{{ ctrans('texts.application_settings') }}

{{ ctrans('texts.application_settings_label') }}

{{ ctrans('texts.url') }}*
(including http:// or https://)
{{ ctrans('texts.https') }}
{{ ctrans('texts.require') }} ({{ ctrans('texts.recommended_in_production') }})
{{ ctrans('texts.reports') }}
{{ ctrans('texts.send_fail_logs_to_our_server') }} Read more about how we use this.

{{ ctrans('texts.database_connection') }}

@if (! config('ninja.preconfigured_install'))
You can use following commands to create user & database.
Show code
-- Commands to create a MySQL database and user
CREATE SCHEMA `db-ninja-01` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
CREATE USER 'ninja'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ninja';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `db-ninja-01`.* TO 'ninja'@'localhost';
{{ ctrans('texts.driver') }}
{{ ctrans('texts.host') }}*
{{ ctrans('texts.port') }}*
{{ ctrans('texts.database') }}*
{{ ctrans('texts.username') }}*
{{ ctrans('texts.password') }}