client = $client; $this->error = $error; $this->company = $company; $this->amount = $amount; $this->company = $company; $this->payment_hash = $payment_hash; } public function build() { App::forgetInstance('translator'); /* Init a new copy of the translator*/ $t = app('translator'); /* Set the locale*/ App::setLocale($this->company->getLocale()); /* Set customized translations _NOW_ */ $t->replace(Ninja::transformTranslations($this->company->settings)); $mail_obj = new stdClass; $mail_obj->amount = $this->getAmount(); $mail_obj->subject = $this->getSubject(); $mail_obj->data = $this->getData(); $mail_obj->markdown = 'email.admin.generic'; $mail_obj->tag = $this->company->company_key; return $mail_obj; } private function getAmount() { return $this->amount; } private function getSubject() { return ctrans( 'texts.payment_failed_subject', ['client' => $this->client->present()->name()] ); } private function getData() { $signature = $this->client->getSetting('email_signature'); $data = [ 'title' => ctrans( 'texts.payment_failed_subject', [ 'client' => $this->client->present()->name(), ] ), 'content' => ctrans( 'texts.notification_invoice_payment_failed', [ 'client' => $this->client->present()->name(), 'invoice' => $this->getDescription(), 'amount' => Number::formatMoney($this->amount, $this->client), ] ), 'signature' => $signature, 'logo' => $this->company->present()->logo(), 'settings' => $this->client->getMergedSettings(), 'whitelabel' => $this->company->account->isPaid() ? true : false, 'url' => config('ninja.app_url'), 'button' => ctrans('texts.login'), 'additional_info' => $this->error, ]; if (strlen($this->error > 1)) { $data['content'] .= "\n\n".$this->error; } return $data; } public function getDescription(bool $abbreviated = false) { if (! $this->payment_hash) { return ''; } return \implode(', ', collect($this->payment_hash->invoices())->pluck('invoice_number')->toArray()); } }