// *********************************************************** // This example support/index.js is processed and // loaded automatically before your test files. // // This is a great place to put global configuration and // behavior that modifies Cypress. // // You can change the location of this file or turn off // automatically serving support files with the // 'supportFile' configuration option. // // You can read more here: // https://on.cypress.io/configuration // *********************************************************** /// import './laravel-commands'; import './laravel-routes'; import './assertions'; before(() => { cy.task('activateCypressEnvFile', {}, { log: false }); cy.artisan('config:clear', {}, { log: false }); cy.refreshRoutes(); cy.artisan("migrate:fresh", { '--seed': true, }); cy.artisan("db:seed", { '--class': 'RandomDataSeeder', }); }); after(() => { cy.task('activateLocalEnvFile', {}, { log: false }); cy.artisan('config:clear', {}, { log: false }); });