user; $account = $context->account; } elseif (Auth::check()) { $user = Auth::user(); $account = Auth::user()->account; } else { Utils::fatalError(); } $entity->user_id = $user->id; $entity->account_id = $account->id; // store references to the original user/account to prevent needing to reload them $entity->setRelation('user', $user); $entity->setRelation('account', $account); if (method_exists($className, 'withTrashed')){ $lastEntity = $className::withTrashed() ->scope(false, $entity->account_id); } else { $lastEntity = $className::scope(false, $entity->account_id); } $lastEntity = $lastEntity->orderBy('public_id', 'DESC') ->first(); if ($lastEntity) { $entity->public_id = $lastEntity->public_id + 1; } else { $entity->public_id = 1; } return $entity; } public static function getPrivateId($publicId) { $className = get_called_class(); return $className::scope($publicId)->withTrashed()->value('id'); } public function getActivityKey() { return '[' . $this->getEntityType().':'.$this->public_id.':'.$this->getDisplayName() . ']'; } /* public function getEntityType() { return ''; } public function getNmae() { return ''; } */ public function scopeScope($query, $publicId = false, $accountId = false) { if (!$accountId) { $accountId = Auth::user()->account_id; } $query->where($this->getTable() .'.account_id', '=', $accountId); if ($publicId) { if (is_array($publicId)) { $query->whereIn('public_id', $publicId); } else { $query->wherePublicId($publicId); } } return $query; } public function scopeViewable($query) { if (Auth::check() && ! Auth::user()->hasPermission('view_all')) { $query->where($this->getEntityType(). 's.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id); } return $query; } public function scopeWithArchived($query) { return $query->withTrashed()->where('is_deleted', '=', false); } public function getName() { return $this->public_id; } public function getDisplayName() { return $this->getName(); } public static function getClassName($entityType) { return 'App\\Models\\' . ucwords(Utils::toCamelCase($entityType)); } public static function getTransformerName($entityType) { return 'App\\Ninja\\Transformers\\' . ucwords(Utils::toCamelCase($entityType)) . 'Transformer'; } public function setNullValues() { foreach ($this->fillable as $field) { if (strstr($field, '_id') && !$this->$field) { $this->$field = null; } } } // converts "App\Models\Client" to "client_id" public function getKeyField() { $class = get_class($this); $parts = explode('\\', $class); $name = $parts[count($parts)-1]; return strtolower($name) . '_id'; } }