * */ private function statementTableTotals(): array { return [ ['element' => 'div', 'properties' => ['style' => 'display: flex; flex-direction: column;'], 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'div', 'properties' => ['style' => 'margin-top: 1.5rem; display: block; align-items: flex-start; page-break-inside: avoid; visible !important;'], 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'img', 'properties' => ['src' => '$invoiceninja.whitelabel', 'style' => 'height: 2.5rem;', 'hidden' => 'false', 'id' => 'invoiceninja-whitelabel-logo']], ]], ]], ]; } /** * Performs a variable check to ensure * the variable exists * * @param string $variables * @return bool * */ public function entityVariableCheck(string $variable): bool { // When it comes to invoice balance, we'll always show it. if ($variable == '$') { return false; } // Some variables don't map 1:1 to table columns. This gives us support for such cases. $aliases = [ '$quote.balance_due' => 'partial', ]; try { $_variable = explode('.', $variable)[1]; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Exception('Company settings seems to be broken. Missing $this->service->config->entity.variable type.'); } if (\in_array($variable, \array_keys($aliases))) { $_variable = $aliases[$variable]; } if (is_null($this->service->config->entity->{$_variable})) { return true; } if (empty($this->service->config->entity->{$_variable})) { return true; } return false; } //First pass done, need a second pass to abstract this content completely. /** * Builds the table totals for all entities, we'll want to split this * * @return array * */ public function getTableTotals() :array { //need to see where we don't pass all these particular variables. try and refactor thisout $_variables = array_key_exists('variables', $this->service->options) ? $this->service->options['variables'] : ['values' => ['$entity.public_notes' => $this->service->config->entity->public_notes, '$entity.terms' => $this->service->config->entity->terms, '$entity_footer' => $this->service->config->entity->footer], 'labels' => []]; $variables = $this->service->config->pdf_variables['total_columns']; $elements = [ ['element' => 'div', 'properties' => ['style' => 'display: flex; flex-direction: column;'], 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'p', 'content' => strtr(str_replace(["labels","values"], ["",""], $_variables['values']['$entity.public_notes']), $_variables), 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'total_table-public_notes', 'style' => 'text-align: left;']], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => '', 'properties' => ['style' => 'text-align: left; display: flex; flex-direction: column; page-break-inside: auto;'], 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => '$entity.terms_label: ', 'properties' => ['hidden' => $this->entityVariableCheck('$entity.terms'), 'data-ref' => 'total_table-terms-label', 'style' => 'font-weight: bold; text-align: left; margin-top: 1rem;']], ['element' => 'span', 'content' => strtr(str_replace("labels", "", $_variables['values']['$entity.terms']), $_variables['labels']), 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'total_table-terms', 'style' => 'text-align: left;']], ]], ['element' => 'img', 'properties' => ['style' => 'max-width: 50%; height: auto;', 'src' => '$contact.signature', 'id' => 'contact-signature']], ['element' => 'div', 'properties' => ['style' => 'margin-top: 1.5rem; display: flex; align-items: flex-start; page-break-inside: auto;'], 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'img', 'properties' => ['src' => '$invoiceninja.whitelabel', 'style' => 'height: 2.5rem;', 'hidden' => 'false', 'id' => 'invoiceninja-whitelabel-logo']], ]], ]], ['element' => 'div', 'properties' => ['class' => 'totals-table-right-side', 'dir' => '$dir'], 'elements' => []], ]; if ($this->service->document_type == PdfService::DELIVERY_NOTE) { return $elements; } if ($this->service->config->entity instanceof Quote) { // We don't want to show Balanace due on the quotes. if (in_array('$outstanding', $variables)) { $variables = \array_diff($variables, ['$outstanding']); } if ($this->service->config->entity->partial > 0) { $variables[] = '$partial_due'; } } if ($this->service->config->entity instanceof Credit) { // We don't want to show Balanace due on the quotes. if (in_array('$paid_to_date', $variables)) { $variables = \array_diff($variables, ['$paid_to_date']); } } foreach (['discount'] as $property) { $variable = sprintf('%s%s', '$', $property); if ( !is_null($this->service->config->entity->{$property}) && !empty($this->service->config->entity->{$property}) && $this->service->config->entity->{$property} != 0 ) { continue; } $variables = array_filter($variables, function ($m) use ($variable) { return $m != $variable; }); } foreach ($variables as $variable) { if ($variable == '$total_taxes') { $taxes = $this->service->config->entity->total_tax_map; if (!$taxes) { continue; } foreach ($taxes as $i => $tax) { $elements[1]['elements'][] = ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content', 'content' => $tax['name'], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'totals-table-total_tax_' . $i . '-label']], ['element' => 'span', 'content', 'content' => $this->service->config->formatMoney($tax['total']), 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'totals-table-total_tax_' . $i]], ]]; } } elseif ($variable == '$line_taxes') { $taxes = $this->service->config->entity->tax_map; if (!$taxes) { continue; } foreach ($taxes as $i => $tax) { $elements[1]['elements'][] = ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content', 'content' => $tax['name'], 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'totals-table-line_tax_' . $i . '-label']], ['element' => 'span', 'content', 'content' => $this->service->config->formatMoney($tax['total']), 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'totals-table-line_tax_' . $i]], ]]; } } elseif (Str::startsWith($variable, '$custom_surcharge')) { $_variable = ltrim($variable, '$'); // $custom_surcharge1 -> custom_surcharge1 $visible = intval($this->service->config->entity->{$_variable}) != 0; $elements[1]['elements'][] = ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => $variable . '_label', 'properties' => ['hidden' => !$visible, 'data-ref' => 'totals_table-' . substr($variable, 1) . '-label']], ['element' => 'span', 'content' => $variable, 'properties' => ['hidden' => !$visible, 'data-ref' => 'totals_table-' . substr($variable, 1)]], ]]; } elseif (Str::startsWith($variable, '$custom')) { $field = explode('_', $variable); $visible = is_object($this->service->company->custom_fields) && property_exists($this->service->company->custom_fields, $field[1]) && !empty($this->service->company->custom_fields->{$field[1]}); $elements[1]['elements'][] = ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => $variable . '_label', 'properties' => ['hidden' => !$visible, 'data-ref' => 'totals_table-' . substr($variable, 1) . '-label']], ['element' => 'span', 'content' => $variable, 'properties' => ['hidden' => !$visible, 'data-ref' => 'totals_table-' . substr($variable, 1)]], ]]; } else { $elements[1]['elements'][] = ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => $variable . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'totals_table-' . substr($variable, 1) . '-label']], ['element' => 'span', 'content' => $variable, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'totals_table-' . substr($variable, 1)]], ]]; } } $elements[1]['elements'][] = ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => '',], ['element' => 'span', 'content' => ''], ]]; return $elements; } /** * Generates the product and task tables * * @return self * */ public function getProductAndTaskTables(): self { $this->mergeSections([ 'product-table' => [ 'id' => 'product-table', 'elements' => $this->productTable(), ], 'task-table' => [ 'id' => 'task-table', 'elements' => $this->taskTable(), ], ]); return $this; } /** * Generates the client details * * @return self * */ public function getClientDetails(): self { $this->mergeSections([ 'client-details' => [ 'id' => 'client-details', 'elements' => $this->clientDetails(), ], 'shipping-details' => [ 'id' => 'shipping-details', 'elements' => $this->shippingDetails(), ], ]); return $this; } /** * Generates the product table * * @return array */ public function productTable(): array { $product_items = collect($this->service->config->entity->line_items)->filter(function ($item) { return $item->type_id == 1 || $item->type_id == 6 || $item->type_id == 5; }); if (count($product_items) == 0) { return []; } return [ ['element' => 'thead', 'elements' => $this->buildTableHeader('product')], ['element' => 'tbody', 'elements' => $this->buildTableBody('$product')], ]; } /** * Generates the task table * * @return array */ public function taskTable(): array { $task_items = collect($this->service->config->entity->line_items)->filter(function ($item) { return $item->type_id == 2; }); if (count($task_items) == 0) { return []; } return [ ['element' => 'thead', 'elements' => $this->buildTableHeader('task')], ['element' => 'tbody', 'elements' => $this->buildTableBody('$task')], ]; } /** * Generates the statement details * * @return array * */ public function statementDetails(): array { $s_date = $this->translateDate(now(), $this->service->config->date_format, $this->service->config->locale); return [ ['element' => 'tr', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'statement-label'], 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'th', 'properties' => [], 'content' => ""], ['element' => 'th', 'properties' => [], 'content' => "


"], ]], ['element' => 'tr', 'properties' => [], 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'th', 'properties' => [], 'content' => ctrans('texts.statement_date')], ['element' => 'th', 'properties' => [], 'content' => $s_date ?? ''], ]], ['element' => 'tr', 'properties' => [], 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'th', 'properties' => [], 'content' => '$balance_due_label'], ['element' => 'th', 'properties' => [], 'content' => $this->service->config->formatMoney($this->service->options['invoices']->sum('balance'))], ]], ]; } /** * Generates the invoice details * * @return array * */ public function invoiceDetails(): array { $variables = $this->service->config->pdf_variables['invoice_details']; return $this->genericDetailsBuilder($variables); } /** * Generates the quote details * * @return array * */ public function quoteDetails(): array { $variables = $this->service->config->pdf_variables['quote_details']; if ($this->service->config->entity->partial > 0) { $variables[] = '$quote.balance_due'; } return $this->genericDetailsBuilder($variables); } /** * Generates the credit note details * * @return array * */ public function creditDetails(): array { $variables = $this->service->config->pdf_variables['credit_details']; return $this->genericDetailsBuilder($variables); } /** * Generates the purchase order details * * @return array */ public function purchaseOrderDetails(): array { $variables = $this->service->config->pdf_variables['purchase_order_details']; return $this->genericDetailsBuilder($variables); } /** * Generates the deliveyr note details * * @return array * */ public function deliveryNoteDetails(): array { $variables = $this->service->config->pdf_variables['invoice_details']; $variables = array_filter($variables, function ($m) { return !in_array($m, ['$invoice.balance_due', '$']); }); return $this->genericDetailsBuilder($variables); } /** * Generates the custom values for the * entity. * * @param array * @return array */ public function genericDetailsBuilder(array $variables): array { $elements = []; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $_variable = explode('.', $variable)[1]; $_customs = ['custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3', 'custom4']; $var = str_replace("custom", "custom_value", $_variable); if (in_array($_variable, $_customs) && !empty($this->service->config->entity->{$var})) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'tr', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $variable . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'entity_details-' . substr($variable, 1) . '_label']], ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $variable, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'entity_details-' . substr($variable, 1)]], ]]; } else { $elements[] = ['element' => 'tr', 'properties' => ['hidden' => $this->entityVariableCheck($variable)], 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $variable . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'entity_details-' . substr($variable, 1) . '_label']], ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $variable, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'entity_details-' . substr($variable, 1)]], ]]; } } return $elements; } /** * Generates the client delivery * details array * * @return array * */ public function clientDeliveryDetails(): array { $elements = []; if (!$this->service->config->client) { return $elements; } $elements = [ ['element' => 'p', 'content' => ctrans('texts.delivery_note'), 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note-label', 'style' => 'font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase']], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $this->service->config->client->name, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => '']], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $this->service->config->client->shipping_address1, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note-client.shipping_address1']], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $this->service->config->client->shipping_address2, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note-client.shipping_address2']], ['element' => 'p', 'show_empty' => false, 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => "{$this->service->config->client->shipping_city} ", 'properties' => ['ref' => 'delivery_note-client.shipping_city']], ['element' => 'span', 'content' => "{$this->service->config->client->shipping_state} ", 'properties' => ['ref' => 'delivery_note-client.shipping_state']], ['element' => 'span', 'content' => "{$this->service->config->client->shipping_postal_code} ", 'properties' => ['ref' => 'delivery_note-client.shipping_postal_code']], ]], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => optional($this->service->config->client->shipping_country)->name, 'show_empty' => false], ]; if (!is_null($this->service->config->contact)) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $this->service->config->contact->email, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => '']]; } return $elements; } /** * Generates the client details section * * @return array */ public function clientDetails(): array { $elements = []; if (!$this->service->config->client) { return $elements; } $variables = $this->service->config->pdf_variables['client_details']; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $variable, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'client_details-' . substr($variable, 1)]]; } return $elements; } public function shippingDetails(): array { $elements = []; if (!$this->service->config->client) { return $elements; } $elements = [ ['element' => 'p', 'content' => ctrans('texts.shipping_address'), 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'shipping_address-label', 'style' => 'font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase']], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $this->service->config->client->name, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => '']], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $this->service->config->client->shipping_address1, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'shipping_address-client.shipping_address1']], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $this->service->config->client->shipping_address2, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'shipping_address-client.shipping_address2']], ['element' => 'p', 'show_empty' => false, 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => "{$this->service->config->client->shipping_city} ", 'properties' => ['ref' => 'shipping_address-client.shipping_city']], ['element' => 'span', 'content' => "{$this->service->config->client->shipping_state} ", 'properties' => ['ref' => 'shipping_address-client.shipping_state']], ['element' => 'span', 'content' => "{$this->service->config->client->shipping_postal_code} ", 'properties' => ['ref' => 'shipping_address-client.shipping_postal_code']], ]], ['element' => 'p', 'content' => optional($this->service->config->client->shipping_country)->name, 'show_empty' => false], ]; return $elements; } /** * Generates the delivery note table * * @return array */ public function deliveryNoteTable(): array { /* Static array of delivery note columns*/ $thead = [ ['element' => 'th', 'content' => '$item_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note-item_label']], ['element' => 'th', 'content' => '$description_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note-description_label']], ['element' => 'th', 'content' => '$product.quantity_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note-product.quantity_label']], ]; $items = $this->transformLineItems($this->service->config->entity->line_items, $this->service->document_type); $this->processNewLines($items); $product_customs = [false, false, false, false]; foreach ($items as $row) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($product_customs); $i++) { if (!empty($row['delivery_note.delivery_note' . ($i + 1)])) { $product_customs[$i] = true; } } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($product_customs); $i++) { if ($product_customs[$i]) { array_push($thead, ['element' => 'th', 'content' => '$product.product' . ($i + 1) . '_label', 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'delivery_note-product.product' . ($i + 1) . '_label']]); } } return [ ['element' => 'thead', 'elements' => $thead], ['element' => 'tbody', 'elements' => $this->buildTableBody(PdfService::DELIVERY_NOTE)], ]; } /** * Passes an array of items by reference * and performs a nl2br * * @param array * @return void * */ public function processNewLines(array &$items): void { foreach ($items as $key => $item) { foreach ($item as $variable => $value) { $item[$variable] = str_replace("\n", '
', $value); } $items[$key] = $item; } } /** * Generates an arary of the company details * * @return array * */ public function companyDetails(): array { $variables = $this->service->config->pdf_variables['company_details']; $elements = []; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $variable, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'company_details-' . substr($variable, 1)]]; } return $elements; } /** * * Generates an array of the company address * * @return array * */ public function companyAddress(): array { $variables = $this->service->config->pdf_variables['company_address']; $elements = []; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $variable, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'company_address-' . substr($variable, 1)]]; } return $elements; } /** * * Generates an array of vendor details * * @return array * */ public function vendorDetails(): array { $elements = []; $variables = $this->service->config->pdf_variables['vendor_details']; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $variable, 'show_empty' => false, 'properties' => ['data-ref' => 'vendor_details-' . substr($variable, 1)]]; } return $elements; } //////////////////////////////////////// // Dom Traversal /////////////////////////////////////// public function getSectionNode(string $selector) { return $this->document->getElementById($selector); } public function updateElementProperties() :self { foreach ($this->sections as $element) { if (isset($element['tag'])) { $node = $this->document->getElementsByTagName($element['tag'])->item(0); } elseif (! is_null($this->document->getElementById($element['id']))) { $node = $this->document->getElementById($element['id']); } else { continue; } if (isset($element['properties'])) { foreach ($element['properties'] as $property => $value) { $this->updateElementProperty($node, $property, $value); } } if (isset($element['elements'])) { $this->createElementContent($node, $element['elements']); } } return $this; } public function updateElementProperty($element, string $attribute, ?string $value) { // We have exception for "hidden" property. // hidden="true" or hidden="false" will both hide the element, // that's why we have to create an exception here for this rule. if ($attribute == 'hidden' && ($value == false || $value == 'false')) { return $element; } $element->setAttribute($attribute, $value); if ($element->getAttribute($attribute) === $value) { return $element; } return $element; } public function createElementContent($element, $children) :self { foreach ($children as $child) { $contains_html = false; if ($child['element'] !== 'script') { if ($this->service->company->markdown_enabled && array_key_exists('content', $child)) { $child['content'] = str_replace('
', "\r", $child['content']); $child['content'] = $this->commonmark->convert($child['content'] ?? ''); } } if (isset($child['content'])) { if (isset($child['is_empty']) && $child['is_empty'] === true) { continue; } $contains_html = preg_match('#(?<=<)\w+(?=[^<]*?>)#', $child['content'], $m) != 0; } if ($contains_html) { // If the element contains the HTML, we gonna display it as is. Backend is going to // encode it for us, preventing any errors on the processing stage. // Later, we decode this using Javascript so it looks like it's normal HTML being injected. // To get all elements that need frontend decoding, we use 'data-state' property. $_child = $this->document->createElement($child['element'], ''); $_child->setAttribute('data-state', 'encoded-html'); $_child->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($child['content']); } else { // .. in case string doesn't contain any HTML, we'll just return // raw $content. $_child = $this->document->createElement($child['element'], isset($child['content']) ? htmlspecialchars($child['content']) : ''); } $element->appendChild($_child); if (isset($child['properties'])) { foreach ($child['properties'] as $property => $value) { $this->updateElementProperty($_child, $property, $value); } } if (isset($child['elements'])) { $this->createElementContent($_child, $child['elements']); } } return $this; } public function updateVariables() { $html = strtr($this->getCompiledHTML(), $this->service->html_variables['labels']); $html = strtr($html, $this->service->html_variables['values']); @$this->document->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')); $this->document->saveHTML(); return $this; } public function updateVariable(string $element, string $variable, string $value) { $element = $this->document->getElementById($element); $original = $element->nodeValue; $element->nodeValue = ''; $replaced = strtr($original, [$variable => $value]); $element->appendChild( $this->document->createTextNode($replaced) ); return $element; } public function getEmptyElements() :self { foreach ($this->sections as $element) { if (isset($element['elements'])) { $this->getEmptyChildrens($element['elements'], $this->service->html_variables); } } return $this; } public function getEmptyChildrens(array $children) { foreach ($children as $key => $child) { if (isset($child['content']) && isset($child['show_empty']) && $child['show_empty'] === false) { $value = strtr($child['content'], $this->service->html_variables['values']); if ($value === '' || $value === ' ' || $value === ' ') { $child['is_empty'] = true; } } if (isset($child['elements'])) { $this->getEmptyChildrens($child['elements']); } } return $this; } }