user()->can('edit', $this->invoice); } public function rules() { return [ 'action' => 'required' ]; } protected function prepareForValidation() { $input = $this->all(); $this->invoice = Invoice::find($this->decodePrimary($invoice_id)); if(!array_key_exists('action', $input) { $this->error_msg = 'Action is a required field'; } elseif(!$this->invoiceDeletable()){ unset($input['action']); $this->error_msg = 'This invoice cannot be deleted'; } elseif(!$this->invoiceCancellable()) { unset($input['action']); $this->error_msg = 'This invoice cannot be cancelled'; } else if(!$this->invoiceReversable()) { unset($input['action']); $this->error_msg = 'This invoice cannot be reversed'; } $this->replace($input); } public function messages() { return [ 'action' => $this->error_msg; ] } private function invoiceDeletable() { if($this->invoice->status_id <= 2 && $this->invoice->is_deleted == false && $this->invoice->deleted_at == NULL) return true; return false; } private function invoiceCancellable() { if($this->invoice->status_id == 3 && $this->invoice->is_deleted == false && $this->invoice->deleted_at == NULL) return true; return false; } private function invoiceReversable() { if(($this->invoice->status_id == 3 || $this->invoice->status_id == 4) && $this->invoice->is_deleted == false && $this->invoice->deleted_at == NULL) return true; return false; } }