product||task */ public $type; /** Design string */ public $design; /** Construct options */ public $options; const BOLD = 'bold'; const BUSINESS = 'business'; const CLEAN = 'clean'; const CREATIVE = 'creative'; const ELEGANT = 'elegant'; const HIPSTER = 'hipster'; const MODERN = 'modern'; const PLAIN = 'plain'; const PLAYFUL = 'playful'; const CUSTOM = 'custom'; public function __construct(string $design = null, array $options = []) { Str::endsWith('.html', $design) ? $this->design = $design : $this->design = "{$design}.html"; $this->options = $options; } public function html(): ?string { if ($this->design == 'custom.html') { return $this->composeFromPartials( $this->options['custom_partials'] ); } $path = isset($this->options['custom_path']) ? $this->options['custom_path'] : config('ninja.designs.base_path'); return file_get_contents( $path . $this->design ); } public function elements(array $context, string $type = 'product'): array { $this->context = $context; $this->type = $type; $this->setup(); return [ 'company-details' => [ 'id' => 'company-details', 'elements' => $this->companyDetails(), ], 'company-address' => [ 'id' => 'company-address', 'elements' => $this->companyAddress(), ], 'client-details' => [ 'id' => 'client-details', 'elements' => $this->clientDetails(), ], 'entity-details' => [ 'id' => 'entity-details', 'elements' => $this->entityDetails(), ], 'product-table' => [ 'id' => 'product-table', 'elements' => $this->productTable(), ], 'product-table-footer' => [ 'id' => 'product-table-footer', 'elements' => $this->tableFooter(), ], 'footer-elements' => [ 'id' => 'footer', 'elements' => [ $this->sharedFooterElements(), ], ], ]; } public function companyDetails() { $variables = $this->context['pdf_variables']['company_details']; $elements = []; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $variable]; } return $elements; } public function companyAddress(): array { $variables = $this->context['pdf_variables']['company_address']; $elements = []; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $variable]; } return $elements; } public function clientDetails(): array { $variables = $this->context['pdf_variables']['client_details']; $elements = []; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'p', 'content' => $variable]; } return $elements; } public function entityDetails(): array { $variables = $this->context['pdf_variables']['invoice_details']; if ($this->entity instanceof \App\Models\Quote) { $variables = $this->context['pdf_variables']['quote_details']; } $elements = []; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'tr', 'properties' => ['hidden' => $this->entityVariableCheck($variable)], 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $variable . '_label'], ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $variable], ]]; } return $elements; } public function productTable(): array { return [ ['element' => 'thead', 'elements' => $this->buildTableHeader()], ['element' => 'tbody', 'elements' => $this->buildTableBody()], ]; } public function buildTableHeader(): array { $this->processTaxColumns(); $elements = []; foreach ($this->context['pdf_variables']["{$this->type}_columns"] as $column) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'th', 'content' => $column . '_label']; } return $elements; } public function buildTableBody(): array { $elements = []; $items = $this->transformLineItems($this->entity->line_items); if (count($items) == 0) { return []; } foreach ($items as $row) { $element = ['element' => 'tr', 'elements' => []]; if ( isset($this->context['products']) && !empty($this->context['products']) && !is_null($this->context['products']) ) { $document = new DOMDocument(); $document->loadHTML($this->context['products'], LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD); $td = $document->getElementsByTagName('tr')->item(0); if ($td) { foreach ($td->childNodes as $child) { if ($child->nodeType !== 1) { continue; } if ($child->tagName !== 'td') { continue; } $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => strtr($child->nodeValue, $row)]; } } } else { foreach ($this->context['pdf_variables']["{$this->type}_columns"] as $key => $cell) { $element['elements'][] = ['element' => 'td', 'content' => $row[$cell]]; } } $elements[] = $element; } return $elements; } public function tableFooter() { $variables = $this->context['pdf_variables']['total_columns']; $elements = [ ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => '$entity.public_notes', 'properties' => ['data-element' => 'product-table-public-notes-label']], ]], ]; foreach (['discount', 'custom_surcharge1', 'custom_surcharge2', 'custom_surcharge3', 'custom_surcharge4'] as $property) { $variable = sprintf('%s%s', '$', $property); if ( !is_null($this->entity->{$property}) && !empty($this->entity->{$property}) && $this->entity->{$property} != 0 ) { continue; } $variables = array_filter($variables, function ($m) use ($variable) { return $m != $variable; }); } foreach ($variables as $variable) { if ($variable == '$total_taxes') { $taxes = $this->entity->calc()->getTotalTaxMap(); if (!$taxes) { continue; } foreach ($taxes as $tax) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => 'This is placeholder for the 3rd fraction of element.', 'properties' => ['style' => 'opacity: 0%']], // Placeholder for fraction of element (3fr) ['element' => 'span', 'content', 'content' => $tax['name']], ['element' => 'span', 'content', 'content' => Number::formatMoney($tax['total'], $this->context['client'])], ]]; } } elseif ($variable == '$line_taxes') { $taxes = $this->entity->calc()->getTaxMap(); if (!$taxes) { continue; } foreach ($taxes as $tax) { $elements[] = ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => 'This is placeholder for the 3rd fraction of element.', 'properties' => ['style' => 'opacity: 0%']], // Placeholder for fraction of element (3fr) ['element' => 'span', 'content', 'content' => $tax['name']], ['element' => 'span', 'content', 'content' => Number::formatMoney($tax['total'], $this->context['client'])], ]]; } } else { $elements[] = ['element' => 'div', 'elements' => [ ['element' => 'span', 'content' => 'This is placeholder for the 3rd fraction of element.', 'properties' => ['style' => 'opacity: 0%']], // Placeholder for fraction of element (3fr) ['element' => 'span', 'content' => $variable . '_label'], ['element' => 'span', 'content' => $variable], ]]; } } return $elements; } }