var NINJA = NINJA || {}; NINJA.TEMPLATES = { CLEAN: "1", BOLD:"2", MODERN: "3", NORMAL:"4", BUSINESS:"5", CREATIVE:"6", ELEGANT:"7", HIPSTER:"8", PLAYFUL:"9", PHOTO:"10" }; function GetPdfMake(invoice, javascript, callback) { var itemsTable = false; if (invoice.hasTasks) { // check if we need to add a second table for tasks if (invoice.hasSecondTable) { var json = JSON.parse(javascript); for (var i=0; i= 0) { var regExp = new RegExp('"\\$'+key+'",', 'g'); val = json[key]; } else { var regExp = new RegExp('"\\$'+key+'"', 'g'); var val = JSON.stringify(json[key]); val = doubleDollarSign(val); } javascript = javascript.replace(regExp, val); } // search/replace labels var regExp = new RegExp('"\\$\\\w*?Label(UC)?(:)?(\\\?)?"', 'g'); var matches = javascript.match(regExp); if (matches) { for (var i=0; i 0 && field == 'balance_due') { field = 'partial_due'; } else if (invoice.is_quote) { if (field == 'due_date') { field = 'valid_until'; } else { field = field.replace('invoice', 'quote'); } } if (invoice.is_statement) { if (field == 'your_invoice') { field = 'your_statement'; } else if (field == 'invoice_issued_to') { field = 'statement_issued_to'; } else if (field == 'invoice_to') { field = 'statement_to'; } } else if (invoice.balance_amount < 0) { if (field == 'your_invoice') { field = 'your_credit'; } else if (field == 'invoice_issued_to') { field = 'credit_issued_to'; } else if (field == 'invoice_to') { field = 'credit_to'; } } var label = invoiceLabels[field]; if (match.indexOf('UC') >= 0) { label = label.toUpperCase(); } if (match.indexOf(':') >= 0) { label = label + ':'; } } else { label = ' '; } javascript = javascript.replace(match, '"'+label+'"'); } } // search/replace values var regExp = new RegExp('\\$[a-zA-Z\\.]*[Value]?', 'g'); var matches = javascript.match(regExp); if (matches) { for (var i=0; i= 0) { continue; } field = match.replace('$invoice.', '$'); // legacy style had 'Value' at the end if (endsWith(field, 'Value')) { field = field.substring(1, field.indexOf('Value')); } else { field = field.substring(1, field.length); } if (! field) { continue; } field = toSnakeCase(field); if (field == 'footer') { field = 'invoice_footer'; } else if (match == '$') { field = 'account.work_phone'; } else if (match == '$') { field = ''; } var value = getDescendantProp(invoice, field) || ' '; value = doubleDollarSign(value) + ''; value = value.replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g, "\\r"); if (['amount', 'partial', 'client.balance', 'client.paid_to_date'].indexOf(field) >= 0) { value = formatMoneyInvoice(value, invoice); } if ($.trim(value)) { javascript = javascript.replace(match, value); } } } return javascript; } NINJA.signature = function(invoice) { var invitation = NINJA.getSignatureInvitation(invoice); if (invitation) { return { "stack": [ { "image": "$signatureBase64", "margin": [200, 10, 0, 0] }, { "canvas": [{ "type": "line", "x1": 200, "y1": -65, "x2": 504, "y2": -65, "lineWidth": 1, "lineColor": "#888888" }] }, { "text": [, ": ", "$signatureDate"], "margin": [200, -60, 0, 0] } ] }; } else { return ''; } } NINJA.signatureImage = function(invoice) { var blankImage = ''; var invitation = NINJA.getSignatureInvitation(invoice); return invitation ? invitation.signature_base64 : blankImage; } NINJA.signatureDate = function(invoice) { var invitation = NINJA.getSignatureInvitation(invoice); return invitation ? NINJA.formatDateTime(invitation.signature_date, invoice.account) : ''; } NINJA.getSignatureInvitation = function(invoice) { if (! invoice.invitations || ! invoice.invitations.length) { return false; } if (! parseInt(invoice.account.signature_on_pdf)) { return false; } for (var i=0; i= 0; var hasPadding = design.indexOf('"pageMargins":[0') == -1 && design.indexOf('"pageMargins": [0') == -1; for (var i=0; i= 0) { continue; } } if (field == 'product.custom_value1') { if (invoice.has_custom_item_value1) { width = 10; } else { continue; } } else if (field == 'product.custom_value2') { if (invoice.has_custom_item_value2) { width = 10; } else { continue; } } else if (field == '') { if (invoice.has_item_taxes) { width = 15; } else { continue; } } else if (field == '') { if (invoice.has_item_discounts) { width = 15; } else { continue; } } else if (field == 'product.description') { width = 0; } else { width = 14; } if (width) { // make the first and last columns of the Bold design a bit wider if (! hasPadding) { if (i == 0 || i == fields.length - 1) { width += 8; } } if (! hasDescription) { width = '*'; } else { width += '%'; } } else { width = '*'; } columns.push(width) } //console.log(columns); return columns; } NINJA.invoiceFooter = function(invoice) { var footer = invoice.invoice_footer; if (invoice.is_recurring) { footer = processVariables(footer); } if (!invoice.features.invoice_settings && invoice.invoice_design_id == 3) { return footer ? footer.substring(0, 200) : ' '; } else { return footer || ' '; } } NINJA.quantityWidth = function(invoice) { var fields = NINJA.productFields(invoice); return fields.indexOf('product.quantity') >= 0 ? '"14%", ' : ''; } NINJA.taxWidth = function(invoice) { var fields = NINJA.productFields(invoice); return invoice.has_item_taxes && fields.indexOf('') >= 0 ? '"14%", ' : ''; } NINJA.productFields = function(invoice, isTasks) { var account = invoice.account; var allFields = JSON.parse(account.invoice_fields); if (allFields) { if (isTasks && allFields.task_fields && allFields.task_fields.length) { return allFields.task_fields; } else if (! isTasks && allFields.product_fields && allFields.product_fields.length) { return allFields.product_fields; } } var fields = [ isTasks ? 'product.service' : 'product.item', 'product.description', 'product.custom_value1', 'product.custom_value2', isTasks ? 'product.rate' : 'product.unit_cost', isTasks ? 'product.hours' : 'product.quantity', '', 'product.line_total', ]; // add backwards compatibility for 'hide qty' setting if (invoice.account.hide_quantity == '1' && ! isTasks) { fields.splice(5, 1); } return fields; } NINJA.invoiceLines = function(invoice, isSecondTable) { var account = invoice.account; var total = 0; var shownItem = false; var isTasks = isSecondTable || (invoice.hasTasks && !invoice.hasStandard); var grid = [[]]; var styles = ['tableHeader']; var skipFields = [ 'product.unit_cost', 'product.rate', '', 'product.line_total', '', ]; if (isSecondTable) { styles.push('secondTableHeader'); } var fields = NINJA.productFields(invoice, isTasks); var hasDescription = fields.indexOf('product.description') >= 0; for (var i=0; i= 0) { continue; } var headerStyles = styles.concat([snakeToCamel(field), snakeToCamel(field) + 'TableHeader']); var value = invoiceLabels[field]; if (field == 'custom_value1') { if (invoice.has_custom_item_value1) { value = NINJA.getCustomLabel(account.custom_invoice_item_label1); } else { continue; } } else if (field == 'custom_value2') { if (invoice.has_custom_item_value2) { value = NINJA.getCustomLabel(account.custom_invoice_item_label2); } else { continue; } } else if (field == 'tax' && ! invoice.has_item_taxes) { continue; } else if (field == 'discount' && ! invoice.has_item_discounts) { continue; } else if (field == 'unit_cost' || field == 'rate' || field == 'hours') { headerStyles.push('cost'); } if (i == 0) { headerStyles.push('firstColumn'); } else if (i == fields.length - 1) { headerStyles.push('lastColumn'); } grid[0].push({text: value, style: headerStyles}); } for (var i=0; i= 0) { continue; } var value = item[field]; var styles = [snakeToCamel(field), rowStyle]; if (field == 'custom_value1' && ! invoice.has_custom_item_value1) { continue; } else if (field == 'custom_value2' && ! invoice.has_custom_item_value2) { continue; } else if (field == 'tax' && ! invoice.has_item_taxes) { continue; } else if (field == 'discount' && ! invoice.has_item_discounts) { continue; } if (field == 'item' || field == 'service') { value = productKey; styles.push('productKey'); } else if (field == 'description') { value = notes; } else if (field == 'unit_cost' || field == 'rate') { value = cost; styles.push('cost'); } else if (field == 'quantity' || field == 'hours') { value = qty; if (field == 'hours') { styles.push('cost'); } } else if (field == 'custom_value1') { value = customValue1; } else if (field == 'custom_value2') { value = customValue2; } else if (field == 'discount') { if (parseInt(invoice.is_amount_discount)) { value = formatMoneyInvoice(discount, invoice); } else { if (discount) { value = discount + '%'; } } } else if (field == 'tax') { value = ' '; if (item.tax_name1) { value += (tax1 || '0') + '%'; } if (item.tax_name2) { if (item.tax_name1) { value += ' '; } value += (tax2 || '0') + '%'; } } else if (field == 'line_total') { value = lineTotal; } if (j == 0) { styles.push('firstColumn'); } else if (j == fields.length - 1) { styles.push('lastColumn'); } row.push({text:value || ' ', style:styles}); } grid.push(row); } //console.log(JSON.stringify(grid)); return NINJA.prepareDataTable(grid, 'invoiceItems'); } NINJA.invoiceDocuments = function(invoice) { if (invoice.account.invoice_embed_documents != '1') { return []; } var j = 0; var stack = []; var stackItem = null; if (invoice.documents) { for (var i = 0; i < invoice.documents.length; i++) { addDoc(invoice.documents[i]); } } if (invoice.expenses) { for (var i = 0; i < invoice.expenses.length; i++) { var expense = invoice.expenses[i]; for (var j = 0; j < expense.documents.length; j++) { addDoc(expense.documents[j]); } } } function addDoc(document){ var path = document.base64; if(!path)path = 'docs/'+document.public_id+'/'; if(path && (window.pdfMake.vfs[path] || document.base64)){ // Only embed if we actually have an image for it if(j%3==0){ stackItem = {columns:[]}; stack.push(stackItem); } stackItem.columns.push({stack:[{image:path,style:'invoiceDocument',fit:[150,150]}], width:175}) j++; } } return stack.length?{stack:stack}:[]; } NINJA.statementSubtotals = function(invoice) { var data = [[ { text: invoiceLabels.balance_due, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'subtotalsBalanceDueLabel'] }, { text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.balance_amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'subtotalsBalanceDue'] } ]]; return NINJA.prepareDataPairs(data, 'subtotals'); } NINJA.subtotals = function(invoice, hideBalance) { if (! invoice || invoice.is_delivery_note) { return [[]]; } var account = invoice.account; var data = []; data.push([{text: invoiceLabels.subtotal, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'subtotalLabel']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.subtotal_amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'subtotal']}]); if (invoice.discount_amount != 0) { data.push([{text: , style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'discountLabel']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.discount_amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'discount']}]); } var customValue1 = NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.custom_value1); var customValue1Label = account.custom_invoice_label1 || invoiceLabels.surcharge; var customValue2 = NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.custom_value2); var customValue2Label = account.custom_invoice_label2 || invoiceLabels.surcharge; if (customValue1 && invoice.custom_taxes1 == '1') { data.push([{text: customValue1Label, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'customTax1Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.custom_value1, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'customTax1']}]); } if (customValue2 && invoice.custom_taxes2 == '1') { data.push([{text: customValue2Label, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'customTax2Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.custom_value2, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'customTax2']}]); } for (var key in invoice.item_taxes) { if (invoice.item_taxes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var taxRate = invoice.item_taxes[key]; var taxStr = + ' ' + (taxRate.rate*1).toString() + '%'; data.push([{text: taxStr, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'taxLabel']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(taxRate.amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'tax']}]); } } if (parseFloat(invoice.tax_rate1 || 0) != 0 || invoice.tax_name1) { var taxStr = invoice.tax_name1 + ' ' + (invoice.tax_rate1*1).toString() + '%'; data.push([{text: taxStr, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'tax1Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.tax_amount1, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'tax1']}]); } if (parseFloat(invoice.tax_rate2 || 0) != 0 || invoice.tax_name2) { var taxStr = invoice.tax_name2 + ' ' + (invoice.tax_rate2*1).toString() + '%'; data.push([{text: taxStr, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'tax2Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.tax_amount2, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'tax2']}]); } if (customValue1 && invoice.custom_taxes1 != '1') { data.push([{text: customValue1Label, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'custom1Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.custom_value1, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'custom1']}]); } if (customValue2 && invoice.custom_taxes2 != '1') { data.push([{text: customValue2Label, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'custom2Label']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.custom_value2, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'custom2']}]); } var paid = invoice.amount - invoice.balance; if (!invoice.is_quote && invoice.balance_amount >= 0 && (invoice.account.hide_paid_to_date != '1' || paid)) { data.push([{text:invoiceLabels.paid_to_date, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'paidToDateLabel']}, {text:formatMoneyInvoice(paid, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'paidToDate']}]); } var isPartial = NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.partial); if (!hideBalance || isPartial) { data.push([ { text: invoice.is_quote || invoice.balance_amount < 0 ? : invoiceLabels.balance_due, style: ['subtotalsLabel', isPartial ? '' : 'subtotalsBalanceDueLabel'] }, { text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.total_amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', isPartial ? '' : 'subtotalsBalanceDue'] } ]); } if (!hideBalance) { if (isPartial) { data.push([ { text: invoiceLabels.partial_due, style: ['subtotalsLabel', 'subtotalsBalanceDueLabel'] }, { text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.balance_amount, invoice), style: ['subtotals', 'subtotalsBalanceDue'] } ]); } } return NINJA.prepareDataPairs(data, 'subtotals'); } NINJA.subtotalsBalance = function(invoice) { if (invoice.is_delivery_note) { return [[]]; } var isPartial = NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.partial); return [[ {text: isPartial ? invoiceLabels.partial_due : (invoice.is_quote || invoice.balance_amount < 0 ? : invoiceLabels.balance_due), style:['subtotalsLabel', 'subtotalsBalanceDueLabel']}, {text: formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.balance_amount, invoice), style:['subtotals', 'subtotalsBalanceDue']} ]]; } NINJA.accountDetails = function(invoice) { var account = invoice.account; if (invoice.features.invoice_settings && account.invoice_fields) { var fields = JSON.parse(account.invoice_fields).account_fields1; } else { var fields = [ 'account.company_name', 'account.id_number', 'account.vat_number', '', '', '', ]; } var data = []; for (var i=0; i < fields.length; i++) { var field = fields[i]; var value = NINJA.renderField(invoice, field); if (value) { data.push(value); } } return NINJA.prepareDataList(data, 'accountDetails'); } NINJA.accountAddress = function(invoice) { var account = invoice.account; if (invoice.features.invoice_settings && account.invoice_fields) { var fields = JSON.parse(account.invoice_fields).account_fields2; } else { var fields = [ 'account.address1', 'account.address2', 'account.city_state_postal', '', 'account.custom_value1', 'account.custom_value2', ] } var data = []; for (var i=0; i < fields.length; i++) { var field = fields[i]; var value = NINJA.renderField(invoice, field); if (value) { data.push(value); } } return NINJA.prepareDataList(data, 'accountAddress'); } NINJA.invoiceDetails = function(invoice) { var account = invoice.account; if (invoice.features.invoice_settings && account.invoice_fields) { var fields = JSON.parse(account.invoice_fields).invoice_fields; } else { var fields = [ 'invoice.invoice_number', 'invoice.po_number', 'invoice.invoice_date', 'invoice.due_date', 'invoice.balance_due', 'invoice.partial_due', 'invoice.custom_text_value1', 'invoice.custom_text_value2', ]; } var data = []; for (var i=0; i < fields.length; i++) { var field = fields[i]; var value = NINJA.renderField(invoice, field, true); if (value) { data.push(value); } } return NINJA.prepareDataPairs(data, 'invoiceDetails'); } NINJA.renderField = function(invoice, field, twoColumn) { if (invoice.is_delivery_note) { var skipFields = [ 'invoice.due_date', 'invoice.balance_due', 'invoice.partial_due', ]; if (skipFields.indexOf(field) >= 0) { return false; } } var client = invoice.client; if (!client) { return false; } var account = invoice.account; var contact = client.contacts[0]; var clientName = || (contact.first_name || contact.last_name ? ((contact.first_name || '') + ' ' + (contact.last_name || '')) :; var label = false; var value = false; if (field == 'client.client_name') { value = clientName || ' '; } else if (field == 'client.contact_name') { value = (contact.first_name || contact.last_name) ? (contact.first_name || '') + ' ' + (contact.last_name || '') : false; } else if (field == 'client.id_number') { value = client.id_number; if (invoiceLabels.id_number_orig) { label = invoiceLabels.id_number; } } else if (field == 'client.vat_number') { value = client.vat_number; if (invoiceLabels.vat_number_orig) { label = invoiceLabels.vat_number; } } else if (field == 'client.address1') { if (invoice.is_delivery_note && client.shipping_address1) { value = client.shipping_address1; } else { value = client.address1; } } else if (field == 'client.address2') { if (invoice.is_delivery_note && client.shipping_address1) { value = client.shipping_address2; } else { value = client.address2; } } else if (field == 'client.city_state_postal') { var cityStatePostal = ''; if (invoice.is_delivery_note && client.shipping_address1) { if (client.shipping_city || client.shipping_state || client.shipping_postal_code) { var swap = client.shipping_country && client.shipping_country.swap_postal_code; cityStatePostal = formatAddress(client.shipping_city, client.shipping_state, client.shipping_postal_code, swap); } } else { if ( || client.state || client.postal_code) { var swap = &&; cityStatePostal = formatAddress(, client.state, client.postal_code, swap); } } value = cityStatePostal; } else if (field == 'client.postal_city_state') { var postalCityState = ''; if (invoice.is_delivery_note && client.shipping_address1) { if (client.shipping_city || client.shipping_state || client.shipping_postal_code) { postalCityState = formatAddress(client.shipping_city, client.shipping_state, client.shipping_postal_code, true); } } else { if ( || client.state || client.postal_code) { postalCityState = formatAddress(, client.state, client.postal_code, true); } } value = postalCityState; } else if (field == '') { if (invoice.is_delivery_note && client.shipping_address1) { value = client.shipping_country ? : ''; } else { value = ? : ''; } } else if (field == '') { value =; } else if (field == '') { value = == clientName ? '' :; } else if (field == '') { value =; } else if (field == 'client.custom_value1') { if (account.custom_client_label1 && client.custom_value1) { label = NINJA.getCustomLabel(account.custom_client_label1); value = client.custom_value1; } } else if (field == 'client.custom_value2') { if (account.custom_client_label2 && client.custom_value2) { label = NINJA.getCustomLabel(account.custom_client_label2); value = client.custom_value2; } } else if (field == 'contact.custom_value1') { if (account.custom_contact_label1 && contact.custom_value1) { label = NINJA.getCustomLabel(account.custom_contact_label1); value = contact.custom_value1; } } else if (field == 'contact.custom_value2') { if (account.custom_contact_label2 && contact.custom_value2) { label = NINJA.getCustomLabel(account.custom_contact_label2); value = contact.custom_value2; } } else if (field == 'account.company_name') { value =; } else if (field == 'account.id_number') { value = account.id_number; if (invoiceLabels.id_number_orig) { label = invoiceLabels.id_number; } } else if (field == 'account.vat_number') { value = account.vat_number; if (invoiceLabels.vat_number_orig) { label = invoiceLabels.vat_number; } } else if (field == '') { value =; } else if (field == '') { value = account.work_email; } else if (field == '') { value = account.work_phone; } else if (field == 'account.address1') { value = account.address1; } else if (field == 'account.address2') { value = account.address2; } else if (field == 'account.city_state_postal') { var cityStatePostal = ''; if ( || account.state || account.postal_code) { var swap = &&; cityStatePostal = formatAddress(, account.state, account.postal_code, swap); } value = cityStatePostal; } else if (field == 'account.postal_city_state') { var postalCityState = ''; if ( || account.state || account.postal_code) { postalCityState = formatAddress(, account.state, account.postal_code, true); } value = postalCityState; } else if (field == '') { value = ? : false; } else if (field == 'account.custom_value1') { if (invoice.account.custom_label1 && invoice.account.custom_value1) { label = invoice.account.custom_label1; value = invoice.account.custom_value1; } } else if (field == 'account.custom_value2') { if (invoice.account.custom_label2 && invoice.account.custom_value2) { label = invoice.account.custom_label2; value = invoice.account.custom_value2; } } else if (field == 'invoice.invoice_number') { if (! invoice.is_statement) { label = invoice.is_quote ? invoiceLabels.quote_number : invoice.balance_amount < 0 ? invoiceLabels.credit_number : invoiceLabels.invoice_number; value = invoice.invoice_number; } } else if (field == 'invoice.po_number') { value = invoice.po_number; } else if (field == 'invoice.invoice_date') { label = invoice.is_statement ? invoiceLabels.statement_date : invoice.is_quote ? invoiceLabels.quote_date : invoice.balance_amount < 0 ? invoiceLabels.credit_date : invoiceLabels.invoice_date; value = invoice.invoice_date; } else if (field == 'invoice.due_date') { label = invoice.is_quote ? invoiceLabels.valid_until : invoiceLabels.due_date; if (invoice.is_recurring) { value = false; } else if (invoice.partial_due_date) { value = invoice.partial_due_date; } else { value = invoice.due_date; } } else if (field == 'invoice.custom_text_value1') { if (invoice.custom_text_value1 && account.custom_invoice_text_label1) { label = NINJA.getCustomLabel(invoice.account.custom_invoice_text_label1); value = invoice.is_recurring ? processVariables(invoice.custom_text_value1) : invoice.custom_text_value1; } } else if (field == 'invoice.custom_text_value2') { if (invoice.custom_text_value2 && account.custom_invoice_text_label2) { label = NINJA.getCustomLabel(invoice.account.custom_invoice_text_label2); value = invoice.is_recurring ? processVariables(invoice.custom_text_value2) : invoice.custom_text_value2; } } else if (field == 'invoice.balance_due') { label = invoice.is_quote || invoice.balance_amount < 0 ? : invoiceLabels.balance_due; value = formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.total_amount, invoice); } else if (field == 'invoice.partial_due') { if (NINJA.parseFloat(invoice.partial)) { label = invoiceLabels.partial_due; value = formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.balance_amount, invoice); } } else if (field == 'invoice.invoice_total') { if (invoice.is_statement || invoice.is_quote || invoice.balance_amount < 0) { // hide field } else { value = formatMoneyInvoice(invoice.amount, invoice); } } else if (field == 'invoice.outstanding') { if (invoice.is_statement || invoice.is_quote) { // hide field } else { value = formatMoneyInvoice(client.balance, invoice); } } else if (field == '.blank') { value = ' '; } if (value) { var shortField = false; var parts = field.split('.'); if (parts.length >= 2) { var shortField = parts[1]; } var style = snakeToCamel(shortField == 'company_name' ? 'account_name' : shortField); // backwards compatibility if (twoColumn) { // try to automatically determine the label if (! label && label != 'Blank') { if (invoiceLabels[shortField]) { label = invoiceLabels[shortField]; } } return [{text: label, style: [style + 'Label']}, {text: value, style: [style]}]; } else { // if the label is set prepend it to the value if (label) { value = label + ': ' + value; } return {text:value, style: [style]}; } } else { return false; } } NINJA.clientDetails = function(invoice) { var account = invoice.account; if (invoice.features.invoice_settings && account.invoice_fields) { var fields = JSON.parse(account.invoice_fields).client_fields; } else { var fields = [ 'client.client_name', 'client.id_number', 'client.vat_number', 'client.address1', 'client.address2', 'client.city_state_postal', '', '', 'client.custom_value1', 'client.custom_value2', 'contact.custom_value1', 'contact.custom_value2', ]; } var data = []; for (var i=0; i < fields.length; i++) { var field = fields[i]; var value = NINJA.renderField(invoice, field); if (value) { data.push(value); } } return NINJA.prepareDataList(data, 'clientDetails'); } NINJA.getPrimaryColor = function(defaultColor) { return NINJA.primaryColor ? NINJA.primaryColor : defaultColor; } NINJA.getSecondaryColor = function(defaultColor) { return NINJA.primaryColor ? NINJA.secondaryColor : defaultColor; } // remove blanks and add section style to all elements NINJA.prepareDataList = function(oldData, section) { var newData = []; if (! oldData.length) { oldData.push({text:' '}); } for (var i=0; i 1 ? parts : val; } /* NINJA.parseMarkdownStack = function(val) { if (val.length == 1) { var item = val[0]; var line = item.hasOwnProperty('text') ? item.text : item; if (typeof line === 'string') { line = [line]; } var regExp = '^\\\* (.*[\r\n|\n|\r]?)'; var formatter = function(data) { return {"ul": [data.text]}; } val = NINJA.parseRegExp(line, regExp, formatter, false); } return val; } */ NINJA.parseRegExp = function(val, regExpStr, formatter, groupText) { var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gm'); var parts = []; for (var i=0; i 1 ? parts : val; } NINJA.parseRegExpLine = function(line, regExp, formatter, groupText) { var parts = []; var lastIndex = -1; while (match = regExp.exec(line)) { if (match.index > lastIndex) { parts.push(line.substring(lastIndex, match.index)); } var data = {}; data.text = match[1]; data = formatter(data); parts.push(data); lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length; } if (parts.length) { if (lastIndex < line.length) { parts.push(line.substring(lastIndex)); } return parts; } return line; } NINJA.getCustomLabel = function(value) { if (value && value.indexOf('|') > 0) { return value.split('|')[0]; } else { return value; } }