transaction(function () use ($amount) { $this->client = Client::withTrashed()->where('id', $this->client->id)->lockForUpdate()->first(); $this->client->balance += $amount; $this->client->saveQuietly(); }, 2); } catch (\Throwable $throwable) { nlog("DB ERROR " . $throwable->getMessage()); } return $this; } public function updateBalanceAndPaidToDate(float $balance, float $paid_to_date) { try { DB::connection(config('database.default'))->transaction(function () use ($balance, $paid_to_date) { $this->client = Client::withTrashed()->where('id', $this->client->id)->lockForUpdate()->first(); $this->client->balance += $balance; $this->client->paid_to_date += $paid_to_date; $this->client->saveQuietly(); }, 2); } catch (\Throwable $throwable) { nlog("DB ERROR " . $throwable->getMessage()); } return $this; } public function updatePaidToDate(float $amount) { DB::connection(config('database.default'))->transaction(function () use ($amount) { $this->client = Client::withTrashed()->where('id', $this->client->id)->lockForUpdate()->first(); $this->client->paid_to_date += $amount; $this->client->saveQuietly(); }, 2); return $this; } public function adjustCreditBalance(float $amount) { $this->client->credit_balance += $amount; return $this; } public function getCreditBalance() :float { $credits = Credit::withTrashed()->where('client_id', $this->client->id) ->where('is_deleted', false) ->where(function ($query) { $query->whereDate('due_date', '<=', now()->format('Y-m-d')) ->orWhereNull('due_date'); }) ->orderBy('created_at', 'ASC'); return Number::roundValue($credits->sum('balance'), $this->client->currency()->precision); } public function getCredits() { return Credit::where('client_id', $this->client->id) ->where('is_deleted', false) ->where('balance', '>', 0) ->where(function ($query) { $query->whereDate('due_date', '<=', now()->format('Y-m-d')) ->orWhereNull('due_date'); }) ->orderBy('created_at', 'ASC')->get(); } public function getPaymentMethods(float $amount) { return (new PaymentMethod($this->client, $amount))->run(); } public function merge(Client $mergable_client) { $this->client = (new Merge($this->client, $mergable_client))->run(); return $this; } /** * Generate the client statement. * * @param array $options * @param bool $send_email determines if we should send this statement direct to the client */ public function statement(array $options = [], bool $send_email = false) { $statement = (new Statement($this->client, $options)); $pdf = $statement->run(); if ($send_email) { return $this->emailStatement($pdf, $statement->options); } return $pdf; } /** * Emails the statement to the client * * @param mixed $pdf The pdf blob * @param array $options The statement options array * @return void */ private function emailStatement($pdf, array $options): void { $this->client_start_date = $this->translateDate($options['start_date'], $this->client->date_format(), $this->client->locale()); $this->client_end_date = $this->translateDate($options['end_date'], $this->client->date_format(), $this->client->locale()); // $email_service = new EmailService($this->buildStatementMailableData($pdf), $this->client->company); // $email_service->send(); $email_object = $this->buildStatementMailableData($pdf); Email::dispatch($email_object, $this->client->company); } /** * Builds and returns an EmailObject for Client Statements * * @param mixed $pdf The PDF to send * @return EmailObject The EmailObject to send */ public function buildStatementMailableData($pdf) :EmailObject { $email_object = new EmailObject; $email_object->to = [new Address($this->client->present()->email(), $this->client->present()->name())]; $email_object->attachments = [['file' => base64_encode($pdf), 'name' => ctrans('texts.statement') . ".pdf"]]; $email_object->client_id = $this->client->id; $email_object->email_template_subject = 'email_subject_statement'; $email_object->email_template_body = 'email_template_statement'; $email_object->variables = [ '$client' => $this->client->present()->name(), '$start_date' => $this->client_start_date, '$end_date' => $this->client_end_date, ]; return $email_object; } /** * Saves the client instance * * @return Client The Client Model */ public function save() :Client { $this->client->saveQuietly(); return $this->client->fresh(); } }