syncPdfVariables(); if (isset($this->context['vendor'])) { $this->vendor = $this->context['vendor']; } if (isset($this->context['client'])) { $this->client = $this->context['client']; } if (isset($this->context['entity'])) { $this->entity = $this->context['entity']; } if (isset($this->context['invoices'])) { $this->invoices = $this->context['invoices']; if ($this->invoices->count() >= 1) { $this->entity = $this->invoices->first(); } } if (isset($this->context['payments'])) { $this->payments = $this->context['payments']; } if (isset($this->context['credits'])) { $this->credits = $this->context['credits']; } if (isset($this->context['aging'])) { $this->aging = $this->context['aging']; } $this->document(); $this->settings_object = $this->vendor ? $this->vendor->company : $this->client; $this->company = $this->vendor ? $this->vendor->company : $this->client->company; return $this; } protected function syncPdfVariables(): void { $default = (array) \App\DataMapper\CompanySettings::getEntityVariableDefaults(); $variables = $this->context['pdf_variables']; foreach ($default as $property => $value) { if (array_key_exists($property, $variables)) { continue; } $variables[$property] = $value; } $this->context['pdf_variables'] = $variables; } /** * Initialize local dom document instance. Used for getting raw HTML out of template. * * @return $this */ public function document(): self { $document = new DOMDocument(); $document->validateOnParse = true; @$document->loadHTML($this->html()); $this->document = $document; $this->xpath = new DOMXPath($document); return $this; } /** * Get specific section HTML. * * @param string $section * @param bool $id * @return null|string */ public function getSectionHTML(string $section, $id = true): ?string { if ($id) { $element = $this->document->getElementById($section); } else { $elements = $this->document->getElementsByTagName($section); $element = $elements[0]; } $document = new DOMDocument(); $document->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $document->formatOutput = true; if ($element) { $document->appendChild( $document->importNode($element, true) ); $html = $document->saveHTML(); return str_replace('%24', '$', $html); } return ''; } /** * This method will help us decide either we show * one "tax rate" column in the table or 3 custom tax rates. * * Logic below will help us calculate that & inject the result in the * global state of the $context (design state). * * @param string $type "product" or "task" * @return void */ public function processTaxColumns(string $type): void { if ($type == 'product') { $type_id = 1; } if ($type == 'task') { $type_id = 2; } // At the moment we pass "task" or "product" as type. // However, "pdf_variables" contains "$" or "$" <-- Notice the dollar sign. // This sprintf() will help us convert "task" or "product" into "$task" or "$product" without // evaluating the variable. if (in_array(sprintf('', '$', $type), (array) $this->context['pdf_variables']["{$type}_columns"])) { $line_items = collect($this->entity->line_items)->filter(function ($item) use ($type_id) { return $item->type_id = $type_id; }); $tax1 = $line_items->where('tax_name1', '<>', '')->where('type_id', $type_id)->count(); $tax2 = $line_items->where('tax_name2', '<>', '')->where('type_id', $type_id)->count(); $tax3 = $line_items->where('tax_name3', '<>', '')->where('type_id', $type_id)->count(); $taxes = []; if ($tax1 > 0) { array_push($taxes, sprintf('%s%s.tax_rate1', '$', $type)); } if ($tax2 > 0) { array_push($taxes, sprintf('%s%s.tax_rate2', '$', $type)); } if ($tax3 > 0) { array_push($taxes, sprintf('%s%s.tax_rate3', '$', $type)); } $key = array_search(sprintf('', '$', $type), $this->context['pdf_variables']["{$type}_columns"], true); if ($key !== false) { array_splice($this->context['pdf_variables']["{$type}_columns"], $key, 1, $taxes); } } } /** * Calculates the remaining colspans. * * @param int $taken * @return int */ public function calculateColspan(int $taken): int { $total = (int) count($this->context['pdf_variables']['product_columns']); return (int) $total - $taken; } /** * Return "true" or "false" based on null or empty check. * We need to return false as string because of HTML parsing. * * @param mixed $property * @return string */ public function toggleHiddenProperty($property): string { if (is_null($property)) { return 'false'; } if (empty($property)) { return 'false'; } return 'true'; } public function sharedFooterElements() { // We want to show headers for statements, no exceptions. $statements = " document.querySelectorAll('#statement-invoice-table > thead > tr > th, #statement-payment-table > thead > tr > th, #statement-aging-table > thead > tr > th').forEach(t => { t.hidden = false; }); "; $javascript = 'document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){document.querySelectorAll("#product-table > tbody > tr > td, #task-table > tbody > tr > td, #delivery-note-table > tbody > tr > td").forEach(t=>{if(""!==t.innerText){let e=t.getAttribute("data-ref").slice(0,-3);document.querySelector(`th[data-ref="${e}-th"]`).removeAttribute("hidden")}}),document.querySelectorAll("#product-table > tbody > tr > td, #task-table > tbody > tr > td, #delivery-note-table > tbody > tr > td").forEach(t=>{let e=t.getAttribute("data-ref").slice(0,-3);(e=document.querySelector(`th[data-ref="${e}-th"]`)).hasAttribute("hidden")&&""==t.innerText&&t.setAttribute("hidden","true")})},!1);'; // Previously we've been decoding the HTML on the backend and XML parsing isn't good options because it requires, // strict & valid HTML to even output/decode. Decoding is now done on the frontend with this piece of Javascript. $html_decode = 'document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){document.querySelectorAll(`[data-state="encoded-html"]`).forEach(e=>e.innerHTML=e.innerText)},!1);'; return ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'script', 'content' => $statements], ['element' => 'script', 'content' => $javascript], ['element' => 'script', 'content' => $html_decode], ]]; } public function entityVariableCheck(string $variable): bool { // Extract $ => date // so we can append date as $entity->date and not $entity->$; // When it comes to invoice balance, we'll always show it. if ($variable == '$') { return false; } // Some variables don't map 1:1 to table columns. This gives us support for such cases. $aliases = [ '$quote.balance_due' => 'partial', ]; try { $_variable = explode('.', $variable)[1]; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Company settings seems to be broken. Missing $entity.variable type.'); } if (\in_array($variable, \array_keys($aliases))) { $_variable = $aliases[$variable]; } if (is_null($this->entity->{$_variable})) { return true; } if (empty($this->entity->{$_variable})) { return true; } return false; } public function entityVariableCheckx(string $variable): string { // Extract $ => date // so we can append date as $entity->date and not $entity->$; // When it comes to invoice balance, we'll always show it. if ($variable == '$') { return 'visible'; } // Some variables don't map 1:1 to table columns. This gives us support for such cases. $aliases = [ '$quote.balance_due' => 'partial', ]; try { $_variable = explode('.', $variable)[1]; } catch (Exception $e) { nlog("Company settings seems to be broken. Could not resolve {$variable} type."); return 'collapse'; } if (\in_array($variable, \array_keys($aliases))) { $_variable = $aliases[$variable]; } if (is_null($this->entity->{$_variable})) { return 'collapse'; } if (empty($this->entity->{$_variable})) { return 'collapse'; } return 'visible'; } public function composeFromPartials(array $partials) { $html = ''; $html .= $partials['includes']; $html .= $partials['header']; $html .= $partials['body']; $html .= $partials['footer']; return $html; } public function processCustomColumns(string $type): void { $custom_columns = []; foreach ((array) $this->client->company->custom_fields as $field => $value) { info($field); if (\Illuminate\Support\Str::startsWith($field, $type)) { $custom_columns[] = '$'.$type.'.'.$field; } } $key = array_search(sprintf('%s%s.description', '$', $type), $this->context['pdf_variables']["{$type}_columns"], true); if ($key !== false) { array_splice($this->context['pdf_variables']["{$type}_columns"], $key + 1, 0, $custom_columns); } } public function getCustomFieldValue(string $field): string { // In custom_fields column we store fields like: company1-4, // while in settings, they're stored in custom_value1-4 format. // That's why we need this mapping. $fields = [ 'company1' => 'custom_value1', 'company2' => 'custom_value2', 'company3' => 'custom_value3', 'company4' => 'custom_value4', ]; if (! array_key_exists($field, $fields)) { return ''; } if ($this->client->company->custom_fields && ! property_exists($this->client->company->custom_fields, $field)) { return ''; } $value = $this->client->company->getSetting($fields[$field]); return (new \App\Utils\Helpers)->formatCustomFieldValue( $this->client->company->custom_fields, $field, $value, $this->client ); } public static function parseMarkdownToHtml(string $markdown): ?string { // Use setting to determinate if parsing should be done. // 'parse_markdown_on_pdfs' $converter = new CommonMarkConverter([ 'allow_unsafe_links' => false, ]); return $converter->convert($markdown); } public function processNewLines(array &$items): void { foreach ($items as $key => $item) { foreach ($item as $variable => $value) { // $item[$variable] = nl2br($value, true); $item[$variable] = str_replace("\n", '
', $value); } $items[$key] = $item; } } }