calculateRates(); return $this; } /** * Sets the correct tax rate based on the product type. * * @param mixed $product_tax_type * @return self */ public function taxByType($product_tax_type): self { if ($this->client->is_tax_exempt) { return $this->taxExempt(); } match($product_tax_type){ Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_EXEMPT => $this->taxExempt(), Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_DIGITAL => $this->taxDigital(), Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_SERVICE => $this->taxService(), Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_SHIPPING => $this->taxShipping(), Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_PHYSICAL => $this->taxPhysical(), Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_REDUCED_TAX => $this->taxReduced(), Product::PRODUCT_TYPE_OVERRIDE_TAX => $this->override(), default => $this->default(), }; return $this; } /** * Calculates the tax rate for a reduced tax product * * @return self */ public function taxReduced(): self { $this->tax_rate1 = $this->reduced_tax_rate; $this->tax_name1 = 'ermäßigte MwSt.'; return $this; } /** * Calculates the tax rate for a tax exempt product * * @return self */ public function taxExempt(): self { $this->tax_name1 = ''; $this->tax_rate1 = 0; return $this; } /** * Calculates the tax rate for a digital product * * @return self */ public function taxDigital(): self { return $this; } /** * Calculates the tax rate for a service product * * @return self */ public function taxService(): self { return $this; } /** * Calculates the tax rate for a shipping product * * @return self */ public function taxShipping(): self { return $this; } /** * Calculates the tax rate for a physical product * * @return self */ public function taxPhysical(): self { $this->tax_rate1 = $this->tax_rate; $this->tax_name1 = 'MwSt.'; return $this; } /** * Calculates the tax rate for a default product * * @return self */ public function default(): self { $this->tax_name1 = ''; $this->tax_rate1 = 0; return $this; } /** * Calculates the tax rate for an override product * * @return self */ public function override(): self { return $this; } /** * Calculates the tax rates based on the client's location. * * @return self */ public function calculateRates(): self { if ($this->client->is_tax_exempt) { // nlog("tax exempt"); $this->tax_rate = 0; $this->reduced_tax_rate = 0; } elseif($this->client_subregion != $this->client->company->tax_data->seller_subregion && in_array($this->client_subregion, $this->eu_country_codes) && $this->client->has_valid_vat_number && $this->eu_business_tax_exempt) { // nlog("euro zone and tax exempt"); $this->tax_rate = 0; $this->reduced_tax_rate = 0; } elseif(!in_array($this->client_subregion, $this->eu_country_codes) && ($this->foreign_consumer_tax_exempt || $this->foreign_business_tax_exempt)) //foreign + tax exempt { // nlog("foreign and tax exempt"); $this->tax_rate = 0; $this->reduced_tax_rate = 0; } elseif(in_array($this->client_subregion, $this->eu_country_codes) && !$this->client->has_valid_vat_number) //eu country / no valid vat { if(($this->client->company->tax_data->seller_subregion != $this->client_subregion) && $this->client->company->tax_data->regions->EU->has_sales_above_threshold) { // nlog("eu zone with sales above threshold"); $this->tax_rate = $this->client->company->tax_data->regions->EU->subregions->{$this->client->country->iso_3166_2}->tax_rate; $this->reduced_tax_rate = $this->client->company->tax_data->regions->EU->subregions->{$this->client->country->iso_3166_2}->reduced_tax_rate; } else { // nlog("EU with intra-community supply ie DE to DE"); $this->tax_rate = $this->client->company->tax_data->regions->EU->subregions->{$this->client->company->country()->iso_3166_2}->tax_rate; $this->reduced_tax_rate = $this->client->company->tax_data->regions->EU->subregions->{$this->client->company->country()->iso_3166_2}->reduced_tax_rate; } } else { // nlog("default tax"); $this->tax_rate = $this->client->company->tax_data->regions->EU->subregions->{$this->client->company->country()->iso_3166_2}->tax_rate; $this->reduced_tax_rate = $this->client->company->tax_data->regions->EU->subregions->{$this->client->company->country()->iso_3166_2}->reduced_tax_rate; } return $this; } }