export default { "ca": { "passwords": { "password": "Les contrasenyes han de contenir almenys 6 caràcters i coincidir.", "reset": "La contrasenya s'ha restablert!", "sent": "Recordatori de contrasenya enviat!", "token": "Aquest token de recuperació de contrasenya és invàlid.", "user": "No podem trobar a un usuari amb aquest correu electrònic." }, "auth": { "failed": "Aquestes credencials no concorden amb els nostres registres.", "throttle": "Heu superat el nombre màxim d'intents d'accés. Per favor, torna a intentar-ho en {seconds} segons." }, "pagination": { "previous": "« Anterior", "next": "Següent »" }, "validation": { "accepted": "{attribute} ha de ser acceptat.", "active_url": "{attribute} no és un URL vàlid.", "after": "{attribute} ha de ser una data posterior a {date}.", "alpha": "{attribute} només pot contenir lletres.", "alpha_dash": "{attribute} només por contenir lletres, números i guions.", "alpha_num": "{attribute} només pot contenir lletres i números.", "array": "{attribute} ha de ser un conjunt.", "before": "{attribute} ha de ser una data anterior a {date}.", "between": { "numeric": "{attribute} ha d'estar entre {min} - {max}.", "file": "{attribute} ha de pesar entre {min} - {max} kilobytes.", "string": "{attribute} ha de tenir entre {min} - {max} caràcters.", "array": "{attribute} ha de tenir entre {min} - {max} ítems." }, "boolean": "El camp {attribute} ha de ser veritat o fals", "confirmed": "La confirmació de {attribute} no coincideix.", "date": "{attribute} no és una data vàlida.", "date_format": "{attribute} no correspon al format {format}.", "different": "{attribute} i {other} han de ser diferents.", "digits": "{attribute} ha de tenir {digits} digits.", "digits_between": "{attribute} ha de tenir entre {min} i {max} digits.", "dimensions": "The {attribute} has invalid image dimensions.", "distinct": "The {attribute} field has a duplicate value.", "email": "{attribute} no és un e-mail vàlid", "exists": "{attribute} és invàlid.", "filled": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori.", "image": "{attribute} ha de ser una imatge.", "in": "{attribute} és invàlid", "in_array": "The {attribute} field does not exist in {other}.", "integer": "{attribute} ha de ser un nombre enter.", "ip": "{attribute} ha de ser una adreça IP vàlida.", "json": "El camp {attribute} ha de contenir una cadena JSON vàlida.", "max": { "numeric": "{attribute} no ha de ser major a {max}.", "file": "{attribute} no ha de ser més gran que {max} kilobytes.", "string": "{attribute} no ha de ser més gran que {max} characters.", "array": "{attribute} no ha de tenir més de {max} ítems." }, "mimes": "{attribute} ha de ser un arxiu amb format: {values}.", "min": { "numeric": "El tamany de {attribute} ha de ser d'almenys {min}.", "file": "El tamany de {attribute} ha de ser d'almenys {min} kilobytes.", "string": "{attribute} ha de contenir almenys {min} caràcters.", "array": "{attribute} ha de tenir almenys {min} ítems." }, "not_in": "{attribute} és invàlid.", "numeric": "{attribute} ha de ser numèric.", "present": "The {attribute} field must be present.", "regex": "El format de {attribute} és invàlid.", "required": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori.", "required_if": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori quan {other} és {value}.", "required_unless": "The {attribute} field is required unless {other} is in {values}.", "required_with": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori quan {values} és present.", "required_with_all": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori quan {values} és present.", "required_without": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori quan {values} no és present.", "required_without_all": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori quan cap dels {values} estan presents.", "same": "{attribute} i {other} han de coincidir.", "size": { "numeric": "El tamany de {attribute} ha de ser {size}.", "file": "El tamany de {attribute} ha de ser {size} kilobytes.", "string": "{attribute} ha de contenir {size} caràcters.", "array": "{attribute} ha de contenir {size} ítems." }, "string": "El camp {attribute} ha de ser una cadena de caràcters.", "timezone": "El camp {attribute} ha de ser una zona vàlida.", "unique": "{attribute} ja ha estat registrat.", "url": "El format {attribute} és invàlid.", "custom": { "attribute-name": { "rule-name": "custom-message" } }, "attributes": [] }, "texts": { "organization": "Organization", "name": "Name", "website": "Website", "work_phone": "Phone", "address": "Address", "address1": "Street", "address2": "Apt\/Suite", "city": "City", "state": "State\/Province", "postal_code": "Postal Code", "country_id": "Country", "contacts": "Contacts", "first_name": "First Name", "last_name": "Last Name", "phone": "Phone", "email": "Email", "additional_info": "Additional Info", "payment_terms": "Payment Terms", "currency_id": "Currency", "size_id": "Company Size", "industry_id": "Industry", "private_notes": "Private Notes", "invoice": "Invoice", "client": "Client", "invoice_date": "Invoice Date", "due_date": "Due Date", "invoice_number": "Invoice Number", "invoice_number_short": "Invoice #", "po_number": "PO Number", "po_number_short": "PO #", "frequency_id": "How Often", "discount": "Discount", "taxes": "Taxes", "tax": "Tax", "item": "Item", "description": "Description", "unit_cost": "Unit Cost", "quantity": "Quantity", "line_total": "Line Total", "subtotal": "Subtotal", "paid_to_date": "Paid to Date", "balance_due": "Balance Due", "invoice_design_id": "Design", "terms": "Terms", "your_invoice": "Your Invoice", "remove_contact": "Remove contact", "add_contact": "Add contact", "create_new_client": "Create new client", "edit_client_details": "Edit client details", "enable": "Enable", "learn_more": "Learn more", "manage_rates": "Manage rates", "note_to_client": "Note to Client", "invoice_terms": "Invoice Terms", "save_as_default_terms": "Save as default terms", "download_pdf": "Download PDF", "pay_now": "Pay Now", "save_invoice": "Save Invoice", "clone_invoice": "Clone To Invoice", "archive_invoice": "Archive Invoice", "delete_invoice": "Delete Invoice", "email_invoice": "Email Invoice", "enter_payment": "Enter Payment", "tax_rates": "Tax Rates", "rate": "Rate", "settings": "Settings", "enable_invoice_tax": "Enable specifying an invoice tax<\/b>", "enable_line_item_tax": "Enable specifying line item taxes<\/b>", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "clients": "Clients", "invoices": "Invoices", "payments": "Payments", "credits": "Credits", "history": "History", "search": "Search", "sign_up": "Sign Up", "guest": "Guest", "company_details": "Company Details", "online_payments": "Online Payments", "notifications": "Notifications", "import_export": "Import | Export", "done": "Done", "save": "Save", "create": "Create", "upload": "Upload", "import": "Import", "download": "Download", "cancel": "Cancel", "close": "Close", "provide_email": "Please provide a valid email address", "powered_by": "Powered by", "no_items": "No items", "recurring_invoices": "Recurring Invoices", "recurring_help": "
Automatically send clients the same invoices weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly or annually. <\/p>\n
Use {MONTH}, {QUARTER} or {YEAR} for dynamic dates. Basic math works as well, for example {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n
Examples of dynamic invoice variables:<\/p>\n
We use {pdfmake_link} to define the invoice designs declaratively. The pdfmake {playground_link} provides a great way to see the library in action.<\/p>\n
If you need help figuring something out post a question to our {forum_link} with the design you're using.<\/p>", "playground": "playground", "support_forum": "support forum", "invoice_due_date": "Due Date", "quote_due_date": "Valid Until", "valid_until": "Valid Until", "reset_terms": "Reset terms", "reset_footer": "Reset footer", "invoice_sent": "{count} invoice sent", "invoices_sent": "{count} invoices sent", "status_draft": "Draft", "status_sent": "Sent", "status_viewed": "Viewed", "status_partial": "Partial", "status_paid": "Paid", "status_unpaid": "Unpaid", "status_all": "All", "show_line_item_tax": "Display line item taxes inline<\/b>", "iframe_url": "Website", "iframe_url_help1": "Copy the following code to a page on your site.", "iframe_url_help2": "You can test the feature by clicking 'View as recipient' for an invoice.", "auto_bill": "Auto Bill", "military_time": "24 Hour Time", "last_sent": "Last Sent", "reminder_emails": "Reminder Emails", "templates_and_reminders": "Templates & Reminders", "subject": "Subject", "body": "Body", "first_reminder": "First Reminder", "second_reminder": "Second Reminder", "third_reminder": "Third Reminder", "num_days_reminder": "Days after due date", "reminder_subject": "Reminder: Invoice {invoice} from {account}", "reset": "Reset", "invoice_not_found": "The requested invoice is not available", "referral_program": "Referral Program", "referral_code": "Referral URL", "last_sent_on": "Sent Last: {date}", "page_expire": "This page will expire soon, {click_here} to keep working", "upcoming_quotes": "Upcoming Quotes", "expired_quotes": "Expired Quotes", "sign_up_using": "Sign up using", "invalid_credentials": "These credentials do not match our records", "show_all_options": "Show all options", "user_details": "User Details", "oneclick_login": "Connected Account", "disable": "Disable", "invoice_quote_number": "Invoice and Quote Numbers", "invoice_charges": "Invoice Surcharges", "notification_invoice_bounced": "We were unable to deliver Invoice {invoice} to {contact}.", "notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "Unable to deliver Invoice {invoice}", "notification_quote_bounced": "We were unable to deliver Quote {invoice} to {contact}.", "notification_quote_bounced_subject": "Unable to deliver Quote {invoice}", "custom_invoice_link": "Custom Invoice Link", "total_invoiced": "Total Invoiced", "open_balance": "Open Balance", "verify_email": "Please visit the link in the account confirmation email to verify your email address.", "basic_settings": "Basic Settings", "pro": "Pro", "gateways": "Payment Gateways", "next_send_on": "Send Next: {date}", "no_longer_running": "This invoice is not scheduled to run", "general_settings": "General Settings", "customize": "Customize", "oneclick_login_help": "Connect an account to login without a password", "referral_code_help": "Earn money by sharing our app online", "enable_with_stripe": "Enable | Requires Stripe", "tax_settings": "Tax Settings", "create_tax_rate": "Add Tax Rate", "updated_tax_rate": "Successfully updated tax rate", "created_tax_rate": "Successfully created tax rate", "edit_tax_rate": "Edit tax rate", "archive_tax_rate": "Archive Tax Rate", "archived_tax_rate": "Successfully archived the tax rate", "default_tax_rate_id": "Default Tax Rate", "tax_rate": "Tax Rate", "recurring_hour": "Recurring Hour", "pattern": "Pattern", "pattern_help_title": "Pattern Help", "pattern_help_1": "Create custom numbers by specifying a pattern", "pattern_help_2": "Available variables:", "pattern_help_3": "For example, {example} would be converted to {value}", "see_options": "See options", "invoice_counter": "Invoice Counter", "quote_counter": "Quote Counter", "type": "Type", "activity_1": "{user} created client {client}", "activity_2": "{user} archived client {client}", "activity_3": "{user} deleted client {client}", "activity_4": "{user} created invoice {invoice}", "activity_5": "{user} updated invoice {invoice}", "activity_6": "{user} emailed invoice {invoice} to {contact}", "activity_7": "{contact} viewed invoice {invoice}", "activity_8": "{user} archived invoice {invoice}", "activity_9": "{user} deleted invoice {invoice}", "activity_10": "{contact} entered payment {payment} for {invoice}", "activity_11": "{user} updated payment {payment}", "activity_12": "{user} archived payment {payment}", "activity_13": "{user} deleted payment {payment}", "activity_14": "{user} entered {credit} credit", "activity_15": "{user} updated {credit} credit", "activity_16": "{user} archived {credit} credit", "activity_17": "{user} deleted {credit} credit", "activity_18": "{user} created quote {quote}", "activity_19": "{user} updated quote {quote}", "activity_20": "{user} emailed quote {quote} to {contact}", "activity_21": "{contact} viewed quote {quote}", "activity_22": "{user} archived quote {quote}", "activity_23": "{user} deleted quote {quote}", "activity_24": "{user} restored quote {quote}", "activity_25": "{user} restored invoice {invoice}", "activity_26": "{user} restored client {client}", "activity_27": "{user} restored payment {payment}", "activity_28": "{user} restored {credit} credit", "activity_29": "{contact} approved quote {quote}", "activity_30": "{user} created vendor {vendor}", "activity_31": "{user} archived vendor {vendor}", "activity_32": "{user} deleted vendor {vendor}", "activity_33": "{user} restored vendor {vendor}", "activity_34": "{user} created expense {expense}", "activity_35": "{user} archived expense {expense}", "activity_36": "{user} deleted expense {expense}", "activity_37": "{user} restored expense {expense}", "activity_42": "{user} created task {task}", "activity_43": "{user} updated task {task}", "activity_44": "{user} archived task {task}", "activity_45": "{user} deleted task {task}", "activity_46": "{user} restored task {task}", "activity_47": "{user} updated expense {expense}", "payment": "Payment", "system": "System", "signature": "Email Signature", "default_messages": "Default Messages", "quote_terms": "Quote Terms", "default_quote_terms": "Default Quote Terms", "default_invoice_terms": "Default Invoice Terms", "default_invoice_footer": "Default Invoice Footer", "quote_footer": "Quote Footer", "free": "Free", "quote_is_approved": "Successfully approved", "apply_credit": "Apply Credit", "system_settings": "System Settings", "archive_token": "Archive Token", "archived_token": "Successfully archived token", "archive_user": "Archive User", "archived_user": "Successfully archived user", "archive_account_gateway": "Archive Gateway", "archived_account_gateway": "Successfully archived gateway", "archive_recurring_invoice": "Archive Recurring Invoice", "archived_recurring_invoice": "Successfully archived recurring invoice", "delete_recurring_invoice": "Delete Recurring Invoice", "deleted_recurring_invoice": "Successfully deleted recurring invoice", "restore_recurring_invoice": "Restore Recurring Invoice", "restored_recurring_invoice": "Successfully restored recurring invoice", "archive_recurring_quote": "Archive Recurring Quote", "archived_recurring_quote": "Successfully archived recurring quote", "delete_recurring_quote": "Delete Recurring Quote", "deleted_recurring_quote": "Successfully deleted recurring quote", "restore_recurring_quote": "Restore Recurring Quote", "restored_recurring_quote": "Successfully restored recurring quote", "archived": "Archived", "untitled_account": "Untitled Company", "before": "Before", "after": "After", "reset_terms_help": "Reset to the default account terms", "reset_footer_help": "Reset to the default account footer", "export_data": "Export Data", "user": "User", "country": "Country", "include": "Include", "logo_too_large": "Your logo is {size}, for better PDF performance we suggest uploading an image file less than 200KB", "import_freshbooks": "Import From FreshBooks", "import_data": "Import Data", "source": "Source", "csv": "CSV", "client_file": "Client File", "invoice_file": "Invoice File", "task_file": "Task File", "no_mapper": "No valid mapping for file", "invalid_csv_header": "Invalid CSV Header", "client_portal": "Client Portal", "admin": "Admin", "disabled": "Disabled", "show_archived_users": "Show archived users", "notes": "Notes", "invoice_will_create": "invoice will be created", "invoices_will_create": "invoices will be created", "failed_to_import": "The following records failed to import, they either already exist or are missing required fields.", "publishable_key": "Publishable Key", "secret_key": "Secret Key", "missing_publishable_key": "Set your Stripe publishable key for an improved checkout process", "email_design": "Email Design", "due_by": "Due by {date}", "enable_email_markup": "Enable Markup", "enable_email_markup_help": "Make it easier for your clients to pay you by adding schema.org markup to your emails.", "template_help_title": "Templates Help", "template_help_1": "Available variables:", "email_design_id": "Email Style", "email_design_help": "Make your emails look more professional with HTML layouts.", "plain": "Plain", "light": "Light", "dark": "Dark", "industry_help": "Used to provide comparisons against the averages of companies of similar size and industry.", "subdomain_help": "Set the subdomain or display the invoice on your own website.", "website_help": "Display the invoice in an iFrame on your own website", "invoice_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the invoice number.", "quote_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the quote number.", "custom_client_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating a client and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.", "custom_account_fields_helps": "Add a label and value to the company details section of the PDF.", "custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating an invoice and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.", "custom_invoice_charges_helps": "Add a field when creating an invoice and include the charge in the invoice subtotals.", "token_expired": "Validation token was expired. Please try again.", "invoice_link": "Invoice Link", "button_confirmation_message": "Click to confirm your email address.", "confirm": "Confirm", "email_preferences": "Email Preferences", "created_invoices": "Successfully created {count} invoice(s)", "next_invoice_number": "The next invoice number is {number}.", "next_quote_number": "The next quote number is {number}.", "days_before": "days before the", "days_after": "days after the", "field_due_date": "due date", "field_invoice_date": "invoice date", "schedule": "Schedule", "email_designs": "Email Designs", "assigned_when_sent": "Assigned when sent", "white_label_purchase_link": "Purchase a white label license", "expense": "Expense", "expenses": "Expenses", "new_expense": "Enter Expense", "enter_expense": "Enter Expense", "vendors": "Vendors", "new_vendor": "New Vendor", "payment_terms_net": "Net", "vendor": "Vendor", "edit_vendor": "Edit Vendor", "archive_vendor": "Archive Vendor", "delete_vendor": "Delete Vendor", "view_vendor": "View Vendor", "deleted_expense": "Successfully deleted expense", "archived_expense": "Successfully archived expense", "deleted_expenses": "Successfully deleted expenses", "archived_expenses": "Successfully archived expenses", "expense_amount": "Expense Amount", "expense_balance": "Expense Balance", "expense_date": "Expense Date", "expense_should_be_invoiced": "Should this expense be invoiced?", "public_notes": "Public Notes", "invoice_amount": "Invoice Amount", "exchange_rate": "Exchange Rate", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "should_be_invoiced": "Should be invoiced", "view_expense": "View expense # {expense}", "edit_expense": "Edit Expense", "archive_expense": "Archive Expense", "delete_expense": "Delete Expense", "view_expense_num": "Expense # {expense}", "updated_expense": "Successfully updated expense", "created_expense": "Successfully created expense", "view": "View", "restore_expense": "Restore Expense", "invoice_expense": "Invoice Expense", "expense_error_multiple_clients": "The expenses can't belong to different clients", "expense_error_invoiced": "Expense has already been invoiced", "convert_currency": "Convert currency", "num_days": "Number of Days", "create_payment_term": "Create Payment Term", "edit_payment_terms": "Edit Payment Term", "edit_payment_term": "Edit Payment Term", "archive_payment_term": "Archive Payment Term", "recurring_due_dates": "Recurring Invoice Due Dates", "recurring_due_date_help": "
Automatically sets a due date for the invoice.<\/p>\n
Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month. Invoices set to be due on the 29th or 30th in months that don't have that day will be due the last day of the month.<\/p>\n
Invoices on a weekly cycle set to be due on the day of the week they are created will be due the next week.<\/p>\n
For example:<\/p>\n
php artisan ninja{update}-key<\/code>",
"charge_late_fee": "Charge Late Fee",
"late_fee_amount": "Late Fee Amount",
"late_fee_percent": "Late Fee Percent",
"late_fee_added": "Late fee added on {date}",
"download_invoice": "Download Invoice",
"download_quote": "Download Quote",
"invoices_are_attached": "Your invoice PDFs are attached.",
"downloaded_invoice": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDF",
"downloaded_quote": "An email will be sent with the quote PDF",
"downloaded_invoices": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDFs",
"downloaded_quotes": "An email will be sent with the quote PDFs",
"clone_expense": "Clone Expense",
"default_documents": "Default Documents",
"send_email_to_client": "Send email to the client",
"refund_subject": "Refund Processed",
"refund_body": "You have been processed a refund of {amount} for invoice {invoice_number}.",
"currency_us_dollar": "US Dollar",
"currency_british_pound": "British Pound",
"currency_euro": "Euro",
"currency_south_african_rand": "South African Rand",
"currency_danish_krone": "Danish Krone",
"currency_israeli_shekel": "Israeli Shekel",
"currency_swedish_krona": "Swedish Krona",
"currency_kenyan_shilling": "Kenyan Shilling",
"currency_canadian_dollar": "Canadian Dollar",
"currency_philippine_peso": "Philippine Peso",
"currency_indian_rupee": "Indian Rupee",
"currency_australian_dollar": "Australian Dollar",
"currency_singapore_dollar": "Singapore Dollar",
"currency_norske_kroner": "Norske Kroner",
"currency_new_zealand_dollar": "New Zealand Dollar",
"currency_vietnamese_dong": "Vietnamese Dong",
"currency_swiss_franc": "Swiss Franc",
"currency_guatemalan_quetzal": "Guatemalan Quetzal",
"currency_malaysian_ringgit": "Malaysian Ringgit",
"currency_brazilian_real": "Brazilian Real",
"currency_thai_baht": "Thai Baht",
"currency_nigerian_naira": "Nigerian Naira",
"currency_argentine_peso": "Argentine Peso",
"currency_bangladeshi_taka": "Bangladeshi Taka",
"currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham": "United Arab Emirates Dirham",
"currency_hong_kong_dollar": "Hong Kong Dollar",
"currency_indonesian_rupiah": "Indonesian Rupiah",
"currency_mexican_peso": "Mexican Peso",
"currency_egyptian_pound": "Egyptian Pound",
"currency_colombian_peso": "Colombian Peso",
"currency_west_african_franc": "West African Franc",
"currency_chinese_renminbi": "Chinese Renminbi",
"currency_rwandan_franc": "Rwandan Franc",
"currency_tanzanian_shilling": "Tanzanian Shilling",
"currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder": "Netherlands Antillean Guilder",
"currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar": "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar",
"currency_east_caribbean_dollar": "East Caribbean Dollar",
"currency_ghanaian_cedi": "Ghanaian Cedi",
"currency_bulgarian_lev": "Bulgarian Lev",
"currency_aruban_florin": "Aruban Florin",
"currency_turkish_lira": "Turkish Lira",
"currency_romanian_new_leu": "Romanian New Leu",
"currency_croatian_kuna": "Croatian Kuna",
"currency_saudi_riyal": "Saudi Riyal",
"currency_japanese_yen": "Japanese Yen",
"currency_maldivian_rufiyaa": "Maldivian Rufiyaa",
"currency_costa_rican_colon": "Costa Rican Colón",
"currency_pakistani_rupee": "Pakistani Rupee",
"currency_polish_zloty": "Polish Zloty",
"currency_sri_lankan_rupee": "Sri Lankan Rupee",
"currency_czech_koruna": "Czech Koruna",
"currency_uruguayan_peso": "Uruguayan Peso",
"currency_namibian_dollar": "Namibian Dollar",
"currency_tunisian_dinar": "Tunisian Dinar",
"currency_russian_ruble": "Russian Ruble",
"currency_mozambican_metical": "Mozambican Metical",
"currency_omani_rial": "Omani Rial",
"currency_ukrainian_hryvnia": "Ukrainian Hryvnia",
"currency_macanese_pataca": "Macanese Pataca",
"currency_taiwan_new_dollar": "Taiwan New Dollar",
"currency_dominican_peso": "Dominican Peso",
"currency_chilean_peso": "Chilean Peso",
"currency_icelandic_krona": "Icelandic Króna",
"currency_papua_new_guinean_kina": "Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency_jordanian_dinar": "Jordanian Dinar",
"currency_myanmar_kyat": "Myanmar Kyat",
"currency_peruvian_sol": "Peruvian Sol",
"currency_botswana_pula": "Botswana Pula",
"currency_hungarian_forint": "Hungarian Forint",
"currency_ugandan_shilling": "Ugandan Shilling",
"currency_barbadian_dollar": "Barbadian Dollar",
"currency_brunei_dollar": "Brunei Dollar",
"currency_georgian_lari": "Georgian Lari",
"currency_qatari_riyal": "Qatari Riyal",
"currency_honduran_lempira": "Honduran Lempira",
"currency_surinamese_dollar": "Surinamese Dollar",
"currency_bahraini_dinar": "Bahraini Dinar",
"review_app_help": "We hope you're enjoying using the app.
If you'd consider {link} we'd greatly appreciate it!",
"writing_a_review": "writing a review",
"use_english_version": "Make sure to use the English version of the files.
We use the column headers to match the fields.",
"tax1": "First Tax",
"tax2": "Second Tax",
"fee_help": "Gateway fees are the costs charged for access to the financial networks that handle the processing of online payments.",
"format_export": "Exporting format",
"custom1": "First Custom",
"custom2": "Second Custom",
"contact_first_name": "Contact First Name",
"contact_last_name": "Contact Last Name",
"contact_custom1": "Contact First Custom",
"contact_custom2": "Contact Second Custom",
"currency": "Currency",
"ofx_help": "To troubleshoot check for comments on {ofxhome_link} and test with {ofxget_link}.",
"comments": "comments",
"item_product": "Item Product",
"item_notes": "Item Notes",
"item_cost": "Item Cost",
"item_quantity": "Item Quantity",
"item_tax_rate": "Item Tax Rate",
"item_tax_name": "Item Tax Name",
"item_tax1": "Item Tax1",
"item_tax2": "Item Tax2",
"delete_company": "Delete Company",
"delete_company_help": "Permanently delete the company along with all data and setting.",
"delete_company_message": "Warning: This will permanently delete your company, there is no undo.",
"applied_discount": "The coupon has been applied, the plan price has been reduced by {discount}%.",
"applied_free_year": "The coupon has been applied, your account has been upgraded to pro for one year.",
"contact_us_help": "If you're reporting an error please include any relevant logs from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"include_errors": "Include Errors",
"include_errors_help": "Include {link} from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"recent_errors": "recent errors",
"customer": "Customer",
"customers": "Customers",
"created_customer": "Successfully created customer",
"created_customers": "Successfully created {count} customers",
"purge_details": "The data in your company ({account}) has been successfully purged.",
"deleted_company": "Successfully deleted company",
"deleted_account": "Successfully canceled account",
"deleted_company_details": "Your company ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"deleted_account_details": "Your account ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"sofort": "Sofort",
"sepa": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"enable_alipay": "Accept Alipay",
"enable_sofort": "Accept EU bank transfers",
"stripe_alipay_help": "These gateways also need to be activated in {link}.",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"pro_plan_calendar": "{link} to enable the calendar by joining the Pro Plan",
"what_are_you_working_on": "What are you working on?",
"time_tracker": "Time Tracker",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"filter_sort": "Filter\/Sort",
"no_description": "No Description",
"time_tracker_login": "Time Tracker Login",
"save_or_discard": "Save or discard your changes",
"discard_changes": "Discard Changes",
"tasks_not_enabled": "Tasks are not enabled.",
"started_task": "Successfully started task",
"create_client": "Create Client",
"download_desktop_app": "Download the desktop app",
"download_iphone_app": "Download the iPhone app",
"download_android_app": "Download the Android app",
"time_tracker_mobile_help": "Double tap a task to select it",
"stopped": "Stopped",
"ascending": "Ascending",
"descending": "Descending",
"sort_field": "Sort By",
"sort_direction": "Direction",
"discard": "Discard",
"time_am": "AM",
"time_pm": "PM",
"time_mins": "mins",
"time_hr": "hr",
"time_hrs": "hrs",
"clear": "Clear",
"warn_payment_gateway": "Note: accepting online payments requires a payment gateway, {link} to add one.",
"task_rate": "Task Rate",
"task_rate_help": "Set the default rate for invoiced tasks.",
"past_due": "Past Due",
"document": "Document",
"invoice_or_expense": "Invoice\/Expense",
"invoice_pdfs": "Invoice PDFs",
"enable_sepa": "Accept SEPA",
"enable_bitcoin": "Accept Bitcoin",
"iban": "IBAN",
"sepa_authorization": "By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing {company} and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.",
"recover_license": "Recover License",
"purchase": "Purchase",
"recover": "Recover",
"apply": "Apply",
"recover_white_label_header": "Recover White Label License",
"apply_white_label_header": "Apply White Label License",
"videos": "Videos",
"video": "Video",
"return_to_invoice": "Return to Invoice",
"gateway_help_13": "To use ITN leave the PDT Key field blank.",
"partial_due_date": "Partial Due Date",
"task_fields": "Task Fields",
"product_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order",
"custom_value1": "Custom Value",
"custom_value2": "Custom Value",
"enable_two_factor": "Two-Factor Authentication",
"enable_two_factor_help": "Use your phone to confirm your identity when logging in",
"two_factor_setup": "Two-Factor Setup",
"two_factor_setup_help": "Scan the bar code with a {link} compatible app.",
"one_time_password": "One Time Password",
"set_phone_for_two_factor": "Set your mobile phone number as a backup to enable.",
"enabled_two_factor": "Successfully enabled Two-Factor Authentication",
"add_product": "Add Product",
"email_will_be_sent_on": "Note: the email will be sent on {date}.",
"invoice_product": "Invoice Product",
"self_host_login": "Self-Host Login",
"set_self_hoat_url": "Self-Host URL",
"local_storage_required": "Error: local storage is not available.",
"your_password_reset_link": "Your Password Reset Link",
"subdomain_taken": "The subdomain is already in use",
"converted_amount": "Converted Amount",
"default": "Default",
"shipping_address": "Shipping Address",
"bllling_address": "Billing Address",
"billing_address1": "Billing Street",
"billing_address2": "Billing Apt\/Suite",
"billing_city": "Billing City",
"billing_state": "Billing State\/Province",
"billing_postal_code": "Billing Postal Code",
"billing_country": "Billing Country",
"shipping_address1": "Shipping Street",
"shipping_address2": "Shipping Apt\/Suite",
"shipping_city": "Shipping City",
"shipping_state": "Shipping State\/Province",
"shipping_postal_code": "Shipping Postal Code",
"shipping_country": "Shipping Country",
"classify": "Classify",
"show_shipping_address_help": "Require client to provide their shipping address",
"ship_to_billing_address": "Ship to billing address",
"delivery_note": "Delivery Note",
"show_tasks_in_portal": "Show tasks in the client portal",
"cancel_schedule": "Cancel Schedule",
"scheduled_report": "Scheduled Report",
"scheduled_report_help": "Email the {report} report as {format} to {email}",
"created_scheduled_report": "Successfully scheduled report",
"deleted_scheduled_report": "Successfully canceled scheduled report",
"scheduled_report_attached": "Your scheduled {type} report is attached.",
"scheduled_report_error": "Failed to create schedule report",
"invalid_one_time_password": "Invalid one time password",
"apple_pay": "Apple\/Google Pay",
"enable_apple_pay": "Accept Apple Pay and Pay with Google",
"requires_subdomain": "This payment type requires that a {link}.",
"subdomain_is_set": "subdomain is set",
"verification_file": "Verification File",
"verification_file_missing": "The verification file is needed to accept payments.",
"apple_pay_domain": "Use {domain}<\/code> as the domain in {link}.",
"apple_pay_not_supported": "Sorry, Apple\/Google Pay isn't supported by your browser",
"optional_payment_methods": "Optional Payment Methods",
"add_subscription": "Add Subscription",
"target_url": "Target",
"target_url_help": "When the selected event occurs the app will post the entity to the target URL.",
"event": "Event",
"subscription_event_1": "Created Client",
"subscription_event_2": "Created Invoice",
"subscription_event_3": "Created Quote",
"subscription_event_4": "Created Payment",
"subscription_event_5": "Created Vendor",
"subscription_event_6": "Updated Quote",
"subscription_event_7": "Deleted Quote",
"subscription_event_8": "Updated Invoice",
"subscription_event_9": "Deleted Invoice",
"subscription_event_10": "Updated Client",
"subscription_event_11": "Deleted Client",
"subscription_event_12": "Deleted Payment",
"subscription_event_13": "Updated Vendor",
"subscription_event_14": "Deleted Vendor",
"subscription_event_15": "Created Expense",
"subscription_event_16": "Updated Expense",
"subscription_event_17": "Deleted Expense",
"subscription_event_18": "Created Task",
"subscription_event_19": "Updated Task",
"subscription_event_20": "Deleted Task",
"subscription_event_21": "Approved Quote",
"subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"updated_subscription": "Successfully updated subscription",
"created_subscription": "Successfully created subscription",
"edit_subscription": "Edit Subscription",
"archive_subscription": "Archive Subscription",
"archived_subscription": "Successfully archived subscription",
"project_error_multiple_clients": "The projects can't belong to different clients",
"invoice_project": "Invoice Project",
"module_recurring_invoice": "Recurring Invoices",
"module_credit": "Credits",
"module_quote": "Quotes & Proposals",
"module_task": "Tasks & Projects",
"module_expense": "Expenses & Vendors",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"send_client_reminders": "Send email reminders",
"can_view_tasks": "Tasks are visible in the portal",
"is_not_sent_reminders": "Reminders are not sent",
"promotion_footer": "Your promotion will expire soon, {link} to upgrade now.",
"unable_to_delete_primary": "Note: to delete this company first delete all linked companies.",
"please_register": "Please register your account",
"processing_request": "Processing request",
"mcrypt_warning": "Warning: Mcrypt is deprecated, run {command} to update your cipher.",
"edit_times": "Edit Times",
"inclusive_taxes_help": "Include taxes in the cost<\/b>",
"inclusive_taxes_notice": "This setting can not be changed once an invoice has been created.",
"inclusive_taxes_warning": "Warning: existing invoices will need to be resaved",
"copy_shipping": "Copy Shipping",
"copy_billing": "Copy Billing",
"quote_has_expired": "The quote has expired, please contact the merchant.",
"empty_table_footer": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"do_not_trust": "Do not remember this device",
"trust_for_30_days": "Trust for 30 days",
"trust_forever": "Trust forever",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"backlog": "Backlog",
"ready_to_do": "Ready to do",
"in_progress": "In progress",
"add_status": "Add status",
"archive_status": "Archive Status",
"new_status": "New Status",
"convert_products": "Convert Products",
"convert_products_help": "Automatically convert product prices to the client's currency",
"improve_client_portal_link": "Set a subdomain to shorten the client portal link.",
"budgeted_hours": "Budgeted Hours",
"progress": "Progress",
"view_project": "View Project",
"summary": "Summary",
"endless_reminder": "Endless Reminder",
"signature_on_invoice_help": "Add the following code to show your client's signature on the PDF.",
"signature_on_pdf": "Show on PDF",
"signature_on_pdf_help": "Show the client signature on the invoice\/quote PDF.",
"expired_white_label": "The white label license has expired",
"return_to_login": "Return to Login",
"convert_products_tip": "Note: add a {link} named \"{name}\" to see the exchange rate.",
"amount_greater_than_balance": "The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.",
"custom_fields_tip": "Use Label|Option1,Option2<\/code> to show a select box.",
"client_information": "Client Information",
"updated_client_details": "Successfully updated client details",
"auto": "Auto",
"tax_amount": "Tax Amount",
"tax_paid": "Tax Paid",
"none": "None",
"proposal_message_button": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the button below.",
"proposal": "Proposal",
"proposals": "Proposals",
"list_proposals": "List Proposals",
"new_proposal": "New Proposal",
"edit_proposal": "Edit Proposal",
"archive_proposal": "Archive Proposal",
"delete_proposal": "Delete Proposal",
"created_proposal": "Successfully created proposal",
"updated_proposal": "Successfully updated proposal",
"archived_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"deleted_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"archived_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"deleted_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"restored_proposal": "Successfully restored proposal",
"restore_proposal": "Restore Proposal",
"snippet": "Snippet",
"snippets": "Snippets",
"proposal_snippet": "Snippet",
"proposal_snippets": "Snippets",
"new_proposal_snippet": "New Snippet",
"edit_proposal_snippet": "Edit Snippet",
"archive_proposal_snippet": "Archive Snippet",
"delete_proposal_snippet": "Delete Snippet",
"created_proposal_snippet": "Successfully created snippet",
"updated_proposal_snippet": "Successfully updated snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"deleted_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"deleted_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"restored_proposal_snippet": "Successfully restored snippet",
"restore_proposal_snippet": "Restore Snippet",
"templates": "Templates",
"proposal_template": "Template",
"proposal_templates": "Templates",
"new_proposal_template": "New Template",
"edit_proposal_template": "Edit Template",
"archive_proposal_template": "Archive Template",
"delete_proposal_template": "Delete Template",
"created_proposal_template": "Successfully created template",
"updated_proposal_template": "Successfully updated template",
"archived_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"deleted_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"archived_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"deleted_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"restored_proposal_template": "Successfully restored template",
"restore_proposal_template": "Restore Template",
"proposal_category": "Category",
"proposal_categories": "Categories",
"new_proposal_category": "New Category",
"edit_proposal_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_proposal_category": "Archive Category",
"delete_proposal_category": "Delete Category",
"created_proposal_category": "Successfully created category",
"updated_proposal_category": "Successfully updated category",
"archived_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"deleted_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"archived_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"deleted_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"restored_proposal_category": "Successfully restored category",
"restore_proposal_category": "Restore Category",
"delete_status": "Delete Status",
"standard": "Standard",
"icon": "Icon",
"proposal_not_found": "The requested proposal is not available",
"create_proposal_category": "Create category",
"clone_proposal_template": "Clone Template",
"proposal_email": "Proposal Email",
"proposal_subject": "New proposal {number} from {account}",
"proposal_message": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the link below.",
"emailed_proposal": "Successfully emailed proposal",
"load_template": "Load Template",
"no_assets": "No images, drag to upload",
"add_image": "Add Image",
"select_image": "Select Image",
"upgrade_to_upload_images": "Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images",
"delete_image": "Delete Image",
"delete_image_help": "Warning: deleting the image will remove it from all proposals.",
"amount_variable_help": "Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial\/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.",
"taxes_are_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes have been enabled.",
"taxes_are_not_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes are not enabled.",
"change_requires_purge": "Changing this setting requires {link} the account data.",
"purging": "purging",
"warning_local_refund": "The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.",
"email_address_changed": "Email address has been changed",
"email_address_changed_message": "The email address for your account has been changed from {old_email} to {new_email}.",
"test": "Test",
"beta": "Beta",
"gmp_required": "Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension",
"email_history": "Email History",
"loading": "Loading",
"no_messages_found": "No messages found",
"processing": "Processing",
"reactivate": "Reactivate",
"reactivated_email": "The email address has been reactivated",
"emails": "Emails",
"opened": "Opened",
"bounced": "Bounced",
"total_sent": "Total Sent",
"total_opened": "Total Opened",
"total_bounced": "Total Bounced",
"total_spam": "Total Spam",
"platforms": "Platforms",
"email_clients": "Email Clients",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"desktop": "Desktop",
"webmail": "Webmail",
"group": "Group",
"subgroup": "Subgroup",
"unset": "Unset",
"received_new_payment": "You've received a new payment!",
"slack_webhook_help": "Receive payment notifications using {link}.",
"slack_incoming_webhooks": "Slack incoming webhooks",
"accept": "Accept",
"accepted_terms": "Successfully accepted the latest terms of service",
"invalid_url": "Invalid URL",
"workflow_settings": "Workflow Settings",
"auto_email_invoice": "Auto Email",
"auto_email_invoice_help": "Automatically email recurring invoices when they are created.",
"auto_archive_invoice": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_invoice_help": "Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.",
"auto_archive_quote": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_quote_help": "Automatically archive quotes when they are converted.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote": "Allow approve expired quote",
"allow_approve_expired_quote_help": "Allow clients to approve expired quotes.",
"invoice_workflow": "Invoice Workflow",
"quote_workflow": "Quote Workflow",
"client_must_be_active": "Error: the client must be active",
"purge_client": "Purge Client",
"purged_client": "Successfully purged client",
"purge_client_warning": "All related records (invoices, tasks, expenses, documents, etc) will also be deleted.",
"clone_product": "Clone Product",
"item_details": "Item Details",
"send_item_details_help": "Send line item details to the payment gateway.",
"view_proposal": "View Proposal",
"view_in_portal": "View in Portal",
"cookie_message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
"got_it": "Got it!",
"vendor_will_create": "vendor will be created",
"vendors_will_create": "vendors will be created",
"created_vendors": "Successfully created {count} vendor(s)",
"import_vendors": "Import Vendors",
"company": "Company",
"client_field": "Client Field",
"contact_field": "Contact Field",
"product_field": "Product Field",
"task_field": "Task Field",
"project_field": "Project Field",
"expense_field": "Expense Field",
"vendor_field": "Vendor Field",
"company_field": "Company Field",
"invoice_field": "Invoice Field",
"invoice_surcharge": "Invoice Surcharge",
"custom_task_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a task.",
"custom_project_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a project.",
"custom_expense_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an expense.",
"custom_vendor_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a vendor.",
"messages": "Messages",
"unpaid_invoice": "Unpaid Invoice",
"paid_invoice": "Paid Invoice",
"unapproved_quote": "Unapproved Quote",
"unapproved_proposal": "Unapproved Proposal",
"autofills_city_state": "Auto-fills city\/state",
"no_match_found": "No match found",
"password_strength": "Password Strength",
"strength_weak": "Weak",
"strength_good": "Good",
"strength_strong": "Strong",
"mark": "Mark",
"updated_task_status": "Successfully update task status",
"background_image": "Background Image",
"background_image_help": "Use the {link} to manage your images, we recommend using a small file.",
"proposal_editor": "proposal editor",
"background": "Background",
"guide": "Guide",
"gateway_fee_item": "Gateway Fee Item",
"gateway_fee_description": "Gateway Fee Surcharge",
"show_payments": "Show Payments",
"show_aging": "Show Aging",
"reference": "Reference",
"amount_paid": "Amount Paid",
"send_notifications_for": "Send Notifications For",
"all_invoices": "All Invoices",
"my_invoices": "My Invoices",
"mobile_refresh_warning": "If you're using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.",
"enable_proposals_for_background": "To upload a background image {link} to enable the proposals module."
"cs": {
"passwords": {
"password": "Heslo musí obsahovat alespoň 6 znaků a musí odpovídat.",
"reset": "Heslo bylo obnoveno!",
"sent": "Upomínka ke změně hesla byla odeslána!",
"token": "Klíč pro obnovu hesla je nesprávný.",
"user": "Nepodařilo se najít uživatele s touto e-mailovou adresou."
"auth": {
"failed": "Tyto přihlašovací údajě neodpovídají žadnému záznamu.",
"throttle": "Příliš mnoho pokusů o přihlášení. Zkuste to prosím znovu za {seconds} vteřin."
"pagination": {
"previous": "« předchozí",
"next": "další »"
"validation": {
"accepted": "{attribute} musí být akceptován.",
"active_url": "{attribute} není platnou URL adresou.",
"after": "{attribute} musí být datum po {date}.",
"alpha": "{attribute} může obsahovat pouze písmena.",
"alpha_dash": "{attribute} může obsahovat pouze písmena, číslice, pomlčky a podtržítka. České znaky (á, é, í, ó, ú, ů, ž, š, č, ř, ď, ť, ň) nejsou podporovány.",
"alpha_num": "{attribute} může obsahovat pouze písmena a číslice.",
"array": "{attribute} musí být pole.",
"before": "{attribute} musí být datum před {date}.",
"between": {
"numeric": "{attribute} musí být hodnota mezi {min} a {max}.",
"file": "{attribute} musí být větší než {min} a menší než {max} Kilobytů.",
"string": "{attribute} musí být delší než {min} a kratší než {max} znaků.",
"array": "{attribute} musí obsahovat nejméně {min} a nesmí obsahovat více než {max} prvků."
"boolean": "{attribute} musí být true nebo false",
"confirmed": "{attribute} nebylo odsouhlaseno.",
"date": "{attribute} musí být platné datum.",
"date_format": "{attribute} není platný formát data podle {format}.",
"different": "{attribute} a {other} se musí lišit.",
"digits": "{attribute} musí být {digits} pozic dlouhé.",
"digits_between": "{attribute} musí být dlouhé nejméně {min} a nejvíce {max} pozic.",
"distinct": "The {attribute} field has a duplicate value.",
"email": "{attribute} není platný formát.",
"exists": "Zvolená hodnota pro {attribute} není platná.",
"filled": "{attribute} musí být vyplněno.",
"image": "{attribute} musí být obrázek.",
"in": "Zvolená hodnota pro {attribute} není platná.",
"in_array": "The {attribute} field does not exist in {other}.",
"integer": "{attribute} musí být celé číslo.",
"ip": "{attribute} musí být platnou IP adresou.",
"json": "{attribute} musí být platný JSON řetězec.",
"max": {
"numeric": "{attribute} musí být nižší než {max}.",
"file": "{attribute} musí být menší než {max} Kilobytů.",
"string": "{attribute} musí být kratší než {max} znaků.",
"array": "{attribute} nesmí obsahovat více než {max} prvků."
"mimes": "{attribute} musí být jeden z následujících datových typů {values}.",
"min": {
"numeric": "{attribute} musí být větší než {min}.",
"file": "{attribute} musí být větší než {min} Kilobytů.",
"string": "{attribute} musí být delší než {min} znaků.",
"array": "{attribute} musí obsahovat více než {min} prvků."
"not_in": "Zvolená hodnota pro {attribute} je neplatná.",
"numeric": "{attribute} musí být číslo.",
"present": "The {attribute} field must be present.",
"regex": "{attribute} nemá správný formát.",
"required": "{attribute} musí být vyplněno.",
"required_if": "{attribute} musí být vyplněno pokud {other} je {value}.",
"required_unless": "The {attribute} field is required unless {other} is in {values}.",
"required_with": "{attribute} musí být vyplněno pokud {values} je vyplněno.",
"required_with_all": "{attribute} musí být vyplněno pokud {values} je zvoleno.",
"required_without": "{attribute} musí být vyplněno pokud {values} není vyplněno.",
"required_without_all": "{attribute} musí být vyplněno pokud není žádné z {values} zvoleno.",
"same": "{attribute} a {other} se musí shodovat.",
"size": {
"numeric": "{attribute} musí být přesně {size}.",
"file": "{attribute} musí mít přesně {size} Kilobytů.",
"string": "{attribute} musí být přesně {size} znaků dlouhý.",
"array": "{attribute} musí obsahovat právě {size} prvků."
"string": "{attribute} musí být řetězec znaků.",
"timezone": "{attribute} musí být platná časová zóna.",
"unique": "{attribute} musí být unikátní.",
"url": "Formát {attribute} je neplatný.",
"custom": {
"attribute-name": {
"rule-name": "custom-message"
"attributes": []
"texts": {
"organization": "Organizace",
"name": "Jméno",
"website": "Web",
"work_phone": "Telefon",
"address": "Adresa",
"address1": "Ulice",
"address2": "Pokoj",
"city": "Město",
"state": "Oblast",
"postal_code": "PSČ",
"country_id": "Země",
"contacts": "Kontakty",
"first_name": "Jméno",
"last_name": "Příjmení",
"phone": "Telefon",
"email": "Email",
"additional_info": "Další informace",
"payment_terms": "Platební podmínky",
"currency_id": "Měna",
"size_id": "Velikost firmy",
"industry_id": "Odvětví",
"private_notes": "Soukromé poznámky",
"invoice": "Faktura",
"client": "Klient",
"invoice_date": "Datum vystavení",
"due_date": "Datum splatnosti",
"invoice_number": "Číslo faktury",
"invoice_number_short": "Faktura #",
"po_number": "Číslo objednávky",
"po_number_short": "Objednávka #",
"frequency_id": "Jak často",
"discount": "Sleva",
"taxes": "Daně",
"tax": "Daň",
"item": "Položka",
"description": "Popis",
"unit_cost": "Jednotková cena",
"quantity": "Množství",
"line_total": "Celkem",
"subtotal": "Mezisoučet",
"paid_to_date": "Zaplaceno ke dni",
"balance_due": "Zbývá zaplatit",
"invoice_design_id": "Design",
"terms": "Podmínky",
"your_invoice": "Vaše faktura",
"remove_contact": "Odstranit kontakt",
"add_contact": "Přidat kontakt",
"create_new_client": "Vytvořit nového klienta",
"edit_client_details": "Editovat detaily klienta",
"enable": "Umožnit",
"learn_more": "Více informací",
"manage_rates": "Spravovat sazby",
"note_to_client": "Poznámka ke klientovi",
"invoice_terms": "Fakturační podmínky",
"save_as_default_terms": "Uložit jako výchozí podmínky",
"download_pdf": "Stáhnout PDF",
"pay_now": "Zaplatit nyní",
"save_invoice": "Uložit fakturu",
"clone_invoice": "Clone To Invoice",
"archive_invoice": "Archivovat fakturu",
"delete_invoice": "Smazat fakturu",
"email_invoice": "Poslat fakturu emailem",
"enter_payment": "Zadat platbu",
"tax_rates": "Sazby daně",
"rate": "Sazba",
"settings": "Nastavení",
"enable_invoice_tax": "Umožnit nastavit daň na faktuře<\/b>",
"enable_line_item_tax": "Umožnit nastavitdaně u položek<\/b>",
"dashboard": "Hlavní panel",
"clients": "Klienti",
"invoices": "Faktury",
"payments": "Platby",
"credits": "Kredity",
"history": "Historie",
"search": "Vyhledat",
"sign_up": "Zaregistrovat se",
"guest": "Host",
"company_details": "Detaily firmy",
"online_payments": "Online platby",
"notifications": "Oznámení",
"import_export": "Import | Export",
"done": "Hotovo",
"save": "Uložit",
"create": "Vytvořit",
"upload": "Nahrát",
"import": "Importovat",
"download": "Stáhnout",
"cancel": "Zrušit",
"close": "Zavřít",
"provide_email": "Prosím zadejte platnou adresu",
"powered_by": "Vytvořeno",
"no_items": "Žádné položky",
"recurring_invoices": "Pravidelné faktury",
"recurring_help": "Automatically send clients the same invoices weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly or annually. <\/p>\n
Use {MONTH}, {QUARTER} or {YEAR} for dynamic dates. Basic math works as well, for example {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n
Examples of dynamic invoice variables:<\/p>\n
\n - \"Gym membership for the month of {MONTH}\" >> \"Gym membership for the month of July\"<\/li>\n
- \"{YEAR}+1 yearly subscription\" >> \"2015 Yearly Subscription\"<\/li>\n
- \"Retainer payment for {QUARTER}+1\" >> \"Retainer payment for Q2\"<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"recurring_quotes": "Recurring Quotes",
"in_total_revenue": "v celkových příjmech",
"billed_client": "klient s fakturací",
"billed_clients": "klienti s fakturací",
"active_client": "aktivní klient",
"active_clients": "aktivní klienti",
"invoices_past_due": "Faktury po splatnosti",
"upcoming_invoices": "Nadcházející faktury",
"average_invoice": "Průměrná faktura",
"archive": "Archivovat",
"delete": "Smazat",
"archive_client": "Archivovat klienta",
"delete_client": "Smazat klienta",
"archive_payment": "Archivovat platbu",
"delete_payment": "Smazat platbu",
"archive_credit": "Archivovat kredit",
"delete_credit": "Smazat kredit",
"show_archived_deleted": "Zobrazit archivované\/smazané",
"filter": "Filtr",
"new_client": "Nový klient",
"new_invoice": "Nová faktura",
"new_payment": "Zadat platbu",
"new_credit": "Zadat kredit",
"contact": "Kontakt",
"date_created": "Datum vytvoření",
"last_login": "Poslední přihlášení",
"balance": "Zůstatek",
"action": "Akce",
"status": "Status",
"invoice_total": "Celková částka",
"frequency": "Frekvence",
"start_date": "Počáteční datum",
"end_date": "Konečné datum",
"transaction_reference": "Odkaz na transakci",
"method": "Metoda",
"payment_amount": "Částka k platbě",
"payment_date": "Datum platby",
"credit_amount": "Počet kreditu",
"credit_balance": "Zůstatek kreditu",
"credit_date": "Datum kreditu",
"empty_table": "Nejsou dostupná žádná data",
"select": "Zvolit",
"edit_client": "Editovat klienta",
"edit_invoice": "Editovat fakturu",
"create_invoice": "Vytvořit fakturu",
"enter_credit": "Zadat kredit",
"last_logged_in": "Poslední přihlášení",
"details": "Detaily",
"standing": "Trvající",
"credit": "Kredit",
"activity": "Aktivita",
"date": "Datum",
"message": "Zpráva",
"adjustment": "Úprava",
"are_you_sure": "Jste si jisti?",
"payment_type_id": "Typ platby",
"amount": "Částka",
"work_email": "Email",
"language_id": "Jazyk",
"timezone_id": "Časová zóna",
"date_format_id": "Formát datumu",
"datetime_format_id": "Formátu času a datumu",
"users": "Uživatelé",
"localization": "Lokalizace",
"remove_logo": "Odstranit logo",
"logo_help": "Podporováno: JPEG, GIF a PNG",
"payment_gateway": "Platební brána",
"gateway_id": "Brána",
"email_notifications": "Emailové notifikace",
"email_sent": "Odeslat email, pokud je faktura odeslaná<\/b>",
"email_viewed": "Odeslat email, pokud je faktura zobrazena<\/b>",
"email_paid": "Odeslat email, pokud je faktura zaplacena<\/b>",
"site_updates": "Změny na webu",
"custom_messages": "Volitelné vzkazy",
"default_email_footer": "Nastavit výchozí emailový podpis<\/b>",
"select_file": "Prosím zvolte soubor",
"first_row_headers": "Použít první řádku jako záhlaví",
"column": "Sloupec",
"sample": "Vzorek",
"import_to": "Importovat do",
"client_will_create": "klient bude vytvořen",
"clients_will_create": "klienti budou vytvořeni",
"email_settings": "Nastavení emailu",
"client_view_styling": "Úprava klientského zobrazení",
"pdf_email_attachment": "Připojit PDF",
"custom_css": "Volitelné CSS",
"import_clients": "Importovat klientská data",
"csv_file": "CSV soubor",
"export_clients": "Exportovat klientská data",
"created_client": "Klient úspěšně vytvořen",
"created_clients": "{count} klientů bylo úspěšně vytvořeno",
"updated_settings": "Nastavení úspěšně změněno",
"removed_logo": "Logo úspěšně odstraněno",
"sent_message": "Zpráva úspěšně odeslána",
"invoice_error": "Ujistěte se, že máte zvoleného klienta a opravte případné chyby",
"limit_clients": "Omlouváme se, toto přesáhne limit {count} klientů",
"payment_error": "Nastala chyba během zpracování Vaší platby. Zkuste to prosím znovu později.",
"registration_required": "Pro odeslání faktury se prosím zaregistrujte",
"confirmation_required": "Please confirm your email address, {link} to resend the confirmation email.",
"updated_client": "Klient úspěšně aktualizován",
"archived_client": "Klient úspěšně archivován",
"archived_clients": "{count} klientů bylo úspěšně archivováno",
"deleted_client": "Klient úspěšně smazán",
"deleted_clients": "{count} klientů bylo úspěšně smazáno",
"updated_invoice": "Faktura úspěšně aktualizována",
"created_invoice": "Faktura úspěšně vytvořena",
"cloned_invoice": "Faktura úspěšně zduplikována",
"emailed_invoice": "Faktura úspěšně odeslána",
"and_created_client": "a vytvořen klient",
"archived_invoice": "Faktura úspěšně archivována",
"archived_invoices": "{count} faktur úspěšně archivováno",
"deleted_invoice": "Faktura úspěšně smazána",
"deleted_invoices": "{count} faktur úspěšně smazáno",
"created_payment": "Platba úspěšně vytvořena",
"created_payments": "{count} plateb úspěšně vytvořeno",
"archived_payment": "Platba úspěšně archivována",
"archived_payments": "{count} plateb úspěšně archivováno",
"deleted_payment": "Platba úspěšně smazána",
"deleted_payments": "{count} plateb bylo úspěšně smazáno",
"applied_payment": "Platba úspěšně aplikována",
"created_credit": "Kredit úspěšně vytvořen",
"archived_credit": "Kredit úspěšně archivován",
"archived_credits": "{count} kreditů bylo úspěšně archivováno",
"deleted_credit": "Kredit úspěšně smazán",
"deleted_credits": "{count} kreditů bylo úspěšně smazáno",
"imported_file": "Soubor úspěšně importován",
"updated_vendor": "Dodavatel úspěšně aktualizován",
"created_vendor": "Dodavatel úspěšně vytvořen",
"archived_vendor": "Dodavatel úspěšně archivován",
"archived_vendors": "{count} dodavatelů bylo úspěšně archivováno",
"deleted_vendor": "Dodavatel úspěšně smazán",
"deleted_vendors": "{count} dodavatelů bylo úspěšně smazáno",
"confirmation_subject": "Invoice Ninja účet - ověření",
"confirmation_header": "Ověření účtu",
"confirmation_message": "Prosím klikněte na odkaz níže pro potvrzení Vašeho účtu.",
"invoice_subject": "New invoice {number} from {account}",
"invoice_message": "Pro zobrazení faktury za {amount}, klikněte na odkaz níže.",
"payment_subject": "Platba obdržena",
"payment_message": "Děkujeme za Vaši platbu vy výši {amount}.",
"email_salutation": "Vážený(á) {name},",
"email_signature": "S pozdravem,",
"email_from": "Tým Invoice Ninja",
"invoice_link_message": "Pro zobrazení faktury klikněte na odkaz níže:",
"notification_invoice_paid_subject": "Faktura {invoice} byla zaplacena klientem {client}",
"notification_invoice_sent_subject": "Faktura {invoice} byla odeslána klientovi {client}",
"notification_invoice_viewed_subject": "Faktura {invoice} byla zobrazena klientem {client}",
"notification_invoice_paid": "Platba ve výši {amount} byla provedena klientem {client} za fakturu {invoice}.",
"notification_invoice_sent": "Klientovi {client} byla odeslána faktura {invoice} za {amount}.",
"notification_invoice_viewed": "Klient {client} zobrazil fakturu {invoice} za {amount}.",
"reset_password": "Své heslo můžete resetovat kliknutím na následující tlačítko:",
"secure_payment": "Bezpečná platba",
"card_number": "Číslo karty",
"expiration_month": "Měsíc expirace",
"expiration_year": "Rok expirace",
"cvv": "CVV kód",
"logout": "Odhlásit se",
"sign_up_to_save": "Pro uložení své práce se zaregistrujte",
"agree_to_terms": "I agree to the {terms}",
"terms_of_service": "Obchodní podmínky",
"email_taken": "Tento email už byl registrován",
"working": "Pracuji",
"success": "Úspěch",
"success_message": "Registrace proběhla úspěšně! Pro potvrzení Vašeho účtu klikněte na odkaz v emailu, který jsme Vám zaslali.",
"erase_data": "Váš účet není zaregistrován, toto permanentně smaže Vaše data.",
"password": "Heslo",
"pro_plan_product": "Profi plán",
"pro_plan_success": "Děkujeme za použití Profi plánu od Invoice Ninja!
\n Další kroky<\/b>Faktura k úhradě Vám byla zaslána na email spojený s tímto účtem.\n Pro povolení všech skvělých profi vlastností si prosím přečtěte instrukce pro provedení platby na zaslané faktuře\n pro roční využívání Profi plánu.\n Nemůžete fakturu najít? Potřebujete pomoc? Rádi Vám pomůžeme na\n -- emailu contact@invoiceninja.com",
"unsaved_changes": "Máte neuložené změny",
"custom_fields": "Volitelná pole",
"company_fields": "Pole pro firmu",
"client_fields": "Pole pro klienta",
"field_label": "Popiska pole",
"field_value": "Hodnota pole",
"edit": "Upravit",
"set_name": "Nastavit jméno Vaší firmy",
"view_as_recipient": "Zobrazit jako příjemce",
"product_library": "Katalog produktů",
"product": "Produkt",
"products": "Produkty",
"fill_products": "Automaticky předvyplnit produkty",
"fill_products_help": "Výběr produktu automaticky vyplní popis a cenu<\/b>",
"update_products": "Automaticky aktualizovat produkty",
"update_products_help": "Změna na faktuře automaticky aktualizuje katalog produktů<\/b>",
"create_product": "Přidat produkt",
"edit_product": "Upravit produkt",
"archive_product": "Archivovat produkt",
"updated_product": "Produkt úspěšně aktualizován",
"created_product": "Produkt úspěšně vytvořen",
"archived_product": "Produkt úspěšně archivován",
"pro_plan_custom_fields": "{link} pro nastavení volitelných polí je nutný Profi plán",
"advanced_settings": "Pokročilé nastavení",
"pro_plan_advanced_settings": "{link} pro nastavení pokročilých nastavení je nutný Profi plán",
"invoice_design": "Vzhled faktur",
"specify_colors": "Vyberte barvy",
"specify_colors_label": "Vyberte barvy použité na faktuře",
"chart_builder": "Generátor grafů",
"ninja_email_footer": "Created by {site} | Create. Send. Get Paid.",
"go_pro": "Přejít na Profi",
"quote": "Nabídka",
"quotes": "Nabídky",
"quote_number": "Číslo nabídky",
"quote_number_short": "Nabídka #",
"quote_date": "Datum nabídky",
"quote_total": "Celkem",
"your_quote": "Vaše nabídky",
"total": "Celkem",
"clone": "Duplikovat",
"new_quote": "Nová nabídka",
"create_quote": "Vytvořit nabídku",
"edit_quote": "Upravit nabídku",
"archive_quote": "Archivovat nabídku",
"delete_quote": "Smazat nabídku",
"save_quote": "Uložit nabídku",
"email_quote": "Odeslat nabídku emailem",
"clone_quote": "Clone To Quote",
"convert_to_invoice": "Změnit na fakturu",
"view_invoice": "Zobrazit fakturu",
"view_client": "Zobrazit klienta",
"view_quote": "Zobrazit nabídku",
"updated_quote": "Nabídka úspěšně aktualizována",
"created_quote": "Nabídka úspěšně vytvořena",
"cloned_quote": "Nabídka úspěšně zduplikována",
"emailed_quote": "Nabídka úspěšně odeslána",
"archived_quote": "Nabídka úspěšně archivována",
"archived_quotes": "{count} nabídek bylo úspěšně archivováno",
"deleted_quote": "Nabídka úspěšně smazána",
"deleted_quotes": "{count} nabídek bylo úspěšně smazáno",
"converted_to_invoice": "Nabídka byla úspěšně změněna na fakturu",
"quote_subject": "New quote {number} from {account}",
"quote_message": "Pro zobrazení nabídky za {amount}, klikněte na odkaz níže.",
"quote_link_message": "Pro zobrazení nabídky vašeho klienta klikněte na odkaz níže:",
"notification_quote_sent_subject": "Nabídka {invoice} byla odeslána klientovi {client}",
"notification_quote_viewed_subject": "Nabídka {invoice} byla zobrazena klientem {client}",
"notification_quote_sent": "Klientovi {client} byla emailem odeslána nabídka {invoice} za {amount}.",
"notification_quote_viewed": "Klient {client} zobrazil nabídku {invoice} za {amount}.",
"session_expired": "Vaše přihlášení vypršelo.",
"invoice_fields": "Pole na faktuře",
"invoice_options": "Možnosti faktury",
"hide_paid_to_date": "Skrýt Zaplaceno ke dni",
"hide_paid_to_date_help": "Zobrazit na faktuře \"Zaplaceno ke dni\" pouze když přijde platba.",
"charge_taxes": "Použít daně",
"user_management": "Správa uživatelů",
"add_user": "Přidat uživatele",
"send_invite": "Poslat pozvánku",
"sent_invite": "Pozvánka úspěšně odeslána",
"updated_user": "Uživatel úspěšně změněn",
"invitation_message": "Byl(a) jste pozván(a) od {invitor}. ",
"register_to_add_user": "Prosím zaregistrujte se pro přidání uživatele",
"user_state": "Stav",
"edit_user": "Upravit uživatele",
"delete_user": "Smazat uživatele",
"active": "Aktivní",
"pending": "Nevyřízený",
"deleted_user": "Uživatel úspěšně smazán",
"confirm_email_invoice": "Jste si jistí, že chcete odeslat tuto fakturu?",
"confirm_email_quote": "Jste si jistí, že chcete odeslat tuto nabídku?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice": "Jste si jistí, že chcete odeslat tuto fakturu?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent": "Are you sure you want to start the recurrence?",
"cancel_account": "Smazat účet",
"cancel_account_message": "Varování: Toto permanentně odstraní Váš účet. Tato akce je nevratná.",
"go_back": "Jít zpět",
"data_visualizations": "Vizualizace dat",
"sample_data": "Zobrazit vzorová data",
"hide": "Skrýt",
"new_version_available": "Nová verze {releases_link} je k dispozici. Nyní používáte {user_version}, poslední je {latest_version}",
"invoice_settings": "Nastavení faktury",
"invoice_number_prefix": "Nastavení prefixu čísla faktury",
"invoice_number_counter": "Číselná řada faktur",
"quote_number_prefix": "Prefix čísla nabídky",
"quote_number_counter": "Číselná řada nabídek",
"share_invoice_counter": "Sdílet číselnou řadu faktur",
"invoice_issued_to": "Faktura vystavena",
"invalid_counter": "Pro případný konflikt si raději nastavte prefix pro faktury nebo nabídky",
"mark_sent": "Značka odesláno",
"gateway_help_1": "{link} zaregistrovat se na Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_2": "{link} zaregistrovat se na Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_17": "{link} získat PayPal API signature.",
"gateway_help_27": "{link} to sign up for 2Checkout.com. To ensure payments are tracked set {complete_link} as the redirect URL under Account > Site Management in the 2Checkout portal.",
"gateway_help_60": "{link} to create a WePay account.",
"more_designs": "Více vzhledů",
"more_designs_title": "Další vzhledy faktur",
"more_designs_cloud_header": "Přejděte na Profi plán pro více vzhledů faktur",
"more_designs_cloud_text": "",
"more_designs_self_host_text": "",
"buy": "Buy",
"bought_designs": "Další vzhledy faktur přidány",
"sent": "Odesláno",
"vat_number": "DIČ",
"timesheets": "Časové výkazy",
"payment_title": "Zadejte Vaší fakturační adresu a informace o platební kartě",
"payment_cvv": "*To jsou 3-4 čísla na zadní straně Vaší karty",
"payment_footer1": "*Fakturační adresa musí sedět s tou uvedenou u platební karty.",
"payment_footer2": "*Prosím kliněte na \"Zaplatit nyní \" jenom jednou - transkace může trvat až 1 minutu.",
"id_number": "IČO",
"white_label_link": "White label",
"white_label_header": "White Label",
"bought_white_label": "Úspěšně nastavena white label licence",
"white_labeled": "White labeled",
"restore": "Obnovit",
"restore_invoice": "Obnovit fakturu",
"restore_quote": "Obnovit nabídku",
"restore_client": "Obnovit klienta",
"restore_credit": "Obnovit kredit",
"restore_payment": "Obnovit platbu",
"restored_invoice": "Faktura úspěšně obnovena",
"restored_quote": "Nabídka úspěšně obnovena",
"restored_client": "Klient úspěšně obnoven",
"restored_payment": "Platba úspěšně obnovena",
"restored_credit": "Kredit úspěšně obnoven",
"reason_for_canceling": "Když nám řeknete proč odcházíte, pomůžete nám zlepšit náš web. Děkujeme.",
"discount_percent": "Procento",
"discount_amount": "Částka",
"invoice_history": "Historie faktur",
"quote_history": "Historie nabídek",
"current_version": "Současná verze",
"select_version": "Vyberte verzi",
"view_history": "Zobrazit historii",
"edit_payment": "Editovat platbu",
"updated_payment": "Platba úspěšně změněna",
"deleted": "Smazáno",
"restore_user": "Obnovit uživatele",
"restored_user": "Uživatel úspěšně obnoven",
"show_deleted_users": "Zobrazit smazané uživatele",
"email_templates": "Emailové šablony",
"invoice_email": "Email pro fakturu",
"payment_email": "Email pro platbu",
"quote_email": "Email pro nabídku",
"reset_all": "Resetovat vše",
"approve": "Schválit",
"token_billing_type_id": "Token účtování",
"token_billing_help": "Store payment details with WePay, Stripe, Braintree or GoCardless.",
"token_billing_1": "Vypnuto",
"token_billing_2": "Opt-in - checkbox je zobrazen nezaškrtnutý",
"token_billing_3": "Opt-out - je zobrazen zaškrtnutý",
"token_billing_4": "Vždy",
"token_billing_checkbox": "Ukládat detaily platební karty",
"view_in_gateway": "Zobrazit v {gateway}",
"use_card_on_file": "Use Card on File",
"edit_payment_details": "Editovat platební údaje",
"token_billing": "Ukládat platební údaje",
"token_billing_secure": "Data jsou bezpečně uložena u {stripe_link}",
"support": "Popdora",
"contact_information": "Kontaktní informace",
"256_encryption": "256-Bitové šifrování",
"amount_due": "Částka k platbě",
"billing_address": "Fakturační adresa",
"billing_method": "Způsob fakturace",
"order_overview": "Přehled objednávky",
"match_address": "*Adresa musí odpovídat té uvedené na platební kartě.",
"click_once": "*Prosím klikněte na \"Zaplatit nyní\" pouze jednou - transkace může trvat až 1 minutu.",
"invoice_footer": "Patička faktury",
"save_as_default_footer": "Uložit jako výchozí patičku",
"token_management": "Správa tokenů",
"tokens": "Tokeny",
"add_token": "Přidat token",
"show_deleted_tokens": "Zobrazit smazané tokeny",
"deleted_token": "Token úspěšně smazán",
"created_token": "Token úspěšně vytvořen",
"updated_token": "Token úspěšně změněn",
"edit_token": "Editovat token",
"delete_token": "Smazat Token",
"token": "Token",
"add_gateway": "Přidat platební bránu",
"delete_gateway": "Smazat platební bránu",
"edit_gateway": "Editovat bránu",
"updated_gateway": "Brána úspěšně změněna",
"created_gateway": "Brána úspěšně vytvořena",
"deleted_gateway": "Brána úspěšně smazána",
"pay_with_paypal": "PayPal",
"pay_with_card": "Platební karty",
"change_password": "Změnit heslo",
"current_password": "Současné heslo",
"new_password": "Nové heslo",
"confirm_password": "Potvrdit heslo",
"password_error_incorrect": "Současné heslo je neplatné.",
"password_error_invalid": "Nové heslo je neplatné.",
"updated_password": "Heslo úspěšně změněno",
"api_tokens": "API Tokeny",
"users_and_tokens": "Uživatelé & Tokeny",
"account_login": "Přihlášení k účtu",
"recover_password": "Obnovit vaše heslo",
"forgot_password": "Zapomněli jste heslo?",
"email_address": "Email",
"lets_go": "Jdeme na to",
"password_recovery": "Obnovení hesla",
"send_email": "Odeslat email",
"set_password": "Nastavit heslo",
"converted": "Zkonvertováno",
"email_approved": "Odeslat email po schválení nabídky<\/b>",
"notification_quote_approved_subject": "Nabídka {invoice} byla schválena {client}",
"notification_quote_approved": "Klient {client} schválil nabídku {invoice} na {amount}.",
"resend_confirmation": "Znovu poslat potvrzovací email",
"confirmation_resent": "Potvrzení bylo odesláno emailem",
"gateway_help_42": "{link} zaregistrujte se na BitPay.
Poznámka: použijte Legacy API Key, nikoliv API token.",
"payment_type_credit_card": "Platební karty",
"payment_type_paypal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_gocardless": "GoCardless",
"knowledge_base": "Knowledge Base",
"partial": "Partial\/Deposit",
"partial_remaining": "{partial} z {balance}",
"more_fields": "Více polí",
"less_fields": "Méně polí",
"client_name": "Jméno klienta",
"pdf_settings": "Nastavení PDF",
"product_settings": "Nastavení produktu",
"auto_wrap": "Automatické zalomení řádky",
"duplicate_post": "Varování: předchozí stránka byla odeslána dvakrát. Druhé odeslání bylo ignorováno.",
"view_documentation": "Zobrazit dokumentaci",
"app_title": "Open source online fakrurace",
"app_description": "Invoice Ninja je bezplatné open-source řešení pro fakturaci a účtování zákazníkům.\n S Invoice Ninja, můžete jednoduše vytvářet a posílat hezké faktury z jakéhokoli zařízení, které má přístup na web. Vaši klienti si mohou faktury\n vytisknout, stáhnout jako PDF nebo Vám rovnou online zaplatit.",
"rows": "řádky",
"www": "www",
"logo": "Logo",
"subdomain": "subdoména",
"provide_name_or_email": "Prosím zadejte jméno nebo email",
"charts_and_reports": "Grafy & Reporty",
"chart": "Graf",
"report": "Report",
"group_by": "Seskupené podle",
"paid": "Zaplacené",
"enable_report": "Report",
"enable_chart": "Graf",
"totals": "Celkem",
"run": "Běh",
"export": "Export",
"documentation": "Dokumentace",
"zapier": "Zapier",
"recurring": "Pravidelné",
"last_invoice_sent": "Poslední faktura byla odeslána {date}",
"processed_updates": "Změna úspěšně provedena",
"tasks": "Úlohy",
"new_task": "Nový úloha",
"start_time": "Počáteční čas",
"created_task": "Úloha úspěšně vytvořena",
"updated_task": "Úloha úspěšně změněna",
"edit_task": "Editovat úlohu",
"archive_task": "Archivovat úlohu",
"restore_task": "Obnovit úlohu",
"delete_task": "Smazat úlohu",
"stop_task": "Zastavit úlohu",
"time": "Čas",
"start": "Začátek",
"stop": "Konec",
"now": "Nyní",
"timer": "Časovač",
"manual": "Manuální",
"date_and_time": "Datum & Čas",
"second": "Sekunda",
"seconds": "Sekundy",
"minute": "Minuta",
"minutes": "Minuty",
"hour": "Hodina",
"hours": "Hodiny",
"task_details": "Detaily úlohy",
"duration": "Trvání",
"end_time": "Čas konce",
"end": "Konec",
"invoiced": "Fakturováno",
"logged": "Přihlášen",
"running": "Bežící",
"task_error_multiple_clients": "Úloha nemůže být přiřazena různým klientům",
"task_error_running": "Prosím zatavte napřed běžící úlohy",
"task_error_invoiced": "Úlohy byly vyfakturovány",
"restored_task": "Úloha úspěšně obnovena",
"archived_task": "Úloha úspěšně archivována",
"archived_tasks": "Úspěšně archivováno {count} úloh",
"deleted_task": "Úloha úspěšně smazána",
"deleted_tasks": "Úspěšně smazáno {count} úloh",
"create_task": "Vytvořit úlohu",
"stopped_task": "Úloha úspěšně zastavena",
"invoice_task": "Fakturační úloha",
"invoice_labels": "Fakturační popisky",
"prefix": "Prefix",
"counter": "Počítadlo",
"payment_type_dwolla": "Dwolla",
"gateway_help_43": "{link} zaregistrujte se na Dwolla",
"partial_value": "Musí být větší než nula a méně než součet",
"more_actions": "Více akcí",
"pro_plan_title": "NINJA PROFI",
"pro_plan_call_to_action": "Upgradujte nyní!",
"pro_plan_feature1": "Neomezené množství klientů",
"pro_plan_feature2": "Přístup k 10 nádherným šablonám faktur",
"pro_plan_feature3": "Volitelné URLs - \"vaseznacka.InvoiceNinja.com\"",
"pro_plan_feature4": "Odstranit \"Vytvořeno Invoice Ninja\"",
"pro_plan_feature5": "Přístup více uživatelů & sledování aktivit",
"pro_plan_feature6": "Vytváření nabídek & proforem",
"pro_plan_feature7": "Úprava popisu polí faktur & číslování",
"pro_plan_feature8": "Možnost připojit PDF soubor do emailu klientům",
"resume": "Pokračovat",
"break_duration": "Přestávka",
"edit_details": "Editovat detaily",
"work": "Práce",
"timezone_unset": "Prosím {link} nastavte si vaší časovou zónu",
"click_here": "klikněte zde",
"email_receipt": "Odeslat potvrzení platby klientovi",
"created_payment_emailed_client": "ˇUspěšně vytvořena platba a odesláno info klientovi",
"add_company": "Přidat firmu",
"untitled": "Neoznačené",
"new_company": "Nová firma",
"associated_accounts": "Účty úspěšně spojeny",
"unlinked_account": "Účty úspěšně rozspojeny",
"login": "Přihlášení",
"or": "nebo",
"email_error": "Nastal problém s odesláním emailu",
"confirm_recurring_timing": "Poznámka: Emaily jsou odesílány na záčátku hodiny.",
"confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent": "Note: invoices are created at the start of the hour.",
"payment_terms_help": "Nastaví jako výchozí datum splatnosti faktury<\/b>",
"unlink_account": "Odpojit účet",
"unlink": "Odpojit",
"show_address": "Ukázat adresu",
"show_address_help": "Klient musí poskytnout fakturační adresu",
"update_address": "Změnit adresu",
"update_address_help": "Změnit adresu klienta podle poskytnutých detailů",
"times": "Časy",
"set_now": "Nastavit nyní",
"dark_mode": "Tmavý mód",
"dark_mode_help": "Použít tmavé pozadí pro postranní panely",
"add_to_invoice": "Přidat k faktuře {invoice}",
"create_new_invoice": "Vytvořit novou fakturu",
"task_errors": "Prosím opravte překrývající se časy",
"from": "Od",
"to": "Komu",
"font_size": "Velikost fontu",
"primary_color": "Základní barva",
"secondary_color": "Druhá barva",
"customize_design": "Upravit design",
"content": "Obsah",
"styles": "Styly",
"defaults": "Výchozí",
"margins": "Marže",
"header": "Hlavička",
"footer": "Patička",
"custom": "Volitelné",
"invoice_to": "Fakturovat komu",
"invoice_no": "Faktura č.",
"quote_no": "Nabídka Č.",
"recent_payments": "Poslední platby",
"outstanding": "Nezaplaceno",
"manage_companies": "Spravovat firmy",
"total_revenue": "Celkové příjmy",
"current_user": "Aktuální uživatel",
"new_recurring_invoice": "Nová pravidelná faktura",
"recurring_invoice": "Pravidelná faktura",
"new_recurring_quote": "New recurring quote",
"recurring_quote": "Recurring Quote",
"recurring_too_soon": "Brzy se vytvoří další pravidelná faktura, je nastavena na {date}",
"created_by_invoice": "Vytvořeno {invoice}",
"primary_user": "Primární uživatel",
"help": "Pomoc",
"customize_help": "We use {pdfmake_link} to define the invoice designs declaratively. The pdfmake {playground_link} provides a great way to see the library in action.<\/p>\n
If you need help figuring something out post a question to our {forum_link} with the design you're using.<\/p>",
"playground": "playground",
"support_forum": "support forum",
"invoice_due_date": "Datum splatnosti",
"quote_due_date": "Platí do",
"valid_until": "Platí do",
"reset_terms": "Resetovat podmínky",
"reset_footer": "Resetovat patičku",
"invoice_sent": "{count} invoice sent",
"invoices_sent": "{count} invoices sent",
"status_draft": "Návrh",
"status_sent": "Odesláno",
"status_viewed": "Zobrazené",
"status_partial": "Částečné",
"status_paid": "Placené",
"status_unpaid": "Unpaid",
"status_all": "All",
"show_line_item_tax": "Zobrazit daně v řádku v položkách<\/b>",
"iframe_url": "Web",
"iframe_url_help1": "Zkopírujte následující kód na Váš web.",
"iframe_url_help2": "Tuto vlastnost můžete vyzkoušet kliknutím na 'Vidět jako příjemce' jako fakturu.",
"auto_bill": "Automatické fakturování",
"military_time": "24 hodinový čas",
"last_sent": "Poslední odeslány",
"reminder_emails": "Připomínky emailem",
"templates_and_reminders": "Šablony & Připomínky",
"subject": "Předmět",
"body": "Tělo",
"first_reminder": "První připomínka",
"second_reminder": "Druhá připomínka",
"third_reminder": "Třetí připomínka",
"num_days_reminder": "Dny po splatnosti",
"reminder_subject": "Připomínka: Faktura {invoice} od {account}",
"reset": "Resetovat",
"invoice_not_found": "Požadovaná faktura není k dispozici",
"referral_program": "Referral program",
"referral_code": "Referral URL",
"last_sent_on": "Poslední odeslání: {date}",
"page_expire": "Tato stránka brzy expiruje, {click_here} pro pokračování zobrazení",
"upcoming_quotes": "Nadcházející nabídky",
"expired_quotes": "Prošlé nabídky",
"sign_up_using": "Zaregistrujte se pro použití",
"invalid_credentials": "Tyto údaje neodpovídají našim záznamům.",
"show_all_options": "Zobrazit všechny možnosti",
"user_details": "Uživatelské detaily",
"oneclick_login": "Connected Account",
"disable": "Vypnout",
"invoice_quote_number": "Čísla faktur a nabídek",
"invoice_charges": "Invoice Surcharges",
"notification_invoice_bounced": "Nebyli jsme schopni doručit fakturu {invoice} na {contact}.",
"notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "Nebylo možné doručit fakturu {invoice}",
"notification_quote_bounced": "Nebyli jsme schopni doručit nabídku {invoice} na {contact}.",
"notification_quote_bounced_subject": "Nebylo možné doručit nabídku {invoice}",
"custom_invoice_link": "Odkaz na fakturu",
"total_invoiced": "Celkem fakturováno",
"open_balance": "Zůstatek",
"verify_email": "Prosím klikněte na odkaz v potvrzovacím emailu pro ověření správné adresy.",
"basic_settings": "Základní nastavení",
"pro": "Profi",
"gateways": "Platební brány",
"next_send_on": "Další odeslání: {date}",
"no_longer_running": "Tato faktura není nastavena aby proběhla",
"general_settings": "Obecné nastavení",
"customize": "Přizpůsobení",
"oneclick_login_help": "Připojte si účet pro přihlášení bez použití hesla",
"referral_code_help": "Vydělejte si peníze díky sdílení odkazu na naší aplikaci",
"enable_with_stripe": "Povolit | Vyžaduje Stripe",
"tax_settings": "Nastavení daní",
"create_tax_rate": "Přidat daňovou sazbu",
"updated_tax_rate": "Daňová sazba úspěšně změněna",
"created_tax_rate": "Daňová sazba úspěšně vytvořena",
"edit_tax_rate": "Editovat daňovou sazbu",
"archive_tax_rate": "Archivovat daňovou sazbu",
"archived_tax_rate": "Daňová sazba úspěšně archivována",
"default_tax_rate_id": "Výchozí daňová sazba",
"tax_rate": "Daňová sazba",
"recurring_hour": "Pravidelná hodina",
"pattern": "Vzorec",
"pattern_help_title": "Pomoc se vzorcem",
"pattern_help_1": "Create custom numbers by specifying a pattern",
"pattern_help_2": "Dostupné proměnné:",
"pattern_help_3": "Například, {example} může být konvertováno na {value}",
"see_options": "Zobrazit možnosti",
"invoice_counter": "Počítadlo faktur",
"quote_counter": "Počítadlo nabídek",
"type": "Typ",
"activity_1": "{user} vytvořil klienta {client}",
"activity_2": "{user} archivoval klienta {client}",
"activity_3": "{user} smazal klienta {client}",
"activity_4": "{user} vytvořil fakturu {invoice}",
"activity_5": "{user} změnil fakturu {invoice}",
"activity_6": "{user} odeslal fakturu {invoice} to {contact}",
"activity_7": "{contact} zobrazil fakturu {invoice}",
"activity_8": "{user} archivoval fakturu {invoice}",
"activity_9": "{user} smazal fakturu {invoice}",
"activity_10": "{contact} zadal platbu {payment} na {invoice}",
"activity_11": "{user} změnil platbu {payment}",
"activity_12": "{user} archivoval platbu {payment}",
"activity_13": "{user} smazal platbu {payment}",
"activity_14": "{user} zadal {credit} kredit",
"activity_15": "{user} změnil {credit} kredit",
"activity_16": "{user} archivoval {credit} kredit",
"activity_17": "{user} smazal {credit} kredit",
"activity_18": "{user} vytvořil nabídku {quote}",
"activity_19": "{user} změnil nabídku {quote}",
"activity_20": "{user} odeslal nabídku {quote} to {contact}",
"activity_21": "{contact} zobrazil nabídku {quote}",
"activity_22": "{user} archivoval nabídku {quote}",
"activity_23": "{user} smazal nabídku {quote}",
"activity_24": "{user} obnovil nabídku {quote}",
"activity_25": "{user} obnovil fakturu {invoice}",
"activity_26": "{user} obnovil klienta {client}",
"activity_27": "{user} obnovil platbu {payment}",
"activity_28": "{user} obnovil {credit} kredit",
"activity_29": "{contact} schválil nabídku {quote}",
"activity_30": "{user} created vendor {vendor}",
"activity_31": "{user} archived vendor {vendor}",
"activity_32": "{user} deleted vendor {vendor}",
"activity_33": "{user} restored vendor {vendor}",
"activity_34": "{user} vytvořil výdaj {expense}",
"activity_35": "{user} archived expense {expense}",
"activity_36": "{user} deleted expense {expense}",
"activity_37": "{user} restored expense {expense}",
"activity_42": "{user} created task {task}",
"activity_43": "{user} updated task {task}",
"activity_44": "{user} archived task {task}",
"activity_45": "{user} deleted task {task}",
"activity_46": "{user} restored task {task}",
"activity_47": "{user} updated expense {expense}",
"payment": "Platba",
"system": "Systém",
"signature": "Emailový podpis",
"default_messages": "Výchozí vzkazy",
"quote_terms": "Podmínky nabídky",
"default_quote_terms": "Výchozí podmínky nabídky",
"default_invoice_terms": "Výchozí fakturační podmínky",
"default_invoice_footer": "Výchozí patička faktury",
"quote_footer": "Patička nabídky",
"free": "Zdarma",
"quote_is_approved": "Successfully approved",
"apply_credit": "Použít kredit",
"system_settings": "Nastavení systému",
"archive_token": "Archivovat token",
"archived_token": "Token úspěšně archivován",
"archive_user": "Archivovaný uživatel",
"archived_user": "Užival úspěšně archivován",
"archive_account_gateway": "Archivovat bránu",
"archived_account_gateway": "Brána úspěšně archivována",
"archive_recurring_invoice": "Archivovat pravidelnou fakturu",
"archived_recurring_invoice": "Pravidelná faktura úspěšně archivována",
"delete_recurring_invoice": "Smazat pravidelnou fakturu",
"deleted_recurring_invoice": "Pravidelná faktura smazána",
"restore_recurring_invoice": "Obnovit pravidelnou fakturu",
"restored_recurring_invoice": "Pravidelná faktura obnovena",
"archive_recurring_quote": "Archive Recurring Quote",
"archived_recurring_quote": "Successfully archived recurring quote",
"delete_recurring_quote": "Delete Recurring Quote",
"deleted_recurring_quote": "Successfully deleted recurring quote",
"restore_recurring_quote": "Restore Recurring Quote",
"restored_recurring_quote": "Successfully restored recurring quote",
"archived": "Archivováno",
"untitled_account": "Společnost bez názvu",
"before": "Před",
"after": "Po",
"reset_terms_help": "Resetovat na výchozí podmínky účtu",
"reset_footer_help": "Resetovat na výchozí hlavičku účtu",
"export_data": "Exportovat data",
"user": "Uživatel",
"country": "Země",
"include": "Zahrnout",
"logo_too_large": "Vaše logo je {size}, pro rychlejší zobrazení v PDF navrhujeme nahrát soubor menší než 200KB",
"import_freshbooks": "Importovat z FreshBooks",
"import_data": "Importovat data",
"source": "Zdroj",
"csv": "CSV",
"client_file": "Soubor s klienty",
"invoice_file": "Soubor s fakturami",
"task_file": "Soubor s úlohami",
"no_mapper": "Mapování pro soubor není k dispozici",
"invalid_csv_header": "Naplatná hlavička v CSV souboru",
"client_portal": "Klientský portál",
"admin": "Administrátor",
"disabled": "Nepovolen",
"show_archived_users": "Zobrazit archivované uživatele",
"notes": "Poznámky",
"invoice_will_create": "invoice will be created",
"invoices_will_create": "faktury budou vytvořeny",
"failed_to_import": "Následující záznamy selhaly u importu, buď již existují nebo nemají požadovaná pole.",
"publishable_key": "Veřejný klíč",
"secret_key": "Tajný klíč",
"missing_publishable_key": "Nastavte veřejný klíč Stripe pro lepší proces platby",
"email_design": "Vzhled emailu",
"due_by": "Splatnost do {date}",
"enable_email_markup": "Umožnit mikroznačky",
"enable_email_markup_help": "Přidejte si mikroznačky schema.org do emailu a usnadněte tak vašim klientům platby.",
"template_help_title": "Nápověda k šablonám",
"template_help_1": "Dostupné proměnné:",
"email_design_id": "Styl emailu",
"email_design_help": "Make your emails look more professional with HTML layouts.",
"plain": "Prostý text",
"light": "Světlý",
"dark": "Tmavý",
"industry_help": "Používá se pro porovnání proti průměru u firem podobné velikosti a podobného odvětví.",
"subdomain_help": "Set the subdomain or display the invoice on your own website.",
"website_help": "Display the invoice in an iFrame on your own website",
"invoice_number_help": "Určete prefix nebo použijte upravitelný vzorec pro nastavení číslování faktur.",
"quote_number_help": "Určete prefix nebo použijte upravitelný vzorec pro nastavení číslování nabídek.",
"custom_client_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating a client and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"custom_account_fields_helps": "Přidejte si pole a hodnotu k detailům společnosti na PDF.",
"custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating an invoice and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"custom_invoice_charges_helps": "Přidejte si pole během vytváření faktury a zahrňte ho mezi poplatky do faktury.",
"token_expired": "Validační token expiroval. Prosím vyzkoušejte znovu.",
"invoice_link": "Odkaz na fakturu",
"button_confirmation_message": "Klikněte pro potvrzení Vaší emailové adresy.",
"confirm": "Potvrzuji",
"email_preferences": "Email preference",
"created_invoices": "Úspěšně vytvořeno {count} faktur",
"next_invoice_number": "Další číslo faktury je {number}.",
"next_quote_number": "Další číslo nabídky je {number}.",
"days_before": "days before the",
"days_after": "days after the",
"field_due_date": "datum splatnosti",
"field_invoice_date": "datum vystavení",
"schedule": "Rozvrh",
"email_designs": "Vzhled emailů",
"assigned_when_sent": "Přiřazeno při odeslání",
"white_label_purchase_link": "Zakoupit white label licenci",
"expense": "Náklad",
"expenses": "Náklady",
"new_expense": "Enter Expense",
"enter_expense": "Zadat náklad",
"vendors": "Dodavatelé",
"new_vendor": "Nový dodavatel",
"payment_terms_net": "Net",
"vendor": "Dodavatel",
"edit_vendor": "Editovat dodavatele",
"archive_vendor": "Archivovat dodavatele",
"delete_vendor": "Smazat dodavatele",
"view_vendor": "Zobrazit dodavatele",
"deleted_expense": "Náklad úspěšně smazán",
"archived_expense": "Náklad úspěšně archivován",
"deleted_expenses": "Náklad úspěšně smazán",
"archived_expenses": "Náklady úspěšně archivovány",
"expense_amount": "Částka nákladů",
"expense_balance": "Zůstatek nákladů",
"expense_date": "Datum nákladu",
"expense_should_be_invoiced": "Má tento náklad být fakturován?",
"public_notes": "Veřejné poznámky",
"invoice_amount": "Částka faktury",
"exchange_rate": "Měnový kurz",
"yes": "Ano",
"no": "Ne",
"should_be_invoiced": "Má být fakturován",
"view_expense": "Zobrazit náklad # {expense}",
"edit_expense": "Editovat náklad",
"archive_expense": "Archivovat náklad",
"delete_expense": "Smazat náklad",
"view_expense_num": "Náklad # {expense}",
"updated_expense": "Náklad úspěšně změněn",
"created_expense": "Náklad úspěšně vytvořen",
"view": "Zobrazit",
"restore_expense": "Obnovit náklady",
"invoice_expense": "Fakturovat náklady",
"expense_error_multiple_clients": "Náklady nemohou patřit různým klientům",
"expense_error_invoiced": "Náklady byly již vyfakturovány",
"convert_currency": "Zkonvertovat měnu",
"num_days": "Počet dní",
"create_payment_term": "Vytvořit platební podmínky",
"edit_payment_terms": "Editovat platební podmínky",
"edit_payment_term": "Editovat platební podmínky",
"archive_payment_term": "Archivovat platební podmínky",
"recurring_due_dates": "Datumy splatnosti pravidelných faktur",
"recurring_due_date_help": "
Automaticky nastavit datum splatnosti na fakturách<\/p>\n
U faktury s měsíčním nebo ročním cyklem bude nastavena měsíční splatnost v dalším měsíci. Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month.\n Faktury se splatností k 29. nebo 30 v měsících, které tyto dny nemají se splatnost nastaví k poslednímu dni v měsíci.<\/p>\n
Faktury s týdenním cyklem mají jako výchozí týdenní splatnost.<\/p>\n
\n - Dnes je 15tého, datum splatnosti je 1.den v měsíci. Datum splatnosti tedy bude prvního dne další měsíc.<\/li>\n
- Dnes je 15tého, datum splatnosti je poslední datum v měsíci. Datum splatnosti bude tedy poslední den v tomto měsíci.\n<\/li>\n
- Dnes je 15tého , datum splatnosti je nastaven na 15. den v měsíci. Datum splatnosti tedy bude 15tého další<\/strong> měsíc.\n<\/li>\n
- Dnes je pátek, datum splatnosti je nastaveno na první pátek za týden. Datum splatnosti bude tedy další pátek, nikoliv dnes.\n<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"due": "Splatnost",
"next_due_on": "Další splatnost: {date}",
"use_client_terms": "Použít podmínky klienta",
"day_of_month": "{ordinal} den v měsíci",
"last_day_of_month": "poslední den v měsíci",
"day_of_week_after": "{ordinal} {t}ýden poté",
"sunday": "Neděle",
"monday": "Pondělí",
"tuesday": "Úterý",
"wednesday": "Středa",
"thursday": "Čtvrtek",
"friday": "Pátek",
"saturday": "Sobota",
"header_font_id": "Hlavička font",
"body_font_id": "Font těla",
"color_font_help": "Poznámka: primární barva a fonty jsou rovněž použity v klientském portálu a upravených šablonách emailů.",
"live_preview": "Náhled",
"invalid_mail_config": "Nelze odeslat email, zkontrolujte prosím nastavení emailu.",
"invoice_message_button": "Pro zobrazení faktury na {amount}, klikněte na tlačítko níže.",
"quote_message_button": "Pro zobrazení nabídky na {amount}, klikněte na tlačítko níže.",
"payment_message_button": "Děkujeme za Vaši platbu {amount}.",
"payment_type_direct_debit": "Platba převodem",
"bank_accounts": "Platební karty & Banky",
"add_bank_account": "Přidat bankovní účet",
"setup_account": "Nastavení účtu",
"import_expenses": "Importovat náklady",
"bank_id": "Banka",
"integration_type": "Typ integrace",
"updated_bank_account": "Bankovní účet úspěšně změněn",
"edit_bank_account": "Editovat bankovní účet",
"archive_bank_account": "Archivovat bankovní účet",
"archived_bank_account": "Bankovní účet úspěšně archivován",
"created_bank_account": "Bankovní účet úspěšně vytvořen",
"validate_bank_account": "Ověřit bankovní účet ",
"bank_password_help": "Poznámka: Vaše heslo je bezpečně přeneseno a nikdy není uloženo na našich serverech.",
"bank_password_warning": "Varování: vaše heslo může být přenášeno jako prostý text, zvažte prosím aktivaci HTTPS.",
"username": "Uživatelské jméno",
"account_number": "Číslo účtu",
"account_name": "Název účtu",
"bank_account_error": "Failed to retrieve account details, please check your credentials.",
"status_approved": "Schváleno",
"quote_settings": "Nastavení nabídek",
"auto_convert_quote": "Auto Convert",
"auto_convert_quote_help": "Automaticky zkonvertovat nabídku na fakturu po schválení klientem.",
"validate": "Ověřit",
"info": "Info",
"imported_expenses": "Úspěšně vytvořeno {count_vendors} dodavatelů a {count_expenses} nákladů",
"iframe_url_help3": "Poznámka: pokud chcete akceptovat kreditní karty nastavte si HTTPS na vašem webu.",
"expense_error_multiple_currencies": "Náklady nemohou být v různých měnách.",
"expense_error_mismatch_currencies": "Měna klienta neodpovídá měně u nákladu.",
"trello_roadmap": "Trello roadmapa",
"header_footer": "Hlavička\/Patička",
"first_page": "první stránka",
"all_pages": "všechny stránky",
"last_page": "poslední stránka",
"all_pages_header": "Zobrazit hlavičku",
"all_pages_footer": "Zobrazit patičku",
"invoice_currency": "Měna faktury",
"enable_https": "Pro akceptování platebních karet online používejte vždy HTTPS.",
"quote_issued_to": "Náklad je vystaven",
"show_currency_code": "Kód měny",
"free_year_message": "Your account has been upgraded to the pro plan for one year at no cost.",
"trial_message": "Váš účet získá zdarma 2 týdny zkušební verze Profi plánu.",
"trial_footer": "Your free pro plan trial lasts {count} more days, {link} to upgrade now.",
"trial_footer_last_day": "This is the last day of your free pro plan trial, {link} to upgrade now.",
"trial_call_to_action": "Vyzkoušet zdarma",
"trial_success": "14-ti denní zkušební lhůta úspěšně nastavena",
"overdue": "Po termínu",
"white_label_text": "Purchase a ONE YEAR white label license for ${price} to remove the Invoice Ninja branding from the invoice and client portal.",
"user_email_footer": "Pro úpravu emailových notifikací prosím navštivte {link}",
"reset_password_footer": "Pokud jste nepožádali o resetování hesla, prosím kontaktujte naši podporu na: {email}",
"limit_users": "Omlouváme se, to už přesáhlo limit {limit} uživatelů",
"more_designs_self_host_header": "Získejte 6 dalších vzhledů faktur jen za ${price}",
"old_browser": "Please use a {link}",
"newer_browser": "newer browser",
"white_label_custom_css": "{link} za ${price} získáte volitelné úpravy a pomůžete podpoře našeho projektu.",
"bank_accounts_help": "Connect a bank account to automatically import expenses and create vendors. Supports American Express and {link}.",
"us_banks": "400+ US banks",
"pro_plan_remove_logo": "{link} pro odstranění loga Invoice Ninja připojením se k profi plánu",
"pro_plan_remove_logo_link": "Klikněte zde",
"invitation_status_sent": "Sent",
"invitation_status_opened": "Opened",
"invitation_status_viewed": "Viewed",
"email_error_inactive_client": "Emaily nemohou být odeslány neaktivním klientům",
"email_error_inactive_contact": "Emaily nemohou být odeslány neaktivním kontaktům",
"email_error_inactive_invoice": "Emaily nemohou být odeslány k neaktivním fakturám",
"email_error_inactive_proposal": "Emails can not be sent to inactive proposals",
"email_error_user_unregistered": "Pro odesílání emailů si prosím zaregistrujte účet",
"email_error_user_unconfirmed": "Pro posílání emailů potvrďte prosím Váš účet.",
"email_error_invalid_contact_email": "Neplatný kontaktní email",
"navigation": "Navigace",
"list_invoices": "Seznam faktur",
"list_clients": "Seznam klientů",
"list_quotes": "Seznam nabídek",
"list_tasks": "Seznam úloh",
"list_expenses": "Seznam nákladů",
"list_recurring_invoices": "Seznam pravidelných faktur",
"list_payments": "Seznam plateb",
"list_credits": "Seznam kreditů",
"tax_name": "Název daně",
"report_settings": "Nastavení reportů",
"search_hotkey": "Zkratka je \/",
"new_user": "Nový uživatel",
"new_product": "Nový produkt",
"new_tax_rate": "Nová sazba daně",
"invoiced_amount": "Fakturovaná částka",
"invoice_item_fields": "Pole položky faktury",
"custom_invoice_item_fields_help": "Během vytváření faktury si přidejte pole a zobrazte si jeho popis a hodnotu v PDF.",
"recurring_invoice_number": "Recurring Number",
"recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help": "Speciy a prefix to be added to the invoice number for recurring invoices.",
"enable_portal_password": "Password Protect Invoices",
"enable_portal_password_help": "Umožní Vám nastavit heslo pro každý kontakt. Pokud heslo nastavíte, tak kontakt ho bude pro zobrazení faktury vždy použít.",
"send_portal_password": "Generate Automatically",
"send_portal_password_help": "Pokud heslo není nastaveno, bude vygenerováno a zasláno spolu s první fakturou.",
"expired": "Expirované",
"invalid_card_number": "Číslo platební karty není platné.",
"invalid_expiry": "Datum expirace není platné.",
"invalid_cvv": "CVV není platné.",
"cost": "Cena",
"create_invoice_for_sample": "Poznámka: vytvořte si první fakturu a zde si ji prohlédněte.",
"owner": "Vlastník",
"administrator": "Administrátor",
"administrator_help": "Povolit uživatelům spravovat další uživatele, měnit nastavení a všechny záznamy",
"user_create_all": "Vytvářet klienty,faktury atd.",
"user_view_all": "Vidět všechny klienty,faktury atd.",
"user_edit_all": "Editovat všechny klienty,faktury atd.",
"gateway_help_20": "{link} pro registraci na Sage Pay.",
"gateway_help_21": "{link} pro registraci na Sage Pay.",
"partial_due": "Částečně splaceno",
"restore_vendor": "Obnovit dodavatele",
"restored_vendor": "Dodavatel úspěšně obnoven",
"restored_expense": "Náklady úspěšně obnoveny",
"permissions": "Práva",
"create_all_help": "Povolit uživatelům měnit záznamy",
"view_all_help": "Povolit uživatelům zobrazit záznamy, které nevytvořili",
"edit_all_help": "Povolit uživatelům měnit záznamy, které nevytvořili",
"view_payment": "Zobrazit platbu",
"january": "Leden",
"february": "Únor",
"march": "Březen",
"april": "Duben",
"may": "Květen",
"june": "Červen",
"july": "Červenc",
"august": "Srpen",
"september": "Září",
"october": "Říjen",
"november": "Listopad",
"december": "Prosinec",
"documents_header": "Dokumenty:",
"email_documents_header": "Dokumenty:",
"email_documents_example_1": "Widgets Receipt.pdf",
"email_documents_example_2": "Final Deliverable.zip",
"quote_documents": "Quote Documents",
"invoice_documents": "Invoice Documents",
"expense_documents": "Expense Documents",
"invoice_embed_documents": "Embed Documents",
"invoice_embed_documents_help": "Include attached images in the invoice.",
"document_email_attachment": "Attach Documents",
"ubl_email_attachment": "Attach UBL",
"download_documents": "Download Documents ({size})",
"documents_from_expenses": "From Expenses:",
"dropzone_default_message": "Drop files or click to upload",
"dropzone_fallback_message": "Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.",
"dropzone_fallback_text": "Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.",
"dropzone_file_too_big": "File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.",
"dropzone_invalid_file_type": "You can't upload files of this type.",
"dropzone_response_error": "Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.",
"dropzone_cancel_upload": "Cancel upload",
"dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?",
"dropzone_remove_file": "Remove file",
"documents": "Documents",
"document_date": "Document Date",
"document_size": "Size",
"enable_client_portal": "Dashboard",
"enable_client_portal_help": "Skrýt\/zobrazit dashboard v klientském portálu.",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard": "Dashboard",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard_help": "Show\/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.",
"account_management": "Account Management",
"plan_status": "Plan Status",
"plan_upgrade": "Upgrade",
"plan_change": "Change Plan",
"pending_change_to": "Changes To",
"plan_changes_to": "{plan} on {date}",
"plan_term_changes_to": "{plan} ({term}) on {date}",
"cancel_plan_change": "Cancel Change",
"plan": "Plan",
"expires": "Expires",
"renews": "Renews",
"plan_expired": "{plan} Plan Expired",
"trial_expired": "{plan} Plan Trial Ended",
"never": "Never",
"plan_free": "Free",
"plan_pro": "Pro",
"plan_enterprise": "Enterprise",
"plan_white_label": "Self Hosted (White labeled)",
"plan_free_self_hosted": "Self Hosted (Free)",
"plan_trial": "Trial",
"plan_term": "Term",
"plan_term_monthly": "Měsíčně",
"plan_term_yearly": "Yearly",
"plan_term_month": "Měsíc",
"plan_term_year": "Year",
"plan_price_monthly": "${price}\/Měsíčně",
"plan_price_yearly": "${price}\/Year",
"updated_plan": "Updated plan settings",
"plan_paid": "Term Started",
"plan_started": "Plan Started",
"plan_expires": "Plan Expires",
"white_label_button": "White Label",
"pro_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"pro_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_product": "Enterprise Plan",
"enterprise_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"plan_credit_product": "Credit",
"plan_credit_description": "Credit for unused time",
"plan_pending_monthly": "Will switch to monthly on {date}",
"plan_refunded": "A refund has been issued.",
"page_size": "Page Size",
"live_preview_disabled": "Live preview has been disabled to support selected font",
"invoice_number_padding": "Padding",
"preview": "Preview",
"list_vendors": "List Vendors",
"add_users_not_supported": "Upgrade to the Enterprise plan to add additional users to your account.",
"enterprise_plan_features": "The Enterprise plan adds support for multiple users and file attachments, {link} to see the full list of features.",
"return_to_app": "Return To App",
"refund_payment": "Refund Payment",
"refund_max": "Max:",
"refund": "Refund",
"are_you_sure_refund": "Refund selected payments?",
"status_pending": "Pending",
"status_completed": "Dokončeno",
"status_failed": "Failed",
"status_partially_refunded": "Partially Refunded",
"status_partially_refunded_amount": "{amount} Refunded",
"status_refunded": "Refunded",
"status_voided": "Cancelled",
"refunded_payment": "Refunded Payment",
"activity_39": "{user} cancelled a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"activity_40": "{user} refunded {adjustment} of a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"card_expiration": "Exp: {expires}",
"card_creditcardother": "Unknown",
"card_americanexpress": "American Express",
"card_carteblanche": "Carte Blanche",
"card_unionpay": "UnionPay",
"card_diners": "Diners Club",
"card_discover": "Discover",
"card_jcb": "JCB",
"card_laser": "Laser",
"card_maestro": "Maestro",
"card_mastercard": "MasterCard",
"card_solo": "Solo",
"card_switch": "Switch",
"card_visacard": "Visa",
"card_ach": "ACH",
"payment_type_stripe": "Stripe",
"ach": "ACH",
"enable_ach": "Accept US bank transfers",
"stripe_ach_help": "ACH support must also be enabled in {link}.",
"ach_disabled": "Another gateway is already configured for direct debit.",
"plaid": "Plaid",
"client_id": "Client Id",
"secret": "Secret",
"public_key": "Public Key",
"plaid_optional": "(optional)",
"plaid_environment_help": "When a Stripe test key is given, Plaid's development environment (tartan) will be used.",
"other_providers": "Other Providers",
"country_not_supported": "That country is not supported.",
"invalid_routing_number": "The routing number is not valid.",
"invalid_account_number": "The account number is not valid.",
"account_number_mismatch": "The account numbers do not match.",
"missing_account_holder_type": "Please select an individual or company account.",
"missing_account_holder_name": "Please enter the account holder's name.",
"routing_number": "Routing Number",
"confirm_account_number": "Confirm Account Number",
"individual_account": "Individual Account",
"company_account": "Company Account",
"account_holder_name": "Account Holder Name",
"add_account": "Add Account",
"payment_methods": "Payment Methods",
"complete_verification": "Complete Verification",
"verification_amount1": "Amount 1",
"verification_amount2": "Amount 2",
"payment_method_verified": "Verification completed successfully",
"verification_failed": "Verification Failed",
"remove_payment_method": "Remove Payment Method",
"confirm_remove_payment_method": "Are you sure you want to remove this payment method?",
"remove": "Remove",
"payment_method_removed": "Removed payment method.",
"bank_account_verification_help": "We have made two deposits into your account with the description \"VERIFICATION\". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement. Please enter the amounts below.",
"bank_account_verification_next_steps": "We have made two deposits into your account with the description \"VERIFICATION\". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement.\n Once you have the amounts, come back to this payment methods page and click \"Complete Verification\" next to the account.",
"unknown_bank": "Unknown Bank",
"ach_verification_delay_help": "You will be able to use the account after completing verification. Verification usually takes 1-2 business days.",
"add_credit_card": "Add Credit Card",
"payment_method_added": "Added payment method.",
"use_for_auto_bill": "Use For Autobill",
"used_for_auto_bill": "Autobill Payment Method",
"payment_method_set_as_default": "Set Autobill payment method.",
"activity_41": "{payment_amount} payment ({payment}) failed",
"webhook_url": "Webhook URL",
"stripe_webhook_help": "You must {link}.",
"stripe_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint at Stripe",
"gocardless_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint in GoCardless",
"payment_method_error": "There was an error adding your payment methd. Please try again later.",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject": "Payment failed for Invoice {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed": "A payment made by client {client} towards Invoice {invoice} failed. The payment has been marked as failed and {amount} has been added to the client's balance.",
"link_with_plaid": "Link Account Instantly with Plaid",
"link_manually": "Link Manually",
"secured_by_plaid": "Secured by Plaid",
"plaid_linked_status": "Your bank account at {bank}",
"add_payment_method": "Add Payment Method",
"account_holder_type": "Account Holder Type",
"ach_authorization": "I authorize {company} to use my bank account for future payments and, if necessary, electronically credit my account to correct erroneous debits. I understand that I may cancel this authorization at any time by removing the payment method or by contacting {email}.",
"ach_authorization_required": "You must consent to ACH transactions.",
"off": "Off",
"opt_in": "Opt-in",
"opt_out": "Opt-out",
"always": "Always",
"opted_out": "Opted out",
"opted_in": "Opted in",
"manage_auto_bill": "Manage Auto-bill",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"paypal": "PayPal",
"braintree_enable_paypal": "Enable PayPal payments through BrainTree",
"braintree_paypal_disabled_help": "The PayPal gateway is processing PayPal payments",
"braintree_paypal_help": "You must also {link}.",
"braintree_paypal_help_link_text": "link PayPal to your BrainTree account",
"token_billing_braintree_paypal": "Save payment details",
"add_paypal_account": "Add PayPal Account",
"no_payment_method_specified": "No payment method specified",
"chart_type": "Chart Type",
"format": "Format",
"import_ofx": "Import OFX",
"ofx_file": "OFX File",
"ofx_parse_failed": "Failed to parse OFX file",
"wepay": "WePay",
"sign_up_with_wepay": "Sign up with WePay",
"use_another_provider": "Use another provider",
"company_name": "Company Name",
"wepay_company_name_help": "This will appear on client's credit card statements.",
"wepay_description_help": "The purpose of this account.",
"wepay_tos_agree": "I agree to the {link}.",
"wepay_tos_link_text": "WePay Terms of Service",
"resend_confirmation_email": "Resend Confirmation Email",
"manage_account": "Manage Account",
"action_required": "Action Required",
"finish_setup": "Finish Setup",
"created_wepay_confirmation_required": "Please check your email and confirm your email address with WePay.",
"switch_to_wepay": "Switch to WePay",
"switch": "Switch",
"restore_account_gateway": "Restore Gateway",
"restored_account_gateway": "Successfully restored gateway",
"united_states": "United States",
"canada": "Canada",
"accept_debit_cards": "Accept Debit Cards",
"debit_cards": "Debit Cards",
"warn_start_date_changed": "The next invoice will be sent on the new start date.",
"warn_start_date_changed_not_sent": "The next invoice will be created on the new start date.",
"original_start_date": "Original start date",
"new_start_date": "New start date",
"security": "Security",
"see_whats_new": "See what's new in v{version}",
"wait_for_upload": "Please wait for the document upload to complete.",
"upgrade_for_permissions": "Upgrade to our Enterprise plan to enable permissions.",
"enable_second_tax_rate": "Enable specifying a second tax rate<\/b>",
"payment_file": "Payment File",
"expense_file": "Expense File",
"product_file": "Product File",
"import_products": "Import Products",
"products_will_create": "products will be created",
"product_key": "Product",
"created_products": "Successfully created\/updated {count} product(s)",
"export_help": "Use JSON if you plan to import the data into Invoice Ninja.
The file includes clients, products, invoices, quotes and payments.",
"selfhost_export_help": "
We recommend using mysqldump to create a full backup.",
"JSON_file": "JSON File",
"view_dashboard": "View Dashboard",
"client_session_expired": "Session Expired",
"client_session_expired_message": "Your session has expired. Please click the link in your email again.",
"auto_bill_notification": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your {payment_method} on file on {due_date}.",
"auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer": "bank account",
"auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card": "credit card",
"auto_bill_payment_method_paypal": "PayPal account",
"auto_bill_notification_placeholder": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your credit card on file on the due date.",
"payment_settings": "Payment Settings",
"on_send_date": "On send date",
"on_due_date": "On due date",
"auto_bill_ach_date_help": "ACH will always auto bill on the due date.",
"warn_change_auto_bill": "Due to NACHA rules, changes to this invoice may prevent ACH auto bill.",
"bank_account": "Bank Account",
"payment_processed_through_wepay": "ACH payments will be processed using WePay.",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree": "I agree to the WePay {terms} and {privacy_policy}.",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree_required": "You must agree to the WePay Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.",
"ach_email_prompt": "Please enter your email address:",
"verification_pending": "Verification Pending",
"update_font_cache": "Please force refresh the page to update the font cache.",
"more_options": "More options",
"credit_card": "Credit Card",
"bank_transfer": "Bank Transfer",
"no_transaction_reference": "We did not recieve a payment transaction reference from the gateway.",
"use_bank_on_file": "Use Bank on File",
"auto_bill_email_message": "This invoice will automatically be billed to the payment method on file on the due date.",
"bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"gocardless": "GoCardless",
"added_on": "Added {date}",
"failed_remove_payment_method": "Failed to remove the payment method",
"gateway_exists": "This gateway already exists",
"manual_entry": "Manual entry",
"first_day_of_week": "First Day of the Week",
"freq_inactive": "Inactive",
"freq_daily": "Daily",
"freq_weekly": "týdně",
"freq_biweekly": "Biweekly",
"freq_two_weeks": "Two weeks",
"freq_four_weeks": "Four weeks",
"freq_monthly": "Měsíčně",
"freq_three_months": "Three months",
"freq_four_months": "Four months",
"freq_six_months": "Six months",
"freq_annually": "Ročně",
"freq_two_years": "Two years",
"payment_type_Apply Credit": "Apply Credit",
"payment_type_Bank Transfer": "Bank Transfer",
"payment_type_Cash": "Cash",
"payment_type_Debit": "Debit",
"payment_type_ACH": "ACH",
"payment_type_Visa Card": "Visa Card",
"payment_type_MasterCard": "MasterCard",
"payment_type_American Express": "American Express",
"payment_type_Discover Card": "Discover Card",
"payment_type_Diners Card": "Diners Card",
"payment_type_EuroCard": "EuroCard",
"payment_type_Nova": "Nova",
"payment_type_Credit Card Other": "Credit Card Other",
"payment_type_PayPal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_Google Wallet": "Google Wallet",
"payment_type_Check": "Check",
"payment_type_Carte Blanche": "Carte Blanche",
"payment_type_UnionPay": "UnionPay",
"payment_type_JCB": "JCB",
"payment_type_Laser": "Laser",
"payment_type_Maestro": "Maestro",
"payment_type_Solo": "Solo",
"payment_type_Switch": "Switch",
"payment_type_iZettle": "iZettle",
"payment_type_Swish": "Swish",
"payment_type_Alipay": "Alipay",
"payment_type_Sofort": "Sofort",
"payment_type_SEPA": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"payment_type_Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_GoCardless": "GoCardless",
"industry_Accounting & Legal": "Accounting & Legal",
"industry_Advertising": "Advertising",
"industry_Aerospace": "Aerospace",
"industry_Agriculture": "Agriculture",
"industry_Automotive": "Automotive",
"industry_Banking & Finance": "Banking & Finance",
"industry_Biotechnology": "Biotechnology",
"industry_Broadcasting": "Broadcasting",
"industry_Business Services": "Business Services",
"industry_Commodities & Chemicals": "Commodities & Chemicals",
"industry_Communications": "Communications",
"industry_Computers & Hightech": "Computers & Hightech",
"industry_Defense": "Defense",
"industry_Energy": "Energy",
"industry_Entertainment": "Entertainment",
"industry_Government": "Government",
"industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences": "Healthcare & Life Sciences",
"industry_Insurance": "Insurance",
"industry_Manufacturing": "Manufacturing",
"industry_Marketing": "Marketing",
"industry_Media": "Media",
"industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed": "Nonprofit & Higher Ed",
"industry_Pharmaceuticals": "Pharmaceuticals",
"industry_Professional Services & Consulting": "Professional Services & Consulting",
"industry_Real Estate": "Real Estate",
"industry_Restaurant & Catering": "Restaurant & Catering",
"industry_Retail & Wholesale": "Retail & Wholesale",
"industry_Sports": "Sports",
"industry_Transportation": "Transportation",
"industry_Travel & Luxury": "Travel & Luxury",
"industry_Other": "Other",
"industry_Photography": "Photography",
"country_Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
"country_Albania": "Albania",
"country_Antarctica": "Antarctica",
"country_Algeria": "Algeria",
"country_American Samoa": "American Samoa",
"country_Andorra": "Andorra",
"country_Angola": "Angola",
"country_Antigua and Barbuda": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
"country_Argentina": "Argentina",
"country_Australia": "Australia",
"country_Austria": "Austria",
"country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
"country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
"country_Armenia": "Armenia",
"country_Barbados": "Barbados",
"country_Belgium": "Belgium",
"country_Bermuda": "Bermuda",
"country_Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of",
"country_Bosnia and Herzegovina": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"country_Botswana": "Botswana",
"country_Bouvet Island": "Bouvet Island",
"country_Brazil": "Brazil",
"country_Belize": "Belize",
"country_British Indian Ocean Territory": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"country_Solomon Islands": "Solomon Islands",
"country_Virgin Islands, British": "Virgin Islands, British",
"country_Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei Darussalam",
"country_Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
"country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
"country_Burundi": "Burundi",
"country_Belarus": "Belarus",
"country_Cambodia": "Cambodia",
"country_Cameroon": "Cameroon",
"country_Canada": "Canada",
"country_Cape Verde": "Cape Verde",
"country_Cayman Islands": "Cayman Islands",
"country_Central African Republic": "Central African Republic",
"country_Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
"country_Chad": "Chad",
"country_Chile": "Chile",
"country_China": "China",
"country_Taiwan, Province of China": "Taiwan, Province of China",
"country_Christmas Island": "Christmas Island",
"country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"country_Colombia": "Colombia",
"country_Comoros": "Comoros",
"country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
"country_Congo": "Congo",
"country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the": "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the",
"country_Cook Islands": "Cook Islands",
"country_Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"country_Croatia": "Croatia",
"country_Cuba": "Cuba",
"country_Cyprus": "Cyprus",
"country_Czech Republic": "Česká Republika",
"country_Benin": "Benin",
"country_Denmark": "Denmark",
"country_Dominica": "Dominica",
"country_Dominican Republic": "Dominican Republic",
"country_Ecuador": "Ecuador",
"country_El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"country_Equatorial Guinea": "Equatorial Guinea",
"country_Ethiopia": "Ethiopia",
"country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
"country_Estonia": "Estonia",
"country_Faroe Islands": "Faroe Islands",
"country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"country_Fiji": "Fiji",
"country_Finland": "Finland",
"country_Åland Islands": "Åland Islands",
"country_France": "France",
"country_French Guiana": "French Guiana",
"country_French Polynesia": "French Polynesia",
"country_French Southern Territories": "French Southern Territories",
"country_Djibouti": "Djibouti",
"country_Gabon": "Gabon",
"country_Georgia": "Georgia",
"country_Gambia": "Gambia",
"country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
"country_Germany": "Germany",
"country_Ghana": "Ghana",
"country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
"country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
"country_Greece": "Greece",
"country_Greenland": "Greenland",
"country_Grenada": "Grenada",
"country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
"country_Guam": "Guam",
"country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
"country_Guinea": "Guinea",
"country_Guyana": "Guyana",
"country_Haiti": "Haiti",
"country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"country_Holy See (Vatican City State)": "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"country_Honduras": "Honduras",
"country_Hong Kong": "Hong Kong",
"country_Hungary": "Hungary",
"country_Iceland": "Iceland",
"country_India": "India",
"country_Indonesia": "Indonesia",
"country_Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
"country_Iraq": "Iraq",
"country_Ireland": "Ireland",
"country_Israel": "Israel",
"country_Italy": "Italy",
"country_Côte d'Ivoire": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"country_Jamaica": "Jamaica",
"country_Japan": "Japan",
"country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
"country_Jordan": "Jordan",
"country_Kenya": "Kenya",
"country_Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
"country_Korea, Republic of": "Korea, Republic of",
"country_Kuwait": "Kuwait",
"country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstan",
"country_Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
"country_Lebanon": "Lebanon",
"country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
"country_Latvia": "Latvia",
"country_Liberia": "Liberia",
"country_Libya": "Libya",
"country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
"country_Lithuania": "Lithuania",
"country_Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
"country_Macao": "Macao",
"country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
"country_Malawi": "Malawi",
"country_Malaysia": "Malaysia",
"country_Maldives": "Maldives",
"country_Mali": "Mali",
"country_Malta": "Malta",
"country_Martinique": "Martinique",
"country_Mauritania": "Mauritania",
"country_Mauritius": "Mauritius",
"country_Mexico": "Mexico",
"country_Monaco": "Monaco",
"country_Mongolia": "Mongolia",
"country_Moldova, Republic of": "Moldova, Republic of",
"country_Montenegro": "Montenegro",
"country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
"country_Morocco": "Morocco",
"country_Mozambique": "Mozambique",
"country_Oman": "Oman",
"country_Namibia": "Namibia",
"country_Nauru": "Nauru",
"country_Nepal": "Nepal",
"country_Netherlands": "Netherlands",
"country_Curaçao": "Curaçao",
"country_Aruba": "Aruba",
"country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"country_New Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
"country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
"country_New Zealand": "New Zealand",
"country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
"country_Niger": "Niger",
"country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"country_Niue": "Niue",
"country_Norfolk Island": "Norfolk Island",
"country_Norway": "Norway",
"country_Northern Mariana Islands": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"country_United States Minor Outlying Islands": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"country_Micronesia, Federated States of": "Micronesia, Federated States of",
"country_Marshall Islands": "Marshall Islands",
"country_Palau": "Palau",
"country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
"country_Panama": "Panama",
"country_Papua New Guinea": "Papua New Guinea",
"country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
"country_Peru": "Peru",
"country_Philippines": "Philippines",
"country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairn",
"country_Poland": "Poland",
"country_Portugal": "Portugal",
"country_Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
"country_Timor-Leste": "Timor-Leste",
"country_Puerto Rico": "Puerto Rico",
"country_Qatar": "Qatar",
"country_Réunion": "Réunion",
"country_Romania": "Romania",
"country_Russian Federation": "Russian Federation",
"country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
"country_Saint Barthélemy": "Saint Barthélemy",
"country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"country_Saint Kitts and Nevis": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
"country_Saint Lucia": "Saint Lucia",
"country_Saint Martin (French part)": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"country_San Marino": "San Marino",
"country_Sao Tome and Principe": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"country_Saudi Arabia": "Saudi Arabia",
"country_Senegal": "Senegal",
"country_Serbia": "Serbia",
"country_Seychelles": "Seychelles",
"country_Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leone",
"country_Singapore": "Singapore",
"country_Slovakia": "Slovakia",
"country_Viet Nam": "Viet Nam",
"country_Slovenia": "Slovenia",
"country_Somalia": "Somalia",
"country_South Africa": "South Africa",
"country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe",
"country_Spain": "Spain",
"country_South Sudan": "South Sudan",
"country_Sudan": "Sudan",
"country_Western Sahara": "Western Sahara",
"country_Suriname": "Suriname",
"country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"country_Sweden": "Sweden",
"country_Switzerland": "Switzerland",
"country_Syrian Arab Republic": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"country_Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
"country_Thailand": "Thailand",
"country_Togo": "Togo",
"country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
"country_Tonga": "Tonga",
"country_Trinidad and Tobago": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"country_United Arab Emirates": "United Arab Emirates",
"country_Tunisia": "Tunisia",
"country_Turkey": "Turkey",
"country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
"country_Turks and Caicos Islands": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
"country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
"country_Uganda": "Uganda",
"country_Ukraine": "Ukraine",
"country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of": "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of",
"country_Egypt": "Egypt",
"country_United Kingdom": "United Kingdom",
"country_Guernsey": "Guernsey",
"country_Jersey": "Jersey",
"country_Isle of Man": "Isle of Man",
"country_Tanzania, United Republic of": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"country_United States": "United States",
"country_Virgin Islands, U.S.": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"country_Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
"country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
"country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",
"country_Wallis and Futuna": "Wallis and Futuna",
"country_Samoa": "Samoa",
"country_Yemen": "Yemen",
"country_Zambia": "Zambia",
"lang_Brazilian Portuguese": "Brazilian Portuguese",
"lang_Croatian": "Croatian",
"lang_Czech": "Čeština",
"lang_Danish": "Danish",
"lang_Dutch": "Dutch",
"lang_English": "English",
"lang_French": "French",
"lang_French - Canada": "French - Canada",
"lang_German": "German",
"lang_Italian": "Italian",
"lang_Japanese": "Japanese",
"lang_Lithuanian": "Lithuanian",
"lang_Norwegian": "Norwegian",
"lang_Polish": "Polish",
"lang_Spanish": "Spanish",
"lang_Spanish - Spain": "Spanish - Spain",
"lang_Swedish": "Swedish",
"lang_Albanian": "Albanian",
"lang_Greek": "Greek",
"lang_English - United Kingdom": "English - United Kingdom",
"lang_Slovenian": "Slovenian",
"lang_Finnish": "Finnish",
"lang_Romanian": "Romanian",
"lang_Turkish - Turkey": "Turkish - Turkey",
"lang_Portuguese - Brazilian": "Portuguese - Brazilian",
"lang_Portuguese - Portugal": "Portuguese - Portugal",
"lang_Thai": "Thai",
"lang_Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"lang_Chinese - Taiwan": "Chinese - Taiwan",
"view_client_portal": "View client portal",
"view_portal": "View Portal",
"vendor_contacts": "Vendor Contacts",
"all": "All",
"selected": "Selected",
"category": "Category",
"categories": "Categories",
"new_expense_category": "New Expense Category",
"edit_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_expense_category": "Archive Category",
"expense_categories": "Expense Categories",
"list_expense_categories": "List Expense Categories",
"updated_expense_category": "Successfully updated expense category",
"created_expense_category": "Successfully created expense category",
"archived_expense_category": "Successfully archived expense category",
"archived_expense_categories": "Successfully archived {count} expense category",
"restore_expense_category": "Restore expense category",
"restored_expense_category": "Successfully restored expense category",
"apply_taxes": "Apply taxes",
"min_to_max_users": "{min} to {max} users",
"max_users_reached": "The maximum number of users has been reached.",
"buy_now_buttons": "Buy Now Buttons",
"landing_page": "Landing Page",
"payment_type": "Payment Type",
"form": "Form",
"link": "Link",
"fields": "Fields",
"dwolla": "Dwolla",
"buy_now_buttons_warning": "Note: the client and invoice are created even if the transaction isn't completed.",
"buy_now_buttons_disabled": "This feature requires that a product is created and a payment gateway is configured.",
"enable_buy_now_buttons_help": "Enable support for buy now buttons",
"changes_take_effect_immediately": "Note: changes take effect immediately",
"wepay_account_description": "Payment gateway for Invoice Ninja",
"payment_error_code": "There was an error processing your payment [{code}]. Please try again later.",
"standard_fees_apply": "Fee: 2.9%\/1.2% [Credit Card\/Bank Transfer] + $0.30 per successful charge.",
"limit_import_rows": "Data needs to be imported in batches of {count} rows or less",
"error_title": "Something went wrong",
"error_contact_text": "If you'd like help please email us at {mailaddress}",
"no_undo": "Warning: this can't be undone.",
"no_contact_selected": "Please select a contact",
"no_client_selected": "Please select a client",
"gateway_config_error": "It may help to set new passwords or generate new API keys.",
"payment_type_on_file": "{type} on file",
"invoice_for_client": "Invoice {invoice} for {client}",
"intent_not_found": "Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking.",
"intent_not_supported": "Sorry, I'm not able to do that.",
"client_not_found": "I wasn't able to find the client",
"not_allowed": "Sorry, you don't have the needed permissions",
"bot_emailed_invoice": "Your invoice has been sent.",
"bot_emailed_notify_viewed": "I'll email you when it's viewed.",
"bot_emailed_notify_paid": "I'll email you when it's paid.",
"add_product_to_invoice": "Add 1 {product}",
"not_authorized": "You are not authorized",
"bot_get_email": "Hi! (wave)
Thanks for trying the Invoice Ninja Bot.
You need to create a free account to use this bot.
Send me your account email address to get started.",
"bot_get_code": "Thanks! I've sent a you an email with your security code.",
"bot_welcome": "That's it, your account is verified.
"email_not_found": "I wasn't able to find an available account for {email}",
"invalid_code": "The code is not correct",
"security_code_email_subject": "Security code for Invoice Ninja Bot",
"security_code_email_line1": "This is your Invoice Ninja Bot security code.",
"security_code_email_line2": "Note: it will expire in 10 minutes.",
"bot_help_message": "I currently support:
• Create\\update\\email an invoice
• List products
For example:
invoice bob for 2 tickets, set the due date to next thursday and the discount to 10 percent<\/i>",
"list_products": "List Products",
"include_item_taxes_inline": "Include line item taxes in line total<\/b>",
"created_quotes": "Successfully created {count} quotes(s)",
"limited_gateways": "Note: we support one credit card gateway per company.",
"warning": "Warning",
"self-update": "Update",
"update_invoiceninja_title": "Update Invoice Ninja",
"update_invoiceninja_warning": "Before start upgrading Invoice Ninja create a backup of your database and files!",
"update_invoiceninja_available": "A new version of Invoice Ninja is available.",
"update_invoiceninja_unavailable": "No new version of Invoice Ninja available.",
"update_invoiceninja_instructions": "Please install the new version {version}<\/strong> by clicking the Update now<\/em> button below. Afterwards you'll be redirected to the dashboard.",
"update_invoiceninja_update_start": "Update now",
"update_invoiceninja_download_start": "Download {version}",
"create_new": "Create New",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle Navigation",
"toggle_history": "Toggle History",
"unassigned": "Unassigned",
"task": "Task",
"contact_name": "Contact Name",
"city_state_postal": "City\/State\/Postal",
"custom_field": "Custom Field",
"account_fields": "Company Fields",
"facebook_and_twitter": "Facebook and Twitter",
"facebook_and_twitter_help": "Follow our feeds to help support our project",
"reseller_text": "Note: the white-label license is intended for personal use, please email us at {email} if you'd like to resell the app.",
"unnamed_client": "Unnamed Client",
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Měsíc",
"inactive_logout": "You have been logged out due to inactivity",
"reports": "Reports",
"total_profit": "Total Profit",
"total_expenses": "Total Expenses",
"quote_to": "Quote to",
"limit": "Limit",
"min_limit": "Min: {min}",
"max_limit": "Max: {max}",
"no_limit": "No Limits",
"set_limits": "Set {gateway_type} Limits",
"enable_min": "Enable min",
"enable_max": "Enable max",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"limits_not_met": "This invoice does not meet the limits for that payment type.",
"date_range": "Date Range",
"raw": "Raw",
"raw_html": "Raw HTML",
"update": "Update",
"invoice_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order and location",
"new_category": "New Category",
"restore_product": "Restore Product",
"blank": "Blank",
"invoice_save_error": "There was an error saving your invoice",
"enable_recurring": "Enable Recurring",
"disable_recurring": "Disable Recurring",
"text": "Text",
"expense_will_create": "expense will be created",
"expenses_will_create": "expenses will be created",
"created_expenses": "Successfully created {count} expense(s)",
"translate_app": "Help improve our translations with {link}",
"expense_category": "Expense Category",
"go_ninja_pro": "Go Ninja Pro!",
"go_enterprise": "Go Enterprise!",
"upgrade_for_features": "Upgrade For More Features",
"pay_annually_discount": "Pay annually for 10 months + 2 free!",
"pro_upgrade_title": "Ninja Pro",
"pro_upgrade_feature1": "YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com",
"pro_upgrade_feature2": "Customize every aspect of your invoice!",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature1": "Set permissions for multiple-users",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature2": "Attach 3rd party files to invoices & expenses",
"much_more": "Much More!",
"all_pro_fetaures": "Plus all pro features!",
"currency_symbol": "Symbol",
"currency_code": "Code",
"buy_license": "Buy License",
"apply_license": "Apply License",
"submit": "Submit",
"white_label_license_key": "License Key",
"invalid_white_label_license": "The white label license is not valid",
"created_by": "Created by {name}",
"modules": "Modules",
"financial_year_start": "First Month of the Year",
"authentication": "Authentication",
"checkbox": "Checkbox",
"invoice_signature": "Signature",
"show_accept_invoice_terms": "Invoice Terms Checkbox",
"show_accept_invoice_terms_help": "Require client to confirm that they accept the invoice terms.",
"show_accept_quote_terms": "Quote Terms Checkbox",
"show_accept_quote_terms_help": "Require client to confirm that they accept the quote terms.",
"require_invoice_signature": "Invoice Signature",
"require_invoice_signature_help": "Require client to provide their signature.",
"require_quote_signature": "Quote Signature",
"require_quote_signature_help": "Require client to provide their signature.",
"i_agree": "I Agree To The Terms",
"sign_here": "Please sign here:",
"authorization": "Authorization",
"signed": "Signed",
"bluevine_promo": "Get flexible business lines of credit and invoice factoring using BlueVine.",
"bluevine_modal_label": "Sign up with BlueVine",
"bluevine_modal_text": "Fast funding for your business. No paperwork.<\/h3>\n- Flexible business lines of credit and invoice factoring.<\/li><\/ul>",
"bluevine_create_account": "Create an account",
"quote_types": "Get a quote for",
"invoice_factoring": "Invoice factoring",
"line_of_credit": "Line of credit",
"fico_score": "Your FICO score",
"business_inception": "Business Inception Date",
"average_bank_balance": "Average bank account balance",
"annual_revenue": "Roční příjmy",
"desired_credit_limit_factoring": "Desired invoice factoring limit",
"desired_credit_limit_loc": "Desired line of credit limit",
"desired_credit_limit": "Desired credit limit",
"bluevine_credit_line_type_required": "You must choose at least one",
"bluevine_field_required": "This field is required",
"bluevine_unexpected_error": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"bluevine_no_conditional_offer": "More information is required before getting a quote. Click continue below.",
"bluevine_invoice_factoring": "Invoice Factoring",
"bluevine_conditional_offer": "Conditional Offer",
"bluevine_credit_line_amount": "Credit Line",
"bluevine_advance_rate": "Advance Rate",
"bluevine_weekly_discount_rate": "Weekly Discount Rate",
"bluevine_minimum_fee_rate": "Minimum Fee",
"bluevine_line_of_credit": "Line of Credit",
"bluevine_interest_rate": "Interest Rate",
"bluevine_weekly_draw_rate": "Weekly Draw Rate",
"bluevine_continue": "Continue to BlueVine",
"bluevine_completed": "BlueVine signup completed",
"vendor_name": "Vendor",
"entity_state": "State",
"client_created_at": "Date Created",
"postmark_error": "There was a problem sending the email through Postmark: {link}",
"project": "Project",
"projects": "Projects",
"new_project": "New Project",
"edit_project": "Edit Project",
"archive_project": "Archive Project",
"list_projects": "List Projects",
"updated_project": "Successfully updated project",
"created_project": "Successfully created project",
"archived_project": "Successfully archived project",
"archived_projects": "Successfully archived {count} projects",
"restore_project": "Restore Project",
"restored_project": "Successfully restored project",
"delete_project": "Delete Project",
"deleted_project": "Successfully deleted project",
"deleted_projects": "Successfully deleted {count} projects",
"delete_expense_category": "Delete category",
"deleted_expense_category": "Successfully deleted category",
"delete_product": "Delete Product",
"deleted_product": "Successfully deleted product",
"deleted_products": "Successfully deleted {count} products",
"restored_product": "Successfully restored product",
"update_credit": "Update Credit",
"updated_credit": "Successfully updated credit",
"edit_credit": "Edit Credit",
"live_preview_help": "Display a live PDF preview on the invoice page.
Disable this to improve performance when editing invoices.",
"force_pdfjs_help": "Replace the built-in PDF viewer in {chrome_link} and {firefox_link}.
Enable this if your browser is automatically downloading the PDF.",
"force_pdfjs": "Prevent Download",
"redirect_url": "Redirect URL",
"redirect_url_help": "Optionally specify a URL to redirect to after a payment is entered.",
"save_draft": "Uložit koncept",
"refunded_credit_payment": "Refunded credit payment",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"toggle_menu": "Toggle Menu",
"new_...": "New ...",
"list_...": "List ...",
"created_at": "Date Created",
"contact_us": "Contact Us",
"user_guide": "User Guide",
"promo_message": "Upgrade before {expires} and get {amount} OFF your first year of our Pro or Enterprise packages.",
"discount_message": "{amount} off expires {expires}",
"mark_paid": "Mark Paid",
"marked_sent_invoice": "Successfully marked invoice sent",
"marked_sent_invoices": "Successfully marked invoices sent",
"invoice_name": "Invoice",
"product_will_create": "product will be created",
"contact_us_response": "Thank you for your message! We'll try to respond as soon as possible.",
"last_7_days": "Last 7 Days",
"last_30_days": "Poslední měsíc",
"this_month": "Tento měsíc",
"last_month": "Last Month",
"last_year": "Last Year",
"custom_range": "Custom Range",
"url": "URL",
"debug": "Debug",
"https": "HTTPS",
"require": "Require",
"license_expiring": "Note: Your license will expire in {count} days, {link} to renew it.",
"security_confirmation": "Your email address has been confirmed.",
"white_label_expired": "Your white label license has expired, please consider renewing it to help support our project.",
"renew_license": "Renew License",
"iphone_app_message": "Consider downloading our {link}",
"iphone_app": "iPhone app",
"android_app": "Android app",
"logged_in": "Logged In",
"switch_to_primary": "Switch to your primary company ({name}) to manage your plan.",
"inclusive": "Inclusive",
"exclusive": "Exclusive",
"postal_city_state": "Postal\/City\/State",
"phantomjs_help": "In certain cases the app uses {link_phantom} to generate the PDF, install {link_docs} to generate it locally.",
"phantomjs_local": "Using local PhantomJS",
"client_number": "Client Number",
"client_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the client number.",
"next_client_number": "The next client number is {number}.",
"generated_numbers": "Generated Numbers",
"notes_reminder1": "First Reminder",
"notes_reminder2": "Second Reminder",
"notes_reminder3": "Third Reminder",
"bcc_email": "BCC Email",
"tax_quote": "Tax Quote",
"tax_invoice": "Tax Invoice",
"emailed_invoices": "Successfully emailed invoices",
"emailed_quotes": "Successfully emailed quotes",
"website_url": "Website URL",
"domain": "Domain",
"domain_help": "Used in the client portal and when sending emails.",
"domain_help_website": "Used when sending emails.",
"import_invoices": "Import Invoices",
"new_report": "New Report",
"edit_report": "Edit Report",
"columns": "Columns",
"filters": "Filters",
"sort_by": "Sort By",
"draft": "Draft",
"unpaid": "Unpaid",
"aging": "Aging",
"age": "Age",
"days": "Days",
"age_group_0": "0 - 30 Days",
"age_group_30": "30 - 60 Days",
"age_group_60": "60 - 90 Days",
"age_group_90": "90 - 120 Days",
"age_group_120": "120+ Days",
"invoice_details": "Invoice Details",
"qty": "Quantity",
"profit_and_loss": "Profit and Loss",
"revenue": "Revenue",
"profit": "Profit",
"group_when_sorted": "Group Sort",
"group_dates_by": "Group Dates By",
"year": "Year",
"view_statement": "View Statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"statement_date": "Statement Date",
"mark_active": "Mark Active",
"send_automatically": "Send Automatically",
"initial_email": "Initial Email",
"invoice_not_emailed": "This invoice hasn't been emailed.",
"quote_not_emailed": "This quote hasn't been emailed.",
"sent_by": "Sent by {user}",
"recipients": "Recipients",
"save_as_default": "Save as default",
"template": "Template",
"first_day_of_week_help": "Used by date<\/b> selectors",
"financial_year_start_help": "Used by date range<\/b> selectors",
"reports_help": "Shift + Click to sort by multiple columns, Ctrl + Click to clear the grouping.",
"this_year": "This Year",
"ninja_tagline": "Create. Send. Get Paid.",
"login_or_existing": "Or login with a connected account.",
"sign_up_now": "Sign Up Now",
"not_a_member_yet": "Not a member yet?",
"login_create_an_account": "Create an Account!",
"client_login": "Client Login",
"invoice_from": "Faktury od:",
"email_alias_message": "We require each company to have a unique email address.
Consider using an alias. ie, email+label@example.com",
"full_name": "Full Name",
"month_year": "Měsíc\/Rok",
"valid_thru": "Valid\\nthru",
"product_fields": "Product Fields",
"custom_product_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a product or invoice and display the label and value on the PDF.",
"freq_two_months": "Two months",
"freq_yearly": "Ročně",
"profile": "Profile",
"payment_type_help": "Sets the default manual payment type<\/b>.",
"industry_Construction": "Construction",
"your_statement": "Your Statement",
"statement_issued_to": "Statement issued to",
"statement_to": "Statement to",
"customize_options": "Customize options",
"created_payment_term": "Successfully created payment term",
"updated_payment_term": "Successfully updated payment term",
"archived_payment_term": "Successfully archived payment term",
"resend_invite": "Resend Invitation",
"credit_created_by": "Credit created by payment {transaction_reference}",
"created_payment_and_credit": "Successfully created payment and credit",
"created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client": "Successfully created payment and credit, and emailed client",
"create_project": "Create project",
"create_vendor": "Create vendor",
"create_expense_category": "Create category",
"pro_plan_reports": "{link} to enable reports by joining the Pro Plan",
"mark_ready": "Označit jako hotovou",
"limits": "Limits",
"fees": "Fees",
"fee": "Fee",
"set_limits_fees": "Set {gateway_type} Limits\/Fees",
"fees_tax_help": "Enable line item taxes to set the fee tax rates.",
"fees_sample": "The fee for a {amount} invoice would be {total}.",
"discount_sample": "The discount for a {amount} invoice would be {total}.",
"no_fees": "No Fees",
"gateway_fees_disclaimer": "Warning: not all states\/payment gateways allow adding fees, please review local laws\/terms of service.",
"percent": "Percent",
"location": "Location",
"line_item": "Line Item",
"surcharge": "Surcharge",
"location_first_surcharge": "Enabled - First surcharge",
"location_second_surcharge": "Enabled - Second surcharge",
"location_line_item": "Enabled - Line item",
"online_payment_surcharge": "Online Payment Surcharge",
"gateway_fees": "Gateway Fees",
"fees_disabled": "Fees are disabled",
"gateway_fees_help": "Automatically add an online payment surcharge\/discount.",
"gateway": "Gateway",
"gateway_fee_change_warning": "If there are unpaid invoices with fees they need to be updated manually.",
"fees_surcharge_help": "Customize surcharge {link}.",
"label_and_taxes": "label and taxes",
"billable": "Billable",
"logo_warning_too_large": "The image file is too large.",
"logo_warning_fileinfo": "Warning: To support gifs the fileinfo PHP extension needs to be enabled.",
"logo_warning_invalid": "There was a problem reading the image file, please try a different format.",
"error_refresh_page": "An error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.",
"data": "Data",
"imported_settings": "Successfully imported settings",
"reset_counter": "Reset Counter",
"next_reset": "Next Reset",
"reset_counter_help": "Automatically reset the invoice and quote counters.",
"auto_bill_failed": "Auto-billing for invoice {invoice_number} failed",
"online_payment_discount": "Online Payment Discount",
"created_new_company": "Successfully created new company",
"fees_disabled_for_gateway": "Fees are disabled for this gateway.",
"logout_and_delete": "Log Out\/Delete Account",
"tax_rate_type_help": "Inclusive tax rates adjust the line item cost when selected.
Only exclusive tax rates can be used as a default.",
"invoice_footer_help": "Use $pageNumber and $pageCount to display the page information.",
"credit_note": "Credit Note",
"credit_issued_to": "Credit issued to",
"credit_to": "Credit to",
"your_credit": "Your Credit",
"credit_number": "Credit Number",
"create_credit_note": "Create Credit Note",
"menu": "Menu",
"error_incorrect_gateway_ids": "Error: The gateways table has incorrect ids.",
"purge_data": "Purge Data",
"delete_data": "Delete Data",
"purge_data_help": "Permanently delete all data but keep the account and settings.",
"cancel_account_help": "Permanently delete the account along with all data and setting.",
"purge_successful": "Successfully purged company data",
"forbidden": "Forbidden",
"purge_data_message": "Warning: This will permanently erase your data, there is no undo.",
"contact_phone": "Contact Phone",
"contact_email": "Contact Email",
"reply_to_email": "Reply-To Email",
"reply_to_email_help": "Specify the reply-to address for client emails.",
"bcc_email_help": "Privately include this address with client emails.",
"import_complete": "Your import has successfully completed.",
"confirm_account_to_import": "Please confirm your account to import data.",
"import_started": "Your import has started, we'll send you an email once it completes.",
"listening": "Listening...",
"microphone_help": "Say \"new invoice for [client]\" or \"show me [client]'s archived payments\"",
"voice_commands": "Voice Commands",
"sample_commands": "Sample commands",
"voice_commands_feedback": "We're actively working to improve this feature, if there's a command you'd like us to support please email us at {email}.",
"payment_type_Venmo": "Venmo",
"payment_type_Money Order": "Money Order",
"archived_products": "Successfully archived {count} products",
"recommend_on": "We recommend enabling<\/b> this setting.",
"recommend_off": "We recommend disabling<\/b> this setting.",
"notes_auto_billed": "Auto-billed",
"surcharge_label": "Surcharge Label",
"contact_fields": "Contact Fields",
"custom_contact_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a contact and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"datatable_info": "Zobrazeno {start} do {end} z {total} položek",
"credit_total": "Credit Total",
"mark_billable": "Mark billable",
"billed": "Billed",
"company_variables": "Company Variables",
"client_variables": "Client Variables",
"invoice_variables": "Invoice Variables",
"navigation_variables": "Navigation Variables",
"custom_variables": "Custom Variables",
"invalid_file": "Invalid file type",
"add_documents_to_invoice": "Add documents to invoice",
"mark_expense_paid": "Mark paid",
"white_label_license_error": "Failed to validate the license, check storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log for more details.",
"plan_price": "Plan Price",
"wrong_confirmation": "Incorrect confirmation code",
"oauth_taken": "The account is already registered",
"emailed_payment": "Successfully emailed payment",
"email_payment": "Email Payment",
"invoiceplane_import": "Use {link} to migrate your data from InvoicePlane.",
"duplicate_expense_warning": "Warning: This {link} may be a duplicate",
"expense_link": "expense",
"resume_task": "Resume Task",
"resumed_task": "Successfully resumed task",
"quote_design": "Quote Design",
"default_design": "Standard Design",
"custom_design1": "Custom Design 1",
"custom_design2": "Custom Design 2",
"custom_design3": "Custom Design 3",
"empty": "Empty",
"load_design": "Load Design",
"accepted_card_logos": "Accepted Card Logos",
"phantomjs_local_and_cloud": "Using local PhantomJS, falling back to phantomjscloud.com",
"google_analytics": "Google Analytics",
"analytics_key": "Analytics Key",
"analytics_key_help": "Track payments using {link}",
"start_date_required": "The start date is required",
"application_settings": "Application Settings",
"database_connection": "Database Connection",
"driver": "Driver",
"host": "Host",
"database": "Database",
"test_connection": "Test connection",
"from_name": "From Name",
"from_address": "From Address",
"port": "Port",
"encryption": "Encryption",
"mailgun_domain": "Mailgun Domain",
"mailgun_private_key": "Mailgun Private Key",
"send_test_email": "Send test email",
"select_label": "Select Label",
"label": "Label",
"service": "Service",
"update_payment_details": "Update payment details",
"updated_payment_details": "Successfully updated payment details",
"update_credit_card": "Update Credit Card",
"recurring_expenses": "Recurring Expenses",
"recurring_expense": "Recurring Expense",
"new_recurring_expense": "New Recurring Expense",
"edit_recurring_expense": "Edit Recurring Expense",
"archive_recurring_expense": "Archive Recurring Expense",
"list_recurring_expense": "List Recurring Expenses",
"updated_recurring_expense": "Successfully updated recurring expense",
"created_recurring_expense": "Successfully created recurring expense",
"archived_recurring_expense": "Successfully archived recurring expense",
"restore_recurring_expense": "Restore Recurring Expense",
"restored_recurring_expense": "Successfully restored recurring expense",
"delete_recurring_expense": "Delete Recurring Expense",
"deleted_recurring_expense": "Successfully deleted project",
"view_recurring_expense": "View Recurring Expense",
"taxes_and_fees": "Taxes and fees",
"import_failed": "Import Failed",
"recurring_prefix": "Recurring Prefix",
"options": "Options",
"credit_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the credit number for negative invoices.",
"next_credit_number": "The next credit number is {number}.",
"padding_help": "The number of zero's to pad the number.",
"import_warning_invalid_date": "Warning: The date format appears to be invalid.",
"product_notes": "Product Notes",
"app_version": "App Version",
"ofx_version": "OFX Version",
"gateway_help_23": "{link} to get your Stripe API keys.",
"error_app_key_set_to_default": "Error: APP_KEY is set to a default value, to update it backup your database and then run php artisan ninja{update}-key<\/code>",
"charge_late_fee": "Charge Late Fee",
"late_fee_amount": "Late Fee Amount",
"late_fee_percent": "Late Fee Percent",
"late_fee_added": "Late fee added on {date}",
"download_invoice": "Download Invoice",
"download_quote": "Download Quote",
"invoices_are_attached": "Your invoice PDFs are attached.",
"downloaded_invoice": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDF",
"downloaded_quote": "An email will be sent with the quote PDF",
"downloaded_invoices": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDFs",
"downloaded_quotes": "An email will be sent with the quote PDFs",
"clone_expense": "Clone Expense",
"default_documents": "Default Documents",
"send_email_to_client": "Send email to the client",
"refund_subject": "Refund Processed",
"refund_body": "You have been processed a refund of {amount} for invoice {invoice_number}.",
"currency_us_dollar": "US Dollar",
"currency_british_pound": "British Pound",
"currency_euro": "Euro",
"currency_south_african_rand": "South African Rand",
"currency_danish_krone": "Danish Krone",
"currency_israeli_shekel": "Israeli Shekel",
"currency_swedish_krona": "Swedish Krona",
"currency_kenyan_shilling": "Kenyan Shilling",
"currency_canadian_dollar": "Canadian Dollar",
"currency_philippine_peso": "Philippine Peso",
"currency_indian_rupee": "Indian Rupee",
"currency_australian_dollar": "Australian Dollar",
"currency_singapore_dollar": "Singapore Dollar",
"currency_norske_kroner": "Norske Kroner",
"currency_new_zealand_dollar": "New Zealand Dollar",
"currency_vietnamese_dong": "Vietnamese Dong",
"currency_swiss_franc": "Swiss Franc",
"currency_guatemalan_quetzal": "Guatemalan Quetzal",
"currency_malaysian_ringgit": "Malaysian Ringgit",
"currency_brazilian_real": "Brazilian Real",
"currency_thai_baht": "Thai Baht",
"currency_nigerian_naira": "Nigerian Naira",
"currency_argentine_peso": "Argentine Peso",
"currency_bangladeshi_taka": "Bangladeshi Taka",
"currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham": "United Arab Emirates Dirham",
"currency_hong_kong_dollar": "Hong Kong Dollar",
"currency_indonesian_rupiah": "Indonesian Rupiah",
"currency_mexican_peso": "Mexican Peso",
"currency_egyptian_pound": "Egyptian Pound",
"currency_colombian_peso": "Colombian Peso",
"currency_west_african_franc": "West African Franc",
"currency_chinese_renminbi": "Chinese Renminbi",
"currency_rwandan_franc": "Rwandan Franc",
"currency_tanzanian_shilling": "Tanzanian Shilling",
"currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder": "Netherlands Antillean Guilder",
"currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar": "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar",
"currency_east_caribbean_dollar": "East Caribbean Dollar",
"currency_ghanaian_cedi": "Ghanaian Cedi",
"currency_bulgarian_lev": "Bulgarian Lev",
"currency_aruban_florin": "Aruban Florin",
"currency_turkish_lira": "Turkish Lira",
"currency_romanian_new_leu": "Romanian New Leu",
"currency_croatian_kuna": "Croatian Kuna",
"currency_saudi_riyal": "Saudi Riyal",
"currency_japanese_yen": "Japanese Yen",
"currency_maldivian_rufiyaa": "Maldivian Rufiyaa",
"currency_costa_rican_colon": "Costa Rican Colón",
"currency_pakistani_rupee": "Pakistani Rupee",
"currency_polish_zloty": "Polish Zloty",
"currency_sri_lankan_rupee": "Sri Lankan Rupee",
"currency_czech_koruna": "Czech Koruna",
"currency_uruguayan_peso": "Uruguayan Peso",
"currency_namibian_dollar": "Namibian Dollar",
"currency_tunisian_dinar": "Tunisian Dinar",
"currency_russian_ruble": "Russian Ruble",
"currency_mozambican_metical": "Mozambican Metical",
"currency_omani_rial": "Omani Rial",
"currency_ukrainian_hryvnia": "Ukrainian Hryvnia",
"currency_macanese_pataca": "Macanese Pataca",
"currency_taiwan_new_dollar": "Taiwan New Dollar",
"currency_dominican_peso": "Dominican Peso",
"currency_chilean_peso": "Chilean Peso",
"currency_icelandic_krona": "Icelandic Króna",
"currency_papua_new_guinean_kina": "Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency_jordanian_dinar": "Jordanian Dinar",
"currency_myanmar_kyat": "Myanmar Kyat",
"currency_peruvian_sol": "Peruvian Sol",
"currency_botswana_pula": "Botswana Pula",
"currency_hungarian_forint": "Hungarian Forint",
"currency_ugandan_shilling": "Ugandan Shilling",
"currency_barbadian_dollar": "Barbadian Dollar",
"currency_brunei_dollar": "Brunei Dollar",
"currency_georgian_lari": "Georgian Lari",
"currency_qatari_riyal": "Qatari Riyal",
"currency_honduran_lempira": "Honduran Lempira",
"currency_surinamese_dollar": "Surinamese Dollar",
"currency_bahraini_dinar": "Bahraini Dinar",
"review_app_help": "We hope you're enjoying using the app.
If you'd consider {link} we'd greatly appreciate it!",
"writing_a_review": "writing a review",
"use_english_version": "Make sure to use the English version of the files.
We use the column headers to match the fields.",
"tax1": "First Tax",
"tax2": "Second Tax",
"fee_help": "Gateway fees are the costs charged for access to the financial networks that handle the processing of online payments.",
"format_export": "Exporting format",
"custom1": "First Custom",
"custom2": "Second Custom",
"contact_first_name": "Contact First Name",
"contact_last_name": "Contact Last Name",
"contact_custom1": "Contact First Custom",
"contact_custom2": "Contact Second Custom",
"currency": "Currency",
"ofx_help": "To troubleshoot check for comments on {ofxhome_link} and test with {ofxget_link}.",
"comments": "comments",
"item_product": "Item Product",
"item_notes": "Item Notes",
"item_cost": "Item Cost",
"item_quantity": "Item Quantity",
"item_tax_rate": "Item Tax Rate",
"item_tax_name": "Item Tax Name",
"item_tax1": "Item Tax1",
"item_tax2": "Item Tax2",
"delete_company": "Delete Company",
"delete_company_help": "Permanently delete the company along with all data and setting.",
"delete_company_message": "Warning: This will permanently delete your company, there is no undo.",
"applied_discount": "The coupon has been applied, the plan price has been reduced by {discount}%.",
"applied_free_year": "The coupon has been applied, your account has been upgraded to pro for one year.",
"contact_us_help": "If you're reporting an error please include any relevant logs from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"include_errors": "Include Errors",
"include_errors_help": "Include {link} from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"recent_errors": "recent errors",
"customer": "Customer",
"customers": "Customers",
"created_customer": "Successfully created customer",
"created_customers": "Successfully created {count} customers",
"purge_details": "The data in your company ({account}) has been successfully purged.",
"deleted_company": "Successfully deleted company",
"deleted_account": "Successfully canceled account",
"deleted_company_details": "Your company ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"deleted_account_details": "Your account ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"sofort": "Sofort",
"sepa": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"enable_alipay": "Accept Alipay",
"enable_sofort": "Accept EU bank transfers",
"stripe_alipay_help": "These gateways also need to be activated in {link}.",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"pro_plan_calendar": "{link} to enable the calendar by joining the Pro Plan",
"what_are_you_working_on": "What are you working on?",
"time_tracker": "Time Tracker",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"filter_sort": "Filter\/Sort",
"no_description": "No Description",
"time_tracker_login": "Time Tracker Login",
"save_or_discard": "Save or discard your changes",
"discard_changes": "Discard Changes",
"tasks_not_enabled": "Tasks are not enabled.",
"started_task": "Successfully started task",
"create_client": "Create Client",
"download_desktop_app": "Download the desktop app",
"download_iphone_app": "Download the iPhone app",
"download_android_app": "Download the Android app",
"time_tracker_mobile_help": "Double tap a task to select it",
"stopped": "Stopped",
"ascending": "Ascending",
"descending": "Descending",
"sort_field": "Sort By",
"sort_direction": "Direction",
"discard": "Discard",
"time_am": "AM",
"time_pm": "PM",
"time_mins": "mins",
"time_hr": "hr",
"time_hrs": "hrs",
"clear": "Clear",
"warn_payment_gateway": "Note: accepting online payments requires a payment gateway, {link} to add one.",
"task_rate": "Task Rate",
"task_rate_help": "Set the default rate for invoiced tasks.",
"past_due": "Past Due",
"document": "Document",
"invoice_or_expense": "Invoice\/Expense",
"invoice_pdfs": "Invoice PDFs",
"enable_sepa": "Accept SEPA",
"enable_bitcoin": "Accept Bitcoin",
"iban": "IBAN",
"sepa_authorization": "By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing {company} and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.",
"recover_license": "Recover License",
"purchase": "Purchase",
"recover": "Recover",
"apply": "Apply",
"recover_white_label_header": "Recover White Label License",
"apply_white_label_header": "Apply White Label License",
"videos": "Videos",
"video": "Video",
"return_to_invoice": "Return to Invoice",
"gateway_help_13": "To use ITN leave the PDT Key field blank.",
"partial_due_date": "Partial Due Date",
"task_fields": "Task Fields",
"product_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order",
"custom_value1": "Custom Value",
"custom_value2": "Custom Value",
"enable_two_factor": "Two-Factor Authentication",
"enable_two_factor_help": "Use your phone to confirm your identity when logging in",
"two_factor_setup": "Two-Factor Setup",
"two_factor_setup_help": "Scan the bar code with a {link} compatible app.",
"one_time_password": "One Time Password",
"set_phone_for_two_factor": "Set your mobile phone number as a backup to enable.",
"enabled_two_factor": "Successfully enabled Two-Factor Authentication",
"add_product": "Add Product",
"email_will_be_sent_on": "Note: the email will be sent on {date}.",
"invoice_product": "Invoice Product",
"self_host_login": "Self-Host Login",
"set_self_hoat_url": "Self-Host URL",
"local_storage_required": "Error: local storage is not available.",
"your_password_reset_link": "Your Password Reset Link",
"subdomain_taken": "The subdomain is already in use",
"converted_amount": "Converted Amount",
"default": "Default",
"shipping_address": "Shipping Address",
"bllling_address": "Billing Address",
"billing_address1": "Billing Street",
"billing_address2": "Billing Apt\/Suite",
"billing_city": "Billing City",
"billing_state": "Billing State\/Province",
"billing_postal_code": "Billing Postal Code",
"billing_country": "Billing Country",
"shipping_address1": "Shipping Street",
"shipping_address2": "Shipping Apt\/Suite",
"shipping_city": "Shipping City",
"shipping_state": "Shipping State\/Province",
"shipping_postal_code": "Shipping Postal Code",
"shipping_country": "Shipping Country",
"classify": "Classify",
"show_shipping_address_help": "Require client to provide their shipping address",
"ship_to_billing_address": "Ship to billing address",
"delivery_note": "Delivery Note",
"show_tasks_in_portal": "Show tasks in the client portal",
"cancel_schedule": "Cancel Schedule",
"scheduled_report": "Scheduled Report",
"scheduled_report_help": "Email the {report} report as {format} to {email}",
"created_scheduled_report": "Successfully scheduled report",
"deleted_scheduled_report": "Successfully canceled scheduled report",
"scheduled_report_attached": "Your scheduled {type} report is attached.",
"scheduled_report_error": "Failed to create schedule report",
"invalid_one_time_password": "Invalid one time password",
"apple_pay": "Apple\/Google Pay",
"enable_apple_pay": "Accept Apple Pay and Pay with Google",
"requires_subdomain": "This payment type requires that a {link}.",
"subdomain_is_set": "subdomain is set",
"verification_file": "Verification File",
"verification_file_missing": "The verification file is needed to accept payments.",
"apple_pay_domain": "Use {domain}<\/code> as the domain in {link}.",
"apple_pay_not_supported": "Sorry, Apple\/Google Pay isn't supported by your browser",
"optional_payment_methods": "Optional Payment Methods",
"add_subscription": "Add Subscription",
"target_url": "Target",
"target_url_help": "When the selected event occurs the app will post the entity to the target URL.",
"event": "Event",
"subscription_event_1": "Created Client",
"subscription_event_2": "Created Invoice",
"subscription_event_3": "Created Quote",
"subscription_event_4": "Created Payment",
"subscription_event_5": "Created Vendor",
"subscription_event_6": "Updated Quote",
"subscription_event_7": "Deleted Quote",
"subscription_event_8": "Updated Invoice",
"subscription_event_9": "Deleted Invoice",
"subscription_event_10": "Updated Client",
"subscription_event_11": "Deleted Client",
"subscription_event_12": "Deleted Payment",
"subscription_event_13": "Updated Vendor",
"subscription_event_14": "Deleted Vendor",
"subscription_event_15": "Created Expense",
"subscription_event_16": "Updated Expense",
"subscription_event_17": "Deleted Expense",
"subscription_event_18": "Created Task",
"subscription_event_19": "Updated Task",
"subscription_event_20": "Deleted Task",
"subscription_event_21": "Approved Quote",
"subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"updated_subscription": "Successfully updated subscription",
"created_subscription": "Successfully created subscription",
"edit_subscription": "Edit Subscription",
"archive_subscription": "Archive Subscription",
"archived_subscription": "Successfully archived subscription",
"project_error_multiple_clients": "The projects can't belong to different clients",
"invoice_project": "Invoice Project",
"module_recurring_invoice": "Recurring Invoices",
"module_credit": "Credits",
"module_quote": "Quotes & Proposals",
"module_task": "Tasks & Projects",
"module_expense": "Expenses & Vendors",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"send_client_reminders": "Send email reminders",
"can_view_tasks": "Tasks are visible in the portal",
"is_not_sent_reminders": "Reminders are not sent",
"promotion_footer": "Your promotion will expire soon, {link} to upgrade now.",
"unable_to_delete_primary": "Note: to delete this company first delete all linked companies.",
"please_register": "Please register your account",
"processing_request": "Processing request",
"mcrypt_warning": "Warning: Mcrypt is deprecated, run {command} to update your cipher.",
"edit_times": "Edit Times",
"inclusive_taxes_help": "Include taxes in the cost<\/b>",
"inclusive_taxes_notice": "This setting can not be changed once an invoice has been created.",
"inclusive_taxes_warning": "Warning: existing invoices will need to be resaved",
"copy_shipping": "Copy Shipping",
"copy_billing": "Copy Billing",
"quote_has_expired": "The quote has expired, please contact the merchant.",
"empty_table_footer": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"do_not_trust": "Do not remember this device",
"trust_for_30_days": "Trust for 30 days",
"trust_forever": "Trust forever",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"backlog": "Backlog",
"ready_to_do": "Ready to do",
"in_progress": "In progress",
"add_status": "Add status",
"archive_status": "Archive Status",
"new_status": "New Status",
"convert_products": "Convert Products",
"convert_products_help": "Automatically convert product prices to the client's currency",
"improve_client_portal_link": "Set a subdomain to shorten the client portal link.",
"budgeted_hours": "Budgeted Hours",
"progress": "Progress",
"view_project": "View Project",
"summary": "Summary",
"endless_reminder": "Endless Reminder",
"signature_on_invoice_help": "Add the following code to show your client's signature on the PDF.",
"signature_on_pdf": "Show on PDF",
"signature_on_pdf_help": "Show the client signature on the invoice\/quote PDF.",
"expired_white_label": "The white label license has expired",
"return_to_login": "Return to Login",
"convert_products_tip": "Note: add a {link} named \"{name}\" to see the exchange rate.",
"amount_greater_than_balance": "The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.",
"custom_fields_tip": "Use Label|Option1,Option2<\/code> to show a select box.",
"client_information": "Client Information",
"updated_client_details": "Successfully updated client details",
"auto": "Auto",
"tax_amount": "Tax Amount",
"tax_paid": "Tax Paid",
"none": "None",
"proposal_message_button": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the button below.",
"proposal": "Proposal",
"proposals": "Proposals",
"list_proposals": "List Proposals",
"new_proposal": "New Proposal",
"edit_proposal": "Edit Proposal",
"archive_proposal": "Archive Proposal",
"delete_proposal": "Delete Proposal",
"created_proposal": "Successfully created proposal",
"updated_proposal": "Successfully updated proposal",
"archived_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"deleted_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"archived_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"deleted_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"restored_proposal": "Successfully restored proposal",
"restore_proposal": "Restore Proposal",
"snippet": "Snippet",
"snippets": "Snippets",
"proposal_snippet": "Snippet",
"proposal_snippets": "Snippets",
"new_proposal_snippet": "New Snippet",
"edit_proposal_snippet": "Edit Snippet",
"archive_proposal_snippet": "Archive Snippet",
"delete_proposal_snippet": "Delete Snippet",
"created_proposal_snippet": "Successfully created snippet",
"updated_proposal_snippet": "Successfully updated snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"deleted_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"deleted_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"restored_proposal_snippet": "Successfully restored snippet",
"restore_proposal_snippet": "Restore Snippet",
"templates": "Templates",
"proposal_template": "Template",
"proposal_templates": "Templates",
"new_proposal_template": "New Template",
"edit_proposal_template": "Edit Template",
"archive_proposal_template": "Archive Template",
"delete_proposal_template": "Delete Template",
"created_proposal_template": "Successfully created template",
"updated_proposal_template": "Successfully updated template",
"archived_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"deleted_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"archived_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"deleted_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"restored_proposal_template": "Successfully restored template",
"restore_proposal_template": "Restore Template",
"proposal_category": "Category",
"proposal_categories": "Categories",
"new_proposal_category": "New Category",
"edit_proposal_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_proposal_category": "Archive Category",
"delete_proposal_category": "Delete Category",
"created_proposal_category": "Successfully created category",
"updated_proposal_category": "Successfully updated category",
"archived_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"deleted_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"archived_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"deleted_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"restored_proposal_category": "Successfully restored category",
"restore_proposal_category": "Restore Category",
"delete_status": "Delete Status",
"standard": "Standard",
"icon": "Icon",
"proposal_not_found": "The requested proposal is not available",
"create_proposal_category": "Create category",
"clone_proposal_template": "Clone Template",
"proposal_email": "Proposal Email",
"proposal_subject": "New proposal {number} from {account}",
"proposal_message": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the link below.",
"emailed_proposal": "Successfully emailed proposal",
"load_template": "Load Template",
"no_assets": "No images, drag to upload",
"add_image": "Add Image",
"select_image": "Select Image",
"upgrade_to_upload_images": "Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images",
"delete_image": "Delete Image",
"delete_image_help": "Warning: deleting the image will remove it from all proposals.",
"amount_variable_help": "Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial\/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.",
"taxes_are_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes have been enabled.",
"taxes_are_not_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes are not enabled.",
"change_requires_purge": "Changing this setting requires {link} the account data.",
"purging": "purging",
"warning_local_refund": "The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.",
"email_address_changed": "Email address has been changed",
"email_address_changed_message": "The email address for your account has been changed from {old_email} to {new_email}.",
"test": "Test",
"beta": "Beta",
"gmp_required": "Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension",
"email_history": "Email History",
"loading": "Loading",
"no_messages_found": "No messages found",
"processing": "Processing",
"reactivate": "Reactivate",
"reactivated_email": "The email address has been reactivated",
"emails": "Emails",
"opened": "Opened",
"bounced": "Bounced",
"total_sent": "Total Sent",
"total_opened": "Total Opened",
"total_bounced": "Total Bounced",
"total_spam": "Total Spam",
"platforms": "Platforms",
"email_clients": "Email Clients",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"desktop": "Desktop",
"webmail": "Webmail",
"group": "Group",
"subgroup": "Subgroup",
"unset": "Unset",
"received_new_payment": "You've received a new payment!",
"slack_webhook_help": "Receive payment notifications using {link}.",
"slack_incoming_webhooks": "Slack incoming webhooks",
"accept": "Accept",
"accepted_terms": "Successfully accepted the latest terms of service",
"invalid_url": "Invalid URL",
"workflow_settings": "Workflow Settings",
"auto_email_invoice": "Auto Email",
"auto_email_invoice_help": "Automatically email recurring invoices when they are created.",
"auto_archive_invoice": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_invoice_help": "Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.",
"auto_archive_quote": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_quote_help": "Automatically archive quotes when they are converted.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote": "Allow approve expired quote",
"allow_approve_expired_quote_help": "Allow clients to approve expired quotes.",
"invoice_workflow": "Invoice Workflow",
"quote_workflow": "Quote Workflow",
"client_must_be_active": "Error: the client must be active",
"purge_client": "Purge Client",
"purged_client": "Successfully purged client",
"purge_client_warning": "All related records (invoices, tasks, expenses, documents, etc) will also be deleted.",
"clone_product": "Clone Product",
"item_details": "Item Details",
"send_item_details_help": "Send line item details to the payment gateway.",
"view_proposal": "View Proposal",
"view_in_portal": "View in Portal",
"cookie_message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
"got_it": "Got it!",
"vendor_will_create": "vendor will be created",
"vendors_will_create": "vendors will be created",
"created_vendors": "Successfully created {count} vendor(s)",
"import_vendors": "Import Vendors",
"company": "Company",
"client_field": "Client Field",
"contact_field": "Contact Field",
"product_field": "Product Field",
"task_field": "Task Field",
"project_field": "Project Field",
"expense_field": "Expense Field",
"vendor_field": "Vendor Field",
"company_field": "Company Field",
"invoice_field": "Invoice Field",
"invoice_surcharge": "Invoice Surcharge",
"custom_task_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a task.",
"custom_project_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a project.",
"custom_expense_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an expense.",
"custom_vendor_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a vendor.",
"messages": "Messages",
"unpaid_invoice": "Unpaid Invoice",
"paid_invoice": "Paid Invoice",
"unapproved_quote": "Unapproved Quote",
"unapproved_proposal": "Unapproved Proposal",
"autofills_city_state": "Auto-fills city\/state",
"no_match_found": "No match found",
"password_strength": "Password Strength",
"strength_weak": "Weak",
"strength_good": "Good",
"strength_strong": "Strong",
"mark": "Mark",
"updated_task_status": "Successfully update task status",
"background_image": "Background Image",
"background_image_help": "Use the {link} to manage your images, we recommend using a small file.",
"proposal_editor": "proposal editor",
"background": "Background",
"guide": "Guide",
"gateway_fee_item": "Gateway Fee Item",
"gateway_fee_description": "Gateway Fee Surcharge",
"show_payments": "Show Payments",
"show_aging": "Show Aging",
"reference": "Reference",
"amount_paid": "Amount Paid",
"send_notifications_for": "Send Notifications For",
"all_invoices": "All Invoices",
"my_invoices": "My Invoices",
"mobile_refresh_warning": "If you're using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.",
"enable_proposals_for_background": "To upload a background image {link} to enable the proposals module."
"da": {
"pagination": {
"previous": "« Forrige",
"next": "Næste »"
"reminders": {
"password": "Passwords skal minimum være 6 tegn og matche sikkerhedstjekket.",
"user": "Vi kan ikke finde en bruger med den email-adresse.",
"token": "Password-nulstillingskoden er ugyldig.",
"sent": "Password-påmindelse sendt!",
"reset": "Password has been reset!"
"validation": {
"accepted": "{attribute} skal accepteres.",
"active_url": "{attribute} er ikke en valid URL.",
"after": "{attribute} skal være en dato efter {date}.",
"alpha": "{attribute} må kun bestå af bogstaver.",
"alpha_dash": "{attribute} må kun bestå af bogstaver, tal og bindestreger.",
"alpha_num": "{attribute} må kun bestå af bogstaver og tal.",
"array": "{attribute} skal være et array.",
"before": "{attribute} skal være en dato før {date}.",
"between": {
"numeric": "{attribute} skal være imellem {min} - {max}.",
"file": "{attribute} skal være imellem {min} - {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} skal være imellem {min} - {max} tegn.",
"array": "{attribute} skal indeholde mellem {min} - {max} elementer."
"boolean": "{attribute} skal være sandt eller falsk",
"confirmed": "{attribute} er ikke det samme som bekræftelsesfeltet.",
"date": "{attribute} er ikke en gyldig dato.",
"date_format": "{attribute} matcher ikke formatet {format}.",
"different": "{attribute} og {other} skal være forskellige.",
"digits": "{attribute} skal have {digits} cifre.",
"digits_between": "{attribute} skal have mellem {min} og {max} cifre.",
"email": "{attribute} skal være en gyldig e-mailadresse.",
"exists": "Det valgte {attribute} er ugyldig.",
"image": "{attribute} skal være et billede.",
"in": "Det valgte {attribute} er ugyldig.",
"integer": "{attribute} skal være et heltal.",
"ip": "{attribute} skal være en gyldig IP adresse.",
"max": {
"numeric": "{attribute} skal være højest {max}.",
"file": "{attribute} skal være højest {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} skal være højest {max} tegn.",
"array": "{attribute} må ikke indeholde mere end {max} elementer."
"mimes": "{attribute} skal være en fil af typen: {values}.",
"min": {
"numeric": "{attribute} skal være mindst {min}.",
"file": "{attribute} skal være mindst {min} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} skal være mindst {min} tegn.",
"array": "{attribute} skal indeholde mindst {min} elementer."
"not_in": "Den valgte {attribute} er ugyldig.",
"numeric": "{attribute} skal være et tal.",
"regex": "{attribute} formatet er ugyldigt.",
"required": "{attribute} skal udfyldes.",
"required_if": "{attribute} skal udfyldes når {other} er {value}.",
"required_with": "{attribute} skal udfyldes når {values} er udfyldt.",
"required_with_all": "{attribute} skal udfyldes når {values} er udfyldt.",
"required_without": "{attribute} skal udfyldes når {values} ikke er udfyldt.",
"required_without_all": "{attribute} skal udfyldes når ingen af {values} er udfyldt.",
"same": "{attribute} og {other} skal være ens.",
"size": {
"numeric": "{attribute} skal være {size}.",
"file": "{attribute} skal være {size} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} skal være {size} tegn lang.",
"array": "{attribute} skal indeholde {size} elementer."
"timezone": "The {attribute} must be a valid zone.",
"unique": "{attribute} er allerede taget.",
"url": "{attribute} formatet er ugyldigt.",
"positive": "The {attribute} must be greater than zero.",
"has_credit": "The client does not have enough credit.",
"notmasked": "The values are masked",
"less_than": "The {attribute} must be less than {value}",
"has_counter": "The value must contain {$counter}",
"valid_contacts": "All of the contacts must have either an email or name",
"valid_invoice_items": "The invoice exceeds the maximum amount",
"custom": {
"attribute-name": {
"rule-name": "custom-message"
"attributes": []
"texts": {
"organization": "Organisation",
"name": "Navn",
"website": "Hjemmeside",
"work_phone": "Telefon",
"address": "Adresse",
"address1": "Gade",
"address2": "Nummer",
"city": "By",
"state": "Område",
"postal_code": "Postnummer",
"country_id": "Land",
"contacts": "Kontakter",
"first_name": "Fornavn",
"last_name": "Efternavn",
"phone": "Telefon",
"email": "E-mail",
"additional_info": "Ekstra information",
"payment_terms": "Betalingsvilkår",
"currency_id": "Valuta",
"size_id": "Virksomhedens størrelse",
"industry_id": "Sektor",
"private_notes": "Private notater",
"invoice": "Faktura",
"client": "Kunde",
"invoice_date": "Faktureringsdato",
"due_date": "Betalingsfrist",
"invoice_number": "Fakturanummer",
"invoice_number_short": "Faktura nr.: #",
"po_number": "Ordrenummer",
"po_number_short": "Ordre nr.: #",
"frequency_id": "Frekvens",
"discount": "Rabat",
"taxes": "Skatter",
"tax": "Moms",
"item": "Produkttype",
"description": "Beskrivelse",
"unit_cost": "Pris",
"quantity": "Stk.",
"line_total": "Sum",
"subtotal": "Subtotal",
"paid_to_date": "Betalt",
"balance_due": "Udestående beløb",
"invoice_design_id": "Design",
"terms": "Vilkår",
"your_invoice": "Din faktura",
"remove_contact": "Fjern kontakt",
"add_contact": "Tilføj kontakt",
"create_new_client": "Opret ny kunde",
"edit_client_details": "Redigér kunde detaljer",
"enable": "Aktiver",
"learn_more": "Lær mere",
"manage_rates": "Administrer priser",
"note_to_client": "Bemærkning til kunde",
"invoice_terms": "Vilkår for fakturaen",
"save_as_default_terms": "Gem som standard vilkår",
"download_pdf": "Hent PDF",
"pay_now": "Betal nu",
"save_invoice": "Gem faktura",
"clone_invoice": "Kopier til faktura",
"archive_invoice": "Arkiver faktura",
"delete_invoice": "Slet faktura",
"email_invoice": "Send faktura som e-mail",
"enter_payment": "Tilføj betaling",
"tax_rates": "Moms satser",
"rate": "Sats",
"settings": "Indstillinger",
"enable_invoice_tax": "Aktiver for at specificere en moms<\/b>",
"enable_line_item_tax": "Aktiver for at specificere pr. linjemoms<\/b>",
"dashboard": "Oversigt",
"clients": "Kunder",
"invoices": "Fakturaer",
"payments": "Betalinger",
"credits": "Kreditter",
"history": "Historie",
"search": "Søg",
"sign_up": "Registrer dig",
"guest": "Gæst",
"company_details": "Virksomheds information",
"online_payments": "On-line betaling",
"notifications": "Påmindelser",
"import_export": "Import\/Eksport",
"done": "Færdig",
"save": "Gem",
"create": "Opret",
"upload": "Send",
"import": "Importer",
"download": "Hent",
"cancel": "Annuller",
"close": "Luk",
"provide_email": "Opgiv venligst en gyldig e-mail",
"powered_by": "Powered by",
"no_items": "Ingen emner",
"recurring_invoices": "Gentagende fakturaer",
"recurring_help": "Send automatisk klienter de samme fakturaer ugentligt, månedligt, hver anden måned, kvartalsvis eller årligt. <\/p>\n
Brug {MONTH}, {QUARTER} eller {YEAR} ved dynamiske datoer. Basal matematik virker også, for eksempel {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n
Eksempler på dynamiske fakturavariabler:<\/p>\n
\n - \"Fitness medlemskab for {MONTH}\" >> \"Fitness medlemskab for Juli\"<\/li>\n
- \"{YEAR}+1 årligt abonnement\" >> \"2015 Årligt abonnement\"<\/li>\n
- \"Tilbagebetaling vedrørende {QUARTER}+1\" >> \"Tilbagebetaling vedrørende 2. kvartal\"<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"recurring_quotes": "Recurring Quotes",
"in_total_revenue": "i samlet indtægt",
"billed_client": "faktureret kunde",
"billed_clients": "fakturerede kunder",
"active_client": "aktiv kunde",
"active_clients": "aktive kunder",
"invoices_past_due": "Forfaldne fakturaer",
"upcoming_invoices": "Kommende fakturaer",
"average_invoice": "Gennemsnitlig fakturaer",
"archive": "Arkiv",
"delete": "Slet",
"archive_client": "Arkiver kunde",
"delete_client": "Slet kunde",
"archive_payment": "Arkiver betaling",
"delete_payment": "Slet betaling",
"archive_credit": "Arkiver kredit",
"delete_credit": "Slet kredit",
"show_archived_deleted": "Vis arkiverede\/slettede",
"filter": "Filter",
"new_client": "Ny kunde",
"new_invoice": "Ny faktura",
"new_payment": "Indtast betaling",
"new_credit": "Indtast kredit",
"contact": "Kontakt",
"date_created": "Dato oprettet",
"last_login": "Sidst set",
"balance": "Balance",
"action": "Handling",
"status": "Status",
"invoice_total": "Faktura total",
"frequency": "Frekvens",
"start_date": "Start dato",
"end_date": "Slut dato",
"transaction_reference": "Transaktionsreference",
"method": "Betalingsmåde",
"payment_amount": "Beløb",
"payment_date": "Betalings dato",
"credit_amount": "Kreditbeløb",
"credit_balance": "Kreditsaldo",
"credit_date": "Kredit dato",
"empty_table": "Ingen data er tilgængelige i tabellen",
"select": "Vælg",
"edit_client": "Rediger kunde",
"edit_invoice": "Rediger faktura",
"create_invoice": "Opret faktura",
"enter_credit": "Tilføj kredit",
"last_logged_in": "Sidste log ind",
"details": "Detaljer",
"standing": "Stående",
"credit": "Kredit",
"activity": "Aktivitet",
"date": "Dato",
"message": "Besked",
"adjustment": "Justering",
"are_you_sure": "Er du sikker?",
"payment_type_id": "Betalingsmetode",
"amount": "Beløb",
"work_email": "E-mail",
"language_id": "Sprog",
"timezone_id": "Tidszone",
"date_format_id": "Dato format",
"datetime_format_id": "Dato\/Tidsformat",
"users": "Brugere",
"localization": "Lokalisering",
"remove_logo": "Slet logo",
"logo_help": "Understøttede filtyper: JPEG, GIF og PNG",
"payment_gateway": "Betalingsløsning",
"gateway_id": "Kort betalings udbyder",
"email_notifications": "Notifikation via e-mail",
"email_sent": "Notifikation når en faktura er sendt<\/b>",
"email_viewed": "Notifikation når en faktura er set<\/b>",
"email_paid": "Notifikation når en faktura er betalt<\/b>",
"site_updates": "Webside opdateringer",
"custom_messages": "Tilpassede meldinger",
"default_email_footer": "Sæt standard e-mailsignatur",
"select_file": "Venligst vælg en fil",
"first_row_headers": "Brug første række som overskrifter",
"column": "Kolonne",
"sample": "Eksempel",
"import_to": "Importer til",
"client_will_create": "Kunde vil blive oprettet",
"clients_will_create": "Kunder vil blive oprettet",
"email_settings": "E-mail indstillinger",
"client_view_styling": "Kunde visning opsætning",
"pdf_email_attachment": "Vedhæft PDF",
"custom_css": "Brugerdefineret CSS",
"import_clients": "Importer kundedata",
"csv_file": "Vælg CSV-fil",
"export_clients": "Eksporter kundedata",
"created_client": "Kunde oprettet succesfuldt",
"created_clients": "Kunder oprettet succesfuldt",
"updated_settings": "Indstillinger opdateret",
"removed_logo": "Logo slettet",
"sent_message": "Besked sendt",
"invoice_error": "Vælg venligst en kunde og ret eventuelle fejl",
"limit_clients": "Desværre, dette vil overstige grænsen på {count} kunder",
"payment_error": "Det opstod en fejl under din betaling. Venligst prøv igen senere.",
"registration_required": "Venligst registrer dig for at sende e-mail faktura",
"confirmation_required": "Venligst bekræft e-mail, {link} Send bekræftelses e-mail igen.",
"updated_client": "Kunde opdateret",
"archived_client": "Kunde arkiveret",
"archived_clients": "Arkiverede {count} kunder",
"deleted_client": "Kunde slettet",
"deleted_clients": "Slettede {count} kunder",
"updated_invoice": "Faktura opdateret",
"created_invoice": "Faktura oprettet",
"cloned_invoice": "Faktura kopieret",
"emailed_invoice": "E-mail faktura sendt",
"and_created_client": "og kunde oprettet",
"archived_invoice": "Faktura arkiveret",
"archived_invoices": "Arkiverede {count} fakturaer",
"deleted_invoice": "Faktura slettet",
"deleted_invoices": "Slettede {count} fakturaer",
"created_payment": "Betaling oprettet",
"created_payments": "Oprettet {count} betaling(er)",
"archived_payment": "Betaling arkiveret",
"archived_payments": "Arkiverede {count} betalinger",
"deleted_payment": "Betaling slettet",
"deleted_payments": "Slettede {count} betalinger",
"applied_payment": "Betaling ajourført",
"created_credit": "Kredit oprettet",
"archived_credit": "Kredit arkiveret",
"archived_credits": "Arkiverede {count} kreditter",
"deleted_credit": "Kredit slettet",
"deleted_credits": "Slettede {count} kreditter",
"imported_file": "Importerede filen succesfuldt",
"updated_vendor": " Sælger opdateret succesfuldt",
"created_vendor": "Leverandør oprettet",
"archived_vendor": "Arkiveret leverandør",
"archived_vendors": "Leverandører {count} arkiveret",
"deleted_vendor": "Leverandør slettet",
"deleted_vendors": "Leverandører {count} slettet",
"confirmation_subject": "Invoice Ninja konto bekræftelse",
"confirmation_header": "Konto bekræftelse",
"confirmation_message": "Venligst klik på linket nedenfor for at bekræfte din konto.",
"invoice_subject": "Ny faktura {number} fra {account}",
"invoice_message": "For at se din faktura på {amount}, klik på linket nedenfor.",
"payment_subject": "Betaling modtaget",
"payment_message": "Tak for din betaling pålydende {amount}.",
"email_salutation": "Kære {name},",
"email_signature": "Venlig hilsen,",
"email_from": "Invoice Ninja Teamet",
"invoice_link_message": "Hvis du vil se faktura klik på linket under:",
"notification_invoice_paid_subject": "Faktura {invoice} betalt af {client}",
"notification_invoice_sent_subject": "Faktura {invoice} sendt til {client}",
"notification_invoice_viewed_subject": "Faktura {invoice} set af {client}",
"notification_invoice_paid": "En betaling pålydende {amount} blev betalt af {client} for faktura {invoice}.",
"notification_invoice_sent": "En e-mail er blevet sendt til {client} med faktura {invoice} pålydende {amount}.",
"notification_invoice_viewed": "{client} har set faktura {invoice} pålydende {amount}.",
"reset_password": "Du kan nulstille din adgangskode ved at besøge følgende link:",
"secure_payment": "Sikker betaling",
"card_number": "Kortnummer",
"expiration_month": "Udløbsdato",
"expiration_year": "Udløbsår",
"cvv": "Kontrolcifre",
"logout": "Log ud",
"sign_up_to_save": "Registrer dig for at gemme dit arbejde",
"agree_to_terms": "I agree to the {terms}",
"terms_of_service": "Vilkår for brug",
"email_taken": "E-mailadressen er allerede registreret",
"working": "Arbejder",
"success": "Succes",
"success_message": "Du er blevet registreret. Klik på linket som du har modtaget i e-mail bekræftelsen for at bekræfte din e-mail adresse.",
"erase_data": "Din konto er ikke registreret, dette vil slette dine data.",
"password": "Kodeord",
"pro_plan_product": "Pro Plan",
"pro_plan_success": "Tak fordi du valgte Invoice Ninja's Pro plan!
\n De næste skridt<\/b>En betalbar faktura er sendt til den e-email adresse\n som er tilknyttet din konto. For at låse op for alle de utrolige\n Pro-funktioner, skal du følge instruktionerne på fakturaen til at\n betale for et år med Pro-niveau funktionerer.\n Kan du ikke finde fakturaen? Har behov for mere hjælp? Vi hjælper dig gerne hvis der skulle være noget galt\n -- kontakt os på contact@invoiceninja.com",
"unsaved_changes": "Du har ikke gemte ændringer",
"custom_fields": "Egendefineret felt",
"company_fields": "Selskabets felt",
"client_fields": "Kunde felt",
"field_label": "Felt etikette",
"field_value": "Feltets værdi",
"edit": "Rediger",
"set_name": "Sæt dit firmanavn",
"view_as_recipient": "Vis som modtager",
"product_library": "Produkt bibliotek",
"product": "Produkt",
"products": "Produkter",
"fill_products": "Automatisk-udfyld produkter",
"fill_products_help": "Valg af produkt vil automatisk udfylde beskrivelse og pris<\/b>",
"update_products": "Automatisk opdatering af produkter",
"update_products_help": "En opdatering af en faktura vil automatisk opdaterer Produkt biblioteket<\/b>",
"create_product": "Opret nyt produkt",
"edit_product": "Rediger produkt",
"archive_product": "Arkiver produkt",
"updated_product": "Produkt opdateret",
"created_product": "Produkt oprettet",
"archived_product": "Produkt arkiveret",
"pro_plan_custom_fields": "{link} for at aktivere egendefinerede felter skal du have en Pro Plan",
"advanced_settings": "Aavancerede indstillinger",
"pro_plan_advanced_settings": "{link} for at aktivere avancerede indstillinger skal du være have en Pro Plan",
"invoice_design": "Fakturadesign",
"specify_colors": "Egendefineret farve",
"specify_colors_label": "Vælg de farver som skal bruges i fakturaen",
"chart_builder": "Diagram bygger",
"ninja_email_footer": "Oprettet af {site} | Opret. Send. Få betaling.",
"go_pro": "Vælg Pro",
"quote": "Pristilbud",
"quotes": "Pristilbud",
"quote_number": "Tilbuds nummer",
"quote_number_short": "Tilbuds #",
"quote_date": "Tilbuds dato",
"quote_total": "Tilbud total",
"your_quote": "Dit tilbud",
"total": "Total",
"clone": "Kopier",
"new_quote": "Nyt tilbud",
"create_quote": "Opret tilbud",
"edit_quote": "Rediger tilbud",
"archive_quote": "Arkiver tilbud",
"delete_quote": "Slet tilbud",
"save_quote": "Gem tilbud",
"email_quote": "E-mail tilbudet",
"clone_quote": "Klon til tilbud",
"convert_to_invoice": "Konverter til en faktura",
"view_invoice": "Se faktura",
"view_client": "Se kunde",
"view_quote": "Se tilbud",
"updated_quote": "Tilbud opdateret",
"created_quote": "Tilbud oprettet",
"cloned_quote": "Tilbud kopieret",
"emailed_quote": "Tilbud sendt som e-mail",
"archived_quote": "Tilbud arkiveret",
"archived_quotes": "Arkiverede {count} tilbud",
"deleted_quote": "Tilbud slettet",
"deleted_quotes": "Slettede {count} tilbud",
"converted_to_invoice": "Tilbud konverteret til faktura",
"quote_subject": "Nyt tilbud {number} fra {account}",
"quote_message": "For at se tilbud pålydende {amount}, klik på linket nedenfor.",
"quote_link_message": "For at se kundetilbud, klik på linket under:",
"notification_quote_sent_subject": "Tilbud {invoice} sendt til {client}",
"notification_quote_viewed_subject": "Tilbudet {invoice} er set af {client}",
"notification_quote_sent": "Følgende kunde {client} blev tilsendt tilbudsfaktura {invoice} pålydende {amount}.",
"notification_quote_viewed": "Følgende kunde {client} har set tilbudsfakturaen {invoice} pålydende {amount}.",
"session_expired": "Session er udløbet.",
"invoice_fields": "Faktura felt",
"invoice_options": "Faktura indstillinger",
"hide_paid_to_date": "Skjul delbetalinger",
"hide_paid_to_date_help": "Vis kun delbetalinger hvis der er forekommet en delbetaling.",
"charge_taxes": "Inkluder skat",
"user_management": "Brugerhåndtering",
"add_user": "Tilføj bruger",
"send_invite": "Send invitation",
"sent_invite": "Invitation sendt",
"updated_user": "Bruger opdateret",
"invitation_message": "Du er blevet inviteret af {invitor}. ",
"register_to_add_user": "Du skal registrer dig for at oprette en bruger",
"user_state": "Status",
"edit_user": "Rediger bruger",
"delete_user": "Slet bruger",
"active": "Aktiv",
"pending": "Afventer",
"deleted_user": "Bruger slettet",
"confirm_email_invoice": "Er du sikker på at du vil sende en e-mail med denne faktura?",
"confirm_email_quote": "Er du sikker på du ville sende en e-mail med dette tilbud?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice": "Gentagende er slået til, er du sikker på du sende en e-mail med denne faktura?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent": "Er du sikker på at du vil begynde gentagelsen",
"cancel_account": "Annuller konto",
"cancel_account_message": "ADVARSEL: Dette vil permanent slette din konto, der er INGEN mulighed for at fortryde.",
"go_back": "Gå tilbage",
"data_visualizations": "Data visualisering",
"sample_data": "Eksempel data vist",
"hide": "Skjul",
"new_version_available": "En ny version af {releases_link} er tilgængelig. Din nuværende version er v{user_version}, den nyeste version er v{latest_version}",
"invoice_settings": "Faktura indstillinger",
"invoice_number_prefix": "Faktura nummer præfiks",
"invoice_number_counter": "Faktura nummer tæller",
"quote_number_prefix": "Tilbuds nummer præfiks",
"quote_number_counter": "Tilbuds nummer tæller",
"share_invoice_counter": "Del faktura nummer tæller",
"invoice_issued_to": "Faktura udstedt til",
"invalid_counter": "For at undgå mulige overlap, sæt et faktura eller tilbuds nummer præfiks",
"mark_sent": "Markér som sendt",
"gateway_help_1": "{link} til at registrere dig hos Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_2": "{link} til at registrere dig hos Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_17": "{link} til at hente din PayPal API signatur.",
"gateway_help_27": "{link} for at oprette sig hos 2Checkout.com. For at sikre at betalinger er fulgt sæt {complete_link} som redirect URL under Konto > Side Management i 2Checkout portalen.",
"gateway_help_60": "{link} til at oprette en WePay konto",
"more_designs": "Flere designs",
"more_designs_title": "Yderligere faktura designs",
"more_designs_cloud_header": "Skift til Pro for flere faktura designs",
"more_designs_cloud_text": "",
"more_designs_self_host_text": "",
"buy": "Køb",
"bought_designs": "Yderligere faktura designs tilføjet",
"sent": "Sendt",
"vat_number": "CVR\/SE nummer",
"timesheets": "Timesedler",
"payment_title": "Indtast din faktura adresse og kreditkort information",
"payment_cvv": "*Dette er det 3-4 cifrede nummer på bagsiden af dit kort",
"payment_footer1": "*Faktura adressen skal matche den der er tilknyttet kortet.",
"payment_footer2": "*Klik kun på \"Betal Nu\" én gang - transaktionen kan tage helt op til 1 minut inden den er færdig.",
"id_number": "CVR\/SE nummer",
"white_label_link": "Hvid Label",
"white_label_header": "Hvid Label",
"bought_white_label": "Hvid Label licens accepteret",
"white_labeled": "Hvid Label",
"restore": "Genskab",
"restore_invoice": "Genskab faktura",
"restore_quote": "Genskab tilbud",
"restore_client": "Genskab kunde",
"restore_credit": "Genskab kredit",
"restore_payment": "Genskab betaling",
"restored_invoice": "Faktura genskabt",
"restored_quote": "Tilbud genskabt",
"restored_client": "Kunde genskabt",
"restored_payment": "Betaling genskabt",
"restored_credit": "Kredit genskabt",
"reason_for_canceling": "Hjælp os med at blive bedre ved at fortælle os hvorfor du forlader os.",
"discount_percent": "Procent",
"discount_amount": "Beløb",
"invoice_history": "Faktura historik",
"quote_history": "Tilbuds historik",
"current_version": "Nuværende version",
"select_version": "Vælg version",
"view_history": "Vis historik",
"edit_payment": "Redigér betaling",
"updated_payment": "Betaling opdateret",
"deleted": "Slettet",
"restore_user": "Genskab bruger",
"restored_user": "Bruger genskabt",
"show_deleted_users": "Vis slettede brugere",
"email_templates": "E-mail skabeloner",
"invoice_email": "Faktura e-mail",
"payment_email": "Betalings e-mail",
"quote_email": "Tilbuds e-mail",
"reset_all": "Nulstil alle",
"approve": "Godkend",
"token_billing_type_id": "Tokensk Fakturering",
"token_billing_help": "Gem betalingsoplysninger med WePay, Stripe, Braintree eller GoCardless.",
"token_billing_1": "Slukket",
"token_billing_2": "Tilvalg - checkboks er vist men ikke valgt",
"token_billing_3": "Fravalg - checkboks er vist og valgt",
"token_billing_4": "Altid",
"token_billing_checkbox": "Opbevar kreditkort oplysninger",
"view_in_gateway": "Vis i {gateway}",
"use_card_on_file": "Anvend tidligere gemt kort",
"edit_payment_details": "Redigér betalings detaljer",
"token_billing": "Gem kort detaljer",
"token_billing_secure": "Kort data er opbevaret sikkert hos {link}",
"support": "Kundeservice",
"contact_information": "Kontakt information",
"256_encryption": "256-Bit Kryptering",
"amount_due": "Beløb forfaldent",
"billing_address": "Faktura adresse",
"billing_method": "Faktura metode",
"order_overview": "Ordre oversigt",
"match_address": "*Adressen skal matche det tilknyttede kredit kort.",
"click_once": "**Klik kun på \"Betal Nu\" én gang - transaktionen kan tage helt op til 1 minut inden den er færdig.",
"invoice_footer": "Faktura fodnoter",
"save_as_default_footer": "Gem som standard fodnoter",
"token_management": "Token Administration",
"tokens": "Token's",
"add_token": "Tilføj token",
"show_deleted_tokens": "Vis slettede token's",
"deleted_token": "Token slettet",
"created_token": "Token oprettet",
"updated_token": "Token opdateret",
"edit_token": "Redigér token",
"delete_token": "Slet token",
"token": "Token",
"add_gateway": "Tilføj betalings portal",
"delete_gateway": "Slet betalings portal",
"edit_gateway": "Redigér betalings portal",
"updated_gateway": "Betalings portal opdateret",
"created_gateway": "Betalings portal oprettet",
"deleted_gateway": "Betalings portal slettet",
"pay_with_paypal": "PayPal",
"pay_with_card": "Kredit kort",
"change_password": "Skift adgangskode",
"current_password": "Nuværende adgangskode",
"new_password": "Ny adgangskode",
"confirm_password": "Bekræft adgangskode",
"password_error_incorrect": "Den nuværende adgangskode er forkert.",
"password_error_invalid": "Den nye adgangskode er ugyldig.",
"updated_password": "Adgangskode opdateret",
"api_tokens": "API Token's",
"users_and_tokens": "Brugere & Token's",
"account_login": "Konto Log ind",
"recover_password": "Generhverv din adgangskode",
"forgot_password": "Glemt din adgangskode?",
"email_address": "E-mail adresse",
"lets_go": "Og så afsted",
"password_recovery": "Adgangskode Generhvervelse",
"send_email": "Send e-mail",
"set_password": "Sæt adgangskode",
"converted": "Konverteret",
"email_approved": "E-mail mig når et tilbud er accepteret<\/b>",
"notification_quote_approved_subject": "Tilbudet {invoice} blev accepteret af {client}",
"notification_quote_approved": "Den følgende kunde {client} accepterede tilbud {invoice} lydende på {amount}.",
"resend_confirmation": "Send bekræftelses e-mail igen",
"confirmation_resent": "Bekræftelses e-mail er afsendt",
"gateway_help_42": "{link} til registrering hos BitPay.
Bemærk: brug en use a Legacy API nøgle, og ikke en API token.",
"payment_type_credit_card": "Kredit kort",
"payment_type_paypal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_gocardless": "GoCardless",
"knowledge_base": "Vidensbase",
"partial": "Udbetaling",
"partial_remaining": "{partial} af {balance}",
"more_fields": "Flere felter",
"less_fields": "Mindre felter",
"client_name": "Kundenavn",
"pdf_settings": "PDF Indstillinger",
"product_settings": "Produkt Indstillinger",
"auto_wrap": "Automatisk linie ombrydning",
"duplicate_post": "Advarsel: den foregående side blev sendt to gange. Den anden afsendelse er blevet ignoreret.",
"view_documentation": "Vis dokumentation",
"app_title": "Gratis Open-Source Online fakturering",
"app_description": "Invoice Ninja er en gratis, open-source løsning til at håndtere fakturering og betaling af dine kunder. Med Invoice Ninja, kan du let generere og sende smukke fakturaer fra et hvilket som helst udstyr der har adgang til internettet. Dine klienter kan udskrive dine fakturarer, hente dem som PDF filer, og endda betale dem on-line inde fra Invoice Ninja.",
"rows": "rækker",
"www": "www",
"logo": "Logo",
"subdomain": "Underdomain",
"provide_name_or_email": "Venligst angiv et navn eller e-mail",
"charts_and_reports": "Diagrammer & Rapporter",
"chart": "Diagram",
"report": "Rapport",
"group_by": "Gruppér efter",
"paid": "Betalt",
"enable_report": "Rapport",
"enable_chart": "Diagram",
"totals": "Totaler",
"run": "Kør",
"export": "Eksport",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
"zapier": "Zapier",
"recurring": "Gentagne",
"last_invoice_sent": "Sidste faktura sendt {date}",
"processed_updates": "Opdatering gennemført",
"tasks": "Opgaver",
"new_task": "Ny opgave",
"start_time": "Start Tidspunkt",
"created_task": "Opgave oprettet",
"updated_task": "Opgave opdateret",
"edit_task": "Redigér opgave",
"archive_task": "Arkiver opgave",
"restore_task": "Genskab opgave",
"delete_task": "Slet opgave",
"stop_task": "Stop opgave",
"time": "Tid",
"start": "Start",
"stop": "Stop",
"now": "Nu",
"timer": "Tidtager",
"manual": "Manuelt",
"date_and_time": "Dato & Tid",
"second": "Sekund",
"seconds": "Sekunder",
"minute": "Minut",
"minutes": "Minutter",
"hour": "Time",
"hours": "Timer",
"task_details": "Opgave detaljer",
"duration": "Varighed",
"end_time": "Slut tidspunkt",
"end": "Slut",
"invoiced": "Faktureret",
"logged": "Ajourført",
"running": "Kører",
"task_error_multiple_clients": "Opgaverne kan ikke tilhøre forskellige kunder",
"task_error_running": "Stop alle kørende opgaver først",
"task_error_invoiced": "Opgaver er allerede faktureret",
"restored_task": "Opgave genskabt",
"archived_task": "Opgave arkiveret",
"archived_tasks": "Antal arkiverede opgaver: {count}",
"deleted_task": "Opgave slettet",
"deleted_tasks": "Antal opgaver slettet: {count}",
"create_task": "Opret opgave",
"stopped_task": "Opgave stoppet",
"invoice_task": "Fakturer opgave",
"invoice_labels": "Faktura labels",
"prefix": "Præfix",
"counter": "Tæller",
"payment_type_dwolla": "Dwolla",
"gateway_help_43": "{link} til at registrere dig hos Dwolla.",
"partial_value": "Skal være større end nul og mindre end totalen",
"more_actions": "Flere handlinger",
"pro_plan_title": "NINJA PRO",
"pro_plan_call_to_action": "Opgradér Nu!",
"pro_plan_feature1": "Opret ubegrænset antal kunder",
"pro_plan_feature2": "Adgang til 10 smukke faktura designs",
"pro_plan_feature3": "Tilpasset URL - \"YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com\"",
"pro_plan_feature4": "Fjern \"Created by Invoice Ninja\"",
"pro_plan_feature5": "Multi bruger adgang og aktivitets log",
"pro_plan_feature6": "Opret tilbud og proforma fakturaer",
"pro_plan_feature7": "Brugerdefinerede faktura felt titler og nummerering",
"pro_plan_feature8": "Mulighed for at vedhæfte PDF filer til klient e-mails",
"resume": "Genoptag",
"break_duration": "Pause",
"edit_details": "Rediger detaljer",
"work": "Arbejde",
"timezone_unset": "Indstil {link} din tidszone",
"click_here": "Klik her",
"email_receipt": "Send e-mail kvittering til kunden",
"created_payment_emailed_client": "Betaling modtaget og e-mail kvittering sendt til klienten",
"add_company": "Tilføj firma",
"untitled": "Ingen titel",
"new_company": "Nyt firma",
"associated_accounts": "Konti sammenkædet",
"unlinked_account": "Sammenkædning af konti ophævet",
"login": "Log ind",
"or": "eller",
"email_error": "Der opstod et problem ved afsendelse af e-mailen",
"confirm_recurring_timing": "Bemærk: e-mail bliver sendt i starten af timen.",
"confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent": "Note: invoices are created at the start of the hour.",
"payment_terms_help": "Sætter standard faktura forfalds dato<\/b>",
"unlink_account": "Fjern sammenkædning af konti",
"unlink": "Fjern sammenkædning",
"show_address": "Vis adresse",
"show_address_help": "Kræv at kunden angiver faktureringsadresse",
"update_address": "Opdater adresse",
"update_address_help": "Opdater kundens adresse med de opgivne detaljer",
"times": "Gange",
"set_now": "Sæt nu",
"dark_mode": "Mørk tilstand",
"dark_mode_help": "Brug en mørk baggrund til sidebars",
"add_to_invoice": "Tilføj til faktura nr.: {invoice}",
"create_new_invoice": "Opret ny faktura",
"task_errors": "Ret venligst de overlappende tider",
"from": "Fra",
"to": "Til",
"font_size": "Font Størrelse",
"primary_color": "Primær Farve",
"secondary_color": "Sekundær Farve",
"customize_design": "Tilpas Design",
"content": "Indhold",
"styles": "Stilarter",
"defaults": "Standarder",
"margins": "Marginer",
"header": "Hoved",
"footer": "Fod",
"custom": "Brugertilpasset",
"invoice_to": "Fakturer til",
"invoice_no": "Faktura Nr.",
"quote_no": "Tilbud nr.",
"recent_payments": "Nylige betalinger",
"outstanding": "Forfaldne",
"manage_companies": "Manage Companies",
"total_revenue": "Samlede indtægter",
"current_user": "Nuværende bruger",
"new_recurring_invoice": "Ny gentaget fakture",
"recurring_invoice": "Gentaget faktura",
"new_recurring_quote": "New recurring quote",
"recurring_quote": "Recurring Quote",
"recurring_too_soon": "Det er for tidligt at generere den næste faktura, it's scheduled for {date}",
"created_by_invoice": "Oprettet fra {invoice}",
"primary_user": "Primær bruger",
"help": "Hjælp",
"customize_help": "Vi bruger {pdfmake_link} til at definere fakturadesigns deklarativt. Pdfmaker {playground_link} tilbyder en glimrende mulighed for at se biblioteket i aktion.<\/p>\n
Hvis du har brug for hjælp, send et spørgsmål til vores: forum_link med det design, du bruger.<\/p>",
"playground": "legeplads",
"support_forum": "support forum",
"invoice_due_date": "Due Date",
"quote_due_date": "Gyldig indtil",
"valid_until": "Gyldig indtil",
"reset_terms": "Reset terms",
"reset_footer": "Reset footer",
"invoice_sent": "{count} fakturaer sendt",
"invoices_sent": "{count} fakturaer sendt",
"status_draft": "Draft",
"status_sent": "Sent",
"status_viewed": "Viewed",
"status_partial": "Partial",
"status_paid": "Paid",
"status_unpaid": "Ubetalt",
"status_all": "Alle",
"show_line_item_tax": "Display line item taxes<\/b> inline",
"iframe_url": "Website",
"iframe_url_help1": "Copy the following code to a page on your site.",
"iframe_url_help2": "You can test the feature by clicking 'View as recipient' for an invoice.",
"auto_bill": "Auto Bill",
"military_time": "24 Hour Time",
"last_sent": "Last Sent",
"reminder_emails": "Reminder Emails",
"templates_and_reminders": "Templates & Reminders",
"subject": "Subject",
"body": "Body",
"first_reminder": "First Reminder",
"second_reminder": "Second Reminder",
"third_reminder": "Third Reminder",
"num_days_reminder": "Days after due date",
"reminder_subject": "Reminder: Invoice {invoice} from {account}",
"reset": "Reset",
"invoice_not_found": "The requested invoice is not available",
"referral_program": "Referral Program",
"referral_code": "Referral Code",
"last_sent_on": "Last sent on {date}",
"page_expire": "This page will expire soon, {click_here} to keep working",
"upcoming_quotes": "Upcoming Quotes",
"expired_quotes": "Expired Quotes",
"sign_up_using": "Sign up using",
"invalid_credentials": "These credentials do not match our records",
"show_all_options": "Show all options",
"user_details": "User Details",
"oneclick_login": "Forbundet konto",
"disable": "Disable",
"invoice_quote_number": "Invoice and Quote Numbers",
"invoice_charges": "Faktura tillægsgebyr",
"notification_invoice_bounced": "We were unable to deliver Invoice {invoice} to {contact}.",
"notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "Unable to deliver Invoice {invoice}",
"notification_quote_bounced": "We were unable to deliver Quote {invoice} to {contact}.",
"notification_quote_bounced_subject": "Unable to deliver Quote {invoice}",
"custom_invoice_link": "Custom Invoice Link",
"total_invoiced": "Faktureret ialt",
"open_balance": "Udestående:",
"verify_email": "Please visit the link in the account confirmation email to verify your email address.",
"basic_settings": "Basic Settings",
"pro": "Pro",
"gateways": "Payment Gateways",
"next_send_on": "Send Next: {date}",
"no_longer_running": "This invoice is not scheduled to run",
"general_settings": "General Settings",
"customize": "Customize",
"oneclick_login_help": "Connect an account to login without a password",
"referral_code_help": "Earn money by sharing our app online",
"enable_with_stripe": "Enable | Requires Stripe",
"tax_settings": "Tax Settings",
"create_tax_rate": "Add Tax Rate",
"updated_tax_rate": "Successfully updated tax rate",
"created_tax_rate": "Successfully created tax rate",
"edit_tax_rate": "Edit tax rate",
"archive_tax_rate": "Archive tax rate",
"archived_tax_rate": "Successfully archived the tax rate",
"default_tax_rate_id": "Default Tax Rate",
"tax_rate": "Tax Rate",
"recurring_hour": "Recurring Hour",
"pattern": "Pattern",
"pattern_help_title": "Pattern Help",
"pattern_help_1": "Create custom numbers by specifying a pattern",
"pattern_help_2": "Available variables:",
"pattern_help_3": "For example, {example} would be converted to {value}",
"see_options": "See options",
"invoice_counter": "Invoice Counter",
"quote_counter": "Quote Counter",
"type": "Type",
"activity_1": "{user} created client {client}",
"activity_2": "{user} arkiverede kunde {client}",
"activity_3": "{user} slettede kunde {client}",
"activity_4": "{user} oprettede faktura {invoice}",
"activity_5": "{user} ajourførte faktura {invoice}",
"activity_6": "{user} e-mailede faktura {invoice} til {contact}",
"activity_7": "{contact} læste faktura {invoice}",
"activity_8": "{user} arkiverede faktura {invoice}",
"activity_9": "{user} slettede faktura {invoice}",
"activity_10": "{contact} indtastede betaling {payment} af {invoice}",
"activity_11": "{user} ajourførte betaling {payment}",
"activity_12": "{user} arkiverede betaling {payment}",
"activity_13": "{user} slettede betaling {payment}",
"activity_14": "{user} indtastede {credit} kredit",
"activity_15": "{user} ajourførte {credit} kredit",
"activity_16": "{user} arkiverede {credit} kredit",
"activity_17": "{user} slettede {credit} kredit",
"activity_18": "{user} oprettede tilbud {quote}",
"activity_19": "{user} ajourførte tilbud {quote}",
"activity_20": "{user} e-mailede tilbud {quote} til {contact}",
"activity_21": "{contact} læste tilbud {quote}",
"activity_22": "{user} arkiverede tilbud {quote}",
"activity_23": "{user} slettede tilbud{quote}",
"activity_24": "{user} genoprettede tilbud {quote}",
"activity_25": "{user} genoprettede faktura {invoice}",
"activity_26": "{user} genoprettede kunde {client}",
"activity_27": "{user} genoprettede betaling {payment}",
"activity_28": "{user} genoprettede {credit} kredit",
"activity_29": "{contact} godkendte tilbud {quote}",
"activity_30": "{user} created vendor {vendor}",
"activity_31": "{user} archived vendor {vendor}",
"activity_32": "{user} deleted vendor {vendor}",
"activity_33": "{user} restored vendor {vendor}",
"activity_34": "{user} created expense {expense}",
"activity_35": "{user} archived expense {expense}",
"activity_36": "{user} deleted expense {expense}",
"activity_37": "{user} restored expense {expense}",
"activity_42": "{user} created task {task}",
"activity_43": "{user} updated task {task}",
"activity_44": "{user} archived task {task}",
"activity_45": "{user} slettede opgave {task}",
"activity_46": "{user} genoprettede opgave {task}",
"activity_47": "{user} ajourførte udgift {expense}",
"payment": "Betaling",
"system": "System",
"signature": "E-mail Signature",
"default_messages": "Default Messages",
"quote_terms": "Quote Terms",
"default_quote_terms": "Default Quote Terms",
"default_invoice_terms": "Sæt standard fakturavilkår",
"default_invoice_footer": "Sæt standard faktura fodnoter",
"quote_footer": "Quote Footer",
"free": "Free",
"quote_is_approved": "Tilbud er nu godkendt. Betal gerne med det samme",
"apply_credit": "Apply Credit",
"system_settings": "System Settings",
"archive_token": "Archive Token",
"archived_token": "Successfully archived token",
"archive_user": "Archive User",
"archived_user": "Successfully archived user",
"archive_account_gateway": "Archive Gateway",
"archived_account_gateway": "Successfully archived gateway",
"archive_recurring_invoice": "Archive Recurring Invoice",
"archived_recurring_invoice": "Successfully archived recurring invoice",
"delete_recurring_invoice": "Delete Recurring Invoice",
"deleted_recurring_invoice": "Successfully deleted recurring invoice",
"restore_recurring_invoice": "Restore Recurring Invoice",
"restored_recurring_invoice": "Successfully restored recurring invoice",
"archive_recurring_quote": "Archive Recurring Quote",
"archived_recurring_quote": "Successfully archived recurring quote",
"delete_recurring_quote": "Delete Recurring Quote",
"deleted_recurring_quote": "Successfully deleted recurring quote",
"restore_recurring_quote": "Restore Recurring Quote",
"restored_recurring_quote": "Successfully restored recurring quote",
"archived": "Archived",
"untitled_account": "Untitled Company",
"before": "Before",
"after": "After",
"reset_terms_help": "Reset to the default account terms",
"reset_footer_help": "Reset to the default account footer",
"export_data": "Export Data",
"user": "User",
"country": "Country",
"include": "Include",
"logo_too_large": "Your logo is {size}, for better PDF performance we suggest uploading an image file less than 200KB",
"import_freshbooks": "Import From FreshBooks",
"import_data": "Import Data",
"source": "Source",
"csv": "CSV",
"client_file": "Client File",
"invoice_file": "Invoice File",
"task_file": "Task File",
"no_mapper": "No valid mapping for file",
"invalid_csv_header": "Invalid CSV Header",
"client_portal": "Client Portal",
"admin": "Admin",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"show_archived_users": "Show archived users",
"notes": "Notes",
"invoice_will_create": "faktura vil blive oprettet",
"invoices_will_create": "invoices will be created",
"failed_to_import": "The following records failed to import, they either already exist or are missing required fields.",
"publishable_key": "Publishable Key",
"secret_key": "Secret Key",
"missing_publishable_key": "Set your Stripe publishable key for an improved checkout process",
"email_design": "Email Design",
"due_by": "Due by {date}",
"enable_email_markup": "Brug HTML markup sprog",
"enable_email_markup_help": "Make it easier for your clients to pay you by adding schema.org markup to your emails.",
"template_help_title": "Templates Help",
"template_help_1": "Available variables:",
"email_design_id": "Email Style",
"email_design_help": "Make your emails look more professional with HTML layouts.",
"plain": "Plain",
"light": "Light",
"dark": "Dark",
"industry_help": "Used to provide comparisons against the averages of companies of similar size and industry.",
"subdomain_help": "Set the subdomain or display the invoice on your own website.",
"website_help": "Display the invoice in an iFrame on your own website",
"invoice_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the invoice number.",
"quote_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the quote number.",
"custom_client_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating a client and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"custom_account_fields_helps": "Add a label and value to the company details section of the PDF.",
"custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating an invoice and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"custom_invoice_charges_helps": "Add a text input to the invoice create\/edit page and include the charge in the invoice subtotals.",
"token_expired": "Validation token was expired. Please try again.",
"invoice_link": "Invoice Link",
"button_confirmation_message": "Click to confirm your email address.",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"email_preferences": "Email Preferences",
"created_invoices": "Successfully created {count} invoice(s)",
"next_invoice_number": "The next invoice number is {number}.",
"next_quote_number": "The next quote number is {number}.",
"days_before": "Dage før",
"days_after": "Dage efter",
"field_due_date": "due date",
"field_invoice_date": "invoice date",
"schedule": "Schedule",
"email_designs": "Email Designs",
"assigned_when_sent": "Assigned when sent",
"white_label_purchase_link": "Purchase a white label license",
"expense": "Expense",
"expenses": "Udgifter",
"new_expense": "Indtast udgift",
"enter_expense": "Enter Expense",
"vendors": "Vendors",
"new_vendor": "New Vendor",
"payment_terms_net": "Net",
"vendor": "Vendor",
"edit_vendor": "Edit Vendor",
"archive_vendor": "Archive Vendor",
"delete_vendor": "Delete Vendor",
"view_vendor": "View Vendor",
"deleted_expense": "Successfully deleted expense",
"archived_expense": "Successfully archived expense",
"deleted_expenses": "Successfully deleted expenses",
"archived_expenses": "Successfully archived expenses",
"expense_amount": "Expense Amount",
"expense_balance": "Expense Balance",
"expense_date": "Expense Date",
"expense_should_be_invoiced": "Should this expense be invoiced?",
"public_notes": "Public Notes",
"invoice_amount": "Invoice Amount",
"exchange_rate": "Exchange Rate",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"should_be_invoiced": "Should be invoiced",
"view_expense": "View expense # {expense}",
"edit_expense": "Edit Expense",
"archive_expense": "Archive Expense",
"delete_expense": "Delete Expense",
"view_expense_num": "Expense # {expense}",
"updated_expense": "Successfully updated expense",
"created_expense": "Successfully created expense",
"view": "View",
"restore_expense": "Restore Expense",
"invoice_expense": "Invoice Expense",
"expense_error_multiple_clients": "The expenses can't belong to different clients",
"expense_error_invoiced": "Expense has already been invoiced",
"convert_currency": "Convert currency",
"num_days": "Antal dage",
"create_payment_term": "Create Payment Term",
"edit_payment_terms": "Edit Payment Term",
"edit_payment_term": "Edit Payment Term",
"archive_payment_term": "Archive Payment Term",
"recurring_due_dates": "Recurring Invoice Due Dates",
"recurring_due_date_help": "
Automatically sets a due date for the invoice.<\/p>\n
Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month. Invoices set to be due on the 29th or 30th in months that don't have that day will be due the last day of the month.<\/p>\n
Invoices on a weekly cycle set to be due on the day of the week they are created will be due the next week.<\/p>\n
For example:<\/p>\n
\n - Today is the 15th, due date is 1st of the month. The due date should likely be the 1st of the next month.<\/li>\n
- Today is the 15th, due date is the last day of the month. The due date will be the last day of the this month.\n <\/li>\n
- Today is the 15th, due date is the 15th day of the month. The due date will be the 15th day of next<\/strong> month.\n <\/li>\n
- Today is the Friday, due date is the 1st Friday after. The due date will be next Friday, not today.\n <\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"due": "Due",
"next_due_on": "Due Next: {date}",
"use_client_terms": "Use client terms",
"day_of_month": "{ordinal} day of month",
"last_day_of_month": "Last day of month",
"day_of_week_after": "{ordinal} {day} after",
"sunday": "Sunday",
"monday": "Monday",
"tuesday": "Tuesday",
"wednesday": "Wednesday",
"thursday": "Thursday",
"friday": "Friday",
"saturday": "Saturday",
"header_font_id": "Header Font",
"body_font_id": "Body Font",
"color_font_help": "Note: the primary color and fonts are also used in the client portal and custom email designs.",
"live_preview": "Live Preview",
"invalid_mail_config": "Unable to send email, please check that the mail settings are correct.",
"invoice_message_button": "To view your invoice for {amount}, click the button below.",
"quote_message_button": "To view your quote for {amount}, click the button below.",
"payment_message_button": "Thank you for your payment of {amount}.",
"payment_type_direct_debit": "Direct Debit",
"bank_accounts": "Bank Accounts",
"add_bank_account": "Add Bank Account",
"setup_account": "Setup Account",
"import_expenses": "Import Expenses",
"bank_id": "bank",
"integration_type": "Integration Type",
"updated_bank_account": "Successfully updated bank account",
"edit_bank_account": "Edit Bank Account",
"archive_bank_account": "Archive Bank Account",
"archived_bank_account": "Successfully archived bank account",
"created_bank_account": "Successfully created bank account",
"validate_bank_account": "Validate Bank Account",
"bank_password_help": "Note: your password is transmitted securely and never stored on our servers.",
"bank_password_warning": "Warning: your password may be transmitted in plain text, consider enabling HTTPS.",
"username": "Username",
"account_number": "Account Number",
"account_name": "Account Name",
"bank_account_error": "Failed to retrieve account details, please check your credentials.",
"status_approved": "Godkendt",
"quote_settings": "Quote Settings",
"auto_convert_quote": "Auto Convert",
"auto_convert_quote_help": "Automatically convert a quote to an invoice when approved by a client.",
"validate": "Validate",
"info": "Info",
"imported_expenses": "Successfully created {count_vendors} vendor(s) and {count_expenses} expense(s)",
"iframe_url_help3": "Note: if you plan on accepting credit cards details we strongly recommend enabling HTTPS on your site.",
"expense_error_multiple_currencies": "The expenses can't have different currencies.",
"expense_error_mismatch_currencies": "The client's currency does not match the expense currency.",
"trello_roadmap": "Trello Roadmap",
"header_footer": "Header\/Footer",
"first_page": "first page",
"all_pages": "all pages",
"last_page": "last page",
"all_pages_header": "Show header on",
"all_pages_footer": "Show footer on",
"invoice_currency": "Invoice Currency",
"enable_https": "We strongly recommend using HTTPS to accept credit card details online.",
"quote_issued_to": "Quote issued to",
"show_currency_code": "Currency Code",
"free_year_message": "Din konto er opgraderet til pro i et år uden extra omkostninger.",
"trial_message": "Your account will receive a free two week trial of our pro plan.",
"trial_footer": "Din gratis pro plan prøveperiode udløber om {count} dage, {link} for at opgradere nu.",
"trial_footer_last_day": "Dette er den sidste dag i din gratis pro plan prøveperiode, {link} for at opgradere nu.",
"trial_call_to_action": "Start Free Trial",
"trial_success": "Successfully enabled two week free pro plan trial",
"overdue": "Overdue",
"white_label_text": "Purchase a ONE YEAR white label license for ${price} to remove the Invoice Ninja branding from the invoice and client portal.",
"user_email_footer": "For at justere varslings indstillingene besøg venligst {link}",
"reset_password_footer": "Hvis du ikke bad om at få nulstillet din adgangskode kontakt venligst kundeservice: {email}",
"limit_users": "Desværre, dette vil overstige grænsen på {limit} brugere",
"more_designs_self_host_header": "Få 6 flere faktura designs for kun ${price}",
"old_browser": "Please use a {link}",
"newer_browser": "newer browser",
"white_label_custom_css": "{link} for ${price} to enable custom styling and help support our project.",
"bank_accounts_help": "Connect a bank account to automatically import expenses and create vendors. Supports American Express and {link}.",
"us_banks": "400+ US banks",
"pro_plan_remove_logo": "{link} for at fjerne Invoice Ninja-logoet, opgrader til en Pro Plan",
"pro_plan_remove_logo_link": "Klik her",
"invitation_status_sent": "Sendt",
"invitation_status_opened": "Åbnet",
"invitation_status_viewed": "Set",
"email_error_inactive_client": "Emails can not be sent to inactive clients",
"email_error_inactive_contact": "Emails can not be sent to inactive contacts",
"email_error_inactive_invoice": "Emails can not be sent to inactive invoices",
"email_error_inactive_proposal": "Emails can not be sent to inactive proposals",
"email_error_user_unregistered": "Please register your account to send emails",
"email_error_user_unconfirmed": "Please confirm your account to send emails",
"email_error_invalid_contact_email": "Invalid contact email",
"navigation": "Navigation",
"list_invoices": "List Invoices",
"list_clients": "List Clients",
"list_quotes": "List Quotes",
"list_tasks": "List Tasks",
"list_expenses": "List Expenses",
"list_recurring_invoices": "List Recurring Invoices",
"list_payments": "List Payments",
"list_credits": "List Credits",
"tax_name": "Tax Name",
"report_settings": "Report Settings",
"search_hotkey": "shortcut is \/",
"new_user": "New User",
"new_product": "New Product",
"new_tax_rate": "New Tax Rate",
"invoiced_amount": "Invoiced Amount",
"invoice_item_fields": "Invoice Item Fields",
"custom_invoice_item_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an invoice item and display the label and value on the PDF.",
"recurring_invoice_number": "Tilbagevendende nummer",
"recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help": "Speciy a prefix to be added to the invoice number for recurring invoices.",
"enable_portal_password": "Adgangskodebeskyttet Fakturaer",
"enable_portal_password_help": "Lader dig indtaste en adgangskode til hver kontakt. Hvis en adgangskode ikke er lavet, vil kontakten blive pålagt at indtaste en adgangskode før det er muligt at se fakturaer.",
"send_portal_password": "Generer automatisk",
"send_portal_password_help": "If no password is set, one will be generated and sent with the first invoice.",
"expired": "Expired",
"invalid_card_number": "The credit card number is not valid.",
"invalid_expiry": "The expiration date is not valid.",
"invalid_cvv": "The CVV is not valid.",
"cost": "Cost",
"create_invoice_for_sample": "Note: create your first invoice to see a preview here.",
"owner": "Owner",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"administrator_help": "Allow user to manage users, change settings and modify all records",
"user_create_all": "Create clients, invoices, etc.",
"user_view_all": "View all clients, invoices, etc.",
"user_edit_all": "Edit all clients, invoices, etc.",
"gateway_help_20": "{link} to sign up for Sage Pay.",
"gateway_help_21": "{link} to sign up for Sage Pay.",
"partial_due": "Partial Due",
"restore_vendor": "Restore Vendor",
"restored_vendor": "Successfully restored vendor",
"restored_expense": "Successfully restored expense",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"create_all_help": "Allow user to create and modify records",
"view_all_help": "Allow user to view records they didn't create",
"edit_all_help": "Allow user to modify records they didn't create",
"view_payment": "View Payment",
"january": "Januar",
"february": "Februar",
"march": "Marts",
"april": "April",
"may": "Maj",
"june": "Juni",
"july": "Juli",
"august": "August",
"september": "September",
"october": "October",
"november": "November",
"december": "December",
"documents_header": "Documents:",
"email_documents_header": "Documents:",
"email_documents_example_1": "Widgets Receipt.pdf",
"email_documents_example_2": "Final Deliverable.zip",
"quote_documents": "Citer dokumenter",
"invoice_documents": "Faktura dokumenter",
"expense_documents": "Udgift's dokumenter",
"invoice_embed_documents": "Embed Documents",
"invoice_embed_documents_help": "Include attached images in the invoice.",
"document_email_attachment": "Attach Documents",
"ubl_email_attachment": "Attach UBL",
"download_documents": "Download Documents ({size})",
"documents_from_expenses": "From Expenses:",
"dropzone_default_message": "Drop files or click to upload",
"dropzone_fallback_message": "Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.",
"dropzone_fallback_text": "Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.",
"dropzone_file_too_big": "File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.",
"dropzone_invalid_file_type": "You can't upload files of this type.",
"dropzone_response_error": "Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.",
"dropzone_cancel_upload": "Cancel upload",
"dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?",
"dropzone_remove_file": "Remove file",
"documents": "Documents",
"document_date": "Document Date",
"document_size": "Size",
"enable_client_portal": "Dashboard",
"enable_client_portal_help": "Show\/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard": "Dashboard",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard_help": "Show\/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.",
"account_management": "Account Management",
"plan_status": "Plan Status",
"plan_upgrade": "Upgrade",
"plan_change": "Change Plan",
"pending_change_to": "Changes To",
"plan_changes_to": "{plan} on {date}",
"plan_term_changes_to": "{plan} ({term}) on {date}",
"cancel_plan_change": "Cancel Change",
"plan": "Plan",
"expires": "Expires",
"renews": "Renews",
"plan_expired": "{plan} Plan Expired",
"trial_expired": "{plan} Plan Trial Ended",
"never": "Never",
"plan_free": "Free",
"plan_pro": "Pro",
"plan_enterprise": "Enterprise",
"plan_white_label": "Self Hosted (White labeled)",
"plan_free_self_hosted": "Self Hosted (Free)",
"plan_trial": "Trial",
"plan_term": "Term",
"plan_term_monthly": "Monthly",
"plan_term_yearly": "Yearly",
"plan_term_month": "Month",
"plan_term_year": "Year",
"plan_price_monthly": "${price}\/Month",
"plan_price_yearly": "${price}\/Year",
"updated_plan": "Updated plan settings",
"plan_paid": "Term Started",
"plan_started": "Plan Started",
"plan_expires": "Plan Expires",
"white_label_button": "White Label",
"pro_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"pro_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_product": "Enterprise Plan",
"enterprise_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"plan_credit_product": "Credit",
"plan_credit_description": "Credit for unused time",
"plan_pending_monthly": "Will switch to monthly on {date}",
"plan_refunded": "A refund has been issued.",
"page_size": "Page Size",
"live_preview_disabled": "Live preview has been disabled to support selected font",
"invoice_number_padding": "Padding",
"preview": "Preview",
"list_vendors": "List Vendors",
"add_users_not_supported": "Upgrade to the Enterprise plan to add additional users to your account.",
"enterprise_plan_features": "The Enterprise plan adds support for multiple users and file attachments, {link} to see the full list of features.",
"return_to_app": "Vend tilbage til appen",
"refund_payment": "Refunder betaling",
"refund_max": "Max:",
"refund": "Refunder",
"are_you_sure_refund": "Refunder betalinger?",
"status_pending": "Afventer",
"status_completed": "Fuldført",
"status_failed": "Slog fejl",
"status_partially_refunded": "Delst refunderet",
"status_partially_refunded_amount": "{amount} Refunderet",
"status_refunded": "Refunderet",
"status_voided": "Annulleret",
"refunded_payment": "Refunderet betaling",
"activity_39": "{user} cancelled a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"activity_40": "{user} refunded {adjustment} of a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"card_expiration": "Exp: {expires}",
"card_creditcardother": "Ukendt",
"card_americanexpress": "American Express",
"card_carteblanche": "Carte Blanche",
"card_unionpay": "UnionPay",
"card_diners": "Diners Club",
"card_discover": "Discover",
"card_jcb": "JCB",
"card_laser": "Laser",
"card_maestro": "Maestro",
"card_mastercard": "MasterCard",
"card_solo": "Solo",
"card_switch": "Switch",
"card_visacard": "Visa",
"card_ach": "ACH",
"payment_type_stripe": "Stripe",
"ach": "ACH",
"enable_ach": "Accept Amerikansk bank overførsler",
"stripe_ach_help": "ACH-understøttelse skal også være aktiveret i: link.",
"ach_disabled": "En anden gateway er allerede konfigureret til direkte debitering.",
"plaid": "Betalt",
"client_id": "Klients ID",
"secret": "Hemmelighed",
"public_key": "Offentlig nøgle",
"plaid_optional": "(valgfrit)",
"plaid_environment_help": "When a Stripe test key is given, Plaid's development environment (tartan) will be used.",
"other_providers": "Andre udbydere",
"country_not_supported": "Landet er ikke understøttet.",
"invalid_routing_number": "Routing nummeret er ugyldigt.",
"invalid_account_number": "Kontonummeret er ugyldigt.",
"account_number_mismatch": "Kontonumrene stemmer ikke overens.",
"missing_account_holder_type": "Please select an individual or company account.",
"missing_account_holder_name": "Please enter the account holder's name.",
"routing_number": "Routing nummer",
"confirm_account_number": "Confirm Account Number",
"individual_account": "Individual Account",
"company_account": "Firma Konto",
"account_holder_name": "Account Holder Name",
"add_account": "Tilføj konto",
"payment_methods": "Betalingsmetoder",
"complete_verification": "Complete Verification",
"verification_amount1": "Beløb 1",
"verification_amount2": "Beløb 2",
"payment_method_verified": "Verifikation blev gennemført med succes",
"verification_failed": "Verifikation mislykkedes",
"remove_payment_method": "Fjern betalingsmetode",
"confirm_remove_payment_method": "Er du sikker på, at du vil fjerne denne betalingsmetode?",
"remove": "Fjern",
"payment_method_removed": "Fjern betalings middel",
"bank_account_verification_help": "Vi har lavet to indbetalinger til din konto med beskrivelsen \"verifikation\". Det vil tage 1-2 hverdage før disse indskud vises på dit kontoudtog. Indtast venligst nedenstående beløb.",
"bank_account_verification_next_steps": "Vi har lavet to indbetalinger til din konto med beskrivelsen \"verifikation\". Det vil tage 1-2 hverdage før disse indskud vises på dit kontoudtog. Når du har beløbene, skal du komme tilbage til denne betalingsmetodeside og klikke på \"Gennemfør og afslut verifikation\" ved siden af kontoen.",
"unknown_bank": "Ukendt bank",
"ach_verification_delay_help": "Du kan bruge kontoen, når du har gennemført verifikationen. Verifikation tager normalt 1-2 hverdage.",
"add_credit_card": "Tilføj kreditkort",
"payment_method_added": "Tilføjet betalingsmetode",
"use_for_auto_bill": "Use For Autobill",
"used_for_auto_bill": "Autobill Payment Method",
"payment_method_set_as_default": "Set Autobill payment method.",
"activity_41": "{payment_amount} payment ({payment}) failed",
"webhook_url": "Webhook URL",
"stripe_webhook_help": "You must {link}.",
"stripe_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint at Stripe",
"gocardless_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint in GoCardless",
"payment_method_error": "There was an error adding your payment methd. Please try again later.",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject": "Payment failed for Invoice {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed": "A payment made by client {client} towards Invoice {invoice} failed. The payment has been marked as failed and {amount} has been added to the client's balance.",
"link_with_plaid": "Link Account Instantly with Plaid",
"link_manually": "Link Manually",
"secured_by_plaid": "Secured by Plaid",
"plaid_linked_status": "Your bank account at {bank}",
"add_payment_method": "Add Payment Method",
"account_holder_type": "Account Holder Type",
"ach_authorization": "I authorize {company} to use my bank account for future payments and, if necessary, electronically credit my account to correct erroneous debits. I understand that I may cancel this authorization at any time by removing the payment method or by contacting {email}.",
"ach_authorization_required": "Du skal godkende ACH-transaktioner.",
"off": "Deaktiver",
"opt_in": "Følg",
"opt_out": "Følg ikke længere",
"always": "Altid",
"opted_out": "Opted out",
"opted_in": "Opted in",
"manage_auto_bill": "Manage Auto-bill",
"enabled": "Aktiveret",
"paypal": "Paypal",
"braintree_enable_paypal": "Enable PayPal payments through BrainTree",
"braintree_paypal_disabled_help": "The PayPal gateway is processing PayPal payments",
"braintree_paypal_help": "You must also {link}.",
"braintree_paypal_help_link_text": "link PayPal to your BrainTree account",
"token_billing_braintree_paypal": "Save payment details",
"add_paypal_account": "Add PayPal Account",
"no_payment_method_specified": "No payment method specified",
"chart_type": "Chart Type",
"format": "Format",
"import_ofx": "Import OFX",
"ofx_file": "OFX File",
"ofx_parse_failed": "Failed to parse OFX file",
"wepay": "WePay",
"sign_up_with_wepay": "Sign up with WePay",
"use_another_provider": "Use another provider",
"company_name": "Firma navn",
"wepay_company_name_help": "This will appear on client's credit card statements.",
"wepay_description_help": "The purpose of this account.",
"wepay_tos_agree": "I agree to the {link}.",
"wepay_tos_link_text": "WePay Terms of Service",
"resend_confirmation_email": "Resend Confirmation Email",
"manage_account": "Administrer konto",
"action_required": "Handling krævet",
"finish_setup": "Finish Setup",
"created_wepay_confirmation_required": "Please check your email and confirm your email address with WePay.",
"switch_to_wepay": "Switch to WePay",
"switch": "Skift",
"restore_account_gateway": "Restore Gateway",
"restored_account_gateway": "Successfully restored gateway",
"united_states": "USA",
"canada": "Canada",
"accept_debit_cards": "Accept Debit Cards",
"debit_cards": "Debit Cards",
"warn_start_date_changed": "The next invoice will be sent on the new start date.",
"warn_start_date_changed_not_sent": "The next invoice will be created on the new start date.",
"original_start_date": "Original start date",
"new_start_date": "New start date",
"security": "Sikkerhed",
"see_whats_new": "See what's new in v{version}",
"wait_for_upload": "Please wait for the document upload to complete.",
"upgrade_for_permissions": "Upgrade to our Enterprise plan to enable permissions.",
"enable_second_tax_rate": "Enable specifying a second tax rate<\/b>",
"payment_file": "Betalings fil",
"expense_file": "Udgifts fil",
"product_file": "Produkt fil",
"import_products": "Importer produkter",
"products_will_create": "Produkter vil blive oprettet",
"product_key": "Produkt",
"created_products": "Successfully created\/updated {count} product(s)",
"export_help": "Use JSON if you plan to import the data into Invoice Ninja.
The file includes clients, products, invoices, quotes and payments.",
"selfhost_export_help": "
We recommend using mysqldump to create a full backup.",
"JSON_file": "JSON Fil",
"view_dashboard": "Oversigt",
"client_session_expired": "Session er udløbet.",
"client_session_expired_message": "Your session has expired. Please click the link in your email again.",
"auto_bill_notification": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your {payment_method} on file on {due_date}.",
"auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer": "Bankkonto",
"auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card": "Kredit kort",
"auto_bill_payment_method_paypal": "PayPal konto",
"auto_bill_notification_placeholder": "Denne faktura vil automatisk trække fra dit gemte kreditkort på den forfaldne dato.",
"payment_settings": "Betalingsindstillinger",
"on_send_date": "On send date",
"on_due_date": "Betalingsfrist",
"auto_bill_ach_date_help": "ACH will always auto bill on the due date.",
"warn_change_auto_bill": "Due to NACHA rules, changes to this invoice may prevent ACH auto bill.",
"bank_account": "Bankkonto",
"payment_processed_through_wepay": "ACH payments will be processed using WePay.",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree": "I agree to the WePay {terms} and {privacy_policy}.",
"privacy_policy": "Privatlivspolitik",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree_required": "Du skal acceptere WePays Servicevilkår og Privatlivspolitik.",
"ach_email_prompt": "Indtast venligst din e-mail adresse:",
"verification_pending": "Afventer bekræftelse",
"update_font_cache": "Indlæs venligst siden igen for at opdatere font cachen.",
"more_options": "Flere muligheder",
"credit_card": "Kreditkort",
"bank_transfer": "Bankoverførsel",
"no_transaction_reference": "Vi modtog ikke en Vi modtog ikke en betalingstransaktionsreference fra gateway'en.",
"use_bank_on_file": "Brug bank info",
"auto_bill_email_message": "Fakturaen bliver automatisk betalt via den registrerede betalings metode på forfaldsdagen.",
"bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"gocardless": "GoCardless",
"added_on": "Tilføjet {date}",
"failed_remove_payment_method": "Det lykkedes ikke at fjerne betalingsmetoden",
"gateway_exists": "Denne gateway eksisterer allerede",
"manual_entry": "Manuel indtastning",
"first_day_of_week": "Første dag i ugen",
"freq_inactive": "Inaktiv",
"freq_daily": "Daglig",
"freq_weekly": "Ugentlig",
"freq_biweekly": "Hver 14. dag",
"freq_two_weeks": "To uger",
"freq_four_weeks": "Fire uger",
"freq_monthly": "Månedlig",
"freq_three_months": "Tre måneder",
"freq_four_months": "Fire måneder",
"freq_six_months": "Seks måneder",
"freq_annually": "Årlig",
"freq_two_years": "To år",
"payment_type_Apply Credit": "Tilføj kredit",
"payment_type_Bank Transfer": "Bankoverførsel",
"payment_type_Cash": "Kontant",
"payment_type_Debit": "Debit",
"payment_type_ACH": "ACH",
"payment_type_Visa Card": "Visa Kort",
"payment_type_MasterCard": "MasterCard",
"payment_type_American Express": "American Express",
"payment_type_Discover Card": "Discover Card",
"payment_type_Diners Card": "Diners Card",
"payment_type_EuroCard": "EuroCard",
"payment_type_Nova": "Nova",
"payment_type_Credit Card Other": "Kreditkort Andet",
"payment_type_PayPal": "Paypal",
"payment_type_Google Wallet": "Google Wallet",
"payment_type_Check": "Check",
"payment_type_Carte Blanche": "Carte Blanche",
"payment_type_UnionPay": "UnionPay",
"payment_type_JCB": "JCB",
"payment_type_Laser": "Laser",
"payment_type_Maestro": "Maestro",
"payment_type_Solo": "Solo",
"payment_type_Switch": "Switch",
"payment_type_iZettle": "iZettle",
"payment_type_Swish": "Swish",
"payment_type_Alipay": "Alipay",
"payment_type_Sofort": "Sofort",
"payment_type_SEPA": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"payment_type_Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_GoCardless": "GoCardless",
"industry_Accounting & Legal": "Regnskab og jura",
"industry_Advertising": "Annoncering",
"industry_Aerospace": "Aerospace",
"industry_Agriculture": "Landbrug",
"industry_Automotive": "Autobranche",
"industry_Banking & Finance": "Bank og finans",
"industry_Biotechnology": "Bioteknologi",
"industry_Broadcasting": "Radio- og tv udsendelser",
"industry_Business Services": "Forretningsservice",
"industry_Commodities & Chemicals": "Råvarer og kemikalier",
"industry_Communications": "Kommunikation",
"industry_Computers & Hightech": "Computere og Højteknologi",
"industry_Defense": "Forsvaret",
"industry_Energy": "Energi",
"industry_Entertainment": "Underholdning",
"industry_Government": "Regering",
"industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences": "Healthcare & Life Sciences",
"industry_Insurance": "Forsikring",
"industry_Manufacturing": "Produktion",
"industry_Marketing": "Marketing",
"industry_Media": "Medier",
"industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed": "Nonprofit",
"industry_Pharmaceuticals": "Medicinal",
"industry_Professional Services & Consulting": "Professionelle serviceydelser og rådgivning",
"industry_Real Estate": "Fast ejendom",
"industry_Restaurant & Catering": "Restaurant & Catering",
"industry_Retail & Wholesale": "Detailhandel og engros",
"industry_Sports": "Sport",
"industry_Transportation": "Transport",
"industry_Travel & Luxury": "Rejser & luksus",
"industry_Other": "Andet",
"industry_Photography": "Fotografi",
"country_Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
"country_Albania": "Albanien",
"country_Antarctica": "Antarctica",
"country_Algeria": "Algeriet",
"country_American Samoa": "American Samoa",
"country_Andorra": "Andorra",
"country_Angola": "Angola",
"country_Antigua and Barbuda": "Antigua og Barbuda",
"country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
"country_Argentina": "Argentina",
"country_Australia": "Australien",
"country_Austria": "Østrig",
"country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
"country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
"country_Armenia": "Armenia",
"country_Barbados": "Barbados",
"country_Belgium": "Belgien",
"country_Bermuda": "Bermuda",
"country_Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of",
"country_Bosnia and Herzegovina": "Bosnia og Herzegovina",
"country_Botswana": "Botswana",
"country_Bouvet Island": "Bouvet Island",
"country_Brazil": "Brazilien",
"country_Belize": "Belize",
"country_British Indian Ocean Territory": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"country_Solomon Islands": "Solomon Islands",
"country_Virgin Islands, British": "Virgin Islands, British",
"country_Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei Darussalam",
"country_Bulgaria": "Bulgarien",
"country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
"country_Burundi": "Burundi",
"country_Belarus": "Hviderusland",
"country_Cambodia": "Cambodia",
"country_Cameroon": "Cameroon",
"country_Canada": "Canada",
"country_Cape Verde": "Cape Verde",
"country_Cayman Islands": "Cayman Islands",
"country_Central African Republic": "Central African Republic",
"country_Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
"country_Chad": "Chad",
"country_Chile": "Chile",
"country_China": "Kina",
"country_Taiwan, Province of China": "Taiwan",
"country_Christmas Island": "Christmas Island",
"country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"country_Colombia": "Colombia",
"country_Comoros": "Comoros",
"country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
"country_Congo": "Congo",
"country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the": "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the",
"country_Cook Islands": "Cook Islands",
"country_Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"country_Croatia": "Kroatien",
"country_Cuba": "Cuba",
"country_Cyprus": "Cypern",
"country_Czech Republic": "Tjekkiet",
"country_Benin": "Benin",
"country_Denmark": "Danmark",
"country_Dominica": "Dominica",
"country_Dominican Republic": "Dominican Republic",
"country_Ecuador": "Ecuador",
"country_El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"country_Equatorial Guinea": "Equatorial Guinea",
"country_Ethiopia": "Etiopien",
"country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
"country_Estonia": "Estland",
"country_Faroe Islands": "Færøerne",
"country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Falkland Islands (Maldiverne)",
"country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "South Georgia og South Sandwich Islands",
"country_Fiji": "Fiji",
"country_Finland": "Finland",
"country_Åland Islands": "Åland Islands",
"country_France": "Frankrig",
"country_French Guiana": "French Guiana",
"country_French Polynesia": "French Polynesia",
"country_French Southern Territories": "French Southern Territories",
"country_Djibouti": "Djibouti",
"country_Gabon": "Gabon",
"country_Georgia": "Georgien",
"country_Gambia": "Gambia",
"country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
"country_Germany": "Tyskland",
"country_Ghana": "Ghana",
"country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
"country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
"country_Greece": "Grækenland",
"country_Greenland": "Grønland",
"country_Grenada": "Grenada",
"country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
"country_Guam": "Guam",
"country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
"country_Guinea": "Guinea",
"country_Guyana": "Guyana",
"country_Haiti": "Haiti",
"country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"country_Holy See (Vatican City State)": "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"country_Honduras": "Honduras",
"country_Hong Kong": "Hong Kong",
"country_Hungary": "Ungarn",
"country_Iceland": "Island",
"country_India": "Indien",
"country_Indonesia": "Indonesien",
"country_Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Iran",
"country_Iraq": "Irak",
"country_Ireland": "Irland",
"country_Israel": "Israel",
"country_Italy": "Italien",
"country_Côte d'Ivoire": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"country_Jamaica": "Jamaica",
"country_Japan": "Japan",
"country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
"country_Jordan": "Jordan",
"country_Kenya": "Kenya",
"country_Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "Korea",
"country_Korea, Republic of": "Korea",
"country_Kuwait": "Kuwait",
"country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstan",
"country_Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Lao",
"country_Lebanon": "Lebanon",
"country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
"country_Latvia": "Letland",
"country_Liberia": "Liberia",
"country_Libya": "Liberien",
"country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
"country_Lithuania": "Litauen",
"country_Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
"country_Macao": "Macao",
"country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
"country_Malawi": "Malawi",
"country_Malaysia": "Malaysia",
"country_Maldives": "Maldives",
"country_Mali": "Mali",
"country_Malta": "Malta",
"country_Martinique": "Martinique",
"country_Mauritania": "Mauritania",
"country_Mauritius": "Mauritius",
"country_Mexico": "Mexico",
"country_Monaco": "Monaco",
"country_Mongolia": "Mongolia",
"country_Moldova, Republic of": "Moldova, Republic of",
"country_Montenegro": "Montenegro",
"country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
"country_Morocco": "Morocco",
"country_Mozambique": "Mozambique",
"country_Oman": "Oman",
"country_Namibia": "Namibia",
"country_Nauru": "Nauru",
"country_Nepal": "Nepal",
"country_Netherlands": "Holland",
"country_Curaçao": "Curaçao",
"country_Aruba": "Aruba",
"country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Sint Maarten (Holland)",
"country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"country_New Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
"country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
"country_New Zealand": "New Zealand",
"country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
"country_Niger": "Niger",
"country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"country_Niue": "Niue",
"country_Norfolk Island": "Norfolk Island",
"country_Norway": "Norge",
"country_Northern Mariana Islands": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"country_United States Minor Outlying Islands": "US Minor Outlying Islands",
"country_Micronesia, Federated States of": "Micronesia, Federated States of",
"country_Marshall Islands": "Marshall Islands",
"country_Palau": "Palau",
"country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
"country_Panama": "Panama",
"country_Papua New Guinea": "Papua Ny Guinea",
"country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
"country_Peru": "Peru",
"country_Philippines": "Filippinerne",
"country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairn",
"country_Poland": "Polen",
"country_Portugal": "Portugal",
"country_Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
"country_Timor-Leste": "Timor-Leste",
"country_Puerto Rico": "Puerto Rico",
"country_Qatar": "Qatar",
"country_Réunion": "Réunion",
"country_Romania": "Rumænien",
"country_Russian Federation": "Rusland",
"country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
"country_Saint Barthélemy": "Saint Barthélemy",
"country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"country_Saint Kitts and Nevis": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"country_Anguilla": "Angola",
"country_Saint Lucia": "Saint Lucia",
"country_Saint Martin (French part)": "Saint Martin (Frankrig)",
"country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"country_San Marino": "San Marino",
"country_Sao Tome and Principe": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"country_Saudi Arabia": "Saudi Arabien",
"country_Senegal": "Senegal",
"country_Serbia": "Serbien",
"country_Seychelles": "Seychellerne",
"country_Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leone",
"country_Singapore": "Singapore",
"country_Slovakia": "Slovakiet",
"country_Viet Nam": "Vietnam",
"country_Slovenia": "Slovenien",
"country_Somalia": "Somalia",
"country_South Africa": "Syd Afrika",
"country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe",
"country_Spain": "Spanien",
"country_South Sudan": "Syd Sudan",
"country_Sudan": "Sudan",
"country_Western Sahara": "Vestlige Sahara",
"country_Suriname": "Suriname",
"country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"country_Sweden": "Sverige",
"country_Switzerland": "Schweiz",
"country_Syrian Arab Republic": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"country_Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
"country_Thailand": "Thailand",
"country_Togo": "Togo",
"country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
"country_Tonga": "Tonga",
"country_Trinidad and Tobago": "Trinidad og Tobago",
"country_United Arab Emirates": "Forenede Arabiske Emirater",
"country_Tunisia": "Tunesien",
"country_Turkey": "Tyrkiet",
"country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
"country_Turks and Caicos Islands": "Turks og Caicosøerne",
"country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
"country_Uganda": "Uganda",
"country_Ukraine": "Ukraine",
"country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of": "Makedonien, Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik",
"country_Egypt": "Egypten",
"country_United Kingdom": "England",
"country_Guernsey": "Guernsey",
"country_Jersey": "Jersey",
"country_Isle of Man": "Isle of Man",
"country_Tanzania, United Republic of": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"country_United States": "USA",
"country_Virgin Islands, U.S.": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"country_Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
"country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
"country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",
"country_Wallis and Futuna": "Wallis and Futuna",
"country_Samoa": "Samoa",
"country_Yemen": "Yemen",
"country_Zambia": "Zambia",
"lang_Brazilian Portuguese": "Brazilian Portuguese",
"lang_Croatian": "Kroatisk",
"lang_Czech": "Tjekkisk",
"lang_Danish": "Dansk",
"lang_Dutch": "Hollandsk",
"lang_English": "Engelsk",
"lang_French": "Fransk",
"lang_French - Canada": "Fransk - Canadisk",
"lang_German": "Tysk",
"lang_Italian": "Italiensk",
"lang_Japanese": "Japansk",
"lang_Lithuanian": "Litauisk",
"lang_Norwegian": "Norsk",
"lang_Polish": "Polsk",
"lang_Spanish": "Spansk",
"lang_Spanish - Spain": "Spansk - Spanien",
"lang_Swedish": "Svensk",
"lang_Albanian": "Albansk",
"lang_Greek": "Greek",
"lang_English - United Kingdom": "Engelsk - England",
"lang_Slovenian": "Slovensk",
"lang_Finnish": "Finsk",
"lang_Romanian": "Rumænsk",
"lang_Turkish - Turkey": "Tyrkisk",
"lang_Portuguese - Brazilian": "Portugisisk - Brazilien",
"lang_Portuguese - Portugal": "Portugisisk - Portugal",
"lang_Thai": "Thai",
"lang_Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"lang_Chinese - Taiwan": "Chinese - Taiwan",
"view_client_portal": "Se kundeportal",
"view_portal": "Se Portal",
"vendor_contacts": "Leverandørkontakter",
"all": "Alle",
"selected": "Valgt",
"category": "Kategori",
"categories": "Kategorier",
"new_expense_category": "Ny udgiftskategori",
"edit_category": "Rediger kategori",
"archive_expense_category": "Arkiver kategori",
"expense_categories": "Udgiftskategorier",
"list_expense_categories": "Udgiftskategoriliste",
"updated_expense_category": "Ajourført udgiftskategori",
"created_expense_category": "Udgiftskategori oprettet",
"archived_expense_category": "Udgiftskategori arkiveret",
"archived_expense_categories": ".count udgiftskategori(er) arkiveret ",
"restore_expense_category": "Genopret udgiftskategori",
"restored_expense_category": "Udgiftskategori genoprettet",
"apply_taxes": "Tilføj moms",
"min_to_max_users": "{min} til {max} brugere",
"max_users_reached": "Det maksimale antal brugere er nået.",
"buy_now_buttons": "\"Køb nu\" knapper",
"landing_page": "Landingsside",
"payment_type": "Betalingstype",
"form": "Formular",
"link": "Link",
"fields": "Felter",
"dwolla": "Dwolla",
"buy_now_buttons_warning": "Bemærk: Kunden og fakturaen bliver oprettet, også selvom transaktionen ikke gennemføres.",
"buy_now_buttons_disabled": "Denne funktion kræver, at et produkt oprettes og en betalings gateway er konfigureret.",
"enable_buy_now_buttons_help": "Aktiver understøttelse af \"Køb nu\" knapper",
"changes_take_effect_immediately": "Bemærk: Ændringer slår igennem med det samme",
"wepay_account_description": "Payment gateway for Invoice Ninja",
"payment_error_code": "Der opstod en fejl i forbindelse med betalingen [{code}]. Prøv igen senere.",
"standard_fees_apply": "Gebyr: 2,9%\/1,2% [Credit Card\/Bank Transfer] + 2 DKK pr. gennemført transaktion.",
"limit_import_rows": "Data skal importeres samlet i {count} rækker eller færre",
"error_title": "Noget gik galt",
"error_contact_text": "Hvis du ønsker hjælp, send venligst en e-mail til {mailaddress}",
"no_undo": "Advarsel: Dette kan ikke fortrydes.",
"no_contact_selected": "Vælg venligst en kontakt",
"no_client_selected": "Vælg venligst en kunde",
"gateway_config_error": "Det kan måske hjælpe at ændre kodeord eller generere nye API nøgler.",
"payment_type_on_file": "Gemt {type}",
"invoice_for_client": "Faktura {invoice} til {client}",
"intent_not_found": "Beklager, jeg er ikke sikker på jeg forstår, hvad du spørger om?",
"intent_not_supported": "Beklager, jeg kan ikke gøre det.",
"client_not_found": "Jeg kunne ikke finde kunden",
"not_allowed": "Beklager, du har ikke de nødvendige tilladelser",
"bot_emailed_invoice": "Din faktura er blevet sendt.",
"bot_emailed_notify_viewed": "Jeg sender dig en e-mail når den er læst",
"bot_emailed_notify_paid": "Jeg sender dig en e-mail, når den er betalt",
"add_product_to_invoice": "Tilføj 1 {product}",
"not_authorized": "Du er ikke autoriseret",
"bot_get_email": "Hi! (wave)
Thanks for trying the Invoice Ninja Bot.
You need to create a free account to use this bot.
Send me your account email address to get started.",
"bot_get_code": "Thanks! I've sent a you an email with your security code.",
"bot_welcome": "That's it, your account is verified.
"email_not_found": "I wasn't able to find an available account for {email}",
"invalid_code": "The code is not correct",
"security_code_email_subject": "Security code for Invoice Ninja Bot",
"security_code_email_line1": "This is your Invoice Ninja Bot security code.",
"security_code_email_line2": "Note: it will expire in 10 minutes.",
"bot_help_message": "I currently support:
• Create\\update\\email an invoice
• List products
For example:
invoice bob for 2 tickets, set the due date to next thursday and the discount to 10 percent<\/i>",
"list_products": "List Products",
"include_item_taxes_inline": "Include line item taxes in line total<\/b>",
"created_quotes": "Successfully created {count} quotes(s)",
"limited_gateways": "Note: we support one credit card gateway per company.",
"warning": "Warning",
"self-update": "Update",
"update_invoiceninja_title": "Update Invoice Ninja",
"update_invoiceninja_warning": "Before start upgrading Invoice Ninja create a backup of your database and files!",
"update_invoiceninja_available": "A new version of Invoice Ninja is available.",
"update_invoiceninja_unavailable": "No new version of Invoice Ninja available.",
"update_invoiceninja_instructions": "Please install the new version {version}<\/strong> by clicking the Update now<\/em> button below. Afterwards you'll be redirected to the dashboard.",
"update_invoiceninja_update_start": "Update now",
"update_invoiceninja_download_start": "Download {version}",
"create_new": "Create New",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle Navigation",
"toggle_history": "Toggle History",
"unassigned": "Unassigned",
"task": "Task",
"contact_name": "Kontakt navn",
"city_state_postal": "By\/Postnummer",
"custom_field": "Custom Field",
"account_fields": "Virksomheds felter",
"facebook_and_twitter": "Facebook og Twitter",
"facebook_and_twitter_help": "Follow our feeds to help support our project",
"reseller_text": "Note: the white-label license is intended for personal use, please email us at {email} if you'd like to resell the app.",
"unnamed_client": "Unnamed Client",
"day": "Dag",
"week": "Uge",
"month": "Måned",
"inactive_logout": "Du er blevet logget ud på grund af inaktivitet..",
"reports": "Rapporter",
"total_profit": "Profit total",
"total_expenses": "Udgifter total",
"quote_to": "Tilbud til",
"limit": "Grænse",
"min_limit": "Min: {min}",
"max_limit": "Max: {max}",
"no_limit": "Ingen grænse",
"set_limits": "Set {gateway_type} Limits",
"enable_min": "Enable min",
"enable_max": "Enable max",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"limits_not_met": "This invoice does not meet the limits for that payment type.",
"date_range": "Dato område",
"raw": "Raw",
"raw_html": "Raw HTML",
"update": "Opdatér",
"invoice_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order and location",
"new_category": "New Category",
"restore_product": "Restore Product",
"blank": "Blank",
"invoice_save_error": "There was an error saving your invoice",
"enable_recurring": "Enable Recurring",
"disable_recurring": "Disable Recurring",
"text": "Text",
"expense_will_create": "expense will be created",
"expenses_will_create": "expenses will be created",
"created_expenses": "Successfully created {count} expense(s)",
"translate_app": "Help improve our translations with {link}",
"expense_category": "Expense Category",
"go_ninja_pro": "Go Ninja Pro!",
"go_enterprise": "Go Enterprise!",
"upgrade_for_features": "Upgrade For More Features",
"pay_annually_discount": "Pay annually for 10 months + 2 free!",
"pro_upgrade_title": "Ninja Pro",
"pro_upgrade_feature1": "YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com",
"pro_upgrade_feature2": "Customize every aspect of your invoice!",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature1": "Set permissions for multiple-users",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature2": "Attach 3rd party files to invoices & expenses",
"much_more": "Much More!",
"all_pro_fetaures": "Plus all pro features!",
"currency_symbol": "Symbol",
"currency_code": "Code",
"buy_license": "Buy License",
"apply_license": "Apply License",
"submit": "Submit",
"white_label_license_key": "License Key",
"invalid_white_label_license": "The white label license is not valid",
"created_by": "Created by {name}",
"modules": "Modules",
"financial_year_start": "First Month of the Year",
"authentication": "Authentication",
"checkbox": "Checkbox",
"invoice_signature": "Signature",
"show_accept_invoice_terms": "Invoice Terms Checkbox",
"show_accept_invoice_terms_help": "Require client to confirm that they accept the invoice terms.",
"show_accept_quote_terms": "Quote Terms Checkbox",
"show_accept_quote_terms_help": "Require client to confirm that they accept the quote terms.",
"require_invoice_signature": "Invoice Signature",
"require_invoice_signature_help": "Require client to provide their signature.",
"require_quote_signature": "Quote Signature",
"require_quote_signature_help": "Require client to provide their signature.",
"i_agree": "I Agree To The Terms",
"sign_here": "Underskriv venligst her (Denne underskrift er juridisk bindende):",
"authorization": "Autorisation",
"signed": "Signed",
"bluevine_promo": "Get flexible business lines of credit and invoice factoring using BlueVine.",
"bluevine_modal_label": "Sign up with BlueVine",
"bluevine_modal_text": "Fast funding for your business. No paperwork.<\/h3>\n- Flexible business lines of credit and invoice factoring.<\/li><\/ul>",
"bluevine_create_account": "Create an account",
"quote_types": "Get a quote for",
"invoice_factoring": "Invoice factoring",
"line_of_credit": "Line of credit",
"fico_score": "Your FICO score",
"business_inception": "Business Inception Date",
"average_bank_balance": "Average bank account balance",
"annual_revenue": "Annual revenue",
"desired_credit_limit_factoring": "Desired invoice factoring limit",
"desired_credit_limit_loc": "Desired line of credit limit",
"desired_credit_limit": "Desired credit limit",
"bluevine_credit_line_type_required": "You must choose at least one",
"bluevine_field_required": "This field is required",
"bluevine_unexpected_error": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"bluevine_no_conditional_offer": "More information is required before getting a quote. Click continue below.",
"bluevine_invoice_factoring": "Invoice Factoring",
"bluevine_conditional_offer": "Conditional Offer",
"bluevine_credit_line_amount": "Credit Line",
"bluevine_advance_rate": "Advance Rate",
"bluevine_weekly_discount_rate": "Weekly Discount Rate",
"bluevine_minimum_fee_rate": "Minimum Fee",
"bluevine_line_of_credit": "Line of Credit",
"bluevine_interest_rate": "Interest Rate",
"bluevine_weekly_draw_rate": "Weekly Draw Rate",
"bluevine_continue": "Continue to BlueVine",
"bluevine_completed": "BlueVine signup completed",
"vendor_name": "Vendor",
"entity_state": "State",
"client_created_at": "Date Created",
"postmark_error": "There was a problem sending the email through Postmark: {link}",
"project": "Project",
"projects": "Projects",
"new_project": "New Project",
"edit_project": "Edit Project",
"archive_project": "Archive Project",
"list_projects": "List Projects",
"updated_project": "Successfully updated project",
"created_project": "Successfully created project",
"archived_project": "Successfully archived project",
"archived_projects": "Successfully archived {count} projects",
"restore_project": "Restore Project",
"restored_project": "Successfully restored project",
"delete_project": "Delete Project",
"deleted_project": "Successfully deleted project",
"deleted_projects": "Successfully deleted {count} projects",
"delete_expense_category": "Delete category",
"deleted_expense_category": "Successfully deleted category",
"delete_product": "Delete Product",
"deleted_product": "Successfully deleted product",
"deleted_products": "Successfully deleted {count} products",
"restored_product": "Successfully restored product",
"update_credit": "Update Credit",
"updated_credit": "Successfully updated credit",
"edit_credit": "Edit Credit",
"live_preview_help": "Display a live PDF preview on the invoice page.
Disable this to improve performance when editing invoices.",
"force_pdfjs_help": "Replace the built-in PDF viewer in {chrome_link} and {firefox_link}.
Enable this if your browser is automatically downloading the PDF.",
"force_pdfjs": "Prevent Download",
"redirect_url": "Redirect URL",
"redirect_url_help": "Optionally specify a URL to redirect to after a payment is entered.",
"save_draft": "Save Draft",
"refunded_credit_payment": "Refunded credit payment",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"toggle_menu": "Toggle Menu",
"new_...": "New ...",
"list_...": "List ...",
"created_at": "Date Created",
"contact_us": "Contact Us",
"user_guide": "User Guide",
"promo_message": "Upgrade before {expires} and get {amount} OFF your first year of our Pro or Enterprise packages.",
"discount_message": "{amount} off expires {expires}",
"mark_paid": "Mark Paid",
"marked_sent_invoice": "Successfully marked invoice sent",
"marked_sent_invoices": "Successfully marked invoices sent",
"invoice_name": "Faktura",
"product_will_create": "product will be created",
"contact_us_response": "Thank you for your message! We'll try to respond as soon as possible.",
"last_7_days": "Last 7 Days",
"last_30_days": "Last 30 Days",
"this_month": "This Month",
"last_month": "Last Month",
"last_year": "Last Year",
"custom_range": "Custom Range",
"url": "URL",
"debug": "Debug",
"https": "HTTPS",
"require": "Require",
"license_expiring": "Note: Your license will expire in {count} days, {link} to renew it.",
"security_confirmation": "Your email address has been confirmed.",
"white_label_expired": "Your white label license has expired, please consider renewing it to help support our project.",
"renew_license": "Renew License",
"iphone_app_message": "Consider downloading our {link}",
"iphone_app": "iPhone app",
"android_app": "Android app",
"logged_in": "Logged In",
"switch_to_primary": "Switch to your primary company ({name}) to manage your plan.",
"inclusive": "Inclusive",
"exclusive": "Exclusive",
"postal_city_state": "Postal\/City\/State",
"phantomjs_help": "In certain cases the app uses {link_phantom} to generate the PDF, install {link_docs} to generate it locally.",
"phantomjs_local": "Using local PhantomJS",
"client_number": "Client Number",
"client_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the client number.",
"next_client_number": "The next client number is {number}.",
"generated_numbers": "Generated Numbers",
"notes_reminder1": "First Reminder",
"notes_reminder2": "Second Reminder",
"notes_reminder3": "Third Reminder",
"bcc_email": "BCC Email",
"tax_quote": "Tax Quote",
"tax_invoice": "Tax Invoice",
"emailed_invoices": "Successfully emailed invoices",
"emailed_quotes": "Successfully emailed quotes",
"website_url": "Website URL",
"domain": "Domain",
"domain_help": "Used in the client portal and when sending emails.",
"domain_help_website": "Used when sending emails.",
"import_invoices": "Import Invoices",
"new_report": "New Report",
"edit_report": "Edit Report",
"columns": "Columns",
"filters": "Filters",
"sort_by": "Sort By",
"draft": "Draft",
"unpaid": "Unpaid",
"aging": "Aging",
"age": "Age",
"days": "Days",
"age_group_0": "0 - 30 Days",
"age_group_30": "30 - 60 Days",
"age_group_60": "60 - 90 Days",
"age_group_90": "90 - 120 Days",
"age_group_120": "120+ Days",
"invoice_details": "Invoice Details",
"qty": "Quantity",
"profit_and_loss": "Profit and Loss",
"revenue": "Revenue",
"profit": "Profit",
"group_when_sorted": "Group Sort",
"group_dates_by": "Group Dates By",
"year": "Year",
"view_statement": "View Statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"statement_date": "Statement Date",
"mark_active": "Mark Active",
"send_automatically": "Send Automatically",
"initial_email": "Initial Email",
"invoice_not_emailed": "This invoice hasn't been emailed.",
"quote_not_emailed": "This quote hasn't been emailed.",
"sent_by": "Sent by {user}",
"recipients": "Recipients",
"save_as_default": "Save as default",
"template": "Skabelon",
"first_day_of_week_help": "Used by date<\/b> selectors",
"financial_year_start_help": "Used by date range<\/b> selectors",
"reports_help": "Shift + Click to sort by multiple columns, Ctrl + Click to clear the grouping.",
"this_year": "This Year",
"ninja_tagline": "Create. Send. Get Paid.",
"login_or_existing": "Or login with a connected account.",
"sign_up_now": "Sign Up Now",
"not_a_member_yet": "Not a member yet?",
"login_create_an_account": "Create an Account!",
"client_login": "Client log ing",
"invoice_from": "Fakturaer fra:",
"email_alias_message": "We require each company to have a unique email address.
Consider using an alias. ie, email+label@example.com",
"full_name": "Full Name",
"month_year": "MONTH\/YEAR",
"valid_thru": "Valid\\nthru",
"product_fields": "Product Fields",
"custom_product_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a product or invoice and display the label and value on the PDF.",
"freq_two_months": "Two months",
"freq_yearly": "Annually",
"profile": "Profile",
"payment_type_help": "Sets the default manual payment type<\/b>.",
"industry_Construction": "Construction",
"your_statement": "Your Statement",
"statement_issued_to": "Statement issued to",
"statement_to": "Statement to",
"customize_options": "Customize options",
"created_payment_term": "Successfully created payment term",
"updated_payment_term": "Successfully updated payment term",
"archived_payment_term": "Successfully archived payment term",
"resend_invite": "Resend Invitation",
"credit_created_by": "Credit created by payment {transaction_reference}",
"created_payment_and_credit": "Successfully created payment and credit",
"created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client": "Successfully created payment and credit, and emailed client",
"create_project": "Create project",
"create_vendor": "Create vendor",
"create_expense_category": "Create category",
"pro_plan_reports": "{link} to enable reports by joining the Pro Plan",
"mark_ready": "Mark Ready",
"limits": "Limits",
"fees": "Fees",
"fee": "Fee",
"set_limits_fees": "Set {gateway_type} Limits\/Fees",
"fees_tax_help": "Enable line item taxes to set the fee tax rates.",
"fees_sample": "The fee for a {amount} invoice would be {total}.",
"discount_sample": "The discount for a {amount} invoice would be {total}.",
"no_fees": "No Fees",
"gateway_fees_disclaimer": "Warning: not all states\/payment gateways allow adding fees, please review local laws\/terms of service.",
"percent": "Percent",
"location": "Location",
"line_item": "Line Item",
"surcharge": "Surcharge",
"location_first_surcharge": "Enabled - First surcharge",
"location_second_surcharge": "Enabled - Second surcharge",
"location_line_item": "Enabled - Line item",
"online_payment_surcharge": "Online Payment Surcharge",
"gateway_fees": "Gateway Fees",
"fees_disabled": "Fees are disabled",
"gateway_fees_help": "Automatically add an online payment surcharge\/discount.",
"gateway": "Gateway",
"gateway_fee_change_warning": "If there are unpaid invoices with fees they need to be updated manually.",
"fees_surcharge_help": "Customize surcharge {link}.",
"label_and_taxes": "label and taxes",
"billable": "Billable",
"logo_warning_too_large": "The image file is too large.",
"logo_warning_fileinfo": "Warning: To support gifs the fileinfo PHP extension needs to be enabled.",
"logo_warning_invalid": "There was a problem reading the image file, please try a different format.",
"error_refresh_page": "An error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.",
"data": "Data",
"imported_settings": "Successfully imported settings",
"reset_counter": "Reset Counter",
"next_reset": "Next Reset",
"reset_counter_help": "Automatically reset the invoice and quote counters.",
"auto_bill_failed": "Auto-billing for invoice {invoice_number} failed",
"online_payment_discount": "Online Payment Discount",
"created_new_company": "Successfully created new company",
"fees_disabled_for_gateway": "Fees are disabled for this gateway.",
"logout_and_delete": "Log Out\/Delete Account",
"tax_rate_type_help": "Inclusive tax rates adjust the line item cost when selected.
Only exclusive tax rates can be used as a default.",
"invoice_footer_help": "Use $pageNumber and $pageCount to display the page information.",
"credit_note": "Credit Note",
"credit_issued_to": "Credit issued to",
"credit_to": "Credit to",
"your_credit": "Your Credit",
"credit_number": "Credit Number",
"create_credit_note": "Create Credit Note",
"menu": "Menu",
"error_incorrect_gateway_ids": "Error: The gateways table has incorrect ids.",
"purge_data": "Purge Data",
"delete_data": "Delete Data",
"purge_data_help": "Permanently delete all data but keep the account and settings.",
"cancel_account_help": "Permanently delete the account along with all data and setting.",
"purge_successful": "Successfully purged company data",
"forbidden": "Forbidden",
"purge_data_message": "Warning: This will permanently erase your data, there is no undo.",
"contact_phone": "Contact Phone",
"contact_email": "Contact Email",
"reply_to_email": "Reply-To Email",
"reply_to_email_help": "Specify the reply-to address for client emails.",
"bcc_email_help": "Privately include this address with client emails.",
"import_complete": "Your import has successfully completed.",
"confirm_account_to_import": "Please confirm your account to import data.",
"import_started": "Your import has started, we'll send you an email once it completes.",
"listening": "Listening...",
"microphone_help": "Say \"new invoice for [client]\" or \"show me [client]'s archived payments\"",
"voice_commands": "Voice Commands",
"sample_commands": "Sample commands",
"voice_commands_feedback": "We're actively working to improve this feature, if there's a command you'd like us to support please email us at {email}.",
"payment_type_Venmo": "Venmo",
"payment_type_Money Order": "Money Order",
"archived_products": "Successfully archived {count} products",
"recommend_on": "We recommend enabling<\/b> this setting.",
"recommend_off": "We recommend disabling<\/b> this setting.",
"notes_auto_billed": "Auto-billed",
"surcharge_label": "Surcharge Label",
"contact_fields": "Contact Fields",
"custom_contact_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a contact and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"datatable_info": "Viser {start} til {end} af {total}",
"credit_total": "Credit Total",
"mark_billable": "Mark billable",
"billed": "Faktureret",
"company_variables": "Company Variables",
"client_variables": "Client Variables",
"invoice_variables": "Invoice Variables",
"navigation_variables": "Navigation Variables",
"custom_variables": "Custom Variables",
"invalid_file": "Invalid file type",
"add_documents_to_invoice": "Add documents to invoice",
"mark_expense_paid": "Mark paid",
"white_label_license_error": "Failed to validate the license, check storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log for more details.",
"plan_price": "Plan Price",
"wrong_confirmation": "Incorrect confirmation code",
"oauth_taken": "The account is already registered",
"emailed_payment": "Successfully emailed payment",
"email_payment": "Email Payment",
"invoiceplane_import": "Use {link} to migrate your data from InvoicePlane.",
"duplicate_expense_warning": "Warning: This {link} may be a duplicate",
"expense_link": "expense",
"resume_task": "Resume Task",
"resumed_task": "Successfully resumed task",
"quote_design": "Quote Design",
"default_design": "Standard Design",
"custom_design1": "Custom Design 1",
"custom_design2": "Custom Design 2",
"custom_design3": "Custom Design 3",
"empty": "Empty",
"load_design": "Load Design",
"accepted_card_logos": "Accepted Card Logos",
"phantomjs_local_and_cloud": "Using local PhantomJS, falling back to phantomjscloud.com",
"google_analytics": "Google Analytics",
"analytics_key": "Analytics Key",
"analytics_key_help": "Track payments using {link}",
"start_date_required": "The start date is required",
"application_settings": "Application Settings",
"database_connection": "Database Connection",
"driver": "Driver",
"host": "Host",
"database": "Database",
"test_connection": "Test connection",
"from_name": "From Name",
"from_address": "From Address",
"port": "Port",
"encryption": "Encryption",
"mailgun_domain": "Mailgun Domain",
"mailgun_private_key": "Mailgun Private Key",
"send_test_email": "Send test email",
"select_label": "Select Label",
"label": "Label",
"service": "Service",
"update_payment_details": "Update payment details",
"updated_payment_details": "Successfully updated payment details",
"update_credit_card": "Update Credit Card",
"recurring_expenses": "Recurring Expenses",
"recurring_expense": "Recurring Expense",
"new_recurring_expense": "New Recurring Expense",
"edit_recurring_expense": "Edit Recurring Expense",
"archive_recurring_expense": "Archive Recurring Expense",
"list_recurring_expense": "List Recurring Expenses",
"updated_recurring_expense": "Successfully updated recurring expense",
"created_recurring_expense": "Successfully created recurring expense",
"archived_recurring_expense": "Successfully archived recurring expense",
"restore_recurring_expense": "Restore Recurring Expense",
"restored_recurring_expense": "Successfully restored recurring expense",
"delete_recurring_expense": "Delete Recurring Expense",
"deleted_recurring_expense": "Successfully deleted project",
"view_recurring_expense": "View Recurring Expense",
"taxes_and_fees": "Taxes and fees",
"import_failed": "Import Failed",
"recurring_prefix": "Recurring Prefix",
"options": "Options",
"credit_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the credit number for negative invoices.",
"next_credit_number": "The next credit number is {number}.",
"padding_help": "The number of zero's to pad the number.",
"import_warning_invalid_date": "Warning: The date format appears to be invalid.",
"product_notes": "Product Notes",
"app_version": "App Version",
"ofx_version": "OFX Version",
"gateway_help_23": "{link} to get your Stripe API keys.",
"error_app_key_set_to_default": "Error: APP_KEY is set to a default value, to update it backup your database and then run php artisan ninja{update}-key<\/code>",
"charge_late_fee": "Charge Late Fee",
"late_fee_amount": "Late Fee Amount",
"late_fee_percent": "Late Fee Percent",
"late_fee_added": "Late fee added on {date}",
"download_invoice": "Download Invoice",
"download_quote": "Download Quote",
"invoices_are_attached": "Your invoice PDFs are attached.",
"downloaded_invoice": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDF",
"downloaded_quote": "An email will be sent with the quote PDF",
"downloaded_invoices": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDFs",
"downloaded_quotes": "An email will be sent with the quote PDFs",
"clone_expense": "Clone Expense",
"default_documents": "Default Documents",
"send_email_to_client": "Send email til kunden",
"refund_subject": "Refund Processed",
"refund_body": "You have been processed a refund of {amount} for invoice {invoice_number}.",
"currency_us_dollar": "US Dollar",
"currency_british_pound": "British Pound",
"currency_euro": "Euro",
"currency_south_african_rand": "South African Rand",
"currency_danish_krone": "Dansk Krone",
"currency_israeli_shekel": "Israeli Shekel",
"currency_swedish_krona": "Swedish Krona",
"currency_kenyan_shilling": "Kenyan Shilling",
"currency_canadian_dollar": "Canadian Dollar",
"currency_philippine_peso": "Philippine Peso",
"currency_indian_rupee": "Indian Rupee",
"currency_australian_dollar": "Australian Dollar",
"currency_singapore_dollar": "Singapore Dollar",
"currency_norske_kroner": "Norske Kroner",
"currency_new_zealand_dollar": "New Zealand Dollar",
"currency_vietnamese_dong": "Vietnamese Dong",
"currency_swiss_franc": "Swiss Franc",
"currency_guatemalan_quetzal": "Guatemalan Quetzal",
"currency_malaysian_ringgit": "Malaysian Ringgit",
"currency_brazilian_real": "Brazilian Real",
"currency_thai_baht": "Thai Baht",
"currency_nigerian_naira": "Nigerian Naira",
"currency_argentine_peso": "Argentine Peso",
"currency_bangladeshi_taka": "Bangladeshi Taka",
"currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham": "United Arab Emirates Dirham",
"currency_hong_kong_dollar": "Hong Kong Dollar",
"currency_indonesian_rupiah": "Indonesian Rupiah",
"currency_mexican_peso": "Mexican Peso",
"currency_egyptian_pound": "Egyptian Pound",
"currency_colombian_peso": "Colombian Peso",
"currency_west_african_franc": "West African Franc",
"currency_chinese_renminbi": "Chinese Renminbi",
"currency_rwandan_franc": "Rwandan Franc",
"currency_tanzanian_shilling": "Tanzanian Shilling",
"currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder": "Netherlands Antillean Guilder",
"currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar": "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar",
"currency_east_caribbean_dollar": "East Caribbean Dollar",
"currency_ghanaian_cedi": "Ghanaian Cedi",
"currency_bulgarian_lev": "Bulgarian Lev",
"currency_aruban_florin": "Aruban Florin",
"currency_turkish_lira": "Turkish Lira",
"currency_romanian_new_leu": "Romanian New Leu",
"currency_croatian_kuna": "Croatian Kuna",
"currency_saudi_riyal": "Saudi Riyal",
"currency_japanese_yen": "Japanese Yen",
"currency_maldivian_rufiyaa": "Maldivian Rufiyaa",
"currency_costa_rican_colon": "Costa Rican Colón",
"currency_pakistani_rupee": "Pakistani Rupee",
"currency_polish_zloty": "Polish Zloty",
"currency_sri_lankan_rupee": "Sri Lankan Rupee",
"currency_czech_koruna": "Czech Koruna",
"currency_uruguayan_peso": "Uruguayan Peso",
"currency_namibian_dollar": "Namibian Dollar",
"currency_tunisian_dinar": "Tunisian Dinar",
"currency_russian_ruble": "Russian Ruble",
"currency_mozambican_metical": "Mozambican Metical",
"currency_omani_rial": "Omani Rial",
"currency_ukrainian_hryvnia": "Ukrainian Hryvnia",
"currency_macanese_pataca": "Macanese Pataca",
"currency_taiwan_new_dollar": "Taiwan New Dollar",
"currency_dominican_peso": "Dominican Peso",
"currency_chilean_peso": "Chilean Peso",
"currency_icelandic_krona": "Icelandic Króna",
"currency_papua_new_guinean_kina": "Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency_jordanian_dinar": "Jordanian Dinar",
"currency_myanmar_kyat": "Myanmar Kyat",
"currency_peruvian_sol": "Peruvian Sol",
"currency_botswana_pula": "Botswana Pula",
"currency_hungarian_forint": "Hungarian Forint",
"currency_ugandan_shilling": "Ugandan Shilling",
"currency_barbadian_dollar": "Barbadian Dollar",
"currency_brunei_dollar": "Brunei Dollar",
"currency_georgian_lari": "Georgian Lari",
"currency_qatari_riyal": "Qatari Riyal",
"currency_honduran_lempira": "Honduran Lempira",
"currency_surinamese_dollar": "Surinamese Dollar",
"currency_bahraini_dinar": "Bahraini Dinar",
"review_app_help": "We hope you're enjoying using the app.
If you'd consider {link} we'd greatly appreciate it!",
"writing_a_review": "writing a review",
"use_english_version": "Make sure to use the English version of the files.
We use the column headers to match the fields.",
"tax1": "First Tax",
"tax2": "Second Tax",
"fee_help": "Gateway fees are the costs charged for access to the financial networks that handle the processing of online payments.",
"format_export": "Exporting format",
"custom1": "First Custom",
"custom2": "Second Custom",
"contact_first_name": "Contact First Name",
"contact_last_name": "Contact Last Name",
"contact_custom1": "Contact First Custom",
"contact_custom2": "Contact Second Custom",
"currency": "Currency",
"ofx_help": "To troubleshoot check for comments on {ofxhome_link} and test with {ofxget_link}.",
"comments": "comments",
"item_product": "Item Product",
"item_notes": "Item Notes",
"item_cost": "Item Cost",
"item_quantity": "Item Quantity",
"item_tax_rate": "Item Tax Rate",
"item_tax_name": "Item Tax Name",
"item_tax1": "Item Tax1",
"item_tax2": "Item Tax2",
"delete_company": "Delete Company",
"delete_company_help": "Permanently delete the company along with all data and setting.",
"delete_company_message": "Warning: This will permanently delete your company, there is no undo.",
"applied_discount": "The coupon has been applied, the plan price has been reduced by {discount}%.",
"applied_free_year": "The coupon has been applied, your account has been upgraded to pro for one year.",
"contact_us_help": "If you're reporting an error please include any relevant logs from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"include_errors": "Include Errors",
"include_errors_help": "Include {link} from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"recent_errors": "recent errors",
"customer": "Customer",
"customers": "Customers",
"created_customer": "Successfully created customer",
"created_customers": "Successfully created {count} customers",
"purge_details": "The data in your company ({account}) has been successfully purged.",
"deleted_company": "Successfully deleted company",
"deleted_account": "Successfully canceled account",
"deleted_company_details": "Your company ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"deleted_account_details": "Your account ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"sofort": "Sofort",
"sepa": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"enable_alipay": "Accept Alipay",
"enable_sofort": "Accept EU bank transfers",
"stripe_alipay_help": "These gateways also need to be activated in {link}.",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"pro_plan_calendar": "{link} to enable the calendar by joining the Pro Plan",
"what_are_you_working_on": "What are you working on?",
"time_tracker": "Time Tracker",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"filter_sort": "Filter\/Sort",
"no_description": "No Description",
"time_tracker_login": "Time Tracker Login",
"save_or_discard": "Save or discard your changes",
"discard_changes": "Discard Changes",
"tasks_not_enabled": "Tasks are not enabled.",
"started_task": "Successfully started task",
"create_client": "Create Client",
"download_desktop_app": "Download the desktop app",
"download_iphone_app": "Download the iPhone app",
"download_android_app": "Download the Android app",
"time_tracker_mobile_help": "Double tap a task to select it",
"stopped": "Stopped",
"ascending": "Ascending",
"descending": "Descending",
"sort_field": "Sort By",
"sort_direction": "Direction",
"discard": "Discard",
"time_am": "AM",
"time_pm": "PM",
"time_mins": "mins",
"time_hr": "hr",
"time_hrs": "hrs",
"clear": "Clear",
"warn_payment_gateway": "Note: accepting online payments requires a payment gateway, {link} to add one.",
"task_rate": "Task Rate",
"task_rate_help": "Set the default rate for invoiced tasks.",
"past_due": "Past Due",
"document": "Document",
"invoice_or_expense": "Invoice\/Expense",
"invoice_pdfs": "Invoice PDFs",
"enable_sepa": "Accept SEPA",
"enable_bitcoin": "Accept Bitcoin",
"iban": "IBAN",
"sepa_authorization": "By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing {company} and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.",
"recover_license": "Recover License",
"purchase": "Purchase",
"recover": "Recover",
"apply": "Apply",
"recover_white_label_header": "Recover White Label License",
"apply_white_label_header": "Apply White Label License",
"videos": "Videos",
"video": "Video",
"return_to_invoice": "Return to Invoice",
"gateway_help_13": "To use ITN leave the PDT Key field blank.",
"partial_due_date": "Partial Due Date",
"task_fields": "Task Fields",
"product_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order",
"custom_value1": "Custom Value",
"custom_value2": "Custom Value",
"enable_two_factor": "Two-Factor Authentication",
"enable_two_factor_help": "Use your phone to confirm your identity when logging in",
"two_factor_setup": "Two-Factor Setup",
"two_factor_setup_help": "Scan the bar code with a {link} compatible app.",
"one_time_password": "One Time Password",
"set_phone_for_two_factor": "Set your mobile phone number as a backup to enable.",
"enabled_two_factor": "Successfully enabled Two-Factor Authentication",
"add_product": "Add Product",
"email_will_be_sent_on": "Note: the email will be sent on {date}.",
"invoice_product": "Invoice Product",
"self_host_login": "Self-Host Login",
"set_self_hoat_url": "Self-Host URL",
"local_storage_required": "Error: local storage is not available.",
"your_password_reset_link": "Your Password Reset Link",
"subdomain_taken": "The subdomain is already in use",
"converted_amount": "Converted Amount",
"default": "Default",
"shipping_address": "Shipping Address",
"bllling_address": "Billing Address",
"billing_address1": "Billing Street",
"billing_address2": "Billing Apt\/Suite",
"billing_city": "Billing City",
"billing_state": "Billing State\/Province",
"billing_postal_code": "Billing Postal Code",
"billing_country": "Billing Country",
"shipping_address1": "Shipping Street",
"shipping_address2": "Shipping Apt\/Suite",
"shipping_city": "Shipping City",
"shipping_state": "Shipping State\/Province",
"shipping_postal_code": "Shipping Postal Code",
"shipping_country": "Shipping Country",
"classify": "Classify",
"show_shipping_address_help": "Require client to provide their shipping address",
"ship_to_billing_address": "Ship to billing address",
"delivery_note": "Delivery Note",
"show_tasks_in_portal": "Show tasks in the client portal",
"cancel_schedule": "Cancel Schedule",
"scheduled_report": "Scheduled Report",
"scheduled_report_help": "Email the {report} report as {format} to {email}",
"created_scheduled_report": "Successfully scheduled report",
"deleted_scheduled_report": "Successfully canceled scheduled report",
"scheduled_report_attached": "Your scheduled {type} report is attached.",
"scheduled_report_error": "Failed to create schedule report",
"invalid_one_time_password": "Invalid one time password",
"apple_pay": "Apple\/Google Pay",
"enable_apple_pay": "Accept Apple Pay and Pay with Google",
"requires_subdomain": "This payment type requires that a {link}.",
"subdomain_is_set": "subdomain is set",
"verification_file": "Verification File",
"verification_file_missing": "The verification file is needed to accept payments.",
"apple_pay_domain": "Use {domain}<\/code> as the domain in {link}.",
"apple_pay_not_supported": "Sorry, Apple\/Google Pay isn't supported by your browser",
"optional_payment_methods": "Optional Payment Methods",
"add_subscription": "Add Subscription",
"target_url": "Target",
"target_url_help": "When the selected event occurs the app will post the entity to the target URL.",
"event": "Event",
"subscription_event_1": "Created Client",
"subscription_event_2": "Created Invoice",
"subscription_event_3": "Created Quote",
"subscription_event_4": "Created Payment",
"subscription_event_5": "Created Vendor",
"subscription_event_6": "Updated Quote",
"subscription_event_7": "Deleted Quote",
"subscription_event_8": "Updated Invoice",
"subscription_event_9": "Deleted Invoice",
"subscription_event_10": "Updated Client",
"subscription_event_11": "Deleted Client",
"subscription_event_12": "Deleted Payment",
"subscription_event_13": "Updated Vendor",
"subscription_event_14": "Deleted Vendor",
"subscription_event_15": "Created Expense",
"subscription_event_16": "Updated Expense",
"subscription_event_17": "Deleted Expense",
"subscription_event_18": "Created Task",
"subscription_event_19": "Updated Task",
"subscription_event_20": "Deleted Task",
"subscription_event_21": "Approved Quote",
"subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"updated_subscription": "Successfully updated subscription",
"created_subscription": "Successfully created subscription",
"edit_subscription": "Edit Subscription",
"archive_subscription": "Archive Subscription",
"archived_subscription": "Successfully archived subscription",
"project_error_multiple_clients": "The projects can't belong to different clients",
"invoice_project": "Invoice Project",
"module_recurring_invoice": "Recurring Invoices",
"module_credit": "Credits",
"module_quote": "Pristilbud og projekt forslag",
"module_task": "Tasks & Projects",
"module_expense": "Expenses & Vendors",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"send_client_reminders": "Send email reminders",
"can_view_tasks": "Tasks are visible in the portal",
"is_not_sent_reminders": "Reminders are not sent",
"promotion_footer": "Your promotion will expire soon, {link} to upgrade now.",
"unable_to_delete_primary": "Note: to delete this company first delete all linked companies.",
"please_register": "Please register your account",
"processing_request": "Processing request",
"mcrypt_warning": "Warning: Mcrypt is deprecated, run {command} to update your cipher.",
"edit_times": "Edit Times",
"inclusive_taxes_help": "Include taxes in the cost<\/b>",
"inclusive_taxes_notice": "This setting can not be changed once an invoice has been created.",
"inclusive_taxes_warning": "Warning: existing invoices will need to be resaved",
"copy_shipping": "Copy Shipping",
"copy_billing": "Copy Billing",
"quote_has_expired": "The quote has expired, please contact the merchant.",
"empty_table_footer": "Viser 0 til 0 af 0",
"do_not_trust": "Do not remember this device",
"trust_for_30_days": "Trust for 30 days",
"trust_forever": "Trust forever",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"backlog": "Backlog",
"ready_to_do": "Ready to do",
"in_progress": "In progress",
"add_status": "Add status",
"archive_status": "Archive Status",
"new_status": "New Status",
"convert_products": "Convert Products",
"convert_products_help": "Automatically convert product prices to the client's currency",
"improve_client_portal_link": "Set a subdomain to shorten the client portal link.",
"budgeted_hours": "Budgeted Hours",
"progress": "Progress",
"view_project": "View Project",
"summary": "Summary",
"endless_reminder": "Endless Reminder",
"signature_on_invoice_help": "Add the following code to show your client's signature on the PDF.",
"signature_on_pdf": "Show on PDF",
"signature_on_pdf_help": "Show the client signature on the invoice\/quote PDF.",
"expired_white_label": "The white label license has expired",
"return_to_login": "Return to Login",
"convert_products_tip": "Note: add a {link} named \"{name}\" to see the exchange rate.",
"amount_greater_than_balance": "The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.",
"custom_fields_tip": "Use Label|Option1,Option2<\/code> to show a select box.",
"client_information": "Client Information",
"updated_client_details": "Successfully updated client details",
"auto": "Auto",
"tax_amount": "Tax Amount",
"tax_paid": "Tax Paid",
"none": "None",
"proposal_message_button": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the button below.",
"proposal": "Proposal",
"proposals": "Projekt forslag",
"list_proposals": "List Proposals",
"new_proposal": "Nyt Projekt Forslag",
"edit_proposal": "Rediger Projekt Forslag",
"archive_proposal": "Arkiver Projekt Forslag",
"delete_proposal": "Slet Projekt Forslag",
"created_proposal": " Projekt forslaget blev oprettet",
"updated_proposal": " Projekt forslag blev opdateret",
"archived_proposal": " Projekt forslag blev arkiveret",
"deleted_proposal": " Projekt forslag blev arkiveret",
"archived_proposals": "{count} projekt forslag blev arkiveret",
"deleted_proposals": "{count} projekt forslag blev arkiveret",
"restored_proposal": "Projekt forslaget blev genskabt",
"restore_proposal": "Genskab projekt forslag",
"snippet": "Snippet",
"snippets": "Snippets",
"proposal_snippet": "Snippet",
"proposal_snippets": "Snippets",
"new_proposal_snippet": "New Snippet",
"edit_proposal_snippet": "Edit Snippet",
"archive_proposal_snippet": "Archive Snippet",
"delete_proposal_snippet": "Delete Snippet",
"created_proposal_snippet": "Successfully created snippet",
"updated_proposal_snippet": "Successfully updated snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"deleted_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"deleted_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"restored_proposal_snippet": "Successfully restored snippet",
"restore_proposal_snippet": "Restore Snippet",
"templates": "Skabeloner",
"proposal_template": "Skabelon",
"proposal_templates": "Skabeloner",
"new_proposal_template": "Ny Skabelon",
"edit_proposal_template": "Rediger Skabelon",
"archive_proposal_template": "Arkiver Skabelon",
"delete_proposal_template": "Slet Skabelon",
"created_proposal_template": "Successfully created template",
"updated_proposal_template": "Successfully updated template",
"archived_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"deleted_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"archived_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"deleted_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"restored_proposal_template": "Successfully restored template",
"restore_proposal_template": "Restore Template",
"proposal_category": "Category",
"proposal_categories": "Categories",
"new_proposal_category": "New Category",
"edit_proposal_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_proposal_category": "Archive Category",
"delete_proposal_category": "Delete Category",
"created_proposal_category": "Successfully created category",
"updated_proposal_category": "Successfully updated category",
"archived_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"deleted_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"archived_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"deleted_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"restored_proposal_category": "Successfully restored category",
"restore_proposal_category": "Restore Category",
"delete_status": "Delete Status",
"standard": "Standard",
"icon": "Icon",
"proposal_not_found": "Det ønskede projekt forslag er ikke tilgængeligt",
"create_proposal_category": "Create category",
"clone_proposal_template": "Clone Template",
"proposal_email": "Email til projekt forslag",
"proposal_subject": "Nyt projekt forslag {number} fra {account}",
"proposal_message": "For at se projekt forslaget, estimeret til {amount}, click da på linket herunder.",
"emailed_proposal": "Projekt forslaget er nu sendt!",
"load_template": "Load Template",
"no_assets": "No images, drag to upload",
"add_image": "Add Image",
"select_image": "Select Image",
"upgrade_to_upload_images": "Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images",
"delete_image": "Delete Image",
"delete_image_help": "Warning: deleting the image will remove it from all proposals.",
"amount_variable_help": "Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial\/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.",
"taxes_are_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes have been enabled.",
"taxes_are_not_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes are not enabled.",
"change_requires_purge": "Changing this setting requires {link} the account data.",
"purging": "purging",
"warning_local_refund": "The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.",
"email_address_changed": "Email address has been changed",
"email_address_changed_message": "The email address for your account has been changed from {old_email} to {new_email}.",
"test": "Test",
"beta": "Beta",
"gmp_required": "Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension",
"email_history": "Email History",
"loading": "Loading",
"no_messages_found": "No messages found",
"processing": "Processing",
"reactivate": "Reactivate",
"reactivated_email": "The email address has been reactivated",
"emails": "Emails",
"opened": "Opened",
"bounced": "Bounced",
"total_sent": "Total Sent",
"total_opened": "Total Opened",
"total_bounced": "Total Bounced",
"total_spam": "Total Spam",
"platforms": "Platforms",
"email_clients": "E-mail kunder",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"desktop": "Desktop",
"webmail": "Webmail",
"group": "Group",
"subgroup": "Subgroup",
"unset": "Unset",
"received_new_payment": "You've received a new payment!",
"slack_webhook_help": "Receive payment notifications using {link}.",
"slack_incoming_webhooks": "Slack incoming webhooks",
"accept": "Accept",
"accepted_terms": "Successfully accepted the latest terms of service",
"invalid_url": "Invalid URL",
"workflow_settings": "Workflow Settings",
"auto_email_invoice": "Auto Email",
"auto_email_invoice_help": "Automatically email recurring invoices when they are created.",
"auto_archive_invoice": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_invoice_help": "Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.",
"auto_archive_quote": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_quote_help": "Automatically archive quotes when they are converted.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote": "Allow approve expired quote",
"allow_approve_expired_quote_help": "Allow clients to approve expired quotes.",
"invoice_workflow": "Invoice Workflow",
"quote_workflow": "Quote Workflow",
"client_must_be_active": "Error: the client must be active",
"purge_client": "Purge Client",
"purged_client": "Successfully purged client",
"purge_client_warning": "All related records (invoices, tasks, expenses, documents, etc) will also be deleted.",
"clone_product": "Clone Product",
"item_details": "Item Details",
"send_item_details_help": "Send line item details to the payment gateway.",
"view_proposal": "Se projekt forslag",
"view_in_portal": "View in Portal",
"cookie_message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
"got_it": "Got it!",
"vendor_will_create": "vendor will be created",
"vendors_will_create": "vendors will be created",
"created_vendors": "Successfully created {count} vendor(s)",
"import_vendors": "Import Vendors",
"company": "Company",
"client_field": "Client Field",
"contact_field": "Contact Field",
"product_field": "Product Field",
"task_field": "Task Field",
"project_field": "Project Field",
"expense_field": "Expense Field",
"vendor_field": "Vendor Field",
"company_field": "Company Field",
"invoice_field": "Invoice Field",
"invoice_surcharge": "Invoice Surcharge",
"custom_task_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a task.",
"custom_project_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a project.",
"custom_expense_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an expense.",
"custom_vendor_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a vendor.",
"messages": "Messages",
"unpaid_invoice": "Unpaid Invoice",
"paid_invoice": "Paid Invoice",
"unapproved_quote": "Unapproved Quote",
"unapproved_proposal": "Ikke godkendte projekt forslag",
"autofills_city_state": "Auto-fills city\/state",
"no_match_found": "No match found",
"password_strength": "Password Strength",
"strength_weak": "Weak",
"strength_good": "Good",
"strength_strong": "Strong",
"mark": "Mark",
"updated_task_status": "Successfully update task status",
"background_image": "Background Image",
"background_image_help": "Use the {link} to manage your images, we recommend using a small file.",
"proposal_editor": "proposal editor",
"background": "Background",
"guide": "Guide",
"gateway_fee_item": "Gateway Fee Item",
"gateway_fee_description": "Gateway Fee Surcharge",
"show_payments": "Show Payments",
"show_aging": "Show Aging",
"reference": "Reference",
"amount_paid": "Amount Paid",
"send_notifications_for": "Send Notifications For",
"all_invoices": "All Invoices",
"my_invoices": "My Invoices",
"mobile_refresh_warning": "If you're using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.",
"enable_proposals_for_background": "To upload a background image {link} to enable the proposals module."
"de": {
"passwords": {
"password": "Beide Passwörter müssen übereinstimmen und mindestens 6 Zeichen lang sein.",
"user": "Wir können keinen Nutzer mit dieser E-Mail Adresse finden.",
"token": "Der Code zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts ist ungültig oder abgelaufen.",
"sent": "Es wurde soeben eine E-Mail verschickt, die einen Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts enthält!",
"reset": "Das Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt!"
"pagination": {
"previous": "« zurück",
"next": "weiter »"
"reminders": {
"password": "Passwörter müssen 6 Zeichen lang sein und korrekt bestätigt werden.",
"user": "Wir konnten leider keinen Nutzer mit dieser E-Mail Adresse finden.",
"token": "Der Passwort-Wiederherstellungs-Schlüssel ist ungültig.",
"sent": "Passworterinnerung wurde versendet!"
"validation": {
"accepted": "{attribute} muss akzeptiert werden.",
"active_url": "{attribute} ist keine gültige Internet-Adresse.",
"after": "{attribute} muss ein Datum nach dem {date} sein.",
"alpha": "{attribute} darf nur aus Buchstaben bestehen.",
"alpha_dash": "{attribute} darf nur aus Buchstaben, Zahlen, Binde- und Unterstrichen bestehen. Umlaute (ä, ö, ü) und Eszett (ß) sind nicht erlaubt.",
"alpha_num": "{attribute} darf nur aus Buchstaben und Zahlen bestehen.",
"array": "{attribute} muss ein Array sein.",
"before": "{attribute} muss ein Datum vor dem {date} sein.",
"between": {
"numeric": "{attribute} muss zwischen {min} & {max} liegen.",
"file": "{attribute} muss zwischen {min} & {max} Kilobytes groß sein.",
"string": "{attribute} muss zwischen {min} & {max} Zeichen lang sein.",
"array": "{attribute} muss zwischen {min} & {max} Elemente haben."
"confirmed": "{attribute} stimmt nicht mit der Bestätigung überein.",
"date": "{attribute} muss ein gültiges Datum sein.",
"date_format": "{attribute} entspricht nicht dem gültigen Format für {format}.",
"different": "{attribute} und {other} müssen sich unterscheiden.",
"digits": "{attribute} muss {digits} Stellen haben.",
"digits_between": "{attribute} muss zwischen {min} und {max} Stellen haben.",
"email": "{attribute} Format ist ungültig.",
"exists": "Der gewählte Wert für {attribute} ist ungültig.",
"image": "{attribute} muss ein Bild sein.",
"in": "Der gewählte Wert für {attribute} ist ungültig.",
"integer": "{attribute} muss eine ganze Zahl sein.",
"ip": "{attribute} muss eine gültige IP-Adresse sein.",
"max": {
"numeric": "{attribute} darf maximal {max} sein.",
"file": "{attribute} darf maximal {max} Kilobytes groß sein.",
"string": "{attribute} darf maximal {max} Zeichen haben.",
"array": "{attribute} darf nicht mehr als {max} Elemente haben."
"mimes": "{attribute} muss den Dateityp {values} haben.",
"min": {
"numeric": "{attribute} muss mindestens {min} sein.",
"file": "{attribute} muss mindestens {min} Kilobytes groß sein.",
"string": "{attribute} muss mindestens {min} Zeichen lang sein.",
"array": "{attribute} muss mindestens {min} Elemente haben."
"not_in": "Der gewählte Wert für {attribute} ist ungültig.",
"numeric": "{attribute} muss eine Zahl sein.",
"regex": "{attribute} Format ist ungültig.",
"required": "{attribute} muss ausgefüllt sein.",
"required_if": "{attribute} muss ausgefüllt sein wenn {other} {value} ist.",
"required_with": "{attribute} muss angegeben werden wenn {values} ausgefüllt wurde.",
"required_with_all": "{attribute} muss ausgefüllt werden, wenn {values} vorhanden ist.",
"required_without": "{attribute} muss angegeben werden wenn {values} nicht ausgefüllt wurde.",
"required_without_all": "{attribute} muss angegeben werden wenn keines der Felder {values} ausgefüllt wurde.",
"same": "{attribute} und {other} müssen übereinstimmen.",
"size": {
"numeric": "{attribute} muss gleich {size} sein.",
"file": "{attribute} muss {size} Kilobyte groß sein.",
"string": "{attribute} muss {size} Zeichen lang sein.",
"array": "{attribute} muss genau {size} Elemente haben."
"unique": "{attribute} ist schon vergeben.",
"url": "Das Format von {attribute} ist ungültig.",
"positive": "{attribute} muss größer als null sein.",
"has_credit": "Der Kunde hat nicht genug Guthaben.",
"notmasked": "Die Werte sind maskiert",
"less_than": "{attribute} muss weniger als {value} sein",
"has_counter": "Der Wert muss {$counter} beinhalten",
"valid_contacts": "Alle Kontakte müssen entweder einen Namen oder eine E-Mail Adresse haben",
"valid_invoice_items": "Die Rechnung übersteigt den maximalen Betrag",
"custom": {
"attribute-name": {
"rule-name": "custom-message"
"attributes": []
"texts": {
"organization": "Unternehmen",
"name": "Name",
"website": "Webseite",
"work_phone": "Telefon",
"address": "Adresse",
"address1": "Straße",
"address2": "Adresszusatz",
"city": "Stadt",
"state": "Bundesland",
"postal_code": "Postleitzahl",
"country_id": "Land",
"contacts": "Kontakte",
"first_name": "Vorname",
"last_name": "Nachname",
"phone": "Telefon",
"email": "E-Mail",
"additional_info": "Zusätzliche Informationen",
"payment_terms": "Zahlungsbedingungen",
"currency_id": "Währung",
"size_id": "Firmengröße",
"industry_id": "Kategorie",
"private_notes": "Private Notizen",
"invoice": "Rechnung",
"client": "Kunde",
"invoice_date": "Rechnungsdatum",
"due_date": "Fälligkeitsdatum",
"invoice_number": "Rechnungsnummer",
"invoice_number_short": "Rechnung #",
"po_number": "Bestellnummer",
"po_number_short": "BN #",
"frequency_id": "Wie oft",
"discount": "Rabatt",
"taxes": "Steuern",
"tax": "Steuer",
"item": "Artikel",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"unit_cost": "Einzelpreis",
"quantity": "Menge",
"line_total": "Summe",
"subtotal": "Zwischensumme",
"paid_to_date": "Bereits gezahlt",
"balance_due": "Offener Betrag",
"invoice_design_id": "Design",
"terms": "Bedingungen",
"your_invoice": "Ihre Rechnung",
"remove_contact": "Kontakt löschen",
"add_contact": "Kontakt hinzufügen",
"create_new_client": "Einen neuen Kunden erstellen",
"edit_client_details": "Kundendetails bearbeiten",
"enable": "Aktivieren",
"learn_more": "Mehr erfahren",
"manage_rates": "Steuersätze verwalten",
"note_to_client": "Notiz an den Kunden",
"invoice_terms": "Rechnungsbedingungen",
"save_as_default_terms": "Als Standardbedingungen speichern",
"download_pdf": "PDF herunterladen",
"pay_now": "Jetzt bezahlen",
"save_invoice": "Rechnung speichern",
"clone_invoice": "Als Rechnung kopieren",
"archive_invoice": "Rechnung archivieren",
"delete_invoice": "Rechnung löschen",
"email_invoice": "Rechnung versenden",
"enter_payment": "Zahlung eingeben",
"tax_rates": "Steuersätze",
"rate": "Satz",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"enable_invoice_tax": "Ermögliche das Bestimmen einer Rechnungssteuer<\/strong>",
"enable_line_item_tax": "Ermögliche das Bestimmen von Steuern für Belegpositionen<\/strong>",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"clients": "Kunden",
"invoices": "Rechnungen",
"payments": "Zahlungen",
"credits": "Guthaben",
"history": "Verlauf",
"search": "Suche",
"sign_up": "Anmeldung",
"guest": "Gast",
"company_details": "Firmendaten",
"online_payments": "Online-Zahlungen",
"notifications": "Benachrichtigungen",
"import_export": "Import\/Export",
"done": "Erledigt",
"save": "Speichern",
"create": "Erstellen",
"upload": "Hochladen",
"import": "Importieren",
"download": "Downloaden",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"close": "Schließen",
"provide_email": "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse an",
"powered_by": "Unterstützt durch",
"no_items": "Keine Objekte",
"recurring_invoices": "Wiederkehrende Rechnungen",
"recurring_help": "Automatically send clients the same invoices weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly or annually. <\/p>\n
Use {MONTH}, {QUARTER} or {YEAR} for dynamic dates. Basic math works as well, for example {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n
Examples of dynamic invoice variables:<\/p>\n
\n - \"Gym membership for the month of {MONTH}\" >> \"Gym membership for the month of July\"<\/li>\n
- \"{YEAR}+1 yearly subscription\" >> \"2015 Yearly Subscription\"<\/li>\n
- \"Retainer payment for {QUARTER}+1\" >> \"Retainer payment for Q2\"<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"recurring_quotes": "Recurring Quotes",
"in_total_revenue": "Gesamtumsatz",
"billed_client": "abgerechneter Kunde",
"billed_clients": "abgerechnete Kunden",
"active_client": "aktiver Kunde",
"active_clients": "aktive Kunden",
"invoices_past_due": "Fällige Rechnungen",
"upcoming_invoices": "Ausstehende Rechnungen",
"average_invoice": "Durchschnittlicher Rechnungsbetrag",
"archive": "Archivieren",
"delete": "löschen",
"archive_client": "Kunde archivieren",
"delete_client": "Kunde löschen",
"archive_payment": "Zahlung archivieren",
"delete_payment": "Zahlung löschen",
"archive_credit": "Guthaben archivieren",
"delete_credit": "Guthaben löschen",
"show_archived_deleted": "Zeige archivierte\/gelöschte",
"filter": "Filter",
"new_client": "Neuer Kunde",
"new_invoice": "Neue Rechnung",
"new_payment": "Zahlung eingeben",
"new_credit": "Guthaben eingeben",
"contact": "Kontakt",
"date_created": "Erstellungsdatum",
"last_login": "Letzter Login",
"balance": "Saldo",
"action": "Aktion",
"status": "Status",
"invoice_total": "Rechnungsbetrag",
"frequency": "Häufigkeit",
"start_date": "Startdatum",
"end_date": "Enddatum",
"transaction_reference": "Abwicklungsreferenz",
"method": "Verfahren",
"payment_amount": "Zahlungsbetrag",
"payment_date": "Zahlungsdatum",
"credit_amount": "Guthabenbetrag",
"credit_balance": "Guthabenstand",
"credit_date": "Guthabendatum",
"empty_table": "Es sind keine Daten vorhanden",
"select": "Wählen",
"edit_client": "Kunde bearbeiten",
"edit_invoice": "Rechnung bearbeiten",
"create_invoice": "Rechnung erstellen",
"enter_credit": "Guthaben eingeben",
"last_logged_in": "Zuletzt eingeloggt",
"details": "Details",
"standing": "Aktueller Stand",
"credit": "Gutschrift",
"activity": "Aktivität",
"date": "Datum",
"message": "Nachricht",
"adjustment": "Anpassung",
"are_you_sure": "Sind Sie sicher?",
"payment_type_id": "Zahlungsart",
"amount": "Betrag",
"work_email": "E-Mail",
"language_id": "Sprache",
"timezone_id": "Zeitzone",
"date_format_id": "Datumsformat",
"datetime_format_id": "Datums-\/Zeitformat",
"users": "Benutzer",
"localization": "Lokalisierung",
"remove_logo": "Logo entfernen",
"logo_help": "Unterstützt: JPEG, GIF und PNG",
"payment_gateway": "Zahlungseingang",
"gateway_id": "Zahlungsanbieter",
"email_notifications": "E-Mail Benachrichtigungen",
"email_sent": "Benachrichtigen, wenn eine Rechnung versendet<\/strong> wurde",
"email_viewed": "Benachrichtigen, wenn eine Rechnung betrachtet<\/strong> wurde",
"email_paid": "Benachrichtigen, wenn eine Rechnung bezahlt<\/strong> wurde",
"site_updates": "Webseitenaktualisierungen",
"custom_messages": "Benutzerdefinierte Nachrichten",
"default_email_footer": "Standard-E-Mail Signatur",
"select_file": "Bitte wähle eine Datei",
"first_row_headers": "Benutze erste Zeile als Kopfzeile",
"column": "Spalte",
"sample": "Beispiel",
"import_to": "Importieren nach",
"client_will_create": "Kunde wird erstellt",
"clients_will_create": "Kunden werden erstellt",
"email_settings": "E-Mail-Einstellungen",
"client_view_styling": "Client View Styling",
"pdf_email_attachment": "PDF anhängen",
"custom_css": "Benutzerdefiniertes CSS",
"import_clients": "Importiere Kundendaten",
"csv_file": "Wähle CSV Datei",
"export_clients": "Exportiere Kundendaten",
"created_client": "Kunde erfolgreich angelegt",
"created_clients": "{count} Kunden erfolgreich angelegt",
"updated_settings": "Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"removed_logo": "Logo erfolgreich entfernt",
"sent_message": "Nachricht erfolgreich versendet",
"invoice_error": "Bitte stelle sicher, dass ein Kunde ausgewählt und alle Fehler behoben wurden",
"limit_clients": "Entschuldige, das überschreitet das Limit von {count} Kunden",
"payment_error": "Es ist ein Fehler während der Zahlung aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal.",
"registration_required": "Bitte melde dich an um eine Rechnung zu versenden",
"confirmation_required": "Bitte verifiziere deine E-Mail Adresse, {link} um die E-Mail Bestätigung erneut zu senden.",
"updated_client": "Kunde erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"archived_client": "Kunde erfolgreich archiviert",
"archived_clients": "{count} Kunden erfolgreich archiviert",
"deleted_client": "Kunde erfolgreich gelöscht",
"deleted_clients": "{count} Kunden erfolgreich gelöscht",
"updated_invoice": "Rechnung erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"created_invoice": "Rechnung erfolgreich erstellt",
"cloned_invoice": "Rechnung erfolgreich dupliziert",
"emailed_invoice": "Rechnung erfolgreich versendet",
"and_created_client": "und Kunde erstellt",
"archived_invoice": "Rechnung erfolgreich archiviert",
"archived_invoices": "{count} Rechnungen erfolgreich archiviert",
"deleted_invoice": "Rechnung erfolgreich gelöscht",
"deleted_invoices": "{count} Rechnungen erfolgreich gelöscht",
"created_payment": "Zahlung erfolgreich erstellt",
"created_payments": "{count} Zahlung(en) erfolgreich erstellt",
"archived_payment": "Zahlung erfolgreich archiviert",
"archived_payments": "{count} Zahlungen erfolgreich archiviert",
"deleted_payment": "Zahlung erfolgreich gelöscht",
"deleted_payments": "{count} Zahlungen erfolgreich gelöscht",
"applied_payment": "Zahlung erfolgreich angewandt",
"created_credit": "Guthaben erfolgreich erstellt",
"archived_credit": "Guthaben erfolgreich archiviert",
"archived_credits": "{count} Guthaben erfolgreich archiviert",
"deleted_credit": "Guthaben erfolgreich gelöscht",
"deleted_credits": "{count} Guthaben erfolgreich gelöscht",
"imported_file": "Datei erfolgreich importiert",
"updated_vendor": "Lieferant erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"created_vendor": "Lieferant erfolgreich erstellt",
"archived_vendor": "Lieferant erfolgreich archiviert",
"archived_vendors": "{count} Lieferanten erfolgreich archiviert",
"deleted_vendor": "Lieferant erfolgreich gelöscht",
"deleted_vendors": "{count} Lieferanten erfolgreich gelöscht",
"confirmation_subject": "InvoiceNinja Kontobestätigung",
"confirmation_header": "Kontobestätigung",
"confirmation_message": "Bitte klicke auf den folgenden Link um dein Konto zu bestätigen.",
"invoice_subject": "Neue Rechnung {number} von {account}",
"invoice_message": "Um Ihre Rechnung über {amount} einzusehen, klicken Sie bitte auf den folgenden Link:",
"payment_subject": "Zahlungseingang",
"payment_message": "Vielen Dank für Ihre Zahlung von {amount}.",
"email_salutation": "Sehr geehrte\/r {name},",
"email_signature": "Mit freundlichen Grüßen,",
"email_from": "Das InvoiceNinja Team",
"invoice_link_message": "Um deine Kundenrechnung anzuschauen, klicke auf den folgenden Link:",
"notification_invoice_paid_subject": "Die Rechnung {invoice} wurde von {client} bezahlt.",
"notification_invoice_sent_subject": "Rechnung {invoice} wurde an {client} versendet.",
"notification_invoice_viewed_subject": "Die Rechnung {invoice} wurde von {client} angeschaut.",
"notification_invoice_paid": "Eine Zahlung von {amount} wurde von {client} bezüglich Rechnung {invoice} getätigt.",
"notification_invoice_sent": "Rechnung {invoice} über {amount} wurde an den Kunden {client} versendet.",
"notification_invoice_viewed": "Der Kunde {client} hat sich die Rechnung {invoice} über {amount} angesehen.",
"reset_password": "Du kannst dein Passwort zurücksetzen, indem du auf den folgenden Link klickst:",
"secure_payment": "Sichere Zahlung",
"card_number": "Kartennummer",
"expiration_month": "Ablaufmonat",
"expiration_year": "Ablaufjahr",
"cvv": "Kartenprüfziffer",
"logout": "Abmelden",
"sign_up_to_save": "Melde dich an, um deine Arbeit zu speichern",
"agree_to_terms": "Ich stimme den {terms} zu",
"terms_of_service": "Service-Bedingungen",
"email_taken": "Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits registriert",
"working": "Wird bearbeitet",
"success": "Erfolg",
"success_message": "Du hast dich erfolgreich registriert. Bitte besuche den Link in deiner Bestätigungsmail um deine E-Mail-Adresse zu verifizieren.",
"erase_data": "Ihr Konto ist nicht registriert, diese Aktion wird Ihre Daten unwiederbringlich löschen.",
"password": "Passwort",
"pro_plan_product": "Pro Plan",
"pro_plan_success": "Danke, dass Sie Invoice Ninja's Pro gewählt haben!
\n Nächste Schritte<\/b>Eine bezahlbare Rechnung wurde an die Mailadresse,\n welche mit Ihrem Account verbunden ist, geschickt. Um alle der umfangreichen\n Pro Funktionen freizuschalten, folgen Sie bitte den Anweisungen in der Rechnung um ein Jahr\n die Pro Funktionen zu nutzen.\n Sie finden die Rechnung nicht? Sie benötigen weitere Hilfe? Wir helfen gerne\n -- schicken Sie uns doch eine Email an contact@invoice-ninja.com",
"unsaved_changes": "Es liegen ungespeicherte Änderungen vor",
"custom_fields": "Benutzerdefinierte Felder",
"company_fields": "Firmenfelder",
"client_fields": "Kundenfelder",
"field_label": "Feldbezeichnung",
"field_value": "Feldwert",
"edit": "Bearbeiten",
"set_name": "Den Firmennamen setzen",
"view_as_recipient": "Als Empfänger betrachten",
"product_library": "Produktbibliothek",
"product": "Produkt",
"products": "Produkte",
"fill_products": "Produkte automatisch ausfüllen",
"fill_products_help": "Beim Auswählen eines Produktes werden automatisch Beschreibung und Kosten ausgefüllt<\/strong>",
"update_products": "Produkte automatisch aktualisieren",
"update_products_help": "Beim Aktualisieren einer Rechnung werden die Produkte automatisch aktualisiert<\/strong>",
"create_product": "Produkt erstellen",
"edit_product": "Produkt bearbeiten",
"archive_product": "Produkt archivieren",
"updated_product": "Produkt erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"created_product": "Produkt erfolgreich erstellt",
"archived_product": "Produkt erfolgreich archiviert",
"pro_plan_custom_fields": "{link} um durch eine Pro-Mitgliedschaft erweiterte Felder zu aktivieren",
"advanced_settings": "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"pro_plan_advanced_settings": "{link} um durch eine Pro-Mitgliedschaft erweiterte Einstellungen zu aktivieren",
"invoice_design": "Rechnungsdesign",
"specify_colors": "Farben wählen",
"specify_colors_label": "Wähle die in der Rechnung verwendeten Farben",
"chart_builder": "Diagrammersteller",
"ninja_email_footer": "Erstellt von {site} | Erstelle. Sende. Werde bezahlt.",
"go_pro": "Pro werden",
"quote": "Angebot",
"quotes": "Angebote",
"quote_number": "Angebotsnummer",
"quote_number_short": "Angebot #",
"quote_date": "Angebotsdatum",
"quote_total": "Gesamtanzahl Angebote",
"your_quote": "Ihr Angebot",
"total": "Gesamt",
"clone": "Duplizieren",
"new_quote": "Neues Angebot",
"create_quote": "Angebot erstellen",
"edit_quote": "Angebot bearbeiten",
"archive_quote": "Angebot archivieren",
"delete_quote": "Angebot löschen",
"save_quote": "Angebot speichern",
"email_quote": "Angebot per E-Mail senden",
"clone_quote": "Als Angebot kopieren",
"convert_to_invoice": "In Rechnung umwandeln",
"view_invoice": "Rechnung anschauen",
"view_client": "Kunde anschauen",
"view_quote": "Angebot anschauen",
"updated_quote": "Angebot erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"created_quote": "Angebot erfolgreich erstellt",
"cloned_quote": "Angebot erfolgreich dupliziert",
"emailed_quote": "Angebot erfolgreich versendet",
"archived_quote": "Angebot erfolgreich archiviert",
"archived_quotes": "{count} Angebote erfolgreich archiviert",
"deleted_quote": "Angebot erfolgreich gelöscht",
"deleted_quotes": "{count} Angebote erfolgreich gelöscht",
"converted_to_invoice": "Angebot erfolgreich in Rechnung umgewandelt",
"quote_subject": "Neues Angebot {number} von {account}",
"quote_message": "Klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link um das Angebot über {amount} anzuschauen.",
"quote_link_message": "Klicke auf den folgenden Link um das Angebot deines Kunden anzuschauen:",
"notification_quote_sent_subject": "Angebot {invoice} wurde an {client} versendet",
"notification_quote_viewed_subject": "Angebot {invoice} wurde von {client} angeschaut",
"notification_quote_sent": "Der folgende Kunde {client} erhielt das Angebot {invoice} über {amount}.",
"notification_quote_viewed": "Der folgende Kunde {client} hat sich das Angebot {client} über {amount} angesehen.",
"session_expired": "Deine Sitzung ist abgelaufen.",
"invoice_fields": "Rechnungsfelder",
"invoice_options": "Rechnungsoptionen",
"hide_paid_to_date": "\"Bereits gezahlt\" ausblenden",
"hide_paid_to_date_help": "\"Bereits gezahlt\" nur anzeigen, wenn eine Zahlung eingegangen ist.",
"charge_taxes": "Steuern erheben",
"user_management": "Benutzerverwaltung",
"add_user": "Benutzer hinzufügen",
"send_invite": "Einladung versenden",
"sent_invite": "Einladung erfolgreich versendet",
"updated_user": "Benutzer erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"invitation_message": "Du wurdest von {invitor} eingeladen.",
"register_to_add_user": "Bitte registrieren, um einen Benutzer hinzuzufügen",
"user_state": "Status",
"edit_user": "Benutzer bearbeiten",
"delete_user": "Benutzer löschen",
"active": "Aktiv",
"pending": "Ausstehend",
"deleted_user": "Benutzer erfolgreich gelöscht",
"confirm_email_invoice": "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Rechnung per E-Mail versenden möchtest?",
"confirm_email_quote": "Bist du sicher, dass du dieses Angebot per E-Mail versenden möchtest",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnung ist aktiv. Bis du sicher, dass du diese Rechnung weiterhin als E-Mail verschicken möchtest?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese wiederkehrende Rechnung aktivieren wollen?",
"cancel_account": "Konto kündigen",
"cancel_account_message": "Warnung: Diese Aktion wird dein Konto unwiederbringlich löschen.",
"go_back": "Zurück",
"data_visualizations": "Datenvisualisierungen",
"sample_data": "Beispieldaten werden angezeigt",
"hide": "Verbergen",
"new_version_available": "Eine neue Version von {releases_link} ist verfügbar. Du benutzt v{user_version}, die aktuelle ist v{latest_version}",
"invoice_settings": "Rechnungseinstellungen",
"invoice_number_prefix": "Präfix für Rechnungsnummer",
"invoice_number_counter": "Zähler für Rechnungsnummer",
"quote_number_prefix": "Präfix für Angebotsnummer",
"quote_number_counter": "Zähler für Angebotsnummer",
"share_invoice_counter": "Zähler der Rechnung teilen",
"invoice_issued_to": "Rechnung ausgestellt für",
"invalid_counter": "Bitte setze, um Probleme zu vermeiden, entweder ein Rechnungs- oder Angebotspräfix.",
"mark_sent": "Als versendet markieren",
"gateway_help_1": "{link} um sich bei Authorize.net anzumelden.",
"gateway_help_2": "{link} um sich bei Authorize.net anzumelden.",
"gateway_help_17": "{link}, um deine PayPal API-Signatur zu erhalten.",
"gateway_help_27": "{link} to sign up for 2Checkout.com. To ensure payments are tracked set {complete_link} as the redirect URL under Account > Site Management in the 2Checkout portal.",
"gateway_help_60": "{link} um ein WePay Konto zu erstellen.",
"more_designs": "Weitere Designs",
"more_designs_title": "Zusätzliche Rechnungsdesigns",
"more_designs_cloud_header": "Werde Pro-Mitglied für zusätzliche Rechnungsdesigns",
"more_designs_cloud_text": "",
"more_designs_self_host_text": "",
"buy": "Kaufen",
"bought_designs": "Die zusätzliche Rechnungsdesigns wurden erfolgreich hinzugefügt",
"sent": "Versendet",
"vat_number": "USt-IdNr.",
"timesheets": "Zeittabellen",
"payment_title": "Geben Sie Ihre Rechnungsadresse und Ihre Kreditkarteninformationen ein",
"payment_cvv": "*Dies ist die 3-4-stellige Nummer auf der Rückseite Ihrer Kreditkarte",
"payment_footer1": "*Die Rechnungsadresse muss mit der Adresse der Kreditkarte übereinstimmen.",
"payment_footer2": "*Bitte drücken Sie nur einmal auf \"Jetzt bezahlen\" - die Verarbeitung der Transaktion kann bis zu einer Minute dauern.",
"id_number": "ID-Nummer",
"white_label_link": "Branding entfernen",
"white_label_header": "Branding entfernen",
"bought_white_label": "Branding-freie Lizenz erfolgreich aktiviert",
"white_labeled": "Branding entfernt",
"restore": "Wiederherstellen",
"restore_invoice": "Rechnung wiederherstellen",
"restore_quote": "Angebot wiederherstellen",
"restore_client": "Kunde wiederherstellen",
"restore_credit": "Guthaben wiederherstellen",
"restore_payment": "Zahlung wiederherstellen",
"restored_invoice": "Rechnung erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"restored_quote": "Angebot erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"restored_client": "Kunde erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"restored_payment": "Zahlung erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"restored_credit": "Guthaben erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"reason_for_canceling": "Hilf uns, unser Angebot zu verbessern, indem du uns mitteilst, weswegen du dich dazu entschieden hast, unseren Service nicht länger zu nutzen.",
"discount_percent": "Prozent",
"discount_amount": "Wert",
"invoice_history": "Rechnungshistorie",
"quote_history": "Angebotshistorie",
"current_version": "Aktuelle Version",
"select_version": "Version auswählen",
"view_history": "Historie anzeigen",
"edit_payment": "Zahlung bearbeiten",
"updated_payment": "Zahlung erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"deleted": "Gelöscht",
"restore_user": "Benutzer wiederherstellen",
"restored_user": "Benutzer erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"show_deleted_users": "Zeige gelöschte Benutzer",
"email_templates": "E-Mail Vorlagen",
"invoice_email": "Rechnungsmail",
"payment_email": "Zahlungsmail",
"quote_email": "Angebotsmail",
"reset_all": "Alle zurücksetzen",
"approve": "Zustimmen",
"token_billing_type_id": "Token Billing",
"token_billing_help": "Zahlungsdetails mit WePay, Stripe, Baintree oder GoCardless speichern.",
"token_billing_1": "Deaktiviert",
"token_billing_2": "Opt-in - Kontrollkästchen wird angezeigt ist aber nicht ausgewählt",
"token_billing_3": "Opt-out - Kontrollkästchen wird angezeigt und ist ausgewählt",
"token_billing_4": "Immer",
"token_billing_checkbox": "Kreditkarteninformationen speichern",
"view_in_gateway": "Auf {gateway} anzeigen",
"use_card_on_file": "Verwende gespeicherte Kreditkarte",
"edit_payment_details": "Zahlungsdetails bearbeiten",
"token_billing": "Kreditkarte merken",
"token_billing_secure": "Die Daten werden sicher von {link} gespeichert.",
"support": "Support",
"contact_information": "Kontakt-Informationen",
"256_encryption": "256-Bit Verschlüsselung",
"amount_due": "Fälliger Betrag",
"billing_address": "Rechnungsadresse",
"billing_method": "Abrechnungsmethode",
"order_overview": "Bestellübersicht",
"match_address": "*Die Rechnungsadresse muss mit der Adresse der Kreditkarte übereinstimmen.",
"click_once": "*Bitte drücken Sie nur einmal auf \"Jetzt bezahlen\" - die Verarbeitung der Transaktion kann bis zu einer Minute dauern.",
"invoice_footer": "Rechnungsfußzeile",
"save_as_default_footer": "Als Standard-Fußzeile speichern",
"token_management": "Token Verwaltung",
"tokens": "Token",
"add_token": "Token hinzufügen",
"show_deleted_tokens": "Zeige gelöschte Token",
"deleted_token": "Token erfolgreich gelöscht",
"created_token": "Token erfolgreich erstellt",
"updated_token": "Token erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"edit_token": "Token bearbeiten",
"delete_token": "Token löschen",
"token": "Token",
"add_gateway": "Zahlungsanbieter hinzufügen",
"delete_gateway": "Zahlungsanbieter löschen",
"edit_gateway": "Zahlungsanbieter bearbeiten",
"updated_gateway": "Zahlungsanbieter aktualisiert",
"created_gateway": "Zahlungsanbieter erfolgreich hinzugefügt",
"deleted_gateway": "Zahlungsanbieter erfolgreich gelöscht",
"pay_with_paypal": "PayPal",
"pay_with_card": "Kreditkarte",
"change_password": "Passwort ändern",
"current_password": "Aktuelles Passwort",
"new_password": "Neues Passwort",
"confirm_password": "Passwort bestätigen",
"password_error_incorrect": "Das aktuelle Passwort ist nicht korrekt.",
"password_error_invalid": "Das neue Passwort ist ungültig.",
"updated_password": "Passwort erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"api_tokens": "API Token",
"users_and_tokens": "Benutzer & Token",
"account_login": "Konto Login",
"recover_password": "Passwort wiederherstellen",
"forgot_password": "Passwort vergessen?",
"email_address": "E-Mail-Adresse",
"lets_go": "Auf geht's",
"password_recovery": "Passwort-Wiederherstellung",
"send_email": "E-Mail senden",
"set_password": "Passwort festlegen",
"converted": "Umgewandelt",
"email_approved": "Per E-Mail benachrichtigen, wenn ein Angebot angenommen<\/b> wurde",
"notification_quote_approved_subject": "Angebot {invoice} wurde von {client} angenommen.",
"notification_quote_approved": "Der folgende Kunde {client} nahm das Angebot {invoice} über {amount} an.",
"resend_confirmation": "Bestätigungsmail erneut senden",
"confirmation_resent": "Bestätigungsemail wurde erneut versendet",
"gateway_help_42": "{link} zum Registrieren auf BitPay.
Hinweis: benutze einen Legacy API Key, keinen API token.",
"payment_type_credit_card": "Kreditkarte",
"payment_type_paypal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_gocardless": "GoCardless",
"knowledge_base": "FAQ",
"partial": "Teilzahlung\/Anzahlung",
"partial_remaining": "{partial} von {balance}",
"more_fields": "Weitere Felder",
"less_fields": "Weniger Felder",
"client_name": "Kunde",
"pdf_settings": "PDF-Einstellungen",
"product_settings": "Produkt-Einstellungen",
"auto_wrap": "Automatischer Zeilenumbruch",
"duplicate_post": "Achtung: Die vorherige Seite wurde zweimal übermittelt. Die zweite Übermittlung wurde ignoriert.",
"view_documentation": "Dokumentation anzeigen",
"app_title": "Kostenlose Online Open-Source Rechnungsausstellung",
"app_description": "InvoiceNinja ist eine kostenlose, quelloffene Lösung für die Rechnungsstellung und Abrechnung von Kunden. Mit Invoice Ninja kannst du einfach schöne Rechnungen erstellen und verschicken, von jedem Gerät mit Internetzugang. Deine Kunden können die Rechnungen drucken, als PDF Datei herunterladen und sogar online im System bezahlen.",
"rows": "Zeilen",
"www": "www",
"logo": "Logo",
"subdomain": "Subdomäne",
"provide_name_or_email": "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen oder eine E-Mail-Adresse an",
"charts_and_reports": "Diagramme & Berichte",
"chart": "Diagramm",
"report": "Bericht",
"group_by": "Gruppieren nach",
"paid": "Bezahlt",
"enable_report": "Bericht",
"enable_chart": "Diagramm",
"totals": "Summe",
"run": "Ausführen",
"export": "Exportieren",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
"zapier": "Zapier",
"recurring": "Wiederkehrend",
"last_invoice_sent": "Letzte Rechnung verschickt am {date}",
"processed_updates": "Update erfolgreich abgeschlossen",
"tasks": "Zeiterfassung",
"new_task": "Neue Aufgabe",
"start_time": "Startzeit",
"created_task": "Aufgabe erfolgreich erstellt",
"updated_task": "Aufgabe erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"edit_task": "Aufgabe bearbeiten",
"archive_task": "Aufgabe archivieren",
"restore_task": "Aufgabe wiederherstellen",
"delete_task": "Aufgabe löschen",
"stop_task": "Aufgabe Anhalten",
"time": "Zeit",
"start": "Starten",
"stop": "Anhalten",
"now": "Jetzt",
"timer": "Zeitmesser",
"manual": "Manuell",
"date_and_time": "Datum & Uhrzeit",
"second": "Sekunde",
"seconds": "Sekunden",
"minute": "Minute",
"minutes": "Minuten",
"hour": "Stunde",
"hours": "Stunden",
"task_details": "Aufgaben-Details",
"duration": "Dauer",
"end_time": "Endzeit",
"end": "Ende",
"invoiced": "In Rechnung gestellt",
"logged": "Protokolliert",
"running": "Läuft",
"task_error_multiple_clients": "Die Aufgaben können nicht zu verschiedenen Kunden gehören",
"task_error_running": "Bitte beenden Sie laufende Aufgaben zuerst",
"task_error_invoiced": "Aufgaben wurden bereits in Rechnung gestellt",
"restored_task": "Aufgabe erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"archived_task": "Aufgabe erfolgreich archiviert",
"archived_tasks": "{count} Aufgaben wurden erfolgreich archiviert",
"deleted_task": "Aufgabe erfolgreich gelöscht",
"deleted_tasks": "{count} Aufgaben wurden erfolgreich gelöscht",
"create_task": "Aufgabe erstellen",
"stopped_task": "Aufgabe erfolgreich angehalten",
"invoice_task": "Aufgabe in Rechnung stellen",
"invoice_labels": "Rechnung Spaltenüberschriften",
"prefix": "Präfix",
"counter": "Zähler",
"payment_type_dwolla": "Dwolla",
"gateway_help_43": "{link} zum Registrieren auf Dwolla.",
"partial_value": "Muss grösser als Null und kleiner als der Gesamtbetrag sein",
"more_actions": "Weitere Aktionen",
"pro_plan_title": "NINJA PRO",
"pro_plan_call_to_action": "Jetzt Upgraden!",
"pro_plan_feature1": "Unlimitierte Anzahl Kunden erstellen",
"pro_plan_feature2": "Zugriff auf 10 schöne Rechnungsdesigns",
"pro_plan_feature3": "Benutzerdefinierte URLs - \"DeineFirma.InvoiceNinja.com\"",
"pro_plan_feature4": "\"Erstellt durch Invoice Ninja\" entfernen",
"pro_plan_feature5": "Multi-Benutzer Zugriff & Aktivitätstracking",
"pro_plan_feature6": "Angebote & pro-forma Rechnungen erstellen",
"pro_plan_feature7": "Rechungstitelfelder und Nummerierung anpassen",
"pro_plan_feature8": "PDFs an Kunden-Emails anhängen",
"resume": "Fortfahren",
"break_duration": "Pause",
"edit_details": "Details bearbeiten",
"work": "Arbeiten",
"timezone_unset": "Bitte {link} um deine Zeitzone zu setzen",
"click_here": "hier klicken",
"email_receipt": "Zahlungsbestätigung an Kunden per E-Mail senden",
"created_payment_emailed_client": "Zahlung erfolgreich erstellt und Kunde per E-Mail benachrichtigt",
"add_company": "Konto hinzufügen",
"untitled": "Unbenannt",
"new_company": "Neues Konto",
"associated_accounts": "Konten erfolgreich verlinkt",
"unlinked_account": "Konten erfolgreich getrennt",
"login": "Login",
"or": "oder",
"email_error": "Es gab ein Problem beim Senden dieser E-Mail.",
"confirm_recurring_timing": "Beachten Sie: E-Mails werden zu jeder vollen Stunde versendet.",
"confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent": "Beachten Sie: E-Mails werden zu jeder vollen Stunde versendet.",
"payment_terms_help": "Setzt das Standardfälligkeitsdatum<\/b>",
"unlink_account": "Konten trennen",
"unlink": "Trennen",
"show_address": "Adresse anzeigen",
"show_address_help": "Verlange von Kunden, ihre Rechnungsadresse anzugeben",
"update_address": "Adresse aktualisieren",
"update_address_help": "Kundenadresse mit den gemachten Angaben aktualisieren",
"times": "Zeiten",
"set_now": "Auf Jetzt setzen",
"dark_mode": "Dunkler Modus",
"dark_mode_help": "Dunklen Hintergrund für Seitenleisten verwenden",
"add_to_invoice": "Zur Rechnung {invoice} hinzufügen",
"create_new_invoice": "Neue Rechnung erstellen",
"task_errors": "Bitte korrigieren Sie alle überlappenden Zeiten",
"from": "Von",
"to": "An",
"font_size": "Schriftgröße",
"primary_color": "Primäre Farbe",
"secondary_color": "Sekundäre Farbe",
"customize_design": "Design Anpassen",
"content": "Inhalt",
"styles": "Stile",
"defaults": "Standards",
"margins": "Außenabstände",
"header": "Kopfzeile",
"footer": "Fußzeile",
"custom": "Benutzerdefiniert",
"invoice_to": "Rechnung an",
"invoice_no": "Rechnung Nr.",
"quote_no": "Angebot Nr.",
"recent_payments": "Kürzliche Zahlungen",
"outstanding": "Ausstehend",
"manage_companies": "Unternehmen verwalten",
"total_revenue": "Gesamteinnahmen",
"current_user": "Aktueller Benutzer",
"new_recurring_invoice": "Neue wiederkehrende Rechnung",
"recurring_invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnung",
"new_recurring_quote": "New recurring quote",
"recurring_quote": "Recurring Quote",
"recurring_too_soon": "Es ist zu früh die nächste wiederkehrende Rechnung zu erstellen, die nächste ist am {date} geplant",
"created_by_invoice": "Erstellt durch {invoice}",
"primary_user": "Primärer Benutzer",
"help": "Hilfe",
"customize_help": "We use {pdfmake_link} to define the invoice designs declaratively. The pdfmake {playground_link} provides a great way to see the library in action.<\/p>\n
If you need help figuring something out post a question to our {forum_link} with the design you're using.<\/p>",
"playground": "Spielplatz",
"support_forum": "Support-Forum",
"invoice_due_date": "Fälligkeitsdatum",
"quote_due_date": "Gültig bis",
"valid_until": "Gültig bis",
"reset_terms": "Zahlungsbedingungen zurücksetzen",
"reset_footer": "Fußzeile zurücksetzen",
"invoice_sent": "{count} Rechnung versendet",
"invoices_sent": "{count} Rechnungen versendet",
"status_draft": "Entwurf",
"status_sent": "Versendet",
"status_viewed": "Angesehen",
"status_partial": "Teilweise",
"status_paid": "Bezahlt",
"status_unpaid": "Unbezahlt",
"status_all": "Alle",
"show_line_item_tax": "Steuern für Belegpositionen<\/b> in der jeweiligen Zeile anzeigen",
"iframe_url": "Webseite",
"iframe_url_help1": "Kopiere den folgenden Code in eine Seite auf deiner Website.",
"iframe_url_help2": "Du kannst diese Funktion testen, in dem du für eine Rechnung 'Als Empfänger betrachten'. anklickst.",
"auto_bill": "Automatische Verrechnung",
"military_time": "24-Stunden-Zeit",
"last_sent": "Zuletzt versendet",
"reminder_emails": "Erinnerungs-Emails",
"templates_and_reminders": "Vorlagen & Erinnerungen",
"subject": "Betreff",
"body": "Inhalt",
"first_reminder": "Erste Erinnerung",
"second_reminder": "Zweite Erinnerung",
"third_reminder": "Dritte Erinnerung",
"num_days_reminder": "Tage nach Fälligkeit",
"reminder_subject": "Erinnerung: Rechnung {invoice} von {account}",
"reset": "Zurücksetzen",
"invoice_not_found": "Die gewünschte Rechnung ist nicht verfügbar.",
"referral_program": "Empfehlungs-Programm",
"referral_code": "Empfehlungs-URL",
"last_sent_on": "Zuletzt versendet am {date}",
"page_expire": "Diese Seite wird bald ablaufen, {click_here} um weiter zu arbeiten",
"upcoming_quotes": "Ausstehende Angebote",
"expired_quotes": "Abgelaufene Angebote",
"sign_up_using": "Anmelden mit",
"invalid_credentials": "Diese Zugangsdaten können wir nicht finden.",
"show_all_options": "Zeige alle Optionen",
"user_details": "Benutzerdaten",
"oneclick_login": "Verbundenes Konto",
"disable": "Deaktivieren",
"invoice_quote_number": "Rechnungs- und Angebotsnummern",
"invoice_charges": "Rechnungsgebühren",
"notification_invoice_bounced": "Die Rechnung {invoice} an {contact} konnte nicht zugestellt werden.",
"notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "Rechnung {invoice} nicht zugestellt.",
"notification_quote_bounced": "Das Angebot {invoice} an {contact} konnte nicht zugestellt werden.",
"notification_quote_bounced_subject": "Angebot {invoice} wurde nicht zugestellt.",
"custom_invoice_link": "Manueller Rechnungs-Link",
"total_invoiced": "Rechnungs-Betrag",
"open_balance": "Offener Betrag",
"verify_email": "Bitte klicken sie auf den Link in der Bestätigungsmail, um die E-Mail-Adresse zu verifizieren.",
"basic_settings": "Allgemeine Einstellungen",
"pro": "Pro",
"gateways": "Zahlungs-Gateways",
"next_send_on": "Nächster Versand: {date}",
"no_longer_running": "Diese Rechnung wird momentan nicht automatisch erstellt.",
"general_settings": "Allgemeine Einstellungen",
"customize": "Anpassen",
"oneclick_login_help": "Verbinde ein Benutzerkonto, um dich ohne Passwort anzumelden",
"referral_code_help": "Verdiene Geld, wenn du unsere App online teilst",
"enable_with_stripe": "aktiviere| Benötigt Stripe",
"tax_settings": "Steuer-Einstellungen",
"create_tax_rate": "Neuer Steuersatz",
"updated_tax_rate": "Steuersatz aktualisiert",
"created_tax_rate": "Steuersatz erstellt",
"edit_tax_rate": "Steuersatz bearbeiten",
"archive_tax_rate": "Steuersatz archivieren",
"archived_tax_rate": "Steuersatz archiviert",
"default_tax_rate_id": "Standard-Steuersatz",
"tax_rate": "Steuersatz",
"recurring_hour": "Wiederholende Stunde",
"pattern": "Schema",
"pattern_help_title": "Schema-Hilfe",
"pattern_help_1": "Erstellen Sie benutzerdefinierte Nummernkreise durch eigene Nummernsschemata.",
"pattern_help_2": "Verfügbare Variablen:",
"pattern_help_3": "Zum Beispiel: {example} würde zu {value} konvertiert werden.",
"see_options": "Optionen ansehen",
"invoice_counter": "Rechnungszähler",
"quote_counter": "Angebotszähler",
"type": "Typ",
"activity_1": "{user} erstellte Kunde {client}",
"activity_2": "{user} archivierte Kunde {client}",
"activity_3": "{user} löschte Kunde {client}",
"activity_4": "{user} erstellte Rechnung {invoice}",
"activity_5": "{user} aktualisierte Rechnung {invoice}",
"activity_6": "{user} mailte Rechnung {invoice} an {contact}",
"activity_7": "{contact} schaute Rechnung {invoice} an",
"activity_8": "{user} archivierte Rechnung {invoice}",
"activity_9": "{user} löschte Rechnung {invoice}",
"activity_10": "{contact} gab Zahlungsinformation {payment} für {invoice} ein",
"activity_11": "{user} aktualisierte Zahlung {payment}",
"activity_12": "{user} archivierte Zahlung {payment}",
"activity_13": "{user} löschte Zahlung {payment}",
"activity_14": "{user} gab {credit} Guthaben ein",
"activity_15": "{user} aktualisierte {credit} Guthaben",
"activity_16": "{user} archivierte {credit} Guthaben",
"activity_17": "{user} löschte {credit} Guthaben",
"activity_18": "{user} erstellte Angebot {quote}",
"activity_19": "{user} aktualisierte Angebot {quote}",
"activity_20": "{user} mailte Angebot {quote} an {contact}",
"activity_21": "{contact} schaute Angebot {quote} an",
"activity_22": "{user} archivierte Angebot {quote}",
"activity_23": "{user} löschte Angebot {quote}",
"activity_24": "{user} stellte Angebot {quote} wieder her",
"activity_25": "{user} stellte Rechnung {invoice} wieder her",
"activity_26": "{user} stellte Kunde {client} wieder her",
"activity_27": "{user} stellte Zahlung {payment} wieder her",
"activity_28": "{user} stellte Guthaben {credit} wieder her",
"activity_29": "{contact} akzeptierte Angebot {quote}",
"activity_30": "{user} hat Lieferant {vendor} erstellt",
"activity_31": "{user} hat Lieferant {vendor} archiviert",
"activity_32": "{user} hat Lieferant {vendor} gelöscht",
"activity_33": "{user} hat Lieferant {vendor} wiederhergestellt",
"activity_34": "{user} erstellte Ausgabe {expense}",
"activity_35": "{user} hat Ausgabe {expense} archiviert",
"activity_36": "{user} hat Ausgabe {expense} gelöscht",
"activity_37": "{user} hat Ausgabe {expense} wiederhergestellt",
"activity_42": "{user} hat Aufgabe {task} erstellt",
"activity_43": "{user} hat Aufgabe {task} bearbeitet",
"activity_44": "{user} hat Aufgabe {task} archiviert",
"activity_45": "{user} hat Aufgabe {task} gelöscht",
"activity_46": "{user} hat Aufgabe {task} wiederhergestellt",
"activity_47": "{user} hat Ausgabe {expense} bearbeitet",
"payment": "Zahlung",
"system": "System",
"signature": "E-Mail-Signatur",
"default_messages": "Standardnachrichten",
"quote_terms": "Angebotsbedingungen",
"default_quote_terms": "Standard-Angebotsbedingungen",
"default_invoice_terms": "Standard-Rechnungsbedingungen",
"default_invoice_footer": "Standard-Fußzeile festlegen",
"quote_footer": "Angebots-Fußzeile",
"free": "Kostenlos",
"quote_is_approved": "Erfolgreich freigegeben",
"apply_credit": "Guthaben anwenden",
"system_settings": "Systemeinstellungen",
"archive_token": "Token archivieren",
"archived_token": "Token erfolgreich archiviert",
"archive_user": "Benutzer archivieren",
"archived_user": "Benutzer erfolgreich archiviert",
"archive_account_gateway": "Gateway archivieren",
"archived_account_gateway": "Gateway erfolgreich archiviert",
"archive_recurring_invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnung archivieren",
"archived_recurring_invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnung erfolgreich archiviert",
"delete_recurring_invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnung löschen",
"deleted_recurring_invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnung erfolgreich gelöscht",
"restore_recurring_invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnung wiederherstellen",
"restored_recurring_invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnung erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"archive_recurring_quote": "Archive Recurring Quote",
"archived_recurring_quote": "Successfully archived recurring quote",
"delete_recurring_quote": "Delete Recurring Quote",
"deleted_recurring_quote": "Successfully deleted recurring quote",
"restore_recurring_quote": "Restore Recurring Quote",
"restored_recurring_quote": "Successfully restored recurring quote",
"archived": "Archiviert",
"untitled_account": "Unbenannte Firma",
"before": "Vor",
"after": "Nach",
"reset_terms_help": "Auf die Standardzahlungsbedingungen des Kontos zurücksetzen",
"reset_footer_help": "Auf die Standardfußzeile des Kontos zurücksetzen",
"export_data": "Daten exportieren",
"user": "Benutzer",
"country": "Land",
"include": "Hinzufügen",
"logo_too_large": "Ihr Logo ist nur {size}. Um eine bessere Darstellung im PDF Dokument zu erhalten, empfehlen wir ein Bild grösser als 200KB",
"import_freshbooks": "Importiere von FreshBooks",
"import_data": "Importiere Daten",
"source": "Quelle",
"csv": "CSV",
"client_file": "Kunden Datei",
"invoice_file": "Rechnungs Datei",
"task_file": "Aufgaben Datei",
"no_mapper": "Kein gültiges Mapping für die Datei",
"invalid_csv_header": "Ungültiger CSV Header",
"client_portal": "Kunden-Portal",
"admin": "Admin",
"disabled": "Deaktiviert",
"show_archived_users": "Zeige archivierte Benutzer",
"notes": "Notizen",
"invoice_will_create": "Die Rechnung wird erstellt",
"invoices_will_create": "Rechnung wird erstellt",
"failed_to_import": "Die folgenden Daten konnten nicht importiert werden. Entweder sind diese bereits vorhanden oder es fehlen benötigte Felder.",
"publishable_key": "Öffentlicher Schlüssel",
"secret_key": "Geheimer Schlüssel",
"missing_publishable_key": "Legen Sie den Stripe-Schlüssel für einen verbesserten Checkout-Vorgang fest",
"email_design": "E-Mail-Design",
"due_by": "Fällig am {date}",
"enable_email_markup": "Markup erlauben",
"enable_email_markup_help": "Machen Sie es einfacher für Ihre Kunden zu bezahlen, indem Sie schema.org Markup zu Ihren E-Mails hinzufügen.",
"template_help_title": "Vorlagen Hilfe",
"template_help_1": "Verfügbare Variablen:",
"email_design_id": "E-Mail-Stil",
"email_design_help": "Lass deine E-Mails durch die Verwendung von HTML Layouts professioneller aussehen.",
"plain": "Einfach",
"light": "Hell",
"dark": "Dunkel",
"industry_help": "Wird genutzt um Vergleiche zwischen den Durchschnittswerten von Firmen ähnlicher Größe und Branche ermitteln zu können.",
"subdomain_help": "Passen Sie die Rechnungslink-Subdomäne an oder stellen Sie die Rechnung auf Ihrer eigenen Webseite zur Verfügung.",
"website_help": "Zeige die Rechnung als iFrame auf deiner eigenen Webseite an",
"invoice_number_help": "Geben Sie einen Präfix oder ein benutzerdefiniertes Schema an, um die Rechnungsnummer dynamisch zu erzeugen.",
"quote_number_help": "Geben Sie einen Präfix oder ein benutzerdefiniertes Schema an, um die Angebotsnummer dynamisch zu erzeugen.",
"custom_client_fields_helps": "Erstelle ein Feld für Kunden. Optional kann die Feldbezeichnung und der Feldwert auch in PDF-Dokumenten ausgegeben werden.",
"custom_account_fields_helps": "Füge ein Feld, mit Bezeichnung und zugehörigem Wert, zum Firmen-Detailabschnitt in der Rechnung hinzu.",
"custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Erstelle ein Feld für Rechnungen. Optional kann die Feldbezeichnung und der Feldwert auch in PDF-Dokumenten ausgegeben werden.",
"custom_invoice_charges_helps": "Füge ein Feld hinzu, wenn eine neue Rechnung erstellt wird und erfasse die Kosten in den Zwischensummen der Rechnung.",
"token_expired": "Validierungstoken ist abgelaufen. Bitte probieren Sie es erneut.",
"invoice_link": "Link zur Rechnung",
"button_confirmation_message": "Bitte klicken um Ihre Email-Adresse zu bestätigen.",
"confirm": "Bestätigen",
"email_preferences": "Email Einstellungen",
"created_invoices": "{count} Rechnung(en) erfolgreich erstellt",
"next_invoice_number": "Die nächste Rechnungsnummer ist {number}.",
"next_quote_number": "Die nächste Angebotsnummer ist {number}.",
"days_before": "Tage vor dem",
"days_after": "Tage nach dem ",
"field_due_date": "Fälligkeitsdatum",
"field_invoice_date": "Rechnungsdatum",
"schedule": "Zeitgesteuert",
"email_designs": "E-Mail Designs",
"assigned_when_sent": "Zugewiesen bei Versand",
"white_label_purchase_link": "Kaufe eine Branding-freie Lizenz",
"expense": "Ausgabe",
"expenses": "Ausgaben",
"new_expense": "Ausgabe eingeben",
"enter_expense": "Ausgabe eingeben",
"vendors": "Lieferanten",
"new_vendor": "Neuer Lieferant",
"payment_terms_net": "Netto",
"vendor": "Lieferant",
"edit_vendor": "Lieferant Bearbeiten",
"archive_vendor": "Lieferant Archivieren",
"delete_vendor": "Lieferant Löschen",
"view_vendor": "Lieferant Ansehen",
"deleted_expense": "Ausgabe erfolgreich gelöscht",
"archived_expense": "Ausgabe erfolgreich archiviert",
"deleted_expenses": " Ausgaben erfolgreich gelöscht",
"archived_expenses": "Ausgaben erfolgreich archiviert",
"expense_amount": "Ausgabensumme",
"expense_balance": "Ausgabendifferenz",
"expense_date": "Ausgabendatum",
"expense_should_be_invoiced": "Soll diese Ausgabe in Rechnung gestellt werden?",
"public_notes": "Öffentliche Notizen",
"invoice_amount": "Rechnungssumme",
"exchange_rate": "Wechselkurs",
"yes": "Ja",
"no": "Nein",
"should_be_invoiced": "Sollte in Rechnung gestellt werden",
"view_expense": "Ausgabe # {expense} ansehen",
"edit_expense": "Ausgabe Bearbeiten",
"archive_expense": "Ausgabe Archivieren",
"delete_expense": "Ausgabe Löschen",
"view_expense_num": "Ausgabe # {expense}",
"updated_expense": "Ausgabe erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"created_expense": "Ausgabe erfolgreich erstellt",
"view": "Ansehen",
"restore_expense": "Ausgabe Wiederherstellen",
"invoice_expense": "Ausgabe abrechnen",
"expense_error_multiple_clients": "Die Ausgaben können nicht zu unterschiedlichen Kunden gehören",
"expense_error_invoiced": "Ausgabe wurde bereits in Rechnung gestellt",
"convert_currency": "Währung umrechnen",
"num_days": "Anzahl Tage",
"create_payment_term": "Erstelle Zahlungsbedingungen",
"edit_payment_terms": "Bearbeite Zahlungsbedingungen",
"edit_payment_term": "Bearbeite Zahlungsbedingungen",
"archive_payment_term": "Archiviere Zahlungsbedingungen",
"recurring_due_dates": "Wiederkehrende Rechnungen Fälligkeitsdatum",
"recurring_due_date_help": "
Legt automatisch ein Fälligkeitsdatem für die Rechnung fest.<\/p>\n
Auf einen monatlichen oder jährlichen Wiederkehrungszyklus eingestellte Rechnungen werden erst im nächsten Monat bzw. Jahr fällig, sofern das Fälligkeitsdatum älter oder gleich dem Erstellungsdatum der Rechnung ist. Am 29. oder 30. eines Monats fällige Rechnungen werden stattdessen am letzten vorhandenen Tag eines Monats fällig, wenn er diese Tage nicht beinhaltet.<\/p>\n
Auf einen wöchentlichen Wiederkehrungszyklus eingestellte Rechnungen, werden erst in der nächsten Woche fällig, wenn der Wochentag mit dem Wochentag des Erstellungsdatums übereinstimmt.<\/p>\n
Zum Beispiel:<\/p>\n
\n- Heute ist der 15. Januar, das Fälligkeitsdatum ist der 1. eines Monats. Das nächste Fälligkeitsdatum entspricht dem 1. des nächsten Monats, also dem 1. Februar.<\/li>\n
- Heute ist der 15. Januar, das Fälligkeitsdatum ist der letzte Tag eines Monats. Das nächste Fälligkeitsdatum entspricht dem letzten Tag des aktuellen Monats, also dem 31. Januar.\n<\/li>\n
- Heute ist der 15. Januar, das Fälligkeitsdatum ist der 15. eines Moants. Das nächste Fälligkeitsdatum entspricht dem 15. des nächsten<\/strong> Monats, also dem 15. Februar.\n<\/li>\n
- Heute ist Freitag, das Fälligkeitsdatum ist der Freitag einer jeden Woche. Das nächste Fälligkeitsdatum entspricht dem nächsten Freitag, also nicht heute.\n<\/li>\n<\/ul>",
"due": "Fällig",
"next_due_on": "Nächste Fälligkeit: {date}",
"use_client_terms": "Kunden-Bedingungen verwenden",
"day_of_month": "{ordinal} Tag des Monats",
"last_day_of_month": "Letzter Tag des Monats",
"day_of_week_after": "{ordinal} {day} nach",
"sunday": "Sonntag",
"monday": "Montag",
"tuesday": "Dienstag",
"wednesday": "Mittwoch",
"thursday": "Donnerstag",
"friday": "Freitag",
"saturday": "Samstag",
"header_font_id": "Header-Schriftart",
"body_font_id": "Body-Schriftart",
"color_font_help": "Info: Die primäre Farbe und Schriftarten werden auch im Kundenportal und im individuellen Mail-Design verwendet.",
"live_preview": "Live-Vorschau",
"invalid_mail_config": "E-Mails können nicht gesendet werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die E-Mail-Einstellungen korrekt sind.",
"invoice_message_button": "Um Ihre Rechnung über {amount} zu sehen, klicken Sie die Schaltfläche unten.",
"quote_message_button": "Um Ihr Angebot über {amount} zu sehen, klicken Sie die Schaltfläche unten.",
"payment_message_button": "Vielen Dank für Ihre Zahlung von {amount}.",
"payment_type_direct_debit": "Einzugsermächtigung",
"bank_accounts": "Bankverbindungen",
"add_bank_account": "Bankverbindung hinzufügen",
"setup_account": "Konto einrichten",
"import_expenses": "Ausgaben importieren",
"bank_id": "Bank",
"integration_type": "Integrations-Typ",
"updated_bank_account": "Bankverbindung erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"edit_bank_account": "Bankverbindung Bearbeiten",
"archive_bank_account": "Bankverbindung Archivieren",
"archived_bank_account": "Bankverbindung erfolgreich archiviert",
"created_bank_account": "Bankverbindung erfolgreich erstellt",
"validate_bank_account": "Bankverbindung bestätigen",
"bank_password_help": "Info: Ihr Passwort wird sicher übertragen und zu keiner Zeit auf unseren Servern gespeichert.",
"bank_password_warning": "Warnung: Ihr Passwort könnte in Klartext übertragen werden, wir empfehlen Ihnen HTTPS zu verwenden.",
"username": "Benutzername",
"account_number": "Kontonummer",
"account_name": "Kontobezeichnung",
"bank_account_error": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Kontodaten. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Anmeldeinformationen.",
"status_approved": "Bestätigt",
"quote_settings": "Angebotseinstellungen",
"auto_convert_quote": "Automatisch konvertieren",
"auto_convert_quote_help": "Das Angebot automatisch in eine Rechnung umwandeln wenn es vom Kunden angenommen wird.",
"validate": "Überprüfe",
"info": "Info",
"imported_expenses": "Erfolgreich {count_vendors} Lieferant(en) und {count_expenses} Ausgabe(n) erstellt",
"iframe_url_help3": "Anmerkung: Wenn Sie vorhaben Kreditkarten zu akzeptieren, empfehlen wir ausdrücklich die Verwendung von HTTPS-Webseitenverschlüsselung auf Ihrer Webseite.",
"expense_error_multiple_currencies": "Die Ausgaben dürfen keine unterschiedlichen Währungen haben.",
"expense_error_mismatch_currencies": "Die Währung des Kunden entspricht nicht der Währung der Ausgabe.",
"trello_roadmap": "Trello Entwicklungskarte",
"header_footer": "Kopf-\/Fußzeile",
"first_page": "Erste Seite",
"all_pages": "Alle Seiten",
"last_page": "Letzte Seite",
"all_pages_header": "Zeige Header auf",
"all_pages_footer": "Zeige Footer auf",
"invoice_currency": "Rechnungs-Währung",
"enable_https": "Wir empfehlen dringend HTTPS zu verwenden, um Kreditkarten online zu akzeptieren.",
"quote_issued_to": "Angebot ausgefertigt an",
"show_currency_code": "Währungscode",
"free_year_message": "Dein Account wurde für ein Jahr kostenlos auf den PRO-Tarif hochgestuft.",
"trial_message": "Ihr Account erhält zwei Wochen Probemitgliedschaft für unseren Pro-Plan.",
"trial_footer": "Die Testversion deines Pro-Tarifs endet in {count} Tagen. {link} jetzt hochstufen.",
"trial_footer_last_day": "This is the last day of your free pro plan trial, {link} to upgrade now.",
"trial_call_to_action": "Kostenlose Probezeit starten",
"trial_success": "Erfolgreich eine 2-Wochen Testversion aktiviert",
"overdue": "Überfällig",
"white_label_text": "Kaufen Sie eine Ein-Jahres-\"White Label\"-Lizenz für ${price} um das Invoice Ninja Branding von den Rechnungen und dem Kundenportal zu entfernen.",
"user_email_footer": "Um deine E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen anzupassen besuche bitte {link}",
"reset_password_footer": "Wenn du das Zurücksetzen des Passworts nicht beantragt hast, benachrichtige bitte unseren Support: {email}",
"limit_users": "Entschuldige, das würde das Limit von {limit} Benutzern überschreiten",
"more_designs_self_host_header": "Erhalte 6 zusätzliche Rechnungsdesigns für nur ${price}",
"old_browser": "Bitte verwende einen {link}",
"newer_browser": "neuerer Browser",
"white_label_custom_css": "{link} für ${price} um ein individuelles Styling zu ermöglichen und unser Projekt zu unterstützen.",
"bank_accounts_help": "Connect a bank account to automatically import expenses and create vendors. Supports American Express and {link}.",
"us_banks": "400+ US-Banken",
"pro_plan_remove_logo": "{link}, um das InvoiceNinja-Logo zu entfernen, indem du dem Pro Plan beitrittst",
"pro_plan_remove_logo_link": "Klicke hier",
"invitation_status_sent": "Gesendet",
"invitation_status_opened": "Geöffnet",
"invitation_status_viewed": "Gesehen",
"email_error_inactive_client": "Emails können nicht zu inaktiven Kunden gesendet werden",
"email_error_inactive_contact": "Emails können nicht zu inaktiven Kontakten gesendet werden",
"email_error_inactive_invoice": "Emails können nicht zu inaktiven Rechnungen gesendet werden",
"email_error_inactive_proposal": "Emails can not be sent to inactive proposals",
"email_error_user_unregistered": "Bitte registrieren Sie sich um Emails zu versenden",
"email_error_user_unconfirmed": "Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihr Konto um Emails zu senden",
"email_error_invalid_contact_email": "Ungültige Kontakt Email Adresse",
"navigation": "Navigation",
"list_invoices": "Rechnungen anzeigen",
"list_clients": "Kunden anzeigen",
"list_quotes": "Angebote anzeigen",
"list_tasks": "Aufgaben anzeigen",
"list_expenses": "Ausgaben anzeigen",
"list_recurring_invoices": "Wiederkehrende Rechnungen anzeigen",
"list_payments": "Zahlungen anzeigen",
"list_credits": "Guthaben anzeigen",
"tax_name": "Steuersatz Name",
"report_settings": "Bericht-Einstellungen",
"search_hotkey": "Kürzel ist \/",
"new_user": "Neuer Benutzer",
"new_product": "Neues Produkt",
"new_tax_rate": "Neuer Steuersatz",
"invoiced_amount": "Rechnungsbetrag",
"invoice_item_fields": "Rechnungspositionsfeld",
"custom_invoice_item_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an invoice item and display the label and value on the PDF.",
"recurring_invoice_number": "Wiederkehrende Nummer",
"recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help": "Gib ein Präfix an, das der Rechnungsnummer für wiederkehrende Rechnungen hinzugefügt werden soll.",
"enable_portal_password": "Rechnungen mit Passwort schützen",
"enable_portal_password_help": "Erlaubt Ihnen ein Passwort für jeden Kontakt zu erstellen. Wenn ein Passwort erstellt wurde, muss der Kunde dieses eingeben, bevor er eine Rechnung ansehen darf.",
"send_portal_password": "Automatisch generieren",
"send_portal_password_help": "Wenn kein Passwort gesetzt wurde, wird eins generiert und mit der ersten Rechnung verschickt.",
"expired": "Abgelaufen",
"invalid_card_number": "Die Kreditkartennummer ist nicht gültig.",
"invalid_expiry": "Das Ablaufdatum ist nicht gültig.",
"invalid_cvv": "Der CVV Code ist nicht gültig.",
"cost": "Kosten",
"create_invoice_for_sample": "Hinweis: Erstellen Sie Ihre erste Rechnung um hier eine Vorschau zu sehen.",
"owner": "Eigentümer",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"administrator_help": "Dem Benutzer erlauben, andere Benutzer zu administrieren, Einstellungen zu ändern und alle Einträge zu bearbeiten",
"user_create_all": "Erstelle Kunden, Rechnungen, usw.",
"user_view_all": "Alle Kunden, Rechnungen, usw. ansehen",
"user_edit_all": "Alle Kunden, Rechnungen, usw. bearbeiten",
"gateway_help_20": "{link} um sich bei Sage Pay zu registrieren.",
"gateway_help_21": "{link} um sich bei Sage Pay zu registrieren.",
"partial_due": "Anzahlung",
"restore_vendor": "Lieferant wiederherstellen",
"restored_vendor": "Lieferant erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"restored_expense": "Ausgabe erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"permissions": "Berechtigungen",
"create_all_help": "Dem Benutzer erlauben, Einträge zu erstellen und zu verändern",
"view_all_help": "Dem Benutzer erlauben, nicht selbst erstellte Einträge anzusehen",
"edit_all_help": "Dem Benutzer erlauben, nicht selbst erstellte Einträge zu verändern",
"view_payment": "Zahlung zeigen",
"january": "Januar",
"february": "Februar",
"march": "März",
"april": "April",
"may": "Mai",
"june": "Juni",
"july": "Juli",
"august": "August",
"september": "September",
"october": "Oktober",
"november": "November",
"december": "Dezember",
"documents_header": "Dokumente:",
"email_documents_header": "Dokumente:",
"email_documents_example_1": "Widgets Receipt.pdf",
"email_documents_example_2": "Endgültig lieferbar.zip",
"quote_documents": "Angebots-Dateien",
"invoice_documents": "Rechnungs-Dateien",
"expense_documents": "Ausgaben-Dateien",
"invoice_embed_documents": "Dokumente einbetten",
"invoice_embed_documents_help": "Bildanhänge in Rechnungen verwenden.",
"document_email_attachment": "Dokumente anhängen",
"ubl_email_attachment": "UBL anhängen",
"download_documents": "Dokumente herunterladen ({size})",
"documents_from_expenses": "Von Kosten:",
"dropzone_default_message": "Dateien hierhin ziehen oder klicken, um Dateien hochzuladen",
"dropzone_fallback_message": "Ihr Browser unterstützt keine \"Drag 'n Drop\" Datei-Uploads.",
"dropzone_fallback_text": "Bitte verwenden Sie das untere Formular als Ausweichlösung, um Ihre Dateien wie in alten Zeiten hochladen zu können.",
"dropzone_file_too_big": "Die Datei ist zu groß ({{filesize}}MiB). max. Dateigröße: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.",
"dropzone_invalid_file_type": "Du kannst Dateien von diesem Typ nicht hochladen.",
"dropzone_response_error": "Der Server hat mit dem Code: {{statusCode}} geantwortet.",
"dropzone_cancel_upload": "Hochladen abbrechen",
"dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du das Hochladen abbrechen möchtest?",
"dropzone_remove_file": "Datei löschen",
"documents": "Dokumente",
"document_date": "Dokumenten Datum",
"document_size": "Größe",
"enable_client_portal": "Kundenportal",
"enable_client_portal_help": "Zeige das Dashboard im Kundenportal.",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard": "Dashboard",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard_help": "Zeige\/Verstecke die Dashboard Seite im Kundenportal",
"account_management": "Kontoverwaltung",
"plan_status": "Plan Status",
"plan_upgrade": "Upgraden",
"plan_change": "Wechsle den Plan",
"pending_change_to": "Änderungen zu",
"plan_changes_to": "{plan} am {date}",
"plan_term_changes_to": "{plan} ({term}) am {date}",
"cancel_plan_change": "Veränderungen abbrechen",
"plan": "Plan",
"expires": "Läuft ab",
"renews": "Erneuern",
"plan_expired": "{plan} Plan abgelaufen",
"trial_expired": "{plan} Probezeit abgelaufen",
"never": "Niemals",
"plan_free": "kostenlos",
"plan_pro": "Pro",
"plan_enterprise": "Unternehmen",
"plan_white_label": "Self Hosted (Branding entfernt)",
"plan_free_self_hosted": "Self Hosted (Kostenlos)",
"plan_trial": "Test",
"plan_term": "Laufzeit",
"plan_term_monthly": "Monatlich",
"plan_term_yearly": "Jährlich",
"plan_term_month": "Monat",
"plan_term_year": "Jahr",
"plan_price_monthly": "{price}$ pro Monat",
"plan_price_yearly": "{price}$ pro Jahr",
"updated_plan": "Aktualisierte Zahlungsplan-Einstellungen",
"plan_paid": "Laufzeit begonnen",
"plan_started": "Zahlungsplan gestartet",
"plan_expires": "Zahlungsplan läuft ab",
"white_label_button": "White Label",
"pro_plan_year_description": "Einjährige Registrierung für den Invoice Ninja Pro-Plan.",
"pro_plan_month_description": "Einmonatliche Registrierung für den Invoice Ninja Pro-Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_product": "Unternehmensplan",
"enterprise_plan_year_description": "Einjährige Registrierung für den Invoice Ninja Enterprise-Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_month_description": "Einmonatliche Registrierung für den Invoice Ninja Enterprise-Plan.",
"plan_credit_product": "Gutschrift",
"plan_credit_description": "Gutschrift für nicht genutzte Laufzeit",
"plan_pending_monthly": "Wird zu monatlich am {date} gewechselt",
"plan_refunded": "Eine Erstattung wurde erteilt.",
"page_size": "Seitengröße",
"live_preview_disabled": "Live-Vorschau wurde deaktiviert, um die gewählte Schriftart unterstützen zu können",
"invoice_number_padding": "Innenabstand",
"preview": "Vorschau",
"list_vendors": "Lieferanten anzeigen",
"add_users_not_supported": "Führen Sie ein Upgrade auf den Enterprise-Plan durch, um zusätzliche Nutzer zu Ihrem Account hinzufügen zu können.",
"enterprise_plan_features": "Der Enterprise-Plan fügt Unterstützung für mehrere Nutzer und Dateianhänge hinzu. {link} um die vollständige Liste der Features zu sehen.",
"return_to_app": "Zurück zur App",
"refund_payment": "Zahlung erstatten",
"refund_max": "Max:",
"refund": "Erstattung",
"are_you_sure_refund": "Ausgewählte Zahlungen erstatten?",
"status_pending": "Ausstehend",
"status_completed": "Abgeschlossen",
"status_failed": "Fehlgeschlagen",
"status_partially_refunded": "Teilweise erstattet",
"status_partially_refunded_amount": "{amount} erstattet",
"status_refunded": "Erstattet",
"status_voided": "Abgebrochen",
"refunded_payment": "Zahlung erstattet",
"activity_39": "{user} brach eine Zahlung über {payment_amount} ab {payment}",
"activity_40": "{user} refunded {adjustment} of a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"card_expiration": "Ablaufdatum: {expires}",
"card_creditcardother": "Unbekannt",
"card_americanexpress": "American Express",
"card_carteblanche": "Carte Blanche",
"card_unionpay": "UnionPay",
"card_diners": "Diners Club",
"card_discover": "Discover",
"card_jcb": "JCB",
"card_laser": "Laser",
"card_maestro": "Maestro",
"card_mastercard": "MasterCard",
"card_solo": "Solo",
"card_switch": "Switch",
"card_visacard": "Visa",
"card_ach": "ACH",
"payment_type_stripe": "Stripe",
"ach": "ACH",
"enable_ach": "Akzeptiere US-Bank-Transfers",
"stripe_ach_help": "ACH-Untetstützung muss aktiviert werden unter {link}.",
"ach_disabled": "Es wurde bereits ein anderes Gateway für den Bankeinzug eingerichtet.",
"plaid": "Plaid",
"client_id": "Kundennummer",
"secret": "Passwort",
"public_key": "Öffentlicher Schlüssel",
"plaid_optional": "(optional)",
"plaid_environment_help": "When a Stripe test key is given, Plaid's development environment (tartan) will be used.",
"other_providers": "Andere Anbieter",
"country_not_supported": "Dieses Land wird nicht unterstützt.",
"invalid_routing_number": "Die Bankleitzahl ist nicht gültig.",
"invalid_account_number": "Die Kontonummer ist nicht gültig.",
"account_number_mismatch": "Die Kontonummern stimmen nicht überein.",
"missing_account_holder_type": "Bitte wählen Sie ein Einzel- oder Firmenkonto aus.",
"missing_account_holder_name": "Bitten geben Sie den Namen des Kontoinhabers ein.",
"routing_number": "Bankleitzahl",
"confirm_account_number": "Kontonummer bestätigen",
"individual_account": "Einzelkonto",
"company_account": "Firmenkonto",
"account_holder_name": "Name des Kontoinhabers",
"add_account": "Konto hinzufügen",
"payment_methods": "Zahlungsarten",
"complete_verification": "Überprüfung abschliessen",
"verification_amount1": "Betrag 1",
"verification_amount2": "Betrag 2",
"payment_method_verified": "Überprüfung erfolgreich abgeschlossen",
"verification_failed": "Überprüfung fehlgeschlagen",
"remove_payment_method": "Zahlungsart entfernen",
"confirm_remove_payment_method": "Wollen Sie diese Zahlungart wirklich entfernen?",
"remove": "Entfernen",
"payment_method_removed": "Zahlungsart entfernt.",
"bank_account_verification_help": "Wir haben zwei Überweisungen auf Ihr Konto mit dem Verwendungszweck \"VERIFICATION\" getätigt. Diese Überweisungen werden 1-2 Werktage benötigen, bis sie auf Ihrem Kontoauszug zu sehen sind. Bitte geben Sie die Überweisungssummen unten ein.",
"bank_account_verification_next_steps": "Wir haben zwei Überweisungen auf Ihr Konto mit dem Verwendungszweck \"VERIFICATION\" getätigt. Diese Überweisungen werden 1-2 Werktage benötigen, bis sie auf Ihrem Kontoauszug zu sehen sind.\nSobald Sie die Beträge erhalten haben, kommen Sie bitte wieder zurück zu dieser Zahlungsmethoden-Seite und klicken Sie auf \"Complete Verification\" neben Ihrem Konto.",
"unknown_bank": "Bank unbekannt",
"ach_verification_delay_help": "Nach der Überprüfung können Sie das Konto sofort benutzen. Die Überprüfung dauert in der Regel 1-2 Arbeitstage.",
"add_credit_card": "Kreditkarte hinzufügen",
"payment_method_added": "Zahlungsart hinzugefügt.",
"use_for_auto_bill": "Für Autobill verwenden",
"used_for_auto_bill": "Autobill Zahlungsmethode",
"payment_method_set_as_default": "Autobill Zahlungsmethode als Standard einstellen.",
"activity_41": "{payment_amount} Zahlung ({payment}) schlug fehl",
"webhook_url": "Webhook URL",
"stripe_webhook_help": "Sie müssen {link}",
"stripe_webhook_help_link_text": "fügen Sie diese URL als Endpunkt zu Stripe hinzu",
"gocardless_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint in GoCardless",
"payment_method_error": "Es gab einen Fehler beim Hinzufügen Ihrer Zahlungsmethode. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject": "Zahlung für Rechnung {invoice} fehlgeschlagen",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed": "Eine Zahlung Ihres Kunden {client} für die Rechnung {invoice} schlug fehl. Die Zahlung wurde als Fehlgeschlagen markiert und {amount} wurde dem Saldo Ihres Kunden hinzugefügt.",
"link_with_plaid": "Konto sofort mit Plaid verknüpfen",
"link_manually": "Manuell verbinden",
"secured_by_plaid": "Gesichert durch Plaid",
"plaid_linked_status": "Ihr Konto bei {bank}",
"add_payment_method": "Zahlungsart hinzufügen",
"account_holder_type": "Art des Kontoinhabers",
"ach_authorization": "Ich autorisiere {company} mein Bankkonto für künftige Zahlungen zu nutzen und, falls nötig, elektronisch mein Konto zu belasten, um falsche Abbuchungen korrigieren zu können. Ich bestätige verstanden zu haben, dass ich diese Autorisierung jederzeit durch Entfernung dieser Zahlungsmethode oder durch Kontaktaufnahme mit {email} zurücknehmen kann.",
"ach_authorization_required": "Sie müssen den ACH-Transaktionen zustimmen.",
"off": "Aus",
"opt_in": "Anmelden",
"opt_out": "Abmelden",
"always": "Immer",
"opted_out": "Abgemeldet",
"opted_in": "Angemeldet",
"manage_auto_bill": "Auto-bill managen",
"enabled": "Aktiviert",
"paypal": "PayPal",
"braintree_enable_paypal": "PayPal Zahlungen mittels BrainTree aktivieren",
"braintree_paypal_disabled_help": "Das PayPal Gateway bearbeitet PayPal-Zahlungen",
"braintree_paypal_help": "Sie müssen auch {link}",
"braintree_paypal_help_link_text": "PayPal Konto mit BrainTree verknüpfen",
"token_billing_braintree_paypal": "Zahlungsdetails speichern",
"add_paypal_account": "PayPal Konto hinzufügen",
"no_payment_method_specified": "Keine Zahlungsart angegeben",
"chart_type": "Diagrammtyp",
"format": "Format",
"import_ofx": "OFX importieren",
"ofx_file": "OFX Datei",
"ofx_parse_failed": "Einlesen der OFX Datei fehlgeschlagen",
"wepay": "WePay",
"sign_up_with_wepay": "Mit WePay anmelden",
"use_another_provider": "Anderen Anbieter verwenden",
"company_name": "Firmenname",
"wepay_company_name_help": "Das erscheint auf den Kontoauszügen des Kunden.",
"wepay_description_help": "Zweck des Kontos.",
"wepay_tos_agree": "Ich stimme den {link} zu",
"wepay_tos_link_text": "WePay Servicebedingungen",
"resend_confirmation_email": "Bestätigungsemail nochmal senden",
"manage_account": "Account managen",
"action_required": "Handeln erforderlich",
"finish_setup": "Setup abschliessen",
"created_wepay_confirmation_required": "Bitte prüfen Sie Ihr E-Mail Konto und bestätigen Sie Ihre E-Mail Adresse bei WePay.",
"switch_to_wepay": "Wechsel zu WePay",
"switch": "Switch",
"restore_account_gateway": "Zahlungsanbieter wiederherstellen",
"restored_account_gateway": "Zahlungsanbieter erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"united_states": "Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika",
"canada": "Kanada",
"accept_debit_cards": "Debitkarten aktzeptieren",
"debit_cards": "Debitkarten",
"warn_start_date_changed": "Die nächste Rechnung wird zum neuen Startdatum versendet.",
"warn_start_date_changed_not_sent": "Die nächste Rechnung wird zum neuen Startdatum versendet.",
"original_start_date": "Originales Startdatum",
"new_start_date": "Neues Startdatum",
"security": "Sicherheit",
"see_whats_new": "Neu in v{version}",
"wait_for_upload": "Bitte warten Sie bis der Dokumentenupload abgeschlossen wurde.",
"upgrade_for_permissions": "Führen Sie ein Upgrade auf unseren Enterprise-Plan durch um Zugriffsrechte zu aktivieren.",
"enable_second_tax_rate": "Aktiviere Spezifizierung einer zweiten Steuerrate<\/b>",
"payment_file": "Zahlungsdatei",
"expense_file": "Ausgabenakte",
"product_file": "Produktdatei",
"import_products": "Produkte importieren",
"products_will_create": "Produkte werden erstellt werden",
"product_key": "Produkt",
"created_products": "{count} Produkt(e) erfolgreich erstellt bzw. aktualisiert",
"export_help": "Nutzen Sie JSON wenn Sie die Daten in Invoice Ninja importieren wollen.
Die Datei beinhaltet Kunden, Produkte, Rechnungen, Angebote und Zahlungen.",
"selfhost_export_help": "Wir empfehlen die Verwendung von mysqldump zur Herstellung einer vollständigen Sicherheitskopie.",
"JSON_file": "JSON Datei",
"view_dashboard": "Übersicht anzeigen",
"client_session_expired": "Sitzung abgelaufen",
"client_session_expired_message": "Ihre Sitzung ist abgelaufen. Bitte klicken Sie erneut auf den Link in Ihrer E-Mail.",
"auto_bill_notification": "Der Rechnungsbetrag dieser Rechnung wird automatisch am {due_date} per {payment_method} abgebucht.",
"auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer": "Bankkonto",
"auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card": "Kreditkarte",
"auto_bill_payment_method_paypal": "PayPal Konto",
"auto_bill_notification_placeholder": "Der Rechnungsbetrag dieser Rechnung wird automatisch am Fälligkeitsdatum von Ihrer Kreditkarte abgebucht.",
"payment_settings": "Zahlungseinstellungen",
"on_send_date": "Am Rechnungsdatum",
"on_due_date": "Am Fälligkeitsdatum",
"auto_bill_ach_date_help": "Am Tag der Fälligkeit wird ACH immer automatisch verrechnet.",
"warn_change_auto_bill": "Due to NACHA rules, changes to this invoice may prevent ACH auto bill.",
"bank_account": "Bankkonto",
"payment_processed_through_wepay": "ACH payments will be processed using WePay.",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree": "Ich stimme den WePay {terms} und {privacy_policy} zu",
"privacy_policy": "Datenschutzerklärung",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree_required": "Sie müssen den WePay AGB und Datenschutzbestimmungen zustimmen.",
"ach_email_prompt": "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein:",
"verification_pending": "Überprüfung ausstehend",
"update_font_cache": "Please force refresh the page to update the font cache.",
"more_options": "Weitere Optionen",
"credit_card": "Kreditkarte",
"bank_transfer": "Überweisung",
"no_transaction_reference": "We did not recieve a payment transaction reference from the gateway.",
"use_bank_on_file": "Use Bank on File",
"auto_bill_email_message": "Der Rechnungsbetrag dieser Rechnung wird automatisch am Fälligkeitsdatum per gewählter Zahlungsmethode abgebucht.",
"bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"gocardless": "GoCardless",
"added_on": "Datum {date} hinzugefügt",
"failed_remove_payment_method": "Zahlungsart entfernen fehlgeschlagen",
"gateway_exists": "Dieser Zahlungsanbieter wurde bereits angelegt",
"manual_entry": "Manuell hinzufügen",
"first_day_of_week": "Erster Tag der Woche",
"freq_inactive": "Inaktiv",
"freq_daily": "Täglich",
"freq_weekly": "Wöchentlich",
"freq_biweekly": "Zweiwöchentlich",
"freq_two_weeks": "Zweiwöchentlich",
"freq_four_weeks": "Vierwöchentlich",
"freq_monthly": "Monatlich",
"freq_three_months": "Dreimonatlich",
"freq_four_months": "Vier Monate",
"freq_six_months": "Halbjährlich",
"freq_annually": "Jährlich",
"freq_two_years": "zwei Jahre",
"payment_type_Apply Credit": "Guthaben anwenden",
"payment_type_Bank Transfer": "Überweisung",
"payment_type_Cash": "Bar",
"payment_type_Debit": "Debit",
"payment_type_ACH": "ACH",
"payment_type_Visa Card": "Visa-Karte",
"payment_type_MasterCard": "MasterCard",
"payment_type_American Express": "American Express",
"payment_type_Discover Card": "Discover Card",
"payment_type_Diners Card": "Diners Card",
"payment_type_EuroCard": "EuroCard",
"payment_type_Nova": "Nova",
"payment_type_Credit Card Other": "Kreditkarte (andere)",
"payment_type_PayPal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_Google Wallet": "Google Wallet",
"payment_type_Check": "Scheck",
"payment_type_Carte Blanche": "Carte Blanche",
"payment_type_UnionPay": "UnionPay",
"payment_type_JCB": "JCB",
"payment_type_Laser": "Laser",
"payment_type_Maestro": "Maestro",
"payment_type_Solo": "Solo",
"payment_type_Switch": "Switch",
"payment_type_iZettle": "iZettle",
"payment_type_Swish": "Swish",
"payment_type_Alipay": "Alipay",
"payment_type_Sofort": "SOFORT-Überweisung",
"payment_type_SEPA": "SEPA-Lastschriftverfahren",
"payment_type_Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_GoCardless": "GoCardless",
"industry_Accounting & Legal": "Buchhaltung und Rechnungswesen",
"industry_Advertising": "Werbung",
"industry_Aerospace": "Luft- und Raumfahrt",
"industry_Agriculture": "Land- und Forstwirtschaft",
"industry_Automotive": "Automobilbau",
"industry_Banking & Finance": "Bank- und Finanzwesen",
"industry_Biotechnology": "Biotechnologie",
"industry_Broadcasting": "Rundfunk",
"industry_Business Services": "Business Dienstleistungen",
"industry_Commodities & Chemicals": "Rohstoffe und Chemikalien",
"industry_Communications": "Nachrichten und Kommunikation",
"industry_Computers & Hightech": "Computer & Hightech",
"industry_Defense": "Verteidung",
"industry_Energy": "Energie",
"industry_Entertainment": "Unterhaltungsindustrie",
"industry_Government": "Kommunal- und Staatsverwaltung",
"industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences": "Gesundheitswesen",
"industry_Insurance": "Versicherungswesen",
"industry_Manufacturing": "Produzierendes Gewerbe",
"industry_Marketing": "Marketing",
"industry_Media": "Medien",
"industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed": "Gemeinnützige Unternehmen",
"industry_Pharmaceuticals": "Arzneimittel",
"industry_Professional Services & Consulting": "Professionelle Dienstleistungen und Beratung",
"industry_Real Estate": "Immobilien",
"industry_Restaurant & Catering": "Gastronomie",
"industry_Retail & Wholesale": "Einzel- und Grosshandel",
"industry_Sports": "Sport",
"industry_Transportation": "Verkehrswesen",
"industry_Travel & Luxury": "Reisen und Luxus",
"industry_Other": "Andere",
"industry_Photography": "Fotografie",
"country_Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
"country_Albania": "Albanien",
"country_Antarctica": "Antarktis",
"country_Algeria": "Algerien",
"country_American Samoa": "Amerikanisch-Samoa",
"country_Andorra": "Andorra",
"country_Angola": "Angola",
"country_Antigua and Barbuda": "Antigua und Barbuda",
"country_Azerbaijan": "Aserbaidschan",
"country_Argentina": "Argentinien",
"country_Australia": "Australien",
"country_Austria": "Österreich",
"country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
"country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesch",
"country_Armenia": "Armenien",
"country_Barbados": "Barbados",
"country_Belgium": "Belgien",
"country_Bermuda": "Bermuda",
"country_Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "Bolivien",
"country_Bosnia and Herzegovina": "Bosnien und Herzigowina",
"country_Botswana": "Botswana",
"country_Bouvet Island": "Bouvet Island",
"country_Brazil": "Brasilien",
"country_Belize": "Belize",
"country_British Indian Ocean Territory": "Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean",
"country_Solomon Islands": "Salomonen",
"country_Virgin Islands, British": "Britische Jungferninseln",
"country_Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei",
"country_Bulgaria": "Bulgarien",
"country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
"country_Burundi": "Burundi",
"country_Belarus": "Weissrussland",
"country_Cambodia": "Kambodscha",
"country_Cameroon": "Kamerun",
"country_Canada": "Kanada",
"country_Cape Verde": "Kap Verde",
"country_Cayman Islands": "Kaimaninseln",
"country_Central African Republic": "Zentralafrikanische Republik",
"country_Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
"country_Chad": "Tschad",
"country_Chile": "Chile",
"country_China": "China",
"country_Taiwan, Province of China": "Taiwan",
"country_Christmas Island": "Weihnachtsinsel",
"country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Kokosinseln",
"country_Colombia": "Kulumbien",
"country_Comoros": "Komoren",
"country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
"country_Congo": "Kongo",
"country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the": "Kongo, Demokratische Republik",
"country_Cook Islands": "Cook Inseln",
"country_Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"country_Croatia": "Kroatien",
"country_Cuba": "Kuba",
"country_Cyprus": "Zypern",
"country_Czech Republic": "Tschechische Republik",
"country_Benin": "Benin",
"country_Denmark": "Dänemark",
"country_Dominica": "Dominica",
"country_Dominican Republic": "Dominikanische Republik",
"country_Ecuador": "Ecuador",
"country_El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"country_Equatorial Guinea": "Äquatorialguinea",
"country_Ethiopia": "Äthiopien",
"country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
"country_Estonia": "Estland",
"country_Faroe Islands": "Färöer-Inseln",
"country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Falklandinseln",
"country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln",
"country_Fiji": "Fidschi",
"country_Finland": "Finnland",
"country_Åland Islands": "Åland",
"country_France": "Frankreich",
"country_French Guiana": "Französisch-Guayana",
"country_French Polynesia": "Französisch-Polynesien",
"country_French Southern Territories": "Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete",
"country_Djibouti": "Dschibuti",
"country_Gabon": "Gabun",
"country_Georgia": "Georgien",
"country_Gambia": "Gambia",
"country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete",
"country_Germany": "Deutschland",
"country_Ghana": "Ghana",
"country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
"country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
"country_Greece": "Griechenland",
"country_Greenland": "Grönland",
"country_Grenada": "Grenada",
"country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
"country_Guam": "Guam",
"country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
"country_Guinea": "Guinea",
"country_Guyana": "Guyana",
"country_Haiti": "Haiti",
"country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Heard und McDonaldinseln",
"country_Holy See (Vatican City State)": "Vatikanstadt",
"country_Honduras": "Honduras",
"country_Hong Kong": "Hongkong",
"country_Hungary": "Ungarn",
"country_Iceland": "Island",
"country_India": "Indien",
"country_Indonesia": "Indonesien",
"country_Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Iran",
"country_Iraq": "Irak",
"country_Ireland": "Irland",
"country_Israel": "Israel",
"country_Italy": "Italien",
"country_Côte d'Ivoire": "Elfenbeinküste",
"country_Jamaica": "Jamaica",
"country_Japan": "Japan",
"country_Kazakhstan": "Kasachstan",
"country_Jordan": "Jordanien",
"country_Kenya": "Kenia",
"country_Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
"country_Korea, Republic of": "Korea, Republic of",
"country_Kuwait": "Kuwait",
"country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kirgisistan",
"country_Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
"country_Lebanon": "Libanon",
"country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
"country_Latvia": "Lettland",
"country_Liberia": "Liberia",
"country_Libya": "Lybien",
"country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
"country_Lithuania": "Litauen",
"country_Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
"country_Macao": "Macao",
"country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
"country_Malawi": "Malawi",
"country_Malaysia": "Malaysia",
"country_Maldives": "Malediven",
"country_Mali": "Mali",
"country_Malta": "Malta",
"country_Martinique": "Martinique",
"country_Mauritania": "Mauretanien",
"country_Mauritius": "Mauritius",
"country_Mexico": "Mexiko",
"country_Monaco": "Monaco",
"country_Mongolia": "Mongolei",
"country_Moldova, Republic of": "Moldova, Republic of",
"country_Montenegro": "Montenegro",
"country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
"country_Morocco": "Marokko",
"country_Mozambique": "Mosambique",
"country_Oman": "Oman",
"country_Namibia": "Namibia",
"country_Nauru": "Nauru",
"country_Nepal": "Nepal",
"country_Netherlands": "Niederlande",
"country_Curaçao": "Curaçao",
"country_Aruba": "Aruba",
"country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"country_New Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
"country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
"country_New Zealand": "Neuseeland",
"country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
"country_Niger": "Niger",
"country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"country_Niue": "Niue",
"country_Norfolk Island": "Norfolkinsel",
"country_Norway": "Norwegen",
"country_Northern Mariana Islands": "Nördliche Marianen",
"country_United States Minor Outlying Islands": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"country_Micronesia, Federated States of": "Micronesia, Federated States of",
"country_Marshall Islands": "Marshallinseln",
"country_Palau": "Palau",
"country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
"country_Panama": "Panama",
"country_Papua New Guinea": "Papua-Neuguinea",
"country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
"country_Peru": "Peru",
"country_Philippines": "Philippienen",
"country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairninseln",
"country_Poland": "Polen",
"country_Portugal": "Portugal",
"country_Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
"country_Timor-Leste": "Osttimor",
"country_Puerto Rico": "Puerto Rico",
"country_Qatar": "Katar",
"country_Réunion": "Réunion",
"country_Romania": "Rumänien",
"country_Russian Federation": "Russland",
"country_Rwanda": "Ruanda",
"country_Saint Barthélemy": "Saint Barthélemy",
"country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"country_Saint Kitts and Nevis": "St. Kitts und Nevis",
"country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
"country_Saint Lucia": "Saint Lucia",
"country_Saint Martin (French part)": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"country_San Marino": "San Marino",
"country_Sao Tome and Principe": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"country_Saudi Arabia": "Saudi-Arabien",
"country_Senegal": "Senegal",
"country_Serbia": "Serbien",
"country_Seychelles": "Seychellen",
"country_Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leone",
"country_Singapore": "Singapur",
"country_Slovakia": "Slowakei",
"country_Viet Nam": "Vietnam",
"country_Slovenia": "Slovenien",
"country_Somalia": "Somalia",
"country_South Africa": "Südafrika",
"country_Zimbabwe": "Simbabwe",
"country_Spain": "Spanien",
"country_South Sudan": "Südsudan",
"country_Sudan": "Sudan",
"country_Western Sahara": "Western Sahara",
"country_Suriname": "Suriname",
"country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"country_Sweden": "Schweden",
"country_Switzerland": "Schweiz",
"country_Syrian Arab Republic": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"country_Tajikistan": "Tadschikistan",
"country_Thailand": "Thailand",
"country_Togo": "Togo",
"country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
"country_Tonga": "Tonga",
"country_Trinidad and Tobago": "Trinidad und Tobago",
"country_United Arab Emirates": "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate",
"country_Tunisia": "Tunesien",
"country_Turkey": "Türkei",
"country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
"country_Turks and Caicos Islands": "Turks- und Caicosinseln",
"country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
"country_Uganda": "Uganda",
"country_Ukraine": "Ukraine",
"country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of": "Mazedonien",
"country_Egypt": "Ägypten",
"country_United Kingdom": "Vereinigtes Königreich",
"country_Guernsey": "Guernsey",
"country_Jersey": "Jersey",
"country_Isle of Man": "Isle of Man",
"country_Tanzania, United Republic of": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"country_United States": "Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika",
"country_Virgin Islands, U.S.": "Jungferninseln",
"country_Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
"country_Uzbekistan": "Usbekistan",
"country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of": "Venezuela",
"country_Wallis and Futuna": "Wallis und Futuna",
"country_Samoa": "Samoa",
"country_Yemen": "Jemen",
"country_Zambia": "Sambia",
"lang_Brazilian Portuguese": "Brasilianisches Portugiesisch",
"lang_Croatian": "Kroatisch",
"lang_Czech": "Tschechisch",
"lang_Danish": "Dänisch",
"lang_Dutch": "Niederländisch",
"lang_English": "Englisch",
"lang_French": "Französisch",
"lang_French - Canada": "Französisch - Kanada",
"lang_German": "Deutsch",
"lang_Italian": "Italienisch",
"lang_Japanese": "Japanisch",
"lang_Lithuanian": "Litauisch",
"lang_Norwegian": "Norwegisch",
"lang_Polish": "Polnisch",
"lang_Spanish": "Spanisch",
"lang_Spanish - Spain": "Spanisch - Spanien",
"lang_Swedish": "Schwedisch",
"lang_Albanian": "Albanian",
"lang_Greek": "Griechisch",
"lang_English - United Kingdom": "Englisch (UK)",
"lang_Slovenian": "Slowenisch",
"lang_Finnish": "Finnisch",
"lang_Romanian": "Romänisch",
"lang_Turkish - Turkey": "Türkisch",
"lang_Portuguese - Brazilian": "Portugiesisch - Brasilien",
"lang_Portuguese - Portugal": "Portugiesisch - Portugal",
"lang_Thai": "Thailändisch",
"lang_Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"lang_Chinese - Taiwan": "Chinese - Taiwan",
"view_client_portal": "Kundenportal anzeigen",
"view_portal": "Portal anzeigen",
"vendor_contacts": "Lieferantenkontakte",
"all": "Alle",
"selected": "Gewählte",
"category": "Kategorie",
"categories": "Kategorien",
"new_expense_category": "Neue Ausgabenkategorie",
"edit_category": "Bearbeite Ausgabenkategorie",
"archive_expense_category": "Archiviere Kategorie",
"expense_categories": "Ausgabenkategorien",
"list_expense_categories": "Ausgabenkategorien anzeigen",
"updated_expense_category": "Ausgabenkategorie erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"created_expense_category": "Ausgabenkategorie erfolgreich erstellt",
"archived_expense_category": "Ausgabenkategorie erfolgreich archiviert",
"archived_expense_categories": "{count} Ausgabenkategorien erfolgreich archiviert",
"restore_expense_category": "Ausgabenkategorie wiederherstellen",
"restored_expense_category": "Ausgabenkategorie erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"apply_taxes": "Steuern anwenden",
"min_to_max_users": "{min} bis {max} Nutzer",
"max_users_reached": "Die Höchstanzahl an Nutzern wurde erreicht.",
"buy_now_buttons": "\"Kaufe jetzt\"-Buttons",
"landing_page": "Landeseite",
"payment_type": "Zahlungsart",
"form": "Formular",
"link": "Link",
"fields": "Felder",
"dwolla": "Dwolla",
"buy_now_buttons_warning": "Anmerkung: Kunden- und Rechnungsaufzeichnungen werden auch dann erstellt, wenn die Transaktion nicht abgeschlossen wurde.",
"buy_now_buttons_disabled": "Diese Funktion setzt voraus, dass ein Produkt erstellt und ein Zahlungs-Gateway konfiguriert wurde.",
"enable_buy_now_buttons_help": "Aktiviere Unterstützung für \"Kaufe jetzt\"-Buttons",
"changes_take_effect_immediately": "Anmerkung: Änderungen treten sofort in Kraft",
"wepay_account_description": "Zahlungsanbieter für Invoice Ninja",
"payment_error_code": "Bei der Bearbeitung Ihrer Zahlung [{code}] gab es einen Fehler. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.",
"standard_fees_apply": "Standardgebühren werden erhoben: 2,9% + 0,25€ pro erfolgreicher Belastung bei nicht-europäischen Kreditkarten und 1,4% + 0,25€ bei europäischen Kreditkarten.",
"limit_import_rows": "Daten müssen in Stapeln von {count} Zeilen oder weniger importiert werden",
"error_title": "Etwas lief falsch",
"error_contact_text": "Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, schreiben Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an {mailaddress}",
"no_undo": "Warnung: Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"no_contact_selected": "Bitte wählen Sie einen Kontakt",
"no_client_selected": "Bitte wählen Sie einen Kunden",
"gateway_config_error": "Es kann helfen neue Passwörter zu setzen oder neue API-Schlüssel zu erzeugen.",
"payment_type_on_file": "Gespeichert\/e {type}",
"invoice_for_client": "Rechnung {invoice} für {client}",
"intent_not_found": "Es tut mir Leid, ich verstehe nicht worum Sie bitten.",
"intent_not_supported": "Es tut mir Leid, dazu bin ich nicht imstande.",
"client_not_found": "Ich konnte den Kunden nicht finden",
"not_allowed": "Es tut mir Leid, Sie haben nicht die nötigen Berechtigungen",
"bot_emailed_invoice": "Ihre Rechnung wurde verschickt.",
"bot_emailed_notify_viewed": "Ich schicke Ihnen nach Ansicht eine E-Mail.",
"bot_emailed_notify_paid": "Ich schicke Ihnen nach der Zahlung eine E-Mail.",
"add_product_to_invoice": "Füge 1 {product} hinzu",
"not_authorized": "Du bist nicht autorisiert",
"bot_get_email": "Hi! (wave)
Thanks for trying the Invoice Ninja Bot.
You need to create a free account to use this bot.
Send me your account email address to get started.",
"bot_get_code": "Danke! Ich habe dir eine E-Mail mit deinem Sicherheitscode geschickt.",
"bot_welcome": "Das war es schon, dein Account ist verifiziert.
"email_not_found": "Ich konnte keinen verfügbaren Account für {email} finden",
"invalid_code": "Der Code ist nicht korrekt",
"security_code_email_subject": "Sicherheitscode für Invoice Ninja Bot",
"security_code_email_line1": "Dies ist Ihr Invoice Ninja Bot Sicherheitscode.",
"security_code_email_line2": "Anmerkung: Er wird in 10 Minuten ablaufen.",
"bot_help_message": "Ich unterstütze derzeit:
• Erstellung\\Aktualisierung\\E-Mail-Versand von Rechnungen
• Auflistung von Produkten
Zum Beispiel:
invoice bob for 2 tickets, set the due date to next thursday and the discount to 10 percent<\/i>",
"list_products": "Produkte anzeigen",
"include_item_taxes_inline": "Steuern für Belegpositionen in der Summe anzeigen<\/b>",
"created_quotes": "Erfolgreich {count} Angebot(e) erstellt",
"limited_gateways": "Anmerkung: Wir unterstützen ein Kreditkarten-Gateway pro Unternehmen.",
"warning": "Warnung",
"self-update": "Update",
"update_invoiceninja_title": "Update Invoice Ninja",
"update_invoiceninja_warning": "Vor dem Update von Invoice Ninja sollte ein Backup der Datenbank und der Dateien erstellt werden!",
"update_invoiceninja_available": "Eine neue Version von Invoice Ninja ist verfügbar.",
"update_invoiceninja_unavailable": "Keine neue Version von Invoice Ninja verfügbar.",
"update_invoiceninja_instructions": "Bitte benutze den Update durchführen<\/em>-Button, um die neue Version {version}<\/strong> zu installieren. Du wirst danach zum Dashboard weitergeleitet.",
"update_invoiceninja_update_start": "Update durchführen",
"update_invoiceninja_download_start": "Download {version}",
"create_new": "Neu...",
"toggle_navigation": "Navigation umschalten",
"toggle_history": "History umschalten",
"unassigned": "Nicht zugewiesen",
"task": "Aufgabe",
"contact_name": "Name des Kontakts",
"city_state_postal": "Stadt \/ Bundesland \/ PLZ",
"custom_field": "Benutzerdefinierte Felder",
"account_fields": "Unternehmensfelder",
"facebook_and_twitter": "Facebook und Twitter",
"facebook_and_twitter_help": "Folge unseren Feeds um unser Projekt zu unterstützen",
"reseller_text": "Anmerkung: die \"White-Label\"-Lizenz ist für Ihre persönliche Nutzung gedacht. Bitte schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail an {email} wenn Sie unsere App weiterverkaufen wollen.",
"unnamed_client": "Unbenannter Kunde",
"day": "Tag",
"week": "Woche",
"month": "Monat",
"inactive_logout": "Sie wurden aufgrund von Inaktivität ausgeloggt",
"reports": "Berichte",
"total_profit": "Gesamtprofit",
"total_expenses": "Gesamtausgaben",
"quote_to": "Angebot an",
"limit": "Grenzwerte",
"min_limit": "Min: {min}",
"max_limit": "Max: {max}",
"no_limit": "Keine Grenzwerte",
"set_limits": "Setze {gateway_type} Grenzwerte",
"enable_min": "Min aktivieren",
"enable_max": "Max aktivieren",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"limits_not_met": "Diese Rechnung entspricht nicht den Grenzwerten für diese Zahlungsart.",
"date_range": "Datumsbereich",
"raw": "Rohdaten",
"raw_html": "Unverarbeiteter HTML-Code",
"update": "Update",
"invoice_fields_help": "Felder verschieben, um ihre Reihenfolge und Position zu ändern",
"new_category": "Neue Kategorie",
"restore_product": "Produkt wiederherstellen",
"blank": "Leer",
"invoice_save_error": "Die Rechnung konnte nicht gespeichert werden",
"enable_recurring": "Wiederkehrend Aktivieren",
"disable_recurring": "Wiederkehrend Deaktivieren",
"text": "Text",
"expense_will_create": "Ausgabe wird erstellt werden",
"expenses_will_create": "Ausgaben werden erstellt werden",
"created_expenses": "{count} Ausgabe(n) erfolgreich erstellt",
"translate_app": "Hilf uns unsere Übersetzungen mit {link} zu verbessern",
"expense_category": "Ausgabenkategorie",
"go_ninja_pro": "Jetzt Ninja Pro werden!",
"go_enterprise": "Enterprise Version bestellen!",
"upgrade_for_features": "Upgraden Sie um mehr Funktionen zu erhalten",
"pay_annually_discount": "Bezahlen Sie jährlich für 10 Monate und erhalten Sie 2 gratis!",
"pro_upgrade_title": "Ninja Pro",
"pro_upgrade_feature1": "IhreMarke.InvoiceNinja.com",
"pro_upgrade_feature2": "Passen Sie alle Aspekte Ihrer Rechnung an!",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature1": "Setzen Sie Berechtigungen für mehrere Nutzer",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature2": "Hängen Sie Dateien Dritter an Rechnungen und Ausgaben",
"much_more": "Vieles Mehr!",
"all_pro_fetaures": "Zusätzlich alle Pro Funktionen!",
"currency_symbol": "Währungssymbol",
"currency_code": "Währungssymbol",
"buy_license": "Lizenz kaufen",
"apply_license": "Lizenz anwenden",
"submit": "Abschicken",
"white_label_license_key": "Lizenzschlüssel",
"invalid_white_label_license": "Die \"White-Label\"-Lizenz ist nicht gültig",
"created_by": "Erstellt von {name}",
"modules": "Module",
"financial_year_start": "Erster Monat des Jahres",
"authentication": "Authentifizierung",
"checkbox": "Checkbox",
"invoice_signature": "Unterschrift",
"show_accept_invoice_terms": "Checkbox für Rechnungsbedingungen",
"show_accept_invoice_terms_help": "Erfordern Sie die Bestätigung der Rechnungsbedingungen durch den Kunden.",
"show_accept_quote_terms": "Checkbox für Angebotsbedingungen",
"show_accept_quote_terms_help": "Erfordern Sie die Bestätigung der Angebotsbedingungen durch den Kunden.",
"require_invoice_signature": "Rechnungsunterschrift",
"require_invoice_signature_help": "Erfordern Sie die Unterschrift des Kunden bei Rechnungen.",
"require_quote_signature": "Angebotsunterschrift",
"require_quote_signature_help": "Erfordern Sie die Unterschrift des Kunden bei Angeboten.",
"i_agree": "Ich stimme den Bedingungen zu",
"sign_here": "Bitte unterschreiben Sie hier:",
"authorization": "Genehmigung",
"signed": "unterzeichnet",
"bluevine_promo": "Factoring und Bonitätsauskünfte von BlueVine bestellen.",
"bluevine_modal_label": "Anmelden mit BlueVine",
"bluevine_modal_text": "Schnelle Finanzierung ohne Papierkram.<\/h3>\n- Flexible Bonitätsprüfung und Factoring.<\/li><\/ul>",
"bluevine_create_account": "Konto erstellen",
"quote_types": "Angebot erhalten für",
"invoice_factoring": "Factoring",
"line_of_credit": "Bonitätsprüfung",
"fico_score": "Ihre FICO Bewertung",
"business_inception": "Gründungsdatum",
"average_bank_balance": "durchschnittlicher Kontostand",
"annual_revenue": "Jahresertrag",
"desired_credit_limit_factoring": "Gewünschtes Factoring Limit",
"desired_credit_limit_loc": "gewünschter Kreditrahmen",
"desired_credit_limit": "gewünschtes Kreditlimit",
"bluevine_credit_line_type_required": "Sie müssen mindestens eine auswählen",
"bluevine_field_required": "Dies ist ein Pflichtfeld",
"bluevine_unexpected_error": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten.",
"bluevine_no_conditional_offer": "Mehr Information ist vonnöten um ein Angebot erstellen zu können. Bitte klicken Sie unten auf Weiter.",
"bluevine_invoice_factoring": "Factoring",
"bluevine_conditional_offer": "Freibleibendes Angebot",
"bluevine_credit_line_amount": "Kreditline",
"bluevine_advance_rate": "Finanzierungsanteil",
"bluevine_weekly_discount_rate": "Wöchentlicher Rabatt",
"bluevine_minimum_fee_rate": "Minimale Gebühr",
"bluevine_line_of_credit": "Kreditline",
"bluevine_interest_rate": "Zinssatz",
"bluevine_weekly_draw_rate": "Wöchtentliche Rückzahlungsquote",
"bluevine_continue": "Weiter zu BlueVine",
"bluevine_completed": "BlueVine Anmeldung abgeschlossen",
"vendor_name": "Lieferant",
"entity_state": "Status",
"client_created_at": "Erstellungsdatum",
"postmark_error": "Beim Senden der E-Mail durch Postmark ist ein Problem aufgetreten: {link}",
"project": "Projekt",
"projects": "Projekte",
"new_project": "neues Projekt",
"edit_project": "Projekt bearbeiten",
"archive_project": "Projekt archivieren",
"list_projects": "Projekte anzeigen",
"updated_project": "Projekt erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"created_project": "Projekt erfolgreich erstellt",
"archived_project": "Projekt erfolgreich archiviert",
"archived_projects": "Erfolgreich {count} Projekte archiviert",
"restore_project": "Projekt wiederherstellen",
"restored_project": "Projekt erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"delete_project": "Projekt löschen",
"deleted_project": "Projekt erfolgreich gelöscht",
"deleted_projects": "Erfolgreich {count} Projekte gelöscht",
"delete_expense_category": "Kategorie löschen",
"deleted_expense_category": "Kategorie erfolgreich gelöscht",
"delete_product": "Produkt löschen",
"deleted_product": "Produkt erfolgreich gelöscht",
"deleted_products": "Erfolgreich {count} Produkte gelöscht",
"restored_product": "Produkt erfolgreich wiederhergestellt",
"update_credit": "Saldo aktualisieren",
"updated_credit": "Saldo erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"edit_credit": "Saldo bearbeiten",
"live_preview_help": "Zeige Live-Vorschau der PDF-Datei auf der Rechnungsseite.
Schalte dies ab, falls es zu Leistungsproblemen während der Rechnungsbearbeitung führt.",
"force_pdfjs_help": "Ersetze den eingebauten PDF-Viewer in {chrome_link} und {firefox_link}.
Aktiviere dies, wenn dein Browser die PDFs automatisch herunterlädt.",
"force_pdfjs": "Verhindere Download",
"redirect_url": "Umleitungs-URL",
"redirect_url_help": "Gebe optional eine URL an, zu der umgeleitet werden soll, wenn eine Zahlung getätigt wurde.",
"save_draft": "Speichere Entwurf",
"refunded_credit_payment": "Ausgleichszahlung",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Tastatur-Schnellzugriffe",
"toggle_menu": "Menü umschalten",
"new_...": "Neu(e) ...",
"list_...": "Liste",
"created_at": "Erstellt am",
"contact_us": "Kontaktieren Sie uns",
"user_guide": "Nutzer-Anleitung",
"promo_message": "Lizenz erneuern bevor {expires}, erhalten Sie {amount}% Rabatt auf das erste Jahr unserer Pro oder Enterprise-Pakete.",
"discount_message": "{amount} Rabatt läuft ab {expires}",
"mark_paid": "Als bezahlt markieren",
"marked_sent_invoice": "Rechnung erfolgreich als versendet markiert",
"marked_sent_invoices": "Rechnungen erfolgreich als versendet markiert",
"invoice_name": "Rechnung",
"product_will_create": "Produkt wird erstellt werden",
"contact_us_response": "Wir haben Ihre Nachricht erhalten! Wir antworten sobald wie möglich",
"last_7_days": "Letzte 7 Tage",
"last_30_days": "Letzte 30 Tage",
"this_month": "Dieser Monat",
"last_month": "Letzter Monat",
"last_year": "Letztes Jahr",
"custom_range": "Benutzerdefinierter Bereich",
"url": "URL",
"debug": "Debug",
"https": "HTTPS",
"require": "Benötigt",
"license_expiring": "Anmerkung: Ihre Lizenz läuftin {count} Tagen ab, {link} um sie zu erneuern.",
"security_confirmation": "Deine E-Mail Adresse wurde bestätigt.",
"white_label_expired": "Deine White Label Lizenz ist ausgelaufen, bitte denke darüber nach diese zu verlängern um unser Projekt zu unterstützen.",
"renew_license": "Verlängere die Lizenz",
"iphone_app_message": "Berücksichtigen Sie unser {link} herunterzuladen",
"iphone_app": "iPhone-App",
"android_app": "Android App",
"logged_in": "Eingeloggt",
"switch_to_primary": "Wechseln Sie zu Ihrem Primärunternehmen ({name}), um Ihren Plan zu managen.",
"inclusive": "Inklusive",
"exclusive": "Exklusive",
"postal_city_state": "Plz\/Stadt\/Staat",
"phantomjs_help": "In bestimmten Fällen nutzt diese App {link_phantom} um PDFs zu erzeugen. Installieren Sie {link_docs}, um diese lokal zu erzeugen.",
"phantomjs_local": "Benutze lokale PhantomJS Instanz",
"client_number": "Kundennummer",
"client_number_help": "Geben Sie einen Präfix oder ein benutzerdefiniertes Schema an, um die Kundennummer dynamisch zu erzeugen.",
"next_client_number": "Die nächste Kundennummer ist {number}.",
"generated_numbers": "Generierte Zahlen",
"notes_reminder1": "erste Erinnerung",
"notes_reminder2": "zweite Erinnerung",
"notes_reminder3": "dritte Erinnerung",
"bcc_email": "BCC E-Mail",
"tax_quote": "Steuerquote",
"tax_invoice": "Steuerrechnung",
"emailed_invoices": "Rechnungen erfolgreich versendet",
"emailed_quotes": "Angebote erfolgreich versendet",
"website_url": "Webadresse",
"domain": "Domäne",
"domain_help": "Wird im Kunden-Portal und beim Versenden von E-Mails verwendet.",
"domain_help_website": "Wird beim Versenden von E-Mails verwendet.",
"import_invoices": "Rechnungen importieren",
"new_report": "Neuer Bericht",
"edit_report": "Bericht bearbeiten",
"columns": "Spalten",
"filters": "Filter",
"sort_by": "Sortiere nach",
"draft": "Entwurf",
"unpaid": "Unbezahlt",
"aging": "Versendet",
"age": "Alter",
"days": "Tage",
"age_group_0": "0 - 30 Tage",
"age_group_30": "30 - 60 Tage",
"age_group_60": "60 - 90 Tage",
"age_group_90": "90 - 120 Tage",
"age_group_120": "120+ Tage",
"invoice_details": "Rechnungsdetails",
"qty": "Menge",
"profit_and_loss": "Gewinn und Verlust",
"revenue": "Einnahmen",
"profit": "Profit",
"group_when_sorted": "Gruppensortierung",
"group_dates_by": "Gruppiere Daten nach",
"year": "Jahr",
"view_statement": "Zeige Bericht",
"statement": "Bericht",
"statement_date": "Bericht Datum",
"mark_active": "Markiere aktiv",
"send_automatically": "Automatisch senden",
"initial_email": "Initiale E-Mail",
"invoice_not_emailed": "Diese Rechnung wurde nicht per E-Mail verschickt.",
"quote_not_emailed": "Dieses Angebot wurde nicht per E-Mail verschickt.",
"sent_by": "Gesendet von {user}",
"recipients": "Empfänger",
"save_as_default": "Als Standard speichern",
"template": "Vorlage",
"first_day_of_week_help": "Verwendet von Datums<\/b>selektoren",
"financial_year_start_help": "Verwendet von Datum-Bereichs<\/b>selektoren",
"reports_help": "Shift + Click to sort by multiple columns, Ctrl + Click to clear the grouping.",
"this_year": "Dieses Jahr",
"ninja_tagline": "Erstelle. Sende. Werde bezahlt.",
"login_or_existing": "Oder melde dich mit einem verbundenen Konto an.",
"sign_up_now": "Jetzt anmelden",
"not_a_member_yet": "Noch kein Mitglied?",
"login_create_an_account": "Konto erstellen!",
"client_login": "Kundenanmeldung",
"invoice_from": "Rechnungen von:",
"email_alias_message": "Wir benötigen von jedem Benutzer eine einzigartige E-Mail-Adresse. Verwenden Sie einen Alias, z.B.: email+label@example.com",
"full_name": "Voller Name",
"month_year": "Monat\/Jahr",
"valid_thru": "Gültig\\nthru",
"product_fields": "Produktfelder",
"custom_product_fields_help": "Füge ein Feld hinzu, wenn eine neues Produkt oder Rechnung erstellt wird und zeige die Bezeichnung und den Wert auf der Rechnung an.",
"freq_two_months": "Zwei Monate",
"freq_yearly": "Jährlich",
"profile": "Profil",
"payment_type_help": "Setze die Standard manuelle Zahlungsmethode<\/b>.",
"industry_Construction": "Bauwesen",
"your_statement": "Deine Abrechnung",
"statement_issued_to": "Abrechnung ausgestellt für",
"statement_to": "Abrechnung für",
"customize_options": "Optionen anpassen",
"created_payment_term": "Zahlungsbedingung erfolgreich erstellt",
"updated_payment_term": "Zahlungsbedingung erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"archived_payment_term": "Zahlungsbedingung erfolgreich archiviert",
"resend_invite": "Einladung erneut versenden",
"credit_created_by": "Guthaben erstellt durch Zahlung {transaction_reference}",
"created_payment_and_credit": "Zahlung und Guthaben erfolgreich erstellt",
"created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client": "Zahlung und Guthaben erfolgreich erstellt und Kunde per E-Mail benachrichtigt",
"create_project": "Projekt erstellen",
"create_vendor": "Lieferanten erstellen",
"create_expense_category": "Kategorie erstellen",
"pro_plan_reports": "{link} to enable reports by joining the Pro Plan",
"mark_ready": "Als bereit markieren",
"limits": "Grenzwerte",
"fees": "Gebühren",
"fee": "Gebühr",
"set_limits_fees": "Limits\/Gebühren festlegen",
"fees_tax_help": "Enable line item taxes to set the fee tax rates.",
"fees_sample": "Die Gebühren für eine Rechnung über {amount} würden {total} betragen.",
"discount_sample": "Der Rabatt für eine Rechnungen über {amount} würde {total} betragen.",
"no_fees": "Keine Gebühren",
"gateway_fees_disclaimer": "Achtung: Nicht alle Länder oder Bezahldienste erlauben es, Gebühren zu erheben. Beachten Sie die jeweiligen gesetztlichen Bestimmungen bzw. Nutzungsbedingungen.",
"percent": "Prozent",
"location": "Ort",
"line_item": "Posten",
"surcharge": "Gebühr",
"location_first_surcharge": "Aktiviert - Erste Mahngebühr",
"location_second_surcharge": "Aktiviert - Zweite Mahngebühr",
"location_line_item": "Aktiv - Posten",
"online_payment_surcharge": "Gebühr für Online-Zahlung",
"gateway_fees": "Transaktionsgebühren",
"fees_disabled": "Gebühren sind deaktiviert",
"gateway_fees_help": "Automatisch einen Online-Zahlungszuschlag oder Rabatt hinzufügen.",
"gateway": "Provider",
"gateway_fee_change_warning": "Wenn es unbezahlte Rechnungen mit Gebühren gibt, müssen diese manuell aktualisiert werden.",
"fees_surcharge_help": "Gebühren anpassen {link}.",
"label_and_taxes": "Bezeichnung und Steueren",
"billable": "Abrechenbar",
"logo_warning_too_large": "Die Bilddatei ist zu groß.",
"logo_warning_fileinfo": "Warnung: Um gif-Dateien zu unterstützen muss die fileinfo PHP-Erweiterung aktiv sein.",
"logo_warning_invalid": "Es gab ein Problem beim Einlesen der Bilddatei. Bitte verwende ein anderes Dateiformat.",
"error_refresh_page": "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte aktualisiere die Webseite und probiere es erneut.",
"data": "Daten",
"imported_settings": "Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"reset_counter": "Zähler-Reset",
"next_reset": "Nächster Reset",
"reset_counter_help": "Setze automatisch den Rechnungs- und Angebotszähler zurück.",
"auto_bill_failed": "Automatische Abrechnung für {invoice_number} fehlgeschlagen",
"online_payment_discount": "Online-Zahlungsrabatt",
"created_new_company": "Neues Unternehmen erfolgreich erstellt",
"fees_disabled_for_gateway": "Gebühren sind für diesen Gateway deaktiviert.",
"logout_and_delete": "Ausloggen\/Konto löschen",
"tax_rate_type_help": "Inklusive Steuersätze beeinflussen die Kosten der Rechnungspositionen, wenn sie ausgewählt werden. Nur exklusive Steuersätze können als Standard verwendet werden.",
"invoice_footer_help": "Verwende $pageNumber und $pageCount um Seiteninformationen anzuzeigen.",
"credit_note": "Gutschrift",
"credit_issued_to": "Kreditkarte ausgestellt auf",
"credit_to": "Gutschreiben an",
"your_credit": "Ihr Guthaben",
"credit_number": "Gutschriftnummer",
"create_credit_note": "Gutschrift erstellen",
"menu": "Menü",
"error_incorrect_gateway_ids": "Fehler: Die Tabelle des Gateways enthält fehlerhafte IDs.",
"purge_data": "Daten säubern",
"delete_data": "Daten löschen",
"purge_data_help": "Alle Daten endgültig löschen, aber Konto und Einstellungen behalten.",
"cancel_account_help": "Lösche unwiederbringlich das Konto, mitsamt aller Daten und Einstellungen.",
"purge_successful": "Die Kontodaten wurden erfolgreich gelöscht",
"forbidden": "Verboten",
"purge_data_message": "Achtung: Alle Daten werden vollständig gelöscht. Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"contact_phone": "Telefonnummer des Kontakts",
"contact_email": "E-Mail-Adresse des Kontakts",
"reply_to_email": "Antwort-E-Mail-Adresse",
"reply_to_email_help": "Gib die Antwort-E-Mail-Adresse an, die für den Kundenkontakt genutzt werden soll.",
"bcc_email_help": "Sende unsichtbar zusätzlich alle ausgehenden E-Mails an die hier angegebene Adresse.",
"import_complete": "Ihr Import wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.",
"confirm_account_to_import": "Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihr Konto um Daten zu importieren.",
"import_started": "Ihr Import wurde gestartet, wir senden Ihnen eine E-Mail zu, sobald er abgeschlossen wurde.",
"listening": "Höre zu...",
"microphone_help": "Say \"new invoice for [client]\" or \"show me [client]'s archived payments\"",
"voice_commands": "Sprachbefehle",
"sample_commands": "Beispiele für Sprachbefehle",
"voice_commands_feedback": "Wir arbeiten aktiv daran, dieses Feature zu verbessern. Wenn es einen Befehl gibt, den wir unterstützen sollen, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an {email}.",
"payment_type_Venmo": "Venmo",
"payment_type_Money Order": "Zahlunganweisung",
"archived_products": "Archivierung erfolgreich {Produktz}ähler",
"recommend_on": "Wir empfehlen diese Einstellung zu aktivieren<\/b>.",
"recommend_off": "Wir empfehlen diese Einstellung zu deaktivieren<\/b>.",
"notes_auto_billed": "Automatisch verrechnet",
"surcharge_label": "Aufschlagsfeldbezeichnung",
"contact_fields": "Kontaktfelder",
"custom_contact_fields_help": "Fügen Sie ein neues Feld zu Kontakten hinzu. Die Feldbezeichnung und der Feldwert können auf PDF-Dateien ausgegeben.",
"datatable_info": "Zeige Eintrag {start} bis {end} von {total}",
"credit_total": "Gesamtguthaben",
"mark_billable": "zur Verrechnung kennzeichnen",
"billed": "Verrechnet",
"company_variables": "Firmen-Variablen",
"client_variables": "Kunden-Variablen",
"invoice_variables": "Rechnungs Variablen",
"navigation_variables": "Navigations Variablen",
"custom_variables": "Benutzerdefinierte Variablen",
"invalid_file": "Ungültiger Dateityp",
"add_documents_to_invoice": "Fügen Sie Dokumente zur Rechnung hinzu",
"mark_expense_paid": "Als bezahlt markieren",
"white_label_license_error": "Die Lizenz nicht validiert werden. Überprüfen Sie die Datei Storage\/logs\/laravel-error. log auf Fehler.",
"plan_price": "Tarifkosten",
"wrong_confirmation": "Falscher Bestätigungscode",
"oauth_taken": "Dieses Konto ist bereits registriert",
"emailed_payment": "Zahlungs eMail erfolgreich gesendet",
"email_payment": "Sende Zahlungs eMail",
"invoiceplane_import": "Benutzer {link} für die Datenmigration von InvoicePlane.",
"duplicate_expense_warning": "Achtung: {link} evtl. schon vorhanden.",
"expense_link": "Ausgabe",
"resume_task": "Aufgabe fortsetzen",
"resumed_task": "Aufgabe fortgesetzt",
"quote_design": "Angebots-Layout",
"default_design": "Standard-Layout",
"custom_design1": "Eigenes Layout 1",
"custom_design2": "Eigenes Layout 2",
"custom_design3": "Eigenes Layout 3",
"empty": "Leer",
"load_design": "Designvorlage laden",
"accepted_card_logos": "Logos der akzeptierten Kreditkarten",
"phantomjs_local_and_cloud": "PhantomJS wird lokal verwendet, die Cloud-Version wird als Fallback verwendet",
"google_analytics": "Google Analytics",
"analytics_key": "Analytics Key",
"analytics_key_help": "Zahlungen verfolgen über {link}",
"start_date_required": "Das Anfangsdatum muss angegeben werden",
"application_settings": "Anwendungs-Einstellungen",
"database_connection": "Datenbank-Verbindung",
"driver": "Treiber",
"host": "Host",
"database": "Datenbank",
"test_connection": "Verbindung testen",
"from_name": "Absendername",
"from_address": "Absenderadresse",
"port": "Port",
"encryption": "Verschlüsselung",
"mailgun_domain": "Mailgun Domäne",
"mailgun_private_key": "Mailgun privater Schlüssel",
"send_test_email": "Test-E-Mail verschicken",
"select_label": "Select Label",
"label": "Label",
"service": "Dienst",
"update_payment_details": "Aktualisiere Zahlungsdetails",
"updated_payment_details": "Zahlungsdetails erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"update_credit_card": "Aktualisiere Kreditkarte",
"recurring_expenses": "Wiederkehrende Ausgaben",
"recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe",
"new_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe eingeben",
"edit_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe bearbeiten",
"archive_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe archivieren",
"list_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe auflisten",
"updated_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe wurde aktualisiert",
"created_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe wurde erstellt",
"archived_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe wurde archiviert",
"restore_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe wiederherstellen",
"restored_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe wurde wiederhergestellt",
"delete_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe Löschen",
"deleted_recurring_expense": "Projekt wurde gelöscht",
"view_recurring_expense": "Wiederkehrende Ausgabe Anzeigen",
"taxes_and_fees": "Steuern und Gebühren",
"import_failed": "Import fehlgeschlagen",
"recurring_prefix": "Wiederkehrender Präfix",
"options": "Optionen",
"credit_number_help": "Geben Sie einen Präfix oder ein benutzerdefiniertes Schema an, um die Gutschriftnummer dynamisch zu erzeugen.",
"next_credit_number": "Die nächste Gutschriftnummer ist {number}.",
"padding_help": "Anzahl der Stellen, mit der die Nummern dargestellt werden.",
"import_warning_invalid_date": "Achtung: Das Datumsformat ist ungültig",
"product_notes": "Produktnotizen",
"app_version": "App-Version",
"ofx_version": "OFX-Version",
"gateway_help_23": "{link} um Ihre Stripe API-Keys zu erhalten.",
"error_app_key_set_to_default": "Fehler: APP_KEY ist auf einen Standardwert gesetzt. Um ihn zu aktualisieren, sichere deine Datenbank und führe dann php artisan ninja{update}-key<\/code> aus",
"charge_late_fee": "Verspätungszuschlag berechnen",
"late_fee_amount": "Höhe des Verspätungszuschlags",
"late_fee_percent": "Verspätungszuschlag Prozent",
"late_fee_added": "Verspätungszuschlag hinzugefügt am {date}",
"download_invoice": "Rechnung herunterladen",
"download_quote": "Angebot herunterladen",
"invoices_are_attached": "Ihre PDF-Rechnungsdokumente finden Sie im Anhang.",
"downloaded_invoice": "Die Rechnung wird als PDF per E-Mail versendet",
"downloaded_quote": "Das Angebot wird als PDF per E-Mail versendet",
"downloaded_invoices": "Die Rechnungen werden als PDF per E-Mail versendet",
"downloaded_quotes": "Die Angebote werden als PDF per E-Mail versendet",
"clone_expense": "Ausgabe duplizieren",
"default_documents": "Standard-Dokumente",
"send_email_to_client": "E-Mail an den Kunden senden",
"refund_subject": "Erstattung wurde durchgeführt",
"refund_body": "Sie haben eine Rückerstattung über {Betrag} für Rechnung {Rechnungsnummer} erhalten.",
"currency_us_dollar": "US Dollar",
"currency_british_pound": "Britische Pfund",
"currency_euro": "Euro",
"currency_south_african_rand": "Südafrikanischer Rand",
"currency_danish_krone": "Dänische Kronen",
"currency_israeli_shekel": "Israelische Shekel",
"currency_swedish_krona": "Schwedische Kronen",
"currency_kenyan_shilling": "Keniansche Schilling",
"currency_canadian_dollar": "Kanadische Dollar",
"currency_philippine_peso": "Philippinischer Peso",
"currency_indian_rupee": "Indische Rupie",
"currency_australian_dollar": "Australische Dollar",
"currency_singapore_dollar": "Singapur Dollar",
"currency_norske_kroner": "Norwegische Kronen",
"currency_new_zealand_dollar": "Neuseeland Dollar",
"currency_vietnamese_dong": "Vietnamesische Dong",
"currency_swiss_franc": "Schweizer Franken",
"currency_guatemalan_quetzal": "Guatemaltekischer Quetzal",
"currency_malaysian_ringgit": "Malaysischer Ringgit",
"currency_brazilian_real": "Brasilianischer Real",
"currency_thai_baht": "Thailändischer Baht",
"currency_nigerian_naira": "Nigerianische Naira",
"currency_argentine_peso": "Argentinischer Peso",
"currency_bangladeshi_taka": "Bangladesch Taka",
"currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham": "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Dirham",
"currency_hong_kong_dollar": "Hong Kong Dollar",
"currency_indonesian_rupiah": "Indonesische Rupiah",
"currency_mexican_peso": "Mexikanische Peso",
"currency_egyptian_pound": "Ägyptische Pfund",
"currency_colombian_peso": "Kolumbianischer Peso",
"currency_west_african_franc": "Westafrikanischer Franc",
"currency_chinese_renminbi": "Chinesischer Renminbi",
"currency_rwandan_franc": "Ruanda-Franc",
"currency_tanzanian_shilling": "Tansania-Schilling",
"currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder": "Niederländische-Antillen-Gulden",
"currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar": "Trinidad und Tobago-Dollar",
"currency_east_caribbean_dollar": "Ostkaribischer Dollar",
"currency_ghanaian_cedi": "Ghanaischer Cedi",
"currency_bulgarian_lev": "Bulgarische Lev",
"currency_aruban_florin": "Aruba-Florin",
"currency_turkish_lira": "Türkische Lira",
"currency_romanian_new_leu": " Rumänischer Leu",
"currency_croatian_kuna": "Kroatische Kuna",
"currency_saudi_riyal": "Saudi Riyal",
"currency_japanese_yen": "Japanische Yen",
"currency_maldivian_rufiyaa": "Malediven-Rupie",
"currency_costa_rican_colon": "Costa-Rica-Colón",
"currency_pakistani_rupee": "Pakistanische Rupie",
"currency_polish_zloty": "Polnische Zloty",
"currency_sri_lankan_rupee": "Sri Lanka-Rupie ",
"currency_czech_koruna": "Tschechische Kronen",
"currency_uruguayan_peso": "Uruguayischer Peso",
"currency_namibian_dollar": "Namibischer Dollar",
"currency_tunisian_dinar": "Tunesischer Dinar",
"currency_russian_ruble": "Russische Rubel",
"currency_mozambican_metical": "Mosambik-Metical",
"currency_omani_rial": "Omanischer Rial",
"currency_ukrainian_hryvnia": "Ukraininische Hrywnja",
"currency_macanese_pataca": "Macao-Pataca",
"currency_taiwan_new_dollar": "Neuer Taiwan-Dollar",
"currency_dominican_peso": "Dominikanischer Peso",
"currency_chilean_peso": "Chilenischer Peso",
"currency_icelandic_krona": "Isländische Krone",
"currency_papua_new_guinean_kina": "Papua-Neuguinea Kina",
"currency_jordanian_dinar": "Jordanischer Dinar",
"currency_myanmar_kyat": "Myanmar-Kyat",
"currency_peruvian_sol": "Peruanischer Sol",
"currency_botswana_pula": "Botswanischer Pula",
"currency_hungarian_forint": "Ungarischer Forint",
"currency_ugandan_shilling": "Uganda-Schilling",
"currency_barbadian_dollar": "Barbados-Dollar",
"currency_brunei_dollar": "Brunei-Dollar",
"currency_georgian_lari": "Georgischer Lari",
"currency_qatari_riyal": " Katar-Riyal",
"currency_honduran_lempira": "Honduran Lempira",
"currency_surinamese_dollar": "Surinamese Dollar",
"currency_bahraini_dinar": "Bahraini Dinar",
"review_app_help": "We hope you're enjoying using the app.
If you'd consider {link} we'd greatly appreciate it!",
"writing_a_review": "writing a review",
"use_english_version": "Achten Sie darauf, die englische Version der Dateien zu verwenden. Wir verwenden die Spaltenüberschriften, um die Felder abzugleichen.",
"tax1": "Steuern",
"tax2": "Aufschlag",
"fee_help": "Gateway-Gebühren sind die Kosten, die für die Nutzung der Finanznetzwerke anfallen, über die Online-Bezahlungen abgewickelt werden.",
"format_export": "Export-Format",
"custom1": "Benutzerdefiniert 1",
"custom2": "Benutzerdefiniert 2",
"contact_first_name": "Kontakt Vorname",
"contact_last_name": "Kontakt Nachname",
"contact_custom1": "Kontakt Benutzerdefiniert 1",
"contact_custom2": "Kontakt Benutzerdefiniert 2",
"currency": "Währung",
"ofx_help": "To troubleshoot check for comments on {ofxhome_link} and test with {ofxget_link}.",
"comments": "Kommentare",
"item_product": "Bezeichnung",
"item_notes": "Beschreibung",
"item_cost": "Preis",
"item_quantity": "Menge",
"item_tax_rate": "Steuern für Position",
"item_tax_name": "Steuern",
"item_tax1": "Position Steuern 1",
"item_tax2": "Position Steuern 2",
"delete_company": "Firma löschen",
"delete_company_help": "Die Firma unwiderruflich mit allen Daten löschen.",
"delete_company_message": "Achtung: Dadurch wird Ihre Firma unwiderruflich gelöscht. Es gibt kein Zurück.",
"applied_discount": "The coupon has been applied, the plan price has been reduced by {discount}%.",
"applied_free_year": "The coupon has been applied, your account has been upgraded to pro for one year.",
"contact_us_help": "Wenn Sie einen Fehler melden, fügen Sie bitte alle relevanten Informationen aus storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log hinzu.",
"include_errors": "Fehler einschließen",
"include_errors_help": "{link} von storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log einschließen",
"recent_errors": "Kürzliche Fehler",
"customer": "Kunde",
"customers": "Kunden",
"created_customer": "Kunde erfolgreich erstellt",
"created_customers": "{count} Kunden erfolgreich erstellt",
"purge_details": "Ihre Firmendaten ({account}) wurden erfolgreich gelöscht.",
"deleted_company": "Unternehmen erfolgreich gelöscht",
"deleted_account": "Successfully canceled account",
"deleted_company_details": "Ihre Firma ({account}) wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.",
"deleted_account_details": "Dein Konto ({account}) wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"sofort": "SOFORT-Überweisung",
"sepa": "SEPA-Lastschrift",
"enable_alipay": "Alipay akzeptieren",
"enable_sofort": "EU-Überweisungen akzeptieren",
"stripe_alipay_help": "Dieses Gateway muss unter {link} aktiviert werden.",
"calendar": "Kalender",
"pro_plan_calendar": "{link} um den Kalender im Pro-Tarif zu aktivieren",
"what_are_you_working_on": "Woran arbeiten Sie?",
"time_tracker": "Zeiterfassung",
"refresh": "Aktualisieren",
"filter_sort": "Filter\/Sortieren",
"no_description": "Keine Beschreibung",
"time_tracker_login": "Zeiterfassung Login",
"save_or_discard": "Änderungen speichern oder verwerfen",
"discard_changes": "Änderungen verwerfen",
"tasks_not_enabled": "Aufgaben sind nicht aktiv.",
"started_task": "Aufgabe erfolgreich gestartet",
"create_client": "Kunden erstellen",
"download_desktop_app": "Lade die Desktop-App herunter",
"download_iphone_app": "Lade die iPhone-App herunter",
"download_android_app": "Lade die Android-App herunter",
"time_tracker_mobile_help": "Task auswählen mit Doppelklick",
"stopped": "Angehalten",
"ascending": "Aufsteigend",
"descending": "Absteigend",
"sort_field": "Sortierung",
"sort_direction": "Richtung",
"discard": "Verwerfen",
"time_am": "Vormittags",
"time_pm": "Nachmittags",
"time_mins": "Minuten",
"time_hr": "Stunde",
"time_hrs": "Stunden",
"clear": "Löschen",
"warn_payment_gateway": "Hinweis: Die Annahme von Online-Zahlungen erfordert ein Zahlungs-Gateway. {Link} zum Hinzufügen einer.",
"task_rate": "Kosten für Tätigkeit",
"task_rate_help": "Set the default rate for invoiced tasks.",
"past_due": "Überfällig",
"document": "Dokument",
"invoice_or_expense": "Rechnung\/Kosten",
"invoice_pdfs": "Rechnungs-PDFs",
"enable_sepa": "SEPA-Lastschriften akzeptieren",
"enable_bitcoin": "Bitcoin akzeptieren",
"iban": "IBAN",
"sepa_authorization": "Mit der Angabe Ihrer IBAN und der Bestätigung dieser Zahlung ermächtigen Sie {company} und unseren Zahlungsdienstleister Stripe, Ihr Konto mit dem Rechnungsbetragzu belasten. Sie haben Anspruch auf Rückerstattung von Ihrer Bank zu den Bedingungen und Konditionen, die Sie mit Ihrer Bank vereinbart haben. Die Rückerstattung muss innerhalb von 8 Wochen ab dem Datum der Belastung Ihres Kontos erfolgen.",
"recover_license": "Lizenz wiederherstellen",
"purchase": "Kaufen",
"recover": "Wiederherstellen",
"apply": "Anwenden",
"recover_white_label_header": "White-Label-Lizenz wiederherstellen",
"apply_white_label_header": "White-Label-Lizent wiederherstellen",
"videos": "Videos",
"video": "Video",
"return_to_invoice": "Zurück zur Rechnung",
"gateway_help_13": "Um ITN zu benutzen, lassen Sie das PDT-Feld leer.",
"partial_due_date": "Teilzahlungsziel",
"task_fields": "Task Fields",
"product_fields_help": "Felder verschieben, um ihre Reihenfolge zu ändern",
"custom_value1": "Benutzerdefinierten Wert",
"custom_value2": "Benutzerdefinierten Wert",
"enable_two_factor": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung",
"enable_two_factor_help": "Bestätige beim Anmelden mit deinem Telefon deine Identität",
"two_factor_setup": "Zwei-Faktor Einrichtung",
"two_factor_setup_help": "Barcode mit {link} kompatibler App scannen.",
"one_time_password": "Einmaliges Passwort",
"set_phone_for_two_factor": "Set your mobile phone number as a backup to enable.",
"enabled_two_factor": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung erfolgreich aktiviert",
"add_product": "Produkt hinzufügen",
"email_will_be_sent_on": "Hinweis: Das E-Mail wird am {date} gesendet.",
"invoice_product": "Rechnungsprodukt",
"self_host_login": "Eigenes-Hosting Anmeldung",
"set_self_hoat_url": "Eigenes-Hosting URL",
"local_storage_required": "Fehler: Lokaler Speicherplatz ist nicht verfügbar.",
"your_password_reset_link": "Dein Passwort zurücksetzen Link",
"subdomain_taken": "Die Subdomäne wird bereits verwendet",
"converted_amount": "Umgerechneter Betrag",
"default": "Standard",
"shipping_address": "Lieferadresse",
"bllling_address": "Rechnungsadresse",
"billing_address1": "Strasse Rechnungsanschrift",
"billing_address2": "Rechnung Adresszusatz",
"billing_city": "Stadt Rechnungsanschrift",
"billing_state": "Rechnung Bundesland",
"billing_postal_code": "Postleitzahl Rechnungsanschrift",
"billing_country": "Rechnungsland",
"shipping_address1": "Strasse Versandanschrift",
"shipping_address2": "Versand Adresszusatz",
"shipping_city": "Stadt Versandanschrift",
"shipping_state": "Versand Bundesland",
"shipping_postal_code": "Postleitzahl Versandanschrift",
"shipping_country": "Lieferungsland",
"classify": "Klassifizieren",
"show_shipping_address_help": "Verlange von Kunden, ihre Versandadresse anzugeben",
"ship_to_billing_address": "An die Rechnungsadresse versenden",
"delivery_note": "Lieferschein",
"show_tasks_in_portal": "Zeige Aufgaben im Kundenportal",
"cancel_schedule": "Cancel Schedule",
"scheduled_report": "Geplanter Bericht",
"scheduled_report_help": "{report} Bericht als {format} an E-Mail senden",
"created_scheduled_report": "Bericht erfolgreich eingeplant",
"deleted_scheduled_report": "Eingeplanten Bericht erfolgreich gelöscht",
"scheduled_report_attached": "Your scheduled {type} report is attached.",
"scheduled_report_error": "Failed to create schedule report",
"invalid_one_time_password": "Invalid one time password",
"apple_pay": "Apple\/Google Pay",
"enable_apple_pay": "Akzeptiere Apple Pay und Pay mit Google",
"requires_subdomain": "This payment type requires that a {link}.",
"subdomain_is_set": "subdomain is set",
"verification_file": "Verifizierungsdatei",
"verification_file_missing": "The verification file is needed to accept payments.",
"apple_pay_domain": "Use {domain}<\/code> as the domain in {link}.",
"apple_pay_not_supported": "Sorry, Apple\/Google Pay isn't supported by your browser",
"optional_payment_methods": "Optionale Zahlungsmethoden",
"add_subscription": "Abonnement hinzufügen",
"target_url": "Ziel",
"target_url_help": "When the selected event occurs the app will post the entity to the target URL.",
"event": "Ereignis",
"subscription_event_1": "Erstellter Kunde",
"subscription_event_2": "Erstellte Rechnung",
"subscription_event_3": "Created Quote",
"subscription_event_4": "Zahlung erstellt",
"subscription_event_5": "Erstellte Lieferanten",
"subscription_event_6": "Updated Quote",
"subscription_event_7": "Deleted Quote",
"subscription_event_8": "Aktualisierte Rechnung",
"subscription_event_9": "Gelöschte Rechnung",
"subscription_event_10": "Updated Client",
"subscription_event_11": "Deleted Client",
"subscription_event_12": "Zahlung löschen",
"subscription_event_13": "Updated Vendor",
"subscription_event_14": "Deleted Vendor",
"subscription_event_15": "Created Expense",
"subscription_event_16": "Updated Expense",
"subscription_event_17": "Deleted Expense",
"subscription_event_18": "Created Task",
"subscription_event_19": "Updated Task",
"subscription_event_20": "Deleted Task",
"subscription_event_21": "Approved Quote",
"subscriptions": "Abonnements",
"updated_subscription": "Abonnement erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"created_subscription": "Abonnement erfolgreich erstellt",
"edit_subscription": "Abonnement bearbeiten",
"archive_subscription": "Abonnement archivieren",
"archived_subscription": "Abonnement erfolgreich archiviert",
"project_error_multiple_clients": "Die Projekte können nicht zu verschiedenen Kunden gehören",
"invoice_project": "Invoice Project",
"module_recurring_invoice": "Wiederkehrende Rechnungen",
"module_credit": "Guthaben",
"module_quote": "Kostenvoranschläge und Angebote",
"module_task": "Aufgaben und Projekte",
"module_expense": "Ausgaben & Lieferanten",
"reminders": "Erinnerungen",
"send_client_reminders": "Send email reminders",
"can_view_tasks": "Tasks are visible in the portal",
"is_not_sent_reminders": "Reminders are not sent",
"promotion_footer": "Your promotion will expire soon, {link} to upgrade now.",
"unable_to_delete_primary": "Note: to delete this company first delete all linked companies.",
"please_register": "Please register your account",
"processing_request": "Anfrage verarbeiten",
"mcrypt_warning": "Warning: Mcrypt is deprecated, run {command} to update your cipher.",
"edit_times": "Zeiten bearbeiten",
"inclusive_taxes_help": "Include taxes in the cost<\/b>",
"inclusive_taxes_notice": "This setting can not be changed once an invoice has been created.",
"inclusive_taxes_warning": "Warning: existing invoices will need to be resaved",
"copy_shipping": "Copy Shipping",
"copy_billing": "Copy Billing",
"quote_has_expired": "The quote has expired, please contact the merchant.",
"empty_table_footer": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"do_not_trust": "Dieses Gerät nicht merken",
"trust_for_30_days": "Trust for 30 days",
"trust_forever": "Trust forever",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"backlog": "Backlog",
"ready_to_do": "Ready to do",
"in_progress": "In Bearbeitung",
"add_status": "Add status",
"archive_status": "Archive Status",
"new_status": "Neuer Status",
"convert_products": "Convert Products",
"convert_products_help": "Automatically convert product prices to the client's currency",
"improve_client_portal_link": "Set a subdomain to shorten the client portal link.",
"budgeted_hours": "Budgeted Hours",
"progress": "Fortschritt",
"view_project": "View Project",
"summary": "Zusammenfassung",
"endless_reminder": "Endless Reminder",
"signature_on_invoice_help": "Add the following code to show your client's signature on the PDF.",
"signature_on_pdf": "Show on PDF",
"signature_on_pdf_help": "Show the client signature on the invoice\/quote PDF.",
"expired_white_label": "The white label license has expired",
"return_to_login": "Zurück zum Login",
"convert_products_tip": "Note: add a {link} named \"{name}\" to see the exchange rate.",
"amount_greater_than_balance": "The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.",
"custom_fields_tip": "Use Label|Option1,Option2<\/code> to show a select box.",
"client_information": "Client Information",
"updated_client_details": "Successfully updated client details",
"auto": "Auto",
"tax_amount": "Tax Amount",
"tax_paid": "Tax Paid",
"none": "None",
"proposal_message_button": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the button below.",
"proposal": "Proposal",
"proposals": "Proposals",
"list_proposals": "List Proposals",
"new_proposal": "New Proposal",
"edit_proposal": "Edit Proposal",
"archive_proposal": "Archive Proposal",
"delete_proposal": "Delete Proposal",
"created_proposal": "Successfully created proposal",
"updated_proposal": "Successfully updated proposal",
"archived_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"deleted_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"archived_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"deleted_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"restored_proposal": "Successfully restored proposal",
"restore_proposal": "Restore Proposal",
"snippet": "Snippet",
"snippets": "Snippets",
"proposal_snippet": "Snippet",
"proposal_snippets": "Snippets",
"new_proposal_snippet": "New Snippet",
"edit_proposal_snippet": "Edit Snippet",
"archive_proposal_snippet": "Archive Snippet",
"delete_proposal_snippet": "Delete Snippet",
"created_proposal_snippet": "Successfully created snippet",
"updated_proposal_snippet": "Successfully updated snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"deleted_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"deleted_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"restored_proposal_snippet": "Successfully restored snippet",
"restore_proposal_snippet": "Restore Snippet",
"templates": "Vorlagen",
"proposal_template": "Template",
"proposal_templates": "Vorlagen",
"new_proposal_template": "Neue Vorlage",
"edit_proposal_template": "Edit Template",
"archive_proposal_template": "Archive Template",
"delete_proposal_template": "Delete Template",
"created_proposal_template": "Successfully created template",
"updated_proposal_template": "Successfully updated template",
"archived_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"deleted_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"archived_proposal_templates": " {count} Vorlagen wurden erfolgreich archiviert",
"deleted_proposal_templates": " {count} Vorlagen wurden erfolgreich archiviert",
"restored_proposal_template": "Successfully restored template",
"restore_proposal_template": "Restore Template",
"proposal_category": "Category",
"proposal_categories": "Categories",
"new_proposal_category": "Neue Kategorie",
"edit_proposal_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_proposal_category": "Archive Category",
"delete_proposal_category": "Delete Category",
"created_proposal_category": "Successfully created category",
"updated_proposal_category": "Successfully updated category",
"archived_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"deleted_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"archived_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"deleted_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"restored_proposal_category": "Successfully restored category",
"restore_proposal_category": "Restore Category",
"delete_status": "Delete Status",
"standard": "Standard",
"icon": "Icon",
"proposal_not_found": "The requested proposal is not available",
"create_proposal_category": "Create category",
"clone_proposal_template": "Clone Template",
"proposal_email": "Proposal Email",
"proposal_subject": "New proposal {number} from {account}",
"proposal_message": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the link below.",
"emailed_proposal": "Successfully emailed proposal",
"load_template": "Load Template",
"no_assets": "No images, drag to upload",
"add_image": "Add Image",
"select_image": "Select Image",
"upgrade_to_upload_images": "Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images",
"delete_image": "Delete Image",
"delete_image_help": "Warning: deleting the image will remove it from all proposals.",
"amount_variable_help": "Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial\/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.",
"taxes_are_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes have been enabled.",
"taxes_are_not_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes are not enabled.",
"change_requires_purge": "Changing this setting requires {link} the account data.",
"purging": "purging",
"warning_local_refund": "The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.",
"email_address_changed": "Email address has been changed",
"email_address_changed_message": "The email address for your account has been changed from {old_email} to {new_email}.",
"test": "Test",
"beta": "Beta",
"gmp_required": "Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension",
"email_history": "Email History",
"loading": "Loading",
"no_messages_found": "No messages found",
"processing": "Processing",
"reactivate": "Reactivate",
"reactivated_email": "The email address has been reactivated",
"emails": "Emails",
"opened": "Opened",
"bounced": "Bounced",
"total_sent": "Total Sent",
"total_opened": "Total Opened",
"total_bounced": "Total Bounced",
"total_spam": "Total Spam",
"platforms": "Platforms",
"email_clients": "Email Clients",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"desktop": "Desktop",
"webmail": "Webmail",
"group": "Group",
"subgroup": "Subgroup",
"unset": "Unset",
"received_new_payment": "Du hast eine neue Zahlung erhalten",
"slack_webhook_help": "Receive payment notifications using {link}.",
"slack_incoming_webhooks": "Slack incoming webhooks",
"accept": "Akzeptieren",
"accepted_terms": "Successfully accepted the latest terms of service",
"invalid_url": "Ungültige URL",
"workflow_settings": "Workflow Settings",
"auto_email_invoice": "Auto Email",
"auto_email_invoice_help": "Automatically email recurring invoices when they are created.",
"auto_archive_invoice": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_invoice_help": "Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.",
"auto_archive_quote": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_quote_help": "Automatically archive quotes when they are converted.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote": "Allow approve expired quote",
"allow_approve_expired_quote_help": "Allow clients to approve expired quotes.",
"invoice_workflow": "Invoice Workflow",
"quote_workflow": "Quote Workflow",
"client_must_be_active": "Error: the client must be active",
"purge_client": "Purge Client",
"purged_client": "Successfully purged client",
"purge_client_warning": "All related records (invoices, tasks, expenses, documents, etc) will also be deleted.",
"clone_product": "Produkt duplizieren",
"item_details": "Item Details",
"send_item_details_help": "Send line item details to the payment gateway.",
"view_proposal": "View Proposal",
"view_in_portal": "View in Portal",
"cookie_message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
"got_it": "Got it!",
"vendor_will_create": "vendor will be created",
"vendors_will_create": "vendors will be created",
"created_vendors": "Successfully created {count} vendor(s)",
"import_vendors": "Lieferanten importieren",
"company": "Company",
"client_field": "Client Field",
"contact_field": "Contact Field",
"product_field": "Product Field",
"task_field": "Task Field",
"project_field": "Project Field",
"expense_field": "Expense Field",
"vendor_field": "Vendor Field",
"company_field": "Company Field",
"invoice_field": "Rechnungsfeld",
"invoice_surcharge": "Rechnungsgebühr",
"custom_task_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a task.",
"custom_project_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a project.",
"custom_expense_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an expense.",
"custom_vendor_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a vendor.",
"messages": "Nachrichten",
"unpaid_invoice": "Unbezahlte Rechnung",
"paid_invoice": "Bezahlte Rechnung",
"unapproved_quote": "Unapproved Quote",
"unapproved_proposal": "Unapproved Proposal",
"autofills_city_state": "Auto-fills city\/state",
"no_match_found": "Kein Treffer gefunden",
"password_strength": "Passwortqualität",
"strength_weak": "Schwach",
"strength_good": "Gut",
"strength_strong": "Stark",
"mark": "Mark",
"updated_task_status": "Successfully update task status",
"background_image": "Background Image",
"background_image_help": "Use the {link} to manage your images, we recommend using a small file.",
"proposal_editor": "proposal editor",
"background": "Hintergrund",
"guide": "Guide",
"gateway_fee_item": "Gateway Fee Item",
"gateway_fee_description": "Gateway Fee Surcharge",
"show_payments": "Show Payments",
"show_aging": "Show Aging",
"reference": "Reference",
"amount_paid": "Amount Paid",
"send_notifications_for": "Send Notifications For",
"all_invoices": "All Invoices",
"my_invoices": "My Invoices",
"mobile_refresh_warning": "If you're using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.",
"enable_proposals_for_background": "To upload a background image {link} to enable the proposals module."
"el": {
"passwords": {
"password": "Το συνθηματικό πρέπει να έχει τουλάχιστον έξι χαρακτήρες και να ταιριάζει με την επαλήθευση.",
"reset": "Έχει γίνει επαναφορά του συνθηματικού!",
"sent": "Η υπενθύμιση του συνθηματικού εστάλη!",
"token": "Το κλειδί αρχικοποίησης του συνθηματικού δεν είναι έγκυρο.",
"user": "Δεν βρέθηκε χρήστης με το συγκεκριμένο email."
"auth": {
"failed": "Τα στοιχεία αυτά δεν ταιριάζουν με τα δικά μας.",
"throttle": "Πολλές προσπάθειες σύνδεσης. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ξανά σε {seconds} δευτερόλεπτα."
"pagination": {
"previous": "« Προηγούμενη",
"next": "Επόμενη »"
"validation": {
"accepted": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να γίνει αποδεκτό.",
"active_url": "Το πεδίο {attribute} δεν είναι αποδεκτή διεύθυνση URL.",
"after": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι μία ημερομηνία μετά από {date}.",
"after_or_equal": "The {attribute} must be a date after or equal to {date}.",
"alpha": "Το πεδίο {attribute} μπορεί να περιέχει μόνο γράμματα.",
"alpha_dash": "Το πεδίο {attribute} μπορεί να περιέχει μόνο γράμματα, αριθμούς, και παύλες.",
"alpha_num": "Το πεδίο {attribute} μπορεί να περιέχει μόνο γράμματα και αριθμούς.",
"array": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι ένας πίνακας.",
"before": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι μία ημερομηνία πριν από {date}.",
"before_or_equal": "The {attribute} must be a date before or equal to {date}.",
"between": {
"numeric": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι μεταξύ {min} - {max}.",
"file": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι μεταξύ {min} - {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι μεταξύ {min} - {max} χαρακτήρες.",
"array": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να έχει μεταξύ {min} - {max} αντικείμενα."
"boolean": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι true ή false.",
"confirmed": "Η επιβεβαίωση του {attribute} δεν ταιριάζει.",
"date": "Το πεδίο {attribute} δεν είναι έγκυρη ημερομηνία.",
"date_format": "Το πεδίο {attribute} δεν είναι της μορφής {format}.",
"different": "Το πεδίο {attribute} και {other} πρέπει να είναι διαφορετικά.",
"digits": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι {digits} ψηφία.",
"digits_between": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι μεταξύ {min} και {max} ψηφία.",
"dimensions": "The {attribute} has invalid image dimensions.",
"distinct": "The {attribute} field has a duplicate value.",
"email": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι μία έγκυρη διεύθυνση email.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be a file.",
"filled": "To πεδίο {attribute} είναι απαραίτητο.",
"exists": "Το επιλεγμένο {attribute} δεν είναι έγκυρο.",
"image": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι εικόνα.",
"in": "Το επιλεγμένο {attribute} δεν είναι έγκυρο.",
"in_array": "The {attribute} field does not exist in {other}.",
"integer": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι ακέραιος.",
"ip": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι μία έγκυρη διεύθυνση IP.",
"json": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι μία έγκυρη συμβολοσειρά JSON.",
"max": {
"numeric": "Το πεδίο {attribute} δεν μπορεί να είναι μεγαλύτερο από {max}.",
"file": "Το πεδίο {attribute} δεν μπορεί να είναι μεγαλύτερό {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "Το πεδίο {attribute} δεν μπορεί να έχει περισσότερους από {max} χαρακτήρες.",
"array": "Το πεδίο {attribute} δεν μπορεί να έχει περισσότερα από {max} αντικείμενα."
"mimes": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι αρχείο τύπου: {values}.",
"mimetypes": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι αρχείο τύπου: {values}.",
"min": {
"numeric": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον {min}.",
"file": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον {min} kilobytes.",
"string": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να έχει τουλάχιστον {min} χαρακτήρες.",
"array": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να έχει τουλάχιστον {min} αντικείμενα."
"not_in": "Το επιλεγμένο {attribute} δεν είναι αποδεκτό.",
"numeric": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι αριθμός.",
"present": "The {attribute} field must be present.",
"regex": "Η μορφή του {attribute} δεν είναι αποδεκτή.",
"required": "Το πεδίο {attribute} είναι απαραίτητο.",
"required_if": "Το πεδίο {attribute} είναι απαραίτητο όταν το πεδίο {other} είναι {value}.",
"required_unless": "Το πεδίο {attribute} είναι απαραίτητο εκτός αν το πεδίο {other} εμπεριέχει {values}.",
"required_with": "Το πεδίο {attribute} είναι απαραίτητο όταν υπάρχει {values}.",
"required_with_all": "Το πεδίο {attribute} είναι απαραίτητο όταν υπάρχουν {values}.",
"required_without": "Το πεδίο {attribute} είναι απαραίτητο όταν δεν υπάρχει {values}.",
"required_without_all": "Το πεδίο {attribute} είναι απαραίτητο όταν δεν υπάρχει κανένα από {values}.",
"same": "Τα πεδία {attribute} και {other} πρέπει να είναι ίδια.",
"size": {
"numeric": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι {size}.",
"file": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι {size} kilobytes.",
"string": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι {size} χαρακτήρες.",
"array": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να περιέχει {size} αντικείμενα."
"string": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι αλφαριθμητικό.",
"timezone": "Το πεδίο {attribute} πρέπει να είναι μία έγκυρη ζώνη ώρας.",
"unique": "Το πεδίο {attribute} έχει ήδη εκχωρηθεί.",
"uploaded": "The {attribute} failed to upload.",
"url": "Το πεδίο {attribute} δεν είναι έγκυρη διεύθυνση URL.",
"custom": {
"attribute-name": {
"rule-name": "custom-message"
"attributes": []
"texts": {
"organization": "Οργανισμός",
"name": "Επωνυμία",
"website": "Ιστοσελίδα",
"work_phone": "Τηλέφωνο",
"address": "Διεύθυνση",
"address1": "Οδός",
"address2": "Διαμέρισμα",
"city": "Πόλη",
"state": "Νομός",
"postal_code": "Ταχ. Κώδικας",
"country_id": "Χώρα",
"contacts": "Επαφές",
"first_name": "Όνομα",
"last_name": "Επώνυμο",
"phone": "Τηλέφωνο",
"email": "Email",
"additional_info": "Επιπλέον Πληροφορίες",
"payment_terms": "Όροι Πληρωμής",
"currency_id": "Νόμισμα",
"size_id": "Μέγεθος Εταιρείας",
"industry_id": "Βιομηχανία",
"private_notes": "Προσωπικές Σημειώσεις",
"invoice": "Τιμολόγιο",
"client": "Πελάτης",
"invoice_date": "Ημερομηνία Τιμολογίου",
"due_date": "Ημερομηνία Πληρωμής",
"invoice_number": "Αριθμός Τιμολογίου",
"invoice_number_short": "Τιμολόγιο #",
"po_number": "Αριθμός Παραγγελίας",
"po_number_short": "Παραγγελία #",
"frequency_id": "Πόσο Συχνά",
"discount": "Έκπτωση",
"taxes": "Φόροι",
"tax": "Φόρος",
"item": "Προϊόν",
"description": "Περιγραφή",
"unit_cost": "Τιμή Μονάδας",
"quantity": "Ποσότητα",
"line_total": "Σύνολο Γραμμής",
"subtotal": "Μερικό Σύνολο",
"paid_to_date": "Εξοφλημένο Ποσό",
"balance_due": "Υπόλοιπο",
"invoice_design_id": "Σχεδίαση",
"terms": "Όροι",
"your_invoice": "Το τιμολόγιό σας",
"remove_contact": "Διαγραφή επαφής",
"add_contact": "Προσθήκη επαφής",
"create_new_client": "Δημιουργία νέου πελάτη",
"edit_client_details": "Επεξεργασία στοιχείων πελάτη",
"enable": "Ενεργοποίηση",
"learn_more": "Μάθετε περισσότερα",
"manage_rates": "Διαχείριση ποσοστών",
"note_to_client": "Σημείωση προς Πελάτη",
"invoice_terms": "Όροι Τιμολογίου",
"save_as_default_terms": "Αποθήκευση ως προεπιλογή",
"download_pdf": "Κατέβασμα PDF",
"pay_now": "Πληρώστε Τώρα",
"save_invoice": "Αποθήκευση Τιμολογίου",
"clone_invoice": "Κλωνοποίηση σε Τιμολόγιο",
"archive_invoice": "Αρχειοθέτηση Τιμολογίου",
"delete_invoice": "Διαγραφή Τιμολογίου",
"email_invoice": "Αποστολή Τιμολογίου με email",
"enter_payment": "Καταχώρηση πληρωμής",
"tax_rates": "Ποσοστά Φόρων",
"rate": "Ποσοστό",
"settings": "Ρυθμίσεις",
"enable_invoice_tax": "Ενεργοποίηση καθορισμού ενιαίου φόρου τιμολογίου<\/b>",
"enable_line_item_tax": "Ενεργοποίηση καθορισμού φόρου ανά προϊόν<\/b>",
"dashboard": "Πίνακας ελέγχου",
"clients": "Πελάτες",
"invoices": "Τιμολόγια",
"payments": "Πληρωμές",
"credits": "Πιστώσεις",
"history": "Ιστορικό",
"search": "Αναζήτηση",
"sign_up": "Εγγραφή",
"guest": "Επισκέπτης",
"company_details": "Στοιχεία Εταιρείας",
"online_payments": "Πληρωμές Online",
"notifications": "Ειδοποιήσεις",
"import_export": "Εισαγωγή | Εξαγωγή",
"done": "Έτοιμο",
"save": "Αποθήκευση",
"create": "Δημιουργία",
"upload": "Ανέβασμα",
"import": "Εισαγωγή",
"download": "Κατέβασμα",
"cancel": "Άκυρο",
"close": "Κλείσιμο",
"provide_email": "Παρακαλώ συμπληρώστε μια έγκυρη διεύθυνση email",
"powered_by": "Λειτουργεί με",
"no_items": "Δεν υπάρχουν προϊόντα",
"recurring_invoices": "Επαναλαμβανόμενα Τιμολόγια",
"recurring_help": "Αυτόματη αποστολή ίδιων τιμολογίων στους πελάτες ανά εβδομάδα, δύο εβδομάδες, μήνα, τρίμηνο ή έτος. <\/p>\n
Χρησιμοποιήστε τα {MONTH}, {QUARTER} ή {YEAR} για δυναμικές ημερομηνίες. Λειτουργούν και απλές αριθμητικές πράξεις, όπως για παράδειγμα {MONTH}-1. <\/p>\n
Παραδείγματα δυναμικών μεταβλητών σε τιμολόγια:<\/p>\n
\n- \"Συνδρομή γυμναστηρίου μήνας {MONTH}\" >> \"Συνδρομή γυμναστηρίου μήνας Ιούλιος\"<\/li>\n
- \"{YEAR}+1 ετήσια συνδρομή\" >> \"2015 ετήσια συνδρομή\"<\/li>\n
- \"Προκαταβολή πληρωμής για το {QUARTER}+1\" >> \"Προκαταβολή πληρωμής για το Τρίμηνο 2\"<\/li>\n<\/ul>",
"recurring_quotes": "Επαναλαμβανόμενες Προσφορές",
"in_total_revenue": "στα συνολικά έσοδα",
"billed_client": "τιμολογημένος πελάτης",
"billed_clients": "τιμολογημένοι πελάτες",
"active_client": "ενεργός πελάτης",
"active_clients": "ενεργοί πελάτες",
"invoices_past_due": "Ληγμένα Τιμολόγια",
"upcoming_invoices": "Προσεχή Τιμολόγια",
"average_invoice": "Μέσος Όρος Τιμολογίων",
"archive": "Αρχειοθέτηση",
"delete": "Διαγραφή",
"archive_client": "Αρχειοθέτηση Πελάτη",
"delete_client": "Διαγραφή Πελάτη",
"archive_payment": "Αρχειοθέτηση Πληρωμής",
"delete_payment": "Διαγραφή Πληρωμής",
"archive_credit": "Αρχειοθέτηση Πίστωσης",
"delete_credit": "Διαγραφή Πίστωσης",
"show_archived_deleted": "Προβολή αρχειοθετημένων\/διεγραμμένων",
"filter": "Φίλτρο",
"new_client": "Νέος Πελάτης",
"new_invoice": "Νέο Τιμολόγιο",
"new_payment": "Εισάγετε πληρωμή",
"new_credit": "Εισάγετε Πίστωση",
"contact": "Επαφή",
"date_created": "Ημ\/νία Δημιουργίας",
"last_login": "Τελευταία Είσοδος",
"balance": "Υπόλοιπο",
"action": "Ενέργεια",
"status": "Κατάσταση",
"invoice_total": "Σύνολο Τιμολογίου",
"frequency": "Συχνότητα",
"start_date": "Ημ\/νία Έναρξης",
"end_date": "Ημ\/νία Λήξης",
"transaction_reference": "Κωδικός Συναλλαγής",
"method": "Μέθοδος",
"payment_amount": "Ποσό Πληρωμής",
"payment_date": "Ημ\/νία Πληρωμής",
"credit_amount": "Ποσό Πίστωσης",
"credit_balance": "Υπόλοιπο Πίστωσης",
"credit_date": "Ημ\/νία Πίστωσης",
"empty_table": "Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα δεδομένα",
"select": "Επιλογή",
"edit_client": "Επεξεργασία Πελάτη",
"edit_invoice": "Επεξεργασία Τιμολογίου",
"create_invoice": "Δημιουργία Τιμολογίου",
"enter_credit": "Καταχώρηση Πίστωσης",
"last_logged_in": "Τελευταία είσοδος",
"details": "Στοιχεία",
"standing": "Θέση",
"credit": "Πίστωση",
"activity": "Δραστηριότητα",
"date": "Ημερομηνία",
"message": "Μήνυμα",
"adjustment": "Προσδιορισμός",
"are_you_sure": "Είστε σίγουροι;",
"payment_type_id": "Τύπος Πληρωμής",
"amount": "Ποσό",
"work_email": "Email",
"language_id": "Γλώσσα",
"timezone_id": "Ζώνη ώρας",
"date_format_id": "Μορφή Ημερομηνίας",
"datetime_format_id": "Μορφή Ημερομηνίας\/Ώρας",
"users": "Χρήστες",
"localization": "Τοπικές Ρυθμίσεις",
"remove_logo": "Διαγραφή λογότυπου",
"logo_help": "Υποστηρίζονται: JPEG, GIF και PNG",
"payment_gateway": "Πύλη Πληρωμών (Gateway)",
"gateway_id": "Πύλη Πληρωμής (Gateway)",
"email_notifications": "Ειδοποιήσεις Email",
"email_sent": "Αποστολή email όταν το τιμολόγιο σταλεί<\/b>",
"email_viewed": "Αποστολή email όταν το τιμολόγιο προβληθεί<\/b>",
"email_paid": "Αποστολή email όταν το τιμολόγιο πληρωθεί<\/b>",
"site_updates": "Ενημερώσεις Ιστοσελίδας",
"custom_messages": "Προσαρμοσμένα Μηνύματα",
"default_email_footer": "Ορισμός προεπιλεγμένης υπογραφής email<\/b>",
"select_file": "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα αρχείο",
"first_row_headers": "Χρήση της πρώτης σειράς ως επικεφαλίδες",
"column": "Κολόνα",
"sample": "Παράδειγμα",
"import_to": "Εισαγωγή σε",
"client_will_create": "πελάτης θα δημιουργηθεί",
"clients_will_create": "πελάτες θα δημιουργηθούν",
"email_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Email",
"client_view_styling": "Στυλ Προβολής Πελάτη",
"pdf_email_attachment": "Επισύναψε PDF",
"custom_css": "Προσαρμοσμένο CSS",
"import_clients": "Εισαγωγή Δεδομένων Πελάτη",
"csv_file": "Αρχείο CSV",
"export_clients": "Εξαγωγή Δεδομένων Πελάτη",
"created_client": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία πελάτη",
"created_clients": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία {count} πελατών",
"updated_settings": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση ρυθμίσεων",
"removed_logo": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή λογότυπου",
"sent_message": "Επιτυχής αποστολή μηνύματος",
"invoice_error": "Παρακαλώ σιγουρευτείτε ότι επιλέξατε ένα πελάτη και διορθώσατε τυχόν σφάλματα",
"limit_clients": "Λυπάμαι, αυτό υπερβαίνει το όριο των {count} πελατών",
"payment_error": "Προέκυψε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη διαδικασία της πληρωμής. Παρακαλώ, δοκιμάστε ξανά σε λίγο.",
"registration_required": "Παρακαλώ, εγγραφείτε για να αποστείλετε ένα τιμολόγιο",
"confirmation_required": "Παρακαλώ επιβεβαιώστε τη διεύθυνση email, {link} για να ξαναστείλετε το email επιβεβαίωσης.",
"updated_client": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση πελάτη",
"archived_client": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση πελάτη",
"archived_clients": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} πελατών",
"deleted_client": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή πελάτη",
"deleted_clients": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή {count} πελατών",
"updated_invoice": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση τιμολογίου",
"created_invoice": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία τιμολογίου",
"cloned_invoice": "Επιτυχής κλωνοποίηση τιμολογίου",
"emailed_invoice": "Επιτυχής αποστολή τιμολογίου",
"and_created_client": "και δημιουργήθηκε ο πελάτης",
"archived_invoice": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση τιμολογίου",
"archived_invoices": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} τιμολογίων",
"deleted_invoice": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή τιμολογίου",
"deleted_invoices": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή {count} τιμολογίων",
"created_payment": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία πληρωμής",
"created_payments": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία {count} πληρωμών",
"archived_payment": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση πληρωμής",
"archived_payments": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} πληρωμών",
"deleted_payment": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή πληρωμής",
"deleted_payments": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή {count} πληρωμών",
"applied_payment": "Επιτυχής εφαρμογή πληρωμής",
"created_credit": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία πίστωσης",
"archived_credit": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση πίστωσης",
"archived_credits": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} πιστώσεων",
"deleted_credit": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή πίστωσης",
"deleted_credits": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή {count} πιστώσεων",
"imported_file": "Επιτυχής εισαγωγή αρχείου",
"updated_vendor": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση προμηθευτή",
"created_vendor": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία προμηθευτή",
"archived_vendor": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση προμηθευτή",
"archived_vendors": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} προμηθευτών",
"deleted_vendor": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή προμηθευτή",
"deleted_vendors": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή {count} προμηθευτών",
"confirmation_subject": "Επιβεβαίωση Λογαριασμού Invoice Ninja",
"confirmation_header": "Επιβεβαίωση Λογαριασμού",
"confirmation_message": "Παρακαλω, πατήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο για να επιβεβαιώσετε το λογαριασμό σας.",
"invoice_subject": "Νέο τιμολόγιο {number} από {account}",
"invoice_message": "Για να δείτε το τιμολόγιο των {amount}, πατήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο.",
"payment_subject": "Λήψη Πληρωμής",
"payment_message": "Ευχαριστούμε για την πληρωμή των {amount}.",
"email_salutation": "Αγαπητέ(-ή) {name},",
"email_signature": "Με εκτίμηση,",
"email_from": "Η Ομάδα του Invoice Ninja",
"invoice_link_message": "Για να δείτε το τιμολόγιο πατήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:",
"notification_invoice_paid_subject": "Το τιμολόγιο {invoice} πληρώθηκε από {client}",
"notification_invoice_sent_subject": "Το τιμολόγιο {invoice} απεστάλη σε {client}",
"notification_invoice_viewed_subject": "Το τιμολόγιο {invoice} προβλήθηκε σε {client}",
"notification_invoice_paid": "Πληρωμή ποσού {amount} έγινε από τον πελάτη {client} για το Τιμολόγιο {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_sent": "Στον πελάτη {client} απεστάλη το Τιμολόγιο {invoice} ποσού {amount}.",
"notification_invoice_viewed": "Ο πελάτης {client} είδε το Τιμολόγιο {invoice} ποσού {amount}.",
"reset_password": "Μπορείτε να επαναφέρετε τον κωδικό του λογαριασμού σας πατώντας τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:",
"secure_payment": "Ασφαλής Πληρωμή",
"card_number": "Αριθμός Κάρτας",
"expiration_month": "Μήνας Λήξης",
"expiration_year": "Έτος Λήξης",
"cvv": "CVV",
"logout": "Αποσύνδεση",
"sign_up_to_save": "Εγγραφείτε για να σώσετε την εργασία σας",
"agree_to_terms": "Συμφωνώ με τους όρους",
"terms_of_service": "Όροι της Υπηρεσίας",
"email_taken": "Η διεύθυνση email έχει ήδη καταχωρηθεί",
"working": "Σε εξέλιξη",
"success": "Επιτυχία",
"success_message": "Εγγραφήκατε επιτυχώς! Παρακαλώ, επισκευθείτε το σύνδεσμο στο email επιβεβαίωσης για να επικυρώσετε τη διεύθυνση email.",
"erase_data": "Ο λογαριασμός σας δεν είναι εγγεγραμμένος, αυτό θα διαγράψει οριστικά τα δεδομένα σας.",
"password": "Κωδικός Πρόσβασης",
"pro_plan_product": "Επαγγελματικό Πλάνο",
"pro_plan_success": "Ευχαριστούμε που επιλέξατε το Invoice Ninja's Pro plan!
\nΕπόμενα Βήματα<\/b>Ένα τιμολόγιο προς πληρωμή έχει αποσταλεί στη διεύθυνση\nemail που είναι συνδεδεμένη με το λογαριασμό σας. Για να ξεκλειδώσετε όλα τα\nεντυπωσιακά χαρακτηριστικά του Pro Plan, παρακαλώ ακολουθήστε τις οδηγίες\nστο τιμολόγιο για να πληρώσετε για ένα χρόνο τιμολόγησης επιπέδου Pro.\nΔε βρίσκετε το τιμολόγιο; Χρειάζεστε περισσότερη βοήθεια; Είμαστε ευτυχείς\nνα σας βοηθήσουμε. Στείλτε μας email στο contact@invoiceninja.com',",
"unsaved_changes": "Έχετε μη αποθηκευμένες αλλαγές",
"custom_fields": "Προσαρμοσμένα Πεδία",
"company_fields": "Πεδία Εταιρείας",
"client_fields": "Πεδία Πελάτη",
"field_label": "Ετικέτα Πεδίου",
"field_value": "Τιμή Πεδίου",
"edit": "Επεξεργασία",
"set_name": "Ορίστε την επωνυμία της εταιρείας",
"view_as_recipient": "Προβολή ως παραλήπτης",
"product_library": "Βιβλιοθήκη Προϊόντων",
"product": "Προϊόν",
"products": "Προϊόντα",
"fill_products": "Αυτόματη συμπλήρωση προϊόντων",
"fill_products_help": "Επιλέγοντας ένα προϊόν, αυτόματα θα συμπληρωθεί η περιγραφή και η αξία<\/b>",
"update_products": "Αυτόματη ενημέρωση προϊόντων",
"update_products_help": "Ενημερώνοντας ένα τιμολόγιο, αυτόματα θα ενημερωθεί και η βιβλιοθήκη προϊόντων<\/b>",
"create_product": "Προσθήκη Προϊόντος",
"edit_product": "Επεξεργασία Προϊόντος",
"archive_product": "Αρχειοθέτηση Προϊόντος",
"updated_product": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση προϊόντος",
"created_product": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία προϊόντος",
"archived_product": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση προϊόντος",
"pro_plan_custom_fields": "{link} για να ενεργοποιήσετε τα προσαρμοσμένα πεδία προσχωρώντας στο Pro Plan",
"advanced_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις για Προχωρημένους",
"pro_plan_advanced_settings": "{link} για να ενεργοποιήσετε τις ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους προσχωρώντας στο Pro Plan",
"invoice_design": "Σχεδίαση Τιμολογίου",
"specify_colors": "Προσδιορισμός χρωμάτων",
"specify_colors_label": "Επιλέξτε τα χρώματα που χρησιμοποιούνται στο τιμολόγιο",
"chart_builder": "Κατασκευή Γραφήματος",
"ninja_email_footer": "Δημιουργήθηκε με {site} | Δημιουργήστε. Αποστείλετε. Εξοφληθείτε.",
"go_pro": "Πήγαινε στην Επαγγελματική έκδοση",
"quote": "Προσφορά",
"quotes": "Προσφορές",
"quote_number": "Αριθμός Προσφοράς",
"quote_number_short": "Προσφορά #",
"quote_date": "Ημ\/νία Προσφοράς",
"quote_total": "Σύνολο Προσφοράς",
"your_quote": "Η Προσφορά σας",
"total": "Σύνολο",
"clone": "Κλωνοποίηση",
"new_quote": "Νέα Προσφορά",
"create_quote": "Δημιουργία Προσφοράς",
"edit_quote": "Επεξεργασία Προσφοράς",
"archive_quote": "Αρχειοθέτηση Προσφοράς",
"delete_quote": "Διαγραφή Προσφοράς",
"save_quote": "Αποθήκευση Προσφοράς",
"email_quote": "Αποστολή Προσφοράς",
"clone_quote": "Κλωνοποίηση σε Προσφορά",
"convert_to_invoice": "Μετατροπή σε Τιμολόγιο",
"view_invoice": "Προβολή Τιμολογίου",
"view_client": "Προβολή Πελάτη",
"view_quote": "Προβολή Προσφοράς",
"updated_quote": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση προσφοράς",
"created_quote": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία προσφοράς",
"cloned_quote": "Επιτυχής κλωνοποίηση προσφοράς",
"emailed_quote": "Επιτυχής αποστολή προσφοράς",
"archived_quote": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση προσφοράς",
"archived_quotes": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} προσφορών",
"deleted_quote": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή προσφοράς",
"deleted_quotes": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή {count} προσφορών",
"converted_to_invoice": "Επιτυχής μετατροπή προσφοράς σε τιμολόγιο",
"quote_subject": "Νέα προσφορά {number} από {account}",
"quote_message": "Για να δείτε την προσφορά ποσού {amount}, πατήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο.",
"quote_link_message": "Για να δείτε την προσφορά του πελάτη σας, πατήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:",
"notification_quote_sent_subject": "Η προσφορά {invoice} απεστάλη στον πελάτη {client}",
"notification_quote_viewed_subject": "Η προσφορά {invoice} προβλήθηκε στον πελάτη {client}",
"notification_quote_sent": "Απεστάλη Προσφορά {invoice} αξίας {amount} στον πελάτη {client}.",
"notification_quote_viewed": "Ο πελάτης {client} είδε την Προσφορά {invoice} αξίας {amount}.",
"session_expired": "Η συνεδρία σας έληξε",
"invoice_fields": "Πεδία Τιμολογίου",
"invoice_options": "Επιλογές Τιμολογίου",
"hide_paid_to_date": "Απόκρυψη Εξοφλημένου Ποσού",
"hide_paid_to_date_help": "Εμφάνιση πεδίου \"Εξοφλημένο Ποσό\" μόνο στο παραστατικό όταν ληφθεί μια πληρωμή.",
"charge_taxes": "Χρέωση φόρων",
"user_management": "Διαχειριση Χρηστών",
"add_user": "Προσθήκη Χρήστη",
"send_invite": "Αποστολή Πρόσκλησης",
"sent_invite": "Επιτυχής αποστολή πρόσκλησης",
"updated_user": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση χρήστη",
"invitation_message": "Έχετε προσκληθεί από {invitor}.",
"register_to_add_user": "Παρακαλώ, εγραφείτε για να προσθέσετε χρήστη",
"user_state": "Κατάσταση",
"edit_user": "Επεξεργασία Χρήστη",
"delete_user": "Διαγραφή Χρήστη",
"active": "Ενεργός",
"pending": "Εκκρεμής",
"deleted_user": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή χρήστη",
"confirm_email_invoice": "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να αποστείλετε αυτό το τιμολόγιο;",
"confirm_email_quote": "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να αποστείλετε αυτή την προσφορά;",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice": "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να αποστέλλεται αυτό το παραστατικό;",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent": "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να ξεκινήσετε την επανάληψη ;",
"cancel_account": "Διαγραφή Λογαριασμού",
"cancel_account_message": "Προσοχή: Αυτό θα σβήσει το λογαριασμό σας, χωρίς δυνατότητα αναίρεσης.",
"go_back": "Επιστροφή",
"data_visualizations": "Απεικονίσεις Δεδομένων",
"sample_data": "Εμφάνιση δείγματος δεδομένων",
"hide": "Απόκρυψη",
"new_version_available": "Μια νέα έκδοση του {releases_link} είναι διαθέσιμη. Έχετε τη v{user_version}, η τελευταία είναι η v{latest_version}",
"invoice_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Τιμολογίου",
"invoice_number_prefix": "Σειρά Τιμολογίου",
"invoice_number_counter": "Αρίθμηση Τιμολογίου",
"quote_number_prefix": "Σειρά Προσφοράς",
"quote_number_counter": "Αρίθμηση Προσφοράς",
"share_invoice_counter": "Μοιραστείτε τον μετρητή τιμολογίου",
"invoice_issued_to": "Έκδοση τιμολογίου προς",
"invalid_counter": "Για να αποφείγετε πιθανή σύγχυση, παρακαλώ ορίστε σειρά σε τιμολόγιο ή προσφορά",
"mark_sent": "Σήμανση ως Απεσταλμένο",
"gateway_help_1": "{link} για εγγραφή στο Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_2": "{link} για εγγραφή στο Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_17": "{link} για να πάρετε υπογραφή για το API του PayPal.",
"gateway_help_27": "{link} για να εγγραφείτε στο 2Checkout.com. Για να βεβαιωθείτε ότι οι πληρωμές παρακολουθούνται ορίστε το {complete_link} ως τη διέυθυνση ανακατεύθυνσης στο Λογαριασμός > Διαχείρισης Ιστοσελίδας στην ιστοσελίδα του 2Checkout.",
"gateway_help_60": "{link} για δημιουργία λογαριασμού WePay.",
"more_designs": "Περισσότερα σχέδια",
"more_designs_title": "Επιπλέον Σχέδια Τιμολογίων",
"more_designs_cloud_header": "Αποκτήστε την Επαγγελματική έκδοση για επιπλέον σχέδια τιμολογίων",
"more_designs_cloud_text": "",
"more_designs_self_host_text": "",
"buy": "Αγορά",
"bought_designs": "Επιπλέον σχέδια τιμολογίων προστέθηκαν με επιτυχία",
"sent": "Απεσταλμένα",
"vat_number": "ΑΦΜ",
"timesheets": "Φύλλα χρονοχρέωσης",
"payment_title": "Κατσχωρήστε τη Διεύθυνση Τιμολόγησης και τα στοιχεία της Πιστωτικής Κάρτας",
"payment_cvv": "*Αυτός είναι ο αριθμός 3-4 ψηφίων στο πίσω μέρος της κάρτας σας",
"payment_footer1": "Η διεύθυνση τημολόγησης πρέπει να ταιριάζει με τη διεύθυνση που έχει δηλωθεί στην πιστωτική κάρτα.",
"payment_footer2": "Παρακαλώ πατήστε \"ΠΛΗΡΩΜΗ ΤΩΡΑ\" μόνο μία φορά. Η συναλλαγή ενδέχεται να διαρκέσει ως και ένα λεπτό.",
"id_number": "Αριθμός ID",
"white_label_link": "Λευκή Ετικέτα",
"white_label_header": "Λευκή Ετικέτα",
"bought_white_label": "Επιτυχής ενεργοποίηση άδειας χρήσης λευκής ετικέτας",
"white_labeled": "Εφαρμόσθηκε η λευκή ετικέτα",
"restore": "Ανάκτηση",
"restore_invoice": "Ανάκτηση Τιμολογίου",
"restore_quote": "Ανάκτηση Προσφοράς",
"restore_client": "Ανάκτηση Πελάτη",
"restore_credit": "Ανάκτηση Πίστωσης",
"restore_payment": "Ανάκτηση Πληρωμής",
"restored_invoice": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση τιμολογίου",
"restored_quote": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση προσφοράς",
"restored_client": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση πελάτη",
"restored_payment": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση πληρωμής",
"restored_credit": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση πίστωσης",
"reason_for_canceling": "Βοηθήστε μας να βελτιώσουμε την ιστοσελίδα μας λέγοντάς μας γιατί φεύγετε.",
"discount_percent": "Ποσοστό",
"discount_amount": "Ποσό",
"invoice_history": "Ιστορικό Τιμολογίου",
"quote_history": "Ιστορικό Προσφοράς",
"current_version": "Τρέχουσα έκδοση",
"select_version": "Επιλογή έκδοσης",
"view_history": "Προβολή Ιστορικού",
"edit_payment": "Επεξεργασία Πληρωμής",
"updated_payment": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση πληρωμής",
"deleted": "Διεγραμμένο",
"restore_user": "Ανάκτηση Χρήστη",
"restored_user": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση χρήστη",
"show_deleted_users": "Προβολή διεγραμμένων χρηστών",
"email_templates": "Πρότυπα email",
"invoice_email": "Email Τιμολογίων",
"payment_email": "Email Πληρωμών",
"quote_email": "Email Προσφορών",
"reset_all": "Επαναφορά Όλων",
"approve": "Αποδοχή",
"token_billing_type_id": "Χρέωση Διακριτικού",
"token_billing_help": "Στοιχεία πληρωμής με WePay, Stripe, Braintree ή GoCardless.",
"token_billing_1": "Απενεργοποιημένο",
"token_billing_2": "Opt-in - το checkbox εμφανίζεται αλλά όχι επιλεγμένο",
"token_billing_3": "Opt-out - το checkbox εμφανίζεται και είναι επιλεγμένο",
"token_billing_4": "Πάντα",
"token_billing_checkbox": "Αποθήκευση στοιχείων πιστωτικής κάρτας",
"view_in_gateway": "Προβολή σε {gateway}",
"use_card_on_file": "Χρήση του Card on File",
"edit_payment_details": "Επεξεργασία στοιχείων πληρωμής",
"token_billing": "Αποθήκευση στοιχείων κάρτας",
"token_billing_secure": "Η κάρτα αποθηκεύεται με ασφάλεια με {link}",
"support": "Υποστήριξη",
"contact_information": "Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας",
"256_encryption": "Κωδικοποίηση 256-Bit",
"amount_due": "Οφειλόμενο ποσό προς πληρωμή",
"billing_address": "Διεύθυνση Τιμολόγησης",
"billing_method": "Μέθοδος Τιμολόγησης",
"order_overview": "Επισκόπηση Παραγγελίας",
"match_address": "*Η διεύθυνση πρέπει να ταιριάζει με αυτή της πιστωτικής κάρτας.",
"click_once": "*Παρακαλώ πατήστε το \"ΠΛΗΡΩΜΗ ΤΩΡΑ\" μόνο μία φορά. Η διαδικασία της συναλλαγής μπορεί να διαρκέσαι ως και 1 λεπτό.",
"invoice_footer": "Υποσέλιδο Τιμολογίου",
"save_as_default_footer": "Αποθήκευση ως προεπιλεγμένο υποσέλιδο",
"token_management": "Διαχείριση Διακριτικών",
"tokens": "Διακριτικά",
"add_token": "Προσθήκη Διακριτικού",
"show_deleted_tokens": "Προβολή διεγραμμένων διακριτικών",
"deleted_token": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή διακριτικού",
"created_token": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία διακριτικού",
"updated_token": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση διακριτικού",
"edit_token": "Επεξεργασία Διακριτικού",
"delete_token": "Διαγραφή Διακριτικού",
"token": "Διακριτικό",
"add_gateway": "Προσθήκη Πύλης Πληρωμών (Gateway)",
"delete_gateway": "Διαγραφή Πύλης Πληρωμών (Gateway)",
"edit_gateway": "Επεξεργασία Πύλης Πληρωμών (Gateway)",
"updated_gateway": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση πύλης πληρωμών (Gateway)",
"created_gateway": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία πύλης πληρωμών (Gateway)",
"deleted_gateway": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή πύλης πληρωμών (Gateway)",
"pay_with_paypal": "PayPal",
"pay_with_card": "Πιστωτική Κάρτα",
"change_password": "Αλλαγή κωδικού πρόσβασης",
"current_password": "Τρέχων κωδικός Πρόσβασης",
"new_password": "Νέος κωδικός Πρόσβασης",
"confirm_password": "Επιβεβαίωση κωδικού πρόσβασης",
"password_error_incorrect": "Ο τρέχων κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι λανθασμένος.",
"password_error_invalid": "Ο νέος κωδικός πρόσβασης δεν είναι έγκυρος.",
"updated_password": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση κωδικού πρόσβασης",
"api_tokens": "Διακριτικά API",
"users_and_tokens": "Χρήστες & Διακριτικά",
"account_login": "Είσοδος στο Λογαριασμό",
"recover_password": "Ανάκτηση του κωδικού πρόσβασής σας",
"forgot_password": "Ξεχάσατε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας;",
"email_address": "Διεύθυνση email",
"lets_go": "Πάμε",
"password_recovery": "Ανάκτηση Κωδικού Πρόσβασης",
"send_email": "Αποστολή Email",
"set_password": "Ορισμός Κωδικού Πρόσβασης",
"converted": "Μετατράπηκε",
"email_approved": "Αποστολή email μόλις η προσφορά είναι αποδεκτή<\/b>",
"notification_quote_approved_subject": "Η προσφορά {invoice} έγινε αποδεκτή από {client}",
"notification_quote_approved": "Ο πελάτης {client} αποδέχτηκε την Προσφορά {invoice} ποσού {amount}.",
"resend_confirmation": "Νέα αποστολή email επιβεβαίωσης",
"confirmation_resent": "Το email επιβεβαίωσης εστάλη ξανά",
"gateway_help_42": "{link} για να εγγραφείτε στο BitPay.
Σημείωση: χρησιμοποιήστε ένα παλαιού τύπου κλειδί API, όχι ένα διακριτικό API.",
"payment_type_credit_card": "Πιστωτική Κάρτα",
"payment_type_paypal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_gocardless": "GoCardless",
"knowledge_base": "Γνωσιακή Βάση",
"partial": "Μερικό\/Κατάθεση",
"partial_remaining": "{partial} από {balance}",
"more_fields": "Περισσότερα Πεδία",
"less_fields": "Λιγότερα Πεδία",
"client_name": "Όνομα Πελάτη",
"pdf_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις PDF",
"product_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Προϊόντων",
"auto_wrap": "Αυτόματη Αναδίπλωση Γραμμής",
"duplicate_post": "Προειδοποίηση: Η προηγούμενη σελίδα υποβλήθηκε δύο φορές. Η δεύτερη υποβολή αγνοήθηκε.",
"view_documentation": "Προβολή Τεκμηρίωσης",
"app_title": "Δωρεάν Ανοιχτού-Κώδικα Online Τιμολόγηση",
"app_description": "Το Invoice Ninja είναι μια δωρεάν, ανοιχτού-κώδικα λύση για τιμολόγηση πελατών. Με το Invoice Ninja μπορείτε να εύκολα δημιουργήσετε και να στείλετε όμορφα τιμολόγια από οποιαδήποτε συσκευή που έχει πρόσβαση στο internet. Οι πελάτες σας μπορούν να τυπώνουν τα τιμολόγιά σας, να τα κατεβάζουν σε pdf ή ακόμα και να πληρώνουν online μέσα από το σύστημα.",
"rows": "γραμμές",
"www": "www",
"logo": "Λογότυπο",
"subdomain": "Υποτομέας",
"provide_name_or_email": "Παρακαλώ συμπληρώστε ένα όνομα ή email",
"charts_and_reports": "Διαγράμματα & Αναφορές",
"chart": "Διάγραμμα",
"report": "Αναφορά",
"group_by": "Ομαδοποίηση με",
"paid": "Πληρωμένα",
"enable_report": "Αναφορά",
"enable_chart": "Διάγραμμα",
"totals": "Σύνολα",
"run": "Εκτέλεση",
"export": "Εξαγωγή",
"documentation": "Τεκμηρίωση",
"zapier": "Zapier",
"recurring": "Επαναλαμβανόμενο",
"last_invoice_sent": "Το τελευταίο τιμολόγιο εστάλη στις {date}",
"processed_updates": "Επιτυχής ολοκλήρωση της ενημέρωσης",
"tasks": "Εργασίες",
"new_task": "Νέα Εργασία",
"start_time": "Ώρα Έναρξης",
"created_task": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία εργασίας",
"updated_task": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση εργασίας",
"edit_task": "Επεξεργασία Εργασίας",
"archive_task": "Αρχειοθέτηση Εργασίας",
"restore_task": "Ανάκτηση Εργασίας",
"delete_task": "Διαγραφή Εργασίας",
"stop_task": "Διακοπή Εργασίας",
"time": "Ώρα",
"start": "Έναρξη",
"stop": "Λήξη",
"now": "Τώρα",
"timer": "Μετρητής",
"manual": "Χειροκίνητο",
"date_and_time": "Ημερομηνία & Ώρα",
"second": "Δευτερόλεπτο",
"seconds": "Δευτερόλεπτα",
"minute": "Λεπτό",
"minutes": "Λεπτά",
"hour": "Ώρα",
"hours": "Ώρες",
"task_details": "Στοιχεία Εργασίας",
"duration": "Διάρκεια",
"end_time": "Ώρα Λήξης",
"end": "Λήξη",
"invoiced": "Τιμολογημένα",
"logged": "Εισηγμένο",
"running": "Εκτελείται",
"task_error_multiple_clients": "Οι εργασίες δε μπορούν να ανήκουν σε διαφορετικούς πελάτες",
"task_error_running": "Παρακαλώ διακόψτε την εκτέλεση εργασιών πρώτα",
"task_error_invoiced": "Οι εργασίες έχουν ήδη τιμολογηθεί",
"restored_task": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση εργασίας",
"archived_task": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση εργασίας",
"archived_tasks": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} εργασιών",
"deleted_task": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή εργασίας",
"deleted_tasks": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή {count} εργασιών",
"create_task": "Δημιουργία Εργασίας",
"stopped_task": "Επιτυχής διακοπή εργασίας",
"invoice_task": "Τιμολόγηση Εργασίας",
"invoice_labels": "Ετικέτες Τιμολογίων",
"prefix": "Πρόθεμα",
"counter": "Μετρητής",
"payment_type_dwolla": "Dwolla",
"gateway_help_43": "{link} για εγγραφή στο Dwolla",
"partial_value": "Πρέπει να είναι μεγαλύτερο του μηδενός και μικρότερο από το σύνολο.",
"more_actions": "Περισσότερες Ενέργειες",
"pro_plan_title": "NINJA PRO",
"pro_plan_call_to_action": "Αναβαθμίστε Τώρα!",
"pro_plan_feature1": "Δημιουργία Απεριόριστων Πελατών",
"pro_plan_feature2": "Πρόσβαση σε 10 Όμορφα Σχέδια Τιμολογίων",
"pro_plan_feature3": "Προσαρμοσμένες διευθύνσεις URL - \"YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com\"",
"pro_plan_feature4": "Αφαίρεση του \"Created by Invoice Ninja\"",
"pro_plan_feature5": "Πρόσβαση Πολλαπλών Χρηστών & Καταγραφή Δραστηριότητας",
"pro_plan_feature6": "Δημιουργία Προσφορών & Προτιμολογίων",
"pro_plan_feature7": "Προσαρμογή Τίτλων Πεδίων & Αριθμήσεων",
"pro_plan_feature8": "Επιλογές στην την Επισύναψη αρχείων PDF στα Emails πελατών",
"resume": "Συνέχισε",
"break_duration": "Διέκοψε",
"edit_details": "Επεξεργασία Στοιχείων",
"work": "Εργασία",
"timezone_unset": "Παρακαλώ {link} για να ορίσετε τη ζώνη ώρας",
"click_here": "πατήστε εδώ",
"email_receipt": "Αποστολή απόδειξης πληρωμής στον πελάτη",
"created_payment_emailed_client": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία πληρωμής και αποστολής της στον πελάτη",
"add_company": "Προσθήκη Εταιρείας",
"untitled": "Ανώνυμο",
"new_company": "Νέα Εταιρεία",
"associated_accounts": "Επιτυχής σύνδεση λογαριασμών",
"unlinked_account": "Επιτυχής αποσύνδεση λογαριασμών",
"login": "Είσοδος",
"or": "ή",
"email_error": "Προέκυψε πρόβλημα κατά την αποστολή του email",
"confirm_recurring_timing": "Σημείωση: τα email στέλνονται στην αρχή κάθε ώρας",
"confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent": "Σημείωση: τα τιμολόγια δημιουργούνται στην έναρξη της ώρας.",
"payment_terms_help": "Ορίζει την προεπιλεγμένη ημερομηνία πληρωμής των τιμολογίων",
"unlink_account": "Αποδύνδεση Λογαριασμού",
"unlink": "Αποσύνδεση",
"show_address": "Προβολή Διεύθυνσης",
"show_address_help": "Απαίτηση από τον πελάτη να συμπληρώσει τη διεύθυνση τιμολόγησης",
"update_address": "Ενημέρωση Διεύθυνσης",
"update_address_help": "Ενημέρωση της διεύθυνσης του πελάτη με τα παρεχόμενα στοιχεία",
"times": "Φορές",
"set_now": "Όρισε το στο τώρα",
"dark_mode": "Σκοτεινό Περιβάλλον",
"dark_mode_help": "Χρήση σκούρου υπόβαθρου για τις πλαϊνές μπάρες",
"add_to_invoice": "Προσθήκη στο Τιμολόγιο {Invoice}",
"create_new_invoice": "Δημιουργία νέου τιμολογίου",
"task_errors": "Παρακαλώ διορθώστε τυχόν επικαλυπτόμενες ώρες",
"from": "Από",
"to": "Προς",
"font_size": "Μέγεθος Γραμμάτων",
"primary_color": "Κύριο Χρώμα",
"secondary_color": "Δευτερεύον Χρώμα",
"customize_design": "Προσαρμογή Σχεδίου",
"content": "Περιεχόμενο",
"styles": "Στυλ",
"defaults": "Προεπιλογές",
"margins": "Περιθώρια",
"header": "Επικεφαλίδα",
"footer": "Υποσέλιδο",
"custom": "Προσαρμοσμένο",
"invoice_to": "Τιμολόγιο προς",
"invoice_no": "Αρ. Τιμολογίου",
"quote_no": "Προσφορά Αρ.",
"recent_payments": "Πρόσφατες Πληρωμές",
"outstanding": "Εκκρεμή",
"manage_companies": "Διαχείριση Εταιρειών",
"total_revenue": "Συνολικά Έσοδα",
"current_user": "Τρέχων Χρήστης",
"new_recurring_invoice": "Νέο Επαναλαμβανόμενο Τιμολόγιο",
"recurring_invoice": "Επαναλαμβανόμενο Τιμολόγιο",
"new_recurring_quote": "Νέα Επαναλαμβανόμενη Προσφορά",
"recurring_quote": "Επαναλαμβανόμενη Προσφορά",
"recurring_too_soon": "Είναι πολύ νωρίς για να δημιουργήσετε το επόμενο επαναλαμβανόμενο τιμολόγιο. Είναι προγραμματισμένο για την {date}",
"created_by_invoice": "Δημιουργήθηκε από {invoice}",
"primary_user": "Κύριος Χρήστης",
"help": "Βοήθεια",
"customize_help": "Χρησιμοποιούμε το {pdfmake_link} για να ορίσουμε τα σχέδια των τιμολογίων. Το pdfmake {playground_link} προσφέρει ένα υπέροχο τρόπο για να δείτε τη βιβλιοθήκη στην πράξη.<\/p>\n
Εάν χρειάζεστε βοήθεια στην κατανόηση κάποιου θέματος μπορείτε να υποβάλετε μία ερώτηση στο {forum_link} με την εμφάνιση που χρησιμοποιείτε.<\/p>",
"playground": "παιδότοπος",
"support_forum": "φόρουμ υποστήριξης",
"invoice_due_date": "Ημερομηνία Πληρωμής",
"quote_due_date": "Έγκυρο Έως",
"valid_until": "Έγκυρο Έως",
"reset_terms": "Επαναφορά όρων",
"reset_footer": "Επαναφορά υποσέλιδου",
"invoice_sent": "{count} τιμολόγιο στάλθηκε",
"invoices_sent": "{count} τιμολόγια στάλθηκαν",
"status_draft": "Πρόχειρο",
"status_sent": "Απεσταλμένα",
"status_viewed": "Εμφανισμένα",
"status_partial": "Μερικό",
"status_paid": "Πληρωμένα",
"status_unpaid": "Μη εξοφλημένη",
"status_all": "Όλα",
"show_line_item_tax": "Εμφάνιση φόρου ανά προϊόν σε κάθε γραμμή<\/b>",
"iframe_url": "Ιστοσελίδα",
"iframe_url_help1": "Αντιγράψτε τον παρακάτω κώδικα στη σελίδα του site σας.",
"iframe_url_help2": "Μπορείτε να δοκιμάσετε το χαρακτιριστικό πατώντας 'Προβολή ως παραλήπτης' για ένα τιμολόγιο.",
"auto_bill": "Αυτόματη Χρέωση",
"military_time": "24ωρη εμφάνιση Ώρας",
"last_sent": "Τελευταία Αποστολή",
"reminder_emails": "Μηνύματα Υπενθύμισης",
"templates_and_reminders": "Πρότυπα & Υπενθυμίσεις",
"subject": "Θέμα",
"body": "Κείμενο",
"first_reminder": "Πρώτη Υπενθύμιση",
"second_reminder": "Δεύτερη Υπενθύμιση",
"third_reminder": "Τρίτη Υπενθύμιση",
"num_days_reminder": "Ημέρες μετά την ημερομηνία πληρωμής",
"reminder_subject": "Υπενθύμιση: Τιμολόγιο {invoice} από {account}",
"reset": "Επαναφορά",
"invoice_not_found": "Το ζητούμενο τιμολόγιο δεν είναι διαθέσιμο",
"referral_program": "Πρόγραμμα Παραπομπής",
"referral_code": "URL Παραπομπής",
"last_sent_on": "Τελευταία Αποστολή: {date}",
"page_expire": "Αυτή η σελίδα θα λήξει σύντομα, {click_here} για να συνεχίσετε τη λειτουργία της",
"upcoming_quotes": "Προσεχείς Προσφορές",
"expired_quotes": "Προσφορές που έληξαν",
"sign_up_using": "Εγγραφείτε με",
"invalid_credentials": "Αυτά τα στοιχεία εισόδου δεν ταιριάζουν με τα αρχεία μας",
"show_all_options": "Προβολή όλων των επιλογών",
"user_details": "Στοιχεία Χρήστη",
"oneclick_login": "Συνδεδεμένος Λογαριασμός",
"disable": "Απενεργοποίηση",
"invoice_quote_number": "Αριθμήσεις Τιμολογίων και Προσφορών",
"invoice_charges": "Επιβαρύνσεις Τιμολογίου",
"notification_invoice_bounced": "Μας ήταν αδύνατο να παραδώσουμε το Τιμολόγιο{invoice} στο {contact}.",
"notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "Αδυναμία παράδοσης Τιμολογίου {invoice}",
"notification_quote_bounced": "Μας ήταν αδύνατο να παραδώσουμε την Προσφορά {invoice} στο {contact}.",
"notification_quote_bounced_subject": "Αδυναμία παράδοσης Προσφοράς {invoice}",
"custom_invoice_link": "Προσαρμοσμένος Σύνδεσμος Τιμολογίου",
"total_invoiced": "Σύνολο Τιμολογημένων",
"open_balance": "Ανοιχτό Υπόλοιπο",
"verify_email": "Παρακαλώ επισκεφθείτε το σύνδεσμο στο email επιβεβαίωσης λογαριασμού για να επικυρώσετε την email διεύθυνσή σας.",
"basic_settings": "Βασικές Ρυθμίσεις",
"pro": "Επαγγελματική",
"gateways": "Πύλες Πληρωμών (Gateways)",
"next_send_on": "Επόμενη Αποστολή: {date}",
"no_longer_running": "Αυτό το τιμολόγιο δεν είναι προγραμματισμένο να τρέξει",
"general_settings": "Γενικές Ρυθμίσεις",
"customize": "Προσαρμογή",
"oneclick_login_help": "Συνδέστε ένα λογαριασμό για εισαγωγή χωρίς τη χρήση κωδικού πρόσβασης",
"referral_code_help": "Κερδίστε χρήματα μοιράζοντας τη χρήση της εφαρμογής μας online.",
"enable_with_stripe": "Ενεροποίησε | Απαιτείται το Stripe",
"tax_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Φόρων",
"create_tax_rate": "Προσθήκη Ποσοστού Φόρου",
"updated_tax_rate": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση ποσοστού φόρου",
"created_tax_rate": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία ποσοστού φόρου",
"edit_tax_rate": "Επεξεργασία ποσοστού φόρου",
"archive_tax_rate": "Αρχειοθέτηση Ποσοστού Φόρου",
"archived_tax_rate": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση ποσοστού φόρου",
"default_tax_rate_id": "Προεπιλεγμένο Ποσοστό Φόρου",
"tax_rate": "Ποσοστό Φόρου",
"recurring_hour": "Επαναλαμβανόμενη Ώρα",
"pattern": "Μοτίβο",
"pattern_help_title": "Βοήθεια Μοτίβων",
"pattern_help_1": "Δημιουργείστε προσαρμοσμένους αριθμούς καθορίζοντας ένα πρότυπο",
"pattern_help_2": "Διαθέσιμες μεταβλητές:",
"pattern_help_3": "Για παράδειγμα, το {example} θα μετατραπεί σε {value}",
"see_options": "Προβολή επιλογών",
"invoice_counter": "Μετρητής Τιμολογίων",
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"activity_6": "Ο χρήστης {user} το τιμολόγιο {Invoice} στην επαφή {contact}",
"activity_7": "Η επαφή {contact} είδε το τιμολόγιο {invoice}",
"activity_8": "Ο χρήστης {user} αρχειοθέτησε το τιμολόγιο {invoice}",
"activity_9": "Ο χρήστης {user} διέγραψε το τιμολόγιο {invoice}",
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"activity_12": "Ο χρήστης {user} αρχειοθέτησε την πληρωμή {payment}",
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"activity_33": "Ο χρήστης {user} επανέφερε τον προμηθευτή {vendor}",
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"activity_37": "Ο χρήστης {user} επανέφερε τη δαπάνη {expense}",
"activity_42": "Ο χρήστης {user} δημιούργησε την εργασία {task}",
"activity_43": "Ο χρήστης {user} ενημέρωσε την εργασία {task}",
"activity_44": "Ο χρήστης {user} αρχειοθέτησε την εργασία {task}",
"activity_45": "Ο χρήστης {user} διέγραψε την εργασία {task}",
"activity_46": "Ο χρήστης {user} επανέφερε την εργασία {task}",
"activity_47": "Ο χρήστης {user} ενημέρωσε τη δαπάνη {expense}",
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"archived_account_gateway": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση πύλης πληρωμών (Gateway)",
"archive_recurring_invoice": "Αρχειοθέτηση Επαναλαμβανόμενου Τιμολογίου",
"archived_recurring_invoice": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση επαναλαμβανόμενου τιμολογίου",
"delete_recurring_invoice": "Διαγραφή Επαναλαμβανόμενου Τιμολογίου",
"deleted_recurring_invoice": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή επαναλαμβανόμενου τιμολογίου",
"restore_recurring_invoice": "Επαναφορά Επαναλαμβανόμενου Τιμολογίου",
"restored_recurring_invoice": "Επιτυχής επαναφορά επαναλαμβανόμενου τιμολογίου",
"archive_recurring_quote": "Αρχειοθέτηση Επαναλαμβανόμενης Προσφοράς",
"archived_recurring_quote": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση επαναλαμβανόμενης προσφοράς",
"delete_recurring_quote": "Διαγραφή Επαναλαμβανόμενης Προσφοράς",
"deleted_recurring_quote": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή επαναλαμβανόμενης προσφοράς",
"restore_recurring_quote": "Επαναφορά Επαναλαμβανόμενης Προσφοράς",
"restored_recurring_quote": "Επιτυχής επαναφορά επαναλαμβανόμενης προσφοράς",
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"reset_footer_help": "Επαναφορά στο προεπιλεγμένο υποσέλιδο του λογαριασμού",
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"show_archived_users": "Προβολή αρχειοθετημένων χρηστών",
"notes": "Σημειώσεις",
"invoice_will_create": "Το τιμολόγιο θα δημιουργηθεί",
"invoices_will_create": "τιμολόγια θα δημιουργηθούν",
"failed_to_import": "Οι παρακάτω εγγραφές απέτυχαν να εισαχθούν. Υπάρχουν ήδη ή λείπουν απαραίτητα πεδία.",
"publishable_key": "Δημοσιοποιήσιμο Κλειδί",
"secret_key": "Κρυφό Κλειδί",
"missing_publishable_key": "Ορίστε το δημοσιοποιήσιμο κλειδί Stripe για βελτιωμένη διαδικασία ολοκλήρωσης αγοράς",
"email_design": "Σχεδίαση Email",
"due_by": "Πληρωτέο μέχρι {date}",
"enable_email_markup": "Ενεργοποίηση Σημανσης",
"enable_email_markup_help": "Κάντε τη διαδικασία πληρωμής πιο εύκολη για τους πελάτες σας προσθέτοντας σήμανση από το schema.org στα emails σας.",
"template_help_title": "Βοήθεια Προτύπων",
"template_help_1": "Διαθέσιμες μεταβλητές:",
"email_design_id": "Στυλ Email",
"email_design_help": "Κάντε τα emails σας να δείχνουν πιο επαγγελματικά με τη διάταξη HTML.",
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"industry_help": "Χρησιμοποιείται για να παρέχει συγκρίσεις μέσων όρων εταιριών ίδιου μεγέθους στους ίδιους επαγγελματικούς τομείς.",
"subdomain_help": "Ορίστε τον υποτομέα ή εμφάνιστε το τιμολόγιο στη δική σας ιστοσελίδα",
"website_help": "Εμφανίστε το τιμολόγιο σε ένα iFrame στη δική σας ιστοσελίδα",
"invoice_number_help": "Ορίστε ένα πρόθεμα ή χρησιμοποιήστε ένα προσαρμοσμένο μοτίβο για να καθορίζετε δυναμικά τον αριθμό τιμολογίου.",
"quote_number_help": "Ορίστε ένα πρόθεμα ή χρησιμοποιήστε ένα προσαρμοσμένο μοτίβο για να καθορίζετε δυναμικά τον αριθμό προσφοράς.",
"custom_client_fields_helps": "Προσθέστε ένα πεδίο όταν δημιουργείτε ένα πελάτη και επιλέξτε δυνητικά την εμφάνισή της ετικέτας και της τιμής στο αρχείο PDF.",
"custom_account_fields_helps": "Προσθέστε μία ετικέτα και μία τιμή στο σημείο που αφορά τις λεπτομέρειες της εταιρίας στο αρχείο PDF.",
"custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Προσθέστε ένα πεδίο όταν δημιουργείτε ένα τιμολόγιο και επιλέξτε δυνητικά την εμφάνισή της ετικέτας και της τιμής στο αρχείο PDF.",
"custom_invoice_charges_helps": "Προσθέστε ένα πεδίο όταν δημιουργείτε ένα τιμολόγιο και συμπεριλάβετε την χρέωση στα υποσύνολα του τιμολογίου.",
"token_expired": "Το διακριτικό πιστοποίησης έχει λήξει. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ξανά.",
"invoice_link": "Σύνδεσμος Τιμολογίου",
"button_confirmation_message": "Κάντε κλικ για να επιβεβαιώσετε τη διεύθυνση email σας.",
"confirm": "Επιβεβαίωση",
"email_preferences": "Προτιμήσεις Email",
"created_invoices": "Δημιουργήθηκαν επιτυχώς {count} τιμολόγιο(α)",
"next_invoice_number": "Ο επόμενος αριθμός τιμολογίου είναι {number}.",
"next_quote_number": "Ο επόμενος αριθμός προσφοράς είναι {number}.",
"days_before": "ημέρες πριν από",
"days_after": "ημέρες μετά από",
"field_due_date": "ημερομηνία πληρωμής",
"field_invoice_date": "ημερομηνία τιμολογίου",
"schedule": "Προγραμμάτισε",
"email_designs": "Σχέδια Email",
"assigned_when_sent": "Ανάθεση όταν αποσταλεί",
"white_label_purchase_link": "Προμηθευτείτε μια άδεια χρήσης λευκής ετικέτας",
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"edit_vendor": "Επεξεργασία Προμηθευτή",
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"delete_vendor": "Διαγραφή Προμηθευτή",
"view_vendor": "Εμφάνιση Προμηθευτή",
"deleted_expense": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή δαπάνης",
"archived_expense": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση δαπάνης",
"deleted_expenses": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή δαπανών",
"archived_expenses": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση δαπανών",
"expense_amount": "Ποσό Δαπάνης",
"expense_balance": "Υπόλοιπο Δαπάνης",
"expense_date": "Ημερομηνία Δαπάνης",
"expense_should_be_invoiced": "Θέλετε να τιμολογηθεί αυτό το έξοδο",
"public_notes": "Δημόσιες Σημειώσεις",
"invoice_amount": "Ποσό Τιμολογίου",
"exchange_rate": "Ισοτιμία Ανταλλαγής",
"yes": "Ναι",
"no": "Όχι",
"should_be_invoiced": "Πρέπει να τιμολογηθεί",
"view_expense": "Εμφάνιση δαπάνης # {expense}",
"edit_expense": "Επεξεργασία Δαπάνης",
"archive_expense": "Αρχειοθέτηση Δαπάνης",
"delete_expense": "Διαγραφή Δαπάνης",
"view_expense_num": "Δαπάνη # {expense}",
"updated_expense": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση δαπάνης",
"created_expense": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία δαπάνης",
"view": "Προβολή",
"restore_expense": "Ανάκτηση Δαπάνης",
"invoice_expense": "Τιμολόγηση Δαπάνης",
"expense_error_multiple_clients": "Οι δαπάνες δε μπορούν να ανήκουν σε διαφορετικούς πελάτες",
"expense_error_invoiced": "Οι δαπάνες έχουν ήδη τιμολογηθεί",
"convert_currency": "Μετατροπή νομίσματος",
"num_days": "Αριθμός Hμερών",
"create_payment_term": "Δημιουργία Όρου Πληρωμής",
"edit_payment_terms": "Επεξεργασία Όρου Πληρωμής",
"edit_payment_term": "Επεξεργασία Όρου Πληρωμής",
"archive_payment_term": "Αρχειοθέτηση Όρου Πληρωμής",
"recurring_due_dates": "Ημερομηνίες Πληρωμής Επαναλαμβανόμενων Τιμολογίων",
"recurring_due_date_help": "
Ορίστε αυτόματα ημερομηνία πληρωμής για το τιμολόγιο.<\/p>\n
Τιμολόγια μηνιαίου ή ετήσιου κύκλου που έχουν οριστεί πληρωτέα την ίδια η προηγούμενη ημερομηνία από αυτή που έχουν δημιουργηθεί θα είναι πληρωτέα τον επόμενο μήνα. Τιμολόγια που θα είναι πληρωτέα την 29η ή 30η μηνών που δεν διαθέτουν αυτές τις ημερομηνίες θα ορίζονται πληρωτέα την τελευταία ημέρα του επόμενου μήνα.<\/p>\n
Τιμολόγια εβδομαδιαίας χρέωσης που έχουν οριστεί πληρωτέα την ημέρα της εβδομάδας που έχουν δημιουργηθεί θα είναι πληρωτέα την επόμενη εβδομάδα.<\/p>\n
Για παράδειγμα:<\/p>\n
\n - Σήμερα ο μήνας έχει 15 και έχει οριστεί ημέρα πληρωμής η 1η του μήνα. Τότε η ημέρα πληρωμής θα είναι η 1η του επόμενου μήνα.<\/li>\n
- Σήμερα ο μήνας έχει 15 και έχει οριστεί ημέρα πληρωμής η τελευταία μέρα του μήνα. Τότε η ημέρα πληρωμής θα είναι η τελευταία μέρα του τρέχοντος μήνα.\n<\/li>\n
- Σήμερα ο μήνας έχει 15 και έχει οριστεί ημέρα πληρωμής η 15η του μήνα. Τότε η ημέρα πληρωμής θα είναι η 15η του επόμενου<\/strong> μήνα.\n<\/li>\n
- Σήμερα είναι Παρασκευή και έχει οριστεί ημέρα πληρωμής η πρώτη επόμενη Παρασκευή. Τότε η ημέρα πληρωμής θα είναι η επόμενη Παρασκευή, όχι σήμερα.\n<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"due": "Πληρωτέο",
"next_due_on": "Επόμενη πληρωμή: {date}",
"use_client_terms": "Χρήση όρων πελατών",
"day_of_month": "{ordinal} ημέρα του μήνα",
"last_day_of_month": "Τελευταία ημέρα του μήνα",
"day_of_week_after": "{ordinal} {day} μετά",
"sunday": "Κυριακή",
"monday": "Δευτέρα",
"tuesday": "Τρίτη",
"wednesday": "Τετάρτη",
"thursday": "Πέμπτη",
"friday": "Παρασκευή",
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"color_font_help": "Σημείωση: το πρωτεύων χρώμα και γραμματοσειρά χρησιμοποιούνται επίσης στο portal του πελάτη και στα προσαρμοσμένα σχέδια email.",
"live_preview": "Ζωντανή Προεπισκόπηση",
"invalid_mail_config": "Αδυναμία αποστολής email, παρακαλώ ελέγξτε ότι οι ρυθμίσεις email είναι σωστές.",
"invoice_message_button": "Για να δείτε το τιμολόγιο των {amount}, πατήστε το παρακάτω κουμπί.",
"quote_message_button": "Για να δείτε την προσφορά του ποσού {amount}, πατήστε το παρακάτω κουμπί.",
"payment_message_button": "Ευχαριστούμε για την πληρωμή των {amount}.",
"payment_type_direct_debit": "Απευθείας Χρέωση",
"bank_accounts": "Πιστωτικές Κάρτες & Τράπεζες",
"add_bank_account": "Προσθήκη Τραπεζικού Λογαριασμού",
"setup_account": "Καθορισμός Λογαριασμού",
"import_expenses": "Εισαγωγή Δαπανών",
"bank_id": "Τράπεζα",
"integration_type": "Τύπος Ενσωμάτωσης",
"updated_bank_account": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση τραπεζικού λογαριασμού",
"edit_bank_account": "Επεξεργασία Τραπεζικού Λογαριασμού",
"archive_bank_account": "Αρχειοθέτηση Τραπεζικού Λογαριασμού",
"archived_bank_account": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση τραπεζικού λογαριασμού",
"created_bank_account": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία τραπεζικού λογαριασμού",
"validate_bank_account": "Επικύρωση Τραπεζικού Λογαριασμού",
"bank_password_help": "Σημείωση: ο κωδικός πρόσβασής σας μεταδόθηκε με ασφαλή τρόπο και δεν θα αποθηκευτεί ποτέ στους server μας.",
"bank_password_warning": "Προειδοποίηση: ο κωδικός πρόσβασής σας μπορεί να μεταδοθεί σε απλό κείμενο, σκεφτείτε την ενεργοποίηση του HTTPS.",
"username": "Όνομα Χρήστη",
"account_number": "Αριθμός Λογαριασμού",
"account_name": "Όνομασία Λογαριασμού",
"bank_account_error": "Αδυναμία ανάσυρσης λεπτομερειών του λογαριασμού, παρακαλώ ελέγξτε τα στοιχεία σας. ",
"status_approved": "Αποδεκτή",
"quote_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Προσφορών",
"auto_convert_quote": "Αυτόματη Μετατροπή",
"auto_convert_quote_help": "Αυτόματη μετατροπή της προσφοράς σε τιμολόγιο μόλις γίνει αποδεκτή από τον πελάτη.",
"validate": "Επικύρωση",
"info": "Πληροφορίες",
"imported_expenses": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία {count_vendors} προμηθευτή(ών) και {count_expenses} δαπάνης(ών)",
"iframe_url_help3": "Σημείωση: Εάν προγραμματίζετε να δέχεστε πιστωτικές κάρτες σας προτείνουμε να χρησιμοποιήσετε HTTPS στην ιστοσελίδα σας.",
"expense_error_multiple_currencies": "Οι δαπάνες δε μπορούν να είναι σε διαφορετικά νομίσματα.",
"expense_error_mismatch_currencies": "Το νόμισμα του πελάτη δεν είναι το ίδιο με το νόμισμα της δαπάνης.",
"trello_roadmap": "Πλάνο Ανάπτυξης στο Trello",
"header_footer": "Επικεφαλίδα\/Υποσέλιδο",
"first_page": "Πρώτη σελίδα",
"all_pages": "Προσθήκη Σελίδας",
"last_page": "Τελευταία σελίδα",
"all_pages_header": "Εμφάνιση Κεφαλίδας",
"all_pages_footer": "Εμφάνιση Υποσέλιδου",
"invoice_currency": "Νόμισμα Τιμολογίου",
"enable_https": "Σας προτείνουμε να χρησιμοποιήσετε HTTPS για να δέχεστε πιστωτικές κάρτες online.",
"quote_issued_to": "Έκδοση προσφοράς προς",
"show_currency_code": "Κωδικός Νομίσματος",
"free_year_message": "Ο λογαριασμός σας αναβαθμίστηκε στο επαγγελματικό πακέτο για ένα χρόνο χωρίς κόστος.",
"trial_message": "Ο λογαριασμός σας θα δεχθεί μια δωρεάν δοκιμαστική περίοδο δύο εβδομάδων στο επαγγελματικό μας πλάνο.",
"trial_footer": "Η δωρεάν δοκιμαστική περίοδο ισχύει για {count} ακόμα ημέρες, {link} για να αναβαθμίσετε τώρα.",
"trial_footer_last_day": "Αυτή είναι η τελευταία ημέρα της δωρεάν δοκιμαστικής περιόδου, {link} για να αναβαθμίσετε τώρα.",
"trial_call_to_action": "Έναρξη Δωρεάν Δοκιμής",
"trial_success": "Επιτυχής ενεργοποίηση δωρεάν δοκιμαστικής περιόδου δύο εβδομάδων στο επαγγελματικό πλάνο.",
"overdue": "Εκπρόθεσμος",
"white_label_text": "Προμηθευτείτε μια ΕΤΗΣΙΑ άδεια χρήσης λευκής ετικέτας με ${price} για να αφαιρέσετε το λογότυπο Ninja από το τιμολόγιο και το portal του πελάτη.",
"user_email_footer": "Για να προσαρμόσετε τις ρυθμίσεις ειδοποίησης μέσω email, παρακαλώ κάντε κλικ εδώ {link}",
"reset_password_footer": "Αν δεν αιτηθήκατε αυτή την επαναφορά κωδικού πρόσβασης, παρακαλώ ενημερώστε την υποστήριξη στο {email}",
"limit_users": "Λυπάμαι, αυτό υπερβαίνει το όριο των {limit} χρηστών",
"more_designs_self_host_header": "Λάβετε 6 επιπλέον σχέδια τιμολογίων με μόνο ${price}",
"old_browser": "Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιήστε ένα {link}",
"newer_browser": "νεότερος browser",
"white_label_custom_css": "{link} για ${price} για να ενεργοποιήσετε την προσαρμοσμένη εμφάνιση και να υποστηρίξετε το project μας.",
"bank_accounts_help": "Συνδέστε ένα τραπεζικό λογαριασμό για αυτόματη εισαγωγή δαπανών και δημιουργία προμηθευτών. Υποστηρίζεται η American Express και {link}.",
"us_banks": "400+ τράπεζες ΗΠΑ",
"pro_plan_remove_logo": "{link} για να αφαιρέσετε το λογότυπο Invoice Ninja και να συμμετέχετε στο Επαγγελματικό Πλάνο",
"pro_plan_remove_logo_link": "Πατήστε εδώ",
"invitation_status_sent": "Απεστάλη",
"invitation_status_opened": "Ανοιχτό",
"invitation_status_viewed": "Εμφανισμένα",
"email_error_inactive_client": "Δεν μπορούν να αποσταλούν emails σε ανενεργούς πελάτες",
"email_error_inactive_contact": "Δεν μπορούν να αποσταλούν emails σε ανενεργές επαφές",
"email_error_inactive_invoice": "Δεν μπορούν να αποσταλούν emails σε ανενεργά τιμολόγια",
"email_error_inactive_proposal": "Δεν μπορούν να αποσταλούν emails σε ανενεργές προτάσεις",
"email_error_user_unregistered": "Παρακαλούμε εγγραφείτε στο λογαριασμό σας για να στείλετε emails",
"email_error_user_unconfirmed": "Παρακαλούμε επιβεβαιώστε το λογαριασμό σας για να στείλετε emails",
"email_error_invalid_contact_email": "Λανθασμένο email επικοινωνίας",
"navigation": "Πλοήγηση",
"list_invoices": "Λίστα Τιμολογίων",
"list_clients": "Λίστα Πελατών",
"list_quotes": "Λίστα Προσφορών",
"list_tasks": "Λίστα Εργασιών",
"list_expenses": "Λίστα Δαπανών",
"list_recurring_invoices": "Λίστα Επαναλαμβανόμενων Τιμολογίων",
"list_payments": "Λίστα Πληρωμών",
"list_credits": "Λίστα Πιστώσεων",
"tax_name": "Ονομασία Φόρου",
"report_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Αναφορών",
"search_hotkey": "συντόμευση είναι \/",
"new_user": "Νέος Χρήστης",
"new_product": "Νέο Προϊόν",
"new_tax_rate": "Νέο Ποσοστό Φόρου",
"invoiced_amount": "Τιμολογημένο Ποσό",
"invoice_item_fields": "Πεδία Προϊόντων Τιμολογίου",
"custom_invoice_item_fields_help": "Προσθέστε ένα πεδίο όταν δημιουργείτε ένα προϊόν τιμολογίου και εμφανίστε την ετικέτα και την τιμή στο αρχείο PDF.",
"recurring_invoice_number": "Επαναλαμβανόμενος Αριθμός",
"recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help": "Ορίστε ένα πρόθεμα που να περιλαμβάνεται στον αριθμό τιμολογίου των επαναλαμβανόμενων τιμολογίων.",
"enable_portal_password": "Προστασία Τιμολογίων με Κωδικό Πρόσβασης",
"enable_portal_password_help": "Επιτρέπει τον καθορισμό κωδικού πρόσβασης για κάθε επαφή. Αν έχει καθοριστεί κωδικός, η επαφή θα υποχρεούται να καταχωρήσει κωδικό πριν την προβολή των τιμολογίων.",
"send_portal_password": "Αυτόματη Δημιουργία",
"send_portal_password_help": "Εάν δεν έχει οριστεί κωδικό πρόσβασης, θα δημιουργηθεί ένα αυτόματα και θα αποσταλεί με το πρώτο τιμολόγιο.",
"expired": "Ληγμένα",
"invalid_card_number": "Η πιστωτική κάρτα δεν είναι έγκυρη.",
"invalid_expiry": "Η ημερομηνία λήξης δεν είναι έγκυρη.",
"invalid_cvv": "Το CVV δεν είναι έγκυρο.",
"cost": "Κόστος",
"create_invoice_for_sample": "Σημείωση: δημιουργήστε το πρώτο σας τιμολόγιο για να δείτε την προεπισκόπηση εδώ.",
"owner": "Ιδιοκτήτης",
"administrator": "Διαχειριστής",
"administrator_help": "Επιτρέψτε στο χρήστη να διαχειρίζεται χρήστες, να αλλάζει ρυθμίσεις και να τροποποιεί όλες τις εγγραφές",
"user_create_all": "Δημιουργία πελατών, τιμολογίων κλπ.",
"user_view_all": "Προβολή πελατών, τιμολογίων κλπ.",
"user_edit_all": "Επεξεργασία πελατών, τιμολογίων κλπ.",
"gateway_help_20": "{link} για εγγραφή στο Sage Pay.",
"gateway_help_21": "{link} για εγγραφή στο Sage Pay.",
"partial_due": "Μερική Πληρωμή",
"restore_vendor": "Ανάκτηση Προμηθευτή",
"restored_vendor": "Ο Προμηθευτής ανακτήθηκε με επιτυχία",
"restored_expense": "Επιτυχής επαναφορά δαπάνης",
"permissions": "Δικαιώματα",
"create_all_help": "Επιτρέψτε στο χρήστη να δημιουργεί και να τροποποιεί εγγραφές",
"view_all_help": "Επιτρέψτε στο χρήστη να βλέπει εγγραφές που δεν έχει δημιουργήσει",
"edit_all_help": "Επιτρέψτε στο χρήστη να τροποποιεί εγγραφές που δεν έχει δημιουργήσει",
"view_payment": "Εμφάνιση Πληρωμής",
"january": "Ιανουάριος",
"february": "Φεβρουάριος",
"march": "Μάρτιος",
"april": "Απρίλιος",
"may": "Μάιος",
"june": "Ιούνιος",
"july": "Ιούλιος",
"august": "Αύγουστος",
"september": "Σεπτέμβριος",
"october": "Οκτώβριος",
"november": "Νοέμβριος",
"december": "Δεκέμβριος",
"documents_header": "Έγγραφα:",
"email_documents_header": "Έγγραφα:",
"email_documents_example_1": "Widgets Receipt.pdf",
"email_documents_example_2": "Final Deliverable.zip",
"quote_documents": "Έγγραφα Προσφοράς",
"invoice_documents": "Έγγραφα Τιμολογίου",
"expense_documents": "Έγγραφα Δαπάνης",
"invoice_embed_documents": "Ενσωματωμένα Έγγραφα",
"invoice_embed_documents_help": "Συμπεριλάβετε τις συνημμένες εικόνες στο τιμολόγιο",
"document_email_attachment": "Επισύναψη Εγγράφων",
"ubl_email_attachment": "Επισύναψε UBL",
"download_documents": "Κατέβασμα Εγγράφων ({size})",
"documents_from_expenses": "Από Δαπάνες:",
"dropzone_default_message": "Σύρετε τα αρχεία ή κάντε κλικ για μεταφόρτωση",
"dropzone_fallback_message": "Ο browser σας δεν υποστηρίζει τη μεταφόρτωση αρχείων με σύρσιμο.",
"dropzone_fallback_text": "Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιήστε την παρακάτω αναδρομική φόρμα για να μεταφορτώσετε αρχεία με τον παλιό τρόπο.",
"dropzone_file_too_big": "Το αρχείο είναι πολύ μεγάλο ({{filesize}}MiB). Μέγιστο μέγρθος: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.",
"dropzone_invalid_file_type": "Δε μπορείτε να ανεβάσετε αρχεία αυτού του τύπου.",
"dropzone_response_error": "Ο διακομιστής αποκρίθηκε με τον κωδικό {{statusCode}}.",
"dropzone_cancel_upload": "Ακύρωση ανεβάσματος",
"dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation": "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να ακυρώσετε αυτό το ανέβασμα;",
"dropzone_remove_file": "Διαγραφή αρχείου",
"documents": "Έγγραφα",
"document_date": "Ημερομηνία Εγγράφου",
"document_size": "Μέγεθος",
"enable_client_portal": "Portal Πελάτη",
"enable_client_portal_help": "Εμφάνιση\/απόκρυψη portal πελάτη",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard": "Πίνακας ελέγχου",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard_help": "Εμφάνιση\/απόκρυψη του πίνακα ελέγχου στο portal πελάτη.",
"account_management": "Διαχείριση Λογαριασμού",
"plan_status": "Κατάσταση Πλάνου",
"plan_upgrade": "Αναβάθμιση",
"plan_change": "Αλλαγή Πλάνου",
"pending_change_to": "Αλλαγή Σε",
"plan_changes_to": "{plan} σε {date}",
"plan_term_changes_to": "{plan} ({term}) σε {date}",
"cancel_plan_change": "Ακύρωση Αλλαγής",
"plan": "Πλάνο",
"expires": "Λήγει",
"renews": "Ανανεώσεις",
"plan_expired": "{plan} Πλάνο Έληξε",
"trial_expired": "{plan} Πλάνο Δοκιμαστική Περίοδος Έληξε",
"never": "Ποτέ",
"plan_free": "Δωρεάν",
"plan_pro": "Επαγγελματική",
"plan_enterprise": "Εταιρικό",
"plan_white_label": "Προσωπική Φιλοξενία (Λευκή Ετικέτα)",
"plan_free_self_hosted": "Προσωπική Φιλοξενία (Δωρεάν)",
"plan_trial": "Δοκιμαστικό",
"plan_term": "Όρος",
"plan_term_monthly": "Μήνας",
"plan_term_yearly": "Ετήσιο",
"plan_term_month": "Μήνας",
"plan_term_year": "Έτος",
"plan_price_monthly": "${price}\/Μήνα",
"plan_price_yearly": "${price}\/Έτος",
"updated_plan": "Ενημερωμένες ρυθμίσεις πλάνου",
"plan_paid": "Έναρξη Περιόδου",
"plan_started": "Έναρξη Πλάνου",
"plan_expires": "Λήξη Πλάνου",
"white_label_button": "Λευκή Ετικέτα",
"pro_plan_year_description": "Ένα έτος εγγραφή στο Επαγγελματικό Πλάνο του Invoice Ninja.",
"pro_plan_month_description": "Ένας μήνας εγγραφή στο Επαγγελματικό Πλάνο του Invoice Ninja.",
"enterprise_plan_product": "Πλάνο Enterprise",
"enterprise_plan_year_description": "Ένα έτος εγγραφή στο Εταιρικό Πλάνο του Invoice Ninja.",
"enterprise_plan_month_description": "Ένας μήνας εγγραφή στο Εταιρικό Πλάνο του Invoice Ninja.",
"plan_credit_product": "Πίστωση",
"plan_credit_description": "Πίστωση για μη χρησιμοποιημένο διάστημα",
"plan_pending_monthly": "Θα αλλάξει σε μηνιαίο στις {date}",
"plan_refunded": "Έχει εκδοθεί επιστροφή χρημάτων.",
"page_size": "Μέγεθος Σελίδας",
"live_preview_disabled": "Η ζωντανή προεπισκόπηση έχει απενεργοποιηθεί για να μπορεί να εμφανιστεί αυτή η γραμματοσειρά",
"invoice_number_padding": "Περιθώριο",
"preview": "Προεπισκόπηση",
"list_vendors": "Λίστα Προμηθευτών",
"add_users_not_supported": "Αναβαθμίστε στο Εταιρικό πλάνο για να προσθέσετε επιπλέον χρήστες στο λογαριασμό σας.",
"enterprise_plan_features": "Το Εταιρικό πλάνο προσθέτει υποστήριξη για πολλαπλούς χρήστες και συνημμένα αρχεία, {link} για να δείτε την πλήρη λίστα με τα χαρακτηριστικά.",
"return_to_app": "Επιστροφή στην Εφαρμοφή",
"refund_payment": "Επιστροφή Πληρωμής",
"refund_max": "Μέγιστο:",
"refund": "Επιστροφή χρημάτων",
"are_you_sure_refund": "Επιστροφή επιλεγμένων πληρωμών:",
"status_pending": "Σε εξέλιξη",
"status_completed": "Ολοκληρώθηκε",
"status_failed": "Απέτυχε",
"status_partially_refunded": "Μερική επιστροφή χρημάτων",
"status_partially_refunded_amount": "{amount} χρήματα επεστραφησαν",
"status_refunded": "Επιστροφή χρημάτων",
"status_voided": "Ακυρωμένη",
"refunded_payment": "Επεστραμένη Πληρωμή",
"activity_39": "{user} ακύρωσε {payment_amount} πληρωμής {payment}",
"activity_40": "{user} επέστρεψε {adjustment} μιας {payment_amount} πληρωμής {payment}",
"card_expiration": "Λήξη: {expires}",
"card_creditcardother": "Άγνωστο",
"card_americanexpress": "American Express",
"card_carteblanche": "Carte Blanche",
"card_unionpay": "UnionPay",
"card_diners": "Diners Club",
"card_discover": "Discover",
"card_jcb": "JCB",
"card_laser": "Laser",
"card_maestro": "Maestro",
"card_mastercard": "MasterCard",
"card_solo": "Solo",
"card_switch": "Εναλλαγή",
"card_visacard": "Visa",
"card_ach": "ACH",
"payment_type_stripe": "Stripe",
"ach": "ACH",
"enable_ach": "Αποδοχή τραπεζικών εμβασμάτων από τράπεζες των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών",
"stripe_ach_help": "Η υποστήριξη στην ACH πρέπει επίσης να ενεργοποιηθεί στο {link}.",
"ach_disabled": "Μια άλλη πύλη πληρωμών (Gateway) έχει ήδη παραμετροποιηθεί για άμεση πίστωση",
"plaid": "Plaid",
"client_id": "Id Πελάτη",
"secret": "Κρυφό",
"public_key": "Δημόσιο Κλειδί",
"plaid_optional": "(προαιρετικό)",
"plaid_environment_help": "Όταν δοθεί ένα δοκιμαστικό κλειδί από το Stripe, θα χρησιμοποιηθεί το περιβάλλον ανάπτυξης (tartan) Plaid.",
"other_providers": "Άλλοι Providers",
"country_not_supported": "Αυτή η χώρα δεν υποστηρίζεται.",
"invalid_routing_number": "Ο αριθμός δρομολόγησης δεν είναι έγκυρος.",
"invalid_account_number": "Ο αριθμός λογαριασμού δεν είναι έγκυρος.",
"account_number_mismatch": "Οι αριθμοί λογαριασμών δεν ταιριάζουν.",
"missing_account_holder_type": "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα προσωπικό ή εταιρικό λογαριασμό.",
"missing_account_holder_name": "Παρακαλώ καταχωρήστε το όνομα κατόχου του λογαριασμού.",
"routing_number": "Αριθμός δρομολόγησης",
"confirm_account_number": "Επιβεβαίωση Αριθμού Λογαριασμού",
"individual_account": "Προσωπικός Λογαριασμός",
"company_account": "Εταιρικός Λογαριασμός",
"account_holder_name": "Όνομα Κατόχου Λογαριασμού",
"add_account": "Προσθήκη Λογαριασμού",
"payment_methods": "Τρόποι Πληρωμής",
"complete_verification": "Ολοκλήρωση Πιστοποίησης",
"verification_amount1": "Ποσό 1",
"verification_amount2": "Ποσό 2",
"payment_method_verified": "Πιστοποίηση ολοκληρώθηκε επιτυχώς",
"verification_failed": "Αποτυχία Πιστοποίησης",
"remove_payment_method": "Διαγραφή Τρόπου Πληρωμής",
"confirm_remove_payment_method": "Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό τον τρόπο πληρωμής;",
"remove": "Διαγραφή",
"payment_method_removed": "Ο τρόπος πληρωμής διαγράφηκε.",
"bank_account_verification_help": "Κάναμε δύο καταθέσεις στο λογαριασμό σας με την περιγραφή \"VERIFICATION\". Αυτές οι καταθέσεις θα χρειαστεί 1-2 εργάσιμες ημέρες για να φανούν στην αναλυτική κατάσταση λογαριασμού. Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τα ποσά παρακάτω.",
"bank_account_verification_next_steps": "Κάναμε δύο καταθέσεις στο λογαριασμό σας με την περιγραφή \"VERIFICATION\". Αυτές οι καταθέσεις θα χρειαστεί 1-2 εργάσιμες ημέρες για να φανούν στην αναλυτική κατάσταση λογαριασμού.\n Όταν διαθέτετε τα ποσά, επιστρέψτε στην παρούσα σελίδα μεθόδου πληρωμών και πιέστε \"Ολοκλήρωση Πιστοποίησης\" δίπλα στο λογαριασμό.",
"unknown_bank": "Άγνωστη Τράπεζα",
"ach_verification_delay_help": "Θα μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το λογαριασμό μετά την ολοκλήρωση της πιστοποίησης. Η πιστοποίηση απαιτεί συνήθως 1-2 εργάσιμες ημέρες.",
"add_credit_card": "Προσθήκη Πιστωτικής Κάρτας",
"payment_method_added": "Ο τρόπος πληρωμής προστέθηκε.",
"use_for_auto_bill": "Χρήση για το Autobill",
"used_for_auto_bill": "Τρόπος Πληρωμής Autobill",
"payment_method_set_as_default": "Ορισμός τρόπου πληρωμής Autobill.",
"activity_41": "{payment_amount} πληρωμής ({payment}) απέτυχε",
"webhook_url": "Διεύθυνση URL του Webhook ",
"stripe_webhook_help": "Πρέπει να {link}.",
"stripe_webhook_help_link_text": "προσθέσετε αυτό το URL σαν σημείο τερματισμού στο Stripe",
"gocardless_webhook_help_link_text": "προσθέστε αυτή τη διεύθυνση internet στο τέλος της διεύθυνσης internet στο GoCardless",
"payment_method_error": "Προέκυψε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη διαδικασία προσθήκης της μεθόδου πληρωμής. Παρακαλώ, δοκιμάστε ξανά σε λίγο.",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject": "Η πληρωμή για το τιμολόγιο {invoice} απέτυχε",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed": "Μια πληρωμή που έγινε από τον πελάτη {client} που αφορούσε το Τιμολόγιο {invoice} απέτυχε. Η πληρωμή έχει μαρκαριστεί ως αποτυχημένη και ποσό {amount} προστέθηκε στο υπόλοιπο του πελάτη.",
"link_with_plaid": "Συνδέστε άμεσα το λογαριασμό σας με το Plaid",
"link_manually": "Χειροκίνητη Σύνδεση",
"secured_by_plaid": "Ασφαλισμένο με το Plaid",
"plaid_linked_status": "Ο Τραπεζικός Λογαριασμός σας στην {bank}",
"add_payment_method": "Προσθήκη Τρόπου Πληρωμής",
"account_holder_type": "Τύπος Κατόχου Λογαριασμού",
"ach_authorization": "Εξουσιοδοτώ την {company} να χρησιμοποιήσει τον τραπεζικό μου λογαριασμό για μελλοντικές πληρωμές και, εάν είναι απαραίτητο, να πιστώσει ηλεκτρονικά το λογαριασμό μου για να διορθώσει εσφαλμένες χρεώσεις. Κατανοώ ότι μπορώ να ακυρώσω αυτή την εξουσιοδότησε οποιαδήποτε στιγμή αφαιρώντας αυτή τη μέθοδο πληρωμής ή επικοινωνώντας στο {email}.",
"ach_authorization_required": "Πρέπει να συναινέσετε σε συναλλαγές ACH",
"off": "Κλειστό",
"opt_in": "Συμμετοχή",
"opt_out": "Μη συμμετοχή",
"always": "Πάντα",
"opted_out": "Επιλέξατε μη συμμετοχή",
"opted_in": "Επιλέξατε συμμετοχή",
"manage_auto_bill": "Διαχείριση Auto-bill",
"enabled": "Ενεργοποίηση",
"paypal": "PayPal",
"braintree_enable_paypal": "Ενεργοποίηση πληρωμών PayPal μέσω του BrainTree",
"braintree_paypal_disabled_help": "Η πύλη πληρωμών (Gateway) PayPal επεξεργάζεται πληρωμές PayPal",
"braintree_paypal_help": "Πρέπει επίσης να {link}.",
"braintree_paypal_help_link_text": "Συνδέστε το PayPal με το λογαριασμό σας στο BrainTree",
"token_billing_braintree_paypal": "Αποθήκευση στοιχείων πληρωμής",
"add_paypal_account": "Προσθήκη Λογαριασμού PayPal",
"no_payment_method_specified": "Δεν έχει οριστεί τρόπος πληρωμής",
"chart_type": "Τύπος Διαγράμματος",
"format": "Μορφή",
"import_ofx": "Εισαγωγή OFX",
"ofx_file": "Αρχείο OFX",
"ofx_parse_failed": "Αποτυχία ανάλυσης του αρχείου OFX",
"wepay": "WePay",
"sign_up_with_wepay": "Εγγραφείτε στο WePay",
"use_another_provider": "Χρησιμοποιήστε ένα άλλο provider",
"company_name": "Όνομα Εταιρείας",
"wepay_company_name_help": "Αυτό θα εμφανιστεί στην ανάλυση λογαριασμού της πιστωτικής κάρτας του πελάτη.",
"wepay_description_help": "Ο σκοπός αυτού του λογαριασμού.",
"wepay_tos_agree": "Συμφωνώ με το {link}",
"wepay_tos_link_text": "Όροι της Υπηρεσίας WePay",
"resend_confirmation_email": "Νέα αποστολή Email Επιβεβαίωσης",
"manage_account": "Διαχείριση Λογαριασμού",
"action_required": "Απαιτείται Ενέργεια",
"finish_setup": "Ολοκλήρωση Εγκατάστασης",
"created_wepay_confirmation_required": "Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε το email σας και επιβεβαιώστε τη διεύθυνση email σας στο WePay.",
"switch_to_wepay": "Εναλλαγή στο WePay",
"switch": "Εναλλαγή",
"restore_account_gateway": "Επαναφορά Πύλης Πληρωμών (Gateway)",
"restored_account_gateway": "Επιτυχής επαναφορά πύλης πληρωμών (Gateway)",
"united_states": "Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες",
"canada": "Καναδάς",
"accept_debit_cards": "Αποδοχή Χρεωστικών Καρτών",
"debit_cards": "Χρεωστικές Κάρτες",
"warn_start_date_changed": "Το επόμενο τιμολόγιο θα αποσταλεί την επόμενη ημερομηνία έναρξης.",
"warn_start_date_changed_not_sent": "Το επόμενο τιμολόγιο θα δημιουργηθεί την επόμενη ημερομηνία έναρξης.",
"original_start_date": "Αρχική ημερομηνία έναρξης",
"new_start_date": "Νέα ημερομηνία έναρξης",
"security": "Ασφάλεια",
"see_whats_new": "Δείτε τι νέο υπάρχει στην έκδοση v{version}",
"wait_for_upload": "Παρακαλώ αναμείνατε να ολοκληρωθεί η μεταφόρτωση του εγγράφου",
"upgrade_for_permissions": "Αναβαθμίστε στο Εταιρικό πλάνο για να ενεργοποιήσετε τα δικαιώματα.",
"enable_second_tax_rate": "Ενεργοποίηση καθορισμού ενός δεύτερου ποσοστού φόρου<\/b>",
"payment_file": "Αρχείο Πληρωμής",
"expense_file": "Αρχείο Δαπάνης",
"product_file": "Αρχείο Προϊόντος",
"import_products": "Εισαγωγή Προϊόντων",
"products_will_create": "προϊόντα θα δημιουργηθούν",
"product_key": "Προϊόν",
"created_products": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία\/ενημέρωση {count} προϊόν(των)",
"export_help": "Χρησιμοποιήστε JSON εάν σχεδιάζετε να εισάγετε δεδομένα στο Invoice Ninja.
Το αρχείο περιλαμβάνει πελάτες, προϊόντα, τιμολόγια, προσφορές και πληρωμές.",
"selfhost_export_help": "Προτείνουμε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το mysqldump για να δημιουργήσετε ένα πλήρες αντίγραφο.",
"JSON_file": "Αρχείο JSON",
"view_dashboard": "Εμφάνιση Πίνακα ελέγχου",
"client_session_expired": "Η συνεδρία έληξε",
"client_session_expired_message": "Η συνεδρία σας έληξε. Παρακαλώ κάντε κλικ ξανά στο σύνδεσμο που έχετε λάβει με email.",
"auto_bill_notification": "Αυτό το τιμολόγιο θα χρεωθεί αυτόματα με τη μέθοδο {payment_method} στο αρχείο την {due_date}. ",
"auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer": "τραπεζικός λογαριασμός",
"auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card": "πιστωτική κάρτα",
"auto_bill_payment_method_paypal": "Λογαριασμός PayPal",
"auto_bill_notification_placeholder": "Αυτό το τιμολόγιο θα χρεωθεί αυτόματα στην πιστωτική σας κάρτα την ημερομηνία λήξης της. ",
"payment_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Πληρωμής",
"on_send_date": "Στην ημερομηνία αποστολής",
"on_due_date": "Στην ημερομηνία πληρωμής",
"auto_bill_ach_date_help": "Το ACH θα χρεώνει αυτόματα στην ημερομηνία πληρωμής.",
"warn_change_auto_bill": "Λόγω των κανόνων NACHA οι χρεώσεις σε αυτό το τιμολόγιο μπορεί να αποτρέψουν την αυτόματη χρέωση ACH",
"bank_account": "Τραπεζικός Λογαριασμός",
"payment_processed_through_wepay": "Οι πληρωμές ACH θα επεξεργαστούν με χρήση του WePay.",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree": "Συμφωνώ με τους όρους {terms} και την πολιτική απορρήτου {privacy_policy} του WePay.",
"privacy_policy": "Πολιτική Απορρήτου",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree_required": "Πρέπει να συμφωνήσετε με τους Όρους Χρήσης και την Πολιτική Απορρήτου του WePay.",
"ach_email_prompt": "Παρακαλώ καταχωρήστε την email διεύθυνσή σας:",
"verification_pending": "Αναμονή Πιστοποίησης",
"update_font_cache": "Παρακαλώ ανανεώστε τη σελίδα για να ενημερωθεί η γραμματοσειρά.",
"more_options": "Περισσότερες επιλογές",
"credit_card": "Πιστωτική Κάρτα",
"bank_transfer": "Τραπεζικό Έμβασμα",
"no_transaction_reference": "Δεν λάβαμε κάποιο αποδεικτικό συναλλαγής πληρωμής από αυτή την πύλη πληρωμών (Gateway).",
"use_bank_on_file": "Χρήση του Bank on File",
"auto_bill_email_message": "Αυτό το τιμολόγιο θα χρεωθεί αυτόματα στη μέθοδο πληρωμής την ημερομηνία λήξης του. ",
"bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"gocardless": "GoCardless",
"added_on": "Προστέθηκε {date}",
"failed_remove_payment_method": "Αποτυχία διαγραφής του τρόπου πληρωμής",
"gateway_exists": "Αυτή η πύλη πληρωμών (Gateway) υπάρχει ήδη",
"manual_entry": "Χειροκίνητη εισαγωγή",
"first_day_of_week": "Πρώτη Μέρα της Εβδομάδας",
"freq_inactive": "Ανενεργό",
"freq_daily": "Ημερήσιο",
"freq_weekly": "Εβδομάδα",
"freq_biweekly": "Ανά δύο εβδομάδες",
"freq_two_weeks": "Δύο εβδομάδες",
"freq_four_weeks": "Τέσσερις εβδομάδες",
"freq_monthly": "Μήνας",
"freq_three_months": "Τρεις μήνες",
"freq_four_months": "Τέσσερις μήνες",
"freq_six_months": "Έξι μήνες",
"freq_annually": "Έτος",
"freq_two_years": "Δύο χρόνια",
"payment_type_Apply Credit": "Εφαρμογή Πίστωσης",
"payment_type_Bank Transfer": "Τραπεζικό Έμβασμα",
"payment_type_Cash": "Μετρητά",
"payment_type_Debit": "Χρέωση",
"payment_type_ACH": "ACH",
"payment_type_Visa Card": "Visa Card",
"payment_type_MasterCard": "MasterCard",
"payment_type_American Express": "American Express",
"payment_type_Discover Card": "Discover Card",
"payment_type_Diners Card": "Diners Card",
"payment_type_EuroCard": "EuroCard",
"payment_type_Nova": "Nova",
"payment_type_Credit Card Other": "Άλλη πιστωτική κάρτα",
"payment_type_PayPal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_Google Wallet": "Google Wallet",
"payment_type_Check": "Επιταγή",
"payment_type_Carte Blanche": "Carte Blanche",
"payment_type_UnionPay": "UnionPay",
"payment_type_JCB": "JCB",
"payment_type_Laser": "Laser",
"payment_type_Maestro": "Maestro",
"payment_type_Solo": "Solo",
"payment_type_Switch": "Εναλλαγή",
"payment_type_iZettle": "iZettle",
"payment_type_Swish": "Swish",
"payment_type_Alipay": "Alipay",
"payment_type_Sofort": "Sofort",
"payment_type_SEPA": "Απευθείας πίστωση SEPA",
"payment_type_Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_GoCardless": "GoCardless",
"industry_Accounting & Legal": "Λογιστικά & Νομικά",
"industry_Advertising": "Διαφημίσεις",
"industry_Aerospace": "Αεροπορία",
"industry_Agriculture": "Γεωργία",
"industry_Automotive": "Αυτοκίνητα",
"industry_Banking & Finance": "Τραπεζική & Οικονομικά",
"industry_Biotechnology": "Βιοτεχνολογία",
"industry_Broadcasting": "Ραδιοτηλεόραση",
"industry_Business Services": "Υπηρεσίες Επιχειρήσεων",
"industry_Commodities & Chemicals": "Εμπορεύματα & Χημικά",
"industry_Communications": "Τηλεπικοινωνίες",
"industry_Computers & Hightech": "Υπολογιστές & Τεχνολογία",
"industry_Defense": "Άμυνα",
"industry_Energy": "Ενέργεια",
"industry_Entertainment": "Διασκέδαση",
"industry_Government": "Κυβερνηση",
"industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences": "Περίθαλψη & Επιστήμες Υγείας",
"industry_Insurance": "Ασφάλειες",
"industry_Manufacturing": "Βιομηχανία",
"industry_Marketing": "Marketing",
"industry_Media": "Μέσα Ενημέρωσης",
"industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed": "Μη Κερδοσκοπική",
"industry_Pharmaceuticals": "Φάρμακα",
"industry_Professional Services & Consulting": "Υπηρεσίες & Συμβουλευτική",
"industry_Real Estate": "Κτηματομεσιτικά",
"industry_Restaurant & Catering": "Εστιατόριο & Catering",
"industry_Retail & Wholesale": "Λιανικό & Χονδρικό Εμπόριο",
"industry_Sports": "Αθλητισμός",
"industry_Transportation": "Μεταφορά",
"industry_Travel & Luxury": "Ταξίδια & Ανέσεις",
"industry_Other": "Άλλο",
"industry_Photography": "Φωτογραφία",
"country_Afghanistan": "Αφγανιστάν",
"country_Albania": "Αλβανία",
"country_Antarctica": "Ανταρκτική",
"country_Algeria": "Αλγερία",
"country_American Samoa": "Αμερικανική Σαμόα",
"country_Andorra": "Ανδόρα",
"country_Angola": "Αγκόλα",
"country_Antigua and Barbuda": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"country_Azerbaijan": "Αζερμπαϊτζάν",
"country_Argentina": "Αργεντινή",
"country_Australia": "Αυστραλία",
"country_Austria": "Αυστρία",
"country_Bahamas": "Μπαχάμες",
"country_Bahrain": "Μπαχρέιν",
"country_Bangladesh": "Μπαγκλαντές",
"country_Armenia": "Αρμενία",
"country_Barbados": "Μπαρμπάντος ",
"country_Belgium": "Βέλγιο",
"country_Bermuda": "Βερμούδες",
"country_Bhutan": "Μπρουτάν",
"country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "Βολιβία",
"country_Bosnia and Herzegovina": "Βοσνία - Ερζεγοβίνη",
"country_Botswana": "Μποτσουάνα",
"country_Bouvet Island": "Νησί Μπουβέτ",
"country_Brazil": "Βραζιλία",
"country_Belize": "Μπελίζ",
"country_British Indian Ocean Territory": "Βρετανική Ινδία",
"country_Solomon Islands": "Νησιά του Σολομώντα",
"country_Virgin Islands, British": "Βρετανικοί Παρθένοι Νήσοι",
"country_Brunei Darussalam": "Μπρουνέι",
"country_Bulgaria": "Βουλγαρία",
"country_Myanmar": "Νιαμάρ",
"country_Burundi": "Μπουρουντί",
"country_Belarus": "Λευκορωσία",
"country_Cambodia": "Καμπότζη",
"country_Cameroon": "Καμερούν",
"country_Canada": "Καναδάς",
"country_Cape Verde": "Πράσινο Ακρωτήρι",
"country_Cayman Islands": "Νησιά Cayman",
"country_Central African Republic": "Κεντρική Αφρικανική Δημοκρατία",
"country_Sri Lanka": "Σρι Λάνκα",
"country_Chad": "Τσαντ",
"country_Chile": "Χιλή",
"country_China": "Κίνα",
"country_Taiwan, Province of China": "Ταϊβάν",
"country_Christmas Island": "Νησί Χριστουγέννων",
"country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Νησιά Cocos (Keeling)",
"country_Colombia": "Κολομβία",
"country_Comoros": "Κομόρος",
"country_Mayotte": "Μαγιότ",
"country_Congo": "Κονγκό",
"country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the": "Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό",
"country_Cook Islands": "Νησία Cook",
"country_Costa Rica": "Κόστα Ρίκα",
"country_Croatia": "Κροατία",
"country_Cuba": "Κούβα",
"country_Cyprus": "Κύπρος",
"country_Czech Republic": "Τσεχία",
"country_Benin": "Μπενίν",
"country_Denmark": "Δανία",
"country_Dominica": "Δομίνικος",
"country_Dominican Republic": "Δομινικανή Δημοκρατία",
"country_Ecuador": "Εκουαδόρ",
"country_El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"country_Equatorial Guinea": "Γουινέα",
"country_Ethiopia": "Αιθιοπία",
"country_Eritrea": "Εριθρεά",
"country_Estonia": "Εστονία",
"country_Faroe Islands": "Νησία Faroe",
"country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Νησιά Φόκλαντ",
"country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "Βόρεια Γεωργία",
"country_Fiji": "Φίτζι",
"country_Finland": "Φιλανδία",
"country_Åland Islands": "Νησιά Αλάντ",
"country_France": "Γαλλία",
"country_French Guiana": "Γαλλική Γουιάνα",
"country_French Polynesia": "Γαλλική Πολυνησία",
"country_French Southern Territories": "Γαλλικές Βόρειες περιοχές",
"country_Djibouti": "Τζιμπουτί",
"country_Gabon": "Γκαμπόν",
"country_Georgia": "Γεωργία",
"country_Gambia": "Γκάμπια",
"country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Παλαιστίνη",
"country_Germany": "Γερμανία",
"country_Ghana": "Γκάνα",
"country_Gibraltar": "Γιβλαρτάρ",
"country_Kiribati": "Κιριμπάτι",
"country_Greece": "Ελλάδα",
"country_Greenland": "Γροιλανδία",
"country_Grenada": "Γκρενάδα",
"country_Guadeloupe": "Γουαδελούπη",
"country_Guam": "Γκουάμ",
"country_Guatemala": "Γουατεμάλα",
"country_Guinea": "Γουινέα",
"country_Guyana": "Γουιάνα",
"country_Haiti": "Αϊτή",
"country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Νησιά McDonalds",
"country_Holy See (Vatican City State)": "Βατικάνό",
"country_Honduras": "Ονδούρα",
"country_Hong Kong": "Χονκ Κονκ",
"country_Hungary": "Ουγκαρία",
"country_Iceland": "Ισλανδία",
"country_India": "Ινδία",
"country_Indonesia": "Ινδονησία",
"country_Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Ιράν",
"country_Iraq": "Ιράκ",
"country_Ireland": "Ιρλανδία",
"country_Israel": "Ισραήλ",
"country_Italy": "Ιταλία",
"country_Côte d'Ivoire": "Ακτή Ελεφαντοστού",
"country_Jamaica": "Τζαμάικα",
"country_Japan": "Ιαπωνία",
"country_Kazakhstan": "Καζακστάν",
"country_Jordan": "Ιορδανία",
"country_Kenya": "Κένυα",
"country_Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "Βόρεια Κορέα",
"country_Korea, Republic of": "Νότια Κορέα",
"country_Kuwait": "Κουβέιτ",
"country_Kyrgyzstan": "Κιργιστάν",
"country_Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Λάος",
"country_Lebanon": "Λίβανος",
"country_Lesotho": "Λεσόθο",
"country_Latvia": "Λετονία",
"country_Liberia": "Λιβερία",
"country_Libya": "Λιβύη",
"country_Liechtenstein": "Λιχνεστάιν",
"country_Lithuania": "Λιθουανία",
"country_Luxembourg": "Λουξεμβούργο",
"country_Macao": "Μακάο",
"country_Madagascar": "Μαδαγασκάρη",
"country_Malawi": "Μαλάουι",
"country_Malaysia": "Μαλαισία",
"country_Maldives": "Μαλδίβες",
"country_Mali": "Μάλι",
"country_Malta": "Μάλτα",
"country_Martinique": "Μαρτινίκα",
"country_Mauritania": "Μαβριτανία",
"country_Mauritius": "Μαυρίκιος",
"country_Mexico": "Μεξικό",
"country_Monaco": "Μονακό",
"country_Mongolia": "Μογκολία",
"country_Moldova, Republic of": "Μολδαβία",
"country_Montenegro": "Μαυροβούνιο",
"country_Montserrat": "Μονσεράτ",
"country_Morocco": "Μαρόκο",
"country_Mozambique": "Μοζαμβίκη",
"country_Oman": "Ομάν",
"country_Namibia": "Ναμίμπια",
"country_Nauru": "Ναουρού",
"country_Nepal": "Νεπάλ",
"country_Netherlands": "Ολλανδία",
"country_Curaçao": "Κουρακάο",
"country_Aruba": "Αρούμπα",
"country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Άριος Μαρτίνος (Ολλανδία)",
"country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Άγιος Ευστάθιος",
"country_New Caledonia": "Νέα Καλιδονία",
"country_Vanuatu": "Βατουάτου",
"country_New Zealand": "Νέα Ζηλανδία",
"country_Nicaragua": "Νικαράγουα",
"country_Niger": "Νίγρας",
"country_Nigeria": "Νιγηρία",
"country_Niue": "Νίου",
"country_Norfolk Island": "Νησία Norfolk",
"country_Norway": "Νορβηγία",
"country_Northern Mariana Islands": "Νησιά Βόρειας Μαριάννας",
"country_United States Minor Outlying Islands": "Νησιά Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών",
"country_Micronesia, Federated States of": "Μικρονησία",
"country_Marshall Islands": "Νησιά Marshall",
"country_Palau": "Παλάου",
"country_Pakistan": "Πακιστάν",
"country_Panama": "Παναμάς",
"country_Papua New Guinea": "Παπούα",
"country_Paraguay": "Παραγουάη",
"country_Peru": "Περού",
"country_Philippines": "Φιλιπίνες",
"country_Pitcairn": "Πιτκέρν",
"country_Poland": "Πολωνία",
"country_Portugal": "Πορτογαλία",
"country_Guinea-Bissau": "Μπισάου",
"country_Timor-Leste": "Τιμόρ",
"country_Puerto Rico": "Πόρτο Ρίκο",
"country_Qatar": "Κατάρ",
"country_Réunion": "Ρεγιούνιον",
"country_Romania": "Ρουμανία",
"country_Russian Federation": "Ρωσία",
"country_Rwanda": "Ρουάντα",
"country_Saint Barthélemy": "Άγιος Βαρθολομαίος",
"country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "Τριστάν",
"country_Saint Kitts and Nevis": "Νέβις",
"country_Anguilla": "Ανγκουίλα",
"country_Saint Lucia": "Αγία Λουκία",
"country_Saint Martin (French part)": "Άγιος Μαρτίνος (Γαλλία)",
"country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "Άγιος Πέτρος",
"country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Γρεναδίνη",
"country_San Marino": "Σαν Μαρίνο",
"country_Sao Tome and Principe": "Άγιος Θωμάς",
"country_Saudi Arabia": "Σαουδική Αραβία",
"country_Senegal": "Σενεγάλη",
"country_Serbia": "Σερβία",
"country_Seychelles": "Σευχέλες",
"country_Sierra Leone": "Σιέρρα Λεόνε",
"country_Singapore": "Σινγκαπούρη",
"country_Slovakia": "Σλοβακία",
"country_Viet Nam": "Βιετνάμ",
"country_Slovenia": "Σλοβενία",
"country_Somalia": "Σομαλία",
"country_South Africa": "Νότια Αφρική",
"country_Zimbabwe": "Σιμπάμπουε",
"country_Spain": "Ισπανία",
"country_South Sudan": "Νότιο Σουδάν",
"country_Sudan": "Σουδάν",
"country_Western Sahara": "Δυτική Σαχάρα",
"country_Suriname": "Σουρινάμ",
"country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "Σβαλμπάντ",
"country_Swaziland": "Σουαζουάλη",
"country_Sweden": "Σουηδία",
"country_Switzerland": "Ελβετία",
"country_Syrian Arab Republic": "Συρία",
"country_Tajikistan": "Τατζικιστάν",
"country_Thailand": "ταιλάνδη",
"country_Togo": "Τογκό",
"country_Tokelau": "Τοκελάου",
"country_Tonga": "Τόνγκα",
"country_Trinidad and Tobago": "Τρινιντάντ Τομπάκο",
"country_United Arab Emirates": "Αραβικά Εμιράτα",
"country_Tunisia": "Τηνυσία",
"country_Turkey": "Τουρκία",
"country_Turkmenistan": "Τουρμπεκιστάν",
"country_Turks and Caicos Islands": "Νησιά Caicos",
"country_Tuvalu": "Τουβαλού",
"country_Uganda": "Ουγκάντα",
"country_Ukraine": "Ουκρανία",
"country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of": "Σκόπια",
"country_Egypt": "Αίγυπτος",
"country_United Kingdom": "Αγγλία",
"country_Guernsey": "Γουερνσέυ",
"country_Jersey": "Τζέρσεϊ",
"country_Isle of Man": "Νησί του Πάσχα",
"country_Tanzania, United Republic of": "Ταζμανία",
"country_United States": "Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες",
"country_Virgin Islands, U.S.": "Παρθένοι Νήσοι",
"country_Burkina Faso": "Μπουργκίνα Φάσο",
"country_Uruguay": "Ουρουγουάη",
"country_Uzbekistan": "Ουζμπεκιστάν",
"country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of": "Βενεζουέλα",
"country_Wallis and Futuna": "Ουάλις",
"country_Samoa": "Σαμόα",
"country_Yemen": "Υεμένη",
"country_Zambia": "Ζάμπια",
"lang_Brazilian Portuguese": "Πορτογαλικά Βραζιλίας",
"lang_Croatian": "Κροατικά",
"lang_Czech": "Τσέχικα",
"lang_Danish": "Δανικά",
"lang_Dutch": "Ολλανδικά",
"lang_English": "Αγγλικά",
"lang_French": "Γαλλικά",
"lang_French - Canada": "Γαλλικά Καναδά",
"lang_German": "Γερμανικά",
"lang_Italian": "Ιταλικά",
"lang_Japanese": "Ιαπωνικά",
"lang_Lithuanian": "Λιθουανικά",
"lang_Norwegian": "Νορβηγικά",
"lang_Polish": "Πολωνικά",
"lang_Spanish": "Ισπανικά",
"lang_Spanish - Spain": "Ισπανικά Ισπανίας",
"lang_Swedish": "Σουηδικά",
"lang_Albanian": "Αλβανικά",
"lang_Greek": "Ελληνικά",
"lang_English - United Kingdom": "Αγγλικά - Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο",
"lang_Slovenian": "Σλοβένικά",
"lang_Finnish": "Φινλανδικά",
"lang_Romanian": "Ρουμάνικα",
"lang_Turkish - Turkey": "Τουρκικά - Τουρκία",
"lang_Portuguese - Brazilian": "Πορτογαλικά - Βραζιλία",
"lang_Portuguese - Portugal": "Πορτογαλικά - Πορτογαλία",
"lang_Thai": "Ταϊλανδέζικα",
"lang_Macedonian": "Μακεδονικά",
"lang_Chinese - Taiwan": "Κινέζικα Ταϊβάν",
"view_client_portal": "Προβολή portal πελάτη",
"view_portal": "Προβολή portal",
"vendor_contacts": "Επαφές Προμηθευτών",
"all": "Όλα",
"selected": "Επιλεγμένο",
"category": "Κατηγορία",
"categories": "Κατηγορίες",
"new_expense_category": "Νέα Κατηγορία Δαπανών",
"edit_category": "Επεξεργα",
"archive_expense_category": "Αρχειοθέτηση Κατηγορίας",
"expense_categories": "Κατηγορίες Δαπάνης",
"list_expense_categories": "Λίστα Κατηγοριών Δαπάνης",
"updated_expense_category": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση κατηγορίας δαπανών",
"created_expense_category": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία κατηγορίας δαπανών",
"archived_expense_category": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση κατηγορίας δαπανών",
"archived_expense_categories": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} κατηγορίας δαπανών",
"restore_expense_category": "Επαναφορά κατηγορίας δαπανών",
"restored_expense_category": "Επιτυχής επαναφορά κατηγορίας δαπανών",
"apply_taxes": "Εφαρμογή φόρων",
"min_to_max_users": "{min} έως {max} χρήστες",
"max_users_reached": "Έχετε φτάσει το μέγιστο αριθμό χρηστών.",
"buy_now_buttons": "Κουμπιά Αγορά Τώρα",
"landing_page": "Σελίδα Εισόδου",
"payment_type": "Τύπος Πληρωμής",
"form": "Φόρμα",
"link": "Σύνδεσμος",
"fields": "Πεδία",
"dwolla": "Dwolla",
"buy_now_buttons_warning": "Σημείωση: εγγραφές πελατών και τιμολογίων δημιουργούνται ακόμα και αν η συναλλαγή δεν ολοκληρωθεί.",
"buy_now_buttons_disabled": "Αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό προϋποθέτει ότι το προϊόν έχει ήδη δημιουργηθεί και ότι έχει ρυθμιστεί η πύλη πληρωμών (Gateway).",
"enable_buy_now_buttons_help": "Ενεργοποίηση υποστήριξης για τα κουμπιά Αγορά Τώρα",
"changes_take_effect_immediately": "Σημείωση: οι αλλαγές ενεργοποιούνται άμεσα",
"wepay_account_description": "Πύλη Πληρωμών (Gateway) για το Invoice Ninja",
"payment_error_code": "Προέκυψε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη διαδικασία της πληρωμής [{code}]. Παρακαλώ, δοκιμάστε ξανά σε λίγο.",
"standard_fees_apply": "Προμήθεια: 2.9%\/1.2% [Πιστωτική Κάρτα\/Τραπεζικό Λογαριασμό] + $0.30 ανά επιτυχημένη χρέωση.",
"limit_import_rows": "Τα δεδομένα πρέπει να εισαχθούν σε ομάδες των {count} ή λιγότερων σειρών",
"error_title": "Κάτι πήγε στραβά",
"error_contact_text": "Αν θα θέλατε βοήθεια, παρακαλώ στείλτε μας email στη διεύθυνση {mailaddress}",
"no_undo": "Προειδοποίηση: αυτό δε μπορεί να αναιρεθεί.",
"no_contact_selected": "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε επαφή",
"no_client_selected": "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε πελάτη",
"gateway_config_error": "Μπορεί να βοηθήσει εάν ορίσετε νέους κωδικούς πρόσβασης ή δημιουργήσετε νέα κλειδιά API.",
"payment_type_on_file": "{type} σε αρχείο",
"invoice_for_client": "Τιμολόγιο {invoice} για {client}",
"intent_not_found": "Λυπάμαι, αλλά δεν καταλαβαίνω τι ρωτάτε.",
"intent_not_supported": "Λυπάμαι, αλλά δεν μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό.",
"client_not_found": "Δεν μπόρεσα να βρω τον πελάτη",
"not_allowed": "Λυπάμαι, δεν έχετε την απαραίτητη πρόσβαση",
"bot_emailed_invoice": "Το τιμολόγιό σας έχει αποσταλεί,",
"bot_emailed_notify_viewed": "Θα σας στείλω email μόλις εμφανιστεί.",
"bot_emailed_notify_paid": "Θα σας στείλω email μόλις πληρωθεί.",
"add_product_to_invoice": "Προσθήκη 1 {product}",
"not_authorized": "Δεν είστε εξουσιοδοτημένος.",
"bot_get_email": "Γειά! (wave)
Ευχαριστώ που δοκιμάσατε τον αυτοματισμό του Invoice Ninja.
Θα πρέπει να δημιουργήσετε ένα δωρεάν λογαριασμό για να χρησιμοποιήσετε αυτό τον αυτοματισμό.
Στείλτε μου την διεύθυνση email σας για να ξεκινήσετε.",
"bot_get_code": "Ευχαριστούμε! Σας στείλαμε ένα email με τον κωδικό ασφαλείας.",
"bot_welcome": "Δηλαδή, ο λογαριασμός σας είναι επικυρωμένος.
"email_not_found": "Δεν μπόρεσα να βρω ένα διαθέσιμο λογαριασμό για {email}",
"invalid_code": "Ο κωδικός δεν είναι σωστός",
"security_code_email_subject": "Κωδικός ασφαλείας για τον αυτοματισμό Invoice Ninja",
"security_code_email_line1": "Αυτός είναι ο κωδικός ασφαλείας για τον αυτοματισμό Invoice Ninja",
"security_code_email_line2": "Σημείωση: θα λήξει σε 10 λεπτά.",
"bot_help_message": "Αυτή τη στιγμή υποστηρίζεται:
• Δημιουργία\\ενημέρωση\\αποστολή με email ενός τιμολογίου
• Λίστα προϊόντων
Για παράδειγμα:
τιμολογήστε τον Μπομπ για 2 εισιτήρια, ορίστε την ημερομηνία λήξης την επόμενη Τρίτη και την έκπτωση σε 10 τοις εκατό<\/i>",
"list_products": "Λίστα Προϊόντων",
"include_item_taxes_inline": "Περιέλαβε φόρο ανά προϊόν σε κάθε γραμμή<\/b>",
"created_quotes": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία {count} προσφοράς(ών)",
"limited_gateways": "Σημείωση: υποστηρίζουμε μία πύλη πληρωμών (Gateway) πιστωτικών καρτών ανά εταιρεία.",
"warning": "Ειδοποίηση",
"self-update": "Ενημέρωση",
"update_invoiceninja_title": "Ενημέρωση Invoice Ninja",
"update_invoiceninja_warning": "Πριν αρχίσετε την αναβάθμιση του Invoice Ninja, δημιουργήστε ένα αντίγραφο ασφαλείας της βάσης δεδομένων και των αρχείων!",
"update_invoiceninja_available": "Υπάρχει διαθέσιμη νεότερη έκδοση του Invoice Ninja.",
"update_invoiceninja_unavailable": "Δεν υπάρχει νεότερη έκδοση του Invoice Ninja διαθέσιμη.",
"update_invoiceninja_instructions": "Παρακαλώ εγκαταστήστε τη νέα έκδοση {version}<\/strong> κάνοντας κλικ στο κουμπί Αναβαθμίστε τώρα<\/em> παρακάτω. Μετά θα μεταφερθείτε στον πίνακα ελέγχου.",
"update_invoiceninja_update_start": "Ενημέρωση Τώρα",
"update_invoiceninja_download_start": "Κατέβασμα {version}",
"create_new": "Δημιουργία Νέου",
"toggle_navigation": "Εναλλαγή Πλοήγησης",
"toggle_history": "Εναλλαγή Ιστορικού",
"unassigned": "Δεν έχει ανατεθεί",
"task": "Εργασία",
"contact_name": "Όνομα Επαφής",
"city_state_postal": "Πόλη\/Νομός\/Τ.Κ.",
"custom_field": "Προσαρμοσμένο Πεδίο",
"account_fields": "Πεδία Εταιρείας",
"facebook_and_twitter": "Facebook και Twitter",
"facebook_and_twitter_help": "Ακολουθήστε τη ροή μας για να υποστηρίξετε το project μας",
"reseller_text": "Σημείωση: Η άδεια χρήσης λευκής ετικέτας αφορά προσωπική χρήση, παρακαλώ στείλτε μας email στο {email} εάν θέλετε να μεταπωλήσετε την εφαρμογή μας.",
"unnamed_client": "Ανώνυμος Πελάτης",
"day": "Ημέρα",
"week": "Εβδομάδα",
"month": "Μήνας",
"inactive_logout": "Έχετε αποσυνδεθεί λόγω αδράνειας",
"reports": "Αναφορές",
"total_profit": "Συνολικά Κέρδη",
"total_expenses": "Συνολικές Δαπάνες",
"quote_to": "Προσφορά προς",
"limit": "Όριο",
"min_limit": "Ελάχιστο: {min}",
"max_limit": "Μέγιστο: {max}",
"no_limit": "Χωρίς Όριο",
"set_limits": "Καθορισμός Ορίων {gateway_type}",
"enable_min": "Ενεργοποίηση ελάχιστου",
"enable_max": "Ενεργοποίηση μέγιστου",
"min": "Ελάχιστο",
"max": "Μέγιστο",
"limits_not_met": "Αυτό το τιμολόγιο δεν συμφωνεί με τα όριο αυτού του τύπου πληρωμών",
"date_range": "Εύρος Ημερομηνιών",
"raw": "Ακατέργαστο",
"raw_html": "Ακατέργαστη HTML",
"update": "Ενημέρωση",
"invoice_fields_help": "Σύρετε και εναποθέστε πεδία για να αλλάξετε την σειρά και την θέση τους",
"new_category": "Νέα Κατηγορία",
"restore_product": "Ανάκτηση Προϊόντος",
"blank": "Κενό",
"invoice_save_error": "Προέκυψε ένα σφάλμα κατά τη διαδικασία αποθήκευσης του τιμολογίου σας",
"enable_recurring": "Ενεργοποίηση επαναλαμβανόμενου",
"disable_recurring": "Απενεργοποίηση επαναλαμβανόμενου",
"text": "Κείμενο",
"expense_will_create": "δαπάνη θα δημιουργηθεί",
"expenses_will_create": "δαπάνες θα δημιουργηθούν",
"created_expenses": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία {count} δαπάνης(ών)",
"translate_app": "Βοηθήστε να βελτιώσουμε τις μεταφράσεις μας με το {link}",
"expense_category": "Κατηγορία Δαπάνης",
"go_ninja_pro": "Πήγαινε στην Επαγγελματική έκδοση Ninja",
"go_enterprise": "Πηγαίντε στο Εταιρικό!",
"upgrade_for_features": "Αναβαθμίστε Για Περισσότερα Χαρακτηριστικά",
"pay_annually_discount": "Πληρώστε ανά έτος για 10 μήνες + 2 μήνες δωρεάν!",
"pro_upgrade_title": "Επαγγελματική έκδοση Ninja",
"pro_upgrade_feature1": "YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com",
"pro_upgrade_feature2": "Προσαρμόστε κάθε παράμετρο του Τιμολογίου σας!",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature1": "Ορίστε δικαιώματα για πολλαπλούς χρήστες",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature2": "Επισυνάψτε αρχεία τρίτων στα τιμολόγια και τις δαπάνες",
"much_more": "Πολύ Περισσότερα!",
"all_pro_fetaures": "Με επιπλέον όλα τα επαγγελματικά χαρακτηριστικά",
"currency_symbol": "Σύμβολο",
"currency_code": "Κωδικός",
"buy_license": "Αγορά Άδειας Χρήσης",
"apply_license": "Εφαρμογή Άδειας Χρήσης",
"submit": "Υποβολή",
"white_label_license_key": "Κλειδί Άδειας Χρήσης",
"invalid_white_label_license": "Η άδεια χρήσης λευκής ετικέτας δεν είναι έγκυρη",
"created_by": "Δημιουργήθηκε από {name}",
"modules": "Ενότητες",
"financial_year_start": "Πρώτος Μήνας του Έτους",
"authentication": "Πιστοποίηση",
"checkbox": "Κουτάκι",
"invoice_signature": "Υπογραφή",
"show_accept_invoice_terms": "Κουτάκι Όρων Τιμολογίου",
"show_accept_invoice_terms_help": "Απαίτηση από τον πελάτη να αποδεχθεί τους όρους του τιμολογίου",
"show_accept_quote_terms": "Κουτάκι Όρων Προσφοράς",
"show_accept_quote_terms_help": "Απαίτηση από τον πελάτη να αποδεχθεί τους όρους της προσφοράς",
"require_invoice_signature": "Υπογραφή Τιμολογίου",
"require_invoice_signature_help": "Απαίτηση από τον πελάτη να συμπληρώσει την υπογραφή του.",
"require_quote_signature": "Υπογραφή Προσφοράς",
"require_quote_signature_help": "Απαίτηση από τον πελάτη να συμπληρώσει την υπογραφή του.",
"i_agree": "Συμφωνώ με τους Όρους",
"sign_here": "Παρακαλώ υπογράψτε εδώ:",
"authorization": "Εξουσιοδότηση",
"signed": "Υπογεγραμμένο",
"bluevine_promo": "Δεχθείτε ευέλικτες πιστωτικές λύσεις και factoring τιμολογίων με χρήση της BlueVine.",
"bluevine_modal_label": "Εγγραφείτε στη BlueVine",
"bluevine_modal_text": "Γρήγορη χρηματοδότηση της εταιρίας σας χωρίς γραφειοκρατία.<\/h3>\n- Ευέλικτες πιστωτικές λύσεις και factoring τιμολογίων.<\/li><\/ul>",
"bluevine_create_account": "Δημιουργήστε λογαριασμό",
"quote_types": "Λάβετε προσφορά για",
"invoice_factoring": "Factoring τιμολογίων",
"line_of_credit": "Πιστωτικές λύσεις",
"fico_score": "Το FICO σκορ σας",
"business_inception": "Ημερομηνία Έναρξης Επιχείρησης",
"average_bank_balance": "Μέσο υπόλοιπο τραπεζικού λογαριασμού",
"annual_revenue": "Ετήσια έσοδα",
"desired_credit_limit_factoring": "Επιθυμητό όριο factoring τιμολογίων",
"desired_credit_limit_loc": "Επιθυμητό όριο πιστωτικων λύσεων",
"desired_credit_limit": "Επιθυμητό όριο πίστωσης",
"bluevine_credit_line_type_required": "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε τουλάχιστον ένα",
"bluevine_field_required": "Αυτό το πεδίο είναι απαραίτητο",
"bluevine_unexpected_error": "Εμφανίστηκε μη αναμενόμενο σφάλμα.",
"bluevine_no_conditional_offer": "Απαιτούνται περισσότερες πληροφορίες πριν τη λήψη προσφοράς. Πατήστε συνέχεια παρακάτω.",
"bluevine_invoice_factoring": "Factoring Τιμολογίων",
"bluevine_conditional_offer": "Προσφορά υπό όρους",
"bluevine_credit_line_amount": "Πιστωτική Λύση",
"bluevine_advance_rate": "Ποσοστό Επόμενου Βήματος",
"bluevine_weekly_discount_rate": "Εβδομαδιαίο Ποσοστό Έκπτωσης",
"bluevine_minimum_fee_rate": "Ελάχιστη Χρέωση",
"bluevine_line_of_credit": "Πιστωτικές Λύσεις",
"bluevine_interest_rate": "Επιτόκιο",
"bluevine_weekly_draw_rate": "Εβδομαδιαίο Ποσοστό Εξισορρόπησης",
"bluevine_continue": "Συνεχίστε στη BlueVine",
"bluevine_completed": "Η εγγραφή στη BlueVine ολοκληρώθηκε",
"vendor_name": "Προμηθευτής",
"entity_state": "Περιοχή",
"client_created_at": "Ημ\/νία Δημιουργίας",
"postmark_error": "Προέκυψε πρόβλημα κατά την αποστολή του email μέσω Postmark: {link}",
"project": "Project",
"projects": "Projects",
"new_project": "Νέο Project",
"edit_project": "Επεξεργασία Project",
"archive_project": "Αρχειοθέτηση Project",
"list_projects": "Λίστα Projects",
"updated_project": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση project",
"created_project": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία project",
"archived_project": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση project",
"archived_projects": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} projects",
"restore_project": "Επαναφορά Project",
"restored_project": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση project",
"delete_project": "Διαγραφή Project",
"deleted_project": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή project",
"deleted_projects": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή {count} projects",
"delete_expense_category": "Διαγραφή κατηγορίας",
"deleted_expense_category": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή κατηγορίας",
"delete_product": "Διαγραφή Προϊόντος",
"deleted_product": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή προϊόντος",
"deleted_products": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή {count} προϊόντων",
"restored_product": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση προϊόντος",
"update_credit": "Ενημέρωση Πίστωσης",
"updated_credit": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση πίστωσης",
"edit_credit": "Επεξεργασία Πίστωσης",
"live_preview_help": "Εμφάνιση μιας ζωντανής προεπισκόπησης του PDF του τιμολογίου.
Απενεργοποιήστε αυτή την επιλογή για βελτίωση της ταχύτητας επεξεργασίας τιμολογίων.",
"force_pdfjs_help": "Αντικαταστήστε τον ενσωματωμένο παρουσιαστή PDF στο {chrome_link} και {firefox_link}.
Ενεργοποιήστε αυτή την επιλογή εάν ο browser σας κατεβάζει αυτόματα το PDF.",
"force_pdfjs": "Παρεμπόδιση Κατεβάσματος",
"redirect_url": "URL Ανακατεύθυνσης",
"redirect_url_help": "Εναλλακτικά ορίστε ένα URL για ανακατεύθυνση μετά την πραγματοποίηση μιας πληρωμής.",
"save_draft": "Αποθήκευση Πρόχειρου",
"refunded_credit_payment": "Επιστροφή πιστωτικών πληρωμών",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Συντομεύσεις Πληκτρολογίου",
"toggle_menu": "Εναλλαγή Μενού",
"new_...": "Νέο ...",
"list_...": "Εμφάνιση ...",
"created_at": "Ημ\/νία Δημιουργίας",
"contact_us": "Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας",
"user_guide": "Οδηγός Χρήσης",
"promo_message": "Αναβαθμίστε πριν από {expires} και πάρτε έκπτωση {amount} στα Επαγγελματικά και Εταιρικά μας πακέτα.",
"discount_message": "{amount} λήγουν {expires}",
"mark_paid": "Όρισε ως Πληρωμένα",
"marked_sent_invoice": "Επιτυχής ορισμός τιμολογίου ως απεσταλμένο",
"marked_sent_invoices": "Επιτυχής ορισμός τιμολογίων ως απεσταλμένα",
"invoice_name": "Τιμολόγιο",
"product_will_create": "προϊόν θα δημιουργηθεί",
"contact_us_response": "Ευχαριστούμε για το μήνυμά σας! Θα προσπαθήσουμε να σας απαντήσουμε το συντομότερο δυνατό.",
"last_7_days": "Τελευταίες 7 Ημέρες",
"last_30_days": "Τελευταίες 30 Ημέρες",
"this_month": "Αυτός ο Μήνας",
"last_month": "Προηγούμενος Μήνας",
"last_year": "Προηγούμενος Χρόνος",
"custom_range": "Προσαρμοσμένο Εύρος",
"url": "URL",
"debug": "Αποσφαλμάτωση",
"https": "HTTPS",
"require": "Απαιτεί",
"license_expiring": "Σημείωση: Η άδεια χρήσης σας θα λήξει σε {count} ημέρες, {link} για ανανέωση.",
"security_confirmation": "Η διεύθυνση email σας έχει επιβεβαιωθεί.",
"white_label_expired": "Η άδεια χρήσης λευκής ετικέτας σας έχει λήξει, παρακαλώ σκεφτείτε την ανανέωσή της για να υποστηρίξετε το project μας.",
"renew_license": "Ανανέωση Άδειας Χρήσης",
"iphone_app_message": "Σκεφτείτε να κατεβάσετε το {link}",
"iphone_app": "Εφαρμογή iPhone",
"android_app": "Εφαρμογή Android",
"logged_in": "Εισηγμένος",
"switch_to_primary": "Αλλάξτε στην πρωτεύουσα επιχείρηση ({name}) για να διαχειριστείτε το πλάνο σας.",
"inclusive": "Συμπεριλαμβάνεται",
"exclusive": "Δεν συμπεριλαμβάνεται",
"postal_city_state": "ΤΚ\/Πόλη\/Περιοχή",
"phantomjs_help": "Σε συγκεκριμένες περιπτώσεις η εφαρμογή χρησιμοποιεί το {link_phantom} για να δημιουργήσει το PDF, εγκαταστήστε το {link_docs} για να το δημιουργήσετε τοπικά.",
"phantomjs_local": "Χρήση του τοπικού PhantomJS",
"client_number": "Αριθμός Πελάτη",
"client_number_help": "Ορίστε ένα πρόθεμα ή χρησιμοποιήστε ένα προσαρμοσμένο μοτίβο για να καθορίζετε δυναμικά τον αριθμό πελάτη.",
"next_client_number": "Ο επόμενος αριθμός πελάτη είναι {number}.",
"generated_numbers": "Δημιουργημένοι Αριθμοί",
"notes_reminder1": "Πρώτη Υπενθύμιση",
"notes_reminder2": "Δεύτερη Υπενθύμιση",
"notes_reminder3": "Τρίτη Υπενθύμιση",
"bcc_email": "Email ιδιαίτερης κοινοποίησης",
"tax_quote": "Προσφορά Φόρου",
"tax_invoice": "Τιμολόγιο Φόρου",
"emailed_invoices": "Επιτυχής αποστολή τιμολογίων",
"emailed_quotes": "Επιτυχής αποστολή προσφορών",
"website_url": "Διεύθυνση ιστοσελίδας",
"domain": "Domain",
"domain_help": "Χρησιμοποιημένο στο portal του πελάτη όταν στέλνετε emails.",
"domain_help_website": "Χρησιμοποιημένο όταν στέλνετε emails.",
"import_invoices": "Εισαγωγή Τιμολογίων",
"new_report": "Νέα Αναφορά",
"edit_report": "Επεξεργασία Αναφοράς",
"columns": "Στήλες",
"filters": "Φίλτρα",
"sort_by": "Ταξινόμηση Κατά",
"draft": "Πρόχειρο",
"unpaid": "Μη εξοφλημένη",
"aging": "Γήρανση",
"age": "Ηλικία",
"days": "Ημέρες",
"age_group_0": "0 - 30 Ημέρες",
"age_group_30": "30 - 60 Ημέρες",
"age_group_60": "60 - 90 Ημέρες",
"age_group_90": "90 - 120 Ημέρες",
"age_group_120": "120+ Ημέρες",
"invoice_details": "Στοιχεία Τιμολογίου",
"qty": "Ποσότητα",
"profit_and_loss": "Κέρδος και Ζημιά",
"revenue": "Έσοδα",
"profit": "Κέρδος",
"group_when_sorted": "Ομαδική Ταξινόμηση",
"group_dates_by": "Ομαδοποίηση Ημερομηνιών Κατά",
"year": "Έτος",
"view_statement": "Εμφάνιση Δήλωσης",
"statement": "Δήλωση",
"statement_date": "Ημ\/νία Δήλωσης",
"mark_active": "Σήμανση ως Ενεργό",
"send_automatically": "Αυτόματη Αποστολή",
"initial_email": "Αρχικό Email",
"invoice_not_emailed": "Το τιμολόγιο δεν έχει αποσταλεί με email.",
"quote_not_emailed": "Η προσφορά δεν έχει αποσταλεί με email.",
"sent_by": "Απεστάλη από {user}",
"recipients": "Παραλήπτες",
"save_as_default": "Αποθήκευση ως προεπιλογή",
"template": "Πρότυπο",
"first_day_of_week_help": "Χρησιμοποιήθηκε από date<\/b> επιλογείς",
"financial_year_start_help": "Χρησιμοποιήθηκε από date range<\/b> επιλογείς",
"reports_help": "Shift + Click για να γίνει ταξινόμηση με βάση πολλές στήλες, Ctrl + Click για εκκαθάριση της ομαδοποίησης.",
"this_year": "Τρέχον Χρόνος",
"ninja_tagline": "Δημιουργήστε. Αποστείλετε. Εξοφληθείτε.",
"login_or_existing": "Ή συνδεθείτε με ένα συνδεδεμένο λογαριασμό.",
"sign_up_now": "Εγγραφή Τώρα",
"not_a_member_yet": "Δεν είστε ακόμη μέλη;",
"login_create_an_account": "Δημιουργία Λογαριασμού",
"client_login": "Εισαγωγή Πελάτη",
"invoice_from": "Τιμολόγια Από:",
"email_alias_message": "Απαιτείται από τον κάθε εταιρία να έχει μία μοναδική διεύθυνση email.
Σκεφτείτε τη χρήση ενός ψευδώνυμου. Πχ, email+label@example.com",
"full_name": "Πλήρες Όνομα",
"month_year": "ΜΗΝΑΣ\/ΕΤΟΣ",
"valid_thru": "Ισχύει\\nthru",
"product_fields": "Πεδία Προϊόντος",
"custom_product_fields_help": "Προσθέστε ένα πεδίο όταν δημιουργείτε ένα προϊόν ή ένα τιμολόγιο και εμφανίστε την ετικέτα και την τιμή στο αρχείο PDF",
"freq_two_months": "Δύο μήνες",
"freq_yearly": "Ετήσιο",
"profile": "Προφίλ",
"payment_type_help": "Ορίζει τον προεπιλεγμένο τρόπο χειροκίνητης πληρωμής<\/b>.",
"industry_Construction": "Κατασκευή",
"your_statement": "Η Δήλωσή σας",
"statement_issued_to": "Η δήλωση εκδόθηκε προς",
"statement_to": "Δήλωση προς",
"customize_options": "Προσαρμογή επιλογών",
"created_payment_term": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία όρων πληρωμής",
"updated_payment_term": "Επιτυχής επικαιροποίηση όρων πληρωμής",
"archived_payment_term": "Επιτυχής αποθήκευση όρου πληρωμής",
"resend_invite": "Επαναποστολή Πρόσκλησης",
"credit_created_by": "Πίστωση δημιουργήθηκε από την πληρωμή {transaction_reference}",
"created_payment_and_credit": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία πληρωμής και πίστωση",
"created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία πληρωμής και πίστωσης, και αποστολής email στον πελάτη",
"create_project": "Δημιουργία project",
"create_vendor": "Δημιουργία προμηθευτή",
"create_expense_category": "Δημιουργία κατηγορίας",
"pro_plan_reports": "{link} για την ενεργοποίηση των εκθέσεων με τη συμμετοχή στο Επαγγελματικό Πλάνο",
"mark_ready": "Σήμανση ως Έτοιμο",
"limits": "Όρια",
"fees": "Προμήθειες",
"fee": "Αμοιβή",
"set_limits_fees": "Όρίστε {gateway_type} Όρια\/Προμήθειες",
"fees_tax_help": "Ενεργοποιήστε τους φόρους ανά γραμμή για να ορίσετε τα ποσά φόρου για τις αμοιβές.",
"fees_sample": "Η αμοιβή για ένα τιμολόγιο ποσού {amount} θα είναι {total}.",
"discount_sample": "Η έκπτωση για ένα τιμολόγιο ποσού {amount} θα είναι {total}.",
"no_fees": "Χωρίς Αμοιβές",
"gateway_fees_disclaimer": "Προειδοποίηση: δεν επιτρέπουν όλες οι πολιτείες και πύλες πληρωμής να προσθέτετε προμήθειες, παρακαλούμε δείτε τους κατά τόπους νόμους \/ όρους παροχής υπηρειών",
"percent": "Ποσοστό",
"location": "Τοποθεσία",
"line_item": "Προϊόν Γραμμής",
"surcharge": "Επιβάρυνση",
"location_first_surcharge": "Ενεργοποιημένο - Πρώτη επιβάρυνση",
"location_second_surcharge": "Ενεργοποιημένο - Δεύτερη επιβάρυνση",
"location_line_item": "Ενεργοποιημένο - Προϊόν γραμμής",
"online_payment_surcharge": "Επιβάρυνση Πληρωμών Online",
"gateway_fees": "Προμήθειες Πύλης Πληρωμής",
"fees_disabled": "Οι προμήθειες είναι απενεργοποιημένες",
"gateway_fees_help": "Προσθέστε αυτόματα μία επιβάρυνση\/έκπτωση online πληρωμής.",
"gateway": "Πύλη πληρωμής (Gateway)",
"gateway_fee_change_warning": "Εάν υπάρχουν απλήρωτα τιμολόγια με προμήθειες πρέπει να ενημερωθούν χειροκίνητα.",
"fees_surcharge_help": "Προσαρμογή επιβάρυνσης {link}.",
"label_and_taxes": "ετικέτες και φόρους",
"billable": "Χρεώσιμο",
"logo_warning_too_large": "Το αρχείο εικόνας είναι πολύ μεγάλο.",
"logo_warning_fileinfo": "Προειδοποίηση: Για την υποστήριξη αρχείων gif πρέπει να έχει ενεργοποιηθεί η PHP επέκταση fileinfo",
"logo_warning_invalid": "Υπήρξε ένα πρόβλημα ανάγνωσης του αρχείου εικόνας, παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ένα διαφορετικό τύπο αρχείου.",
"error_refresh_page": "Εμφανίστηκε ένα λάθος, παρακαλώ ανανεω΄στε αυτή τη σελίδα και προσπαθήστε ξανά.",
"data": "Δεδομένα",
"imported_settings": "Επιτυχής εισαγωγή ρυθμίσεων",
"reset_counter": "Επανεκκίνηση Μετρητή",
"next_reset": "Επόμενη επανεκκίνηση",
"reset_counter_help": "Αυτόματη επανεκκίνηση των μετρητών τιμολογίου και προσφοράς.",
"auto_bill_failed": "Αυτόματη τιμολόγηση για το τιμολόγιο {invoice_number} failed",
"online_payment_discount": "Έκπτωση Online Πληρωμής",
"created_new_company": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία νέας εταιρίας",
"fees_disabled_for_gateway": "Οι προμήθειες είναι απενεργοποιημένες γι' αυτή την πύλη πληρωμής.",
"logout_and_delete": "Έξοδος\/Διαγραφή λογαριασμού",
"tax_rate_type_help": "Οι συμπεριλαμβανόμενοι φόροι προσαρμόζουν το κόστος προϊόντος ανά γραμμή όταν επιλεχθούν.
Μόνο οι μη συμπεριλαμβανόμενοι φόροι μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως προεπιλεγμένοι.",
"invoice_footer_help": "Χρησιμοποιήστε το $pageNumber και το $pageCount για να εμφανίσετε τις πληροφορίες σελίδας.",
"credit_note": "Πιστωτικό Σημείωμα",
"credit_issued_to": "Πίστωση εκδόθηκε προς",
"credit_to": "Πίστωση προς",
"your_credit": "Η Πίστωσή σας",
"credit_number": "Αριθμός Πίστωσης",
"create_credit_note": "Δημιουργία Πιστωτικού Σημειώματος",
"menu": "Μενού",
"error_incorrect_gateway_ids": "Σφάλμα: Ο πίνακας των πυλών πληρωμής (gateways) έχει λάθος αριθμούς.",
"purge_data": "Εκκαθάριση Δεδομένων",
"delete_data": "Διαγραφή Δεδομένων",
"purge_data_help": "Οριστική διαγραφή όλων των δεδομένων αλλά διατήρηση λογαριασμού και ρυθμίσεων.",
"cancel_account_help": "Οριστική διαγραφή του λογαριασμού με όλα τα δεδομένα και τις ρυθμίσεις.",
"purge_successful": "Επιτυχής εκκαθάριση δεδομένων επιχείρησης",
"forbidden": "Απαγορευμένο",
"purge_data_message": "Προσοχή: Αυτό θα σβήσει όλα σας τα δεδομένα, χωρίς δυνατότητα αναίρεσης.",
"contact_phone": "Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας",
"contact_email": "Email Επικοινωνίας",
"reply_to_email": "Email Απάντησης",
"reply_to_email_help": "Ορίστε τη διεύθυνση απάντησης για τα emails που απευθύνονται στους πελάτες.",
"bcc_email_help": "Ορίστε τη διεύθυνση κρυφής αποστολής για τα emails που απευθύνονται στους πελάτες.",
"import_complete": "Επιτυχής ολοκλήρωση της εισαγωγής",
"confirm_account_to_import": "Παρακαλώ επιβεβαιώστε το λογαριασμό σας για εισαγωγή δεδομένων",
"import_started": "Η εισαγωγή δεδομένων ξεκίνησε, θα σας αποσταλεί email με την ολοκλήρωση.",
"listening": "Ηχητική καταγραφή...",
"microphone_help": "Πείτε \"νέο τιμολόγιο για [client]\" ή \"εμφάνισέ μου τις αρχειοθετημένες πληρωμές του [client]\"",
"voice_commands": "Ηχητικές Εντολές",
"sample_commands": "Δείγματα εντολών",
"voice_commands_feedback": "Εργαζόμαστε για να βελτιώσουμε αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό, εάν υπάρχει μία εντολή που θέλετε να υποστηρίζουμε παρακαλούμε στείλτε μας email στο {email}.",
"payment_type_Venmo": "Venmo",
"payment_type_Money Order": "Έμβασμα",
"archived_products": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} προϊόντων",
"recommend_on": "Προτείνουμε την ενεργοποίηση<\/b> αυτής της ρύθμισης.",
"recommend_off": "Προτείνουμε την απενεργοποίηση<\/b> αυτής της ρύθμισης.",
"notes_auto_billed": "Αυτόματη χρέωση",
"surcharge_label": "Ετικέτα Επιβάρυνσης",
"contact_fields": "Πεδία Επαφής",
"custom_contact_fields_help": "Προσθέστε ένα πεδίο όταν δημιουργείτε μία επαφή και επιλέξτε δυνητικά την εμφάνισή της ετικέτας και της τιμής στο αρχείο PDF.",
"datatable_info": "Εμφάνιση {start} έως {end} από {total} εγγραφές",
"credit_total": "Συνολική Πίστωση",
"mark_billable": "Σήμανση ως χρεώσιμο",
"billed": "Τιμολογήθηκαν",
"company_variables": "Μεταβλητές Εταιρίας",
"client_variables": "Μεταβλητές Πελάτη",
"invoice_variables": "Μεταβλητές Τιμολογίου",
"navigation_variables": "Μεταβλητές Πλοήγησης",
"custom_variables": "Προσαρμοσμένες Μεταβλητές",
"invalid_file": "Μη έγκυρος τύπος αρχείου",
"add_documents_to_invoice": "Προσθέστε έγγραφα στο τιμολόγιο",
"mark_expense_paid": "Σήμανση ως εξοφλημένο",
"white_label_license_error": "Αδυναμία επικύρωσης της άδειας, ελέγξτε το αρχείο storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες.",
"plan_price": "Τιμή Πλάνου",
"wrong_confirmation": "Λανθασμένος κωδικός επιβεβαίωσης",
"oauth_taken": "Ο λογαριασμός χρήστη έχει ήδη καταχωρηθεί",
"emailed_payment": "Επιτυχής αποστολή πληρωμής με Email",
"email_payment": "Αποστολή πληρωμής με Email",
"invoiceplane_import": "Χρησιμοποιήστε το {link} για να μεταφέρετε τα δεδομένα σας από το InvoicePlane.",
"duplicate_expense_warning": "Προειδοποίηση: Το {link} μπορεί να είναι διπλή εγγραφή",
"expense_link": "έξοδο",
"resume_task": "Επανέναρξη Εργασίας",
"resumed_task": "Επιτυχής επανέναρξη εργασίας",
"quote_design": "Σχεδιασμός Προσφοράς",
"default_design": "Προεπιλεγμένος Σχεδιασμός",
"custom_design1": "Προσαρμοσμένος Σχεδιασμός 1",
"custom_design2": "Προσαρμοσμένος Σχεδιασμός 2",
"custom_design3": "Προσαρμοσμένος Σχεδιασμός 3",
"empty": "Κενό",
"load_design": "Φόρτωση Σχεδιασμού",
"accepted_card_logos": "Λογότυπα Αποδεκτών Καρτών",
"phantomjs_local_and_cloud": "Χρησιμοποιείτε το τοπικό PhantomJS, επιστροφή πίσω στο phantomjscloud.com",
"google_analytics": "Google Analytics",
"analytics_key": "Κλειδί Analytics",
"analytics_key_help": "Ιχνηλατήστε τις πληρωμές σας χρησιμοποιώντας {link}",
"start_date_required": "Απαιτείται η ημερομηνία έναρξης",
"application_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Εφαρμογής",
"database_connection": "Σύνδεση Βάσης Δεδομένων",
"driver": "Οδηγός",
"host": "Εξυπηρετητής",
"database": "Βάση Δεδομένων",
"test_connection": "Έλεγχος σύνδεσης",
"from_name": "Από Όνομα",
"from_address": "Από Διεύθυνση",
"port": "Πόρτα",
"encryption": "Κρυπτογράφηση",
"mailgun_domain": "Όνομα χώρου Mailgun",
"mailgun_private_key": "Ιδιωτικό Κλειδί Mailgun",
"send_test_email": "Αποστολή δοκιμαστικού email",
"select_label": "Επιλογή Ετικέτας",
"label": "Ετικέτα",
"service": "Υπηρεσία",
"update_payment_details": "Ανανέωση στοιχείων πληρωμής",
"updated_payment_details": "Επιτυχής ανανέωση στοιχείων πληρωμής",
"update_credit_card": "Ανανέωση Πιστωτικής Κάρτας",
"recurring_expenses": "Επαναλαμβανόμενες Δαπάνες",
"recurring_expense": "Επαναλαμβανόμενη Δαπάνη",
"new_recurring_expense": "Νέα Επαναλαμβανόμενη Δαπάνη",
"edit_recurring_expense": "Επεξεργασία Επαναλαμβανόμενης Δαπάνης",
"archive_recurring_expense": "Αρχειοθέτηση Επαναλαμβανόμενης Δαπάνης",
"list_recurring_expense": "Εμφάνιση Επαναλαμβανόμενων Δαπανών",
"updated_recurring_expense": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση επαναλαμβανόμενης δαπάνης",
"created_recurring_expense": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία επαναλαμβανόμενης δαπάνης",
"archived_recurring_expense": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση επαναλαμβανόμενης δαπάνης",
"restore_recurring_expense": "Επαναφορά Επαναλαμβανόμενης Δαπάνης",
"restored_recurring_expense": "Επιτυχής επαναφορά επαναλαμβανόμενης δαπάνης",
"delete_recurring_expense": "Διαγραφή Επαναλαμβανόμενης Δαπάνης",
"deleted_recurring_expense": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή project",
"view_recurring_expense": "Εμφάνιση Επαναλαμβανόμενης Δαπάνης",
"taxes_and_fees": "Φόροι και προμήθειες",
"import_failed": "Εισαγωγή Απέτυχε",
"recurring_prefix": "Επαναλαμβανόμενο Πρόθεμα",
"options": "Επιλογές",
"credit_number_help": "Ορίστε ένα πρόθεμα ή χρησιμοποιήστε ένα προσαρμοσμένο μοτίβο για να καθορίζετε δυναμικά τον αριθμό πίστωσης για αρνητικά τιμολόγια.",
"next_credit_number": "Ο επόμενος αριθμός πίστωσης είναι {number}.",
"padding_help": "Το πλήθος των μηδενικών για τη δημιουργία του αριθμού.",
"import_warning_invalid_date": "Προειδοποίηση: Η μορφή της ημερομηνίας μοιάζει να είναι μη έγκυρη.",
"product_notes": "Σημειώσεις Προϊόντος",
"app_version": "Έκδοση Εφαρμογής",
"ofx_version": "Έκδοση OFX",
"gateway_help_23": "{link} για να λάβετε τα κλειδιά του Stripe API.",
"error_app_key_set_to_default": "Σφάλμα: Το APP_KEY έχει οριστεί στην προκαθορισμένη τιμή, για να το ενημερώσετε κάντε αντίγραφο ασφαλείας από τη βάση δεδομένων και εκτελέστε το php artisan ninja{update}-key<\/code>",
"charge_late_fee": "Χρέωση Καθυστερημένης Εξόφλισης",
"late_fee_amount": "Ποσό Χρέωσης Καθυστερημένης Εξόφλισης",
"late_fee_percent": "Ποσοστό Χρέωσης Καθυστερημένης Εξόφλισης",
"late_fee_added": "Χρέωση καθυστερημένης εξόφλισης προστέθηκε την {date}",
"download_invoice": "Κατέβασμα Τιμολογίου",
"download_quote": "Κατέβασμα Προσφοράς",
"invoices_are_attached": "Τα αρχεία PDF έχουν επισυναφθεί.",
"downloaded_invoice": "Θα αποσταλεί email με το τιμολόγιο σε αρχείο PDF",
"downloaded_quote": "Θα αποσταλεί email με την προσφορά σε αρχείο PDF",
"downloaded_invoices": "Θα αποσταλεί email με τα τιμολόγια σε αρχεία PDF",
"downloaded_quotes": "Θα αποσταλεί email με τις προσφορές σε αρχεία PDF",
"clone_expense": "Κλωνοποίηση Δαπάνης",
"default_documents": "Προεπιλεγμένα Κείμενα",
"send_email_to_client": "Αποστολή email στον πελάτη",
"refund_subject": "Επιστροφή Χρημάτων Επεξεργάσθηκε",
"refund_body": "Έχετε επιστροφή χρημάτων ποσού {amount} για το τιμολόγιο {invoice_number}.",
"currency_us_dollar": "Δολάριο Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών",
"currency_british_pound": "Βρετανική Λίρα",
"currency_euro": "Ευρώ",
"currency_south_african_rand": "Ραντ Νότιας Αφρικής",
"currency_danish_krone": "Δανική Κορώνα",
"currency_israeli_shekel": "Σέκελ Ισραήλ",
"currency_swedish_krona": "Κορώνα Σουηδίας",
"currency_kenyan_shilling": "Σελίνι Κένυας",
"currency_canadian_dollar": "Δολάριο Καναδά",
"currency_philippine_peso": "Πέσο Φιλιπίνων",
"currency_indian_rupee": "Ρουπία Ινδίας",
"currency_australian_dollar": "Δολάριο Αυστραλίας",
"currency_singapore_dollar": "Δολάριο Σιγκαπούρης",
"currency_norske_kroner": "Κορώνα Νορβηγίας",
"currency_new_zealand_dollar": "Δολάριο Νέας Ζηλανδίας",
"currency_vietnamese_dong": "Ντονγκ Βιετνάμ",
"currency_swiss_franc": "Φράγκο Σουηδίας",
"currency_guatemalan_quetzal": "Κουετσάλ Γουατεμάλας",
"currency_malaysian_ringgit": "Ρινγκίτ Μαλαισίας",
"currency_brazilian_real": "Ρεάλ Βραζιλίας",
"currency_thai_baht": "Μπατ Ταϊλάνδης",
"currency_nigerian_naira": "Νάιρα Νιγηρίας",
"currency_argentine_peso": "Πέσο Αργεντινής",
"currency_bangladeshi_taka": "Τάκα Μπαγκλαντές",
"currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham": "Ντιρχάμ Ηνωμένων Αραβικών Εμιράτων",
"currency_hong_kong_dollar": "Δολάριο Χονγκ Κονγκ",
"currency_indonesian_rupiah": "Ρουπία Ινδονησίας",
"currency_mexican_peso": "Πέσο Μεξικού",
"currency_egyptian_pound": "Λίρα Αιγύπτου",
"currency_colombian_peso": "Πέσο Κολομβίας",
"currency_west_african_franc": "Φράγκο Δυτικής Αφρικής",
"currency_chinese_renminbi": "Ρενμίνμπι Κίνας",
"currency_rwandan_franc": "Φράγκο Ρουάντα",
"currency_tanzanian_shilling": "Σελίνι Τανζανίας",
"currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder": "Γκίλντα Ολλανδικών Αντιλλών",
"currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar": "Δολάριο Τρινιντάντ και Ταμπάκο",
"currency_east_caribbean_dollar": "Δολάριο Ανατολικής Καραϊβικής",
"currency_ghanaian_cedi": "Σέντι Γκάνας",
"currency_bulgarian_lev": "Λέβαβ Βουλγαρίας",
"currency_aruban_florin": "Φιορίνι Αρούμπα",
"currency_turkish_lira": "Λίρα Τουρκίας",
"currency_romanian_new_leu": "Νέο Λέβα Ρουμανίας",
"currency_croatian_kuna": "Κούνα Κροατίας",
"currency_saudi_riyal": "Ριάλ Σαουδικής Αραβίας",
"currency_japanese_yen": "Γιεν Ιαπωνίας",
"currency_maldivian_rufiyaa": "Ρουφίγια Μαλδίβων",
"currency_costa_rican_colon": "Κολόν Κόστα Ρίκας",
"currency_pakistani_rupee": "Ρουπία Πακιστάν",
"currency_polish_zloty": "Ζλότυ Πολωνίας",
"currency_sri_lankan_rupee": "Ρουπία Σρι Λάνκα",
"currency_czech_koruna": "Κορώνα Τσεχίας",
"currency_uruguayan_peso": "Πέσο Ουρουγουάης",
"currency_namibian_dollar": "Δολάριο Ναμίμπια",
"currency_tunisian_dinar": "Δηνάριο Τυνησίας",
"currency_russian_ruble": "Ρούβλι Ρωσίας",
"currency_mozambican_metical": "Μετικάλ Μοζαμβίκης",
"currency_omani_rial": "Ριάλ Ομάν",
"currency_ukrainian_hryvnia": "Γρίβνα Ουκρανίας",
"currency_macanese_pataca": "Πατάκα Μακάο",
"currency_taiwan_new_dollar": "Νέο Δολάριο Ταϊβάν",
"currency_dominican_peso": "Πέσο Αγίου Δομίνικου",
"currency_chilean_peso": "Πέσο χιλής",
"currency_icelandic_krona": "Κορώνα Ισλανδίας",
"currency_papua_new_guinean_kina": "Κίνα Παπούα και Νέα Γουινέα",
"currency_jordanian_dinar": "Δηνάριο Ιορδανίας",
"currency_myanmar_kyat": "Κιάτ Νιανμάρ",
"currency_peruvian_sol": "Σολ Περού",
"currency_botswana_pula": "Πούλα Μποτσουάνας",
"currency_hungarian_forint": "Ουγγρικό Φιορίνι",
"currency_ugandan_shilling": "Σελίνι Ουγκάντας ",
"currency_barbadian_dollar": "Δολάριο Μπαρμπέιντος",
"currency_brunei_dollar": "Δολάριο Μπρουνέι",
"currency_georgian_lari": "Λάρι Γεωργίας",
"currency_qatari_riyal": "Ριγιάλ Κατάρ",
"currency_honduran_lempira": "Λεμπίρα Ονδούρας",
"currency_surinamese_dollar": "Δολάριο Σουρινάμ",
"currency_bahraini_dinar": "Δηνάριο Μπαχρέιν",
"review_app_help": "Ελπίζουμε να απολαμβάνετε τη χρήση της εφαρμογής.
Εάν θα θέλατε να γράψετε μια κριτική {link} θα το εκτιμούσαμε ιδιαίτερα!",
"writing_a_review": "συγγραφή κριτικής",
"use_english_version": "Σιγουρευτείτε ότι χρησιμοποιείτε την Αγγλική έκδοση των αρχείων.
Χρησιμοποιούμε τις κεφαλίδες των στηλών για να ταιριάξουμε τα πεδία.",
"tax1": "Πρώτο; Φόρος",
"tax2": "Δεύτερος Φόρος",
"fee_help": "Προμήθειες της πύλης πληρωμής (Gateway) είναι τα κόστη για την πρόσβαση στα δίκτυα που αναλαμβάνουν την επεξεργασία των online πληρωμών",
"format_export": "Μορφή εξαγωγής",
"custom1": "Πρώτη Προσαρμογή",
"custom2": "Δεύτερη Προσαρμογή",
"contact_first_name": "Όνομα Επαφής",
"contact_last_name": "Επώνυμο Επαφής",
"contact_custom1": "Πρώτη Προσαρμογή Επαφής",
"contact_custom2": "Δεύτερη Προσαρμογή Επαφής",
"currency": "Νόμισμα",
"ofx_help": "Για αποσφαλμάτωση ελέγξτε για σχόλια στο {ofxhome_link} και τεστάρετε με {ofxget_link}.",
"comments": "σχόλια",
"item_product": "Προϊόν",
"item_notes": "Σημειώσεις Προϊόντος",
"item_cost": "Κόστος Προϊόντος",
"item_quantity": "Ποσότητα Προϊόντος",
"item_tax_rate": "Ποσοστό Φόρου Προϊόντος",
"item_tax_name": "Όνομα Φόρου Προϊόντος",
"item_tax1": "Φόρος1 Προϊόντος",
"item_tax2": "Φόρος2 Προϊόντος",
"delete_company": "Διαγραφή Επιχείρησης",
"delete_company_help": "Οριστική διαγραφή της επιχείρησης μαζί με όλα τα δεδομένα και τις ρυθμίσεις.",
"delete_company_message": "Προειδοποίηση: Αυτό θα διαγράψει οριστικά την επιχείρηση, χωρίς αναίρεση.",
"applied_discount": "Το κουπόνι έχει εφαρμοσθεί, το κόστος του πλάνου έχει μειωθεί κατά {discount}%.",
"applied_free_year": "Το κουπόνι έχει εφαρμοσθεί, ο λογαριασμός σας έχει αναβαθμιστεί σε επαγγελματικό για ένα χρόνο.",
"contact_us_help": "Εάν αναφέρετε ένα λάθος παρακαλούμε να συμπεριλάβετε οποιοδήποτε σχετικά logs από τη θέση storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"include_errors": "Συμπερίληψη Λαθών",
"include_errors_help": "Συμπεριλάβετε το {link} από τη θέση storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"recent_errors": "πρόσφατα σφάλματα",
"customer": "Πελάτης",
"customers": "Πελάτες",
"created_customer": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία πελάτη",
"created_customers": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία {count} πελατών",
"purge_details": "Τα δεδομένα στην επιχείρησή σας ({account}) έχουν εκκαθαριστεί επιτυχώς.",
"deleted_company": "Επιτυχής διαγραφή επιχείρησης",
"deleted_account": "Επιτυχής ακύρωση λογαριασμού",
"deleted_company_details": "Η επιχείρησή σας ({account}) έχει διαγραφεί επιτυχώς.",
"deleted_account_details": "Ο λογαριασμός σας ({account}) έχει διαγραφεί επιτυχώς.",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"sofort": "Sofort",
"sepa": "Απευθείας πίστωση SEPA",
"enable_alipay": "Αποδοχή Alipay",
"enable_sofort": "Αποδοχή τραπεζικών εμβασμάτων από τράπεζες της Ευρώπης",
"stripe_alipay_help": "Αυτές οι πύλες πληρωμών πρέπει επίσης να ενεργοποιηθούν στο {link}.",
"calendar": "Ημερολόγιο",
"pro_plan_calendar": "{link} για να ενεργοποιήσετε το ημερολόγιο συμμετέχοντας στο Επαγγελματικό Πλάνο",
"what_are_you_working_on": "Σε τι εργάζεστε;",
"time_tracker": "Παρακολούθηση Χρόνου",
"refresh": "Ανανέωση",
"filter_sort": "Φιλτράρισμα\/Ταξινόμηση",
"no_description": "Καμία Περιγραφή",
"time_tracker_login": "Εισαγωγή στην Παρακολούθηση Χρόνου",
"save_or_discard": "Αποθήκευση ή απόρριψη των αλλαγών σας",
"discard_changes": "Απόρριψη Αλλαγών",
"tasks_not_enabled": "Οι εργασίες δεν έχουν ενεργοποιηθεί.",
"started_task": "Επιτυχής έναρξη εργασίας",
"create_client": "Δημιουργία Πελάτη",
"download_desktop_app": "Λήψη της εφαρμογής για Desktop",
"download_iphone_app": "Λήψη της εφαρμογής για IPhone",
"download_android_app": "Λήψη της εφαρμογής για Android",
"time_tracker_mobile_help": "κάντε διπλό κλικ στην εργασία για να την επιλέξετε",
"stopped": "Διακόπηκε",
"ascending": "Αύξουσα σειρά",
"descending": "Φθίνουσα σειρά",
"sort_field": "Ταξινόμηση κατά",
"sort_direction": "Κατεύθυνση",
"discard": "Απόρριψη",
"time_am": "πμ",
"time_pm": "μμ",
"time_mins": "λ",
"time_hr": "ω",
"time_hrs": "ω",
"clear": "Καθαρισμός",
"warn_payment_gateway": "Σημείωση: η αποδοχή online πληρωμών απαιτεί μία πύλη πληρωμών, {link} για να προσθέσετε μία.",
"task_rate": "Κόστος Εργασίας",
"task_rate_help": "Ορίστε το προκαθορισμένο ποσοστό για τις τιμολογημένες εργασίες.",
"past_due": "Ληγμένα",
"document": "Έγγραφο",
"invoice_or_expense": "Τιμολόγιο\/Δαπάνη",
"invoice_pdfs": "Αρχεία PDF Τιμολογίου",
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"enable_bitcoin": "Αποδοχή Bitcoin",
"iban": "IBAN",
"sepa_authorization": "Παρέχοντας το IBAN και επιβεβαιώνοντας αυτή την πληρωμή, εξουσιοδοτείτε την {company} και το Stripe, τον πάροχο υπηρεσιών πληρωμών μας, να στείλει οδηγίες στην τράπεζά σας πως να πιστώσει τον λογαριασμό και να πιστώσει το λογαριασμό σε συμφωνία με αυτές τις οδηγίες. Δικαιούστε επιστροφή χρημάτων από την τράπεζά σας βάσει των όρων της σύμβασής σας με την τράπεζά σας. Η επιστροφή των χρημάτων πρέπει να γίνει απαιτητή μέσα σε 8 εβδομάδες από την ημερομηνία που πιστώθηκε ο λογαριασμός σας.",
"recover_license": "Επαναφορά Άδειας Χρήσης",
"purchase": "Αγορά",
"recover": "Επαναφορά",
"apply": "Εφαρμογή",
"recover_white_label_header": "Επαναφορά Άδειας Χρήσης Λευκής Ετικέτας",
"apply_white_label_header": "Εφαρμογή Άδειας Χρήσης Λευκής Ετικέτας",
"videos": "Βίντεο",
"video": "Βίντεο",
"return_to_invoice": "Επιστροφή στο Τιμολόγιο",
"gateway_help_13": "Για να χρησιμοποιήσετε το ITN αφήστε κενό το πεδίο για το κλειδί PDT.",
"partial_due_date": "Ημερομηνία Μερικής Πληρωμής",
"task_fields": "Πεδία Εργασίας",
"product_fields_help": "Μεταφέρετε και αποθέστε πεδία για να αλλάξετε τη σειρά τους",
"custom_value1": "Προσαρμοσμένη Τιμή",
"custom_value2": "Προσαρμοσμένη Τιμή",
"enable_two_factor": "Αυθεντικοποίηση δύο σημείων",
"enable_two_factor_help": "Χρησιμοποιήστε του τηλέφωνό σας για να επιβεβαιώσετε την ταυτότητά σας όταν πραγματοποιείτε είσοδο στο σύστημα",
"two_factor_setup": "Εγκατάσταση δύο σημείων",
"two_factor_setup_help": "Σκανάρετε το barcode με μία {link} συμβατή εφαρμογή.",
"one_time_password": "Κωδικός Πρόσβασης μίας Φοράς",
"set_phone_for_two_factor": "Ορίστε τον αριθμό του κινητού τηλεφώνου σας ως αντίγραφο ασφαλείας για ενεργοποίηση.",
"enabled_two_factor": "Επιτυχής ενεργοποίηση Αυθεντικοποίησης Δύο Σημείων",
"add_product": "Προσθήκη Προϊόντος",
"email_will_be_sent_on": "Σημείωση: το email θα αποσταλεί την {date}.",
"invoice_product": "Τιμολόγηση Προϊόντος",
"self_host_login": "Στοιχεία εισόδου Ιδίας Φιλοξενίας",
"set_self_hoat_url": "URL Ιδίας Φιλοξενίας",
"local_storage_required": "Σφάλμα: η τοπική αποθήκευση δεν είναι διαθέσιμη.",
"your_password_reset_link": "Ο σύνδεσμος για την επαναφορά του κωδικού πρόσβασής σας",
"subdomain_taken": "Το subdomain χρησιμοποιείται ήδη",
"converted_amount": "Μετατρεπόμενο Ποσό",
"default": "Προεπιλογή",
"shipping_address": "Διεύθυνση Αποστολής",
"bllling_address": "Διεύθυνση Χρέωσης",
"billing_address1": "Οδός Χρέωσης",
"billing_address2": "Διαμέρισμα Χρέωσης",
"billing_city": "Πόλη Χρέωσης",
"billing_state": "Περιφέρεια Χρέωσης",
"billing_postal_code": "Ταχυδρομικός Κωδικός Χρέωσης",
"billing_country": "Χώρα Χρέωσης",
"shipping_address1": "Οδός Αποστολής",
"shipping_address2": "Διαμέρισμα Αποστολής",
"shipping_city": "Πόλη Αποστολής",
"shipping_state": "Περιφέρεια Αποστολής",
"shipping_postal_code": "Ταχυδρομικός Κώδικας Αποστολής",
"shipping_country": "Χώρα Αποστολής",
"classify": "Κατατάξτε",
"show_shipping_address_help": "Απαιτήστε από τον πελάτη να εισάγει την διεύθυνση αποστολής του",
"ship_to_billing_address": "Αποστολή στη διεύθυνση χρέωσης",
"delivery_note": "Σημείωση Παράδοσης",
"show_tasks_in_portal": "Εμφάνιση εργασιών στο portal του πελάτη",
"cancel_schedule": "Ακύρωση Προγραμματισμού",
"scheduled_report": "Προγραμματισμός Αναφοράς",
"scheduled_report_help": "Στείλτε email με την αναφορά {report} ως {format} στο {email}",
"created_scheduled_report": "Επιτυχής προγραμματισμός αναφοράς",
"deleted_scheduled_report": "Επιτυχής ακύρωση προγραμματισμού αναφοράς",
"scheduled_report_attached": "Η προγραμματισμένη αναφορά τύπου {type} είναι συνημμένη.",
"scheduled_report_error": "Αποτυχία δημιουργίας προγραμματισμένης αναφοράς",
"invalid_one_time_password": "Μη έγκυρος κωδικός πρόσβασης μιας φοράς",
"apple_pay": "Apple\/Google Πληρωμή",
"enable_apple_pay": "Αποδοχή Πληρωμής Apple και Πληρωμή με Google",
"requires_subdomain": "Αυτός ο τύπος πληρωμής απαιτεί να {link}.",
"subdomain_is_set": "subdomain έχει οριστεί",
"verification_file": "Αρχείο Επαλήθευσης",
"verification_file_missing": "Το αρχείο επαλήθευσης είναι απαραίτητο για την αποδοχή πληρωμών.",
"apple_pay_domain": "Χρησιμοποιήστε {domain}<\/code> ως το domain στο {link}.",
"apple_pay_not_supported": "Συγνώμη αλλά τα Apple Pay \/ Google Pay δεν υποστηρίζονται από τον browser σας",
"optional_payment_methods": "Προαιρετικές Μέθοδοι Πληρωμής",
"add_subscription": "Προσθήκη Συνδρομής",
"target_url": "Στόχος",
"target_url_help": "Όταν το επιλεγμένο γεγονός εμφανιστεί η εφαρμογή θα στείλει την οντότητα στο στοχευμένο URL.",
"event": "Γεγονός",
"subscription_event_1": "Δημιουργήθηκε Πελάτης",
"subscription_event_2": "Δημιουργήθηκε Τιμολόγιο",
"subscription_event_3": "Δημιουργήθηκε Προσφορά",
"subscription_event_4": "Δημιουργήθηκε Πληρωμή",
"subscription_event_5": "Δημιουργήθηκε Προμηθευτής",
"subscription_event_6": "Ενημερώθηκε Προσφορά",
"subscription_event_7": "Διαγράφηκε Προσφορά",
"subscription_event_8": "Ενημερώθηκε Τιμολόγιο",
"subscription_event_9": "Διαγράφηκε Τιμολόγιο",
"subscription_event_10": "Ενημερώθηκε ο Πελάτης",
"subscription_event_11": "Διαγράφηκε ο Πελάτης",
"subscription_event_12": "Διαγράφηκε η Πληρωμή",
"subscription_event_13": "Ενημερώθηκε ο Προμηθευτής",
"subscription_event_14": "Διαγράφηκε ο Προμηθευτής",
"subscription_event_15": "Δημιουργήθηκε η Δαπάνη",
"subscription_event_16": "Ενημερώθηκε η Δαπάνη",
"subscription_event_17": "Διαγράφηκε η Δαπάνη",
"subscription_event_18": "Δημιουργήθηκε η Εργασία",
"subscription_event_19": "Ενημερώθηκε η Εργασία",
"subscription_event_20": "Διαγράφηκε η Εργασία",
"subscription_event_21": "Αποδεκτή Προσφορά",
"subscriptions": "Εγγραφές",
"updated_subscription": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση συνδρομής",
"created_subscription": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία συνδρομής",
"edit_subscription": "Επεξεργασία Συνδρομής",
"archive_subscription": "Αρχειοθέτηση Συνδρομής",
"archived_subscription": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση συνδρομής",
"project_error_multiple_clients": "Τα projects δεν μπορούν να ανήκουν σε διαφορετικούς πελάτες",
"invoice_project": "Τιμολόγηση Project",
"module_recurring_invoice": "Επαναλαμβανόμενα Τιμολόγια",
"module_credit": "Πιστώσεις",
"module_quote": "Προσφορές & Προτάσεις",
"module_task": "Εργασίες & Projects",
"module_expense": "Δαπάνες & Προμηθευτές",
"reminders": "Υπενθύμίσεις",
"send_client_reminders": "Αποστολή υπενθυμίσεων με email",
"can_view_tasks": "Οι εργασίες εμφανίζονται στο portal",
"is_not_sent_reminders": "Οι υπενθυμίσεις δεν έχουν αποσταλεί",
"promotion_footer": "Η προωθητική ενέργειά σας θα λήξει σύντομα, {link} για να αναβαθμίσετε τώρα.",
"unable_to_delete_primary": "Σημείωση: για να διαγράψετε αυτή την επιχείρηση διαγράψτε πρώτα όλες τις συνδεδεμένες επιχειρήσεις.",
"please_register": "Παρακαλούμε καταχωρίστε το λογαριασμό σας",
"processing_request": "Επεξεργασία αιτήματος",
"mcrypt_warning": "Προειδοποίηση: Το Mcrypt βρίσκεται στη διαδικασία απόσυρσης, εκτελέστε το {command} για να ενημερώσετε την κρυπτογράφησή σας",
"edit_times": "Επεξεργασία Επαναλήψεων",
"inclusive_taxes_help": "Συμπεριλάβετε φόρους στο κόστος<\/b>",
"inclusive_taxes_notice": "Αυτή η ρύθμιση δεν μπορεί να αλλάξει όταν ένα τιμολόγιο έχει δημιουργηθεί.",
"inclusive_taxes_warning": "Προειδοποίηση: τα υπάρχοντα τιμολόγια θα χρειαστούν επαναποθήκευση",
"copy_shipping": "Αντιγραφή Αποστολής",
"copy_billing": "Αντιγραφή Χρέωσης",
"quote_has_expired": "Η προσφορά έχει λήξει, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με τον έμπορο.",
"empty_table_footer": "Εμφάνιση 0 έως 0 από 0 εγγραφές",
"do_not_trust": "Μην θυμηθείς αυτή τη συσκευή",
"trust_for_30_days": "Εμπιστευτείτε για 30 μέρες",
"trust_forever": "Εμπιστευτείτε για πάντα",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"backlog": "Αναμονή",
"ready_to_do": "Έτοιμο",
"in_progress": "Σε εξέλιξη",
"add_status": "Προσθήκη κατάστασης",
"archive_status": "Αρχειοθέτηση Κατάστασης",
"new_status": "Νέα Κατάσταση",
"convert_products": "Μετατροπή Τιμών Προϊόντων",
"convert_products_help": "Αυτόματη μετατροπή τιμών προϊόντων στο νόμισμα συναλλαγών του πελάτη",
"improve_client_portal_link": "Ορίστε ένα subdomain για να μειώσετε το μήκος του συνδέσμου του portal του πελάτη.",
"budgeted_hours": "Χρεώσιμες Ώρες",
"progress": "Πρόοδος",
"view_project": "Εμφάνιση Project",
"summary": "Περίληψη",
"endless_reminder": "Συνεχής Υπενθύμιση",
"signature_on_invoice_help": "Προσθέστε τον ακόλουθο κώδικα για να εμφανίζεται η υπογραφή του πελάτη σας στο PDF.",
"signature_on_pdf": "Εμφάνισε στο PDF",
"signature_on_pdf_help": "Εμφάνισε την υπογραφή του πελάτη στο PDF του τιμολογίου\/προσφοράς.",
"expired_white_label": "Η άδεια λευκής ετικέτας έληξε",
"return_to_login": "Επιστροφή στην Είσοδο",
"convert_products_tip": "Σημείωση: προσθέστε ένα {link} με την ονομασία \"{name}\" για να δείτε την ισοτιμία.",
"amount_greater_than_balance": "Το ποσό είναι μεγαλύτερο από το υπόλοιπο του τιμολογίου, θα δημιουργηθεί μια πίστωση με το εναπομείναν ποσό.",
"custom_fields_tip": "χρησιμοποιήστε το Label|Option1,Option2<\/code> για να εμφανίσετε ένα κουτί επιλογών.",
"client_information": "Πληροφορίες Πελάτη",
"updated_client_details": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση των στοιχείων πελάτη",
"auto": "Αυτόματο",
"tax_amount": "Ποσό Φόρου",
"tax_paid": "Πληρωμένος Φόρος",
"none": "Κανένα",
"proposal_message_button": "Για να δείτε την πρόταση ποσού {amount}, πατήστε το παρακάτω κουμπί.",
"proposal": "Πρόταση",
"proposals": "Προτάσεις",
"list_proposals": "Λίστα Προτάσεων",
"new_proposal": "Νέα Πρόταση",
"edit_proposal": "Επεξεργασία Πρότασης",
"archive_proposal": "Αρχειοθέτηση Πρότασης",
"delete_proposal": "Διαγραφή Πρότασης",
"created_proposal": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία πρότασης",
"updated_proposal": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση πρότασης",
"archived_proposal": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση πρότασης",
"deleted_proposal": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση πρότασης",
"archived_proposals": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} προτάσεων",
"deleted_proposals": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} προτάσεων",
"restored_proposal": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση πρότασης",
"restore_proposal": "Ανάκτηση Πρότασης",
"snippet": "Απόσπασμα",
"snippets": "Αποσπάσματα",
"proposal_snippet": "Απόσπασμα",
"proposal_snippets": "Αποσπάσματα",
"new_proposal_snippet": "Νέο Απόσπασμα",
"edit_proposal_snippet": "Επεξεργασία Αποσπάσματος",
"archive_proposal_snippet": "Αρχειοθέτηση Αποσπάσματος",
"delete_proposal_snippet": "Διαγραφή Αποσπάσματος",
"created_proposal_snippet": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία αποσπάσματος",
"updated_proposal_snippet": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση αποσπάσματος",
"archived_proposal_snippet": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση αποσπάσματος",
"deleted_proposal_snippet": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση αποσπάσματος",
"archived_proposal_snippets": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} αποσπασμάτων",
"deleted_proposal_snippets": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} αποσπασμάτων",
"restored_proposal_snippet": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση αποσπάσματος",
"restore_proposal_snippet": "Ανάκτηση Αποσπάσματος",
"templates": "Πρότυπα",
"proposal_template": "Πρότυπο",
"proposal_templates": "Πρότυπα",
"new_proposal_template": "Νέο Πρότυπο",
"edit_proposal_template": "Επεξεργασία Προτύπου",
"archive_proposal_template": "Αρχειοθέτηση Προτύπου",
"delete_proposal_template": "Διαγραφή Προτύπου",
"created_proposal_template": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία προτύπου",
"updated_proposal_template": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση προτύπου",
"archived_proposal_template": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση προτύπου",
"deleted_proposal_template": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση προτύπου",
"archived_proposal_templates": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} προτύπων",
"deleted_proposal_templates": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} προτύπων",
"restored_proposal_template": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση προτύπου",
"restore_proposal_template": "Ανάκτηση Προτύπου",
"proposal_category": "Κατηγορία",
"proposal_categories": "Κατηγορίες",
"new_proposal_category": "Νέα Κατηγορία",
"edit_proposal_category": "Επεξεργασία Κατηγορίας",
"archive_proposal_category": "Αρχειοθέτηση Κατηγορίας",
"delete_proposal_category": "Διαγραφή Κατηγορίας",
"created_proposal_category": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία κατηγορίας",
"updated_proposal_category": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση κατηγορίας",
"archived_proposal_category": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση κατηγορίας",
"deleted_proposal_category": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση κατηγορίας",
"archived_proposal_categories": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} κατηγοριών",
"deleted_proposal_categories": "Επιτυχής αρχειοθέτηση {count} κατηγοριών",
"restored_proposal_category": "Επιτυχής ανάκτηση κατηγορίας",
"restore_proposal_category": "Ανάκτηση Κατηγορίας",
"delete_status": "Διαγραφή Κατάστασης",
"standard": "Στάνταρ",
"icon": "Εικονίδιο",
"proposal_not_found": "Η ζητούμενη πρόταση τιμολόγιο δεν είναι διαθέσιμη",
"create_proposal_category": "Δημιουργία κατηγορίας",
"clone_proposal_template": "Κλωνοποίηση Προτύπου",
"proposal_email": "Email πρότασης",
"proposal_subject": "Νέα πρόταση {number} από {account}",
"proposal_message": "Για να δείτε την πρόταση ποσού {amount}, πατήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο.",
"emailed_proposal": "Επιτυχής αποστολή πρότασης",
"load_template": "Φόρτωση Προτύπου",
"no_assets": "Δεν υπάρχουν εικόνες, σύρατε για μεταφόρτωση",
"add_image": "Προσθήκη εικόνας",
"select_image": "Επιλογή εικόνας",
"upgrade_to_upload_images": "Αναβαθμίστε στο Εταιρικό πλάνο για να μεταφορτώσετε εικόνες",
"delete_image": "Διαγραφή εικόνας",
"delete_image_help": "Ειδοποίηση: διαγράφοντας την εικόνα θα την αφαιρέσει από όλες τις προτάσεις.",
"amount_variable_help": "Σημείωση: το πεδίο $amount του τιμολογίου θα χρησιμοποιήσει το πεδίο μερική προκαταβολή εάν οριστεί διαφορετικά θα χρησιμοποιήσει το υπόλοιπο του τιμολογίου.",
"taxes_are_included_help": "Σημείωση: Οι περιλαμβανόμενοι φόροι έχουν ενεργοποιηθεί.",
"taxes_are_not_included_help": "Σημείωση: Οι περιλαμβανόμενοι φόροι δεν έχουν ενεργοποιηθεί.",
"change_requires_purge": "Η αλλαγή αυτών των ρυθμίσεων απαιτεί {link} τα δεδομένα του λογαριασμού.",
"purging": "καθαρισμός",
"warning_local_refund": "Η επιστροφή χρημάτων θα καταγραφεί στην εφαρμογή αλλά ΔΕΝ θα εκτελεστεί από την πύλη πληρωμών (gateway).",
"email_address_changed": "Η διεύθυνση email έχει αλλάξει.",
"email_address_changed_message": "Η διεύθυνση email του λογαριασμού σας άλλαξε από {old_email} σε {new_email}.",
"test": "Τεστ",
"beta": "Beta",
"gmp_required": "Η εξαγωγή σε ZIP απαιτεί την επέκταση GMP",
"email_history": "Ιστορικό Email",
"loading": "Φόρτωση",
"no_messages_found": "Δεν βρέθηκαν μηνύματα",
"processing": "Επεξεργασία",
"reactivate": "Επανενεργοποίηση",
"reactivated_email": "Η διεύθυνση email έχει επανενεργοποιηθεί.",
"emails": "Emails",
"opened": "Ανοίχθηκε",
"bounced": "Επεστράφη",
"total_sent": "Στάλθηκαν Συνολικά",
"total_opened": "Ανοίχθηκαν Συνολικά",
"total_bounced": "Επεστράφησαν Συνολικά",
"total_spam": "Χαρακτηρίστηκαν Spam Συνολικά",
"platforms": "Πλατφόρμες",
"email_clients": "Πρόγραμμα Email",
"mobile": "Κινητό",
"desktop": "Σταθερός υπολογιστής",
"webmail": "Webmail",
"group": "Ομάδα",
"subgroup": "Υποομάδα",
"unset": "Αναίρεση ορισμού",
"received_new_payment": "Δεχθήκατε μία καινούργια πληρωμή.",
"slack_webhook_help": "Δεχθείτε ενημερώσεις πληρωμών χρησιμοποιώντας το {link}.",
"slack_incoming_webhooks": "Εισερχόμενα webhooks από το Slack",
"accept": "Αποδοχή",
"accepted_terms": "Επιτυχής αποδοχή των τελευταίων όρων χρήσης",
"invalid_url": "Εσφαλμένο URL",
"workflow_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις Ροής Εργασιών",
"auto_email_invoice": "Αυτόματο Email",
"auto_email_invoice_help": "Αυτόματη αποστολή επαναλαμβανόμενων τιμολογίων με email όταν δημιουργηθούν.",
"auto_archive_invoice": "Αυτόματη Αρχειοθέτηση",
"auto_archive_invoice_help": "Αυτόματη αρχειοθέτηση τιμολογίων όταν εξοφληθούν.",
"auto_archive_quote": "Αυτόματη Αρχειοθέτηση",
"auto_archive_quote_help": "Αυτόματη αρχειοθέτηση προσφορών όταν μετατραπούν.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote": "Επιτρέψτε την αποδοχή προσφοράς που έχει λήξει.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote_help": "Επιτρέψτε στους πελάτες την αποδοχή προσφορών που έχουν λήξει.",
"invoice_workflow": "Τιμολόγηση Ροής Εργασιών",
"quote_workflow": "Προσφορά Ροής Εργασιών",
"client_must_be_active": "Σφάλμα: ο πελάτης πρέπει να είναι ενεργός",
"purge_client": "Εκκαθάριση Πελάτη",
"purged_client": "Επιτυχής εκκαθάριση πελάτη",
"purge_client_warning": "Όλες οι σχετικές εγγραφές (τιμολόγια, εργασίες, δαπάνες, αρχεία, κλπ) θα διαγραφούν επίσης.",
"clone_product": "Κλωνοποίηση Προϊόντος",
"item_details": "Στοιχεία Προϊόντος",
"send_item_details_help": "Αποστείλετε τα στοιχεία ανά γραμμή στην πύλη πληρωμών.",
"view_proposal": "Προβολή Πρότασης",
"view_in_portal": "Προβολή στο Portal",
"cookie_message": "Αυτός ο ιστότοπος χρησιμοποιεί cookies για να βεβαιωθεί ότι απολαμβάνετε τη βέλτιστη δυνατή εμπειρία πλοήγησης.",
"got_it": "Το κατάλαβα!",
"vendor_will_create": "προμηθευτής θα δημιουργηθεί",
"vendors_will_create": "προμηθευτές θα δημιουργηθούν",
"created_vendors": "Επιτυχής δημιουργία {count} προμηθευτών",
"import_vendors": "Εισαγωγή Προμηθευτών",
"company": "Εταιρεία",
"client_field": "Πεδίο Πελάτη",
"contact_field": "Πεδίο Επαφής",
"product_field": "Πεδίο Προϊόντος",
"task_field": "Πεδίο Εργασίας",
"project_field": "Πεδίο Project",
"expense_field": "Πεδίο Δαπάνης",
"vendor_field": "Πεδίο Προμηθευτή",
"company_field": "Πεδίο Εταιρείας",
"invoice_field": "Πεδίο Τιμολογίου",
"invoice_surcharge": "Επιβάρυνση Τιμολογίου",
"custom_task_fields_help": "Προσθήκη πεδίου όταν δημιουργείται μία εργασία.",
"custom_project_fields_help": "Προσθήκη πεδίου όταν δημιουργείται ένα project.",
"custom_expense_fields_help": "Προσθήκη πεδίου όταν δημιουργείται μία δαπάνη.",
"custom_vendor_fields_help": "Προσθήκη πεδίου όταν δημιουργείται ένας προμηθευτής.",
"messages": "Μηνύματα",
"unpaid_invoice": "Μη Εξοφλημένο Τιμολόγιο",
"paid_invoice": "Εξοφλημένο Τιμολόγιο",
"unapproved_quote": "Μη Εγκεκριμένη Προσφορά",
"unapproved_proposal": "Μη Εγκεκριμένη Πρόταση",
"autofills_city_state": "Αυτόματη συμπλήρωση πόλης\/περιφέρειας",
"no_match_found": "Δεν βρέθηκε αντιστοιχία",
"password_strength": "Πολυπλοκότητα Κωδικού Πρόσβασης",
"strength_weak": "Χαμηλή",
"strength_good": "Καλή",
"strength_strong": "Υψηλή",
"mark": "Σήμανση",
"updated_task_status": "Επιτυχής ενημέρωση κατάστασης εργασίας",
"background_image": "Εικόνα φόντου",
"background_image_help": "Χρησιμοποιήστε το {link} για να διαχειριστείτε τις εικόνες σας, προτείνουμε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα μικρότερο αρχείο.",
"proposal_editor": "επεξεργαστής πρότασης",
"background": "Φόντο",
"guide": "Οδηγός",
"gateway_fee_item": "Προμήθεια Πύλης Πληρωμής για το προϊόν",
"gateway_fee_description": "Επιβάρυνση Προμήθειας Πύλης Πληρωμής",
"show_payments": "Εμφάνιση Πληρωμών",
"show_aging": "Εμφάνιση Γήρανσης",
"reference": "Αναφορά",
"amount_paid": "Εξοφλημένο Ποσό",
"send_notifications_for": "Αποστολή Ειδοποιήσεων Για",
"all_invoices": "Όλα τα Τιμολόγια",
"my_invoices": "Τα δικά μου Τιμολόγια",
"mobile_refresh_warning": "Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε την εφαρμογή κινητού ίσως χρειαστεί να κάνετε μία πλήρη ανανέωση.",
"enable_proposals_for_background": "Για να ανεβάσετε μια εικόνα φόντου {link} για να ενεργοποιήσετε τη λειτουργική μονάδα προτάσεων."
"en": {
"passwords": {
"password": "Passwords must be at least six characters and match the confirmation.",
"reset": "Your password has been reset!",
"sent": "We have e-mailed your password reset link!",
"token": "This password reset token is invalid.",
"user": "We can't find a user with that e-mail address."
"auth": {
"failed": "These credentials do not match our records.",
"throttle": "Too many login attempts. Please try again in {seconds} seconds."
"pagination": {
"previous": "« Previous",
"next": "Next »"
"validation": {
"accepted": "The {attribute} must be accepted.",
"active_url": "The {attribute} is not a valid URL.",
"after": "The {attribute} must be a date after {date}.",
"after_or_equal": "The {attribute} must be a date after or equal to {date}.",
"alpha": "The {attribute} may only contain letters.",
"alpha_dash": "The {attribute} may only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.",
"alpha_num": "The {attribute} may only contain letters and numbers.",
"array": "The {attribute} must be an array.",
"before": "The {attribute} must be a date before {date}.",
"before_or_equal": "The {attribute} must be a date before or equal to {date}.",
"between": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be between {min} and {max}.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be between {min} and {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} must be between {min} and {max} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} must have between {min} and {max} items."
"boolean": "The {attribute} field must be true or false.",
"confirmed": "The {attribute} confirmation does not match.",
"date": "The {attribute} is not a valid date.",
"date_format": "The {attribute} does not match the format {format}.",
"different": "The {attribute} and {other} must be different.",
"digits": "The {attribute} must be {digits} digits.",
"digits_between": "The {attribute} must be between {min} and {max} digits.",
"dimensions": "The {attribute} has invalid image dimensions.",
"distinct": "The {attribute} field has a duplicate value.",
"email": "The {attribute} must be a valid email address.",
"exists": "The selected {attribute} is invalid.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be a file.",
"filled": "The {attribute} field must have a value.",
"gt": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be greater than {value}.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be greater than {value} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} must be greater than {value} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} must have more than {value} items."
"gte": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be greater than or equal {value}.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be greater than or equal {value} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} must be greater than or equal {value} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} must have {value} items or more."
"image": "The {attribute} must be an image.",
"in": "The selected {attribute} is invalid.",
"in_array": "The {attribute} field does not exist in {other}.",
"integer": "The {attribute} must be an integer.",
"ip": "The {attribute} must be a valid IP address.",
"ipv4": "The {attribute} must be a valid IPv4 address.",
"ipv6": "The {attribute} must be a valid IPv6 address.",
"json": "The {attribute} must be a valid JSON string.",
"lt": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be less than {value}.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be less than {value} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} must be less than {value} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} must have less than {value} items."
"lte": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be less than or equal {value}.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be less than or equal {value} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} must be less than or equal {value} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} must not have more than {value} items."
"max": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} may not be greater than {max}.",
"file": "The {attribute} may not be greater than {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} may not be greater than {max} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} may not have more than {max} items."
"mimes": "The {attribute} must be a file of type: {values}.",
"mimetypes": "The {attribute} must be a file of type: {values}.",
"min": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be at least {min}.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be at least {min} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} must be at least {min} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} must have at least {min} items."
"not_in": "The selected {attribute} is invalid.",
"not_regex": "The {attribute} format is invalid.",
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be a number.",
"present": "The {attribute} field must be present.",
"regex": "The {attribute} format is invalid.",
"required": "The {attribute} field is required.",
"required_if": "The {attribute} field is required when {other} is {value}.",
"required_unless": "The {attribute} field is required unless {other} is in {values}.",
"required_with": "The {attribute} field is required when {values} is present.",
"required_with_all": "The {attribute} field is required when {values} is present.",
"required_without": "The {attribute} field is required when {values} is not present.",
"required_without_all": "The {attribute} field is required when none of {values} are present.",
"same": "The {attribute} and {other} must match.",
"size": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be {size}.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be {size} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} must be {size} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} must contain {size} items."
"string": "The {attribute} must be a string.",
"timezone": "The {attribute} must be a valid zone.",
"unique": "The {attribute} has already been taken.",
"uploaded": "The {attribute} failed to upload.",
"url": "The {attribute} format is invalid.",
"custom": {
"attribute-name": {
"rule-name": "custom-message"
"attributes": []
"texts": {
"organization": "Organization",
"name": "Name",
"website": "Website",
"work_phone": "Phone",
"address": "Address",
"address1": "Street",
"address2": "Apt\/Suite",
"city": "City",
"state": "State\/Province",
"postal_code": "Postal Code",
"country_id": "Country",
"contacts": "Contacts",
"first_name": "First Name",
"last_name": "Last Name",
"phone": "Phone",
"email": "Email",
"additional_info": "Additional Info",
"payment_terms": "Payment Terms",
"currency_id": "Currency",
"size_id": "Company Size",
"industry_id": "Industry",
"private_notes": "Private Notes",
"invoice": "Invoice",
"client": "Client",
"invoice_date": "Invoice Date",
"due_date": "Due Date",
"invoice_number": "Invoice Number",
"invoice_number_short": "Invoice #",
"po_number": "PO Number",
"po_number_short": "PO #",
"frequency_id": "How Often",
"discount": "Discount",
"taxes": "Taxes",
"tax": "Tax",
"item": "Item",
"description": "Description",
"unit_cost": "Unit Cost",
"quantity": "Quantity",
"line_total": "Line Total",
"subtotal": "Subtotal",
"paid_to_date": "Paid to Date",
"balance_due": "Balance Due",
"invoice_design_id": "Design",
"terms": "Terms",
"your_invoice": "Your Invoice",
"remove_contact": "Remove contact",
"add_contact": "Add contact",
"create_new_client": "Create new client",
"edit_client_details": "Edit client details",
"enable": "Enable",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"manage_rates": "Manage rates",
"note_to_client": "Note to Client",
"invoice_terms": "Invoice Terms",
"save_as_default_terms": "Save as default terms",
"download_pdf": "Download PDF",
"pay_now": "Pay Now",
"save_invoice": "Save Invoice",
"clone_invoice": "Clone To Invoice",
"archive_invoice": "Archive Invoice",
"delete_invoice": "Delete Invoice",
"email_invoice": "Email Invoice",
"enter_payment": "Enter Payment",
"tax_rates": "Tax Rates",
"rate": "Rate",
"settings": "Settings",
"enable_invoice_tax": "Enable specifying an invoice tax<\/b>",
"enable_line_item_tax": "Enable specifying line item taxes<\/b>",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"dashboard_totals_in_all_currencies_help": "Note: add a {link} named \"{name}\" to show the totals using a single base currency.",
"clients": "Clients",
"invoices": "Invoices",
"payments": "Payments",
"credits": "Credits",
"history": "History",
"search": "Search",
"sign_up": "Sign Up",
"guest": "Guest",
"company_details": "Company Details",
"online_payments": "Online Payments",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"import_export": "Import | Export",
"done": "Done",
"save": "Save",
"create": "Create",
"upload": "Upload",
"import": "Import",
"download": "Download",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"provide_email": "Please provide a valid email address",
"powered_by": "Powered by",
"no_items": "No items",
"recurring_invoices": "Recurring Invoices",
"recurring_help": "Automatically send clients the same invoices weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly or annually. <\/p>\n
Use {MONTH}, {QUARTER} or {YEAR} for dynamic dates. Basic math works as well, for example {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n
Examples of dynamic invoice variables:<\/p>\n
\n - \"Gym membership for the month of {MONTH}\" >> \"Gym membership for the month of July\"<\/li>\n
- \"{YEAR}+1 yearly subscription\" >> \"2015 Yearly Subscription\"<\/li>\n
- \"Retainer payment for {QUARTER}+1\" >> \"Retainer payment for Q2\"<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"recurring_quotes": "Recurring Quotes",
"in_total_revenue": "in total revenue",
"billed_client": "billed client",
"billed_clients": "billed clients",
"active_client": "active client",
"active_clients": "active clients",
"invoices_past_due": "Invoices Past Due",
"upcoming_invoices": "Upcoming Invoices",
"average_invoice": "Average Invoice",
"archive": "Archive",
"delete": "Delete",
"archive_client": "Archive Client",
"delete_client": "Delete Client",
"archive_payment": "Archive Payment",
"delete_payment": "Delete Payment",
"archive_credit": "Archive Credit",
"delete_credit": "Delete Credit",
"show_archived_deleted": "Show archived\/deleted",
"filter": "Filter",
"new_client": "New Client",
"new_invoice": "New Invoice",
"new_payment": "Enter Payment",
"new_credit": "Enter Credit",
"contact": "Contact",
"date_created": "Date Created",
"last_login": "Last Login",
"balance": "Balance",
"action": "Action",
"status": "Status",
"invoice_total": "Invoice Total",
"frequency": "Frequency",
"start_date": "Start Date",
"end_date": "End Date",
"transaction_reference": "Transaction Reference",
"method": "Method",
"payment_amount": "Payment Amount",
"payment_date": "Payment Date",
"credit_amount": "Credit Amount",
"credit_balance": "Credit Balance",
"credit_date": "Credit Date",
"empty_table": "No data available in table",
"select": "Select",
"edit_client": "Edit Client",
"edit_invoice": "Edit Invoice",
"create_invoice": "Create Invoice",
"enter_credit": "Enter Credit",
"last_logged_in": "Last logged in",
"details": "Details",
"standing": "Standing",
"credit": "Credit",
"activity": "Activity",
"date": "Date",
"message": "Message",
"adjustment": "Adjustment",
"are_you_sure": "Are you sure?",
"payment_type_id": "Payment Type",
"amount": "Amount",
"work_email": "Email",
"language_id": "Language",
"timezone_id": "Timezone",
"date_format_id": "Date Format",
"datetime_format_id": "Date\/Time Format",
"users": "Users",
"localization": "Localization",
"remove_logo": "Remove logo",
"logo_help": "Supported: JPEG, GIF and PNG",
"payment_gateway": "Payment Gateway",
"gateway_id": "Gateway",
"email_notifications": "Email Notifications",
"email_sent": "Email me when an invoice is sent<\/b>",
"email_viewed": "Email me when an invoice is viewed<\/b>",
"email_paid": "Email me when an invoice is paid<\/b>",
"site_updates": "Site Updates",
"custom_messages": "Custom Messages",
"default_email_footer": "Set default email signature<\/b>",
"select_file": "Please select a file",
"first_row_headers": "Use first row as headers",
"column": "Column",
"sample": "Sample",
"import_to": "Import to",
"client_will_create": "client will be created",
"clients_will_create": "clients will be created",
"email_settings": "Email Settings",
"client_view_styling": "Client View Styling",
"pdf_email_attachment": "Attach PDF",
"custom_css": "Custom CSS",
"import_clients": "Import Client Data",
"csv_file": "CSV file",
"export_clients": "Export Client Data",
"created_client": "Successfully created client",
"created_clients": "Successfully created {count} client(s)",
"updated_settings": "Successfully updated settings",
"removed_logo": "Successfully removed logo",
"sent_message": "Successfully sent message",
"invoice_error": "Please make sure to select a client and correct any errors",
"limit_clients": "Sorry, this will exceed the limit of {count} clients",
"payment_error": "There was an error processing your payment. Please try again later.",
"registration_required": "Please sign up to email an invoice",
"confirmation_required": "Please confirm your email address, {link} to resend the confirmation email.",
"updated_client": "Successfully updated client",
"archived_client": "Successfully archived client",
"archived_clients": "Successfully archived {count} clients",
"deleted_client": "Successfully deleted client",
"deleted_clients": "Successfully deleted {count} clients",
"updated_invoice": "Successfully updated invoice",
"created_invoice": "Successfully created invoice",
"cloned_invoice": "Successfully cloned invoice",
"emailed_invoice": "Successfully emailed invoice",
"and_created_client": "and created client",
"archived_invoice": "Successfully archived invoice",
"archived_invoices": "Successfully archived {count} invoices",
"deleted_invoice": "Successfully deleted invoice",
"deleted_invoices": "Successfully deleted {count} invoices",
"created_payment": "Successfully created payment",
"created_payments": "Successfully created {count} payment(s)",
"archived_payment": "Successfully archived payment",
"archived_payments": "Successfully archived {count} payments",
"deleted_payment": "Successfully deleted payment",
"deleted_payments": "Successfully deleted {count} payments",
"applied_payment": "Successfully applied payment",
"created_credit": "Successfully created credit",
"archived_credit": "Successfully archived credit",
"archived_credits": "Successfully archived {count} credits",
"deleted_credit": "Successfully deleted credit",
"deleted_credits": "Successfully deleted {count} credits",
"imported_file": "Successfully imported file",
"updated_vendor": "Successfully updated vendor",
"created_vendor": "Successfully created vendor",
"archived_vendor": "Successfully archived vendor",
"archived_vendors": "Successfully archived {count} vendors",
"deleted_vendor": "Successfully deleted vendor",
"deleted_vendors": "Successfully deleted {count} vendors",
"confirmation_subject": "Invoice Ninja Account Confirmation",
"confirmation_header": "Account Confirmation",
"confirmation_message": "Please access the link below to confirm your account.",
"invoice_subject": "New invoice {number} from {account}",
"invoice_message": "To view your invoice for {amount}, click the link below.",
"payment_subject": "Payment Received",
"payment_message": "Thank you for your payment of {amount}.",
"email_salutation": "Dear {name},",
"email_signature": "Regards,",
"email_from": "The Invoice Ninja Team",
"invoice_link_message": "To view the invoice click the link below:",
"notification_invoice_paid_subject": "Invoice {invoice} was paid by {client}",
"notification_invoice_sent_subject": "Invoice {invoice} was sent to {client}",
"notification_invoice_viewed_subject": "Invoice {invoice} was viewed by {client}",
"notification_invoice_paid": "A payment of {amount} was made by client {client} towards Invoice {invoice}.",
"notification_invoice_sent": "The following client {client} was emailed Invoice {invoice} for {amount}.",
"notification_invoice_viewed": "The following client {client} viewed Invoice {invoice} for {amount}.",
"reset_password": "You can reset your account password by clicking the following button:",
"secure_payment": "Secure Payment",
"card_number": "Card Number",
"expiration_month": "Expiration Month",
"expiration_year": "Expiration Year",
"cvv": "CVV",
"logout": "Log Out",
"sign_up_to_save": "Sign up to save your work",
"agree_to_terms": "I agree to the {terms}",
"terms_of_service": "Terms of Service",
"email_taken": "The email address is already registered",
"working": "Working",
"success": "Success",
"success_message": "You have successfully registered! Please visit the link in the account confirmation email to verify your email address.",
"erase_data": "Your account is not registered, this will permanently erase your data.",
"password": "Password",
"pro_plan_product": "Pro Plan",
"pro_plan_success": "Thanks for choosing Invoice Ninja's Pro plan!
\n Next Steps<\/b>A payable invoice has been sent to the email\n address associated with your account. To unlock all of the awesome\n Pro features, please follow the instructions on the invoice to pay\n for a year of Pro-level invoicing.\n Can't find the invoice? Need further assistance? We're happy to help\n -- email us at contact@invoiceninja.com",
"unsaved_changes": "You have unsaved changes",
"custom_fields": "Custom Fields",
"company_fields": "Company Fields",
"client_fields": "Client Fields",
"field_label": "Field Label",
"field_value": "Field Value",
"edit": "Edit",
"set_name": "Set your company name",
"view_as_recipient": "View as recipient",
"product_library": "Product Library",
"product": "Product",
"products": "Products",
"fill_products": "Auto-fill products",
"fill_products_help": "Selecting a product will automatically fill in the description and cost<\/b>",
"update_products": "Auto-update products",
"update_products_help": "Updating an invoice will automatically update the product library<\/b>",
"create_product": "Add Product",
"edit_product": "Edit Product",
"archive_product": "Archive Product",
"updated_product": "Successfully updated product",
"created_product": "Successfully created product",
"archived_product": "Successfully archived product",
"pro_plan_custom_fields": "{link} to enable custom fields by joining the Pro Plan",
"advanced_settings": "Advanced Settings",
"pro_plan_advanced_settings": "{link} to enable the advanced settings by joining the Pro Plan",
"invoice_design": "Invoice Design",
"specify_colors": "Specify colors",
"specify_colors_label": "Select the colors used in the invoice",
"chart_builder": "Chart Builder",
"ninja_email_footer": "Created by {site} | Create. Send. Get Paid.",
"go_pro": "Go Pro",
"quote": "Quote",
"quotes": "Quotes",
"quote_number": "Quote Number",
"quote_number_short": "Quote #",
"quote_date": "Quote Date",
"quote_total": "Quote Total",
"your_quote": "Your Quote",
"total": "Total",
"clone": "Clone",
"new_quote": "New Quote",
"create_quote": "Create Quote",
"edit_quote": "Edit Quote",
"archive_quote": "Archive Quote",
"delete_quote": "Delete Quote",
"save_quote": "Save Quote",
"email_quote": "Email Quote",
"clone_quote": "Clone To Quote",
"convert_to_invoice": "Convert to Invoice",
"view_invoice": "View Invoice",
"view_client": "View Client",
"view_quote": "View Quote",
"updated_quote": "Successfully updated quote",
"created_quote": "Successfully created quote",
"cloned_quote": "Successfully cloned quote",
"emailed_quote": "Successfully emailed quote",
"archived_quote": "Successfully archived quote",
"archived_quotes": "Successfully archived {count} quotes",
"deleted_quote": "Successfully deleted quote",
"deleted_quotes": "Successfully deleted {count} quotes",
"converted_to_invoice": "Successfully converted quote to invoice",
"quote_subject": "New quote {number} from {account}",
"quote_message": "To view your quote for {amount}, click the link below.",
"quote_link_message": "To view your client quote click the link below:",
"notification_quote_sent_subject": "Quote {invoice} was sent to {client}",
"notification_quote_viewed_subject": "Quote {invoice} was viewed by {client}",
"notification_quote_sent": "The following client {client} was emailed Quote {invoice} for {amount}.",
"notification_quote_viewed": "The following client {client} viewed Quote {invoice} for {amount}.",
"session_expired": "Your session has expired.",
"invoice_fields": "Invoice Fields",
"invoice_options": "Invoice Options",
"hide_paid_to_date": "Hide Paid to Date",
"hide_paid_to_date_help": "Only display the \"Paid to Date\" area on your invoices once a payment has been received.",
"charge_taxes": "Charge taxes",
"user_management": "User Management",
"add_user": "Add User",
"send_invite": "Send Invitation",
"sent_invite": "Successfully sent invitation",
"updated_user": "Successfully updated user",
"invitation_message": "You've been invited by {invitor}. ",
"register_to_add_user": "Please sign up to add a user",
"user_state": "State",
"edit_user": "Edit User",
"delete_user": "Delete User",
"active": "Active",
"pending": "Pending",
"deleted_user": "Successfully deleted user",
"confirm_email_invoice": "Are you sure you want to email this invoice?",
"confirm_email_quote": "Are you sure you want to email this quote?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice": "Are you sure you want this invoice emailed?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent": "Are you sure you want to start the recurrence?",
"cancel_account": "Delete Account",
"cancel_account_message": "Warning: This will permanently delete your account, there is no undo.",
"go_back": "Go Back",
"data_visualizations": "Data Visualizations",
"sample_data": "Sample data shown",
"hide": "Hide",
"new_version_available": "A new version of {releases_link} is available. You're running v{user_version}, the latest is v{latest_version}",
"invoice_settings": "Invoice Settings",
"invoice_number_prefix": "Invoice Number Prefix",
"invoice_number_counter": "Invoice Number Counter",
"quote_number_prefix": "Quote Number Prefix",
"quote_number_counter": "Quote Number Counter",
"share_invoice_counter": "Share invoice counter",
"invoice_issued_to": "Invoice issued to",
"invalid_counter": "To prevent a possible conflict please set either an invoice or quote number prefix",
"mark_sent": "Mark Sent",
"gateway_help_1": "{link} to sign up for Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_2": "{link} to sign up for Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_17": "{link} to get your PayPal API signature.",
"gateway_help_27": "{link} to sign up for 2Checkout.com. To ensure payments are tracked set {complete_link} as the redirect URL under Account > Site Management in the 2Checkout portal.",
"gateway_help_60": "{link} to create a WePay account.",
"more_designs": "More designs",
"more_designs_title": "Additional Invoice Designs",
"more_designs_cloud_header": "Go Pro for more invoice designs",
"more_designs_cloud_text": "",
"more_designs_self_host_text": "",
"buy": "Buy",
"bought_designs": "Successfully added additional invoice designs",
"sent": "Sent",
"vat_number": "VAT Number",
"timesheets": "Timesheets",
"payment_title": "Enter Your Billing Address and Credit Card information",
"payment_cvv": "*This is the 3-4 digit number on the back of your card",
"payment_footer1": "*Billing address must match address associated with credit card.",
"payment_footer2": "*Please click \"PAY NOW\" only once - transaction may take up to 1 minute to process.",
"id_number": "ID Number",
"white_label_link": "White label",
"white_label_header": "White Label",
"bought_white_label": "Successfully enabled white label license",
"white_labeled": "White labeled",
"restore": "Restore",
"restore_invoice": "Restore Invoice",
"restore_quote": "Restore Quote",
"restore_client": "Restore Client",
"restore_credit": "Restore Credit",
"restore_payment": "Restore Payment",
"restored_invoice": "Successfully restored invoice",
"restored_quote": "Successfully restored quote",
"restored_client": "Successfully restored client",
"restored_payment": "Successfully restored payment",
"restored_credit": "Successfully restored credit",
"reason_for_canceling": "Help us improve our site by telling us why you're leaving.",
"discount_percent": "Percent",
"discount_amount": "Amount",
"invoice_history": "Invoice History",
"quote_history": "Quote History",
"current_version": "Current version",
"select_version": "Select version",
"view_history": "View History",
"edit_payment": "Edit Payment",
"updated_payment": "Successfully updated payment",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"restore_user": "Restore User",
"restored_user": "Successfully restored user",
"show_deleted_users": "Show deleted users",
"email_templates": "Email Templates",
"invoice_email": "Invoice Email",
"payment_email": "Payment Email",
"quote_email": "Quote Email",
"reset_all": "Reset All",
"approve": "Approve",
"token_billing_type_id": "Token Billing",
"token_billing_help": "Store payment details with WePay, Stripe, Braintree or GoCardless.",
"token_billing_1": "Disabled",
"token_billing_2": "Opt-in - checkbox is shown but not selected",
"token_billing_3": "Opt-out - checkbox is shown and selected",
"token_billing_4": "Always",
"token_billing_checkbox": "Store credit card details",
"view_in_gateway": "View in {gateway}",
"use_card_on_file": "Use Card on File",
"edit_payment_details": "Edit payment details",
"token_billing": "Save card details",
"token_billing_secure": "The data is stored securely by {link}",
"support": "Support",
"contact_information": "Contact Information",
"256_encryption": "256-Bit Encryption",
"amount_due": "Amount due",
"billing_address": "Billing Address",
"billing_method": "Billing Method",
"order_overview": "Order overview",
"match_address": "*Address must match address associated with credit card.",
"click_once": "*Please click \"PAY NOW\" only once - transaction may take up to 1 minute to process.",
"invoice_footer": "Invoice Footer",
"save_as_default_footer": "Save as default footer",
"token_management": "Token Management",
"tokens": "Tokens",
"add_token": "Add Token",
"show_deleted_tokens": "Show deleted tokens",
"deleted_token": "Successfully deleted token",
"created_token": "Successfully created token",
"updated_token": "Successfully updated token",
"edit_token": "Edit Token",
"delete_token": "Delete Token",
"token": "Token",
"add_gateway": "Add Gateway",
"delete_gateway": "Delete Gateway",
"edit_gateway": "Edit Gateway",
"updated_gateway": "Successfully updated gateway",
"created_gateway": "Successfully created gateway",
"deleted_gateway": "Successfully deleted gateway",
"pay_with_paypal": "PayPal",
"pay_with_card": "Credit Card",
"change_password": "Change password",
"current_password": "Current password",
"new_password": "New password",
"confirm_password": "Confirm password",
"password_error_incorrect": "The current password is incorrect.",
"password_error_invalid": "The new password is invalid.",
"updated_password": "Successfully updated password",
"api_tokens": "API Tokens",
"users_and_tokens": "Users & Tokens",
"account_login": "Account Login",
"recover_password": "Recover your password",
"forgot_password": "Forgot your password?",
"email_address": "Email address",
"lets_go": "Let's go",
"password_recovery": "Password Recovery",
"send_email": "Send Email",
"set_password": "Set Password",
"converted": "Converted",
"email_approved": "Email me when a quote is approved<\/b>",
"notification_quote_approved_subject": "Quote {invoice} was approved by {client}",
"notification_quote_approved": "The following client {client} approved Quote {invoice} for {amount}.",
"resend_confirmation": "Resend confirmation email",
"confirmation_resent": "The confirmation email was resent",
"gateway_help_42": "{link} to sign up for BitPay.
Note: use a Legacy API Key, not an API token.",
"payment_type_credit_card": "Credit Card",
"payment_type_paypal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_gocardless": "GoCardless",
"knowledge_base": "Knowledge Base",
"partial": "Partial\/Deposit",
"partial_remaining": "{partial} of {balance}",
"more_fields": "More Fields",
"less_fields": "Less Fields",
"client_name": "Client Name",
"pdf_settings": "PDF Settings",
"product_settings": "Product Settings",
"auto_wrap": "Auto Line Wrap",
"duplicate_post": "Warning: the previous page was submitted twice. The second submission had been ignored.",
"view_documentation": "View Documentation",
"app_title": "Free Open-Source Online Invoicing",
"app_description": "Invoice Ninja is a free, open-source solution for invoicing and billing customers. With Invoice Ninja, you can easily build and send beautiful invoices from any device that has access to the web. Your clients can print your invoices, download them as pdf files, and even pay you online from within the system.",
"rows": "rows",
"www": "www",
"logo": "Logo",
"subdomain": "Subdomain",
"provide_name_or_email": "Please provide a name or email",
"charts_and_reports": "Charts & Reports",
"chart": "Chart",
"report": "Report",
"group_by": "Group by",
"paid": "Paid",
"enable_report": "Report",
"enable_chart": "Chart",
"totals": "Totals",
"run": "Run",
"export": "Export",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"zapier": "Zapier",
"recurring": "Recurring",
"last_invoice_sent": "Last invoice sent {date}",
"processed_updates": "Successfully completed update",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"new_task": "New Task",
"start_time": "Start Time",
"created_task": "Successfully created task",
"updated_task": "Successfully updated task",
"edit_task": "Edit Task",
"archive_task": "Archive Task",
"restore_task": "Restore Task",
"delete_task": "Delete Task",
"stop_task": "Stop Task",
"time": "Time",
"start": "Start",
"stop": "Stop",
"now": "Now",
"timer": "Timer",
"manual": "Manual",
"date_and_time": "Date & Time",
"second": "Second",
"seconds": "Seconds",
"minute": "Minute",
"minutes": "Minutes",
"hour": "Hour",
"hours": "Hours",
"task_details": "Task Details",
"duration": "Duration",
"time_log": "Time Log",
"end_time": "End Time",
"end": "End",
"invoiced": "Invoiced",
"logged": "Logged",
"running": "Running",
"task_error_multiple_clients": "The tasks can't belong to different clients",
"task_error_running": "Please stop running tasks first",
"task_error_invoiced": "Tasks have already been invoiced",
"restored_task": "Successfully restored task",
"archived_task": "Successfully archived task",
"archived_tasks": "Successfully archived {count} tasks",
"deleted_task": "Successfully deleted task",
"deleted_tasks": "Successfully deleted {count} tasks",
"create_task": "Create Task",
"stopped_task": "Successfully stopped task",
"invoice_task": "Invoice Task",
"invoice_labels": "Invoice Labels",
"prefix": "Prefix",
"counter": "Counter",
"payment_type_dwolla": "Dwolla",
"gateway_help_43": "{link} to sign up for Dwolla",
"partial_value": "Must be greater than zero and less than the total",
"more_actions": "More Actions",
"pro_plan_title": "NINJA PRO",
"pro_plan_call_to_action": "Upgrade Now!",
"pro_plan_feature1": "Create Unlimited Clients",
"pro_plan_feature2": "Access to 10 Beautiful Invoice Designs",
"pro_plan_feature3": "Custom URLs - \"YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com\"",
"pro_plan_feature4": "Remove \"Created by Invoice Ninja\"",
"pro_plan_feature5": "Multi-user Access & Activity Tracking",
"pro_plan_feature6": "Create Quotes & Pro-forma Invoices",
"pro_plan_feature7": "Customize Invoice Field Titles & Numbering",
"pro_plan_feature8": "Option to Attach PDFs to Client Emails",
"resume": "Resume",
"break_duration": "Break",
"edit_details": "Edit Details",
"work": "Work",
"timezone_unset": "Please {link} to set your timezone",
"click_here": "click here",
"email_receipt": "Email payment receipt to the client",
"created_payment_emailed_client": "Successfully created payment and emailed client",
"add_company": "Add Company",
"untitled": "Untitled",
"new_company": "New Company",
"associated_accounts": "Successfully linked accounts",
"unlinked_account": "Successfully unlinked accounts",
"login": "Login",
"or": "or",
"email_error": "There was a problem sending the email",
"confirm_recurring_timing": "Note: emails are sent at the start of the hour.",
"confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent": "Note: invoices are created at the start of the hour.",
"payment_terms_help": "Sets the default invoice due date<\/b>",
"unlink_account": "Unlink Account",
"unlink": "Unlink",
"show_address": "Show Address",
"show_address_help": "Require client to provide their billing address",
"update_address": "Update Address",
"update_address_help": "Update client's address with provided details",
"times": "Times",
"set_now": "Set to now",
"dark_mode": "Dark Mode",
"dark_mode_help": "Use a dark background for the sidebars",
"add_to_invoice": "Add to invoice {invoice}",
"create_new_invoice": "Create new invoice",
"task_errors": "Please correct any overlapping times",
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"font_size": "Font Size",
"primary_color": "Primary Color",
"secondary_color": "Secondary Color",
"customize_design": "Customize Design",
"content": "Content",
"styles": "Styles",
"defaults": "Defaults",
"margins": "Margins",
"header": "Header",
"footer": "Footer",
"custom": "Custom",
"invoice_to": "Invoice to",
"invoice_no": "Invoice No.",
"quote_no": "Quote No.",
"recent_payments": "Recent Payments",
"outstanding": "Outstanding",
"manage_companies": "Manage Companies",
"total_revenue": "Total Revenue",
"current_user": "Current User",
"new_recurring_invoice": "New Recurring Invoice",
"recurring_invoice": "Recurring Invoice",
"new_recurring_quote": "New Recurring Quote",
"recurring_quote": "Recurring Quote",
"recurring_too_soon": "It's too soon to create the next recurring invoice, it's scheduled for {date}",
"created_by_invoice": "Created by {invoice}",
"primary_user": "Primary User",
"help": "Help",
"customize_help": "We use {pdfmake_link} to define the invoice designs declaratively. The pdfmake {playground_link} provides a great way to see the library in action.<\/p>\n
If you need help figuring something out post a question to our {forum_link} with the design you're using.<\/p>",
"playground": "playground",
"support_forum": "support forum",
"invoice_due_date": "Due Date",
"quote_due_date": "Valid Until",
"valid_until": "Valid Until",
"reset_terms": "Reset terms",
"reset_footer": "Reset footer",
"invoice_sent": "{count} invoice sent",
"invoices_sent": "{count} invoices sent",
"status_draft": "Draft",
"status_sent": "Sent",
"status_viewed": "Viewed",
"status_partial": "Partial",
"status_paid": "Paid",
"status_unpaid": "Unpaid",
"status_all": "All",
"show_line_item_tax": "Display line item taxes inline<\/b>",
"iframe_url": "Website",
"iframe_url_help1": "Copy the following code to a page on your site.",
"iframe_url_help2": "You can test the feature by clicking 'View as recipient' for an invoice.",
"auto_bill": "Auto Bill",
"military_time": "24 Hour Time",
"last_sent": "Last Sent",
"reminder_emails": "Reminder Emails",
"templates_and_reminders": "Templates & Reminders",
"subject": "Subject",
"body": "Body",
"first_reminder": "First Reminder",
"second_reminder": "Second Reminder",
"third_reminder": "Third Reminder",
"num_days_reminder": "Days after due date",
"reminder_subject": "Reminder: Invoice {invoice} from {account}",
"reset": "Reset",
"invoice_not_found": "The requested invoice is not available",
"referral_program": "Referral Program",
"referral_code": "Referral URL",
"last_sent_on": "Sent Last: {date}",
"page_expire": "This page will expire soon, {click_here} to keep working",
"upcoming_quotes": "Upcoming Quotes",
"expired_quotes": "Expired Quotes",
"sign_up_using": "Sign up using",
"invalid_credentials": "These credentials do not match our records",
"show_all_options": "Show all options",
"user_details": "User Details",
"oneclick_login": "Connected Account",
"disable": "Disable",
"invoice_quote_number": "Invoice and Quote Numbers",
"invoice_charges": "Invoice Surcharges",
"notification_invoice_bounced": "We were unable to deliver Invoice {invoice} to {contact}.",
"notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "Unable to deliver Invoice {invoice}",
"notification_quote_bounced": "We were unable to deliver Quote {invoice} to {contact}.",
"notification_quote_bounced_subject": "Unable to deliver Quote {invoice}",
"custom_invoice_link": "Custom Invoice Link",
"total_invoiced": "Total Invoiced",
"open_balance": "Open Balance",
"verify_email": "Please visit the link in the account confirmation email to verify your email address.",
"basic_settings": "Basic Settings",
"pro": "Pro",
"gateways": "Payment Gateways",
"next_send_on": "Send Next: {date}",
"no_longer_running": "This invoice is not scheduled to run",
"general_settings": "General Settings",
"customize": "Customize",
"oneclick_login_help": "Connect an account to login without a password",
"referral_code_help": "Earn money by sharing our app online",
"enable_with_stripe": "Enable | Requires Stripe",
"tax_settings": "Tax Settings",
"create_tax_rate": "Add Tax Rate",
"updated_tax_rate": "Successfully updated tax rate",
"created_tax_rate": "Successfully created tax rate",
"edit_tax_rate": "Edit tax rate",
"archive_tax_rate": "Archive Tax Rate",
"archived_tax_rate": "Successfully archived the tax rate",
"default_tax_rate_id": "Default Tax Rate",
"tax_rate": "Tax Rate",
"recurring_hour": "Recurring Hour",
"pattern": "Pattern",
"pattern_help_title": "Pattern Help",
"pattern_help_1": "Create custom numbers by specifying a pattern",
"pattern_help_2": "Available variables:",
"pattern_help_3": "For example, {example} would be converted to {value}",
"see_options": "See options",
"invoice_counter": "Invoice Counter",
"quote_counter": "Quote Counter",
"type": "Type",
"activity_1": "{user} created client {client}",
"activity_2": "{user} archived client {client}",
"activity_3": "{user} deleted client {client}",
"activity_4": "{user} created invoice {invoice}",
"activity_5": "{user} updated invoice {invoice}",
"activity_6": "{user} emailed invoice {invoice} to {contact}",
"activity_7": "{contact} viewed invoice {invoice}",
"activity_8": "{user} archived invoice {invoice}",
"activity_9": "{user} deleted invoice {invoice}",
"activity_10": "{contact} entered payment {payment} for {invoice}",
"activity_11": "{user} updated payment {payment}",
"activity_12": "{user} archived payment {payment}",
"activity_13": "{user} deleted payment {payment}",
"activity_14": "{user} entered {credit} credit",
"activity_15": "{user} updated {credit} credit",
"activity_16": "{user} archived {credit} credit",
"activity_17": "{user} deleted {credit} credit",
"activity_18": "{user} created quote {quote}",
"activity_19": "{user} updated quote {quote}",
"activity_20": "{user} emailed quote {quote} to {contact}",
"activity_21": "{contact} viewed quote {quote}",
"activity_22": "{user} archived quote {quote}",
"activity_23": "{user} deleted quote {quote}",
"activity_24": "{user} restored quote {quote}",
"activity_25": "{user} restored invoice {invoice}",
"activity_26": "{user} restored client {client}",
"activity_27": "{user} restored payment {payment}",
"activity_28": "{user} restored {credit} credit",
"activity_29": "{contact} approved quote {quote}",
"activity_30": "{user} created vendor {vendor}",
"activity_31": "{user} archived vendor {vendor}",
"activity_32": "{user} deleted vendor {vendor}",
"activity_33": "{user} restored vendor {vendor}",
"activity_34": "{user} created expense {expense}",
"activity_35": "{user} archived expense {expense}",
"activity_36": "{user} deleted expense {expense}",
"activity_37": "{user} restored expense {expense}",
"activity_42": "{user} created task {task}",
"activity_43": "{user} updated task {task}",
"activity_44": "{user} archived task {task}",
"activity_45": "{user} deleted task {task}",
"activity_46": "{user} restored task {task}",
"activity_47": "{user} updated expense {expense}",
"activity_48": "{user} updated ticket {ticket}",
"activity_49": "{user} closed ticket {ticket}",
"activity_50": "{user} merged ticket {ticket}",
"activity_51": "{user} split ticket {ticket}",
"activity_52": "{contact} opened ticket {ticket}",
"activity_53": "{contact} reopened ticket {ticket}",
"activity_54": "{user} reopened ticket {ticket}",
"activity_55": "{contact} replied ticket {ticket}",
"activity_56": "{user} viewed ticket {ticket}",
"payment": "Payment",
"system": "System",
"signature": "Email Signature",
"default_messages": "Default Messages",
"quote_terms": "Quote Terms",
"default_quote_terms": "Default Quote Terms",
"default_invoice_terms": "Default Invoice Terms",
"default_invoice_footer": "Default Invoice Footer",
"quote_footer": "Quote Footer",
"free": "Free",
"quote_is_approved": "Successfully approved",
"apply_credit": "Apply Credit",
"system_settings": "System Settings",
"archive_token": "Archive Token",
"archived_token": "Successfully archived token",
"archive_user": "Archive User",
"archived_user": "Successfully archived user",
"archive_account_gateway": "Archive Gateway",
"archived_account_gateway": "Successfully archived gateway",
"archive_recurring_invoice": "Archive Recurring Invoice",
"archived_recurring_invoice": "Successfully archived recurring invoice",
"delete_recurring_invoice": "Delete Recurring Invoice",
"deleted_recurring_invoice": "Successfully deleted recurring invoice",
"restore_recurring_invoice": "Restore Recurring Invoice",
"restored_recurring_invoice": "Successfully restored recurring invoice",
"archive_recurring_quote": "Archive Recurring Quote",
"archived_recurring_quote": "Successfully archived recurring quote",
"delete_recurring_quote": "Delete Recurring Quote",
"deleted_recurring_quote": "Successfully deleted recurring quote",
"restore_recurring_quote": "Restore Recurring Quote",
"restored_recurring_quote": "Successfully restored recurring quote",
"archived": "Archived",
"untitled_account": "Untitled Company",
"before": "Before",
"after": "After",
"reset_terms_help": "Reset to the default account terms",
"reset_footer_help": "Reset to the default account footer",
"export_data": "Export Data",
"user": "User",
"country": "Country",
"include": "Include",
"logo_too_large": "Your logo is {size}, for better PDF performance we suggest uploading an image file less than 200KB",
"import_freshbooks": "Import From FreshBooks",
"import_data": "Import Data",
"source": "Source",
"csv": "CSV",
"client_file": "Client File",
"invoice_file": "Invoice File",
"task_file": "Task File",
"no_mapper": "No valid mapping for file",
"invalid_csv_header": "Invalid CSV Header",
"client_portal": "Client Portal",
"admin": "Admin",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"show_archived_users": "Show archived users",
"notes": "Notes",
"invoice_will_create": "invoice will be created",
"invoices_will_create": "invoices will be created",
"failed_to_import": "The following records failed to import, they either already exist or are missing required fields.",
"publishable_key": "Publishable Key",
"secret_key": "Secret Key",
"missing_publishable_key": "Set your Stripe publishable key for an improved checkout process",
"email_design": "Email Design",
"due_by": "Due by {date}",
"enable_email_markup": "Enable Markup",
"enable_email_markup_help": "Make it easier for your clients to pay you by adding schema.org markup to your emails.",
"template_help_title": "Templates Help",
"template_help_1": "Available variables:",
"email_design_id": "Email Style",
"email_design_help": "Make your emails look more professional with HTML layouts.",
"plain": "Plain",
"light": "Light",
"dark": "Dark",
"industry_help": "Used to provide comparisons against the averages of companies of similar size and industry.",
"subdomain_help": "Set the subdomain or display the invoice on your own website.",
"website_help": "Display the invoice in an iFrame on your own website",
"invoice_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the invoice number.",
"quote_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the quote number.",
"custom_client_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating a client and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"custom_account_fields_helps": "Add a label and value to the company details section of the PDF.",
"custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating an invoice and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"custom_invoice_charges_helps": "Add a field when creating an invoice and include the charge in the invoice subtotals.",
"token_expired": "Validation token was expired. Please try again.",
"invoice_link": "Invoice Link",
"button_confirmation_message": "Click to confirm your email address.",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"email_preferences": "Email Preferences",
"created_invoices": "Successfully created {count} invoice(s)",
"next_invoice_number": "The next invoice number is {number}.",
"next_quote_number": "The next quote number is {number}.",
"days_before": "days before the",
"days_after": "days after the",
"field_due_date": "due date",
"field_invoice_date": "invoice date",
"schedule": "Schedule",
"email_designs": "Email Designs",
"assigned_when_sent": "Assigned when sent",
"white_label_purchase_link": "Purchase a white label license",
"expense": "Expense",
"expenses": "Expenses",
"new_expense": "Enter Expense",
"enter_expense": "Enter Expense",
"vendors": "Vendors",
"new_vendor": "New Vendor",
"payment_terms_net": "Net",
"vendor": "Vendor",
"edit_vendor": "Edit Vendor",
"archive_vendor": "Archive Vendor",
"delete_vendor": "Delete Vendor",
"view_vendor": "View Vendor",
"deleted_expense": "Successfully deleted expense",
"archived_expense": "Successfully archived expense",
"deleted_expenses": "Successfully deleted expenses",
"archived_expenses": "Successfully archived expenses",
"expense_amount": "Expense Amount",
"expense_balance": "Expense Balance",
"expense_date": "Expense Date",
"expense_should_be_invoiced": "Should this expense be invoiced?",
"public_notes": "Public Notes",
"invoice_amount": "Invoice Amount",
"exchange_rate": "Exchange Rate",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"should_be_invoiced": "Should be invoiced",
"view_expense": "View expense # {expense}",
"edit_expense": "Edit Expense",
"archive_expense": "Archive Expense",
"delete_expense": "Delete Expense",
"view_expense_num": "Expense # {expense}",
"updated_expense": "Successfully updated expense",
"created_expense": "Successfully created expense",
"view": "View",
"restore_expense": "Restore Expense",
"invoice_expense": "Invoice Expense",
"expense_error_multiple_clients": "The expenses can't belong to different clients",
"expense_error_invoiced": "Expense has already been invoiced",
"convert_currency": "Convert currency",
"num_days": "Number of Days",
"create_payment_term": "Create Payment Term",
"edit_payment_terms": "Edit Payment Term",
"edit_payment_term": "Edit Payment Term",
"archive_payment_term": "Archive Payment Term",
"recurring_due_dates": "Recurring Invoice Due Dates",
"recurring_due_date_help": "
Automatically sets a due date for the invoice.<\/p>\n
Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month. Invoices set to be due on the 29th or 30th in months that don't have that day will be due the last day of the month.<\/p>\n
Invoices on a weekly cycle set to be due on the day of the week they are created will be due the next week.<\/p>\n
For example:<\/p>\n
\n - Today is the 15th, due date is 1st of the month. The due date should likely be the 1st of the next month.<\/li>\n
- Today is the 15th, due date is the last day of the month. The due date will be the last day of the this month.\n<\/li>\n
- Today is the 15th, due date is the 15th day of the month. The due date will be the 15th day of next<\/strong> month.\n<\/li>\n
- Today is the Friday, due date is the 1st Friday after. The due date will be next Friday, not today.\n<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"due": "Due",
"next_due_on": "Due Next: {date}",
"use_client_terms": "Use client terms",
"day_of_month": "{ordinal} day of month",
"last_day_of_month": "Last day of month",
"day_of_week_after": "{ordinal} {day} after",
"sunday": "Sunday",
"monday": "Monday",
"tuesday": "Tuesday",
"wednesday": "Wednesday",
"thursday": "Thursday",
"friday": "Friday",
"saturday": "Saturday",
"header_font_id": "Header Font",
"body_font_id": "Body Font",
"color_font_help": "Note: the primary color and fonts are also used in the client portal and custom email designs.",
"live_preview": "Live Preview",
"invalid_mail_config": "Unable to send email, please check that the mail settings are correct.",
"invoice_message_button": "To view your invoice for {amount}, click the button below.",
"quote_message_button": "To view your quote for {amount}, click the button below.",
"payment_message_button": "Thank you for your payment of {amount}.",
"payment_type_direct_debit": "Direct Debit",
"bank_accounts": "Credit Cards & Banks",
"add_bank_account": "Add Bank Account",
"setup_account": "Setup Account",
"import_expenses": "Import Expenses",
"bank_id": "Bank",
"integration_type": "Integration Type",
"updated_bank_account": "Successfully updated bank account",
"edit_bank_account": "Edit Bank Account",
"archive_bank_account": "Archive Bank Account",
"archived_bank_account": "Successfully archived bank account",
"created_bank_account": "Successfully created bank account",
"validate_bank_account": "Validate Bank Account",
"bank_password_help": "Note: your password is transmitted securely and never stored on our servers.",
"bank_password_warning": "Warning: your password may be transmitted in plain text, consider enabling HTTPS.",
"username": "Username",
"account_number": "Account Number",
"account_name": "Account Name",
"bank_account_error": "Failed to retrieve account details, please check your credentials.",
"status_approved": "Approved",
"quote_settings": "Quote Settings",
"auto_convert_quote": "Auto Convert",
"auto_convert_quote_help": "Automatically convert a quote to an invoice when approved by a client.",
"validate": "Validate",
"info": "Info",
"imported_expenses": "Successfully created {count_vendors} vendor(s) and {count_expenses} expense(s)",
"iframe_url_help3": "Note: if you plan on accepting credit cards details we strongly recommend enabling HTTPS on your site.",
"expense_error_multiple_currencies": "The expenses can't have different currencies.",
"expense_error_mismatch_currencies": "The client's currency does not match the expense currency.",
"trello_roadmap": "Trello Roadmap",
"header_footer": "Header\/Footer",
"first_page": "First page",
"all_pages": "All pages",
"last_page": "Last page",
"all_pages_header": "Show Header on",
"all_pages_footer": "Show Footer on",
"invoice_currency": "Invoice Currency",
"enable_https": "We strongly recommend using HTTPS to accept credit card details online.",
"quote_issued_to": "Quote issued to",
"show_currency_code": "Currency Code",
"free_year_message": "Your account has been upgraded to the pro plan for one year at no cost.",
"trial_message": "Your account will receive a free two week trial of our pro plan.",
"trial_footer": "Your free pro plan trial lasts {count} more days, {link} to upgrade now.",
"trial_footer_last_day": "This is the last day of your free pro plan trial, {link} to upgrade now.",
"trial_call_to_action": "Start Free Trial",
"trial_success": "Successfully enabled two week free pro plan trial",
"overdue": "Overdue",
"white_label_text": "Purchase a ONE YEAR white label license for ${price} to remove the Invoice Ninja branding from the invoice and client portal.",
"user_email_footer": "To adjust your email notification settings please visit {link}",
"reset_password_footer": "If you did not request this password reset please email our support: {email}",
"limit_users": "Sorry, this will exceed the limit of {limit} users",
"more_designs_self_host_header": "Get 6 more invoice designs for just ${price}",
"old_browser": "Please use a {link}",
"newer_browser": "newer browser",
"white_label_custom_css": "{link} for ${price} to enable custom styling and help support our project.",
"bank_accounts_help": "Connect a bank account to automatically import expenses and create vendors. Supports American Express and {link}.",
"us_banks": "400+ US banks",
"pro_plan_remove_logo": "{link} to remove the Invoice Ninja logo by joining the Pro Plan",
"pro_plan_remove_logo_link": "Click here",
"invitation_status_sent": "Sent",
"invitation_status_opened": "Opened",
"invitation_status_viewed": "Viewed",
"email_error_inactive_client": "Emails can not be sent to inactive clients",
"email_error_inactive_contact": "Emails can not be sent to inactive contacts",
"email_error_inactive_invoice": "Emails can not be sent to inactive invoices",
"email_error_inactive_proposal": "Emails can not be sent to inactive proposals",
"email_error_user_unregistered": "Please register your account to send emails",
"email_error_user_unconfirmed": "Please confirm your account to send emails",
"email_error_invalid_contact_email": "Invalid contact email",
"navigation": "Navigation",
"list_invoices": "List Invoices",
"list_clients": "List Clients",
"list_quotes": "List Quotes",
"list_tasks": "List Tasks",
"list_expenses": "List Expenses",
"list_recurring_invoices": "List Recurring Invoices",
"list_payments": "List Payments",
"list_credits": "List Credits",
"tax_name": "Tax Name",
"report_settings": "Report Settings",
"search_hotkey": "shortcut is \/",
"new_user": "New User",
"new_product": "New Product",
"new_tax_rate": "New Tax Rate",
"invoiced_amount": "Invoiced Amount",
"invoice_item_fields": "Invoice Item Fields",
"custom_invoice_item_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an invoice item and display the label and value on the PDF.",
"recurring_invoice_number": "Recurring Number",
"recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help": "Speciy a prefix to be added to the invoice number for recurring invoices.",
"enable_portal_password": "Password Protect Invoices",
"enable_portal_password_help": "Allows you to set a password for each contact. If a password is set, the contact will be required to enter a password before viewing invoices.",
"send_portal_password": "Generate Automatically",
"send_portal_password_help": "If no password is set, one will be generated and sent with the first invoice.",
"expired": "Expired",
"invalid_card_number": "The credit card number is not valid.",
"invalid_expiry": "The expiration date is not valid.",
"invalid_cvv": "The CVV is not valid.",
"cost": "Cost",
"create_invoice_for_sample": "Note: create your first invoice to see a preview here.",
"owner": "Owner",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"administrator_help": "Allow user to manage users, change settings and modify all records",
"user_create_all": "Create clients, invoices, etc.",
"user_view_all": "View all clients, invoices, etc.",
"user_edit_all": "Edit all clients, invoices, etc.",
"gateway_help_20": "{link} to sign up for Sage Pay.",
"gateway_help_21": "{link} to sign up for Sage Pay.",
"partial_due": "Partial Due",
"restore_vendor": "Restore Vendor",
"restored_vendor": "Successfully restored vendor",
"restored_expense": "Successfully restored expense",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"create_all_help": "Allow user to create and modify records",
"view_all_help": "Allow user to view records they didn't create",
"edit_all_help": "Allow user to modify records they didn't create",
"view_payment": "View Payment",
"january": "January",
"february": "February",
"march": "March",
"april": "April",
"may": "May",
"june": "June",
"july": "July",
"august": "August",
"september": "September",
"october": "October",
"november": "November",
"december": "December",
"documents_header": "Documents:",
"email_documents_header": "Documents:",
"email_documents_example_1": "Widgets Receipt.pdf",
"email_documents_example_2": "Final Deliverable.zip",
"quote_documents": "Quote Documents",
"invoice_documents": "Invoice Documents",
"expense_documents": "Expense Documents",
"invoice_embed_documents": "Embed Documents",
"invoice_embed_documents_help": "Include attached images in the invoice.",
"document_email_attachment": "Attach Documents",
"ubl_email_attachment": "Attach UBL",
"download_documents": "Download Documents ({size})",
"documents_from_expenses": "From Expenses:",
"dropzone_default_message": "Drop files or click to upload",
"dropzone_default_message_disabled": "Uploads disabled",
"dropzone_fallback_message": "Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.",
"dropzone_fallback_text": "Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.",
"dropzone_file_too_big": "File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.",
"dropzone_invalid_file_type": "You can't upload files of this type.",
"dropzone_response_error": "Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.",
"dropzone_cancel_upload": "Cancel upload",
"dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?",
"dropzone_remove_file": "Remove file",
"documents": "Documents",
"document_date": "Document Date",
"document_size": "Size",
"enable_client_portal": "Client Portal",
"enable_client_portal_help": "Show\/hide the client portal.",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard": "Dashboard",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard_help": "Show\/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.",
"account_management": "Account Management",
"plan_status": "Plan Status",
"plan_upgrade": "Upgrade",
"plan_change": "Change Plan",
"pending_change_to": "Changes To",
"plan_changes_to": "{plan} on {date}",
"plan_term_changes_to": "{plan} ({term}) on {date}",
"cancel_plan_change": "Cancel Change",
"plan": "Plan",
"expires": "Expires",
"renews": "Renews",
"plan_expired": "{plan} Plan Expired",
"trial_expired": "{plan} Plan Trial Ended",
"never": "Never",
"plan_free": "Free",
"plan_pro": "Pro",
"plan_enterprise": "Enterprise",
"plan_white_label": "Self Hosted (White labeled)",
"plan_free_self_hosted": "Self Hosted (Free)",
"plan_trial": "Trial",
"plan_term": "Term",
"plan_term_monthly": "Monthly",
"plan_term_yearly": "Yearly",
"plan_term_month": "Month",
"plan_term_year": "Year",
"plan_price_monthly": "${price}\/Month",
"plan_price_yearly": "${price}\/Year",
"updated_plan": "Updated plan settings",
"plan_paid": "Term Started",
"plan_started": "Plan Started",
"plan_expires": "Plan Expires",
"white_label_button": "White Label",
"pro_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"pro_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_product": "Enterprise Plan",
"enterprise_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"plan_credit_product": "Credit",
"plan_credit_description": "Credit for unused time",
"plan_pending_monthly": "Will switch to monthly on {date}",
"plan_refunded": "A refund has been issued.",
"page_size": "Page Size",
"live_preview_disabled": "Live preview has been disabled to support selected font",
"invoice_number_padding": "Padding",
"preview": "Preview",
"list_vendors": "List Vendors",
"add_users_not_supported": "Upgrade to the Enterprise plan to add additional users to your account.",
"enterprise_plan_features": "The Enterprise plan adds support for multiple users and file attachments, {link} to see the full list of features.",
"return_to_app": "Return To App",
"refund_payment": "Refund Payment",
"refund_max": "Max:",
"refund": "Refund",
"are_you_sure_refund": "Refund selected payments?",
"status_pending": "Pending",
"status_completed": "Completed",
"status_failed": "Failed",
"status_partially_refunded": "Partially Refunded",
"status_partially_refunded_amount": "{amount} Refunded",
"status_refunded": "Refunded",
"status_voided": "Cancelled",
"refunded_payment": "Refunded Payment",
"activity_39": "{user} cancelled a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"activity_40": "{user} refunded {adjustment} of a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"card_expiration": "Exp: {expires}",
"card_creditcardother": "Unknown",
"card_americanexpress": "American Express",
"card_carteblanche": "Carte Blanche",
"card_unionpay": "UnionPay",
"card_diners": "Diners Club",
"card_discover": "Discover",
"card_jcb": "JCB",
"card_laser": "Laser",
"card_maestro": "Maestro",
"card_mastercard": "MasterCard",
"card_solo": "Solo",
"card_switch": "Switch",
"card_visacard": "Visa",
"card_ach": "ACH",
"payment_type_stripe": "Stripe",
"ach": "ACH",
"enable_ach": "Accept US bank transfers",
"stripe_ach_help": "ACH support must also be enabled in {link}.",
"ach_disabled": "Another gateway is already configured for direct debit.",
"plaid": "Plaid",
"client_id": "Client Id",
"secret": "Secret",
"public_key": "Public Key",
"plaid_optional": "(optional)",
"plaid_environment_help": "When a Stripe test key is given, Plaid's development environment (tartan) will be used.",
"other_providers": "Other Providers",
"country_not_supported": "That country is not supported.",
"invalid_routing_number": "The routing number is not valid.",
"invalid_account_number": "The account number is not valid.",
"account_number_mismatch": "The account numbers do not match.",
"missing_account_holder_type": "Please select an individual or company account.",
"missing_account_holder_name": "Please enter the account holder's name.",
"routing_number": "Routing Number",
"confirm_account_number": "Confirm Account Number",
"individual_account": "Individual Account",
"company_account": "Company Account",
"account_holder_name": "Account Holder Name",
"add_account": "Add Account",
"payment_methods": "Payment Methods",
"complete_verification": "Complete Verification",
"verification_amount1": "Amount 1",
"verification_amount2": "Amount 2",
"payment_method_verified": "Verification completed successfully",
"verification_failed": "Verification Failed",
"remove_payment_method": "Remove Payment Method",
"confirm_remove_payment_method": "Are you sure you want to remove this payment method?",
"remove": "Remove",
"payment_method_removed": "Removed payment method.",
"bank_account_verification_help": "We have made two deposits into your account with the description \"VERIFICATION\". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement. Please enter the amounts below.",
"bank_account_verification_next_steps": "We have made two deposits into your account with the description \"VERIFICATION\". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement.\n Once you have the amounts, come back to this payment methods page and click \"Complete Verification\" next to the account.",
"unknown_bank": "Unknown Bank",
"ach_verification_delay_help": "You will be able to use the account after completing verification. Verification usually takes 1-2 business days.",
"add_credit_card": "Add Credit Card",
"payment_method_added": "Added payment method.",
"use_for_auto_bill": "Use For Autobill",
"used_for_auto_bill": "Autobill Payment Method",
"payment_method_set_as_default": "Set Autobill payment method.",
"activity_41": "{payment_amount} payment ({payment}) failed",
"webhook_url": "Webhook URL",
"stripe_webhook_help": "You must {link}.",
"stripe_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint at Stripe",
"gocardless_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint in GoCardless",
"payment_method_error": "There was an error adding your payment methd. Please try again later.",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject": "Payment failed for Invoice {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed": "A payment made by client {client} towards Invoice {invoice} failed. The payment has been marked as failed and {amount} has been added to the client's balance.",
"link_with_plaid": "Link Account Instantly with Plaid",
"link_manually": "Link Manually",
"secured_by_plaid": "Secured by Plaid",
"plaid_linked_status": "Your bank account at {bank}",
"add_payment_method": "Add Payment Method",
"account_holder_type": "Account Holder Type",
"ach_authorization": "I authorize {company} to use my bank account for future payments and, if necessary, electronically credit my account to correct erroneous debits. I understand that I may cancel this authorization at any time by removing the payment method or by contacting {email}.",
"ach_authorization_required": "You must consent to ACH transactions.",
"off": "Off",
"opt_in": "Opt-in",
"opt_out": "Opt-out",
"always": "Always",
"opted_out": "Opted out",
"opted_in": "Opted in",
"manage_auto_bill": "Manage Auto-bill",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"paypal": "PayPal",
"braintree_enable_paypal": "Enable PayPal payments through BrainTree",
"braintree_paypal_disabled_help": "The PayPal gateway is processing PayPal payments",
"braintree_paypal_help": "You must also {link}.",
"braintree_paypal_help_link_text": "link PayPal to your BrainTree account",
"token_billing_braintree_paypal": "Save payment details",
"add_paypal_account": "Add PayPal Account",
"no_payment_method_specified": "No payment method specified",
"chart_type": "Chart Type",
"format": "Format",
"import_ofx": "Import OFX",
"ofx_file": "OFX File",
"ofx_parse_failed": "Failed to parse OFX file",
"wepay": "WePay",
"sign_up_with_wepay": "Sign up with WePay",
"use_another_provider": "Use another provider",
"company_name": "Company Name",
"wepay_company_name_help": "This will appear on client's credit card statements.",
"wepay_description_help": "The purpose of this account.",
"wepay_tos_agree": "I agree to the {link}.",
"wepay_tos_link_text": "WePay Terms of Service",
"resend_confirmation_email": "Resend Confirmation Email",
"manage_account": "Manage Account",
"action_required": "Action Required",
"finish_setup": "Finish Setup",
"created_wepay_confirmation_required": "Please check your email and confirm your email address with WePay.",
"switch_to_wepay": "Switch to WePay",
"switch": "Switch",
"restore_account_gateway": "Restore Gateway",
"restored_account_gateway": "Successfully restored gateway",
"united_states": "United States",
"canada": "Canada",
"accept_debit_cards": "Accept Debit Cards",
"debit_cards": "Debit Cards",
"warn_start_date_changed": "The next invoice will be sent on the new start date.",
"warn_start_date_changed_not_sent": "The next invoice will be created on the new start date.",
"original_start_date": "Original start date",
"new_start_date": "New start date",
"security": "Security",
"see_whats_new": "See what's new in v{version}",
"wait_for_upload": "Please wait for the document upload to complete.",
"upgrade_for_permissions": "Upgrade to our Enterprise plan to enable permissions.",
"enable_second_tax_rate": "Enable specifying a second tax rate<\/b>",
"payment_file": "Payment File",
"expense_file": "Expense File",
"product_file": "Product File",
"import_products": "Import Products",
"products_will_create": "products will be created",
"product_key": "Product",
"created_products": "Successfully created\/updated {count} product(s)",
"export_help": "Use JSON if you plan to import the data into Invoice Ninja.
The file includes clients, products, invoices, quotes and payments.",
"selfhost_export_help": "
We recommend using mysqldump to create a full backup.",
"JSON_file": "JSON File",
"view_dashboard": "View Dashboard",
"client_session_expired": "Session Expired",
"client_session_expired_message": "Your session has expired. Please click the link in your email again.",
"auto_bill_notification": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your {payment_method} on file on {due_date}.",
"auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer": "bank account",
"auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card": "credit card",
"auto_bill_payment_method_paypal": "PayPal account",
"auto_bill_notification_placeholder": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your credit card on file on the due date.",
"payment_settings": "Payment Settings",
"on_send_date": "On send date",
"on_due_date": "On due date",
"auto_bill_ach_date_help": "ACH will always auto bill on the due date.",
"warn_change_auto_bill": "Due to NACHA rules, changes to this invoice may prevent ACH auto bill.",
"bank_account": "Bank Account",
"payment_processed_through_wepay": "ACH payments will be processed using WePay.",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree": "I agree to the WePay {terms} and {privacy_policy}.",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree_required": "You must agree to the WePay Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.",
"ach_email_prompt": "Please enter your email address:",
"verification_pending": "Verification Pending",
"update_font_cache": "Please force refresh the page to update the font cache.",
"more_options": "More options",
"credit_card": "Credit Card",
"bank_transfer": "Bank Transfer",
"no_transaction_reference": "We did not recieve a payment transaction reference from the gateway.",
"use_bank_on_file": "Use Bank on File",
"auto_bill_email_message": "This invoice will automatically be billed to the payment method on file on the due date.",
"bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"gocardless": "GoCardless",
"added_on": "Added {date}",
"failed_remove_payment_method": "Failed to remove the payment method",
"gateway_exists": "This gateway already exists",
"manual_entry": "Manual entry",
"first_day_of_week": "First Day of the Week",
"freq_inactive": "Inactive",
"freq_daily": "Daily",
"freq_weekly": "Weekly",
"freq_biweekly": "Biweekly",
"freq_two_weeks": "Two weeks",
"freq_four_weeks": "Four weeks",
"freq_monthly": "Monthly",
"freq_three_months": "Three months",
"freq_four_months": "Four months",
"freq_six_months": "Six months",
"freq_annually": "Annually",
"freq_two_years": "Two years",
"payment_type_Apply Credit": "Apply Credit",
"payment_type_Bank Transfer": "Bank Transfer",
"payment_type_Cash": "Cash",
"payment_type_Debit": "Debit",
"payment_type_ACH": "ACH",
"payment_type_Visa Card": "Visa Card",
"payment_type_MasterCard": "MasterCard",
"payment_type_American Express": "American Express",
"payment_type_Discover Card": "Discover Card",
"payment_type_Diners Card": "Diners Card",
"payment_type_EuroCard": "EuroCard",
"payment_type_Nova": "Nova",
"payment_type_Credit Card Other": "Credit Card Other",
"payment_type_PayPal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_Google Wallet": "Google Wallet",
"payment_type_Check": "Check",
"payment_type_Carte Blanche": "Carte Blanche",
"payment_type_UnionPay": "UnionPay",
"payment_type_JCB": "JCB",
"payment_type_Laser": "Laser",
"payment_type_Maestro": "Maestro",
"payment_type_Solo": "Solo",
"payment_type_Switch": "Switch",
"payment_type_iZettle": "iZettle",
"payment_type_Swish": "Swish",
"payment_type_Alipay": "Alipay",
"payment_type_Sofort": "Sofort",
"payment_type_SEPA": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"payment_type_Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_GoCardless": "GoCardless",
"industry_Accounting & Legal": "Accounting & Legal",
"industry_Advertising": "Advertising",
"industry_Aerospace": "Aerospace",
"industry_Agriculture": "Agriculture",
"industry_Automotive": "Automotive",
"industry_Banking & Finance": "Banking & Finance",
"industry_Biotechnology": "Biotechnology",
"industry_Broadcasting": "Broadcasting",
"industry_Business Services": "Business Services",
"industry_Commodities & Chemicals": "Commodities & Chemicals",
"industry_Communications": "Communications",
"industry_Computers & Hightech": "Computers & Hightech",
"industry_Defense": "Defense",
"industry_Energy": "Energy",
"industry_Entertainment": "Entertainment",
"industry_Government": "Government",
"industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences": "Healthcare & Life Sciences",
"industry_Insurance": "Insurance",
"industry_Manufacturing": "Manufacturing",
"industry_Marketing": "Marketing",
"industry_Media": "Media",
"industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed": "Nonprofit & Higher Ed",
"industry_Pharmaceuticals": "Pharmaceuticals",
"industry_Professional Services & Consulting": "Professional Services & Consulting",
"industry_Real Estate": "Real Estate",
"industry_Restaurant & Catering": "Restaurant & Catering",
"industry_Retail & Wholesale": "Retail & Wholesale",
"industry_Sports": "Sports",
"industry_Transportation": "Transportation",
"industry_Travel & Luxury": "Travel & Luxury",
"industry_Other": "Other",
"industry_Photography": "Photography",
"country_Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
"country_Albania": "Albania",
"country_Antarctica": "Antarctica",
"country_Algeria": "Algeria",
"country_American Samoa": "American Samoa",
"country_Andorra": "Andorra",
"country_Angola": "Angola",
"country_Antigua and Barbuda": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
"country_Argentina": "Argentina",
"country_Australia": "Australia",
"country_Austria": "Austria",
"country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
"country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
"country_Armenia": "Armenia",
"country_Barbados": "Barbados",
"country_Belgium": "Belgium",
"country_Bermuda": "Bermuda",
"country_Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of",
"country_Bosnia and Herzegovina": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"country_Botswana": "Botswana",
"country_Bouvet Island": "Bouvet Island",
"country_Brazil": "Brazil",
"country_Belize": "Belize",
"country_British Indian Ocean Territory": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"country_Solomon Islands": "Solomon Islands",
"country_Virgin Islands, British": "Virgin Islands, British",
"country_Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei Darussalam",
"country_Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
"country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
"country_Burundi": "Burundi",
"country_Belarus": "Belarus",
"country_Cambodia": "Cambodia",
"country_Cameroon": "Cameroon",
"country_Canada": "Canada",
"country_Cape Verde": "Cape Verde",
"country_Cayman Islands": "Cayman Islands",
"country_Central African Republic": "Central African Republic",
"country_Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
"country_Chad": "Chad",
"country_Chile": "Chile",
"country_China": "China",
"country_Taiwan, Province of China": "Taiwan, Province of China",
"country_Christmas Island": "Christmas Island",
"country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"country_Colombia": "Colombia",
"country_Comoros": "Comoros",
"country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
"country_Congo": "Congo",
"country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the": "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the",
"country_Cook Islands": "Cook Islands",
"country_Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"country_Croatia": "Croatia",
"country_Cuba": "Cuba",
"country_Cyprus": "Cyprus",
"country_Czech Republic": "Czech Republic",
"country_Benin": "Benin",
"country_Denmark": "Denmark",
"country_Dominica": "Dominica",
"country_Dominican Republic": "Dominican Republic",
"country_Ecuador": "Ecuador",
"country_El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"country_Equatorial Guinea": "Equatorial Guinea",
"country_Ethiopia": "Ethiopia",
"country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
"country_Estonia": "Estonia",
"country_Faroe Islands": "Faroe Islands",
"country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"country_Fiji": "Fiji",
"country_Finland": "Finland",
"country_Åland Islands": "Åland Islands",
"country_France": "France",
"country_French Guiana": "French Guiana",
"country_French Polynesia": "French Polynesia",
"country_French Southern Territories": "French Southern Territories",
"country_Djibouti": "Djibouti",
"country_Gabon": "Gabon",
"country_Georgia": "Georgia",
"country_Gambia": "Gambia",
"country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
"country_Germany": "Germany",
"country_Ghana": "Ghana",
"country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
"country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
"country_Greece": "Greece",
"country_Greenland": "Greenland",
"country_Grenada": "Grenada",
"country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
"country_Guam": "Guam",
"country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
"country_Guinea": "Guinea",
"country_Guyana": "Guyana",
"country_Haiti": "Haiti",
"country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"country_Holy See (Vatican City State)": "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"country_Honduras": "Honduras",
"country_Hong Kong": "Hong Kong",
"country_Hungary": "Hungary",
"country_Iceland": "Iceland",
"country_India": "India",
"country_Indonesia": "Indonesia",
"country_Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
"country_Iraq": "Iraq",
"country_Ireland": "Ireland",
"country_Israel": "Israel",
"country_Italy": "Italy",
"country_Côte d'Ivoire": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"country_Jamaica": "Jamaica",
"country_Japan": "Japan",
"country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
"country_Jordan": "Jordan",
"country_Kenya": "Kenya",
"country_Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
"country_Korea, Republic of": "Korea, Republic of",
"country_Kuwait": "Kuwait",
"country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstan",
"country_Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
"country_Lebanon": "Lebanon",
"country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
"country_Latvia": "Latvia",
"country_Liberia": "Liberia",
"country_Libya": "Libya",
"country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
"country_Lithuania": "Lithuania",
"country_Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
"country_Macao": "Macao",
"country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
"country_Malawi": "Malawi",
"country_Malaysia": "Malaysia",
"country_Maldives": "Maldives",
"country_Mali": "Mali",
"country_Malta": "Malta",
"country_Martinique": "Martinique",
"country_Mauritania": "Mauritania",
"country_Mauritius": "Mauritius",
"country_Mexico": "Mexico",
"country_Monaco": "Monaco",
"country_Mongolia": "Mongolia",
"country_Moldova, Republic of": "Moldova, Republic of",
"country_Montenegro": "Montenegro",
"country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
"country_Morocco": "Morocco",
"country_Mozambique": "Mozambique",
"country_Oman": "Oman",
"country_Namibia": "Namibia",
"country_Nauru": "Nauru",
"country_Nepal": "Nepal",
"country_Netherlands": "Netherlands",
"country_Curaçao": "Curaçao",
"country_Aruba": "Aruba",
"country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"country_New Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
"country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
"country_New Zealand": "New Zealand",
"country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
"country_Niger": "Niger",
"country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"country_Niue": "Niue",
"country_Norfolk Island": "Norfolk Island",
"country_Norway": "Norway",
"country_Northern Mariana Islands": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"country_United States Minor Outlying Islands": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"country_Micronesia, Federated States of": "Micronesia, Federated States of",
"country_Marshall Islands": "Marshall Islands",
"country_Palau": "Palau",
"country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
"country_Panama": "Panama",
"country_Papua New Guinea": "Papua New Guinea",
"country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
"country_Peru": "Peru",
"country_Philippines": "Philippines",
"country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairn",
"country_Poland": "Poland",
"country_Portugal": "Portugal",
"country_Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
"country_Timor-Leste": "Timor-Leste",
"country_Puerto Rico": "Puerto Rico",
"country_Qatar": "Qatar",
"country_Réunion": "Réunion",
"country_Romania": "Romania",
"country_Russian Federation": "Russian Federation",
"country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
"country_Saint Barthélemy": "Saint Barthélemy",
"country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"country_Saint Kitts and Nevis": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
"country_Saint Lucia": "Saint Lucia",
"country_Saint Martin (French part)": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"country_San Marino": "San Marino",
"country_Sao Tome and Principe": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"country_Saudi Arabia": "Saudi Arabia",
"country_Senegal": "Senegal",
"country_Serbia": "Serbia",
"country_Seychelles": "Seychelles",
"country_Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leone",
"country_Singapore": "Singapore",
"country_Slovakia": "Slovakia",
"country_Viet Nam": "Viet Nam",
"country_Slovenia": "Slovenia",
"country_Somalia": "Somalia",
"country_South Africa": "South Africa",
"country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe",
"country_Spain": "Spain",
"country_South Sudan": "South Sudan",
"country_Sudan": "Sudan",
"country_Western Sahara": "Western Sahara",
"country_Suriname": "Suriname",
"country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"country_Sweden": "Sweden",
"country_Switzerland": "Switzerland",
"country_Syrian Arab Republic": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"country_Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
"country_Thailand": "Thailand",
"country_Togo": "Togo",
"country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
"country_Tonga": "Tonga",
"country_Trinidad and Tobago": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"country_United Arab Emirates": "United Arab Emirates",
"country_Tunisia": "Tunisia",
"country_Turkey": "Turkey",
"country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
"country_Turks and Caicos Islands": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
"country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
"country_Uganda": "Uganda",
"country_Ukraine": "Ukraine",
"country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of": "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of",
"country_Egypt": "Egypt",
"country_United Kingdom": "United Kingdom",
"country_Guernsey": "Guernsey",
"country_Jersey": "Jersey",
"country_Isle of Man": "Isle of Man",
"country_Tanzania, United Republic of": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"country_United States": "United States",
"country_Virgin Islands, U.S.": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"country_Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
"country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
"country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",
"country_Wallis and Futuna": "Wallis and Futuna",
"country_Samoa": "Samoa",
"country_Yemen": "Yemen",
"country_Zambia": "Zambia",
"lang_Brazilian Portuguese": "Brazilian Portuguese",
"lang_Croatian": "Croatian",
"lang_Czech": "Czech",
"lang_Danish": "Danish",
"lang_Dutch": "Dutch",
"lang_English": "English",
"lang_French": "French",
"lang_French - Canada": "French - Canada",
"lang_German": "German",
"lang_Italian": "Italian",
"lang_Japanese": "Japanese",
"lang_Lithuanian": "Lithuanian",
"lang_Norwegian": "Norwegian",
"lang_Polish": "Polish",
"lang_Spanish": "Spanish",
"lang_Spanish - Spain": "Spanish - Spain",
"lang_Swedish": "Swedish",
"lang_Albanian": "Albanian",
"lang_Greek": "Greek",
"lang_English - United Kingdom": "English - United Kingdom",
"lang_Slovenian": "Slovenian",
"lang_Finnish": "Finnish",
"lang_Romanian": "Romanian",
"lang_Turkish - Turkey": "Turkish - Turkey",
"lang_Portuguese - Brazilian": "Portuguese - Brazilian",
"lang_Portuguese - Portugal": "Portuguese - Portugal",
"lang_Thai": "Thai",
"lang_Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"lang_Chinese - Taiwan": "Chinese - Taiwan",
"view_client_portal": "View client portal",
"view_portal": "View Portal",
"vendor_contacts": "Vendor Contacts",
"all": "All",
"selected": "Selected",
"category": "Category",
"categories": "Categories",
"new_expense_category": "New Expense Category",
"edit_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_expense_category": "Archive Category",
"expense_categories": "Expense Categories",
"list_expense_categories": "List Expense Categories",
"updated_expense_category": "Successfully updated expense category",
"created_expense_category": "Successfully created expense category",
"archived_expense_category": "Successfully archived expense category",
"archived_expense_categories": "Successfully archived {count} expense category",
"restore_expense_category": "Restore expense category",
"restored_expense_category": "Successfully restored expense category",
"apply_taxes": "Apply taxes",
"min_to_max_users": "{min} to {max} users",
"max_users_reached": "The maximum number of users has been reached.",
"buy_now_buttons": "Buy Now Buttons",
"landing_page": "Landing Page",
"payment_type": "Payment Type",
"form": "Form",
"link": "Link",
"fields": "Fields",
"dwolla": "Dwolla",
"buy_now_buttons_warning": "Note: the client and invoice are created even if the transaction isn't completed.",
"buy_now_buttons_disabled": "This feature requires that a product is created and a payment gateway is configured.",
"enable_buy_now_buttons_help": "Enable support for buy now buttons",
"changes_take_effect_immediately": "Note: changes take effect immediately",
"wepay_account_description": "Payment gateway for Invoice Ninja",
"payment_error_code": "There was an error processing your payment [{code}]. Please try again later.",
"standard_fees_apply": "Fee: 2.9%\/1.2% [Credit Card\/Bank Transfer] + $0.30 per successful charge.",
"limit_import_rows": "Data needs to be imported in batches of {count} rows or less",
"error_title": "Something went wrong",
"error_contact_text": "If you'd like help please email us at {mailaddress}",
"no_undo": "Warning: this can't be undone.",
"no_contact_selected": "Please select a contact",
"no_client_selected": "Please select a client",
"gateway_config_error": "It may help to set new passwords or generate new API keys.",
"payment_type_on_file": "{type} on file",
"invoice_for_client": "Invoice {invoice} for {client}",
"intent_not_found": "Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking.",
"intent_not_supported": "Sorry, I'm not able to do that.",
"client_not_found": "I wasn't able to find the client",
"not_allowed": "Sorry, you don't have the needed permissions",
"bot_emailed_invoice": "Your invoice has been sent.",
"bot_emailed_notify_viewed": "I'll email you when it's viewed.",
"bot_emailed_notify_paid": "I'll email you when it's paid.",
"add_product_to_invoice": "Add 1 {product}",
"not_authorized": "You are not authorized",
"bot_get_email": "Hi! (wave)
Thanks for trying the Invoice Ninja Bot.
You need to create a free account to use this bot.
Send me your account email address to get started.",
"bot_get_code": "Thanks! I've sent a you an email with your security code.",
"bot_welcome": "That's it, your account is verified.
"email_not_found": "I wasn't able to find an available account for {email}",
"invalid_code": "The code is not correct",
"security_code_email_subject": "Security code for Invoice Ninja Bot",
"security_code_email_line1": "This is your Invoice Ninja Bot security code.",
"security_code_email_line2": "Note: it will expire in 10 minutes.",
"bot_help_message": "I currently support:
• Create\\update\\email an invoice
• List products
For example:
invoice bob for 2 tickets, set the due date to next thursday and the discount to 10 percent<\/i>",
"list_products": "List Products",
"include_item_taxes_inline": "Include line item taxes in line total<\/b>",
"created_quotes": "Successfully created {count} quotes(s)",
"limited_gateways": "Note: we support one credit card gateway per company.",
"warning": "Warning",
"self-update": "Update",
"update_invoiceninja_title": "Update Invoice Ninja",
"update_invoiceninja_warning": "Before start upgrading Invoice Ninja create a backup of your database and files!",
"update_invoiceninja_available": "A new version of Invoice Ninja is available.",
"update_invoiceninja_unavailable": "No new version of Invoice Ninja available.",
"update_invoiceninja_instructions": "Please install the new version {version}<\/strong> by clicking the Update now<\/em> button below. Afterwards you'll be redirected to the dashboard.",
"update_invoiceninja_update_start": "Update now",
"update_invoiceninja_download_start": "Download {version}",
"create_new": "Create New",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle Navigation",
"toggle_history": "Toggle History",
"unassigned": "Unassigned",
"task": "Task",
"contact_name": "Contact Name",
"city_state_postal": "City\/State\/Postal",
"custom_field": "Custom Field",
"account_fields": "Company Fields",
"facebook_and_twitter": "Facebook and Twitter",
"facebook_and_twitter_help": "Follow our feeds to help support our project",
"reseller_text": "Note: the white-label license is intended for personal use, please email us at {email} if you'd like to resell the app.",
"unnamed_client": "Unnamed Client",
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Month",
"inactive_logout": "You have been logged out due to inactivity",
"reports": "Reports",
"total_profit": "Total Profit",
"total_expenses": "Total Expenses",
"quote_to": "Quote to",
"limit": "Limit",
"min_limit": "Min: {min}",
"max_limit": "Max: {max}",
"no_limit": "No Limits",
"set_limits": "Set {gateway_type} Limits",
"enable_min": "Enable min",
"enable_max": "Enable max",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"limits_not_met": "This invoice does not meet the limits for that payment type.",
"date_range": "Date Range",
"raw": "Raw",
"raw_html": "Raw HTML",
"update": "Update",
"invoice_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order and location",
"new_category": "New Category",
"restore_product": "Restore Product",
"blank": "Blank",
"invoice_save_error": "There was an error saving your invoice",
"enable_recurring": "Enable Recurring",
"disable_recurring": "Disable Recurring",
"text": "Text",
"expense_will_create": "expense will be created",
"expenses_will_create": "expenses will be created",
"created_expenses": "Successfully created {count} expense(s)",
"translate_app": "Help improve our translations with {link}",
"expense_category": "Expense Category",
"go_ninja_pro": "Go Ninja Pro!",
"go_enterprise": "Go Enterprise!",
"upgrade_for_features": "Upgrade For More Features",
"pay_annually_discount": "Pay annually for 10 months + 2 free!",
"pro_upgrade_title": "Ninja Pro",
"pro_upgrade_feature1": "YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com",
"pro_upgrade_feature2": "Customize every aspect of your invoice!",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature1": "Set permissions for multiple-users",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature2": "Attach 3rd party files to invoices & expenses",
"much_more": "Much More!",
"all_pro_fetaures": "Plus all pro features!",
"currency_symbol": "Symbol",
"currency_code": "Code",
"buy_license": "Buy License",
"apply_license": "Apply License",
"submit": "Submit",
"white_label_license_key": "License Key",
"invalid_white_label_license": "The white label license is not valid",
"created_by": "Created by {name}",
"modules": "Modules",
"financial_year_start": "First Month of the Year",
"authentication": "Authentication",
"checkbox": "Checkbox",
"invoice_signature": "Signature",
"show_accept_invoice_terms": "Invoice Terms Checkbox",
"show_accept_invoice_terms_help": "Require client to confirm that they accept the invoice terms.",
"show_accept_quote_terms": "Quote Terms Checkbox",
"show_accept_quote_terms_help": "Require client to confirm that they accept the quote terms.",
"require_invoice_signature": "Invoice Signature",
"require_invoice_signature_help": "Require client to provide their signature.",
"require_quote_signature": "Quote Signature",
"require_quote_signature_help": "Require client to provide their signature.",
"i_agree": "I Agree To The Terms",
"sign_here": "Please sign here:",
"authorization": "Authorization",
"signed": "Signed",
"bluevine_promo": "Get flexible business lines of credit and invoice factoring using BlueVine.",
"bluevine_modal_label": "Sign up with BlueVine",
"bluevine_modal_text": "Fast funding for your business. No paperwork.<\/h3>\n- Flexible business lines of credit and invoice factoring.<\/li><\/ul>",
"bluevine_create_account": "Create an account",
"quote_types": "Get a quote for",
"invoice_factoring": "Invoice factoring",
"line_of_credit": "Line of credit",
"fico_score": "Your FICO score",
"business_inception": "Business Inception Date",
"average_bank_balance": "Average bank account balance",
"annual_revenue": "Annual revenue",
"desired_credit_limit_factoring": "Desired invoice factoring limit",
"desired_credit_limit_loc": "Desired line of credit limit",
"desired_credit_limit": "Desired credit limit",
"bluevine_credit_line_type_required": "You must choose at least one",
"bluevine_field_required": "This field is required",
"bluevine_unexpected_error": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"bluevine_no_conditional_offer": "More information is required before getting a quote. Click continue below.",
"bluevine_invoice_factoring": "Invoice Factoring",
"bluevine_conditional_offer": "Conditional Offer",
"bluevine_credit_line_amount": "Credit Line",
"bluevine_advance_rate": "Advance Rate",
"bluevine_weekly_discount_rate": "Weekly Discount Rate",
"bluevine_minimum_fee_rate": "Minimum Fee",
"bluevine_line_of_credit": "Line of Credit",
"bluevine_interest_rate": "Interest Rate",
"bluevine_weekly_draw_rate": "Weekly Draw Rate",
"bluevine_continue": "Continue to BlueVine",
"bluevine_completed": "BlueVine signup completed",
"vendor_name": "Vendor",
"entity_state": "State",
"client_created_at": "Date Created",
"postmark_error": "There was a problem sending the email through Postmark: {link}",
"project": "Project",
"projects": "Projects",
"new_project": "New Project",
"edit_project": "Edit Project",
"archive_project": "Archive Project",
"list_projects": "List Projects",
"updated_project": "Successfully updated project",
"created_project": "Successfully created project",
"archived_project": "Successfully archived project",
"archived_projects": "Successfully archived {count} projects",
"restore_project": "Restore Project",
"restored_project": "Successfully restored project",
"delete_project": "Delete Project",
"deleted_project": "Successfully deleted project",
"deleted_projects": "Successfully deleted {count} projects",
"delete_expense_category": "Delete category",
"deleted_expense_category": "Successfully deleted category",
"delete_product": "Delete Product",
"deleted_product": "Successfully deleted product",
"deleted_products": "Successfully deleted {count} products",
"restored_product": "Successfully restored product",
"update_credit": "Update Credit",
"updated_credit": "Successfully updated credit",
"edit_credit": "Edit Credit",
"live_preview_help": "Display a live PDF preview on the invoice page.
Disable this to improve performance when editing invoices.",
"force_pdfjs_help": "Replace the built-in PDF viewer in {chrome_link} and {firefox_link}.
Enable this if your browser is automatically downloading the PDF.",
"force_pdfjs": "Prevent Download",
"redirect_url": "Redirect URL",
"redirect_url_help": "Optionally specify a URL to redirect to after a payment is entered.",
"save_draft": "Save Draft",
"refunded_credit_payment": "Refunded credit payment",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"toggle_menu": "Toggle Menu",
"new_...": "New ...",
"list_...": "List ...",
"created_at": "Date Created",
"contact_us": "Contact Us",
"user_guide": "User Guide",
"promo_message": "Upgrade before {expires} and get {amount} OFF your first year of our Pro or Enterprise packages.",
"discount_message": "{amount} off expires {expires}",
"mark_paid": "Mark Paid",
"marked_sent_invoice": "Successfully marked invoice sent",
"marked_sent_invoices": "Successfully marked invoices sent",
"invoice_name": "Invoice",
"product_will_create": "product will be created",
"contact_us_response": "Thank you for your message! We'll try to respond as soon as possible.",
"last_7_days": "Last 7 Days",
"last_30_days": "Last 30 Days",
"this_month": "This Month",
"last_month": "Last Month",
"last_year": "Last Year",
"custom_range": "Custom Range",
"url": "URL",
"debug": "Debug",
"https": "HTTPS",
"require": "Require",
"license_expiring": "Note: Your license will expire in {count} days, {link} to renew it.",
"security_confirmation": "Your email address has been confirmed.",
"white_label_expired": "Your white label license has expired, please consider renewing it to help support our project.",
"renew_license": "Renew License",
"iphone_app_message": "Consider downloading our {link}",
"iphone_app": "iPhone app",
"android_app": "Android app",
"logged_in": "Logged In",
"switch_to_primary": "Switch to your primary company ({name}) to manage your plan.",
"inclusive": "Inclusive",
"exclusive": "Exclusive",
"postal_city_state": "Postal\/City\/State",
"phantomjs_help": "In certain cases the app uses {link_phantom} to generate the PDF, install {link_docs} to generate it locally.",
"phantomjs_local": "Using local PhantomJS",
"client_number": "Client Number",
"client_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the client number.",
"next_client_number": "The next client number is {number}.",
"generated_numbers": "Generated Numbers",
"notes_reminder1": "First Reminder",
"notes_reminder2": "Second Reminder",
"notes_reminder3": "Third Reminder",
"bcc_email": "BCC Email",
"tax_quote": "Tax Quote",
"tax_invoice": "Tax Invoice",
"emailed_invoices": "Successfully emailed invoices",
"emailed_quotes": "Successfully emailed quotes",
"website_url": "Website URL",
"domain": "Domain",
"domain_help": "Used in the client portal and when sending emails.",
"domain_help_website": "Used when sending emails.",
"import_invoices": "Import Invoices",
"new_report": "New Report",
"edit_report": "Edit Report",
"columns": "Columns",
"filters": "Filters",
"sort_by": "Sort By",
"draft": "Draft",
"unpaid": "Unpaid",
"aging": "Aging",
"age": "Age",
"days": "Days",
"age_group_0": "0 - 30 Days",
"age_group_30": "30 - 60 Days",
"age_group_60": "60 - 90 Days",
"age_group_90": "90 - 120 Days",
"age_group_120": "120+ Days",
"invoice_details": "Invoice Details",
"qty": "Quantity",
"profit_and_loss": "Profit and Loss",
"revenue": "Revenue",
"profit": "Profit",
"group_when_sorted": "Group Sort",
"group_dates_by": "Group Dates By",
"year": "Year",
"view_statement": "View Statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"statement_date": "Statement Date",
"mark_active": "Mark Active",
"send_automatically": "Send Automatically",
"initial_email": "Initial Email",
"invoice_not_emailed": "This invoice hasn't been emailed.",
"quote_not_emailed": "This quote hasn't been emailed.",
"sent_by": "Sent by {user}",
"recipients": "Recipients",
"save_as_default": "Save as default",
"template": "Template",
"first_day_of_week_help": "Used by date<\/b> selectors",
"financial_year_start_help": "Used by date range<\/b> selectors",
"reports_help": "Shift + Click to sort by multiple columns, Ctrl + Click to clear the grouping.",
"this_year": "This Year",
"ninja_tagline": "Create. Send. Get Paid.",
"login_or_existing": "Or login with a connected account.",
"sign_up_now": "Sign Up Now",
"not_a_member_yet": "Not a member yet?",
"login_create_an_account": "Create an Account!",
"client_login": "Client Login",
"invoice_from": "Invoices From:",
"email_alias_message": "We require each company to have a unique email address.
Consider using an alias. ie, email+label@example.com",
"full_name": "Full Name",
"month_year": "MONTH\/YEAR",
"valid_thru": "Valid\\nthru",
"product_fields": "Product Fields",
"custom_product_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a product or invoice and display the label and value on the PDF.",
"freq_two_months": "Two months",
"freq_yearly": "Annually",
"profile": "Profile",
"payment_type_help": "Sets the default manual payment type<\/b>.",
"industry_Construction": "Construction",
"your_statement": "Your Statement",
"statement_issued_to": "Statement issued to",
"statement_to": "Statement to",
"customize_options": "Customize options",
"created_payment_term": "Successfully created payment term",
"updated_payment_term": "Successfully updated payment term",
"archived_payment_term": "Successfully archived payment term",
"resend_invite": "Resend Invitation",
"credit_created_by": "Credit created by payment {transaction_reference}",
"created_payment_and_credit": "Successfully created payment and credit",
"created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client": "Successfully created payment and credit, and emailed client",
"create_project": "Create project",
"create_vendor": "Create vendor",
"create_expense_category": "Create category",
"pro_plan_reports": "{link} to enable reports by joining the Pro Plan",
"mark_ready": "Mark Ready",
"limits": "Limits",
"fees": "Fees",
"fee": "Fee",
"set_limits_fees": "Set {gateway_type} Limits\/Fees",
"fees_tax_help": "Enable line item taxes to set the fee tax rates.",
"fees_sample": "The fee for a {amount} invoice would be {total}.",
"discount_sample": "The discount for a {amount} invoice would be {total}.",
"no_fees": "No Fees",
"gateway_fees_disclaimer": "Warning: not all states\/payment gateways allow adding fees, please review local laws\/terms of service.",
"percent": "Percent",
"location": "Location",
"line_item": "Line Item",
"surcharge": "Surcharge",
"location_first_surcharge": "Enabled - First surcharge",
"location_second_surcharge": "Enabled - Second surcharge",
"location_line_item": "Enabled - Line item",
"online_payment_surcharge": "Online Payment Surcharge",
"gateway_fees": "Gateway Fees",
"fees_disabled": "Fees are disabled",
"gateway_fees_help": "Automatically add an online payment surcharge\/discount.",
"gateway": "Gateway",
"gateway_fee_change_warning": "If there are unpaid invoices with fees they need to be updated manually.",
"fees_surcharge_help": "Customize surcharge {link}.",
"label_and_taxes": "label and taxes",
"billable": "Billable",
"logo_warning_too_large": "The image file is too large.",
"logo_warning_fileinfo": "Warning: To support gifs the fileinfo PHP extension needs to be enabled.",
"logo_warning_invalid": "There was a problem reading the image file, please try a different format.",
"error_refresh_page": "An error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.",
"data": "Data",
"imported_settings": "Successfully imported settings",
"reset_counter": "Reset Counter",
"next_reset": "Next Reset",
"reset_counter_help": "Automatically reset the invoice and quote counters.",
"auto_bill_failed": "Auto-billing for invoice {invoice_number} failed",
"online_payment_discount": "Online Payment Discount",
"created_new_company": "Successfully created new company",
"fees_disabled_for_gateway": "Fees are disabled for this gateway.",
"logout_and_delete": "Log Out\/Delete Account",
"tax_rate_type_help": "Inclusive tax rates adjust the line item cost when selected.
Only exclusive tax rates can be used as a default.",
"invoice_footer_help": "Use $pageNumber and $pageCount to display the page information.",
"credit_note": "Credit Note",
"credit_issued_to": "Credit issued to",
"credit_to": "Credit to",
"your_credit": "Your Credit",
"credit_number": "Credit Number",
"create_credit_note": "Create Credit Note",
"menu": "Menu",
"error_incorrect_gateway_ids": "Error: The gateways table has incorrect ids.",
"purge_data": "Purge Data",
"delete_data": "Delete Data",
"purge_data_help": "Permanently delete all data but keep the account and settings.",
"cancel_account_help": "Permanently delete the account along with all data and setting.",
"purge_successful": "Successfully purged company data",
"forbidden": "Forbidden",
"purge_data_message": "Warning: This will permanently erase your data, there is no undo.",
"contact_phone": "Contact Phone",
"contact_email": "Contact Email",
"reply_to_email": "Reply-To Email",
"reply_to_email_help": "Specify the reply-to address for client emails.",
"bcc_email_help": "Privately include this address with client emails.",
"import_complete": "Your import has successfully completed.",
"confirm_account_to_import": "Please confirm your account to import data.",
"import_started": "Your import has started, we'll send you an email once it completes.",
"listening": "Listening...",
"microphone_help": "Say \"new invoice for [client]\" or \"show me [client]'s archived payments\"",
"voice_commands": "Voice Commands",
"sample_commands": "Sample commands",
"voice_commands_feedback": "We're actively working to improve this feature, if there's a command you'd like us to support please email us at {email}.",
"payment_type_Venmo": "Venmo",
"payment_type_Money Order": "Money Order",
"archived_products": "Successfully archived {count} products",
"recommend_on": "We recommend enabling<\/b> this setting.",
"recommend_off": "We recommend disabling<\/b> this setting.",
"notes_auto_billed": "Auto-billed",
"surcharge_label": "Surcharge Label",
"contact_fields": "Contact Fields",
"custom_contact_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a contact and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"datatable_info": "Showing {start} to {end} of {total} entries",
"credit_total": "Credit Total",
"mark_billable": "Mark billable",
"billed": "Billed",
"company_variables": "Company Variables",
"client_variables": "Client Variables",
"invoice_variables": "Invoice Variables",
"navigation_variables": "Navigation Variables",
"custom_variables": "Custom Variables",
"invalid_file": "Invalid file type",
"add_documents_to_invoice": "Add documents to invoice",
"mark_expense_paid": "Mark paid",
"white_label_license_error": "Failed to validate the license, check storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log for more details.",
"plan_price": "Plan Price",
"wrong_confirmation": "Incorrect confirmation code",
"oauth_taken": "The account is already registered",
"emailed_payment": "Successfully emailed payment",
"email_payment": "Email Payment",
"invoiceplane_import": "Use {link} to migrate your data from InvoicePlane.",
"duplicate_expense_warning": "Warning: This {link} may be a duplicate",
"expense_link": "expense",
"resume_task": "Resume Task",
"resumed_task": "Successfully resumed task",
"quote_design": "Quote Design",
"default_design": "Standard Design",
"custom_design1": "Custom Design 1",
"custom_design2": "Custom Design 2",
"custom_design3": "Custom Design 3",
"empty": "Empty",
"load_design": "Load Design",
"accepted_card_logos": "Accepted Card Logos",
"phantomjs_local_and_cloud": "Using local PhantomJS, falling back to phantomjscloud.com",
"google_analytics": "Google Analytics",
"analytics_key": "Analytics Key",
"analytics_key_help": "Track payments using {link}",
"start_date_required": "The start date is required",
"application_settings": "Application Settings",
"database_connection": "Database Connection",
"driver": "Driver",
"host": "Host",
"database": "Database",
"test_connection": "Test connection",
"from_name": "From Name",
"from_address": "From Address",
"port": "Port",
"encryption": "Encryption",
"mailgun_domain": "Mailgun Domain",
"mailgun_private_key": "Mailgun Private Key",
"send_test_email": "Send test email",
"select_label": "Select Label",
"label": "Label",
"service": "Service",
"update_payment_details": "Update payment details",
"updated_payment_details": "Successfully updated payment details",
"update_credit_card": "Update Credit Card",
"recurring_expenses": "Recurring Expenses",
"recurring_expense": "Recurring Expense",
"new_recurring_expense": "New Recurring Expense",
"edit_recurring_expense": "Edit Recurring Expense",
"archive_recurring_expense": "Archive Recurring Expense",
"list_recurring_expense": "List Recurring Expenses",
"updated_recurring_expense": "Successfully updated recurring expense",
"created_recurring_expense": "Successfully created recurring expense",
"archived_recurring_expense": "Successfully archived recurring expense",
"restore_recurring_expense": "Restore Recurring Expense",
"restored_recurring_expense": "Successfully restored recurring expense",
"delete_recurring_expense": "Delete Recurring Expense",
"deleted_recurring_expense": "Successfully deleted project",
"view_recurring_expense": "View Recurring Expense",
"taxes_and_fees": "Taxes and fees",
"import_failed": "Import Failed",
"recurring_prefix": "Recurring Prefix",
"options": "Options",
"credit_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the credit number for negative invoices.",
"next_credit_number": "The next credit number is {number}.",
"padding_help": "The number of zero's to pad the number.",
"import_warning_invalid_date": "Warning: The date format appears to be invalid.",
"product_notes": "Product Notes",
"app_version": "App Version",
"ofx_version": "OFX Version",
"gateway_help_23": "{link} to get your Stripe API keys.",
"error_app_key_set_to_default": "Error: APP_KEY is set to a default value, to update it backup your database and then run php artisan ninja{update}-key<\/code>",
"charge_late_fee": "Charge Late Fee",
"late_fee_amount": "Late Fee Amount",
"late_fee_percent": "Late Fee Percent",
"late_fee_added": "Late fee added on {date}",
"download_invoice": "Download Invoice",
"download_quote": "Download Quote",
"invoices_are_attached": "Your invoice PDFs are attached.",
"downloaded_invoice": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDF",
"downloaded_quote": "An email will be sent with the quote PDF",
"downloaded_invoices": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDFs",
"downloaded_quotes": "An email will be sent with the quote PDFs",
"clone_expense": "Clone Expense",
"default_documents": "Default Documents",
"send_email_to_client": "Send email to the client",
"refund_subject": "Refund Processed",
"refund_body": "You have been processed a refund of {amount} for invoice {invoice_number}.",
"currency_us_dollar": "US Dollar",
"currency_british_pound": "British Pound",
"currency_euro": "Euro",
"currency_south_african_rand": "South African Rand",
"currency_danish_krone": "Danish Krone",
"currency_israeli_shekel": "Israeli Shekel",
"currency_swedish_krona": "Swedish Krona",
"currency_kenyan_shilling": "Kenyan Shilling",
"currency_canadian_dollar": "Canadian Dollar",
"currency_philippine_peso": "Philippine Peso",
"currency_indian_rupee": "Indian Rupee",
"currency_australian_dollar": "Australian Dollar",
"currency_singapore_dollar": "Singapore Dollar",
"currency_norske_kroner": "Norske Kroner",
"currency_new_zealand_dollar": "New Zealand Dollar",
"currency_vietnamese_dong": "Vietnamese Dong",
"currency_swiss_franc": "Swiss Franc",
"currency_guatemalan_quetzal": "Guatemalan Quetzal",
"currency_malaysian_ringgit": "Malaysian Ringgit",
"currency_brazilian_real": "Brazilian Real",
"currency_thai_baht": "Thai Baht",
"currency_nigerian_naira": "Nigerian Naira",
"currency_argentine_peso": "Argentine Peso",
"currency_bangladeshi_taka": "Bangladeshi Taka",
"currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham": "United Arab Emirates Dirham",
"currency_hong_kong_dollar": "Hong Kong Dollar",
"currency_indonesian_rupiah": "Indonesian Rupiah",
"currency_mexican_peso": "Mexican Peso",
"currency_egyptian_pound": "Egyptian Pound",
"currency_colombian_peso": "Colombian Peso",
"currency_west_african_franc": "West African Franc",
"currency_chinese_renminbi": "Chinese Renminbi",
"currency_rwandan_franc": "Rwandan Franc",
"currency_tanzanian_shilling": "Tanzanian Shilling",
"currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder": "Netherlands Antillean Guilder",
"currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar": "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar",
"currency_east_caribbean_dollar": "East Caribbean Dollar",
"currency_ghanaian_cedi": "Ghanaian Cedi",
"currency_bulgarian_lev": "Bulgarian Lev",
"currency_aruban_florin": "Aruban Florin",
"currency_turkish_lira": "Turkish Lira",
"currency_romanian_new_leu": "Romanian New Leu",
"currency_croatian_kuna": "Croatian Kuna",
"currency_saudi_riyal": "Saudi Riyal",
"currency_japanese_yen": "Japanese Yen",
"currency_maldivian_rufiyaa": "Maldivian Rufiyaa",
"currency_costa_rican_colon": "Costa Rican Colón",
"currency_pakistani_rupee": "Pakistani Rupee",
"currency_polish_zloty": "Polish Zloty",
"currency_sri_lankan_rupee": "Sri Lankan Rupee",
"currency_czech_koruna": "Czech Koruna",
"currency_uruguayan_peso": "Uruguayan Peso",
"currency_namibian_dollar": "Namibian Dollar",
"currency_tunisian_dinar": "Tunisian Dinar",
"currency_russian_ruble": "Russian Ruble",
"currency_mozambican_metical": "Mozambican Metical",
"currency_omani_rial": "Omani Rial",
"currency_ukrainian_hryvnia": "Ukrainian Hryvnia",
"currency_macanese_pataca": "Macanese Pataca",
"currency_taiwan_new_dollar": "Taiwan New Dollar",
"currency_dominican_peso": "Dominican Peso",
"currency_chilean_peso": "Chilean Peso",
"currency_icelandic_krona": "Icelandic Króna",
"currency_papua_new_guinean_kina": "Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency_jordanian_dinar": "Jordanian Dinar",
"currency_myanmar_kyat": "Myanmar Kyat",
"currency_peruvian_sol": "Peruvian Sol",
"currency_botswana_pula": "Botswana Pula",
"currency_hungarian_forint": "Hungarian Forint",
"currency_ugandan_shilling": "Ugandan Shilling",
"currency_barbadian_dollar": "Barbadian Dollar",
"currency_brunei_dollar": "Brunei Dollar",
"currency_georgian_lari": "Georgian Lari",
"currency_qatari_riyal": "Qatari Riyal",
"currency_honduran_lempira": "Honduran Lempira",
"currency_surinamese_dollar": "Surinamese Dollar",
"currency_bahraini_dinar": "Bahraini Dinar",
"currency_venezuelan_bolivars": "Venezuelan Bolivars",
"review_app_help": "We hope you're enjoying using the app.
If you'd consider {link} we'd greatly appreciate it!",
"writing_a_review": "writing a review",
"use_english_version": "Make sure to use the English version of the files.
We use the column headers to match the fields.",
"tax1": "First Tax",
"tax2": "Second Tax",
"fee_help": "Gateway fees are the costs charged for access to the financial networks that handle the processing of online payments.",
"format_export": "Exporting format",
"custom1": "First Custom",
"custom2": "Second Custom",
"contact_first_name": "Contact First Name",
"contact_last_name": "Contact Last Name",
"contact_custom1": "Contact First Custom",
"contact_custom2": "Contact Second Custom",
"currency": "Currency",
"ofx_help": "To troubleshoot check for comments on {ofxhome_link} and test with {ofxget_link}.",
"comments": "comments",
"item_product": "Item Product",
"item_notes": "Item Notes",
"item_cost": "Item Cost",
"item_quantity": "Item Quantity",
"item_tax_rate": "Item Tax Rate",
"item_tax_name": "Item Tax Name",
"item_tax1": "Item Tax1",
"item_tax2": "Item Tax2",
"delete_company": "Delete Company",
"delete_company_help": "Permanently delete the company along with all data and setting.",
"delete_company_message": "Warning: This will permanently delete your company, there is no undo.",
"applied_discount": "The coupon has been applied, the plan price has been reduced by {discount}%.",
"applied_free_year": "The coupon has been applied, your account has been upgraded to pro for one year.",
"contact_us_help": "If you're reporting an error please include any relevant logs from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"include_errors": "Include Errors",
"include_errors_help": "Include {link} from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"recent_errors": "recent errors",
"customer": "Customer",
"customers": "Customers",
"created_customer": "Successfully created customer",
"created_customers": "Successfully created {count} customers",
"purge_details": "The data in your company ({account}) has been successfully purged.",
"deleted_company": "Successfully deleted company",
"deleted_account": "Successfully canceled account",
"deleted_company_details": "Your company ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"deleted_account_details": "Your account ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"sofort": "Sofort",
"sepa": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"enable_alipay": "Accept Alipay",
"enable_sofort": "Accept EU bank transfers",
"stripe_alipay_help": "These gateways also need to be activated in {link}.",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"pro_plan_calendar": "{link} to enable the calendar by joining the Pro Plan",
"what_are_you_working_on": "What are you working on?",
"time_tracker": "Time Tracker",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"filter_sort": "Filter\/Sort",
"no_description": "No Description",
"time_tracker_login": "Time Tracker Login",
"save_or_discard": "Save or discard your changes",
"discard_changes": "Discard Changes",
"tasks_not_enabled": "Tasks are not enabled.",
"started_task": "Successfully started task",
"create_client": "Create Client",
"download_desktop_app": "Download the desktop app",
"download_iphone_app": "Download the iPhone app",
"download_android_app": "Download the Android app",
"time_tracker_mobile_help": "Double tap a task to select it",
"stopped": "Stopped",
"ascending": "Ascending",
"descending": "Descending",
"sort_field": "Sort By",
"sort_direction": "Direction",
"discard": "Discard",
"time_am": "AM",
"time_pm": "PM",
"time_mins": "mins",
"time_hr": "hr",
"time_hrs": "hrs",
"clear": "Clear",
"warn_payment_gateway": "Note: accepting online payments requires a payment gateway, {link} to add one.",
"task_rate": "Task Rate",
"task_rate_help": "Set the default rate for invoiced tasks.",
"past_due": "Past Due",
"document": "Document",
"invoice_or_expense": "Invoice\/Expense",
"invoice_pdfs": "Invoice PDFs",
"enable_sepa": "Accept SEPA",
"enable_bitcoin": "Accept Bitcoin",
"iban": "IBAN",
"sepa_authorization": "By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing {company} and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.",
"recover_license": "Recover License",
"purchase": "Purchase",
"recover": "Recover",
"apply": "Apply",
"recover_white_label_header": "Recover White Label License",
"apply_white_label_header": "Apply White Label License",
"videos": "Videos",
"video": "Video",
"return_to_invoice": "Return to Invoice",
"gateway_help_13": "To use ITN leave the PDT Key field blank.",
"partial_due_date": "Partial Due Date",
"task_fields": "Task Fields",
"product_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order",
"custom_value1": "Custom Value",
"custom_value2": "Custom Value",
"enable_two_factor": "Two-Factor Authentication",
"enable_two_factor_help": "Use your phone to confirm your identity when logging in",
"two_factor_setup": "Two-Factor Setup",
"two_factor_setup_help": "Scan the bar code with a {link} compatible app.",
"one_time_password": "One Time Password",
"set_phone_for_two_factor": "Set your mobile phone number as a backup to enable.",
"enabled_two_factor": "Successfully enabled Two-Factor Authentication",
"add_product": "Add Product",
"email_will_be_sent_on": "Note: the email will be sent on {date}.",
"invoice_product": "Invoice Product",
"self_host_login": "Self-Host Login",
"set_self_hoat_url": "Self-Host URL",
"local_storage_required": "Error: local storage is not available.",
"your_password_reset_link": "Your Password Reset Link",
"subdomain_taken": "The subdomain is already in use",
"converted_amount": "Converted Amount",
"default": "Default",
"shipping_address": "Shipping Address",
"bllling_address": "Billing Address",
"billing_address1": "Billing Street",
"billing_address2": "Billing Apt\/Suite",
"billing_city": "Billing City",
"billing_state": "Billing State\/Province",
"billing_postal_code": "Billing Postal Code",
"billing_country": "Billing Country",
"shipping_address1": "Shipping Street",
"shipping_address2": "Shipping Apt\/Suite",
"shipping_city": "Shipping City",
"shipping_state": "Shipping State\/Province",
"shipping_postal_code": "Shipping Postal Code",
"shipping_country": "Shipping Country",
"classify": "Classify",
"show_shipping_address_help": "Require client to provide their shipping address",
"ship_to_billing_address": "Ship to billing address",
"delivery_note": "Delivery Note",
"show_tasks_in_portal": "Show tasks in the client portal",
"cancel_schedule": "Cancel Schedule",
"scheduled_report": "Scheduled Report",
"scheduled_report_help": "Email the {report} report as {format} to {email}",
"created_scheduled_report": "Successfully scheduled report",
"deleted_scheduled_report": "Successfully canceled scheduled report",
"scheduled_report_attached": "Your scheduled {type} report is attached.",
"scheduled_report_error": "Failed to create schedule report",
"invalid_one_time_password": "Invalid one time password",
"apple_pay": "Apple\/Google Pay",
"enable_apple_pay": "Accept Apple Pay and Pay with Google",
"requires_subdomain": "This payment type requires that a {link}.",
"subdomain_is_set": "subdomain is set",
"verification_file": "Verification File",
"verification_file_missing": "The verification file is needed to accept payments.",
"apple_pay_domain": "Use {domain}<\/code> as the domain in {link}.",
"apple_pay_not_supported": "Sorry, Apple\/Google Pay isn't supported by your browser",
"optional_payment_methods": "Optional Payment Methods",
"add_subscription": "Add Subscription",
"target_url": "Target",
"target_url_help": "When the selected event occurs the app will post the entity to the target URL.",
"event": "Event",
"subscription_event_1": "Created Client",
"subscription_event_2": "Created Invoice",
"subscription_event_3": "Created Quote",
"subscription_event_4": "Created Payment",
"subscription_event_5": "Created Vendor",
"subscription_event_6": "Updated Quote",
"subscription_event_7": "Deleted Quote",
"subscription_event_8": "Updated Invoice",
"subscription_event_9": "Deleted Invoice",
"subscription_event_10": "Updated Client",
"subscription_event_11": "Deleted Client",
"subscription_event_12": "Deleted Payment",
"subscription_event_13": "Updated Vendor",
"subscription_event_14": "Deleted Vendor",
"subscription_event_15": "Created Expense",
"subscription_event_16": "Updated Expense",
"subscription_event_17": "Deleted Expense",
"subscription_event_18": "Created Task",
"subscription_event_19": "Updated Task",
"subscription_event_20": "Deleted Task",
"subscription_event_21": "Approved Quote",
"subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"updated_subscription": "Successfully updated subscription",
"created_subscription": "Successfully created subscription",
"edit_subscription": "Edit Subscription",
"archive_subscription": "Archive Subscription",
"archived_subscription": "Successfully archived subscription",
"project_error_multiple_clients": "The projects can't belong to different clients",
"invoice_project": "Invoice Project",
"module_recurring_invoice": "Recurring Invoices",
"module_credit": "Credits",
"module_quote": "Quotes & Proposals",
"module_task": "Tasks & Projects",
"module_expense": "Expenses & Vendors",
"module_ticket": "Tickets",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"send_client_reminders": "Send email reminders",
"can_view_tasks": "Tasks are visible in the portal",
"is_not_sent_reminders": "Reminders are not sent",
"promotion_footer": "Your promotion will expire soon, {link} to upgrade now.",
"unable_to_delete_primary": "Note: to delete this company first delete all linked companies.",
"please_register": "Please register your account",
"processing_request": "Processing request",
"mcrypt_warning": "Warning: Mcrypt is deprecated, run {command} to update your cipher.",
"edit_times": "Edit Times",
"inclusive_taxes_help": "Include taxes in the cost<\/b>",
"inclusive_taxes_notice": "This setting can not be changed once an invoice has been created.",
"inclusive_taxes_warning": "Warning: existing invoices will need to be resaved",
"copy_shipping": "Copy Shipping",
"copy_billing": "Copy Billing",
"quote_has_expired": "The quote has expired, please contact the merchant.",
"empty_table_footer": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"do_not_trust": "Do not remember this device",
"trust_for_30_days": "Trust for 30 days",
"trust_forever": "Trust forever",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"backlog": "Backlog",
"ready_to_do": "Ready to do",
"in_progress": "In progress",
"add_status": "Add status",
"archive_status": "Archive Status",
"new_status": "New Status",
"convert_products": "Convert Products",
"convert_products_help": "Automatically convert product prices to the client's currency",
"improve_client_portal_link": "Set a subdomain to shorten the client portal link.",
"budgeted_hours": "Budgeted Hours",
"progress": "Progress",
"view_project": "View Project",
"summary": "Summary",
"endless_reminder": "Endless Reminder",
"signature_on_invoice_help": "Add the following code to show your client's signature on the PDF.",
"signature_on_pdf": "Show on PDF",
"signature_on_pdf_help": "Show the client signature on the invoice\/quote PDF.",
"expired_white_label": "The white label license has expired",
"return_to_login": "Return to Login",
"convert_products_tip": "Note: add a {link} named \"{name}\" to see the exchange rate.",
"amount_greater_than_balance": "The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.",
"custom_fields_tip": "Use Label|Option1,Option2<\/code> to show a select box.",
"client_information": "Client Information",
"updated_client_details": "Successfully updated client details",
"auto": "Auto",
"tax_amount": "Tax Amount",
"tax_paid": "Tax Paid",
"none": "None",
"proposal_message_button": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the button below.",
"proposal": "Proposal",
"proposals": "Proposals",
"list_proposals": "List Proposals",
"new_proposal": "New Proposal",
"edit_proposal": "Edit Proposal",
"archive_proposal": "Archive Proposal",
"delete_proposal": "Delete Proposal",
"created_proposal": "Successfully created proposal",
"updated_proposal": "Successfully updated proposal",
"archived_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"deleted_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"archived_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"deleted_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"restored_proposal": "Successfully restored proposal",
"restore_proposal": "Restore Proposal",
"snippet": "Snippet",
"snippets": "Snippets",
"proposal_snippet": "Snippet",
"proposal_snippets": "Snippets",
"new_proposal_snippet": "New Snippet",
"edit_proposal_snippet": "Edit Snippet",
"archive_proposal_snippet": "Archive Snippet",
"delete_proposal_snippet": "Delete Snippet",
"created_proposal_snippet": "Successfully created snippet",
"updated_proposal_snippet": "Successfully updated snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"deleted_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"deleted_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"restored_proposal_snippet": "Successfully restored snippet",
"restore_proposal_snippet": "Restore Snippet",
"templates": "Templates",
"proposal_template": "Template",
"proposal_templates": "Templates",
"new_proposal_template": "New Template",
"edit_proposal_template": "Edit Template",
"archive_proposal_template": "Archive Template",
"delete_proposal_template": "Delete Template",
"created_proposal_template": "Successfully created template",
"updated_proposal_template": "Successfully updated template",
"archived_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"deleted_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"archived_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"deleted_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"restored_proposal_template": "Successfully restored template",
"restore_proposal_template": "Restore Template",
"proposal_category": "Category",
"proposal_categories": "Categories",
"new_proposal_category": "New Category",
"edit_proposal_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_proposal_category": "Archive Category",
"delete_proposal_category": "Delete Category",
"created_proposal_category": "Successfully created category",
"updated_proposal_category": "Successfully updated category",
"archived_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"deleted_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"archived_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"deleted_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"restored_proposal_category": "Successfully restored category",
"restore_proposal_category": "Restore Category",
"delete_status": "Delete Status",
"standard": "Standard",
"icon": "Icon",
"proposal_not_found": "The requested proposal is not available",
"create_proposal_category": "Create category",
"clone_proposal_template": "Clone Template",
"proposal_email": "Proposal Email",
"proposal_subject": "New proposal {number} from {account}",
"proposal_message": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the link below.",
"emailed_proposal": "Successfully emailed proposal",
"load_template": "Load Template",
"no_assets": "No images, drag to upload",
"add_image": "Add Image",
"select_image": "Select Image",
"upgrade_to_upload_images": "Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images",
"delete_image": "Delete Image",
"delete_image_help": "Warning: deleting the image will remove it from all proposals.",
"amount_variable_help": "Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial\/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.",
"taxes_are_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes have been enabled.",
"taxes_are_not_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes are not enabled.",
"change_requires_purge": "Changing this setting requires {link} the account data.",
"purging": "purging",
"warning_local_refund": "The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.",
"email_address_changed": "Email address has been changed",
"email_address_changed_message": "The email address for your account has been changed from {old_email} to {new_email}.",
"test": "Test",
"beta": "Beta",
"gmp_required": "Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension",
"email_history": "Email History",
"loading": "Loading",
"no_messages_found": "No messages found",
"processing": "Processing",
"reactivate": "Reactivate",
"reactivated_email": "The email address has been reactivated",
"emails": "Emails",
"opened": "Opened",
"bounced": "Bounced",
"total_sent": "Total Sent",
"total_opened": "Total Opened",
"total_bounced": "Total Bounced",
"total_spam": "Total Spam",
"platforms": "Platforms",
"email_clients": "Email Clients",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"desktop": "Desktop",
"webmail": "Webmail",
"group": "Group",
"subgroup": "Subgroup",
"unset": "Unset",
"received_new_payment": "You've received a new payment!",
"slack_webhook_help": "Receive payment notifications using {link}.",
"slack_incoming_webhooks": "Slack incoming webhooks",
"accept": "Accept",
"accepted_terms": "Successfully accepted the latest terms of service",
"invalid_url": "Invalid URL",
"workflow_settings": "Workflow Settings",
"auto_email_invoice": "Auto Email",
"auto_email_invoice_help": "Automatically email recurring invoices when they are created.",
"auto_archive_invoice": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_invoice_help": "Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.",
"auto_archive_quote": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_quote_help": "Automatically archive quotes when they are converted.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote": "Allow approve expired quote",
"allow_approve_expired_quote_help": "Allow clients to approve expired quotes.",
"invoice_workflow": "Invoice Workflow",
"quote_workflow": "Quote Workflow",
"client_must_be_active": "Error: the client must be active",
"purge_client": "Purge Client",
"purged_client": "Successfully purged client",
"purge_client_warning": "All related records (invoices, tasks, expenses, documents, etc) will also be deleted.",
"clone_product": "Clone Product",
"item_details": "Item Details",
"send_item_details_help": "Send line item details to the payment gateway.",
"view_proposal": "View Proposal",
"view_in_portal": "View in Portal",
"cookie_message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
"got_it": "Got it!",
"vendor_will_create": "vendor will be created",
"vendors_will_create": "vendors will be created",
"created_vendors": "Successfully created {count} vendor(s)",
"import_vendors": "Import Vendors",
"company": "Company",
"client_field": "Client Field",
"contact_field": "Contact Field",
"product_field": "Product Field",
"task_field": "Task Field",
"project_field": "Project Field",
"expense_field": "Expense Field",
"vendor_field": "Vendor Field",
"company_field": "Company Field",
"invoice_field": "Invoice Field",
"invoice_surcharge": "Invoice Surcharge",
"custom_task_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a task.",
"custom_project_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a project.",
"custom_expense_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an expense.",
"custom_vendor_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a vendor.",
"messages": "Messages",
"unpaid_invoice": "Unpaid Invoice",
"paid_invoice": "Paid Invoice",
"unapproved_quote": "Unapproved Quote",
"unapproved_proposal": "Unapproved Proposal",
"autofills_city_state": "Auto-fills city\/state",
"no_match_found": "No match found",
"password_strength": "Password Strength",
"strength_weak": "Weak",
"strength_good": "Good",
"strength_strong": "Strong",
"mark": "Mark",
"updated_task_status": "Successfully update task status",
"background_image": "Background Image",
"background_image_help": "Use the {link} to manage your images, we recommend using a small file.",
"proposal_editor": "proposal editor",
"background": "Background",
"guide": "Guide",
"gateway_fee_item": "Gateway Fee Item",
"gateway_fee_description": "Gateway Fee Surcharge",
"show_payments": "Show Payments",
"show_aging": "Show Aging",
"reference": "Reference",
"amount_paid": "Amount Paid",
"send_notifications_for": "Send Notifications For",
"all_invoices": "All Invoices",
"my_invoices": "My Invoices",
"mobile_refresh_warning": "If you're using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.",
"enable_proposals_for_background": "To upload a background image {link} to enable the proposals module.",
"payment_reference": "Payment Reference",
"maximum": "Maximum",
"sort": "Sort",
"refresh_complete": "Refresh Complete",
"please_enter_your_email": "Please enter your email",
"please_enter_your_password": "Please enter your password",
"please_enter_your_url": "Please enter your URL",
"please_enter_a_product_key": "Please enter a product key",
"an_error_occurred": "An error occurred",
"overview": "Overview",
"copied_to_clipboard": "Copied {value} to the clipboard",
"error": "Error",
"could_not_launch": "Could not launch",
"additional": "Additional",
"ok": "Ok",
"email_is_invalid": "Email is invalid",
"items": "Items",
"partial_deposit": "Partial\/Deposit",
"add_item": "Add Item",
"total_amount": "Total Amount",
"pdf": "PDF",
"status_id": "Invoice Status",
"click_plus_to_add_item": "Click + to add an item",
"count_selected": "{count} selected",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"please_select_a_date": "Please select a date",
"please_select_a_client": "Please select a client",
"language": "Language",
"updated_at": "Updated",
"please_enter_an_invoice_number": "Please enter an invoice number",
"please_enter_a_quote_number": "Please enter a quote number",
"clients_invoices": "{client}'s invoices",
"viewed": "Viewed",
"approved": "Approved",
"invoice_status_1": "Draft",
"invoice_status_2": "Sent",
"invoice_status_3": "Viewed",
"invoice_status_4": "Approved",
"invoice_status_5": "Partial",
"invoice_status_6": "Paid",
"marked_invoice_as_sent": "Successfully marked invoice as sent",
"please_enter_a_client_or_contact_name": "Please enter a client or contact name",
"restart_app_to_apply_change": "Restart the app to apply the change",
"refresh_data": "Refresh Data",
"blank_contact": "Blank Contact",
"no_records_found": "No records found",
"industry": "Industry",
"size": "Size",
"net": "Net",
"show_tasks": "Show tasks",
"email_reminders": "Email Reminders",
"reminder1": "First Reminder",
"reminder2": "Second Reminder",
"reminder3": "Third Reminder",
"send": "Send",
"auto_billing": "Auto billing",
"button": "Button",
"more": "More",
"edit_recurring_invoice": "Edit Recurring Invoice",
"edit_recurring_quote": "Edit Recurring Quote",
"quote_status": "Quote Status",
"please_select_an_invoice": "Please select an invoice",
"filtered_by": "Filtered by",
"payment_status": "Payment Status",
"payment_status_1": "Pending",
"payment_status_2": "Voided",
"payment_status_3": "Failed",
"payment_status_4": "Completed",
"payment_status_5": "Partially Refunded",
"payment_status_6": "Refunded",
"send_receipt_to_client": "Send receipt to the client",
"refunded": "Refunded",
"marked_quote_as_sent": "Successfully marked quote as sent",
"custom_module_settings": "Custom Module Settings",
"ticket": "Ticket",
"tickets": "Tickets",
"ticket_number": "Ticket #",
"new_ticket": "New Ticket",
"edit_ticket": "Edit Ticket",
"view_ticket": "View Ticket",
"archive_ticket": "Archive Ticket",
"restore_ticket": "Restore Ticket",
"delete_ticket": "Delete Ticket",
"archived_ticket": "Successfully archived ticket",
"archived_tickets": "Successfully archived tickets",
"restored_ticket": "Successfully restored ticket",
"deleted_ticket": "Successfully deleted ticket",
"open": "Open",
"new": "New",
"closed": "Closed",
"reopened": "Reopened",
"priority": "Priority",
"last_updated": "Last Updated",
"comment": "Comments",
"tags": "Tags",
"linked_objects": "Linked Objects",
"low": "Low",
"medium": "Medium",
"high": "High",
"no_due_date": "No due date set",
"assigned_to": "Assigned to",
"reply": "Reply",
"awaiting_reply": "Awaiting reply",
"ticket_close": "Close Ticket",
"ticket_reopen": "Reopen Ticket",
"ticket_open": "Open Ticket",
"ticket_split": "Split Ticket",
"ticket_merge": "Merge Ticket",
"ticket_update": "Update Ticket",
"ticket_settings": "Ticket Settings",
"updated_ticket": "Ticket Updated",
"mark_spam": "Mark as Spam",
"local_part": "Local Part",
"local_part_unavailable": "Name taken",
"local_part_available": "Name available",
"local_part_invalid": "Invalid name (alpha numeric only, no spaces",
"local_part_help": "Customise the local part of your inbound support email, ie. YOUR_NAME@support.invoiceninja.com",
"from_name_help": "From name is the recognizable sender which is displayed instead of the email address, ie Support Center",
"local_part_placeholder": "YOUR_NAME",
"from_name_placeholder": "Support Center",
"attachments": "Attachments",
"client_upload": "Client uploads",
"enable_client_upload_help": "Allow clients to upload documents\/attachments",
"max_file_size_help": "Maximum file size (KB) is limited by your post_max_size and upload_max_filesize variables as set in your PHP.INI",
"max_file_size": "Maximum file size",
"mime_types": "Mime types",
"mime_types_placeholder": ".pdf , .docx, .jpg",
"mime_types_help": "Comma separated list of allowed mime types, leave blank for all",
"ticket_number_start_help": "Ticket number must be greater than the current ticket number",
"new_ticket_template_id": "New ticket",
"new_ticket_autoresponder_help": "Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client\/contact when a new ticket is created",
"update_ticket_template_id": "Updated ticket",
"update_ticket_autoresponder_help": "Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client\/contact when a ticket is updated",
"close_ticket_template_id": "Closed ticket",
"close_ticket_autoresponder_help": "Selecting a template will send an auto response to a client\/contact when a ticket is closed",
"default_priority": "Default priority",
"alert_new_comment_id": "New comment",
"alert_comment_ticket_help": "Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a comment is made.",
"alert_comment_ticket_email_help": "Comma separated emails to bcc on new comment.",
"new_ticket_notification_list": "Additional new ticket notifications",
"update_ticket_notification_list": "Additional new comment notifications",
"comma_separated_values": "admin@example.com, supervisor@example.com",
"alert_ticket_assign_agent_id": "Ticket assignment",
"alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_hel": "Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a ticket is assigned.",
"alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_notifications": "Additional ticket assigned notifications",
"alert_ticket_assign_agent_id_help": "Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket assignment.",
"alert_ticket_transfer_email_help": "Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket transfer.",
"alert_ticket_overdue_agent_id": "Ticket overdue",
"alert_ticket_overdue_email": "Additional overdue ticket notifications",
"alert_ticket_overdue_email_help": "Comma separated emails to bcc on ticket overdue.",
"alert_ticket_overdue_agent_id_help": "Selecting a template will send a notification (to agent) when a ticket becomes overdue.",
"ticket_master": "Ticket Master",
"ticket_master_help": "Has the ability to assign and transfer tickets. Assigned as the default agent for all tickets.",
"default_agent": "Default Agent",
"default_agent_help": "If selected will automatically be assigned to all inbound tickets",
"show_agent_details": "Show agent details on responses",
"avatar": "Avatar",
"remove_avatar": "Remove avatar",
"ticket_not_found": "Ticket not found",
"add_template": "Add Template",
"ticket_template": "Ticket Template",
"ticket_templates": "Ticket Templates",
"updated_ticket_template": "Updated Ticket Template",
"created_ticket_template": "Created Ticket Template",
"archive_ticket_template": "Archive Template",
"restore_ticket_template": "Restore Template",
"archived_ticket_template": "Successfully archived template",
"restored_ticket_template": "Successfully restored template",
"close_reason": "Let us know why you are closing this ticket",
"reopen_reason": "Les us know why you are reopening this ticket",
"enter_ticket_message": "Please enter a message to update the ticket",
"show_hide_all": "Show \/ Hide all",
"subject_required": "Subject required",
"ticket_assignment": "Ticket {ticket_number} has been assigned to {agent}",
"ticket_contact_reply": "Ticket {ticket_number} has been updated by client {contact}",
"ticket_new_template_subject": "Ticket {ticket_number} has been created.",
"ticket_updated_template_subject": "Ticket {ticket_number} has been updated.",
"ticket_closed_template_subject": "Ticket {ticket_number} has been closed.",
"ticket_overdue_template_subject": "Ticket {ticket_number} is now overdue",
"merge": "Merge",
"merged": "Merged",
"agent": "Agent",
"parent_ticket": "Parent Ticket",
"linked_tickets": "Linked Tickets",
"merge_prompt": "Enter ticket number to merge into",
"merge_from_to": "Ticket #{old_ticket} merged into Ticket #{new_ticket}",
"merge_closed_ticket_text": "Ticket #{old_ticket} was closed and merged into Ticket#{new_ticket} - {subject}",
"merge_updated_ticket_text": "Ticket #{old_ticket} was closed and merged into this ticket",
"merge_placeholder": "Merge ticket #{ticket} into the following ticket",
"select_ticket": "Select Ticket",
"new_internal_ticket": "New internal ticket",
"internal_ticket": "Internal ticket",
"create_ticket": "Create ticket",
"allow_inbound_email_tickets_external": "New Tickets by email (Client)",
"allow_inbound_email_tickets_external_help": "Allow clients to create new tickets by email",
"include_in_filter": "Include in filter",
"custom_client1": "{VALUE}",
"custom_client2": "{VALUE}",
"compare": "Compare",
"hosted_login": "Hosted Login",
"selfhost_login": "Selfhost Login",
"google_login": "Google Login",
"thanks_for_patience": "Thank for your patience while we work to implement these features.\\n\\nWe hope to have them completed in the next few months.\\n\\nUntil then we\"ll continue to support the",
"legacy_mobile_app": "legacy mobile app",
"today": "Today",
"current": "Current",
"previous": "Previous",
"current_period": "Current Period",
"comparison_period": "Comparison Period",
"previous_period": "Previous Period",
"previous_year": "Previous Year",
"compare_to": "Compare to",
"last_week": "Last Week",
"clone_to_invoice": "Clone to Invoice",
"clone_to_quote": "Clone to Quote",
"convert": "Convert",
"last7_days": "Last 7 Days",
"last30_days": "Last 30 days",
"custom_js": "Custom JS",
"adjust_fee_percent_help": "Adjust percent to account for fee",
"email_already_register": "This email is already linked to an account",
"create_account": "Create Account",
"locations": "Locations"
"en_GB": {
"passwords": {
"password": "Passwords must be at least six characters and match the confirmation.",
"user": "We can't find a user with that e-mail address.",
"token": "This password reset token is invalid.",
"sent": "We have e-mailed your password reset link!",
"reset": "Your password has been reset!"
"pagination": {
"previous": "« Previous",
"next": "Next »"
"reminders": {
"password": "Passwords must be at least six characters and match the confirmation.",
"user": "We can't find a user with that e-mail address.",
"token": "This password reset token is invalid.",
"sent": "Password reminder sent!"
"validation": {
"accepted": "The {attribute} must be accepted.",
"active_url": "The {attribute} is not a valid URL.",
"after": "The {attribute} must be a date after {date}.",
"alpha": "The {attribute} may only contain letters.",
"alpha_dash": "The {attribute} may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.",
"alpha_num": "The {attribute} may only contain letters and numbers.",
"array": "The {attribute} must be an array.",
"before": "The {attribute} must be a date before {date}.",
"between": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be between {min} - {max}.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be between {min} - {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} must be between {min} - {max} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} must have between {min} - {max} items."
"confirmed": "The {attribute} confirmation does not match.",
"date": "The {attribute} is not a valid date.",
"date_format": "The {attribute} does not match the format {format}.",
"different": "The {attribute} and {other} must be different.",
"digits": "The {attribute} must be {digits} digits.",
"digits_between": "The {attribute} must be between {min} and {max} digits.",
"email": "The {attribute} format is invalid.",
"exists": "The selected {attribute} is invalid.",
"image": "The {attribute} must be an image.",
"in": "The selected {attribute} is invalid.",
"integer": "The {attribute} must be an integer.",
"ip": "The {attribute} must be a valid IP address.",
"max": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} may not be greater than {max}.",
"file": "The {attribute} may not be greater than {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} may not be greater than {max} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} may not have more than {max} items."
"mimes": "The {attribute} must be a file of type: {values}.",
"min": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be at least {min}.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be at least {min} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} must be at least {min} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} must have at least {min} items."
"not_in": "The selected {attribute} is invalid.",
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be a number.",
"regex": "The {attribute} format is invalid.",
"required": "The {attribute} field is required.",
"required_if": "The {attribute} field is required when {other} is {value}.",
"required_with": "The {attribute} field is required when {values} is present.",
"required_without": "The {attribute} field is required when {values} is not present.",
"same": "The {attribute} and {other} must match.",
"size": {
"numeric": "The {attribute} must be {size}.",
"file": "The {attribute} must be {size} kilobytes.",
"string": "The {attribute} must be {size} characters.",
"array": "The {attribute} must contain {size} items."
"unique": "The {attribute} has already been taken.",
"url": "The {attribute} format is invalid.",
"positive": "The {attribute} must be greater than zero.",
"has_credit": "The client does not have enough credit.",
"notmasked": "The values are masked",
"less_than": "The {attribute} must be less than {value}",
"has_counter": "To ensure all invoice numbers are unique the pattern needs to contain either {$counter} or {$clientIdNumber} and {$clientCounter}",
"valid_contacts": "The contact must have either an email or name",
"valid_invoice_items": "The invoice exceeds the maximum amount",
"valid_subdomain": "The subdomain is restricted",
"custom": [],
"attributes": []
"texts": {
"organization": "Organization",
"name": "Name",
"website": "Website",
"work_phone": "Phone",
"address": "Address",
"address1": "Street",
"address2": "Apt\/Suite",
"city": "City",
"state": "State\/Province",
"postal_code": "Postal Code",
"country_id": "Country",
"contacts": "Contacts",
"first_name": "First Name",
"last_name": "Last Name",
"phone": "Phone",
"email": "Email",
"additional_info": "Additional Info",
"payment_terms": "Payment Terms",
"currency_id": "Currency",
"size_id": "Company Size",
"industry_id": "Industry",
"private_notes": "Private Notes",
"invoice": "Invoice",
"client": "Client",
"invoice_date": "Invoice Date",
"due_date": "Due Date",
"invoice_number": "Invoice Number",
"invoice_number_short": "Invoice #",
"po_number": "PO Number",
"po_number_short": "PO #",
"frequency_id": "How Often",
"discount": "Discount",
"taxes": "Taxes",
"tax": "Tax",
"item": "Item",
"description": "Description",
"unit_cost": "Unit Cost",
"quantity": "Quantity",
"line_total": "Line Total",
"subtotal": "Subtotal",
"paid_to_date": "Paid to Date",
"balance_due": "Balance Due",
"invoice_design_id": "Design",
"terms": "Terms",
"your_invoice": "Your Invoice",
"remove_contact": "Remove contact",
"add_contact": "Add contact",
"create_new_client": "Create new client",
"edit_client_details": "Edit client details",
"enable": "Enable",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"manage_rates": "Manage rates",
"note_to_client": "Note to Client",
"invoice_terms": "Invoice Terms",
"save_as_default_terms": "Save as default terms",
"download_pdf": "Download PDF",
"pay_now": "Pay Now",
"save_invoice": "Save Invoice",
"clone_invoice": "Clone To Invoice",
"archive_invoice": "Archive Invoice",
"delete_invoice": "Delete Invoice",
"email_invoice": "Email Invoice",
"enter_payment": "Enter Payment",
"tax_rates": "Tax Rates",
"rate": "Rate",
"settings": "Settings",
"enable_invoice_tax": "Enable specifying an invoice tax<\/b>",
"enable_line_item_tax": "Enable specifying line item taxes<\/b>",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"clients": "Clients",
"invoices": "Invoices",
"payments": "Payments",
"credits": "Credits",
"history": "History",
"search": "Search",
"sign_up": "Sign Up",
"guest": "Guest",
"company_details": "Company Details",
"online_payments": "Online Payments",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"import_export": "Import | Export",
"done": "Done",
"save": "Save",
"create": "Create",
"upload": "Upload",
"import": "Import",
"download": "Download",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"provide_email": "Please provide a valid email address",
"powered_by": "Powered by",
"no_items": "No items",
"recurring_invoices": "Recurring Invoices",
"recurring_help": "Automatically send clients the same invoices weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly or annually. <\/p>\n
Use {MONTH}, {QUARTER} or {YEAR} for dynamic dates. Basic math works as well, for example {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n
Examples of dynamic invoice variables:<\/p>\n
\n - \"Gym membership for the month of {MONTH}\" >> \"Gym membership for the month of July\"<\/li>\n
- \"{YEAR}+1 yearly subscription\" >> \"2015 Yearly Subscription\"<\/li>\n
- \"Retainer payment for {QUARTER}+1\" >> \"Retainer payment for Q2\"<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"recurring_quotes": "Recurring Quotes",
"in_total_revenue": "in total revenue",
"billed_client": "billed client",
"billed_clients": "billed clients",
"active_client": "active client",
"active_clients": "active clients",
"invoices_past_due": "Invoices Past Due",
"upcoming_invoices": "Upcoming Invoices",
"average_invoice": "Average Invoice",
"archive": "Archive",
"delete": "Delete",
"archive_client": "Archive Client",
"delete_client": "Delete Client",
"archive_payment": "Archive Payment",
"delete_payment": "Delete Payment",
"archive_credit": "Archive Credit",
"delete_credit": "Delete Credit",
"show_archived_deleted": "Show archived\/deleted",
"filter": "Filter",
"new_client": "New Client",
"new_invoice": "New Invoice",
"new_payment": "Enter Payment",
"new_credit": "Enter Credit",
"contact": "Contact",
"date_created": "Date Created",
"last_login": "Last Login",
"balance": "Balance",
"action": "Action",
"status": "Status",
"invoice_total": "Invoice Total",
"frequency": "Frequency",
"start_date": "Start Date",
"end_date": "End Date",
"transaction_reference": "Transaction Reference",
"method": "Method",
"payment_amount": "Payment Amount",
"payment_date": "Payment Date",
"credit_amount": "Credit Amount",
"credit_balance": "Credit Balance",
"credit_date": "Credit Date",
"empty_table": "No data available in table",
"select": "Select",
"edit_client": "Edit Client",
"edit_invoice": "Edit Invoice",
"create_invoice": "Create Invoice",
"enter_credit": "Enter Credit",
"last_logged_in": "Last logged in",
"details": "Details",
"standing": "Standing",
"credit": "Credit",
"activity": "Activity",
"date": "Date",
"message": "Message",
"adjustment": "Adjustment",
"are_you_sure": "Are you sure?",
"payment_type_id": "Payment Type",
"amount": "Amount",
"work_email": "Email",
"language_id": "Language",
"timezone_id": "Timezone",
"date_format_id": "Date Format",
"datetime_format_id": "Date\/Time Format",
"users": "Users",
"localization": "Localization",
"remove_logo": "Remove logo",
"logo_help": "Supported: JPEG, GIF and PNG",
"payment_gateway": "Payment Gateway",
"gateway_id": "Gateway",
"email_notifications": "Email Notifications",
"email_sent": "Email me when an invoice is sent<\/b>",
"email_viewed": "Email me when an invoice is viewed<\/b>",
"email_paid": "Email me when an invoice is paid<\/b>",
"site_updates": "Site Updates",
"custom_messages": "Custom Messages",
"default_email_footer": "Set default email signature<\/b>",
"select_file": "Please select a file",
"first_row_headers": "Use first row as headers",
"column": "Column",
"sample": "Sample",
"import_to": "Import to",
"client_will_create": "client will be created",
"clients_will_create": "clients will be created",
"email_settings": "Email Settings",
"client_view_styling": "Client View Styling",
"pdf_email_attachment": "Attach PDF",
"custom_css": "Custom CSS",
"import_clients": "Import Client Data",
"csv_file": "CSV file",
"export_clients": "Export Client Data",
"created_client": "Successfully created client",
"created_clients": "Successfully created {count} client(s)",
"updated_settings": "Successfully updated settings",
"removed_logo": "Successfully removed logo",
"sent_message": "Successfully sent message",
"invoice_error": "Please make sure to select a client and correct any errors",
"limit_clients": "Sorry, this will exceed the limit of {count} clients",
"payment_error": "There was an error processing your payment. Please try again later.",
"registration_required": "Please sign up to email an invoice",
"confirmation_required": "Please confirm your email address, {link} to resend the confirmation email.",
"updated_client": "Successfully updated client",
"archived_client": "Successfully archived client",
"archived_clients": "Successfully archived {count} clients",
"deleted_client": "Successfully deleted client",
"deleted_clients": "Successfully deleted {count} clients",
"updated_invoice": "Successfully updated invoice",
"created_invoice": "Successfully created invoice",
"cloned_invoice": "Successfully cloned invoice",
"emailed_invoice": "Successfully emailed invoice",
"and_created_client": "and created client",
"archived_invoice": "Successfully archived invoice",
"archived_invoices": "Successfully archived {count} invoices",
"deleted_invoice": "Successfully deleted invoice",
"deleted_invoices": "Successfully deleted {count} invoices",
"created_payment": "Successfully created payment",
"created_payments": "Successfully created {count} payment(s)",
"archived_payment": "Successfully archived payment",
"archived_payments": "Successfully archived {count} payments",
"deleted_payment": "Successfully deleted payment",
"deleted_payments": "Successfully deleted {count} payments",
"applied_payment": "Successfully applied payment",
"created_credit": "Successfully created credit",
"archived_credit": "Successfully archived credit",
"archived_credits": "Successfully archived {count} credits",
"deleted_credit": "Successfully deleted credit",
"deleted_credits": "Successfully deleted {count} credits",
"imported_file": "Successfully imported file",
"updated_vendor": "Successfully updated vendor",
"created_vendor": "Successfully created vendor",
"archived_vendor": "Successfully archived vendor",
"archived_vendors": "Successfully archived {count} vendors",
"deleted_vendor": "Successfully deleted vendor",
"deleted_vendors": "Successfully deleted {count} vendors",
"confirmation_subject": "Invoice Ninja Account Confirmation",
"confirmation_header": "Account Confirmation",
"confirmation_message": "Please access the link below to confirm your account.",
"invoice_subject": "New invoice {number} from {account}",
"invoice_message": "To view your invoice for {amount}, click the link below.",
"payment_subject": "Payment Received",
"payment_message": "Thank you for your payment of {amount}.",
"email_salutation": "Dear {name},",
"email_signature": "Regards,",
"email_from": "The Invoice Ninja Team",
"invoice_link_message": "To view the invoice click the link below:",
"notification_invoice_paid_subject": "Invoice {invoice} was paid by {client}",
"notification_invoice_sent_subject": "Invoice {invoice} was sent to {client}",
"notification_invoice_viewed_subject": "Invoice {invoice} was viewed by {client}",
"notification_invoice_paid": "A payment of {amount} was made by client {client} towards Invoice {invoice}.",
"notification_invoice_sent": "The following client {client} was emailed Invoice {invoice} for {amount}.",
"notification_invoice_viewed": "The following client {client} viewed Invoice {invoice} for {amount}.",
"reset_password": "You can reset your account password by clicking the following button:",
"secure_payment": "Secure Payment",
"card_number": "Card Number",
"expiration_month": "Expiration Month",
"expiration_year": "Expiration Year",
"cvv": "CVV",
"logout": "Log Out",
"sign_up_to_save": "Sign up to save your work",
"agree_to_terms": "I agree to the {terms}",
"terms_of_service": "Terms of Service",
"email_taken": "The email address is already registered",
"working": "Working",
"success": "Success",
"success_message": "You have successfully registered! Please visit the link in the account confirmation email to verify your email address.",
"erase_data": "Your account is not registered, this will permanently erase your data.",
"password": "Password",
"pro_plan_product": "Pro Plan",
"pro_plan_success": "Thanks for choosing Invoice Ninja's Pro plan!
\n Next Steps<\/b>A payable invoice has been sent to the email\n address associated with your account. To unlock all of the awesome\n Pro features, please follow the instructions on the invoice to pay\n for a year of Pro-level invoicing.\n Can't find the invoice? Need further assistance? We're happy to help\n -- email us at contact@invoiceninja.com",
"unsaved_changes": "You have unsaved changes",
"custom_fields": "Custom Fields",
"company_fields": "Company Fields",
"client_fields": "Client Fields",
"field_label": "Field Label",
"field_value": "Field Value",
"edit": "Edit",
"set_name": "Set your company name",
"view_as_recipient": "View as recipient",
"product_library": "Product Library",
"product": "Product",
"products": "Products",
"fill_products": "Auto-fill products",
"fill_products_help": "Selecting a product will automatically fill in the description and cost<\/b>",
"update_products": "Auto-update products",
"update_products_help": "Updating an invoice will automatically update the product library<\/b>",
"create_product": "Add Product",
"edit_product": "Edit Product",
"archive_product": "Archive Product",
"updated_product": "Successfully updated product",
"created_product": "Successfully created product",
"archived_product": "Successfully archived product",
"pro_plan_custom_fields": "{link} to enable custom fields by joining the Pro Plan",
"advanced_settings": "Advanced Settings",
"pro_plan_advanced_settings": "{link} to enable the advanced settings by joining the Pro Plan",
"invoice_design": "Invoice Design",
"specify_colors": "Specify colors",
"specify_colors_label": "Select the colors used in the invoice",
"chart_builder": "Chart Builder",
"ninja_email_footer": "Created by {site} | Create. Send. Get Paid.",
"go_pro": "Go Pro",
"quote": "Quote",
"quotes": "Quotes",
"quote_number": "Quote Number",
"quote_number_short": "Quote #",
"quote_date": "Quote Date",
"quote_total": "Quote Total",
"your_quote": "Your Quote",
"total": "Total",
"clone": "Clone",
"new_quote": "New Quote",
"create_quote": "Create Quote",
"edit_quote": "Edit Quote",
"archive_quote": "Archive Quote",
"delete_quote": "Delete Quote",
"save_quote": "Save Quote",
"email_quote": "Email Quote",
"clone_quote": "Clone To Quote",
"convert_to_invoice": "Convert to Invoice",
"view_invoice": "View Invoice",
"view_client": "View Client",
"view_quote": "View Quote",
"updated_quote": "Successfully updated quote",
"created_quote": "Successfully created quote",
"cloned_quote": "Successfully cloned quote",
"emailed_quote": "Successfully emailed quote",
"archived_quote": "Successfully archived quote",
"archived_quotes": "Successfully archived {count} quotes",
"deleted_quote": "Successfully deleted quote",
"deleted_quotes": "Successfully deleted {count} quotes",
"converted_to_invoice": "Successfully converted quote to invoice",
"quote_subject": "New quote {number} from {account}",
"quote_message": "To view your quote for {amount}, click the link below.",
"quote_link_message": "To view your client quote click the link below:",
"notification_quote_sent_subject": "Quote {invoice} was sent to {client}",
"notification_quote_viewed_subject": "Quote {invoice} was viewed by {client}",
"notification_quote_sent": "The following client {client} was emailed Quote {invoice} for {amount}.",
"notification_quote_viewed": "The following client {client} viewed Quote {invoice} for {amount}.",
"session_expired": "Your session has expired.",
"invoice_fields": "Invoice Fields",
"invoice_options": "Invoice Options",
"hide_paid_to_date": "Hide Paid to Date",
"hide_paid_to_date_help": "Only display the \"Paid to Date\" area on your invoices once a payment has been received.",
"charge_taxes": "Charge taxes",
"user_management": "User Management",
"add_user": "Add User",
"send_invite": "Send Invitation",
"sent_invite": "Successfully sent invitation",
"updated_user": "Successfully updated user",
"invitation_message": "You've been invited by {invitor}. ",
"register_to_add_user": "Please sign up to add a user",
"user_state": "State",
"edit_user": "Edit User",
"delete_user": "Delete User",
"active": "Active",
"pending": "Pending",
"deleted_user": "Successfully deleted user",
"confirm_email_invoice": "Are you sure you want to email this invoice?",
"confirm_email_quote": "Are you sure you want to email this quote?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice": "Are you sure you want this invoice emailed?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent": "Are you sure you want to start the recurrence?",
"cancel_account": "Delete Account",
"cancel_account_message": "Warning: This will permanently delete your account, there is no undo.",
"go_back": "Go Back",
"data_visualizations": "Data Visualizations",
"sample_data": "Sample data shown",
"hide": "Hide",
"new_version_available": "A new version of {releases_link} is available. You're running v{user_version}, the latest is v{latest_version}",
"invoice_settings": "Invoice Settings",
"invoice_number_prefix": "Invoice Number Prefix",
"invoice_number_counter": "Invoice Number Counter",
"quote_number_prefix": "Quote Number Prefix",
"quote_number_counter": "Quote Number Counter",
"share_invoice_counter": "Share invoice counter",
"invoice_issued_to": "Invoice issued to",
"invalid_counter": "To prevent a possible conflict please set either an invoice or quote number prefix",
"mark_sent": "Mark Sent",
"gateway_help_1": "{link} to sign up for Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_2": "{link} to sign up for Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_17": "{link} to get your PayPal API signature.",
"gateway_help_27": "{link} to sign up for 2Checkout.com. To ensure payments are tracked set {complete_link} as the redirect URL under Account > Site Management in the 2Checkout portal.",
"gateway_help_60": "{link} to create a WePay account.",
"more_designs": "More designs",
"more_designs_title": "Additional Invoice Designs",
"more_designs_cloud_header": "Go Pro for more invoice designs",
"more_designs_cloud_text": "",
"more_designs_self_host_text": "",
"buy": "Buy",
"bought_designs": "Successfully added additional invoice designs",
"sent": "Sent",
"vat_number": "VAT Number",
"timesheets": "Timesheets",
"payment_title": "Enter Your Billing Address and Credit Card information",
"payment_cvv": "*This is the 3-4 digit number onthe back of your card",
"payment_footer1": "*Billing address must match address associated with credit card.",
"payment_footer2": "*Please click \"PAY NOW\" only once - transaction may take up to 1 minute to process.",
"id_number": "ID Number",
"white_label_link": "White label",
"white_label_header": "White Label",
"bought_white_label": "Successfully enabled white label license",
"white_labeled": "White labeled",
"restore": "Restore",
"restore_invoice": "Restore Invoice",
"restore_quote": "Restore Quote",
"restore_client": "Restore Client",
"restore_credit": "Restore Credit",
"restore_payment": "Restore Payment",
"restored_invoice": "Successfully restored invoice",
"restored_quote": "Successfully restored quote",
"restored_client": "Successfully restored client",
"restored_payment": "Successfully restored payment",
"restored_credit": "Successfully restored credit",
"reason_for_canceling": "Help us improve our site by telling us why you're leaving.",
"discount_percent": "Percent",
"discount_amount": "Amount",
"invoice_history": "Invoice History",
"quote_history": "Quote History",
"current_version": "Current version",
"select_version": "Select version",
"view_history": "View History",
"edit_payment": "Edit Payment",
"updated_payment": "Successfully updated payment",
"deleted": "Deleted",
"restore_user": "Restore User",
"restored_user": "Successfully restored user",
"show_deleted_users": "Show deleted users",
"email_templates": "Email Templates",
"invoice_email": "Invoice Email",
"payment_email": "Payment Email",
"quote_email": "Quote Email",
"reset_all": "Reset All",
"approve": "Approve",
"token_billing_type_id": "Token Billing",
"token_billing_help": "Store payment details with WePay, Stripe, Braintree or GoCardless.",
"token_billing_1": "Disabled",
"token_billing_2": "Opt-in - checkbox is shown but not selected",
"token_billing_3": "Opt-out - checkbox is shown and selected",
"token_billing_4": "Always",
"token_billing_checkbox": "Store credit card details",
"view_in_gateway": "View in {gateway}",
"use_card_on_file": "Use Card on File",
"edit_payment_details": "Edit payment details",
"token_billing": "Save card details",
"token_billing_secure": "The data is stored securely by {link}",
"support": "Support",
"contact_information": "Contact Information",
"256_encryption": "256-Bit Encryption",
"amount_due": "Amount due",
"billing_address": "Billing Address",
"billing_method": "Billing Method",
"order_overview": "Order overview",
"match_address": "*Address must match address associated with credit card.",
"click_once": "*Please click \"PAY NOW\" only once - transaction may take up to 1 minute to process.",
"invoice_footer": "Invoice Footer",
"save_as_default_footer": "Save as default footer",
"token_management": "Token Management",
"tokens": "Tokens",
"add_token": "Add Token",
"show_deleted_tokens": "Show deleted tokens",
"deleted_token": "Successfully deleted token",
"created_token": "Successfully created token",
"updated_token": "Successfully updated token",
"edit_token": "Edit Token",
"delete_token": "Delete Token",
"token": "Token",
"add_gateway": "Add Gateway",
"delete_gateway": "Delete Gateway",
"edit_gateway": "Edit Gateway",
"updated_gateway": "Successfully updated gateway",
"created_gateway": "Successfully created gateway",
"deleted_gateway": "Successfully deleted gateway",
"pay_with_paypal": "PayPal",
"pay_with_card": "Credit Card",
"change_password": "Change password",
"current_password": "Current password",
"new_password": "New password",
"confirm_password": "Confirm password",
"password_error_incorrect": "The current password is incorrect.",
"password_error_invalid": "The new password is invalid.",
"updated_password": "Successfully updated password",
"api_tokens": "API Tokens",
"users_and_tokens": "Users & Tokens",
"account_login": "Account Login",
"recover_password": "Recover your password",
"forgot_password": "Forgot your password?",
"email_address": "Email address",
"lets_go": "Let's go",
"password_recovery": "Password Recovery",
"send_email": "Send Email",
"set_password": "Set Password",
"converted": "Converted",
"email_approved": "Email me when a quote is approved<\/b>",
"notification_quote_approved_subject": "Quote {invoice} was approved by {client}",
"notification_quote_approved": "The following client {client} approved Quote {invoice} for {amount}.",
"resend_confirmation": "Resend confirmation email",
"confirmation_resent": "The confirmation email was resent",
"gateway_help_42": "{link} to sign up for BitPay.
Note: use a Legacy API Key, not an API token.",
"payment_type_credit_card": "Credit Card",
"payment_type_paypal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_gocardless": "GoCardless",
"knowledge_base": "Knowledge Base",
"partial": "Partial\/Deposit",
"partial_remaining": "{partial} of {balance}",
"more_fields": "More Fields",
"less_fields": "Less Fields",
"client_name": "Client Name",
"pdf_settings": "PDF Settings",
"product_settings": "Product Settings",
"auto_wrap": "Auto Line Wrap",
"duplicate_post": "Warning: the previous page was submitted twice. The second submission had been ignored.",
"view_documentation": "View Documentation",
"app_title": "Free Open-Source Online Invoicing",
"app_description": "Invoice Ninja is a free, open-source solution for invoicing and billing customers. With Invoice Ninja, you can easily build and send beautiful invoices from any device that has access to the web. Your clients can print your invoices, download them as pdf files, and even pay you online from within the system.",
"rows": "rows",
"www": "www",
"logo": "Logo",
"subdomain": "Subdomain",
"provide_name_or_email": "Please provide a name or email",
"charts_and_reports": "Charts & Reports",
"chart": "Chart",
"report": "Report",
"group_by": "Group by",
"paid": "Paid",
"enable_report": "Report",
"enable_chart": "Chart",
"totals": "Totals",
"run": "Run",
"export": "Export",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"zapier": "Zapier",
"recurring": "Recurring",
"last_invoice_sent": "Last invoice sent {date}",
"processed_updates": "Successfully completed update",
"tasks": "Tasks",
"new_task": "New Task",
"start_time": "Start Time",
"created_task": "Successfully created task",
"updated_task": "Successfully updated task",
"edit_task": "Edit Task",
"archive_task": "Archive Task",
"restore_task": "Restore Task",
"delete_task": "Delete Task",
"stop_task": "Stop Task",
"time": "Time",
"start": "Start",
"stop": "Stop",
"now": "Now",
"timer": "Timer",
"manual": "Manual",
"date_and_time": "Date & Time",
"second": "Second",
"seconds": "Seconds",
"minute": "Minute",
"minutes": "Minutes",
"hour": "Hour",
"hours": "Hours",
"task_details": "Task Details",
"duration": "Duration",
"time_log": "Time Log",
"end_time": "End Time",
"end": "End",
"invoiced": "Invoiced",
"logged": "Logged",
"running": "Running",
"task_error_multiple_clients": "The tasks can't belong to different clients",
"task_error_running": "Please stop running tasks first",
"task_error_invoiced": "Tasks have already been invoiced",
"restored_task": "Successfully restored task",
"archived_task": "Successfully archived task",
"archived_tasks": "Successfully archived {count} tasks",
"deleted_task": "Successfully deleted task",
"deleted_tasks": "Successfully deleted {count} tasks",
"create_task": "Create Task",
"stopped_task": "Successfully stopped task",
"invoice_task": "Invoice Task",
"invoice_labels": "Invoice Labels",
"prefix": "Prefix",
"counter": "Counter",
"payment_type_dwolla": "Dwolla",
"gateway_help_43": "{link} to sign up for Dwolla",
"partial_value": "Must be greater than zero and less than the total",
"more_actions": "More Actions",
"pro_plan_title": "NINJA PRO",
"pro_plan_call_to_action": "Upgrade Now!",
"pro_plan_feature1": "Create Unlimited Clients",
"pro_plan_feature2": "Access to 10 Beautiful Invoice Designs",
"pro_plan_feature3": "Custom URLs - \"YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com\"",
"pro_plan_feature4": "Remove \"Created by Invoice Ninja\"",
"pro_plan_feature5": "Multi-user Access & Activity Tracking",
"pro_plan_feature6": "Create Quotes & Pro-forma Invoices",
"pro_plan_feature7": "Customize Invoice Field Titles & Numbering",
"pro_plan_feature8": "Option to Attach PDFs to Client Emails",
"resume": "Resume",
"break_duration": "Break",
"edit_details": "Edit Details",
"work": "Work",
"timezone_unset": "Please {link} to set your timezone",
"click_here": "click here",
"email_receipt": "Email payment receipt to the client",
"created_payment_emailed_client": "Successfully created payment and emailed client",
"add_company": "Add Company",
"untitled": "Untitled",
"new_company": "New Company",
"associated_accounts": "Successfully linked accounts",
"unlinked_account": "Successfully unlinked accounts",
"login": "Login",
"or": "or",
"email_error": "There was a problem sending the email",
"confirm_recurring_timing": "Note: emails are sent at the start of the hour.",
"confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent": "Note: invoices are created at the start of the hour.",
"payment_terms_help": "Sets the default invoice due date<\/b>",
"unlink_account": "Unlink Account",
"unlink": "Unlink",
"show_address": "Show Address",
"show_address_help": "Require client to provide their billing address",
"update_address": "Update Address",
"update_address_help": "Update client's address with provided details",
"times": "Times",
"set_now": "Set to now",
"dark_mode": "Dark Mode",
"dark_mode_help": "Use a dark background for the sidebars",
"add_to_invoice": "Add to invoice {invoice}",
"create_new_invoice": "Create new invoice",
"task_errors": "Please correct any overlapping times",
"from": "From",
"to": "To",
"font_size": "Font Size",
"primary_color": "Primary Color",
"secondary_color": "Secondary Color",
"customize_design": "Customize Design",
"content": "Content",
"styles": "Styles",
"defaults": "Defaults",
"margins": "Margins",
"header": "Header",
"footer": "Footer",
"custom": "Custom",
"invoice_to": "Invoice to",
"invoice_no": "Invoice No.",
"quote_no": "Quote No.",
"recent_payments": "Recent Payments",
"outstanding": "Outstanding",
"manage_companies": "Manage Companies",
"total_revenue": "Total Revenue",
"current_user": "Current User",
"new_recurring_invoice": "New Recurring Invoice",
"recurring_invoice": "Recurring Invoice",
"new_recurring_quote": "New recurring quote",
"recurring_quote": "Recurring Quote",
"recurring_too_soon": "It's too soon to create the next recurring invoice, it's scheduled for {date}",
"created_by_invoice": "Created by {invoice}",
"primary_user": "Primary User",
"help": "Help",
"customize_help": "We use {pdfmake_link} to define the invoice designs declaratively. The pdfmake {playground_link} provides a great way to see the library in action.<\/p>\n
If you need help figuring something out post a question to our {forum_link} with the design you're using.<\/p>",
"playground": "playground",
"support_forum": "support forum",
"invoice_due_date": "Due Date",
"quote_due_date": "Valid Until",
"valid_until": "Valid Until",
"reset_terms": "Reset terms",
"reset_footer": "Reset footer",
"invoice_sent": "{count} invoice sent",
"invoices_sent": "{count} invoices sent",
"status_draft": "Draft",
"status_sent": "Sent",
"status_viewed": "Viewed",
"status_partial": "Partial",
"status_paid": "Paid",
"status_unpaid": "Unpaid",
"status_all": "All",
"show_line_item_tax": "Display line item taxes inline<\/b>",
"iframe_url": "Website",
"iframe_url_help1": "Copy the following code to a page on your site.",
"iframe_url_help2": "You can test the feature by clicking 'View as recipient' for an invoice.",
"auto_bill": "Auto Bill",
"military_time": "24 Hour Time",
"last_sent": "Last Sent",
"reminder_emails": "Reminder Emails",
"templates_and_reminders": "Templates & Reminders",
"subject": "Subject",
"body": "Body",
"first_reminder": "First Reminder",
"second_reminder": "Second Reminder",
"third_reminder": "Third Reminder",
"num_days_reminder": "Days after due date",
"reminder_subject": "Reminder: Invoice {invoice} from {account}",
"reset": "Reset",
"invoice_not_found": "The requested invoice is not available",
"referral_program": "Referral Program",
"referral_code": "Referral URL",
"last_sent_on": "Sent Last: {date}",
"page_expire": "This page will expire soon, {click_here} to keep working",
"upcoming_quotes": "Upcoming Quotes",
"expired_quotes": "Expired Quotes",
"sign_up_using": "Sign up using",
"invalid_credentials": "These credentials do not match our records",
"show_all_options": "Show all options",
"user_details": "User Details",
"oneclick_login": "Connected Account",
"disable": "Disable",
"invoice_quote_number": "Invoice and Quote Numbers",
"invoice_charges": "Invoice Surcharges",
"notification_invoice_bounced": "We were unable to deliver Invoice {invoice} to {contact}.",
"notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "Unable to deliver Invoice {invoice}",
"notification_quote_bounced": "We were unable to deliver Quote {invoice} to {contact}.",
"notification_quote_bounced_subject": "Unable to deliver Quote {invoice}",
"custom_invoice_link": "Custom Invoice Link",
"total_invoiced": "Total Invoiced",
"open_balance": "Open Balance",
"verify_email": "Please visit the link in the account confirmation email to verify your email address.",
"basic_settings": "Basic Settings",
"pro": "Pro",
"gateways": "Payment Gateways",
"next_send_on": "Send Next: {date}",
"no_longer_running": "This invoice is not scheduled to run",
"general_settings": "General Settings",
"customize": "Customize",
"oneclick_login_help": "Connect an account to login without a password",
"referral_code_help": "Earn money by sharing our app online",
"enable_with_stripe": "Enable | Requires Stripe",
"tax_settings": "Tax Settings",
"create_tax_rate": "Add Tax Rate",
"updated_tax_rate": "Successfully updated tax rate",
"created_tax_rate": "Successfully created tax rate",
"edit_tax_rate": "Edit tax rate",
"archive_tax_rate": "Archive Tax Rate",
"archived_tax_rate": "Successfully archived the tax rate",
"default_tax_rate_id": "Default Tax Rate",
"tax_rate": "Tax Rate",
"recurring_hour": "Recurring Hour",
"pattern": "Pattern",
"pattern_help_title": "Pattern Help",
"pattern_help_1": "Create custom numbers by specifying a pattern",
"pattern_help_2": "Available variables:",
"pattern_help_3": "For example, {example} would be converted to {value}",
"see_options": "See options",
"invoice_counter": "Invoice Counter",
"quote_counter": "Quote Counter",
"type": "Type",
"activity_1": "{user} created client {client}",
"activity_2": "{user} archived client {client}",
"activity_3": "{user} deleted client {client}",
"activity_4": "{user} created invoice {invoice}",
"activity_5": "{user} updated invoice {invoice}",
"activity_6": "{user} emailed invoice {invoice} to {contact}",
"activity_7": "{contact} viewed invoice {invoice}",
"activity_8": "{user} archived invoice {invoice}",
"activity_9": "{user} deleted invoice {invoice}",
"activity_10": "{contact} entered payment {payment} for {invoice}",
"activity_11": "{user} updated payment {payment}",
"activity_12": "{user} archived payment {payment}",
"activity_13": "{user} deleted payment {payment}",
"activity_14": "{user} entered {credit} credit",
"activity_15": "{user} updated {credit} credit",
"activity_16": "{user} archived {credit} credit",
"activity_17": "{user} deleted {credit} credit",
"activity_18": "{user} created quote {quote}",
"activity_19": "{user} updated quote {quote}",
"activity_20": "{user} emailed quote {quote} to {contact}",
"activity_21": "{contact} viewed quote {quote}",
"activity_22": "{user} archived quote {quote}",
"activity_23": "{user} deleted quote {quote}",
"activity_24": "{user} restored quote {quote}",
"activity_25": "{user} restored invoice {invoice}",
"activity_26": "{user} restored client {client}",
"activity_27": "{user} restored payment {payment}",
"activity_28": "{user} restored {credit} credit",
"activity_29": "{contact} approved quote {quote}",
"activity_30": "{user} created vendor {vendor}",
"activity_31": "{user} archived vendor {vendor}",
"activity_32": "{user} deleted vendor {vendor}",
"activity_33": "{user} restored vendor {vendor}",
"activity_34": "{user} created expense {expense}",
"activity_35": "{user} archived expense {expense}",
"activity_36": "{user} deleted expense {expense}",
"activity_37": "{user} restored expense {expense}",
"activity_42": "{user} created task {task}",
"activity_43": "{user} updated task {task}",
"activity_44": "{user} archived task {task}",
"activity_45": "{user} deleted task {task}",
"activity_46": "{user} restored task {task}",
"activity_47": "{user} updated expense {expense}",
"payment": "Payment",
"system": "System",
"signature": "Email Signature",
"default_messages": "Default Messages",
"quote_terms": "Quote Terms",
"default_quote_terms": "Default Quote Terms",
"default_invoice_terms": "Default Invoice Terms",
"default_invoice_footer": "Default Invoice Footer",
"quote_footer": "Quote Footer",
"free": "Free",
"quote_is_approved": "Successfully approved",
"apply_credit": "Apply Credit",
"system_settings": "System Settings",
"archive_token": "Archive Token",
"archived_token": "Successfully archived token",
"archive_user": "Archive User",
"archived_user": "Successfully archived user",
"archive_account_gateway": "Archive Gateway",
"archived_account_gateway": "Successfully archived gateway",
"archive_recurring_invoice": "Archive Recurring Invoice",
"archived_recurring_invoice": "Successfully archived recurring invoice",
"delete_recurring_invoice": "Delete Recurring Invoice",
"deleted_recurring_invoice": "Successfully deleted recurring invoice",
"restore_recurring_invoice": "Restore Recurring Invoice",
"restored_recurring_invoice": "Successfully restored recurring invoice",
"archive_recurring_quote": "Archive Recurring Quote",
"archived_recurring_quote": "Successfully archived recurring quote",
"delete_recurring_quote": "Delete Recurring Quote",
"deleted_recurring_quote": "Successfully deleted recurring quote",
"restore_recurring_quote": "Restore Recurring Quote",
"restored_recurring_quote": "Successfully restored recurring quote",
"archived": "Archived",
"untitled_account": "Untitled Company",
"before": "Before",
"after": "After",
"reset_terms_help": "Reset to the default account terms",
"reset_footer_help": "Reset to the default account footer",
"export_data": "Export Data",
"user": "User",
"country": "Country",
"include": "Include",
"logo_too_large": "Your logo is {size}, for better PDF performance we suggest uploading an image file less than 200KB",
"import_freshbooks": "Import From FreshBooks",
"import_data": "Import Data",
"source": "Source",
"csv": "CSV",
"client_file": "Client File",
"invoice_file": "Invoice File",
"task_file": "Task File",
"no_mapper": "No valid mapping for file",
"invalid_csv_header": "Invalid CSV Header",
"client_portal": "Client Portal",
"admin": "Admin",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"show_archived_users": "Show archived users",
"notes": "Notes",
"invoice_will_create": "invoice will be created",
"invoices_will_create": "invoices will be created",
"failed_to_import": "The following records failed to import, they either already exist or are missing required fields.",
"publishable_key": "Publishable Key",
"secret_key": "Secret Key",
"missing_publishable_key": "Set your Stripe publishable key for an improved checkout process",
"email_design": "Email Design",
"due_by": "Due by {date}",
"enable_email_markup": "Enable Markup",
"enable_email_markup_help": "Make it easier for your clients to pay you by adding schema.org markup to your emails.",
"template_help_title": "Templates Help",
"template_help_1": "Available variables:",
"email_design_id": "Email Style",
"email_design_help": "Make your emails look more professional with HTML layouts.",
"plain": "Plain",
"light": "Light",
"dark": "Dark",
"industry_help": "Used to provide comparisons against the averages of companies of similar size and industry.",
"subdomain_help": "Set the subdomain or display the invoice on your own website.",
"website_help": "Display the invoice in an iFrame on your own website",
"invoice_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the invoice number.",
"quote_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the quote number.",
"custom_client_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating a client and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"custom_account_fields_helps": "Add a label and value to the company details section of the PDF.",
"custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating an invoice and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"custom_invoice_charges_helps": "Add a field when creating an invoice and include the charge in the invoice subtotals.",
"token_expired": "Validation token was expired. Please try again.",
"invoice_link": "Invoice Link",
"button_confirmation_message": "Click to confirm your email address.",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"email_preferences": "Email Preferences",
"created_invoices": "Successfully created {count} invoice(s)",
"next_invoice_number": "The next invoice number is {number}.",
"next_quote_number": "The next quote number is {number}.",
"days_before": "days before the",
"days_after": "days after the",
"field_due_date": "due date",
"field_invoice_date": "invoice date",
"schedule": "Schedule",
"email_designs": "Email Designs",
"assigned_when_sent": "Assigned when sent",
"white_label_purchase_link": "Purchase a white label license",
"expense": "Expense",
"expenses": "Expenses",
"new_expense": "Enter Expense",
"enter_expense": "Enter Expense",
"vendors": "Vendors",
"new_vendor": "New Vendor",
"payment_terms_net": "Net",
"vendor": "Vendor",
"edit_vendor": "Edit Vendor",
"archive_vendor": "Archive Vendor",
"delete_vendor": "Delete Vendor",
"view_vendor": "View Vendor",
"deleted_expense": "Successfully deleted expense",
"archived_expense": "Successfully archived expense",
"deleted_expenses": "Successfully deleted expenses",
"archived_expenses": "Successfully archived expenses",
"expense_amount": "Expense Amount",
"expense_balance": "Expense Balance",
"expense_date": "Expense Date",
"expense_should_be_invoiced": "Should this expense be invoiced?",
"public_notes": "Public Notes",
"invoice_amount": "Invoice Amount",
"exchange_rate": "Exchange Rate",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"should_be_invoiced": "Should be invoiced",
"view_expense": "View expense # {expense}",
"edit_expense": "Edit Expense",
"archive_expense": "Archive Expense",
"delete_expense": "Delete Expense",
"view_expense_num": "Expense # {expense}",
"updated_expense": "Successfully updated expense",
"created_expense": "Successfully created expense",
"view": "View",
"restore_expense": "Restore Expense",
"invoice_expense": "Invoice Expense",
"expense_error_multiple_clients": "The expenses can't belong to different clients",
"expense_error_invoiced": "Expense has already been invoiced",
"convert_currency": "Convert currency",
"num_days": "Number of Days",
"create_payment_term": "Create Payment Term",
"edit_payment_terms": "Edit Payment Term",
"edit_payment_term": "Edit Payment Term",
"archive_payment_term": "Archive Payment Term",
"recurring_due_dates": "Recurring Invoice Due Dates",
"recurring_due_date_help": "
Automatically sets a due date for the invoice.<\/p>\n
Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month. Invoices set to be due on the 29th or 30th in months that don't have that day will be due the last day of the month.<\/p>\n
Invoices on a weekly cycle set to be due on the day of the week they are created will be due the next week.<\/p>\n
For example:<\/p>\n
\n - Today is the 15th, due date is 1st of the month. The due date should likely be the 1st of the next month.<\/li>\n
- Today is the 15th, due date is the last day of the month. The due date will be the last day of the this month.\n<\/li>\n
- Today is the 15th, due date is the 15th day of the month. The due date will be the 15th day of next<\/strong> month.\n<\/li>\n
- Today is the Friday, due date is the 1st Friday after. The due date will be next Friday, not today.\n<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"due": "Due",
"next_due_on": "Due Next: {date}",
"use_client_terms": "Use client terms",
"day_of_month": "{ordinal} day of month",
"last_day_of_month": "Last day of month",
"day_of_week_after": "{ordinal} {day} after",
"sunday": "Sunday",
"monday": "Monday",
"tuesday": "Tuesday",
"wednesday": "Wednesday",
"thursday": "Thursday",
"friday": "Friday",
"saturday": "Saturday",
"header_font_id": "Header Font",
"body_font_id": "Body Font",
"color_font_help": "Note: the primary color and fonts are also used in the client portal and custom email designs.",
"live_preview": "Live Preview",
"invalid_mail_config": "Unable to send email, please check that the mail settings are correct.",
"invoice_message_button": "To view your invoice for {amount}, click the button below.",
"quote_message_button": "To view your quote for {amount}, click the button below.",
"payment_message_button": "Thank you for your payment of {amount}.",
"payment_type_direct_debit": "Direct Debit",
"bank_accounts": "Credit Cards & Banks",
"add_bank_account": "Add Bank Account",
"setup_account": "Setup Account",
"import_expenses": "Import Expenses",
"bank_id": "Bank",
"integration_type": "Integration Type",
"updated_bank_account": "Successfully updated bank account",
"edit_bank_account": "Edit Bank Account",
"archive_bank_account": "Archive Bank Account",
"archived_bank_account": "Successfully archived bank account",
"created_bank_account": "Successfully created bank account",
"validate_bank_account": "Validate Bank Account",
"bank_password_help": "Note: your password is transmitted securely and never stored on our servers.",
"bank_password_warning": "Warning: your password may be transmitted in plain text, consider enabling HTTPS.",
"username": "Username",
"account_number": "Account Number",
"account_name": "Account Name",
"bank_account_error": "Failed to retrieve account details, please check your credentials.",
"status_approved": "Approved",
"quote_settings": "Quote Settings",
"auto_convert_quote": "Auto Convert",
"auto_convert_quote_help": "Automatically convert a quote to an invoice when approved by a client.",
"validate": "Validate",
"info": "Info",
"imported_expenses": "Successfully created {count_vendors} vendor(s) and {count_expenses} expense(s)",
"iframe_url_help3": "Note: if you plan on accepting credit cards details we strongly recommend enabling HTTPS on your site.",
"expense_error_multiple_currencies": "The expenses can't have different currencies.",
"expense_error_mismatch_currencies": "The client's currency does not match the expense currency.",
"trello_roadmap": "Trello Roadmap",
"header_footer": "Header\/Footer",
"first_page": "First page",
"all_pages": "All pages",
"last_page": "Last page",
"all_pages_header": "Show Header on",
"all_pages_footer": "Show Footer on",
"invoice_currency": "Invoice Currency",
"enable_https": "We strongly recommend using HTTPS to accept credit card details online.",
"quote_issued_to": "Quote issued to",
"show_currency_code": "Currency Code",
"free_year_message": "Your account has been upgraded to the pro plan for one year at no cost.",
"trial_message": "Your account will receive a free two week trial of our pro plan.",
"trial_footer": "Your free pro plan trial lasts {count} more days, {link} to upgrade now.",
"trial_footer_last_day": "This is the last day of your free pro plan trial, {link} to upgrade now.",
"trial_call_to_action": "Start Free Trial",
"trial_success": "Successfully enabled two week free pro plan trial",
"overdue": "Overdue",
"white_label_text": "Purchase a ONE YEAR white label license for ${price} to remove the Invoice Ninja branding from the invoice and client portal.",
"user_email_footer": "To adjust your email notification settings please visit {link}",
"reset_password_footer": "If you did not request this password reset please email our support: {email}",
"limit_users": "Sorry, this will exceed the limit of {limit} users",
"more_designs_self_host_header": "Get 6 more invoice designs for just ${price}",
"old_browser": "Please use a {link}",
"newer_browser": "newer browser",
"white_label_custom_css": "{link} for ${price} to enable custom styling and help support our project.",
"bank_accounts_help": "Connect a bank account to automatically import expenses and create vendors. Supports American Express and {link}.",
"us_banks": "400+ US banks",
"pro_plan_remove_logo": "{link} to remove the Invoice Ninja logo by joining the Pro Plan",
"pro_plan_remove_logo_link": "Click here",
"invitation_status_sent": "Sent",
"invitation_status_opened": "Opened",
"invitation_status_viewed": "Viewed",
"email_error_inactive_client": "Emails can not be sent to inactive clients",
"email_error_inactive_contact": "Emails can not be sent to inactive contacts",
"email_error_inactive_invoice": "Emails can not be sent to inactive invoices",
"email_error_inactive_proposal": "Emails can not be sent to inactive proposals",
"email_error_user_unregistered": "Please register your account to send emails",
"email_error_user_unconfirmed": "Please confirm your account to send emails",
"email_error_invalid_contact_email": "Invalid contact email",
"navigation": "Navigation",
"list_invoices": "List Invoices",
"list_clients": "List Clients",
"list_quotes": "List Quotes",
"list_tasks": "List Tasks",
"list_expenses": "List Expenses",
"list_recurring_invoices": "List Recurring Invoices",
"list_payments": "List Payments",
"list_credits": "List Credits",
"tax_name": "Tax Name",
"report_settings": "Report Settings",
"search_hotkey": "shortcut is \/",
"new_user": "New User",
"new_product": "New Product",
"new_tax_rate": "New Tax Rate",
"invoiced_amount": "Invoiced Amount",
"invoice_item_fields": "Invoice Item Fields",
"custom_invoice_item_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an invoice item and display the label and value on the PDF.",
"recurring_invoice_number": "Recurring Number",
"recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help": "Speciy a prefix to be added to the invoice number for recurring invoices.",
"enable_portal_password": "Password Protect Invoices",
"enable_portal_password_help": "Allows you to set a password for each contact. If a password is set, the contact will be required to enter a password before viewing invoices.",
"send_portal_password": "Generate Automatically",
"send_portal_password_help": "If no password is set, one will be generated and sent with the first invoice.",
"expired": "Expired",
"invalid_card_number": "The credit card number is not valid.",
"invalid_expiry": "The expiration date is not valid.",
"invalid_cvv": "The CVV is not valid.",
"cost": "Cost",
"create_invoice_for_sample": "Note: create your first invoice to see a preview here.",
"owner": "Owner",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"administrator_help": "Allow user to manage users, change settings and modify all records",
"user_create_all": "Create clients, invoices, etc.",
"user_view_all": "View all clients, invoices, etc.",
"user_edit_all": "Edit all clients, invoices, etc.",
"gateway_help_20": "{link} to sign up for Sage Pay.",
"gateway_help_21": "{link} to sign up for Sage Pay.",
"partial_due": "Partial Due",
"restore_vendor": "Restore Vendor",
"restored_vendor": "Successfully restored vendor",
"restored_expense": "Successfully restored expense",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"create_all_help": "Allow user to create and modify records",
"view_all_help": "Allow user to view records they didn't create",
"edit_all_help": "Allow user to modify records they didn't create",
"view_payment": "View Payment",
"january": "January",
"february": "February",
"march": "March",
"april": "April",
"may": "May",
"june": "June",
"july": "July",
"august": "August",
"september": "September",
"october": "October",
"november": "November",
"december": "December",
"documents_header": "Documents:",
"email_documents_header": "Documents:",
"email_documents_example_1": "Widgets Receipt.pdf",
"email_documents_example_2": "Final Deliverable.zip",
"quote_documents": "Quote Documents",
"invoice_documents": "Invoice Documents",
"expense_documents": "Expense Documents",
"invoice_embed_documents": "Embed Documents",
"invoice_embed_documents_help": "Include attached images in the invoice.",
"document_email_attachment": "Attach Documents",
"ubl_email_attachment": "Attach UBL",
"download_documents": "Download Documents ({size})",
"documents_from_expenses": "From Expenses:",
"dropzone_default_message": "Drop files or click to upload",
"dropzone_fallback_message": "Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.",
"dropzone_fallback_text": "Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.",
"dropzone_file_too_big": "File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.",
"dropzone_invalid_file_type": "You can't upload files of this type.",
"dropzone_response_error": "Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.",
"dropzone_cancel_upload": "Cancel upload",
"dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?",
"dropzone_remove_file": "Remove file",
"documents": "Documents",
"document_date": "Document Date",
"document_size": "Size",
"enable_client_portal": "Client Portal",
"enable_client_portal_help": "Show\/hide the client portal.",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard": "Dashboard",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard_help": "Show\/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.",
"account_management": "Account Management",
"plan_status": "Plan Status",
"plan_upgrade": "Upgrade",
"plan_change": "Change Plan",
"pending_change_to": "Changes To",
"plan_changes_to": "{plan} on {date}",
"plan_term_changes_to": "{plan} ({term}) on {date}",
"cancel_plan_change": "Cancel Change",
"plan": "Plan",
"expires": "Expires",
"renews": "Renews",
"plan_expired": "{plan} Plan Expired",
"trial_expired": "{plan} Plan Trial Ended",
"never": "Never",
"plan_free": "Free",
"plan_pro": "Pro",
"plan_enterprise": "Enterprise",
"plan_white_label": "Self Hosted (White labeled)",
"plan_free_self_hosted": "Self Hosted (Free)",
"plan_trial": "Trial",
"plan_term": "Term",
"plan_term_monthly": "Monthly",
"plan_term_yearly": "Yearly",
"plan_term_month": "Month",
"plan_term_year": "Year",
"plan_price_monthly": "${price}\/Month",
"plan_price_yearly": "${price}\/Year",
"updated_plan": "Updated plan settings",
"plan_paid": "Term Started",
"plan_started": "Plan Started",
"plan_expires": "Plan Expires",
"white_label_button": "White Label",
"pro_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"pro_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_product": "Enterprise Plan",
"enterprise_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"plan_credit_product": "Credit",
"plan_credit_description": "Credit for unused time",
"plan_pending_monthly": "Will switch to monthly on {date}",
"plan_refunded": "A refund has been issued.",
"page_size": "Page Size",
"live_preview_disabled": "Live preview has been disabled to support selected font",
"invoice_number_padding": "Padding",
"preview": "Preview",
"list_vendors": "List Vendors",
"add_users_not_supported": "Upgrade to the Enterprise plan to add additional users to your account.",
"enterprise_plan_features": "The Enterprise plan adds support for multiple users and file attachments, {link} to see the full list of features.",
"return_to_app": "Return To App",
"refund_payment": "Refund Payment",
"refund_max": "Max:",
"refund": "Refund",
"are_you_sure_refund": "Refund selected payments?",
"status_pending": "Pending",
"status_completed": "Completed",
"status_failed": "Failed",
"status_partially_refunded": "Partially Refunded",
"status_partially_refunded_amount": "{amount} Refunded",
"status_refunded": "Refunded",
"status_voided": "Cancelled",
"refunded_payment": "Refunded Payment",
"activity_39": "{user} cancelled a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"activity_40": "{user} refunded {adjustment} of a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"card_expiration": "Exp: {expires}",
"card_creditcardother": "Unknown",
"card_americanexpress": "American Express",
"card_carteblanche": "Carte Blanche",
"card_unionpay": "UnionPay",
"card_diners": "Diners Club",
"card_discover": "Discover",
"card_jcb": "JCB",
"card_laser": "Laser",
"card_maestro": "Maestro",
"card_mastercard": "MasterCard",
"card_solo": "Solo",
"card_switch": "Switch",
"card_visacard": "Visa",
"card_ach": "ACH",
"payment_type_stripe": "Stripe",
"ach": "ACH",
"enable_ach": "Accept US bank transfers",
"stripe_ach_help": "ACH support must also be enabled in {link}.",
"ach_disabled": "Another gateway is already configured for direct debit.",
"plaid": "Plaid",
"client_id": "Client Id",
"secret": "Secret",
"public_key": "Public Key",
"plaid_optional": "(optional)",
"plaid_environment_help": "When a Stripe test key is given, Plaid's development environment (tartan) will be used.",
"other_providers": "Other Providers",
"country_not_supported": "That country is not supported.",
"invalid_routing_number": "The routing number is not valid.",
"invalid_account_number": "The account number is not valid.",
"account_number_mismatch": "The account numbers do not match.",
"missing_account_holder_type": "Please select an individual or company account.",
"missing_account_holder_name": "Please enter the account holder's name.",
"routing_number": "Routing Number",
"confirm_account_number": "Confirm Account Number",
"individual_account": "Individual Account",
"company_account": "Company Account",
"account_holder_name": "Account Holder Name",
"add_account": "Add Account",
"payment_methods": "Payment Methods",
"complete_verification": "Complete Verification",
"verification_amount1": "Amount 1",
"verification_amount2": "Amount 2",
"payment_method_verified": "Verification completed successfully",
"verification_failed": "Verification Failed",
"remove_payment_method": "Remove Payment Method",
"confirm_remove_payment_method": "Are you sure you want to remove this payment method?",
"remove": "Remove",
"payment_method_removed": "Removed payment method.",
"bank_account_verification_help": "We have made two deposits into your account with the description \"VERIFICATION\". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement. Please enter the amounts below.",
"bank_account_verification_next_steps": "We have made two deposits into your account with the description \"VERIFICATION\". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement.\n Once you have the amounts, come back to this payment methods page and click \"Complete Verification\" next to the account.",
"unknown_bank": "Unknown Bank",
"ach_verification_delay_help": "You will be able to use the account after completing verification. Verification usually takes 1-2 business days.",
"add_credit_card": "Add Credit Card",
"payment_method_added": "Added payment method.",
"use_for_auto_bill": "Use For Autobill",
"used_for_auto_bill": "Autobill Payment Method",
"payment_method_set_as_default": "Set Autobill payment method.",
"activity_41": "{payment_amount} payment ({payment}) failed",
"webhook_url": "Webhook URL",
"stripe_webhook_help": "You must {link}.",
"stripe_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint at Stripe",
"gocardless_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint in GoCardless",
"payment_method_error": "There was an error adding your payment methd. Please try again later.",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject": "Payment failed for Invoice {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed": "A payment made by client {client} towards Invoice {invoice} failed. The payment has been marked as failed and {amount} has been added to the client's balance.",
"link_with_plaid": "Link Account Instantly with Plaid",
"link_manually": "Link Manually",
"secured_by_plaid": "Secured by Plaid",
"plaid_linked_status": "Your bank account at {bank}",
"add_payment_method": "Add Payment Method",
"account_holder_type": "Account Holder Type",
"ach_authorization": "I authorize {company} to use my bank account for future payments and, if necessary, electronically credit my account to correct erroneous debits. I understand that I may cancel this authorization at any time by removing the payment method or by contacting {email}.",
"ach_authorization_required": "You must consent to ACH transactions.",
"off": "Off",
"opt_in": "Opt-in",
"opt_out": "Opt-out",
"always": "Always",
"opted_out": "Opted out",
"opted_in": "Opted in",
"manage_auto_bill": "Manage Auto-bill",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"paypal": "PayPal",
"braintree_enable_paypal": "Enable PayPal payments through BrainTree",
"braintree_paypal_disabled_help": "The PayPal gateway is processing PayPal payments",
"braintree_paypal_help": "You must also {link}.",
"braintree_paypal_help_link_text": "link PayPal to your BrainTree account",
"token_billing_braintree_paypal": "Save payment details",
"add_paypal_account": "Add PayPal Account",
"no_payment_method_specified": "No payment method specified",
"chart_type": "Chart Type",
"format": "Format",
"import_ofx": "Import OFX",
"ofx_file": "OFX File",
"ofx_parse_failed": "Failed to parse OFX file",
"wepay": "WePay",
"sign_up_with_wepay": "Sign up with WePay",
"use_another_provider": "Use another provider",
"company_name": "Company Name",
"wepay_company_name_help": "This will appear on client's credit card statements.",
"wepay_description_help": "The purpose of this account.",
"wepay_tos_agree": "I agree to the {link}.",
"wepay_tos_link_text": "WePay Terms of Service",
"resend_confirmation_email": "Resend Confirmation Email",
"manage_account": "Manage Account",
"action_required": "Action Required",
"finish_setup": "Finish Setup",
"created_wepay_confirmation_required": "Please check your email and confirm your email address with WePay.",
"switch_to_wepay": "Switch to WePay",
"switch": "Switch",
"restore_account_gateway": "Restore Gateway",
"restored_account_gateway": "Successfully restored gateway",
"united_states": "United States",
"canada": "Canada",
"accept_debit_cards": "Accept Debit Cards",
"debit_cards": "Debit Cards",
"warn_start_date_changed": "The next invoice will be sent on the new start date.",
"warn_start_date_changed_not_sent": "The next invoice will be created on the new start date.",
"original_start_date": "Original start date",
"new_start_date": "New start date",
"security": "Security",
"see_whats_new": "See what's new in v{version}",
"wait_for_upload": "Please wait for the document upload to complete.",
"upgrade_for_permissions": "Upgrade to our Enterprise plan to enable permissions.",
"enable_second_tax_rate": "Enable specifying a second tax rate<\/b>",
"payment_file": "Payment File",
"expense_file": "Expense File",
"product_file": "Product File",
"import_products": "Import Products",
"products_will_create": "products will be created",
"product_key": "Product",
"created_products": "Successfully created\/updated {count} product(s)",
"export_help": "Use JSON if you plan to import the data into Invoice Ninja.
The file includes clients, products, invoices, quotes and payments.",
"selfhost_export_help": "
We recommend using mysqldump to create a full backup.",
"JSON_file": "JSON File",
"view_dashboard": "View Dashboard",
"client_session_expired": "Session Expired",
"client_session_expired_message": "Your session has expired. Please click the link in your email again.",
"auto_bill_notification": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your {payment_method} on file on {due_date}.",
"auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer": "bank account",
"auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card": "credit card",
"auto_bill_payment_method_paypal": "PayPal account",
"auto_bill_notification_placeholder": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your credit card on file on the due date.",
"payment_settings": "Payment Settings",
"on_send_date": "On send date",
"on_due_date": "On due date",
"auto_bill_ach_date_help": "ACH will always auto bill on the due date.",
"warn_change_auto_bill": "Due to NACHA rules, changes to this invoice may prevent ACH auto bill.",
"bank_account": "Bank Account",
"payment_processed_through_wepay": "ACH payments will be processed using WePay.",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree": "I agree to the WePay {terms} and {privacy_policy}.",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree_required": "You must agree to the WePay Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.",
"ach_email_prompt": "Please enter your email address:",
"verification_pending": "Verification Pending",
"update_font_cache": "Please force refresh the page to update the font cache.",
"more_options": "More options",
"credit_card": "Credit Card",
"bank_transfer": "Bank Transfer",
"no_transaction_reference": "We did not recieve a payment transaction reference from the gateway.",
"use_bank_on_file": "Use Bank on File",
"auto_bill_email_message": "This invoice will automatically be billed to the payment method on file on the due date.",
"bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"gocardless": "GoCardless",
"added_on": "Added {date}",
"failed_remove_payment_method": "Failed to remove the payment method",
"gateway_exists": "This gateway already exists",
"manual_entry": "Manual entry",
"first_day_of_week": "First Day of the Week",
"freq_inactive": "Inactive",
"freq_daily": "Daily",
"freq_weekly": "Weekly",
"freq_biweekly": "Biweekly",
"freq_two_weeks": "Two weeks",
"freq_four_weeks": "Four weeks",
"freq_monthly": "Monthly",
"freq_three_months": "Three months",
"freq_four_months": "Four months",
"freq_six_months": "Six months",
"freq_annually": "Annually",
"freq_two_years": "Two years",
"payment_type_Apply Credit": "Apply Credit",
"payment_type_Bank Transfer": "Bank Transfer",
"payment_type_Cash": "Cash",
"payment_type_Debit": "Debit",
"payment_type_ACH": "ACH",
"payment_type_Visa Card": "Visa Card",
"payment_type_MasterCard": "MasterCard",
"payment_type_American Express": "American Express",
"payment_type_Discover Card": "Discover Card",
"payment_type_Diners Card": "Diners Card",
"payment_type_EuroCard": "EuroCard",
"payment_type_Nova": "Nova",
"payment_type_Credit Card Other": "Credit Card Other",
"payment_type_PayPal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_Google Wallet": "Google Wallet",
"payment_type_Check": "Check",
"payment_type_Carte Blanche": "Carte Blanche",
"payment_type_UnionPay": "UnionPay",
"payment_type_JCB": "JCB",
"payment_type_Laser": "Laser",
"payment_type_Maestro": "Maestro",
"payment_type_Solo": "Solo",
"payment_type_Switch": "Switch",
"payment_type_iZettle": "iZettle",
"payment_type_Swish": "Swish",
"payment_type_Alipay": "Alipay",
"payment_type_Sofort": "Sofort",
"payment_type_SEPA": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"payment_type_Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_GoCardless": "GoCardless",
"industry_Accounting & Legal": "Accounting & Legal",
"industry_Advertising": "Advertising",
"industry_Aerospace": "Aerospace",
"industry_Agriculture": "Agriculture",
"industry_Automotive": "Automotive",
"industry_Banking & Finance": "Banking & Finance",
"industry_Biotechnology": "Biotechnology",
"industry_Broadcasting": "Broadcasting",
"industry_Business Services": "Business Services",
"industry_Commodities & Chemicals": "Commodities & Chemicals",
"industry_Communications": "Communications",
"industry_Computers & Hightech": "Computers & Hightech",
"industry_Defense": "Defense",
"industry_Energy": "Energy",
"industry_Entertainment": "Entertainment",
"industry_Government": "Government",
"industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences": "Healthcare & Life Sciences",
"industry_Insurance": "Insurance",
"industry_Manufacturing": "Manufacturing",
"industry_Marketing": "Marketing",
"industry_Media": "Media",
"industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed": "Nonprofit & Higher Ed",
"industry_Pharmaceuticals": "Pharmaceuticals",
"industry_Professional Services & Consulting": "Professional Services & Consulting",
"industry_Real Estate": "Real Estate",
"industry_Restaurant & Catering": "Restaurant & Catering",
"industry_Retail & Wholesale": "Retail & Wholesale",
"industry_Sports": "Sports",
"industry_Transportation": "Transportation",
"industry_Travel & Luxury": "Travel & Luxury",
"industry_Other": "Other",
"industry_Photography": "Photography",
"country_Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
"country_Albania": "Albania",
"country_Antarctica": "Antarctica",
"country_Algeria": "Algeria",
"country_American Samoa": "American Samoa",
"country_Andorra": "Andorra",
"country_Angola": "Angola",
"country_Antigua and Barbuda": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
"country_Argentina": "Argentina",
"country_Australia": "Australia",
"country_Austria": "Austria",
"country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
"country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
"country_Armenia": "Armenia",
"country_Barbados": "Barbados",
"country_Belgium": "Belgium",
"country_Bermuda": "Bermuda",
"country_Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of",
"country_Bosnia and Herzegovina": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"country_Botswana": "Botswana",
"country_Bouvet Island": "Bouvet Island",
"country_Brazil": "Brazil",
"country_Belize": "Belize",
"country_British Indian Ocean Territory": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"country_Solomon Islands": "Solomon Islands",
"country_Virgin Islands, British": "Virgin Islands, British",
"country_Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei Darussalam",
"country_Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
"country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
"country_Burundi": "Burundi",
"country_Belarus": "Belarus",
"country_Cambodia": "Cambodia",
"country_Cameroon": "Cameroon",
"country_Canada": "Canada",
"country_Cape Verde": "Cape Verde",
"country_Cayman Islands": "Cayman Islands",
"country_Central African Republic": "Central African Republic",
"country_Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
"country_Chad": "Chad",
"country_Chile": "Chile",
"country_China": "China",
"country_Taiwan, Province of China": "Taiwan, Province of China",
"country_Christmas Island": "Christmas Island",
"country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"country_Colombia": "Colombia",
"country_Comoros": "Comoros",
"country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
"country_Congo": "Congo",
"country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the": "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the",
"country_Cook Islands": "Cook Islands",
"country_Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"country_Croatia": "Croatia",
"country_Cuba": "Cuba",
"country_Cyprus": "Cyprus",
"country_Czech Republic": "Czech Republic",
"country_Benin": "Benin",
"country_Denmark": "Denmark",
"country_Dominica": "Dominica",
"country_Dominican Republic": "Dominican Republic",
"country_Ecuador": "Ecuador",
"country_El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"country_Equatorial Guinea": "Equatorial Guinea",
"country_Ethiopia": "Ethiopia",
"country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
"country_Estonia": "Estonia",
"country_Faroe Islands": "Faroe Islands",
"country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"country_Fiji": "Fiji",
"country_Finland": "Finland",
"country_Åland Islands": "Åland Islands",
"country_France": "France",
"country_French Guiana": "French Guiana",
"country_French Polynesia": "French Polynesia",
"country_French Southern Territories": "French Southern Territories",
"country_Djibouti": "Djibouti",
"country_Gabon": "Gabon",
"country_Georgia": "Georgia",
"country_Gambia": "Gambia",
"country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
"country_Germany": "Germany",
"country_Ghana": "Ghana",
"country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
"country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
"country_Greece": "Greece",
"country_Greenland": "Greenland",
"country_Grenada": "Grenada",
"country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
"country_Guam": "Guam",
"country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
"country_Guinea": "Guinea",
"country_Guyana": "Guyana",
"country_Haiti": "Haiti",
"country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"country_Holy See (Vatican City State)": "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"country_Honduras": "Honduras",
"country_Hong Kong": "Hong Kong",
"country_Hungary": "Hungary",
"country_Iceland": "Iceland",
"country_India": "India",
"country_Indonesia": "Indonesia",
"country_Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
"country_Iraq": "Iraq",
"country_Ireland": "Ireland",
"country_Israel": "Israel",
"country_Italy": "Italy",
"country_Côte d'Ivoire": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"country_Jamaica": "Jamaica",
"country_Japan": "Japan",
"country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
"country_Jordan": "Jordan",
"country_Kenya": "Kenya",
"country_Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
"country_Korea, Republic of": "Korea, Republic of",
"country_Kuwait": "Kuwait",
"country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstan",
"country_Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
"country_Lebanon": "Lebanon",
"country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
"country_Latvia": "Latvia",
"country_Liberia": "Liberia",
"country_Libya": "Libya",
"country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
"country_Lithuania": "Lithuania",
"country_Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
"country_Macao": "Macao",
"country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
"country_Malawi": "Malawi",
"country_Malaysia": "Malaysia",
"country_Maldives": "Maldives",
"country_Mali": "Mali",
"country_Malta": "Malta",
"country_Martinique": "Martinique",
"country_Mauritania": "Mauritania",
"country_Mauritius": "Mauritius",
"country_Mexico": "Mexico",
"country_Monaco": "Monaco",
"country_Mongolia": "Mongolia",
"country_Moldova, Republic of": "Moldova, Republic of",
"country_Montenegro": "Montenegro",
"country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
"country_Morocco": "Morocco",
"country_Mozambique": "Mozambique",
"country_Oman": "Oman",
"country_Namibia": "Namibia",
"country_Nauru": "Nauru",
"country_Nepal": "Nepal",
"country_Netherlands": "Netherlands",
"country_Curaçao": "Curaçao",
"country_Aruba": "Aruba",
"country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"country_New Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
"country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
"country_New Zealand": "New Zealand",
"country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
"country_Niger": "Niger",
"country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"country_Niue": "Niue",
"country_Norfolk Island": "Norfolk Island",
"country_Norway": "Norway",
"country_Northern Mariana Islands": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"country_United States Minor Outlying Islands": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"country_Micronesia, Federated States of": "Micronesia, Federated States of",
"country_Marshall Islands": "Marshall Islands",
"country_Palau": "Palau",
"country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
"country_Panama": "Panama",
"country_Papua New Guinea": "Papua New Guinea",
"country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
"country_Peru": "Peru",
"country_Philippines": "Philippines",
"country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairn",
"country_Poland": "Poland",
"country_Portugal": "Portugal",
"country_Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
"country_Timor-Leste": "Timor-Leste",
"country_Puerto Rico": "Puerto Rico",
"country_Qatar": "Qatar",
"country_Réunion": "Réunion",
"country_Romania": "Romania",
"country_Russian Federation": "Russian Federation",
"country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
"country_Saint Barthélemy": "Saint Barthélemy",
"country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"country_Saint Kitts and Nevis": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
"country_Saint Lucia": "Saint Lucia",
"country_Saint Martin (French part)": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"country_San Marino": "San Marino",
"country_Sao Tome and Principe": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"country_Saudi Arabia": "Saudi Arabia",
"country_Senegal": "Senegal",
"country_Serbia": "Serbia",
"country_Seychelles": "Seychelles",
"country_Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leone",
"country_Singapore": "Singapore",
"country_Slovakia": "Slovakia",
"country_Viet Nam": "Viet Nam",
"country_Slovenia": "Slovenia",
"country_Somalia": "Somalia",
"country_South Africa": "South Africa",
"country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe",
"country_Spain": "Spain",
"country_South Sudan": "South Sudan",
"country_Sudan": "Sudan",
"country_Western Sahara": "Western Sahara",
"country_Suriname": "Suriname",
"country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"country_Sweden": "Sweden",
"country_Switzerland": "Switzerland",
"country_Syrian Arab Republic": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"country_Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
"country_Thailand": "Thailand",
"country_Togo": "Togo",
"country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
"country_Tonga": "Tonga",
"country_Trinidad and Tobago": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"country_United Arab Emirates": "United Arab Emirates",
"country_Tunisia": "Tunisia",
"country_Turkey": "Turkey",
"country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
"country_Turks and Caicos Islands": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
"country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
"country_Uganda": "Uganda",
"country_Ukraine": "Ukraine",
"country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of": "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of",
"country_Egypt": "Egypt",
"country_United Kingdom": "United Kingdom",
"country_Guernsey": "Guernsey",
"country_Jersey": "Jersey",
"country_Isle of Man": "Isle of Man",
"country_Tanzania, United Republic of": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"country_United States": "United States",
"country_Virgin Islands, U.S.": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"country_Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
"country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
"country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",
"country_Wallis and Futuna": "Wallis and Futuna",
"country_Samoa": "Samoa",
"country_Yemen": "Yemen",
"country_Zambia": "Zambia",
"lang_Brazilian Portuguese": "Brazilian Portuguese",
"lang_Croatian": "Croatian",
"lang_Czech": "Czech",
"lang_Danish": "Danish",
"lang_Dutch": "Dutch",
"lang_English": "English",
"lang_French": "French",
"lang_French - Canada": "French - Canada",
"lang_German": "German",
"lang_Italian": "Italian",
"lang_Japanese": "Japanese",
"lang_Lithuanian": "Lithuanian",
"lang_Norwegian": "Norwegian",
"lang_Polish": "Polish",
"lang_Spanish": "Spanish",
"lang_Spanish - Spain": "Spanish - Spain",
"lang_Swedish": "Swedish",
"lang_Albanian": "Albanian",
"lang_Greek": "Greek",
"lang_English - United Kingdom": "English - United Kingdom",
"lang_Slovenian": "Slovenian",
"lang_Finnish": "Finnish",
"lang_Romanian": "Romanian",
"lang_Turkish - Turkey": "Turkish - Turkey",
"lang_Portuguese - Brazilian": "Portuguese - Brazilian",
"lang_Portuguese - Portugal": "Portuguese - Portugal",
"lang_Thai": "Thai",
"lang_Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"lang_Chinese - Taiwan": "Chinese - Taiwan",
"view_client_portal": "View client portal",
"view_portal": "View Portal",
"vendor_contacts": "Vendor Contacts",
"all": "All",
"selected": "Selected",
"category": "Category",
"categories": "Categories",
"new_expense_category": "New Expense Category",
"edit_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_expense_category": "Archive Category",
"expense_categories": "Expense Categories",
"list_expense_categories": "List Expense Categories",
"updated_expense_category": "Successfully updated expense category",
"created_expense_category": "Successfully created expense category",
"archived_expense_category": "Successfully archived expense category",
"archived_expense_categories": "Successfully archived {count} expense category",
"restore_expense_category": "Restore expense category",
"restored_expense_category": "Successfully restored expense category",
"apply_taxes": "Apply taxes",
"min_to_max_users": "{min} to {max} users",
"max_users_reached": "The maximum number of users has been reached.",
"buy_now_buttons": "Buy Now Buttons",
"landing_page": "Landing Page",
"payment_type": "Payment Type",
"form": "Form",
"link": "Link",
"fields": "Fields",
"dwolla": "Dwolla",
"buy_now_buttons_warning": "Note: the client and invoice are created even if the transaction isn't completed.",
"buy_now_buttons_disabled": "This feature requires that a product is created and a payment gateway is configured.",
"enable_buy_now_buttons_help": "Enable support for buy now buttons",
"changes_take_effect_immediately": "Note: changes take effect immediately",
"wepay_account_description": "Payment gateway for Invoice Ninja",
"payment_error_code": "There was an error processing your payment [{code}]. Please try again later.",
"standard_fees_apply": "Fee: 2.9%\/1.2% [Credit Card\/Bank Transfer] + $0.30 per successful charge.",
"limit_import_rows": "Data needs to be imported in batches of {count} rows or less",
"error_title": "Something went wrong",
"error_contact_text": "If you'd like help please email us at {mailaddress}",
"no_undo": "Warning: this can't be undone.",
"no_contact_selected": "Please select a contact",
"no_client_selected": "Please select a client",
"gateway_config_error": "It may help to set new passwords or generate new API keys.",
"payment_type_on_file": "{type} on file",
"invoice_for_client": "Invoice {invoice} for {client}",
"intent_not_found": "Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking.",
"intent_not_supported": "Sorry, I'm not able to do that.",
"client_not_found": "I wasn't able to find the client",
"not_allowed": "Sorry, you don't have the needed permissions",
"bot_emailed_invoice": "Your invoice has been sent.",
"bot_emailed_notify_viewed": "I'll email you when it's viewed.",
"bot_emailed_notify_paid": "I'll email you when it's paid.",
"add_product_to_invoice": "Add 1 {product}",
"not_authorized": "You are not authorized",
"bot_get_email": "Hi! (wave)
Thanks for trying the Invoice Ninja Bot.
You need to create a free account to use this bot.
Send me your account email address to get started.",
"bot_get_code": "Thanks! I've sent a you an email with your security code.",
"bot_welcome": "That's it, your account is verified.
"email_not_found": "I wasn't able to find an available account for {email}",
"invalid_code": "The code is not correct",
"security_code_email_subject": "Security code for Invoice Ninja Bot",
"security_code_email_line1": "This is your Invoice Ninja Bot security code.",
"security_code_email_line2": "Note: it will expire in 10 minutes.",
"bot_help_message": "I currently support:
• Create\\update\\email an invoice
• List products
For example:
invoice bob for 2 tickets, set the due date to next thursday and the discount to 10 percent<\/i>",
"list_products": "List Products",
"include_item_taxes_inline": "Include line item taxes in line total<\/b>",
"created_quotes": "Successfully created {count} quotes(s)",
"limited_gateways": "Note: we support one credit card gateway per company.",
"warning": "Warning",
"self-update": "Update",
"update_invoiceninja_title": "Update Invoice Ninja",
"update_invoiceninja_warning": "Before start upgrading Invoice Ninja create a backup of your database and files!",
"update_invoiceninja_available": "A new version of Invoice Ninja is available.",
"update_invoiceninja_unavailable": "No new version of Invoice Ninja available.",
"update_invoiceninja_instructions": "Please install the new version {version}<\/strong> by clicking the Update now<\/em> button below. Afterwards you'll be redirected to the dashboard.",
"update_invoiceninja_update_start": "Update now",
"update_invoiceninja_download_start": "Download {version}",
"create_new": "Create New",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle Navigation",
"toggle_history": "Toggle History",
"unassigned": "Unassigned",
"task": "Task",
"contact_name": "Contact Name",
"city_state_postal": "City\/State\/Postal",
"custom_field": "Custom Field",
"account_fields": "Company Fields",
"facebook_and_twitter": "Facebook and Twitter",
"facebook_and_twitter_help": "Follow our feeds to help support our project",
"reseller_text": "Note: the white-label license is intended for personal use, please email us at {email} if you'd like to resell the app.",
"unnamed_client": "Unnamed Client",
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Month",
"inactive_logout": "You have been logged out due to inactivity",
"reports": "Reports",
"total_profit": "Total Profit",
"total_expenses": "Total Expenses",
"quote_to": "Quote to",
"limit": "Limit",
"min_limit": "Min: {min}",
"max_limit": "Max: {max}",
"no_limit": "No Limits",
"set_limits": "Set {gateway_type} Limits",
"enable_min": "Enable min",
"enable_max": "Enable max",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"limits_not_met": "This invoice does not meet the limits for that payment type.",
"date_range": "Date Range",
"raw": "Raw",
"raw_html": "Raw HTML",
"update": "Update",
"invoice_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order and location",
"new_category": "New Category",
"restore_product": "Restore Product",
"blank": "Blank",
"invoice_save_error": "There was an error saving your invoice",
"enable_recurring": "Enable Recurring",
"disable_recurring": "Disable Recurring",
"text": "Text",
"expense_will_create": "expense will be created",
"expenses_will_create": "expenses will be created",
"created_expenses": "Successfully created {count} expense(s)",
"translate_app": "Help improve our translations with {link}",
"expense_category": "Expense Category",
"go_ninja_pro": "Go Ninja Pro!",
"go_enterprise": "Go Enterprise!",
"upgrade_for_features": "Upgrade For More Features",
"pay_annually_discount": "Pay annually for 10 months + 2 free!",
"pro_upgrade_title": "Ninja Pro",
"pro_upgrade_feature1": "YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com",
"pro_upgrade_feature2": "Customize every aspect of your invoice!",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature1": "Set permissions for multiple-users",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature2": "Attach 3rd party files to invoices & expenses",
"much_more": "Much More!",
"all_pro_fetaures": "Plus all pro features!",
"currency_symbol": "Symbol",
"currency_code": "Code",
"buy_license": "Buy License",
"apply_license": "Apply License",
"submit": "Submit",
"white_label_license_key": "License Key",
"invalid_white_label_license": "The white label license is not valid",
"created_by": "Created by {name}",
"modules": "Modules",
"financial_year_start": "First Month of the Year",
"authentication": "Authentication",
"checkbox": "Checkbox",
"invoice_signature": "Signature",
"show_accept_invoice_terms": "Invoice Terms Checkbox",
"show_accept_invoice_terms_help": "Require client to confirm that they accept the invoice terms.",
"show_accept_quote_terms": "Quote Terms Checkbox",
"show_accept_quote_terms_help": "Require client to confirm that they accept the quote terms.",
"require_invoice_signature": "Invoice Signature",
"require_invoice_signature_help": "Require client to provide their signature.",
"require_quote_signature": "Quote Signature",
"require_quote_signature_help": "Require client to provide their signature.",
"i_agree": "I Agree To The Terms",
"sign_here": "Please sign here:",
"authorization": "Authorization",
"signed": "Signed",
"bluevine_promo": "Get flexible business lines of credit and invoice factoring using BlueVine.",
"bluevine_modal_label": "Sign up with BlueVine",
"bluevine_modal_text": "Fast funding for your business. No paperwork.<\/h3>\n- Flexible business lines of credit and invoice factoring.<\/li><\/ul>",
"bluevine_create_account": "Create an account",
"quote_types": "Get a quote for",
"invoice_factoring": "Invoice factoring",
"line_of_credit": "Line of credit",
"fico_score": "Your FICO score",
"business_inception": "Business Inception Date",
"average_bank_balance": "Average bank account balance",
"annual_revenue": "Annual revenue",
"desired_credit_limit_factoring": "Desired invoice factoring limit",
"desired_credit_limit_loc": "Desired line of credit limit",
"desired_credit_limit": "Desired credit limit",
"bluevine_credit_line_type_required": "You must choose at least one",
"bluevine_field_required": "This field is required",
"bluevine_unexpected_error": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"bluevine_no_conditional_offer": "More information is required before getting a quote. Click continue below.",
"bluevine_invoice_factoring": "Invoice Factoring",
"bluevine_conditional_offer": "Conditional Offer",
"bluevine_credit_line_amount": "Credit Line",
"bluevine_advance_rate": "Advance Rate",
"bluevine_weekly_discount_rate": "Weekly Discount Rate",
"bluevine_minimum_fee_rate": "Minimum Fee",
"bluevine_line_of_credit": "Line of Credit",
"bluevine_interest_rate": "Interest Rate",
"bluevine_weekly_draw_rate": "Weekly Draw Rate",
"bluevine_continue": "Continue to BlueVine",
"bluevine_completed": "BlueVine signup completed",
"vendor_name": "Vendor",
"entity_state": "State",
"client_created_at": "Date Created",
"postmark_error": "There was a problem sending the email through Postmark: {link}",
"project": "Project",
"projects": "Projects",
"new_project": "New Project",
"edit_project": "Edit Project",
"archive_project": "Archive Project",
"list_projects": "List Projects",
"updated_project": "Successfully updated project",
"created_project": "Successfully created project",
"archived_project": "Successfully archived project",
"archived_projects": "Successfully archived {count} projects",
"restore_project": "Restore Project",
"restored_project": "Successfully restored project",
"delete_project": "Delete Project",
"deleted_project": "Successfully deleted project",
"deleted_projects": "Successfully deleted {count} projects",
"delete_expense_category": "Delete category",
"deleted_expense_category": "Successfully deleted category",
"delete_product": "Delete Product",
"deleted_product": "Successfully deleted product",
"deleted_products": "Successfully deleted {count} products",
"restored_product": "Successfully restored product",
"update_credit": "Update Credit",
"updated_credit": "Successfully updated credit",
"edit_credit": "Edit Credit",
"live_preview_help": "Display a live PDF preview on the invoice page.
Disable this to improve performance when editing invoices.",
"force_pdfjs_help": "Replace the built-in PDF viewer in {chrome_link} and {firefox_link}.
Enable this if your browser is automatically downloading the PDF.",
"force_pdfjs": "Prevent Download",
"redirect_url": "Redirect URL",
"redirect_url_help": "Optionally specify a URL to redirect to after a payment is entered.",
"save_draft": "Save Draft",
"refunded_credit_payment": "Refunded credit payment",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"toggle_menu": "Toggle Menu",
"new_...": "New ...",
"list_...": "List ...",
"created_at": "Date Created",
"contact_us": "Contact Us",
"user_guide": "User Guide",
"promo_message": "Upgrade before {expires} and get {amount} OFF your first year of our Pro or Enterprise packages.",
"discount_message": "{amount} off expires {expires}",
"mark_paid": "Mark Paid",
"marked_sent_invoice": "Successfully marked invoice sent",
"marked_sent_invoices": "Successfully marked invoices sent",
"invoice_name": "Invoice",
"product_will_create": "product will be created",
"contact_us_response": "Thank you for your message! We'll try to respond as soon as possible.",
"last_7_days": "Last 7 Days",
"last_30_days": "Last 30 Days",
"this_month": "This Month",
"last_month": "Last Month",
"last_year": "Last Year",
"custom_range": "Custom Range",
"url": "URL",
"debug": "Debug",
"https": "HTTPS",
"require": "Require",
"license_expiring": "Note: Your license will expire in {count} days, {link} to renew it.",
"security_confirmation": "Your email address has been confirmed.",
"white_label_expired": "Your white label license has expired, please consider renewing it to help support our project.",
"renew_license": "Renew License",
"iphone_app_message": "Consider downloading our {link}",
"iphone_app": "iPhone app",
"android_app": "Android app",
"logged_in": "Logged In",
"switch_to_primary": "Switch to your primary company ({name}) to manage your plan.",
"inclusive": "Inclusive",
"exclusive": "Exclusive",
"postal_city_state": "Postal\/City\/State",
"phantomjs_help": "In certain cases the app uses {link_phantom} to generate the PDF, install {link_docs} to generate it locally.",
"phantomjs_local": "Using local PhantomJS",
"client_number": "Client Number",
"client_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the client number.",
"next_client_number": "The next client number is {number}.",
"generated_numbers": "Generated Numbers",
"notes_reminder1": "First Reminder",
"notes_reminder2": "Second Reminder",
"notes_reminder3": "Third Reminder",
"bcc_email": "BCC Email",
"tax_quote": "Tax Quote",
"tax_invoice": "Tax Invoice",
"emailed_invoices": "Successfully emailed invoices",
"emailed_quotes": "Successfully emailed quotes",
"website_url": "Website URL",
"domain": "Domain",
"domain_help": "Used in the client portal and when sending emails.",
"domain_help_website": "Used when sending emails.",
"import_invoices": "Import Invoices",
"new_report": "New Report",
"edit_report": "Edit Report",
"columns": "Columns",
"filters": "Filters",
"sort_by": "Sort By",
"draft": "Draft",
"unpaid": "Unpaid",
"aging": "Aging",
"age": "Age",
"days": "Days",
"age_group_0": "0 - 30 Days",
"age_group_30": "30 - 60 Days",
"age_group_60": "60 - 90 Days",
"age_group_90": "90 - 120 Days",
"age_group_120": "120+ Days",
"invoice_details": "Invoice Details",
"qty": "Quantity",
"profit_and_loss": "Profit and Loss",
"revenue": "Revenue",
"profit": "Profit",
"group_when_sorted": "Group Sort",
"group_dates_by": "Group Dates By",
"year": "Year",
"view_statement": "View Statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"statement_date": "Statement Date",
"mark_active": "Mark Active",
"send_automatically": "Send Automatically",
"initial_email": "Initial Email",
"invoice_not_emailed": "This invoice hasn't been emailed.",
"quote_not_emailed": "This quote hasn't been emailed.",
"sent_by": "Sent by {user}",
"recipients": "Recipients",
"save_as_default": "Save as default",
"template": "Template",
"first_day_of_week_help": "Used by date<\/b> selectors",
"financial_year_start_help": "Used by date range<\/b> selectors",
"reports_help": "Shift + Click to sort by multiple columns, Ctrl + Click to clear the grouping.",
"this_year": "This Year",
"ninja_tagline": "Create. Send. Get Paid.",
"login_or_existing": "Or login with a connected account.",
"sign_up_now": "Sign Up Now",
"not_a_member_yet": "Not a member yet?",
"login_create_an_account": "Create an Account!",
"client_login": "Client Login",
"invoice_from": "Invoices From:",
"email_alias_message": "We require each company to have a unique email address.
Consider using an alias. ie, email+label@example.com",
"full_name": "Full Name",
"month_year": "MONTH\/YEAR",
"valid_thru": "Valid\\nthru",
"product_fields": "Product Fields",
"custom_product_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a product or invoice and display the label and value on the PDF.",
"freq_two_months": "Two months",
"freq_yearly": "Annually",
"profile": "Profile",
"payment_type_help": "Sets the default manual payment type<\/b>.",
"industry_Construction": "Construction",
"your_statement": "Your Statement",
"statement_issued_to": "Statement issued to",
"statement_to": "Statement to",
"customize_options": "Customize options",
"created_payment_term": "Successfully created payment term",
"updated_payment_term": "Successfully updated payment term",
"archived_payment_term": "Successfully archived payment term",
"resend_invite": "Resend Invitation",
"credit_created_by": "Credit created by payment {transaction_reference}",
"created_payment_and_credit": "Successfully created payment and credit",
"created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client": "Successfully created payment and credit, and emailed client",
"create_project": "Create project",
"create_vendor": "Create vendor",
"create_expense_category": "Create category",
"pro_plan_reports": "{link} to enable reports by joining the Pro Plan",
"mark_ready": "Mark Ready",
"limits": "Limits",
"fees": "Fees",
"fee": "Fee",
"set_limits_fees": "Set {gateway_type} Limits\/Fees",
"fees_tax_help": "Enable line item taxes to set the fee tax rates.",
"fees_sample": "The fee for a {amount} invoice would be {total}.",
"discount_sample": "The discount for a {amount} invoice would be {total}.",
"no_fees": "No Fees",
"gateway_fees_disclaimer": "Warning: not all states\/payment gateways allow adding fees, please review local laws\/terms of service.",
"percent": "Percent",
"location": "Location",
"line_item": "Line Item",
"surcharge": "Surcharge",
"location_first_surcharge": "Enabled - First surcharge",
"location_second_surcharge": "Enabled - Second surcharge",
"location_line_item": "Enabled - Line item",
"online_payment_surcharge": "Online Payment Surcharge",
"gateway_fees": "Gateway Fees",
"fees_disabled": "Fees are disabled",
"gateway_fees_help": "Automatically add an online payment surcharge\/discount.",
"gateway": "Gateway",
"gateway_fee_change_warning": "If there are unpaid invoices with fees they need to be updated manually.",
"fees_surcharge_help": "Customize surcharge {link}.",
"label_and_taxes": "label and taxes",
"billable": "Billable",
"logo_warning_too_large": "The image file is too large.",
"logo_warning_fileinfo": "Warning: To support gifs the fileinfo PHP extension needs to be enabled.",
"logo_warning_invalid": "There was a problem reading the image file, please try a different format.",
"error_refresh_page": "An error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.",
"data": "Data",
"imported_settings": "Successfully imported settings",
"reset_counter": "Reset Counter",
"next_reset": "Next Reset",
"reset_counter_help": "Automatically reset the invoice and quote counters.",
"auto_bill_failed": "Auto-billing for invoice {invoice_number} failed",
"online_payment_discount": "Online Payment Discount",
"created_new_company": "Successfully created new company",
"fees_disabled_for_gateway": "Fees are disabled for this gateway.",
"logout_and_delete": "Log Out\/Delete Account",
"tax_rate_type_help": "Inclusive tax rates adjust the line item cost when selected.
Only exclusive tax rates can be used as a default.",
"invoice_footer_help": "Use $pageNumber and $pageCount to display the page information.",
"credit_note": "Credit Note",
"credit_issued_to": "Credit issued to",
"credit_to": "Credit to",
"your_credit": "Your Credit",
"credit_number": "Credit Number",
"create_credit_note": "Create Credit Note",
"menu": "Menu",
"error_incorrect_gateway_ids": "Error: The gateways table has incorrect ids.",
"purge_data": "Purge Data",
"delete_data": "Delete Data",
"purge_data_help": "Permanently delete all data but keep the account and settings.",
"cancel_account_help": "Permanently delete the account along with all data and setting.",
"purge_successful": "Successfully purged company data",
"forbidden": "Forbidden",
"purge_data_message": "Warning: This will permanently erase your data, there is no undo.",
"contact_phone": "Contact Phone",
"contact_email": "Contact Email",
"reply_to_email": "Reply-To Email",
"reply_to_email_help": "Specify the reply-to address for client emails.",
"bcc_email_help": "Privately include this address with client emails.",
"import_complete": "Your import has successfully completed.",
"confirm_account_to_import": "Please confirm your account to import data.",
"import_started": "Your import has started, we'll send you an email once it completes.",
"listening": "Listening...",
"microphone_help": "Say \"new invoice for [client]\" or \"show me [client]'s archived payments\"",
"voice_commands": "Voice Commands",
"sample_commands": "Sample commands",
"voice_commands_feedback": "We're actively working to improve this feature, if there's a command you'd like us to support please email us at {email}.",
"payment_type_Venmo": "Venmo",
"payment_type_Money Order": "Money Order",
"archived_products": "Successfully archived {count} products",
"recommend_on": "We recommend enabling<\/b> this setting.",
"recommend_off": "We recommend disabling<\/b> this setting.",
"notes_auto_billed": "Auto-billed",
"surcharge_label": "Surcharge Label",
"contact_fields": "Contact Fields",
"custom_contact_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a contact and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"datatable_info": "Showing {start} to {end} of {total} entries",
"credit_total": "Credit Total",
"mark_billable": "Mark billable",
"billed": "Billed",
"company_variables": "Company Variables",
"client_variables": "Client Variables",
"invoice_variables": "Invoice Variables",
"navigation_variables": "Navigation Variables",
"custom_variables": "Custom Variables",
"invalid_file": "Invalid file type",
"add_documents_to_invoice": "Add documents to invoice",
"mark_expense_paid": "Mark paid",
"white_label_license_error": "Failed to validate the license, check storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log for more details.",
"plan_price": "Plan Price",
"wrong_confirmation": "Incorrect confirmation code",
"oauth_taken": "The account is already registered",
"emailed_payment": "Successfully emailed payment",
"email_payment": "Email Payment",
"invoiceplane_import": "Use {link} to migrate your data from InvoicePlane.",
"duplicate_expense_warning": "Warning: This {link} may be a duplicate",
"expense_link": "expense",
"resume_task": "Resume Task",
"resumed_task": "Successfully resumed task",
"quote_design": "Quote Design",
"default_design": "Standard Design",
"custom_design1": "Custom Design 1",
"custom_design2": "Custom Design 2",
"custom_design3": "Custom Design 3",
"empty": "Empty",
"load_design": "Load Design",
"accepted_card_logos": "Accepted Card Logos",
"phantomjs_local_and_cloud": "Using local PhantomJS, falling back to phantomjscloud.com",
"google_analytics": "Google Analytics",
"analytics_key": "Analytics Key",
"analytics_key_help": "Track payments using {link}",
"start_date_required": "The start date is required",
"application_settings": "Application Settings",
"database_connection": "Database Connection",
"driver": "Driver",
"host": "Host",
"database": "Database",
"test_connection": "Test connection",
"from_name": "From Name",
"from_address": "From Address",
"port": "Port",
"encryption": "Encryption",
"mailgun_domain": "Mailgun Domain",
"mailgun_private_key": "Mailgun Private Key",
"send_test_email": "Send test email",
"select_label": "Select Label",
"label": "Label",
"service": "Service",
"update_payment_details": "Update payment details",
"updated_payment_details": "Successfully updated payment details",
"update_credit_card": "Update Credit Card",
"recurring_expenses": "Recurring Expenses",
"recurring_expense": "Recurring Expense",
"new_recurring_expense": "New Recurring Expense",
"edit_recurring_expense": "Edit Recurring Expense",
"archive_recurring_expense": "Archive Recurring Expense",
"list_recurring_expense": "List Recurring Expenses",
"updated_recurring_expense": "Successfully updated recurring expense",
"created_recurring_expense": "Successfully created recurring expense",
"archived_recurring_expense": "Successfully archived recurring expense",
"restore_recurring_expense": "Restore Recurring Expense",
"restored_recurring_expense": "Successfully restored recurring expense",
"delete_recurring_expense": "Delete Recurring Expense",
"deleted_recurring_expense": "Successfully deleted project",
"view_recurring_expense": "View Recurring Expense",
"taxes_and_fees": "Taxes and fees",
"import_failed": "Import Failed",
"recurring_prefix": "Recurring Prefix",
"options": "Options",
"credit_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the credit number for negative invoices.",
"next_credit_number": "The next credit number is {number}.",
"padding_help": "The number of zero's to pad the number.",
"import_warning_invalid_date": "Warning: The date format appears to be invalid.",
"product_notes": "Product Notes",
"app_version": "App Version",
"ofx_version": "OFX Version",
"gateway_help_23": "{link} to get your Stripe API keys.",
"error_app_key_set_to_default": "Error: APP_KEY is set to a default value, to update it backup your database and then run php artisan ninja{update}-key<\/code>",
"charge_late_fee": "Charge Late Fee",
"late_fee_amount": "Late Fee Amount",
"late_fee_percent": "Late Fee Percent",
"late_fee_added": "Late fee added on {date}",
"download_invoice": "Download Invoice",
"download_quote": "Download Quote",
"invoices_are_attached": "Your invoice PDFs are attached.",
"downloaded_invoice": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDF",
"downloaded_quote": "An email will be sent with the quote PDF",
"downloaded_invoices": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDFs",
"downloaded_quotes": "An email will be sent with the quote PDFs",
"clone_expense": "Clone Expense",
"default_documents": "Default Documents",
"send_email_to_client": "Send email to the client",
"refund_subject": "Refund Processed",
"refund_body": "You have been processed a refund of {amount} for invoice {invoice_number}.",
"currency_us_dollar": "US Dollar",
"currency_british_pound": "British Pound",
"currency_euro": "Euro",
"currency_south_african_rand": "South African Rand",
"currency_danish_krone": "Danish Krone",
"currency_israeli_shekel": "Israeli Shekel",
"currency_swedish_krona": "Swedish Krona",
"currency_kenyan_shilling": "Kenyan Shilling",
"currency_canadian_dollar": "Canadian Dollar",
"currency_philippine_peso": "Philippine Peso",
"currency_indian_rupee": "Indian Rupee",
"currency_australian_dollar": "Australian Dollar",
"currency_singapore_dollar": "Singapore Dollar",
"currency_norske_kroner": "Norske Kroner",
"currency_new_zealand_dollar": "New Zealand Dollar",
"currency_vietnamese_dong": "Vietnamese Dong",
"currency_swiss_franc": "Swiss Franc",
"currency_guatemalan_quetzal": "Guatemalan Quetzal",
"currency_malaysian_ringgit": "Malaysian Ringgit",
"currency_brazilian_real": "Brazilian Real",
"currency_thai_baht": "Thai Baht",
"currency_nigerian_naira": "Nigerian Naira",
"currency_argentine_peso": "Argentine Peso",
"currency_bangladeshi_taka": "Bangladeshi Taka",
"currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham": "United Arab Emirates Dirham",
"currency_hong_kong_dollar": "Hong Kong Dollar",
"currency_indonesian_rupiah": "Indonesian Rupiah",
"currency_mexican_peso": "Mexican Peso",
"currency_egyptian_pound": "Egyptian Pound",
"currency_colombian_peso": "Colombian Peso",
"currency_west_african_franc": "West African Franc",
"currency_chinese_renminbi": "Chinese Renminbi",
"currency_rwandan_franc": "Rwandan Franc",
"currency_tanzanian_shilling": "Tanzanian Shilling",
"currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder": "Netherlands Antillean Guilder",
"currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar": "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar",
"currency_east_caribbean_dollar": "East Caribbean Dollar",
"currency_ghanaian_cedi": "Ghanaian Cedi",
"currency_bulgarian_lev": "Bulgarian Lev",
"currency_aruban_florin": "Aruban Florin",
"currency_turkish_lira": "Turkish Lira",
"currency_romanian_new_leu": "Romanian New Leu",
"currency_croatian_kuna": "Croatian Kuna",
"currency_saudi_riyal": "Saudi Riyal",
"currency_japanese_yen": "Japanese Yen",
"currency_maldivian_rufiyaa": "Maldivian Rufiyaa",
"currency_costa_rican_colon": "Costa Rican Colón",
"currency_pakistani_rupee": "Pakistani Rupee",
"currency_polish_zloty": "Polish Zloty",
"currency_sri_lankan_rupee": "Sri Lankan Rupee",
"currency_czech_koruna": "Czech Koruna",
"currency_uruguayan_peso": "Uruguayan Peso",
"currency_namibian_dollar": "Namibian Dollar",
"currency_tunisian_dinar": "Tunisian Dinar",
"currency_russian_ruble": "Russian Ruble",
"currency_mozambican_metical": "Mozambican Metical",
"currency_omani_rial": "Omani Rial",
"currency_ukrainian_hryvnia": "Ukrainian Hryvnia",
"currency_macanese_pataca": "Macanese Pataca",
"currency_taiwan_new_dollar": "Taiwan New Dollar",
"currency_dominican_peso": "Dominican Peso",
"currency_chilean_peso": "Chilean Peso",
"currency_icelandic_krona": "Icelandic Króna",
"currency_papua_new_guinean_kina": "Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency_jordanian_dinar": "Jordanian Dinar",
"currency_myanmar_kyat": "Myanmar Kyat",
"currency_peruvian_sol": "Peruvian Sol",
"currency_botswana_pula": "Botswana Pula",
"currency_hungarian_forint": "Hungarian Forint",
"currency_ugandan_shilling": "Ugandan Shilling",
"currency_barbadian_dollar": "Barbadian Dollar",
"currency_brunei_dollar": "Brunei Dollar",
"currency_georgian_lari": "Georgian Lari",
"currency_qatari_riyal": "Qatari Riyal",
"currency_honduran_lempira": "Honduran Lempira",
"currency_surinamese_dollar": "Surinamese Dollar",
"currency_bahraini_dinar": "Bahraini Dinar",
"review_app_help": "We hope you're enjoying using the app.
If you'd consider {link} we'd greatly appreciate it!",
"writing_a_review": "writing a review",
"use_english_version": "Make sure to use the English version of the files.
We use the column headers to match the fields.",
"tax1": "First Tax",
"tax2": "Second Tax",
"fee_help": "Gateway fees are the costs charged for access to the financial networks that handle the processing of online payments.",
"format_export": "Exporting format",
"custom1": "First Custom",
"custom2": "Second Custom",
"contact_first_name": "Contact First Name",
"contact_last_name": "Contact Last Name",
"contact_custom1": "Contact First Custom",
"contact_custom2": "Contact Second Custom",
"currency": "Currency",
"ofx_help": "To troubleshoot check for comments on {ofxhome_link} and test with {ofxget_link}.",
"comments": "comments",
"item_product": "Item Product",
"item_notes": "Item Notes",
"item_cost": "Item Cost",
"item_quantity": "Item Quantity",
"item_tax_rate": "Item Tax Rate",
"item_tax_name": "Item Tax Name",
"item_tax1": "Item Tax1",
"item_tax2": "Item Tax2",
"delete_company": "Delete Company",
"delete_company_help": "Permanently delete the company along with all data and setting.",
"delete_company_message": "Warning: This will permanently delete your company, there is no undo.",
"applied_discount": "The coupon has been applied, the plan price has been reduced by {discount}%.",
"applied_free_year": "The coupon has been applied, your account has been upgraded to pro for one year.",
"contact_us_help": "If you're reporting an error please include any relevant logs from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"include_errors": "Include Errors",
"include_errors_help": "Include {link} from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"recent_errors": "recent errors",
"customer": "Customer",
"customers": "Customers",
"created_customer": "Successfully created customer",
"created_customers": "Successfully created {count} customers",
"purge_details": "The data in your company ({account}) has been successfully purged.",
"deleted_company": "Successfully deleted company",
"deleted_account": "Successfully canceled account",
"deleted_company_details": "Your company ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"deleted_account_details": "Your account ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"sofort": "Sofort",
"sepa": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"enable_alipay": "Accept Alipay",
"enable_sofort": "Accept EU bank transfers",
"stripe_alipay_help": "These gateways also need to be activated in {link}.",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"pro_plan_calendar": "{link} to enable the calendar by joining the Pro Plan",
"what_are_you_working_on": "What are you working on?",
"time_tracker": "Time Tracker",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"filter_sort": "Filter\/Sort",
"no_description": "No Description",
"time_tracker_login": "Time Tracker Login",
"save_or_discard": "Save or discard your changes",
"discard_changes": "Discard Changes",
"tasks_not_enabled": "Tasks are not enabled.",
"started_task": "Successfully started task",
"create_client": "Create Client",
"download_desktop_app": "Download the desktop app",
"download_iphone_app": "Download the iPhone app",
"download_android_app": "Download the Android app",
"time_tracker_mobile_help": "Double tap a task to select it",
"stopped": "Stopped",
"ascending": "Ascending",
"descending": "Descending",
"sort_field": "Sort By",
"sort_direction": "Direction",
"discard": "Discard",
"time_am": "AM",
"time_pm": "PM",
"time_mins": "mins",
"time_hr": "hr",
"time_hrs": "hrs",
"clear": "Clear",
"warn_payment_gateway": "Note: accepting online payments requires a payment gateway, {link} to add one.",
"task_rate": "Task Rate",
"task_rate_help": "Set the default rate for invoiced tasks.",
"past_due": "Past Due",
"document": "Document",
"invoice_or_expense": "Invoice\/Expense",
"invoice_pdfs": "Invoice PDFs",
"enable_sepa": "Accept SEPA",
"enable_bitcoin": "Accept Bitcoin",
"iban": "IBAN",
"sepa_authorization": "By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing {company} and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.",
"recover_license": "Recover License",
"purchase": "Purchase",
"recover": "Recover",
"apply": "Apply",
"recover_white_label_header": "Recover White Label License",
"apply_white_label_header": "Apply White Label License",
"videos": "Videos",
"video": "Video",
"return_to_invoice": "Return to Invoice",
"gateway_help_13": "To use ITN leave the PDT Key field blank.",
"partial_due_date": "Partial Due Date",
"task_fields": "Task Fields",
"product_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order",
"custom_value1": "Custom Value",
"custom_value2": "Custom Value",
"enable_two_factor": "Two-Factor Authentication",
"enable_two_factor_help": "Use your phone to confirm your identity when logging in",
"two_factor_setup": "Two-Factor Setup",
"two_factor_setup_help": "Scan the bar code with a {link} compatible app.",
"one_time_password": "One Time Password",
"set_phone_for_two_factor": "Set your mobile phone number as a backup to enable.",
"enabled_two_factor": "Successfully enabled Two-Factor Authentication",
"add_product": "Add Product",
"email_will_be_sent_on": "Note: the email will be sent on {date}.",
"invoice_product": "Invoice Product",
"self_host_login": "Self-Host Login",
"set_self_hoat_url": "Self-Host URL",
"local_storage_required": "Error: local storage is not available.",
"your_password_reset_link": "Your Password Reset Link",
"subdomain_taken": "The subdomain is already in use",
"converted_amount": "Converted Amount",
"default": "Default",
"shipping_address": "Shipping Address",
"bllling_address": "Billing Address",
"billing_address1": "Billing Street",
"billing_address2": "Billing Apt\/Suite",
"billing_city": "Billing City",
"billing_state": "Billing State\/Province",
"billing_postal_code": "Billing Postal Code",
"billing_country": "Billing Country",
"shipping_address1": "Shipping Street",
"shipping_address2": "Shipping Apt\/Suite",
"shipping_city": "Shipping City",
"shipping_state": "Shipping State\/Province",
"shipping_postal_code": "Shipping Postal Code",
"shipping_country": "Shipping Country",
"classify": "Classify",
"show_shipping_address_help": "Require client to provide their shipping address",
"ship_to_billing_address": "Ship to billing address",
"delivery_note": "Delivery Note",
"show_tasks_in_portal": "Show tasks in the client portal",
"cancel_schedule": "Cancel Schedule",
"scheduled_report": "Scheduled Report",
"scheduled_report_help": "Email the {report} report as {format} to {email}",
"created_scheduled_report": "Successfully scheduled report",
"deleted_scheduled_report": "Successfully canceled scheduled report",
"scheduled_report_attached": "Your scheduled {type} report is attached.",
"scheduled_report_error": "Failed to create schedule report",
"invalid_one_time_password": "Invalid one time password",
"apple_pay": "Apple\/Google Pay",
"enable_apple_pay": "Accept Apple Pay and Pay with Google",
"requires_subdomain": "This payment type requires that a {link}.",
"subdomain_is_set": "subdomain is set",
"verification_file": "Verification File",
"verification_file_missing": "The verification file is needed to accept payments.",
"apple_pay_domain": "Use {domain}<\/code> as the domain in {link}.",
"apple_pay_not_supported": "Sorry, Apple\/Google Pay isn't supported by your browser",
"optional_payment_methods": "Optional Payment Methods",
"add_subscription": "Add Subscription",
"target_url": "Target",
"target_url_help": "When the selected event occurs the app will post the entity to the target URL.",
"event": "Event",
"subscription_event_1": "Created Client",
"subscription_event_2": "Created Invoice",
"subscription_event_3": "Created Quote",
"subscription_event_4": "Created Payment",
"subscription_event_5": "Created Vendor",
"subscription_event_6": "Updated Quote",
"subscription_event_7": "Deleted Quote",
"subscription_event_8": "Updated Invoice",
"subscription_event_9": "Deleted Invoice",
"subscription_event_10": "Updated Client",
"subscription_event_11": "Deleted Client",
"subscription_event_12": "Deleted Payment",
"subscription_event_13": "Updated Vendor",
"subscription_event_14": "Deleted Vendor",
"subscription_event_15": "Created Expense",
"subscription_event_16": "Updated Expense",
"subscription_event_17": "Deleted Expense",
"subscription_event_18": "Created Task",
"subscription_event_19": "Updated Task",
"subscription_event_20": "Deleted Task",
"subscription_event_21": "Approved Quote",
"subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"updated_subscription": "Successfully updated subscription",
"created_subscription": "Successfully created subscription",
"edit_subscription": "Edit Subscription",
"archive_subscription": "Archive Subscription",
"archived_subscription": "Successfully archived subscription",
"project_error_multiple_clients": "The projects can't belong to different clients",
"invoice_project": "Invoice Project",
"module_recurring_invoice": "Recurring Invoices",
"module_credit": "Credits",
"module_quote": "Quotes & Proposals",
"module_task": "Tasks & Projects",
"module_expense": "Expenses & Vendors",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"send_client_reminders": "Send email reminders",
"can_view_tasks": "Tasks are visible in the portal",
"is_not_sent_reminders": "Reminders are not sent",
"promotion_footer": "Your promotion will expire soon, {link} to upgrade now.",
"unable_to_delete_primary": "Note: to delete this company first delete all linked companies.",
"please_register": "Please register your account",
"processing_request": "Processing request",
"mcrypt_warning": "Warning: Mcrypt is deprecated, run {command} to update your cipher.",
"edit_times": "Edit Times",
"inclusive_taxes_help": "Include taxes in the cost<\/b>",
"inclusive_taxes_notice": "This setting can not be changed once an invoice has been created.",
"inclusive_taxes_warning": "Warning: existing invoices will need to be resaved",
"copy_shipping": "Copy Shipping",
"copy_billing": "Copy Billing",
"quote_has_expired": "The quote has expired, please contact the merchant.",
"empty_table_footer": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"do_not_trust": "Do not remember this device",
"trust_for_30_days": "Trust for 30 days",
"trust_forever": "Trust forever",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"backlog": "Backlog",
"ready_to_do": "Ready to do",
"in_progress": "In progress",
"add_status": "Add status",
"archive_status": "Archive Status",
"new_status": "New Status",
"convert_products": "Convert Products",
"convert_products_help": "Automatically convert product prices to the client's currency",
"improve_client_portal_link": "Set a subdomain to shorten the client portal link.",
"budgeted_hours": "Budgeted Hours",
"progress": "Progress",
"view_project": "View Project",
"summary": "Summary",
"endless_reminder": "Endless Reminder",
"signature_on_invoice_help": "Add the following code to show your client's signature on the PDF.",
"signature_on_pdf": "Show on PDF",
"signature_on_pdf_help": "Show the client signature on the invoice\/quote PDF.",
"expired_white_label": "The white label license has expired",
"return_to_login": "Return to Login",
"convert_products_tip": "Note: add a {link} named \"{name}\" to see the exchange rate.",
"amount_greater_than_balance": "The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.",
"custom_fields_tip": "Use Label|Option1,Option2<\/code> to show a select box.",
"client_information": "Client Information",
"updated_client_details": "Successfully updated client details",
"auto": "Auto",
"tax_amount": "Tax Amount",
"tax_paid": "Tax Paid",
"none": "None",
"proposal_message_button": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the button below.",
"proposal": "Proposal",
"proposals": "Proposals",
"list_proposals": "List Proposals",
"new_proposal": "New Proposal",
"edit_proposal": "Edit Proposal",
"archive_proposal": "Archive Proposal",
"delete_proposal": "Delete Proposal",
"created_proposal": "Successfully created proposal",
"updated_proposal": "Successfully updated proposal",
"archived_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"deleted_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"archived_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"deleted_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"restored_proposal": "Successfully restored proposal",
"restore_proposal": "Restore Proposal",
"snippet": "Snippet",
"snippets": "Snippets",
"proposal_snippet": "Snippet",
"proposal_snippets": "Snippets",
"new_proposal_snippet": "New Snippet",
"edit_proposal_snippet": "Edit Snippet",
"archive_proposal_snippet": "Archive Snippet",
"delete_proposal_snippet": "Delete Snippet",
"created_proposal_snippet": "Successfully created snippet",
"updated_proposal_snippet": "Successfully updated snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"deleted_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"deleted_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"restored_proposal_snippet": "Successfully restored snippet",
"restore_proposal_snippet": "Restore Snippet",
"templates": "Templates",
"proposal_template": "Template",
"proposal_templates": "Templates",
"new_proposal_template": "New Template",
"edit_proposal_template": "Edit Template",
"archive_proposal_template": "Archive Template",
"delete_proposal_template": "Delete Template",
"created_proposal_template": "Successfully created template",
"updated_proposal_template": "Successfully updated template",
"archived_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"deleted_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"archived_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"deleted_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"restored_proposal_template": "Successfully restored template",
"restore_proposal_template": "Restore Template",
"proposal_category": "Category",
"proposal_categories": "Categories",
"new_proposal_category": "New Category",
"edit_proposal_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_proposal_category": "Archive Category",
"delete_proposal_category": "Delete Category",
"created_proposal_category": "Successfully created category",
"updated_proposal_category": "Successfully updated category",
"archived_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"deleted_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"archived_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"deleted_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"restored_proposal_category": "Successfully restored category",
"restore_proposal_category": "Restore Category",
"delete_status": "Delete Status",
"standard": "Standard",
"icon": "Icon",
"proposal_not_found": "The requested proposal is not available",
"create_proposal_category": "Create category",
"clone_proposal_template": "Clone Template",
"proposal_email": "Proposal Email",
"proposal_subject": "New proposal {number} from {account}",
"proposal_message": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the link below.",
"emailed_proposal": "Successfully emailed proposal",
"load_template": "Load Template",
"no_assets": "No images, drag to upload",
"add_image": "Add Image",
"select_image": "Select Image",
"upgrade_to_upload_images": "Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images",
"delete_image": "Delete Image",
"delete_image_help": "Warning: deleting the image will remove it from all proposals.",
"amount_variable_help": "Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial\/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.",
"taxes_are_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes have been enabled.",
"taxes_are_not_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes are not enabled.",
"change_requires_purge": "Changing this setting requires {link} the account data.",
"purging": "purging",
"warning_local_refund": "The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.",
"email_address_changed": "Email address has been changed",
"email_address_changed_message": "The email address for your account has been changed from {old_email} to {new_email}.",
"test": "Test",
"beta": "Beta",
"gmp_required": "Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension",
"email_history": "Email History",
"loading": "Loading",
"no_messages_found": "No messages found",
"processing": "Processing",
"reactivate": "Reactivate",
"reactivated_email": "The email address has been reactivated",
"emails": "Emails",
"opened": "Opened",
"bounced": "Bounced",
"total_sent": "Total Sent",
"total_opened": "Total Opened",
"total_bounced": "Total Bounced",
"total_spam": "Total Spam",
"platforms": "Platforms",
"email_clients": "Email Clients",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"desktop": "Desktop",
"webmail": "Webmail",
"group": "Group",
"subgroup": "Subgroup",
"unset": "Unset",
"received_new_payment": "You've received a new payment!",
"slack_webhook_help": "Receive payment notifications using {link}.",
"slack_incoming_webhooks": "Slack incoming webhooks",
"accept": "Accept",
"accepted_terms": "Successfully accepted the latest terms of service",
"invalid_url": "Invalid URL",
"workflow_settings": "Workflow Settings",
"auto_email_invoice": "Auto Email",
"auto_email_invoice_help": "Automatically email recurring invoices when they are created.",
"auto_archive_invoice": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_invoice_help": "Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.",
"auto_archive_quote": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_quote_help": "Automatically archive quotes when they are converted.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote": "Allow approve expired quote",
"allow_approve_expired_quote_help": "Allow clients to approve expired quotes.",
"invoice_workflow": "Invoice Workflow",
"quote_workflow": "Quote Workflow",
"client_must_be_active": "Error: the client must be active",
"purge_client": "Purge Client",
"purged_client": "Successfully purged client",
"purge_client_warning": "All related records (invoices, tasks, expenses, documents, etc) will also be deleted.",
"clone_product": "Clone Product",
"item_details": "Item Details",
"send_item_details_help": "Send line item details to the payment gateway.",
"view_proposal": "View Proposal",
"view_in_portal": "View in Portal",
"cookie_message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
"got_it": "Got it!",
"vendor_will_create": "vendor will be created",
"vendors_will_create": "vendors will be created",
"created_vendors": "Successfully created {count} vendor(s)",
"import_vendors": "Import Vendors",
"company": "Company",
"client_field": "Client Field",
"contact_field": "Contact Field",
"product_field": "Product Field",
"task_field": "Task Field",
"project_field": "Project Field",
"expense_field": "Expense Field",
"vendor_field": "Vendor Field",
"company_field": "Company Field",
"invoice_field": "Invoice Field",
"invoice_surcharge": "Invoice Surcharge",
"custom_task_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a task.",
"custom_project_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a project.",
"custom_expense_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an expense.",
"custom_vendor_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a vendor.",
"messages": "Messages",
"unpaid_invoice": "Unpaid Invoice",
"paid_invoice": "Paid Invoice",
"unapproved_quote": "Unapproved Quote",
"unapproved_proposal": "Unapproved Proposal",
"autofills_city_state": "Auto-fills city\/state",
"no_match_found": "No match found",
"password_strength": "Password Strength",
"strength_weak": "Weak",
"strength_good": "Good",
"strength_strong": "Strong",
"mark": "Mark",
"updated_task_status": "Successfully update task status",
"background_image": "Background Image",
"background_image_help": "Use the {link} to manage your images, we recommend using a small file.",
"proposal_editor": "proposal editor",
"background": "Background",
"guide": "Guide",
"gateway_fee_item": "Gateway Fee Item",
"gateway_fee_description": "Gateway Fee Surcharge",
"show_payments": "Show Payments",
"show_aging": "Show Aging",
"reference": "Reference",
"amount_paid": "Amount Paid",
"send_notifications_for": "Send Notifications For",
"all_invoices": "All Invoices",
"my_invoices": "My Invoices",
"mobile_refresh_warning": "If you're using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.",
"enable_proposals_for_background": "To upload a background image {link} to enable the proposals module."
"es": {
"pagination": {
"previous": "« Anterior",
"next": "Siguiente »"
"reminders": {
"password": "Las contraseñas deben contener al menos 6 caracteres y coincidir.",
"user": "No podemos encontrar a un usuario con ese correo electrónico.",
"token": "Este token de recuperación de contraseña es inválido.",
"sent": "¡Recordatorio de contraseña enviado!"
"validation": {
"accepted": "{attribute} debe ser aceptado.",
"active_url": "{attribute} no es una URL válida.",
"after": "{attribute} debe ser una fecha posterior a {date}.",
"alpha": "{attribute} solo debe contener letras.",
"alpha_dash": "{attribute} solo debe contener letras, números y guiones.",
"alpha_num": "{attribute} solo debe contener letras y números.",
"array": "{attribute} debe ser un conjunto.",
"before": "{attribute} debe ser una fecha anterior a {date}.",
"between": {
"numeric": "{attribute} tiene que estar entre {min} - {max}.",
"file": "{attribute} debe pesar entre {min} - {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} tiene que tener entre {min} - {max} caracteres.",
"array": "{attribute} tiene que tener entre {min} - {max} ítems."
"confirmed": "La confirmación de {attribute} no coincide.",
"date": "{attribute} no es una fecha válida.",
"date_format": "{attribute} no corresponde al formato {format}.",
"different": "{attribute} y {other} deben ser diferentes.",
"digits": "{attribute} debe tener {digits} dígitos.",
"digits_between": "{attribute} debe tener entre {min} y {max} dígitos.",
"email": "{attribute} no es un correo válido",
"exists": "{attribute} es inválido.",
"image": "{attribute} debe ser una imagen.",
"in": "{attribute} es inválido.",
"integer": "{attribute} debe ser un número entero.",
"ip": "{attribute} debe ser una dirección IP válida.",
"max": {
"numeric": "{attribute} no debe ser mayor a {max}.",
"file": "{attribute} no debe ser mayor que {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} no debe ser mayor que {max} caracteres.",
"array": "{attribute} no debe tener más de {max} elementos."
"mimes": "{attribute} debe ser un archivo con formato: {values}.",
"min": {
"numeric": "El tamaño de {attribute} debe ser de al menos {min}.",
"file": "El tamaño de {attribute} debe ser de al menos {min} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} debe contener al menos {min} caracteres.",
"array": "{attribute} debe tener al menos {min} elementos."
"not_in": "{attribute} es inválido.",
"numeric": "{attribute} debe ser numérico.",
"regex": "El formato de {attribute} es inválido.",
"required": "El campo {attribute} es obligatorio.",
"required_if": "El campo {attribute} es obligatorio cuando {other} es {value}.",
"required_with": "El campo {attribute} es obligatorio cuando {values} está presente.",
"required_with_all": "The {attribute} field is required when {values} is present.",
"required_without": "El campo {attribute} es obligatorio cuando {values} no está presente.",
"required_without_all": "The {attribute} field is required when none of {values} are present.",
"same": "{attribute} y {other} deben coincidir.",
"size": {
"numeric": "El tamaño de {attribute} debe ser {size}.",
"file": "El tamaño de {attribute} debe ser {size} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} debe contener {size} caracteres.",
"array": "{attribute} debe contener {size} elementos."
"unique": "{attribute} ya ha sido registrado.",
"url": "El formato {attribute} es inválido.",
"positive": "{attribute} debe ser mayor que cero.",
"has_credit": "el cliente no tiene crédito suficiente.",
"notmasked": "The values are masked",
"less_than": "The {attribute} must be less than {value}",
"has_counter": "The value must contain {$counter}",
"valid_contacts": "All of the contacts must have either an email or name",
"valid_invoice_items": "The invoice exceeds the maximum amount",
"custom": {
"attribute-name": {
"rule-name": "custom-message"
"attributes": []
"texts": {
"organization": "Empresa",
"name": "Nombre",
"website": "Sitio Web",
"work_phone": "Teléfono",
"address": "Dirección",
"address1": "Calle",
"address2": "Bloq\/Pta",
"city": "Ciudad",
"state": "Región\/Provincia",
"postal_code": "Código Postal",
"country_id": "País",
"contacts": "Contactos",
"first_name": "Nombres",
"last_name": "Apellidos",
"phone": "Teléfono",
"email": "Correo Electrónico",
"additional_info": "Información Adicional",
"payment_terms": "Términos de Pago",
"currency_id": "Divisa",
"size_id": "Tamaño de la Empresa",
"industry_id": "Industria",
"private_notes": "Notas Privadas",
"invoice": "Factura",
"client": "Cliente",
"invoice_date": "Fecha de Factura",
"due_date": "Fecha de Pago",
"invoice_number": "Número de Factura",
"invoice_number_short": "Factura #",
"po_number": "Apartado de correo",
"po_number_short": "Apdo. #",
"frequency_id": "Frecuencia",
"discount": "Descuento",
"taxes": "Impuestos",
"tax": "Impuesto",
"item": "Concepto",
"description": "Descripción",
"unit_cost": "Coste unitario",
"quantity": "Cantidad",
"line_total": "Total",
"subtotal": "Subtotal",
"paid_to_date": "Pagado",
"balance_due": "Pendiente",
"invoice_design_id": "Diseño",
"terms": "Términos",
"your_invoice": "Tu factura",
"remove_contact": "Eliminar contacto",
"add_contact": "Añadir contacto",
"create_new_client": "Crear nuevo cliente",
"edit_client_details": "Editar detalles del cliente",
"enable": "Activar",
"learn_more": "Saber más",
"manage_rates": "Gestionar tarifas",
"note_to_client": "Nota para el cliente",
"invoice_terms": "Términos de Facturación",
"save_as_default_terms": "Guardar como términos por defecto",
"download_pdf": "Descargar PDF",
"pay_now": "Pagar ahora",
"save_invoice": "Guardar factura",
"clone_invoice": "Clonar como Factura",
"archive_invoice": "Archivar Factura",
"delete_invoice": "Eliminar Factura",
"email_invoice": "Enviar factura por correo",
"enter_payment": "Agregar Pago",
"tax_rates": "Tasas de Impuesto",
"rate": "Tasas",
"settings": "Configuración",
"enable_invoice_tax": "Activar impuesto para la factura<\/b>",
"enable_line_item_tax": "Activar impuesto por concepto<\/b>",
"dashboard": "Inicio",
"clients": "Clientes",
"invoices": "Facturas",
"payments": "Pagos",
"credits": "Créditos",
"history": "Historial",
"search": "Búsqueda",
"sign_up": "Registrarse",
"guest": "Invitado",
"company_details": "Detalles de la Empresa",
"online_payments": "Pagos Online",
"notifications": "Notificaciones",
"import_export": "Importar\/Exportar",
"done": "Hecho",
"save": "Guardar",
"create": "Crear",
"upload": "Subir",
"import": "Importar",
"download": "Descargar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Cerrar",
"provide_email": "Por favor facilita una dirección de correo electrónico válida.",
"powered_by": "Plataforma por",
"no_items": "No hay ítems",
"recurring_invoices": "Facturas Recurrentes",
"recurring_help": "Envía automáticamente a los clientes las mismas facturas semanal, bi-mensual, mensual, trimestral o anualmente <\/p>\n
Usa {MONTH}, {QUARTER} o {YEAR} para las fechas dinámicas. Matemática básica también funciona, por ejemplo {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n
Ejemplos de variables de factura dinámica:<\/p>\n
\n - \"Membresía al gimnasio por el mes de {MONTH}\" >> \"Membresía al gimnasio para el mes de Julio\"<\/li>\n
- \"{YEAR}+1 subscripción anual\" >> \"2015 Subscripción Anual\"<\/li>\n
- \"Pago de retención para {QUARTER}+1\" >> \"Pago de retención para el segundo trimestre<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"recurring_quotes": "Recurring Quotes",
"in_total_revenue": "Ingreso Total",
"billed_client": "Cliente Facturado",
"billed_clients": "Clientes Facturados",
"active_client": "Cliente Activo",
"active_clients": "Clientes Activos",
"invoices_past_due": "Facturas Vencidas",
"upcoming_invoices": "Próximas Facturas",
"average_invoice": "Promedio de Facturación",
"archive": "Archivar",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"archive_client": "Archivar Cliente",
"delete_client": "Eliminar Cliente",
"archive_payment": "Archivar Pago",
"delete_payment": "Eliminar Pago",
"archive_credit": "Archivar Crédito",
"delete_credit": "Eliminar Crédito",
"show_archived_deleted": "Mostrar archivados\/eliminados en ",
"filter": "Filtrar",
"new_client": "Nuevo Cliente",
"new_invoice": "Nueva Factura",
"new_payment": "Ingresa el Pago",
"new_credit": "Ingresa el Crédito",
"contact": "Contacto",
"date_created": "Fecha de Creación",
"last_login": "Último Acceso",
"balance": "Saldo",
"action": "Acción",
"status": "Estado",
"invoice_total": "Total Facturado",
"frequency": "Frequencia",
"start_date": "Fecha de Inicio",
"end_date": "Fecha de Finalización",
"transaction_reference": "Referencia de Transacción",
"method": "Método",
"payment_amount": "Valor del Pago",
"payment_date": "Fecha de Pago",
"credit_amount": "Cantidad de Crédito",
"credit_balance": "Saldo de Crédito",
"credit_date": "Fecha de Crédito",
"empty_table": "Tabla vacía",
"select": "Seleccionar",
"edit_client": "Editar Cliente",
"edit_invoice": "Editar Factura",
"create_invoice": "Crear Factura",
"enter_credit": "Agregar Crédito",
"last_logged_in": "Último inicio de sesión",
"details": "Detalles",
"standing": "Situación",
"credit": "Crédito",
"activity": "Actividad",
"date": "Fecha",
"message": "Mensaje",
"adjustment": "Ajustes",
"are_you_sure": "¿Estás Seguro?",
"payment_type_id": "Tipo de pago",
"amount": "Cantidad",
"work_email": "Correo electrónico de la empresa",
"language_id": "Idioma",
"timezone_id": "Zona Horaria",
"date_format_id": "Formato de Fecha",
"datetime_format_id": "Formato de Fecha\/Hora",
"users": "Usuarios",
"localization": "Localización",
"remove_logo": "Eliminar logo",
"logo_help": "Formatos aceptados: JPEG, GIF y PNG",
"payment_gateway": "Pasarela de pago",
"gateway_id": "Proveedor",
"email_notifications": "Notificaciones de correo",
"email_sent": "Avísame por correo cuando una factura se envía<\/b>",
"email_viewed": "Avísame por correo cuando una factura se visualiza<\/b>",
"email_paid": "Avísame por correo cuando una factura se paga<\/b>",
"site_updates": "Actualizaciones del sitio",
"custom_messages": "Mensajes a medida",
"default_email_footer": "Configurar firma de correo<\/b> por defecto",
"select_file": "Por favor selecciona un archivo",
"first_row_headers": "Usar la primera fila como encabezados",
"column": "Columna",
"sample": "Ejemplo",
"import_to": "Importar a",
"client_will_create": "cliente será creado",
"clients_will_create": "clientes serán creados",
"email_settings": "Configuración del Correo Electrónico",
"client_view_styling": "Estilo de Visualización para el Cliente",
"pdf_email_attachment": "Adjuntar PDF",
"custom_css": "CSS Personalizado",
"import_clients": "Importar Datos del Cliente",
"csv_file": "Seleccionar archivo CSV",
"export_clients": "Exportar Datos del Cliente",
"created_client": "cliente creado con éxito",
"created_clients": "{count} clientes creados con éxito",
"updated_settings": "Configuración actualizada con éxito",
"removed_logo": "Logo eliminado con éxito",
"sent_message": "Mensaje enviado con éxito",
"invoice_error": "Seleccionar cliente y corregir errores.",
"limit_clients": "Lo sentimos, se ha pasado del límite de {count} clientes",
"payment_error": "Ha habido un error en el proceso de tu pago. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.",
"registration_required": "Inscríbete para enviar una factura",
"confirmation_required": "Por favor confirma tu dirección de correo electrónico, {link} para reenviar el correo de confirmación.",
"updated_client": "Cliente actualizado con éxito",
"archived_client": "Cliente archivado con éxito",
"archived_clients": "{count} clientes archivados con éxito",
"deleted_client": "Cliente eliminado con éxito",
"deleted_clients": "{count} clientes eliminados con éxito",
"updated_invoice": "Factura actualizada con éxito",
"created_invoice": "Factura creada con éxito",
"cloned_invoice": "Factura clonada con éxito",
"emailed_invoice": "Factura enviada con éxito",
"and_created_client": "y cliente creado ",
"archived_invoice": "Factura archivada con éxito",
"archived_invoices": "{count} facturas archivados con éxito",
"deleted_invoice": "Factura eliminada con éxito",
"deleted_invoices": "{count} facturas eliminadas con éxito",
"created_payment": "Pago creado con éxito",
"created_payments": "{count} pagos creados con éxito",
"archived_payment": "Pago archivado con éxito",
"archived_payments": "{count} pagos archivados con éxito",
"deleted_payment": "Pago eliminado con éxito",
"deleted_payments": "{count} pagos eliminados con éxito",
"applied_payment": "Pago aplicado con éxito",
"created_credit": "Crédito creado con éxito",
"archived_credit": "Crédito archivado con éxito",
"archived_credits": "{count} creditos archivados con éxito",
"deleted_credit": "Créditos eliminados con éxito",
"deleted_credits": "{count} creditos eliminados con éxito",
"imported_file": "Archivo importado con éxito",
"updated_vendor": "Proveedor actualizado con éxito",
"created_vendor": "Proveedor creado con éxito",
"archived_vendor": "Proveedor archivado con éxito",
"archived_vendors": "{count} proveedores actualizados con éxito",
"deleted_vendor": "Proveedor eliminado con éxito",
"deleted_vendors": "{count} proveedores actualizados con éxito",
"confirmation_subject": "Corfimación de tu cuenta en Invoice Ninja",
"confirmation_header": "Confirmación de Cuenta",
"confirmation_message": "Por favor, haz clic en el enlace abajo para confirmar tu cuenta.",
"invoice_subject": "Nueva factura {invoice} de {account}",
"invoice_message": "Para visualizar tu factura por el valor de {amount}, haga click en el enlace a continuación.",
"payment_subject": "Pago recibido",
"payment_message": "Gracias por tu pago de {amount}.",
"email_salutation": "Estimado {name},",
"email_signature": "Un cordial saludo,",
"email_from": "El equipo de Invoice Ninja ",
"invoice_link_message": "Para visualizar la factura de cliente, haz clic en el enlace a continuación:",
"notification_invoice_paid_subject": "La factura {invoice} ha sido pagada por el cliente {client}",
"notification_invoice_sent_subject": "La factura {invoice} ha sido enviada a el cliente {client}",
"notification_invoice_viewed_subject": "La factura {invoice} ha sido visualizado por el cliente{client}",
"notification_invoice_paid": "Un pago por importe de {amount} ha sido realizado por el cliente {client} correspondiente a la factura {invoice}.",
"notification_invoice_sent": "La factura {invoice} por importe de {amount} fue enviada al cliente {cliente}.",
"notification_invoice_viewed": "La factura {invoice} por importe de {amount} fue visualizada por el cliente {client}.",
"reset_password": "Puedes reconfigurar la contraseña de tu cuenta haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace:",
"secure_payment": "Pago seguro",
"card_number": "Número de tarjeta",
"expiration_month": "Mes de caducidad",
"expiration_year": "Año de caducidad",
"cvv": "CVV",
"logout": "Cerrar sesión",
"sign_up_to_save": "Registrate para guardar tu trabajo",
"agree_to_terms": "Estoy de acuerdo con los {terms}",
"terms_of_service": "Términos de Servicio",
"email_taken": "Esta dirección de correo electrónico ya se ha registrado",
"working": "Procesando",
"success": "Éxito",
"success_message": "Te has registrado exitosamente. Por favor, haz clic en el enlace del correo de confirmación para verificar tu dirección de correo electrónico.",
"erase_data": "Tu cuenta no está registrada, esto borrara todos los datos permanentemente. ",
"password": "Contraseña",
"pro_plan_product": "Plan Pro",
"pro_plan_success": "¡Gracias por unirte a Invoice Ninja! Al realizar el pago de tu factura, se iniciara tu Plan Pro !.
\n Siguientes Pasos<\/b>Una factura exigible ha sido enviada al correo\n electrónico asociado con tu cuenta. Para desbloquear todas las increíbles funciones del plan Pro, por favor sigue las instrucciones en la factura para pagar\n por un año del plan Pro.\n No puedes encontrar la factura ? Necesitas más ayuda? Estamos felices de ayudarte\n -- mándanos un correo a contact@invoiceninja.com",
"unsaved_changes": "Tienes cambios no guardados",
"custom_fields": "Campos personalizados",
"company_fields": "Campos de la empresa",
"client_fields": "Campos del cliente",
"field_label": "Etiqueta del campo",
"field_value": "Valor del campo",
"edit": "Editar",
"set_name": "Indique el nombre de su empresa",
"view_as_recipient": "Ver como destinitario",
"product_library": "Inventario de productos",
"product": "Producto",
"products": "Productos",
"fill_products": "Auto-rellenar productos",
"fill_products_help": "Seleccionar un producto automáticamente configurará la descripción y coste<\/b>",
"update_products": "Auto-actualizar productos",
"update_products_help": "Actualizar una factura automáticamente actualizará los productos<\/b>",
"create_product": "Crear Producto",
"edit_product": "Editar Producto",
"archive_product": "Archivar Producto",
"updated_product": "Producto actualizado con éxito",
"created_product": "Producto creado con éxito",
"archived_product": "Producto archivado con éxito",
"pro_plan_custom_fields": "{link} haz click para para activar campos a medida",
"advanced_settings": "Configuración Avanzada",
"pro_plan_advanced_settings": "{link} haz clic para para activar la configuración avanzada",
"invoice_design": "Diseño de factura",
"specify_colors": "Especificar colores",
"specify_colors_label": "Seleccionar los colores para usar en las facturas",
"chart_builder": "Constructor de graficos",
"ninja_email_footer": "Creado por {site} | Crear. Enviar. Recibir Pago.",
"go_pro": "Hazte Pro",
"quote": "Cotización",
"quotes": "Cotizaciones",
"quote_number": "Numero de cotización",
"quote_number_short": "Cotización #",
"quote_date": "Fecha cotización",
"quote_total": "Total cotizado",
"your_quote": "Tu cotización",
"total": "Total",
"clone": "Clon",
"new_quote": "Nueva cotización",
"create_quote": "Crear Cotización",
"edit_quote": "Editar Cotización",
"archive_quote": "Archivar Cotización",
"delete_quote": "Eliminar Cotización",
"save_quote": "Guardar Cotización",
"email_quote": "Enviar Cotización",
"clone_quote": "Clonar Como Cotización",
"convert_to_invoice": "Convertir a Factura",
"view_invoice": "Ver Factura",
"view_client": "Ver Cliente",
"view_quote": "Ver Cotización",
"updated_quote": "Cotización actualizada con éxito",
"created_quote": "Cotización creada con éxito",
"cloned_quote": "Cotización clonada con éxito",
"emailed_quote": "Cotización enviada con éxito",
"archived_quote": "Cotización archivada con éxito",
"archived_quotes": "{count} cotizaciones archivadas con exito",
"deleted_quote": "Cotizaciónes eliminadas con éxito",
"deleted_quotes": "{count} cotizaciones eliminadas con exito",
"converted_to_invoice": "Cotización convertida a factura con éxito",
"quote_subject": "Nuevo presupuesto {quote} de {account}",
"quote_message": "Para visualizar la cotización por valor de {amount}, haz click en el enlace abajo.",
"quote_link_message": "Para visualizar tu cotización haz click en el enlace abajo:",
"notification_quote_sent_subject": "Cotización {invoice} enviada a el cliente {client}",
"notification_quote_viewed_subject": "Cotización {invoice} visualizada por el cliente {client}",
"notification_quote_sent": "La cotización {invoice} por un valor de {amount}, ha sido enviada al cliente {client}.",
"notification_quote_viewed": "La cotizacion {invoice} por un valor de {amount} ha sido visualizada por el cliente {client}.",
"session_expired": "Tu sesión ha caducado.",
"invoice_fields": "Campos de Factura",
"invoice_options": "Opciones de Factura",
"hide_paid_to_date": "Ocultar Valor Pagado a la Fecha",
"hide_paid_to_date_help": "Solo mostrar la opción “Pagado a la fecha” en sus facturas cuando se ha recibido un pago.",
"charge_taxes": "Cargar Impuestos",
"user_management": "Gestión de Usuarios",
"add_user": "Añadir Usuario",
"send_invite": "Enviar Invitación",
"sent_invite": "Invitación enviada con éxito",
"updated_user": "Usario actualizado con éxito",
"invitation_message": "{invitor} te ha invitado a unirte a su cuenta en Invoice Ninja.",
"register_to_add_user": "Regístrate para aregar un usuario",
"user_state": "Estado",
"edit_user": "Editar Usario",
"delete_user": "Eliminar Usario",
"active": "Activo",
"pending": "Pendiente",
"deleted_user": "Usario eliminado con éxito",
"confirm_email_invoice": "¿Estás seguro que quieres enviar esta factura?",
"confirm_email_quote": "¿Estás seguro que quieres enviar esta cotización?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice": "Se ha marcado esta factura como recurrente, estás seguro que quieres enviar esta factura?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent": "Estás seguro de querer iniciar la recurrencia?",
"cancel_account": "Cancelar Cuenta",
"cancel_account_message": "AVISO: Esta acción eliminará tu cuenta de forma permanente.",
"go_back": "Atrás",
"data_visualizations": "Visualización de Datos",
"sample_data": "Datos de Ejemplo",
"hide": "Ocultar",
"new_version_available": "Una nueva versión de {releases_link} disponible. Estás utilizando versión {user_version}, la última versión es {latest_version}",
"invoice_settings": "Configuración de Facturas",
"invoice_number_prefix": "Prefijo de facturación",
"invoice_number_counter": "Numeración de facturación",
"quote_number_prefix": "Prefijo de Cotizaciones",
"quote_number_counter": "Numeración de Cotizaciones",
"share_invoice_counter": "Compartir la numeración para cotización y facturación",
"invoice_issued_to": "Factura emitida a",
"invalid_counter": "Para evitar posibles conflictos, por favor crea un prefijo de facturación y de cotización.",
"mark_sent": "Marcar como enviado",
"gateway_help_1": "{link} para registrarse con Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_2": "{link} para registrarse con Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_17": "{link} para obtener su firma del API de PayPal.",
"gateway_help_27": "{link} para suscribirte a 2Checkout.com. Para asegurarte que los pagos puedan ser reastreados configura {complete_link} como la URL de redirección en Account > Site Management en el portal de 2Checkout.",
"gateway_help_60": "{link} para crear una cuenta WePay.",
"more_designs": "Más diseños",
"more_designs_title": "Diseños Adicionales de Facturas",
"more_designs_cloud_header": "Pase a Pro para más diseños de facturas",
"more_designs_cloud_text": "",
"more_designs_self_host_text": "",
"buy": "Comprar",
"bought_designs": "Diseños adicionales de facturas agregados con éxito",
"sent": "Enviado",
"vat_number": "Número de Impuesto",
"timesheets": "Hojas de Tiempo",
"payment_title": "Ingresa la Dirección de Facturación de tu Tareta de Crédito",
"payment_cvv": "*Este es el número de 3-4 dígitos en la parte posterior de tu tarjeta de crédito",
"payment_footer1": "*La dirección debe coincidir con la dirección asociada a la tarjeta de crédito.",
"payment_footer2": "*Por favor haz clic en \"PAGAR AHORA\" sólo una vez - la transacción puede demorarse hasta un minuto en ser procesada.",
"id_number": "ID Number",
"white_label_link": "Etiqueta Blanca",
"white_label_header": "Etiqueta Blanca",
"bought_white_label": "Licencia de etiqueta blanca habilitada con éxito",
"white_labeled": "Etiqueta Blanca",
"restore": "Restaurar",
"restore_invoice": "Restaurar Factura",
"restore_quote": "Restaurar Cotización",
"restore_client": "Restaurar Cliente",
"restore_credit": "Restaurar Crédito",
"restore_payment": "Restaurar Pago",
"restored_invoice": "Factura restaurada con éxito",
"restored_quote": "Cotización restaurada con éxito",
"restored_client": "Cliente restaurado con éxito",
"restored_payment": "Pago restaurado con éxito",
"restored_credit": "Crédito restaurado con éxito",
"reason_for_canceling": "Ayúdenos a mejorar contándonos porqué se va.",
"discount_percent": "Porcentaje",
"discount_amount": "Cantidad",
"invoice_history": "Historial de Facturas",
"quote_history": "Historial de Cotizaciones",
"current_version": "Versión Actual",
"select_version": "Seleccione la Versión",
"view_history": "Ver Historial",
"edit_payment": "Editar Pago",
"updated_payment": "Pago actualizado con éxito",
"deleted": "Eliminado",
"restore_user": "Restaurar Usuario",
"restored_user": "Usuario restaurado con éxito",
"show_deleted_users": "Mostrar usuarios eliminados",
"email_templates": "Plantillas de Correo",
"invoice_email": "Correo de Factura",
"payment_email": "Correo de Pago",
"quote_email": "Correo de Cotizacion",
"reset_all": "Reiniciar Todos",
"approve": "Aprobar",
"token_billing_type_id": "Token de Facturación",
"token_billing_help": "Guardar detalles de pago con WePay, Stripe Braintree o GoCardless.",
"token_billing_1": "Deshabilitado",
"token_billing_2": "Opt-in - el checkbox es mostrado pero no seleccionado",
"token_billing_3": "Opt-out - el checkbox es mostrado y seleccionado",
"token_billing_4": "Siempre",
"token_billing_checkbox": "Almacenar detalles de la tarjeta de crédito",
"view_in_gateway": "Ver en {gateway}",
"use_card_on_file": "Use Card on File",
"edit_payment_details": "Editar detalles del pago",
"token_billing": "Guardar detalles de la tarjeta",
"token_billing_secure": "La información es almacenada de manera segura por {link}",
"support": "Soporte",
"contact_information": "Información de Contacto",
"256_encryption": "Encripción de 256-Bit",
"amount_due": "Importe a pagar",
"billing_address": "Dirección de facturación",
"billing_method": "Método de facturación",
"order_overview": "Resumen de la orden",
"match_address": "*La dirección debe coincidir con la dirección asociada a la tarjeta de crédito.",
"click_once": "*Por favor haga clic en \"PAGAR AHORA\" sólo una vez - la transacción puede demorarse hasta un minuto en ser procesada.",
"invoice_footer": "Pie de págia de la factura",
"save_as_default_footer": "Guardar como el pie de página por defecto",
"token_management": "Administración de Tokens",
"tokens": "Tokens",
"add_token": "Agregar Token",
"show_deleted_tokens": "Mostrar los tokens eliminados",
"deleted_token": "Token eliminado con éxito",
"created_token": "Token creado con éxito",
"updated_token": "Token actualizado con éxito",
"edit_token": "Editar Token",
"delete_token": "Eliminar Token",
"token": "Token",
"add_gateway": "Agregar Gateway",
"delete_gateway": "Eliminar Gateway",
"edit_gateway": "Editar Gateway",
"updated_gateway": "Gateway actualizado con éxito",
"created_gateway": "Gateway creado con éxito",
"deleted_gateway": "Gateway eliminado con éxito",
"pay_with_paypal": "PayPal",
"pay_with_card": "Tarjeta de Crédito",
"change_password": "Cambiar Contraseña",
"current_password": "Contraseña Actual",
"new_password": "Nueva Contraseña",
"confirm_password": "Confirmar Contraseña",
"password_error_incorrect": "La contraseña actual es incorrecta.",
"password_error_invalid": "La nueva contraseña no es válida.",
"updated_password": "Contraseña actualizada correctamente",
"api_tokens": "API Tokens",
"users_and_tokens": "Usuarios & Tokens",
"account_login": "Iniciar Sesión",
"recover_password": "Recuperar contraseña",
"forgot_password": "Olvidó su contraseña?",
"email_address": "Correo Electrónico",
"lets_go": "Acceder",
"password_recovery": "Recuperación de Contraseña",
"send_email": "Enviar email",
"set_password": "Asignar Contraseña",
"converted": "Convertido",
"email_approved": "Enviarme un correo cuando una cotización sea aprobada<\/b>",
"notification_quote_approved_subject": "Cotización {invoice} fue aprobada por {client}",
"notification_quote_approved": "El cliente {client} ha aprobado la cotización {invoice} por el valor {amount}.",
"resend_confirmation": "Reenviar correo de confirmación",
"confirmation_resent": "El correo de confirmación fue reenviado",
"gateway_help_42": "{link} para registrarse en BitPay.
Nota: use una llave del API legacy, no un token API.",
"payment_type_credit_card": "Tarjeta de Crédito",
"payment_type_paypal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_gocardless": "GoCardless",
"knowledge_base": "Base de Conocimiento",
"partial": "Parcial\/Depósito",
"partial_remaining": "{partial} de {balance}",
"more_fields": "Más Campos",
"less_fields": "Menos Campos",
"client_name": "Nombre del Cliente",
"pdf_settings": "Configuración de PDF",
"product_settings": "Configuración del Producto",
"auto_wrap": "Ajuste Automático de Línea",
"duplicate_post": "Advertencia: la página anterior fue enviada dos veces. El segundo envío ha sido ignorado.",
"view_documentation": "Ver Documentación",
"app_title": "Facturación Open-Source Gratuita",
"app_description": "Invoice Ninja es una solución open-source gratuita para manejar la facturación de tus clientes. Con Invoice Ninja, se pueden crear y enviar hermosas facturas desde cualquier dispositivo que tenga acceso a Internet. Tus clientes pueden imprimir tus facturas, descargarlas en formato PDF o inclusive pagarlas en linea desde esta misma plataforma",
"rows": "filas",
"www": "www",
"logo": "Logo",
"subdomain": "Subdominio",
"provide_name_or_email": "Por favor, ingrese un nombre o email",
"charts_and_reports": "Gráficas y Reportes",
"chart": "Gráfica",
"report": "Reporte",
"group_by": "Agrupar por",
"paid": "Pagado",
"enable_report": "Reportes",
"enable_chart": "Gráficas",
"totals": "Totales",
"run": "Ejecutar",
"export": "Exportar",
"documentation": "Documentación",
"zapier": "Zapier",
"recurring": "Recurrente",
"last_invoice_sent": "Ultima factura enviada en {date}",
"processed_updates": "Actualización completada con éxito",
"tasks": "Tareas",
"new_task": "Nueva Tarea",
"start_time": "Tiempo de Inicio",
"created_task": "Tarea creada con éxito",
"updated_task": "Tarea actualizada con éxito",
"edit_task": "Editar Tarea",
"archive_task": "Archivar Tarea",
"restore_task": "Restaurar Tarea",
"delete_task": "Eliminar Tarea",
"stop_task": "Detener Tarea",
"time": "Tiempo",
"start": "Iniciar",
"stop": "Detener",
"now": "Ahora",
"timer": "Temporizador",
"manual": "Manual",
"date_and_time": "Fecha y Hora",
"second": "Segundo",
"seconds": "Segundos",
"minute": "Minuto",
"minutes": "Minutos",
"hour": "Hora",
"hours": "Horas",
"task_details": "Detalles de la Tarea",
"duration": "Duración",
"end_time": "Tiempo Final",
"end": "Fin",
"invoiced": "Facturado",
"logged": "Registrado",
"running": "Ejecutando",
"task_error_multiple_clients": "Las tareas no pueden pertenecer a diferentes clientes",
"task_error_running": "Por favor primero detenga las tareas que se estén ejecutando",
"task_error_invoiced": "Las tareas ya han sido facturadas",
"restored_task": "Tarea restaurada con éxito",
"archived_task": "Tarea archivada con éxito",
"archived_tasks": "{count} tareas archivadas con éxito",
"deleted_task": "Tarea eliminada con éxito",
"deleted_tasks": "{count} tareas eliminadas con éxito",
"create_task": "Crear Tarea",
"stopped_task": "Tarea detenida con éxito",
"invoice_task": "Tarea de Factura",
"invoice_labels": "Etiquetas",
"prefix": "Prefijo",
"counter": "Contador",
"payment_type_dwolla": "Dwolla",
"gateway_help_43": "{link} para registrarse con Dwolla.",
"partial_value": "Debe ser mayor que cero y menor que el total",
"more_actions": "Más Acciones",
"pro_plan_title": "NINJA PRO",
"pro_plan_call_to_action": "Actualízate Ahora!",
"pro_plan_feature1": "Crea Clientes Ilimitados",
"pro_plan_feature2": "Accede a 10 hermosos diseños de factura",
"pro_plan_feature3": "URLs Personalizadas - \"SuMarca.InvoiceNinja.com\"",
"pro_plan_feature4": "Remueve \"Creado por Invoice Ninja\"",
"pro_plan_feature5": "Acceso Multi-usuario y seguimiento de actividades",
"pro_plan_feature6": "Crea Cotizaciones y facturas Pro-forma",
"pro_plan_feature7": "Personaliza los Títulos de los Campos y Numeración de las Facturas",
"pro_plan_feature8": "Opción para adjuntarle documentos PDF a los correos dirigidos a los clientes",
"resume": "Continuar",
"break_duration": "Descanso",
"edit_details": "Editar Detalles",
"work": "Trabajo",
"timezone_unset": "Por favor {link} para configurar tu Uso Horario",
"click_here": "haz clic aquí",
"email_receipt": "Enviar por correo electrónico el recibo de pago al cliente",
"created_payment_emailed_client": "Pago creado y enviado al cliente con éxito",
"add_company": "Agregar Compañía",
"untitled": "Sin Título",
"new_company": "Nueva Compañia",
"associated_accounts": "Cuentas conectadas con éxito",
"unlinked_account": "Cuentas desconectadas con éxito",
"login": "Iniciar Sesión",
"or": "o",
"email_error": "Hubo un problema enviando el correo",
"confirm_recurring_timing": "Nota: los correos son enviados al inicio de la hora.",
"confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent": "Nota: Las facturas son creadas al inicio de la hora.",
"payment_terms_help": "Establecer fecha de vencimiento de la factura<\/b> por defecto",
"unlink_account": "Desconectar Cuenta",
"unlink": "Desconectar",
"show_address": "Actualizar Dirección",
"show_address_help": "Requerir que el cliente indique su dirección de facturación",
"update_address": "Actualizar Dirección",
"update_address_help": "Actualiza la dirección del cliente con los detalles proporcionados",
"times": "Tiempos",
"set_now": "Asignar ahora",
"dark_mode": "Modo Oscuro",
"dark_mode_help": "Usar un fondo oscuro en la barra lateral",
"add_to_invoice": "Agregar a cuenta {invoice}",
"create_new_invoice": "Crear Nueva Cuenta",
"task_errors": "Por favor corrija cualquier tiempo que se sobreponga con otro",
"from": "De",
"to": "Para",
"font_size": "Tamaño de Letra",
"primary_color": "Color Primario",
"secondary_color": "Color Secundario",
"customize_design": "Personalizar Diseño",
"content": "Contenido",
"styles": "Estilos",
"defaults": "Valores por Defecto",
"margins": "Márgenes",
"header": "Encabezado",
"footer": "Pie de Página",
"custom": "Personalizado",
"invoice_to": "Factura para",
"invoice_no": "Factura #",
"quote_no": "Quote No.",
"recent_payments": "Pagos Recientes",
"outstanding": "Pendiente de Cobro",
"manage_companies": "Gestionar Compañías",
"total_revenue": "Ingresos Totales",
"current_user": "Usuario Actual",
"new_recurring_invoice": "Nueva Factura Recurrente",
"recurring_invoice": "Factura Recurrente",
"new_recurring_quote": "New recurring quote",
"recurring_quote": "Recurring Quote",
"recurring_too_soon": "Es muy pronto para crear la siguiente factura recurrente, está programada para {date}",
"created_by_invoice": "Creado por {invoice}",
"primary_user": "Usuario Principal",
"help": "Ayuda",
"customize_help": "Nosotros usamos {pdfmake_link} para definir los diseños de factura de manera declarativa. El {playground_link} provides de pdfmake es una excelente manera de ver a la librería en acción.<\/p>\n
Si necesitas ayuda con cómo hacer algo,haz una pregunta en nuestro {forum_link} incluyendo el diseño que estás usando.<\/p>",
"playground": "playground",
"support_forum": "foro de soporte",
"invoice_due_date": "Fecha de Vencimiento",
"quote_due_date": "Válida Hasta",
"valid_until": "Válida Hasta",
"reset_terms": "Reiniciar términos",
"reset_footer": "Reiniciar pie de página",
"invoice_sent": "{count} factura enviada",
"invoices_sent": "{count} facturas enviadas",
"status_draft": "Borrador",
"status_sent": "Enviado",
"status_viewed": "Visto",
"status_partial": "Parcial",
"status_paid": "Pagado",
"status_unpaid": "Sin pagar",
"status_all": "Todas",
"show_line_item_tax": " Mostrar impuestos por cada item<\/b> en línea.",
"iframe_url": "Sitio Web",
"iframe_url_help1": "Copia el siguiente código en una página de tu sitio web.",
"iframe_url_help2": "Puedes probar esta funcionalidad haciendo clic en 'Ver como el destinitario' de una factura.",
"auto_bill": "Cobro Automático",
"military_time": "Tiempo 24 Horas",
"last_sent": "Último Enviado",
"reminder_emails": "Correos de Recordatorio",
"templates_and_reminders": "Plantillas & Recordatorios",
"subject": "Asunto",
"body": "Mensaje",
"first_reminder": "Primer Recordatorio",
"second_reminder": "Segundo Recordatorio",
"third_reminder": "Tercer Recordatorio",
"num_days_reminder": "Días después de la fecha de vencimiento",
"reminder_subject": "Recordatorio: Factura {invoice} de {account}",
"reset": "Reiniciar",
"invoice_not_found": "La factura solicitada no está disponible",
"referral_program": "Programa de Referidos",
"referral_code": "Código de Referidos",
"last_sent_on": "último enviado en {date}",
"page_expire": "Esta página expirará pronto, {click_here} para que siga funcionando",
"upcoming_quotes": "Próximas Cotizaciones",
"expired_quotes": "Cotizaciones Vencidas",
"sign_up_using": "Ingrese usando",
"invalid_credentials": "Estas credenciales no concuerdan con nuestros registros",
"show_all_options": "Mostrar todas las opciones",
"user_details": "Detalles de Usuario",
"oneclick_login": "Cuenta conectada",
"disable": "Deshabilitado",
"invoice_quote_number": "Números de Cotización y Factura",
"invoice_charges": "Cargos de Factura",
"notification_invoice_bounced": "No nos fue posible entregar la Factura {invoice} a {contact}.",
"notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "No fue posible entregar la Factura {invoice}",
"notification_quote_bounced": "No nos fue posible entregar la Cotización {invoice} a {contact}.",
"notification_quote_bounced_subject": "No nos fue posible entregar la Cotización {invoice}",
"custom_invoice_link": "Link Personalizado de Factura",
"total_invoiced": "Total Facturado",
"open_balance": "Saldo Abierto",
"verify_email": "Para verificar su cuenta de correo por favor visite el link en el correo de confirmación de tu cuenta.",
"basic_settings": "Configuración Básica",
"pro": "Pro",
"gateways": "Pasarelas de Pago",
"next_send_on": "Enviar Siguiente: {date}",
"no_longer_running": "La ejecución de esta factura no está programada",
"general_settings": "Configuración General",
"customize": "Personalizar",
"oneclick_login_help": "Conecta una cuenta para ingresar sin contraseña",
"referral_code_help": "Gana dinero compartiendo nuestra app online",
"enable_with_stripe": "Habilitado | Requiere Stripe",
"tax_settings": "Configuración de Impuestos",
"create_tax_rate": "Agregar Tasa de Impuesto",
"updated_tax_rate": "Tasa de impuesto actualizada con éxito",
"created_tax_rate": "Tasa de impuesto creada con éxito",
"edit_tax_rate": "Editar tasa de impuesto",
"archive_tax_rate": "Archivar tasa de impuesto",
"archived_tax_rate": "Tasa de impuesto archivada con éxito",
"default_tax_rate_id": "Tasa de Impuesto por Defecto",
"tax_rate": "Tasa de Impuesto",
"recurring_hour": "Hora Recurrente",
"pattern": "Patrón",
"pattern_help_title": "Ayuda de Patrón",
"pattern_help_1": "Crear números personalizados, especificando un patrón",
"pattern_help_2": "Variables disponibles:",
"pattern_help_3": "Por ejemplo, {example} sería convertido a {value}",
"see_options": "Ver Opciones",
"invoice_counter": "Contador de Facturas",
"quote_counter": "Contador de Cotizaciones",
"type": "Tipo",
"activity_1": "{user} creó el cliente {client}",
"activity_2": "{user} archivó el cliente {client}",
"activity_3": "{user} eliminó el cliente {client}",
"activity_4": "{user} creó la factura {invoice}",
"activity_5": "{user} actualizó la factura {invoice}",
"activity_6": "{user} envió por correo electrónico la factura {invoice} to {contact}",
"activity_7": "{contact} vió la factura {invoice}",
"activity_8": "{user} archivó la factura {invoice}",
"activity_9": "{user} eliminó la factura {invoice}",
"activity_10": "{contact} ingresó el pago {payment} for {invoice}",
"activity_11": "{user} actualizó el pago {payment}",
"activity_12": "{user} archivó el pago {payment}",
"activity_13": "{user} eliminó el pago {payment}",
"activity_14": "{user} ingresó {credit} créditos",
"activity_15": "{user} actualizó {credit} créditos",
"activity_16": "{user} archivó {credit} créditos",
"activity_17": "{user} eliminó {credit} créditos",
"activity_18": "{user} creó la cotización {quote}",
"activity_19": "{user} actualizó la cotización {quote}",
"activity_20": "{user} envió por correo electrónico la cotización {quote} to {contact}",
"activity_21": "{contact} vió la cotización {quote}",
"activity_22": "{user} archivó la cotización {quote}",
"activity_23": "{user} eliminó la cotización {quote}",
"activity_24": "{user} restauró la cotización {quote}",
"activity_25": "{user} restauró factura {invoice}",
"activity_26": "{user} restauró el cliente {client}",
"activity_27": "{user} restauró el pago {payment}",
"activity_28": "{user} restauró {credit} créditos",
"activity_29": "{contact} aprovó la cotización {quote}",
"activity_30": "{user} creó al vendedor {vendor}",
"activity_31": "{user} archivó al vendedor {vendor}",
"activity_32": "{user} eliminó al vendedor {vendor}",
"activity_33": "{user} restauró al vendedor {vendor}",
"activity_34": "{user} creó expense {expense}",
"activity_35": "{user} archivó el gasto {expense}",
"activity_36": "{user} eliminó el gasto {expense}",
"activity_37": "{user} restauró el gasto {expense}",
"activity_42": "{user} creó la tarea {task}",
"activity_43": "{user} actualizó la tarea {task}",
"activity_44": "{user} archivó la tarea {task}",
"activity_45": "{user} eliminó la tarea {task}",
"activity_46": "{user} restauró la tarea {task}",
"activity_47": "{user} actrulizó el gasto {expense}",
"payment": "pago",
"system": "Sistema",
"signature": "Firma del correo",
"default_messages": "Mensajes por defecto",
"quote_terms": "Terminos de Cotización",
"default_quote_terms": "Terminos de Cotización por defecto",
"default_invoice_terms": "Configurar términos de factura por defecto",
"default_invoice_footer": "Asignar pie de página por defecto para la factura",
"quote_footer": "Pie de la Cotización",
"free": "Gratis",
"quote_is_approved": "Aprobado exitosamente ",
"apply_credit": "Aplicar Crédito",
"system_settings": "Configuración del Sistema",
"archive_token": "Archivar Token",
"archived_token": "Token archivado",
"archive_user": "Archivar Usuario",
"archived_user": "Usuario archivado",
"archive_account_gateway": "Archivar Pasarela",
"archived_account_gateway": "Pasarela archivada",
"archive_recurring_invoice": "Archivar Factura periódica",
"archived_recurring_invoice": "Factura periódica archivada",
"delete_recurring_invoice": "Borrar Factura periódica",
"deleted_recurring_invoice": "Factura periódica borrada",
"restore_recurring_invoice": "Restaurar Factura periódica ",
"restored_recurring_invoice": "Factura periódica restaurada",
"archive_recurring_quote": "Archive Recurring Quote",
"archived_recurring_quote": "Successfully archived recurring quote",
"delete_recurring_quote": "Delete Recurring Quote",
"deleted_recurring_quote": "Successfully deleted recurring quote",
"restore_recurring_quote": "Restore Recurring Quote",
"restored_recurring_quote": "Successfully restored recurring quote",
"archived": "Archivado",
"untitled_account": "Compañía sin Nombre",
"before": "Antes",
"after": "Después",
"reset_terms_help": "Reestablecer los términos de cuenta predeterminados",
"reset_footer_help": "Reestablecer el pie predeterminado",
"export_data": "Exportar",
"user": "Usuario",
"country": "País",
"include": "Incluir",
"logo_too_large": "El logo es {size}, para un buen rendimiento del PDF, sugerimos cargar una imagen de menos de 200KB",
"import_freshbooks": "Importar desde FreshBooks",
"import_data": "Importar datos",
"source": "Origen",
"csv": "CSV",
"client_file": "Archivo de Clientes",
"invoice_file": "Archivo de Facturas",
"task_file": "Archivo de Tareas",
"no_mapper": "Mapeo no válido para el Archivo",
"invalid_csv_header": "Cabecera CSV no Válida",
"client_portal": "Portal de Cliente",
"admin": "Admin.",
"disabled": "Deshabilitado",
"show_archived_users": "Mostrar usuarios archivados",
"notes": "Notas",
"invoice_will_create": "la factura será creada",
"invoices_will_create": "facturas seran creadas",
"failed_to_import": "Los siguientes registros fallaron al importar",
"publishable_key": "Clave pública",
"secret_key": "Clave Privada",
"missing_publishable_key": "Establece tu clave pública de Stripe para mejorar el proceso de checkout",
"email_design": "Diseño de Correo",
"due_by": "Pagado en {date}",
"enable_email_markup": "Habilitar Markup",
"enable_email_markup_help": "Haga que sea fácil para sus clientes que paguen mediante la adición de marcas \"schema.org\" a sus correos electrónicos.",
"template_help_title": "Ayuda",
"template_help_1": "Variables disponibles:",
"email_design_id": "Estilo de Correo",
"email_design_help": "Haga que sus mensajes de correo electrónico tengan un aspecto más profesional con diseños HTML",
"plain": "Plano",
"light": "Claro",
"dark": "Oscuro",
"industry_help": "Usado para proporcionar comparaciones de las medias de las empresas de tamaño y industria similar.",
"subdomain_help": "Asigne el suubdominio o mostrar la factura en su propio sitio web.",
"website_help": "Mostrar la factura en un iFrame de su sitio web",
"invoice_number_help": "Especifique un prefijo o utilice un patrón a medida para establecer dinámicamente el número de factura.",
"quote_number_help": "Especifique un prefijo o utilice un patrón a medida para establecer dinámicamente el número de presupuesto.",
"custom_client_fields_helps": "Agregue un campo al crear un cliente y, opcionalmente, muestre la etiqueta y el valor en el PDF.",
"custom_account_fields_helps": "Añadir una etiqueta y valor a la sección de detalles de la empresa del PDF.",
"custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Agregue un campo al crear una factura y, opcionalmente, muestre la etiqueta y el valor en el PDF.",
"custom_invoice_charges_helps": "gregar una entrada de texto a la pagina de crear\/editar factura y mostrar la carga en los subtotales de la factura.",
"token_expired": "Token de validación ha caducado. Por favor, vuelva a intentarlo.",
"invoice_link": "Enlace a Factura",
"button_confirmation_message": "Pulse aqui para confirmar su dirección de correo.",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"email_preferences": "Preferencias de Correo",
"created_invoices": "{count} factura(s) creada(s) correctamente",
"next_invoice_number": "El próximo número de factura es {number}.",
"next_quote_number": "El próximo número de presupuesto es {number}.",
"days_before": "días antes de",
"days_after": "días después de",
"field_due_date": "fecha de pago",
"field_invoice_date": "fecha de factura",
"schedule": "Programar",
"email_designs": "Diseños de correo",
"assigned_when_sent": "Asignado al enviar",
"white_label_purchase_link": "Comprar licencia de marca blanca",
"expense": "Gasto",
"expenses": "Gastos",
"new_expense": "Ingrese el Gasto",
"enter_expense": "Introducir Gasto",
"vendors": "Proveedores",
"new_vendor": "Nuevo Proveedor",
"payment_terms_net": "Net",
"vendor": "Proveedor",
"edit_vendor": "Editar Proveedor",
"archive_vendor": "Archivar Proveedor",
"delete_vendor": "Borrar Proveedor",
"view_vendor": "Ver Proveedor",
"deleted_expense": "Gasto borrado correctamente",
"archived_expense": "Gasto archivado correctamente",
"deleted_expenses": "Gastos borrados correctamente",
"archived_expenses": "Gastos archivados correctamente",
"expense_amount": "Importe del Gasto",
"expense_balance": "Saldo del Gasto",
"expense_date": "Fecha del Gasto",
"expense_should_be_invoiced": "¿Este gasto debe ser facturado?",
"public_notes": "Notas",
"invoice_amount": "Importe de Factura",
"exchange_rate": "Tipo de Cambio",
"yes": "Si",
"no": "No",
"should_be_invoiced": "Debe ser Facturado",
"view_expense": "Ver gasto # {expense}",
"edit_expense": "Editar Gasto",
"archive_expense": "Archivar Gasto",
"delete_expense": "Borrar Gasto",
"view_expense_num": "Gasto # {expense}",
"updated_expense": "Gasto actualizado correctamente",
"created_expense": "Gasto creado correctamente",
"view": "Ver",
"restore_expense": "Restaurar Gasto",
"invoice_expense": "Facturar Gasto",
"expense_error_multiple_clients": "Los gastos no pertenecen a diferentes clientes",
"expense_error_invoiced": "El gasto ya ha sido Facturado",
"convert_currency": "Convertir moneda",
"num_days": "Número de Días",
"create_payment_term": "Crear Términos de Pago",
"edit_payment_terms": "Editar los Términos de Pago",
"edit_payment_term": "Editar el Términos de Pago",
"archive_payment_term": "Archivar Términos de Pago",
"recurring_due_dates": "Fecha de Vencimiento de Factura Recurrente",
"recurring_due_date_help": "
Define automáticamente una fecha de vencimiento de la factura.<\/p>\n
Facturas en un ciclo mensual o anual preparadas para vencer el día que se crearon o antes, vencerán al siguiente mes. Facturas preparadas para vencer el 29 o el 30, en los meses que no tienen ese día, vencerán el último día del mes<\/p>\n
(Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month. Invoices set to be due on the 29th or 30th in months that don't have that day will be due the last day of the month.)<\/p>\n
Facturas en un ciclo semanal preparadas para vencer el día de la semana que se crearon, vencerán a la siguiente semana.<\/p>\n
(Invoices on a weekly cycle set to be due on the day of the week they are created will be due the next week.)<\/p>\n
Por ejemplo:<\/p>\n
\n - Hoy es día 15, la fecha de vencimiento es el día 1 de cada mes. La fecha de vencimiento deberá ser el día 1 del siguiente mes.<\/li>\n
- Hoy es día 15, la fecha de vencimiento es el último día de cada mes. La fecha de vencimiento deberá ser el último día de este mes.<\/li>\n
- Hoy es día 15, la fecha de vencimiento es el día 15 de cada mes. La fecha de vencimiento deberá ser el día 15 del siguiente<\/strong> mes.<\/li>\n
- Hoy es Viernes, la fecha de vencimiento es Viernes. La fecha de vencimiento deberá ser el siguiente Viernes, no hoy.<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"due": "Vencimiento",
"next_due_on": "Próximo Vencimiento: {date}",
"use_client_terms": "Utilizar términos del cliente",
"day_of_month": "{ordinal} día del mes",
"last_day_of_month": "Último día del mes",
"day_of_week_after": "{ordinal} {day} despues",
"sunday": "Domingo",
"monday": "Lunes",
"tuesday": "Martes",
"wednesday": "Miércoles",
"thursday": "Jueves",
"friday": "Viernes",
"saturday": "Sábado",
"header_font_id": "Tipo de letra de la cabecera",
"body_font_id": "Tipo de letra del cuerpo",
"color_font_help": "Nota: el color primario y las fuentes también se utilizan en el portal del cliente y los diseños de correo electrónico personalizados.",
"live_preview": "Live Preview",
"invalid_mail_config": "Imposible enviar el correo, por favor, comprobar que la configuración de correo es correcta.",
"invoice_message_button": "Para ver su factura con importe {amount}, pulse el siguiente botón.",
"quote_message_button": "Para ver su presupuesto con importe {amount}, pulse el siguiente botón.",
"payment_message_button": "Gracias por su pago de {amount}.",
"payment_type_direct_debit": "Débito Automático",
"bank_accounts": "Cuentas Bancarias",
"add_bank_account": "Añadir Cuenta Bancaria",
"setup_account": "Configurar Cuenta",
"import_expenses": "Importar Gastos",
"bank_id": "banco",
"integration_type": "Tipo de Integración",
"updated_bank_account": "Cuenta Bancaria actualizada correctamente",
"edit_bank_account": "Editar Cuenta Bancaria",
"archive_bank_account": "Archivar Cuenta Bancaria",
"archived_bank_account": "Cuenta Bancaria archivada correctamente",
"created_bank_account": "Cuenta Bancaria creada correctamente",
"validate_bank_account": "Validar Cuenta Bancaria",
"bank_password_help": "Nota: su contraseña es transmitida de manera secura y nunca almacenada en nuestros servidores.",
"bank_password_warning": "Advertencia: su contraseña puede ser transmitida en texto plano, considere habilitar HTTPS.",
"username": "Usuario",
"account_number": "Número de Cuenta",
"account_name": "Nombre de Cuenta",
"bank_account_error": "No fue posible obtener los detalles de la cuenta, por favor chequea tus credenciales.",
"status_approved": "Aprobado",
"quote_settings": "Configuración de Presupuestos",
"auto_convert_quote": "Auto Convertir",
"auto_convert_quote_help": "Convierte un presupuesto en factura automaticamente cuando los aprueba el cliente.",
"validate": "Validar",
"info": "Info",
"imported_expenses": " {count_vendors} proveedor(es) y {count_expenses} gasto(s) importados correctamente",
"iframe_url_help3": "Nota: Si piensas aceptar tarjetas de crédito recomendamos tener habilitado HTTPS.",
"expense_error_multiple_currencies": "Los gastos no pueden tener distintas divisas.",
"expense_error_mismatch_currencies": "La divisa del cliente no coincide con la divisa del gasto.",
"trello_roadmap": "Trello Roadmap",
"header_footer": "Encabezado\/Pie",
"first_page": "Primera página",
"all_pages": "Todas las páginas",
"last_page": "Última página",
"all_pages_header": "Mostrar encabezado",
"all_pages_footer": "Mostrar pie",
"invoice_currency": "Divisa de la Factura",
"enable_https": "We strongly recommend using HTTPS to accept credit card details online.",
"quote_issued_to": "Cotización emitida para",
"show_currency_code": "Código de Divisa",
"free_year_message": "Su cuenta ha sido actualizada al plan pro por un año, sin ningún costo.",
"trial_message": "Your account will receive a free two week trial of our pro plan.",
"trial_footer": "Su prueba gratuita del plan pro tiene {count} días más, {link} para actualizar ahora.",
"trial_footer_last_day": "Este es el último día de su prueba gratuita del plan pro, {link} para actualizar ahora.",
"trial_call_to_action": "Start Free Trial",
"trial_success": "Successfully enabled two week free pro plan trial",
"overdue": "Overdue",
"white_label_text": "Purchase a ONE YEAR white label license for ${price} to remove the Invoice Ninja branding from the invoice and client portal.",
"user_email_footer": "Para ajustar la configuración de las notificaciones de tu correo, visita {link}",
"reset_password_footer": "Si no has solicitado un cambio de contraseña, por favor contactate con nosostros: {email}",
"limit_users": "Lo sentimos, esta acción excederá el límite de {limit} usarios",
"more_designs_self_host_header": "Adquiera 6 diseños adicionales de facturas por solo ${price}",
"old_browser": "Por favor usa un {link}",
"newer_browser": "nuevo navegador",
"white_label_custom_css": "{link} for ${price} to enable custom styling and help support our project.",
"bank_accounts_help": "Conecta una cuenta bancaria para importar gastos automáticamente y crear vendedores. soporta American Express y {link}.",
"us_banks": "400+ bancos de Estados Unidos",
"pro_plan_remove_logo": "{link} haz click para eliminar el logo de Invoice Ninja",
"pro_plan_remove_logo_link": "Haz clic aquí",
"invitation_status_sent": "Enviado",
"invitation_status_opened": "Abierto",
"invitation_status_viewed": "Visto",
"email_error_inactive_client": "No se pueden enviar correos a Clientes inactivos",
"email_error_inactive_contact": "No se pueden enviar correos a Contactos inactivos",
"email_error_inactive_invoice": "No se pueden enviar correos de Facturas inactivas",
"email_error_inactive_proposal": "No se pueden enviar emails a propuestas inactivas",
"email_error_user_unregistered": "Por favor registre su cuenta para enviar correos",
"email_error_user_unconfirmed": "Por favor confirme su cuenta para enviar correos",
"email_error_invalid_contact_email": "Correo de contacto no válido",
"navigation": "Navegación",
"list_invoices": "Listar Facturas",
"list_clients": "Listar Clientes",
"list_quotes": "Listar Cotizaciones",
"list_tasks": "Listar Tareas",
"list_expenses": "Listar Gastos",
"list_recurring_invoices": "Listar Facturas Recurrentes",
"list_payments": "Listar Pagos",
"list_credits": "Listar Créditos",
"tax_name": "Nombre de Impuesto",
"report_settings": "Configuración de Reportes",
"search_hotkey": "Atajo es \/",
"new_user": "Nuevo Usuario",
"new_product": "Nuevo Producto",
"new_tax_rate": "Nueva Tasa de Impuesto",
"invoiced_amount": "Importe Facturado",
"invoice_item_fields": "Campos de Ítem de Factura",
"custom_invoice_item_fields_help": "Agregar un campo al crear un ítem de factura y mostrar la etiqueta y valor en el PDF.",
"recurring_invoice_number": "Número Recurrente",
"recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help": "Especifique un prefijo para ser añadido al número de factura para facturas recurrentes. ",
"enable_portal_password": "Proteger Facturas con Contraseña",
"enable_portal_password_help": "Permite establecer una contraseña para cada contacto. Si una contraseña es establecida, se le será solicitada al contacto para acceder a sus facturas.",
"send_portal_password": "Generar Automáticamente ",
"send_portal_password_help": "Si no se establece una contraseña, será generada automáticamente con la primer factura.",
"expired": "Vencida",
"invalid_card_number": "El número de tarjeta de crédito no es válido.",
"invalid_expiry": "La fecha de vencimiento no es válida.",
"invalid_cvv": "El CVV no es válido.",
"cost": "Costo",
"create_invoice_for_sample": "Nota: cree una factura para previsualizarla aquí.",
"owner": "Propietario",
"administrator": "Administrador",
"administrator_help": "Permitir que administre usuarios, cambie configuraciones y modifique cualquier registro",
"user_create_all": "Crear clientes, facturas, etc.",
"user_view_all": "Ver todos los clientes, facturas, etc.",
"user_edit_all": "Editar todos los clientes, facturas, etc.",
"gateway_help_20": "{link} to sign up for Sage Pay.",
"gateway_help_21": "{link} to sign up for Sage Pay.",
"partial_due": "Partial Due",
"restore_vendor": "Restore Vendor",
"restored_vendor": "Successfully restored vendor",
"restored_expense": "Successfully restored expense",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"create_all_help": "Allow user to create and modify records",
"view_all_help": "Allow user to view records they didn't create",
"edit_all_help": "Allow user to modify records they didn't create",
"view_payment": "View Payment",
"january": "Enero",
"february": "Febrero",
"march": "Marzo",
"april": "Abril",
"may": "Mayo",
"june": "Junio",
"july": "Julio",
"august": "Agosto",
"september": "Septiembre",
"october": "Octubre",
"november": "Noviembre",
"december": "Diciembre",
"documents_header": "Documentos:",
"email_documents_header": "Documentos:",
"email_documents_example_1": "Widgets Receipt.pdf",
"email_documents_example_2": "Final Deliverable.zip",
"quote_documents": "Documentos de Cotización",
"invoice_documents": "Documentos de Factura",
"expense_documents": "Documentos de Gasto",
"invoice_embed_documents": "Embed Documents",
"invoice_embed_documents_help": "Include attached images in the invoice.",
"document_email_attachment": "Attach Documents",
"ubl_email_attachment": "Adjuntar UBL",
"download_documents": "Download Documents ({size})",
"documents_from_expenses": "From Expenses:",
"dropzone_default_message": "Drop files or click to upload",
"dropzone_fallback_message": "Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.",
"dropzone_fallback_text": "Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.",
"dropzone_file_too_big": "File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.",
"dropzone_invalid_file_type": "You can't upload files of this type.",
"dropzone_response_error": "Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.",
"dropzone_cancel_upload": "Cancel upload",
"dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?",
"dropzone_remove_file": "Remove file",
"documents": "Documents",
"document_date": "Document Date",
"document_size": "Size",
"enable_client_portal": "Dashboard",
"enable_client_portal_help": "Show\/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard": "Dashboard",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard_help": "Show\/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.",
"account_management": "Account Management",
"plan_status": "Plan Status",
"plan_upgrade": "Upgrade",
"plan_change": "Change Plan",
"pending_change_to": "Changes To",
"plan_changes_to": "{plan} on {date}",
"plan_term_changes_to": "{plan} ({term}) on {date}",
"cancel_plan_change": "Cancel Change",
"plan": "Plan",
"expires": "Expires",
"renews": "Renews",
"plan_expired": "{plan} Plan Expired",
"trial_expired": "{plan} Plan Trial Ended",
"never": "Never",
"plan_free": "Free",
"plan_pro": "Pro",
"plan_enterprise": "Enterprise",
"plan_white_label": "Self Hosted (White labeled)",
"plan_free_self_hosted": "Self Hosted (Free)",
"plan_trial": "Trial",
"plan_term": "Term",
"plan_term_monthly": "Mensual",
"plan_term_yearly": "Yearly",
"plan_term_month": "Mes",
"plan_term_year": "Year",
"plan_price_monthly": "${price}\/Month",
"plan_price_yearly": "${price}\/Year",
"updated_plan": "Updated plan settings",
"plan_paid": "Term Started",
"plan_started": "Plan Started",
"plan_expires": "Plan Expires",
"white_label_button": "White Label",
"pro_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"pro_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_product": "Enterprise Plan",
"enterprise_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"plan_credit_product": "Credit",
"plan_credit_description": "Credit for unused time",
"plan_pending_monthly": "Will switch to monthly on {date}",
"plan_refunded": "A refund has been issued.",
"page_size": "Page Size",
"live_preview_disabled": "Live preview has been disabled to support selected font",
"invoice_number_padding": "Padding",
"preview": "Preview",
"list_vendors": "List Vendors",
"add_users_not_supported": "Upgrade to the Enterprise plan to add additional users to your account.",
"enterprise_plan_features": "The Enterprise plan adds support for multiple users and file attachments, {link} to see the full list of features.",
"return_to_app": "Regresar a la App",
"refund_payment": "Refund Payment",
"refund_max": "Max:",
"refund": "Refund",
"are_you_sure_refund": "Refund selected payments?",
"status_pending": "Pending",
"status_completed": "Completed",
"status_failed": "Failed",
"status_partially_refunded": "Partially Refunded",
"status_partially_refunded_amount": "{amount} Refunded",
"status_refunded": "Refunded",
"status_voided": "Cancelled",
"refunded_payment": "Refunded Payment",
"activity_39": "{usaer} canceló {payment_amount} pago {payment}",
"activity_40": "{user} reembolsó {adjustment} de un pago de {payment_amount} {payment}",
"card_expiration": "Exp: {expires}",
"card_creditcardother": "Unknown",
"card_americanexpress": "American Express",
"card_carteblanche": "Carte Blanche",
"card_unionpay": "UnionPay",
"card_diners": "Diners Club",
"card_discover": "Discover",
"card_jcb": "JCB",
"card_laser": "Laser",
"card_maestro": "Maestro",
"card_mastercard": "MasterCard",
"card_solo": "Solo",
"card_switch": "Switch",
"card_visacard": "Visa",
"card_ach": "ACH",
"payment_type_stripe": "Stripe",
"ach": "ACH",
"enable_ach": "Aceptar transferencias bancarias de Estados Unidos",
"stripe_ach_help": "El soporte ACH también debe ser habilitado en {link}.",
"ach_disabled": "Another gateway is already configured for direct debit.",
"plaid": "Plaid",
"client_id": "Client Id",
"secret": "Secret",
"public_key": "Public Key",
"plaid_optional": "(optional)",
"plaid_environment_help": "cuando se te entrega una llave de prueba de Stripe, se usará el ambiente de desarrollo de Plaid (tartan). ",
"other_providers": "Other Providers",
"country_not_supported": "That country is not supported.",
"invalid_routing_number": "The routing number is not valid.",
"invalid_account_number": "The account number is not valid.",
"account_number_mismatch": "The account numbers do not match.",
"missing_account_holder_type": "Please select an individual or company account.",
"missing_account_holder_name": "Please enter the account holder's name.",
"routing_number": "Routing Number",
"confirm_account_number": "Confirm Account Number",
"individual_account": "Individual Account",
"company_account": "Company Account",
"account_holder_name": "Account Holder Name",
"add_account": "Add Account",
"payment_methods": "Payment Methods",
"complete_verification": "Complete Verification",
"verification_amount1": "Amount 1",
"verification_amount2": "Amount 2",
"payment_method_verified": "Verification completed successfully",
"verification_failed": "Verification Failed",
"remove_payment_method": "Remove Payment Method",
"confirm_remove_payment_method": "Are you sure you want to remove this payment method?",
"remove": "Remove",
"payment_method_removed": "Removed payment method.",
"bank_account_verification_help": "We have made two deposits into your account with the description \"VERIFICATION\". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement. Please enter the amounts below.",
"bank_account_verification_next_steps": "We have made two deposits into your account with the description \"VERIFICATION\". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement.\n Once you have the amounts, come back to this payment methods page and click \"Complete Verification\" next to the account.",
"unknown_bank": "Unknown Bank",
"ach_verification_delay_help": "You will be able to use the account after completing verification. Verification usually takes 1-2 business days.",
"add_credit_card": "Add Credit Card",
"payment_method_added": "Added payment method.",
"use_for_auto_bill": "Use For Autobill",
"used_for_auto_bill": "Autobill Payment Method",
"payment_method_set_as_default": "Set Autobill payment method.",
"activity_41": "{payment_amount} payment ({payment}) failed",
"webhook_url": "Webhook URL",
"stripe_webhook_help": "You must {link}.",
"stripe_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint at Stripe",
"gocardless_webhook_help_link_text": "agrega esta URL como endpoint en GoCardless",
"payment_method_error": "There was an error adding your payment methd. Please try again later.",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject": "Payment failed for Invoice {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed": "A payment made by client {client} towards Invoice {invoice} failed. The payment has been marked as failed and {amount} has been added to the client's balance.",
"link_with_plaid": "Link Account Instantly with Plaid",
"link_manually": "Link Manually",
"secured_by_plaid": "Secured by Plaid",
"plaid_linked_status": "Your bank account at {bank}",
"add_payment_method": "Add Payment Method",
"account_holder_type": "Account Holder Type",
"ach_authorization": "I authorize {company} to use my bank account for future payments and, if necessary, electronically credit my account to correct erroneous debits. I understand that I may cancel this authorization at any time by removing the payment method or by contacting {email}.",
"ach_authorization_required": "You must consent to ACH transactions.",
"off": "Off",
"opt_in": "Opt-in",
"opt_out": "Opt-out",
"always": "Always",
"opted_out": "Opted out",
"opted_in": "Opted in",
"manage_auto_bill": "Manage Auto-bill",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"paypal": "PayPal",
"braintree_enable_paypal": "Enable PayPal payments through BrainTree",
"braintree_paypal_disabled_help": "The PayPal gateway is processing PayPal payments",
"braintree_paypal_help": "You must also {link}.",
"braintree_paypal_help_link_text": "link PayPal to your BrainTree account",
"token_billing_braintree_paypal": "Save payment details",
"add_paypal_account": "Add PayPal Account",
"no_payment_method_specified": "No payment method specified",
"chart_type": "Chart Type",
"format": "Format",
"import_ofx": "Import OFX",
"ofx_file": "OFX File",
"ofx_parse_failed": "Failed to parse OFX file",
"wepay": "WePay",
"sign_up_with_wepay": "Sign up with WePay",
"use_another_provider": "Use another provider",
"company_name": "Company Name",
"wepay_company_name_help": "This will appear on client's credit card statements.",
"wepay_description_help": "The purpose of this account.",
"wepay_tos_agree": "I agree to the {link}.",
"wepay_tos_link_text": "WePay Terms of Service",
"resend_confirmation_email": "Resend Confirmation Email",
"manage_account": "Manage Account",
"action_required": "Action Required",
"finish_setup": "Finish Setup",
"created_wepay_confirmation_required": "Please check your email and confirm your email address with WePay.",
"switch_to_wepay": "Switch to WePay",
"switch": "Switch",
"restore_account_gateway": "Restore Gateway",
"restored_account_gateway": "Successfully restored gateway",
"united_states": "United States",
"canada": "Canada",
"accept_debit_cards": "Accept Debit Cards",
"debit_cards": "Debit Cards",
"warn_start_date_changed": "The next invoice will be sent on the new start date.",
"warn_start_date_changed_not_sent": "La siguiente factura será creada con la nueva fecha de inicio.",
"original_start_date": "Original start date",
"new_start_date": "New start date",
"security": "Security",
"see_whats_new": "See what's new in v{version}",
"wait_for_upload": "Please wait for the document upload to complete.",
"upgrade_for_permissions": "Upgrade to our Enterprise plan to enable permissions.",
"enable_second_tax_rate": "Enable specifying a second tax rate<\/b>",
"payment_file": "Payment File",
"expense_file": "Expense File",
"product_file": "Archivo de Productos",
"import_products": "Importar productos",
"products_will_create": "productos serán creados",
"product_key": "Producto",
"created_products": "Creación exitosa\/actualización {cuenta} producto(s)",
"export_help": "Use JSON si planea importar la información en Invoice Ninja.
El archivo incluye clientes, productos, facturas, cotizaciones y pagos.",
"selfhost_export_help": "
Nosotros recomendamos usar mysqldump para realizar una copia de seguridad completa.",
"JSON_file": "JSON File",
"view_dashboard": "View Dashboard",
"client_session_expired": "Session Expired",
"client_session_expired_message": "Your session has expired. Please click the link in your email again.",
"auto_bill_notification": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your {payment_method} on file on {due_date}.",
"auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer": "bank account",
"auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card": "credit card",
"auto_bill_payment_method_paypal": "PayPal account",
"auto_bill_notification_placeholder": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your credit card on file on the due date.",
"payment_settings": "Payment Settings",
"on_send_date": "On send date",
"on_due_date": "On due date",
"auto_bill_ach_date_help": "ACH siempre facturará automáticamente en la fecha de vencimiento.",
"warn_change_auto_bill": "Due to NACHA rules, changes to this invoice may prevent ACH auto bill.",
"bank_account": "Bank Account",
"payment_processed_through_wepay": "ACH payments will be processed using WePay.",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree": "I agree to the WePay {terms} and {privacy_policy}.",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree_required": "You must agree to the WePay Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.",
"ach_email_prompt": "Please enter your email address:",
"verification_pending": "Verification Pending",
"update_font_cache": "Please force refresh the page to update the font cache.",
"more_options": "More options",
"credit_card": "Credit Card",
"bank_transfer": "Bank Transfer",
"no_transaction_reference": "We did not recieve a payment transaction reference from the gateway.",
"use_bank_on_file": "Use Bank on File",
"auto_bill_email_message": "This invoice will automatically be billed to the payment method on file on the due date.",
"bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"gocardless": "GoCardless",
"added_on": "Added {date}",
"failed_remove_payment_method": "Failed to remove the payment method",
"gateway_exists": "This gateway already exists",
"manual_entry": "Manual entry",
"first_day_of_week": "Primer Día de la Semana",
"freq_inactive": "Inactivo",
"freq_daily": "Diario",
"freq_weekly": "Weekly",
"freq_biweekly": "Quincenal",
"freq_two_weeks": "Two weeks",
"freq_four_weeks": "Four weeks",
"freq_monthly": "Mensual",
"freq_three_months": "Tres meses",
"freq_four_months": "Cuatro meses",
"freq_six_months": "Seis meses",
"freq_annually": "Annually",
"freq_two_years": "Dos años",
"payment_type_Apply Credit": "Apply Credit",
"payment_type_Bank Transfer": "Bank Transfer",
"payment_type_Cash": "Cash",
"payment_type_Debit": "Debit",
"payment_type_ACH": "ACH",
"payment_type_Visa Card": "Visa Card",
"payment_type_MasterCard": "MasterCard",
"payment_type_American Express": "American Express",
"payment_type_Discover Card": "Discover Card",
"payment_type_Diners Card": "Diners Card",
"payment_type_EuroCard": "EuroCard",
"payment_type_Nova": "Nova",
"payment_type_Credit Card Other": "Credit Card Other",
"payment_type_PayPal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_Google Wallet": "Google Wallet",
"payment_type_Check": "Check",
"payment_type_Carte Blanche": "Carte Blanche",
"payment_type_UnionPay": "UnionPay",
"payment_type_JCB": "JCB",
"payment_type_Laser": "Laser",
"payment_type_Maestro": "Maestro",
"payment_type_Solo": "Solo",
"payment_type_Switch": "Switch",
"payment_type_iZettle": "iZettle",
"payment_type_Swish": "Silbido",
"payment_type_Alipay": "Alipay",
"payment_type_Sofort": "Sofort",
"payment_type_SEPA": "Débito Directo SEPA",
"payment_type_Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_GoCardless": "GoCardless",
"industry_Accounting & Legal": "Accounting & Legal",
"industry_Advertising": "Advertising",
"industry_Aerospace": "Aerospace",
"industry_Agriculture": "Agriculture",
"industry_Automotive": "Automotive",
"industry_Banking & Finance": "Banking & Finance",
"industry_Biotechnology": "Biotechnology",
"industry_Broadcasting": "Broadcasting",
"industry_Business Services": "Business Services",
"industry_Commodities & Chemicals": "Commodities & Chemicals",
"industry_Communications": "Communications",
"industry_Computers & Hightech": "Computers & Hightech",
"industry_Defense": "Defense",
"industry_Energy": "Energy",
"industry_Entertainment": "Entertainment",
"industry_Government": "Government",
"industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences": "Healthcare & Life Sciences",
"industry_Insurance": "Insurance",
"industry_Manufacturing": "Manufacturing",
"industry_Marketing": "Marketing",
"industry_Media": "Media",
"industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed": "Nonprofit & Higher Ed",
"industry_Pharmaceuticals": "Pharmaceuticals",
"industry_Professional Services & Consulting": "Professional Services & Consulting",
"industry_Real Estate": "Real Estate",
"industry_Restaurant & Catering": "Restaurante & catering",
"industry_Retail & Wholesale": "Retail & Wholesale",
"industry_Sports": "Sports",
"industry_Transportation": "Transportation",
"industry_Travel & Luxury": "Travel & Luxury",
"industry_Other": "Other",
"industry_Photography": "Photography",
"country_Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
"country_Albania": "Albania",
"country_Antarctica": "Antarctica",
"country_Algeria": "Algeria",
"country_American Samoa": "American Samoa",
"country_Andorra": "Andorra",
"country_Angola": "Angola",
"country_Antigua and Barbuda": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
"country_Argentina": "Argentina",
"country_Australia": "Australia",
"country_Austria": "Austria",
"country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
"country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
"country_Armenia": "Armenia",
"country_Barbados": "Barbados",
"country_Belgium": "Belgium",
"country_Bermuda": "Bermuda",
"country_Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of",
"country_Bosnia and Herzegovina": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"country_Botswana": "Botswana",
"country_Bouvet Island": "Bouvet Island",
"country_Brazil": "Brazil",
"country_Belize": "Belize",
"country_British Indian Ocean Territory": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"country_Solomon Islands": "Solomon Islands",
"country_Virgin Islands, British": "Virgin Islands, British",
"country_Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei Darussalam",
"country_Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
"country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
"country_Burundi": "Burundi",
"country_Belarus": "Belarus",
"country_Cambodia": "Cambodia",
"country_Cameroon": "Cameroon",
"country_Canada": "Canada",
"country_Cape Verde": "Cape Verde",
"country_Cayman Islands": "Cayman Islands",
"country_Central African Republic": "Central African Republic",
"country_Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
"country_Chad": "Chad",
"country_Chile": "Chile",
"country_China": "China",
"country_Taiwan, Province of China": "Taiwan, Province of China",
"country_Christmas Island": "Christmas Island",
"country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"country_Colombia": "Colombia",
"country_Comoros": "Comoros",
"country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
"country_Congo": "Congo",
"country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the": "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the",
"country_Cook Islands": "Cook Islands",
"country_Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"country_Croatia": "Croatia",
"country_Cuba": "Cuba",
"country_Cyprus": "Cyprus",
"country_Czech Republic": "Czech Republic",
"country_Benin": "Benin",
"country_Denmark": "Denmark",
"country_Dominica": "Dominica",
"country_Dominican Republic": "Dominican Republic",
"country_Ecuador": "Ecuador",
"country_El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"country_Equatorial Guinea": "Equatorial Guinea",
"country_Ethiopia": "Ethiopia",
"country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
"country_Estonia": "Estonia",
"country_Faroe Islands": "Faroe Islands",
"country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"country_Fiji": "Fiji",
"country_Finland": "Finland",
"country_Åland Islands": "Åland Islands",
"country_France": "France",
"country_French Guiana": "French Guiana",
"country_French Polynesia": "French Polynesia",
"country_French Southern Territories": "French Southern Territories",
"country_Djibouti": "Djibouti",
"country_Gabon": "Gabon",
"country_Georgia": "Georgia",
"country_Gambia": "Gambia",
"country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
"country_Germany": "Germany",
"country_Ghana": "Ghana",
"country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
"country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
"country_Greece": "Greece",
"country_Greenland": "Greenland",
"country_Grenada": "Grenada",
"country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
"country_Guam": "Guam",
"country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
"country_Guinea": "Guinea",
"country_Guyana": "Guyana",
"country_Haiti": "Haiti",
"country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"country_Holy See (Vatican City State)": "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"country_Honduras": "Honduras",
"country_Hong Kong": "Hong Kong",
"country_Hungary": "Hungary",
"country_Iceland": "Iceland",
"country_India": "India",
"country_Indonesia": "Indonesia",
"country_Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
"country_Iraq": "Iraq",
"country_Ireland": "Ireland",
"country_Israel": "Israel",
"country_Italy": "Italy",
"country_Côte d'Ivoire": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"country_Jamaica": "Jamaica",
"country_Japan": "Japan",
"country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
"country_Jordan": "Jordan",
"country_Kenya": "Kenya",
"country_Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
"country_Korea, Republic of": "Korea, Republic of",
"country_Kuwait": "Kuwait",
"country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstan",
"country_Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
"country_Lebanon": "Lebanon",
"country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
"country_Latvia": "Latvia",
"country_Liberia": "Liberia",
"country_Libya": "Libya",
"country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
"country_Lithuania": "Lithuania",
"country_Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
"country_Macao": "Macao",
"country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
"country_Malawi": "Malawi",
"country_Malaysia": "Malaysia",
"country_Maldives": "Maldives",
"country_Mali": "Mali",
"country_Malta": "Malta",
"country_Martinique": "Martinique",
"country_Mauritania": "Mauritania",
"country_Mauritius": "Mauritius",
"country_Mexico": "Mexico",
"country_Monaco": "Monaco",
"country_Mongolia": "Mongolia",
"country_Moldova, Republic of": "Moldova, Republic of",
"country_Montenegro": "Montenegro",
"country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
"country_Morocco": "Morocco",
"country_Mozambique": "Mozambique",
"country_Oman": "Oman",
"country_Namibia": "Namibia",
"country_Nauru": "Nauru",
"country_Nepal": "Nepal",
"country_Netherlands": "Netherlands",
"country_Curaçao": "Curaçao",
"country_Aruba": "Aruba",
"country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"country_New Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
"country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
"country_New Zealand": "New Zealand",
"country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
"country_Niger": "Niger",
"country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"country_Niue": "Niue",
"country_Norfolk Island": "Norfolk Island",
"country_Norway": "Norway",
"country_Northern Mariana Islands": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"country_United States Minor Outlying Islands": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"country_Micronesia, Federated States of": "Micronesia, Federated States of",
"country_Marshall Islands": "Marshall Islands",
"country_Palau": "Palau",
"country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
"country_Panama": "Panama",
"country_Papua New Guinea": "Papua New Guinea",
"country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
"country_Peru": "Peru",
"country_Philippines": "Philippines",
"country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairn",
"country_Poland": "Poland",
"country_Portugal": "Portugal",
"country_Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
"country_Timor-Leste": "Timor-Leste",
"country_Puerto Rico": "Puerto Rico",
"country_Qatar": "Qatar",
"country_Réunion": "Réunion",
"country_Romania": "Romania",
"country_Russian Federation": "Russian Federation",
"country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
"country_Saint Barthélemy": "Saint Barthélemy",
"country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"country_Saint Kitts and Nevis": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
"country_Saint Lucia": "Saint Lucia",
"country_Saint Martin (French part)": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"country_San Marino": "San Marino",
"country_Sao Tome and Principe": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"country_Saudi Arabia": "Saudi Arabia",
"country_Senegal": "Senegal",
"country_Serbia": "Serbia",
"country_Seychelles": "Seychelles",
"country_Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leone",
"country_Singapore": "Singapore",
"country_Slovakia": "Slovakia",
"country_Viet Nam": "Viet Nam",
"country_Slovenia": "Slovenia",
"country_Somalia": "Somalia",
"country_South Africa": "South Africa",
"country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe",
"country_Spain": "España",
"country_South Sudan": "South Sudan",
"country_Sudan": "Sudan",
"country_Western Sahara": "Western Sahara",
"country_Suriname": "Suriname",
"country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"country_Sweden": "Sweden",
"country_Switzerland": "Switzerland",
"country_Syrian Arab Republic": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"country_Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
"country_Thailand": "Thailand",
"country_Togo": "Togo",
"country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
"country_Tonga": "Tonga",
"country_Trinidad and Tobago": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"country_United Arab Emirates": "United Arab Emirates",
"country_Tunisia": "Tunisia",
"country_Turkey": "Turkey",
"country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
"country_Turks and Caicos Islands": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
"country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
"country_Uganda": "Uganda",
"country_Ukraine": "Ukraine",
"country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of": "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of",
"country_Egypt": "Egypt",
"country_United Kingdom": "United Kingdom",
"country_Guernsey": "Guernsey",
"country_Jersey": "Jersey",
"country_Isle of Man": "Isle of Man",
"country_Tanzania, United Republic of": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"country_United States": "United States",
"country_Virgin Islands, U.S.": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"country_Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
"country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
"country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",
"country_Wallis and Futuna": "Wallis and Futuna",
"country_Samoa": "Samoa",
"country_Yemen": "Yemen",
"country_Zambia": "Zambia",
"lang_Brazilian Portuguese": "Brazilian Portuguese",
"lang_Croatian": "Croatian",
"lang_Czech": "Czech",
"lang_Danish": "Danish",
"lang_Dutch": "Dutch",
"lang_English": "English",
"lang_French": "French",
"lang_French - Canada": "French - Canada",
"lang_German": "German",
"lang_Italian": "Italian",
"lang_Japanese": "Japanese",
"lang_Lithuanian": "Lithuanian",
"lang_Norwegian": "Norwegian",
"lang_Polish": "Polish",
"lang_Spanish": "Spanish",
"lang_Spanish - Spain": "Español - España",
"lang_Swedish": "Swedish",
"lang_Albanian": "Albanian",
"lang_Greek": "Griego",
"lang_English - United Kingdom": "Inglés - Reino Unido",
"lang_Slovenian": "Esloveno",
"lang_Finnish": "Finlandés",
"lang_Romanian": "Romano",
"lang_Turkish - Turkey": "Turco - Turquía",
"lang_Portuguese - Brazilian": "Portugués - Brasil",
"lang_Portuguese - Portugal": "Portugués - Portugal",
"lang_Thai": "Thai",
"lang_Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"lang_Chinese - Taiwan": "Chinese - Taiwan",
"view_client_portal": "View client portal",
"view_portal": "View Portal",
"vendor_contacts": "Vendor Contacts",
"all": "All",
"selected": "Selected",
"category": "Category",
"categories": "Categories",
"new_expense_category": "New Expense Category",
"edit_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_expense_category": "Archive Category",
"expense_categories": "Expense Categories",
"list_expense_categories": "List Expense Categories",
"updated_expense_category": "Successfully updated expense category",
"created_expense_category": "Successfully created expense category",
"archived_expense_category": "Successfully archived expense category",
"archived_expense_categories": "Successfully archived {count} expense category",
"restore_expense_category": "Restore expense category",
"restored_expense_category": "Successfully restored expense category",
"apply_taxes": "Apply taxes",
"min_to_max_users": "{min} to {max} users",
"max_users_reached": "The maximum number of users has been reached.",
"buy_now_buttons": "Buy Now Buttons",
"landing_page": "Landing Page",
"payment_type": "Payment Type",
"form": "Form",
"link": "Link",
"fields": "Fields",
"dwolla": "Dwolla",
"buy_now_buttons_warning": "Nota: el cliente y la factura se crean aún cuando la transacción no se completa.",
"buy_now_buttons_disabled": "This feature requires that a product is created and a payment gateway is configured.",
"enable_buy_now_buttons_help": "Enable support for buy now buttons",
"changes_take_effect_immediately": "Note: changes take effect immediately",
"wepay_account_description": "Payment gateway for Invoice Ninja",
"payment_error_code": "There was an error processing your payment [{code}]. Please try again later.",
"standard_fees_apply": "Tarifa: 2.9%\/1.2% [Tarjeta de Crédito\/Transferencia Bancaria] + $0.30 por cargo exitoso.",
"limit_import_rows": "Data needs to be imported in batches of {count} rows or less",
"error_title": "Something went wrong",
"error_contact_text": "If you'd like help please email us at {mailaddress}",
"no_undo": "Warning: this can't be undone.",
"no_contact_selected": "Please select a contact",
"no_client_selected": "Please select a client",
"gateway_config_error": "It may help to set new passwords or generate new API keys.",
"payment_type_on_file": "{type} on file",
"invoice_for_client": "Invoice {invoice} for {client}",
"intent_not_found": "Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking.",
"intent_not_supported": "Sorry, I'm not able to do that.",
"client_not_found": "I wasn't able to find the client",
"not_allowed": "Sorry, you don't have the needed permissions",
"bot_emailed_invoice": "Your invoice has been sent.",
"bot_emailed_notify_viewed": "I'll email you when it's viewed.",
"bot_emailed_notify_paid": "I'll email you when it's paid.",
"add_product_to_invoice": "Adicionar 1 {producto}",
"not_authorized": "You are not authorized",
"bot_get_email": "Hola! (wave)
Gracias por intentar usar el Bot de Invoice Ninja
Para poder usar este bot necesitas crear un cuenta gratuíta.
Envíame la dirección de correo de tu cuenta para que empecemos.",
"bot_get_code": "Thanks! I've sent a you an email with your security code.",
"bot_welcome": "That's it, your account is verified.
"email_not_found": "I wasn't able to find an available account for {email}",
"invalid_code": "The code is not correct",
"security_code_email_subject": "Security code for Invoice Ninja Bot",
"security_code_email_line1": "This is your Invoice Ninja Bot security code.",
"security_code_email_line2": "Note: it will expire in 10 minutes.",
"bot_help_message": "I currently support:
• Create\\update\\email an invoice
• List products
For example:
invoice bob for 2 tickets, set the due date to next thursday and the discount to 10 percent<\/i>",
"list_products": "Lista de Productos",
"include_item_taxes_inline": "Include line item taxes in line total<\/b>",
"created_quotes": "Successfully created {count} quotes(s)",
"limited_gateways": "Note: we support one credit card gateway per company.",
"warning": "Warning",
"self-update": "Update",
"update_invoiceninja_title": "Update Invoice Ninja",
"update_invoiceninja_warning": "Before start upgrading Invoice Ninja create a backup of your database and files!",
"update_invoiceninja_available": "A new version of Invoice Ninja is available.",
"update_invoiceninja_unavailable": "No new version of Invoice Ninja available.",
"update_invoiceninja_instructions": "Please install the new version {version}<\/strong> by clicking the Update now<\/em> button below. Afterwards you'll be redirected to the dashboard.",
"update_invoiceninja_update_start": "Update now",
"update_invoiceninja_download_start": "Download {version}",
"create_new": "Create New",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle Navigation",
"toggle_history": "Toggle History",
"unassigned": "Unassigned",
"task": "Task",
"contact_name": "Contact Name",
"city_state_postal": "City\/State\/Postal",
"custom_field": "Custom Field",
"account_fields": "Company Fields",
"facebook_and_twitter": "Facebook and Twitter",
"facebook_and_twitter_help": "Follow our feeds to help support our project",
"reseller_text": "Nota: la licencia etiqueta-blanca está pensada para uso personal, por favor, envíenos un email a {email} si está interesado en revender la app.",
"unnamed_client": "Unnamed Client",
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Mes",
"inactive_logout": "You have been logged out due to inactivity",
"reports": "Informes",
"total_profit": "Total Profit",
"total_expenses": "Total Expenses",
"quote_to": "Quote to",
"limit": "Limit",
"min_limit": "Min: {min}",
"max_limit": "Max: {max}",
"no_limit": "No Limits",
"set_limits": "Set {gateway_type} Limits",
"enable_min": "Enable min",
"enable_max": "Enable max",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"limits_not_met": "This invoice does not meet the limits for that payment type.",
"date_range": "Date Range",
"raw": "Raw",
"raw_html": "Raw HTML",
"update": "Update",
"invoice_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order and location",
"new_category": "New Category",
"restore_product": "Restaurar Producto",
"blank": "Blank",
"invoice_save_error": "Hubo un error al guardar su factura.",
"enable_recurring": "Enable Recurring",
"disable_recurring": "Disable Recurring",
"text": "Text",
"expense_will_create": "expense will be created",
"expenses_will_create": "expenses will be created",
"created_expenses": "Successfully created {count} expense(s)",
"translate_app": "Ayúdenos con las traducciones desde {link}",
"expense_category": "Categoría de Gastos",
"go_ninja_pro": "Ir a Ninja Pro!",
"go_enterprise": "Ir a modo empresa!",
"upgrade_for_features": "Actualícese De Versión Para Más Funcionalidades",
"pay_annually_discount": "Pague anualmente por 10 meses y obtenga 2 gratis!",
"pro_upgrade_title": "Ninja Pro",
"pro_upgrade_feature1": "SuMarca.invoiceninja.com",
"pro_upgrade_feature2": "Personalice cada aspecto de su factura!",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature1": "Asigne permisos para múltiples usuarios",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature2": "Adjunte archivos de terceros a facturas y gastos",
"much_more": "Mucho mas!",
"all_pro_fetaures": "Más todas las funcionalidades del plan pro!",
"currency_symbol": "Símbolo",
"currency_code": "Codigo",
"buy_license": "Comprar Licencia",
"apply_license": "Activar Licencia",
"submit": "Enviar",
"white_label_license_key": "Llave de la Licencia",
"invalid_white_label_license": "La licencia de etiqueta blanca no es válida",
"created_by": "Creado por {name}",
"modules": "Módulos",
"financial_year_start": "Primer Mes del Año",
"authentication": "Autenticación",
"checkbox": "Casilla",
"invoice_signature": "Firma",
"show_accept_invoice_terms": "Casilla de los Términos de la Factura",
"show_accept_invoice_terms_help": "Requerir que el cliente confirme que aceptó los términos de la factura.",
"show_accept_quote_terms": "Casilla de los Términos de la Cotización",
"show_accept_quote_terms_help": "Requerir que el cliente confirme que aceptó los términos de la cotización.",
"require_invoice_signature": "Firma de la Facturra",
"require_invoice_signature_help": "Requerir que el cliente provea su firma.",
"require_quote_signature": "Firma de la Cotización",
"require_quote_signature_help": "Requerir que el cliente provea su firma.",
"i_agree": "Estoy de Acuerdo con los Términos",
"sign_here": "Por favor firme aquí:",
"authorization": "Autorización",
"signed": "Firmado",
"bluevine_promo": "Obtenga líneas de cŕedito flexibles y factoring de facturas usando BlueVine.",
"bluevine_modal_label": "Inscríbase con BlueVine",
"bluevine_modal_text": "Rápida financiación para su Negocio. Sin papeleo.<\/h3>\n- Líneas de cŕedito flexibles y factoring.<\/li><\/ul>",
"bluevine_create_account": "Cree una cuenta",
"quote_types": "Obtenga una cotización para",
"invoice_factoring": "Factoring de facturas",
"line_of_credit": "Línea de crédito",
"fico_score": "Su puntuación FICO",
"business_inception": "Fecha de Creación del Negocio",
"average_bank_balance": "Promedio del saldo de la cuenta bancaria",
"annual_revenue": "Ingresos anuales",
"desired_credit_limit_factoring": "Límite de factoring de facturas deseado",
"desired_credit_limit_loc": "Límite de línea de crédito deseado",
"desired_credit_limit": "Límite de crédito deseado",
"bluevine_credit_line_type_required": "Debe seleccionar al menos una",
"bluevine_field_required": "Este campo es requerido",
"bluevine_unexpected_error": "Un error inesperado ha ocurrido.",
"bluevine_no_conditional_offer": "Más información es requerida para obtener una cotización. Haga clic en continuar a continuación.",
"bluevine_invoice_factoring": "Factoring de facturas",
"bluevine_conditional_offer": "Oferta Condicional",
"bluevine_credit_line_amount": "Línea de Crédito",
"bluevine_advance_rate": "Tasa Avanzada",
"bluevine_weekly_discount_rate": "Tasa de Descuento Semanal",
"bluevine_minimum_fee_rate": "Cuota Mínima",
"bluevine_line_of_credit": "Línea de Crédito ",
"bluevine_interest_rate": "Tasa de Interéz",
"bluevine_weekly_draw_rate": "Tasa de Retiro Semanal",
"bluevine_continue": "Continúe a BlueVine",
"bluevine_completed": "Inscripción en BlueVine completa",
"vendor_name": "Vendedor",
"entity_state": "Estado",
"client_created_at": "Fecha de Creación",
"postmark_error": "Hubo un problema enviando el correo a través de Postmark {link}",
"project": "Projecto",
"projects": "Proyectos",
"new_project": "Nuevo Proyecto",
"edit_project": "Editar Proyecto",
"archive_project": "Archivar Proyecto",
"list_projects": "Listar Proyectos",
"updated_project": "Proyecto actualizado con éxito",
"created_project": "Proyecto creado con éxito",
"archived_project": "Proyecto archivado con éxito",
"archived_projects": "Archivados con éxito {count} proyectos",
"restore_project": "Restaurar Proyecto",
"restored_project": "Proyecto restaurado con éxito",
"delete_project": "Eliminar Proyecto",
"deleted_project": "Proyecto eliminado con éxito",
"deleted_projects": "Eliminados con éxito {count} proyectos",
"delete_expense_category": "Eliminar categoría",
"deleted_expense_category": "Categoría actualizada con éxito",
"delete_product": "Eliminar Producto",
"deleted_product": "Producto actualizado con éxito",
"deleted_products": "Eliminados con éxito {count} productos",
"restored_product": "Producto restaurado con éxito",
"update_credit": "Actualizar Crédito",
"updated_credit": "Crédito actualizado con éxito",
"edit_credit": "Editar Crédito",
"live_preview_help": "Mostrar una previsualización del PDF en la página de la factura.
Habilite esto si so navegador está descargando automáticamente el archivo PDF.",
"force_pdfjs_help": "Reemplazar el visor de archivos PDF incorporado de {chrome_link} y {firefox_link}.
Habilite esto si su navegador está descargando automáticamente el archivo PDF.",
"force_pdfjs": "Prevenir Descarga",
"redirect_url": "URL de Redirección",
"redirect_url_help": "Opcionalmente, especifique una URL para redireccionar luego que se ingrese el pago.",
"save_draft": "Guardar Borrador",
"refunded_credit_payment": "Pago de crédito reembolsado",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Atajos de Teclado",
"toggle_menu": "Alternar Menú",
"new_...": "Nuevo ...",
"list_...": "Listar ...",
"created_at": "Fecha de Creación",
"contact_us": "Contáctenos",
"user_guide": "Guía de Usuario",
"promo_message": "Actualícese antes de {expires} y obtenga {amount} de descuento en su primer año con nuestros paquetes Pro o Enterprise.",
"discount_message": "{amount} de descuento expira en {expira}",
"mark_paid": "Marcar como Pagado",
"marked_sent_invoice": "Factura marcada como enviada con éxito",
"marked_sent_invoices": "Facturas marcadas como enviadas con éxito",
"invoice_name": "Factura",
"product_will_create": "el producto será creado",
"contact_us_response": "Gracias por su mensaje! Intentaremos responderle lo antes posible.",
"last_7_days": "Últimos 7 días",
"last_30_days": "Últimos 30 Días",
"this_month": "Este Mes",
"last_month": "Mes Anterior",
"last_year": "Año Anterior",
"custom_range": "Rango Personalizado",
"url": "URL",
"debug": "Depurar",
"https": "HTTPS",
"require": "Requerir",
"license_expiring": "Nota: Su licencia expira en {count} días, renuévela en {link}",
"security_confirmation": "Su dirección de correo electrónico ha sido confirmada",
"white_label_expired": "Su licencia de etiqueta blanca ha expirado, por favor considere renovarla para ayudar a soportar a nuestro proyecto.",
"renew_license": "Renovar Licencia",
"iphone_app_message": "Considere descargando nuestro {link}",
"iphone_app": "app para iPhone",
"android_app": "App Android",
"logged_in": "Conectado",
"switch_to_primary": "CDámbiese a su compañía principal ({name}) para administrar su plan.",
"inclusive": "Inclusivo",
"exclusive": "Exclusivo",
"postal_city_state": "Código Postal\/Ciudad\/Estado",
"phantomjs_help": "En algunos casos la aplicación usa {link_phantom} para el PDF, instale {link_docs} para generarlo localmente.",
"phantomjs_local": "Usar PhantomJS local",
"client_number": "Cliente Número",
"client_number_help": "Especifique un prefijo o use un patrón personalizado para asignar dinámicamente el número de cliente.",
"next_client_number": "El siguiente número de cliente es {number}.",
"generated_numbers": "Números Generados",
"notes_reminder1": "Primer Recordatorio",
"notes_reminder2": "Segundo Recordatorio",
"notes_reminder3": "Tercer Recordatorio",
"bcc_email": "Correo para Copia Oculta BCC",
"tax_quote": "Cotización con Impuestos",
"tax_invoice": "Factura con Impuestos",
"emailed_invoices": "Facturas enviadas por correo electrónico con éxito.",
"emailed_quotes": "Cotizaciones enviadas por correo electrónico con éxito.",
"website_url": "Dirección del Sitio Web",
"domain": "Dominio",
"domain_help": "Usado en el portal de clientes y al enviar correos electrónicos.",
"domain_help_website": "Usado al enviar correos electrónicos.",
"import_invoices": "Importar Facturas",
"new_report": "Nuevo Reporte",
"edit_report": "Editar Reporte",
"columns": "Columnas",
"filters": "Filtros",
"sort_by": "Ordenar Por",
"draft": "Borrador",
"unpaid": "Sin Pagar",
"aging": "Envejecimiento",
"age": "Edad",
"days": "Días",
"age_group_0": "0 - 30 Días",
"age_group_30": "30 - 60 Días",
"age_group_60": "60 - 90 Días",
"age_group_90": "90 - 120 Días",
"age_group_120": "120+ Días",
"invoice_details": "Detalles de la Factura",
"qty": "Cantidad",
"profit_and_loss": "Ganancias y Pérdidas",
"revenue": "Ingresos",
"profit": "Ganancia",
"group_when_sorted": "Ordenar por Grupo",
"group_dates_by": "Agrupar Fechas Por",
"year": "Año",
"view_statement": "Ver Estado De Cuenta",
"statement": "Estado De Cuenta",
"statement_date": "Fecha del Estado De Cuenta",
"mark_active": "Marcar como Activo",
"send_automatically": "Enviar Automáticamente",
"initial_email": "Email Inicial",
"invoice_not_emailed": "Esta factura no ha sido enviada.",
"quote_not_emailed": "Esta cotización no ha sido enviada.",
"sent_by": "Enviada por {user}",
"recipients": "Remitentes",
"save_as_default": "Guardar como predeterminado",
"template": "Plantilla",
"first_day_of_week_help": "Usado por los selectores de fecha<\/b>",
"financial_year_start_help": "Usado por los selectores de rango de fecha<\/b>",
"reports_help": "Shift + Click para ordenar por múltiples columnas, Ctrl + Click para desactivar la agrupación.",
"this_year": "Este Año",
"ninja_tagline": "Crear. Enviar. Recibir Pago.",
"login_or_existing": "O ingrese con una cuenta conectada.",
"sign_up_now": "Cree Una Cuenta Ahora",
"not_a_member_yet": "Aún no tiene una cuenta?",
"login_create_an_account": "Crear una Cuenta!",
"client_login": "Inicio de Sesión del Cliente",
"invoice_from": "Facturas de:",
"email_alias_message": "Requerimos que cada compañía tenga una dirección de correo electrónico única
Considera usar un alias ej, email+label@example.com",
"full_name": "Nombre Completo",
"month_year": "MES\/AÑO",
"valid_thru": "Válido\\nhasta",
"product_fields": "Campos de Producto",
"custom_product_fields_help": "Agregar un campo al crear un producto o factura y la etiqueta visible y el valor en el PDF.",
"freq_two_months": "Dos meses",
"freq_yearly": "Anualmente",
"profile": "Perfil",
"payment_type_help": "Establecer el tipo de pago manual<\/b> por defecto.",
"industry_Construction": "Construcción",
"your_statement": "Su Estado Financiero",
"statement_issued_to": "Estado de Cuenta emitido a",
"statement_to": "Estado de Cuenta para",
"customize_options": "Personalizar opciones",
"created_payment_term": "Término de pago creado con éxito",
"updated_payment_term": "Término de pago actualizado con éxito",
"archived_payment_term": "Término de pago archivado con éxito",
"resend_invite": "Reenviar Invitación",
"credit_created_by": "Crédito creado por el pago {transaction_reference}",
"created_payment_and_credit": "Pago y Crédito creados con éxito",
"created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client": "Pago y Crédito creados con éxito, y el cliente ha sido notificado por correo",
"create_project": "Crear proyecto",
"create_vendor": "Crear vendedor",
"create_expense_category": "Crear categoría",
"pro_plan_reports": "{link} para habilitar los reportes actualizándose al Plan Pro",
"mark_ready": "Marcar como Listo",
"limits": "Límites",
"fees": "Tarifas",
"fee": "Tarifa",
"set_limits_fees": "Configure los Límites\/Tarifas de {gateway_type}",
"fees_tax_help": "Habilite impuestos por linea para definir las tasas de impuestos.",
"fees_sample": "La tarifa para una factura con valor de {amount} sería de {total}.",
"discount_sample": "El descuento para una factura con valor de {amount} sería de {total}.",
"no_fees": "Sin Tarifas",
"gateway_fees_disclaimer": "Advertencia: no todos los estados\/pasarelas de pago permiten agregar tarifas, por favor revisa tu leyes locales\/términos de servicio.",
"percent": "Porciento",
"location": "Ubicación",
"line_item": "Item de Linea",
"surcharge": "Sobrecargo",
"location_first_surcharge": "Habilitado - Primer sobrecargo",
"location_second_surcharge": "Habilitado - Segundo sobrecargo",
"location_line_item": "Habilitado - Item de Linea",
"online_payment_surcharge": "Sobrecargo por Pago en Linea",
"gateway_fees": "Tarifas de Pasarela de Pagos",
"fees_disabled": "Las tarifas están deshabilitadas",
"gateway_fees_help": "Agregar automáticamente un sobrecargo\/descuento por pago en linea.",
"gateway": "Pasarela de Pagos",
"gateway_fee_change_warning": "Si hay facturas pendientes por pagar con tarifas estas necesitan ser actualizadas manualmente.",
"fees_surcharge_help": "Personalizar sobrecargos {link}.",
"label_and_taxes": "etiquetas e impuestos",
"billable": "Cobrable",
"logo_warning_too_large": "La imagen es muy grande.",
"logo_warning_fileinfo": "Advertencia: para poder soportar imágenes tipo gif, la extensión de PHP fileinfo debe ser habilitada.",
"logo_warning_invalid": "Hubo un problema leyendo el archivo de la imagen, por favor intente con un formato diferente.",
"error_refresh_page": "Ha ocurrido un error, por favor refresca la página e intenta de nuevo.",
"data": "Datos",
"imported_settings": "Preferencias importadas con éxito",
"reset_counter": "Reiniciar Contador",
"next_reset": "Siguiente Reinicio",
"reset_counter_help": "Reiniciar automáticamente los contadores de factura y cotización.",
"auto_bill_failed": "Falló la auto-facturación para la factura {invoice_number}",
"online_payment_discount": "Descuento por Pago En Linea",
"created_new_company": "Nueva empresa creada con éxito",
"fees_disabled_for_gateway": "Las tarifas están deshabilitadas para esta pasarela de pago.",
"logout_and_delete": "Salir\/Borrar Cuenta",
"tax_rate_type_help": "Las tasas impositivas incluyentes ajustan el costo de la línea de pedido cuando se seleccionan.
Solo las tasas de impuestos exclusivas se pueden usar de manera predeterminada.",
"invoice_footer_help": "Use $pageNumber y $pageCount para ver la información de la página.",
"credit_note": "Nota de Crédito",
"credit_issued_to": "Crédito emitido a",
"credit_to": "Crédito para",
"your_credit": "Tu Crédito",
"credit_number": "Número de Crédito",
"create_credit_note": "Crear Nota de Crédito",
"menu": "Menú",
"error_incorrect_gateway_ids": "Error: La tabla de pasarelas de pago tiene identificadores incorrectos.",
"purge_data": "Purgar Datos",
"delete_data": "Borrar Datos",
"purge_data_help": "Borrar permanentemente todos los datos pero mantener la cuenta y su configuración.",
"cancel_account_help": "Borrar permanentemente la cuenta con datos y configuración.",
"purge_successful": "Datos de la empresa purgados con éxito",
"forbidden": "Prohibído",
"purge_data_message": "Advertencia: Esto borrará definitivamente tus datos, no hay de deshacerlo.",
"contact_phone": "Teléfono de Contacto",
"contact_email": "Correo de Contacto",
"reply_to_email": "Correo de Respuesta",
"reply_to_email_help": "Especifica la dirección de respuesta para los correos electrónicos de los clientes.",
"bcc_email_help": "Incluir de manera privada esta dirección con los correos de los clientes.",
"import_complete": "Tu importe se ha completado con éxito.",
"confirm_account_to_import": "Por favor confirma tu cuenta para importar los datos.",
"import_started": "Tu importación ha empezado, te enviaremos un correo cuando termine.",
"listening": "Escuchando...",
"microphone_help": "Dí \"nueva factura para [cliente]\" o \"muéstrame los pagos archivados de [cliente]\"",
"voice_commands": "Comandos de Voz",
"sample_commands": "Comandos de muestra",
"voice_commands_feedback": "Estamos trabajando activamente para mejorar esta función, si hay un comando que te gustaría que soportemos, envíanos un correo electrónico a: email.",
"payment_type_Venmo": "Venmo",
"payment_type_Money Order": "Giro Postal",
"archived_products": "{count} productos archivados con éxito",
"recommend_on": "Nosotros recomendamos habilitar<\/b> esta función.",
"recommend_off": "Nosotros recomendamos deshabilitar<\/b> esta función.",
"notes_auto_billed": "Auto-facturado",
"surcharge_label": "Etiqueta de Sobrecargo",
"contact_fields": "Campos de Contacto",
"custom_contact_fields_help": "Agregar un campo al crear un contacto y, opcionalmente, mostrar la etiqueta y el valor en el PDF.",
"datatable_info": "Mostrando de {start} a {end} de {total} entradas",
"credit_total": "Crédito Total",
"mark_billable": "Marcar como facturable",
"billed": "Facturado",
"company_variables": "Variables de Empresa",
"client_variables": "Variables de Cliente",
"invoice_variables": "Variables de Factura",
"navigation_variables": "Variables de Navegación",
"custom_variables": "Variables Personalizadas",
"invalid_file": "Tpo de archivo inválido",
"add_documents_to_invoice": "Agregar documentos a la factura",
"mark_expense_paid": "Marcar como Pagado",
"white_label_license_error": "Error al validar la licencia, verifica el archivo de log storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log para más detalles.",
"plan_price": "Precio del Plan",
"wrong_confirmation": "Código de confirmación incorrecto",
"oauth_taken": "La cuenta ya ha sido registrada",
"emailed_payment": "Pago enviado por correo con éxito",
"email_payment": "Enviar Pago por Correo Electrónico",
"invoiceplane_import": "Use {link} para migrar tus datos desde InvoicePlane.",
"duplicate_expense_warning": "Advertencia: Este {link} puede ser un duplicado",
"expense_link": "gasto",
"resume_task": "Reanudar Tarea",
"resumed_task": "Tarea reanudada con éxito",
"quote_design": "Diseño de Cotización",
"default_design": "Diseño Estándar",
"custom_design1": "Diseño Personalizado 1",
"custom_design2": "Diseño Personalizado 2",
"custom_design3": "Diseño Personalizado 3",
"empty": "Vacío",
"load_design": "Cargar Diseño",
"accepted_card_logos": "Logos de Tarjetas Aceptadas",
"phantomjs_local_and_cloud": "Usando PhantomJS local, volviendo a phantomjscloud.com",
"google_analytics": "Google Analytics",
"analytics_key": "Llave de Google Analytics",
"analytics_key_help": "Seguimiento de pagos usando {link}",
"start_date_required": "La fecha de inicio es requerida",
"application_settings": "Configuración de Aplicación",
"database_connection": "Conexión a la Base de Datos",
"driver": "Driver",
"host": "Servidor",
"database": "Base de Datos",
"test_connection": "Probar Conección",
"from_name": "Nombre Remitente",
"from_address": "Dirección Remitente",
"port": "Puerto",
"encryption": "Encripción",
"mailgun_domain": "Dominio de Mailgun",
"mailgun_private_key": "Llave Privada de Mailgun",
"send_test_email": "Enviar correo de prueba",
"select_label": "Seleccionar Etiqueta",
"label": "Etiqueta",
"service": "Servicio",
"update_payment_details": "Actualizar los detalles del pago",
"updated_payment_details": "Detalles del pago actualizados con éxito",
"update_credit_card": "Actualizar Tarjeta de Crédito",
"recurring_expenses": "Gastos Recurrentes",
"recurring_expense": "Gasto Recurrente",
"new_recurring_expense": "Nuevo Gasto Recurrente",
"edit_recurring_expense": "Editar Gasto Recurrente",
"archive_recurring_expense": "Archivar Gasto Recurrente",
"list_recurring_expense": "Listar Gastos Recurrentes",
"updated_recurring_expense": "Gasto recurrente actualizado con éxito",
"created_recurring_expense": "Gasto recurrente creado con éxito",
"archived_recurring_expense": "Gasto recurrente archivado con éxito",
"restore_recurring_expense": "Restaurar Gasto Recurrente",
"restored_recurring_expense": "Gasto recurrente restaurado con éxito",
"delete_recurring_expense": "Eliminar Gasto Recurrente",
"deleted_recurring_expense": "Proyecto eliminado con éxito",
"view_recurring_expense": "Ver Gasto Recurrente",
"taxes_and_fees": "Impuestos y Tarifas",
"import_failed": "Importación fallida",
"recurring_prefix": "Prefijo Recurrente",
"options": "Opciones",
"credit_number_help": "Especifica un prefijo o usa un patrón personalizado para establecer dinámicamente el número de crédito para las facturas negativas.",
"next_credit_number": "El número de crédito es {number}.",
"padding_help": "Cantidad de ceros para rellenar el número.",
"import_warning_invalid_date": "Advertencia: El formato de fecha parece ser inválido.",
"product_notes": "Notas de Producto",
"app_version": "Versión de la Aplicación",
"ofx_version": "Versión de OFX",
"gateway_help_23": "{link} para obtener tus llaves del API de Stripe.",
"error_app_key_set_to_default": "Error: APP_KEY está configurado con un valor por defecto, para actualizarlo haz un backup de la base de datos y después ejecuta el comando php artisan ninja{update}-key<\/code>",
"charge_late_fee": "Cobrar Tarifa por Tardanza",
"late_fee_amount": "Valor Tarifa por Tardanza",
"late_fee_percent": "Porcentaje Tarifa por Tardanza",
"late_fee_added": "Tarifa por Tardanza agregada el {date}",
"download_invoice": "Descargar factura",
"download_quote": "Descargar Cotización",
"invoices_are_attached": "Los archivos PDF de tu factura están adjuntos.",
"downloaded_invoice": "Un correo electrónico será enviado con el archivo PDF de la factura",
"downloaded_quote": "Un correo electrónico será enviado con el archivo PDF de la cotización",
"downloaded_invoices": "Un correo electrónico será enviado con los archivos PDF de la factura",
"downloaded_quotes": "Un correo electrónico será enviado con los archivos PDF de la cotización",
"clone_expense": "Clonar Gasto",
"default_documents": "Documentos por defecto",
"send_email_to_client": "Enviar correo electrónico al cliente",
"refund_subject": "Reembolso Procesado",
"refund_body": "Se te ha procesado un reembolso de: monto de la factura: invoice_number.",
"currency_us_dollar": "Dólar Estadounidence",
"currency_british_pound": "Libra Británica",
"currency_euro": "Euro",
"currency_south_african_rand": "Rand Sudafricano",
"currency_danish_krone": "Corona Danesa",
"currency_israeli_shekel": "Shekel israelí",
"currency_swedish_krona": "Corona Sueca",
"currency_kenyan_shilling": "Chelín de Kenia",
"currency_canadian_dollar": "Dólar Canadience",
"currency_philippine_peso": "Peso Filipino",
"currency_indian_rupee": "Rupia India",
"currency_australian_dollar": "Dólar Australiano",
"currency_singapore_dollar": "Dólar de Singapur",
"currency_norske_kroner": "Corona Noruega",
"currency_new_zealand_dollar": "Dólar Neozelandés",
"currency_vietnamese_dong": "dong Vietnamita",
"currency_swiss_franc": "Franco Suizo",
"currency_guatemalan_quetzal": "Quetzal Guatemalteco",
"currency_malaysian_ringgit": "Ringgit de Malasia",
"currency_brazilian_real": "Real Brasileño",
"currency_thai_baht": "Baht Tailandés",
"currency_nigerian_naira": "Naira Nigeriano",
"currency_argentine_peso": "Peso Argentino",
"currency_bangladeshi_taka": "Taka de Bangladesh",
"currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham": "Dirham de Emiratos Arabes Unidos",
"currency_hong_kong_dollar": "Dólar de Hong Kong",
"currency_indonesian_rupiah": "Rupia de Indonesia",
"currency_mexican_peso": "Peso Mexicano",
"currency_egyptian_pound": "Libra Egipcia",
"currency_colombian_peso": "Peso Colombiano",
"currency_west_african_franc": "Franco de África del Oeste",
"currency_chinese_renminbi": "Renminbi Chino",
"currency_rwandan_franc": "Franco Ruandés",
"currency_tanzanian_shilling": "Chelín Tanzano",
"currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder": "Florín de las Antillas Holandesas",
"currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar": "Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago",
"currency_east_caribbean_dollar": "Dólar del Caribe del Este",
"currency_ghanaian_cedi": "Cedi Ghanés",
"currency_bulgarian_lev": "Lev búlgaro",
"currency_aruban_florin": "Florín de Aruba",
"currency_turkish_lira": "Lira Tturca",
"currency_romanian_new_leu": "Romanian New Leu",
"currency_croatian_kuna": "Kuna Croata",
"currency_saudi_riyal": "Saudi Riyal",
"currency_japanese_yen": "Riyal Saudita",
"currency_maldivian_rufiyaa": "Rufiyaa Maldiva",
"currency_costa_rican_colon": "Colón Costarricense",
"currency_pakistani_rupee": "Rupia Pakistaní",
"currency_polish_zloty": "Zloty Polaco",
"currency_sri_lankan_rupee": "Rupia de Sri Lanka",
"currency_czech_koruna": "Corona Checa",
"currency_uruguayan_peso": "Peso Uruguayo",
"currency_namibian_dollar": "Dólar de Namibia",
"currency_tunisian_dinar": "Dinar Tunecino",
"currency_russian_ruble": "Russian Ruble",
"currency_mozambican_metical": "Mozambican Metical",
"currency_omani_rial": "Omani Rial",
"currency_ukrainian_hryvnia": "Ukrainian Hryvnia",
"currency_macanese_pataca": "Macanese Pataca",
"currency_taiwan_new_dollar": "Taiwan New Dollar",
"currency_dominican_peso": "Dominican Peso",
"currency_chilean_peso": "Chilean Peso",
"currency_icelandic_krona": "Icelandic Króna",
"currency_papua_new_guinean_kina": "Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency_jordanian_dinar": "Jordanian Dinar",
"currency_myanmar_kyat": "Myanmar Kyat",
"currency_peruvian_sol": "Peruvian Sol",
"currency_botswana_pula": "Botswana Pula",
"currency_hungarian_forint": "Hungarian Forint",
"currency_ugandan_shilling": "Ugandan Shilling",
"currency_barbadian_dollar": "Barbadian Dollar",
"currency_brunei_dollar": "Brunei Dollar",
"currency_georgian_lari": "Georgian Lari",
"currency_qatari_riyal": "Qatari Riyal",
"currency_honduran_lempira": "Honduran Lempira",
"currency_surinamese_dollar": "Surinamese Dollar",
"currency_bahraini_dinar": "Bahraini Dinar",
"review_app_help": "Esperamos que estés disfrutando de usar la aplicación.
Si consideras {link} lo apreciaremos mucho!",
"writing_a_review": "escribiendo una reseña",
"use_english_version": "Asegúrate de usar la versión en Ingles de los archivos.
Nosotros usamos los encabezados de las columnas para que coincidan con los campos.",
"tax1": "Primera Impuesto",
"tax2": "Segundo Impuesto",
"fee_help": "Las tarifas de Pasarela de Pago son los costos que se cobran por el acceso a las redes financieras que manejan el procesamiento de pagos en línea.",
"format_export": "Exportando formato",
"custom1": "First Custom",
"custom2": "Second Custom",
"contact_first_name": "Primer Nombre de Contacto",
"contact_last_name": "Apellido de Contacto",
"contact_custom1": "Contact First Custom",
"contact_custom2": "Contact Second Custom",
"currency": "Moneda",
"ofx_help": "Para solucionar problemas busca comentarios en {ofxhome_link} y prueba con {ofxget_link}.",
"comments": "comentarios",
"item_product": "Producto del Concepto",
"item_notes": "Notas del concepto",
"item_cost": "Costo del Concepto",
"item_quantity": "Cantidad del Concepto",
"item_tax_rate": "Tasa de Impuesto del Concepto",
"item_tax_name": "Nombre del Impuesto del Concepto",
"item_tax1": "Impuesto1 Concepto",
"item_tax2": "Impuesto2 Concepto",
"delete_company": "Eliminar Empresa",
"delete_company_help": "Eliminar de manera permanente la empresa con todos sus datos y configuración.",
"delete_company_message": "Advertencia: Esto eliminará su empresa, no hay manera de deshacerlo.",
"applied_discount": "El cupón ha sido aplicado, el precio del plan ha sido reducido a {discount}%.",
"applied_free_year": "El cupón ha sido aplicado, tu cuenta ha sido actualizada al plan Pro por un año.",
"contact_us_help": "SI estás reportando un error por favor incluye los logs relevantes de storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"include_errors": "Incluir Errores",
"include_errors_help": "Incluir {link} de storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"recent_errors": "errores recientes",
"customer": "Cliente",
"customers": "Clientes",
"created_customer": "Cliente creado con éxito",
"created_customers": "Creados {count} clientes con éxito",
"purge_details": "La información en tu empresa ({account}) ha sido purgada con éxito.",
"deleted_company": "Empresa eliminada con éxito",
"deleted_account": "Cuenta cancelada con éxito",
"deleted_company_details": "Tu empresa ({account}) ha sido eliminada con éxito.",
"deleted_account_details": "Tu cuenta ({account}) ha sido eliminada con éxito.",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"sofort": "Sofort",
"sepa": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"enable_alipay": "Accept Alipay",
"enable_sofort": "Accept EU bank transfers",
"stripe_alipay_help": "These gateways also need to be activated in {link}.",
"calendar": "Calendario",
"pro_plan_calendar": "{link} para habilitar el calendario al acceder al Plan Pro.",
"what_are_you_working_on": "En qué estás trabajando ?",
"time_tracker": "Contador de Tiempo",
"refresh": "Refrescar",
"filter_sort": "Filtrar\/Ordenar",
"no_description": "Sin Descripción",
"time_tracker_login": "Login del Contador de Tiempo",
"save_or_discard": "Guardar o descartar tus camboi",
"discard_changes": "Descartar Cambios",
"tasks_not_enabled": "Las tareas no están habilitadas.",
"started_task": "Tarea iniciada con éxito",
"create_client": "Crear Cliente",
"download_desktop_app": "Descargar la aplicación de escritorio",
"download_iphone_app": "Descargar la aplicación para iPhone",
"download_android_app": "escargar la aplicación para Android",
"time_tracker_mobile_help": "Doble click en una tarea para seleccionarla",
"stopped": "Detenido",
"ascending": "Ascendente",
"descending": "Descendente",
"sort_field": "Ordenar Por",
"sort_direction": "Dirección",
"discard": "Descartar",
"time_am": "AM",
"time_pm": "PM",
"time_mins": "minutos",
"time_hr": "hr",
"time_hrs": "hrs",
"clear": "Limpiar",
"warn_payment_gateway": "Nota: para aceptar pagos en linea requieres de una pasarela de pago configurada. {link} para agregar una.",
"task_rate": "Tasa de Tarea",
"task_rate_help": "Configurar la tasa por defecto para las tareas involucradas.",
"past_due": "Vencido",
"document": "Documento",
"invoice_or_expense": "Factura\/Gasto",
"invoice_pdfs": "PDF's de Factura",
"enable_sepa": "Aceptar SEPA",
"enable_bitcoin": "Aceptar Bitcoin",
"iban": "IBAN",
"sepa_authorization": "Al proporcionar tu IBAN y confirmar este pago, estás autorizando a: la empresa y a Stripe, nuestro proveedor de servicios de pago, a enviar instrucciones a tu banco para cargar tu cuenta y tu banco para debitar tu cuenta de acuerdo con esas instrucciones. Tienes derecho a un reembolso de tu banco en los términos y condiciones del acuerdo con tu banco. Se debe reclamar un reembolso dentro de las 8 semanas a partir de la fecha en que se debitó tu cuenta.",
"recover_license": "Recuperar Liciencia",
"purchase": "Compra",
"recover": "Recuperar",
"apply": "Aplicar",
"recover_white_label_header": "Recuperar Licencia Blanca",
"apply_white_label_header": "Aplicar Licencia Blanca",
"videos": "Videos",
"video": "Video",
"return_to_invoice": "Volver a la Factura",
"gateway_help_13": "To use ITN leave the PDT Key field blank.",
"partial_due_date": "Fecha de Vencimiento Parcial",
"task_fields": "Campos de la Tarea",
"product_fields_help": "Arrastra y suelta los campos para cambiar su orden",
"custom_value1": "Valor Personalizado",
"custom_value2": "Valor Personalizado",
"enable_two_factor": "Autenticación de Dos Factores",
"enable_two_factor_help": "Usa tu teléfono para confirmar tu identidad al ingresar",
"two_factor_setup": "Configuración de Autenticación de Dos Factores",
"two_factor_setup_help": "Escanea el código de barras con una aplicación compatible con {link} ",
"one_time_password": "Contraseña de una sola vez",
"set_phone_for_two_factor": "Configura tu teléfono como backup para habilitarlo.",
"enabled_two_factor": "Autenticación de Dos Factores habilitada con éxito",
"add_product": "Agregar Producto",
"email_will_be_sent_on": "Nota: El correo será enviado en {date}.",
"invoice_product": "Producto de Factura",
"self_host_login": "Self-Host Login",
"set_self_hoat_url": "Self-Host URL",
"local_storage_required": "Error: storage el local no está disponible.",
"your_password_reset_link": "Tu link parara Resetear la Contraseña",
"subdomain_taken": "El subdominio ya está en uso",
"converted_amount": "Cantidad Convertida",
"default": "Por Defecto",
"shipping_address": "Dirección de Envío",
"bllling_address": "Dirección de Facturación",
"billing_address1": "Calle de Facturación",
"billing_address2": "Apto\/Suite de Facturación",
"billing_city": "Ciudad de Facturación",
"billing_state": "Estado\/Provincia de Facturación",
"billing_postal_code": "Código Postal de Facturación",
"billing_country": "País de Facturación",
"shipping_address1": "Calle de Envío",
"shipping_address2": "Apto\/Suite de Envío",
"shipping_city": "Ciudad de Envío",
"shipping_state": "Estado\/Provincia de Envío",
"shipping_postal_code": "Código Postal de Envío",
"shipping_country": "País de Envío",
"classify": "Clasificar",
"show_shipping_address_help": "Requerir que el cliente indique su dirección de envío",
"ship_to_billing_address": "Enviar a la dirección de envío",
"delivery_note": "Nota de Entrega",
"show_tasks_in_portal": "Mostrar tareas en el portal de cliente",
"cancel_schedule": "Cancelar Programación",
"scheduled_report": "Programar Reporte",
"scheduled_report_help": "Enviar por correo el reporte {report} como {format} a {email}",
"created_scheduled_report": "Reporte programado con éxito",
"deleted_scheduled_report": "Programaci;on de reporte cancelada con éxito",
"scheduled_report_attached": "Your scheduled {type} report is attached.",
"scheduled_report_error": "Failed to create schedule report",
"invalid_one_time_password": "Invalid one time password",
"apple_pay": "Apple\/Google Pay",
"enable_apple_pay": "Accept Apple Pay and Pay with Google",
"requires_subdomain": "This payment type requires that a {link}.",
"subdomain_is_set": "subdomain is set",
"verification_file": "Verification File",
"verification_file_missing": "The verification file is needed to accept payments.",
"apple_pay_domain": "Use {domain}<\/code> as the domain in {link}.",
"apple_pay_not_supported": "Sorry, Apple\/Google Pay isn't supported by your browser",
"optional_payment_methods": "Optional Payment Methods",
"add_subscription": "Add Subscription",
"target_url": "Target",
"target_url_help": "When the selected event occurs the app will post the entity to the target URL.",
"event": "Event",
"subscription_event_1": "Created Client",
"subscription_event_2": "Created Invoice",
"subscription_event_3": "Created Quote",
"subscription_event_4": "Created Payment",
"subscription_event_5": "Created Vendor",
"subscription_event_6": "Updated Quote",
"subscription_event_7": "Deleted Quote",
"subscription_event_8": "Updated Invoice",
"subscription_event_9": "Deleted Invoice",
"subscription_event_10": "Updated Client",
"subscription_event_11": "Deleted Client",
"subscription_event_12": "Deleted Payment",
"subscription_event_13": "Updated Vendor",
"subscription_event_14": "Deleted Vendor",
"subscription_event_15": "Created Expense",
"subscription_event_16": "Updated Expense",
"subscription_event_17": "Deleted Expense",
"subscription_event_18": "Created Task",
"subscription_event_19": "Updated Task",
"subscription_event_20": "Deleted Task",
"subscription_event_21": "Approved Quote",
"subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"updated_subscription": "Successfully updated subscription",
"created_subscription": "Successfully created subscription",
"edit_subscription": "Edit Subscription",
"archive_subscription": "Archive Subscription",
"archived_subscription": "Successfully archived subscription",
"project_error_multiple_clients": "The projects can't belong to different clients",
"invoice_project": "Invoice Project",
"module_recurring_invoice": "Recurring Invoices",
"module_credit": "Credits",
"module_quote": "Quotes & Proposals",
"module_task": "Tasks & Projects",
"module_expense": "Expenses & Vendors",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"send_client_reminders": "Send email reminders",
"can_view_tasks": "Tasks are visible in the portal",
"is_not_sent_reminders": "Reminders are not sent",
"promotion_footer": "Your promotion will expire soon, {link} to upgrade now.",
"unable_to_delete_primary": "Note: to delete this company first delete all linked companies.",
"please_register": "Please register your account",
"processing_request": "Processing request",
"mcrypt_warning": "Warning: Mcrypt is deprecated, run {command} to update your cipher.",
"edit_times": "Edit Times",
"inclusive_taxes_help": "Include taxes in the cost<\/b>",
"inclusive_taxes_notice": "This setting can not be changed once an invoice has been created.",
"inclusive_taxes_warning": "Warning: existing invoices will need to be resaved",
"copy_shipping": "Copy Shipping",
"copy_billing": "Copy Billing",
"quote_has_expired": "The quote has expired, please contact the merchant.",
"empty_table_footer": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"do_not_trust": "Do not remember this device",
"trust_for_30_days": "Trust for 30 days",
"trust_forever": "Trust forever",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"backlog": "Backlog",
"ready_to_do": "Ready to do",
"in_progress": "In progress",
"add_status": "Add status",
"archive_status": "Archive Status",
"new_status": "New Status",
"convert_products": "Convert Products",
"convert_products_help": "Automatically convert product prices to the client's currency",
"improve_client_portal_link": "Set a subdomain to shorten the client portal link.",
"budgeted_hours": "Budgeted Hours",
"progress": "Progress",
"view_project": "View Project",
"summary": "Summary",
"endless_reminder": "Endless Reminder",
"signature_on_invoice_help": "Add the following code to show your client's signature on the PDF.",
"signature_on_pdf": "Show on PDF",
"signature_on_pdf_help": "Show the client signature on the invoice\/quote PDF.",
"expired_white_label": "The white label license has expired",
"return_to_login": "Return to Login",
"convert_products_tip": "Note: add a {link} named \"{name}\" to see the exchange rate.",
"amount_greater_than_balance": "The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.",
"custom_fields_tip": "Use Label|Option1,Option2<\/code> to show a select box.",
"client_information": "Client Information",
"updated_client_details": "Successfully updated client details",
"auto": "Auto",
"tax_amount": "Tax Amount",
"tax_paid": "Tax Paid",
"none": "None",
"proposal_message_button": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the button below.",
"proposal": "Proposal",
"proposals": "Proposals",
"list_proposals": "List Proposals",
"new_proposal": "New Proposal",
"edit_proposal": "Edit Proposal",
"archive_proposal": "Archive Proposal",
"delete_proposal": "Delete Proposal",
"created_proposal": "Successfully created proposal",
"updated_proposal": "Successfully updated proposal",
"archived_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"deleted_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"archived_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"deleted_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"restored_proposal": "Successfully restored proposal",
"restore_proposal": "Restore Proposal",
"snippet": "Snippet",
"snippets": "Snippets",
"proposal_snippet": "Snippet",
"proposal_snippets": "Snippets",
"new_proposal_snippet": "New Snippet",
"edit_proposal_snippet": "Edit Snippet",
"archive_proposal_snippet": "Archive Snippet",
"delete_proposal_snippet": "Delete Snippet",
"created_proposal_snippet": "Successfully created snippet",
"updated_proposal_snippet": "Successfully updated snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"deleted_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"deleted_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"restored_proposal_snippet": "Successfully restored snippet",
"restore_proposal_snippet": "Restore Snippet",
"templates": "Templates",
"proposal_template": "Template",
"proposal_templates": "Templates",
"new_proposal_template": "New Template",
"edit_proposal_template": "Edit Template",
"archive_proposal_template": "Archive Template",
"delete_proposal_template": "Delete Template",
"created_proposal_template": "Successfully created template",
"updated_proposal_template": "Successfully updated template",
"archived_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"deleted_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"archived_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"deleted_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"restored_proposal_template": "Successfully restored template",
"restore_proposal_template": "Restore Template",
"proposal_category": "Category",
"proposal_categories": "Categories",
"new_proposal_category": "New Category",
"edit_proposal_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_proposal_category": "Archive Category",
"delete_proposal_category": "Delete Category",
"created_proposal_category": "Successfully created category",
"updated_proposal_category": "Successfully updated category",
"archived_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"deleted_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"archived_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"deleted_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"restored_proposal_category": "Successfully restored category",
"restore_proposal_category": "Restore Category",
"delete_status": "Delete Status",
"standard": "Standard",
"icon": "Icon",
"proposal_not_found": "The requested proposal is not available",
"create_proposal_category": "Create category",
"clone_proposal_template": "Clone Template",
"proposal_email": "Proposal Email",
"proposal_subject": "New proposal {number} from {account}",
"proposal_message": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the link below.",
"emailed_proposal": "Successfully emailed proposal",
"load_template": "Load Template",
"no_assets": "No images, drag to upload",
"add_image": "Add Image",
"select_image": "Select Image",
"upgrade_to_upload_images": "Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images",
"delete_image": "Delete Image",
"delete_image_help": "Warning: deleting the image will remove it from all proposals.",
"amount_variable_help": "Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial\/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.",
"taxes_are_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes have been enabled.",
"taxes_are_not_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes are not enabled.",
"change_requires_purge": "Changing this setting requires {link} the account data.",
"purging": "purging",
"warning_local_refund": "The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.",
"email_address_changed": "Email address has been changed",
"email_address_changed_message": "The email address for your account has been changed from {old_email} to {new_email}.",
"test": "Test",
"beta": "Beta",
"gmp_required": "Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension",
"email_history": "Email History",
"loading": "Loading",
"no_messages_found": "No messages found",
"processing": "Processing",
"reactivate": "Reactivate",
"reactivated_email": "The email address has been reactivated",
"emails": "Emails",
"opened": "Opened",
"bounced": "Bounced",
"total_sent": "Total Sent",
"total_opened": "Total Opened",
"total_bounced": "Total Bounced",
"total_spam": "Total Spam",
"platforms": "Platforms",
"email_clients": "Email Clients",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"desktop": "Desktop",
"webmail": "Webmail",
"group": "Group",
"subgroup": "Subgroup",
"unset": "Unset",
"received_new_payment": "You've received a new payment!",
"slack_webhook_help": "Receive payment notifications using {link}.",
"slack_incoming_webhooks": "Slack incoming webhooks",
"accept": "Accept",
"accepted_terms": "Successfully accepted the latest terms of service",
"invalid_url": "Invalid URL",
"workflow_settings": "Workflow Settings",
"auto_email_invoice": "Auto Email",
"auto_email_invoice_help": "Automatically email recurring invoices when they are created.",
"auto_archive_invoice": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_invoice_help": "Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.",
"auto_archive_quote": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_quote_help": "Automatically archive quotes when they are converted.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote": "Allow approve expired quote",
"allow_approve_expired_quote_help": "Allow clients to approve expired quotes.",
"invoice_workflow": "Invoice Workflow",
"quote_workflow": "Quote Workflow",
"client_must_be_active": "Error: the client must be active",
"purge_client": "Purge Client",
"purged_client": "Successfully purged client",
"purge_client_warning": "All related records (invoices, tasks, expenses, documents, etc) will also be deleted.",
"clone_product": "Clone Product",
"item_details": "Item Details",
"send_item_details_help": "Send line item details to the payment gateway.",
"view_proposal": "View Proposal",
"view_in_portal": "View in Portal",
"cookie_message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
"got_it": "Got it!",
"vendor_will_create": "vendor will be created",
"vendors_will_create": "vendors will be created",
"created_vendors": "Successfully created {count} vendor(s)",
"import_vendors": "Import Vendors",
"company": "Company",
"client_field": "Client Field",
"contact_field": "Contact Field",
"product_field": "Product Field",
"task_field": "Task Field",
"project_field": "Project Field",
"expense_field": "Expense Field",
"vendor_field": "Vendor Field",
"company_field": "Company Field",
"invoice_field": "Invoice Field",
"invoice_surcharge": "Invoice Surcharge",
"custom_task_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a task.",
"custom_project_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a project.",
"custom_expense_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an expense.",
"custom_vendor_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a vendor.",
"messages": "Messages",
"unpaid_invoice": "Unpaid Invoice",
"paid_invoice": "Paid Invoice",
"unapproved_quote": "Unapproved Quote",
"unapproved_proposal": "Unapproved Proposal",
"autofills_city_state": "Auto-fills city\/state",
"no_match_found": "No match found",
"password_strength": "Password Strength",
"strength_weak": "Weak",
"strength_good": "Good",
"strength_strong": "Strong",
"mark": "Mark",
"updated_task_status": "Successfully update task status",
"background_image": "Background Image",
"background_image_help": "Use the {link} to manage your images, we recommend using a small file.",
"proposal_editor": "proposal editor",
"background": "Background",
"guide": "Guide",
"gateway_fee_item": "Gateway Fee Item",
"gateway_fee_description": "Gateway Fee Surcharge",
"show_payments": "Show Payments",
"show_aging": "Show Aging",
"reference": "Reference",
"amount_paid": "Amount Paid",
"send_notifications_for": "Send Notifications For",
"all_invoices": "All Invoices",
"my_invoices": "My Invoices",
"mobile_refresh_warning": "If you're using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.",
"enable_proposals_for_background": "To upload a background image {link} to enable the proposals module."
"es_ES": {
"pagination": {
"previous": "« Anterior",
"next": "Siguiente »"
"reminders": {
"password": "Las contraseñas deben contener al menos 6 caracteres y coincidir.",
"user": "No podemos encontrar a un usuario con ese correo electrónico.",
"token": "Este token de recuperación de contraseña es inválido.",
"sent": "¡Recordatorio de contraseña enviado!"
"validation": {
"accepted": "{attribute} debe ser aceptado.",
"active_url": "{attribute} no es una URL válida.",
"after": "{attribute} debe ser una fecha posterior a {date}.",
"alpha": "{attribute} solo debe contener letras.",
"alpha_dash": "{attribute} solo debe contener letras, números y guiones.",
"alpha_num": "{attribute} solo debe contener letras y números.",
"array": "{attribute} debe ser un conjunto.",
"before": "{attribute} debe ser una fecha anterior a {date}.",
"between": {
"numeric": "{attribute} tiene que estar entre {min} - {max}.",
"file": "{attribute} debe pesar entre {min} - {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} tiene que tener entre {min} - {max} caracteres.",
"array": "{attribute} tiene que tener entre {min} - {max} ítems."
"confirmed": "La confirmación de {attribute} no coincide.",
"date": "{attribute} no es una fecha válida.",
"date_format": "{attribute} no corresponde al formato {format}.",
"different": "{attribute} y {other} deben ser diferentes.",
"digits": "{attribute} debe tener {digits} dígitos.",
"digits_between": "{attribute} debe tener entre {min} y {max} dígitos.",
"email": "{attribute} no es un correo válido",
"exists": "{attribute} es inválido.",
"image": "{attribute} debe ser una imagen.",
"in": "{attribute} es inválido.",
"integer": "{attribute} debe ser un número entero.",
"ip": "{attribute} debe ser una dirección IP válida.",
"max": {
"numeric": "{attribute} no debe ser mayor a {max}.",
"file": "{attribute} no debe ser mayor que {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} no debe ser mayor que {max} caracteres.",
"array": "{attribute} no debe tener más de {max} elementos."
"mimes": "{attribute} debe ser un archivo con formato: {values}.",
"min": {
"numeric": "El tamaño de {attribute} debe ser de al menos {min}.",
"file": "El tamaño de {attribute} debe ser de al menos {min} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} debe contener al menos {min} caracteres.",
"array": "{attribute} debe tener al menos {min} elementos."
"not_in": "{attribute} es inválido.",
"numeric": "{attribute} debe ser numérico.",
"regex": "El formato de {attribute} es inválido.",
"required": "El campo {attribute} es obligatorio.",
"required_if": "El campo {attribute} es obligatorio cuando {other} es {value}.",
"required_with": "El campo {attribute} es obligatorio cuando {values} está presente.",
"required_with_all": "The {attribute} field is required when {values} is present.",
"required_without": "El campo {attribute} es obligatorio cuando {values} no está presente.",
"required_without_all": "The {attribute} field is required when none of {values} are present.",
"same": "{attribute} y {other} deben coincidir.",
"size": {
"numeric": "El tamaño de {attribute} debe ser {size}.",
"file": "El tamaño de {attribute} debe ser {size} kilobytes.",
"string": "{attribute} debe contener {size} caracteres.",
"array": "{attribute} debe contener {size} elementos."
"unique": "{attribute} ya ha sido registrado.",
"url": "El formato {attribute} es inválido.",
"positive": "{attribute} debe ser mayor que cero.",
"has_credit": "el cliente no tiene crédito suficiente.",
"notmasked": "The values are masked",
"less_than": "The {attribute} must be less than {value}",
"has_counter": "The value must contain {$counter}",
"valid_contacts": "All of the contacts must have either an email or name",
"valid_invoice_items": "The invoice exceeds the maximum amount",
"custom": {
"attribute-name": {
"rule-name": "custom-message"
"attributes": []
"texts": {
"organization": "Empresa",
"name": "Nombre",
"website": "Página Web",
"work_phone": "Teléfono",
"address": "Dirección",
"address1": "Calle",
"address2": "Bloq\/Pta",
"city": "Ciudad",
"state": "Provincia",
"postal_code": "Código Postal",
"country_id": "País",
"contacts": "Contactos",
"first_name": "Nombre",
"last_name": "Apellidos",
"phone": "Teléfono",
"email": "Email",
"additional_info": "Información Adicional",
"payment_terms": "Términos de Pago",
"currency_id": "Divisa",
"size_id": "Tamaño",
"industry_id": "Sector",
"private_notes": "Notas Privadas",
"invoice": "Factura",
"client": "Cliente",
"invoice_date": "Fecha de Factura",
"due_date": "Límite de Pago",
"invoice_number": "Número de Factura",
"invoice_number_short": "Factura Nº",
"po_number": "Número de Orden",
"po_number_short": "Nº Orden",
"frequency_id": "Frecuencia",
"discount": "Descuento",
"taxes": "Impuestos",
"tax": "Impuesto",
"item": "Concepto",
"description": "Descripción",
"unit_cost": "Precio Unitario",
"quantity": "Cantidad",
"line_total": "Total",
"subtotal": "Subtotal",
"paid_to_date": "Pagado",
"balance_due": "Pendiente",
"invoice_design_id": "Diseño",
"terms": "Términos",
"your_invoice": "Tu Factura",
"remove_contact": "Eliminar Contacto",
"add_contact": "Añadir Contacto",
"create_new_client": "Crear Nuevo Cliente",
"edit_client_details": "Editar Detalles del Cliente",
"enable": "Activar",
"learn_more": "Saber más",
"manage_rates": "Administrar Tarifas",
"note_to_client": "Nota para el Cliente",
"invoice_terms": "Términos de Facturación",
"save_as_default_terms": "Guardar como Términos Predefinidos",
"download_pdf": "Descargar PDF",
"pay_now": "Pagar Ahora",
"save_invoice": "Guardar Factura",
"clone_invoice": "Clonar Factura",
"archive_invoice": "Archivar Factura",
"delete_invoice": "Eliminar Factura",
"email_invoice": "Enviar Factura por EMail",
"enter_payment": "Agregar Pago",
"tax_rates": "Impuestos",
"rate": "Precio",
"settings": "Configuración",
"enable_invoice_tax": "Activar la selección de un Impuesto para el Total de la Factura<\/b>",
"enable_line_item_tax": "Activar la selección de un Impuesto por Línea de Factura<\/b>",
"dashboard": "Inicio",
"clients": "Clientes",
"invoices": "Facturas",
"payments": "Pagos",
"credits": "Créditos",
"history": "Historial",
"search": "Búsqueda",
"sign_up": "Registrarse",
"guest": "Invitado",
"company_details": "Detalles de la Empresa",
"online_payments": "Pagos Online",
"notifications": "Notificaciones",
"import_export": "Importar\/Exportar",
"done": "Hecho",
"save": "Guardar",
"create": "Crear",
"upload": "Subir",
"import": "Importar",
"download": "Descargar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Cerrar",
"provide_email": "Por favor indica una dirección de correo electrónico válida.",
"powered_by": "Creado por",
"no_items": "No hay Conceptos",
"recurring_invoices": "Facturas Recurrentes",
"recurring_help": "Enviar Facturas automáticamente a clientes semanalmente, bi-mensualmente, mensualmente, trimestral o anualmente. <\/p>\n
Usando {MONTH}, {QUARTER} or {YEAR} para fechas dinámicas. Y utilizando tambien Matemáticas básicas. Por ejemplo: {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n
Ejemplos de Variables Dinámicas de Factura:<\/p>\n
\n - \"Mensualidad del gimnasio para el mes de {MONTH}\" >> Mensualidad del gimnasio para el mes de Julio\"<\/li>\n
- \"{YEAR}+1 suscripción anual\" >> \"2015 suscripción anual\"<\/li>\n
- \"Pago retenido para {QUARTER}+1\" >> \"Pago retenido para T2\"<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"recurring_quotes": "Recurring Quotes",
"in_total_revenue": "Ingreso Total",
"billed_client": "Cliente Facturado",
"billed_clients": "Clientes Facturados",
"active_client": "Cliente Activo",
"active_clients": "Clientes Activos",
"invoices_past_due": "Facturas Vencidas",
"upcoming_invoices": "Próximas Facturas",
"average_invoice": "Promedio de Facturación",
"archive": "Archivar",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"archive_client": "Archivar Cliente",
"delete_client": "Eliminar Cliente",
"archive_payment": "Archivar Pago",
"delete_payment": "Eliminar Pago",
"archive_credit": "Archivar Crédito",
"delete_credit": "Eliminar Crédito",
"show_archived_deleted": "Mostrar archivados\/eliminados",
"filter": "Filtrar",
"new_client": "Nuevo Cliente",
"new_invoice": "Nueva Factura",
"new_payment": "Introduzca el Pago",
"new_credit": "Introducir el Crédito",
"contact": "Contacto",
"date_created": "Fecha de Creación",
"last_login": "Último Acceso",
"balance": "Saldo",
"action": "Acción",
"status": "Estado",
"invoice_total": "Total Facturado",
"frequency": "Frecuencia",
"start_date": "Fecha de Inicio",
"end_date": "Fecha de Fin",
"transaction_reference": "Referencia de Transacción",
"method": "Método",
"payment_amount": "Valor del Pago",
"payment_date": "Fecha de Pago",
"credit_amount": "Cantidad de Crédito",
"credit_balance": "Saldo de Crédito",
"credit_date": "Fecha de Crédito",
"empty_table": "Tabla vacía",
"select": "Seleccionar",
"edit_client": "Editar Cliente",
"edit_invoice": "Editar Factura",
"create_invoice": "Crear Factura",
"enter_credit": "Agregar Crédito",
"last_logged_in": "Último inicio de sesión",
"details": "Detalles",
"standing": "Situación",
"credit": "Crédito",
"activity": "Actividad",
"date": "Fecha",
"message": "Mensaje",
"adjustment": "Ajustes",
"are_you_sure": "¿Está Seguro?",
"payment_type_id": "Tipo de Pago",
"amount": "Cantidad",
"work_email": "Correo electrónico de la empresa",
"language_id": "Idioma",
"timezone_id": "Zona horaria",
"date_format_id": "Formato de fecha",
"datetime_format_id": "Formato de fecha\/hora",
"users": "Usuarios",
"localization": "Localización",
"remove_logo": "Eliminar logo",
"logo_help": "Formatos aceptados: JPEG, GIF y PNG",
"payment_gateway": "Pasarela de Pago",
"gateway_id": "Proveedor",
"email_notifications": "Notificaciones de correo",
"email_sent": "Avísame por correo cuando una Factura se envía<\/b>",
"email_viewed": "Avísame por correo cuando una Factura se visualiza<\/b>",
"email_paid": "Avísame por correo cuando una Factura se paga<\/b>",
"site_updates": "Actualizaciones del sitio",
"custom_messages": "Mensajes Personalizados",
"default_email_footer": "Configurar firma de email<\/b> por defecto",
"select_file": "Seleccionar archivo",
"first_row_headers": "Usar la primera fila como encabezados",
"column": "Columna",
"sample": "Ejemplo",
"import_to": "Importar a",
"client_will_create": "cliente se creará",
"clients_will_create": "clientes se crearan",
"email_settings": "Configuración del Correo Electrónico",
"client_view_styling": "Estilo de visualización para el cliente",
"pdf_email_attachment": "Adjuntar PDF",
"custom_css": "CSS personalizado",
"import_clients": "Importar Clientes",
"csv_file": "Seleccionar archivo CSV",
"export_clients": "Exportar Clientes",
"created_client": "Cliente creado correctamente",
"created_clients": "{count} client(es) creado(s) correctamente",
"updated_settings": "Configuración actualizada correctamente",
"removed_logo": "Logo eliminado correctamente",
"sent_message": "Mensaje enviado correctamente",
"invoice_error": "Seleccionar cliente y corregir errores.",
"limit_clients": "Lo sentimos, se ha pasado del límite de {count} clientes",
"payment_error": "Ha habido un error en el proceso de tu Pago. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.",
"registration_required": "Inscríbete para enviar una factura",
"confirmation_required": "Por favor, confirma tu dirección de correo electrónico, {link} para reenviar el email de confirmación.",
"updated_client": "Cliente actualizado correctamente",
"archived_client": "Cliente archivado correctamente",
"archived_clients": "{count} clientes archivados correctamente",
"deleted_client": "Cliente eliminado correctamente",
"deleted_clients": "{count} clientes eliminados correctamente",
"updated_invoice": "Factura actualizada correctamente",
"created_invoice": "Factura creada correctamente",
"cloned_invoice": "Factura clonada correctamente",
"emailed_invoice": "Factura enviada correctamente",
"and_created_client": "y cliente creado ",
"archived_invoice": "Factura archivada correctamente",
"archived_invoices": "{count} facturas archivadas correctamente",
"deleted_invoice": "Factura eliminada correctamente",
"deleted_invoices": "{count} facturas eliminadas correctamente",
"created_payment": "Pago creado correctamente",
"created_payments": "{count} pagos creados correctamente.",
"archived_payment": "Pago archivado correctamente",
"archived_payments": "{count} pagos archivados correctamente",
"deleted_payment": "Pago eliminado correctamente",
"deleted_payments": "{count} pagos eliminados correctamente",
"applied_payment": "Pago aplicado correctamente",
"created_credit": "Crédito creado correctamente",
"archived_credit": "Crédito archivado correctamente",
"archived_credits": "{count} creditos archivados correctamente",
"deleted_credit": "Créditos eliminados correctamente",
"deleted_credits": "{count} creditos eliminados correctamente",
"imported_file": "Fichero importado correctamente",
"updated_vendor": "Proveedor actualizado correctamente",
"created_vendor": "Proveedor creado correctamente",
"archived_vendor": "Proveedor archivado correctamente",
"archived_vendors": "{count} proveedores actualizados correctamente",
"deleted_vendor": "Proveedor eliminado correctamente",
"deleted_vendors": "{count} proveedores actualizados correctamente",
"confirmation_subject": "Corfimación de tu cuenta en el sistema",
"confirmation_header": "Confirmación de Cuenta",
"confirmation_message": "Por favor, haz clic en el enlace de abajo para confirmar tu cuenta.",
"invoice_subject": "Nueva factura {number} de {account}",
"invoice_message": "Para visualizar tu factura por el valor de {amount}, haz click en el enlace de abajo.",
"payment_subject": "Pago recibido",
"payment_message": "Gracias por su pago de {amount}.",
"email_salutation": "Estimado {name},",
"email_signature": "Un cordial saludo,",
"email_from": "El equipo de Invoice Ninja ",
"invoice_link_message": "Para visualizar la factura de cliente, haz clic en el enlace de abajo:",
"notification_invoice_paid_subject": "La Factura {invoice} ha sido pagada por el cliente {client}",
"notification_invoice_sent_subject": "La Factura {invoice} ha sido enviada a el cliente {client}",
"notification_invoice_viewed_subject": "La Factura {invoice} ha sido visualizado por el cliente{client}",
"notification_invoice_paid": "Un Pago por importe de {amount} ha sido realizado por el cliente {client} correspondiente a la Factura {invoice}.",
"notification_invoice_sent": "La Factura {invoice} por importe de {amount} fue enviada al cliente {client}.",
"notification_invoice_viewed": "La Factura {invoice} por importe de {amount} fue visualizada por el cliente {client}.",
"reset_password": "Puedes reconfigurar la contraseña de tu cuenta haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace:",
"secure_payment": "Pago seguro",
"card_number": "Número de tarjeta",
"expiration_month": "Mes de caducidad",
"expiration_year": "Año de caducidad",
"cvv": "CVV",
"logout": "Cerrar sesión",
"sign_up_to_save": "Registrate para guardar tu trabajo",
"agree_to_terms": "Estoy de acuerdo con los {terms}",
"terms_of_service": "Términos de servicio",
"email_taken": "Esta dirección de correo electrónico ya se ha registrado",
"working": "Procesando",
"success": "Éxito",
"success_message": "Te has registrado con éxito. Por favor, haz clic en el enlace del correo de confirmación para verificar tu dirección de correo electrónico.",
"erase_data": "Borrar datos",
"password": "Contraseña",
"pro_plan_product": "Plan Pro",
"pro_plan_success": "¡Gracias por unirte a Invoice Ninja! Al realizar el Pago de tu Factura, se iniciara tu PLAN PRO.",
"unsaved_changes": "Tienes cambios no guardados",
"custom_fields": "Campos Personalizados",
"company_fields": "Campos de la empresa",
"client_fields": "Campos del cliente",
"field_label": "Etiqueta del campo",
"field_value": "Valor del campo",
"edit": "Editar",
"set_name": "Indica el nombre de tu Empresa",
"view_as_recipient": "Ver como Destinatario",
"product_library": "Listado de Productos",
"product": "Producto",
"products": "Productos",
"fill_products": "Auto-rellenar Productos",
"fill_products_help": "Seleccionar un producto automáticamente configurará la descripción y coste<\/b>",
"update_products": "Auto-actualizar Productos",
"update_products_help": "Actualizar una Factura automáticamente actualizará los Productos<\/b>",
"create_product": "Crear Producto",
"edit_product": "Editar Producto",
"archive_product": "Archivar Producto",
"updated_product": "Producto actualizado correctamente",
"created_product": "Producto creado correctamente",
"archived_product": "Producto archivado correctamente",
"pro_plan_custom_fields": "{link} haz click para para activar campos a medida",
"advanced_settings": "Configuración Avanzada",
"pro_plan_advanced_settings": "{link} haz click para para activar la configuración avanzada",
"invoice_design": "Diseño de Factura",
"specify_colors": "Especificar colores",
"specify_colors_label": "Seleccionar los colores para usar en las Facturas",
"chart_builder": "Constructor de Gráficas",
"ninja_email_footer": "Creado por {site} | Crea. Envia. Recibe tus Pagos.",
"go_pro": "Hazte Pro",
"quote": "Presupuesto",
"quotes": "Presupuestos",
"quote_number": "Numero de Presupuesto",
"quote_number_short": "Presupuesto Nº ",
"quote_date": "Fecha Presupuesto",
"quote_total": "Total Presupuestado",
"your_quote": "Su Presupuesto",
"total": "Total",
"clone": "Clonar",
"new_quote": "Nuevo Presupuesto",
"create_quote": "Crear Presupuesto",
"edit_quote": "Editar Presupuesto",
"archive_quote": "Archivar Presupuesto",
"delete_quote": "Eliminar Presupuesto",
"save_quote": "Guardar Presupuesto",
"email_quote": "Enviar Presupuesto",
"clone_quote": "Clonar Presupuesto",
"convert_to_invoice": "Convertir a Factura",
"view_invoice": "Ver Factura",
"view_client": "Ver Cliente",
"view_quote": "Ver Presupuesto",
"updated_quote": "Presupuesto actualizado correctamente",
"created_quote": "Presupuesto creado correctamente",
"cloned_quote": "Presupuesto clonado correctamente",
"emailed_quote": "Presupuesto enviado correctamente",
"archived_quote": "Presupuesto archivado correctamente",
"archived_quotes": "{count} Presupuestos archivados correctamente",
"deleted_quote": "Presupuesto eliminado correctamente",
"deleted_quotes": "{count} Presupuestos eliminados correctamente",
"converted_to_invoice": "Presupuesto convertido a factura correctamente",
"quote_subject": "Nuevo presupuesto {number} de {account}",
"quote_message": "Para ver el presupuesto por un importe de {amount}, haga click en el enlace de abajo.",
"quote_link_message": "Para ver su presupuesto haga click en el enlace de abajo:",
"notification_quote_sent_subject": "El presupuesto {invoice} enviado al cliente {client}",
"notification_quote_viewed_subject": "El presupuesto {invoice} fue visto por el cliente {client}",
"notification_quote_sent": "El presupuesto {invoice} por un valor de {amount}, ha sido enviado al cliente {client}.",
"notification_quote_viewed": "El presupuesto {invoice} por un valor de {amount} ha sido visto por el cliente {client}.",
"session_expired": "Su Sesión ha Caducado.",
"invoice_fields": "Campos de Factura",
"invoice_options": "Opciones de Factura",
"hide_paid_to_date": "Ocultar el valor Pagado a la Fecha<\/i>",
"hide_paid_to_date_help": "Solo mostrará el valor Pagado a la Fecha<\/i> en sus Facturas cuando se ha recibido un Pago.",
"charge_taxes": "Cargar Impuestos",
"user_management": "Administración de Usuarios",
"add_user": "Añadir Usuario",
"send_invite": "Enviar Invitación",
"sent_invite": "Invitación enviada correctamente",
"updated_user": "Usario actualizado correctamente",
"invitation_message": "{invitor} te ha invitado a unirte a su cuenta en Invoice Ninja.",
"register_to_add_user": "Regístrate para añadir usarios",
"user_state": "Estado",
"edit_user": "Editar Usario",
"delete_user": "Eliminar Usario",
"active": "Activo",
"pending": "Pendiente",
"deleted_user": "Usario eliminado correctamente",
"confirm_email_invoice": "¿Estás seguro que quieres enviar esta Factura?",
"confirm_email_quote": "¿Estás seguro que quieres enviar este presupuesto?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice": "Se ha marcado esta Factura como recurrente, estás seguro que quieres enviar esta Factura?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres comenzar la recurrencia?",
"cancel_account": "Cancelar Cuenta",
"cancel_account_message": "Atención: Esta acción eliminará permanentemente tu cuenta y no se podrá deshacer.",
"go_back": "Atrás",
"data_visualizations": "Visualización de Datos",
"sample_data": "Datos de Ejemplo",
"hide": "Ocultar",
"new_version_available": "Una nueva versión de {releases_link} disponible. Estás utilizando la versión {user_version}, la última versión es {latest_version}",
"invoice_settings": "Configuración de Facturas",
"invoice_number_prefix": "Prefijo del Número de Factura",
"invoice_number_counter": "Contador del Número de Factura",
"quote_number_prefix": "Prefijo del Número de Presupuesto",
"quote_number_counter": "Contador del Número de Presupuesto",
"share_invoice_counter": "Compartir la numeración para presupuesto y factura",
"invoice_issued_to": "Factura emitida a",
"invalid_counter": "Para evitar posibles conflictos, por favor crea un prefijo para el número de factura y para el número de presupuesto.",
"mark_sent": "Marcar como Enviado",
"gateway_help_1": "{link} para registrarse en Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_2": "{link} para registrarse en Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_17": "{link} para obtener su firma API de PayPal.",
"gateway_help_27": "{link} para registrarse en 2Checkout.com. Para asegurar que los Pagos son monitorizados, establezca {complete_link} como redireccion de URL en Account > Site Management en el portal de 2Checkout.",
"gateway_help_60": "{link} para crear una cuenta de WePay",
"more_designs": "Más diseños",
"more_designs_title": "Diseños Adicionales de Facturas",
"more_designs_cloud_header": "Cambia a Pro para añadir más Diseños de Facturas",
"more_designs_cloud_text": "",
"more_designs_self_host_text": "",
"buy": "Comprar",
"bought_designs": "Los diseños adicionales de facturas se han añadido correctamente",
"sent": "Enviada",
"vat_number": "NIF\/CIF",
"timesheets": "Parte de Horas",
"payment_title": "Introduzca su dirección de Facturación y los datos de su Tarjeta de Crédito",
"payment_cvv": "* Los tres últimos dígitos de la parte posterior de su tarjeta.",
"payment_footer1": "* La dirección de Facturación debe coincidir con la de la Tarjeta de Crédito.",
"payment_footer2": "* Por favor, haga clic en \"Pagar ahora\" sólo una vez - esta operación puede tardar hasta un minuto en procesarse.",
"id_number": "Nº de identificación",
"white_label_link": "Marca Blanca",
"white_label_header": "Marca Blanca",
"bought_white_label": "Licencia de Marca Blanca habilitada correctamente",
"white_labeled": "Marca Blanca",
"restore": "Restaurar",
"restore_invoice": "Restaurar Factura",
"restore_quote": "Restaurar Presupuesto",
"restore_client": "Restaurar Cliente",
"restore_credit": "Restaurar Pendiente",
"restore_payment": "Restaurar Pago",
"restored_invoice": "Factura restaurada correctamente",
"restored_quote": "Presupuesto restaurada correctamente",
"restored_client": "Cliente restaurada correctamente",
"restored_payment": "Pago restaurado correctamente",
"restored_credit": "Crédito restaurado correctamente",
"reason_for_canceling": "Ayúdanos a mejorar nuestro sitio diciéndonos porque se va.",
"discount_percent": "Porcentaje",
"discount_amount": "Cantidad",
"invoice_history": "Historial de Facturas",
"quote_history": "Historial de Presupuestos",
"current_version": "Versión Actual",
"select_version": "Seleccione la Versión",
"view_history": "Ver Historial",
"edit_payment": "Editar Pago",
"updated_payment": "Pago actualizado correctamente",
"deleted": "Eliminado",
"restore_user": "Restaurar Usuario",
"restored_user": "Usuario restaurado correctamente",
"show_deleted_users": "Mostrar usuarios eliminados",
"email_templates": "Plantillas de Email",
"invoice_email": "Email de Facturas",
"payment_email": "Email de Pagos",
"quote_email": "Email de Presupuestos",
"reset_all": "Restablecer Todos",
"approve": "Aprobar",
"token_billing_type_id": "Token de Facturación",
"token_billing_help": "Almacena los detalles de Pagos con WePay, Stripe, Braintree o GoCardless.",
"token_billing_1": "Deshabilitar",
"token_billing_2": "La casilla Opt-In<\/i> se muestra pero no está seleccionada",
"token_billing_3": "La casilla Opt-Out<\/i> se muestra y se selecciona",
"token_billing_4": "Siempre",
"token_billing_checkbox": "Almacenar datos de la Tarjeta de Crédito",
"view_in_gateway": "Ver en {gateway}",
"use_card_on_file": "Usar tarjeta en fichero",
"edit_payment_details": "Editar detalles de Pago",
"token_billing": "Guardar datos de la tarjeta",
"token_billing_secure": "Los datos serán almacenados de forma segura por {link}",
"support": "Soporte",
"contact_information": "Información de Contacto",
"256_encryption": "Encriptación de 256-Bit",
"amount_due": "Importe a pagar",
"billing_address": "Dirección de Facturación",
"billing_method": "Método de Facturación",
"order_overview": "Resumen de Pedidos",
"match_address": "* La Dirección de Facturación debe coincidir con la dirección asociada a la Tarjeta de Crédito.",
"click_once": "* Por favor, haga clic en \"Pagar ahora\" sólo una vez - la operación puede tardar hasta un minuto en ser procesada.",
"invoice_footer": "Pie de Página de la Factura",
"save_as_default_footer": "Guardar como Pie de Página predefinido",
"token_management": "Administración de Tokens",
"tokens": "Tokens",
"add_token": "Agregar Token",
"show_deleted_tokens": "Mostrar tokens eliminados",
"deleted_token": "Token eliminado correctamente",
"created_token": "Token creado correctamente",
"updated_token": "Token actualizado correctamente",
"edit_token": "Editar Token",
"delete_token": "Eliminar Token",
"token": "Token",
"add_gateway": "Agregar Pasarela",
"delete_gateway": "Eliminar Pasarela",
"edit_gateway": "Editar Pasarela",
"updated_gateway": "Pasarela actualizada correctamente",
"created_gateway": "Pasarela creada correctamente",
"deleted_gateway": "Pasarela eliminada correctamente",
"pay_with_paypal": "PayPal",
"pay_with_card": "Tarjeta de Crédito",
"change_password": "Cambiar Contraseña",
"current_password": "Contraseña Actual",
"new_password": "Nueva Contraseña",
"confirm_password": "Confirmar Contraseña",
"password_error_incorrect": "La Contraseña actual es incorrecta.",
"password_error_invalid": "La nueva Contraseña no es válida.",
"updated_password": "Contraseña actualizada correctamente",
"api_tokens": "API Tokens",
"users_and_tokens": "Usuarios & Tokens",
"account_login": "Inicio de Sesión con su Cuenta",
"recover_password": "Recuperar Contraseña",
"forgot_password": "¿Olvidó su Contraseña?",
"email_address": "Dirección de Email",
"lets_go": "Acceder",
"password_recovery": "Recuperar Contraseña",
"send_email": "Enviar Email",
"set_password": "Establecer Contraseña",
"converted": "Modificada",
"email_approved": "Avísame por correo cuando un presupuesto sea Aprobado<\/b>",
"notification_quote_approved_subject": "El presupuesto {invoice} fue Aprobado por {client}",
"notification_quote_approved": "El cliente {client} aprobó el presupuesto {invoice} por {amount}.",
"resend_confirmation": "Reenviar correo de Confirmacion",
"confirmation_resent": "El correo de confirmación fué reenviado",
"gateway_help_42": "{link} para registrarse en BitPay.
Nota: Use una Legacy API Key, no un API token.",
"payment_type_credit_card": "Tarjeta de Crédito",
"payment_type_paypal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_gocardless": "GoCardless",
"knowledge_base": "Ayuda",
"partial": "Parcial\/Depósito",
"partial_remaining": "{partial} de {balance}",
"more_fields": "Mas Campos",
"less_fields": "Menos Campos",
"client_name": "Nombre del Cliente",
"pdf_settings": "Configuración del PDF",
"product_settings": "Configuración de Producto",
"auto_wrap": "Auto ajuste de línea",
"duplicate_post": "Atencion: la pagina anterior se ha enviado dos veces. El segundo envío será ignorado.",
"view_documentation": "Ver Documentación",
"app_title": "Facturación Open-Source gratuita",
"app_description": "Invoice Ninja es una solución open-source gratuita para manejar la facturación de tus clientes. Con Invoice Ninja, se pueden crear y enviar hermosas facturas desde cualquier dispositivo que tenga acceso a Internet. Tus clientes pueden imprimir tus facturas, descargarlas en formato PDF o inclusive pagarlas en linea desde esta misma plataforma.",
"rows": "filas",
"www": "www",
"logo": "Logo",
"subdomain": "Subdominio",
"provide_name_or_email": "Por favor introduzca su nombre o email",
"charts_and_reports": "Gráficas e Informes",
"chart": "Gráfica",
"report": "Informe",
"group_by": "Agrupar por",
"paid": "Pagado",
"enable_report": "Informe",
"enable_chart": "Gráfico",
"totals": "Totales",
"run": "Ejecutar",
"export": "Exportar",
"documentation": "Documentación",
"zapier": "Zapier",
"recurring": "Facturas Recurrentes",
"last_invoice_sent": "Última factura enviada el {date}",
"processed_updates": "Actualización correcta",
"tasks": "Tareas",
"new_task": "Nueva tarea",
"start_time": "Hora de Inicio",
"created_task": "Tarea creada correctamente",
"updated_task": "Tarea actualizada correctamente",
"edit_task": "Editar Tarea",
"archive_task": "Archivar Tarea",
"restore_task": "Restaurar Tarea",
"delete_task": "Borrar Tarea",
"stop_task": "Parar Tarea",
"time": "Hora",
"start": "Iniciar",
"stop": "Parar",
"now": "Ahora",
"timer": "Temporizador",
"manual": "Manual",
"date_and_time": "Día y hora",
"second": "segundo",
"seconds": "segundos",
"minute": "minuto",
"minutes": "minutos",
"hour": "hora",
"hours": "horas",
"task_details": "Detalles de Tarea",
"duration": "Duración",
"end_time": "Hora de Fin",
"end": "Fin",
"invoiced": "Facturado",
"logged": "Registrado",
"running": "Ejecutando",
"task_error_multiple_clients": "Las tareas no pueden pertenecer a diferentes clientes",
"task_error_running": "Por favor, primero para las tareas que se estén ejecutandose.",
"task_error_invoiced": "Las tareas ya se han Facturado",
"restored_task": "Tarea restaurada correctamente",
"archived_task": "Tarea archivada correctamente",
"archived_tasks": "{count} tareas archivadas correctamente",
"deleted_task": "Tarea borrada correctamente",
"deleted_tasks": "{count} tareas borradas correctamente",
"create_task": "Crear Tarea",
"stopped_task": "Tarea parada correctamente",
"invoice_task": "Facturar tarea",
"invoice_labels": "Etiquetas de Factura",
"prefix": "Prefijo",
"counter": "Contador",
"payment_type_dwolla": "Dwolla",
"gateway_help_43": "{link} para registrase en Dwolla.",
"partial_value": "Debe ser mayor que 0 y menos que el Total",
"more_actions": "Más Acciones",
"pro_plan_title": "NINJA PRO",
"pro_plan_call_to_action": "Actualízate ahora!",
"pro_plan_feature1": "Crear Clientes Ilimitados",
"pro_plan_feature2": "Acceder a 10 hermosos diseños de Factura",
"pro_plan_feature3": "URLs personalizadas - \"TuMarca.InvoiceNinja.com\"",
"pro_plan_feature4": "Eliminar \"Creado por Invoice Ninja\"",
"pro_plan_feature5": "Acceso Multiusuario y seguimiento de Actividad",
"pro_plan_feature6": "Crear Presupuestos y Facturas Pro-forma",
"pro_plan_feature7": "Personaliza los títulos y numeración de los campos de Factura",
"pro_plan_feature8": "Opción para adjuntar PDFs a los correos de los clientes",
"resume": "Reanudar",
"break_duration": "Pausar",
"edit_details": "Editar Detalles",
"work": "Trabajo",
"timezone_unset": "Por favor {link} para especificar su Uso Horario",
"click_here": "pulse aqui",
"email_receipt": "Enviar Recibo de Pago al cliente",
"created_payment_emailed_client": "Pago creado y enviado al cliente correctamente",
"add_company": "Añadir Compañía",
"untitled": "Sin Título",
"new_company": "Nueva Compañía",
"associated_accounts": "Cuentas conectadas correctamente",
"unlinked_account": "Cuentas desconectadas correctamente",
"login": "Iniciar Sesión",
"or": "o",
"email_error": "Ocurrió un problema enviando el correo",
"confirm_recurring_timing": "Nota: correos enviados cada hora en punto.",
"confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent": "Nota: las facturas son creadas a las horas en punto.",
"payment_terms_help": "Establezca la fecha límite de pago de factura<\/b> por defecto",
"unlink_account": "Desconectar Cuenta",
"unlink": "Desconectar",
"show_address": "Mostrar Dirección",
"show_address_help": "Cliente obligatorio para utilizar su dirección de Facturación",
"update_address": "Actualizar Dirección",
"update_address_help": "Actualizar la direccion del cliente con los datos provistos",
"times": "Tiempos",
"set_now": "Establecer ahora",
"dark_mode": "Modo Oscuro",
"dark_mode_help": "Usar fondo oscuro en barras laterales",
"add_to_invoice": "Añadir a la factura {invoice}",
"create_new_invoice": "Crear una nueva factura",
"task_errors": "Por favor corrija cualquier tiempo que se solape con otro",
"from": "De",
"to": "Para",
"font_size": "Tamaño de Letra",
"primary_color": "Color Primario",
"secondary_color": "Color Secundario",
"customize_design": "Personalizar diseño",
"content": "Contenido",
"styles": "Estilos",
"defaults": "Ajustes Predefinidos",
"margins": "Margenes",
"header": "Cabecera",
"footer": "Pie",
"custom": "Personalizado",
"invoice_to": "Factura para",
"invoice_no": "Nº Factura",
"quote_no": "Nº de Presupuesto",
"recent_payments": "Pagos recientes",
"outstanding": "Pendiente de Cobro",
"manage_companies": "Administración de Compañías",
"total_revenue": "Ingresos Totales",
"current_user": "Usuario Actual",
"new_recurring_invoice": "Nueva Factura Recurrente",
"recurring_invoice": "Factura Recurrente",
"new_recurring_quote": "New recurring quote",
"recurring_quote": "Recurring Quote",
"recurring_too_soon": "Es demasiado pronto para crear la siguiente factura recurrente, esta programada para {date}",
"created_by_invoice": "Creado por {invoice}",
"primary_user": "Usuario Principal",
"help": "Ayuda",
"customize_help": "Usamos {pdfmake_link} para definir los diseños de la factura. Pdfmake {playground_link} provee de una buena forma de ver la librería en acción.<\/p>\n
Si necesitas ayuda para modificar algo, escríbenos una pregunta a nuestro {forum_link} con el diseño que estés usando.<\/p>",
"playground": "playground",
"support_forum": "Foro de soporte",
"invoice_due_date": "Fecha Límite de Pago",
"quote_due_date": "Válido hasta",
"valid_until": "Válido hasta",
"reset_terms": "Reiniciar Términos",
"reset_footer": "Reiniciar pie",
"invoice_sent": "Factura {count} enviada",
"invoices_sent": "{count} facturas enviadas",
"status_draft": "Borrador",
"status_sent": "Enviada",
"status_viewed": "Vista",
"status_partial": "Parcial",
"status_paid": "Pagada",
"status_unpaid": "Impagada",
"status_all": "Todo",
"show_line_item_tax": "Mostrar impuesto para cada Línea de Factura<\/b>",
"iframe_url": "Website",
"iframe_url_help1": "Copia el siguiente código en una página de tu sitio web.",
"iframe_url_help2": "Puedes probar esta funcionalidad pulsando 'Ver como destinatario' de una Factura.",
"auto_bill": "Facturación Automática",
"military_time": "24 Horas",
"last_sent": "Última enviada",
"reminder_emails": "Correos Recordatorio",
"templates_and_reminders": "Plantillas & Recordatorios",
"subject": "Asunto",
"body": "Cuerpo",
"first_reminder": "Primer Recordatorio",
"second_reminder": "Segundo Recordatorio",
"third_reminder": "Tercer Recordatorio",
"num_days_reminder": "Días después de la Fecha Límite de Pago",
"reminder_subject": "Recordatorio: Factura {invoice} de {account}",
"reset": "Reiniciar",
"invoice_not_found": "La Factura solicitada no está disponible",
"referral_program": "Programa de Recomendaciones",
"referral_code": "Codigo de Recomendacion",
"last_sent_on": "Enviado la ultima vez en {date}",
"page_expire": "Esta página expirará en breve, {click_here} para seguir trabajando",
"upcoming_quotes": "Próximos Presupuestos",
"expired_quotes": "Presupuestos Expirados",
"sign_up_using": "Registrarse usando",
"invalid_credentials": "Las credenciales no coinciden con nuestros registros",
"show_all_options": "Mostrar todas las opciones",
"user_details": "Detalles de Usuario",
"oneclick_login": "Cuenta Conectada",
"disable": "Deshabilitado",
"invoice_quote_number": "Números de Factura y Presupuesto",
"invoice_charges": "Recargos de Factura",
"notification_invoice_bounced": "No se pudo entregar la factura {invoice} a {contact}.",
"notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "No se puede entregar la factura {invoice}",
"notification_quote_bounced": "No se pudo entregar el presupuesto {invoice} a {contact}.",
"notification_quote_bounced_subject": "No se puede Entregar el presupuesto {invoice}",
"custom_invoice_link": "Enlace a Factura personalizado",
"total_invoiced": "Total Facturado",
"open_balance": "Saldo Pendiente",
"verify_email": "Por favor, visite el enlace en el correo de confirmación de cuenta para verificar su correo.",
"basic_settings": "Configuración Básica",
"pro": "Pro",
"gateways": "Pasarelas de Pago",
"next_send_on": "Próximo envío: {date}",
"no_longer_running": "Esta factura no esta programada para su ejecución",
"general_settings": "Configuración General",
"customize": "Personalizar",
"oneclick_login_help": "Conectar una cuenta para entrar sin contraseña",
"referral_code_help": "Gana dinero compartiendo nuestra aplicacion online",
"enable_with_stripe": "Habilitado | Requiere Stripe",
"tax_settings": "Configuración de Impuestos",
"create_tax_rate": "Añadir impuesto",
"updated_tax_rate": "Impuesto actualizado correctamente",
"created_tax_rate": "Impuesto creado correctamente",
"edit_tax_rate": "Editar impuesto",
"archive_tax_rate": "Archivar impuesto",
"archived_tax_rate": "Impuesto archivado correctamente",
"default_tax_rate_id": "Impuesto predeterminado",
"tax_rate": "Impuesto",
"recurring_hour": "Hora periódica",
"pattern": "Patrón",
"pattern_help_title": "Ayuda del patrón",
"pattern_help_1": "Crear Números de Factura y de Presupuesto personalizados mediante un Patron",
"pattern_help_2": "Variables disponibles:",
"pattern_help_3": "Por ejemplo, {example} será convertido a {value}",
"see_options": "Ver opciones",
"invoice_counter": "Contador de Factura",
"quote_counter": "Contador de Presupuesto",
"type": "Tipo",
"activity_1": "{user} creó el cliente {client}",
"activity_2": "{user} archivó el cliente {client}",
"activity_3": "{user} borró el cliente {client}",
"activity_4": "{user} archivó la factura {invoice}",
"activity_5": "{user} actualizó la factura {invoice}",
"activity_6": "{user} envió la factura {invoice} to {contact}",
"activity_7": "{contact} vió la factura {invoice}",
"activity_8": "{user} archivó la factura {invoice}",
"activity_9": "{user} borró la factura {invoice}",
"activity_10": "{contact} introdujo el Pago {payment} para {invoice}",
"activity_11": "{user} actualizó el Pago {payment}",
"activity_12": "{user} archivó el pago {payment}",
"activity_13": "{user} borró el pago {payment}",
"activity_14": "{user} introdujo {credit} credito",
"activity_15": "{user} actualizó {credit} credito",
"activity_16": "{user} archivó {credit} credito",
"activity_17": "{user} deleted {credit} credito",
"activity_18": "{user} borró el presupuesto {quote}",
"activity_19": "{user} actualizó el presupuesto {quote}",
"activity_20": "{user} envió el presupuesto {quote} to {contact}",
"activity_21": "{contact} vió el presupuesto {quote}",
"activity_22": "{user} archivó el presupuesto {quote}",
"activity_23": "{user} borró el presupuesto {quote}",
"activity_24": "{user} restauró el presupuesto {quote}",
"activity_25": "{user} restauró la factura {invoice}",
"activity_26": "{user} restauró el cliente {client}",
"activity_27": "{user} restauró el pago {payment}",
"activity_28": "{user} restauró {credit} credito",
"activity_29": "{contact} aprobó el presupuesto {quote}",
"activity_30": "{user} creó al vendedor {vendor}",
"activity_31": "{user} archivó al vendedor {vendor}",
"activity_32": "{user} eliminó al vendedor {vendor}",
"activity_33": "{user} restauró al vendedor {vendor}",
"activity_34": "{user} creó el gasto {expense}",
"activity_35": "{user} archivó el gasto {expense}",
"activity_36": "{user} eliminó el gasto {expense}",
"activity_37": "{user} restauró el gasto {expense}",
"activity_42": "{user} creó la tarea {task}",
"activity_43": "{user} actualizó la tarea {task}",
"activity_44": "{user} archivó la tarea {task}",
"activity_45": "{user} eliminó la tarea {task}",
"activity_46": "{user} restauró la tarea {task}",
"activity_47": "{user} actualizó el gasto {expense}",
"payment": "Pago",
"system": "Sistema",
"signature": "Firma del correo",
"default_messages": "Mensajes Predefinidos",
"quote_terms": "Términos del Presupuesto",
"default_quote_terms": "Términos del Presupuesto predefinidos",
"default_invoice_terms": "Términos de Factura Predeterminado",
"default_invoice_footer": "Pie de Página de Factura Predeterminado",
"quote_footer": "Pie del Presupuesto",
"free": "Gratis",
"quote_is_approved": "Aprobado correctamente",
"apply_credit": "Aplicar Crédito",
"system_settings": "Configuración del Sistema",
"archive_token": "Archivar Token",
"archived_token": "Token archivado correctamente",
"archive_user": "Archivar Usuario",
"archived_user": "Usuario archivado correctamente",
"archive_account_gateway": "Archivar Pasarela",
"archived_account_gateway": "Pasarela archivada correctamente",
"archive_recurring_invoice": "Archivar Factura Recurrente",
"archived_recurring_invoice": "Factura recurrente archivada correctamente",
"delete_recurring_invoice": "Borrar Factura Recurrente",
"deleted_recurring_invoice": "Factura recurrente borrada correctamente",
"restore_recurring_invoice": "Restaurar Factura Recurrente ",
"restored_recurring_invoice": "Factura recurrente restaurada correctamente",
"archive_recurring_quote": "Archive Recurring Quote",
"archived_recurring_quote": "Successfully archived recurring quote",
"delete_recurring_quote": "Delete Recurring Quote",
"deleted_recurring_quote": "Successfully deleted recurring quote",
"restore_recurring_quote": "Restore Recurring Quote",
"restored_recurring_quote": "Successfully restored recurring quote",
"archived": "Archivado",
"untitled_account": "Compañía sin Nombre",
"before": "Antes",
"after": "Después",
"reset_terms_help": "Reiniciar los términos por defecto de la cuenta",
"reset_footer_help": "Reiniciar el pie de página por defecto de la cuenta",
"export_data": "Exportar",
"user": "Usuario",
"country": "Pais",
"include": "Incluir",
"logo_too_large": "El logo es {size}, para un buen rendimiento del PDF, sugerimos cargar una imagen de menos de 200KB",
"import_freshbooks": "Importar desde FreshBooks",
"import_data": "Importar datos",
"source": "Origen",
"csv": "CSV",
"client_file": "Fichero de Clientes",
"invoice_file": "Fichero de Factura",
"task_file": "Fichero de Tareas",
"no_mapper": "Mapeo no válido para el fichero",
"invalid_csv_header": "Cabecera CSV no Válida",
"client_portal": "Portal Cliente",
"admin": "Admin.",
"disabled": "Deshabilitado",
"show_archived_users": "Mostrar usuarios archivados",
"notes": "Notas",
"invoice_will_create": "la factura será creada",
"invoices_will_create": "facturas serán creadas",
"failed_to_import": "Los siguientes registros fallaron al importar",
"publishable_key": "Clave pública",
"secret_key": "Clave Privada",
"missing_publishable_key": "Establece tu clave publica de Stripe para mejorar el proceso de checkout",
"email_design": "Diseño de Correo",
"due_by": "A pagar el {date}",
"enable_email_markup": "Habilitar Markup",
"enable_email_markup_help": "Haga que sea fácil para sus clientes que paguen mediante la adición de marcas \"schema.org\" a sus correos electrónicos.",
"template_help_title": "Ayuda",
"template_help_1": "Variables disponibles:",
"email_design_id": "Estilo de Correo",
"email_design_help": "Haga que sus mensajes de email tengan un aspecto más profesional con diseños HTML",
"plain": "Plano",
"light": "Claro",
"dark": "Oscuro",
"industry_help": "Usado para proporcionar comparaciones de las medias de empresas de sectores y tamaño similares.",
"subdomain_help": "Asigne el subdominio o mostrar la factura en su propio sitio web.",
"website_help": "Mostrar la factura en un iFrame de su sitio web",
"invoice_number_help": "Especifique un prefijo o utilice un patrón a medida para establecer dinámicamente el número de Factura.",
"quote_number_help": "Especifique un prefijo o utilice un patrón a medida para establecer dinámicamente el número de presupuesto.",
"custom_client_fields_helps": "Añadir un campo al crear un Cliente y opcionalmente mostrar la etiqueta y su valor en el PDF.",
"custom_account_fields_helps": "Añadir una etiqueta y su valor a la sección de detalles de la empresa del PDF.",
"custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Añadir un campo al crear una Factura y opcionalmente mostrar la etiqueta y su valor en el PDF.",
"custom_invoice_charges_helps": "Añadir un campo al crear una Factura e incluir el cargo en el subtotal de la Factura.",
"token_expired": "Token de validación ha caducado. Por favor, vuelva a intentarlo.",
"invoice_link": "Enlace a Factura",
"button_confirmation_message": "Pulse aqui para confirmar su dirección de correo.",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"email_preferences": "Preferencias de Correo",
"created_invoices": "{count} factura(s) creada(s) correctamente",
"next_invoice_number": "El próximo número de Factura es {number}.",
"next_quote_number": "El próximo número de presupuesto es {number}.",
"days_before": "días antes de",
"days_after": "días después de",
"field_due_date": "Fecha de Pago",
"field_invoice_date": "Fecha de Factura",
"schedule": "Programar",
"email_designs": "Diseños de correo",
"assigned_when_sent": "Asignado al enviar",
"white_label_purchase_link": "Comprar licencia de marca blanca",
"expense": "Gasto",
"expenses": "Gastos",
"new_expense": "Nuevo Gasto",
"enter_expense": "Introducir Gasto",
"vendors": "Proveedores",
"new_vendor": "Nuevo Proveedor",
"payment_terms_net": "Net",
"vendor": "Proveedor",
"edit_vendor": "Editar Proveedor",
"archive_vendor": "Archivar Proveedor",
"delete_vendor": "Borrar Proveedor",
"view_vendor": "Ver Proveedor",
"deleted_expense": "Gasto borrado correctamente",
"archived_expense": "Gasto archivado correctamente",
"deleted_expenses": "Gastos borrados correctamente",
"archived_expenses": "Gastos archivados correctamente",
"expense_amount": "Importe del Gasto",
"expense_balance": "Saldo del Gasto",
"expense_date": "Fecha",
"expense_should_be_invoiced": "¿Este gasto debe ser facturado?",
"public_notes": "Notas",
"invoice_amount": "Importe de Factura",
"exchange_rate": "Tipo de Cambio",
"yes": "Sí",
"no": "No",
"should_be_invoiced": "Debe ser Facturado",
"view_expense": "Ver gasto # {expense}",
"edit_expense": "Editar Gasto",
"archive_expense": "Archivar Gasto",
"delete_expense": "Borrar Gasto",
"view_expense_num": "Gasto # {expense}",
"updated_expense": "Gasto actualizado correctamente",
"created_expense": "Gasto creado correctamente",
"view": "Ver",
"restore_expense": "Restaurar Gasto",
"invoice_expense": "Facturar Gasto",
"expense_error_multiple_clients": "Los gastos no pertenecen a diferentes clientes",
"expense_error_invoiced": "El gasto ya ha sido facturado",
"convert_currency": "Convertir moneda",
"num_days": "Número de Días",
"create_payment_term": "Crear Términos de Pago",
"edit_payment_terms": "Editar los Términos de Pago",
"edit_payment_term": "Editar el Términos de Pago",
"archive_payment_term": "Archivar Términos de Pago",
"recurring_due_dates": "Fecha de Vencimiento de Factura Recurrente",
"recurring_due_date_help": "
Establece automáticamente una fecha de vencimiento para la factura.<\/p>\n
Las facturas en un ciclo mensual o anual que vencen en o antes del día en que se crearán vencerán el próximo mes. Las facturas que vencen el 29 o 30 en meses que no tienen ese día se vencen el último día del mes.<\/p>\n
Las facturas de un ciclo semanal que vence el día de la semana en que se crearán se vencerán la próxima semana.<\/p>\n
Por ejemplo:<\/p>\n
\n- Hoy es el día 15, la fecha de vencimiento es el 1 de cada mes. La fecha de vencimiento probablemente sea el día 1 del próximo mes.<\/li>\n
- Hoy es el día 15, la fecha de vencimiento es el último día del mes. La fecha de vencimiento será el último día de este mes.<\/li>\n
- Hoy es el día 15, la fecha de vencimiento es el día 15 del mes. La fecha de vencimiento será el día 15 del mes próximo.<\/strong><\/li>\n
- Hoy es el viernes, la fecha límite es el primer viernes después. La fecha de vencimiento será el próximo viernes, no hoy.<\/li><\/ul>",
"due": "Vencimiento",
"next_due_on": "Próximo Vencimiento: {date}",
"use_client_terms": "Utilizar términos del cliente",
"day_of_month": "{ordinal} día del mes",
"last_day_of_month": "Último día del mes",
"day_of_week_after": "{ordinal} {day} despues",
"sunday": "Domingo",
"monday": "Lunes",
"tuesday": "Martes",
"wednesday": "Miércoles",
"thursday": "Jueves",
"friday": "Viernes",
"saturday": "Sábado",
"header_font_id": "Tipo de letra de la cabecera",
"body_font_id": "Tipo de letra del cuerpo",
"color_font_help": "Nota: el color primario y las fuentes también se utilizan en el portal del cliente y los diseños de correo electrónico personalizados.",
"live_preview": "Previsualización en vivo",
"invalid_mail_config": "Imposible enviar el correo, por favor, comprobar que la configuración de correo es correcta.",
"invoice_message_button": "Para ver su Factura con importe {amount}, pulse el siguiente botón.",
"quote_message_button": "Para ver su presupuesto con importe {amount}, pulse el siguiente botón.",
"payment_message_button": "Gracias por su Pago de {amount}.",
"payment_type_direct_debit": "Débito Automático",
"bank_accounts": "Cuentas Bancarias",
"add_bank_account": "Añadir Cuenta Bancaria",
"setup_account": "Configurar Cuenta",
"import_expenses": "Importar Gastos",
"bank_id": "Banco",
"integration_type": "Tipo de Integración",
"updated_bank_account": "Cuenta bancaria actualizada correctamente",
"edit_bank_account": "Editar Cuenta Bancaria",
"archive_bank_account": "Archivar Cuenta Bancaria",
"archived_bank_account": "Cuenta bancaria archivada correctamente",
"created_bank_account": "Cuenta bancaria creada correctamente",
"validate_bank_account": "Validar Cuenta Bancaria",
"bank_password_help": "Nota: tu password se transmite de manera segura y nunca se almacenará en nuestros servidores.",
"bank_password_warning": "Atención! tu password puede estar transmitida como texto plano, considera habilitar HTTPS.",
"username": "Usuario",
"account_number": "Número de Cuenta",
"account_name": "Nombre de Cuenta",
"bank_account_error": "Fallo al obtener los detalles de la cuenta, por favor comprueba tus credenciales.",
"status_approved": "Aprobado",
"quote_settings": "Configuración de Presupuestos",
"auto_convert_quote": "Auto Convertir",
"auto_convert_quote_help": "Convertir un Presupuesto en Factura automáticamente cuando lo apruebe el cliente.",
"validate": "Validar",
"info": "Info",
"imported_expenses": " {count_vendors} proveedor(es) y {count_expenses} gasto(s) importados correctamente",
"iframe_url_help3": "Nota: Si piensas aceptar tarjetas de credito recomendamos tener habilitado HTTPS.",
"expense_error_multiple_currencies": "Los gastos no pueden tener diferentes monedas",
"expense_error_mismatch_currencies": "La moneda del cliente no coincide con la moneda del gasto.",
"trello_roadmap": "Trello Roadmap",
"header_footer": "Cabecera\/Pie",
"first_page": "Primera página",
"all_pages": "Todas las páginas",
"last_page": "Última página",
"all_pages_header": "Mostrar Cabecera en",
"all_pages_footer": "Mostrar Pie en",
"invoice_currency": "Moneda de la Factura",
"enable_https": "Recomendamos encarecidamente usar HTTPS para aceptar detalles de tarjetas de credito online",
"quote_issued_to": "Presupuesto emitido a",
"show_currency_code": "Código de Moneda",
"free_year_message": "Tu cuenta ha sido actualizada al Plan Pro por un año sin ningun coste.",
"trial_message": "Tu cuenta recibirá dos semanas gratuitas de nuestro plan Pro.",
"trial_footer": "Tu prueba gratuita del Plan Pro termina en {count} días, {link} para actualizar ahora.",
"trial_footer_last_day": "Hoy es tu último dia de prueba gratuita del Plan Pro, {link} para actualizar ahora.",
"trial_call_to_action": "Iniciar periodo de Prueba",
"trial_success": "Habilitado correctamente el periodo de dos semanas de prueba Pro ",
"overdue": "Atraso",
"white_label_text": "Compra UN AÑO de Licencia de Marca Blanca por ${price} y elimina la marca Invoice Ninja de la Factura y del Portal de Cliente.",
"user_email_footer": "Para ajustar la configuración de las notificaciones de tu email, visita {link}",
"reset_password_footer": "Si no has solicitado un cambio de contraseña, por favor contactate con nosostros: {email}",
"limit_users": "Lo sentimos, esta acción excederá el límite de {limit} usarios",
"more_designs_self_host_header": "Obtenga 6 diseños más para Facturas por sólo ${price}",
"old_browser": "Por favor usa un {link}",
"newer_browser": "navegador nuevo",
"white_label_custom_css": "{link} para ${price} para permitir un estilo personalizado y ayudar a respaldar nuestro proyecto.",
"bank_accounts_help": "Conecta una cuenta bancaria para importar automáticamente gastos y crear proveedores. Soporta American Express y {link}.",
"us_banks": "400+ US banks",
"pro_plan_remove_logo": "{link} haz click para eliminar el logo de Invoice Ninja",
"pro_plan_remove_logo_link": "Haz click aquí",
"invitation_status_sent": "Enviado",
"invitation_status_opened": "Abierto",
"invitation_status_viewed": "Visto",
"email_error_inactive_client": "No se pueden enviar correos a Clientes inactivos",
"email_error_inactive_contact": "No se pueden enviar correos a Contactos inactivos",
"email_error_inactive_invoice": "No se pueden enviar correos de Facturas inactivas",
"email_error_inactive_proposal": "No se pueden enviar correos a Propuestas inactivas",
"email_error_user_unregistered": "Por favor registra tu cuenta para enviar correos",
"email_error_user_unconfirmed": "Por favor confirma tu cuenta para enviar correos",
"email_error_invalid_contact_email": "Correo de contacto no válido",
"navigation": "Navegación",
"list_invoices": "Lista de Facturas",
"list_clients": "Lista de Clientes",
"list_quotes": "Lista de Presupuestos",
"list_tasks": "Lista de Tareas",
"list_expenses": "Lista de Gastos",
"list_recurring_invoices": "Lista de Facturas Recurrentes",
"list_payments": "Lista de Pagos",
"list_credits": "Lista de Creditos",
"tax_name": "Nombre de Impuesto",
"report_settings": "Configuración de Informes",
"search_hotkey": "Atajo es \/",
"new_user": "Nuevo Usuario",
"new_product": "Nuevo Producto",
"new_tax_rate": "Nuevo Impuesto",
"invoiced_amount": "Importe Facturado",
"invoice_item_fields": "Campos de Línea de Factura",
"custom_invoice_item_fields_help": "Añadir un campo al crear un concepto de factura y mostrar la etiqueta y su valor en el PDF.",
"recurring_invoice_number": "Número Recurrente",
"recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help": "Indica el prefijo a añadir al número de factura para las facturas recurrentes.",
"enable_portal_password": "Proteger Facturas con Contraseña",
"enable_portal_password_help": "Habilite para seleccionar una contraseña para cada contacto. Si una contraseña esta especificada, se le será solicitada al contacto para acceder a sus facturas.",
"send_portal_password": "Generada Automaticamente",
"send_portal_password_help": "Si no se especifica password, se generará una y se enviará junto con la primera Factura.",
"expired": "Expirada",
"invalid_card_number": "El Número de Tarjeta de Credito no es válido",
"invalid_expiry": "La fecha de vencimiento no es válida.",
"invalid_cvv": "El CVV no es válido.",
"cost": "Coste",
"create_invoice_for_sample": "Nota: cree una factura para previsualizarla aquí.",
"owner": "Propietario",
"administrator": "Administrador",
"administrator_help": "Permitir que administre usuarios, cambie configuración y modifique cualquier registro",
"user_create_all": "Crear clientes, facturas, etc.",
"user_view_all": "Ver todos los clientes, facturas, etc.",
"user_edit_all": "Editar todos los clientes, facturas, etc.",
"gateway_help_20": "{link} para registrarse en Sage Pay.",
"gateway_help_21": "{link} para registrarse en Sage Pay.",
"partial_due": "Vencimiento parcial",
"restore_vendor": "Restablecer Proveedor",
"restored_vendor": "Proveedor restaurado correctamente",
"restored_expense": "Gasto restaurado correctamente",
"permissions": "Permisos",
"create_all_help": "Permitir al usuario crear y modificar registros",
"view_all_help": "Permitir al usuario ver registros. No podrán crearlos",
"edit_all_help": "Permitir al usuario modificar registros. No podrán crearlos",
"view_payment": "Ver Pago",
"january": "Enero",
"february": "Febrero",
"march": "Marzo",
"april": "Abril",
"may": "Mayo",
"june": "Junio",
"july": "Julio",
"august": "Agosto",
"september": "Septiembre",
"october": "Octubre",
"november": "Noviembre",
"december": "Diciembre",
"documents_header": "Documentos:",
"email_documents_header": "Documentos:",
"email_documents_example_1": "Widgets Receipt.pdf",
"email_documents_example_2": "Final Deliverable.zip",
"quote_documents": "Documentos de Presupuesto",
"invoice_documents": "Documentos de Factura",
"expense_documents": "Documentos de Gasto",
"invoice_embed_documents": "Documentos anexados",
"invoice_embed_documents_help": "Incluye imagenes adjuntas en la factura",
"document_email_attachment": "Adjuntar documentos",
"ubl_email_attachment": "Adjuntar URL",
"download_documents": "Descargar documentos ({size})",
"documents_from_expenses": "De los Gastos:",
"dropzone_default_message": "Arrastra ficheros aquí o Haz clic para subir",
"dropzone_fallback_message": "Tu navegador no soporta carga de archivos mediante drag'n'drop.",
"dropzone_fallback_text": "Utilice el siguiente formulario para cargar sus archivos como en los viejos tiempos.",
"dropzone_file_too_big": "El archivo es demasiado grande ({{filesize}}MiB). Tamaño máximo: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.",
"dropzone_invalid_file_type": "No puede subir archivos de este tipo.",
"dropzone_response_error": "El servidor respondió con el código {{statusCode}}.",
"dropzone_cancel_upload": "Cancelar carga de archivos",
"dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que deseas cancelar esta carga?",
"dropzone_remove_file": "Borrar archivo",
"documents": "Documentos",
"document_date": "Fecha",
"document_size": "Tamaño",
"enable_client_portal": "Panel de Control",
"enable_client_portal_help": "Mostrar u ocultar la página del Panel de Control en el portal del cliente..",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard": "Panel de Control",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard_help": "Mostrar u ocultar la página del Panel de Control en el portal del cliente.",
"account_management": "Administración de la Cuenta",
"plan_status": "Estado del Plan",
"plan_upgrade": "Mejorar",
"plan_change": "Cambiar de Plan",
"pending_change_to": "Cambios para",
"plan_changes_to": "{plan} en {date}",
"plan_term_changes_to": "{plan} ({term}) el {date}",
"cancel_plan_change": "Cancelar cambio",
"plan": "Plan",
"expires": "Vence",
"renews": "Se Renueva",
"plan_expired": "{plan} Plan Vencido",
"trial_expired": "{plan} Plan Prueba Terminado",
"never": "Nunca",
"plan_free": "Gratis",
"plan_pro": "Pro",
"plan_enterprise": "Enterprise",
"plan_white_label": "Alojamiento Propio (Marca Blanca)",
"plan_free_self_hosted": "Alojamiento Propio (Gratis)",
"plan_trial": "Prueba",
"plan_term": "Término",
"plan_term_monthly": "Mensual",
"plan_term_yearly": "Anual",
"plan_term_month": "Mes",
"plan_term_year": "Año",
"plan_price_monthly": "${price}\/Mes",
"plan_price_yearly": "${price}\/Año",
"updated_plan": "Configuración del plan actualizada",
"plan_paid": "Term Iniciado",
"plan_started": "Plan Iniciado",
"plan_expires": "Plan Vencido",
"white_label_button": "Marca Blanca",
"pro_plan_year_description": "Un año de inscripción en el Plan Invoice Ninja Pro.",
"pro_plan_month_description": "Un mes de inscripción en el Plan Invoice Ninja Pro.",
"enterprise_plan_product": "Plan Enterprise ",
"enterprise_plan_year_description": "Un año de inscripción en el Plan Invoice Ninja Enterprise .",
"enterprise_plan_month_description": "Un mes de inscripción en el Plan Invoice Ninja Enterprise .",
"plan_credit_product": "Crédito",
"plan_credit_description": "Crédito por tiempo no utilizado",
"plan_pending_monthly": "Cambiará a mensualmente el {date}",
"plan_refunded": "Se ha emitido un reembolso.",
"page_size": "Tamaño de Pagina",
"live_preview_disabled": "La Vista Previa en vivo se ha deshabilitado para admitir la fuente seleccionada.",
"invoice_number_padding": "Relleno",
"preview": "Vista Previa",
"list_vendors": "Lista de Proveedores",
"add_users_not_supported": "Upgrade to the Enterprise plan to add additional users to your account.",
"enterprise_plan_features": "The Enterprise plan adds support for multiple users and file attachments, {link} to see the full list of features.",
"return_to_app": "Regresar a la Applicacion",
"refund_payment": "Reembolsar Pago",
"refund_max": "Max:",
"refund": "Reembolo",
"are_you_sure_refund": "Reembolsar los Pagos seleccionados?",
"status_pending": "Pendiente",
"status_completed": "Completado",
"status_failed": "Fallido",
"status_partially_refunded": "Parcialmente Reembolsado",
"status_partially_refunded_amount": "{amount} Reembolsados",
"status_refunded": "Reembolsado",
"status_voided": "Cancelado",
"refunded_payment": "Pago Reembolsado",
"activity_39": "{user} cancelo {payment_amount} del pago {payment}",
"activity_40": "{user} reembolsó {adjustment} de {payment_amount} del pago {payment}",
"card_expiration": "Exp: {expires}",
"card_creditcardother": "Desconocido",
"card_americanexpress": "American Express",
"card_carteblanche": "Carte Blanche",
"card_unionpay": "UnionPay",
"card_diners": "Diners Club",
"card_discover": "Discover",
"card_jcb": "JCB",
"card_laser": "Laser",
"card_maestro": "Maestro",
"card_mastercard": "MasterCard",
"card_solo": "Solo",
"card_switch": "Switch",
"card_visacard": "Visa",
"card_ach": "ACH",
"payment_type_stripe": "Stripe",
"ach": "ACH",
"enable_ach": "Habilitar ACH",
"stripe_ach_help": "El soporte de ACH debe ser habilitado en {link}.",
"ach_disabled": "Ya existe otra pasarela configurada para débito directo.",
"plaid": "Pagado",
"client_id": "Id del cliente",
"secret": "Secreto",
"public_key": "Llave pública",
"plaid_optional": "(opcional)",
"plaid_environment_help": "Cuando se de una clave de prueba de Stripe, se utilizará un entorno de desarrollo de Plaid.",
"other_providers": "Otros proveedores",
"country_not_supported": "Este país no está soportado.",
"invalid_routing_number": "El número de routing no es valido.",
"invalid_account_number": "El número de cuenta no es valido",
"account_number_mismatch": "Los números de cuenta no coinciden.",
"missing_account_holder_type": "Seleccione una cuenta individual o de empresa.",
"missing_account_holder_name": "Por favor ingrese el nombre del titular de la cuenta.",
"routing_number": "Número de ruta",
"confirm_account_number": "Confirmar número de cuenta",
"individual_account": "Cuenta individual",
"company_account": "Cuenta de la compañia",
"account_holder_name": "Nombre del titular de la cuenta",
"add_account": "Añadir Cuenta ",
"payment_methods": "Métodos de pago",
"complete_verification": "Completar Verificación ",
"verification_amount1": "Cantidad 1",
"verification_amount2": "Cantidad 2",
"payment_method_verified": "Verificación completada correctamente",
"verification_failed": "Fallo en la verificación",
"remove_payment_method": "Borrar Método de pago",
"confirm_remove_payment_method": "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar este método de pago?",
"remove": "Borrar",
"payment_method_removed": "Se eliminó el método de pago.",
"bank_account_verification_help": "Hemos realizado dos depósitos en su cuenta con la descripción \"VERIFICACIÓN\". Estos depósitos demorarán entre 1 y 2 días hábiles en aparecer en su estado de cuenta. Por favor ingrese los montos a continuación.",
"bank_account_verification_next_steps": "Hemos realizado dos depósitos en su cuenta con la descripción \"VERIFICACIÓN\". Estos depósitos demorarán entre 1 y 2 días hábiles en aparecer en su estado de cuenta.\nUna vez que tenga los montos, vuelva a esta página de métodos de pago y haga clic en \"Verificación completa\" junto a la cuenta.",
"unknown_bank": "Banco Desconocido",
"ach_verification_delay_help": "Podrás usar la cuenta después de completar la verificación. La verificación generalmente demora entre 1 y 2 días hábiles.",
"add_credit_card": "Añadir Tarjeta de crédito",
"payment_method_added": "Se añadio el método de pago.",
"use_for_auto_bill": "Usar para Auto-factura",
"used_for_auto_bill": "Método de pago de Auto-factura",
"payment_method_set_as_default": "Establecer el método de pago de Auto-factura.",
"activity_41": "Fallo el pago de {payment_amount} para ({payment}) ",
"webhook_url": "Webhook URL",
"stripe_webhook_help": "Debes {link}.",
"stripe_webhook_help_link_text": "agregue esta URL como endpoint en Stripe",
"gocardless_webhook_help_link_text": "añade ésta URL como endpoint en GoCardless",
"payment_method_error": "Se produjo un error al agregar su método de pago. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject": "Pago fallido para la Factura {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed": "Un pago realizado por el cliente {client} hacia la factura {invoice} falló. El pago ha sido marcado como fallido y {amount} se ha agregado al saldo del cliente.",
"link_with_plaid": "Enlace de cuenta al instante con Plaid",
"link_manually": "Enlazar Manualmente",
"secured_by_plaid": "Asegurada por Plaid",
"plaid_linked_status": "Su cuenta bancaria en {bank}",
"add_payment_method": "Añadir Método de pago",
"account_holder_type": "Tipo de titular de la cuenta",
"ach_authorization": "Autorizo a {company} a usar mi cuenta bancaria para pagos futuros y, si es necesario, acreditar electrónicamente mi cuenta para corregir los débitos erróneos. Entiendo que puedo cancelar esta autorización en cualquier momento eliminando el método de pago o contactando {email} .",
"ach_authorization_required": "Debe dar su consentimiento a las transacciones de ACH.",
"off": "Apagado",
"opt_in": "Optar en",
"opt_out": "Optar por no",
"always": "Siempre",
"opted_out": "Optado",
"opted_in": "Optado en",
"manage_auto_bill": "Administrar Auto-factura",
"enabled": "Habilitado",
"paypal": "PayPal",
"braintree_enable_paypal": "Habilitar pagos de PayPal a través de BrainTree",
"braintree_paypal_disabled_help": "La pasarela de PayPal está procesando los pagos de PayPal",
"braintree_paypal_help": "Usted también debe {link}.",
"braintree_paypal_help_link_text": "enlace PayPal a su cuenta BrainTree",
"token_billing_braintree_paypal": "Guardar detalles de pago",
"add_paypal_account": "Añadir Cuenta de PayPal ",
"no_payment_method_specified": "Metodo de pago no especificado",
"chart_type": "Tipo de Grafica",
"format": "Formato",
"import_ofx": "Importar OFX",
"ofx_file": "Fichero OFX",
"ofx_parse_failed": "Fallo el proceso del Fichero OFX",
"wepay": "WePay",
"sign_up_with_wepay": "Registrarse con WePay",
"use_another_provider": "Usa otro proveedor",
"company_name": "Nombre de la Empresa",
"wepay_company_name_help": "Esto aparecerá en los estados de cuenta de la tarjeta de crédito del cliente.",
"wepay_description_help": "La finalidad de esta cuenta.",
"wepay_tos_agree": "Acepto las {link}.",
"wepay_tos_link_text": "Términos de Empleo de WePay",
"resend_confirmation_email": "Reenviar Email de Confirmación",
"manage_account": "Administrar cuenta",
"action_required": "Acción requerida",
"finish_setup": "Completar Configuración",
"created_wepay_confirmation_required": "Por favor revisa tu correo electrónico y confirma tu dirección de correo con WePay.",
"switch_to_wepay": "Cambiar a WePay",
"switch": "Cambiar",
"restore_account_gateway": "Restaurar Pasarela",
"restored_account_gateway": "Pasarela restaurada correctamente",
"united_states": "Estados Unidos",
"canada": "Canada",
"accept_debit_cards": "Aceptar Tarjetas de Débito",
"debit_cards": "Tarjetas de Débito",
"warn_start_date_changed": "La siguiente Factura se enviará en la nueva fecha de inicio.",
"warn_start_date_changed_not_sent": "La siguiente Factura se creará en la nueva fecha de inicio.",
"original_start_date": "Fecha de inicio original",
"new_start_date": "Nueva fecha de inicio",
"security": "Seguridad",
"see_whats_new": "Qué hay de nuevo en v{version}",
"wait_for_upload": "Por favor, espere a que se carge el documento.",
"upgrade_for_permissions": "Actualicese a nuestro Plan Enterprise para habilitar permisos",
"enable_second_tax_rate": "Habilitar la posibilidad de especificar un segundo impuesto<\/b>",
"payment_file": "Fichero de Pagos",
"expense_file": "Fichero de Gastos",
"product_file": "Fichero de Productos",
"import_products": "Importar Productos",
"products_will_create": "productos seran creados",
"product_key": "Producto",
"created_products": "{count} producto(s) creados\/actualizados correctamente.",
"export_help": "Utilice JSON si planea importar los datos en Invoice Ninja.
El fichero incluye clientes, productos, facturas, presupuestos y pagos.",
"selfhost_export_help": "
Recomendamos usar mysqldump para crear una copia de seguridad completa.",
"JSON_file": "Fichero JSON",
"view_dashboard": "Ver Escritorio",
"client_session_expired": "Sesión Caducada",
"client_session_expired_message": "Su sesión a expirado. Por favor, pulse en el enlace de su correo de nuevo.",
"auto_bill_notification": "Esta factura se facturará automáticamente en su {payment_method} en el archivo el {due_date}.",
"auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer": "Cuenta Bancaria",
"auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card": "Tarjeta de Crédito",
"auto_bill_payment_method_paypal": "Cuenta PayPal",
"auto_bill_notification_placeholder": "Esta factura se facturará automáticamente en su Tarjeta de Credito en el archivo en la fecha de vencimiento.",
"payment_settings": "Configuración de Pago",
"on_send_date": "En la fecha de envío",
"on_due_date": "En la fecha de vencimiento",
"auto_bill_ach_date_help": "ACH siempre facturará automaticamente a fecha de vencimiento",
"warn_change_auto_bill": "Debido a las reglas de NACHA, los cambios en esta factura pueden evitar la factura automática de ACH.",
"bank_account": "Cuenta Bancaria",
"payment_processed_through_wepay": "Los pagos ACH se procesaran usando WePay",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree": "Estoy de acuerdo con los {terms} y {privacy_policy} de WePay.",
"privacy_policy": "Política de Privacidad",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree_required": "Debe de estar de acuerdo con los Términos de servicio y la Política de Privacidad de WePay.",
"ach_email_prompt": "Por favor introduzca su dirección de correo:",
"verification_pending": "Verificación Pendiente",
"update_font_cache": "Por favor, refresque de nuevo la pagina para actualizar el cache de tipos de letra.",
"more_options": "Mas opciones",
"credit_card": "Tarjeta de Crédito",
"bank_transfer": "Transferencia bancaria",
"no_transaction_reference": "No hemos recibido la referencia de la transaccion de pago desde la pasarela.",
"use_bank_on_file": "Usar Banco en fichero",
"auto_bill_email_message": "Esta factura se facturará automáticamente en su Tarjeta de Credito en el archivo en la fecha de vencimiento.",
"bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"gocardless": "GoCardless",
"added_on": "Añadido el {date}",
"failed_remove_payment_method": "Falló la eliminación del Método de pago",
"gateway_exists": "Esta pasarela ya existe",
"manual_entry": "Entrada manual",
"first_day_of_week": "Primer día de la semana",
"freq_inactive": "Inactivo",
"freq_daily": "Diariamente",
"freq_weekly": "Semanal",
"freq_biweekly": "Quincenal",
"freq_two_weeks": "Dos semanas",
"freq_four_weeks": "Cuatro semanas",
"freq_monthly": "Mensual",
"freq_three_months": "Tres meses",
"freq_four_months": "Cuatro meses",
"freq_six_months": "Seis meses",
"freq_annually": "Anual",
"freq_two_years": "Dos Años",
"payment_type_Apply Credit": "Aplicar Crédito",
"payment_type_Bank Transfer": "Transferencia bancaria",
"payment_type_Cash": "Efectivo",
"payment_type_Debit": "Débito",
"payment_type_ACH": "ACH",
"payment_type_Visa Card": "Tarjeta VISA",
"payment_type_MasterCard": "MasterCard",
"payment_type_American Express": "American Express",
"payment_type_Discover Card": "Tarjeta Discover",
"payment_type_Diners Card": "Tarjeta Diners",
"payment_type_EuroCard": "EuroCard",
"payment_type_Nova": "Nova",
"payment_type_Credit Card Other": "Otras tarjetas de crédito",
"payment_type_PayPal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_Google Wallet": "Google Wallet",
"payment_type_Check": "Cheque",
"payment_type_Carte Blanche": "Carte Blanche",
"payment_type_UnionPay": "UnionPay",
"payment_type_JCB": "JCB",
"payment_type_Laser": "Laser",
"payment_type_Maestro": "Maestro",
"payment_type_Solo": "Solo",
"payment_type_Switch": "Switch",
"payment_type_iZettle": "iZettle",
"payment_type_Swish": "Swish",
"payment_type_Alipay": "Alipay",
"payment_type_Sofort": "Sofort",
"payment_type_SEPA": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"payment_type_Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_GoCardless": "GoCardless",
"industry_Accounting & Legal": "Contabilidad y legal",
"industry_Advertising": "Publicidad",
"industry_Aerospace": "Aerospacial",
"industry_Agriculture": "Agricultura",
"industry_Automotive": "Automoción",
"industry_Banking & Finance": "Banca y finanzas",
"industry_Biotechnology": "Biotecnología",
"industry_Broadcasting": "Ciencias de la información",
"industry_Business Services": "Servicios empresariales",
"industry_Commodities & Chemicals": "Química y productos",
"industry_Communications": "Comunicaciones",
"industry_Computers & Hightech": "Informática y alta tecnología",
"industry_Defense": "Defensa",
"industry_Energy": "Energía",
"industry_Entertainment": "Entretenimiento",
"industry_Government": "Gubernamental",
"industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences": "Sanidad y biología",
"industry_Insurance": "Seguros",
"industry_Manufacturing": "Producción",
"industry_Marketing": "Marketing",
"industry_Media": "Medios",
"industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed": "ONGs y educación superior",
"industry_Pharmaceuticals": "Farmacéutico",
"industry_Professional Services & Consulting": "Servicios profesionales y de consultoría",
"industry_Real Estate": "Inmobiliario",
"industry_Restaurant & Catering": "Restaurante & Catering",
"industry_Retail & Wholesale": "Minorista y mayorista",
"industry_Sports": "Deportes",
"industry_Transportation": "Transporte",
"industry_Travel & Luxury": "Viaje y ocio",
"industry_Other": "Otro",
"industry_Photography": "Fotografía",
"country_Afghanistan": "Afganistán",
"country_Albania": "Albania",
"country_Antarctica": "Antarctica",
"country_Algeria": "Algeria",
"country_American Samoa": "American Samoa",
"country_Andorra": "Andorra",
"country_Angola": "Angola",
"country_Antigua and Barbuda": "Antigua y Barbuda",
"country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
"country_Argentina": "Argentina",
"country_Australia": "Australia",
"country_Austria": "Austria",
"country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
"country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
"country_Armenia": "Armenia",
"country_Barbados": "Barbados",
"country_Belgium": "Belgica",
"country_Bermuda": "Bermuda",
"country_Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "Bolivia",
"country_Bosnia and Herzegovina": "Bosnia Herzegovina",
"country_Botswana": "Botswana",
"country_Bouvet Island": "Bouvet Island",
"country_Brazil": "Brasil",
"country_Belize": "Belize",
"country_British Indian Ocean Territory": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"country_Solomon Islands": "Solomon Islands",
"country_Virgin Islands, British": "Virgin Islands, British",
"country_Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei Darussalam",
"country_Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
"country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
"country_Burundi": "Burundi",
"country_Belarus": "Belarus",
"country_Cambodia": "Cambodia",
"country_Cameroon": "Cameroon",
"country_Canada": "Canada",
"country_Cape Verde": "Cabo Verde",
"country_Cayman Islands": "Islas Cayman",
"country_Central African Republic": "Republica Centro Africana",
"country_Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
"country_Chad": "Chad",
"country_Chile": "Chile",
"country_China": "China",
"country_Taiwan, Province of China": "Taiwan",
"country_Christmas Island": "Christmas Island",
"country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"country_Colombia": "Colombia",
"country_Comoros": "Comoros",
"country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
"country_Congo": "Congo",
"country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the": "Republica Democratica del Congo",
"country_Cook Islands": "Islas Cook ",
"country_Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"country_Croatia": "Croacia",
"country_Cuba": "Cuba",
"country_Cyprus": "Chipre",
"country_Czech Republic": "Republica Checa",
"country_Benin": "Benin",
"country_Denmark": "Dinamarca",
"country_Dominica": "Dominica",
"country_Dominican Republic": "Republica Dominicana",
"country_Ecuador": "Ecuador",
"country_El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"country_Equatorial Guinea": "Equatorial Guinea",
"country_Ethiopia": "Etiopia",
"country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
"country_Estonia": "Estonia",
"country_Faroe Islands": "Islas Faroe",
"country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Islas Falkland (Malvinas)",
"country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "Georgia del Sur e Islas Sandwich Sur",
"country_Fiji": "Fiji",
"country_Finland": "Finlandia",
"country_Åland Islands": "Åland Islands",
"country_France": "Francia",
"country_French Guiana": "Guyana Francesa",
"country_French Polynesia": "Polynesia Francesa",
"country_French Southern Territories": "French Southern Territories",
"country_Djibouti": "Djibouti",
"country_Gabon": "Gabon",
"country_Georgia": "Georgia",
"country_Gambia": "Gambia",
"country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Territorios Ocupados de Palestina",
"country_Germany": "Alemania",
"country_Ghana": "Ghana",
"country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
"country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
"country_Greece": "Grecia",
"country_Greenland": "Groenlandia",
"country_Grenada": "Granada",
"country_Guadeloupe": "Guadalupe",
"country_Guam": "Guam",
"country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
"country_Guinea": "Guinea",
"country_Guyana": "Guyana",
"country_Haiti": "Haiti",
"country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"country_Holy See (Vatican City State)": "El Vaticano",
"country_Honduras": "Honduras",
"country_Hong Kong": "Hong Kong",
"country_Hungary": "Hungary",
"country_Iceland": "Isladia",
"country_India": "India",
"country_Indonesia": "Indonesia",
"country_Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Republica Islamica de Iran",
"country_Iraq": "Iraq",
"country_Ireland": "Irlanda",
"country_Israel": "Israel",
"country_Italy": "Italia",
"country_Côte d'Ivoire": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"country_Jamaica": "Jamaica",
"country_Japan": "Japon",
"country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
"country_Jordan": "Jordan",
"country_Kenya": "Kenya",
"country_Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "Republica Democratica de Korea del Norte",
"country_Korea, Republic of": "Republica de Korea",
"country_Kuwait": "Kuwait",
"country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstan",
"country_Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Republica Democratica de Lao",
"country_Lebanon": "Libano",
"country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
"country_Latvia": "Latvia",
"country_Liberia": "Liberia",
"country_Libya": "Libia",
"country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
"country_Lithuania": "Lituania",
"country_Luxembourg": "Luxemburgo",
"country_Macao": "Macao",
"country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
"country_Malawi": "Malawi",
"country_Malaysia": "Malasia",
"country_Maldives": "Maldivas",
"country_Mali": "Mali",
"country_Malta": "Malta",
"country_Martinique": "Martinica",
"country_Mauritania": "Mauritania",
"country_Mauritius": "Mauritius",
"country_Mexico": "Mexico",
"country_Monaco": "Monaco",
"country_Mongolia": "Mongolia",
"country_Moldova, Republic of": "Republica de Moldavia",
"country_Montenegro": "Montenegro",
"country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
"country_Morocco": "Marruecos",
"country_Mozambique": "Mozambique",
"country_Oman": "Oman",
"country_Namibia": "Namibia",
"country_Nauru": "Nauru",
"country_Nepal": "Nepal",
"country_Netherlands": "Holanda",
"country_Curaçao": "Curaçao",
"country_Aruba": "Aruba",
"country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "San Martin (Parte holandesa)",
"country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"country_New Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
"country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
"country_New Zealand": "Nueva Zelanda",
"country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
"country_Niger": "Niger",
"country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"country_Niue": "Niue",
"country_Norfolk Island": "Norfolk Island",
"country_Norway": "Norway",
"country_Northern Mariana Islands": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"country_United States Minor Outlying Islands": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"country_Micronesia, Federated States of": "Micronesia, Federated States of",
"country_Marshall Islands": "Marshall Islands",
"country_Palau": "Palau",
"country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
"country_Panama": "Panama",
"country_Papua New Guinea": "Papua New Guinea",
"country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
"country_Peru": "Peru",
"country_Philippines": "Filipinas",
"country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairn",
"country_Poland": "Polonia",
"country_Portugal": "Portugal",
"country_Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
"country_Timor-Leste": "Timor-Leste",
"country_Puerto Rico": "Puerto Rico",
"country_Qatar": "Qatar",
"country_Réunion": "Réunion",
"country_Romania": "Rumania",
"country_Russian Federation": "Rusia",
"country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
"country_Saint Barthélemy": "Saint Barthélemy",
"country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"country_Saint Kitts and Nevis": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
"country_Saint Lucia": "Saint Lucia",
"country_Saint Martin (French part)": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"country_San Marino": "San Marino",
"country_Sao Tome and Principe": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"country_Saudi Arabia": "Arabia Saudi ",
"country_Senegal": "Senegal",
"country_Serbia": "Serbia",
"country_Seychelles": "Seychelles",
"country_Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leona",
"country_Singapore": "Singapore",
"country_Slovakia": "Slovakia",
"country_Viet Nam": "Viet Nam",
"country_Slovenia": "Slovenia",
"country_Somalia": "Somalia",
"country_South Africa": "Sudáfrica",
"country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe",
"country_Spain": "España",
"country_South Sudan": "South Sudan",
"country_Sudan": "Sudan",
"country_Western Sahara": "Sahara Occidental",
"country_Suriname": "Surinam",
"country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"country_Sweden": "Suecia",
"country_Switzerland": "Suiza",
"country_Syrian Arab Republic": "Syria",
"country_Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
"country_Thailand": "Tailandia",
"country_Togo": "Togo",
"country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
"country_Tonga": "Tonga",
"country_Trinidad and Tobago": "Trinidad y Tobago",
"country_United Arab Emirates": "Emiratos Arabes Unidos",
"country_Tunisia": "Tunez",
"country_Turkey": "Turquia",
"country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
"country_Turks and Caicos Islands": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
"country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
"country_Uganda": "Uganda",
"country_Ukraine": "Ucrania",
"country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of": "Republica de Macedonia",
"country_Egypt": "Egipto",
"country_United Kingdom": "Reino unido",
"country_Guernsey": "Guernsey",
"country_Jersey": "Jersey",
"country_Isle of Man": "Isle of Man",
"country_Tanzania, United Republic of": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"country_United States": "Estados unidos",
"country_Virgin Islands, U.S.": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"country_Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
"country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
"country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of": "Venezuela",
"country_Wallis and Futuna": "Wallis and Futuna",
"country_Samoa": "Samoa",
"country_Yemen": "Yemen",
"country_Zambia": "Zambia",
"lang_Brazilian Portuguese": "Portugués brasileño",
"lang_Croatian": "Croata",
"lang_Czech": "Checo",
"lang_Danish": "Danés",
"lang_Dutch": "Holandés",
"lang_English": "Inglés",
"lang_French": "Francés",
"lang_French - Canada": "Francés canadiense",
"lang_German": "Alemán",
"lang_Italian": "Italiano",
"lang_Japanese": "Japonés",
"lang_Lithuanian": "Lituano",
"lang_Norwegian": "Noruego",
"lang_Polish": "Polaco",
"lang_Spanish": "Español",
"lang_Spanish - Spain": "Español - España",
"lang_Swedish": "Sueco",
"lang_Albanian": "Albanés",
"lang_Greek": "Griego",
"lang_English - United Kingdom": "Ingles - Reino Unido",
"lang_Slovenian": "Eslovenia",
"lang_Finnish": "Finlandia",
"lang_Romanian": "Rumania",
"lang_Turkish - Turkey": "Turco - Turquia",
"lang_Portuguese - Brazilian": "Portugues - Brasil",
"lang_Portuguese - Portugal": "Portugues - Portugal",
"lang_Thai": "Tailandes",
"lang_Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"lang_Chinese - Taiwan": "Chinese - Taiwan",
"view_client_portal": "Ver portal de cliente",
"view_portal": "Ver portal",
"vendor_contacts": "Contactos de Proveedores",
"all": "Todo",
"selected": "Seleccionado",
"category": "Categoría",
"categories": "Categorias",
"new_expense_category": "Nueva Categoría de Gasto",
"edit_category": "Editar Categoría",
"archive_expense_category": "Archivar Categoría",
"expense_categories": "Categorías de Gasto",
"list_expense_categories": "Listado de Categorias de Gasto",
"updated_expense_category": "Categoría de gasto actualizada correctamente",
"created_expense_category": "Categoría de gasto creada correctamente",
"archived_expense_category": "Categoría de gasto archivada correctamente",
"archived_expense_categories": "{count} categorías de gasto actualizados correctamente",
"restore_expense_category": "Restaurar Categoría de Gasto",
"restored_expense_category": "Categoría de Gasto restaurada correctamente",
"apply_taxes": "Aplicar Impuestos",
"min_to_max_users": "{min} a {max} usuarios",
"max_users_reached": "Se ha alcanzado el número máximo de usuarios",
"buy_now_buttons": "Botones de Comprar Ahora",
"landing_page": "Página Inicial",
"payment_type": "Tipo de Pago",
"form": "Formulario",
"link": "Enlace",
"fields": "Campos",
"dwolla": "Dwolla",
"buy_now_buttons_warning": "Nota: El cliente y la Factura se han creado aunque la operación no se ha completado",
"buy_now_buttons_disabled": "Esta caracteristica requiere que el producto este creado y la pasarela de pago esté configurada",
"enable_buy_now_buttons_help": "Habilitar el soporte para los botones de Comprar ahora",
"changes_take_effect_immediately": "Nota: Los cambio tienen lugar inmediatamente",
"wepay_account_description": "Pasarela de Pago para Invoice Ninja",
"payment_error_code": "Hubo un error procesando el pago [{code}]. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo mas adelante.",
"standard_fees_apply": "Cargos: 2.9%\/1.2% [Tarjeta de Credito\/Transferencia Bancaria] + $0.30 por cargo correcto.",
"limit_import_rows": "Los datos necesitan ser importados en bloques de {count} filas o menos",
"error_title": "Algo a ido mal.",
"error_contact_text": "Si desea ayuda, envíenos un correo electrónico a {mailaddress}",
"no_undo": "Atención: esto no se puede deshacer.",
"no_contact_selected": "Por favor seleccione un contacto",
"no_client_selected": "Por favor seleccione un cliente",
"gateway_config_error": "Puede ser útil establecer nuevas contraseñas o generar nuevas claves de API.",
"payment_type_on_file": "{type} en fichero",
"invoice_for_client": "Factura {invoice} para {client}",
"intent_not_found": "Lo siento, no estoy seguro de lo que estás preguntando.",
"intent_not_supported": "Lo siento, no puedo hacer eso.",
"client_not_found": "No pude encontrar el cliente",
"not_allowed": "Lo sentimos, no tienes los permisos necesarios",
"bot_emailed_invoice": "Su factura ha sido enviada.",
"bot_emailed_notify_viewed": "Te enviaré un correo electrónico cuando se vea.",
"bot_emailed_notify_paid": "Te enviaré un correo electrónico cuando se pague.",
"add_product_to_invoice": "Añadir 1 {product}",
"not_authorized": "No está autorizado",
"bot_get_email": "¡Hola! (wave)
Gracias por probar el Bot Invoice Ninja.
Necesitas crear una cuenta gratuita para usar este bot.
Envíanme la dirección de correo electrónico de tu cuenta para comenzar.",
"bot_get_code": "¡Gracias! Le envié un correo electrónico con su código de seguridad.",
"bot_welcome": "Eso es todo, tu cuenta está verificada.
"email_not_found": "No pude encontrar una cuenta disponible para {email}",
"invalid_code": "El código no es correcto",
"security_code_email_subject": "Código de seguridad para Invoice Ninja Bot",
"security_code_email_line1": "Este es su código de seguridad Invoice Ninja Bot.",
"security_code_email_line2": "Nota: caducará en 10 minutos.",
"bot_help_message": "Actualmente sopota:
• Crear \\ actualizar \\ enviar por correo electrónico una factura
• Lista de productos
Por ejemplo:
bobina de factura para 2 boletos, establecer la fecha de vencimiento para el próximo jueves y el descuento para 10 por ciento<\/i>",
"list_products": "Lista de Productos",
"include_item_taxes_inline": "Incluir total del impuesto para cada concepto de Factura<\/b>",
"created_quotes": "Se ha(n) creado correctamente {count} presupuesto(s)",
"limited_gateways": "Nota: soportamos una pasarela de tarjeta de crédito por empresa.",
"warning": "Advertencia",
"self-update": "Actualizar",
"update_invoiceninja_title": "Actualizar Invoice Ninja",
"update_invoiceninja_warning": "¡Antes de comenzar a actualizar Invoice Ninja cree una copia de seguridad de su base de datos y archivos!",
"update_invoiceninja_available": "Está disponible una nueva versión de Invoice Ninja.",
"update_invoiceninja_unavailable": "No hay ninguna versión nueva de Invoice Ninja.",
"update_invoiceninja_instructions": "Instale la nueva versión {version}<\/strong> haciendo clic en el botón Actualizar ahora<\/em> a continuación. Luego, serás redirigido al Cuadro de Mandos.",
"update_invoiceninja_update_start": "Actualizar ahora",
"update_invoiceninja_download_start": "Descargar {version}",
"create_new": "Crear Nuevo",
"toggle_navigation": "Alternar Navegación",
"toggle_history": "Alternar Historial",
"unassigned": "Sin asignar",
"task": "Tarea",
"contact_name": "Nombre del Contacto",
"city_state_postal": "Ciudad \/ Provincia \/ C.Postal",
"custom_field": "Campo personalizado",
"account_fields": "Campos de la Empresa",
"facebook_and_twitter": "Facebook y Twitter",
"facebook_and_twitter_help": "Siga nuestros feeds para ayudar a respaldar nuestro proyecto",
"reseller_text": "Nota: La Licencia de Marca Blanca está diseñada para uso personal. Envíenos un correo electrónico a {email} si desea revender la aplicación.",
"unnamed_client": "Cliente sin nombre",
"day": "Día",
"week": "Semana",
"month": "Mes",
"inactive_logout": "Has sido desconectado por inactividad",
"reports": "Informes",
"total_profit": "Beneficio Total",
"total_expenses": "Gastos Totales",
"quote_to": "Presupuesto para",
"limit": "Límite",
"min_limit": "Min: {min}",
"max_limit": "Max: {max}",
"no_limit": "Sin Límites",
"set_limits": "Establecer los Límites de {gateway_type}",
"enable_min": "Activar Mínimo",
"enable_max": "Activar Máximo",
"min": "Mínimo",
"max": "Máximo",
"limits_not_met": "Esta factura no cumple con los límites para ese tipo de pago.",
"date_range": "Rango de fechas",
"raw": "Bruto",
"raw_html": "HTML sin procesar",
"update": "Actualizar",
"invoice_fields_help": "Arrastre los campos para cambiarlos el orden y ubicación",
"new_category": "Nueva Categoría",
"restore_product": "Restaurar Presupuesto",
"blank": "Vacio",
"invoice_save_error": "Ha habido un error guardando la factura",
"enable_recurring": "Habilitar facturas recurrentes",
"disable_recurring": "Deshabilitar facturas recurrentes",
"text": "Texto",
"expense_will_create": "gasto se creará ",
"expenses_will_create": "gastos se crearán ",
"created_expenses": "{count} gastos creados correctamente",
"translate_app": "Ayúdanos a mejorar nuestras traducciones con {link}",
"expense_category": "Categoría del Gasto",
"go_ninja_pro": "¡Hazte Pro!",
"go_enterprise": "Hazte el Plan Enterprise!",
"upgrade_for_features": "Actualizate para más características",
"pay_annually_discount": "¡Pague anualmente por 10 meses + 2 gratis!",
"pro_upgrade_title": "Ninja Pro",
"pro_upgrade_feature1": "TuMarca.InvoiceNinja.com",
"pro_upgrade_feature2": "¡Personaliza cada detalle de tu factura!",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature1": "Establecer permisos para múltiples usuarios",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature2": "Adjunte archivos de terceros a facturas y gastos",
"much_more": "¡Mucho mas!",
"all_pro_fetaures": "Mas todas las caracteristicas Pro!",
"currency_symbol": "Símbolo",
"currency_code": "Código",
"buy_license": "Comprar la licencia",
"apply_license": "Renovar licencia",
"submit": "Enviar",
"white_label_license_key": "Número de licencia",
"invalid_white_label_license": "La Licencia de Marca Blanca no es válida",
"created_by": "Creado por {name}",
"modules": "Módulos",
"financial_year_start": "Primer mes del año",
"authentication": "Autenticación",
"checkbox": "Casilla de verificación",
"invoice_signature": "Firma",
"show_accept_invoice_terms": "Mostrar aceptación de términos de la factura",
"show_accept_invoice_terms_help": "Requerir que el cliente confirme que acepta los términos de la factura.",
"show_accept_quote_terms": "Mostrar aceptación de términos del presupuesto",
"show_accept_quote_terms_help": "Requerir que el cliente confirme que acepta los términos del presupuesto.",
"require_invoice_signature": "Firma de la factura",
"require_invoice_signature_help": "Requerir que el cliente proporcione su firma.",
"require_quote_signature": "Firma del presupuesto.",
"require_quote_signature_help": "Requerir que el cliente proporcione su firma.",
"i_agree": "Estoy de acuerdo con los Términos",
"sign_here": "Por favor firme aquí:",
"authorization": "Autorización",
"signed": "Frimado",
"bluevine_promo": "Obtenga líneas de crédito comerciales flexibles y factoraje de facturas usando BlueVine.",
"bluevine_modal_label": "Registrarse con BlueVine",
"bluevine_modal_text": "Financiamiento rápido para su negocio. Sin papeleo<\/h3>\n- Líneas de crédito flexibles y factoraje de facturas.<\/li><\/ul>",
"bluevine_create_account": "Crea una cuenta",
"quote_types": "Obtenga un presupuesto para",
"invoice_factoring": "Factorización de facturas",
"line_of_credit": "Línea de crédito",
"fico_score": "Su puntuación FICO",
"business_inception": "Fecha de inicio del negocio",
"average_bank_balance": "Saldo promedio de la cuenta bancaria",
"annual_revenue": "Ingresos anuales",
"desired_credit_limit_factoring": "Límite deseado de factorización de factura",
"desired_credit_limit_loc": "Límite deseado de línea de crédito ",
"desired_credit_limit": "Límite deseado de crédito ",
"bluevine_credit_line_type_required": "Debe elegir al menos uno",
"bluevine_field_required": "Este campo es obligatorio",
"bluevine_unexpected_error": "Ocurrió un error inesperado.",
"bluevine_no_conditional_offer": "Se requiere más información antes de obtener un presupuesto . Haga clic en continuar",
"bluevine_invoice_factoring": "Factorización de Facturas",
"bluevine_conditional_offer": "Oferta Condicional",
"bluevine_credit_line_amount": "Línea de Crédito",
"bluevine_advance_rate": "Tasa de avance",
"bluevine_weekly_discount_rate": "Tasa de descuento semanal",
"bluevine_minimum_fee_rate": "Tarifa mínima",
"bluevine_line_of_credit": "Línea de crédito",
"bluevine_interest_rate": "Tasa de interés",
"bluevine_weekly_draw_rate": "Tasa de Sorteo semanal",
"bluevine_continue": "Ir a BlueVine",
"bluevine_completed": "Registro en BlueVine completado",
"vendor_name": "Proveedor",
"entity_state": "Estado",
"client_created_at": "Fecha de Creación",
"postmark_error": "Hubo un problema al enviar el correo electrónico a través de Postmark: {link}",
"project": "Proyecto",
"projects": "Proyectos",
"new_project": "Nuevo Proyecto",
"edit_project": "Editar Proyecto",
"archive_project": "Archivar Proyecto",
"list_projects": "Lista de Proyecto",
"updated_project": "Proyecto actualizado correctamente",
"created_project": "Proyecto creado correctamente",
"archived_project": "Proyecto archivado correctamente",
"archived_projects": "{count} proyectos archivados correctamente",
"restore_project": "Restaurar Proyecto",
"restored_project": "Proyecto restaurado correctamente",
"delete_project": "Borrar Proyecto",
"deleted_project": "Proyecto eliminado correctamente",
"deleted_projects": "{count} proyecto eliminados correctamente",
"delete_expense_category": "Borrar categoría",
"deleted_expense_category": "Categoría eliminada correctamente",
"delete_product": "Borrar Producto",
"deleted_product": "Producto eliminado correctamente",
"deleted_products": "{count} productos eliminados correctamente",
"restored_product": "Producto restaurado correctamente",
"update_credit": "Actualizar crédito",
"updated_credit": "Crédito actualizado correctamente",
"edit_credit": "Editar Crédito",
"live_preview_help": "Muestre una vista previa de PDF en vivo en la página de facturación.
Puede desactivar esto para mejorar el rendimiento al editar facturas.",
"force_pdfjs_help": "Reemplace el visor de PDF incorporado en {chrome_link} y {firefox_link}.
Habilítelo si su navegador descarga automáticamente el PDF.",
"force_pdfjs": "Evitar la descarga",
"redirect_url": "Redireccionar URL",
"redirect_url_help": "Opcionalmente, especifique una URL para redirigir después de ingresar un pago.",
"save_draft": "Guardar borrador",
"refunded_credit_payment": "Pago de crédito reembolsado",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Atajos de teclado",
"toggle_menu": "Alternar Menú",
"new_...": "Nuevo...",
"list_...": "Lista...",
"created_at": "Fecha de Creación",
"contact_us": "Contácte con Nosotros",
"user_guide": "Guía del usuario",
"promo_message": "Actualice antes de {expires} y obtenga {amount} OFF el primer año de nuestros paquetes Pro o Enterprise.",
"discount_message": "{amount} caduca el {expires}",
"mark_paid": "Marcar como pagado",
"marked_sent_invoice": "Factura marcada como enviada correctamente",
"marked_sent_invoices": "Facturas marcadas como enviadas correctamente",
"invoice_name": "Factura",
"product_will_create": "producto sera creado",
"contact_us_response": "¡Gracias por tu mensaje! Intentaremos responder lo antes posible.",
"last_7_days": "Los últimos 7 días",
"last_30_days": "Los últimos 30 días",
"this_month": "Este Mes",
"last_month": "Último Mes",
"last_year": "Último Año",
"custom_range": "Rango personalizado",
"url": "URL",
"debug": "Debug",
"https": "HTTPS",
"require": "Requerido",
"license_expiring": "Nota: su licencia expirará en {count} días, {link} para renovarla.",
"security_confirmation": "Su dirección de correo electrónico ha sido confirmada.",
"white_label_expired": "Su licencia de marca blanca ha expirado, considere renovarla para dar soporte a nuestro proyecto.",
"renew_license": "Renovar licencia",
"iphone_app_message": "Considera descargar nuestro {link}",
"iphone_app": "iPhone app",
"android_app": "Android app",
"logged_in": "Conectado",
"switch_to_primary": "Cambie a su empresa principal ({name}) para administrar su plan.",
"inclusive": "Inclusivo",
"exclusive": "Exclusivo",
"postal_city_state": "C.Postal \/ Ciudad \/ Provincia",
"phantomjs_help": "En ciertos casos, la aplicación usa {link_phantom} para generar el PDF, instala {link_docs} para generarlo localmente.",
"phantomjs_local": "Usando PhantomJS en local",
"client_number": "Código de Cliente",
"client_number_help": "Especifique un prefijo o utilice un patrón a medida para establecer dinámicamente el número de cliente.",
"next_client_number": "El siguiente Código de Cliente es {number}.",
"generated_numbers": "Números Generados",
"notes_reminder1": "Primer Recordatorio",
"notes_reminder2": "Segundo Recordatorio",
"notes_reminder3": "Tercer Recordatorio",
"bcc_email": "BCC Email",
"tax_quote": "Impuesto de Presupuesto",
"tax_invoice": "Impuesto de Factura",
"emailed_invoices": "Facturas enviadas correctamente",
"emailed_quotes": "Presupuestos enviados correctamente",
"website_url": "Website URL",
"domain": "Dominio",
"domain_help": "Se usa en el portal del cliente y al enviar correos electrónicos.",
"domain_help_website": "Se usa al enviar correos electrónicos.",
"import_invoices": "Importar Facturas",
"new_report": "Nuevo Informe",
"edit_report": "Editar Informe",
"columns": "Columnas",
"filters": "Filtros",
"sort_by": "Ordenar por",
"draft": "Borrador",
"unpaid": "Impagado",
"aging": "Envejecimiento",
"age": "Edad",
"days": "Días",
"age_group_0": "0 - 30 Días",
"age_group_30": "30 - 60 Días",
"age_group_60": "60 - 90 Días",
"age_group_90": "90 - 120 Días",
"age_group_120": "120+ Días",
"invoice_details": "Detalles de Factura",
"qty": "Cantidad",
"profit_and_loss": "Ganancias y Pérdidas",
"revenue": "Ingresos",
"profit": "Beneficio",
"group_when_sorted": "Orden por Grupo",
"group_dates_by": "Agrupar fechas por",
"year": "Año",
"view_statement": "Ver Estado de cuenta",
"statement": "Estado de cuenta",
"statement_date": "Fecha de Estado de cuenta",
"mark_active": "Marcar como Activo",
"send_automatically": "Enviar Automáticamente",
"initial_email": "Email Inicial",
"invoice_not_emailed": "Esta factura no ha sido enviada.",
"quote_not_emailed": "Este presupuesto no ha sido enviado.",
"sent_by": "Enviado por {user}",
"recipients": "Destinatarios",
"save_as_default": "Guardar como Por Defecto",
"template": "Plantilla",
"first_day_of_week_help": "Utilizado por selectores de fecha<\/b>",
"financial_year_start_help": "Utilizado por selectores de rango de fecha<\/b>",
"reports_help": "May + Click para ordenar por múltiples columnas, Ctrl + click para quitar agrupamiento.",
"this_year": "Este Año",
"ninja_tagline": "Crea. Envia. Recibe tus Pagos.",
"login_or_existing": "O inicie sesión con una cuenta existente.",
"sign_up_now": "Registrarse Ahora",
"not_a_member_yet": "¿No eres miembro todavía?",
"login_create_an_account": "Crea una Cuenta!",
"client_login": "Acceso de Clientes",
"invoice_from": "Facturas desde:",
"email_alias_message": "Requerimos que cada compañía tenga una dirección de correo electrónico única.
Considere el uso de un alias. es decir, email+label@example.com",
"full_name": "Nombre completo",
"month_year": "MES\/AÑO",
"valid_thru": "Válido\\nhasta",
"product_fields": "Campos de Producto",
"custom_product_fields_help": "Agregue un campo al crear un producto o factura y muestre la etiqueta y el valor en el PDF.",
"freq_two_months": "Dos meses",
"freq_yearly": "Anual",
"profile": "Perfil",
"payment_type_help": "Establece el tipo de pago manual<\/b> predeterminado.",
"industry_Construction": "Construcción",
"your_statement": "Tu Estado de Cuenta",
"statement_issued_to": "Estado de Cuenta emitido a",
"statement_to": "Estado de Cuenta para",
"customize_options": "Personalizar opciones",
"created_payment_term": "Términos de pago creados correctamente",
"updated_payment_term": "Términos de pago actualizados correctamente",
"archived_payment_term": "Términos de pago archivados correctamente",
"resend_invite": "Reenviar Invitación",
"credit_created_by": "Crédito creado por el pago {transaction_reference}",
"created_payment_and_credit": "Pago y Crédito creado correctamente",
"created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client": "Pago y Crédito creado y enviado al cliente correctamente",
"create_project": "Crear Proyecto",
"create_vendor": "Crear Proveedor",
"create_expense_category": "Crear categoría",
"pro_plan_reports": "{link} para habilitar informes uniéndose al Plan Pro",
"mark_ready": "Marcar como listo",
"limits": "Limites",
"fees": "Cargos",
"fee": "Cargo",
"set_limits_fees": "Establecer los Límites\/Cargos de {gateway_type}",
"fees_tax_help": "Habilite los impuestos de línea para establecer las tasas de impuestos de tarifa.",
"fees_sample": "La tarifa por una factura de cantidad {amount} sería {total}.",
"discount_sample": "El descuento por una factura de cantidad {amount} sería {total}.",
"no_fees": "Sin cargos",
"gateway_fees_disclaimer": "Advertencia: no todos los estados \/ pasarelas de pago permiten agregar tarifas, revise las leyes locales \/ términos de servicio.",
"percent": "Porcentaje",
"location": "Ubicación",
"line_item": "Linea de Concepto",
"surcharge": "Recargo",
"location_first_surcharge": "Habilitado - Primer recargo",
"location_second_surcharge": "Habilitado - Segundo recargo",
"location_line_item": "Habilitado - Linea de Concepto",
"online_payment_surcharge": "Recargo por Pago Online ",
"gateway_fees": "Tasas de pasarela",
"fees_disabled": "Las tarifas están deshabilitadas",
"gateway_fees_help": "Agregue automáticamente un recargo\/descuento de pago en línea.",
"gateway": "Pasarela",
"gateway_fee_change_warning": "Si hay facturas sin pagar con tarifas, deben actualizarse manualmente.",
"fees_surcharge_help": "Personalizar recargo {link}.",
"label_and_taxes": "etiquetas e impuestos",
"billable": "Facturable",
"logo_warning_too_large": "El archivo de imagen es demasiado grande.",
"logo_warning_fileinfo": "Advertencia: para admitir gifs, la extensión PHP fileinfo necesita estar habilitada.",
"logo_warning_invalid": "Hubo un problema al leer el archivo de imagen, intente con un formato diferente.",
"error_refresh_page": "Se produjo un error, actualice la página y vuelva a intentarlo.",
"data": "Datos",
"imported_settings": "Configuración importada correctamente",
"reset_counter": "Reiniciar Contador",
"next_reset": "Proximo Reinicio",
"reset_counter_help": "Restablece automáticamente los contadores de facturas y presupuestos.",
"auto_bill_failed": "Fallo la Facturación automática de la factura {invoice_number}",
"online_payment_discount": "Descuento por Pago Online",
"created_new_company": "Compañia creada correctamente",
"fees_disabled_for_gateway": "Las tarifas están deshabilitadas para esta pasarela.",
"logout_and_delete": "Cerrar sesión \/ Eliminar cuenta",
"tax_rate_type_help": "Las tasas impositivas incluyentes ajustan el costo de la línea de pedido cuando se seleccionan.
Solo se pueden usar tasas de impuestos exclusivas como predeterminadas.",
"invoice_footer_help": "Use $pageNumber y $pageCount para mostrar la información de la página.",
"credit_note": "Nota de Crédito",
"credit_issued_to": "Credito emitido a",
"credit_to": "Crédito para",
"your_credit": "Su Crédito",
"credit_number": "Código de Crédito",
"create_credit_note": "Crear Nota de Crédito",
"menu": "Menu",
"error_incorrect_gateway_ids": "Error: la tabla de pasarelas tiene identificadores incorrectos.",
"purge_data": "Purgar Datos",
"delete_data": "Borrar Datos",
"purge_data_help": "Eliminar permanentemente todos los datos pero mantener la cuenta y la configuración.",
"cancel_account_help": "Eliminar permanentemente la cuenta junto con todos los datos y la configuración.",
"purge_successful": "Datos de la empresa purgados correctamente",
"forbidden": "Prohibido",
"purge_data_message": "Advertencia: Esto borrará definitivamente sus datos, no hay deshacer.",
"contact_phone": "Teléfono del Contacto",
"contact_email": "Email del Contacto",
"reply_to_email": "Direccion Email de Respuesta",
"reply_to_email_help": "Especifique la dirección de respuesta para los correos electrónicos de los clientes.",
"bcc_email_help": "En privado, incluya esta dirección con los correos electrónicos de los clientes.",
"import_complete": "Su importación se ha completado correctamente.",
"confirm_account_to_import": "Por favor, confirme su cuenta para importar datos.",
"import_started": "Su importación ha comenzado, le enviaremos un correo electrónico una vez que se complete.",
"listening": "Escuchando...",
"microphone_help": "Diga \"nueva factura para [cliente]\" o \"muéstreme los pagos archivados de [cliente]\"",
"voice_commands": "Comandos de voz",
"sample_commands": "Comandos de ejemplo",
"voice_commands_feedback": "Estamos trabajando activamente para mejorar esta función, si hay un comando que le gustaría que admitamos, envíenos un correo electrónico a {email}.",
"payment_type_Venmo": "Venmo",
"payment_type_Money Order": "Giro postal",
"archived_products": "{count} productos archivados correctamente",
"recommend_on": "Recomendamos habilitar<\/b> esta configuración.",
"recommend_off": "Recomendamos deshabilitar<\/b> esta configuración.",
"notes_auto_billed": "Auto-facturado",
"surcharge_label": "Etiqueta de Recargo",
"contact_fields": "Campos del contacto",
"custom_contact_fields_help": "Añadir un campo al crear un Contacto y opcionalmente mostrar la etiqueta y su valor en el PDF.",
"datatable_info": "Mostrando de {start} a {end} de {total} entradas",
"credit_total": "Crédito Total",
"mark_billable": "Marcar como Facturable",
"billed": "Facturado",
"company_variables": "Variables de la compañía",
"client_variables": "Variables del cliente",
"invoice_variables": "Variables de la factura",
"navigation_variables": "Variables de navegación",
"custom_variables": "Variables personalizadas",
"invalid_file": "Tipo de archivo inválido",
"add_documents_to_invoice": "Agregar documentos a la factura",
"mark_expense_paid": "Marcar como pagado",
"white_label_license_error": "Error al validar la licencia, verifique \"\/storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log\" para más detalles.",
"plan_price": "Precio del plan",
"wrong_confirmation": "Código de confirmación incorrecto",
"oauth_taken": "La cuenta ya está registrada",
"emailed_payment": "Pago enviado correctamente por correo electrónico",
"email_payment": "Pago por correo electrónico",
"invoiceplane_import": "Use {link} para migrar sus datos desde InvoicePlane.",
"duplicate_expense_warning": "ADVERTENCIA: Este {link} puede ser un duplicado",
"expense_link": "Gasto",
"resume_task": "Reanudar tarea",
"resumed_task": "La tarea se reanudó correctamente",
"quote_design": "Diseños del presupuesto",
"default_design": "Diseño estándar",
"custom_design1": "Diseño personalizado 1",
"custom_design2": "Diseño personalizado 2",
"custom_design3": "Diseño personalizado 3",
"empty": "Vacío",
"load_design": "Cargar diseño",
"accepted_card_logos": "Logotipos de tarjetas aceptadas",
"phantomjs_local_and_cloud": "Usando PhantomJS local, volviendo a phantomjscloud.com",
"google_analytics": "Google Analytics",
"analytics_key": "Analytics Key",
"analytics_key_help": "Seguimiento de pagos usando {link}",
"start_date_required": "La fecha de inicio es obligatoria",
"application_settings": "Configuración de la Aplicación",
"database_connection": "Conexión de la base de datos",
"driver": "Driver",
"host": "Host",
"database": "Base de datos",
"test_connection": "Probar Conexión",
"from_name": "Nombre De",
"from_address": "Email De",
"port": "Puerto",
"encryption": "Encriptación",
"mailgun_domain": "Dominio Mailgun",
"mailgun_private_key": "Mailgun Private Key",
"send_test_email": "Enviar email de prueba",
"select_label": "Seleccionar etiqueta",
"label": "Etiqueta",
"service": "Servicio",
"update_payment_details": "Actualizar detalles de pago",
"updated_payment_details": "Se actualizaron correctamente los detalles de pago",
"update_credit_card": "Actualizar Tarjeta de crédito",
"recurring_expenses": "Gastos Periódicos",
"recurring_expense": "Gasto Periódico",
"new_recurring_expense": "Nuevo Gasto Periódico",
"edit_recurring_expense": "Editar Gasto Periódico",
"archive_recurring_expense": "Archivar Gasto Periódico",
"list_recurring_expense": "Lista de Gastos Periódicos",
"updated_recurring_expense": "Gasto Periódico actualizado correctamente",
"created_recurring_expense": "Gasto Periódico creado correctamente",
"archived_recurring_expense": "Gasto Periódico archivado correctamente",
"restore_recurring_expense": "Restaurar Gasto Periódico",
"restored_recurring_expense": "Gasto Periódico restaurado correctamente",
"delete_recurring_expense": "Borrar Gasto Periódico",
"deleted_recurring_expense": "Gasto Periódico borrado correctamente",
"view_recurring_expense": "Ver Gasto Periódico",
"taxes_and_fees": "Impuestos y cargos",
"import_failed": "Error de Importación",
"recurring_prefix": "Prefijo Recurrente",
"options": "Opciones",
"credit_number_help": "Especifique un prefijo o use un patrón personalizado para establecer dinámicamente el número de crédito para las facturas negativas.",
"next_credit_number": "El siguiente Código de Credito es {number}.",
"padding_help": "El número de ceros para rellenar el número.",
"import_warning_invalid_date": "Advertencia: el formato de fecha parece ser inválido.",
"product_notes": "Notas de Producto",
"app_version": "Version de aplicacion",
"ofx_version": "Version de OFX ",
"gateway_help_23": "{link} para obtener tus claves de Stripe API.",
"error_app_key_set_to_default": "Error: APP_KEY se establece en un valor predeterminado, para actualizarlo haga una copia de seguridad de su base de datos y luego ejecute php artisan ninja{update}-key<\/code>",
"charge_late_fee": "Cargo por tardanza",
"late_fee_amount": "Cargo por pago atrasado",
"late_fee_percent": "Porcentaje por pago atrasado",
"late_fee_added": "Cargo por retraso agregado en {date}",
"download_invoice": "Descargar Factura",
"download_quote": "Descargar Presupuesto",
"invoices_are_attached": "Sus archivos PDF de facturas se adjuntaron.",
"downloaded_invoice": "Se enviará un correo electrónico con la factura en PDF",
"downloaded_quote": "Se enviará un correo electrónico con el presupuesto en PDF",
"downloaded_invoices": "Se enviará un correo electrónico con la factura en PDF",
"downloaded_quotes": "Se enviará un correo electrónico con el presupuesto en PDF",
"clone_expense": "Clonar Gasto",
"default_documents": "Documents por defecto",
"send_email_to_client": "Enviar email al cliente",
"refund_subject": "Reembolso procesado",
"refund_body": "Se ha procesado un reembolso de {amount} por la factura {invoice_number}.",
"currency_us_dollar": "Dólar estadounidense",
"currency_british_pound": "Libra británica",
"currency_euro": "Euro",
"currency_south_african_rand": "South African Rand",
"currency_danish_krone": "Danish Krone",
"currency_israeli_shekel": "Israeli Shekel",
"currency_swedish_krona": "Swedish Krona",
"currency_kenyan_shilling": "Kenyan Shilling",
"currency_canadian_dollar": "Canadian Dollar",
"currency_philippine_peso": "Philippine Peso",
"currency_indian_rupee": "Indian Rupee",
"currency_australian_dollar": "Australian Dollar",
"currency_singapore_dollar": "Singapore Dollar",
"currency_norske_kroner": "Norske Kroner",
"currency_new_zealand_dollar": "New Zealand Dollar",
"currency_vietnamese_dong": "Vietnamese Dong",
"currency_swiss_franc": "Swiss Franc",
"currency_guatemalan_quetzal": "Guatemalan Quetzal",
"currency_malaysian_ringgit": "Malaysian Ringgit",
"currency_brazilian_real": "Brazilian Real",
"currency_thai_baht": "Thai Baht",
"currency_nigerian_naira": "Nigerian Naira",
"currency_argentine_peso": "Argentine Peso",
"currency_bangladeshi_taka": "Bangladeshi Taka",
"currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham": "United Arab Emirates Dirham",
"currency_hong_kong_dollar": "Hong Kong Dollar",
"currency_indonesian_rupiah": "Indonesian Rupiah",
"currency_mexican_peso": "Mexican Peso",
"currency_egyptian_pound": "Egyptian Pound",
"currency_colombian_peso": "Colombian Peso",
"currency_west_african_franc": "West African Franc",
"currency_chinese_renminbi": "Chinese Renminbi",
"currency_rwandan_franc": "Rwandan Franc",
"currency_tanzanian_shilling": "Tanzanian Shilling",
"currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder": "Netherlands Antillean Guilder",
"currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar": "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar",
"currency_east_caribbean_dollar": "East Caribbean Dollar",
"currency_ghanaian_cedi": "Ghanaian Cedi",
"currency_bulgarian_lev": "Bulgarian Lev",
"currency_aruban_florin": "Aruban Florin",
"currency_turkish_lira": "Turkish Lira",
"currency_romanian_new_leu": "Romanian New Leu",
"currency_croatian_kuna": "Croatian Kuna",
"currency_saudi_riyal": "Saudi Riyal",
"currency_japanese_yen": "Japanese Yen",
"currency_maldivian_rufiyaa": "Maldivian Rufiyaa",
"currency_costa_rican_colon": "Costa Rican Colón",
"currency_pakistani_rupee": "Pakistani Rupee",
"currency_polish_zloty": "Polish Zloty",
"currency_sri_lankan_rupee": "Sri Lankan Rupee",
"currency_czech_koruna": "Czech Koruna",
"currency_uruguayan_peso": "Uruguayan Peso",
"currency_namibian_dollar": "Namibian Dollar",
"currency_tunisian_dinar": "Tunisian Dinar",
"currency_russian_ruble": "Russian Ruble",
"currency_mozambican_metical": "Mozambican Metical",
"currency_omani_rial": "Omani Rial",
"currency_ukrainian_hryvnia": "Ukrainian Hryvnia",
"currency_macanese_pataca": "Macanese Pataca",
"currency_taiwan_new_dollar": "Taiwan New Dollar",
"currency_dominican_peso": "Dominican Peso",
"currency_chilean_peso": "Chilean Peso",
"currency_icelandic_krona": "Icelandic Króna",
"currency_papua_new_guinean_kina": "Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency_jordanian_dinar": "Jordanian Dinar",
"currency_myanmar_kyat": "Myanmar Kyat",
"currency_peruvian_sol": "Peruvian Sol",
"currency_botswana_pula": "Botswana Pula",
"currency_hungarian_forint": "Hungarian Forint",
"currency_ugandan_shilling": "Ugandan Shilling",
"currency_barbadian_dollar": "Barbadian Dollar",
"currency_brunei_dollar": "Brunei Dollar",
"currency_georgian_lari": "Georgian Lari",
"currency_qatari_riyal": "Qatari Riyal",
"currency_honduran_lempira": "Lempira Hondureña",
"currency_surinamese_dollar": "Dólar Surinamés",
"currency_bahraini_dinar": "Dinar Bareiní",
"review_app_help": "Esperamos que estés disfrutando con la app.
Si consideras {link} ¡te lo agraderemos enormemente!",
"writing_a_review": "escribir una reseña",
"use_english_version": "Asegúrese de usar la versión en inglés de los archivos.
Usamos los encabezados de las columnas para que coincidan con los campos.",
"tax1": "Primer impuesto",
"tax2": "Segundo impuesto",
"fee_help": "Las tarifas de Gateway son los costos que se cobran por el acceso a las redes financieras que manejan el procesamiento de pagos en línea.",
"format_export": "Formato de exportación",
"custom1": "Primera personalización",
"custom2": "Segunda personalización",
"contact_first_name": "Nombre del Contacto",
"contact_last_name": "Apellido del contacto",
"contact_custom1": "Contacto Primer personalizado",
"contact_custom2": "Contacto Segundo personalizado",
"currency": "Divisa",
"ofx_help": "Para resolver problemas consulta los comentarios en {ofxhome_link} y para testear en {ofxget_link}.",
"comments": "Comentarios",
"item_product": "Producto del artículo",
"item_notes": "Notas del artículo",
"item_cost": "Coste del artículo",
"item_quantity": "Cantidad del artículo",
"item_tax_rate": "Tasa de impuesto al artículo",
"item_tax_name": "Nombre del impuesto del artículo",
"item_tax1": "Impuesto de artículo 1",
"item_tax2": "Impuesto de artículo 2",
"delete_company": "Borrar Compañía",
"delete_company_help": "Eliminar permanentemente la empresa junto con todos los datos y ajustes.",
"delete_company_message": "Advertencia: esto eliminará definitivamente su empresa, no hay deshacer.",
"applied_discount": "El cupón se ha aplicado, el precio del plan se ha reducido en {discount}%.",
"applied_free_year": "El cupón se aplicó, su cuenta se actualizó a profesional por un año.",
"contact_us_help": "Si informa un error, incluya todos los registros relevantes de \"\/storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log\"",
"include_errors": "Incluir errores",
"include_errors_help": "Incluir {link} de \"\/storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log\"",
"recent_errors": "errores recientes",
"customer": "Cliente",
"customers": "Clientes",
"created_customer": "Cliente creado correctamente",
"created_customers": "{count} clientes creados correctamente",
"purge_details": "Los datos en su empresa ({account}) se han purgado satisfactoriamente.",
"deleted_company": "Empresa borrada satisfactoriamente",
"deleted_account": "Cuenta cancelada satisfactoriamente",
"deleted_company_details": "Su empresa ({account}) se ha eliminado correctamente.",
"deleted_account_details": "Su cuenta ({account}) se ha eliminado correctamente.",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"sofort": "Sofort",
"sepa": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"enable_alipay": "Aceptar Alipay",
"enable_sofort": "Aceptar transferencias bancarias de la UE",
"stripe_alipay_help": "Estas pasarelas también deben activarse en {link}.",
"calendar": "Calendario",
"pro_plan_calendar": "{link} para habilitar calendario uniéndose al Plan Pro",
"what_are_you_working_on": "¿En que estas trabajando?",
"time_tracker": "Time Tracker",
"refresh": "Refrescar",
"filter_sort": "Filtrar\/Ordenar",
"no_description": "Sin Descripción",
"time_tracker_login": "Time Tracker Login",
"save_or_discard": "Guarde o descarte sus cambios",
"discard_changes": "Descartar los cambios",
"tasks_not_enabled": "Las tareas no están habilitadas.",
"started_task": "Tarea empezada correctamente",
"create_client": "Crear cliente",
"download_desktop_app": "Descargue la aplicación de escritorio",
"download_iphone_app": "Descargue la aplicación de iPhone ",
"download_android_app": "Descargue la aplicación de Android ",
"time_tracker_mobile_help": "Toca dos veces una tarea para seleccionarla",
"stopped": "Parado",
"ascending": "Ascendente",
"descending": "Descendente",
"sort_field": "Ordenar por",
"sort_direction": "Dirección",
"discard": "Descartar",
"time_am": "AM",
"time_pm": "PM",
"time_mins": "mins",
"time_hr": "hr",
"time_hrs": "hrs",
"clear": "Limpiar",
"warn_payment_gateway": "Nota: la aceptación de pagos en línea requiere una puerta de enlace de pago, enlace para agregar uno.",
"task_rate": "Tasa de tareas",
"task_rate_help": "Indique el ratio por defecto para las tareas facturadas.",
"past_due": "Vencido",
"document": "Documento",
"invoice_or_expense": "Factura\/Gasto",
"invoice_pdfs": "PDFs de facturas",
"enable_sepa": "Aceptar SEPA",
"enable_bitcoin": "Aceptar Bitcoin",
"iban": "IBAN",
"sepa_authorization": "Al proporcionar su IBAN y confirmar este pago, usted está autorizando a {company} y Stripe, nuestro proveedor de servicios de pago, a enviar instrucciones a su banco para cargar su cuenta y su banco para debitar su cuenta de acuerdo con esas instrucciones. Tiene derecho a un reembolso de su banco en los términos y condiciones de su acuerdo con su banco. Se debe reclamar un reembolso dentro de las 8 semanas a partir de la fecha en que se debitó su cuenta.",
"recover_license": "Recuperar licencia",
"purchase": "Compra",
"recover": "Recuperar",
"apply": "Aplicar",
"recover_white_label_header": "Recuperar licencia de Marca Blanca",
"apply_white_label_header": "Aplicar licencia de Marca Blanca",
"videos": "Videos",
"video": "Video",
"return_to_invoice": "Regresar a la factura",
"gateway_help_13": "Para usar ITN, deje el campo Clave de PDT en blanco.",
"partial_due_date": "Fecha de vencimiento parcial",
"task_fields": "Campos de las Tareas",
"product_fields_help": "Arrastre los campos para cambiar su orden",
"custom_value1": "Valor Personalizado",
"custom_value2": "Valor Personalizado",
"enable_two_factor": "Autenticacion en dos pasos",
"enable_two_factor_help": "Utiliza tu telefono para confirmar tu identidad cuando te conectes",
"two_factor_setup": "Configuracion de Autenticacion en dos pasos",
"two_factor_setup_help": "Escanea el codigo de barras con una {link} aplicacion compatible",
"one_time_password": "Password de un solo uso",
"set_phone_for_two_factor": "Indica tu teléfono movil como backup para activar.",
"enabled_two_factor": "Autenticacion en dos pasos habilitada correctamente",
"add_product": "Añadir Producto",
"email_will_be_sent_on": "Nota: el correo se enviará el {date}.",
"invoice_product": "Producto de Factura",
"self_host_login": "Self-Host Login",
"set_self_hoat_url": "Self-Host URL",
"local_storage_required": "Error: almacenaje local no disponible.",
"your_password_reset_link": "Enlace para reiniciar su password",
"subdomain_taken": "El subdominio ya está en uso",
"converted_amount": "Cuenta convertida",
"default": "Por defecto",
"shipping_address": "Direccion de Envio",
"bllling_address": "Dirección de Facturación",
"billing_address1": "Calle de Facturacion",
"billing_address2": "Piso de Facturacion",
"billing_city": "Ciudad de Facturacion",
"billing_state": "Provincia de Facturacion",
"billing_postal_code": "Cod. Postal de Facturacion",
"billing_country": "Pais de Facturacion",
"shipping_address1": "Calle de Envio",
"shipping_address2": "Piso de Envio",
"shipping_city": "Ciudad de Envio",
"shipping_state": "Provincia de Envio",
"shipping_postal_code": "Cod. Postal de Envio",
"shipping_country": "Pais de Envio",
"classify": "Clasificar",
"show_shipping_address_help": "Requerir al cliente que indique su dirección de envio",
"ship_to_billing_address": "Enviar a la Dirección de Facturación",
"delivery_note": "Nota para el envio",
"show_tasks_in_portal": "Mostrar tareas en el Portal del Cliente",
"cancel_schedule": "Cancelar Programacion",
"scheduled_report": "Informe Programado",
"scheduled_report_help": "Enviar por correo el informe {report} como {format} a {email}",
"created_scheduled_report": "Informe Programado correctamente",
"deleted_scheduled_report": "Informe Programado cancelado correctamente",
"scheduled_report_attached": "Tu informe {type} programado está adjunto.",
"scheduled_report_error": "Fallo al crear informe programado",
"invalid_one_time_password": "Contraseña de uso único inválida",
"apple_pay": "Apple\/Google Pay",
"enable_apple_pay": "Aceptar Apple Pay y Google Pay",
"requires_subdomain": "Este tipo de pago requiere que {link}.",
"subdomain_is_set": "el subdominio se ha fijado",
"verification_file": "archivo de verificacion",
"verification_file_missing": "El archivo de verificación es necesario para aceptar pagos",
"apple_pay_domain": "Usa {domain}<\/code> como dominio en {link}.",
"apple_pay_not_supported": "Lo sentimos, Apple\/Google Pay no está soportado por su navegador",
"optional_payment_methods": "Métodos de pago opcionales",
"add_subscription": "Añadir suscripción",
"target_url": "objetivo",
"target_url_help": "Cuando el evento seleccionado suceda, la app enviará la entidad a la URL de destino.",
"event": "Evento",
"subscription_event_1": "Cliente creado ",
"subscription_event_2": "Factura creada",
"subscription_event_3": "Presupuesto creado",
"subscription_event_4": "Pago creado",
"subscription_event_5": "Crear Proveedor",
"subscription_event_6": "Presupuesto Actualizado",
"subscription_event_7": "Presupuesto Borrado",
"subscription_event_8": "Factura Actualizada",
"subscription_event_9": "Factura Eliminada",
"subscription_event_10": "Cliente Actualizado",
"subscription_event_11": "Cliente Eliminado",
"subscription_event_12": "Pago Eliminado",
"subscription_event_13": "Proveedor Actualizado",
"subscription_event_14": "Proveedor Eliminado",
"subscription_event_15": "Gasto Creado",
"subscription_event_16": "Gasto Actualizado",
"subscription_event_17": "Gasto Eliminado",
"subscription_event_18": "Tarea Creada",
"subscription_event_19": "Tarea Actualizada",
"subscription_event_20": "Tarea Eliminada",
"subscription_event_21": "Presupuesto Aprobado",
"subscriptions": "Suscripciones",
"updated_subscription": "Suscripción actualizada correctamente",
"created_subscription": "Suscripción creada correctamente",
"edit_subscription": "Editar Suscripción",
"archive_subscription": "Archivar Suscripción",
"archived_subscription": "Suscripción archivada correctamente",
"project_error_multiple_clients": "Los proyectos no pueden pertenecer a diferentes clientes",
"invoice_project": "Facturar Proyecto",
"module_recurring_invoice": "Facturas Recurrentes",
"module_credit": "Créditos",
"module_quote": "Presupuestos y Propuestas",
"module_task": "Tareas y Proyectos",
"module_expense": "Gastos y Proveedores",
"reminders": "Recordatorios",
"send_client_reminders": "Enviar email recordatorio",
"can_view_tasks": "Las tareas son visibles en el portal",
"is_not_sent_reminders": "Los recordatorios no se enviarán",
"promotion_footer": "La promoción expirará pronto, {link} para actualizar ahora.",
"unable_to_delete_primary": "Nota: para eliminar esta empresa, primero borra todas las empresas enlazadas.",
"please_register": "Por favor registra tu cuenta",
"processing_request": "Procesando Petición",
"mcrypt_warning": "Atención: Mcrypt está obsoleto, ejecuta {command} para actualizar tu cifrado.",
"edit_times": "Editar tiempos",
"inclusive_taxes_help": "Incluye impuestos en el coste<\/b>",
"inclusive_taxes_notice": "Esta opción no puede ser cambiada una vez que se emita una factura.",
"inclusive_taxes_warning": "Atención: las facturas existentes necesitarán ser guardadas de nuevo",
"copy_shipping": "Copiar Envío",
"copy_billing": "Copia Facturación",
"quote_has_expired": "El presupuesto ha expirado, por favor contacta con el vendedor.",
"empty_table_footer": "Mostrando de 0 a 0 de 0 entradas",
"do_not_trust": "No recordar este dispositivo",
"trust_for_30_days": "Mantener durante 30 días",
"trust_forever": "Mantener para siempre",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"backlog": "Disponibles",
"ready_to_do": "Preparadas",
"in_progress": "En proceso",
"add_status": "Añadir Estado",
"archive_status": "Archivar Estado",
"new_status": "Nuevo Estado",
"convert_products": "Convertir Productos",
"convert_products_help": "Convertir automáticamente los precios de los productos a la divisa del cliente",
"improve_client_portal_link": "Use un subdominio para acortar el enlace al portal de cliente",
"budgeted_hours": "Horas Presupuestadas",
"progress": "Progreso",
"view_project": "Ver Proyecto",
"summary": "Resumen",
"endless_reminder": "Recordatorio Sin Fín",
"signature_on_invoice_help": "Añade el código mostrado a continuación para mostrar la firma de tu cliente en el PDF",
"signature_on_pdf": "Mostrar en PDF",
"signature_on_pdf_help": "Mostrar la firma del cliente en el PDF de la factura\/presupuesto",
"expired_white_label": "La licencia de marca blanca ha expirado",
"return_to_login": "Volver a Inicio de Sesión",
"convert_products_tip": "Nota: añade un {link} llamado \"{name}\" para ver la tasa de cambio.",
"amount_greater_than_balance": "La cantidad es mayor que el balance de la factura, un crédito será creado con la cantidad restante.",
"custom_fields_tip": "Usa Etiqueta|Opción1,Opción2<\/code> para mostrar un cuadro de selección.",
"client_information": "Información del cliente",
"updated_client_details": "Se actualizaron correctamente los detalles del cliente",
"auto": "Automática\/o",
"tax_amount": "Total Impuestos",
"tax_paid": "Impuestos Pagados",
"none": "Ninguno",
"proposal_message_button": "Para ver su propuesta con importe {amount}, pulse el siguiente botón.",
"proposal": "Propuesta",
"proposals": "Propuestas",
"list_proposals": "Listar Propuestas",
"new_proposal": "Nueva propuesta",
"edit_proposal": "Editar propuesta",
"archive_proposal": "Archivar propuesta",
"delete_proposal": "Borrar propuesta",
"created_proposal": "Propuesta creada correctamente",
"updated_proposal": "Propuesta actualizada correctamente",
"archived_proposal": "Propuesta archivada correctamente",
"deleted_proposal": "Propuesta archivada correctamente",
"archived_proposals": "{count} propuestas archivadas correctamente",
"deleted_proposals": "{count} propuestas archivadas correctamente",
"restored_proposal": "Propuesta restaurada satisfactoriamente",
"restore_proposal": "Restaurar Propuesta",
"snippet": "Snippet",
"snippets": "Snippets",
"proposal_snippet": "Snippet",
"proposal_snippets": "Snippets",
"new_proposal_snippet": "Nuevo Snippet",
"edit_proposal_snippet": "Editar Snippet",
"archive_proposal_snippet": "Archivar Snippet",
"delete_proposal_snippet": "Borrar Snippet",
"created_proposal_snippet": "Snippet creado correctamente",
"updated_proposal_snippet": "Snippet actualizado correctamente",
"archived_proposal_snippet": "Snippet archivado correctamente",
"deleted_proposal_snippet": "Snippet archivado correctamente",
"archived_proposal_snippets": "{count} snippets archivados correctamente",
"deleted_proposal_snippets": "{count} snippets archivados correctamente",
"restored_proposal_snippet": "Snippet restaurado correctamente",
"restore_proposal_snippet": "Restaurar Snippet",
"templates": "Plantillas",
"proposal_template": "Plantilla",
"proposal_templates": "Plantillas",
"new_proposal_template": "Nueva Plantilla",
"edit_proposal_template": "Editar Plantilla",
"archive_proposal_template": "Archivar plantilla",
"delete_proposal_template": "Borrar plantilla",
"created_proposal_template": "Plantilla creada correctamente",
"updated_proposal_template": "Plantilla actualizada correctamente",
"archived_proposal_template": "Plantilla archivada correctamente",
"deleted_proposal_template": "Plantilla archivada correctamente",
"archived_proposal_templates": "{count} plantillas archivadas correctamente",
"deleted_proposal_templates": "{count} plantillas archivadas correctamente",
"restored_proposal_template": "Plantilla restaurada correctamente",
"restore_proposal_template": "Restaurar Plantilla",
"proposal_category": "Categoría",
"proposal_categories": "Categorías",
"new_proposal_category": "Nueva Categoría",
"edit_proposal_category": "Editar Categoría",
"archive_proposal_category": "Archivar Categoría",
"delete_proposal_category": "Borrar Categoría",
"created_proposal_category": "Categoría creada correctamente",
"updated_proposal_category": "Categoría actualizada correctamente",
"archived_proposal_category": "Categoría archivada correctamente",
"deleted_proposal_category": "Categoría archivada correctamente",
"archived_proposal_categories": "{count} categorías archivadas correctamente",
"deleted_proposal_categories": "{count} categorías archivadas correctamente",
"restored_proposal_category": "Categoría restaurada correctamente",
"restore_proposal_category": "Restaurar Categoría",
"delete_status": "Borrar Estado",
"standard": "Estándar",
"icon": "Icono",
"proposal_not_found": "La propuesta solicitada no está disponible",
"create_proposal_category": "Crear categoría",
"clone_proposal_template": "Clonar Plantilla",
"proposal_email": "Enviar Propuesta",
"proposal_subject": "Nueva propuesta {number} de {account}",
"proposal_message": "Para ver su propuesta con importe {amount}, pulse el siguiente botón.",
"emailed_proposal": "Propuesta enviada correctamente",
"load_template": "Cargar Plantilla",
"no_assets": "Sin imágenes, arrastra aquí para subir",
"add_image": "Añadir Imagen",
"select_image": "Seleccionar Imagen",
"upgrade_to_upload_images": "Actualiza al Plan Enterprise para subir imágenes",
"delete_image": "Borrar Imagen",
"delete_image_help": "Atención: borrar la imagen la eliminará de todas las propuestas.",
"amount_variable_help": "Nota: el campo de la factura $amount usará el campo parcial\/depósito si se indica, de otra forma se usará el balance de la factura.",
"taxes_are_included_help": "Nota: los impuestos incluidos están activados.",
"taxes_are_not_included_help": "Nota: los impuestos incluidos no están activados.",
"change_requires_purge": "Cambiar esta opción necesita {link} los datos de la cuenta",
"purging": "purgado",
"warning_local_refund": "El reembolso será registrado en la app, pero NO será procesado por la pasarela de pago.",
"email_address_changed": "La dirección de correo electrónico se ha cambiado",
"email_address_changed_message": "La dirección de correo de tu cuenta ha sido cambiada de {old_email} a {new_email}.",
"test": "Test",
"beta": "Beta",
"gmp_required": "Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension",
"email_history": "Histórico de Emails",
"loading": "Cargando",
"no_messages_found": "No se encontraron mensajes",
"processing": "Procesando",
"reactivate": "Reactivar",
"reactivated_email": "La dirección de correo electrónico ha sido reactivada",
"emails": "Emails",
"opened": "Abiertos",
"bounced": "Rebotados",
"total_sent": "Total Enviados",
"total_opened": "Total Abiertos",
"total_bounced": "Total Rebotados",
"total_spam": "Total Spam",
"platforms": "Plataformas",
"email_clients": "Email Clients",
"mobile": "Móvil",
"desktop": "Escritorio",
"webmail": "Webmail",
"group": "Grupo",
"subgroup": "Subgrupo",
"unset": "Unset",
"received_new_payment": "¡Has recibido un nuevo pago!",
"slack_webhook_help": "Recibe notificaciones de pago usando {link}.",
"slack_incoming_webhooks": "Slack incoming webhooks",
"accept": "Aceptar",
"accepted_terms": "Se aceptaron correctamente los últimos términos de servicio",
"invalid_url": "URL inválida",
"workflow_settings": "Configuración de Flujos",
"auto_email_invoice": "Auto Email",
"auto_email_invoice_help": "Automáticamente enviar por email facturas recurrentes cuando sean creadas.",
"auto_archive_invoice": "Auto Archivar",
"auto_archive_invoice_help": "Automáticamente archivar facturas cuando sean pagadas.",
"auto_archive_quote": "Auto Archivar",
"auto_archive_quote_help": "Automáticamente archivar presupuestos cuando sean convertidos.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote": "Permitir aprobación de presupuesto vencido",
"allow_approve_expired_quote_help": "Permitir a los clientes aprobar presupuestos expirados.",
"invoice_workflow": "Flujo de Factura",
"quote_workflow": "Flujo de Presupuesto",
"client_must_be_active": "Error: el cliente debe estar activo",
"purge_client": "Purgar Cliente",
"purged_client": "Cliente purgado correctamente",
"purge_client_warning": "Todos los registros relacionados (facturas, tareas, gastos, documentos, etc) serán también eliminados.",
"clone_product": "Clonar Producto",
"item_details": "Detalles Artículo",
"send_item_details_help": "Enviar los detalles de los artículos a la pasarela de pago",
"view_proposal": "Ver Propuesta",
"view_in_portal": "Ver en Portal",
"cookie_message": "Esta página web usa cookies para asegurar que tengas la mejor experiencia de uso de este sitio.",
"got_it": "¡Lo tengo!",
"vendor_will_create": "el proveedor será creado",
"vendors_will_create": "los proveedores serán creados",
"created_vendors": "Se crearon {count} proveedor(es) correctamente",
"import_vendors": "Importar Proveedores",
"company": "Empresa",
"client_field": "Campo de Cliente",
"contact_field": "Campo de Contacto",
"product_field": "Campo de Producto",
"task_field": "Campo de Tarea",
"project_field": "Campo de Proyecto",
"expense_field": "Campo de Gasto",
"vendor_field": "Campo de Proveedor",
"company_field": "Campo de Empresa",
"invoice_field": "Campo de Factura",
"invoice_surcharge": "Recargo de Factura",
"custom_task_fields_help": "Añadir un campo al crear una tarea.",
"custom_project_fields_help": "Añadir un campo al crear un proyecto.",
"custom_expense_fields_help": "Añadir un campo al crear un gasto.",
"custom_vendor_fields_help": "Añadir un campo al crear un proveedor.",
"messages": "Mensajes",
"unpaid_invoice": "Factura Impagada",
"paid_invoice": "Factura Pagada",
"unapproved_quote": "Presupuesto No Aprobado",
"unapproved_proposal": "Propuesta No Aprobada",
"autofills_city_state": "Auto rellenar ciudad\/provincia",
"no_match_found": "Sin resultados",
"password_strength": "Seguridad de la Contraseña",
"strength_weak": "Débil",
"strength_good": "Buena",
"strength_strong": "Fuerte",
"mark": "Marca",
"updated_task_status": "Se actualizó correctamente el estado de la tarea",
"background_image": "Imagen de Fondo",
"background_image_help": "Usa el {link} para gestionar tus imágenes, te recomendamos usar un archivo pequeño.",
"proposal_editor": "editor de propuesta",
"background": "Fondo",
"guide": "Guía",
"gateway_fee_item": "Concepto de Comisión de Pasarela de Pago",
"gateway_fee_description": "Sobrecoste de Comisión de Pasarela de Pago",
"show_payments": "Mostrar Pagos",
"show_aging": "Mostrar Envejecimiento",
"reference": "Referencia",
"amount_paid": "Cantidad Pagada",
"send_notifications_for": "Mandar Notificaciones Por",
"all_invoices": "Todas las Facturas",
"my_invoices": "Mis Facturas",
"mobile_refresh_warning": "Si estás usando la app móvil necesitarás hacer un refresco completo.",
"enable_proposals_for_background": "Para subir una imagen de fondo {link} para activar el módulo de propuestas."
"fi": {
"passwords": {
"password": "Salasanan on oltava vähintään kuusi merkkiä pitkä ja vastattava vahvistuskentän arvoa.",
"reset": "Salasana on resetoitu!",
"sent": "Resetointilinkki lähetetty sähköpostitse!",
"token": "Resetointitunniste on viallinen.",
"user": "Sähköpostiosoitteella ei löydy käyttäjää."
"auth": {
"failed": "Kirjautuminen epäonnistui.",
"throttle": "Liian monta kirjautumisyritystä. Yritä uudelleen {seconds} sekunnin kuluttua."
"pagination": {
"previous": "« Edellinen",
"next": "Seuraava »"
"validation": {
"accepted": "Kenttä {attribute} tulee hyväksyä.",
"active_url": "Kentän {attribute} tulee olla validi URL-osoite.",
"after": "Kentän {attribute} päiväyksen tulee olla {date} jälkeen.",
"after_or_equal": "The {attribute} must be a date after or equal to {date}.",
"alpha": "Kenttä {attribute} voi sisältää vain kirjaimia.",
"alpha_dash": "Kenttä {attribute} voi sisältää vain kirjaimia, numeroita ja viivoja.",
"alpha_num": "Kenttä {attribute} voi sisältää vain kirjaimia ja numeroita.",
"array": "The {attribute} must be an array.",
"before": "Kentän {attribute} päiväyksen tulee olla ennen {date}.",
"before_or_equal": "The {attribute} must be a date before or equal to {date}.",
"between": {
"numeric": "Kentän {attribute} tulee olla välillä {min} - {max}.",
"file": "Tiedoston {attribute} tulee olla {min} - {max} kilobittiä.",
"string": "Kentän {attribute} tulee olla {min} - {max} merkkiä pitkä.",
"array": "Kentän {attribute} tulee sisältää välillä {min} - {max} arvoa."
"boolean": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla tosi tai epätosi.",
"confirmed": "Kentän {attribute} vahvistus ei täsmää.",
"date": "Kentän {attribute} arvo ei ole kelvollinen päivämäärä.",
"date_format": "Kentän {attribute} arvo ei vastaa muotoa {format}.",
"different": "Kenttien {attribute} ja {other} tulee olla eriarvoisia.",
"digits": "Kentän {attribute} arvon on oltava {digits} numeroa.",
"digits_between": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla {min} - {max} numeroa.",
"dimensions": "The {attribute} has invalid image dimensions.",
"distinct": "Kentän {attribute} arvo ei ole uniikki.",
"email": "Kentän {attribute} arvo ei ole validi sähköpostiosoite.",
"exists": "The selected {attribute} is invalid.",
"file": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla tiedosto.",
"filled": "Kenttä {attribute} on pakollinen.",
"image": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla kuva.",
"in": "Kentän {attribute} arvo on virheellinen.",
"in_array": "Kentän {attribute} arvo ei sisälly kentän {other} arvoon.",
"integer": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla numero.",
"ip": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla validi IP-osoite.",
"ipv4": "The {attribute} must be a valid IPv4 address.",
"ipv6": "The {attribute} must be a valid IPv6 address.",
"json": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla validia JSON{ia}.",
"max": {
"numeric": "Kentän arvon {attribute} tulee olla enintään {max}.",
"file": "Tiedoston {attribute} tulee olla enintään {max} kilobittiä.",
"string": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla enintään {max} merkkiä pitkä.",
"array": "Kentän {attribute} ei tule sisältää enempää kuin {max} arvoa."
"mimes": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla tiedostotyyppiä: {values}.",
"mimetypes": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla tiedostotyyppiä: {values}.",
"min": {
"numeric": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla vähintään {min}.",
"file": "Tiedoston {attribute} tulee olla vähintään {min} kilobittiä.",
"string": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla vähintään {min} merkkiä.",
"array": "Kentän {attribute} tulee sisältää vähintään {min} arvoa."
"not_in": "Kentän {attribute} arvo on virheellinen.",
"numeric": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla numero.",
"present": "Kenttä {attribute} vaaditaan.",
"regex": "Kentän {attribute} arvo on väärää muotoa.",
"required": "Kenttä {attribute} vaaditaan.",
"required_if": "Kenttä {attribute} vaaditaan kun {other} on {value}.",
"required_unless": "Kenttä {attribute} vaaditaan jos {other} ei sisälly arvoihin {values}.",
"required_with": "Kenttä {attribute} vaaditaan kun arvo {values} on annettu.",
"required_with_all": "Kenttä {attribute} vaaditaan kun arvo {values} on annettu.",
"required_without": "Kenttä {attribute} vaaditaan kun arvoa {values} ei ole annettu.",
"required_without_all": "Kenttä {attribute} vaaditaan kun mitään arvoista {values} ei ole annettu.",
"same": "Kenttien {attribute} ja {other} on oltava samanarvoiset.",
"size": {
"numeric": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla kokoa {size}.",
"file": "Tiedoston {attribute} tulee olla kokoa {size} kilobittiä.",
"string": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla kokoa {size} merkkiä.",
"array": "Kentän {attribute} tulee sisältää {size} arvoa."
"string": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla tekstiä.",
"timezone": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla validi aikavyöhyketunniste.",
"unique": "Kentän {attribute} arvo ei ole uniikki.",
"uploaded": "Tiedoston {attribute} lataus epäonnistui.",
"url": "Kentän {attribute} arvon tulee olla validi URL-osoite.",
"custom": {
"attribute-name": {
"rule-name": "custom-message"
"attributes": []
"texts": {
"organization": "Yritys",
"name": "Nimi",
"website": "Kotisivu",
"work_phone": "Puhelin",
"address": "Osoite",
"address1": "Katu",
"address2": "Asunto",
"city": "Kaupunki",
"state": "Lääni",
"postal_code": "Postinumero",
"country_id": "Maa",
"contacts": "Yhteystiedot",
"first_name": "Etunimi",
"last_name": "Sukunimi",
"phone": "Puhelin",
"email": "Sähköposti",
"additional_info": "Lisäätietoa",
"payment_terms": "Maksu ehdot",
"currency_id": "Valuutta",
"size_id": "Yrityksen koko",
"industry_id": "Ala",
"private_notes": "Yksityset muistiinpanot",
"invoice": "Lasku",
"client": "Asiakas",
"invoice_date": "Päivämäärä",
"due_date": "Eräpäivä",
"invoice_number": "Laskun numero",
"invoice_number_short": "Laskun nro",
"po_number": "Hankinta tilaus numero",
"po_number_short": "Hankinta tilaus nro",
"frequency_id": "Kuinka usein",
"discount": "Alennus",
"taxes": "Verot",
"tax": "Vero",
"item": "Tuote",
"description": "Selite",
"unit_cost": "Kappale hinta",
"quantity": "Määrä",
"line_total": "Rivin summa",
"subtotal": "Välisumma",
"paid_to_date": "Maksettu tähän mennessä",
"balance_due": "Avoin lasku",
"invoice_design_id": "Muotoilu",
"terms": "Ehdot",
"your_invoice": "Laskunne",
"remove_contact": "Poista yhteystieto",
"add_contact": "Lisää yhteystieto",
"create_new_client": "Lisää uusi asiakas",
"edit_client_details": "Muokkaa asiakkaan tiedot",
"enable": "Päällä",
"learn_more": "Lue lisää",
"manage_rates": "Hallitse hintoja",
"note_to_client": "Huomautus asiakkalle",
"invoice_terms": "Laskun ehdot",
"save_as_default_terms": "Tallenna oletus ehdot",
"download_pdf": "Lataa PDF",
"pay_now": "Maksa nyt",
"save_invoice": "Tallenna lasku",
"clone_invoice": "Clone To Invoice",
"archive_invoice": "Arkistoi lasku",
"delete_invoice": "Poista lasku",
"email_invoice": "Lähetä lasku sähköpostitse",
"enter_payment": "Kirjaa maksu",
"tax_rates": "Vero määrä",
"rate": "Rate",
"settings": "Asetukset",
"enable_invoice_tax": "Enable specifying an invoice tax<\/b>",
"enable_line_item_tax": "Enable specifying line item taxes<\/b>",
"dashboard": "Hallintapaneeli",
"clients": "Asiakkaat",
"invoices": "Laskut",
"payments": "Maksut",
"credits": "Hyvitykset",
"history": "Historia",
"search": "Etsi",
"sign_up": "Rekisteröidy",
"guest": "Vieras",
"company_details": "Yrityksen yhteystiedot",
"online_payments": "Online maksut",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"import_export": "Tuonti | Vienti",
"done": "Valmis",
"save": "Tallenna",
"create": "Luo",
"upload": "Upload",
"import": "Tuo",
"download": "Download",
"cancel": "Peruuta",
"close": "Sulje",
"provide_email": "Ystävällisesti anna käypä sähköpostiosoite",
"powered_by": "Moottorina",
"no_items": "Ei tuotteita",
"recurring_invoices": "Toistuvat laskut",
"recurring_help": "Automatically send clients the same invoices weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly or annually. <\/p>\n
Use {MONTH}, {QUARTER} or {YEAR} for dynamic dates. Basic math works as well, for example {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n
Examples of dynamic invoice variables:<\/p>\n
\n - \"Gym membership for the month of {MONTH}\" >> \"Gym membership for the month of July\"<\/li>\n
- \"{YEAR}+1 yearly subscription\" >> \"2015 Yearly Subscription\"<\/li>\n
- \"Retainer payment for {QUARTER}+1\" >> \"Retainer payment for Q2\"<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"recurring_quotes": "Recurring Quotes",
"in_total_revenue": "kokonaistuloja",
"billed_client": "Laskutettu asiakas",
"billed_clients": "Laskutetut asiakaat",
"active_client": "Aktiivinen asiakas",
"active_clients": "Aktiiviset asiakkaat",
"invoices_past_due": "Eräntyyneet laskut",
"upcoming_invoices": "Erääntyvät laskut",
"average_invoice": "Laskujen keskiarvo",
"archive": "Arkisto",
"delete": "Poista",
"archive_client": "Arkistoi asiakas",
"delete_client": "Poista asiakas",
"archive_payment": "Arkistoi maksu",
"delete_payment": "Poista maksu",
"archive_credit": "Arkistoi hyvityslasku",
"delete_credit": "Poista hyvityslasku",
"show_archived_deleted": "Näytä arkistoidut \/ poistetut",
"filter": "Suodata",
"new_client": "Uusi asiakas",
"new_invoice": "Uusi lasku",
"new_payment": "Syötä maksu",
"new_credit": "Syötä hyvitys",
"contact": "Yhteyshenkilö",
"date_created": "Luotu",
"last_login": "Viimeinen kirjautuminen",
"balance": "Saldo",
"action": "Toiminto",
"status": "Tila",
"invoice_total": "Maksettava",
"frequency": "Kuinka usein",
"start_date": "Alkamispäiväämäärä",
"end_date": "Loppupäivämäärä",
"transaction_reference": "Tapahtumaan viite",
"method": "Tapaa",
"payment_amount": "Maksun määrä",
"payment_date": "Maksun päivämäärä",
"credit_amount": "Hyvityksen määrä",
"credit_balance": "Hyvityksen saldo",
"credit_date": "Hyvityksen päivämäärä",
"empty_table": "Ei näytettävä data",
"select": "Valitse",
"edit_client": "Muokkaa asiakas",
"edit_invoice": "Muokkaa laskua",
"create_invoice": "Luo lasku",
"enter_credit": "Kirjaa hyvitystä",
"last_logged_in": "Viimeksi kirjoittautunut",
"details": "Yksityiskohdat",
"standing": "Tilanne",
"credit": "Luotto",
"activity": "Toiminto",
"date": "Päivämäärä",
"message": "Viesti",
"adjustment": "Säätö",
"are_you_sure": "Oletko varmaa?",
"payment_type_id": "Maksun laji",
"amount": "määrä",
"work_email": "Sähköposti",
"language_id": "Kieli",
"timezone_id": "Aikavyöhyke",
"date_format_id": "Päivämäärän muoto",
"datetime_format_id": "Päivä- \/ Aikamuoto",
"users": "Käyttäjät",
"localization": "Paikallistaa",
"remove_logo": "Poista Logo",
"logo_help": "Tuetut: JPEG, GIF ja PNG",
"payment_gateway": "Maksuterminaali",
"gateway_id": "Terminaali",
"email_notifications": "Sähköposti ilmoitukset",
"email_sent": "Lähetä minulle sähköposti, kun lasku on lähetetty<\/b>",
"email_viewed": "Lähetä minulle sähköposti, kun lasku on nähty<\/b>",
"email_paid": "Lähetä minulle sähköposti, kun lasku on maksettu<\/b>",
"site_updates": "Sivun päivitys",
"custom_messages": "Mukautetut viestit",
"default_email_footer": "Aseta vakiomuotoinen sähköpostiallekirjoitus<\/b>",
"select_file": "ystävällisesti valitsee tiedosto",
"first_row_headers": "Käytä ensimmäinen rivi ylätunnisteena",
"column": "Sarake",
"sample": "Otos",
"import_to": "Tuo tähän",
"client_will_create": "Asiakas luodaan",
"clients_will_create": "Asiakkaita luodaan",
"email_settings": "Sähköpostin asetukset",
"client_view_styling": "Muokkaa asiakkaan näky",
"pdf_email_attachment": "Attach PDF",
"custom_css": "Mukautettu CSS",
"import_clients": "Tuo asiakkaan tiedot",
"csv_file": "CSV tiedosto",
"export_clients": "Vie asiakkaan tiedot ",
"created_client": "Luotin onnistuneesti asiakas",
"created_clients": "{count} asiakas(ta) luotu onnistuneesti",
"updated_settings": "Asetukset ovat päivittyneet onnistuneesti",
"removed_logo": "Logo on poistettu onnistuneesti ",
"sent_message": "Viesti on onnistuneesti lähetetty",
"invoice_error": "Ystävällisesti varmistakaa että asiakasta on valittu ja korjaatkaa kaikki virheet",
"limit_clients": "Pahoittelut, tämä ylittää {count} asiakkaan rajan",
"payment_error": "Maksukäsittelyssä ilmeni ongelma. Yrittäkää myöhemmin uudelleen.",
"registration_required": "Rekisteröidy lähettääksesi laskun",
"confirmation_required": "Please confirm your email address, {link} to resend the confirmation email.",
"updated_client": "Asiakas on päivitetty onnistuneesti",
"archived_client": "Asiakas on arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"archived_clients": "{count} asiakas(ta) arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_client": "Asiakas on poistettu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_clients": "{count} asiakas(ta) poistettu onnistuneesti",
"updated_invoice": "Lasku päivitettiin onnistuneesti",
"created_invoice": "Lasku luotiin onnistuneesti ",
"cloned_invoice": "Lasku kopioitiin onnistuneesti",
"emailed_invoice": "Lasku lähetettiin onnistuneesti",
"and_created_client": "ja luotu asiakas",
"archived_invoice": "Lasku arkistoitiin onnistuneesti",
"archived_invoices": "{count} asiakas(ta) arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_invoice": "Lasku poistettiin onnistuneesti",
"deleted_invoices": "{count} laskua poistettiin onnistuneesti\n{count} lasku poistettiin (if only one)\nLasku poistettiin (if only one, alternative)",
"created_payment": "Maksu on luotu onnistuneesti",
"created_payments": "{count} maksu(a) luotu onnistuneesti",
"archived_payment": "Maksu on arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"archived_payments": "{count} maksu(a) arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_payment": "Maksu on poistettu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_payments": "{count} maksu(a) poistettu onnistuneesti",
"applied_payment": "Maksu on sovitettu onnistuneesti. ",
"created_credit": "Hyvitys on luotu onnistuneesti",
"archived_credit": "Hyvitys on arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"archived_credits": "{count} hyvitys(tä) arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_credit": "Hyvitys on poistettu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_credits": "{count} hyvitys(tä) poistettu onnistuneesti",
"imported_file": "Tiedosto on tuotu onnistuneesti",
"updated_vendor": "Tavarantoimittaja on päivitetty onnistuneesti",
"created_vendor": "Luotin onnistuneesti tavarantoimittaja",
"archived_vendor": "Tavarantoimittaja on arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"archived_vendors": "{count} toimittaja(a) arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_vendor": "Tavarantoimittaja on poistettu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_vendors": "{count} toimittajaa poistettu onnistuneesti",
"confirmation_subject": "Invoice Ninja -tilin vahvistus",
"confirmation_header": "Tilin varmistus",
"confirmation_message": "Ystävällisesti seuratkaa alla oleva linkkiä varmistaaksesi tilisi. ",
"invoice_subject": "New invoice {number} from {account}",
"invoice_message": "Nähdäksesi laskun summalle {amount}, paina alla olevaa linkkiä.",
"payment_subject": "Maksu vastaanotettu",
"payment_message": "Kiitos {amount} maksustasi.",
"email_salutation": "Hyvä {name},",
"email_signature": "Ystävällisesti,",
"email_from": "Invoive Ninja -tiimi",
"invoice_link_message": "Nähdäksesi laskun paina alla olevaa linkkiä: ",
"notification_invoice_paid_subject": "{client} maksoi laskun {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_sent_subject": "Lasku {invoice} lähetetty asiakkaalle {client}",
"notification_invoice_viewed_subject": "{client} luki laskun {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_paid": "Asiakas {client} maksoi {amount} laskusta {invoice}.",
"notification_invoice_sent": "Asiakkaalle {client} lähetettiin lasku {invoice} summalla {amount}.",
"notification_invoice_viewed": "Asiakas {client} avasi laskun {invoice} summalla {amount}.",
"reset_password": "Voit palauttaa tilisi salasana klikkaamalla nappia",
"secure_payment": "Turvallinen maksu",
"card_number": "Kortin numero",
"expiration_month": "Voimassaolo kuukausi",
"expiration_year": "Voimassaolo vuosi",
"cvv": "CVV",
"logout": "Kirjaudu ulos",
"sign_up_to_save": "Rekisteröidy tallentaaksesi työsi",
"agree_to_terms": "I agree to the {terms}",
"terms_of_service": "Käyttöehdot",
"email_taken": "Sähköpostiosoite on jo rekisteröity",
"working": "Mietti",
"success": "Onnistui",
"success_message": "Olet rekisteröity onnistuneesti! Seuraa sähköpostin tullutta linkkiä varmistaaksesi sähköpostiosoitettasi. ",
"erase_data": "Tiliäsi ei ole rekisteröity, tämä poistaa tietosi pysyvästi.",
"password": "Salasana",
"pro_plan_product": "Pro tili",
"pro_plan_success": "Thanks for choosing Invoice Ninja's Pro plan!
\n Next Steps<\/b>A payable invoice has been sent to the email\n address associated with your account. To unlock all of the awesome\n Pro features, please follow the instructions on the invoice to pay\n for a year of Pro-level invoicing.\n Can't find the invoice? Need further assistance? We're happy to help\n -- email us at contact@invoiceninja.com",
"unsaved_changes": "Sinulla on tallentamattomat muutoksia ",
"custom_fields": "Mukautetut kentät",
"company_fields": "Yritys kentät",
"client_fields": "Asiakas kentät",
"field_label": "Kentän nimike",
"field_value": "Kentän arvo",
"edit": "Muokkaa",
"set_name": "Anna yrityksesi nimi",
"view_as_recipient": "Näe vastaanottajan näkökulmasta",
"product_library": "Tuoteluettelo",
"product": "Tuote",
"products": "Tuotteet",
"fill_products": "Lisää automaattisesti tuotteita",
"fill_products_help": "Tuotteen valinta täyttää kuvauksen ja hinnan<\/b> automaattisesti",
"update_products": "Päivitä automaattisesti tuotteet",
"update_products_help": "Laskun päivittäminen päivittää tuotetietokannan<\/b> automaattisesti",
"create_product": "Lisää tuote",
"edit_product": "Muokkaa tuote",
"archive_product": "Arkistoi tuote",
"updated_product": "Tuote on päivitetty onnistuneesti",
"created_product": "Tuote on luotu onnistuneesti",
"archived_product": "Tuote on arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"pro_plan_custom_fields": "{link} ottaaksesi käyttöön räätälöidyt kentät liittymällä Pro-tasoon",
"advanced_settings": "Lisääasetuksia",
"pro_plan_advanced_settings": "{link} ottaaksesi käyttöön Pro-tason lisäasetukset",
"invoice_design": "Laskun muotoilu",
"specify_colors": "Tarkenna värit",
"specify_colors_label": "Valitsee laskussa käytettävät värit",
"chart_builder": "Kaavion rakentaminen",
"ninja_email_footer": "Created by {site} | Create. Send. Get Paid.",
"go_pro": "Ala PRO{ksi}",
"quote": "Tarjous",
"quotes": "Tarjousta",
"quote_number": "Tarjous numero",
"quote_number_short": "Tarjous nro",
"quote_date": "Tarjouksen päivämäärä",
"quote_total": "Tarjouksen loppusumma",
"your_quote": "Tarjouksenne",
"total": "Loppusumma",
"clone": "Kopioi",
"new_quote": "Uusi tarjous",
"create_quote": "Luo tarjous",
"edit_quote": "Muokkaa tarjous",
"archive_quote": "Arkistoi tarjous",
"delete_quote": "Poista tarjous",
"save_quote": "Tallenna tarjous",
"email_quote": "Lähetä tarjous",
"clone_quote": "Clone To Quote",
"convert_to_invoice": "Muuta laskuksi",
"view_invoice": "Katso lasku",
"view_client": "Katso asiakasta",
"view_quote": "Katso tarjousta",
"updated_quote": "Tarjousta on päivitetty onnistuneesti",
"created_quote": "Tarjous on päivitetty onnistuneesti",
"cloned_quote": "Tarjous on kopioitu onnistuneesti",
"emailed_quote": "Tarjous on lähetetty onnistuneesti",
"archived_quote": "Tarjous on arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"archived_quotes": "{count} tarjous(ta) arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_quote": "Tarjous on poistettu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_quotes": "{count} tarjous(ta) poistettu onnistuneesti",
"converted_to_invoice": "Tarjous muutettiin onnistuneesti laskuksi",
"quote_subject": "New quote {number} from {account}",
"quote_message": "Nähdäksesi tarjouksen summalla {amount}, paina alla olevaa linkkiä.",
"quote_link_message": "Paina linkkiä alla nähdäksesi asiakastarjouksen:",
"notification_quote_sent_subject": "Tarjous {invoice} on lähetetty asiakkaalle {client}",
"notification_quote_viewed_subject": "{client} luki tarjouksen {invoice} ",
"notification_quote_sent": "Asiakkaalle {client} lähetettiin tarjous {invoice} summalla {amount}.",
"notification_quote_viewed": "Asiakas {client} avasi tarjouksen {invoice} summalla {amount}.",
"session_expired": "Istuntoosi on vanhentunut",
"invoice_fields": "Laskun kentät",
"invoice_options": "Laskun valinnat",
"hide_paid_to_date": "Piilota \"Maksettu tähän asti\"",
"hide_paid_to_date_help": "Näytä \"Maksettava päivämäärään mennessä\" kenttä laskuillasi vain maksetuilla laskuilla.",
"charge_taxes": "Veloita veroa",
"user_management": "Käyttäjänhallinta",
"add_user": "Lisää käyttäjä",
"send_invite": "Lähetä kutsu",
"sent_invite": "Kutsu on onnistuneesti lähetetty",
"updated_user": "Käyttäjä on päivitetty onnistuneesti",
"invitation_message": "Olet saanut kutsun käyttäjältä {invitor}.",
"register_to_add_user": "Rekisteröidy lisäätäksesi Käyttäjä",
"user_state": "Tila",
"edit_user": "Muokkaa käyttäjä",
"delete_user": "Poista Käyttäjä",
"active": "Aktiivinen",
"pending": "Odottaa vastausta",
"deleted_user": "Käyttäjä on poistettu onnistuneesti",
"confirm_email_invoice": "Haluatko varmasti lähettää tämän laskun?",
"confirm_email_quote": "Haluatko varmasti lähettää tämä tarjous",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice": "Oletko varmaa että haluat lähettää tämän laskun?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent": "Are you sure you want to start the recurrence?",
"cancel_account": "Poista tili",
"cancel_account_message": "Varoitus: Tämä poistaa tilisi pysyvästi. Tietoja ei pysty palauttamaan.",
"go_back": "Palaa takaisin",
"data_visualizations": "Datan visualisaatiot",
"sample_data": "Näytetään esimerkkitietoja",
"hide": "Piilota",
"new_version_available": "Uusi versio ohjelmistosta {releases_link} saatavilla. Tämänhetkinen versio on v{user_version}, uusin versio on v{latest_version}",
"invoice_settings": "Laskun asetukset",
"invoice_number_prefix": "Laskunumeron etuliite",
"invoice_number_counter": "Laskun järjestysnumero",
"quote_number_prefix": "Tarjousnumeron etuliite",
"quote_number_counter": "Tarjouksen järjestysnumero",
"share_invoice_counter": "Jaa järjestysnumero laskun kanssa",
"invoice_issued_to": "Laskutettu asiakas",
"invalid_counter": "Estääksesi mahdolliset konfliktit, aseta laskulle tai tarjoukselle etuliite",
"mark_sent": "Merkitse lähetetyksi",
"gateway_help_1": "{link} rekisteröityäksesi palveluun Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_2": "{link} rekisteröityäksesi palveluun Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_17": "{link} saadaksesi PayPal API tilin.",
"gateway_help_27": "{link} rekisteröityäksesi palveluun 2Checkout.com. Varmistaaksesi laskujen seurannan aseta uudelleenohjausosoitteeksi {complete_link} kohdassa Tili > Sivustoasetukset 2Checkout portaalissa.",
"gateway_help_60": "{link} to create a WePay account.",
"more_designs": "Lisää muotoiluja",
"more_designs_title": "Lisää laskumuotoiluja",
"more_designs_cloud_header": "Tilaa Pro saadaksesi lisää muotoiluja",
"more_designs_cloud_text": "",
"more_designs_self_host_text": "",
"buy": "Osta",
"bought_designs": "Laskumuotoilut lisätty onnistuneesti",
"sent": "Sent",
"vat_number": "ALV-numero",
"timesheets": "Työaikalistaukset",
"payment_title": "Syötä laskutusosoitteesi ja luottokorttitietosi",
"payment_cvv": "*Tämä on 3-4-numeroinen tarkistuskoodi korttisi kääntöpuolella",
"payment_footer1": "*Laskutusosoitteen täytyy täsmätä luottokortin osoitteen kanssa",
"payment_footer2": "*Paina \"MAKSA NYT\" -linkkiä vain kerran - maksutapahtuman käsittelyyn voi mennä jopa 1 minuutti.",
"id_number": "ID-numero",
"white_label_link": "White label",
"white_label_header": "White Label",
"bought_white_label": "White label -lisenssi otettu käyttöön onnistuneesti",
"white_labeled": "White label käytössä",
"restore": "Palauta",
"restore_invoice": "Palauta lasku",
"restore_quote": "Palauta tarjous",
"restore_client": "Palauta asiakas",
"restore_credit": "Palauta hyvitys",
"restore_payment": "Palauta maksu",
"restored_invoice": "Lasku palautettu onnistuneesti",
"restored_quote": "Tarjous palautettu onnistuneesti",
"restored_client": "Asiakas palautettu onnistuneesti",
"restored_payment": "Maksu palautettu onnistuneesti",
"restored_credit": "Hyvitys palautettu onnistuneesti",
"reason_for_canceling": "Auta meitä parantamaan sivustoamme kertomalla miksi olet lähdössä.",
"discount_percent": "Prosenttia",
"discount_amount": "Summa",
"invoice_history": "Laskuhistoria",
"quote_history": "Tarjoushistoria",
"current_version": "Nykyinen versio",
"select_version": "Valitse versio",
"view_history": "Näytä historia",
"edit_payment": "Muokkaa maksua",
"updated_payment": "Maksu päivitetty onnistuneesti",
"deleted": "Poistett",
"restore_user": "Palauta käyttäjä",
"restored_user": "Käyttäjä palautettu onnistuneesti",
"show_deleted_users": "Näytä poistetut käyttäjät",
"email_templates": "Sähköpostipohjat",
"invoice_email": "Laskusähköposti",
"payment_email": "Maksusähköposti",
"quote_email": "Tarjoussähköposti",
"reset_all": "Nollaa kaikki",
"approve": "Hyväksy",
"token_billing_type_id": "Token Billing",
"token_billing_help": "Store payment details with WePay, Stripe, Braintree or GoCardless.",
"token_billing_1": "Pois käytöstä",
"token_billing_2": "Opt-in - valinta näytetään mutta on vakiona valitsematta",
"token_billing_3": "Opt-out - valinta näytetään ja on vakiona valittu",
"token_billing_4": "Aina",
"token_billing_checkbox": "Kaupan luottokorttitiedot",
"view_in_gateway": "Näytä palvelussa {gateway}",
"use_card_on_file": "Käytä tallennettuja korttitietoja",
"edit_payment_details": "Muokkaa maksutapoja",
"token_billing": "Tallenna korttitiedot",
"token_billing_secure": "Tiedot on tallennettu turvallisesti palvelussa {link}",
"support": "Asiakaspalvelu",
"contact_information": "Yhteystiedot",
"256_encryption": "256-bittinen salaus",
"amount_due": "Maksettava",
"billing_address": "Laskutusosoitus",
"billing_method": "Laskutustapa",
"order_overview": "Tilaustiedot",
"match_address": "*Osoitteen on täsmättävä luottokorttitietojen kanssa",
"click_once": "*Paina \"MAKSA NYT\" -linkkiä vain kerran - maksutapahtuman käsittelyyn voi mennä jopa 1 minuutti.",
"invoice_footer": "Laskun alatunniste",
"save_as_default_footer": "Tallenna vakioalatunnisteeksi",
"token_management": "Token Management",
"tokens": "Tokens",
"add_token": "Add Token",
"show_deleted_tokens": "Show deleted tokens",
"deleted_token": "Successfully deleted token",
"created_token": "Successfully created token",
"updated_token": "Successfully updated token",
"edit_token": "Edit Token",
"delete_token": "Delete Token",
"token": "Token",
"add_gateway": "Add Gateway",
"delete_gateway": "Delete Gateway",
"edit_gateway": "Edit Gateway",
"updated_gateway": "Successfully updated gateway",
"created_gateway": "Successfully created gateway",
"deleted_gateway": "Successfully deleted gateway",
"pay_with_paypal": "PayPal",
"pay_with_card": "Luottokortti",
"change_password": "Muuta salasana",
"current_password": "Nykyinen salasana",
"new_password": "Uusi salasana",
"confirm_password": "Vahvista salasana",
"password_error_incorrect": "Nykyinen salasana on väärin",
"password_error_invalid": "Uusi salasana ei kelpaa",
"updated_password": "Salasana muutettu onnistuneesti",
"api_tokens": "API-salasanat",
"users_and_tokens": "Käyttäjät ja salasanat",
"account_login": "Tiliin kirjautuminen",
"recover_password": "Palauta salasana",
"forgot_password": "Unohditko salasanasi?",
"email_address": "Sähköpostiosoite",
"lets_go": "Mennään",
"password_recovery": "Salasanan palautus",
"send_email": "Lähetä sähköposti",
"set_password": "Aseta salasana",
"converted": "Muunnettu",
"email_approved": "Lähetä minulle sähköpostia kun tarjous on hyväksytty<\/b>",
"notification_quote_approved_subject": "{client} hyväksyi tarjouksen {invoice}",
"notification_quote_approved": "Asiakas {client} avasi tarjouksen {invoice} summalla {amount}.",
"resend_confirmation": "Lähetä vahvistussähköposti uudelleen",
"confirmation_resent": "Vahvistussähköposti lähetetty",
"gateway_help_42": "{link} rekisteröityäksesi palveluun BitPay.
Huom: Käytä Legacy API Key -merkkijonoa, älä API tokenia.",
"payment_type_credit_card": "Luottokortti",
"payment_type_paypal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_gocardless": "GoCardless",
"knowledge_base": "Tietopankki",
"partial": "Osittainen\/Talletus",
"partial_remaining": "{partial} summasta {balance}",
"more_fields": "Lisää kenttiä",
"less_fields": "Vähemmän kenttiä",
"client_name": "Client Name",
"pdf_settings": "PDF-asetukset",
"product_settings": "Tuoteasetukset",
"auto_wrap": "Automaattinen rivinvaihto",
"duplicate_post": "Varoitus: Edellinen sivu tallennettiin kahdesti. Jälkimmäinen tallennus jätettiin huomiotta.",
"view_documentation": "Lue dokumentaatiota",
"app_title": "Ilmainen vapaan lähdekoodin online-laskutus",
"app_description": "Invoice Ninja on ilmainen, avoimen lähdekoodin ratkaisu asiakkaiden laskutukseen. Invoice Ninjalla voit helposti luoda ja lähettää kauniita laskuja mistä tahansa laitteesta, jolla on internet-yhteys. Asiakkaasi voivat tulostaa laskuja, ladata ne pdf-muodossa ja jopa maksaa ne verkossa järjestemmämme avulla.",
"rows": "rivit",
"www": "www",
"logo": "Logo",
"subdomain": "Alidomain",
"provide_name_or_email": "Ole hyvä ja syötä nimi tai sählöposti",
"charts_and_reports": "Kaaviot ja raportit",
"chart": "Kaavio",
"report": "Raportti",
"group_by": "Niputa",
"paid": "Maksettu",
"enable_report": "Raportti",
"enable_chart": "Kaavio",
"totals": "Yhteensä",
"run": "Aja",
"export": "Vienti",
"documentation": "Dokumentaatio",
"zapier": "Zapier",
"recurring": "Toistuvat",
"last_invoice_sent": "Viimeisin lasku lähetettiin {date}",
"processed_updates": "Päivitetty onnistuneesti",
"tasks": "Tehtävät",
"new_task": "Uusi tehtävä",
"start_time": "Aloitusaika",
"created_task": "Tehtävä luotu onnistuneesti",
"updated_task": "Tehtävä päivitetty onnistuneesti",
"edit_task": "Muokkaa tehtävä",
"archive_task": "Arkistoi tehtävä",
"restore_task": "Palauta tehtävä",
"delete_task": "Poista tehtävä",
"stop_task": "Poista tehtävä",
"time": "Aika",
"start": "Aloitus",
"stop": "Lopetus",
"now": "Nyt",
"timer": "Ajastin",
"manual": "Manuaalinen",
"date_and_time": "Päivä & Aika",
"second": "Second",
"seconds": "Seconds",
"minute": "Minute",
"minutes": "Minutes",
"hour": "Hour",
"hours": "Hours",
"task_details": "Tehtävän yksityiskohdat",
"duration": "Kesto",
"end_time": "Lopetusaika",
"end": "Loppu",
"invoiced": "Laskutettu",
"logged": "Kirjattu",
"running": "Käynnissä",
"task_error_multiple_clients": "Tehtävät eivät voi kuulua eri asiakkaille",
"task_error_running": "Ole hyvä ja lopeta tehtävä ensin",
"task_error_invoiced": "Tehtävät on jo laskutettu",
"restored_task": "Tehtävä palautettu onnistuneesti",
"archived_task": "Tehtävä arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"archived_tasks": "{count} tehtävää arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_task": "Tehtävä poistettu onnistuneesti",
"deleted_tasks": "{count} tehtävää poistettu onnistuneesti",
"create_task": "Luo tehtävä",
"stopped_task": "Tehtävä lopetettu onnistuneesti",
"invoice_task": "Laskuta tehtävä",
"invoice_labels": "Laskun kentät",
"prefix": "Etuliite",
"counter": "Laskuri",
"payment_type_dwolla": "Dwolla",
"gateway_help_43": "{link} rekisteröityäksesi palveluun Dwolla",
"partial_value": "Täytyy olla suurempi kuin nolla ja vähemmän kuin kaikki yhteensä",
"more_actions": "Lisää toimintoja",
"pro_plan_title": "NINJA PRO",
"pro_plan_call_to_action": "Upgrade Now!",
"pro_plan_feature1": "Luo rajattomasti asiakkaita",
"pro_plan_feature2": "Käytä 10 kaunista laskupohjaa",
"pro_plan_feature3": "Mukautetut osoitteet - \"yrityksesi.invoiceninja.com\"",
"pro_plan_feature4": "Poista \"Tehty Invoice Ninjalla\"",
"pro_plan_feature5": "Multi-user Access & Activity Tracking",
"pro_plan_feature6": "Create Quotes & Pro-forma Invoices",
"pro_plan_feature7": "Customize Invoice Field Titles & Numbering",
"pro_plan_feature8": "Option to Attach PDFs to Client Emails",
"resume": "Jatka",
"break_duration": "Tauk",
"edit_details": "Muokkaa tietoja",
"work": "Työ",
"timezone_unset": "Ole hyvä ja {link} asettaaksesi aikavyöhykkeen",
"click_here": "klikkaa tästä",
"email_receipt": "Lähetä maksukuitti sähköpostilla asiakkaalle",
"created_payment_emailed_client": "Maksu luotu ja lähetetty asiakkaalle onnistuneesti ",
"add_company": "Lisää yritys",
"untitled": "Nimetön",
"new_company": "Uusi yritys",
"associated_accounts": "Tilit onnistuneesti linkitetty",
"unlinked_account": "Tilien linkitys poistettu onnistuneesti",
"login": "Kirjaudu sisään",
"or": "tai",
"email_error": "Ongelma sähköpostin lähetyksessä",
"confirm_recurring_timing": "Huom: sähköpostit lähetetään tasatunnein",
"confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent": "Note: invoices are created at the start of the hour.",
"payment_terms_help": "Asettaa eräpäivän<\/b> vakioasetuksen",
"unlink_account": "Poista tilin linkitys",
"unlink": "Poista linkitys",
"show_address": "Näytä osoite",
"show_address_help": "Vaadi asiakasta täyttämään laskutusosoite",
"update_address": "Päivitä osoite",
"update_address_help": "Päivitä asiakkaan osoite annetuilla tiedoilla",
"times": "Ajat",
"set_now": "Aseta nykyhetkeen",
"dark_mode": "Tumma tila",
"dark_mode_help": "Use a dark background for the sidebars",
"add_to_invoice": "Lisää laskulle {invoice}",
"create_new_invoice": "Luo uusi lasku",
"task_errors": "Ole hyvä ja korjaa päällekäiset ajat",
"from": "Lähettäjä",
"to": "Vastaanottaja",
"font_size": "Fontin koko",
"primary_color": "Pääväri",
"secondary_color": "Apuväri",
"customize_design": "Mukauta muotoilua",
"content": "Sisältö",
"styles": "Tyylit",
"defaults": "Vakiot",
"margins": "Marginaalit",
"header": "Ylätunniste",
"footer": "Alatunniste",
"custom": "Mukautettu",
"invoice_to": "Laskutettava",
"invoice_no": "Laskun numero",
"quote_no": "Tarjouksen numero",
"recent_payments": "Viimeisimmät maksut",
"outstanding": "Maksamattomat laskut",
"manage_companies": "Hallitse yrityksiä",
"total_revenue": "Kokonaistulot",
"current_user": "Nykyinen käyttäjä",
"new_recurring_invoice": "Uusi toistuva lasku",
"recurring_invoice": "Toistuva lasku",
"new_recurring_quote": "New recurring quote",
"recurring_quote": "Recurring Quote",
"recurring_too_soon": "On liian aikaista luoda uutta toistuvaa laskua. Se on ajastettu päivään {date}",
"created_by_invoice": "Luotu laskulla {invoice}",
"primary_user": "Pääasiallinen käyttäjä",
"help": "Ohje",
"customize_help": "We use {pdfmake_link} to define the invoice designs declaratively. The pdfmake {playground_link} provides a great way to see the library in action.<\/p>\n
If you need help figuring something out post a question to our {forum_link} with the design you're using.<\/p>",
"playground": "playground",
"support_forum": "support forum",
"invoice_due_date": "Eräpäivä",
"quote_due_date": "Voimassa",
"valid_until": "Voimassa",
"reset_terms": "Nollaa ehdot",
"reset_footer": "Nollaa alatunniste",
"invoice_sent": "{count} lasku lähetetty",
"invoices_sent": "{count} laskua lähetetty",
"status_draft": "Luonnos",
"status_sent": "Lähetetty",
"status_viewed": "Nähty",
"status_partial": "Osittainen",
"status_paid": "Maksettu",
"status_unpaid": "Unpaid",
"status_all": "All",
"show_line_item_tax": "Näytä laskurivien vero rivillä<\/b>",
"iframe_url": "Verkkosivu",
"iframe_url_help1": "Kopioi seuraava koodi sivustolle.",
"iframe_url_help2": "Voi testata ominaisuutta painamalla 'Katso asiakkaana' laskulla",
"auto_bill": "Automaattinen laskutus",
"military_time": "24 tunnin aika",
"last_sent": "Viimeksi lähetetty",
"reminder_emails": "Muistutussähköpostit",
"templates_and_reminders": "Pohjat ja muistutukset",
"subject": "Otsikko",
"body": "Sisältö",
"first_reminder": "Ensimmäinen muistutus",
"second_reminder": "Toinen muistutus",
"third_reminder": "Kolmas muistutus",
"num_days_reminder": "Päivää eräpäivän jälkeen",
"reminder_subject": "Muistutus: Lasku {invoice} yritykseltä {account}",
"reset": "Nollaa",
"invoice_not_found": "Pyydettyä laskua ei ole saatavilla",
"referral_program": "Referral Program",
"referral_code": "Referral URL",
"last_sent_on": "Viimeksi lähetetty {date}",
"page_expire": "Tämä sivu vanhenee pian, {click_here} jatkaaksesi",
"upcoming_quotes": "Tulevat tarjoukset",
"expired_quotes": "Vanhentuneet tarjoukset",
"sign_up_using": "Rekisteröidy käyttämällä",
"invalid_credentials": "Kirjautumistiedot eivät täsmää tietojemme kanssa",
"show_all_options": "Näytä kaikki asetukset",
"user_details": "Käyttäjätiedot",
"oneclick_login": "Connected Account",
"disable": "Poista käytöstä",
"invoice_quote_number": "Lasku- ja tarjousnumerot",
"invoice_charges": "Laskutuslisä",
"notification_invoice_bounced": "Laskun {invoice} lähetys asiakkaalle {contact} epäonnistui",
"notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "Laskun {invoice} lähetys epäonnistui",
"notification_quote_bounced": "Tarjouksen {invoice} lähetys asiakkaalle {invoice} epäonnistui",
"notification_quote_bounced_subject": "Tarjouksen {invoice} lähetys epäonnistui",
"custom_invoice_link": "Mukautettu laskulinkki",
"total_invoiced": "Laskutettu yhteensä",
"open_balance": "Avoin saldo",
"verify_email": "Ole hyvä ja käytä linkkiä tilin varmennussähköpostissa vahvistaaksesi sähköpostiosoitteesi.",
"basic_settings": "Perusasetukset",
"pro": "Pro",
"gateways": "Maksuyhdyskäytävät",
"next_send_on": "Lähetä seuraava: {date}",
"no_longer_running": "Tätä laskua ei ole ajastettu",
"general_settings": "Yleiset asetukset",
"customize": "Mukauta",
"oneclick_login_help": "Yhdistä tili salasanattomaan sisäänkirjautumiseen",
"referral_code_help": "Ansaitse rahaa jakamalla ohjelmaamme verkossa",
"enable_with_stripe": "Ota käyttöön | Tarvitsee Stripen",
"tax_settings": "Veroasetukset",
"create_tax_rate": "Lisää veroprosentti",
"updated_tax_rate": "Veroprosentti päivitetty onnistuneesti",
"created_tax_rate": "Veroprosentti luotu onnistuneesti",
"edit_tax_rate": "Muokkaa veroprosenttia",
"archive_tax_rate": "Arkistoi veroprosentti",
"archived_tax_rate": "Veroprosentti arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"default_tax_rate_id": "Vakioveroprosentti",
"tax_rate": "Veroprosentti",
"recurring_hour": "Toistuva tunti",
"pattern": "Kaava",
"pattern_help_title": "Kaavan ohje",
"pattern_help_1": "Luo mukautettuja numeroita asettamalla kaava",
"pattern_help_2": "Käytössä olevat muuttujat:",
"pattern_help_3": "Esimerkiksi {example} muuttuu muotoon {value}",
"see_options": "Näytä asetukset",
"invoice_counter": "Laskun laskuri",
"quote_counter": "Tarjouksen laskuri",
"type": "Tyyppi",
"activity_1": "{user} loi asiakkaan {client}",
"activity_2": "{user} arkistoi asiakkaan {client}",
"activity_3": "{user} poisti asiakkaan {client}",
"activity_4": "{user} loi laskun {invoice}",
"activity_5": "{user} päivitti laskun {invoice}",
"activity_6": "{user} lähetti laskun {invoice} sähköpostilla asiakkaalle {contact}",
"activity_7": "{contact} näki laskun {invoice}",
"activity_8": "{user} arkistoi laskun {invoice}",
"activity_9": "{user} poisti laskun {invoice}",
"activity_10": "{contact} syötti maksun {payment} laskulle {invoice}",
"activity_11": "{user} päivitti maksun {payment}",
"activity_12": "{user} arkistoi maksun {payment}",
"activity_13": "{user} poisti maksun {payment}",
"activity_14": "{user} syötti {credit} hyvityksen",
"activity_15": "{user} päivitti {credit} hyvityksen",
"activity_16": "{user} arkistoi {credit} hyvityksen",
"activity_17": "{user} poisti {credit} hyvityksen",
"activity_18": "{user} loi tarjouksen {quote}",
"activity_19": "{user} päivitti tarjouksen {quote}",
"activity_20": "{user} lähetti sähköpostilla tarjouksen {quote} asiakkaalle {contact}",
"activity_21": "{contact} luki tarjouksen {quote}",
"activity_22": "{user} arkistoi tarjouksen {quote}",
"activity_23": "{user} poisti tarjouksen {quote}",
"activity_24": "{user} palautti tarjouksen {quote}",
"activity_25": "{user} palautti laskun {invoice}",
"activity_26": "{user} palautti asiakkaan {client}",
"activity_27": "{user} palautti maksun {payment}",
"activity_28": "{user} palautti hyvityksen {credit}",
"activity_29": "{contact} hyväksyi tarjouksen {quote}",
"activity_30": "{user} loi kauppiaan {vendor}",
"activity_31": "{user} arkistoi kauppiaan {vendor}",
"activity_32": "{user} poisti kauppiaan {vendor}",
"activity_33": "{user} palautti kauppiaan {vendor}",
"activity_34": "{user} loi kulun {expense}",
"activity_35": "{user} arkistoi kulun {expense}",
"activity_36": "{user} poisti kulun {expense}",
"activity_37": "{user} palautti kulun {expense}",
"activity_42": "{user} loi tehtävän {task}",
"activity_43": "{user} päivitti tehtävän {task}",
"activity_44": "{user} arkistoi tehtävän {task}",
"activity_45": "{user} poisti tehtävän {task}",
"activity_46": "{user} palautti tehtävän {task}",
"activity_47": "{user} päivitti kulun {expense}",
"payment": "Maksu",
"system": "Järjestelmä",
"signature": "Sähköpostiallekirjoitus",
"default_messages": "Vakioviestit",
"quote_terms": "Tarjouksen ehdot",
"default_quote_terms": "Tarjouksen vakioehdot",
"default_invoice_terms": "Laskun vakioehdot",
"default_invoice_footer": "Laskun vakioalatunniste",
"quote_footer": "Tarjouksen alatunniste",
"free": "Ilmainen",
"quote_is_approved": "Successfully approved",
"apply_credit": "Käytä luottoa",
"system_settings": "Järjestelmäasetukset",
"archive_token": "Archive Token",
"archived_token": "Successfully archived token",
"archive_user": "Arkistoi käyttäjä",
"archived_user": "Käyttäjä arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"archive_account_gateway": "Arkistoi yhdyskäytävä",
"archived_account_gateway": "Yhdyskäytävä arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"archive_recurring_invoice": "Arkistoi toistuva lasku",
"archived_recurring_invoice": "Toistuva lasku arkistoitu onnistuneesti",
"delete_recurring_invoice": "Poista toistuva lask",
"deleted_recurring_invoice": "Toistuva lasku poistettu onnistuneesti",
"restore_recurring_invoice": "Palauta toistuva lasku",
"restored_recurring_invoice": "Toistuva lasku palautettu onnistuneesti",
"archive_recurring_quote": "Archive Recurring Quote",
"archived_recurring_quote": "Successfully archived recurring quote",
"delete_recurring_quote": "Delete Recurring Quote",
"deleted_recurring_quote": "Successfully deleted recurring quote",
"restore_recurring_quote": "Restore Recurring Quote",
"restored_recurring_quote": "Successfully restored recurring quote",
"archived": "Arkistoitu",
"untitled_account": "Nimetön yritys",
"before": "Ennen",
"after": "Jälkeen",
"reset_terms_help": "Palauta tilin vakioehtoihin",
"reset_footer_help": "Palauta tilin vakioalatunnisteeseen",
"export_data": "Vie tietoja",
"user": "Käyttäjä",
"country": "Maa",
"include": "Sisällytä",
"logo_too_large": "Logosi on {size}. Paremman PDF-suorituskyvyn takaamiseksi suosittelemme käyttämään alle 200KB kokoista kuvatiedostoa",
"import_freshbooks": "Tuo FreshBooks-palvelusta",
"import_data": "Tuo tietoja",
"source": "Lähde",
"csv": "CSV",
"client_file": "Asiakastiedosto",
"invoice_file": "Laskutiedosto",
"task_file": "Tehtävätiedosto",
"no_mapper": "No valid mapping for file",
"invalid_csv_header": "Virheellinen CSV-otsikointi",
"client_portal": "Asiakasportaali",
"admin": "Ylläpito",
"disabled": "Pois käytöstä",
"show_archived_users": "Näytä arkistoidut käyttäjät",
"notes": "Viestit",
"invoice_will_create": "invoice will be created",
"invoices_will_create": "laskut luodaan",
"failed_to_import": "The following records failed to import, they either already exist or are missing required fields.",
"publishable_key": "Julkinen avain",
"secret_key": "Salainen avain",
"missing_publishable_key": "Set your Stripe publishable key for an improved checkout process",
"email_design": "Sähköpostin muotoilu",
"due_by": "Eräpäivä {date}",
"enable_email_markup": "Enable Markup",
"enable_email_markup_help": "Make it easier for your clients to pay you by adding schema.org markup to your emails.",
"template_help_title": "Templates Help",
"template_help_1": "Available variables:",
"email_design_id": "Email Style",
"email_design_help": "Make your emails look more professional with HTML layouts.",
"plain": "Yksinkertainen",
"light": "Vaalea",
"dark": "Tumma",
"industry_help": "Used to provide comparisons against the averages of companies of similar size and industry.",
"subdomain_help": "Set the subdomain or display the invoice on your own website.",
"website_help": "Display the invoice in an iFrame on your own website",
"invoice_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the invoice number.",
"quote_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the quote number.",
"custom_client_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating a client and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"custom_account_fields_helps": "Add a label and value to the company details section of the PDF.",
"custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Add a field when creating an invoice and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"custom_invoice_charges_helps": "Add a field when creating an invoice and include the charge in the invoice subtotals.",
"token_expired": "Validation token was expired. Please try again.",
"invoice_link": "Invoice Link",
"button_confirmation_message": "Click to confirm your email address.",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"email_preferences": "Email Preferences",
"created_invoices": "Successfully created {count} invoice(s)",
"next_invoice_number": "The next invoice number is {number}.",
"next_quote_number": "The next quote number is {number}.",
"days_before": "päivää ennen",
"days_after": "päivää jälkeen",
"field_due_date": "eräpäivä",
"field_invoice_date": "Laskun päiväys",
"schedule": "Schedule",
"email_designs": "Email Designs",
"assigned_when_sent": "Assigned when sent",
"white_label_purchase_link": "Purchase a white label license",
"expense": "Kulu",
"expenses": "Kulut",
"new_expense": "Syötä kulu",
"enter_expense": "Syötä kulu",
"vendors": "Vendors",
"new_vendor": "New Vendor",
"payment_terms_net": "Net",
"vendor": "Vendor",
"edit_vendor": "Edit Vendor",
"archive_vendor": "Archive Vendor",
"delete_vendor": "Delete Vendor",
"view_vendor": "View Vendor",
"deleted_expense": "Successfully deleted expense",
"archived_expense": "Successfully archived expense",
"deleted_expenses": "Successfully deleted expenses",
"archived_expenses": "Successfully archived expenses",
"expense_amount": "Expense Amount",
"expense_balance": "Expense Balance",
"expense_date": "Expense Date",
"expense_should_be_invoiced": "Should this expense be invoiced?",
"public_notes": "Public Notes",
"invoice_amount": "Invoice Amount",
"exchange_rate": "Exchange Rate",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"should_be_invoiced": "Should be invoiced",
"view_expense": "View expense # {expense}",
"edit_expense": "Edit Expense",
"archive_expense": "Archive Expense",
"delete_expense": "Delete Expense",
"view_expense_num": "Expense # {expense}",
"updated_expense": "Successfully updated expense",
"created_expense": "Successfully created expense",
"view": "View",
"restore_expense": "Restore Expense",
"invoice_expense": "Invoice Expense",
"expense_error_multiple_clients": "The expenses can't belong to different clients",
"expense_error_invoiced": "Expense has already been invoiced",
"convert_currency": "Convert currency",
"num_days": "Number of Days",
"create_payment_term": "Create Payment Term",
"edit_payment_terms": "Edit Payment Term",
"edit_payment_term": "Edit Payment Term",
"archive_payment_term": "Archive Payment Term",
"recurring_due_dates": "Recurring Invoice Due Dates",
"recurring_due_date_help": "
Automatically sets a due date for the invoice.<\/p>\n
Invoices on a monthly or yearly cycle set to be due on or before the day they are created will be due the next month. Invoices set to be due on the 29th or 30th in months that don't have that day will be due the last day of the month.<\/p>\n
Invoices on a weekly cycle set to be due on the day of the week they are created will be due the next week.<\/p>\n
For example:<\/p>\n
\n - Today is the 15th, due date is 1st of the month. The due date should likely be the 1st of the next month.<\/li>\n
- Today is the 15th, due date is the last day of the month. The due date will be the last day of the this month.\n<\/li>\n
- Today is the 15th, due date is the 15th day of the month. The due date will be the 15th day of next<\/strong> month.\n<\/li>\n
- Today is the Friday, due date is the 1st Friday after. The due date will be next Friday, not today.\n<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"due": "Due",
"next_due_on": "Due Next: {date}",
"use_client_terms": "Use client terms",
"day_of_month": "{ordinal} day of month",
"last_day_of_month": "Last day of month",
"day_of_week_after": "{ordinal} {day} after",
"sunday": "Sunday",
"monday": "Monday",
"tuesday": "Tuesday",
"wednesday": "Wednesday",
"thursday": "Thursday",
"friday": "Friday",
"saturday": "Saturday",
"header_font_id": "Header Font",
"body_font_id": "Body Font",
"color_font_help": "Note: the primary color and fonts are also used in the client portal and custom email designs.",
"live_preview": "Live Preview",
"invalid_mail_config": "Unable to send email, please check that the mail settings are correct.",
"invoice_message_button": "To view your invoice for {amount}, click the button below.",
"quote_message_button": "To view your quote for {amount}, click the button below.",
"payment_message_button": "Thank you for your payment of {amount}.",
"payment_type_direct_debit": "Direct Debit",
"bank_accounts": "Credit Cards & Banks",
"add_bank_account": "Add Bank Account",
"setup_account": "Setup Account",
"import_expenses": "Import Expenses",
"bank_id": "Bank",
"integration_type": "Integration Type",
"updated_bank_account": "Successfully updated bank account",
"edit_bank_account": "Edit Bank Account",
"archive_bank_account": "Archive Bank Account",
"archived_bank_account": "Successfully archived bank account",
"created_bank_account": "Successfully created bank account",
"validate_bank_account": "Validate Bank Account",
"bank_password_help": "Note: your password is transmitted securely and never stored on our servers.",
"bank_password_warning": "Warning: your password may be transmitted in plain text, consider enabling HTTPS.",
"username": "Username",
"account_number": "Account Number",
"account_name": "Account Name",
"bank_account_error": "Failed to retrieve account details, please check your credentials.",
"status_approved": "Approved",
"quote_settings": "Quote Settings",
"auto_convert_quote": "Auto Convert",
"auto_convert_quote_help": "Automatically convert a quote to an invoice when approved by a client.",
"validate": "Validate",
"info": "Info",
"imported_expenses": "Successfully created {count_vendors} vendor(s) and {count_expenses} expense(s)",
"iframe_url_help3": "Note: if you plan on accepting credit cards details we strongly recommend enabling HTTPS on your site.",
"expense_error_multiple_currencies": "The expenses can't have different currencies.",
"expense_error_mismatch_currencies": "The client's currency does not match the expense currency.",
"trello_roadmap": "Trello Roadmap",
"header_footer": "Header\/Footer",
"first_page": "First page",
"all_pages": "All pages",
"last_page": "Last page",
"all_pages_header": "Show Header on",
"all_pages_footer": "Show Footer on",
"invoice_currency": "Invoice Currency",
"enable_https": "We strongly recommend using HTTPS to accept credit card details online.",
"quote_issued_to": "Quote issued to",
"show_currency_code": "Currency Code",
"free_year_message": "Your account has been upgraded to the pro plan for one year at no cost.",
"trial_message": "Your account will receive a free two week trial of our pro plan.",
"trial_footer": "Your free pro plan trial lasts {count} more days, {link} to upgrade now.",
"trial_footer_last_day": "This is the last day of your free pro plan trial, {link} to upgrade now.",
"trial_call_to_action": "Start Free Trial",
"trial_success": "Successfully enabled two week free pro plan trial",
"overdue": "Overdue",
"white_label_text": "Purchase a ONE YEAR white label license for ${price} to remove the Invoice Ninja branding from the invoice and client portal.",
"user_email_footer": "To adjust your email notification settings please visit {link}",
"reset_password_footer": "If you did not request this password reset please email our support: {email}",
"limit_users": "Sorry, this will exceed the limit of {limit} users",
"more_designs_self_host_header": "Get 6 more invoice designs for just ${price}",
"old_browser": "Please use a {link}",
"newer_browser": "newer browser",
"white_label_custom_css": "{link} for ${price} to enable custom styling and help support our project.",
"bank_accounts_help": "Connect a bank account to automatically import expenses and create vendors. Supports American Express and {link}.",
"us_banks": "400+ US banks",
"pro_plan_remove_logo": "{link} to remove the Invoice Ninja logo by joining the Pro Plan",
"pro_plan_remove_logo_link": "Click here",
"invitation_status_sent": "Sent",
"invitation_status_opened": "Opened",
"invitation_status_viewed": "Viewed",
"email_error_inactive_client": "Emails can not be sent to inactive clients",
"email_error_inactive_contact": "Emails can not be sent to inactive contacts",
"email_error_inactive_invoice": "Emails can not be sent to inactive invoices",
"email_error_inactive_proposal": "Emails can not be sent to inactive proposals",
"email_error_user_unregistered": "Please register your account to send emails",
"email_error_user_unconfirmed": "Please confirm your account to send emails",
"email_error_invalid_contact_email": "Invalid contact email",
"navigation": "Navigation",
"list_invoices": "List Invoices",
"list_clients": "List Clients",
"list_quotes": "List Quotes",
"list_tasks": "List Tasks",
"list_expenses": "List Expenses",
"list_recurring_invoices": "List Recurring Invoices",
"list_payments": "List Payments",
"list_credits": "List Credits",
"tax_name": "Tax Name",
"report_settings": "Report Settings",
"search_hotkey": "shortcut is \/",
"new_user": "New User",
"new_product": "New Product",
"new_tax_rate": "New Tax Rate",
"invoiced_amount": "Invoiced Amount",
"invoice_item_fields": "Invoice Item Fields",
"custom_invoice_item_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an invoice item and display the label and value on the PDF.",
"recurring_invoice_number": "Recurring Number",
"recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help": "Speciy a prefix to be added to the invoice number for recurring invoices.",
"enable_portal_password": "Password Protect Invoices",
"enable_portal_password_help": "Allows you to set a password for each contact. If a password is set, the contact will be required to enter a password before viewing invoices.",
"send_portal_password": "Generate Automatically",
"send_portal_password_help": "If no password is set, one will be generated and sent with the first invoice.",
"expired": "Expired",
"invalid_card_number": "The credit card number is not valid.",
"invalid_expiry": "The expiration date is not valid.",
"invalid_cvv": "The CVV is not valid.",
"cost": "Cost",
"create_invoice_for_sample": "Note: create your first invoice to see a preview here.",
"owner": "Owner",
"administrator": "Administrator",
"administrator_help": "Allow user to manage users, change settings and modify all records",
"user_create_all": "Create clients, invoices, etc.",
"user_view_all": "View all clients, invoices, etc.",
"user_edit_all": "Edit all clients, invoices, etc.",
"gateway_help_20": "{link} to sign up for Sage Pay.",
"gateway_help_21": "{link} to sign up for Sage Pay.",
"partial_due": "Partial Due",
"restore_vendor": "Restore Vendor",
"restored_vendor": "Successfully restored vendor",
"restored_expense": "Successfully restored expense",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"create_all_help": "Allow user to create and modify records",
"view_all_help": "Allow user to view records they didn't create",
"edit_all_help": "Allow user to modify records they didn't create",
"view_payment": "View Payment",
"january": "January",
"february": "February",
"march": "March",
"april": "April",
"may": "May",
"june": "June",
"july": "July",
"august": "August",
"september": "September",
"october": "October",
"november": "November",
"december": "December",
"documents_header": "Documents:",
"email_documents_header": "Documents:",
"email_documents_example_1": "Widgets Receipt.pdf",
"email_documents_example_2": "Final Deliverable.zip",
"quote_documents": "Quote Documents",
"invoice_documents": "Invoice Documents",
"expense_documents": "Expense Documents",
"invoice_embed_documents": "Embed Documents",
"invoice_embed_documents_help": "Include attached images in the invoice.",
"document_email_attachment": "Attach Documents",
"ubl_email_attachment": "Attach UBL",
"download_documents": "Download Documents ({size})",
"documents_from_expenses": "From Expenses:",
"dropzone_default_message": "Drop files or click to upload",
"dropzone_fallback_message": "Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.",
"dropzone_fallback_text": "Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.",
"dropzone_file_too_big": "File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.",
"dropzone_invalid_file_type": "You can't upload files of this type.",
"dropzone_response_error": "Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.",
"dropzone_cancel_upload": "Cancel upload",
"dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?",
"dropzone_remove_file": "Remove file",
"documents": "Documents",
"document_date": "Document Date",
"document_size": "Size",
"enable_client_portal": "Client Portal",
"enable_client_portal_help": "Show\/hide the client portal.",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard": "Dashboard",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard_help": "Show\/hide the dashboard page in the client portal.",
"account_management": "Account Management",
"plan_status": "Plan Status",
"plan_upgrade": "Upgrade",
"plan_change": "Change Plan",
"pending_change_to": "Changes To",
"plan_changes_to": "{plan} on {date}",
"plan_term_changes_to": "{plan} ({term}) on {date}",
"cancel_plan_change": "Cancel Change",
"plan": "Plan",
"expires": "Expires",
"renews": "Renews",
"plan_expired": "{plan} Plan Expired",
"trial_expired": "{plan} Plan Trial Ended",
"never": "Never",
"plan_free": "Free",
"plan_pro": "Pro",
"plan_enterprise": "Enterprise",
"plan_white_label": "Self Hosted (White labeled)",
"plan_free_self_hosted": "Self Hosted (Free)",
"plan_trial": "Trial",
"plan_term": "Term",
"plan_term_monthly": "Monthly",
"plan_term_yearly": "Yearly",
"plan_term_month": "Month",
"plan_term_year": "Year",
"plan_price_monthly": "${price}\/Month",
"plan_price_yearly": "${price}\/Year",
"updated_plan": "Updated plan settings",
"plan_paid": "Term Started",
"plan_started": "Plan Started",
"plan_expires": "Plan Expires",
"white_label_button": "White Label",
"pro_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"pro_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Pro Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_product": "Enterprise Plan",
"enterprise_plan_year_description": "One year enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"enterprise_plan_month_description": "One month enrollment in the Invoice Ninja Enterprise Plan.",
"plan_credit_product": "Credit",
"plan_credit_description": "Credit for unused time",
"plan_pending_monthly": "Will switch to monthly on {date}",
"plan_refunded": "A refund has been issued.",
"page_size": "Page Size",
"live_preview_disabled": "Live preview has been disabled to support selected font",
"invoice_number_padding": "Padding",
"preview": "Preview",
"list_vendors": "List Vendors",
"add_users_not_supported": "Upgrade to the Enterprise plan to add additional users to your account.",
"enterprise_plan_features": "The Enterprise plan adds support for multiple users and file attachments, {link} to see the full list of features.",
"return_to_app": "Return To App",
"refund_payment": "Refund Payment",
"refund_max": "Max:",
"refund": "Refund",
"are_you_sure_refund": "Refund selected payments?",
"status_pending": "Pending",
"status_completed": "Completed",
"status_failed": "Failed",
"status_partially_refunded": "Partially Refunded",
"status_partially_refunded_amount": "{amount} Refunded",
"status_refunded": "Refunded",
"status_voided": "Cancelled",
"refunded_payment": "Refunded Payment",
"activity_39": "{user} cancelled a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"activity_40": "{user} refunded {adjustment} of a {payment_amount} payment {payment}",
"card_expiration": "Exp: {expires}",
"card_creditcardother": "Unknown",
"card_americanexpress": "American Express",
"card_carteblanche": "Carte Blanche",
"card_unionpay": "UnionPay",
"card_diners": "Diners Club",
"card_discover": "Discover",
"card_jcb": "JCB",
"card_laser": "Laser",
"card_maestro": "Maestro",
"card_mastercard": "MasterCard",
"card_solo": "Solo",
"card_switch": "Switch",
"card_visacard": "Visa",
"card_ach": "ACH",
"payment_type_stripe": "Stripe",
"ach": "ACH",
"enable_ach": "Accept US bank transfers",
"stripe_ach_help": "ACH support must also be enabled in {link}.",
"ach_disabled": "Another gateway is already configured for direct debit.",
"plaid": "Plaid",
"client_id": "Client Id",
"secret": "Secret",
"public_key": "Public Key",
"plaid_optional": "(optional)",
"plaid_environment_help": "When a Stripe test key is given, Plaid's development environment (tartan) will be used.",
"other_providers": "Other Providers",
"country_not_supported": "That country is not supported.",
"invalid_routing_number": "The routing number is not valid.",
"invalid_account_number": "The account number is not valid.",
"account_number_mismatch": "The account numbers do not match.",
"missing_account_holder_type": "Please select an individual or company account.",
"missing_account_holder_name": "Please enter the account holder's name.",
"routing_number": "Routing Number",
"confirm_account_number": "Confirm Account Number",
"individual_account": "Individual Account",
"company_account": "Company Account",
"account_holder_name": "Account Holder Name",
"add_account": "Add Account",
"payment_methods": "Payment Methods",
"complete_verification": "Complete Verification",
"verification_amount1": "Amount 1",
"verification_amount2": "Amount 2",
"payment_method_verified": "Verification completed successfully",
"verification_failed": "Verification Failed",
"remove_payment_method": "Remove Payment Method",
"confirm_remove_payment_method": "Are you sure you want to remove this payment method?",
"remove": "Remove",
"payment_method_removed": "Removed payment method.",
"bank_account_verification_help": "We have made two deposits into your account with the description \"VERIFICATION\". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement. Please enter the amounts below.",
"bank_account_verification_next_steps": "We have made two deposits into your account with the description \"VERIFICATION\". These deposits will take 1-2 business days to appear on your statement.\n Once you have the amounts, come back to this payment methods page and click \"Complete Verification\" next to the account.",
"unknown_bank": "Unknown Bank",
"ach_verification_delay_help": "You will be able to use the account after completing verification. Verification usually takes 1-2 business days.",
"add_credit_card": "Add Credit Card",
"payment_method_added": "Added payment method.",
"use_for_auto_bill": "Use For Autobill",
"used_for_auto_bill": "Autobill Payment Method",
"payment_method_set_as_default": "Set Autobill payment method.",
"activity_41": "{payment_amount} payment ({payment}) failed",
"webhook_url": "Webhook URL",
"stripe_webhook_help": "You must {link}.",
"stripe_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint at Stripe",
"gocardless_webhook_help_link_text": "add this URL as an endpoint in GoCardless",
"payment_method_error": "There was an error adding your payment methd. Please try again later.",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject": "Payment failed for Invoice {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed": "A payment made by client {client} towards Invoice {invoice} failed. The payment has been marked as failed and {amount} has been added to the client's balance.",
"link_with_plaid": "Link Account Instantly with Plaid",
"link_manually": "Link Manually",
"secured_by_plaid": "Secured by Plaid",
"plaid_linked_status": "Your bank account at {bank}",
"add_payment_method": "Add Payment Method",
"account_holder_type": "Account Holder Type",
"ach_authorization": "I authorize {company} to use my bank account for future payments and, if necessary, electronically credit my account to correct erroneous debits. I understand that I may cancel this authorization at any time by removing the payment method or by contacting {email}.",
"ach_authorization_required": "You must consent to ACH transactions.",
"off": "Off",
"opt_in": "Opt-in",
"opt_out": "Opt-out",
"always": "Always",
"opted_out": "Opted out",
"opted_in": "Opted in",
"manage_auto_bill": "Manage Auto-bill",
"enabled": "Enabled",
"paypal": "PayPal",
"braintree_enable_paypal": "Enable PayPal payments through BrainTree",
"braintree_paypal_disabled_help": "The PayPal gateway is processing PayPal payments",
"braintree_paypal_help": "You must also {link}.",
"braintree_paypal_help_link_text": "link PayPal to your BrainTree account",
"token_billing_braintree_paypal": "Save payment details",
"add_paypal_account": "Add PayPal Account",
"no_payment_method_specified": "No payment method specified",
"chart_type": "Chart Type",
"format": "Format",
"import_ofx": "Import OFX",
"ofx_file": "OFX File",
"ofx_parse_failed": "Failed to parse OFX file",
"wepay": "WePay",
"sign_up_with_wepay": "Sign up with WePay",
"use_another_provider": "Use another provider",
"company_name": "Company Name",
"wepay_company_name_help": "This will appear on client's credit card statements.",
"wepay_description_help": "The purpose of this account.",
"wepay_tos_agree": "I agree to the {link}.",
"wepay_tos_link_text": "WePay Terms of Service",
"resend_confirmation_email": "Resend Confirmation Email",
"manage_account": "Manage Account",
"action_required": "Action Required",
"finish_setup": "Finish Setup",
"created_wepay_confirmation_required": "Please check your email and confirm your email address with WePay.",
"switch_to_wepay": "Switch to WePay",
"switch": "Switch",
"restore_account_gateway": "Restore Gateway",
"restored_account_gateway": "Successfully restored gateway",
"united_states": "United States",
"canada": "Canada",
"accept_debit_cards": "Accept Debit Cards",
"debit_cards": "Debit Cards",
"warn_start_date_changed": "The next invoice will be sent on the new start date.",
"warn_start_date_changed_not_sent": "The next invoice will be created on the new start date.",
"original_start_date": "Original start date",
"new_start_date": "New start date",
"security": "Security",
"see_whats_new": "See what's new in v{version}",
"wait_for_upload": "Please wait for the document upload to complete.",
"upgrade_for_permissions": "Upgrade to our Enterprise plan to enable permissions.",
"enable_second_tax_rate": "Enable specifying a second tax rate<\/b>",
"payment_file": "Payment File",
"expense_file": "Expense File",
"product_file": "Product File",
"import_products": "Import Products",
"products_will_create": "products will be created",
"product_key": "Product",
"created_products": "Successfully created\/updated {count} product(s)",
"export_help": "Use JSON if you plan to import the data into Invoice Ninja.
The file includes clients, products, invoices, quotes and payments.",
"selfhost_export_help": "
We recommend using mysqldump to create a full backup.",
"JSON_file": "JSON File",
"view_dashboard": "View Dashboard",
"client_session_expired": "Session Expired",
"client_session_expired_message": "Your session has expired. Please click the link in your email again.",
"auto_bill_notification": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your {payment_method} on file on {due_date}.",
"auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer": "bank account",
"auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card": "credit card",
"auto_bill_payment_method_paypal": "PayPal account",
"auto_bill_notification_placeholder": "This invoice will automatically be billed to your credit card on file on the due date.",
"payment_settings": "Payment Settings",
"on_send_date": "On send date",
"on_due_date": "On due date",
"auto_bill_ach_date_help": "ACH will always auto bill on the due date.",
"warn_change_auto_bill": "Due to NACHA rules, changes to this invoice may prevent ACH auto bill.",
"bank_account": "Bank Account",
"payment_processed_through_wepay": "ACH payments will be processed using WePay.",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree": "I agree to the WePay {terms} and {privacy_policy}.",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree_required": "You must agree to the WePay Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.",
"ach_email_prompt": "Please enter your email address:",
"verification_pending": "Verification Pending",
"update_font_cache": "Please force refresh the page to update the font cache.",
"more_options": "More options",
"credit_card": "Credit Card",
"bank_transfer": "Bank Transfer",
"no_transaction_reference": "We did not recieve a payment transaction reference from the gateway.",
"use_bank_on_file": "Use Bank on File",
"auto_bill_email_message": "This invoice will automatically be billed to the payment method on file on the due date.",
"bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"gocardless": "GoCardless",
"added_on": "Added {date}",
"failed_remove_payment_method": "Failed to remove the payment method",
"gateway_exists": "This gateway already exists",
"manual_entry": "Manual entry",
"first_day_of_week": "First Day of the Week",
"freq_inactive": "Inactive",
"freq_daily": "Daily",
"freq_weekly": "Weekly",
"freq_biweekly": "Biweekly",
"freq_two_weeks": "Two weeks",
"freq_four_weeks": "Four weeks",
"freq_monthly": "Monthly",
"freq_three_months": "Three months",
"freq_four_months": "Four months",
"freq_six_months": "Six months",
"freq_annually": "Annually",
"freq_two_years": "Two years",
"payment_type_Apply Credit": "Apply Credit",
"payment_type_Bank Transfer": "Bank Transfer",
"payment_type_Cash": "Cash",
"payment_type_Debit": "Debit",
"payment_type_ACH": "ACH",
"payment_type_Visa Card": "Visa Card",
"payment_type_MasterCard": "MasterCard",
"payment_type_American Express": "American Express",
"payment_type_Discover Card": "Discover Card",
"payment_type_Diners Card": "Diners Card",
"payment_type_EuroCard": "EuroCard",
"payment_type_Nova": "Nova",
"payment_type_Credit Card Other": "Credit Card Other",
"payment_type_PayPal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_Google Wallet": "Google Wallet",
"payment_type_Check": "Check",
"payment_type_Carte Blanche": "Carte Blanche",
"payment_type_UnionPay": "UnionPay",
"payment_type_JCB": "JCB",
"payment_type_Laser": "Laser",
"payment_type_Maestro": "Maestro",
"payment_type_Solo": "Solo",
"payment_type_Switch": "Switch",
"payment_type_iZettle": "iZettle",
"payment_type_Swish": "Swish",
"payment_type_Alipay": "Alipay",
"payment_type_Sofort": "Sofort",
"payment_type_SEPA": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"payment_type_Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_GoCardless": "GoCardless",
"industry_Accounting & Legal": "Accounting & Legal",
"industry_Advertising": "Advertising",
"industry_Aerospace": "Aerospace",
"industry_Agriculture": "Agriculture",
"industry_Automotive": "Automotive",
"industry_Banking & Finance": "Banking & Finance",
"industry_Biotechnology": "Biotechnology",
"industry_Broadcasting": "Broadcasting",
"industry_Business Services": "Business Services",
"industry_Commodities & Chemicals": "Commodities & Chemicals",
"industry_Communications": "Communications",
"industry_Computers & Hightech": "Computers & Hightech",
"industry_Defense": "Defense",
"industry_Energy": "Energy",
"industry_Entertainment": "Entertainment",
"industry_Government": "Government",
"industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences": "Healthcare & Life Sciences",
"industry_Insurance": "Insurance",
"industry_Manufacturing": "Manufacturing",
"industry_Marketing": "Marketing",
"industry_Media": "Media",
"industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed": "Nonprofit & Higher Ed",
"industry_Pharmaceuticals": "Pharmaceuticals",
"industry_Professional Services & Consulting": "Professional Services & Consulting",
"industry_Real Estate": "Real Estate",
"industry_Restaurant & Catering": "Restaurant & Catering",
"industry_Retail & Wholesale": "Retail & Wholesale",
"industry_Sports": "Sports",
"industry_Transportation": "Transportation",
"industry_Travel & Luxury": "Travel & Luxury",
"industry_Other": "Other",
"industry_Photography": "Photography",
"country_Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
"country_Albania": "Albania",
"country_Antarctica": "Antarctica",
"country_Algeria": "Algeria",
"country_American Samoa": "American Samoa",
"country_Andorra": "Andorra",
"country_Angola": "Angola",
"country_Antigua and Barbuda": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
"country_Argentina": "Argentina",
"country_Australia": "Australia",
"country_Austria": "Austria",
"country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
"country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
"country_Armenia": "Armenia",
"country_Barbados": "Barbados",
"country_Belgium": "Belgium",
"country_Bermuda": "Bermuda",
"country_Bhutan": "Bhutan",
"country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "Bolivia, Plurinational State of",
"country_Bosnia and Herzegovina": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"country_Botswana": "Botswana",
"country_Bouvet Island": "Bouvet Island",
"country_Brazil": "Brazil",
"country_Belize": "Belize",
"country_British Indian Ocean Territory": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"country_Solomon Islands": "Solomon Islands",
"country_Virgin Islands, British": "Virgin Islands, British",
"country_Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei Darussalam",
"country_Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
"country_Myanmar": "Myanmar",
"country_Burundi": "Burundi",
"country_Belarus": "Belarus",
"country_Cambodia": "Cambodia",
"country_Cameroon": "Cameroon",
"country_Canada": "Canada",
"country_Cape Verde": "Cape Verde",
"country_Cayman Islands": "Cayman Islands",
"country_Central African Republic": "Central African Republic",
"country_Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
"country_Chad": "Chad",
"country_Chile": "Chile",
"country_China": "China",
"country_Taiwan, Province of China": "Taiwan, Province of China",
"country_Christmas Island": "Christmas Island",
"country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"country_Colombia": "Colombia",
"country_Comoros": "Comoros",
"country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
"country_Congo": "Congo",
"country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the": "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the",
"country_Cook Islands": "Cook Islands",
"country_Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"country_Croatia": "Croatia",
"country_Cuba": "Cuba",
"country_Cyprus": "Cyprus",
"country_Czech Republic": "Czech Republic",
"country_Benin": "Benin",
"country_Denmark": "Denmark",
"country_Dominica": "Dominica",
"country_Dominican Republic": "Dominican Republic",
"country_Ecuador": "Ecuador",
"country_El Salvador": "El Salvador",
"country_Equatorial Guinea": "Equatorial Guinea",
"country_Ethiopia": "Ethiopia",
"country_Eritrea": "Eritrea",
"country_Estonia": "Estonia",
"country_Faroe Islands": "Faroe Islands",
"country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"country_Fiji": "Fiji",
"country_Finland": "Finland",
"country_Åland Islands": "Åland Islands",
"country_France": "France",
"country_French Guiana": "French Guiana",
"country_French Polynesia": "French Polynesia",
"country_French Southern Territories": "French Southern Territories",
"country_Djibouti": "Djibouti",
"country_Gabon": "Gabon",
"country_Georgia": "Georgia",
"country_Gambia": "Gambia",
"country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
"country_Germany": "Germany",
"country_Ghana": "Ghana",
"country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
"country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
"country_Greece": "Greece",
"country_Greenland": "Greenland",
"country_Grenada": "Grenada",
"country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
"country_Guam": "Guam",
"country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
"country_Guinea": "Guinea",
"country_Guyana": "Guyana",
"country_Haiti": "Haiti",
"country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
"country_Holy See (Vatican City State)": "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"country_Honduras": "Honduras",
"country_Hong Kong": "Hong Kong",
"country_Hungary": "Hungary",
"country_Iceland": "Iceland",
"country_India": "India",
"country_Indonesia": "Indonesia",
"country_Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
"country_Iraq": "Iraq",
"country_Ireland": "Ireland",
"country_Israel": "Israel",
"country_Italy": "Italy",
"country_Côte d'Ivoire": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"country_Jamaica": "Jamaica",
"country_Japan": "Japan",
"country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
"country_Jordan": "Jordan",
"country_Kenya": "Kenya",
"country_Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
"country_Korea, Republic of": "Korea, Republic of",
"country_Kuwait": "Kuwait",
"country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstan",
"country_Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
"country_Lebanon": "Lebanon",
"country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
"country_Latvia": "Latvia",
"country_Liberia": "Liberia",
"country_Libya": "Libya",
"country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
"country_Lithuania": "Lithuania",
"country_Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
"country_Macao": "Macao",
"country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
"country_Malawi": "Malawi",
"country_Malaysia": "Malaysia",
"country_Maldives": "Maldives",
"country_Mali": "Mali",
"country_Malta": "Malta",
"country_Martinique": "Martinique",
"country_Mauritania": "Mauritania",
"country_Mauritius": "Mauritius",
"country_Mexico": "Mexico",
"country_Monaco": "Monaco",
"country_Mongolia": "Mongolia",
"country_Moldova, Republic of": "Moldova, Republic of",
"country_Montenegro": "Montenegro",
"country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
"country_Morocco": "Morocco",
"country_Mozambique": "Mozambique",
"country_Oman": "Oman",
"country_Namibia": "Namibia",
"country_Nauru": "Nauru",
"country_Nepal": "Nepal",
"country_Netherlands": "Netherlands",
"country_Curaçao": "Curaçao",
"country_Aruba": "Aruba",
"country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)",
"country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"country_New Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
"country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
"country_New Zealand": "New Zealand",
"country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
"country_Niger": "Niger",
"country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"country_Niue": "Niue",
"country_Norfolk Island": "Norfolk Island",
"country_Norway": "Norway",
"country_Northern Mariana Islands": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"country_United States Minor Outlying Islands": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
"country_Micronesia, Federated States of": "Micronesia, Federated States of",
"country_Marshall Islands": "Marshall Islands",
"country_Palau": "Palau",
"country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
"country_Panama": "Panama",
"country_Papua New Guinea": "Papua New Guinea",
"country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
"country_Peru": "Peru",
"country_Philippines": "Philippines",
"country_Pitcairn": "Pitcairn",
"country_Poland": "Poland",
"country_Portugal": "Portugal",
"country_Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
"country_Timor-Leste": "Timor-Leste",
"country_Puerto Rico": "Puerto Rico",
"country_Qatar": "Qatar",
"country_Réunion": "Réunion",
"country_Romania": "Romania",
"country_Russian Federation": "Russian Federation",
"country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
"country_Saint Barthélemy": "Saint Barthélemy",
"country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
"country_Saint Kitts and Nevis": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
"country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
"country_Saint Lucia": "Saint Lucia",
"country_Saint Martin (French part)": "Saint Martin (French part)",
"country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"country_San Marino": "San Marino",
"country_Sao Tome and Principe": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"country_Saudi Arabia": "Saudi Arabia",
"country_Senegal": "Senegal",
"country_Serbia": "Serbia",
"country_Seychelles": "Seychelles",
"country_Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leone",
"country_Singapore": "Singapore",
"country_Slovakia": "Slovakia",
"country_Viet Nam": "Viet Nam",
"country_Slovenia": "Slovenia",
"country_Somalia": "Somalia",
"country_South Africa": "South Africa",
"country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe",
"country_Spain": "Spain",
"country_South Sudan": "South Sudan",
"country_Sudan": "Sudan",
"country_Western Sahara": "Western Sahara",
"country_Suriname": "Suriname",
"country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
"country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"country_Sweden": "Sweden",
"country_Switzerland": "Switzerland",
"country_Syrian Arab Republic": "Syrian Arab Republic",
"country_Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
"country_Thailand": "Thailand",
"country_Togo": "Togo",
"country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
"country_Tonga": "Tonga",
"country_Trinidad and Tobago": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"country_United Arab Emirates": "United Arab Emirates",
"country_Tunisia": "Tunisia",
"country_Turkey": "Turkey",
"country_Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
"country_Turks and Caicos Islands": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
"country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
"country_Uganda": "Uganda",
"country_Ukraine": "Ukraine",
"country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of": "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of",
"country_Egypt": "Egypt",
"country_United Kingdom": "United Kingdom",
"country_Guernsey": "Guernsey",
"country_Jersey": "Jersey",
"country_Isle of Man": "Isle of Man",
"country_Tanzania, United Republic of": "Tanzania, United Republic of",
"country_United States": "United States",
"country_Virgin Islands, U.S.": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"country_Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
"country_Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
"country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of": "Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of",
"country_Wallis and Futuna": "Wallis and Futuna",
"country_Samoa": "Samoa",
"country_Yemen": "Yemen",
"country_Zambia": "Zambia",
"lang_Brazilian Portuguese": "Brazilian Portuguese",
"lang_Croatian": "Croatian",
"lang_Czech": "Czech",
"lang_Danish": "Danish",
"lang_Dutch": "Dutch",
"lang_English": "English",
"lang_French": "French",
"lang_French - Canada": "French - Canada",
"lang_German": "German",
"lang_Italian": "Italian",
"lang_Japanese": "Japanese",
"lang_Lithuanian": "Lithuanian",
"lang_Norwegian": "Norwegian",
"lang_Polish": "Polish",
"lang_Spanish": "Spanish",
"lang_Spanish - Spain": "Spanish - Spain",
"lang_Swedish": "Swedish",
"lang_Albanian": "Albanian",
"lang_Greek": "Greek",
"lang_English - United Kingdom": "English - United Kingdom",
"lang_Slovenian": "Slovenian",
"lang_Finnish": "Finnish",
"lang_Romanian": "Romanian",
"lang_Turkish - Turkey": "Turkish - Turkey",
"lang_Portuguese - Brazilian": "Portuguese - Brazilian",
"lang_Portuguese - Portugal": "Portuguese - Portugal",
"lang_Thai": "Thai",
"lang_Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"lang_Chinese - Taiwan": "Chinese - Taiwan",
"view_client_portal": "View client portal",
"view_portal": "View Portal",
"vendor_contacts": "Vendor Contacts",
"all": "All",
"selected": "Selected",
"category": "Category",
"categories": "Categories",
"new_expense_category": "New Expense Category",
"edit_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_expense_category": "Archive Category",
"expense_categories": "Expense Categories",
"list_expense_categories": "List Expense Categories",
"updated_expense_category": "Successfully updated expense category",
"created_expense_category": "Successfully created expense category",
"archived_expense_category": "Successfully archived expense category",
"archived_expense_categories": "Successfully archived {count} expense category",
"restore_expense_category": "Restore expense category",
"restored_expense_category": "Successfully restored expense category",
"apply_taxes": "Apply taxes",
"min_to_max_users": "{min} to {max} users",
"max_users_reached": "The maximum number of users has been reached.",
"buy_now_buttons": "Buy Now Buttons",
"landing_page": "Landing Page",
"payment_type": "Payment Type",
"form": "Form",
"link": "Link",
"fields": "Fields",
"dwolla": "Dwolla",
"buy_now_buttons_warning": "Note: the client and invoice are created even if the transaction isn't completed.",
"buy_now_buttons_disabled": "This feature requires that a product is created and a payment gateway is configured.",
"enable_buy_now_buttons_help": "Enable support for buy now buttons",
"changes_take_effect_immediately": "Note: changes take effect immediately",
"wepay_account_description": "Payment gateway for Invoice Ninja",
"payment_error_code": "There was an error processing your payment [{code}]. Please try again later.",
"standard_fees_apply": "Fee: 2.9%\/1.2% [Credit Card\/Bank Transfer] + $0.30 per successful charge.",
"limit_import_rows": "Data needs to be imported in batches of {count} rows or less",
"error_title": "Something went wrong",
"error_contact_text": "If you'd like help please email us at {mailaddress}",
"no_undo": "Warning: this can't be undone.",
"no_contact_selected": "Please select a contact",
"no_client_selected": "Please select a client",
"gateway_config_error": "It may help to set new passwords or generate new API keys.",
"payment_type_on_file": "{type} on file",
"invoice_for_client": "Invoice {invoice} for {client}",
"intent_not_found": "Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking.",
"intent_not_supported": "Sorry, I'm not able to do that.",
"client_not_found": "I wasn't able to find the client",
"not_allowed": "Sorry, you don't have the needed permissions",
"bot_emailed_invoice": "Your invoice has been sent.",
"bot_emailed_notify_viewed": "I'll email you when it's viewed.",
"bot_emailed_notify_paid": "I'll email you when it's paid.",
"add_product_to_invoice": "Add 1 {product}",
"not_authorized": "You are not authorized",
"bot_get_email": "Hi! (wave)
Thanks for trying the Invoice Ninja Bot.
You need to create a free account to use this bot.
Send me your account email address to get started.",
"bot_get_code": "Thanks! I've sent a you an email with your security code.",
"bot_welcome": "That's it, your account is verified.
"email_not_found": "I wasn't able to find an available account for {email}",
"invalid_code": "The code is not correct",
"security_code_email_subject": "Security code for Invoice Ninja Bot",
"security_code_email_line1": "This is your Invoice Ninja Bot security code.",
"security_code_email_line2": "Note: it will expire in 10 minutes.",
"bot_help_message": "I currently support:
• Create\\update\\email an invoice
• List products
For example:
invoice bob for 2 tickets, set the due date to next thursday and the discount to 10 percent<\/i>",
"list_products": "List Products",
"include_item_taxes_inline": "Include line item taxes in line total<\/b>",
"created_quotes": "Successfully created {count} quotes(s)",
"limited_gateways": "Note: we support one credit card gateway per company.",
"warning": "Warning",
"self-update": "Update",
"update_invoiceninja_title": "Update Invoice Ninja",
"update_invoiceninja_warning": "Before start upgrading Invoice Ninja create a backup of your database and files!",
"update_invoiceninja_available": "A new version of Invoice Ninja is available.",
"update_invoiceninja_unavailable": "No new version of Invoice Ninja available.",
"update_invoiceninja_instructions": "Please install the new version {version}<\/strong> by clicking the Update now<\/em> button below. Afterwards you'll be redirected to the dashboard.",
"update_invoiceninja_update_start": "Update now",
"update_invoiceninja_download_start": "Download {version}",
"create_new": "Create New",
"toggle_navigation": "Toggle Navigation",
"toggle_history": "Toggle History",
"unassigned": "Unassigned",
"task": "Task",
"contact_name": "Contact Name",
"city_state_postal": "City\/State\/Postal",
"custom_field": "Custom Field",
"account_fields": "Company Fields",
"facebook_and_twitter": "Facebook and Twitter",
"facebook_and_twitter_help": "Follow our feeds to help support our project",
"reseller_text": "Note: the white-label license is intended for personal use, please email us at {email} if you'd like to resell the app.",
"unnamed_client": "Unnamed Client",
"day": "Day",
"week": "Week",
"month": "Month",
"inactive_logout": "You have been logged out due to inactivity",
"reports": "Reports",
"total_profit": "Total Profit",
"total_expenses": "Total Expenses",
"quote_to": "Quote to",
"limit": "Limit",
"min_limit": "Min: {min}",
"max_limit": "Max: {max}",
"no_limit": "No Limits",
"set_limits": "Set {gateway_type} Limits",
"enable_min": "Enable min",
"enable_max": "Enable max",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"limits_not_met": "This invoice does not meet the limits for that payment type.",
"date_range": "Date Range",
"raw": "Raw",
"raw_html": "Raw HTML",
"update": "Update",
"invoice_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order and location",
"new_category": "New Category",
"restore_product": "Restore Product",
"blank": "Blank",
"invoice_save_error": "There was an error saving your invoice",
"enable_recurring": "Enable Recurring",
"disable_recurring": "Disable Recurring",
"text": "Text",
"expense_will_create": "expense will be created",
"expenses_will_create": "expenses will be created",
"created_expenses": "Successfully created {count} expense(s)",
"translate_app": "Help improve our translations with {link}",
"expense_category": "Expense Category",
"go_ninja_pro": "Go Ninja Pro!",
"go_enterprise": "Go Enterprise!",
"upgrade_for_features": "Upgrade For More Features",
"pay_annually_discount": "Pay annually for 10 months + 2 free!",
"pro_upgrade_title": "Ninja Pro",
"pro_upgrade_feature1": "YourBrand.InvoiceNinja.com",
"pro_upgrade_feature2": "Customize every aspect of your invoice!",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature1": "Set permissions for multiple-users",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature2": "Attach 3rd party files to invoices & expenses",
"much_more": "Much More!",
"all_pro_fetaures": "Plus all pro features!",
"currency_symbol": "Symbol",
"currency_code": "Code",
"buy_license": "Buy License",
"apply_license": "Apply License",
"submit": "Submit",
"white_label_license_key": "License Key",
"invalid_white_label_license": "The white label license is not valid",
"created_by": "Created by {name}",
"modules": "Modules",
"financial_year_start": "First Month of the Year",
"authentication": "Authentication",
"checkbox": "Checkbox",
"invoice_signature": "Signature",
"show_accept_invoice_terms": "Invoice Terms Checkbox",
"show_accept_invoice_terms_help": "Require client to confirm that they accept the invoice terms.",
"show_accept_quote_terms": "Quote Terms Checkbox",
"show_accept_quote_terms_help": "Require client to confirm that they accept the quote terms.",
"require_invoice_signature": "Invoice Signature",
"require_invoice_signature_help": "Require client to provide their signature.",
"require_quote_signature": "Quote Signature",
"require_quote_signature_help": "Require client to provide their signature.",
"i_agree": "I Agree To The Terms",
"sign_here": "Please sign here:",
"authorization": "Authorization",
"signed": "Signed",
"bluevine_promo": "Get flexible business lines of credit and invoice factoring using BlueVine.",
"bluevine_modal_label": "Sign up with BlueVine",
"bluevine_modal_text": "Fast funding for your business. No paperwork.<\/h3>\n- Flexible business lines of credit and invoice factoring.<\/li><\/ul>",
"bluevine_create_account": "Create an account",
"quote_types": "Get a quote for",
"invoice_factoring": "Invoice factoring",
"line_of_credit": "Line of credit",
"fico_score": "Your FICO score",
"business_inception": "Business Inception Date",
"average_bank_balance": "Average bank account balance",
"annual_revenue": "Annual revenue",
"desired_credit_limit_factoring": "Desired invoice factoring limit",
"desired_credit_limit_loc": "Desired line of credit limit",
"desired_credit_limit": "Desired credit limit",
"bluevine_credit_line_type_required": "You must choose at least one",
"bluevine_field_required": "This field is required",
"bluevine_unexpected_error": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"bluevine_no_conditional_offer": "More information is required before getting a quote. Click continue below.",
"bluevine_invoice_factoring": "Invoice Factoring",
"bluevine_conditional_offer": "Conditional Offer",
"bluevine_credit_line_amount": "Credit Line",
"bluevine_advance_rate": "Advance Rate",
"bluevine_weekly_discount_rate": "Weekly Discount Rate",
"bluevine_minimum_fee_rate": "Minimum Fee",
"bluevine_line_of_credit": "Line of Credit",
"bluevine_interest_rate": "Interest Rate",
"bluevine_weekly_draw_rate": "Weekly Draw Rate",
"bluevine_continue": "Continue to BlueVine",
"bluevine_completed": "BlueVine signup completed",
"vendor_name": "Vendor",
"entity_state": "State",
"client_created_at": "Date Created",
"postmark_error": "There was a problem sending the email through Postmark: {link}",
"project": "Project",
"projects": "Projects",
"new_project": "New Project",
"edit_project": "Edit Project",
"archive_project": "Archive Project",
"list_projects": "List Projects",
"updated_project": "Successfully updated project",
"created_project": "Successfully created project",
"archived_project": "Successfully archived project",
"archived_projects": "Successfully archived {count} projects",
"restore_project": "Restore Project",
"restored_project": "Successfully restored project",
"delete_project": "Delete Project",
"deleted_project": "Successfully deleted project",
"deleted_projects": "Successfully deleted {count} projects",
"delete_expense_category": "Delete category",
"deleted_expense_category": "Successfully deleted category",
"delete_product": "Delete Product",
"deleted_product": "Successfully deleted product",
"deleted_products": "Successfully deleted {count} products",
"restored_product": "Successfully restored product",
"update_credit": "Update Credit",
"updated_credit": "Successfully updated credit",
"edit_credit": "Edit Credit",
"live_preview_help": "Display a live PDF preview on the invoice page.
Disable this to improve performance when editing invoices.",
"force_pdfjs_help": "Replace the built-in PDF viewer in {chrome_link} and {firefox_link}.
Enable this if your browser is automatically downloading the PDF.",
"force_pdfjs": "Prevent Download",
"redirect_url": "Redirect URL",
"redirect_url_help": "Optionally specify a URL to redirect to after a payment is entered.",
"save_draft": "Save Draft",
"refunded_credit_payment": "Refunded credit payment",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"toggle_menu": "Toggle Menu",
"new_...": "New ...",
"list_...": "List ...",
"created_at": "Date Created",
"contact_us": "Contact Us",
"user_guide": "User Guide",
"promo_message": "Upgrade before {expires} and get {amount} OFF your first year of our Pro or Enterprise packages.",
"discount_message": "{amount} off expires {expires}",
"mark_paid": "Mark Paid",
"marked_sent_invoice": "Successfully marked invoice sent",
"marked_sent_invoices": "Successfully marked invoices sent",
"invoice_name": "Invoice",
"product_will_create": "product will be created",
"contact_us_response": "Thank you for your message! We'll try to respond as soon as possible.",
"last_7_days": "Last 7 Days",
"last_30_days": "Last 30 Days",
"this_month": "This Month",
"last_month": "Last Month",
"last_year": "Last Year",
"custom_range": "Custom Range",
"url": "URL",
"debug": "Debug",
"https": "HTTPS",
"require": "Require",
"license_expiring": "Note: Your license will expire in {count} days, {link} to renew it.",
"security_confirmation": "Your email address has been confirmed.",
"white_label_expired": "Your white label license has expired, please consider renewing it to help support our project.",
"renew_license": "Renew License",
"iphone_app_message": "Consider downloading our {link}",
"iphone_app": "iPhone app",
"android_app": "Android app",
"logged_in": "Logged In",
"switch_to_primary": "Switch to your primary company ({name}) to manage your plan.",
"inclusive": "Inclusive",
"exclusive": "Exclusive",
"postal_city_state": "Postal\/City\/State",
"phantomjs_help": "In certain cases the app uses {link_phantom} to generate the PDF, install {link_docs} to generate it locally.",
"phantomjs_local": "Using local PhantomJS",
"client_number": "Client Number",
"client_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the client number.",
"next_client_number": "The next client number is {number}.",
"generated_numbers": "Generated Numbers",
"notes_reminder1": "First Reminder",
"notes_reminder2": "Second Reminder",
"notes_reminder3": "Third Reminder",
"bcc_email": "BCC Email",
"tax_quote": "Tax Quote",
"tax_invoice": "Tax Invoice",
"emailed_invoices": "Successfully emailed invoices",
"emailed_quotes": "Successfully emailed quotes",
"website_url": "Website URL",
"domain": "Domain",
"domain_help": "Used in the client portal and when sending emails.",
"domain_help_website": "Used when sending emails.",
"import_invoices": "Import Invoices",
"new_report": "New Report",
"edit_report": "Edit Report",
"columns": "Columns",
"filters": "Filters",
"sort_by": "Sort By",
"draft": "Draft",
"unpaid": "Unpaid",
"aging": "Aging",
"age": "Age",
"days": "Days",
"age_group_0": "0 - 30 Days",
"age_group_30": "30 - 60 Days",
"age_group_60": "60 - 90 Days",
"age_group_90": "90 - 120 Days",
"age_group_120": "120+ Days",
"invoice_details": "Invoice Details",
"qty": "Quantity",
"profit_and_loss": "Profit and Loss",
"revenue": "Revenue",
"profit": "Profit",
"group_when_sorted": "Group Sort",
"group_dates_by": "Group Dates By",
"year": "Year",
"view_statement": "View Statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"statement_date": "Statement Date",
"mark_active": "Mark Active",
"send_automatically": "Send Automatically",
"initial_email": "Initial Email",
"invoice_not_emailed": "This invoice hasn't been emailed.",
"quote_not_emailed": "This quote hasn't been emailed.",
"sent_by": "Sent by {user}",
"recipients": "Recipients",
"save_as_default": "Save as default",
"template": "Template",
"first_day_of_week_help": "Used by date<\/b> selectors",
"financial_year_start_help": "Used by date range<\/b> selectors",
"reports_help": "Shift + Click to sort by multiple columns, Ctrl + Click to clear the grouping.",
"this_year": "This Year",
"ninja_tagline": "Create. Send. Get Paid.",
"login_or_existing": "Or login with a connected account.",
"sign_up_now": "Sign Up Now",
"not_a_member_yet": "Not a member yet?",
"login_create_an_account": "Create an Account!",
"client_login": "Client Login",
"invoice_from": "Invoices From:",
"email_alias_message": "We require each company to have a unique email address.
Consider using an alias. ie, email+label@example.com",
"full_name": "Full Name",
"month_year": "MONTH\/YEAR",
"valid_thru": "Valid\\nthru",
"product_fields": "Product Fields",
"custom_product_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a product or invoice and display the label and value on the PDF.",
"freq_two_months": "Two months",
"freq_yearly": "Annually",
"profile": "Profile",
"payment_type_help": "Sets the default manual payment type<\/b>.",
"industry_Construction": "Construction",
"your_statement": "Your Statement",
"statement_issued_to": "Statement issued to",
"statement_to": "Statement to",
"customize_options": "Customize options",
"created_payment_term": "Successfully created payment term",
"updated_payment_term": "Successfully updated payment term",
"archived_payment_term": "Successfully archived payment term",
"resend_invite": "Resend Invitation",
"credit_created_by": "Credit created by payment {transaction_reference}",
"created_payment_and_credit": "Successfully created payment and credit",
"created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client": "Successfully created payment and credit, and emailed client",
"create_project": "Create project",
"create_vendor": "Create vendor",
"create_expense_category": "Create category",
"pro_plan_reports": "{link} to enable reports by joining the Pro Plan",
"mark_ready": "Mark Ready",
"limits": "Limits",
"fees": "Fees",
"fee": "Fee",
"set_limits_fees": "Set {gateway_type} Limits\/Fees",
"fees_tax_help": "Enable line item taxes to set the fee tax rates.",
"fees_sample": "The fee for a {amount} invoice would be {total}.",
"discount_sample": "The discount for a {amount} invoice would be {total}.",
"no_fees": "No Fees",
"gateway_fees_disclaimer": "Warning: not all states\/payment gateways allow adding fees, please review local laws\/terms of service.",
"percent": "Percent",
"location": "Location",
"line_item": "Line Item",
"surcharge": "Surcharge",
"location_first_surcharge": "Enabled - First surcharge",
"location_second_surcharge": "Enabled - Second surcharge",
"location_line_item": "Enabled - Line item",
"online_payment_surcharge": "Online Payment Surcharge",
"gateway_fees": "Gateway Fees",
"fees_disabled": "Fees are disabled",
"gateway_fees_help": "Automatically add an online payment surcharge\/discount.",
"gateway": "Gateway",
"gateway_fee_change_warning": "If there are unpaid invoices with fees they need to be updated manually.",
"fees_surcharge_help": "Customize surcharge {link}.",
"label_and_taxes": "label and taxes",
"billable": "Billable",
"logo_warning_too_large": "The image file is too large.",
"logo_warning_fileinfo": "Warning: To support gifs the fileinfo PHP extension needs to be enabled.",
"logo_warning_invalid": "There was a problem reading the image file, please try a different format.",
"error_refresh_page": "An error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.",
"data": "Data",
"imported_settings": "Successfully imported settings",
"reset_counter": "Reset Counter",
"next_reset": "Next Reset",
"reset_counter_help": "Automatically reset the invoice and quote counters.",
"auto_bill_failed": "Auto-billing for invoice {invoice_number} failed",
"online_payment_discount": "Online Payment Discount",
"created_new_company": "Successfully created new company",
"fees_disabled_for_gateway": "Fees are disabled for this gateway.",
"logout_and_delete": "Log Out\/Delete Account",
"tax_rate_type_help": "Inclusive tax rates adjust the line item cost when selected.
Only exclusive tax rates can be used as a default.",
"invoice_footer_help": "Use $pageNumber and $pageCount to display the page information.",
"credit_note": "Credit Note",
"credit_issued_to": "Credit issued to",
"credit_to": "Credit to",
"your_credit": "Your Credit",
"credit_number": "Credit Number",
"create_credit_note": "Create Credit Note",
"menu": "Menu",
"error_incorrect_gateway_ids": "Error: The gateways table has incorrect ids.",
"purge_data": "Purge Data",
"delete_data": "Delete Data",
"purge_data_help": "Permanently delete all data but keep the account and settings.",
"cancel_account_help": "Permanently delete the account along with all data and setting.",
"purge_successful": "Successfully purged company data",
"forbidden": "Forbidden",
"purge_data_message": "Warning: This will permanently erase your data, there is no undo.",
"contact_phone": "Contact Phone",
"contact_email": "Contact Email",
"reply_to_email": "Reply-To Email",
"reply_to_email_help": "Specify the reply-to address for client emails.",
"bcc_email_help": "Privately include this address with client emails.",
"import_complete": "Your import has successfully completed.",
"confirm_account_to_import": "Please confirm your account to import data.",
"import_started": "Your import has started, we'll send you an email once it completes.",
"listening": "Listening...",
"microphone_help": "Say \"new invoice for [client]\" or \"show me [client]'s archived payments\"",
"voice_commands": "Voice Commands",
"sample_commands": "Sample commands",
"voice_commands_feedback": "We're actively working to improve this feature, if there's a command you'd like us to support please email us at {email}.",
"payment_type_Venmo": "Venmo",
"payment_type_Money Order": "Money Order",
"archived_products": "Successfully archived {count} products",
"recommend_on": "We recommend enabling<\/b> this setting.",
"recommend_off": "We recommend disabling<\/b> this setting.",
"notes_auto_billed": "Auto-billed",
"surcharge_label": "Surcharge Label",
"contact_fields": "Contact Fields",
"custom_contact_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a contact and optionally display the label and value on the PDF.",
"datatable_info": "Showing {start} to {end} of {total} entries",
"credit_total": "Credit Total",
"mark_billable": "Mark billable",
"billed": "Billed",
"company_variables": "Company Variables",
"client_variables": "Client Variables",
"invoice_variables": "Invoice Variables",
"navigation_variables": "Navigation Variables",
"custom_variables": "Custom Variables",
"invalid_file": "Invalid file type",
"add_documents_to_invoice": "Add documents to invoice",
"mark_expense_paid": "Mark paid",
"white_label_license_error": "Failed to validate the license, check storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log for more details.",
"plan_price": "Plan Price",
"wrong_confirmation": "Incorrect confirmation code",
"oauth_taken": "The account is already registered",
"emailed_payment": "Successfully emailed payment",
"email_payment": "Email Payment",
"invoiceplane_import": "Use {link} to migrate your data from InvoicePlane.",
"duplicate_expense_warning": "Warning: This {link} may be a duplicate",
"expense_link": "expense",
"resume_task": "Resume Task",
"resumed_task": "Successfully resumed task",
"quote_design": "Quote Design",
"default_design": "Standard Design",
"custom_design1": "Custom Design 1",
"custom_design2": "Custom Design 2",
"custom_design3": "Custom Design 3",
"empty": "Empty",
"load_design": "Load Design",
"accepted_card_logos": "Accepted Card Logos",
"phantomjs_local_and_cloud": "Using local PhantomJS, falling back to phantomjscloud.com",
"google_analytics": "Google Analytics",
"analytics_key": "Analytics Key",
"analytics_key_help": "Track payments using {link}",
"start_date_required": "The start date is required",
"application_settings": "Application Settings",
"database_connection": "Database Connection",
"driver": "Driver",
"host": "Host",
"database": "Database",
"test_connection": "Test connection",
"from_name": "From Name",
"from_address": "From Address",
"port": "Port",
"encryption": "Encryption",
"mailgun_domain": "Mailgun Domain",
"mailgun_private_key": "Mailgun Private Key",
"send_test_email": "Send test email",
"select_label": "Select Label",
"label": "Label",
"service": "Service",
"update_payment_details": "Update payment details",
"updated_payment_details": "Successfully updated payment details",
"update_credit_card": "Update Credit Card",
"recurring_expenses": "Recurring Expenses",
"recurring_expense": "Recurring Expense",
"new_recurring_expense": "New Recurring Expense",
"edit_recurring_expense": "Edit Recurring Expense",
"archive_recurring_expense": "Archive Recurring Expense",
"list_recurring_expense": "List Recurring Expenses",
"updated_recurring_expense": "Successfully updated recurring expense",
"created_recurring_expense": "Successfully created recurring expense",
"archived_recurring_expense": "Successfully archived recurring expense",
"restore_recurring_expense": "Restore Recurring Expense",
"restored_recurring_expense": "Successfully restored recurring expense",
"delete_recurring_expense": "Delete Recurring Expense",
"deleted_recurring_expense": "Successfully deleted project",
"view_recurring_expense": "View Recurring Expense",
"taxes_and_fees": "Taxes and fees",
"import_failed": "Import Failed",
"recurring_prefix": "Recurring Prefix",
"options": "Options",
"credit_number_help": "Specify a prefix or use a custom pattern to dynamically set the credit number for negative invoices.",
"next_credit_number": "The next credit number is {number}.",
"padding_help": "The number of zero's to pad the number.",
"import_warning_invalid_date": "Warning: The date format appears to be invalid.",
"product_notes": "Product Notes",
"app_version": "App Version",
"ofx_version": "OFX Version",
"gateway_help_23": "{link} to get your Stripe API keys.",
"error_app_key_set_to_default": "Error: APP_KEY is set to a default value, to update it backup your database and then run php artisan ninja{update}-key<\/code>",
"charge_late_fee": "Charge Late Fee",
"late_fee_amount": "Late Fee Amount",
"late_fee_percent": "Late Fee Percent",
"late_fee_added": "Late fee added on {date}",
"download_invoice": "Download Invoice",
"download_quote": "Download Quote",
"invoices_are_attached": "Your invoice PDFs are attached.",
"downloaded_invoice": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDF",
"downloaded_quote": "An email will be sent with the quote PDF",
"downloaded_invoices": "An email will be sent with the invoice PDFs",
"downloaded_quotes": "An email will be sent with the quote PDFs",
"clone_expense": "Clone Expense",
"default_documents": "Default Documents",
"send_email_to_client": "Send email to the client",
"refund_subject": "Refund Processed",
"refund_body": "You have been processed a refund of {amount} for invoice {invoice_number}.",
"currency_us_dollar": "US Dollar",
"currency_british_pound": "British Pound",
"currency_euro": "Euro",
"currency_south_african_rand": "South African Rand",
"currency_danish_krone": "Danish Krone",
"currency_israeli_shekel": "Israeli Shekel",
"currency_swedish_krona": "Swedish Krona",
"currency_kenyan_shilling": "Kenyan Shilling",
"currency_canadian_dollar": "Canadian Dollar",
"currency_philippine_peso": "Philippine Peso",
"currency_indian_rupee": "Indian Rupee",
"currency_australian_dollar": "Australian Dollar",
"currency_singapore_dollar": "Singapore Dollar",
"currency_norske_kroner": "Norske Kroner",
"currency_new_zealand_dollar": "New Zealand Dollar",
"currency_vietnamese_dong": "Vietnamese Dong",
"currency_swiss_franc": "Swiss Franc",
"currency_guatemalan_quetzal": "Guatemalan Quetzal",
"currency_malaysian_ringgit": "Malaysian Ringgit",
"currency_brazilian_real": "Brazilian Real",
"currency_thai_baht": "Thai Baht",
"currency_nigerian_naira": "Nigerian Naira",
"currency_argentine_peso": "Argentine Peso",
"currency_bangladeshi_taka": "Bangladeshi Taka",
"currency_united_arab_emirates_dirham": "United Arab Emirates Dirham",
"currency_hong_kong_dollar": "Hong Kong Dollar",
"currency_indonesian_rupiah": "Indonesian Rupiah",
"currency_mexican_peso": "Mexican Peso",
"currency_egyptian_pound": "Egyptian Pound",
"currency_colombian_peso": "Colombian Peso",
"currency_west_african_franc": "West African Franc",
"currency_chinese_renminbi": "Chinese Renminbi",
"currency_rwandan_franc": "Rwandan Franc",
"currency_tanzanian_shilling": "Tanzanian Shilling",
"currency_netherlands_antillean_guilder": "Netherlands Antillean Guilder",
"currency_trinidad_and_tobago_dollar": "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar",
"currency_east_caribbean_dollar": "East Caribbean Dollar",
"currency_ghanaian_cedi": "Ghanaian Cedi",
"currency_bulgarian_lev": "Bulgarian Lev",
"currency_aruban_florin": "Aruban Florin",
"currency_turkish_lira": "Turkish Lira",
"currency_romanian_new_leu": "Romanian New Leu",
"currency_croatian_kuna": "Croatian Kuna",
"currency_saudi_riyal": "Saudi Riyal",
"currency_japanese_yen": "Japanese Yen",
"currency_maldivian_rufiyaa": "Maldivian Rufiyaa",
"currency_costa_rican_colon": "Costa Rican Colón",
"currency_pakistani_rupee": "Pakistani Rupee",
"currency_polish_zloty": "Polish Zloty",
"currency_sri_lankan_rupee": "Sri Lankan Rupee",
"currency_czech_koruna": "Czech Koruna",
"currency_uruguayan_peso": "Uruguayan Peso",
"currency_namibian_dollar": "Namibian Dollar",
"currency_tunisian_dinar": "Tunisian Dinar",
"currency_russian_ruble": "Russian Ruble",
"currency_mozambican_metical": "Mozambican Metical",
"currency_omani_rial": "Omani Rial",
"currency_ukrainian_hryvnia": "Ukrainian Hryvnia",
"currency_macanese_pataca": "Macanese Pataca",
"currency_taiwan_new_dollar": "Taiwan New Dollar",
"currency_dominican_peso": "Dominican Peso",
"currency_chilean_peso": "Chilean Peso",
"currency_icelandic_krona": "Icelandic Króna",
"currency_papua_new_guinean_kina": "Papua New Guinean Kina",
"currency_jordanian_dinar": "Jordanian Dinar",
"currency_myanmar_kyat": "Myanmar Kyat",
"currency_peruvian_sol": "Peruvian Sol",
"currency_botswana_pula": "Botswana Pula",
"currency_hungarian_forint": "Hungarian Forint",
"currency_ugandan_shilling": "Ugandan Shilling",
"currency_barbadian_dollar": "Barbadian Dollar",
"currency_brunei_dollar": "Brunei Dollar",
"currency_georgian_lari": "Georgian Lari",
"currency_qatari_riyal": "Qatari Riyal",
"currency_honduran_lempira": "Honduran Lempira",
"currency_surinamese_dollar": "Surinamese Dollar",
"currency_bahraini_dinar": "Bahraini Dinar",
"review_app_help": "We hope you're enjoying using the app.
If you'd consider {link} we'd greatly appreciate it!",
"writing_a_review": "writing a review",
"use_english_version": "Make sure to use the English version of the files.
We use the column headers to match the fields.",
"tax1": "First Tax",
"tax2": "Second Tax",
"fee_help": "Gateway fees are the costs charged for access to the financial networks that handle the processing of online payments.",
"format_export": "Exporting format",
"custom1": "First Custom",
"custom2": "Second Custom",
"contact_first_name": "Contact First Name",
"contact_last_name": "Contact Last Name",
"contact_custom1": "Contact First Custom",
"contact_custom2": "Contact Second Custom",
"currency": "Currency",
"ofx_help": "To troubleshoot check for comments on {ofxhome_link} and test with {ofxget_link}.",
"comments": "comments",
"item_product": "Item Product",
"item_notes": "Item Notes",
"item_cost": "Item Cost",
"item_quantity": "Item Quantity",
"item_tax_rate": "Item Tax Rate",
"item_tax_name": "Item Tax Name",
"item_tax1": "Item Tax1",
"item_tax2": "Item Tax2",
"delete_company": "Delete Company",
"delete_company_help": "Permanently delete the company along with all data and setting.",
"delete_company_message": "Warning: This will permanently delete your company, there is no undo.",
"applied_discount": "The coupon has been applied, the plan price has been reduced by {discount}%.",
"applied_free_year": "The coupon has been applied, your account has been upgraded to pro for one year.",
"contact_us_help": "If you're reporting an error please include any relevant logs from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"include_errors": "Include Errors",
"include_errors_help": "Include {link} from storage\/logs\/laravel-error.log",
"recent_errors": "recent errors",
"customer": "Customer",
"customers": "Customers",
"created_customer": "Successfully created customer",
"created_customers": "Successfully created {count} customers",
"purge_details": "The data in your company ({account}) has been successfully purged.",
"deleted_company": "Successfully deleted company",
"deleted_account": "Successfully canceled account",
"deleted_company_details": "Your company ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"deleted_account_details": "Your account ({account}) has been successfully deleted.",
"alipay": "Alipay",
"sofort": "Sofort",
"sepa": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"enable_alipay": "Accept Alipay",
"enable_sofort": "Accept EU bank transfers",
"stripe_alipay_help": "These gateways also need to be activated in {link}.",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"pro_plan_calendar": "{link} to enable the calendar by joining the Pro Plan",
"what_are_you_working_on": "What are you working on?",
"time_tracker": "Time Tracker",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"filter_sort": "Filter\/Sort",
"no_description": "No Description",
"time_tracker_login": "Time Tracker Login",
"save_or_discard": "Save or discard your changes",
"discard_changes": "Discard Changes",
"tasks_not_enabled": "Tasks are not enabled.",
"started_task": "Successfully started task",
"create_client": "Create Client",
"download_desktop_app": "Download the desktop app",
"download_iphone_app": "Download the iPhone app",
"download_android_app": "Download the Android app",
"time_tracker_mobile_help": "Double tap a task to select it",
"stopped": "Stopped",
"ascending": "Ascending",
"descending": "Descending",
"sort_field": "Sort By",
"sort_direction": "Direction",
"discard": "Discard",
"time_am": "AM",
"time_pm": "PM",
"time_mins": "mins",
"time_hr": "hr",
"time_hrs": "hrs",
"clear": "Clear",
"warn_payment_gateway": "Note: accepting online payments requires a payment gateway, {link} to add one.",
"task_rate": "Task Rate",
"task_rate_help": "Set the default rate for invoiced tasks.",
"past_due": "Past Due",
"document": "Document",
"invoice_or_expense": "Invoice\/Expense",
"invoice_pdfs": "Invoice PDFs",
"enable_sepa": "Accept SEPA",
"enable_bitcoin": "Accept Bitcoin",
"iban": "IBAN",
"sepa_authorization": "By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing {company} and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.",
"recover_license": "Recover License",
"purchase": "Purchase",
"recover": "Recover",
"apply": "Apply",
"recover_white_label_header": "Recover White Label License",
"apply_white_label_header": "Apply White Label License",
"videos": "Videos",
"video": "Video",
"return_to_invoice": "Return to Invoice",
"gateway_help_13": "To use ITN leave the PDT Key field blank.",
"partial_due_date": "Partial Due Date",
"task_fields": "Task Fields",
"product_fields_help": "Drag and drop fields to change their order",
"custom_value1": "Custom Value",
"custom_value2": "Custom Value",
"enable_two_factor": "Two-Factor Authentication",
"enable_two_factor_help": "Use your phone to confirm your identity when logging in",
"two_factor_setup": "Two-Factor Setup",
"two_factor_setup_help": "Scan the bar code with a {link} compatible app.",
"one_time_password": "One Time Password",
"set_phone_for_two_factor": "Set your mobile phone number as a backup to enable.",
"enabled_two_factor": "Successfully enabled Two-Factor Authentication",
"add_product": "Add Product",
"email_will_be_sent_on": "Note: the email will be sent on {date}.",
"invoice_product": "Invoice Product",
"self_host_login": "Self-Host Login",
"set_self_hoat_url": "Self-Host URL",
"local_storage_required": "Error: local storage is not available.",
"your_password_reset_link": "Your Password Reset Link",
"subdomain_taken": "The subdomain is already in use",
"converted_amount": "Converted Amount",
"default": "Default",
"shipping_address": "Shipping Address",
"bllling_address": "Billing Address",
"billing_address1": "Billing Street",
"billing_address2": "Billing Apt\/Suite",
"billing_city": "Billing City",
"billing_state": "Billing State\/Province",
"billing_postal_code": "Billing Postal Code",
"billing_country": "Billing Country",
"shipping_address1": "Shipping Street",
"shipping_address2": "Shipping Apt\/Suite",
"shipping_city": "Shipping City",
"shipping_state": "Shipping State\/Province",
"shipping_postal_code": "Shipping Postal Code",
"shipping_country": "Shipping Country",
"classify": "Classify",
"show_shipping_address_help": "Require client to provide their shipping address",
"ship_to_billing_address": "Ship to billing address",
"delivery_note": "Delivery Note",
"show_tasks_in_portal": "Show tasks in the client portal",
"cancel_schedule": "Cancel Schedule",
"scheduled_report": "Scheduled Report",
"scheduled_report_help": "Email the {report} report as {format} to {email}",
"created_scheduled_report": "Successfully scheduled report",
"deleted_scheduled_report": "Successfully canceled scheduled report",
"scheduled_report_attached": "Your scheduled {type} report is attached.",
"scheduled_report_error": "Failed to create schedule report",
"invalid_one_time_password": "Invalid one time password",
"apple_pay": "Apple\/Google Pay",
"enable_apple_pay": "Accept Apple Pay and Pay with Google",
"requires_subdomain": "This payment type requires that a {link}.",
"subdomain_is_set": "subdomain is set",
"verification_file": "Verification File",
"verification_file_missing": "The verification file is needed to accept payments.",
"apple_pay_domain": "Use {domain}<\/code> as the domain in {link}.",
"apple_pay_not_supported": "Sorry, Apple\/Google Pay isn't supported by your browser",
"optional_payment_methods": "Optional Payment Methods",
"add_subscription": "Add Subscription",
"target_url": "Target",
"target_url_help": "When the selected event occurs the app will post the entity to the target URL.",
"event": "Event",
"subscription_event_1": "Created Client",
"subscription_event_2": "Created Invoice",
"subscription_event_3": "Created Quote",
"subscription_event_4": "Created Payment",
"subscription_event_5": "Created Vendor",
"subscription_event_6": "Updated Quote",
"subscription_event_7": "Deleted Quote",
"subscription_event_8": "Updated Invoice",
"subscription_event_9": "Deleted Invoice",
"subscription_event_10": "Updated Client",
"subscription_event_11": "Deleted Client",
"subscription_event_12": "Deleted Payment",
"subscription_event_13": "Updated Vendor",
"subscription_event_14": "Deleted Vendor",
"subscription_event_15": "Created Expense",
"subscription_event_16": "Updated Expense",
"subscription_event_17": "Deleted Expense",
"subscription_event_18": "Created Task",
"subscription_event_19": "Updated Task",
"subscription_event_20": "Deleted Task",
"subscription_event_21": "Approved Quote",
"subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"updated_subscription": "Successfully updated subscription",
"created_subscription": "Successfully created subscription",
"edit_subscription": "Edit Subscription",
"archive_subscription": "Archive Subscription",
"archived_subscription": "Successfully archived subscription",
"project_error_multiple_clients": "The projects can't belong to different clients",
"invoice_project": "Invoice Project",
"module_recurring_invoice": "Recurring Invoices",
"module_credit": "Credits",
"module_quote": "Quotes & Proposals",
"module_task": "Tasks & Projects",
"module_expense": "Expenses & Vendors",
"reminders": "Reminders",
"send_client_reminders": "Send email reminders",
"can_view_tasks": "Tasks are visible in the portal",
"is_not_sent_reminders": "Reminders are not sent",
"promotion_footer": "Your promotion will expire soon, {link} to upgrade now.",
"unable_to_delete_primary": "Note: to delete this company first delete all linked companies.",
"please_register": "Please register your account",
"processing_request": "Processing request",
"mcrypt_warning": "Warning: Mcrypt is deprecated, run {command} to update your cipher.",
"edit_times": "Edit Times",
"inclusive_taxes_help": "Include taxes in the cost<\/b>",
"inclusive_taxes_notice": "This setting can not be changed once an invoice has been created.",
"inclusive_taxes_warning": "Warning: existing invoices will need to be resaved",
"copy_shipping": "Copy Shipping",
"copy_billing": "Copy Billing",
"quote_has_expired": "The quote has expired, please contact the merchant.",
"empty_table_footer": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"do_not_trust": "Do not remember this device",
"trust_for_30_days": "Trust for 30 days",
"trust_forever": "Trust forever",
"kanban": "Kanban",
"backlog": "Backlog",
"ready_to_do": "Ready to do",
"in_progress": "In progress",
"add_status": "Add status",
"archive_status": "Archive Status",
"new_status": "New Status",
"convert_products": "Convert Products",
"convert_products_help": "Automatically convert product prices to the client's currency",
"improve_client_portal_link": "Set a subdomain to shorten the client portal link.",
"budgeted_hours": "Budgeted Hours",
"progress": "Progress",
"view_project": "View Project",
"summary": "Summary",
"endless_reminder": "Endless Reminder",
"signature_on_invoice_help": "Add the following code to show your client's signature on the PDF.",
"signature_on_pdf": "Show on PDF",
"signature_on_pdf_help": "Show the client signature on the invoice\/quote PDF.",
"expired_white_label": "The white label license has expired",
"return_to_login": "Return to Login",
"convert_products_tip": "Note: add a {link} named \"{name}\" to see the exchange rate.",
"amount_greater_than_balance": "The amount is greater than the invoice balance, a credit will be created with the remaining amount.",
"custom_fields_tip": "Use Label|Option1,Option2<\/code> to show a select box.",
"client_information": "Client Information",
"updated_client_details": "Successfully updated client details",
"auto": "Auto",
"tax_amount": "Tax Amount",
"tax_paid": "Tax Paid",
"none": "None",
"proposal_message_button": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the button below.",
"proposal": "Proposal",
"proposals": "Proposals",
"list_proposals": "List Proposals",
"new_proposal": "New Proposal",
"edit_proposal": "Edit Proposal",
"archive_proposal": "Archive Proposal",
"delete_proposal": "Delete Proposal",
"created_proposal": "Successfully created proposal",
"updated_proposal": "Successfully updated proposal",
"archived_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"deleted_proposal": "Successfully archived proposal",
"archived_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"deleted_proposals": "Successfully archived {count} proposals",
"restored_proposal": "Successfully restored proposal",
"restore_proposal": "Restore Proposal",
"snippet": "Snippet",
"snippets": "Snippets",
"proposal_snippet": "Snippet",
"proposal_snippets": "Snippets",
"new_proposal_snippet": "New Snippet",
"edit_proposal_snippet": "Edit Snippet",
"archive_proposal_snippet": "Archive Snippet",
"delete_proposal_snippet": "Delete Snippet",
"created_proposal_snippet": "Successfully created snippet",
"updated_proposal_snippet": "Successfully updated snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"deleted_proposal_snippet": "Successfully archived snippet",
"archived_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"deleted_proposal_snippets": "Successfully archived {count} snippets",
"restored_proposal_snippet": "Successfully restored snippet",
"restore_proposal_snippet": "Restore Snippet",
"templates": "Templates",
"proposal_template": "Template",
"proposal_templates": "Templates",
"new_proposal_template": "New Template",
"edit_proposal_template": "Edit Template",
"archive_proposal_template": "Archive Template",
"delete_proposal_template": "Delete Template",
"created_proposal_template": "Successfully created template",
"updated_proposal_template": "Successfully updated template",
"archived_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"deleted_proposal_template": "Successfully archived template",
"archived_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"deleted_proposal_templates": "Successfully archived {count} templates",
"restored_proposal_template": "Successfully restored template",
"restore_proposal_template": "Restore Template",
"proposal_category": "Category",
"proposal_categories": "Categories",
"new_proposal_category": "New Category",
"edit_proposal_category": "Edit Category",
"archive_proposal_category": "Archive Category",
"delete_proposal_category": "Delete Category",
"created_proposal_category": "Successfully created category",
"updated_proposal_category": "Successfully updated category",
"archived_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"deleted_proposal_category": "Successfully archived category",
"archived_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"deleted_proposal_categories": "Successfully archived {count} categories",
"restored_proposal_category": "Successfully restored category",
"restore_proposal_category": "Restore Category",
"delete_status": "Delete Status",
"standard": "Standard",
"icon": "Icon",
"proposal_not_found": "The requested proposal is not available",
"create_proposal_category": "Create category",
"clone_proposal_template": "Clone Template",
"proposal_email": "Proposal Email",
"proposal_subject": "New proposal {number} from {account}",
"proposal_message": "To view your proposal for {amount}, click the link below.",
"emailed_proposal": "Successfully emailed proposal",
"load_template": "Load Template",
"no_assets": "No images, drag to upload",
"add_image": "Add Image",
"select_image": "Select Image",
"upgrade_to_upload_images": "Upgrade to the enterprise plan to upload images",
"delete_image": "Delete Image",
"delete_image_help": "Warning: deleting the image will remove it from all proposals.",
"amount_variable_help": "Note: the invoice $amount field will use the partial\/deposit field if set otherwise it will use the invoice balance.",
"taxes_are_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes have been enabled.",
"taxes_are_not_included_help": "Note: Inclusive taxes are not enabled.",
"change_requires_purge": "Changing this setting requires {link} the account data.",
"purging": "purging",
"warning_local_refund": "The refund will be recorded in the app but will NOT be processed by the payment gateway.",
"email_address_changed": "Email address has been changed",
"email_address_changed_message": "The email address for your account has been changed from {old_email} to {new_email}.",
"test": "Test",
"beta": "Beta",
"gmp_required": "Exporting to ZIP requires the GMP extension",
"email_history": "Email History",
"loading": "Loading",
"no_messages_found": "No messages found",
"processing": "Processing",
"reactivate": "Reactivate",
"reactivated_email": "The email address has been reactivated",
"emails": "Emails",
"opened": "Opened",
"bounced": "Bounced",
"total_sent": "Total Sent",
"total_opened": "Total Opened",
"total_bounced": "Total Bounced",
"total_spam": "Total Spam",
"platforms": "Platforms",
"email_clients": "Email Clients",
"mobile": "Mobile",
"desktop": "Desktop",
"webmail": "Webmail",
"group": "Group",
"subgroup": "Subgroup",
"unset": "Unset",
"received_new_payment": "You've received a new payment!",
"slack_webhook_help": "Receive payment notifications using {link}.",
"slack_incoming_webhooks": "Slack incoming webhooks",
"accept": "Accept",
"accepted_terms": "Successfully accepted the latest terms of service",
"invalid_url": "Invalid URL",
"workflow_settings": "Workflow Settings",
"auto_email_invoice": "Auto Email",
"auto_email_invoice_help": "Automatically email recurring invoices when they are created.",
"auto_archive_invoice": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_invoice_help": "Automatically archive invoices when they are paid.",
"auto_archive_quote": "Auto Archive",
"auto_archive_quote_help": "Automatically archive quotes when they are converted.",
"allow_approve_expired_quote": "Allow approve expired quote",
"allow_approve_expired_quote_help": "Allow clients to approve expired quotes.",
"invoice_workflow": "Invoice Workflow",
"quote_workflow": "Quote Workflow",
"client_must_be_active": "Error: the client must be active",
"purge_client": "Purge Client",
"purged_client": "Successfully purged client",
"purge_client_warning": "All related records (invoices, tasks, expenses, documents, etc) will also be deleted.",
"clone_product": "Clone Product",
"item_details": "Item Details",
"send_item_details_help": "Send line item details to the payment gateway.",
"view_proposal": "View Proposal",
"view_in_portal": "View in Portal",
"cookie_message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
"got_it": "Got it!",
"vendor_will_create": "vendor will be created",
"vendors_will_create": "vendors will be created",
"created_vendors": "Successfully created {count} vendor(s)",
"import_vendors": "Import Vendors",
"company": "Company",
"client_field": "Client Field",
"contact_field": "Contact Field",
"product_field": "Product Field",
"task_field": "Task Field",
"project_field": "Project Field",
"expense_field": "Expense Field",
"vendor_field": "Vendor Field",
"company_field": "Company Field",
"invoice_field": "Invoice Field",
"invoice_surcharge": "Invoice Surcharge",
"custom_task_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a task.",
"custom_project_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a project.",
"custom_expense_fields_help": "Add a field when creating an expense.",
"custom_vendor_fields_help": "Add a field when creating a vendor.",
"messages": "Messages",
"unpaid_invoice": "Unpaid Invoice",
"paid_invoice": "Paid Invoice",
"unapproved_quote": "Unapproved Quote",
"unapproved_proposal": "Unapproved Proposal",
"autofills_city_state": "Auto-fills city\/state",
"no_match_found": "No match found",
"password_strength": "Password Strength",
"strength_weak": "Weak",
"strength_good": "Good",
"strength_strong": "Strong",
"mark": "Mark",
"updated_task_status": "Successfully update task status",
"background_image": "Background Image",
"background_image_help": "Use the {link} to manage your images, we recommend using a small file.",
"proposal_editor": "proposal editor",
"background": "Background",
"guide": "Guide",
"gateway_fee_item": "Gateway Fee Item",
"gateway_fee_description": "Gateway Fee Surcharge",
"show_payments": "Show Payments",
"show_aging": "Show Aging",
"reference": "Reference",
"amount_paid": "Amount Paid",
"send_notifications_for": "Send Notifications For",
"all_invoices": "All Invoices",
"my_invoices": "My Invoices",
"mobile_refresh_warning": "If you're using the mobile app you may need to do a full refresh.",
"enable_proposals_for_background": "To upload a background image {link} to enable the proposals module."
"fr": {
"pagination": {
"previous": "« Précédent",
"next": "Suivant »"
"reminders": {
"password": "Les mots de passe doivent avoir au moins six caractères et doivent être identiques.",
"user": "Nous ne pouvons trouver cet utilisateur avec cette adresse e-mail.",
"token": "Ce jeton de réinitialisation du mot de passe n'est pas valide.",
"sent": "Rappel du mot de passe envoyé !"
"validation": {
"accepted": "Le champ {attribute} doit être accepté.",
"active_url": "Le champ {attribute} n'est pas une URL valide.",
"after": "Le champ {attribute} doit être une date postérieure au {date}.",
"alpha": "Le champ {attribute} doit seulement contenir des lettres.",
"alpha_dash": "Le champ {attribute} doit seulement contenir des lettres, des chiffres et des tirets.",
"alpha_num": "Le champ {attribute} doit seulement contenir des chiffres et des lettres.",
"array": "Le champ {attribute} doit être un tableau.",
"before": "Le champ {attribute} doit être une date antérieure au {date}.",
"between": {
"numeric": "La valeur de {attribute} doit être comprise entre {min} et {max}.",
"file": "Le fichier {attribute} doit avoir une taille entre {min} et {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "Le texte {attribute} doit avoir entre {min} et {max} caractères.",
"array": "Le champ {attribute} doit avoir entre {min} et {max} éléments."
"confirmed": "Le champ de confirmation {attribute} ne correspond pas.",
"date": "Le champ {attribute} n'est pas une date valide.",
"date_format": "Le champ {attribute} ne correspond pas au format {format}.",
"different": "Les champs {attribute} et {other} doivent être différents.",
"digits": "Le champ {attribute} doit avoir {digits} chiffres.",
"digits_between": "Le champ {attribute} doit avoir entre {min} and {max} chiffres.",
"email": "Le champ {attribute} doit être une adresse email valide.",
"exists": "Le champ {attribute} sélectionné est invalide.",
"image": "Le champ {attribute} doit être une image.",
"in": "Le champ {attribute} est invalide.",
"integer": "Le champ {attribute} doit être un entier.",
"ip": "Le champ {attribute} doit être une adresse IP valide.",
"max": {
"numeric": "La valeur de {attribute} ne peut être supérieure à {max}.",
"file": "Le fichier {attribute} ne peut être plus gros que {max} kilobytes.",
"string": "Le texte de {attribute} ne peut contenir plus de {max} caractères.",
"array": "Le champ {attribute} ne peut avoir plus de {max} éléments."
"mimes": "Le champ {attribute} doit être un fichier de type : {values}.",
"min": {
"numeric": "La valeur de {attribute} doit être supérieure à {min}.",
"file": "Le fichier {attribute} doit être plus que gros que {min} kilobytes.",
"string": "Le texte {attribute} doit contenir au moins {min} caractères.",
"array": "Le champ {attribute} doit avoir au moins {min} éléments."
"not_in": "Le champ {attribute} sélectionné n'est pas valide.",
"numeric": "Le champ {attribute} doit contenir un nombre.",
"regex": "Le format du champ {attribute} est invalide.",
"required": "Le champ {attribute} est obligatoire.",
"required_if": "Le champ {attribute} est obligatoire quand la valeur de {other} est {value}.",
"required_with": "Le champ {attribute} est obligatoire quand {values} est présent.",
"required_with_all": "Le champ {attribute} est obligatoire quand {values} est présent.",
"required_without": "Le champ {attribute} est obligatoire quand {values} n'est pas présent.",
"required_without_all": "Le champ {attribute} est requis quand aucun de {values} n'est présent.",
"same": "Les champs {attribute} et {other} doivent être identiques.",
"size": {
"numeric": "La valeur de {attribute} doit être {size}.",
"file": "La taille du fichier de {attribute} doit être de {size} kilobytes.",
"string": "Le texte de {attribute} doit contenir {size} caractères.",
"array": "Le champ {attribute} doit contenir {size} éléments."
"unique": "La valeur du champ {attribute} est déjà utilisée.",
"url": "Le format de l'URL de {attribute} n'est pas valide.",
"positive": "The {attribute} must be greater than zero.",
"has_credit": "The client does not have enough credit.",
"notmasked": "The values are masked",
"less_than": "The {attribute} must be less than {value}",
"has_counter": "The value must contain {$counter}",
"valid_contacts": "All of the contacts must have either an email or name",
"valid_invoice_items": "The invoice exceeds the maximum amount",
"custom": {
"attribute-name": {
"rule-name": "custom-message"
"attributes": {
"name": "Nom",
"username": "Pseudo",
"email": "E-mail",
"first_name": "Prénom",
"last_name": "Nom",
"password": "Mot de passe",
"password_confirmation": "Confirmation du mot de passe",
"city": "Ville",
"country": "Pays",
"address": "Adresse",
"phone": "Téléphone",
"mobile": "Portable",
"age": "Age",
"sex": "Sexe",
"gender": "Genre",
"day": "Jour",
"month": "Mois",
"year": "Année",
"hour": "Heure",
"minute": "Minute",
"second": "Seconde",
"title": "Titre",
"content": "Contenu",
"description": "Description",
"excerpt": "Extrait",
"date": "Date",
"time": "Heure",
"available": "Disponible",
"size": "Taille"
"texts": {
"organization": "Entreprise",
"name": "Nom",
"website": "Site Web",
"work_phone": "Téléphone",
"address": "Adresse",
"address1": "Rue",
"address2": "Appt\/Bâtiment",
"city": "Ville",
"state": "Région\/Département",
"postal_code": "Code postal",
"country_id": "Pays",
"contacts": "Informations de contact",
"first_name": "Prénom",
"last_name": "Nom",
"phone": "Téléphone",
"email": "Courriel",
"additional_info": "Informations complémentaires",
"payment_terms": "Conditions de paiement",
"currency_id": "Devise",
"size_id": "Taille de l’entreprise",
"industry_id": "Secteur",
"private_notes": "Note personnelle",
"invoice": "Facture",
"client": "Client",
"invoice_date": "Date de facture",
"due_date": "Date d'échéance",
"invoice_number": "Numéro de facture",
"invoice_number_short": "Facture #",
"po_number": "Numéro du bon de commande",
"po_number_short": "Bon de commande #",
"frequency_id": "Fréquence",
"discount": "Remise",
"taxes": "Taxes",
"tax": "Taxe",
"item": "Article",
"description": "Description",
"unit_cost": "Coût unitaire",
"quantity": "Quantité",
"line_total": "Total",
"subtotal": "Sous-total",
"paid_to_date": "Payé à ce jour",
"balance_due": "Montant dû",
"invoice_design_id": "Style",
"terms": "Conditions",
"your_invoice": "Votre facture",
"remove_contact": "Supprimer le contact",
"add_contact": "Ajouter un contact",
"create_new_client": "Ajouter un nouveau client",
"edit_client_details": "Modifier les informations du client",
"enable": "Activé(e)",
"learn_more": "En savoir plus",
"manage_rates": "Gérer les taux",
"note_to_client": "Commentaire pour le client",
"invoice_terms": "Conditions de facturation",
"save_as_default_terms": "Sauvegarder comme conditions par défaut",
"download_pdf": "Télécharger le PDF",
"pay_now": "Payer maintenant",
"save_invoice": "Sauvegarder la facture",
"clone_invoice": "Cloner en facture",
"archive_invoice": "Archiver la facture",
"delete_invoice": "Supprimer la facture",
"email_invoice": "Envoyer la facture par courriel",
"enter_payment": "Saisissez un paiement",
"tax_rates": "Taux de taxe",
"rate": "Taux",
"settings": "Paramètres",
"enable_invoice_tax": "Spécifier une taxe pour la facture<\/b>",
"enable_line_item_tax": "Spécifier une taxe pour chaque ligne<\/b>",
"dashboard": "Tableau de bord",
"clients": "Clients",
"invoices": "Factures",
"payments": "Paiements",
"credits": "Crédits",
"history": "Historique",
"search": "Rechercher",
"sign_up": "S’enregistrer",
"guest": "Invité",
"company_details": "Informations sur l’entreprise",
"online_payments": "Paiements en ligne",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"import_export": "Importer\/Exporter",
"done": "Valider",
"save": "Sauvegarder",
"create": "Créer",
"upload": "Envoyer",
"import": "Importer",
"download": "Télécharger",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"close": "Fermer",
"provide_email": "Veuillez renseigner une adresse courriel valide",
"powered_by": "Propulsé par",
"no_items": "Aucun élément",
"recurring_invoices": "Factures récurrentes",
"recurring_help": "Automatically send clients the same invoices weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly or annually. <\/p>\n
Use {MONTH}, {QUARTER} or {YEAR} for dynamic dates. Basic math works as well, for example {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n
Examples of dynamic invoice variables:<\/p>\n
\n - \"Gym membership for the month of {MONTH}\" >> \"Gym membership for the month of July\"<\/li>\n
- \"{YEAR}+1 yearly subscription\" >> \"2015 Yearly Subscription\"<\/li>\n
- \"Retainer payment for {QUARTER}+1\" >> \"Retainer payment for Q2\"<\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"recurring_quotes": "Recurring Quotes",
"in_total_revenue": "de bénéfice total",
"billed_client": "client facturé",
"billed_clients": "clients facturés",
"active_client": "client actif",
"active_clients": "clients actifs",
"invoices_past_due": "Date limite de paiement dépassée",
"upcoming_invoices": "Factures à venir",
"average_invoice": "Facture moyenne",
"archive": "Archiver",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"archive_client": "Archiver ce client",
"delete_client": "Supprimer ce client",
"archive_payment": "Archiver ce paiement",
"delete_payment": "Supprimer ce paiement",
"archive_credit": "Archiver ce crédit",
"delete_credit": "Supprimer ce crédit",
"show_archived_deleted": "Afficher archivés\/supprimés",
"filter": "Filtrer",
"new_client": "Nouveau client",
"new_invoice": "Nouvelle facture",
"new_payment": "Entrer un paiement",
"new_credit": "Entrer un crédit",
"contact": "Contact",
"date_created": "Date de création",
"last_login": "Dernière connexion",
"balance": "Solde",
"action": "Action",
"status": "Statut",
"invoice_total": "Montant total",
"frequency": "Fréquence",
"start_date": "Date de début",
"end_date": "Date de fin",
"transaction_reference": "Référence de la transaction",
"method": "Méthode",
"payment_amount": "Montant du paiement",
"payment_date": "Date du paiement",
"credit_amount": "Montant du crédit",
"credit_balance": "Solde du crédit",
"credit_date": "Date d'avoir",
"empty_table": "Aucune donnée disponible dans la table",
"select": "Sélectionner",
"edit_client": "Modifier ce client",
"edit_invoice": "Modifier la facture",
"create_invoice": "Créer une facture",
"enter_credit": "Saisissez un crédit",
"last_logged_in": "Dernière connexion",
"details": "Détails",
"standing": "En attente",
"credit": "Crédit",
"activity": "Activité",
"date": "Date",
"message": "Message",
"adjustment": "Réglements",
"are_you_sure": "Voulez-vous vraiment effectuer cette action ?",
"payment_type_id": "Type de paiement",
"amount": "Montant",
"work_email": "Courriel",
"language_id": "Langue",
"timezone_id": "Fuseau horaire",
"date_format_id": "Format de la date",
"datetime_format_id": "Format Date\/Heure",
"users": "Utilisateurs",
"localization": "Localisation",
"remove_logo": "Supprimer le logo",
"logo_help": "Formats supportés : JPEG, GIF et PNG",
"payment_gateway": "Passerelle de paiement",
"gateway_id": "Fournisseur",
"email_notifications": "Notifications par courriel",
"email_sent": "M'envoyer un courriel quand une facture est envoyée<\/b>",
"email_viewed": "M'envoyer un courriel quand une facture est vue<\/b>",
"email_paid": "M'envoyer un courriel quand une facture est payée<\/b>",
"site_updates": "Mises à jour du site",
"custom_messages": "Messages personnalisés",
"default_email_footer": "Définir comme la signature de courriel<\/b> par défaut",
"select_file": "Veuillez sélectionner un fichier",
"first_row_headers": "Utiliser la première ligne comme en-tête",
"column": "Colonne",
"sample": "Exemple",
"import_to": "Importer en tant que",
"client_will_create": "client sera créé",
"clients_will_create": "clients seront créés",
"email_settings": "Paramètres de courriel",
"client_view_styling": "Style de la vue client",
"pdf_email_attachment": "Joindre PDF",
"custom_css": "CSS personnalisé",
"import_clients": "Importer des données clients",
"csv_file": "Sélectionner un fichier CSV",
"export_clients": "Exporter des données clients",
"created_client": "Client créé avec succès",
"created_clients": "{count} client(s) créé(s) avec succès",
"updated_settings": "Paramètres mis à jour avec succès",
"removed_logo": "Logo supprimé avec succès",
"sent_message": "Message envoyé avec succès",
"invoice_error": "Veuillez vous assurer de sélectionner un client et de corriger les erreurs",
"limit_clients": "Désolé, cela dépasse la limite de {count} clients",
"payment_error": "Il y a eu une erreur lors du traitement de votre paiement. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement",
"registration_required": "Veuillez vous enregistrer pour envoyer une facture par courriel",
"confirmation_required": "Veuillez confirmer votre adresse courriel, {link} pour renvoyer le courriel de confirmation.",
"updated_client": "Client modifié avec succès",
"archived_client": "Client archivé avec succès",
"archived_clients": "{count} clients archivés avec succès",
"deleted_client": "Client supprimé avec succès",
"deleted_clients": "{count} clients supprimés avec succès",
"updated_invoice": "Facture modifiée avec succès",
"created_invoice": "Facture créée avec succès",
"cloned_invoice": "Facture dupliquée avec succès",
"emailed_invoice": "Facture envoyée par courriel avec succès",
"and_created_client": "et client créé",
"archived_invoice": "Facture archivée avec succès",
"archived_invoices": "{count} factures archivées avec succès",
"deleted_invoice": "Facture supprimée avec succès",
"deleted_invoices": "{count} factures supprimées avec succès",
"created_payment": "Paiement créé avec succès",
"created_payments": "{count} paiement(s) créé(s)",
"archived_payment": "Paiement archivé avec succès",
"archived_payments": "{count} paiement archivés avec succès",
"deleted_payment": "Paiement supprimé avec succès",
"deleted_payments": "{count} paiements supprimés avec succès",
"applied_payment": "Paiement enregistré avec succès",
"created_credit": "Crédit créé avec succès",
"archived_credit": "Crédit archivé avec succès",
"archived_credits": "{count} crédits archivés avec succès",
"deleted_credit": "Crédit supprimé avec succès",
"deleted_credits": "{count} crédits supprimés avec succès",
"imported_file": "Fichier importé avec succès",
"updated_vendor": "Founisseur mis à jour avec succès",
"created_vendor": "Fournisseur créé avec succès",
"archived_vendor": "Fournisseur archivé avec succès",
"archived_vendors": "{count} fournisseurs archivés avec succès",
"deleted_vendor": "Fournisseur supprimé avec succès",
"deleted_vendors": "{count} fournisseurs supprimés avec succès",
"confirmation_subject": "Validation du compte Invoice Ninja",
"confirmation_header": "Validation du compte",
"confirmation_message": "Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-après pour valider votre compte.",
"invoice_subject": "Nouvelle facture {number} de {account}",
"invoice_message": "Pour visionner votre facture de {amount}, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.",
"payment_subject": "Paiement reçu",
"payment_message": "Merci pour votre paiement d’un montant de {amount}",
"email_salutation": "Cher {name},",
"email_signature": "Cordialement,",
"email_from": "L’équipe Invoice Ninja",
"invoice_link_message": "Pour voir la facture de votre client cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous :",
"notification_invoice_paid_subject": "La facture {invoice} a été payée par le client {client}",
"notification_invoice_sent_subject": "La facture {invoice} a été envoyée au client {client}",
"notification_invoice_viewed_subject": "La facture {invoice} a été vue par le client {client}",
"notification_invoice_paid": "Un paiement de {amount} a été effectué par le client {client} concernant la facture {invoice}.",
"notification_invoice_sent": "Le client suivant {client} a reçu par courriel la facture {invoice} d'un montant de {amount}",
"notification_invoice_viewed": "Le client {client} a vu la facture {invoice} d'un montant de {amount}",
"reset_password": "Vous pouvez réinitialiser votre mot de passe en cliquant sur le lien suivant :",
"secure_payment": "Paiement sécurisé",
"card_number": "Numéro de carte",
"expiration_month": "Mois d'expiration",
"expiration_year": "Année d'expiration",
"cvv": "Cryptogramme visuel",
"logout": "Se déconnecter",
"sign_up_to_save": "Connectez-vous pour sauvegarder votre travail",
"agree_to_terms": "J'accepte les {terms}",
"terms_of_service": "Conditions d'utilisation",
"email_taken": "L'adresse courriel existe déjà",
"working": "En cours",
"success": "Succès",
"success_message": "Inscription réussie. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien dans le courriel de confirmation de compte pour vérifier votre adresse courriel.",
"erase_data": "Votre compte n'est pas enregistré, cela va supprimer définitivement vos données",
"password": "Mot de passe",
"pro_plan_product": "Plan Pro",
"pro_plan_success": "Merci pour votre inscription ! Une fois la facture réglée, votre adhésion au Plan Pro commencera.",
"unsaved_changes": "Vous avez des modifications non enregistrées",
"custom_fields": "Champs personnalisés",
"company_fields": "Champs de société",
"client_fields": "Champs client",
"field_label": "Nom du champ",
"field_value": "Valeur du champ",
"edit": "Éditer",
"set_name": "Saisir le nom de votre entreprise",
"view_as_recipient": "Voir en tant que destinataire",
"product_library": "Inventaire",
"product": "Produit",
"products": "Produits",
"fill_products": "Remplissage auto des produits",
"fill_products_help": "La sélection d’un produit entrainera la MAJ de la description et du prix<\/b>",
"update_products": "Mise à jour auto des produits",
"update_products_help": "La mise à jour d'une facture entraîne la mise à jour des produits<\/b>",
"create_product": "Nouveau produit",
"edit_product": "Éditer ce produit",
"archive_product": "Archiver ce produit",
"updated_product": "Produit mis à jour avec succès",
"created_product": "Produit créé avec succès",
"archived_product": "Produit archivé avec succès",
"pro_plan_custom_fields": "{link} pour activer les champs personnalisés en rejoignant le Plan Pro",
"advanced_settings": "Paramètres avancés",
"pro_plan_advanced_settings": "{link} pour activer les paramètres avancés en rejoignant le Plan Pro",
"invoice_design": "Modèle de facture",
"specify_colors": "Spécifiez les couleurs",
"specify_colors_label": "Sélectionnez les couleurs utilisées dans les factures",
"chart_builder": "Concepteur de graphiques",
"ninja_email_footer": "Créé par {site} | Créez. Envoyez. Encaissez.",
"go_pro": "Passez au Plan Pro",
"quote": "Devis",
"quotes": "Devis",
"quote_number": "Devis numéro",
"quote_number_short": "Devis #",
"quote_date": "Date du devis",
"quote_total": "Montant du devis",
"your_quote": "Votre devis",
"total": "Total",
"clone": "Dupliquer",
"new_quote": "Nouveau devis",
"create_quote": "Créer un devis",
"edit_quote": "Éditer ce devis",
"archive_quote": "Archiver ce devis",
"delete_quote": "Supprimer ce devis",
"save_quote": "Enregistrer ce devis",
"email_quote": "Envoyer ce devis par courriel",
"clone_quote": "Cloner en devis",
"convert_to_invoice": "Convertir en facture",
"view_invoice": "Voir la facture",
"view_client": "Voir le client",
"view_quote": "Voir le devis",
"updated_quote": "Devis mis à jour avec succès",
"created_quote": "Devis créé avec succès",
"cloned_quote": "Devis dupliqué avec succès",
"emailed_quote": "Devis envoyé par courriel avec succès",
"archived_quote": "Devis archivé avec succès",
"archived_quotes": "{count} devis archivés avec succès",
"deleted_quote": "Devis supprimé avec succès",
"deleted_quotes": "{count} devis supprimés avec succès",
"converted_to_invoice": "Devis converti en facture avec succès",
"quote_subject": "Nouveau devis {number} de {account}",
"quote_message": "Pour visionner votre devis de {amount}, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.",
"quote_link_message": "Pour visionner votre devis, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous :",
"notification_quote_sent_subject": "Le devis {invoice} a été envoyé à {client}",
"notification_quote_viewed_subject": "Le devis {invoice} a été visionné par {client}",
"notification_quote_sent": "Le devis {invoice} de {amount} a été envoyé au client {client}.",
"notification_quote_viewed": "Le devis {invoice} de {amount} a été visionné par le client {client}.",
"session_expired": "Votre session a expiré.",
"invoice_fields": "Champs de facture",
"invoice_options": "Options de facturation",
"hide_paid_to_date": "Masquer \"Payé à ce jour\"",
"hide_paid_to_date_help": "Afficher la ligne \"Payé à ce jour\" sur vos factures seulement une fois qu'un paiement a été reçu.",
"charge_taxes": "Taxe supplémentaire",
"user_management": "Gestion des utilisateurs",
"add_user": "Ajouter un utilisateur",
"send_invite": "Envoyer une invitation",
"sent_invite": "Invitation envoyée avec succès",
"updated_user": "Utilisateur mis à jour avec succès",
"invitation_message": "Vous avez été invité(e) par {invitor}. ",
"register_to_add_user": "Veuillez vous enregistrer pour ajouter un utilisateur",
"user_state": "Province\/Département",
"edit_user": "Éditer l'utilisateur",
"delete_user": "Supprimer l'utilisateur",
"active": "Actif",
"pending": "En attente",
"deleted_user": "Utilisateur supprimé avec succès",
"confirm_email_invoice": "Voulez-vous vraiment envoyer cette facture par courriel ?",
"confirm_email_quote": "Voulez-vous vraiment envoyer ce devis par courriel ?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice": "Les factures récurrentes sont activées, voulez-vous vraiment envoyer cette facture par courriel ?",
"confirm_recurring_email_invoice_not_sent": "Etes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir commencer la récurrence ?",
"cancel_account": "Supprimer le compte",
"cancel_account_message": "Attention : Ceci va supprimer définitivement votre compte, il n'y a pas d'annulation possible.",
"go_back": "Retour",
"data_visualizations": "Visualisation des données",
"sample_data": "Données fictives présentées",
"hide": "Cacher",
"new_version_available": "Une nouvelle version de {releases_link} est disponible. Vous utilisez v{user_version}, la plus récente est v{latest_version}",
"invoice_settings": "Paramètres des factures",
"invoice_number_prefix": "Préfixe du numéro de facture",
"invoice_number_counter": "Compteur du numéro de facture",
"quote_number_prefix": "Préfixe du numéro de devis",
"quote_number_counter": "Compteur du numéro de devis",
"share_invoice_counter": "Partager le compteur de facture",
"invoice_issued_to": "Facture destinée à",
"invalid_counter": "Pour éviter un éventuel conflit, merci de définir un préfixe pour le numéro de facture ou pour le numéro de devis",
"mark_sent": "Marquer comme envoyé",
"gateway_help_1": "{link} pour vous inscrire à Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_2": "{link} pour vous inscrire à Authorize.net.",
"gateway_help_17": "{link} pour obtenir votre signature PayPal API.",
"gateway_help_27": "{link} pour vous inscrire à 2Checkout.com. Pour permettre le suivi des paiements, veuillez définir {complete_link} comme URL de redirection dans Mon compte > Gestion de site dans le portail de 2Checkout.",
"gateway_help_60": "{link} pour créer un compte WePay.",
"more_designs": "Plus de modèles",
"more_designs_title": "Modèles de factures additionnels",
"more_designs_cloud_header": "Passez au Plan Pro pour plus de modèles",
"more_designs_cloud_text": "",
"more_designs_self_host_text": "",
"buy": "Acheter",
"bought_designs": "Les nouveaux modèles ont été ajoutés avec succès",
"sent": "Envoyé",
"vat_number": "Numéro de TVA",
"timesheets": "Feuilles de temps",
"payment_title": "Entrez votre adresse de facturation et vos informations bancaires",
"payment_cvv": "*Numéro à 3 ou 4 chiffres au dos de votre carte",
"payment_footer1": "*L’adresse de facturation doit correspondre à celle enregistrée avec votre carte bancaire",
"payment_footer2": "*Merci de cliquer sur \"Payer maintenant\" une seule fois. Le processus peut prendre jusqu'à 1 minute.",
"id_number": "Numéro ID",
"white_label_link": "Marque blanche",
"white_label_header": "Marque blanche",
"bought_white_label": "Licence marque blanche activée avec succès",
"white_labeled": "Marque blanche",
"restore": "Restaurer",
"restore_invoice": "Restaurer la facture",
"restore_quote": "Restaurer le devis",
"restore_client": "Restaurer le client",
"restore_credit": "Restaurer le crédit",
"restore_payment": "Restaurer le paiement",
"restored_invoice": "Facture restaurée avec succès",
"restored_quote": "Devis restauré avec succès",
"restored_client": "Client restauré avec succès",
"restored_payment": "Paiement restauré avec succès",
"restored_credit": "Crédit restauré avec succès",
"reason_for_canceling": "Aidez-nous à améliorer notre site en nous disant pourquoi vous partez.",
"discount_percent": "Pourcent",
"discount_amount": "Montant",
"invoice_history": "Historique des factures",
"quote_history": "Historique des devis",
"current_version": "Version actuelle",
"select_version": "Choix de la version",
"view_history": "Consulter l'historique",
"edit_payment": "Éditer le paiement",
"updated_payment": "Paiement mis à jour avec succès",
"deleted": "Supprimé",
"restore_user": "Restaurer l’utilisateur",
"restored_user": "Restaurer la commande",
"show_deleted_users": "Voir les utilisateurs supprimés",
"email_templates": "Modèles de courriel",
"invoice_email": "Courriel de facture",
"payment_email": "Courriel de paiement",
"quote_email": "Courriel de devis",
"reset_all": "Réinitialiser tout",
"approve": "Accepter",
"token_billing_type_id": "Jeton de paiement",
"token_billing_help": "Stocker les détails de paiement avec WePay, Stripe, Braintree ou GoCardless.",
"token_billing_1": "Désactiver",
"token_billing_2": "Opt-in - Case à cocher affichée mais non sélectionnée",
"token_billing_3": "Opt-out - Case à cocher affichée et sélectionnée",
"token_billing_4": "Toujours",
"token_billing_checkbox": "Enregistrer les informations de paiement",
"view_in_gateway": "Voir sur {gateway}",
"use_card_on_file": "Utiliser la carte bancaire enregistrée",
"edit_payment_details": "Modifier les détails de paiement",
"token_billing": "Enregister les détails de paiement",
"token_billing_secure": "Les données sont enregistrées de manière sécurisée par {link}",
"support": "Support",
"contact_information": "Informations de contact",
"256_encryption": "Cryptage 256 bit",
"amount_due": "Montant dû",
"billing_address": "Adresse de facturation",
"billing_method": "Méthode de facturation",
"order_overview": "Résumé de la commande",
"match_address": "*L'adresse doit correspondre à l'adresse associée à la carte de crédit.",
"click_once": "*Merci de cliquer sur \"Payer maintenant\" une seule fois. Le processus peut prendre jusqu'à 1 minute.",
"invoice_footer": "Pied de facture",
"save_as_default_footer": "Définir comme pied de facture par défaut",
"token_management": "Gestion des jetons",
"tokens": "Jetons",
"add_token": "Ajouter un jeton",
"show_deleted_tokens": "Voir les jetons supprimés",
"deleted_token": "Jeton supprimé avec succès",
"created_token": "Jeton créé avec succès",
"updated_token": "Jeton mis à jour avec succès",
"edit_token": "Éditer ce jeton",
"delete_token": "Supprimer ce jeton",
"token": "Jeton",
"add_gateway": "Ajouter une passerelle",
"delete_gateway": "Supprimer la passerelle",
"edit_gateway": "Éditer la passerelle",
"updated_gateway": "Passerelle mise à jour avec succès",
"created_gateway": "Passerelle créée avec succès",
"deleted_gateway": "Passerelle supprimée avec succès",
"pay_with_paypal": "PayPal",
"pay_with_card": "Carte bancaire",
"change_password": "Changer le mot de passe",
"current_password": "Mot de passe actuel",
"new_password": "Nouveau mot de passe",
"confirm_password": "Confirmer le mot de passe",
"password_error_incorrect": "Le mot de passe actuel est incorrect.",
"password_error_invalid": "Le nouveau mot de passe est invalide.",
"updated_password": "Mot de passe mis à jour avec succès",
"api_tokens": "Jetons d'API",
"users_and_tokens": "Utilisateurs & jetons",
"account_login": "Connexion à votre compte",
"recover_password": "Récupérer votre mot de passe",
"forgot_password": "Mot de passe oublié ?",
"email_address": "Adresse courriel",
"lets_go": "Allons-y !",
"password_recovery": "Récupération du mot de passe",
"send_email": "Envoyer courriel",
"set_password": "Définir le mot de passe",
"converted": "Converti",
"email_approved": "M'envoyer un email quand un devis est approuvé<\/b>",
"notification_quote_approved_subject": "Le devis {invoice} a été approuvé par {client}",
"notification_quote_approved": "Le client {client} a approuvé le devis {invoice} pour un montant de {amount}.",
"resend_confirmation": "Renvoyer le courriel de confirmation",
"confirmation_resent": "Le courriel de confirmation a été renvoyé",
"gateway_help_42": "{link} pour vous inscrire à BitPay
Remarque:. utiliser une clé API \"Legacy\", pas un jeton.",
"payment_type_credit_card": "Carte de crédit",
"payment_type_paypal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_gocardless": "GoCardless",
"knowledge_base": "Base de connaissances",
"partial": "Partiel\/dépôt",
"partial_remaining": "{partial} de {balance}",
"more_fields": "Plus de champs",
"less_fields": "Moins de champs",
"client_name": "Nom du client",
"pdf_settings": "Réglages PDF",
"product_settings": "Réglages du produit",
"auto_wrap": "Retour à la ligne automatique",
"duplicate_post": "Attention: la page précédente a été soumise deux fois. La deuxième soumission a été ignorée.",
"view_documentation": "Voir documentation",
"app_title": "Outil de facturation gratuit & Open-Source",
"app_description": "Invoice Ninja est une application gratuite et libre (open-source) pour faire des devis et facturer ses clients. Avec Invoice Ninja, vous pouvez facilement créer et envoyer de magnifiques factures depuis n’importe quel terminal possédant un accès à Internet. Vos clients peuvent imprimer vos factures, les télécharger en tant que fichiers pdf, et même vous payer en ligne via l'application.",
"rows": "lignes",
"www": "www",
"logo": "Logo",
"subdomain": "Sous-domaine",
"provide_name_or_email": "Veuillez indiquer un nom ou un courriel",
"charts_and_reports": "Graphiques & rapports",
"chart": "Graphique",
"report": "Rapport",
"group_by": "Grouper par",
"paid": "Payé",
"enable_report": "Rapport",
"enable_chart": "Graphiques",
"totals": "Totaux",
"run": "Lancer",
"export": "Exporter",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"zapier": "Zapier",
"recurring": "Récurrent",
"last_invoice_sent": "Dernière facture envoyée le {date}",
"processed_updates": "Mise à jour effectuée avec succès",
"tasks": "Tâches",
"new_task": "Nouvelle tâche",
"start_time": "Début",
"created_task": "Tâche créée avec succès",
"updated_task": "Tâche mise à jour avec succès",
"edit_task": "Éditer la tâche",
"archive_task": "Archiver la tâche",
"restore_task": "Restaurer la tâche",
"delete_task": "Supprimer la tâche",
"stop_task": "Arrêter la tâche",
"time": "Temps",
"start": "Début",
"stop": "Fin",
"now": "Maintenant",
"timer": "Compteur",
"manual": "Manuel",
"date_and_time": "Date & heure",
"second": "Seconde",
"seconds": "Secondes",
"minute": "Minute",
"minutes": "Minutes",
"hour": "Heure",
"hours": "Heures",
"task_details": "Détails de la tâche",
"duration": "Durée",
"end_time": "Heure de fin",
"end": "Fin",
"invoiced": "Facturé",
"logged": "Connecté",
"running": "En cours",
"task_error_multiple_clients": "Les tâches ne peuvent pas appartenir à différents clients",
"task_error_running": "Merci de tout d'abord arrêter les tâches en cours",
"task_error_invoiced": "Tâches déjà facturées",
"restored_task": "Tâche restaurée avec succès",
"archived_task": "Tâche archivée avec succès",
"archived_tasks": "{count} tâches archivées avec succès",
"deleted_task": "Tâche supprimée avec succès",
"deleted_tasks": "{count} tâches supprimées avec succès",
"create_task": "Créer une tâche",
"stopped_task": "Tâche stoppée avec succès",
"invoice_task": "Facturer la tâche",
"invoice_labels": "Champs facture",
"prefix": "Préfixe",
"counter": "Compteur",
"payment_type_dwolla": "Dwolla",
"gateway_help_43": "{link} pour vous inscrire à Dwolla.",
"partial_value": "Doit être supérieur à zéro et inférieur au total",
"more_actions": "Plus d'actions",
"pro_plan_title": "Plan NINJA PRO",
"pro_plan_call_to_action": "Mettre à jour maintenant !",
"pro_plan_feature1": "Créer un nombre illimité de clients",
"pro_plan_feature2": "Accéder à 10 magnifiques designs de factures",
"pro_plan_feature3": "URLs personnalisées - \"VotreMarque.InvoiceNinja.com\"",
"pro_plan_feature4": "Retirer \"Created by Invoice Ninja\"",
"pro_plan_feature5": "Accès multi-utilisateur & suivi de l'activité",
"pro_plan_feature6": "Créer des Devis & Pro-forma",
"pro_plan_feature7": "Personnaliser les champs Titre et Numérotation des factures",
"pro_plan_feature8": "Option pour attacher des PDFs aux courriels pour le client",
"resume": "Reprendre",
"break_duration": "Pause",
"edit_details": "Modifier",
"work": "Travail",
"timezone_unset": "Merci de {link} pour définir votre fuseau horaire",
"click_here": "cliquer ici",
"email_receipt": "Envoyer le reçu par courriel au client",
"created_payment_emailed_client": "Paiement créé avec succès et envoyé par courriel au client",
"add_company": "Ajouter compte",
"untitled": "Sans titre",
"new_company": "Nouveau compte",
"associated_accounts": "Comptes liés avec succès.",
"unlinked_account": "Comptes dissociés avec succès.",
"login": "Connexion",
"or": "ou",
"email_error": "Il y a eu un problème en envoyant le courriel",
"confirm_recurring_timing": "Note : les courriels sont envoyés au début de l'heure.",
"confirm_recurring_timing_not_sent": "Note : les factures sont créées au début de l'heure.",
"payment_terms_help": "Définit la date d'échéance de la facture<\/b> par défaut ",
"unlink_account": "Dissocier le compte",
"unlink": "Dissocier",
"show_address": "Montrer l'adresse",
"show_address_help": "Éxiger du client qu'il fournisse une adresse de facturation",
"update_address": "Mettre à jour l'adresse",
"update_address_help": "Mettre à jour l'adresse du client avec les détails fournis",
"times": "Horaires",
"set_now": "Définir maintenant",
"dark_mode": "Mode sombre",
"dark_mode_help": "Fond sombre pour les barres latérale",
"add_to_invoice": "Ajouter à la facture {invoice}",
"create_new_invoice": "Créer une nouvelle facture",
"task_errors": "Merci de corriger les horaires conflictuels",
"from": "De",
"to": "À",
"font_size": "Taille de police",
"primary_color": "Couleur principale",
"secondary_color": "Couleur secondaire",
"customize_design": "Design personnalisé",
"content": "Contenu",
"styles": "Styles",
"defaults": "Valeurs par défaut",
"margins": "Marges",
"header": "En-tête",
"footer": "Pied de page",
"custom": "Personnalisé",
"invoice_to": "Facture pour",
"invoice_no": "Facture n°",
"quote_no": "Devis n°",
"recent_payments": "Paiements récents",
"outstanding": "Impayé",
"manage_companies": "Gérer les sociétés",
"total_revenue": "Revenu total",
"current_user": "Utilisateur actuel",
"new_recurring_invoice": "Nouvelle facture récurrente",
"recurring_invoice": "Facture récurrente",
"new_recurring_quote": "New recurring quote",
"recurring_quote": "Recurring Quote",
"recurring_too_soon": "Il est trop tôt pour créer la prochaine facture récurrente, prévue pour le {date}",
"created_by_invoice": "Créé par {invoice}",
"primary_user": "Utilisateur principal",
"help": "Aide",
"customize_help": "Nous utilisons {pdfmake_link} pour définir les styles de facture de manière déclarative. La {playground_link} pdfmake fournit une excellente façon de voir la bibliothèque en action.<\/p>\n
Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour trouver quelque chose, postez une question sur notre {forum_link} avec le design que vous utilisez.<\/p>",
"playground": "cour de récréation",
"support_forum": "forum de support",
"invoice_due_date": "Date limite",
"quote_due_date": "Date limite",
"valid_until": "Valide jusqu'au",
"reset_terms": "Ràz conditions",
"reset_footer": "Ràz pied de facture",
"invoice_sent": "{count} facture envoyée",
"invoices_sent": "{count} factures envoyées",
"status_draft": "Brouillon",
"status_sent": "Envoyée",
"status_viewed": "Vue",
"status_partial": "Partiel",
"status_paid": "Payé",
"status_unpaid": "Non payé",
"status_all": "Tout",
"show_line_item_tax": "Afficher les taxes de l'article de la ligne<\/b> pour chaque ligne",
"iframe_url": "Site internet",
"iframe_url_help1": "Copiez le code suivant sur une page de votre site.",
"iframe_url_help2": "Vous pouvez tester la fonctionnalité en cliquant sur 'Voir en tant que destinataire' pour une facture.",
"auto_bill": "Facturation automatique",
"military_time": "24H",
"last_sent": "Dernier envoi",
"reminder_emails": "Emails de rappel",
"templates_and_reminders": "Modèles & Rappels",
"subject": "Sujet",
"body": "Corps",
"first_reminder": "Premier rappel",
"second_reminder": "Second rappel",
"third_reminder": "Troisième rappel",
"num_days_reminder": "Jours après la date d'échéance",
"reminder_subject": "Rappel : Facture {invoice} de {account}",
"reset": "Remettre à zéro",
"invoice_not_found": "La facture demandée n'est pas disponible",
"referral_program": "Programme de parrainage",
"referral_code": "Code de Parrainage",
"last_sent_on": "Dernier envoi le {date}",
"page_expire": "Cette page va bientôt expirer, {click_here} pour continuer à travailler",
"upcoming_quotes": "Devis à venir",
"expired_quotes": "Devis expirés",
"sign_up_using": "Connexion avec",
"invalid_credentials": "Ces informations de connexion sont invalides",
"show_all_options": "Voir toutes les options",
"user_details": "Utilisateur",
"oneclick_login": "Comptes connectés",
"disable": "Désactiver",
"invoice_quote_number": "Numéro des devis & factures",
"invoice_charges": "Majoration de facture",
"notification_invoice_bounced": "Impossible d'envoyer la facture {invoice} à {contact}.",
"notification_invoice_bounced_subject": "Impossible d'envoyer la facture {invoice}",
"notification_quote_bounced": "Impossible d'envoyer le devis {invoice} à {contact}.",
"notification_quote_bounced_subject": "Impossible d'envoyer le devis {invoice}",
"custom_invoice_link": "Personnaliser le lien de la facture",
"total_invoiced": "Total facturé",
"open_balance": "Solde",
"verify_email": "Cliquez sur le lien dans le courriel de confirmation de compte pour valider votre adresse e-Mail.",
"basic_settings": "Paramètres de base",
"pro": "Pro",
"gateways": "Passerelles de paiement",
"next_send_on": "Envoi suivant : {date}",
"no_longer_running": "La facturation n'est pas planifiée pour être lancée",
"general_settings": "Paramètres généraux",
"customize": "Personnaliser",
"oneclick_login_help": "Connectez un compte pour vous connecter sans votre mot de passe",
"referral_code_help": "Gagnez de l'argent en partageant notre outil en ligne",
"enable_with_stripe": "Activer | Stripe est requis",
"tax_settings": "Réglages des taxes",
"create_tax_rate": "Ajouter un taux de taxe.",
"updated_tax_rate": "Taux de taxe mis à jour avec succès",
"created_tax_rate": "Taux de taxe créé avec succès",
"edit_tax_rate": "Éditer le taux de taxe",
"archive_tax_rate": "Archiver le taux de taxe",
"archived_tax_rate": "Taux de taxe archivé avec succès",
"default_tax_rate_id": "Taux de taxe par défaut",
"tax_rate": "Taux de taxe",
"recurring_hour": "Heure récurrente",
"pattern": "Pattern",
"pattern_help_title": "Aide Pattern",
"pattern_help_1": "Créer un numéro personnalisé en précisant un modèle personnalisé",
"pattern_help_2": "Variables disponibles :",
"pattern_help_3": "Par exemple, {example} sera converti en {value}",
"see_options": "Voir les options",
"invoice_counter": "Compteur de factures",
"quote_counter": "Compteur de devis",
"type": "Type",
"activity_1": "{user} a créé le client {client}",
"activity_2": "{user} a archivé le client {client}",
"activity_3": "{user} a supprimé le client {client}",
"activity_4": "{user} a créé la facture {invoice}",
"activity_5": "{user} a mis à jour la facture {invoice}",
"activity_6": "{user} a envoyé la facture {invoice} par courriel à {contact}",
"activity_7": "{contact} a lu la facture {invoice}",
"activity_8": "{user} a archivé la facture {invoice}",
"activity_9": "{user} a supprimé la facture {invoice}",
"activity_10": "{contact} a saisi un paiement de {payment} pour {invoice}",
"activity_11": "{user} a mis à jour le moyen de paiement {payment}",
"activity_12": "{user} a archivé le moyen de paiement {payment}",
"activity_13": "{user} a supprimé le moyen de paiement {payment}",
"activity_14": "{user} a entré le crédit {credit}",
"activity_15": "{user} a mis à jour le crédit {credit}",
"activity_16": "{user} a archivé le crédit {credit}",
"activity_17": "{user} a supprimé le crédit {credit}",
"activity_18": "{user} a créé le devis {quote}",
"activity_19": "{user} a mis à jour le devis {quote}",
"activity_20": "{user} a envoyé le devis {quote} à {contact}",
"activity_21": "{contact} a lu le devis {quote}",
"activity_22": "{user} a archivé le devis {quote}",
"activity_23": "{user} a supprimé le devis {quote}",
"activity_24": "{user} a restauré le devis {quote}",
"activity_25": "{user} a restauré la facture {invoice}",
"activity_26": "{user} a restauré le client {client}",
"activity_27": "{user} a restauré le paiement {payment}",
"activity_28": "{user} a restauré le crédit {credit}",
"activity_29": "{contact} a approuvé le devis {quote}",
"activity_30": "{user} a créé le fournisseur {vendor}",
"activity_31": "{user} a archivé le fournisseur {vendor}",
"activity_32": "{user} a supprimé le fournisseur {vendor}",
"activity_33": "{user} a restauré le fournisseur {vendor}",
"activity_34": "{user} a créé la dépense {expense}",
"activity_35": "{user} a archivé la dépense {expense}",
"activity_36": "{user} a supprimé la dépense {expense}",
"activity_37": "{user} a restauré la dépense {expense}",
"activity_42": "{user} a créé la tâche {task}",
"activity_43": "{user} a mis à jour la tâche {task}",
"activity_44": "{user} a archivé la tâche {task}",
"activity_45": "{user} a supprimé la tâche {task}",
"activity_46": "{user} a restauré la tâche {task}",
"activity_47": "{user} a mis à jour la dépense {expense}",
"payment": "Paiement",
"system": "Système",
"signature": "Signature email",
"default_messages": "Messages par défaut",
"quote_terms": "Conditions des devis",
"default_quote_terms": "Conditions des devis par défaut",
"default_invoice_terms": "Définir comme conditions de facturation par défaut",
"default_invoice_footer": "Définir par défaut",
"quote_footer": "Pied de page des devis",
"free": "Gratuit",
"quote_is_approved": "Approuvé avec succès",
"apply_credit": "Appliquer crédit",
"system_settings": "Paramètres système",
"archive_token": "Archiver jeton",
"archived_token": "Jeton archivé avec succès",
"archive_user": "Archiver utilisateur",
"archived_user": "Utilisateur archivé avec succès",
"archive_account_gateway": "Archiver passerelle",
"archived_account_gateway": "Passerelle archivée avec succès",
"archive_recurring_invoice": "Archiver facture récurrente",
"archived_recurring_invoice": "Facture récurrente archivée avec succès",
"delete_recurring_invoice": "Supprimer la facture récurrente",
"deleted_recurring_invoice": "Facture récurrente supprimée avec succès",
"restore_recurring_invoice": "Restaurer la facture récurrente",
"restored_recurring_invoice": "Facture récurrente restaurée avec succès",
"archive_recurring_quote": "Archive Recurring Quote",
"archived_recurring_quote": "Successfully archived recurring quote",
"delete_recurring_quote": "Delete Recurring Quote",
"deleted_recurring_quote": "Successfully deleted recurring quote",
"restore_recurring_quote": "Restore Recurring Quote",
"restored_recurring_quote": "Successfully restored recurring quote",
"archived": "Archivé",
"untitled_account": "Société sans nom",
"before": "Avant",
"after": "Après",
"reset_terms_help": "Remettre les conditions par défaut",
"reset_footer_help": "Remettre le pied de facture par défaut",
"export_data": "Exporter données",
"user": "Utilisateur",
"country": "Pays",
"include": "Inclure",
"logo_too_large": "Votre logo fait {size}, pour de meilleures performance PDF nous vous suggérons d'envoyer une image de moins de 200Ko",
"import_freshbooks": "Importer depuis FreshBooks",
"import_data": "Importer des données",
"source": "Source",
"csv": "CSV",
"client_file": "Fichier de clients",
"invoice_file": "Fichier de factures",
"task_file": "Fichier de tâches",
"no_mapper": "Mappage invalide pour ce fichier",
"invalid_csv_header": "En-tête du fichier CSV invalide",
"client_portal": "Portail client",
"admin": "Admin",
"disabled": "Désactivé",
"show_archived_users": "Afficher les utilisateurs archivés",
"notes": "Notes",
"invoice_will_create": "la facture sera créée",
"invoices_will_create": "les factures seront créées",
"failed_to_import": "Les enregistrements suivants n'ont pas pu être importés. Soit ils existent déjà, soit il leur manque des champs requis.",
"publishable_key": "Clé publique",
"secret_key": "Clé secrète",
"missing_publishable_key": "Saisissez votre clé publique Stripe pour un processus de commande amélioré",
"email_design": "Modèle de courriel",
"due_by": "A échéanche du {date}",
"enable_email_markup": "Activer le balisage",
"enable_email_markup_help": "Rendez le règlement de vos clients plus facile en ajoutant les markup schema.org à vos emails.",
"template_help_title": "Aide Modèles",
"template_help_1": "Variable disponibles :",
"email_design_id": "Style de courriel",
"email_design_help": "Rendez vos courriels plus professionnels avec des mises en page en HTML.",
"plain": "Brut",
"light": "Clair",
"dark": "Sombre",
"industry_help": "Utilisé dans le but de fournir des statistiques la taille et le secteur de l'entreprise.",
"subdomain_help": "Définissez un sous-domaine ou affichez la facture sur votre propre site web.",
"website_help": "Affiche la facture dans un iFrame sur votre site web",
"invoice_number_help": "Spécifier un préfixe ou utiliser un modèle personnalisé pour la création du numéro de facture.",
"quote_number_help": "Spécifier un préfixe ou utiliser un modèle personnalisé pour la création du numéro de devis.",
"custom_client_fields_helps": "Ajouter un champ lors de la création d'un client et éventuellement afficher l'étiquette et la valeur sur le PDF.",
"custom_account_fields_helps": "Ajouter un label et une valeur aux détails de la société dur le PDF.",
"custom_invoice_fields_helps": "Ajouter un champ lors de la création d'une facture et éventuellement afficher l'étiquette et la valeur sur le PDF.",
"custom_invoice_charges_helps": "Ajouter une entrée de texte à la page de création\/édition de devis et inclure le supplément au sous-toal de la facture.",
"token_expired": "Validation jeton expiré. Veuillez réessayer.",
"invoice_link": "Lien vers la facture",
"button_confirmation_message": "Cliquez pour confirmer votre adresse e-mail.",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"email_preferences": "Préférences de mail",
"created_invoices": "{count} facture(s) créée(s) avec succès",
"next_invoice_number": "Le prochain numéro de facture est {number}.",
"next_quote_number": "Le prochain numéro de devis est {number}.",
"days_before": "jours avant le",
"days_after": "jours après le",
"field_due_date": "date d'échéance",
"field_invoice_date": "date de la facture",
"schedule": "Planification",
"email_designs": "Modèles de courriel",
"assigned_when_sent": "Affecté lors de l'envoi",
"white_label_purchase_link": "Acheter une licence en marque blanche",
"expense": "Dépense",
"expenses": "Dépenses",
"new_expense": "Saisir une dépense",
"enter_expense": "Nouvelle dépense",
"vendors": "Fournisseurs",
"new_vendor": "Nouveau fournisseur",
"payment_terms_net": "Net",
"vendor": "Fournisseur",
"edit_vendor": "Éditer le fournisseur",
"archive_vendor": "Archiver ce fournisseur",
"delete_vendor": "Supprimer ce fournisseur",
"view_vendor": "Voir le fournisseur",
"deleted_expense": "Dépense supprimée avec succès",
"archived_expense": "Dépense archivée avec succès",
"deleted_expenses": "Dépenses supprimées avec succès",
"archived_expenses": "Dépenses archivées avec succès",
"expense_amount": "Montant de la dépense",
"expense_balance": "Solde de la dépense",
"expense_date": "Date de la dépense",
"expense_should_be_invoiced": "Cette dépense doit elle être facturée ?",
"public_notes": "Note publique",
"invoice_amount": "Montant de la facture",
"exchange_rate": "Taux de change",
"yes": "Oui",
"no": "Non",
"should_be_invoiced": "Devrait être facturé",
"view_expense": "Voir la dépense # {expense}",
"edit_expense": "Éditer la dépensee",
"archive_expense": "Archiver la dépense",
"delete_expense": "Supprimer la dépense",
"view_expense_num": "Dépense # {expense}",
"updated_expense": "Dépense mise à jour avec succès",
"created_expense": "Dépense créée avec succès",
"view": "Voir",
"restore_expense": "Restaurer la dépense",
"invoice_expense": "Facturer la dépense",
"expense_error_multiple_clients": "La dépense ne peut pas être attribuée à plusieurs clients",
"expense_error_invoiced": "La dépense à déjà été facturée",
"convert_currency": "Convertir la devise",
"num_days": "Nombre de jours",
"create_payment_term": "Créer une condition de paiement",
"edit_payment_terms": "Éditer condition de paiement",
"edit_payment_term": "Éditer la condition de paiement",
"archive_payment_term": "Archiver la condition de paiement",
"recurring_due_dates": "Dates d'échéance de facture récurrente",
"recurring_due_date_help": "
Définit automatiquement une date d'échéance pour la facture.<\/p>\n
Les factures avec un cycle mensuel ou annuel définies pour être dues le jour ou avant le jour où elles sont créées seront dues le mois suivant. Les factures définies pour être dues le 29 ou le 30 dans des mois qui n'ont pas ce jour seront dues le dernier jour du mois.<\/p>\n
Les factures avec un cycle hebdomadaire définies pour être dues le jour de la semaine où elles sont créées seront dues la semaine suivante.<\/p>\n
Par exemple :<\/p>\n
\n - Aujourd'hui est le 15, la date d'échéance est le 1er du mois. La date d'échéance devrait logiquement être le 1er du mois suivant.<\/li>\n
- Aujourd'hui est le 15, la date d'échéance est le dernier jour du mois. La date d'échéance sera le dernier jour de ce mois.\n <\/li>\n
- Aujourd'hui est le 15, la date d'échéance est le 15ème jour du mois. La date d'échéance sera le 15ème jour du mois suivant<\/strong>.\n <\/li>\n
- Aujourd'hui est le vendredi, la date d'échéance est le 1er vendredi après. La date d'échéance sera vendredi prochain, pas aujourd'hui.\n <\/li>\n <\/ul>",
"due": "Dû",
"next_due_on": "Prochaine échéance : {date}",
"use_client_terms": "Utiliser les conditions de paiement du client",
"day_of_month": "{ordinal} jour du mois",
"last_day_of_month": "Dernier jour du mois",
"day_of_week_after": "{ordinal} {day} after",
"sunday": "Dimanche",
"monday": "Lundi",
"tuesday": "Mardi",
"wednesday": "Mercredi",
"thursday": "Jeudi",
"friday": "Vendredi",
"saturday": "Samedi",
"header_font_id": "Police de l'en-tête",
"body_font_id": "Police du corps",
"color_font_help": "Note : la couleur et la police primaires sont également utilisées dans le portail client et le design des emails.",
"live_preview": "Aperçu",
"invalid_mail_config": "Impossible d'envoyer le mail, veuillez vérifier que les paramètres de messagerie sont corrects.",
"invoice_message_button": "Pour visionner votre facture de {amount}, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous.",
"quote_message_button": "Pour visionner votre devis de {amount}, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.",
"payment_message_button": "Merci pour votre paiement de {amount}.",
"payment_type_direct_debit": "Prélèvement",
"bank_accounts": "Comptes bancaires",
"add_bank_account": "Ajouter un compte bancaire",
"setup_account": "Paraméter le compte",
"import_expenses": "Importer les dépenses",
"bank_id": "Banque",
"integration_type": "Type d'intégration",
"updated_bank_account": "Compte bancaire mis à jour avec succès",
"edit_bank_account": "Éditer le compte bancaire",
"archive_bank_account": "Archiver le compte bancaire",
"archived_bank_account": "Compte bancaire archivé avec succès",
"created_bank_account": "Compte bancaire créé avec succès",
"validate_bank_account": "Valider le compte bancaire",
"bank_password_help": "Note : votre mot de passe est transmis de manière sécurisée et jamais stocké sur nos serveurs",
"bank_password_warning": "Attention: votre mot de passe peut être transmis en clair, pensez à activer HTTPS.",
"username": "Nom d'utilisateur",
"account_number": "N° de compte",
"account_name": "Nom du compte",
"bank_account_error": "Impossible de récupérer les détails du compte, veuillez vérifier vos informations d'identification.",
"status_approved": "Approuvé",
"quote_settings": "Paramètres des devis",
"auto_convert_quote": "Convertir automatiquement",
"auto_convert_quote_help": "Convertir automatiquement un devis en facture dès qu'il est approuvé par le client.",
"validate": "Valider",
"info": "Info",
"imported_expenses": "{count_vendors} fournisseur(s) et {count_expenses} dépense(s) créé[e](s) avec succès",
"iframe_url_help3": "Note : si vous prévoyez d'accepter les cartes de crédit, nous vous recommandons d'activer HTTPS sur votre site.",
"expense_error_multiple_currencies": "Les dépenses ne peuvent avoir plusieurs devises.",
"expense_error_mismatch_currencies": "La devise du client n'est pas la même que celle de la dépense.",
"trello_roadmap": "Feuille de route Trello",
"header_footer": "En-tête\/Pied de page",
"first_page": "Première page",
"all_pages": "Toutes les pages",
"last_page": "Dernière page",
"all_pages_header": "Voir les en-têtes sur",
"all_pages_footer": "Voir les pieds de page sur",
"invoice_currency": "Devise de la facture",
"enable_https": "Nous vous recommandons fortement d'activer le HTTPS si vous acceptez les paiements en ligne.",
"quote_issued_to": "Devis à l'attention de",
"show_currency_code": "Code de la devise",
"free_year_message": "Votre compte a été mis à niveau vers le plan pro pour une année sans frais.",
"trial_message": "Votre compte va être crédité d'un essai gratuit de 2 semaines de notre Plan pro.",
"trial_footer": "Il vous reste {count} jours d'essai sur notre offre Pro, {link} modifiez votre abonnement maintenant.",
"trial_footer_last_day": "C'est votre dernier jour d'essai sur notre offre Pro, {link} modifiez votre abonnement maintenant.",
"trial_call_to_action": "Commencer l'essai gratuit",
"trial_success": "Crédit d'un essai gratuit de 2 semaines de notre Plan pro avec succès",
"overdue": "Impayé",
"white_label_text": "Achetez une licence en marque blanche d'UN AN au coût de ${price} pour retirer la marque de Invoice Ninja des factures et du portail client.",
"user_email_footer": "Pour modifier vos paramètres de notification par courriel, veuillez visiter {link}",
"reset_password_footer": "Si vous n'avez pas effectué de demande de réinitalisation de mot de passe veuillez contacter notre support : {email}",
"limit_users": "Désolé, ceci excédera la limite de {limit} utilisateurs",
"more_designs_self_host_header": "Obtenez 6 modèles de factures additionnels pour seulement ${price}",
"old_browser": "Veuillez utiliser un {link}",
"newer_browser": "navigateur plus récent",
"white_label_custom_css": "{link} for ${price} to enable custom styling and help support our project.",
"bank_accounts_help": "Connecter un compte bancaire pour importer automatiquement les dépenses et créer des fournisseurs. Supporte Amercian Express et {link}.",
"us_banks": "plus de 400 banques américaines",
"pro_plan_remove_logo": "{link} pour supprimer le logo Invoice Ninja en souscrivant au Plan Pro",
"pro_plan_remove_logo_link": "Cliquez ici",
"invitation_status_sent": "Envoyé",
"invitation_status_opened": "Ouvert",
"invitation_status_viewed": "Consulté",
"email_error_inactive_client": "Les mails ne peuvent être envoyés aux clients inactifs",
"email_error_inactive_contact": "Les mails ne peuvent être envoyés aux contacts inactifs",
"email_error_inactive_invoice": "Les mails ne peuvent être envoyés aux factures inactives",
"email_error_inactive_proposal": "Les courriels ne peuvent pas être envoyés aux propositions inactives",
"email_error_user_unregistered": "Veuillez vous inscrire afin d'envoyer des mails",
"email_error_user_unconfirmed": "Veuillez confirmer votre compte afin de permettre l'envoi de mail",
"email_error_invalid_contact_email": "Adresse mail du contact invalide",
"navigation": "Navigation",
"list_invoices": "Liste des factures",
"list_clients": "Liste des clients",
"list_quotes": "Liste des devis",
"list_tasks": "Liste des tâches",
"list_expenses": "Liste des dépenses",
"list_recurring_invoices": "Liste des factures récurrentes",
"list_payments": "Liste des paiements",
"list_credits": "Liste des crédits",
"tax_name": "Nom de la taxe",
"report_settings": "Paramètres de rapport",
"search_hotkey": "la racine est \/",
"new_user": "Nouvel utilisateur",
"new_product": "Nouvel article",
"new_tax_rate": "Nouveau taux de taxe",
"invoiced_amount": "Montant de la facture",
"invoice_item_fields": "Invoice Item Fields",
"custom_invoice_item_fields_help": "Ajouter un champ lors de la création d'un article de facture et afficher le libellé et la valeur sur le PDF.",
"recurring_invoice_number": "Numéro récurrent",
"recurring_invoice_number_prefix_help": "Spécifier un préfixe à ajouter au numéro de facture pour les factures récurrentes.",
"enable_portal_password": "Protéger les factures avec un mot de passe",
"enable_portal_password_help": "Autoriser la création d'un mot de passe pour chaque contact. Si un mot de passe est créé, le contact devra entrer un mot de passe avant de voir les factures.",
"send_portal_password": "Générer automatiquement",
"send_portal_password_help": "Si aucun mot de passe n'est créé, un sera généré et envoyé avec la première facture.",
"expired": "Expiré",
"invalid_card_number": "Le numéro de carte bancaire est invalide.",
"invalid_expiry": "La date d'expiration est invalide.",
"invalid_cvv": "Le code de sécurité est incorrect.",
"cost": "Coût",
"create_invoice_for_sample": "Note : créez votre première facture pour voir la prévisualisation ici.",
"owner": "Propriétaire",
"administrator": "Administrateur",
"administrator_help": "Permettre à l'utilisateur de gérer les utilisateurs, modifier les paramètres et de modifier tous les enregistrements",
"user_create_all": "Créer des clients, des factures, etc.",
"user_view_all": "Voir tous les clients, les factures, etc.",
"user_edit_all": "Modifier tous les clients, les factures, etc.",
"gateway_help_20": "{link} pour vous inscrire à Sage Pay.",
"gateway_help_21": "{link} pour vous inscrire à Sage Pay.",
"partial_due": "Solde partiel",
"restore_vendor": "Restaurer le fournisseur",
"restored_vendor": "Fournisseur restauré avec succès",
"restored_expense": "Dépense restaurée avec succès",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"create_all_help": "Autoriser l'utilisateur à créer et éditer tous les enregistrements",
"view_all_help": "Autoriser l'utilisateur à voir les enregistrements qu'il n'a pas créés",
"edit_all_help": "Autoriser l'utilisateur à modifier les enregistrements qu'il n'a pas créés",
"view_payment": "Voir le paiement",
"january": "Janvier",
"february": "Février",
"march": "Mars",
"april": "Avril",
"may": "Mai",
"june": "Juin",
"july": "Juillet",
"august": "Août",
"september": "Septembre",
"october": "Octobre",
"november": "Novembre",
"december": "Décembre",
"documents_header": "Documents :",
"email_documents_header": "Documents :",
"email_documents_example_1": "Widgets Receipt.pdf",
"email_documents_example_2": "Final Deliverable.zip",
"quote_documents": "Documents de devis",
"invoice_documents": "Documents de facture",
"expense_documents": "Documents de dépense",
"invoice_embed_documents": "Documents intégrés",
"invoice_embed_documents_help": "Inclure l'image attachée dans la facture.",
"document_email_attachment": "Attacher les documents",
"ubl_email_attachment": "Joindre UBL",
"download_documents": "Télécharger les Documents ({size})",
"documents_from_expenses": "Des dépenses :",
"dropzone_default_message": "Glisser le fichier ou cliquer pour envoyer",
"dropzone_fallback_message": "Votre navigateur ne supporte pas le drag'n'drop de fichier pour envoyer.",
"dropzone_fallback_text": "Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.",
"dropzone_file_too_big": "Fichier trop gros ({{filesize}}Mo). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}Mo.",
"dropzone_invalid_file_type": "Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer de fichiers de ce type.",
"dropzone_response_error": "Le serveur a répondu avec le code {{statusCode}}.",
"dropzone_cancel_upload": "Annuler l'envoi",
"dropzone_cancel_upload_confirmation": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler cet envoi ?",
"dropzone_remove_file": "Supprimer le fichier",
"documents": "Documents",
"document_date": "Date de Document",
"document_size": "Taille",
"enable_client_portal": "Portail client",
"enable_client_portal_help": "Afficher\/masquer le portail client.",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard": "Tableau de bord",
"enable_client_portal_dashboard_help": "Afficher\/masquer la page du tableau de bord dans le portail client.",
"account_management": "Gestion des comptes",
"plan_status": "Statut du Plan",
"plan_upgrade": "Mettre à niveau",
"plan_change": "Changer de plan",
"pending_change_to": "Change vers",
"plan_changes_to": "{plan} au {date}",
"plan_term_changes_to": "{plan} ({term}) le {date}",
"cancel_plan_change": "Annuler la modification",
"plan": "Plan",
"expires": "Expire",
"renews": "Renouvellement",
"plan_expired": "{plan} Plan Expiré",
"trial_expired": "{plan} Essai du Plan terminé",
"never": "Jamais",
"plan_free": "Gratuit",
"plan_pro": "Pro",
"plan_enterprise": "Entreprise",
"plan_white_label": "Auto hébergé (Marque blanche)",
"plan_free_self_hosted": "Auto hébergé (Gratuit)",
"plan_trial": "Essai",
"plan_term": "Terme",
"plan_term_monthly": "Mensuel",
"plan_term_yearly": "Annuel",
"plan_term_month": "Mois",
"plan_term_year": "An",
"plan_price_monthly": "${price}\/Mois",
"plan_price_yearly": "${price}\/An",
"updated_plan": "Paramètres du plan mis à jour",
"plan_paid": "Terme commencé",
"plan_started": "Début du Plan",
"plan_expires": "Fin du Plan",
"white_label_button": "Marque blanche",
"pro_plan_year_description": "Engagement d'un an dans le Plan Invoice Ninja Pro.",
"pro_plan_month_description": "Engagement d'un mois dans le Plan Invoice Ninja Pro.",
"enterprise_plan_product": "Plan Entreprise",
"enterprise_plan_year_description": "Engagement d'un an dans le Plan Invoice Ninja Entreprise.",
"enterprise_plan_month_description": "Engagement d'un mois dans le Plan Invoice Ninja Entreprise.",
"plan_credit_product": "Crédit",
"plan_credit_description": "Crédit pour temps inutilisé",
"plan_pending_monthly": "Basculera en mensuel le {date}",
"plan_refunded": "Un remboursement a été émis.",
"page_size": "Taille de Page",
"live_preview_disabled": "L'aperçu en direct a été désactivé pour prendre en charge la police sélectionnée",
"invoice_number_padding": "Remplissage",
"preview": "Prévisualisation",
"list_vendors": "Liste des fournisseurs",
"add_users_not_supported": "Passez au Plan Enterprise pour ajouter des utilisateurs supplémentaires à votre compte.",
"enterprise_plan_features": "Le plan entreprise ajoute le support pour de multiples utilisateurs ainsi que l'ajout de pièces jointes, {link} pour voir la liste complète des fonctionnalités.",
"return_to_app": "Retourner à l'App",
"refund_payment": "Remboursement du paiement",
"refund_max": "Max :",
"refund": "Remboursement",
"are_you_sure_refund": "Rembourser les paiements sélectionnés ?",
"status_pending": "En attente",
"status_completed": "Validé",
"status_failed": "Échoué",
"status_partially_refunded": "Remboursement partiel",
"status_partially_refunded_amount": "{amount} remboursé",
"status_refunded": "Remboursé",
"status_voided": "Annulé",
"refunded_payment": "Paiement remboursé",
"activity_39": "{user} a annulé un paiement de {payment_amount} ({payment})",
"activity_40": "{user} a remboursé {adjustment} d'un paiement de {payment_amount} ({payment})",
"card_expiration": "Exp : {expires}",
"card_creditcardother": "Inconnu",
"card_americanexpress": "American Express",
"card_carteblanche": "Carte Blanche",
"card_unionpay": "UnionPay",
"card_diners": "Diners Club",
"card_discover": "Discover",
"card_jcb": "JCB",
"card_laser": "Laser",
"card_maestro": "Maestro",
"card_mastercard": "MasterCard",
"card_solo": "Solo",
"card_switch": "Switch",
"card_visacard": "Visa",
"card_ach": "ACH",
"payment_type_stripe": "Stripe",
"ach": "ACH",
"enable_ach": "Accepter les transferts bancaires américains",
"stripe_ach_help": "Le support de CCA (ACH) doit également être activé dans {link}.",
"ach_disabled": "Une autre passerelle est déjà configurée pour le prélèvement automatique.",
"plaid": "Plaid",
"client_id": "ID du client",
"secret": "Clé secrète",
"public_key": "Clé publique",
"plaid_optional": "(facultatif)",
"plaid_environment_help": "When a Stripe test key is given, Plaid's development environment (tartan) will be used.",
"other_providers": "Autres fournisseurs",
"country_not_supported": "Ce pays n'est pas géré par notre système.",
"invalid_routing_number": "Le B.I.C. est invalide",
"invalid_account_number": "Le numéro de compte bancaire est invalide",
"account_number_mismatch": "Les numéros du compte bancaire ne correspondent pas.",
"missing_account_holder_type": "Merci de saisir un compte particulier ou entreprise",
"missing_account_holder_name": "Merci de saisir un nom de titulaire de compte",
"routing_number": "B.I.C.",
"confirm_account_number": "Confirmez votre numéro de compte bancaire",
"individual_account": "Compte particulier",
"company_account": "Compte entreprise",
"account_holder_name": "Nom du titulaire du compte",
"add_account": "Ajouter un compte",
"payment_methods": "Moyen de paiement",
"complete_verification": "Compléter la vérification",
"verification_amount1": "Montant 1",
"verification_amount2": "Montant 2",
"payment_method_verified": "Vérification réussie",
"verification_failed": "Vérification échouée",
"remove_payment_method": "Supprimer le moyen de paiement",
"confirm_remove_payment_method": "Souhaitez-vous vraiment retirer cette méthode de paiement ?",
"remove": "Supprimer",
"payment_method_removed": "Supprimer le moyen de paiement",
"bank_account_verification_help": "Nous avons fait deux dépôts dans votre compte avec la description \"VERIFICATION\". Ces dépôts prendront 1-2 jours ouvrables pour apparaître sur votre relevé. Veuillez entrer les montants ci-dessous.",
"bank_account_verification_next_steps": "Nous avons fait deux dépôts dans votre compte avec la description \"VERIFICATION\". Ces dépôts prendront 1-2 jours ouvrables pour apparaître sur votre relevé.\nLorsque les montant apparaîtront sur votre relevé, veuillez revenir sur cette page et cliquez sur \"Compléter la vérification\" à côté du compte.",
"unknown_bank": "Banque inconnue",
"ach_verification_delay_help": "Vous serez en mesure d'utiliser le compte après avoir terminé la vérification. Celle-ci demande habituellement 1-2 jours ouvrables.",
"add_credit_card": "Ajouter une carte de crédit",
"payment_method_added": "Ajouter un moyen de paiement",
"use_for_auto_bill": "Utiliser pour les factures automatiques",
"used_for_auto_bill": "Méthode de paiement automatique de factures",
"payment_method_set_as_default": "Définir une éthode de paiement automatique de factures",
"activity_41": "Le paiement de {payment_amount} a échoué ({payment})",
"webhook_url": "URL Webhook",
"stripe_webhook_help": "Vous devez {link}.",
"stripe_webhook_help_link_text": "ajouter cette URL comme un terminal avec Stripe",
"gocardless_webhook_help_link_text": "ajouter cette URL comme point de terminaison dans GoCardless",
"payment_method_error": "Une erreur s'est produite en ajoutant votre méthode de paiement. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed_subject": "Le paiement a échoué pour la facture {invoice}",
"notification_invoice_payment_failed": "Un paiement fait par le client {client} pour la facture {invoice} à échoué. Le paiement a été marqué comme échoué et {amount} a été ajouté au solde du client.",
"link_with_plaid": "Lier le compte instantanément avec Plaid",
"link_manually": "Lier manuellement",
"secured_by_plaid": "Sécurisé par Plaid",
"plaid_linked_status": "Votre compte bancaire à {bank}'",
"add_payment_method": "Ajouter une méthode de paiement",
"account_holder_type": "Veuillez sélectionner le type de compte",
"ach_authorization": "J'autorise {company} à utiliser mes données bancaires pour de futurs paiements, et si besoin de créditer mon compte par voie électronique afin de corriger d'éventuelles erreurs de débits. Je comprends que je suis en mesure d'annuler cette autorisation à tout moment en supprimant mon moyen de paiement ou en contactant {email}.",
"ach_authorization_required": "Vous devez consentir aux transactions ACH.",
"off": "Fermé",
"opt_in": "Désactivé",
"opt_out": "Activé",
"always": "Toujours",
"opted_out": "Désactivé",
"opted_in": "Activé",
"manage_auto_bill": "Gérer les factures automatiques",
"enabled": "Activé",
"paypal": "PayPal",
"braintree_enable_paypal": "Activer les paiements PayPal via BrainTree",
"braintree_paypal_disabled_help": "La passerelle PayPal traite les paiements PayPal",
"braintree_paypal_help": "Vous devez aussi {link}.",
"braintree_paypal_help_link_text": "lier PayPal à votre compte BrainTree",
"token_billing_braintree_paypal": "Sauvegarder les détails du paiement",
"add_paypal_account": "Ajouter un compte PayPal",
"no_payment_method_specified": "Aucune méthode de paiement spécifiée",
"chart_type": "Type de graphique",
"format": "Format",
"import_ofx": "Importer OFX",
"ofx_file": "Fichier OFX",
"ofx_parse_failed": "Le traitement du fichier OFX a échoué",
"wepay": "WePay",
"sign_up_with_wepay": "S'enregistrer avec WePay",
"use_another_provider": "Utiliser un autre fournisseur",
"company_name": "Nom de l'entreprise",
"wepay_company_name_help": "Ceci apparaîtra sur le relevé de carte de crédit du client",
"wepay_description_help": "Le but de ce compte.",
"wepay_tos_agree": "J'accepte les {link}.",
"wepay_tos_link_text": "Conditions d'utilisation de WePay",
"resend_confirmation_email": "Renvoyer le courriel de confirmation",
"manage_account": "Gérer votre compte",
"action_required": "Action requise",
"finish_setup": "Terminer la configuration",
"created_wepay_confirmation_required": "Veuillez vérifier votre courriel et confirmer votre adresse courriel avec WePay.",
"switch_to_wepay": "Changer pour WePay",
"switch": "Changer",
"restore_account_gateway": "Rétablir la passerelle de paiement",
"restored_account_gateway": "La passerelle de paiement a été rétablie",
"united_states": "États-Unis",
"canada": "Canada",
"accept_debit_cards": "Accepter les cartes de débit",
"debit_cards": "Cartes de Débit",
"warn_start_date_changed": "La prochaine facture sera envoyée à la nouvelle date spécifiée.",
"warn_start_date_changed_not_sent": "La prochaine facture sera créée à la nouvelle date de début.",
"original_start_date": "Première date de départ",
"new_start_date": "Nouvelle date de départ",
"security": "Sécurité",
"see_whats_new": "Voir les nouveautés dans la version v{version}",
"wait_for_upload": "Veuillez patienter pendant le chargement du fichier",
"upgrade_for_permissions": "Adhérez à notre Plan entreprise pour activer les permissions.",
"enable_second_tax_rate": "Activer la spécification d'un second taux de taxe<\/b>",
"payment_file": "Fichier de paiement",
"expense_file": "Fichier de dépense",
"product_file": "Fichier de produit",
"import_products": "Importer des produits",
"products_will_create": "produits seront créés",
"product_key": "Produit",
"created_products": "{count} produit(s) créé(s)\/mis à jour avec succès",
"export_help": "Utilisez JSON si vous prévoyez d'importer des données dans Invoice Ninja.
Le fichier inclut les clients, les produits, les factures, les offres et les paiements.",
"selfhost_export_help": "
Nous recommandons d'utiliser mysqldump pour créer une sauvegarde complète.",
"JSON_file": "Fichier JSON",
"view_dashboard": "Afficher le tabeau de bord",
"client_session_expired": " Session expirée.",
"client_session_expired_message": "Votre session a expiré. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien dans votre courriel.",
"auto_bill_notification": "Cette facture sera automatiquement facturée à votre {payment_method} au dossier le {due_date}.",
"auto_bill_payment_method_bank_transfer": "Compte bancaire",
"auto_bill_payment_method_credit_card": "carte de crédit",
"auto_bill_payment_method_paypal": "compte PayPal",
"auto_bill_notification_placeholder": "Cette facture sera automatiquement facturée à votre carte de crédit inscrite au dossier à la date d'échéance.",
"payment_settings": "Paramètres de paiement",
"on_send_date": "À la date d'envoi",
"on_due_date": "À la date d'échéance",
"auto_bill_ach_date_help": "ACH facturera toujours automatiquement à la date d'échéance",
"warn_change_auto_bill": "Selon les règles de NACHA, les changements à cette facture pourrait prévenir l'autofacturation de ACH.",
"bank_account": "Compte Bancaire",
"payment_processed_through_wepay": "Les paiements ACH seront traités avec WePay.",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree": "J'accepte les {terms} et la {privacy_policy} de WePay",
"privacy_policy": "Politique de confidentialité",
"wepay_payment_tos_agree_required": "Vous devez accepter les conditions d'utilisation et la politique de confidentialité de WePay",
"ach_email_prompt": "Veuillez entrer votre adresse courriel:",
"verification_pending": "En attente de vérification",
"update_font_cache": "Veuillez actualiser la page pour mettre à jour le cache de la police de caractères",
"more_options": "Plus d'options",
"credit_card": "Carte de Crédit",
"bank_transfer": "Virement bancaire",
"no_transaction_reference": "Nous n'avons pas reçu de référence de transaction de paiement de la passerelle.",
"use_bank_on_file": "Utiliser la banque inscrite au dossier",
"auto_bill_email_message": "Cette facture sera automatiquement facturée à votre méthode de paiement inscrite au dossier à la date d'échéance.",
"bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"gocardless": "GoCardless",
"added_on": "Ajouté le {date}",
"failed_remove_payment_method": "La suppression de la méthode de paiement a échoué",
"gateway_exists": "La passerelle existe déjà",
"manual_entry": "Saisie manuelle",
"first_day_of_week": "Premier jour de la semaine",
"freq_inactive": "Inactif",
"freq_daily": "Quotidien",
"freq_weekly": "Hebdomadaire",
"freq_biweekly": "Bi-hebdomadaire",
"freq_two_weeks": "Deux semaines",
"freq_four_weeks": "Quatre semaines",
"freq_monthly": "Mensuelle",
"freq_three_months": "Trimestrielle",
"freq_four_months": "Quatre mois",
"freq_six_months": "Six mois",
"freq_annually": "Annuelle",
"freq_two_years": "Deux ans",
"payment_type_Apply Credit": "Appliquer le crédit",
"payment_type_Bank Transfer": "Transfert bancaire",
"payment_type_Cash": "Comptant",
"payment_type_Debit": "Débit",
"payment_type_ACH": "ACH",
"payment_type_Visa Card": "Carte Visa",
"payment_type_MasterCard": "MasterCard",
"payment_type_American Express": "American Express",
"payment_type_Discover Card": "Discover Card",
"payment_type_Diners Card": "Diners Card",
"payment_type_EuroCard": "EuroCard",
"payment_type_Nova": "Nova",
"payment_type_Credit Card Other": "Autre carte de crédit",
"payment_type_PayPal": "PayPal",
"payment_type_Google Wallet": "Google Wallet",
"payment_type_Check": "Chèque",
"payment_type_Carte Blanche": "Carte Blanche",
"payment_type_UnionPay": "UnionPay",
"payment_type_JCB": "JCB",
"payment_type_Laser": "Laser",
"payment_type_Maestro": "Maestro",
"payment_type_Solo": "Solo",
"payment_type_Switch": "Switch",
"payment_type_iZettle": "iZettle",
"payment_type_Swish": "Swish",
"payment_type_Alipay": "Alipay",
"payment_type_Sofort": "Sofort",
"payment_type_SEPA": "Prélèvement automatique\/domiciliation SEPA",
"payment_type_Bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"payment_type_GoCardless": "GoCardless",
"industry_Accounting & Legal": "Comptabilité & Légal",
"industry_Advertising": "Publicité",
"industry_Aerospace": "Aérospatial",
"industry_Agriculture": "Agriculture",
"industry_Automotive": "Automobile",
"industry_Banking & Finance": "Banques & Finances",
"industry_Biotechnology": "Biotechnologie",
"industry_Broadcasting": "Médiadiffusion",
"industry_Business Services": "Services aux entreprises",
"industry_Commodities & Chemicals": "Produits chimiques",
"industry_Communications": "Communications",
"industry_Computers & Hightech": "Informatique & Hightech",
"industry_Defense": "Défense",
"industry_Energy": "Energie",
"industry_Entertainment": "Divertissement",
"industry_Government": "Gouvernement",
"industry_Healthcare & Life Sciences": "Santé et sciences de la vie",
"industry_Insurance": "Assurances",
"industry_Manufacturing": "Production",
"industry_Marketing": "Marketing",
"industry_Media": "Médias",
"industry_Nonprofit & Higher Ed": "Organisme sans but lucratif & Enseignement supérieur",
"industry_Pharmaceuticals": "Pharmaceutique",
"industry_Professional Services & Consulting": "Services Professionnels et Conseil",
"industry_Real Estate": "Immobilier",
"industry_Restaurant & Catering": "Restaurant & Traiteur",
"industry_Retail & Wholesale": "Détail & Grossiste",
"industry_Sports": "Sports",
"industry_Transportation": "Transport",
"industry_Travel & Luxury": "Voyage & Luxe",
"industry_Other": "Autres",
"industry_Photography": "Photographie",
"country_Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
"country_Albania": "Albanie",
"country_Antarctica": "Antartique",
"country_Algeria": "Algérie",
"country_American Samoa": "Samoa américaines",
"country_Andorra": "Andorra",
"country_Angola": "Angola",
"country_Antigua and Barbuda": "Antigua-et-Barbuda",
"country_Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
"country_Argentina": "Argentine",
"country_Australia": "Australie",
"country_Austria": "Autriche",
"country_Bahamas": "Bahamas",
"country_Bahrain": "Bahrain",
"country_Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
"country_Armenia": "Arménie",
"country_Barbados": "Barbades",
"country_Belgium": "Belgique",
"country_Bermuda": "Bermudes",
"country_Bhutan": "Bhoutan",
"country_Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "Bolivie",
"country_Bosnia and Herzegovina": "Bosnie-Herzégovine",
"country_Botswana": "Botswana",
"country_Bouvet Island": "Île Bouvet",
"country_Brazil": "Brésil",
"country_Belize": "Béize",
"country_British Indian Ocean Territory": "Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien",
"country_Solomon Islands": "Iles Salomon",
"country_Virgin Islands, British": "Îles Vierges britanniques",
"country_Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei",
"country_Bulgaria": "Bulgarie",
"country_Myanmar": "Birmanie",
"country_Burundi": "Burundi",
"country_Belarus": "Biélorussie",
"country_Cambodia": "Cambodge",
"country_Cameroon": "Cameroun",
"country_Canada": "Canada",
"country_Cape Verde": "Cap-Vert",
"country_Cayman Islands": "Iles Cayman",
"country_Central African Republic": "République Centrafricaine",
"country_Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
"country_Chad": "Tchad",
"country_Chile": "Chili",
"country_China": "Chine",
"country_Taiwan, Province of China": "Taîwan",
"country_Christmas Island": "Île Christmas",
"country_Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Îles Cocos (Keeling)",
"country_Colombia": "Colombie",
"country_Comoros": "Comores",
"country_Mayotte": "Mayotte",
"country_Congo": "Congo",
"country_Congo, the Democratic Republic of the": "République démocratique du Congo",
"country_Cook Islands": "Îles Cook",
"country_Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
"country_Croatia": "Coatie",
"country_Cuba": "Cuba",
"country_Cyprus": "Chypre",
"country_Czech Republic": "République tchèque",
"country_Benin": "Bénin",
"country_Denmark": "Danemark",
"country_Dominica": "Dominique",
"country_Dominican Republic": "République dominicaine",
"country_Ecuador": "Équateur",
"country_El Salvador": "Salvador",
"country_Equatorial Guinea": "Guinée équatoriale",
"country_Ethiopia": "Ethiopie",
"country_Eritrea": "Érythrée",
"country_Estonia": "Estonie",
"country_Faroe Islands": "Îles Féroé",
"country_Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Îles Malouines",
"country_South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud",
"country_Fiji": "Fidji",
"country_Finland": "Finlande",
"country_Åland Islands": "Åland",
"country_France": "France",
"country_French Guiana": "Guyane française",
"country_French Polynesia": "Polynésie française",
"country_French Southern Territories": "Terres australes et antarctiques françaises",
"country_Djibouti": "Djibouti",
"country_Gabon": "Gabon",
"country_Georgia": "Géorgie",
"country_Gambia": "Gambie",
"country_Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Territoires palestiniens occupés",
"country_Germany": "Allemagne",
"country_Ghana": "Ghana",
"country_Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
"country_Kiribati": "Kiribati",
"country_Greece": "Grèce",
"country_Greenland": "Groenland",
"country_Grenada": "Grenade",
"country_Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
"country_Guam": "Guam",
"country_Guatemala": "Guatemala",
"country_Guinea": "Guinée",
"country_Guyana": "Guyana",
"country_Haiti": "Haiti",
"country_Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "Îles Heard-et-MacDonald",
"country_Holy See (Vatican City State)": "Vatican",
"country_Honduras": "Honduras",
"country_Hong Kong": "Hong Kong",
"country_Hungary": "Hongrie",
"country_Iceland": "Islande",
"country_India": "Inde",
"country_Indonesia": "Indonésie",
"country_Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Iran",
"country_Iraq": "Irak",
"country_Ireland": "Irlande",
"country_Israel": "Israel",
"country_Italy": "Italie",
"country_Côte d'Ivoire": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"country_Jamaica": "Jamaique",
"country_Japan": "Japon",
"country_Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
"country_Jordan": "Jordanie",
"country_Kenya": "Kenya",
"country_Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "Corée du Nord",
"country_Korea, Republic of": "Corée du Sud",
"country_Kuwait": "Koweit",
"country_Kyrgyzstan": "Kirghizistan",
"country_Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Laos",
"country_Lebanon": "Liban",
"country_Lesotho": "Lesotho",
"country_Latvia": "Lettonie",
"country_Liberia": "Liberia",
"country_Libya": "Libye",
"country_Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
"country_Lithuania": "Lithuanie",
"country_Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
"country_Macao": "Macao",
"country_Madagascar": "Madagascar",
"country_Malawi": "Malawi",
"country_Malaysia": "Malaisie",
"country_Maldives": "Maldives",
"country_Mali": "Mali",
"country_Malta": "Malte",
"country_Martinique": "Martinique",
"country_Mauritania": "Mauritanie",
"country_Mauritius": "Maurice",
"country_Mexico": "Mexique",
"country_Monaco": "Monaco",
"country_Mongolia": "Mongolie",
"country_Moldova, Republic of": "Moldavie",
"country_Montenegro": "Monténégro",
"country_Montserrat": "Montserrat",
"country_Morocco": "Maroc",
"country_Mozambique": "Mozambique",
"country_Oman": "Oman",
"country_Namibia": "Namibie",
"country_Nauru": "Nauru",
"country_Nepal": "Népal",
"country_Netherlands": "Pays-Bas",
"country_Curaçao": "Curaçao",
"country_Aruba": "Aruba",
"country_Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Saint-Martin (partie Pays-Bas)",
"country_Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Pays-Bas caribéens",
"country_New Caledonia": "Nouvelle-Calédonie",
"country_Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
"country_New Zealand": "Nouvelle-Zélande",
"country_Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
"country_Niger": "Niger",
"country_Nigeria": "Nigeria",
"country_Niue": "Niue",
"country_Norfolk Island": "Île Norfolk",
"country_Norway": "Norvège",
"country_Northern Mariana Islands": "Îles Mariannes du Nord",
"country_United States Minor Outlying Islands": "Îles mineures éloignées des États-Unis",
"country_Micronesia, Federated States of": "Micronésie",
"country_Marshall Islands": "Îles Marshall",
"country_Palau": "Palau",
"country_Pakistan": "Pakistan",
"country_Panama": "Panama",
"country_Papua New Guinea": "Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée",
"country_Paraguay": "Paraguay",
"country_Peru": "Pérou",
"country_Philippines": "Philippines",
"country_Pitcairn": "Îles Pitcairn",
"country_Poland": "Pologne",
"country_Portugal": "Portugal",
"country_Guinea-Bissau": "Guinée-Bissau",
"country_Timor-Leste": "Timor oriental",
"country_Puerto Rico": "Puerto Rico",
"country_Qatar": "Qatar",
"country_Réunion": "La Réunion",
"country_Romania": "Roumanie",
"country_Russian Federation": "Fédération Russe",
"country_Rwanda": "Rwanda",
"country_Saint Barthélemy": "Saint Barthélemy",
"country_Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha": "Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha",
"country_Saint Kitts and Nevis": "Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis",
"country_Anguilla": "Anguilla",
"country_Saint Lucia": "Sainte-Lucie",
"country_Saint Martin (French part)": "Saint-Martin (partie française)",
"country_Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "Saint Pierre et Miquelon",
"country_Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": "Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines",
"country_San Marino": "Saint-Marin",
"country_Sao Tome and Principe": "Sao Tomé-et-Principe",
"country_Saudi Arabia": "Arabie Saoudite",
"country_Senegal": "Sénégal",
"country_Serbia": "Serbie",
"country_Seychelles": "Seychelles",
"country_Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leone",
"country_Singapore": "Singapore",
"country_Slovakia": "Slovaquie",
"country_Viet Nam": "Viêt Nam",
"country_Slovenia": "Slovénie",
"country_Somalia": "Somalie",
"country_South Africa": "Afrique du Sud",
"country_Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe",
"country_Spain": "Espagne",
"country_South Sudan": "Soudan du Sud",
"country_Sudan": "Soudan",
"country_Western Sahara": "Sahara occidental",
"country_Suriname": "Suriname",
"country_Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "Svalbard et Jan Mayen",
"country_Swaziland": "Swaziland",
"country_Sweden": "Suède",
"country_Switzerland": "Suisse",
"country_Syrian Arab Republic": "Syrie",
"country_Tajikistan": "Tadjikistan",
"country_Thailand": "Thaïlande",
"country_Togo": "Togo",
"country_Tokelau": "Tokelau",
"country_Tonga": "Tonga",
"country_Trinidad and Tobago": "Trinité-et-Tobago",
"country_United Arab Emirates": "Émirats arabes unis",
"country_Tunisia": "Tunisie",
"country_Turkey": "Turquie",
"country_Turkmenistan": "Turkménistan",
"country_Turks and Caicos Islands": "Îles Turques-et-Caïques",
"country_Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
"country_Uganda": "Ouganda",
"country_Ukraine": "Ukraine",
"country_Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of": "Macédoine",
"country_Egypt": "Egypte",
"country_United Kingdom": "Royaume-Uni",
"country_Guernsey": "Guernsey",
"country_Jersey": "Jersey",
"country_Isle of Man": "Île de Man",
"country_Tanzania, United Republic of": "Tanzanie",
"country_United States": "États-Unis",
"country_Virgin Islands, U.S.": "Îles Vierges des États-Unis",
"country_Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
"country_Uruguay": "Uruguay",
"country_Uzbekistan": "Ouzbékistan",
"country_Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of": "Vénézuela",
"country_Wallis and Futuna": "Wallis et Futuna",
"country_Samoa": "Samoa",
"country_Yemen": "Yémen",
"country_Zambia": "Zambie",
"lang_Brazilian Portuguese": "Portuguais - Brésil",
"lang_Croatian": "Croate",
"lang_Czech": "Tchèque",
"lang_Danish": "Danois",
"lang_Dutch": "Néerlandais",
"lang_English": "Anglais",
"lang_French": "Français",
"lang_French - Canada": "Français - Canada",
"lang_German": "Allemand",
"lang_Italian": "Italien",
"lang_Japanese": "Japonais",
"lang_Lithuanian": "Lituanien",
"lang_Norwegian": "Norvégien",
"lang_Polish": "Polonais",
"lang_Spanish": "Espagnol",
"lang_Spanish - Spain": "Espagnol - Espagne",
"lang_Swedish": "Suédois",
"lang_Albanian": "Albanais",
"lang_Greek": "Grec",
"lang_English - United Kingdom": "Anglais - Royaume Uni",
"lang_Slovenian": "Slovène",
"lang_Finnish": "Finnois",
"lang_Romanian": "Roumain",
"lang_Turkish - Turkey": "Turc - Turquie",
"lang_Portuguese - Brazilian": "Portugais - Brésil",
"lang_Portuguese - Portugal": "Portugais - Portugal",
"lang_Thai": "Thaïlandais",
"lang_Macedonian": "Macedonian",
"lang_Chinese - Taiwan": "Chinese - Taiwan",
"view_client_portal": "Afficher le portail client",
"view_portal": "Voir le portail",
"vendor_contacts": "Contacts du fournisseur",
"all": "Tous",
"selected": "Sélectionné(s)",
"category": "Catégorie",
"categories": "Catégories",
"new_expense_category": "Nouvelle catégorie de dépense",
"edit_category": "Éditer la catégorie",
"archive_expense_category": "Archiver la catégorie",
"expense_categories": "catégories de dépense",
"list_expense_categories": "Liste des catégories de dépense",
"updated_expense_category": "Catégorie de dépense mise à jour avec succès",
"created_expense_category": "Catégorie de dépense créée avec succès",
"archived_expense_category": "Catégorie de dépense archivée avec succès",
"archived_expense_categories": "{count} catégorie(s) de dépense archivée(s) avec succès",
"restore_expense_category": "Restaurer la catégorie de dépense",
"restored_expense_category": "Catégorie de dépense restaurée avec succès",
"apply_taxes": "Appliquer les taxes",
"min_to_max_users": "{min} à {max} utilisateurs",
"max_users_reached": "Le nombre maximum d'utilisateurs a été atteint",
"buy_now_buttons": "Boutons Achetez maintenant",
"landing_page": "Page d'accueil",
"payment_type": "Type de paiement",
"form": "Formulaire",
"link": "Lien",
"fields": "Champs",
"dwolla": "Dwolla",
"buy_now_buttons_warning": "Remarque : le client et la facture sont créés même si la transaction n'est pas terminée.",
"buy_now_buttons_disabled": "Cette fonctionnalité requiert qu'un produit soit créé et qu'une passerelle de paiement soit configurée.",
"enable_buy_now_buttons_help": "Activer les boutons Achetez maintenant",
"changes_take_effect_immediately": "Note : Les changements s'appliquent immédiatement",
"wepay_account_description": "Passerelle de paiement pour Invoice Ninja",
"payment_error_code": "Il y a eu une erreur lors du traitement de paiement [{code}]. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.",
"standard_fees_apply": "Taux : 2.9%\/1.2% [Carte de Crédit\/Transfert Bancaire] + $0.30 par paiement réussit.",
"limit_import_rows": "Les données nécessitent d'être importées en lots de {count} rangées ou moins.",
"error_title": "Il y a eu une erreur",
"error_contact_text": "Si vous avez besoin d'aide, veuillez nous contacter à {mailaddress}",
"no_undo": "Avertissement: Ceci ne peut pas être annulé.",
"no_contact_selected": "Veuillez sélectionner un contact",
"no_client_selected": "Veuillez sélectionner un client",
"gateway_config_error": "Cela pourrait aider de définir de nouveau mots de passe ou générer de nouvelles clés API.",
"payment_type_on_file": "{type} enregistré",
"invoice_for_client": "Facture {invoice} pour {client}",
"intent_not_found": "Désolé, je ne comprends pas bien ce que vous souhaitez.",
"intent_not_supported": "Désolé, je ne peux pas faire cela.",
"client_not_found": "Je n'ai pas pu trouver le client",
"not_allowed": "Désolé, vous n'avez pas les permissions requises",
"bot_emailed_invoice": "Votre facture a été envoyée.",
"bot_emailed_notify_viewed": "Recevez un courriel lorsqu'elle sera vue.",
"bot_emailed_notify_paid": "Recevez un courriel lorsqu'elle sera payée.",
"add_product_to_invoice": "Ajouter 1 {product}",
"not_authorized": "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e)",
"bot_get_email": "Salut! (wave)
Merci d'essayer le Bot Invoice Ninja.
Vous devez créer un compte gratuit pour utiliser ce bot.
Envoyez-moi l'adresse courriel de votre compte pour commencer.",
"bot_get_code": "Merci! Je vous ai envoyé un courriel avec votre code de sécurité.",
"bot_welcome": "Ça y est, votre compte est vérifié.
"email_not_found": "Je n'ai pas pu trouver un compte disponible pour {email}",
"invalid_code": "Le code n'est pas valide",
"security_code_email_subject": "Code de sécurité pour le Bot de Invoice Ninja",
"security_code_email_line1": "Ceci est votre code de sécurité pour le Bot de Invoice Ninja.",
"security_code_email_line2": "Note : il expirera dans 10 minutes.",
"bot_help_message": "Je supporte actuellement:
• Créer\\mettre à jour\\envoyer une facture
• Lister les produits
Par exemple:
Facturer 2 billets à Simon, définir la date d'échéance au prochain jeudi et l'escompte à 10 %<\/i>",
"list_products": "Afficher les produits",
"include_item_taxes_inline": "Inclure une ligne de taxes dans le total de la ligne",
"created_quotes": "{count} offre(s) ont été créée(s)",
"limited_gateways": "Note : Nous supportons une passerelle de carte de crédit par entreprise",
"warning": "Avertissement",
"self-update": "Mettre à jour",
"update_invoiceninja_title": "Mettre à jour Invoice Ninja",
"update_invoiceninja_warning": "Avant de commencer une mise à jour d'Invoice Ninja, créez une sauvegarde de votre base de données et de vos fichiers!",
"update_invoiceninja_available": "Une nouvelle version de Invoice Ninja est disponible.",
"update_invoiceninja_unavailable": "Aucune mise à jour de Invoice Ninja disponible.",
"update_invoiceninja_instructions": "Veuillez installer la nouvelle version {version}<\/strong> en cliquant sur le bouton Mettre à jour<\/em> ci-dessous. Ensuite, vous serez redirigé vers le tableau de bord.",
"update_invoiceninja_update_start": "Mettre à jour maintenant",
"update_invoiceninja_download_start": "Télécharger {version}",
"create_new": "Créer",
"toggle_navigation": "Basculer la navigation",
"toggle_history": "Basculer l'historique",
"unassigned": "Non assigné",
"task": "Tâche",
"contact_name": "Nom du contact",
"city_state_postal": "Ville\/ Province (Département)\/ CP",
"custom_field": "Champ personnalisé",
"account_fields": "Champs pour entreprise",
"facebook_and_twitter": "Facebook et Twitter",
"facebook_and_twitter_help": "Suivez-nous pour nous soutenir notre projet",
"reseller_text": "Remarque: la licence en marque blanche est destinée à un usage personnel, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à: email si vous souhaitez revendre l'application.",
"unnamed_client": "Client sans nom",
"day": "Jour",
"week": "Semaine",
"month": "Mois",
"inactive_logout": "Vous avez été déconnecté en raison de l'inactivité.",
"reports": "Rapports",
"total_profit": "Total des profits",
"total_expenses": "Total des dépenses",
"quote_to": "Offre pour",
"limit": "Limite",
"min_limit": "Min: {min}",
"max_limit": "Max: {max}",
"no_limit": "Aucune limite",
"set_limits": "Définir les limites de {gateway_type}",
"enable_min": "Activer min",
"enable_max": "Activer max",
"min": "Min",
"max": "Max",
"limits_not_met": "Cette facture ne correspond pas aux limites définies pour ce type de paiement.",
"date_range": "Intervalle de dates",
"raw": "Brut",
"raw_html": "HTML brut",
"update": "Mettre à jour",
"invoice_fields_help": "Cliquez et déplacez les champs pour modifier leur ordre et emplacement",
"new_category": "Nouvelle catégorie",
"restore_product": "Rétablir le produit",
"blank": "Vide",
"invoice_save_error": "Il y a eu une erreur lors de la sauvegarde de votre facture",
"enable_recurring": "Activer la récurrence",
"disable_recurring": "Désactiver la récurrence",
"text": "Texte",
"expense_will_create": "la dépense sera créée",
"expenses_will_create": "les dépenses seront créées",
"created_expenses": "{count} dépense(s) créée(s)",
"translate_app": "Aidez-nous à améliorer nos traductions avec {link}",
"expense_category": "Catégorie de dépense",
"go_ninja_pro": "Passez au plan Ninja Pro!",
"go_enterprise": "Passez au plan Enterprise!",
"upgrade_for_features": "Mettre à jour pour plus de fonctionnalités",
"pay_annually_discount": "Payez annuellement pour 10 mois + 2 gratuits",
"pro_upgrade_title": "Ninja Pro",
"pro_upgrade_feature1": "VotreMarque.InvoiceNinja.com",
"pro_upgrade_feature2": "Personnalisez tous les aspects de votre facture",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature1": "Définissez les permissions pour plusieurs utilisateurs",
"enterprise_upgrade_feature2": "Ajoutez des fichiers joints aux factures et dépenses",
"much_more": "Encore plus!",
"all_pro_fetaures": "Plus toutes les fonctionnalités pro !",
"currency_symbol": "Symbole",
"currency_code": "Code",
"buy_license": "Acheter une licence",
"apply_license": "Activer la licence",
"submit": "Envoyer",
"white_label_license_key": "Clé de la licence",
"invalid_white_label_license": "La licence en marque blanche n'est pas valide",
"created_by": "Créé par {name}",
"modules": "Modules",
"financial_year_start": "Premier mois de l'année",
"authentication": "Authentification",
"checkbox": "Case à cocher",
"invoice_signature": "Signature",
"show_accept_invoice_terms": "Case à cocher pour les conditions de facturation",
"show_accept_invoice_terms_help": "Exiger que le client confirme qu'il accepte les conditions de facturation",
"show_accept_quote_terms": "Case à cocher pour les conditions d'offre",
"show_accept_quote_terms_help": "Exiger que le client confirme qu'il accepte les conditions de l'offre",
"require_invoice_signature": "Signature de facture",
"require_invoice_signature_help": "Exiger que le client signe",
"require_quote_signature": "Signature de l'offre",
"require_quote_signature_help": "Exiger que le client signe",
"i_agree": "J'accepte les conditions ci dessus",
"sign_here": "Veuillez signer ici:",
"authorization": "Autorisation",
"signed": "Signé",
"bluevine_promo": "Obtenez des marges de crédit et d'affacturages d'affaires flexible en utilisant BlueVine.",
"bluevine_modal_label": "Inscrivez-vous avec BlueVineInscrivez-vous avec BlueVine",
"bluevine_modal_text": "Finacement rapide pour votre entreprise. Pas de paperasse.<\/h3>\n- Marges de crédit et affacturage d'affaires flexibles.<\/li><\/ul>",
"bluevine_create_account": "Créer un compte",
"quote_types": "Obtenir une offre pour",
"invoice_factoring": "Affacturage",
"line_of_credit": "Ligne de crédit",
"fico_score": "Votre pointage de crédit",
"business_inception": "Date de création de l'entreprise",
"average_bank_balance": "Solde moyen du compte bancaire",
"annual_revenue": "Revenu annuel",
"desired_credit_limit_factoring": "Affacturage désiré",
"desired_credit_limit_loc": "Ligne de crédit désirée",
"desired_credit_limit": "Limite de crédit désirée",
"bluevine_credit_line_type_required": "Faites au moins un choix",
"bluevine_field_required": "Ce champs est requis",
"bluevine_unexpected_error": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite.",
"bluevine_no_conditional_offer": "Vous devez fournir plus d'information afin d'obtenir une offre. Veuillez cliquer sur continuer ci-dessous.",
"bluevine_invoice_factoring": "Affacturage",
"bluevine_conditional_offer": "Offre conditionnelle",
"bluevine_credit_line_amount": "Ligne de crédit",
"bluevine_advance_rate": "Taux de l'accompte",
"bluevine_weekly_discount_rate": "Taux de remise hebdomadaire",
"bluevine_minimum_fee_rate": "Frais minimaux",
"bluevine_line_of_credit": "Ligne de crédit",
"bluevine_interest_rate": "Taux d'intérêts",
"bluevine_weekly_draw_rate": "Taux hebdomadaire de retrait",
"bluevine_continue": "Continuer vers BlueVine",
"bluevine_completed": "Inscription avec BlueVine complétée",
"vendor_name": "Fournisseur",
"entity_state": "État",
"client_created_at": "Date de création",
"postmark_error": "Il y a eu un problème en envoyant le courriel par Postmark: {link}",
"project": "Projet",
"projects": "Projets",
"new_project": "Nouveau projet",
"edit_project": "Editer le projet",
"archive_project": "Archiver le projet",
"list_projects": "Lister les projets",
"updated_project": "Le projet a été mis à jour",
"created_project": "Le projet a été créé",
"archived_project": "Le projet a été archivé",
"archived_projects": "{count} projet(s) a (ont) été archivé(s)",
"restore_project": "Restaurer le projet",
"restored_project": "Le projet a été rétabli",
"delete_project": "Effacer le Projet",
"deleted_project": "Le projet a été supprimé",
"deleted_projects": "{count} projet(s) a (ont) été supprimé(s)",
"delete_expense_category": "Supprimer la catégorie",
"deleted_expense_category": "La catégorie a été supprimée",
"delete_product": "Effacer le Produit",
"deleted_product": "Le produit a été supprimé",
"deleted_products": "{count} produit(s) supprimé(s)",
"restored_product": "Le produit a été rétabli",
"update_credit": "Mettre à jour un crédit",
"updated_credit": "Le crédit a été mis à jour",
"edit_credit": "Éditer le crédit",
"live_preview_help": "Afficher une prévisualisation actualisée sur la page d'une facture.
Désactiver cette fonctionnalité pour améliorer les performances pendant l'édition des factures.",
"force_pdfjs_help": "Remplacer le lecteur PDF intégré dans {chrome_link} et dans {firefox_link}.
Activez cette fonctionnalité si votre navigateur télécharge automatiquement les fichiers PDF.",
"force_pdfjs": "Empêcher le téléchargement",
"redirect_url": "URL de redirection",
"redirect_url_help": "Indiquez si vous le souhaitez une URL à laquelle vous vouler rediriger après l'entrée d'un paiement.",
"save_draft": "Sauvegarder le brouillon",
"refunded_credit_payment": "Paiement de crédit remboursé",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "Raccourcis clavier",
"toggle_menu": "Basculer la navigation",
"new_...": "Nouveau ...",
"list_...": "Lister ...",
"created_at": "Date de création",
"contact_us": "Nous joindre",
"user_guide": "Guide de l'utilisateur",
"promo_message": "Profitez de l'offre d'upgrade avant le {expires} et épargnez {amount} sur la première année de notre plan Pro ou Entreprise.",
"discount_message": "L'offre de {amount} expire le {expires}",
"mark_paid": "Marquer comme payé",
"marked_sent_invoice": "La facture marquée a été envoyée",
"marked_sent_invoices": "Les factures marquées ont été envoyées",
"invoice_name": "Facture",
"product_will_create": "Le produit sera créé",
"contact_us_response": "Merci pour votre message! Nous essaierons de répondre dès que possible. ",
"last_7_days": "7 derniers jours",
"last_30_days": "30 derniers jours",
"this_month": "Mois en cours",
"last_month": "Mois dernier",
"last_year": "Dernière année",
"custom_range": "Intervalle personnalisé",
"url": "URL",
"debug": "Débogage",
"https": "HTTPS",
"require": "Obligatoire",
"license_expiring": "Note: Votre licence va expirer dans {count} jours, {link} pour la renouveler.",
"security_confirmation": "Votre adresse courriel a été confirmée.",
"white_label_expired": "Votre licence en marque blanche a expiré. Merci de la renouveler pour soutenir notre projet.",
"renew_license": "Renouveler la licence",
"iphone_app_message": "Avez-vous penser télécharger notre {link}",
"iphone_app": "App iPhone",
"android_app": "App Android",
"logged_in": "Connecté",
"switch_to_primary": "Veuillez basculer vers votre entreprise initiale ({name}) pour gérer votre plan d'abonnement.",
"inclusive": "Inclusif",
"exclusive": "Exclusif",
"postal_city_state": "Ville\/Province (Département)\/Code postal",
"phantomjs_help": "Dans certains cas, l'application utilise {link_phantom} pour générer le PDF. Installez {link_docs} pour le générer localement.",
"phantomjs_local": "Utilise PhantomJS local",
"client_number": "Numéro de client",
"client_number_help": "Spécifiez un préfixe ou utilisez un modèle personnalisé pour la création du numéro de client.",
"next_client_number": "Le prochain numéro de client est {number}",
"generated_numbers": "Numéros générés",
"notes_reminder1": "Premier rappel",
"notes_reminder2": "Deuxième rappel",
"notes_reminder3": "Troisième rappel",
"bcc_email": "Courriel CCI",
"tax_quote": "Taxe applicable à l'offre",
"tax_invoice": "Taxe de facture",
"emailed_invoices": "Les factures ont été envoyées par courriel",
"emailed_quotes": "Les offres ont été envoyées par courriel",
"website_url": "URL du site web",
"domain": "Domaine",
"domain_help": "Utilisé dans le portail du client et lors de l'envoi de courriels",
"domain_help_website": "Utilisé lors de l'envoi de courriels",
"import_invoices": "Importer des factures",
"new_report": "Nouveau rapport",
"edit_report": "Editer le rapport",
"columns": "Colonnes",
"filters": "Filtres",
"sort_by": "Trier par",
"draft": "Brouillon",
"unpaid": "Non payé",
"aging": "Vieillissement",
"age": "Ancienneté",
"days": "Jours",
"age_group_0": "0 - 30 jours",
"age_group_30": "30 -60 jours",
"age_group_60": "60 - 90 jours",
"age_group_90": "90 - 120 jours",
"age_group_120": "120+ jours",
"invoice_details": "Détails de la facture",
"qty": "Quantité",
"profit_and_loss": "Profits et Pertes",
"revenue": "Revenu",
"profit": "Profit",
"group_when_sorted": "Tri par groupe",
"group_dates_by": "Regrouper les dates par",
"year": "Année",
"view_statement": "Voir le relevé",
"statement": "Relevé",
"statement_date": "Date du relevé",
"mark_active": "Marquer comme actif",
"send_automatically": "Envoyer automatiquement",
"initial_email": "Courriel initial",
"invoice_not_emailed": "Cette facture n'a pas encore été envoyée par courriel.",
"quote_not_emailed": "Ce devis n'a pas encore été envoyé par courriel.",
"sent_by": "Envoyé par {user}",
"recipients": "Destinataires",
"save_as_default": "Sauvegarder par défaut",
"template": "Modèle",
"first_day_of_week_help": "Utilisés par des sélecteurs de date<\/b>",
"financial_year_start_help": "Utilisés par des sélecteurs de plages de date<\/b>",
"reports_help": "Shift + Click to sort by multiple columns, Ctrl + Click to clear the grouping.",
"this_year": "Cette année",
"ninja_tagline": "Créer. Envoyer. Être payé.",
"login_or_existing": "Ou se connecter avec un compte connecté.",
"sign_up_now": "Inscrivez-vous maintenant",
"not_a_member_yet": "Pas encore membre ?",
"login_create_an_account": "Créez un compte !",
"client_login": "Connexion client",
"invoice_from": "Factures de :",
"email_alias_message": "Chaque société doit avoir une adresse email unique.
Envisagez d'utiliser un alias. ie, email+label@example.com",
"full_name": "Nom complet",
"month_year": "MOIS\/ANNEE",
"valid_thru": "Valide\\njusqu'au",
"product_fields": "Champs de produit",
"custom_product_fields_help": "Ajoute un champ lors de la création d'un produit ou d'une facture et affiche l'étiquette et la valeur sur le PDF.",
"freq_two_months": "Deux mois",
"freq_yearly": "Annuellement",
"profile": "Profil",
"payment_type_help": "Définit le type de paiement manuel <\/b> par défaut.",
"industry_Construction": "Construction",
"your_statement": "Votre relevé",
"statement_issued_to": "Relevé délivré à",
"statement_to": "Relevé à",
"customize_options": "Personnaliser les options",
"created_payment_term": "Conditions de paiement créées avec succès",
"updated_payment_term": "Conditions de paiement mises à jour avec succès",
"archived_payment_term": "Conditions de paiement archivées avec succès",
"resend_invite": "Renvoyer une invitation",
"credit_created_by": "Le crédit a été créé par le paiement {transaction_reference}",
"created_payment_and_credit": "Le paiement et le crédit ont été créés",
"created_payment_and_credit_emailed_client": "Le paiement et le crédit ont été créés et envoyés par courriel au client",
"create_project": "Créer un projet",
"create_vendor": "Créer un fournisseur",
"create_expense_category": "Créer une catégorie",
"pro_plan_reports": "{link} pour activer les rapports en joignant le Plan Pro",
"mark_ready": "Marquer comme prêt",
"limits": "Limites",
"fees": "Frais",
"fee": "Frais",
"set_limits_fees": "Définir les limites\/frais de {gateway_type}",
"fees_tax_help": "Activer les taxes par article pour définir les taux de taxes.",
"fees_sample": "Le frais pour une facture de {amount} serait de {total}.",
"discount_sample": "La réduction pour une facture de {amount} serait de {total}.",
"no_fees": "Aucun frais",
"gateway_fees_disclaimer": "Attention: tous les pays\/passerelles de paiement n'autorisent pas l'ajout de frais. Consultez les conditions d'utilisation de votre passerelle de paiement.",
"percent": "Pourcent",
"location": "Localisation",
"line_item": "Ligne d'article",
"surcharge": "Majoration",
"location_first_surcharge": "Activé - Première majoration",
"location_second_surcharge": "Activé - Seconde majoration",
"location_line_item": "Activer - Ligne d'article",
"online_payment_surcharge": "Majoration de paiement en ligne",
"gateway_fees": "Frais de la passerelle",
"fees_disabled": "Les frais sont désactivés",
"gateway_fees_help": "Ajoute automatiquement une surcharge\/remise de paiement en ligne.",
"gateway": "Passerelle",
"gateway_fee_change_warning": "S'il existe des factures impayées avec des frais, elles doivent être mises à jour manuellement.",
"fees_surcharge_help": "Personnaliser la majoration {link}.",
"label_and_taxes": "Libellé et taxes",
"billable": "Facturable",
"logo_warning_too_large": "Le fichier image est trop grand",
"logo_warning_fileinfo": "Attention : Pour supporter les gifs, l'extension PHP fileinfo doit être activée.",
"logo_warning_invalid": "il y a eu un problème lors de la lecture du fichier image, merci d'essayer un autre format.",
"error_refresh_page": "Un erreur est survenue, merci de rafraichir la page et essayer à nouveau",
"data": "Données",
"imported_settings": "Paramètres importés avec succès",
"reset_counter": "Remettre le compteur à zéro",
"next_reset": "Prochaine remise à zéro",
"reset_counter_help": "Remettre automatiquement à zéro les compteurs de facture et de devis.",
"auto_bill_failed": "La facturation automatique de {invoice_number} a échouée.",
"online_payment_discount": "Remise de paiement en ligne",
"created_new_company": "La nouvelle entreprise a été créé",
"fees_disabled_for_gateway": "Les frais sont désactivés pour cette passerelle.",
"logout_and_delete": "Déconnexion\/Suppression du compte",
"tax_rate_type_help": "Inclusive tax rates adjust the line item cost when selected.