export default { "ca": { "passwords": { "password": "Les contrasenyes han de contenir almenys 6 caràcters i coincidir.", "reset": "La contrasenya s'ha restablert!", "sent": "Recordatori de contrasenya enviat!", "token": "Aquest token de recuperació de contrasenya és invàlid.", "user": "No podem trobar a un usuari amb aquest correu electrònic." }, "auth": { "failed": "Aquestes credencials no concorden amb els nostres registres.", "throttle": "Heu superat el nombre màxim d'intents d'accés. Per favor, torna a intentar-ho en {seconds} segons." }, "pagination": { "previous": "« Anterior", "next": "Següent »" }, "validation": { "accepted": "{attribute} ha de ser acceptat.", "active_url": "{attribute} no és un URL vàlid.", "after": "{attribute} ha de ser una data posterior a {date}.", "alpha": "{attribute} només pot contenir lletres.", "alpha_dash": "{attribute} només por contenir lletres, números i guions.", "alpha_num": "{attribute} només pot contenir lletres i números.", "array": "{attribute} ha de ser un conjunt.", "before": "{attribute} ha de ser una data anterior a {date}.", "between": { "numeric": "{attribute} ha d'estar entre {min} - {max}.", "file": "{attribute} ha de pesar entre {min} - {max} kilobytes.", "string": "{attribute} ha de tenir entre {min} - {max} caràcters.", "array": "{attribute} ha de tenir entre {min} - {max} ítems." }, "boolean": "El camp {attribute} ha de ser veritat o fals", "confirmed": "La confirmació de {attribute} no coincideix.", "date": "{attribute} no és una data vàlida.", "date_format": "{attribute} no correspon al format {format}.", "different": "{attribute} i {other} han de ser diferents.", "digits": "{attribute} ha de tenir {digits} digits.", "digits_between": "{attribute} ha de tenir entre {min} i {max} digits.", "dimensions": "The {attribute} has invalid image dimensions.", "distinct": "The {attribute} field has a duplicate value.", "email": "{attribute} no és un e-mail vàlid", "exists": "{attribute} és invàlid.", "filled": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori.", "image": "{attribute} ha de ser una imatge.", "in": "{attribute} és invàlid", "in_array": "The {attribute} field does not exist in {other}.", "integer": "{attribute} ha de ser un nombre enter.", "ip": "{attribute} ha de ser una adreça IP vàlida.", "json": "El camp {attribute} ha de contenir una cadena JSON vàlida.", "max": { "numeric": "{attribute} no ha de ser major a {max}.", "file": "{attribute} no ha de ser més gran que {max} kilobytes.", "string": "{attribute} no ha de ser més gran que {max} characters.", "array": "{attribute} no ha de tenir més de {max} ítems." }, "mimes": "{attribute} ha de ser un arxiu amb format: {values}.", "min": { "numeric": "El tamany de {attribute} ha de ser d'almenys {min}.", "file": "El tamany de {attribute} ha de ser d'almenys {min} kilobytes.", "string": "{attribute} ha de contenir almenys {min} caràcters.", "array": "{attribute} ha de tenir almenys {min} ítems." }, "not_in": "{attribute} és invàlid.", "numeric": "{attribute} ha de ser numèric.", "present": "The {attribute} field must be present.", "regex": "El format de {attribute} és invàlid.", "required": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori.", "required_if": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori quan {other} és {value}.", "required_unless": "The {attribute} field is required unless {other} is in {values}.", "required_with": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori quan {values} és present.", "required_with_all": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori quan {values} és present.", "required_without": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori quan {values} no és present.", "required_without_all": "El camp {attribute} és obligatori quan cap dels {values} estan presents.", "same": "{attribute} i {other} han de coincidir.", "size": { "numeric": "El tamany de {attribute} ha de ser {size}.", "file": "El tamany de {attribute} ha de ser {size} kilobytes.", "string": "{attribute} ha de contenir {size} caràcters.", "array": "{attribute} ha de contenir {size} ítems." }, "string": "El camp {attribute} ha de ser una cadena de caràcters.", "timezone": "El camp {attribute} ha de ser una zona vàlida.", "unique": "{attribute} ja ha estat registrat.", "url": "El format {attribute} és invàlid.", "custom": { "attribute-name": { "rule-name": "custom-message" } }, "attributes": [] }, "texts": { "organization": "Organization", "name": "Name", "website": "Website", "work_phone": "Phone", "address": "Address", "address1": "Street", "address2": "Apt\/Suite", "city": "City", "state": "State\/Province", "postal_code": "Postal Code", "country_id": "Country", "contacts": "Contacts", "first_name": "First Name", "last_name": "Last Name", "phone": "Phone", "email": "Email", "additional_info": "Additional Info", "payment_terms": "Payment Terms", "currency_id": "Currency", "size_id": "Company Size", "industry_id": "Industry", "private_notes": "Private Notes", "invoice": "Invoice", "client": "Client", "invoice_date": "Invoice Date", "due_date": "Due Date", "invoice_number": "Invoice Number", "invoice_number_short": "Invoice #", "po_number": "PO Number", "po_number_short": "PO #", "frequency_id": "How Often", "discount": "Discount", "taxes": "Taxes", "tax": "Tax", "item": "Item", "description": "Description", "unit_cost": "Unit Cost", "quantity": "Quantity", "line_total": "Line Total", "subtotal": "Subtotal", "paid_to_date": "Paid to Date", "balance_due": "Balance Due", "invoice_design_id": "Design", "terms": "Terms", "your_invoice": "Your Invoice", "remove_contact": "Remove contact", "add_contact": "Add contact", "create_new_client": "Create new client", "edit_client_details": "Edit client details", "enable": "Enable", "learn_more": "Learn more", "manage_rates": "Manage rates", "note_to_client": "Note to Client", "invoice_terms": "Invoice Terms", "save_as_default_terms": "Save as default terms", "download_pdf": "Download PDF", "pay_now": "Pay Now", "save_invoice": "Save Invoice", "clone_invoice": "Clone To Invoice", "archive_invoice": "Archive Invoice", "delete_invoice": "Delete Invoice", "email_invoice": "Email Invoice", "enter_payment": "Enter Payment", "tax_rates": "Tax Rates", "rate": "Rate", "settings": "Settings", "enable_invoice_tax": "Enable specifying an invoice tax<\/b>", "enable_line_item_tax": "Enable specifying line item taxes<\/b>", "dashboard": "Dashboard", "clients": "Clients", "invoices": "Invoices", "payments": "Payments", "credits": "Credits", "history": "History", "search": "Search", "sign_up": "Sign Up", "guest": "Guest", "company_details": "Company Details", "online_payments": "Online Payments", "notifications": "Notifications", "import_export": "Import | Export", "done": "Done", "save": "Save", "create": "Create", "upload": "Upload", "import": "Import", "download": "Download", "cancel": "Cancel", "close": "Close", "provide_email": "Please provide a valid email address", "powered_by": "Powered by", "no_items": "No items", "recurring_invoices": "Recurring Invoices", "recurring_help": "

Automatically send clients the same invoices weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, quarterly or annually. <\/p>\n

Use {MONTH}, {QUARTER} or {YEAR} for dynamic dates. Basic math works as well, for example {MONTH}-1.<\/p>\n

Examples of dynamic invoice variables:<\/p>\n