Invoice Settings ================ You can customize your invoice template by adding new details about the client, your company, header and footer information, adjusting the numbering format and more. Any changes you make to the Invoice Settings will apply to all your invoices. The Invoice Settings page has four sections: - Invoice and Quote Numbers - Custom Fields - Quote Settings - Default Messages Invoice and Quote Numbers """"""""""""""""""""""""" Want to create your own numbering system for invoices and quotes? To customize your invoice numbering system, click on the Invoice Number tab on the left. There are two ways to customize the invoice number: by adding a prefix or creating a pattern. To add a prefix, select the Prefix button. In the field immediately below, add your chosen prefix. For example, you may choose to add your company initials, such as M&D. The current invoice number appears in the Counter field. All your invoices will automatically include the numbering change. So if you chose the prefix M&D, your invoice numbers will appear as M&D001, and so on. 3 To create a pattern, select the Pattern button. In the pattern field, enter the custom variable of your choice. For example, if you create a pattern of {$year}-{$counter}, then your invoices will be numbered with the current year and latest invoice number. To view available options for custom patterns, click on the question mark icon at the right end of the Pattern field. All your invoices will automatically display invoice numbers according to your customized pattern. To customize your quote numbering system, click on the Quote Number tab on the right. There are two ways to customize the quote number: by adding a prefix or creating a pattern. - To add a prefix, select the Prefix button. In the field immediately below, add your chosen prefix. The prefix will appear before the quote number on all your quotes. - To create a pattern, select the Pattern button. In the pattern field, enter the custom variable of your choice. To view available options for custom patterns, click on the question mark icon at the right end of the Pattern field. 4 All your quotes will automatically display quote numbers according to your customized pattern. .. TIP:: You can choose to integrate your quote numbers with the invoice number counter. This is an important feature as it allows you to keep the same number when converting a quote to an invoice. So, Quote-001 will automatically become Invoice-001. To number your quotes with your invoice numbering system, check the Share invoice counter button. To number your quotes separately, uncheck the Share invoice counter button. 5 Custom Fields """"""""""""" You can create new fields for your client entries, company details and invoices by assigning new field values and labels in the Custom Fields section. All field changes will automatically appear in the PDF invoice. Client Fields ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To add fields to your client entries, click on the Client Fields tab. You have the option of adding one or two new fields which will appear on the Client/Create and Client/Edit pages. When creating or editing a client, complete these fields if they are relevant to the client. The field name and information you enter will appear in the Client details section of the PDF invoice. Company Fields ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To add fields to your company details, click on the Company Fields tab. Enter the Field Label and Field Value information in the relevant fields. The information you enter will automatically appear in the Company details section of the PDF invoice. Invoice Fields ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Want to include customized information in your invoices? To add fields to your invoice entry, click on the Invoice Fields tab. Enter the new field name in the Field Label field. You can add one or two new invoice fields. The new fields will appear in the top part of the Create/Invoice page, and will automatically be included in the PDF invoice. Invoice Charges ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To add new invoice charge fields, click on the Invoice Charge tab. Enter the new charge in the fields provided. You can add one or two new invoice charge fields. The new charge field/s will appear in the Invoice Subtotals section. Amounts entered into these fields during the Create or Edit Invoice process will automatically appear in the PDF invoice. To apply the Tax feature for the new charge, check the Charge tax button. Quote Settings """""""""""""" Want to convert accepted quotes into invoices at a click of a button? Check the Enable button and the auto convert function will apply. So, when a client approves a quote, it will automatically convert into a quote, saving you time and hassle. .. TIP:: This feature is extra-helpful if you linked your quote and invoice number counters in the Invoice and Quote Numbers section of the Invoice Settings page. To disable the auto convert function, uncheck the Enable button. Default Messages """""""""""""""" Set any customized default text you want to Invoice Terms, Invoice Footer and Quote Terms. Completed all your Invoice Settings? Click the green Save button at the bottom of the page, and your customized changes will appear on all your invoices.