load('client'); $client = $entity->client; App::setLocale($client->preferredLocale()); $values_and_labels = $entity->buildLabelsAndValues($contact); $designer->build(); $data = []; $data['entity'] = $entity; $data['lang'] = $client->preferredLocale(); $data['includes'] = $designer->getIncludes(); $data['header'] = $designer->getHeader(); $data['body'] = $designer->getBody(); $data['footer'] = $designer->getFooter(); $html = view('pdf.stub', $data)->render(); $html = $this->parseLabelsAndValues($values_and_labels['labels'], $values_and_labels['values'], $html); return $html; } public function generateEmailEntityHtml($entity, $content, $contact = null) :string { $entity->load('client'); $client = $entity->client; App::setLocale($client->preferredLocale()); $data = $entity->buildLabelsAndValues($contact); return $this->parseLabelsAndValues($data['labels'], $data['values'], $content); } private function parseLabelsAndValues($labels, $values, $section) :string { $section = strtr($section, $labels); $section = strtr($section, $values); return $section; } /** * Parses the blade file string and processes the template variables. * * @param string $string The Blade file string * @param array $data The array of template variables * @return string The return HTML string */ public function renderView($string, $data = []) :string { $data['__env'] = app(\Illuminate\View\Factory::class); $php = Blade::compileString($string); $obLevel = ob_get_level(); ob_start(); extract($data, EXTR_SKIP); try { eval('?'.'>'.$php); } catch (\Exception $e) { while (ob_get_level() > $obLevel) { ob_end_clean(); } throw $e; } catch (\Throwable $e) { while (ob_get_level() > $obLevel) { ob_end_clean(); } throw new FatalThrowableError($e); } return ob_get_clean(); } /* * Returns the base template we will be using. */ public function getTemplate(string $template = 'plain') { return File::get(resource_path('views/email/template/'.$template.'.blade.php')); } public function getTemplatePath(string $template = 'plain') { return 'email.template.'.$template; } }