'paypal', 1 => 'card', 25 => 'venmo', // 9 => 'sepa', // 12 => 'bancontact', // 17 => 'eps', // 15 => 'giropay', // 13 => 'ideal', // 26 => 'mercadopago', // 27 => 'mybank', 28 => 'paylater', // 16 => 'p24', // 7 => 'sofort' ]; /** * Return an array of * enabled gateway payment methods * * @return array */ public function gatewayTypes(): array { return collect($this->company_gateway->fees_and_limits) ->filter(function ($fee) { return $fee->is_enabled; })->map(function ($fee, $key) { return (int)$key; })->toArray(); } private function getPaymentMethod($gateway_type_id): int { $method = PaymentType::PAYPAL; match($gateway_type_id) { "1" => $method = PaymentType::CREDIT_CARD_OTHER, "3" => $method = PaymentType::PAYPAL, "25" => $method = PaymentType::VENMO, "28" => $method = PaymentType::PAY_LATER, }; return $method; } private function getFundingOptions(): string { $enums = [ 1 => 'card', 3 => 'paypal', 25 => 'venmo', 28 => 'paylater', // 9 => 'sepa', // 12 => 'bancontact', // 17 => 'eps', // 15 => 'giropay', // 13 => 'ideal', // 26 => 'mercadopago', // 27 => 'mybank', // 28 => 'paylater', // 16 => 'p24', // 7 => 'sofort' ]; $funding_options = ''; foreach($this->company_gateway->fees_and_limits as $key => $value) { if($value->is_enabled) { $funding_options .= $enums[$key].','; } } return rtrim($funding_options, ','); } /** * Initialize the Paypal gateway. * * Attempt to generate and return the access token. * * @return self */ public function init(): self { $this->api_endpoint_url = 'https://api-m.paypal.com'; // $this->api_endpoint_url = 'https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com'; $secret = config('ninja.paypal.secret'); $client_id = config('ninja.paypal.client_id'); if($this->access_token && $this->token_expiry && $this->token_expiry->isFuture()) { return $this; } $response = Http::withBasicAuth($client_id, $secret) ->withHeaders(['Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded']) ->withQueryParameters(['grant_type' => 'client_credentials']) ->post("{$this->api_endpoint_url}/v1/oauth2/token"); if($response->successful()) { $this->access_token = $response->json()['access_token']; $this->token_expiry = now()->addSeconds($response->json()['expires_in'] - 60); } else { throw new PaymentFailed('Unable to gain access token from Paypal. Check your configuration', 401); } return $this; } /** * Payment method setter * * @param mixed $payment_method_id * @return self */ public function setPaymentMethod($payment_method_id): self { if(!$payment_method_id) { return $this; } $this->gateway_type_id = $payment_method_id; $this->paypal_payment_method = $this->funding_options[$payment_method_id]; return $this; } public function authorizeView($payment_method) { // PayPal doesn't support direct authorization. return $this; } public function authorizeResponse($request) { // PayPal doesn't support direct authorization. return $this; } /** * Checks whether payments are enabled on the account * * @return self */ private function checkPaymentsReceivable(): self { if($this->company_gateway->getConfigField('status') != 'activated') { if (class_exists(\Modules\Admin\Services\PayPal\PayPalService::class)) { $pp = new \Modules\Admin\Services\PayPal\PayPalService($this->company_gateway->company, $this->company_gateway->user); $pp->updateMerchantStatus($this->company_gateway); $this->company_gateway = $this->company_gateway->fresh(); $config = $this->company_gateway->getConfig(); if($config->status == 'activated') { return $this; } } throw new PaymentFailed('Unable to accept payments at this time, please contact PayPal for more information.', 401); } return $this; } /** * Presents the Payment View to the client * * @param mixed $data * @return void */ public function processPaymentView($data) { $this->init()->checkPaymentsReceivable(); $data['gateway'] = $this; $this->payment_hash->data = array_merge((array) $this->payment_hash->data, ['amount' => $data['total']['amount_with_fee']]); $this->payment_hash->save(); $data['client_id'] = config('ninja.paypal.client_id'); $data['token'] = $this->getClientToken(); $data['order_id'] = $this->createOrder($data); $data['funding_source'] = $this->paypal_payment_method; $data['gateway_type_id'] = $this->gateway_type_id; $data['merchantId'] = $this->company_gateway->getConfigField('merchantId'); $data['currency'] = $this->client->currency()->code; // nlog($data['merchantId']); return render('gateways.paypal.ppcp.pay', $data); } /** * Processes the payment response * * @param mixed $request * @return void */ public function processPaymentResponse($request) { $request['gateway_response'] = str_replace("Error: ", "", $request['gateway_response']); $response = json_decode($request['gateway_response'], true); //capture $orderID = $response['orderID']; if($this->company_gateway->require_shipping_address) { $shipping_data = [[ "op" => "replace", "path" => "/purchase_units/@reference_id=='default'/shipping/address", "value" => [ "address_line_1" => strlen($this->client->shipping_address1) > 1 ? $this->client->shipping_address1 : $this->client->address1, "address_line_2" => $this->client->shipping_address2, "admin_area_2" => strlen($this->client->shipping_city) > 1 ? $this->client->shipping_city : $this->client->city, "admin_area_1" => strlen($this->client->shipping_state) > 1 ? $this->client->shipping_state : $this->client->state, "postal_code" => strlen($this->client->shipping_postal_code) > 1 ? $this->client->shipping_postal_code : $this->client->postal_code, "country_code" => $this->client->present()->shipping_country_code(), ], ]]; $r = $this->gatewayRequest("/v2/checkout/orders/{$orderID}", 'patch', $shipping_data); } $r = $this->gatewayRequest("/v2/checkout/orders/{$orderID}/capture", 'post', ['body' => '']); $response = $r; if(isset($response['status']) && $response['status'] == 'COMPLETED' && isset($response['purchase_units'])) { $data = [ 'payment_type' => $this->getPaymentMethod($request->gateway_type_id), 'amount' => $response['purchase_units'][0]['payments']['captures'][0]['amount']['value'], 'transaction_reference' => $response['purchase_units'][0]['payments']['captures'][0]['id'], 'gateway_type_id' => GatewayType::PAYPAL, ]; $payment = $this->createPayment($data, \App\Models\Payment::STATUS_COMPLETED); SystemLogger::dispatch( ['response' => $response, 'data' => $data], SystemLog::CATEGORY_GATEWAY_RESPONSE, SystemLog::EVENT_GATEWAY_SUCCESS, SystemLog::TYPE_PAYPAL, $this->client, $this->client->company, ); return redirect()->route('client.payments.show', ['payment' => $this->encodePrimaryKey($payment->id)]); } else { if(isset($response['headers']) ?? false) { unset($response['headers']); } SystemLogger::dispatch( ['response' => $response], SystemLog::CATEGORY_GATEWAY_RESPONSE, SystemLog::EVENT_GATEWAY_FAILURE, SystemLog::TYPE_PAYPAL, $this->client, $this->client->company, ); $message = $response['body']['details'][0]['description'] ?? 'Payment failed. Please try again.'; throw new PaymentFailed($message, 400); } } public function getOrder(string $order_id) { $this->init(); $r = $this->gatewayRequest("/v2/checkout/orders/{$order_id}", 'get', ['body' => '']); return $r->json(); } /** * Generates a client token for the payment form. * * @return string */ private function getClientToken(): string { $r = $this->gatewayRequest('/v1/identity/generate-token', 'post', ['body' => '']); if($r->successful()) { return $r->json()['client_token']; } throw new PaymentFailed('Unable to gain client token from Paypal. Check your configuration', 401); } /** * Builds the payment request. * * @return array */ private function paymentSource(): array { /** we only need to support paypal as payment source until as we are only using hosted payment buttons */ return $this->injectPayPalPaymentSource(); } private function injectPayPalPaymentSource(): array { return [ "paypal" => [ "name" => [ "given_name" => $this->client->present()->first_name(), "surname" => $this->client->present()->last_name(), ], "email_address" => $this->client->present()->email(), "address" => $this->getBillingAddress(), "experience_context" => [ "user_action" => "PAY_NOW" ], ], ]; } /** * Creates the PayPal Order object * * @param array $data * @return string */ private function createOrder(array $data): string { $_invoice = collect($this->payment_hash->data->invoices)->first(); $invoice = Invoice::withTrashed()->find($this->decodePrimaryKey($_invoice->invoice_id)); $description = collect($invoice->line_items)->map(function ($item) { return $item->notes; })->implode("\n"); $order = [ "intent" => "CAPTURE", "payment_source" => $this->paymentSource(), "purchase_units" => [ [ "custom_id" => $this->payment_hash->hash, "description" => ctrans('texts.invoice_number').'# '.$invoice->number, "invoice_id" => $invoice->number, "payee" => [ "merchant_id" => $this->company_gateway->getConfigField('merchantId'), ], "payment_instruction" => [ "disbursement_mode" => "INSTANT", ], $this->getShippingAddress(), "amount" => [ "value" => (string)$data['amount_with_fee'], "currency_code" => $this->client->currency()->code, "breakdown" => [ "item_total" => [ "currency_code" => $this->client->currency()->code, "value" => (string)$data['amount_with_fee'] ] ] ], "items" => [ [ "name" => ctrans('texts.invoice_number').'# '.$invoice->number, "description" => mb_substr($description, 0, 127), "quantity" => "1", "unit_amount" => [ "currency_code" => $this->client->currency()->code, "value" => (string)$data['amount_with_fee'] ], ], ], ], ] ]; if($shipping = $this->getShippingAddress()) { $order['purchase_units'][0]["shipping"] = $shipping; } $r = $this->gatewayRequest('/v2/checkout/orders', 'post', $order); // nlog($r->json()); return $r->json()['id']; } private function getBillingAddress(): array { return [ "address_line_1" => $this->client->address1, "address_line_2" => $this->client->address2, "admin_area_2" => $this->client->city, "admin_area_1" => $this->client->state, "postal_code" => $this->client->postal_code, "country_code" => $this->client->country->iso_3166_2, ]; } private function getShippingAddress(): ?array { return $this->company_gateway->require_shipping_address ? [ "address" => [ "address_line_1" => strlen($this->client->shipping_address1) > 1 ? $this->client->shipping_address1 : $this->client->address1, "address_line_2" => $this->client->shipping_address2, "admin_area_2" => strlen($this->client->shipping_city) > 1 ? $this->client->shipping_city : $this->client->city, "admin_area_1" => strlen($this->client->shipping_state) > 1 ? $this->client->shipping_state : $this->client->state, "postal_code" => strlen($this->client->shipping_postal_code) > 1 ? $this->client->shipping_postal_code : $this->client->postal_code, "country_code" => $this->client->present()->shipping_country_code(), ], ] : null; } /** * Generates the gateway request * * @param string $uri * @param string $verb * @param array $data * @param ?array $headers * @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response */ public function gatewayRequest(string $uri, string $verb, array $data, ?array $headers = []) { $this->init(); $r = Http::withToken($this->access_token) ->withHeaders($this->getHeaders($headers)) ->{$verb}("{$this->api_endpoint_url}{$uri}", $data); if($r->successful()) { return $r; } SystemLogger::dispatch( ['response' => $r->body()], SystemLog::CATEGORY_GATEWAY_RESPONSE, SystemLog::EVENT_GATEWAY_FAILURE, SystemLog::TYPE_PAYPAL, $this->client, $this->client->company, ); throw new PaymentFailed("Gateway failure - {$r->body()}", 401); } /** * Generates the request headers * * @param array $headers * @return array */ private function getHeaders(array $headers = []): array { return array_merge([ 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-type' => 'application/json', 'Accept-Language' => 'en_US', 'PayPal-Partner-Attribution-Id' => 'invoiceninja_SP_PPCP', 'PayPal-Request-Id' => Str::uuid()->toString(), ], $headers); } public function processWebhookRequest(Request $request) { // nlog(json_encode($request->all())); $this->init(); PayPalWebhook::dispatch($request->all(), $request->headers->all(), $this->access_token); } }