'object', 'updated_at' => 'timestamp', 'created_at' => 'timestamp', 'deleted_at' => 'timestamp', ]; protected $fillable = [ 'gateway_key', 'accepted_credit_cards', 'require_cvv', 'require_billing_address', 'require_shipping_address', 'require_client_name', 'require_postal_code', 'require_client_phone', 'require_contact_name', 'require_contact_email', 'require_custom_value1', 'require_custom_value2', 'require_custom_value3', 'require_custom_value4', 'update_details', 'config', 'fees_and_limits', 'custom_value1', 'custom_value2', 'custom_value3', 'custom_value4', 'token_billing', 'label', ]; public static $credit_cards = [ 1 => ['card' => 'images/credit_cards/Test-Visa-Icon.png', 'text' => 'Visa'], 2 => ['card' => 'images/credit_cards/Test-MasterCard-Icon.png', 'text' => 'Master Card'], 4 => ['card' => 'images/credit_cards/Test-AmericanExpress-Icon.png', 'text' => 'American Express'], 8 => ['card' => 'images/credit_cards/Test-Diners-Icon.png', 'text' => 'Diners'], 16 => ['card' => 'images/credit_cards/Test-Discover-Icon.png', 'text' => 'Discover'], ]; // const TYPE_PAYPAL = 300; // const TYPE_STRIPE = 301; // const TYPE_LEDGER = 302; // const TYPE_FAILURE = 303; // const TYPE_CHECKOUT = 304; // const TYPE_AUTHORIZE = 305; // const TYPE_CUSTOM = 306; // const TYPE_BRAINTREE = 307; // const TYPE_WEPAY = 309; // const TYPE_PAYFAST = 310; // const TYPE_PAYTRACE = 311; // const TYPE_FORTE = 314; public $gateway_consts = [ '38f2c48af60c7dd69e04248cbb24c36e' => 300, 'd14dd26a37cecc30fdd65700bfb55b23' => 301, 'd14dd26a47cecc30fdd65700bfb67b34' => 301, '3758e7f7c6f4cecf0f4f348b9a00f456' => 304, '3b6621f970ab18887c4f6dca78d3f8bb' => 305, '54faab2ab6e3223dbe848b1686490baa' => 306, 'f7ec488676d310683fb51802d076d713' => 307, '8fdeed552015b3c7b44ed6c8ebd9e992' => 309, 'd6814fc83f45d2935e7777071e629ef9' => 310, 'bbd736b3254b0aabed6ad7fda1298c88' => 311, 'kivcvjexxvdiyqtj3mju5d6yhpeht2xs' => 314, '65faab2ab6e3223dbe848b1686490baz' => 320, 'b9886f9257f0c6ee7c302f1c74475f6c' => 321, 'hxd6gwg3ekb9tb3v9lptgx1mqyg69zu9' => 322, ]; protected $touches = []; public function getEntityType() { return self::class; } public function system_logs() { return $this->company ->system_log_relation ->where('type_id', $this->gateway_consts[$this->gateway->key]) ->take(50); } public function company() { return $this->belongsTo(Company::class); } public function client_gateway_tokens() { return $this->hasMany(ClientGatewayToken::class); } public function gateway() { return $this->belongsTo(Gateway::class, 'gateway_key', 'key'); } public function getTypeAlias($gateway_type_id) { return GatewayType::getAlias($gateway_type_id); } /* This is the public entry point into the payment superclass */ public function driver(Client $client = null) { $class = static::driver_class(); if(!$class) return false; return new $class($this, $client); } private function driver_class() { $class = 'App\\PaymentDrivers\\'.$this->gateway->provider.'PaymentDriver'; $class = str_replace('_', '', $class); if (class_exists($class)) return $class; return false; // throw new \Exception("Payment Driver does not exist"); } /** * @param $config */ public function setConfig($config) { $this->config = encrypt(json_encode($config)); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getConfig() { //return decrypt($this->config); return json_decode(decrypt($this->config)); } public function getConfigTransformed() { return $this->config ? decrypt($this->config) : ''; } /** * @param $field * * @return mixed */ public function getConfigField($field) { return object_get($this->getConfig(), $field, false); } /** * @return bool */ public function getAchEnabled() { return ! empty($this->getConfigField('enable_ach')); } /** * @return bool */ public function getApplePayEnabled() { return ! empty($this->getConfigField('enable_apple_pay')); } /** * @return bool */ public function getAlipayEnabled() { return ! empty($this->getConfigField('enable_alipay')); } /** * @return bool */ public function getSofortEnabled() { return ! empty($this->getConfigField('enable_sofort')); } /** * @return bool */ public function getSepaEnabled() { return ! empty($this->getConfigField('enable_sepa')); } /** * @return bool */ public function getBitcoinEnabled() { return ! empty($this->getConfigField('enable_bitcoin')); } /** * @return bool */ public function getPayPalEnabled() { return ! empty($this->getConfigField('enable_pay_pal')); } public function feesEnabled() { return floatval($this->fee_amount) || floatval($this->fee_percent); } /** * Returns the current test mode of the gateway. * * @return bool whether the gateway is in testmode or not. */ public function isTestMode() :bool { $config = $this->getConfig(); if ($this->gateway && $this->gateway->provider == 'Stripe' && property_exists($config, 'publishableKey') && strpos($config->publishableKey, 'test')) { return true; } if ($config && property_exists($config, 'testMode') && $config->testMode) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get Publishable Key * Only works for STRIPE and PAYMILL. * @return string The Publishable key */ public function getPublishableKey() :string { return $this->getConfigField('publishableKey'); } public function getFeesAndLimits($gateway_type_id) { if (is_null($this->fees_and_limits) || empty($this->fees_and_limits) || !property_exists($this->fees_and_limits, $gateway_type_id)) { return false; } if ($gateway_type_id == GatewayType::CUSTOM) { $gateway_type_id = GatewayType::CREDIT_CARD; } return $this->fees_and_limits->{$gateway_type_id}; } /** * Returns the formatted fee amount for the gateway. * * @param float $amount The payment amount * @param Client $client The client object * @param int $gateway_type_id * @return string The fee amount formatted in the client currency */ public function calcGatewayFeeLabel($amount, Client $client, $gateway_type_id = GatewayType::CREDIT_CARD) :string { $label = ' '; $fee = $this->calcGatewayFee($amount, $gateway_type_id); if($fee > 0) { $fees_and_limits = $this->fees_and_limits->{$gateway_type_id}; if(strlen($fees_and_limits->fee_percent) >=1) $label .= $fees_and_limits->fee_percent . '%'; if(strlen($fees_and_limits->fee_amount) >=1 && $fees_and_limits->fee_amount > 0){ if(strlen($label) > 1) { $label .= ' + ' . Number::formatMoney($fees_and_limits->fee_amount, $client); }else { $label .= Number::formatMoney($fees_and_limits->fee_amount, $client); } } } return $label; } public function calcGatewayFee($amount, $gateway_type_id, $include_taxes = false) { $fees_and_limits = $this->getFeesAndLimits($gateway_type_id); if (! $fees_and_limits) { return false; } $fee = 0; if($fees_and_limits->adjust_fee_percent) { $adjusted_fee = 0; if ($fees_and_limits->fee_amount) { $adjusted_fee += $fees_and_limits->fee_amount + $amount; } else $adjusted_fee = $amount; if ($fees_and_limits->fee_percent) { $divisor = 1 - ($fees_and_limits->fee_percent/100); $gross_amount = round($adjusted_fee/$divisor,2); $fee = $gross_amount - $amount; } } else { if ($fees_and_limits->fee_amount) { $fee += $fees_and_limits->fee_amount; } if ($fees_and_limits->fee_percent) { if($fees_and_limits->fee_percent == 100){ //unusual edge case if the user wishes to charge a fee of 100% 09/01/2022 $fee += $amount; } else $fee += round(($amount * $fees_and_limits->fee_percent / 100), 2); //elseif ($fees_and_limits->adjust_fee_percent) { // $fee += round(($amount / (1 - $fees_and_limits->fee_percent / 100) - $amount), 2); //} else { //} } } /* Cap fee if we have to here. */ if ($fees_and_limits->fee_cap > 0 && ($fee > $fees_and_limits->fee_cap)) { $fee = $fees_and_limits->fee_cap; } $pre_tax_fee = $fee; /**/ if ($include_taxes) { if ($fees_and_limits->fee_tax_rate1) { $fee += round(($pre_tax_fee * $fees_and_limits->fee_tax_rate1 / 100), 2); // info("fee after adding fee tax 1 = {$fee}"); } if ($fees_and_limits->fee_tax_rate2) { $fee += round(($pre_tax_fee * $fees_and_limits->fee_tax_rate2 / 100), 2); // info("fee after adding fee tax 2 = {$fee}"); } if ($fees_and_limits->fee_tax_rate3) { $fee += round(($pre_tax_fee * $fees_and_limits->fee_tax_rate3 / 100), 2); // info("fee after adding fee tax 3 = {$fee}"); } } return $fee; } public function webhookUrl() { return route('payment_webhook', ['company_key' => $this->company->company_key, 'company_gateway_id' => $this->hashed_id]); } }