'Database could not be set']; // we must have a token passed, that matched a token in the db, and multiDB is enabled. // todo i don't think we can call the DB prior to setting it???? i think this if statement needs to be rethought //if( $request->header('X-API-TOKEN') && (CompanyToken::whereRaw("BINARY `token`= ?",[$request->header('X-API-TOKEN')])->first()) && config('ninja.db.multi_db_enabled')) if( $request->header('X-API-TOKEN') && config('ninja.db.multi_db_enabled')) { if(! MultiDB::contactFindAndSetDb($request->header('X-API-TOKEN'))) { return response()->json(json_encode($error, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) ,403); } } else { return response()->json(json_encode($error, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) ,403); } return $next($request); } }