dashboardRepo = $dashboardRepo; } /** * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View */ public function index() { $user = Auth::user(); $viewAll = $user->hasPermission('view_all'); $userId = $user->id; $account = $user->account; $accountId = $account->id; $dashboardRepo = $this->dashboardRepo; $metrics = $dashboardRepo->totals($accountId, $userId, $viewAll); $paidToDate = $dashboardRepo->paidToDate($account, $userId, $viewAll); $averageInvoice = $dashboardRepo->averages($account, $userId, $viewAll); $balances = $dashboardRepo->balances($accountId, $userId, $viewAll); $activities = $dashboardRepo->activities($accountId, $userId, $viewAll); $pastDue = $dashboardRepo->pastDue($accountId, $userId, $viewAll); $upcoming = $dashboardRepo->upcoming($accountId, $userId, $viewAll); $payments = $dashboardRepo->payments($accountId, $userId, $viewAll); $expenses = $dashboardRepo->expenses($account, $userId, $viewAll); $tasks = $dashboardRepo->tasks($accountId, $userId, $viewAll); $showBlueVinePromo = $user->is_admin && env('BLUEVINE_PARTNER_UNIQUE_ID') && ! $account->company->bluevine_status && $account->created_at <= date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 month')); $showWhiteLabelExpired = Utils::isSelfHost() && $account->company->hasExpiredPlan(PLAN_WHITE_LABEL); // check if the account has quotes $hasQuotes = false; foreach ([$upcoming, $pastDue] as $data) { foreach ($data as $invoice) { if ($invoice->invoice_type_id == INVOICE_TYPE_QUOTE) { $hasQuotes = true; } } } // check if the account has multiple curencies $currencyIds = $account->currency_id ? [$account->currency_id] : [DEFAULT_CURRENCY]; $data = Client::scope() ->withArchived() ->distinct() ->get(['currency_id']) ->toArray(); array_map(function ($item) use (&$currencyIds) { $currencyId = intval($item['currency_id']); if ($currencyId && ! in_array($currencyId, $currencyIds)) { $currencyIds[] = $currencyId; } }, $data); $currencies = []; foreach ($currencyIds as $currencyId) { $currencies[$currencyId] = Utils::getFromCache($currencyId, 'currencies')->code; } $data = [ 'account' => $user->account, 'user' => $user, 'paidToDate' => $paidToDate, 'balances' => $balances, 'averageInvoice' => $averageInvoice, 'invoicesSent' => $metrics ? $metrics->invoices_sent : 0, 'activeClients' => $metrics ? $metrics->active_clients : 0, 'activities' => $activities, 'pastDue' => $pastDue, 'upcoming' => $upcoming, 'payments' => $payments, 'title' => trans('texts.dashboard'), 'hasQuotes' => $hasQuotes, 'showBreadcrumbs' => false, 'currencies' => $currencies, 'expenses' => $expenses, 'tasks' => $tasks, 'showBlueVinePromo' => $showBlueVinePromo, 'showWhiteLabelExpired' => $showWhiteLabelExpired, ]; if ($showBlueVinePromo) { $usdLast12Months = 0; $pastYear = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 year')); $paidLast12Months = $dashboardRepo->paidToDate($account, $userId, $viewAll, $pastYear); foreach ($paidLast12Months as $item) { if ($item->currency_id == null) { $currency = $user->account->currency_id ?: DEFAULT_CURRENCY; } else { $currency = $item->currency_id; } if ($currency == CURRENCY_DOLLAR) { $usdLast12Months += $item->value; } } $data['usdLast12Months'] = $usdLast12Months; } return View::make('dashboard', $data); } public function chartData($groupBy, $startDate, $endDate, $currencyCode, $includeExpenses) { $includeExpenses = filter_var($includeExpenses, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); $data = $this->dashboardRepo->chartData(Auth::user()->account, $groupBy, $startDate, $endDate, $currencyCode, $includeExpenses); return json_encode($data); } }