render('invoices.index'); } /** * Show specific invoice. * * @param ShowInvoiceRequest $request * @param Invoice $invoice * * @return Factory|View */ public function show(ShowInvoiceRequest $request, Invoice $invoice, ?string $hash = null) { set_time_limit(0); $invitation = $invoice->invitations()->where('client_contact_id', auth()->guard('contact')->user()->id)->first(); if ($invitation && auth()->guard('contact') && ! session()->get('is_silent') && ! $invitation->viewed_date) { $invitation->markViewed(); event(new InvitationWasViewed($invoice, $invitation, $invoice->company, Ninja::eventVars())); event(new InvoiceWasViewed($invitation, $invitation->company, Ninja::eventVars())); } $data = [ 'invoice' => $invoice, 'invitation' => $invitation ?: $invoice->invitations->first(), 'key' => $invitation ? $invitation->key : false, 'hash' => $hash, ]; if ($request->query('mode') === 'fullscreen') { return render('', $data); } return $this->render('', $data); } /** * Pay one or more invoices. * * @param ProcessInvoicesInBulkRequest $request * @return mixed */ public function catch_bulk() { return $this->render('invoices.index'); } public function bulk(ProcessInvoicesInBulkRequest $request) { $transformed_ids = $this->transformKeys($request->invoices); if ($request->input('action') == 'payment') { return $this->makePayment((array) $transformed_ids); } elseif ($request->input('action') == 'download') { return $this->downloadInvoices((array) $transformed_ids); } return redirect() ->back() ->with('message', ctrans('texts.no_action_provided')); } public function downloadInvoices($ids) { $data['invoices'] = Invoice::whereIn('id', $ids) ->whereClientId(auth()->guard('contact')->user()->client->id) ->withTrashed() ->get(); if (count($data['invoices']) == 0) { return back()->with(['message' => ctrans('texts.no_items_selected')]); } return $this->render('', $data); } public function download(Request $request) { $transformed_ids = $this->transformKeys($request->invoices); return $this->downloadInvoicePDF((array) $transformed_ids); } /** * @param array $ids * @return Factory|View|RedirectResponse */ private function makePayment(array $ids) { $invoices = Invoice::whereIn('id', $ids) ->whereClientId(auth()->guard('contact')->user()->client->id) ->withTrashed() ->get(); //filter invoices which are payable $invoices = $invoices->filter(function ($invoice) { return $invoice->isPayable(); }); //return early if no invoices. if ($invoices->count() == 0) { return back() ->with('message', ctrans('texts.no_payable_invoices_selected')); } //iterate and sum the payable amounts either partial or balance $total = 0; foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { if ($invoice->partial > 0) { $total += $invoice->partial; } else { $total += $invoice->balance; } } //format data $invoices->map(function ($invoice) { $invoice->service()->removeUnpaidGatewayFees(); $invoice->balance = $invoice->balance > 0 ? Number::formatValue($invoice->balance, $invoice->client->currency()) : 0; $invoice->partial = $invoice->partial > 0 ? Number::formatValue($invoice->partial, $invoice->client->currency()) : 0; return $invoice; }); //format totals $formatted_total = Number::formatMoney($total, auth()->guard('contact')->user()->client); $payment_methods = auth()->guard('contact')->user()->client->service()->getPaymentMethods($total); //if there is only one payment method -> lets return straight to the payment page $data = [ 'settings' => auth()->guard('contact')->user()->client->getMergedSettings(), 'invoices' => $invoices, 'formatted_total' => $formatted_total, 'payment_methods' => $payment_methods, 'hashed_ids' => $invoices->pluck('hashed_id'), 'total' => $total, ]; return $this->render('invoices.payment', $data); } /** * Helper function to download invoice PDFs. * * @param array $ids * * @return void */ private function downloadInvoicePDF(array $ids) { $invoices = Invoice::whereIn('id', $ids) ->withTrashed() ->whereClientId(auth()->guard('contact')->user()->client->id) ->get(); //generate pdf's of invoices locally if (! $invoices || $invoices->count() == 0) { return back()->with(['message' => ctrans('texts.no_items_selected')]); } //if only 1 pdf, output to buffer for download if ($invoices->count() == 1) { $invoice = $invoices->first(); $file = $invoice->service()->getInvoicePdf(auth()->guard('contact')->user()); // return response()->download(file_get_contents(public_path($file))); return response()->streamDownload(function () use ($file) { echo Storage::get($file); }, basename($file), ['Content-Type' => 'application/pdf']); } return $this->buildZip($invoices); } private function buildZip($invoices) { // create new archive $zipFile = new \PhpZip\ZipFile(); try { foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { //add it to the zip $zipFile->addFromString(basename($invoice->pdf_file_path()), file_get_contents($invoice->pdf_file_path(null, 'url', true))); } $filename = date('Y-m-d').'_'.str_replace(' ', '_', trans('texts.invoices')).'.zip'; $filepath = sys_get_temp_dir().'/'.$filename; $zipFile->saveAsFile($filepath) // save the archive to a file ->close(); // close archive return response()->download($filepath, $filename)->deleteFileAfterSend(true); } catch (\PhpZip\Exception\ZipException $e) { // handle exception } finally { $zipFile->close(); } } }