render('payments.index'); } /** * Display the specified resource. * * @param Request $request * @param Payment $payment * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function show(Request $request, Payment $payment) { $payment->load('invoices'); return $this->render('', [ 'payment' => $payment, ]); } /** * Presents the payment screen for a given * gateway and payment method. * The request will also contain the amount * and invoice ids for reference. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|mixed */ public function process() { //REFACTOR - Here the request will contain an array of invoices and the amount to be charged for the invoice //REFACTOR - At this point, we will also need to modify the invoice to include a line item for a gateway fee if applicable // This is tagged with a type_id of 3 which is for a pending gateway fee. //REFACTOR - In order to preserve state we should save the array of invoices and amounts and store it in db/cache and use a HASH // to rehydrate these values in the payment response. // dd(request()->all()); $gateway = CompanyGateway::find(request()->input('company_gateway_id')); /*find invoices*/ $payable_invoices = request()->payable_invoices; $invoices = Invoice::whereIn('id', $this->transformKeys(array_column($payable_invoices, 'invoice_id')))->get(); /*filter only payable invoices*/ $invoices = $invoices->filter(function ($invoice) { return $invoice->isPayable(); }); /*return early if no invoices*/ if ($invoices->count() == 0) { return redirect() ->route('client.invoices.index') ->with(['warning' => 'No payable invoices selected.']); } /*iterate through invoices and add gateway fees and other payment metadata*/ foreach($payable_invoices as $key => $payable_invoice) { $payable_invoices[$key]['amount'] = Number::parseFloat($payable_invoice['amount']); $payable_invoice['amount'] = $payable_invoices[$key]['amount']; $invoice = $invoices->first(function ($inv) use($payable_invoice) { return $payable_invoice['invoice_id'] == $inv->hashed_id; }); $payable_invoices[$key]['due_date'] = $this->formatDate($invoice->due_date, $invoice->client->date_format()); $payable_invoices[$key]['invoice_number'] = $invoice->number; if(isset($invoice->po_number)) $additional_info = $invoice->po_number; elseif(isset($invoice->public_notes)) $additional_info = $invoice->public_notes; else $additional_info = $invoice->date; $payable_invoices[$key]['additional_info'] = $additional_info; } if ((bool) request()->signature) { $invoices->each(function ($invoice) { InjectSignature::dispatch($invoice, request()->signature); }); } $payment_methods = auth()->user()->client->getPaymentMethods(array_sum(array_column($payable_invoices, 'amount_with_fee'))); $payment_method_id = request()->input('payment_method_id'); $invoice_totals = array_sum(array_column($payable_invoices,'amount')); $fee_totals = round($gateway->calcGatewayFee($invoice_totals), $invoices->first()->client->currency()->precision); $payment_hash = new PaymentHash; $payment_hash->hash = Str::random(128); $payment_hash->data = $payable_invoices; $payment_hash->fee_total = $fee_totals; $payment_hash->save(); $totals = [ 'invoice_totals' => $invoice_totals, 'fee_total' => $fee_totals, 'amount_with_fee' => $invoice_totals + $fee_totals, ]; $data = [ 'payment_hash' => $payment_hash->hash, 'total' => $totals, 'invoices' => $payable_invoices, 'token' => auth()->user()->client->gateway_token($gateway->id, $payment_method_id), 'payment_method_id' => $payment_method_id, 'amount_with_fee' => $invoice_totals + $fee_totals, ]; return $gateway ->driver(auth()->user()->client) ->setPaymentMethod($payment_method_id) ->processPaymentView($data); } public function response(PaymentResponseRequest $request) { /*Payment Gateway*/ $gateway = CompanyGateway::find($request->input('company_gateway_id'))->firstOrFail(); //REFACTOR - Entry point for the gateway response - we don't need to do anything at this point. // // - Inside each gateway driver, we should use have a generic code path (in BaseDriver.php)for successful/failed payment // // Success workflow // // - Rehydrate the hash and iterate through the invoices and update the balances // - Update the type_id of the gateway fee to type_id 4 // - Link invoices to payment // // Failure workflow // // - Rehydrate hash, iterate through invoices and remove type_id 3's // - Recalcuate invoice totals return $gateway ->driver(auth()->user()->client) ->setPaymentMethod($request->input('payment_method_id')) ->processPaymentResponse($request); } }