taskRepo = $taskRepo; $this->invoiceRepo = $invoiceRepo; $this->taskService = $taskService; } /** * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View */ public function index() { return View::make('list_wrapper', [ 'entityType' => ENTITY_TASK, 'datatable' => new TaskDatatable(), 'title' => trans('texts.tasks'), ]); } /** * @param null $clientPublicId * * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse */ public function getDatatable($clientPublicId = null) { return $this->taskService->getDatatable($clientPublicId, Input::get('sSearch')); } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param CreateTaskRequest $request * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function store(CreateTaskRequest $request) { return $this->save($request); } /** * @param $publicId * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function show($publicId) { Session::reflash(); return Redirect::to("tasks/{$publicId}/edit"); } /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @param TaskRequest $request * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View */ public function create(TaskRequest $request) { $this->checkTimezone(); $data = [ 'task' => null, 'clientPublicId' => Input::old('client') ? Input::old('client') : ($request->client_id ?: 0), 'projectPublicId' => Input::old('project_id') ? Input::old('project_id') : ($request->project_id ?: 0), 'method' => 'POST', 'url' => 'tasks', 'title' => trans('texts.new_task'), 'timezone' => Auth::user()->account->timezone ? Auth::user()->account->timezone->name : DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, 'datetimeFormat' => Auth::user()->account->getMomentDateTimeFormat(), ]; $data = array_merge($data, self::getViewModel()); return View::make('tasks.edit', $data); } /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param TaskRequest $request * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View */ public function edit(TaskRequest $request) { $this->checkTimezone(); $task = $request->entity(); if (! $task) { return redirect('/'); } $actions = []; if ($task->invoice) { $actions[] = ['url' => URL::to("invoices/{$task->invoice->public_id}/edit"), 'label' => trans('texts.view_invoice')]; } else { $actions[] = ['url' => 'javascript:submitAction("invoice")', 'label' => trans('texts.invoice_task')]; // check for any open invoices $invoices = $task->client_id ? $this->invoiceRepo->findOpenInvoices($task->client_id) : []; foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { $actions[] = ['url' => 'javascript:submitAction("add_to_invoice", '.$invoice->public_id.')', 'label' => trans('texts.add_to_invoice', ['invoice' => e($invoice->invoice_number)])]; } } $actions[] = DropdownButton::DIVIDER; if (! $task->trashed()) { $actions[] = ['url' => 'javascript:submitAction("archive")', 'label' => trans('texts.archive_task')]; $actions[] = ['url' => 'javascript:onDeleteClick()', 'label' => trans('texts.delete_task')]; } else { $actions[] = ['url' => 'javascript:submitAction("restore")', 'label' => trans('texts.restore_task')]; } $data = [ 'task' => $task, 'entity' => $task, 'clientPublicId' => $task->client ? $task->client->public_id : 0, 'projectPublicId' => $task->project ? $task->project->public_id : 0, 'method' => 'PUT', 'url' => 'tasks/'.$task->public_id, 'title' => trans('texts.edit_task'), 'actions' => $actions, 'timezone' => Auth::user()->account->timezone ? Auth::user()->account->timezone->name : DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, 'datetimeFormat' => Auth::user()->account->getMomentDateTimeFormat(), ]; $data = array_merge($data, self::getViewModel()); return View::make('tasks.edit', $data); } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param UpdateTaskRequest $request * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function update(UpdateTaskRequest $request) { $task = $request->entity(); return $this->save($request, $task->public_id); } /** * @return array */ private static function getViewModel() { return [ 'clients' => Client::scope()->with('contacts')->orderBy('name')->get(), 'account' => Auth::user()->account, 'projects' => Project::scope()->with('client.contacts')->orderBy('name')->get(), ]; } /** * @param null $publicId * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ private function save($request, $publicId = null) { $action = Input::get('action'); if (in_array($action, ['archive', 'delete', 'restore'])) { return self::bulk(); } $task = $this->taskRepo->save($publicId, $request->input()); if (in_array($action, ['invoice', 'add_to_invoice'])) { return self::bulk(); } if (request()->wantsJson()) { $task->time_log = json_decode($task->time_log); return $task->load(['client.contacts', 'project'])->toJson(); } else { if ($publicId) { Session::flash('message', trans('texts.updated_task')); } else { Session::flash('message', trans('texts.created_task')); } return Redirect::to("tasks/{$task->public_id}/edit"); } } /** * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function bulk() { $action = Input::get('action'); $ids = Input::get('public_id') ?: (Input::get('id') ?: Input::get('ids')); if (in_array($action, ['resume', 'stop'])) { $this->taskRepo->save($ids, ['action' => $action]); return Redirect::to('tasks')->withMessage(trans($action == 'stop' ? 'texts.stopped_task' : 'texts.resumed_task')); } elseif ($action == 'invoice' || $action == 'add_to_invoice') { $tasks = Task::scope($ids)->with('account', 'client', 'project')->orderBy('project_id', 'id')->get(); $clientPublicId = false; $data = []; $lastProjectId = false; foreach ($tasks as $task) { if ($task->client) { if (! $clientPublicId) { $clientPublicId = $task->client->public_id; } elseif ($clientPublicId != $task->client->public_id) { Session::flash('error', trans('texts.task_error_multiple_clients')); return Redirect::to('tasks'); } } if ($task->is_running) { Session::flash('error', trans('texts.task_error_running')); return Redirect::to('tasks'); } elseif ($task->invoice_id) { Session::flash('error', trans('texts.task_error_invoiced')); return Redirect::to('tasks'); } $account = Auth::user()->account; $showProject = $lastProjectId != $task->project_id; $data[] = [ 'publicId' => $task->public_id, 'description' => $task->present()->invoiceDescription($account, $showProject), 'duration' => $task->getHours(), 'cost' => $task->getRate(), ]; $lastProjectId = $task->project_id; } if ($action == 'invoice') { return Redirect::to("invoices/create/{$clientPublicId}")->with('tasks', $data); } else { $invoiceId = Input::get('invoice_id'); return Redirect::to("invoices/{$invoiceId}/edit")->with('tasks', $data); } } else { $count = $this->taskService->bulk($ids, $action); if (request()->wantsJson()) { return response()->json($count); } else { $message = Utils::pluralize($action.'d_task', $count); Session::flash('message', $message); return $this->returnBulk($this->entityType, $action, $ids); } } } private function checkTimezone() { if (! Auth::user()->account->timezone) { $link = link_to('/settings/localization?focus=timezone_id', trans('texts.click_here'), ['target' => '_blank']); Session::now('warning', trans('texts.timezone_unset', ['link' => $link])); } } }