company->id) ->where('event_id', Webhook::EVENT_CREATE_CREDIT) ->exists(); if ($subscriptions) { WebhookHandler::dispatch(Webhook::EVENT_CREATE_CREDIT, $credit, $credit->company)->delay(now()->addSeconds(rand(1,5))); } } /** * Handle the client "updated" event. * * @param Credit $credit * @return void */ public function updated(Credit $credit) { $event = Webhook::EVENT_UPDATE_CREDIT; if($credit->getOriginal('deleted_at') && !$credit->deleted_at) $event = Webhook::EVENT_RESTORE_CREDIT; if($credit->is_deleted) $event = Webhook::EVENT_DELETE_CREDIT; $subscriptions = Webhook::where('company_id', $credit->company->id) ->where('event_id', Webhook::EVENT_UPDATE_CREDIT) ->exists(); if ($subscriptions) { WebhookHandler::dispatch(Webhook::EVENT_UPDATE_CREDIT, $credit, $credit->company)->delay(now()->addSeconds(rand(1,5))); } } /** * Handle the client "deleted" event. * * @param Credit $credit * @return void */ public function deleted(Credit $credit) { if($credit->is_deleted) return; $subscriptions = Webhook::where('company_id', $credit->company->id) ->where('event_id', Webhook::EVENT_DELETE_CREDIT) ->exists(); if ($subscriptions) WebhookHandler::dispatch(Webhook::EVENT_ARCHIVE_CREDIT, $credit, $credit->company)->delay(now()->addSeconds(rand(1,5))); } /** * Handle the client "restored" event. * * @param Credit $credit * @return void */ public function restored(Credit $credit) { // } /** * Handle the client "force deleted" event. * * @param Credit $credit * @return void */ public function forceDeleted(Credit $credit) { // } /** * Handle the client "archive" event. * * @param Credit $credit * @return void */ }