payment = $this ->calculateTotalRefund() //sets amount for the refund (needed if we are refunding multiple invoices in one payment) ->processGatewayRefund() //process the gateway refund if needed ->setStatus() //sets status of payment ->updateCreditables() //return the credits first ->updatePaymentables() //update the paymentable items ->adjustInvoices() ->finalize() ->save(); if (array_key_exists('email_receipt', $this->refund_data) && $this->refund_data['email_receipt'] == 'true') { $contact = $this->payment->client->contacts()->whereNotNull('email')->first(); EmailRefundPayment::dispatch($this->payment, $this->payment->company, $contact); } $notes = ctrans('texts.refunded') . " : {$this->total_refund} - " . ctrans('texts.gateway_refund') . " : "; $notes .= $this->refund_data['gateway_refund'] !== false ? ctrans('texts.yes') : ctrans(''); $this->createActivity($notes); return $this->payment; } private function finalize(): self { if($this->refund_failed) throw new PaymentRefundFailed($this->refund_failed_message); return $this; } /** * Process the refund through the gateway. * * @var array $response * [ * 'transaction_reference' => (string), * 'transaction_response' => (string), * 'success' => (bool), * 'description' => (string), * 'code' => (string), * 'payment_id' => (int), * 'amount' => (float), * ]; * * @return $this * @throws PaymentRefundFailed */ private function processGatewayRefund() { if ($this->refund_data['gateway_refund'] !== false && $this->total_refund > 0) { if ($this->payment->company_gateway) { $response = $this->payment->company_gateway->driver($this->payment->client)->refund($this->payment, $this->total_refund); if($response['amount'] ?? false) $this->total_refund = $response['amount']; if($response['voided'] ?? false) { //When a transaction is voided - all invoices attached to the payment need to be reversed, this //block prevents the edge case where a partial refund was attempted. $this->refund_data['invoices'] = $this->payment->invoices->map(function ($invoice){ return [ 'invoice_id' => $invoice->id, 'amount' => $invoice->pivot->amount, ]; })->toArray(); } $this->payment->refunded += $this->total_refund; if ($response['success'] == false) { $this->payment->save(); $this->refund_failed = true; $this->refund_failed_message = $response['description'] ?? ''; } } } else { $this->payment->refunded += $this->total_refund; } $this->payment->setRefundMeta($this->refund_data); return $this; } /** * Create the payment activity. * * @param string $notes * @return $this */ private function createActivity($notes) { $fields = new stdClass; $activity_repo = new ActivityRepository(); $fields->payment_id = $this->payment->id; $fields->user_id = $this->payment->user_id; $fields->company_id = $this->payment->company_id; $fields->activity_type_id = Activity::REFUNDED_PAYMENT; // $fields->credit_id = $this->credit_note->id; // TODO $fields->notes = $notes; if (isset($this->refund_data['invoices'])) { foreach ($this->refund_data['invoices'] as $invoice) { $fields->invoice_id = $invoice['invoice_id']; $activity_repo->save($fields, $this->payment, Ninja::eventVars(auth()->user() ? auth()->user()->id : null)); } } else { $activity_repo->save($fields, $this->payment, Ninja::eventVars(auth()->user() ? auth()->user()->id : null)); } return $this; } /** * Determine the amount of refund. * * @return $this */ private function calculateTotalRefund() { if (array_key_exists('invoices', $this->refund_data) && count($this->refund_data['invoices']) > 0) { $this->total_refund = collect($this->refund_data['invoices'])->sum('amount'); } else { $this->total_refund = $this->refund_data['amount']; } return $this; } /** * Set the payment status. */ private function setStatus() { if ($this->total_refund == $this->payment->amount) { $this->payment->status_id = Payment::STATUS_REFUNDED; } else { $this->payment->status_id = Payment::STATUS_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED; } return $this; } /** * Update the paymentable records. * * @return $this */ private function updatePaymentables() { if (isset($this->refund_data['invoices']) && count($this->refund_data['invoices']) > 0) { $this->payment->invoices->each(function ($paymentable_invoice) { collect($this->refund_data['invoices'])->each(function ($refunded_invoice) use ($paymentable_invoice) { if ($refunded_invoice['invoice_id'] == $paymentable_invoice->id) { $paymentable_invoice->pivot->refunded += $refunded_invoice['amount']; $paymentable_invoice->pivot->save(); } }); }); } return $this; } /** * If credits have been bundled in this payment, we * need to reverse these. * * @return $this */ private function updateCreditables() { if ($this->payment->credits()->exists()) { //Adjust credits first!!! foreach ($this->payment->credits as $paymentable_credit) { $available_credit = $paymentable_credit->pivot->amount - $paymentable_credit->pivot->refunded; if ($available_credit > $this->total_refund) { $paymentable_credit->pivot->refunded += $this->total_refund; $paymentable_credit->pivot->save(); $paymentable_credit->service() ->setStatus(Credit::STATUS_SENT) ->updateBalance($this->total_refund) ->updatePaidToDate($this->total_refund * -1) ->save(); $this->total_refund = 0; } else { $paymentable_credit->pivot->refunded += $available_credit; $paymentable_credit->pivot->save(); $paymentable_credit->service() ->setStatus(Credit::STATUS_SENT) ->adjustBalance($available_credit) ->updatePaidToDate($available_credit * -1) ->save(); $this->total_refund -= $available_credit; } if ($this->total_refund == 0) { break; } } } return $this; } /** * Reverse the payments made on invoices. * * @return $this */ private function adjustInvoices() { if (isset($this->refund_data['invoices']) && count($this->refund_data['invoices']) > 0) { foreach ($this->refund_data['invoices'] as $refunded_invoice) { $invoice = Invoice::withTrashed()->find($refunded_invoice['invoice_id']); if ($invoice->trashed()) { $invoice->restore(); } $invoice->service() ->updateBalance($refunded_invoice['amount']) ->updatePaidToDate($refunded_invoice['amount'] * -1) ->save(); $invoice->ledger() ->updateInvoiceBalance($refunded_invoice['amount'], "Refund of payment # {$this->payment->number}") ->save(); if ($invoice->amount == $invoice->balance) { $invoice->service()->setStatus(Invoice::STATUS_SENT); } else { $invoice->service()->setStatus(Invoice::STATUS_PARTIAL); } //26-10-2022 - disable autobill to prevent future billings; $invoice->auto_bill_enabled = false; $invoice->saveQuietly(); //08-08-2023 $client = $invoice->client ->service() ->updateBalanceAndPaidToDate($refunded_invoice['amount'], -1 * $refunded_invoice['amount']) ->save(); if ($invoice->is_deleted) { $invoice->delete(); } } } else { //if we are refunding and no payments have been tagged, then we need to decrement the client->paid_to_date by the total refund amount. $client = $this->payment->client->fresh(); if ($client->trashed()) { $client->restore(); } $client->service()->updatePaidToDate(-1 * $this->total_refund)->save(); } return $this; } /** * Saves the payment. * * @return Payment $payment */ private function save() { $this->payment->save(); return $this->payment; } }