ClientRequest: required: - contacts - country_id properties: id: description: 'The unique identifier of the client' type: string example: Opnel5aKBz readOnly: true contacts: type: array description: 'A list of contacts associated with the client' items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientContactRequest' name: description: 'The name of the client company or organization' type: string example: "Jim's Housekeeping" website: description: 'The website URL of the client company or organization' type: string example: '' private_notes: description: 'Notes that are only visible to the user who created the client' type: string example: 'Client prefers email communication over phone calls' industry_id: description: 'The unique identifier of the industry the client operates in' type: number example: '5' size_id: description: 'The unique identifier for the size category of the client company or organization' type: number example: '2' address1: description: "First line of the client's address" type: string example: '123 Main St' address2: description: "Second line of the client's address, if needed" type: string example: 'Apt 4B' city: description: 'The city the client is located in' type: string example: 'Beverly Hills' state: description: 'The state, province, or locality the client is located in' type: string example: 'California' postal_code: description: 'The postal code or ZIP code of the client' type: string example: '90210' phone: description: "The client's phone number" type: string example: '555-3434-3434' country_id: description: "The unique identifier of the client's country" type: number format: integer example: '1' custom_value1: description: 'A custom field for storing additional information' type: string example: 'Preferred contact: Email' custom_value2: description: 'A custom field for storing additional information' type: string example: 'Account manager: John Doe' custom_value3: description: 'A custom field for storing additional information' type: string example: 'VIP client: Yes' custom_value4: description: 'A custom field for storing additional information' type: string example: 'Annual contract value: $50,000' vat_number: description: "The client's VAT (Value Added Tax) number, if applicable" type: string example: 'VAT123456' id_number: description: 'A unique identification number for the client, such as a tax ID or business registration number' type: string number: description: 'A system-assigned unique number for the client, typically used for invoicing purposes' type: string example: 'CL-0001' shipping_address1: description: "First line of the client's shipping address" type: string example: '5 Wallaby Way' shipping_address2: description: "Second line of the client's shipping address, if needed" type: string example: 'Suite 5' shipping_city: description: "The city of the client's shipping address" type: string example: 'Perth' shipping_state: description: "The state, province, or locality of the client's shipping address" type: string example: 'Western Australia' shipping_postal_code: description: "The postal code or ZIP code of the client's shipping address" type: string example: '6110' shipping_country_id: description: "The unique identifier of the country for the client's shipping address" type: number format: integer example: '4' is_deleted: description: 'A boolean value indicating whether the client has been deleted or not' type: boolean example: false readOnly: true group_settings_id: description: 'The group settings assigned to the client' type: string example: Opnel5aKBz routing_id: description: 'The routing address id for e-invoicing for this client' type: string example: Opnel5aKBz3489-dfkiu-2239-sdsd is_tax_exempt: description: 'Flag which defines if the client is exempt from taxes' type: boolean example: false has_valid_vat_number: description: 'Flag which defines if the client has a valid VAT number' type: boolean example: false readOnly: true settings: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientSettings' type: object