'amount', 'balance' => 'balance', 'client' => 'client_id', 'custom_surcharge1' => 'custom_surcharge1', 'custom_surcharge2' => 'custom_surcharge2', 'custom_surcharge3' => 'custom_surcharge3', 'custom_surcharge4' => 'custom_surcharge4', 'custom_value1' => 'custom_value1', 'custom_value2' => 'custom_value2', 'custom_value3' => 'custom_value3', 'custom_value4' => 'custom_value4', 'date' => 'date', 'discount' => 'discount', 'due_date' => 'due_date', 'exchange_rate' => 'exchange_rate', 'footer' => 'footer', 'number' => 'number', 'paid_to_date' => 'paid_to_date', 'partial' => 'partial', 'partial_due_date' => 'partial_due_date', 'po_number' => 'po_number', 'private_notes' => 'private_notes', 'public_notes' => 'public_notes', 'status' => 'status_id', 'tax_name1' => 'tax_name1', 'tax_name2' => 'tax_name2', 'tax_name3' => 'tax_name3', 'tax_rate1' => 'tax_rate1', 'tax_rate2' => 'tax_rate2', 'tax_rate3' => 'tax_rate3', 'terms' => 'terms', 'total_taxes' => 'total_taxes', 'currency' => 'currency_id', 'quantity' => 'item.quantity', 'cost' => 'item.cost', 'product_key' => 'item.product_key', 'buy_price' => 'item.product_cost', 'cost' => 'item.cost', 'notes' => 'item.notes', 'discount' => 'item.discount', 'is_amount_discount' => 'item.is_amount_discount', 'tax_rate1' => 'item.tax_rate1', 'tax_rate2' => 'item.tax_rate2', 'tax_rate3' => 'item.tax_rate3', 'tax_name1' => 'item.tax_name1', 'tax_name2' => 'item.tax_name2', 'tax_name3' => 'item.tax_name3', 'line_total' => 'item.line_total', 'gross_line_total' => 'item.gross_line_total', 'quote1' => 'item.custom_value1', 'quote2' => 'item.custom_value2', 'quote3' => 'item.custom_value3', 'quote4' => 'item.custom_value4', 'tax_category' => 'item.tax_id', 'type' => 'item.type_id', ]; private array $decorate_keys = [ 'client', 'currency', ]; public function __construct(Company $company, array $input) { $this->company = $company; $this->input = $input; $this->quote_transformer = new QuoteTransformer(); } public function run() { MultiDB::setDb($this->company->db); App::forgetInstance('translator'); App::setLocale($this->company->locale()); $t = app('translator'); $t->replace(Ninja::transformTranslations($this->company->settings)); //load the CSV document from a string $this->csv = Writer::createFromString(); if (count($this->input['report_keys']) == 0) { $this->input['report_keys'] = array_values($this->entity_keys); } //insert the header $this->csv->insertOne($this->buildHeader()); $query = Quote::query() ->withTrashed() ->with('client')->where('company_id', $this->company->id) ->where('is_deleted', 0); $query = $this->addDateRange($query); $query->cursor() ->each(function ($quote) { $this->iterateItems($quote); }); return $this->csv->toString(); } private function iterateItems(Quote $quote) { $transformed_quote = $this->buildRow($quote); $transformed_items = []; $transformed_items = []; foreach ($quote->line_items as $item) { $item_array = []; foreach (array_values($this->input['report_keys']) as $key) { //items iterator produces item array if (str_contains($key, "item.")) { $key = str_replace("item.", "", $key); $keyval = $key; $keyval = str_replace("custom_value", "quote", $key); if($key == 'type_id') $keyval = 'type'; if($key == 'tax_id') $keyval = 'tax_category'; if (property_exists($item, $key)) { $item_array[$keyval] = $item->{$key}; } else { $item_array[$keyval] = ''; } } } $entity = []; foreach (array_values($this->input['report_keys']) as $key) { //create an array of report keys only $keyval = array_search($key, $this->entity_keys); if (array_key_exists($key, $transformed_items)) { $entity[$keyval] = $transformed_items[$key]; } else { $entity[$keyval] = ""; } } $transformed_items = array_merge($transformed_quote, $item_array); $entity = $this->decorateAdvancedFields($quote, $transformed_items); $this->csv->insertOne($entity); } } private function buildRow(Quote $quote) :array { $transformed_quote = $this->quote_transformer->transform($quote); $entity = []; foreach (array_values($this->input['report_keys']) as $key) { $keyval = array_search($key, $this->entity_keys); if(!$keyval) { $keyval = array_search(str_replace("quote.", "", $key), $this->entity_keys) ?? $key; } if(!$keyval) { $keyval = $key; } if (array_key_exists($key, $transformed_quote)) { $entity[$keyval] = $transformed_quote[$key]; } elseif (array_key_exists($keyval, $transformed_quote)) { $entity[$keyval] = $transformed_quote[$keyval]; } else { $entity[$keyval] = $this->resolveKey($keyval, $quote, $this->quote_transformer); } } return $this->decorateAdvancedFields($quote, $entity); } private function decorateAdvancedFields(Quote $quote, array $entity) :array { if (in_array('currency_id', $this->input['report_keys'])) { $entity['currency'] = $quote->client->currency() ? $quote->client->currency()->code : $quote->company->currency()->code; } if (in_array('client_id', $this->input['report_keys'])) { $entity['client'] = $quote->client->present()->name(); } if (in_array('status_id', $this->input['report_keys'])) { $entity['status'] = $quote->stringStatus($quote->status_id); } return $entity; } }