mock->invitation); $pdf_config = (new PdfConfiguration($pdf_service)); $pdf_config->entity = $this->mock; $pdf_config->entity_string = $this->request['entity_type']; $pdf_config->setTaxMap($this->mock->tax_map); $pdf_config->setTotalTaxMap($this->mock->total_tax_map); $pdf_config->client = $this->mock->client; $pdf_config->settings_object = $this->mock->client; $pdf_config->settings = $this->getMergedSettings(); $this->settings = $pdf_config->settings; $pdf_config->entity_design_id = $pdf_config->settings->{"{$pdf_config->entity_string}_design_id"}; $pdf_config->setPdfVariables(); $pdf_config->setCurrency(Currency::find($this->settings->currency_id)); $pdf_config->setCountry(Country::find($this->settings->country_id)); $pdf_config->design = Design::find($this->decodePrimaryKey($pdf_config->entity_design_id)); $pdf_config->currency_entity = $this->mock->client; $pdf_service->config = $pdf_config; $pdf_designer = (new PdfDesigner($pdf_service))->build(); $pdf_service->designer = $pdf_designer; $pdf_service->html_variables = $this->getStubVariables(); $pdf_builder = (new PdfBuilder($pdf_service))->build(); $pdf_service->builder = $pdf_builder; $html = $pdf_service->getHtml(); // nlog($html); return $pdf_service->resolvePdfEngine($html); } public function build(): self { $this->mock = $this->initEntity(); return $this; } public function initEntity(): mixed { match ($this->request['entity_type']) { 'invoice' => $entity = Invoice::factory()->make(), 'quote' => $entity = Quote::factory()->make(), 'credit' => $entity = Credit::factory()->make(), 'purchase_order' => $entity = PurchaseOrder::factory()->make(), default => $entity = Invoice::factory()->make() }; if ($this->request['entity_type'] == PurchaseOrder::class) { $entity->vendor = Vendor::factory()->make(); } else { $entity->client = Client::factory()->make(); } $entity->tax_map = $this->getTaxMap(); $entity->total_tax_map = $this->getTotalTaxMap(); $entity->invitation = InvoiceInvitation::factory()->make(); $entity->invitation->company = $this->company; return $entity; } public function getMergedSettings() :object { match ($this->request['settings_type']) { 'group' => $settings = ClientSettings::buildClientSettings($this->company->settings, $this->request['settings']), 'client' => $settings = ClientSettings::buildClientSettings($this->company->settings, $this->request['settings']), 'company' => $settings = (object)$this->request['settings'], default => $settings = $this->company->settings, }; return $settings; } private function getTaxMap() { return collect([['name' => 'GST', 'total' => 10]]); } private function getTotalTaxMap() { return [['name' => 'GST', 'total' => 10]]; } public function getStubVariables() { return ['values' => [ '$client.shipping_postal_code' => '46420', '$client.billing_postal_code' => '11243', '$company.city_state_postal' => '90210', '$company.postal_city_state' => 'CA', '$product.gross_line_total' => '100', '$client.postal_city_state' => '11243 Aufderharchester, North Carolina', '$client.postal_city' => '11243 Aufderharchester, North Carolina', '$client.shipping_address1' => '453', '$client.shipping_address2' => '66327 Waters Trail', '$client.city_state_postal' => 'Aufderharchester, North Carolina 11243', '$client.shipping_address' => '453
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63993 Aiyana View
Aufderharchester, North Carolina 11243
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63993 Aiyana View
Aufderharchester, North Carolina 11243
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