Company: properties: id: description: "The unique hashed identifier for the company" type: string example: WJxbojagwO size_id: description: "The unique identifier representing the company's size category" type: string example: '2' industry_id: description: "The unique identifier representing the company's industry category" type: string example: '5' slack_webhook_url: description: "The URL for the company's Slack webhook notifications" type: string example: '' google_analytics_key: description: "The company's Google Analytics tracking ID" type: string example: 'UA-123456789-1' portal_mode: description: "The mode determining how client-facing URLs are structured (e.g., subdomain, domain, or iframe)" type: string example: subdomain subdomain: description: "The subdomain prefix for the company's domain (e.g., 'acme' in" type: string example: acme portal_domain: description: "The fully qualified domain used for client-facing URLs" type: string example: '' enabled_tax_rates: description: "The number of tax rates used per entity" type: integer example: '2' fill_products: description: "A flag determining whether to auto-fill product descriptions based on the product key" type: boolean example: true convert_products: description: "A flag determining whether to convert products between different types or units" type: boolean example: true update_products: description: "A flag determining whether to update product descriptions when the description changes" type: boolean example: true show_product_details: description: "A flag determining whether to display product details in the user interface" type: boolean example: true show_product_cost: description: "A flag determining whether to display product cost is shown in the user interface" type: boolean example: true custom_fields: description: "A mapping of custom fields for various objects within the company" type: object enable_product_cost: description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product cost field in the user interface" type: boolean example: true enable_product_quantity: description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product quantity field in the user interface" type: boolean example: true default_quantity: description: "A flag determining whether to use a default quantity for products" type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_taxes1: description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the first custom surcharge field" type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_taxes2: description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the second custom surcharge field" type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_taxes3: description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the third custom surcharge field" type: boolean example: true custom_surcharge_taxes4: description: "A flag determining whether to apply taxes on custom surcharge amounts for the fourth custom" logo: description: "The company logo file in binary format" type: string format: binary example: logo.png company_key: description: "The static company key hash used to identify the Company" readOnly: true type: string example: "Vnb14bRlwiFjc5ckte6cfbygTRkn5IMQ" client_can_register: description: "A flag determining whether clients can register for the client portal" type: boolean example: true enabled_modules: type: integer description: | Bitmask representation of the modules that are enabled in the application ``` self::ENTITY_RECURRING_INVOICE => 1, self::ENTITY_CREDIT => 2, self::ENTITY_QUOTE => 4, self::ENTITY_TASK => 8, self::ENTITY_EXPENSE => 16, self::ENTITY_PROJECT => 32, self::ENTITY_VENDOR => 64, self::ENTITY_TICKET => 128, self::ENTITY_PROPOSAL => 256, self::ENTITY_RECURRING_EXPENSE => 512, self::ENTITY_RECURRING_TASK => 1024, self::ENTITY_RECURRING_QUOTE => 2048, ``` The default per_page value is 20. example: 2048 db: readOnly: true type: string example: 'db-ninja-01' first_day_of_week: description: "The first day of the week for the company" type: string example: '1' first_month_of_year: description: "The first month for the company financial year" type: string example: '1' enabled_item_tax_rates: description: "The number of tax rates used per item" type: integer example: 2 is_large: description: "A flag determining whether the company is considered large" type: boolean example: true default_auto_bill: type: enum example: 'always' description: | A flag determining whether to auto-bill clients by default values: - always - Always auto bill - disabled - Never auto bill - optin - Allow the client to select their auto bill status with the default being disabled - optout -Allow the client to select their auto bill status with the default being enabled mark_expenses_invoiceable: description: "A flag determining whether to mark expenses as invoiceable by default" type: boolean example: true mark_expenses_paid: description: "A flag determining whether to mark expenses as paid by default" type: boolean example: true invoice_expense_documents: description: "A flag determining whether to include expense documents on invoices by default" type: boolean example: true auto_start_tasks: description: "A flag determining whether to auto-start tasks by default" type: boolean example: true invoice_task_timelog: description: "A flag determining whether to include task time logs on invoices by default" type: boolean example: true invoice_task_documents: description: "A flag determining whether to include task documents on invoices by default" type: boolean example: true show_tasks_table: description: "A flag determining whether to show the tasks table on invoices by default" type: boolean example: true is_disabled: description: "A flag determining whether the company is disabled" type: boolean example: true default_task_is_date_based: description: "A flag determining whether to default tasks to be date-based" type: boolean example: true enable_product_discount: description: "A flag determining whether to show or hide the product discount field in the user interface" type: boolean example: true calculate_expense_tax_by_amount: description: "A flag determining whether to calculate expense taxes by amount" type: boolean example: true expense_inclusive_taxes: description: "A flag determining whether to include taxes in the expense amount" type: boolean example: true session_timeout: description: "The session timeout for the company" type: integer example: 60 oauth_password_required: description: "A flag determining whether to require a password for `dangerous` actions when using OAuth" type: boolean example: true invoice_task_datelog: description: "A flag determining whether to include task date logs on invoices by default" type: boolean example: true default_password_timeout: description: "The default password timeout for the company" type: integer example: 60 show_task_end_date: description: "A flag determining whether to show the task end date on invoices by default" type: boolean example: true markdown_enabled: description: "A flag determining whether markdown is enabled for the company" type: boolean example: true report_include_drafts: description: "A flag determining whether to include draft invoices in reports" type: boolean example: true client_registration_fields: description: "The client registration fields for the company" type: object stop_on_unpaid_recurring: description: "A flag determining whether to stop recurring invoices when they are unpaid" type: boolean example: true use_quote_terms_on_conversion: description: "A flag determining whether to use quote terms on conversion to an invoice" type: boolean example: true enable_applying_payments: description: "A flag determining whether to enable applying payments to invoices" type: boolean example: true track_inventory: description: "A flag determining whether to track inventory for the company" type: boolean example: true inventory_notification_threshold: description: "The inventory notification threshold for the company" type: integer example: 60 stock_notification: description: "A flag determining whether to send stock notifications for the company" type: boolean example: true matomo_url: description: "The Matomo URL for the company" type: string example: '' matomo_id: description: "The Matomo ID for the company" type: string example: '1' enabled_expense_tax_rates: description: "The number of tax rates used per expense" type: integer example: 2 invoice_task_project: description: "A flag determining whether to include the project on invoices by default" type: boolean example: true report_include_deleted: description: "A flag determining whether to include deleted invoices in reports" type: boolean example: true invoice_task_lock: description: "A flag determining whether to lock tasks when invoiced" type: boolean example: true convert_payment_currency: description: "A flag determining whether to convert the payment currency" type: boolean example: true convert_expense_currency: description: "A flag determining whether to convert the expense currency" type: boolean example: true notify_vendor_when_paid: description: "A flag determining whether to notify the vendor when an expense is paid" type: boolean example: true invoice_task_hours: description: "A flag determining whether to include the task hours on invoices by default" type: boolean example: true calculate_taxes: description: "A flag determining whether to calculate taxes for the company" type: boolean example: true tax_data: description: "The tax data for the company" type: object e_invoice_certificate: description: "The e-invoice certificate for the company" type: string example: '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' e_invoice_certificate_passphrase: description: "The e-invoice certificate passphrase for the company" type: string example: 'secret' origin_tax_data: description: "The origin tax data for the company" type: object invoice_task_project_header: description: "A flag determining whether to include the project header on invoices by default" type: boolean example: true invoice_task_item_description: description: "A flag determining whether to include the item description on invoices by default" type: boolean example: true settings: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CompanySettings' type: object