markTestSkipped('prevent running in CI'); $this->makeTestData(); } public function testRoBuild() { $settings = $this->company->settings; $settings->currency_id = '42'; $this->company->saveSettings($settings, $this->company); $this->company->save(); $settings = ClientSettings::defaults(); $settings->currency_id = '42'; //VAT //19% $client = Client::factory() ->create([ 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'company_id' => $this->company->id, 'id_number' => '646546549', 'address1' => '40D, Șoseaua București-Ploiești', 'city' => 'SECTOR3', 'state' => 'RO-B', 'country_id' => 642, 'vat_number' => 646546549, 'name' => 'Client Company Name', 'settings' => $settings, ]); ClientContact::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'company_id' => $this->company->id, 'client_id' => $client->id, 'first_name' => 'Bob', 'last_name' => 'Jane', 'email' => '', ]); $items = []; $item = new InvoiceItem(); $item->cost = 10; $item->quantity = 10; $item->tax_name1 = 'VAT'; $item->tax_rate1 = '19'; $item->product_key = "Product Name"; $item->notes = "A great product description"; $_invoice = Invoice::factory()->create([ 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'company_id' => $this->company->id, 'client_id' => $client->id, 'number' => 'INV-'.rand(1000, 1000000), 'line_items' => [$item], 'due_date' => now()->addDays(20)->format('Y-m-d'), 'status_id' => 1, 'discount' => 0, ]); $_invoice->service()->markSent()->save(); $calc = $_invoice->calc(); $invoice = new \InvoiceNinja\EInvoice\Models\Peppol\Invoice(); $invoice->UBLVersionID = '2.1'; $invoice->CustomizationID = ''; $invoice->ID = $_invoice->number; $invoice->InvoiceTypeCode = 380; $invoice->IssueDate = new DateTime($_invoice->date); $invoice->DueDate = new DateTime($_invoice->due_date); $invoice->DocumentCurrencyCode = 'RON'; $invoice->TaxCurrencyCode = 'RON'; $asp = new AccountingSupplierParty(); $party = new Party(); $party_identification = new PartyIdentification(); $party_identification->ID = 'company_id_number'; $party->PartyIdentification[] = $party_identification; $sp_address = new PostalAddress(); $sp_address->StreetName = $this->company->settings->address1; $sp_address->CityName = 'SECTOR2'; $sp_address->CountrySubentity = 'RO-B'; $country = new Country(); $country->IdentificationCode = 'RO'; $sp_address->Country = $country; $party->PostalAddress = $sp_address; $pts = new PartyTaxScheme(); $tax_scheme = new TaxScheme(); $tax_scheme->ID = 'VAT'; $pts->CompanyID = 'RO234234234'; $pts->TaxScheme = $tax_scheme; $party->PartyTaxScheme[] = $pts; $ple = new PartyLegalEntity(); $ple->RegistrationName = $this->company->settings->name; $ple->CompanyID = 'J40/2222/2009'; $party->PartyLegalEntity[] = $ple; $p_contact = new Contact(); $p_contact->Name = $this->company->owner()->present()->name(); $p_contact->Telephone = $this->company->settings->phone; $p_contact->ElectronicMail = $this->company->owner()->email; $party->Contact = $p_contact; $asp->Party = $party; $invoice->AccountingSupplierParty = $asp; $acp = new AccountingCustomerParty(); $party = new Party(); $party_identification = new PartyIdentification(); $party_identification->ID = 'client_id_number'; $party->PartyIdentification[] = $party_identification; $sp_address = new PostalAddress(); $sp_address->StreetName = $client->address1; $sp_address->CityName = 'SECTOR2'; $sp_address->CountrySubentity = 'RO-B'; $country = new Country(); $country->IdentificationCode = 'RO'; $sp_address->Country = $country; $party->PostalAddress = $sp_address; $ple = new PartyLegalEntity(); $ple->RegistrationName = $client->name; $ple->CompanyID = '646546549'; $party->PartyLegalEntity[] = $ple; $p_contact = new Contact(); $p_contact->Name = $client->contacts->first()->present()->name(); $p_contact->Telephone = $client->contacts->first()->present()->phone(); $p_contact->ElectronicMail = $client->contacts->first()->present()->email(); $party->Contact = $p_contact; $acp->Party = $party; $invoice->AccountingCustomerParty = $acp; $taxtotal = new TaxTotal(); $tax_amount = new TaxAmount(); $tax_amount->amount = $calc->getItemTotalTaxes(); $tax_amount->currencyID = $_invoice->client->currency()->code; $tc = new TaxCategory(); $tc->ID = "S"; $taxable = $this->getTaxable($_invoice); $taxable_amount = new TaxableAmount(); $taxable_amount->amount = $taxable; $taxable_amount->currencyID = $_invoice->client->currency()->code; $tax_sub_total = new TaxSubtotal(); $tax_sub_total->TaxAmount = $tax_amount; $tax_sub_total->TaxCategory = $tc; $tax_sub_total->TaxableAmount = $taxable_amount; $taxtotal->TaxSubtotal[] = $tax_sub_total; $invoice->TaxTotal[] = $taxtotal; $lmt = new LegalMonetaryTotal(); $lea = new LineExtensionAmount(); $lea->amount = $taxable; $lea->currencyID = $_invoice->client->currency()->code; $lmt->LineExtensionAmount = $lea; $tea = new TaxExclusiveAmount(); $tea->amount = $taxable; $tea->currencyID = $_invoice->client->currency()->code; $lmt->TaxExclusiveAmount = $tea; $tia = new TaxInclusiveAmount(); $tia->amount = $_invoice->amount; $tia->currencyID = $_invoice->client->currency()->code; $lmt->TaxInclusiveAmount = $tia; $pa = new PayableAmount(); $pa->amount = $_invoice->amount; $pa->currencyID = $_invoice->client->currency()->code; $lmt->PayableAmount = $pa; $invoice->LegalMonetaryTotal = $lmt; foreach($_invoice->line_items as $key => $item) { $invoice_line = new InvoiceLine(); $invoice_line->ID = $key++; $iq = new InvoicedQuantity(); $iq->amount = $item->cost; $iq->unitCode = 'H87'; $invoice_line->InvoicedQuantity = $iq; $invoice_line->Note = substr($item->notes, 0, 200); $ctc = new ClassifiedTaxCategory(); $ctc->ID = 'S'; $i = new Item(); $i->Description = $item->notes; $i->Name = $item->product_key; $tax_scheme = new PeppolTaxScheme(); $tax_scheme->ID = $item->tax_name1; $tax_scheme->Name = $item->tax_rate1; $ctc = new ClassifiedTaxCategory(); $ctc->TaxScheme = $tax_scheme; $ctc->ID = 'S'; $i->ClassifiedTaxCategory[] = $ctc; $invoice_line->Item = $i; $lea = new LineExtensionAmount(); $lea->amount = $item->line_total; $lea->currencyID = $_invoice->client->currency()->code; $invoice_line->LineExtensionAmount = $lea; $price = new Price(); $pa = new PriceAmount(); $pa->amount = $item->line_total; $pa->currencyID = $_invoice->client->currency()->code; $price->PriceAmount = $pa; $lea = new LineExtensionAmount(); $lea->amount = $item->line_total; $lea->currencyID = $_invoice->client->currency()->code; $invoice_line->LineExtensionAmount = $lea; $invoice->InvoiceLine[] = $invoice_line; } $validator = Validation::createValidatorBuilder() ->enableAttributeMapping() ->getValidator(); $errors = $validator->validate($invoice); foreach($errors as $error) { // echo $error->getPropertyPath() . ': ' . $error->getMessage() . "\n"; } $this->assertCount(0, $errors); $phpDocExtractor = new PhpDocExtractor(); $reflectionExtractor = new ReflectionExtractor(); // list of PropertyListExtractorInterface (any iterable) $listExtractors = [$reflectionExtractor]; // list of PropertyTypeExtractorInterface (any iterable) $typeExtractors = [$reflectionExtractor,$phpDocExtractor]; // list of PropertyDescriptionExtractorInterface (any iterable) $descriptionExtractors = [$phpDocExtractor]; // list of PropertyAccessExtractorInterface (any iterable) $accessExtractors = [$reflectionExtractor]; // list of PropertyInitializableExtractorInterface (any iterable) $propertyInitializableExtractors = [$reflectionExtractor]; $propertyInfo = new PropertyInfoExtractor( // $listExtractors, $propertyInitializableExtractors, $descriptionExtractors, $typeExtractors, // $accessExtractors, ); $context = [ 'xml_format_output' => true, 'remove_empty_tags' => true, ]; $encoder = new XmlEncoder($context); $classMetadataFactory = new ClassMetadataFactory(new AttributeLoader()); $metadataAwareNameConverter = new MetadataAwareNameConverter($classMetadataFactory); $discriminator = new ClassDiscriminatorFromClassMetadata($classMetadataFactory); $normalizer = new ObjectNormalizer($classMetadataFactory, $metadataAwareNameConverter, null, $propertyInfo); $normalizers = [ new DateTimeNormalizer(), $normalizer, new ArrayDenormalizer() , ]; $encoders = [$encoder, new JsonEncoder()]; $serializer = new Serializer($normalizers, $encoders); $n_context = [ AbstractObjectNormalizer::SKIP_NULL_VALUES => true, // AbstractObjectNormalizer::SKIP_UNINITIALIZED_VALUES => true, ]; // $invoice = $normalizer->normalize($invoice, 'json', $n_context); // echo print_r($invoice); // $invoice = $serializer->serialize($invoice, 'xml', $n_context); $dataxml = $serializer->encode($invoice, 'xml', $context); // echo $dataxml; //set default standard props } /** * @return float|int|mixed */ private function getTaxable(Invoice $invoice): float { $total = 0; foreach ($invoice->line_items as $item) { $line_total = $item->quantity * $item->cost; if ($item->discount != 0) { if ($invoice->is_amount_discount) { $line_total -= $item->discount; } else { $line_total -= $line_total * $item->discount / 100; } } $total += $line_total; } if ($invoice->discount > 0) { if ($invoice->is_amount_discount) { $total -= $invoice->discount; } else { $total *= (100 - $invoice->discount) / 100; $total = round($total, 2); } } if ($invoice->custom_surcharge1 && $invoice->custom_surcharge_tax1) { $total += $invoice->custom_surcharge1; } if ($invoice->custom_surcharge2 && $invoice->custom_surcharge_tax2) { $total += $invoice->custom_surcharge2; } if ($invoice->custom_surcharge3 && $invoice->custom_surcharge_tax3) { $total += $invoice->custom_surcharge3; } if ($invoice->custom_surcharge4 && $invoice->custom_surcharge_tax4) { $total += $invoice->custom_surcharge4; } return $total; } }