trashed()) { return; } $entity->delete(); $className = $this->getEventClass($entity, 'Archived'); if (class_exists($className)) { event(new $className($entity, $entity->company, Ninja::eventVars(auth()->user()->id))); } } /** * @param $entity */ public function restore($entity) { if (! $entity->trashed()) { return; } $fromDeleted = false; $entity->restore(); if ($entity->is_deleted) { $fromDeleted = true; $entity->is_deleted = false; $entity->save(); } $className = $this->getEventClass($entity, 'Restored'); if (class_exists($className)) { event(new $className($entity, $fromDeleted, $entity->company, Ninja::eventVars(auth()->user()->id))); } } /** * @param $entity */ public function delete($entity) { if ($entity->is_deleted) { return; } $entity->is_deleted = true; $entity->save(); $entity->delete(); $className = $this->getEventClass($entity, 'Deleted'); if (class_exists($className) && ! ($entity instanceof Company)) { event(new $className($entity, $entity->company, Ninja::eventVars(auth()->user()->id))); } } /** * @param $ids * @param $action * * @return int */ public function bulk($ids, $action) { if (! $ids) { return 0; } $ids = $this->transformKeys($ids); $entities = $this->findByPublicIdsWithTrashed($ids); foreach ($entities as $entity) { if (auth()->user()->can('edit', $entity)) { $this->$action($entity); } } return count($entities); } /* Returns an invoice if defined as a key in the $resource array*/ public function getInvitation($invitation, $resource) { if (is_array($invitation) && ! array_key_exists('key', $invitation)) return false; $invitation_class = sprintf('App\\Models\\%sInvitation', $resource); $invitation = $invitation_class::whereRaw('BINARY `key`= ?', [$invitation['key']])->first(); return $invitation; } /* Clean return of a key rather than butchering the model*/ private function resolveEntityKey($model) { switch ($model) { case ($model instanceof RecurringInvoice): return 'recurring_invoice_id'; case ($model instanceof Invoice): return 'invoice_id'; case ($model instanceof Quote): return 'quote_id'; case ($model instanceof Credit): return 'credit_id'; } } /** * Alternative save used for Invoices, Recurring Invoices, Quotes & Credits. * * @param $data * @param $model * @return mixed * @throws \ReflectionException */ protected function alternativeSave($data, $model) { if (array_key_exists('client_id', $data)) //forces the client_id if it doesn't exist $model->client_id = $data['client_id']; $client = Client::where('id', $model->client_id)->withTrashed()->first(); $state = []; $resource = class_basename($model); //ie Invoice $lcfirst_resource_id = $this->resolveEntityKey($model); //ie invoice_id $state['starting_amount'] = $model->amount; if (! $model->id) { $company_defaults = $client->setCompanyDefaults($data, lcfirst($resource)); $model->uses_inclusive_taxes = $client->getSetting('inclusive_taxes'); $data = array_merge($company_defaults, $data); } $tmp_data = $data; //preserves the $data arrayss /* We need to unset some variable as we sometimes unguard the model */ if (isset($tmp_data['invitations'])) unset($tmp_data['invitations']); if (isset($tmp_data['client_contacts'])) unset($tmp_data['client_contacts']); $model->fill($tmp_data); $model->custom_surcharge_tax1 = $client->company->custom_surcharge_taxes1; $model->custom_surcharge_tax2 = $client->company->custom_surcharge_taxes2; $model->custom_surcharge_tax3 = $client->company->custom_surcharge_taxes3; $model->custom_surcharge_tax4 = $client->company->custom_surcharge_taxes4; $model->save(); /* Model now persisted, now lets do some child tasks */ /* Save any documents */ if (array_key_exists('documents', $data)) $this->saveDocuments($data['documents'], $model); /* Marks whether the client contact should receive emails based on the send_email property */ if (isset($data['client_contacts'])) { foreach ($data['client_contacts'] as $contact) { if ($contact['send_email'] == 1 && is_string($contact['id'])) { $client_contact = ClientContact::find($this->decodePrimaryKey($contact['id'])); $client_contact->send_email = true; $client_contact->save(); } } } /* If invitations are present we need to filter existing invitations with the new ones */ if (isset($data['invitations'])) { $invitations = collect($data['invitations']); /* Get array of Keys which have been removed from the invitations array and soft delete each invitation */ $model->invitations->pluck('key')->diff($invitations->pluck('key'))->each(function ($invitation) use ($resource) { $invitation_class = sprintf('App\\Models\\%sInvitation', $resource); $invitation = $invitation_class::whereRaw('BINARY `key`= ?', [$invitation])->first(); if ($invitation) $invitation->delete(); }); foreach ($data['invitations'] as $invitation) { //if no invitations are present - create one. if (! $this->getInvitation($invitation, $resource)) { if (isset($invitation['id'])) unset($invitation['id']); //make sure we are creating an invite for a contact who belongs to the client only! $contact = ClientContact::find($invitation['client_contact_id']); if ($contact && $model->client_id == $contact->client_id) { $invitation_class = sprintf('App\\Models\\%sInvitation', $resource); $new_invitation = $invitation_class::withTrashed() ->where('client_contact_id', $contact->id) ->where($lcfirst_resource_id, $model->id) ->first(); if ($new_invitation && $new_invitation->trashed()) { $new_invitation->restore(); } else { $invitation_factory_class = sprintf('App\\Factory\\%sInvitationFactory', $resource); $new_invitation = $invitation_factory_class::create($model->company_id, $model->user_id); $new_invitation->{$lcfirst_resource_id} = $model->id; $new_invitation->client_contact_id = $contact->id; $new_invitation->save(); } } } } } $model->load('invitations'); /* If no invitations have been created, this is our fail safe to maintain state*/ if ($model->invitations->count() == 0) $model->service()->createInvitations(); /* Recalculate invoice amounts */ $model = $model->calc()->getInvoice(); /* We use this to compare to our starting amount */ $state['finished_amount'] = $model->amount; /* Apply entity number */ $model = $model->service()->applyNumber()->save(); /* Update product details if necessary */ if ($model->company->update_products) UpdateOrCreateProduct::dispatch($model->line_items, $model, $model->company); /* Perform model specific tasks */ if ($model instanceof Invoice) { if (($state['finished_amount'] != $state['starting_amount']) && ($model->status_id != Invoice::STATUS_DRAFT)) { $model->ledger()->updateInvoiceBalance(($state['finished_amount'] - $state['starting_amount']), "Update adjustment for invoice {$model->number}"); $model->client->service()->updateBalance(($state['finished_amount'] - $state['starting_amount']))->save(); } if (! $model->design_id) $model->design_id = $this->decodePrimaryKey($client->getSetting('invoice_design_id')); //links tasks and expenses back to the invoice. $model->service()->linkEntities()->save(); } if ($model instanceof Credit) { $model = $model->calc()->getCredit(); // $model->ledger()->updateCreditBalance(-1*($state['finished_amount'] - $state['starting_amount'])); if (! $model->design_id) $model->design_id = $this->decodePrimaryKey($client->getSetting('credit_design_id')); } if ($model instanceof Quote) { $model = $model->calc()->getQuote(); } if ($model instanceof RecurringInvoice) { $model = $model->calc()->getRecurringInvoice(); } $model->save(); return $model->fresh(); } }