accountRepo = $accountRepo; $this->mailer = $mailer; $this->emailService = $emailService; } public function showSetup() { if (Utils::isNinjaProd() || (Utils::isDatabaseSetup() && Account::count() > 0)) { return Redirect::to('/'); } return View::make('setup'); } public function doSetup() { if (Utils::isNinjaProd()) { return Redirect::to('/'); } $valid = false; $test = Input::get('test'); $app = Input::get('app'); $app['key'] = env('APP_KEY') ?: strtolower(str_random(RANDOM_KEY_LENGTH)); $app['debug'] = Input::get('debug') ? 'true' : 'false'; $app['https'] = Input::get('https') ? 'true' : 'false'; $database = Input::get('database'); $dbType = 'mysql'; // $database['default']; $database['connections'] = [$dbType => $database['type']]; $mail = Input::get('mail'); if ($test == 'mail') { return self::testMail($mail); } $valid = self::testDatabase($database); if ($test == 'db') { return $valid === true ? 'Success' : $valid; } elseif (! $valid) { return Redirect::to('/setup')->withInput(); } if (Utils::isDatabaseSetup() && Account::count() > 0) { return Redirect::to('/'); } $_ENV['APP_ENV'] = 'production'; $_ENV['APP_DEBUG'] = $app['debug']; $_ENV['APP_LOCALE'] = 'en'; $_ENV['APP_URL'] = $app['url']; $_ENV['APP_KEY'] = $app['key']; $_ENV['APP_CIPHER'] = env('APP_CIPHER', 'AES-256-CBC'); $_ENV['REQUIRE_HTTPS'] = $app['https']; $_ENV['DB_TYPE'] = $dbType; $_ENV['DB_HOST'] = $database['type']['host']; $_ENV['DB_DATABASE'] = $database['type']['database']; $_ENV['DB_USERNAME'] = $database['type']['username']; $_ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] = $database['type']['password']; $_ENV['MAIL_DRIVER'] = $mail['driver']; $_ENV['MAIL_PORT'] = $mail['port']; $_ENV['MAIL_ENCRYPTION'] = $mail['encryption']; $_ENV['MAIL_HOST'] = $mail['host']; $_ENV['MAIL_USERNAME'] = $mail['username']; $_ENV['MAIL_FROM_NAME'] = $mail['from']['name']; $_ENV['MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS'] = $mail['from']['address']; $_ENV['MAIL_PASSWORD'] = $mail['password']; $_ENV['PHANTOMJS_CLOUD_KEY'] = 'a-demo-key-with-low-quota-per-ip-address'; $_ENV['PHANTOMJS_SECRET'] = strtolower(str_random(RANDOM_KEY_LENGTH)); $_ENV['MAILGUN_DOMAIN'] = $mail['mailgun_domain']; $_ENV['MAILGUN_SECRET'] = $mail['mailgun_secret']; $config = ''; foreach ($_ENV as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { continue; } if (preg_match('/\s/', $val)) { $val = "'{$val}'"; } $config .= "{$key}={$val}\n"; } // Write Config Settings $fp = fopen(base_path().'/.env', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $config); fclose($fp); if (! Utils::isDatabaseSetup()) { // == DB Migrate & Seed == // $sqlFile = base_path() . '/database/setup.sql'; DB::unprepared(file_get_contents($sqlFile)); } Cache::flush(); Artisan::call('db:seed', ['--force' => true, '--class' => 'UpdateSeeder']); if (! Account::count()) { $firstName = trim(Input::get('first_name')); $lastName = trim(Input::get('last_name')); $email = trim(strtolower(Input::get('email'))); $password = trim(Input::get('password')); $account = $this->accountRepo->create($firstName, $lastName, $email, $password); $user = $account->users()->first(); $user->acceptLatestTerms(request()->getClientIp()); $user->save(); } return Redirect::to('/login'); } public function updateSetup() { if (Utils::isNinjaProd()) { return Redirect::to('/'); } if (! Auth::check() && Utils::isDatabaseSetup() && Account::count() > 0) { return Redirect::to('/'); } if (! $canUpdateEnv = @fopen(base_path().'/.env', 'w')) { Session::flash('error', 'Warning: Permission denied to write to .env config file, try running sudo chown www-data:www-data /path/to/ninja/.env'); return Redirect::to('/settings/system_settings'); } $app = Input::get('app'); $db = Input::get('database'); $mail = Input::get('mail'); $_ENV['APP_URL'] = $app['url']; $_ENV['APP_DEBUG'] = Input::get('debug') ? 'true' : 'false'; $_ENV['REQUIRE_HTTPS'] = Input::get('https') ? 'true' : 'false'; $_ENV['DB_TYPE'] = 'mysql'; // $db['default']; $_ENV['DB_HOST'] = $db['type']['host']; $_ENV['DB_DATABASE'] = $db['type']['database']; $_ENV['DB_USERNAME'] = $db['type']['username']; $_ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] = $db['type']['password']; if ($mail) { $prefix = ''; if (($user = auth()->user()) && Account::count() > 1) { $prefix = $user->account_id . '_'; } $_ENV[$prefix . 'MAIL_DRIVER'] = $mail['driver']; $_ENV[$prefix . 'MAIL_PORT'] = $mail['port']; $_ENV[$prefix . 'MAIL_ENCRYPTION'] = $mail['encryption']; $_ENV[$prefix . 'MAIL_HOST'] = $mail['host']; $_ENV[$prefix . 'MAIL_USERNAME'] = $mail['username']; $_ENV[$prefix . 'MAIL_FROM_NAME'] = $mail['from']['name']; $_ENV[$prefix . 'MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS'] = $mail['from']['address']; $_ENV[$prefix . 'MAIL_PASSWORD'] = $mail['password']; $_ENV['MAILGUN_DOMAIN'] = $mail['mailgun_domain']; $_ENV['MAILGUN_SECRET'] = $mail['mailgun_secret']; } $config = ''; foreach ($_ENV as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { continue; } if (preg_match('/\s/', $val)) { $val = "'{$val}'"; } $config .= "{$key}={$val}\n"; } $filePath = base_path().'/.env'; $fp = fopen($filePath, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $config); fclose($fp); Session::flash('message', trans('texts.updated_settings')); return Redirect::to('/settings/system_settings'); } private function testDatabase($database) { $dbType = 'mysql'; // $database['default']; Config::set('database.default', $dbType); foreach ($database['connections'][$dbType] as $key => $val) { Config::set("database.connections.{$dbType}.{$key}", $val); } try { DB::reconnect(); $valid = DB::connection()->getDatabaseName() ? true : false; } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } return $valid; } private function testMail($mail) { $email = $mail['from']['address']; $fromName = $mail['from']['name']; foreach ($mail as $key => $val) { Config::set("mail.{$key}", $val); } Config::set('mail.from.address', $email); Config::set('', $fromName); $data = [ 'text' => 'Test email', 'fromEmail' => $email ]; try { $response = $this->mailer->sendTo($email, $email, $fromName, 'Test email', 'contact', $data); return $response === true ? 'Sent' : $response; } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } } public function install() { if (! Utils::isNinjaProd() && ! Utils::isDatabaseSetup()) { try { set_time_limit(60 * 5); // shouldn't take this long but just in case Artisan::call('migrate', ['--force' => true]); if (Industry::count() == 0) { Artisan::call('db:seed', ['--force' => true]); } } catch (Exception $e) { Utils::logError($e); return Response::make($e->getMessage(), 500); } } return Redirect::to('/'); } public function update() { if (! Utils::isNinjaProd()) { if ($password = env('UPDATE_SECRET')) { if (! hash_equals($password, request('secret') ?: '')) { $message = 'Invalid secret: /update?secret='; Utils::logError($message); echo $message; exit; } } try { set_time_limit(60 * 5); $this->checkInnoDB(); $cacheCompiled = base_path('bootstrap/cache/compiled.php'); if (file_exists($cacheCompiled)) { unlink ($cacheCompiled); } $cacheServices = base_path('bootstrap/cache/services.json'); if (file_exists($cacheServices)) { unlink ($cacheServices); } Artisan::call('clear-compiled'); Artisan::call('cache:clear'); Artisan::call('debugbar:clear'); Artisan::call('route:clear'); Artisan::call('view:clear'); Artisan::call('config:clear'); Auth::logout(); Cache::flush(); Session::flush(); Artisan::call('migrate', ['--force' => true]); Artisan::call('db:seed', ['--force' => true, '--class' => 'UpdateSeeder']); Event::fire(new UserSettingsChanged()); // legacy fix: check cipher is in .env file if (! env('APP_CIPHER')) { $fp = fopen(base_path().'/.env', 'a'); fwrite($fp, "\nAPP_CIPHER=AES-256-CBC"); fclose($fp); } // show message with link to Trello board $message = trans('texts.see_whats_new', ['version' => NINJA_VERSION]); $message = link_to(RELEASES_URL, $message, ['target' => '_blank']); $message = sprintf('%s - %s', trans('texts.processed_updates'), $message); Session::flash('warning', $message); } catch (Exception $e) { Utils::logError($e); return Response::make($e->getMessage(), 500); } } return Redirect::to('/?clear_cache=true'); } // MySQL changed the default table type from MyISAM to InnoDB // We need to make sure all tables are InnoDB to prevent migration failures public function checkInnoDB() { $result = DB::select("SELECT engine FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='clients' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='ninja'"); if (count($result) && $result[0]->engine == 'InnoDB') { return; } $tables = DB::select('SHOW TABLES'); $sql = "SET sql_mode = 'ALLOW_INVALID_DATES';\n"; foreach($tables as $table) { $fieldName = 'Tables_in_' . env('DB_DATABASE'); $sql .= "ALTER TABLE {$table->$fieldName} engine=InnoDB;\n"; } DB::unprepared($sql); } public function emailBounced() { $messageId = Input::get('MessageID'); $error = Input::get('Name') . ': ' . Input::get('Description'); return $this->emailService->markBounced($messageId, $error) ? RESULT_SUCCESS : RESULT_FAILURE; } public function emailOpened() { $messageId = Input::get('MessageID'); return $this->emailService->markOpened($messageId) ? RESULT_SUCCESS : RESULT_FAILURE; return RESULT_SUCCESS; } public function checkData() { try { Artisan::call('ninja:check-data'); Artisan::call('ninja:init-lookup', ['--validate' => true]); // check error log is empty $errorLog = storage_path('logs/laravel-error.log'); if (file_exists($errorLog)) { return 'Failure: error log exists'; } return RESULT_SUCCESS; } catch (Exception $exception) { return $exception->getMessage() ?: RESULT_FAILURE; } } public function errors() { if (Utils::isNinjaProd()) { return redirect('/'); } $errors = Utils::getErrors(); return view('errors.list', compact('errors')); } public function stats() { if (! hash_equals(Input::get('password') ?: '', env('RESELLER_PASSWORD'))) { sleep(3); return ''; } if (Utils::getResllerType() == RESELLER_REVENUE_SHARE) { $data = DB::table('accounts') ->leftJoin('payments', 'payments.account_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('clients', '', '=', 'payments.client_id') ->where('accounts.account_key', '=', NINJA_ACCOUNT_KEY) ->where('payments.is_deleted', '=', false) ->get([ 'clients.public_id as client_id', 'payments.public_id as payment_id', 'payments.payment_date', 'payments.amount', ]); } else { $data = DB::table('users')->count(); } return json_encode($data); } public function testHeadless() { $invoice = Invoice::scope()->orderBy('id')->first(); if (! $invoice) { dd('Please create an invoice to run this test'); } header('Content-type:application/pdf'); echo $invoice->getPDFString(); exit; } public function runCommand() { if (Utils::isNinjaProd()) { abort(400, 'Not allowed'); } $command = request()->command; $options = request()->options ?: []; $secret = env('COMMAND_SECRET'); if (! $secret) { exit('Set a value for COMMAND_SECRET in the .env file'); } elseif (! hash_equals($secret, request()->secret ?: '')) { exit('Invalid secret'); } if (! $command || ! in_array($command, ['send-invoices', 'send-reminders', 'update-key'])) { exit('Invalid command: Valid options are send-invoices, send-reminders or update-key'); } Artisan::call('ninja:' . $command, $options); return response(nl2br(Artisan::output())); } public function redirect() { return redirect((Utils::isNinja() ? NINJA_WEB_URL : ''), 301); } }