label) { $company_gateway->label = $company_gateway->gateway->name; $company_gateway->save(); } } /** * Handle the company gateway "updated" event. * * @param CompanyGateway $company_gateway * @return void */ public function updated(CompanyGateway $company_gateway) { // } /** * Handle the company gateway "deleted" event. * * @param CompanyGateway $company_gateway * @return void */ public function deleted(CompanyGateway $company_gateway) { //when we soft delete a gateway - we also soft delete the tokens $company_gateway->client_gateway_tokens()->delete(); } /** * Handle the company gateway "restored" event. * * @param CompanyGateway $company_gateway * @return void */ public function restored(CompanyGateway $company_gateway) { //When we restore the gateway, bring back the tokens! ClientGatewayToken::where('company_gateway_id', $company_gateway->id) ->withTrashed()->cursor()->each(function ($cgt){ $cgt->restore(); }); } /** * Handle the company gateway "force deleted" event. * * @param CompanyGateway $company_gateway * @return void */ public function forceDeleted(CompanyGateway $company_gateway) { // } }