checkLicense(); /* Catch claim license requests */ if (config('ninja.environment') == 'selfhost' && request()->has('license_key')) { $license_key = request()->input('license_key'); $product_id = 3; if(substr($license_key, 0, 3) == 'v5_') { return $this->v5ClaimLicense($license_key, $product_id); } $url = config('ninja.license_url')."/claim_license?license_key={$license_key}&product_id={$product_id}&get_date=true"; $data = trim(CurlUtils::get($url)); if ($data == Account::RESULT_FAILURE) { $error = [ 'message' => trans('texts.invalid_white_label_license'), 'errors' => new stdClass, ]; return response()->json($error, 400); } elseif ($data) { $date = date_create($data)->modify('+1 year'); if ($date < date_create()) { $error = [ 'message' => trans('texts.invalid_white_label_license'), 'errors' => new stdClass, ]; $account = auth()->user()->account; $account->plan_term = Account::PLAN_TERM_YEARLY; $account->plan_paid = null; $account->plan_expires = null; $account->plan = Account::PLAN_FREE; $account->save(); return response()->json($error, 400); } else { $account = auth()->user()->account; $account->plan_term = Account::PLAN_TERM_YEARLY; $account->plan_paid = $data; $account->plan_expires = $date->format('Y-m-d'); $account->plan = Account::PLAN_WHITE_LABEL; $account->save(); $error = [ 'message' => trans('texts.bought_white_label'), 'errors' => new stdClass, ]; return response()->json($error, 200); } } else { $error = [ 'message' => 'There was an issue connecting to the license server. Please check your network.', 'errors' => new stdClass, ]; return response()->json($error, 400); } } $error = [ 'message' => ctrans('texts.invoice_license_or_environment', ['environment' => config('ninja.environment')]), 'errors' => new stdClass, ]; return response()->json($error, 400); } public function v5ClaimLicense(string $license_key) { $this->checkLicense(); /* Catch claim license requests */ if (config('ninja.environment') == 'selfhost') { // $response = Http::get( "http://ninja.test:8000/claim_license", [ $response = Http::get("", [ 'license_key' => $license_key, 'product_id' => 3, ]); if ($response->successful()) { $payload = $response->json(); $account = auth()->user()->account; $account->plan_term = Account::PLAN_TERM_YEARLY; $account->plan_expires = Carbon::parse($payload['expires'])->addYear()->format('Y-m-d'); $account->plan = Account::PLAN_WHITE_LABEL; $account->save(); $error = [ 'message' => trans('texts.bought_white_label'), 'errors' => new \stdClass, ]; return response()->json($error, 200); } else { $error = [ 'message' => trans('texts.white_label_license_error'), 'errors' => new stdClass, ]; return response()->json($error, 400); } } $error = [ 'message' => ctrans('texts.invoice_license_or_environment', ['environment' => config('ninja.environment')]), 'errors' => new stdClass, ]; return response()->json($error, 400); } private function checkLicense() { $account = auth()->user()->account; if ($account->plan == 'white_label' && Carbon::parse($account->plan_expires)->lt(now())) { $account->plan = null; $account->plan_expires = null; $account->save(); } } }