'Kostenlose & Open-Source Online-Rechnungsausstellung', 'description' => 'Invoice Ninja ist eine kostenlose, Open-Source Lösung für die Rechnungsstellung und Abrechnung deiner Kunden. With Invoice Ninja, you can easily build and send beautiful invoices from any device that has access to the web. Your clients can print your invoices, download them as pdf files, and even pay you online from within the system.', 'invoice_now' => 'Jetzt Rechnungen schreiben', 'no_signup_needed' => 'Keine Anmeldung benötigt', 'link_blog' => 'Blog', 'link_about_us' => 'Über uns', 'link_contact_us' => 'Kontaktiere uns', 'link_features' => 'Funktionen', 'link_plans' => 'Mitgliedschaften', 'link_compare' => 'Vergleich', 'link_testimonials' => 'Referenzen', 'link_faq' => 'FAQ', 'my_account' => 'Mein Konto', 'login' => 'Einloggen', 'connect_with_us' => 'Trete mit uns in Kontakt', 'safe_and_secure' => 'Safe & Secure', 'toggle_navigation' => 'Navigation umschalten', 'home' => [ 'header' => 'DER EINFACHE & KOSTENLOSE WEG RECHNUNGEN AUSZUSTELLEN', 'sub_header' => 'Es ist so einfach. Hör auf Zeit mit komplizierten und teuren Methoden der Rechnungsstellung zu verschwenden.
Keine Aufregung, einfach loslegen und bezahlt werden.', 'footer' => 'Einfache, intuitive Rechnungsausstellung,Überall.', 'free_always' => 'Kostenlos, immer', 'free_always_text' => 'Send unlimited invoices to 500 clients per month and never pay a dime. You are welcome to unlock still more awesome features with our Pro Plan, but our free app is a top-notch product that will do everything you need it to do, without any subscription or fees.', 'open_source' => 'Open-Source', 'open_source_text' => 'No mysterious corporate silos here! Just full source code transparency and a devotion to working with anyone interested to build a better electronic invoicing platform. We even offer a handy zip download for a self-hosted version of Invoice Ninja.', 'live_pdf' => 'Live .PDF Vorschau', 'live_pdf_text' => 'See how your edited invoice will look as a print-friendly pdf while you make the changes. Our pdf generator works in real time as you make your changes. You can even preview four beautiful preset designs. Just create, save, send, and you’re done!', 'online_payments' => 'Online Bezahlungen', 'online_payments_text' => 'Invoices sent with our app integrate seamlessly with the gateway credit card processor of your choice, to make it super easy for your clients to send you money with just a few clicks. We play nicely with Authorize.Net, Stripe, PayPal and loads more - 23 in all!', ], 'about' => [ 'header' => 'Über Invoice Ninja', 'what_is' => 'Was ist Invoice Ninja?', 'team_ninja' => 'Team Ninja', 'team_ninja_text' => 'Invoice Ninja is managed by a team of seasoned web workers. We launched in early 2014 and have been thrilled by the enthusiastic response we’ve received from our growing community of users.', 'co_founder' => 'Co-Founder', 'ceo' => 'CEO', 'cto' => '', 'designer' => 'Designer', 'marketing' => 'Marketing', 'shalom_bio' => 'Shalom has specialized in small business development for nearly 10 years. In addition to InvoiceNinja.com Shalom is CEO of a leading tour agency in Israel.', 'hillel_bio' => 'Hillel has been developing enterprise applications for 15 years. His open-source AutoComplete component has been used by thousands of developers around the world.', 'razi_bio' => 'Razi is a pixel nerd with a great deal of experience in design for web sites and applications. When she isn\'t busy with InvoiceNinja she runs a small web agency in Stockholm called kantorp-wegl.in', 'ben_bio' => 'A veteran digital marketer and content strategist, Ben specializes in building communities around brands that make business easier for freelancers, SMBs and micro-entrepreneurs.', ], 'contact' => [ 'header' => 'Fragen, spezielle Anfragen, oder einfach nur Hallo sagen?', 'sub_header' => 'Fülle das Formular aus und wir werden uns sobald wie möglich bei dir melden! Wir freuen uns von dir zuhören!', 'other_ways' => 'Andere Wege uns zu erreichen', 'name' => 'Name', 'name_help' => 'Bitte gib deinen Namen ein.', 'email' => 'E-Mail-Adresse', 'email_help' => 'Bitte gib eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.', 'message' => 'Nachricht', 'message_help' => 'Bitte gib eine Nachricht ein.', 'send_message' => 'Nachricht abschicken', ], 'features' => [ 'header' => 'Die Funktionen', 'footer' => 'Dir gefällt, was du siehst?', 'footer_action' => 'Beginne noch heute!', 'open_source' => 'Open-Source-Plattform', 'open_source_text1' => 'Set the code free! Here at Invoice Ninja, we’re all about creating the best possible app, and inviting scrutiny via full code transparency is a central manifestation of this value.', 'open_source_text2' => 'We firmly believe that being an open source product helps everyone involved. We’re looking forward to seeing what the developers out there can do to take Invoice Ninja into new realms of usefulness.', 'free_forever' => 'KOSTENLOS. Für immer.', 'free_forever_text1' => 'Yeah, you read that correctly. You don’t have to pay us a cent to use our tools. We know how tough it is to make ends meet as a web-based business, and we’re bent on providing a top-notch product that will do everything you need it to do, without any subscription or opt-in fees.', 'free_forever_text2' => 'Teste Invoice Ninja. Du hast buchstäblich nichts zu verlieren. Wir sind uns sicher, deine Erfahrung wird so positiv sein, dass du nie wieder einen anderen Service brauchen wirst.', 'secure' => 'Sicher & Privat', 'secure_text1' => 'Invoice Ninja wurde von Grund auf entworfen, um Ihre Daten sicher zu halten. Nur du hast Zugriff auf deine Anmeldungs-und Buchaltungsdaten und wir werden deine Transaktionen niemals an dritte weitergeben.', 'secure_text2' => 'Unsere Webseite benutzt 256-bit verschlüsselung, das ist sicherer, als die meisten Online-Banking-Seiten! Invoice Ninja benutzt das kryptographische Protokoll TLS 1.0, AES_256_CBC string encryption, SHA1 message authentication and DHE_RSA key exchanges. Wir fühlen uns hier sicher und haben masiv darin investiert, dass es dir genauso geht.', 'live_pdf' => 'Live .PDF Vorschau', 'live_pdf_text1' => 'With Invoice Ninja, we’ve done away with the need for cumbersome multi-click invoice previewing after each save.', 'live_pdf_text2' => 'When you enter the details of your customer and/or invoice in our editor, you can instantly see the results in the pdf preview pane below. Want to see what your invoice would look like in a different layout style? The live pdf can show you four beautiful preset styles in real time too.', 'live_pdf_text3' => 'Einfach erstellen, speichern, senden und du bist fertig!', 'online_payments' => 'Online Bezahlungen', 'online_payments_text1' => 'Invoice Ninja seamlessly integrates with all of the top internet payment processors and gateways so you can get paid for your work quickly and easily.', 'online_payments_text2' => 'Invoices created with our tools aren’t just for bookkeeping purposes - they bring in the Benjamins. We also make it super easy to choose the right gateway for the specific needs of your business and are happy to help you to get started working with the gateway of your choice. What’s more, we’re constantly working on rolling out additional gateway integrations, so if you don’t see the one you use here, just let us know, and there’s a good chance we’ll add it for you.', ], 'plans' => [ 'header' => 'Die Mitgliedschaften', 'free' => 'Kostenlos', 'unlimited' => 'Uneingeschränkt', 'pro_plan' => 'Pro-Mitgliedschaft', 'go_pro' => 'Go Pro to Unlock Premium Invoice Ninja Features', 'go_pro_text' => 'We believe that the free version of Invoice Ninja is a truly awesome product loaded with the key features you need to bill your clients electronically. But for those who crave still more Ninja awesomeness, we\'ve unmasked the Invoice Ninja Pro plan, which offers more versatility, power and customization options for just $50 per year.', 'number_clients' => 'Number of clients per account', 'unlimited_invoices' => 'Unlimited client invoices', 'company_logo' => 'Add your company logo', 'live_pdf' => 'Live .PDF invoice creation', 'four_templates' => '4 beautiful invoice templates', 'payments' => 'Accept credit card payments', 'additional_templates' => 'Additional invoice templates', 'multi_user' => 'Multi-user support', 'quotes' => 'Quotes/pro-forma invoices', 'advanced_settings' => 'Advanced invoice settings', 'data_vizualizations' => 'Dynamic data vizualizations', 'email_support' => 'Priority email support', 'remove_created_by' => 'Remove "Created by Invoice Ninja"', 'latest_features' => 'Latest and greatest features', 'pricing' => 'Pricing', 'free_always' => 'Kostenlos /Immer!', 'year_price' => '$50 /Jahre', ], 'compare' => [ 'header' => 'How We Compare', 'free_plan_comparison' => 'Gratis-Mitgledschaften-Vergleich', 'paid_plan_comparison' => 'Kostenpflichtige-Mitgledschaften-Vergleich', 'app' => 'Service', 'cost' => 'Kosten', 'clients' => 'Kunden', 'invoices' => 'Rechnungen', 'payment_gateways' => 'Zahlungsanbieter', 'custom_logo' => 'Custom Logo', 'multiple_templates' => 'Mehrere Vorlagen', 'recurring_payments' => 'Wiederkehrende Zahlungen', 'open_source' => 'Open-Source', 'per_month' => 'pro Monat', 'per_year' => 'pro Jahr', 'free' => 'Kostenlos', 'unlimited' => 'Unbegrenzt', ], 'testimonials' => [ 'testimonials' => 'Referenzen', 'header' => 'Since we launched Invoice Ninja in March of 2014, we\'ve been overwhelmed by a deluge of user love. Here\'s a small taste of the glowing things people have to say about the great experiences the\'ve been having with our free e-invoicing app!', ], 'faq' => [ 'header' => 'Das FAQ', 'question1' => 'I know it isn’t standard ninja practice to reveal too many identity details, but who are you guys exactly?', 'answer1' => 'We’re a small team of highly skilled digital journeymen based in Israel. We love open source, we love disrupting the big business status quo, and we love building helpful tools that are easy to use. We believe that everyone else’s web-based cash flow tools are unnecessarily expensive, clunky and complicated - and we’re bent on proving these beliefs with Invoice Ninja.', 'question2' => 'How do I get started using Invoice Ninja?', 'answer2' => 'Just click on the big, yellow "Invoice Now" button on our homepage!', 'question3' => 'Do you offer customer support?', 'answer3' => 'We sure do. Support is super important to us. Feel free to email us at support@invoiceninja.com with any questions you might have. We almost always reply within one business day.', 'question4' => 'Ist Invoice Ninja wirklich kostenlos? Für wie lange?', 'answer4' => 'Yes, our basic app is 100% free. Forever and ever. For real. We also offer a paid Pro version of Invoice Ninja (you can learn all about its awesome features here), but it\'s important to us that the free version have all of the key features people need to do business.', 'question5' => 'How is Invoice Ninja able to offer this all for free? How are you making any money?', 'answer5' => 'We’re mostly in this line of work because we believe it’s high time that a good electronic invoicing tool be available for free. There isn’t much money in it - yet. We do offer a paid Pro version of the app that we\'ve souped up with premium features. And when our users open up new accounts with payment processor gateways by clicking on links from our site, we make modest commissions as a gateway affiliate. So if zillions of freelancers and small businesses start running credit card charges through Invoice Ninja, or if scores of users go Pro, there’s a decent chance we\'ll recover our investment.', 'question6' => 'Really? So does that mean you’re not collecting information about me so you can sell me stuff or so that some other company can spam me according to my interests?', 'answer6' => 'No way. We’re not mining your data, and we’re not selling you out. That wouldn’t be very ninja of us, would it?', 'question7' => 'But don’t you have access to my merchant and banking accounts?', 'answer7' => 'Actually, we don’t. When you link an account at a third party financial institution with your Invoice Ninja account, you’re essentially giving our app permission to send money to you and nothing more. This is all managed by the tech teams at your financial service providers, who go to great lengths to ensure their integrations can’t be exploited or abused.', 'question8' => 'Given that Invoice Ninja is an open source app, how can I be sure that my financial information is safe with you?', 'answer8' => 'There\'s a big difference between “open source" and “open data.” Anyone who wants to use the code that drives Invoice Ninja to create their own products or to make improvements to ours can do so. It’s available for anyone who wants to download and work with. But that’s just the source code - totally separate from what happens with that code on the Invoice Ninja servers. You’re the only one who has full access to what you\'re doing with our product. For more details on the security of our servers and how we handle our users\' information, please read the next question.', 'question9' => 'Also, wie sicher ist diese App?', 'answer9' => 'Extremely. Data uploaded by our users runs through connections with 256-bit encryption, which is twice as many encryption bits that most bank websites use. We use the TLS 1.0 cryptographic protocol, AES_256_CBC string encryption, SHA1 message authentication and DHE_RSA key exchanges. It’s fancy stuff that we put in place to make sure no one can gain access to your information except you.', 'question10' => 'How do I remove the small "Created by Invoice Ninja” image from the bottom of my invoices?', 'answer10' => 'The amazingly affordable Pro version of Invoice Ninja allows you to do this and oh so much more.', 'question11' => 'Can I see what the application looks like with sample data?', 'answer11' => 'Sure, click here to try out our demo account.', 'question12' => 'I hear that there\'s a version of Invoice Ninja that I can install myself on my own servers? Where can I learn more about this?', 'answer12' => 'The rumors are true! Full instructions are available here.', 'question13' => 'I\'m seeing the options to assign various statuses to my invoices, clients, credits and payments. What\'s the difference between "active," "archived" and "deleted"?', 'answer13' => 'These three handy statuses for invoices, clients, credits and payments allow you to keep your own cash flow management as straightforward and accessible as possible from your Invoice Ninja dashboard. None of these statuses will actually purge any records from your account - even "deleted" can always be recovered at any point in the future. "Active" means the record will appear in the relevant queue of records. To stash a record away so it\'s still fully operational but no longer cluttering up your interface, simply set it to be "archived." To deactivate a record and render it inaccessible to your clients, mark it "deleted."', 'question14' => 'My question wasn\'t covered by any of the content on this FAQ page. How can I get in touch with you?', 'answer14' => 'Please email us at contact@invoiceninja.com with any questions or comments you have. We love hearing from the people who use our app! We’ll do our best to reply to your email within the business day.', 'miss_something' => 'Haben wir etwas vergessen?', 'miss_something_text' => 'Schreib uns eine E-Mail an contact@invoiceninja.com mit jeder Frage und jedem Kommentar, den du uns gerne mitteilen möchtest. Wir lieben es von den Menschen zu hören, die unsere Angebot nutzen! Wir werden unser bestes geben, um deine E-Mail innerhalb eines Werktages zu beantworten.', ], ];