makeTestData(); } public function testImportClassExists() { $status = class_exists('App\Jobs\Util\Import'); $this->assertTrue($status); } /** * Ensure exception is thrown when resource * is not available for the migration. */ public function testExceptionOnUnavailableResource() { try { $data['panda_bears'] = [ 'name' => 'Awesome Panda Bear', ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); } catch (ResourceNotAvailableForMigration $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } } public function testCompanyUpdating() { $original_company_key = $this->company->company_key; $data['company'] = [ 'company_key' => 0, ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertNotEquals($original_company_key, $this->company->company_key); } public function testTaxRatesInserting() { $total_tax_rates = TaxRate::count(); $data['tax_rates'] = [ 0 => [ 'name' => 'My awesome tax rate 1', 'rate' => '1.000', ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertNotEquals($total_tax_rates, TaxRate::count()); } public function testTaxRateUniqueValidation() { $original_number = TaxRate::count(); try { $data['tax_rates'] = [ 0 => [ 'name' => '', 'rate' => '1.000', ], 1 => [ 'name' => 'My awesome tax rate 1', 'rate' => '1.000', ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); } catch (MigrationValidatorFailed $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } $this->assertEquals($original_number, TaxRate::count()); } public function testUsersImporting() { $original_number = User::count(); $data['users'] = [ 0 => [ 'id' => 1, 'first_name' => 'David', 'last_name' => 'IN', 'email' => '', ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, User::count()); } public function testUserValidator() { $original_number = User::count(); try { $data['users'] = [ 0 => [ 'id' => 1, 'first_name' => 'David', 'last_name' => 'IN', 'email' => '', ], 1 => [ 'id' => 2, 'first_name' => 'Someone', 'last_name' => 'Else', 'email' => '', ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); } catch (MigrationValidatorFailed $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } $this->assertEquals($original_number, User::count()); } public function testClientImporting() { $original_number = Client::count(); $data['users'] = [ 0 => [ 'id' => 1, 'first_name' => 'David', 'last_name' => 'IN', 'email' => '', ], 1 => [ 'id' => 2, 'first_name' => 'Someone', 'last_name' => 'Else', 'email' => '', ] ]; $data['clients'] = [ 0 => [ 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'My awesome client', 'balance' => '0.00', 'user_id' => 1, ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Client::count()); } public function testProductsImporting() { $original_number = Product::count(); $data['products'] = [ 0 => [ "company_id" => 1, "user_id" => 1, "custom_value1" => null, "custom_value2" => null, "product_key" => "et", "notes" => "Natus repudiandae occaecati odit est aliquam reiciendis. Nihil sit praesentium excepturi provident nostrum sint. In fugit a dicta voluptas neque quo vel ullam.", "cost" => "5.0000", "quantity" => "0.0000", "tax_name1" => null, "tax_name2" => null, "tax_rate1" => "0.000", "tax_rate2" => "0.000", "created_at" => "2020-01-22", "updated_at" => "2020-01-22", "deleted_at" => null ], ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Product::count()); } public function testInvoicesFailsWithoutClient() { try { $data['invoices'] = [ 0 => [ 'client_id' => 1, 'is_amount_discount' => false, ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); } catch (ResourceDependencyMissing $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } } public function testInvoicesImporting() { $original_number = Invoice::count(); $data['clients'] = [ 0 => [ 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'My awesome client', 'balance' => '0.00', 'user_id' => 1, ] ]; $data['invoices'] = [ 0 => [ 'id' => 1, 'client_id' => 1, 'discount' => '0.00', ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Invoice::count()); Invoice::where('id', '>=', '0')->forceDelete(); $this->assertEquals(0, Invoice::count()); } public function testQuotesFailsWithoutClient() { try { $data['quotes'] = [ 0 => [ 'client_id' => 1, 'is_amount_discount' => false, ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); } catch (ResourceDependencyMissing $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } } public function testQuotesImporting() { $original_number = Quote::count(); $data['clients'] = [ 0 => [ 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'My awesome client', 'balance' => '0.00', 'user_id' => 1, ] ]; $data['quotes'] = [ 0 => [ 'client_id' => 1, 'discount' => '0.00', ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Quote::count()); } public function testImportFileExists() { $migration_file = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json'; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($migration_file)); $migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1); $this->assertGreaterThan(1, count($migration_array)); } public function testAllImport() { //$this->makeTestData(); $this->invoice->forceDelete(); $migration_file = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json'; $migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1); Import::dispatchNow($migration_array, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertTrue(true); } public function testClientAttributes() { $original_number = Client::count(); $random_balance = rand(0, 10); $data['clients'] = [ 0 => [ 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'My awesome unique client', 'balance' => $random_balance, 'user_id' => 1, ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); $client = Client::where('name', 'My awesome unique client') ->where('balance', $random_balance) ->first(); // Originally was checked with ClientContact::whereEmail() but it throws 'array to string conversion' on insert. $this->assertNotNull($client); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Client::count()); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(0, $client->balance); } public function testInvoiceImporting() { $original_number = Invoice::count(); $this->invoice->forceDelete(); $migration_file = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json'; $migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1); Import::dispatchNow($migration_array, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Invoice::count()); } public function testInvoiceAttributes() { $original_number = Invoice::count(); $this->invoice->forceDelete(); $migration_file = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json'; $migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1); Import::dispatchNow($migration_array, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Invoice::count()); $invoice_1 = Invoice::whereNumber('0001') // ->where('discount', '0.00') // ->where('date', '2020-03-18') ->first(); $invoice_2 = Invoice::whereNumber('0018') // ->where('discount', '0.00') // ->where('date', '2019-10-15') ->first(); $this->assertNotNull($invoice_1); $this->assertNotNull($invoice_2); $this->assertEquals('13.5000', $invoice_1->amount); $this->assertEquals('67.4100', $invoice_2->amount); $this->assertEquals('8.4900', $invoice_1->balance); $this->assertEquals('50.4200', $invoice_2->balance); } public function testQuoteAttributes() { $original_number = Quote::count(); $this->invoice->forceDelete(); $migration_file = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json'; $migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1); Import::dispatchNow($migration_array, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_number, Invoice::count()); \Log::error(Quote::all()); $quote = Quote::whereNumber('0021') ->whereDiscount('0.00') ->first(); $this->assertNotNull($quote); $this->assertEquals('0.0000', $quote->amount); $this->assertEquals('0.0000', $quote->balance); } public function testPaymentsImport() { $original_count = Payment::count(); $this->invoice->forceDelete(); $migration_file = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json'; $migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1); Import::dispatchNow($migration_array, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_count, Payment::count()); } public function testPaymentDependsOnClient() { try { $data['payments'] = [ 0 => [ 'client_id' => 1, 'amount' => 1, ] ]; Import::dispatchNow($data, $this->company, $this->user); } catch (ResourceDependencyMissing $e) { $this->assertTrue(true); } } public function testQuotesImport() { $original_count = Credit::count(); $this->invoice->forceDelete(); $migration_file = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json'; $migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1); Import::dispatchNow($migration_array, $this->company, $this->user); $this->assertGreaterThan($original_count, Credit::count()); } public function testMigrationFileExists() { $migration_archive = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/'; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($migration_archive)); } public function testMigrationFileBeingExtracted() { $migration_archive = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/'; StartMigration::dispatchNow($migration_archive, $this->user, $this->company); $extracted_archive = storage_path("migrations/migration"); $migration_file = storage_path("migrations/migration/migration.json"); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($extracted_archive)); $this->assertTrue(is_dir($extracted_archive)); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($migration_file)); } public function testValidityOfImportedData() { $this->invoice->forceDelete(); $migration_file = base_path() . '/tests/Unit/Migration/migration.json'; $migration_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($migration_file), 1); Import::dispatchNow($migration_array, $this->company, $this->user); $differences = []; foreach ($migration_array['users'] as $key => $user) { $record = User::whereEmail($user['email'])->first(); if (!$record) { $differences['users']['missing'][] = $user['email']; } } foreach ($migration_array['tax_rates'] as $key => $tax_rate) { $record = TaxRate::whereName($tax_rate['name']) ->where('rate', $tax_rate['rate']) ->first(); if (!$record) { $differences['tax_rates']['missing'][] = $tax_rate['name']; } } foreach ($migration_array['clients'] as $key => $client) { $record = Client::whereName($client['name']) ->whereCity($client['city']) ->first(); if (!$record) { $differences['clients']['missing'][] = $client['name']; } } /* foreach ($migration_array['products'] as $key => $product) { $record = Product::where('product_key', $product['product_key']) ->where('quantity', $product['quantity']) ->first(); if (!$record) { $differences['products']['missing'][] = $product['notes']; } } */ foreach ($migration_array['invoices'] as $key => $invoices) { $record = Invoice::whereNumber($invoices['number']) ->whereIsAmountDiscount($invoices['is_amount_discount']) ->whereDueDate($invoices['due_date']) ->first(); if (!$record) { $differences['invoices']['missing'][] = $invoices['id']; } } foreach ($migration_array['quotes'] as $key => $quote) { $record = Quote::whereNumber($quote['number']) ->whereIsAmountDiscount($quote['is_amount_discount']) ->whereDueDate($quote['due_date']) ->first(); if (!$record) { $differences['quotes']['missing'][] = $quote['id']; } } foreach ($migration_array['payments'] as $key => $payment) { $record = Payment::whereAmount($payment['amount']) ->whereApplied($payment['applied']) ->whereRefunded($payment['refunded']) ->first(); if (!$record) { $differences['quotes']['missing'][] = $payment['id']; } } /*foreach ($migration_array['credits'] as $key => $credit) { $record = Credit::where('number', $credit['number']) ->where('date', $credit['date']) ->first(); if (!$record) { $differences['credits']['missing'][] = $credit['id']; } }*/ $this->assertCount(0, $differences); } }