accountRepo = $accountRepo; $this->contactMailer = $contactMailer; $this->userMailer = $userMailer; } public function getDatatable() { $query = DB::table('users') ->where('users.account_id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id) ->where('users.deleted_at', '=', null) ->where('users.public_id', '>', 0) ->select('users.public_id', 'users.first_name', 'users.last_name', '', 'users.confirmed', 'users.public_id'); return Datatable::query($query) ->addColumn('first_name', function($model) { return link_to('users/' . $model->public_id . '/edit', $model->first_name . ' ' . $model->last_name); }) ->addColumn('email', function($model) { return $model->email; }) ->addColumn('confirmed', function($model) { return $model->confirmed ? trans('') : trans('texts.pending'); }) ->addColumn('dropdown', function($model) { return ''; }) ->orderColumns(['first_name', 'email', 'confirmed']) ->make(); } public function setTheme() { $user = User::find(Auth::user()->id); $user->theme_id = Input::get('theme_id'); $user->save(); return Redirect::to(Input::get('path')); } public function forcePDFJS() { $user = Auth::user(); $user->force_pdfjs = true; $user->save(); Session::flash('message', trans('texts.confide.updated_settings')); return Redirect::to('/dashboard'); } public function edit($publicId) { $user = User::where('account_id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id) ->where('public_id', '=', $publicId)->firstOrFail(); $data = [ 'showBreadcrumbs' => false, 'user' => $user, 'method' => 'PUT', 'url' => 'users/' . $publicId, 'title' => trans('texts.edit_user') ]; return View::make('users.edit', $data); } public function update($publicId) { return $this->save($publicId); } public function store() { return $this->save(); } /** * Displays the form for account creation * */ public function create() { if (!Auth::user()->confirmed) { Session::flash('error', trans('texts.register_to_add_user')); return Redirect::to('company/advanced_settings/user_management'); } if (Utils::isNinja()) { $count = User::where('account_id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id)->count(); if ($count >= MAX_NUM_USERS) { Session::flash('error', trans('texts.limit_users')); return Redirect::to('company/advanced_settings/user_management'); } } $data = [ 'showBreadcrumbs' => false, 'user' => null, 'method' => 'POST', 'url' => 'users', 'title' => trans('texts.add_user') ]; return View::make('users.edit', $data); } public function delete() { $userPublicId = Input::get('userPublicId'); $user = User::where('account_id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id) ->where('public_id', '=', $userPublicId)->firstOrFail(); $user->delete(); Session::flash('message', trans('texts.deleted_user')); return Redirect::to('company/advanced_settings/user_management'); } /** * Stores new account * */ public function save($userPublicId = false) { $rules = [ 'first_name' => 'required', 'last_name' => 'required', ]; if ($userPublicId) { $user = User::where('account_id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id) ->where('public_id', '=', $userPublicId)->firstOrFail(); $rules['email'] = 'required|email|unique:users,email,' . $user->id . ',id'; } else { $rules['email'] = 'required|email|unique:users'; } $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to($userPublicId ? 'users/edit' : 'users/create')->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } if ($userPublicId) { $user->first_name = trim(Input::get('first_name')); $user->last_name = trim(Input::get('last_name')); $user->username = trim(Input::get('email')); $user->email = trim(Input::get('email')); } else { $lastUser = User::withTrashed()->where('account_id', '=', Auth::user()->account_id) ->orderBy('public_id', 'DESC')->first(); $user = new User; $user->account_id = Auth::user()->account_id; $user->first_name = trim(Input::get('first_name')); $user->last_name = trim(Input::get('last_name')); $user->username = trim(Input::get('email')); $user->email = trim(Input::get('email')); $user->registered = true; $user->password = str_random(RANDOM_KEY_LENGTH); $user->password_confirmation = $user->password; $user->public_id = $lastUser->public_id + 1; } $user->save(); if (!$user->confirmed) { $this->userMailer->sendConfirmation($user, Auth::user()); $message = trans('texts.sent_invite'); } else { $message = trans('texts.updated_user'); } Session::flash('message', $message); return Redirect::to('company/advanced_settings/user_management'); } /** * Displays the login form * */ public function login() { if( Confide::user() ) { Event::fire('user.login'); Session::reflash(); return Redirect::to('/dashboard'); /* $invoice = Invoice::scope()->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if ($invoice) { return Redirect::to('/invoices/' . $invoice->public_id); } else { return Redirect::to('/dashboard'); } */ } else { return View::make(Config::get('confide::login_form')); } } /** * Attempt to do login * */ public function do_login() { $input = array( 'email' => Input::get( 'login_email' ), // May be the username too 'username' => Input::get( 'login_email' ), // so we have to pass both 'password' => Input::get( 'login_password' ), 'remember' => true, ); // If you wish to only allow login from confirmed users, call logAttempt // with the second parameter as true. // logAttempt will check if the 'email' perhaps is the username. // Get the value from the config file instead of changing the controller if ( Input::get( 'login_email' ) && Confide::logAttempt( $input, false ) ) { Event::fire('user.login'); // Redirect the user to the URL they were trying to access before // caught by the authentication filter IE Redirect::guest('user/login'). // Otherwise fallback to '/' // Fix pull #145 return Redirect::intended('/dashboard'); // change it to '/admin', '/dashboard' or something } else { //$user = new User; // Check if there was too many login attempts if( Confide::isThrottled( $input ) ) { $err_msg = trans('texts.confide.too_many_attempts'); } /* elseif( $user->checkUserExists( $input ) and ! $user->isConfirmed( $input ) ) { $err_msg = Lang::get('confide::confide.alerts.not_confirmed'); } */ else { $err_msg = trans('texts.confide.wrong_credentials'); } return Redirect::action('UserController@login') ->withInput(Input::except('login_password')) ->with( 'error', $err_msg ); } } /** * Attempt to confirm account with code * * @param string $code */ public function confirm( $code ) { if ( Confide::confirm( $code ) ) { $notice_msg = trans('texts.confide.confirmation'); $user = User::where('confirmation_code', '=', $code)->get()->first(); $user->confirmation_code = ''; $user->save(); if ($user->public_id) { Auth::login($user); return Redirect::to('user/reset'); } else { if (Session::has(REQUESTED_PRO_PLAN)) { Session::forget(REQUESTED_PRO_PLAN); if ($invoice = $this->accountRepo->enableProPlan()) { $this->contactMailer->sendInvoice($invoice); $notice_msg = trans('texts.pro_plan_success'); } } return Redirect::action('UserController@login')->with( 'message', $notice_msg ); } } else { $error_msg = trans('texts.confide.wrong_confirmation'); return Redirect::action('UserController@login')->with( 'error', $error_msg ); } } /** * Displays the forgot password form * */ public function forgot_password() { return View::make(Config::get('confide::forgot_password_form')); } /** * Attempt to send change password link to the given email * */ public function do_forgot_password() { Confide::forgotPassword( Input::get( 'email' ) ); $notice_msg = trans('texts.confide.password_forgot'); return Redirect::action('UserController@login') ->with( 'notice', $notice_msg ); /* if( Confide::forgotPassword( Input::get( 'email' ) ) ) { $notice_msg = Lang::get('confide::confide.alerts.password_forgot'); return Redirect::action('UserController@login') ->with( 'notice', $notice_msg ); } else { $error_msg = Lang::get('confide::confide.alerts.wrong_password_forgot'); return Redirect::action('UserController@forgot_password') ->withInput() ->with( 'error', $error_msg ); } */ } /** * Shows the change password form with the given token * */ public function reset_password( $token = false ) { return View::make(Config::get('confide::reset_password_form')) ->with('token', $token); } /** * Attempt change password of the user * */ public function do_reset_password() { if (Auth::check()) { $rules = [ 'password' => 'required|between:4,11|confirmed', 'password_confirmation' => 'between:4,11', ]; $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::to('user/reset')->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } $user = Auth::user(); $user->password = Input::get('password'); $user->save(); Session::flash('message', trans('texts.confide.password_reset')); return Redirect::to('/dashboard'); } else { $input = array( 'token'=>Input::get( 'token' ), 'password'=>Input::get( 'password' ), 'password_confirmation'=>Input::get( 'password_confirmation' ), ); // By passing an array with the token, password and confirmation if( Confide::resetPassword( $input ) ) { $notice_msg = trans('texts.confide.password_reset'); return Redirect::action('UserController@login') ->with( 'notice', $notice_msg ); } else { $error_msg = trans('texts.confide.wrong_password_reset'); return Redirect::action('UserController@reset_password', array('token'=>$input['token'])) ->withInput() ->with( 'error', $error_msg ); } } } /** * Log the user out of the application. * */ public function logout() { if (Auth::check()) { if (!Auth::user()->registered) { $account = Auth::user()->account; $account->forceDelete(); } } Session::forget('news_feed_id'); Session::forget('news_feed_message'); Confide::logout(); return Redirect::to('/')->with('clearGuestKey', true); } }