'object', 'settings' => 'object', 'updated_at' => 'timestamp', 'created_at' => 'timestamp', 'deleted_at' => 'timestamp', ]; public function getEntityType() { return self::class; } public function getHashedIdAttribute() { return $this->encodePrimaryKey($this->id); } /** * Returns a account. * * @return Collection */ public function account() { return $this->belongsTo(Account::class); } /** * Returns all company tokens. * * @return Collection */ public function tokens() { return $this->hasMany(CompanyToken::class)->orderBy('id', 'ASC'); } /** * Returns all companies a user has access to. * * @return Collection */ public function companies() { return $this->belongsToMany(Company::class)->using(CompanyUser::class)->withPivot('permissions', 'settings', 'is_admin', 'is_owner', 'is_locked')->withTimestamps(); } /** * As we are authenticating on CompanyToken, * we need to link the company to the user manually. This allows * us to decouple a $user and their attached companies. */ public function setCompany($company) { config(['ninja.company_id' => $company->id]); $this->company = $company; } /** * Returns the currently set Company. */ public function getCompany() { if ($this->company) { return $this->company; } return Company::find(config('ninja.company_id')); } /** * Returns the current company. * * @return Collection */ public function company() { return $this->getCompany(); } private function setCompanyByGuard() { if (Auth::guard('contact')->check()) { $this->setCompany(auth()->user()->client->company); } } public function company_users() { return $this->hasMany(CompanyUser::class)->withTrashed(); } public function company_user() { if (! $this->id && auth()->user()) { $this->id = auth()->user()->id; } return $this->hasOneThrough(CompanyUser::class, CompanyToken::class, 'user_id', 'company_id', 'id', 'company_id') ->where('company_user.user_id', $this->id) ->withTrashed(); // if(request()->header('X-API-TOKEN')){ // return $this->hasOneThrough(CompanyUser::class, CompanyToken::class, 'user_id', 'company_id', 'id', 'company_id') // ->where('company_tokens.token', request()->header('X-API-TOKEN')) // ->withTrashed(); // } // else { // return $this->hasOneThrough(CompanyUser::class, CompanyToken::class, 'user_id', 'company_id', 'id', 'company_id') // ->where('company_user.user_id', $this->id) // ->withTrashed(); // } } /** * Returns the currently set company id for the user. * * @return int */ public function companyId() :int { return $this->company()->id; } public function clients() { return $this->hasMany(Client::class); } /** * Returns a comma separated list of user permissions. * * @return comma separated list */ public function permissions() { return $this->company_user->permissions; } /** * Returns a object of User Settings. * * @return stdClass */ public function settings() { return json_decode($this->company_user->settings); } /** * Returns a boolean of the administrator status of the user. * * @return bool */ public function isAdmin() : bool { return $this->company_user->is_admin; } public function isOwner() : bool { return $this->company_user->is_owner; } /** * Returns all user created contacts. * * @return Collection */ public function contacts() { return $this->hasMany(ClientContact::class); } /** * Returns a boolean value if the user owns the current Entity. * * @param string Entity * @return bool */ public function owns($entity) : bool { return ! empty($entity->user_id) && $entity->user_id == $this->id; } /** * Returns a boolean value if the user is assigned to the current Entity. * * @param string Entity * @return bool */ public function assigned($entity) : bool { return ! empty($entity->assigned_user_id) && $entity->assigned_user_id == $this->id; } /** * Returns true if permissions exist in the map. * * @param string permission * @return bool */ public function hasPermission($permission) : bool { $parts = explode('_', $permission); $all_permission = ''; if (count($parts) > 1) { $all_permission = $parts[0].'_all'; } return $this->isOwner() || $this->isAdmin() || (stripos($this->company_user->permissions, $all_permission) !== false) || (stripos($this->company_user->permissions, $permission) !== false); } public function documents() { return $this->morphMany(Document::class, 'documentable'); } public function getEmailVerifiedAt() { if ($this->email_verified_at) { return Carbon::parse($this->email_verified_at)->timestamp; } else { return null; } } public function routeNotificationForSlack($notification) { if ($this->company_user->slack_webhook_url) { return $this->company_user->slack_webhook_url; } } public function routeNotificationForMail($notification) { return $this->email; } /** * Retrieve the model for a bound value. * * @param mixed $value * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null */ public function resolveRouteBinding($value, $field = NULL) { return $this ->withTrashed() ->where('id', $this->decodePrimaryKey($value))->firstOrFail(); } }