contacts->pluck('id')->diff($contacts->pluck('id'))->each(function ($contact) { ClientContact::destroy($contact); }); /* Ensure send_email always exists in at least one contact */ if (! $contacts->contains('send_email', true)) { $this->set_send_email_on_contact = true; } /* Set first record to primary - always */ $contacts = $contacts->sortByDesc('is_primary')->map(function ($contact) { $contact['is_primary'] = $this->is_primary; $this->is_primary = false; if ($this->set_send_email_on_contact) { $contact['send_email'] = true; $this->set_send_email_on_contact = false; } return $contact; }); //loop and update/create contacts $contacts->each(function ($contact) use ($client) { $update_contact = null; if (isset($contact['id'])) { $update_contact = ClientContact::find($contact['id']); } if (! $update_contact) { $update_contact = ClientContactFactory::create($client->company_id, $client->user_id); } //10-09-2021 - enforce the client->id and remove client_id from fillables $update_contact->client_id = $client->id; /* We need to set NULL email addresses to blank strings to pass authentication*/ if (array_key_exists('email', $contact) && is_null($contact['email'])) { $contact['email'] = ''; } $update_contact->fill($contact); if (array_key_exists('password', $contact) && strlen($contact['password']) > 1 && strlen($update_contact->email) > 3) { //updating on a blank contact email will cause large table scanning $update_contact->password = Hash::make($contact['password']); ClientContact::withTrashed() ->where('company_id', $client->company_id) ->where('client_id', $client->id) ->where('email', $update_contact->email)->cursor() ->each(function ($saveable_contact) use ($update_contact) { $saveable_contact->password = $update_contact->password; $saveable_contact->save(); }); } if (array_key_exists('email', $contact)) { $update_contact->email = trim($contact['email']); } $update_contact->save(); }); //need to reload here to shake off stale contacts $client->fresh(); //always made sure we have one blank contact to maintain state if ($client->contacts()->count() == 0) { $new_contact = ClientContactFactory::create($client->company_id, $client->user_id); $new_contact->client_id = $client->id; $new_contact->contact_key = Str::random(40); $new_contact->is_primary = true; $new_contact->confirmed = true; $new_contact->email = ' '; $new_contact->save(); } $client = null; } }